#canon adopted koushiro
izzyizumi · 1 year
ME: Good morning to Mrs. Izumi and Mrs. IzuMI ONL-- Mrs. Izumi: :) AND {My CHILD} Koushiro? :) :) ME: ... AND Koushiro Izumi TOO (You're rIGHT)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Me, Into My Void: Anyway, Toei + Bandai, where's my Koushiro Izumi Funko
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
DigiTimeLines: Document format [pt1]
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[AO3 VERSION] [@digimonadventuretimelines blog (outdated)]
Back in November 12 2012 a person asked about Daisuke’s son on the original askblog (ask-daisuke) and I decided to go on a full route of an Alternative Endgame for it. I didn’t do that to spite the epilogue though, I do not enjoy Fix-It culture (I’d rather write my own AU and leave the canon stuff untouched than simply try to “fix” them. Same thing happened with the Hunters arc from Xros Wars, and my own canon-divergent AU based on an old ▽ theory in 2016) so this project was already viewed as some sort of multiverse.
The name Daichi came from an old friend’s answer to my musings on twitter -- they suggested Daichi and Taisuke, but I adopted Daichi for the Daisuke kid, and Taisuke for the other character I designed -- a Taichi’s son OC. The idea of Daichi and his entire plot/story came while doodling him again, for the third time after the name reveal. He would be a space-time traveler based on other medias’ space-time travelers i’ve loved since i was a kid (Future Trunks, Chibi Usa/Sailor Chibi Moon, and Silver the Hedgehog) with a tragic story based on Luke Skywalker (uh, sorta). Daichi would seek for answers in his own journey in order to save his father from a terrible fate -- One where Daisuke becomes a puppet of a greater evil and turns into a menace to the worlds.
Besides this part, Daichi’s (alternate) world has two issues -- an endless conflict between wild digimon who do not want humans to be allowed in the Digital World, so they are trying to close the gates (and this bad guy uses a brainwashed Daisuke-turned-into-a-digimon-hybrid as some general for those troops) … And a force of humans who does not see the digimon as equals, wanting them to be treated as a menace for the human world, having to always be monitored by the police and Digital World’s ambassador Taichi in order to prevent digimon and even human victims.
The goal of the “Neo Chosen Children” is to combat both issues alongside their partners and families. And, for Daichi, to rescue Daisuke from the hands of this new enemy.
As for this setting, space-time travel would be the main theme of it. Daichi and his friends would travel through a special dimension connecting all the worlds and timelines through “doors” and then, they would learn more about the Tokyo Twelve and the Worldwide Chosen, also about other possible worlds. Most of those ideas of “crossovers” came from the crossover chapters in V-Tamer, which were the only thing I read from the manga back in time. And oh, Xros Wars manga’s multiverse theory.
※ This document might have changes from the original chapters 1 to 19 published on the blog & AO3 though.
  The main setting: Daichi’s story
While many think the Chosen Children job was over, this was a hoax. With the number of partnerships growing on a large and worldwide scale, the most known Twelve Chosen alongside their Worldwide allies from 2002 started to work harder to make sure the worlds would live in peace and together. But it’s easier said than done -- many issues have been spotted and reported throughout the world. Could Koushiro and Miyako handle a whole community like this? Of course they had the help of the Holy Beasts and the Gennai clones, but they should be sure none of those people would do bad things.
This is where they created a system and an organization in order to catalog and prevent outcomes like a new Kaiser-like enemy. The head and brains of the org was Koushiro, but he also nominated Taichi and Daisuke for co-leaders (Why Taichi and Daisuke? Well, they’re representing their generations after all) and having all the others as part of a council and operations like, teaching the both sides to respect each other, to not treat your digimon as some inferior being and vice-versa, to not be taunted by evil beings… And go on. This org was more likely a school, while a Special Unit force specialized in Digimon cases would work alongside the police.
To keep everything under control, and to know the number of partnerships, Koushiro’s old community list became a registered list -- in which every digivice, human and digimon were registered on a database sooner or later. Non-registered entries would become called “Mercenaries” and if any cataloged Chosen had gone vile for any reason, they would’ve been called “Dark Chosen”. Normal Chosen would just keep their name as it is, or rather “Registered Chosen”. It was like an ID and it could help to keep everything in order.
This went well for a while, but just as you can see… Humans and Digimon are complex creatures, and you can’t get rid of all of the mean spirited ones -- There would exist digimon and humans using each others’ partnerships and power to commit crimes, and others stuff. The Special Digimon Cases unit had always been needed in those cases, in which both digimon and officers had to take care of those bad apples. The Tokyo Twelve’s organization is just a mere big registered database and a “school” to teach and assist the digimon and their partners, not a law enforcer group.
Around Spring 2024, a group of rogue digimon wanting the digimon to be free from the partnership cycle started to move, wanting to separate all of the digimon from the humans. Said enemies managed to lure Daisuke and Ken into a trap… And Daisuke sacrifices himself to save Ken from getting caught -- He opened the gate and shoved Ken and Stingmon with the force of Wingdramon into the gate, and then closed it before those digimon could catch his friend. Ken tries to open the gate again, but it has been locked on the other end. After reporting to the others, the group decided to hide this information from the world… and from their own children.
  Daichi’s Destiny
Daichi is a kid born in August 2015, and his personality used to be closer to his parents -- very optimistic and brave, and the only difference is he was the smart aleck of the house. He liked to play games with his dad before school, having to be reminded about his duties by his mother. His little sister -- two years apart -- was also a very lively child. But everything changed when Daisuke disappeared in 2024. While there was a huge effort to keep the world and the group’s children out of it… Daichi’s personality had a drastic change: he became more of a shut-in and spent most of his time studying, making his sister Kiyoko super duper worried and mad at him.
Daichi was so sure that his dad had died that he used to talk in a more depressive tone. Kiyoko used to get extremely furious about it, because she didn’t want to think their dad was dead and the adults were lying to them. It was when, on a normal day in 2029, Daichi and Kiyoko heard a voice calling for help. Daichi tells Kiyoko to go stay at her friend’s house while he investigates it. The voice comes from Daisuke’s office room. He opens the door and sees an old computer on, with a small pink digimon bunny fainted on the floor.
The lights are turned on, and the digimon opens her eyes… And then morphs into her human form. It’s an old acquaintance of his parents -- Natsu (Yes, the digimon girl from Natsu e no Tobira drama  CD, you read it right)
Daichi was used to Natsu appearing as an adult human, but this was a big reveal for him -- She’s a digimon!? Is she Daisuke’s second partner? Well, no. Natsu is… An “Honorary partner” for Daisuke. Didn’t she get a human partner before? We will discuss it another day.
Natsu is cheerful and calls Daichi by ‘Daichan’ (Daichi’s nickname) and tells him she needs to talk with his mother or Taichi. The boy says his mother is not around, and Ambasador Yagami is always busy… Then, he wishes his father was still alive to help them. It’s when Natsu drops the bomb: No, Daisuke is alive and she needs help to rescue him. The kid’s behavior changes immediately, and Daichi starts begging Natsu to let him help. If you know Natsu well enough, if you push the right buttons you can make her do or say what you want. So, Daichi’s trickiest smuggest plan was just saying “My father would totally trust you to protect me if I were in danger” which led the digimon girl to agree to taking Daichi to the Digital World.
They went there, and she started getting bombarded with questions from the little kid, things related to what happened to his dad and why everyone was hiding those things from him. While Natsu was still hiding things from him, she managed to slip a few words leading to a battle 5 years ago. A little note: Natsu kept calling Daichi by ‘Daichan’ all the time, not even using his real name at any moment. Suddenly, the big bad enemy showed himself -- Lupinmon, a digimon which was a black wolf warrior, in the same style of the Legendary Hero of Light -- Wolfmon/Lobomon. Lupinmon attacked Natsu and Daichi, and then chased them until a brave and unknown V-mon with the Ulforce V-dramon’s bracelets appeared and repelled a powerful blow from the lupine warrior.
It was when… Something odd happens: Lupinmon steps back, like if he was holding himself to not hurt that human kid… And then in a weaker voice he calls Daichi by his name. By connecting the dots, Daichi realizes Lupinmon was actually his father but this didn’t last for a long time, and then Dai-Lupinmon attacks them again, but this time Natsu’s pendant starts glowing and opens a gate into another place, sucking the kid, her and the mysterious V-mon into a blank space… Quite similar to the dimension Apocalymon sent Taichi and his group once. The difference is, this place does not present the binary code, but has an angel-type digimon guarding it -- ClavisAngemon.
The trio meet a hooded figure with a feminine voice, who gives them some input about that place, its name and why they were there. Daichi was chosen as a new bearer of the power of space-time, but the boy was still in denial about what had happened right now with him: His father tried to murder him. His father, who used to be friendly and kind… Is an enemy of his world now. He couldn’t digest that information very well, and Daichi himself couldn’t bear a high responsibility like that. At first, he refused it… It wasn’t something he could handle at the moment. So, the hooded figure sent them back to the human world.
A few events later, Daichi was involved in an attack on a theater promoting a new movie to encourage the bonds between humans and digimon, in which he had to face Lupinmon’s followers and save them all. Ulforce, the name of that V-mon who was sticking with Daichi and Natsu since their first encounter, ended up being “linked” to Daichi via a special digivice which popped out from nowhere -- the Digivice TimeRune (or D-TimeRune) -- which sent instructions to the boy as “scan the digimon to form a link” and “scan the back of your hand to activate the DigiRune fragment” so he could assist Ulforce in battle. Once Daichi executed all of those instructions, Ulforce evolved into XV-mon (but with the bracelets and the mysterious Holy Ring in his ear) and fought the enemies, which once beaten were locked inside Natsu’s plasma bubbles and left there for the police.
It was when… Daichi realized he could use this power to… travel back in time and prevent his dad from being captured. This means once he and the others return to the Dimensional Space, Daichi informs ClavisAngemon and the hooded figure he’s ready for it. It’s the moment the place reveals an infinite number of doors within the blank space. But one problem was…  All of them are identical. This makes Ulforce lose his composure and start whining about this being ridiculous -- HOW CAN YOU KNOW WHICH DOOR TAKES TO WHICH PLACE AND TIME!?
The hooded figure also warns Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu that they should not alter the past, or else their world would’ve been destroyed. This does not make Daichi afraid at all, and he says he would prefer to not exist as long as his father is safe and happy.
Thus… Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu started traveling through space-time.
While some other cases were running amok, Kiyoko and the Tokyo Twelve’s children were starting to get involved with them -- by receiving this same special digivice and forming a link with some digimon involved in incidents and attacks. But one of those kids had decided to form a link with a special digimon… And kept it a secret.
  Yagami Taisuke, the Self-Proclaimed Rival
Taisuke is Taichi and Sora’s only child in Daichi’s world. The reason for this strange family to work well is… Taichi and Sora managed to solve their personal issues and became a couple. To make this couple get hitched and be more functional they had to become mature people first. And they did that. Taisuke is the youngest of the Tokyo Twelve’s kids, having 10 years in 2029. Since both parents are important figures -- Taichi because he’s the Ambassador, and Sora because of being the daughter of Takenouchi Toshiko, who’s still the Head Master of the Takenouchi school of traditional Japanese flower arrangement at this moment. But Sora also started to get her own recognition in her own area -- as a fashion designer specialized in Japanese style -- Taisuke is… overshadowed by his parents fame and treated as “The Digital World ambassador’s son” or “Takenouchi Toshiko’s grandson” or “Takenouchi Sora’s son”. This makes him mad every time because he’s not seen as himself but rather as someone’s son/grandson. This explains why he’s mostly mad at everyone not seeing Daichi as “Worldwide famous Ramen Chef Motomiya Daisuke’s son” and why he self-proclaimed himself to be Daichi’s rival.
It can be said that, during the same moment Daichi was facing Lupinmon… Taisuke was witnessing another event: A black Agumon coming from a gate area nearby his house. This Agumon wasn’t normal though, it had been looking for an old acquaintance from the past. Taisuke didn’t know what this meant, but he couldn’t ignore that critter. Once they were facing some evil guys, a D-TimeRune appeared in front of the boy and he decided to accept it, forming a link with that BlackAgumon. The Rune of Courage appeared for both of them -- and thus they faced the enemy digimon together.
But… Taisuke couldn’t tell his parents about that. So, he hid BlackAgumon inside the digivice and kept facing tough enemies in the shadows… As the Brave Tamer.
The more Taichi was involved in this whole mess against this Lupinmon menace, the more Taichi spent times busier and out of his home. This kept making Taisuke feel anguished and revolted, because he wanted his family to be together again. And it seemed like Sora was… acting like her mother when it comes to Taisuke -- wanting him to stay safe. So, she asked Piyomon to watch him for her, as the boy’s bodyguard.
  Kiyoko and Captain the Hawkmon (and Others)
When Daichi returned for his first adventure in an alternate year 2002, Kiyoko interrupted his sleep by showing a hurt two head-feathered Poromon who was escaping from the bad guys. During the night, she, Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu were fighting an unknown digimon chasing the girl and the Poromon, until discovering it was a BlackGuilmon via the digimon scan mode of the D-TimeRune. While Kiyoko fled with the bird baby digimon in her arms, she vowed to protect him… And this led her to a digivice which she used to form a link with Poromon.
Poromon evolved into Hawkmon, one with a bandana and two head feathers under it and visible on the side of his head, and then introduced himself as Captain, a pirate of the seven seas. He beats the foe and Natsu traps it inside one of her plasma bubbles, but then they’re surprised by a strange pair of shadows. Daichi and Ulforce go after them, while Natsu takes Kiyoko and Captain back home, where they would just report to Miyako what had happened that night.
During the chase, the human-like shadow shows to have a digivice too, with a symbol of a sun in it. The digimon partnered with the shadow evolved into a Greymon -- But none of them were able to recognize if it was a normal Greymon or some other digimon. The shadow then jumps on the Greymon-like back and disappears in the landscape. Daichi and Ulforce return home, wondering if that human would be a foe or not.
After that encounter with the mysterious kid with a digivice like his and Kiyoko’s… Ulforce mentions about the kid having the Fragment of Courage, and then they got this small talk about what those symbols are and points out Daichi’s flame-like symbol is called Fragment of Tenacity, meanwhile Kiyoko’s paw-like symbol is the Fragment of Determination. Those felt the same words and some connection to the crest of Courage, but they were viewed as their own variants of it according to Natsu.
What are those “Fragments” though? Are they something similar to the crests? They are the core of the crests actually. The origins of those symbols came from the ancient Digital World era, as some clan symbols -- and those digimon created ways to spread those traits through their own clan and the entire Digital World. Powers that enriched the land and planet.
Meanwhile Eiji and Hoshi, the Ichijouji siblings (children of Ken and Hikari in this world) had met their future partners -- a BlackTailmon and a Wormmon, respectively. In the pinch of danger, both siblings got digivices and linked themselves to those two digimon in order to save them from the enemy. Eiji got the Fragment of Kindness, while Hoshi got the Fragment of Happiness, which had a cherry blossom flower as a symbol. Later they would nickname their mons as Kitty and Sting, respectively.
Other children in their circle of friends would’ve gotten digivices and partners too, when involved in a fewer attacks of Lupinmon’s troops. Reika (Iori’s daughter) partnered with an Armadimon and getting the Fragment of Fairness (a burgundy Scale symbol), Jin (Jou’s son) got partnered with a Kamemon and got the Fragment of Reliability, Mike (Mimi’s trans son) got partnered with a Floramon and got the Fragment of Sincerity. Another case happened to Mitsuki (Takeru’s son) and Mirai (Koushiro’s daughter), who were found by their partners Tsukaimon and KoKabuterimon in the meantime. Mitsuki got the Fragment of Hope, while Mirai the Fragment of Knowledge.
Elise, Yamato’s daughter, had a different case and encounter.
Elise and the Mysterious BlackGabumon
Elise is a very refined child -- she’s courteous, calm and has a sweet singing voice. She ends up finding a hurt Gabumon in the playground and then asking her cousin Mitsuki to help her to treat the mon’s wounds. While they spend time together, the BlackGabumon starts forming a link with Elise and later, when she’s in danger… He comes to her rescue. However, that BlackGabumon wasn’t unusual -- he was one of the soldiers of Lupinmon’s troops, but he refuses to take part in those activities anymore and then turns into Elise’s partner. Elise receives a blue D-TimeRune, and the Fragment of Friendship.
Meanwhile, Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu were off town and traveling through space-time again, searching for the event which led to Daisuke turning into Lupinmon and stopping it from happening. But Daichi ended up in another alternative world. Since Daichi was so interested in Daisuke’s backstory… He tried to investigate Daisuke’s past, but Natsu prevented him from learning more about it. She immediately “ejected” them from that world, but instead of going back to the Dimensional Space dungeon, she threw them into a battle between… Lupinmon and Ichijouji Ken!?
Somehow, Daichi’s presence there only proved to Ken that Lupinmon was Daisuke -- as the opponent avoided attacking the kid and the others. But this didn’t last for much time, and then Ken had to retreat and take the trio with him. Daichi had to explain to his mother and to Ken what was happening, but they couldn’t let Daichi risk his life like that. But Daichi didn’t talk about his space-time travel mission, or the plan to go back in time and prevent Daisuke from getting captured.
The captured enemies from the previous times Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu had been involved were sent to a special facility to prevent them from getting hurt. There, Ken worked as the lead of the Special Digimon Cases Unit from the police -- an investigation team. Using his best tricks to make the criminals talk, Ken got more information about what was going on and what were Lupinmon’s goal -- to close the gates connecting to the Digital World permanently, separating both worlds from each other again and forever.
Besides Ken, the mysterious kid fighting against the troops -- who later would’ve been revealed to be Taisuke under the “Brave Tamer” alias -- had an excellent intel team on his side: Mirai and Mitsuki. Mirai is a prodigy young girl, with a tinker-like mind and skills. She might be young, but her interest in technology and building/programming stuff only made her become skilled enough to obtain information and stuff from her own father’s network and database. Meanwhile Mitsuki has the power of gathering information by the power of a strong fanbase watching his videos and forum posts. He also has inherited Takaishi Natsuko’s investigative reporter skills, being able to research and get whatever he needs.
Besides that, Ken and the Tokyo Twelve group were also investigating Daisuke’s disappearance. And Ken had to update them with what he had discovered recently. Their Children weren’t aware of those news, so they kept working to protect innocents instead.
  The Unknown Trio
Despite everything, a mysterious duo with a Coronamon and a Lunamon popped into the story. Children with no actual background or database -- Chosen Children unknown to Koushiro and Taichi… Or even to the entire Network. Soleil (FR: Sun) and Lune (FR: Moon) were mischievous kids fighting the enemies without any affiliation to a side. There was one more detail: Soleil claimed to be the “new vessel” of Homeostasis, and that he was chosen to eliminate those who were disturbing the peace of the Digital World.
Something fishy, yes. Hikari and the others knew Homeostasis wouldn’t be this harsh, or act as some punisher. Homeostasis is a gentle teacher-like security system. Not a god nor a warrior.
Lune, on the other side, was the peacemaker of the duo -- She’s a psychic like Hikari, so she used her powers in order to find the best peaceful method to put an end to any fight. She seemed to be the one able to reason with Soleil and make him step back or retreat. With those children involved, the Twelve, and the Neo Chosen had this new issue.
But they weren’t alone -- There was a brain in their team, Étoile (FR: Star), but this one didn’t like to appear in public… So they only would learn about his existence a little later. Étoile has a fellow partner, a purple Pokomon/Viximon named Renard. Étoile works as the technician of Solei-Lune’s operations, always saving them when things go south.
Soleil’s hidden background is that he’s the son of a very rich family, but neglected by parents. His real name is Youta, and he’s a year older than Daichi. His nonchalant behavior combined with a charismatic aura makes him irresistible to form an alliance, but deep down he hides a fierce and vigilante demeanor… Resulting in him being quite terrible if you turn him into your enemy. He likes to think he’s a hero of justice, and his senses are quite twisted at this point…
Lune’s secret story is that she's a very smart and talented girl called Mizuki, who used to be doing favors for others all the time, borrowing her notes, letting them work in group projects… But they also liked to ask her for fortune readings, so she was seen as the most popular fortune teller in town. She had this sixth sense and legit psychic powers, lending her to learn in advance what to do and to solve people’s problems. But she’s unable to stand for herself, and is sacrificial in order to bring order and peace. She crosses her path with Youta’s and then they realize they’re made to be partners in this whole war against the darkness and evil. 
Later, they find Étoile (whose real name is Noel) and they form an alliance  -- whose objective is to beat Lupinmon and any other enemy in their way, to bring peace back to the worlds.
Soleil is Daichi’s “true” rival, and their personalities since they met. Meanwhile, Lune seems to have some interest in Daichi’s pacifism methods.
Soleil has gotten the Fragment of Light, while Lune the Fragment of Energy (which symbol is a stylized Yin-Yang)
  A Brief Side-story: Daichi Meets Akira
One of the worlds depicted in the project… Is an alternative timeline where Daisuke managed to get courage enough to confess his feelings for Hikari, who also had strong feelings for him. In this world, Akira and his sister Amy are a duo fighting evil alongside their older cousin Takara (Taichi’s and Saiba Rei’s daughter), who is the leader of their group.
Daichi accidentally goes to this world while trying to go home, but he realizes the couple of people who also exist in this world did not recognize him, or think he, Ulforce and Natsu are allies of the real villain -- Gokumon/Reapermon.
Akira is the clumsiest sweetpie child in town, also a little fired up, who tends to solve stuff in the most peaceful way. His partner is a Plotmon with an unique Tailmon variant form: a Snowshoe-like cat. But, besides that form, Akira is clueless about which form his beloved Hana (the Plotmon’s name) would take in the future.
Natsu’s pendant is stolen by Shadramon, and they have to search for it. With Akira and Takara’s help, they manage to get the pendant back but they are forced to face Shadramon. It’s when Hana evolves into a Snowshoe variant of Nefertimon and alongside Ulforce and Takara’s V-dramon (Zero) they beat it.
This wouldn’t be the last time Daichi & co. would see those kids…
  Lupinmon’s Foggy Memories & Meeting Daisuke from the Past
The encounters with Daichi only triggered Daisuke’s memories, and he started to slowly regain control of himself. Still, this wasn’t enough to make him realize he’s the human those people and digimon are talking about. And when he’s this close to connect the dots, Lupinmon’s boss, a higher rank digimon (Perfect level) -- Papillonmon -- used his powers to keep Daisuke under the enemy’s control. So neither Daisuke or Magnamon could do anything… This vile digimon also has a higher rank master, but this will be left to another time.
With Lupinmon’s troops gaining forces, and some other allies of the vile digimon coming through, the Twelve and the Chosen Network have to take action and prevent more chaos and misfortune. At this point Taisuke, Mirai and Mitsuki are too deep into the battle that they cannot go back anymore -- Taisuke then is caught by Kiyoko and Eiji, who complain of him doing all the ‘cool’ stuff all alone. They don’t know what they could do to help now, though… Taisuke gives all the details of what’s happening and then Kiyoko finally learns that his dad is one of the enemies. The shock does not change her desire to come to rescue him. But the only thing that makes her EXTREMELY mad is that Daichi was hiding that secret from her.
Not that Daichi wanted to hide those from her, but more like he was too focused on his goal he couldn’t tell her anything yet. And he wasn’t in town again… Where did Daichi go?
He was finally in the past. But possibly not from his timeline.
Daichi arrived in the past, meeting a 17 year old Daisuke who was still in High School and working harder on his life goal -- But still clueless about how to make this dream come true. At first, this moody Daisuke treats Daichi with suspicion, as if he could read Daichi’s intentions just by looking into the boy’s eyes. Daichi trying to warn him about some enemy didn’t work either.
Daisuke hated the idea of him turning evil and hurting his own friends, he refused to hear that kid’s story -- he won’t believe it at all. Daichi was losing his patience with this, until they’re attacked by an enemy digimon from Duskmon’s army. It’s then when Daichi sees Lighdra-Glaive and the Lightnimon armor in person. He believes it’s too late and that Daisuke had become a digimon already.
Daisuke/Lightni growls as this kid is definitely going to ruin everything and tries to hide from him. V-mon asks why Daisuke is so nervous about the kid’s warnings and he says it’s because this means he would lose his mind and do something worse. V-mon realizes Daisuke means this whole façade is starting to damage his poor mind, and this brings V-mon the flashback of what Ranamon had said about Duskmon. If Daisuke is going to run amok, then…
But no, Daichi is so sure he can prevent this from happening!! He got there! He will… He will save Daisuke at all costs!! Ulforce wonders if Lightnimon is a real digimon though, it felt more like an armor than a ‘digimon form’ … V-mon explains Daisuke is pretending to be a digimon, but this only makes things worse for Daichi & co. -- This means he’s doing it on purpose right? EXCEPT V-mon denies, and says he’s actually doing those because Daisuke got brainwashed by the enemy, Duskmon. Natsu is concerned about Daisuke right now, but V-mon assures her they’re not doing anything evil or bad, and yes beating the enemies all alone.
All Alone… But why? Wasn’t Daisuke’s group of friends able to beat those enemies? V-mon frowns, saying Daisuke is too paranoid and afraid of getting others hurt to indirectly hit him that he’s pulling this whole façade all alone. Ulforce sighs, because this felt like a bad idea, Daichi and Natsu agree. Daisuke stares at them from a distance, that kid really came to ruin his disguise… Daichi comes to talk with Daisuke again, but the other refuses to believe he would turn into the enemy in the future. Daichi shakes his head, saying he’s not talking about that, but rather wanting Daisuke to go back to his friends. Daisuke snaps, that kid really doesn’t understand what’s happening there. Natsu reminds Daisuke the real Daisuke wouldn’t do that and would fight the enemy alongside the group instead. V-mon tries to stop them before Daisuke could do something harsh, but he just sits here pouting like a kid.
It’s not like he doesn’t want to go back to the group… He then says he had done awful things already, he threatened his own friends… He was lying to them, he was toying with everyone… He believes he’s no longer the same anymore. The trio frown, this feels bad… Until Daichi says his friends wouldn’t judge him and if he explains what’s going on they might understand. This is when Daisuke notices the kid is not a legit nuisance like he was thinking of. But they were attacked by Vulturemon, a bounty hunter affiliated to Duskmon.
During the battle, BurningFladramon and Ulforce XV-mon form face it together, with Natsu and Daisuke (as Lightnimon) as support. Once they beat the enemy and Daisuke is safe to be himself, he looks at Daichi: I don’t want your world to disappear because of me. We can handle this by ourselves. If I turn evil… My friends will stop me quickly!!
With those words, and “Please go back to your time and help future-me there” as requested, Daichi realizes what he must do. Then, Natsu opens the gate to the Dimensional Space dungeon and they vanish. Daisuke then says he will come to talk with the others, but then… He sees Ken seeking for Lightni in the middle of the forest. Daisuke looks at V-mon and says that he can’t go back to the group yet, so he asks the digimon to bear with him a little more.
  Another Side-story: Daichi Meets Toshi
While trying to return back to his world… Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu are thrown into another alternative future, one where things are even worse than in their home timeline. In this world they meet Toshi, Daisuke and Ken’s adoptive son, who had orphaned when he was very little -- his biological parents were killed by a menace digimon -- Megidramon -- and he had to grow up in a foster house. He escaped from there countless times until he met Daisuke, told his story and then Daisuke decided he couldn’t turn his back on him. In this world, Daisuke and Ken became a couple, and they tried to have a child by a surrogate mother, but they had no success. Toshi’s adoption came in handy, and their family was all happy until the day ChaosDukemon, the other side of Megidramon, came to eliminate that child and the Twelve Chosen.
Daichi arries in the middle of a battle against WaruMonzaemon, one of ChaosDukemon’s lackeys. Toshi’s partner, Shadow the Impmon -- In his Sorcerimon form -- casts a spell to distract the enemy and teleport everyone -- Daichi & co. included -- to a safer place.
There, they learn more about Toshi’s world and what’s happening with him. Apparently him being the ‘bearer of darkness’ is driving dark-evil digimon into their doorstep, and he cannot leave his new family and friends get hurt. Daichi offers him some help, and then they start making a plan to defeat WaruMonzaemon.
In the meantime, Socerimon evolves with the power of forbidden knowledge into Baalmon, and then they get more advantage against the evil lackey. Not only that, but Ulforce evolves into AeroV-dramon but with the V-bracelets in it. Daichi and Toshi are perplexed, since XV-mon is a purebreed V-mon line while V-dramon line is another kind of line. How could Ulforce be able to evolve into a V-dramon family member!? Who knows…
Once they beat WaruMonzaemon, Toshi says he will protect everyone and everything from ChaosDukemon at any cost. Daichi appreciates that vibe and with this he, Ulforce and Natsu return to their home.
Still this wouldn’t be the last time they would see Toshi and Shadow…
  The Enemy’s Plan and the Neo Chosen’s Strategy
While Daichi was out, Ken and the others involved in this fight against Lupinmon discovered the plans of those evil digimon: Their original intent was to bring the Digimon Kaiser back and then force the digimon to distrust humans, forcing them to close the gates and separate the Digital World from the Human World again. But those plans were screwed up by Daisuke and his sacrificial tendencies.
But those plans changed -- They were still going after Ken, of course… But for another reason now.
Mirai kept feeding Taisuke and Kiyoko about the details she could get from her father’s database. Eiji and Hoshi were nervous to learn that their father is a target. They couldn’t let that happen, but their parents wouldn’t allow them to get involved.
It was when Daichi returned. He was so sure he had to rescue his father that he didn’t realize that… Yes, all the worlds and timelines he visited before didn’t disappear -- they only generated a divergent timeline from those events. A new door appeared every time he left a timeline.
But now he had to build a plan to save Daisuke. And this is where the other Tokyo Twelve’s children got in. They were so passionate about their families and friends that they would break the orders of their parents and relatives to protect those bonds. Daichi wanted to go alone, but this would only make him commit Daisuke-from-the-past’s mistakes as well. Taisuke, Kiyoko, Eiji and Hoshi offered to come with him and be his backup.
As they go into the Digital World, the group starts unlocking forms based on their Rune Fragment. Aquilamon (Captain) evolves into Hookmon (one which had the perfect-level power); Stingmon (Sting) into Cannonbeemon, BlackTailmon (Kitty) into BlackRapidmon, and Greymon virus (Draki) into MetalGreymon virus. The more they strengthened their bonds with their digimon, the more they started unlocking more and more power in order to beat the enemy’s army.
Daichi then is stopped by a Gennai clone, who sends a countermeasure against Magnamon’s powers to the boy’s digivice. This Gennai clone says it was an important item borrowed from the Holy Beasts. Daichi checks his digivice and notices it’s a golden Digimental. But why would he need a Digimental?? It wasn’t just a regular digimental -- It was the Digimental of Destiny.
The group started to get divided between enemies: Kiyoko and Captain were left behind to fight Mermaimon. Hoshi and Sting against Ookuwagamon, Eiji and Kitty against Doumon. Taisuke and Daichi, alongside their partners and Natsu, went straight to the main goal -- Lupinmon.
But, in their way there’s a MetalTyrannomon. It’s when Taisuke says he will take down that enemy while he leaves the rest to Daichi. Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu agree, and then they move to the next area, going after Lupinmon. 
The next obstacle was Magnamon himself. But Magnamon had a black armor instead of the usual golden one. Natsu then realized the Digimental wasn’t for Ulforce and yes for her. But… Can Daichi make a link with Natsu? A digimon already partnered with someone else? Also, what happened with her partner though!?
  Natsu’s Armor-Evolution: Magnabbitmon
Natsu is not a usual digimon. She was linked to that space-time dungeon and not partnered with any human before. Or rather, she was partnered with a person from another parallel world: Daisuke’s counterpart of Warlock’s world -- Lance Duskstella. This kid came from a world where the digimon and the humans were in an endless fight in a world made of magic instead. And this kid studied harder to defend the digimon from the humans, imagining a world where both could co-exist in peace. He believed in the existence of this place, and wanted so hard to open a gate to it. Natsu, or rather, ChibiBunnymon was a small digimon which came with a special power: the ability to open gates into the multiverse.
She was hunted by vile people and digimon, and always afraid of everyone… Until she met Lance. It was the first time she went in contact with someone with a person who lacked malice… She became his friend and partner, and then he learned about the existence of other worlds and timelines, events which happened differently… And events he wished to be part of his life. But unlike the others who were chasing Natsu, he never wanted to use her powers for himself. And when he was assassinated… He left with her a spell to find him again.
Or at least, one of his counterparts in the multiverse.
Was Daisuke destined to find Natsu by sheer accident? Or was it part of that spell? Nevertheless, Natsu went looking for this person… For a long long time ago. But Daisuke, Mimi and Wallace never had found a partner for Natsu. And one day… The egg vanished from Mimi’s house. Mimi, Wallace and Daisuke couldn’t explain what happened, or why the egg disappeared, and they had a little hard time dealing with it.
Until… They met again later.
Was Daichi… connected to Lance? Well, maybe? (I’m not going to spoil my other project ok)
Daichi isn’t sure if he can form a link with Natsu, but he had to try. So he did all the steps like if he had no partner digimon already, and it worked. Natsu now was connected to Daichi, and he used the Digimental on her -- She armor evolved into a Magnamon counterpart: Magnabbitmon.
Magnabbitmon was able to face Magnamon’s power equally, and then left Daichi and Ulforce to face Lupinmon all alone. 
But could Daichi fight his dad? I mean, he’s a human, right? What if Ulforce killed him by accident!? The kid wasn’t thinking straight… Lupinmon tried attacking them, But Ulforce protected Daichi. XV-mon reminds Daichi this isn’t the right hour to be hesitant, and keeps Lupinmon busy. Daichi starts to think: How can they bring his dad back to his senses? There must be something!!
 Then he looks at the goggles hidden under his aviator scarf. Yes… Maybe that could help!! Now what to do with them? He approaches the battle with them on his head, and then jumps on Ulforce’s back the moment his partner backs off. He tells Ulforce to bring him closer to Lupinmon, and that has a plan. Ulforce nods and flies in Lupinmon’s direction, shoving the lupine-like digimon to the wall, and then pinned him on it.
Daichi, on XV-mon’s shoulder, shows the goggles to Lupinmon and starts telling him to remember who he is. Lupinmon starts wavering… But it worked. Daisuke was able to break the mental control pulled by Papillonmon. A strange butterfly shadow leaves his body (in the Magna vs Magnabbit battle, another one leaves Magna’s body) -- Daisuke and Magnamon immediately destroy those with their powers. Daichi asks what was that thing and Daisuke says it was the bug controlling him and Magnamon.
It was when Papillonmon himself appeared and attacked them, Daisuke shielded Daichi and got hit… But instead of dying he turned into a small baby II-like digimon and fell unconscious. Ulforce and Natsu try to attack Papillonmon, but he leaves an army of brainwashed Manticoremon behind. Magnamon had devolved back to Chibimon form due to exhaustion and now there were two baby digimon in Daichi’s arms. The others come right there and they join the fight, opening a path to the exit.
Now that they have rescued Daisuke and V-mon… All they have left is fighting Papillonmon, right?
… Right?
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taichi-x-koushiro · 2 years
Someone @ Me: Someone told me you have Taichi & Koushiro A.U. ideas (including canon-compliant)? I mean, you'd have to make them worK probably, bu--- m E: (*taking out stacks of plotbunnies*) hErE'S (*fwip!!!*) the A.U. where they save the world together in multiple Universes & Timelines (*fWIP*) HerE'S the one in which I involve Digital World Lore and morE TIMELINES hErE'S (*F W I P*) The one where they Never Met until pre-Epilogue era but Taichi Keeps Noticing That One with the "Pibook" he carries Everywhere, and They Keep inADVErtly affecting each other's timelines EVEN WHEN NOT Trying hErE (*fwiiiiiip*) The one where Koushiro's Adoption is revealed much more earlier in the timeline H e r e (*fWIP!!!!!*) The one where Koushiro's Child? Is Also Not related to Koushiro Fully By Blood and they are Still Very MUCH Family oh wouldn't it be something if TAICHI'S wasn't Fully related by Blood either?? "How" you ask Ohhhh we're gonna be here a While H e r E (* F W I P *) that one where Mrs. Yagami and Mrs. Izumi also become friends supporting their children h Er E (*Fwip?!??!*) in the Adventure novel there was an ACTUAL SCENE of Susumu (Mr. Yagami) coming across Masami (Mr. Izumi) on a subway train in a similar fashion not even knowing each other during later Vamdemon arc but What If They Did, what if Mrs Yagami and Izumi became part of the plot earlier on too and they all functioned as a grOUP, I Could Go On!!!!! That Someone at Me, Probably: Me, gesturing to my 30+ Koushiro A.M.V.s I've already made containing some of such concepts in the background: Anyway
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Birthday Headcanons by Astrology - DA vs. DA:2020
Time for an overview! After my headcanon birthdays for the Digimon Adventure kids (edits made by @earlgreymon) and the kind Anon who asked me about the headcanon birthdays for the DA:2020 Reboot kids, it's time for a little overview, so you can see the differences.
The headcanon birthdays for the Reboot kids are everything but final yet, because there might be some differences in big threes (see this post for explanation). Or might, I'm pretty sure, but those analyses are a bit too much work now. So I took the same big threes as the ones I gave the Adventure kids.
Please keep in mind: THESE ARE HEADCANONS BY ME! So no, it's not the canon nor the truth at all. Just my interpretations, of course your own interpretations are completely fine and super interesting! However feel free to adopt mine in your fanfiction or whatsoever (a like, reblog and/or mention is appreciated).
Reverse! From youngest to oldest this time :D
Takeru Takaishi Sun: Sagittarius | Moon: Aquarius | Rising: Libra DA birthday: December 12th 1991 Reboot birthday: December 17th 2012
Hikari Yagami Sun: Cancer | Moon: Pisces | Rising: Pisces DA birthday: July 3rd 1991 Reboot birthday: July 8th 2012
Koushiro Izumi Sun: Virgo | Moon: Gemini | Rising: Virgo DA birthday: August 26th 1989 Reboot birthday: September 3rd 2010
Mimi Tachikawa Sun: Leo | Moon: Aries | Rising: Taurus DA birthday: July 24th 1989 Reboot birthday: July 31st 2010
Taichi Yagami Sun: Libra | Moon: Sagittarius | Rising: Aries DA birthday: October 15th 1988 Reboot birthday: October 21st 2009
Yamato Ishida Sun: Cancer | Moon: Scorpio | Rising: Aquarius DA birthday: June 25th 1988 Reboot birthday: July 1st 2009
Sora Takenouchi Sun: Aries | Moon: Taurus | Rising: Cancer DA birthday: March 21st 1988 Reboot birthday: March 30th 2009
Jyou Kido Sun: Taurus | Moon: Libra | Rising: Capricon DA birthday: May 11th 1987 Reboot birthday: May 16th 2008
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ahiddenpath · 3 years
Nanowrimo Update
Word Count: 25,085 words, about two days ahead of schedule.  BUT-
More beneath the cut, lol!
First of all, I cannot believe I’m halfway through, and we’re just now shifting from, “Let me show you where the main characters are and what they’re dealing with,” to, “Let me take you info Café du Ciel to enjoy the lovely cast and atmosphere.”  True, my first drafts tend to be repetitive, as I try out where to place information/exposition so I can choose the spot that felt the most natural, but still.
I need to figure out what I’m doing from here, and fast.  I don’t have an outline!  It’s also not feeling romantic yet, although there does seem to be a level of attraction- or, at least, a mutual, “I see the pressure you’re under and the expectations on your shoulders, and I relate.”  Sora quickly picks up on how lonely and isolated Yamato is, with only two close friends in the whole world, one of which is across the ocean, and legions of people who call him by title, not by name.
Actually, Yamato is interesting in this story.  He has all the Moods that Yamma Jamma is known for, but, because he’s a prince, he isn’t permitted to have outbursts.  He’s also been trained in conversation, so he’s not nearly so...  You know.  Grunt, grunt.  Shove people into walls to start a conversation.  Can’t say what he needs to say, etc etc.  He feels simultaneously less adjusted because of the pressure and isolation of being a prince, and more adjusted, because he’s been trained out of some of his communication and outburst weak spots.  That’s been really interesting!
The story has also taken on a sort of...  Really class conscious angle.  The fictional world I’m making is far less sexist/homophobic than the one we know, especially in 1930 ish, but there is a loooooot of class stuff going on, along with strained relationships between countries.  We’re seeing a lot of privileged   characters (in terms of money and power) trying to figure out how to use what they have to help others and deal with guilt that comes from having an easier life than others.
I can’t wait to show you my takes on characters in this AU!  I mentioned how Yams is different, but Koushiro is another character who received lots of tweaks.  Computers don’t exist yet, they’d be roughly fifty years in the future.  And, in this story, Koushiro’s colorations make it obvious that he wasn’t born to his adoptive parents, so that discussion comes up early in his life.  As a result, while he’s highly intelligent, he isn’t the once-in-a-generation-or-less genius that he is in canon, as he didn’t escape into academia to avoid his situation.  He also lacks the identity crisis and insecurity at the core of his arc in Adventure, so he’s well adjusted and has a broader range of interests from a young age.  He’s honesty a catch, dudes.
I JUST GOTTA PLAN ALL OF THIS, AHHHH!  Anyway, here’s a wee tidbit from what I wrote today, unedited and subject to change.  One thing that really stands out to me is that Yamato isn’t even allowed a name here- just the prince, the prince, the prince.  That’s rough, buddy.
"May I ask what made you want to open an Autun style café?"
"Hm..."  Sensing that the prince was looking for conversation, Sora opted to follow cleaning with pastry decoration.  She moved the tray already prepared nearby and began to artfully drizzle chocolate over the pain au chocolat.  
“I've always been interested in Autun," she said.  "I was born not long after your parents wed.  Things were peaceful for the first time in a long time, and there was a joy to that.”
Yamato didn't respond, so Sora risked a glance.  He nodded, but offered no comment.  "I've always enjoyed baking, and I love it when someone enjoys something I've made.  I've been baking ever since I can remember."
"Your pastries are amazing.  My parents had some brought to them after I came in-"
Sora's hand jerked, and chocolate splattered onto a pastry, drenching it with a loud plop.  Sora stared at the glistening pile of hardening goo.
"I'm starving," the prince said mildly.
"You don't have to eat this," Sora nearly snapped.  She couldn't serve a prince a reject pastry!  "And I got the impression that you prefer pastries that aren't as sweet."
"Everyone wants sweets sometimes."
The last thing Sora wanted to do was hand over the pastry, but what choice did she have?  Arguing with a prince was even lower on her list.  She grabbed a dinner sized plate from a clean stack and placed the pastry on it, then placed it in front of him.
"Thank you," he said, grinning.  Frazzled, ignoring the way her stomach flopped at the light of boyish mischief in his eyes, Sora retreated to her counter and tray.
"You're welcome.  Did, um..."
"My mother said your pastries were even better than the ones from her chefs," he replied.
Sora placed the pastry bag of chocolate on the tray with exaggerated care.  "R-really?"
The prince nodded, and Sora gripped the edge of the counter to spare herself from doing a giddy little jig in the middle of a busy kitchen.  She wasn't interested in royalty, but they did have access to the best of everything.  If they really did enjoy her pastries...
"Maybe it's not so bad, having a prince around," Sora joked.  Instantly, her buoyant mood chilled, aghast at her friendly jab.
The prince blinked, his mouth stuffed with dripping pastry.  He swallowed, then leaned against the counter, roaring with laughter.  Sora stared, and was willing to bet that everyone else in the kitchen was joining her.  The joke wasn't that funny, even if she had made it to a friend, and not a powerful person who could likely do whatever he wanted.
"P-pardon me," Sora said when he quieted.  "I was out of line."
He wiped the glob of chocolate off the corner of his mouth with a napkin, flushed and still smiling.  "Not at all.  It's refreshing."  He dropped his voice as he leaned forward, and Sora copied him, almost propping her lower stomach against the counter.  "Between you an me, nobles, politicians, and royalty are exhausting."
Sora tried to cover her laugh with a hand over her mouth, but it slipped free- and now, she had to wash her hands before touching the food.  "You're not what I expected from a prince," she said as she went to wash up.
He lifted a single golden brow.  "I can't say you're what I expected from an iemoto heiress."
Sora scrubbed her hands and lower arms.  "I suppose you're right," she murmured, unsure of how to feel about that.  There were times when she wished she fit the image she had of the daughter who would one day succeed Toshiko.  In her mind, that person was basically a younger version of her mother: hard working, creative, disciplined, elegant, with a sharp business mind, connected to hundreds of powerful people through her work contacts and nobles eager to enroll their children in her coveted personal lessons.
In contrast, Sora felt like an unruly child who selfishly wanted to follow her own passions.  The fact that her mother was so young and healthy was all that allowed her to cope with the fact that she needed more time to come into herself before taking on the Takenouchi ikebana practice.
"I didn't mean to offend," Yamato said.  "Your café is wonderful."
Sora managed a rueful grin.  "I can hardly complain, after talking to a prince like that!"
"I enjoyed it," Yamato replied, with an earnestness that caught Sora's attention and pushed all thoughts of her own insecurities aside.  "Please, speak freely to me.  I won't take offense to a friendly joke."
I wonder if he doesn't have many people to talk to?  I suppose he did just arrive here after over a decade away.  And he doesn't seem too fond of the class of people around him.  Sora knew from her mother that navigating the whims and attitudes of influential people was exhausting, a kind of fatigue that could not be replicated from any other irritant.
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Are we so sure Taichi would take Izumi as his name? Maybe Koushiro would take Yagami. Or maybe the two would just hyphenate their names
Ooh okay so to preface it’s just the way I’m personally going, but it doesn’t have to be the fandom collective or the only way even of course!! Everyone can have their own head canons / opinions!! I kind of stole the tag from @seventeenlovesthree who started a whole discussion on the last name stuff and I think came up with most of the following points in summary:
1) If you take Kizuna into consideration, Koushirou is already established in a business and has centered that around his last name and why that’s a big deal is:
2) Koushirou is taking pride in the last name of his adoptive family. He clearly views both his biological parents and his adopted parents as important figures in his life even though he has never met the former. They are all his parents and his adoptive parents view him as their real son (explicitly said in the character files)
3) Even if you don’t really consider Kizuna, Koushirou keeping the last name of the parent’s who raised him is just really sweet and Taichi being considerate of that is also a really sweet concept to consider. Also to the first point, Taichi isn’t as established at the same time Koushirou is, so it’s much easier for him to adapt to going into politics as, “Izumi Taichi.”
4) it’s absolutely hilarious to think of Koushirou going scarlet every time Taichi’s gotta introduce himself as “Izumi Taichi” at important functions and evens the playing field if you think of Taichi liking it when Koushirou just calls him, “Taichi.”
5) like if nothing else imagine Kae and Masami’s delight that Koushirou wants to keep their last name.
I do like the hyphen names in general, but I don’t think it’s as common practice in Japan so the discussion erred on the side of using one name and I liked a lot of the points, but that doesn’t mean it’s gotta jive with everyone and of course fandom can have various alternatives!! So there’s no pressure to conform if your opinions or feelings are different-- or change them up for different scenarios.
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years
I forget. Did you ever draw either Taichi or Koushiro having their, "oh..." moment about the other? You know, the classic, "oh, I'm in love with him," trope
I actually haven't put it to paper yet, but I DEFINITELY want to, because, on a pining scale, nothing even comes remotely close to the sheer heartache during the moment of realization - especially when you have two "nuts" like Taichi and Koushirou. I have mainly drawn cheesy stuff recently, with them either being clueless or in an established relationship already, because I craved some happiness for them. But the thing is - there are so many possibilities to pull this off, whether you take the canon OR (like me) one of various AUs as baseline.
Canon wise, you might have little moments between them here and there (like the card incident or the entirety of the Dark Masters arc in 01 or the camp scenes in 02) where one of them just... Wonders if this is normal. (In addition to Yamato completely losing it over the fact that they simply can't seem to grasp it.) That's usually the angst route, because once one has realized what's going on, they might be too afraid to approach it or fear that the other will not like them the same way. (Although canon also implies that Koushirou has enough of Taichi's sh*t and wants him to be honest - and Taichi having an emotional outburst is also a great opportunity to make a confession happen eventually.)
For my AUs, I have two scenes pretty clearly in my mind... One of them being a more aggressive version of the scene I recently drew about Koushirou confessing to Taichi that he's adopted. In a scenario in which they are best friends, Taichi would first confess to him about his past trauma with Hikari (they'd be in their mid-teens here), which causes Koushirou to contemplate the idea that Taichi has to be the first one he talks to about it. Koushirou might voice his concerns on how he wasn't sure Taichi would have looked at him differently and that it was difficult to come to terms with himself for the longest time and Taichi would just panic and shout the "BUT YOU ARE LOVED!" at him, grabbing him by the shoulders insistently, before he stammers "... By your parents, I mean, they love you very much." And when they depart, Koushirou thanks him for listening, Taichi reassures him once more - and once they're both alone at their respective homes, they have a classic "Stares at the ceiling, leans against closed door and collapses under the weight of their own feelings for each other after it FINALLY sank in" moment. Cries.
The other moment would be Christmas related - everyone remembers the Christmas episode in 02, right? I'd age them up 1-2 years and make the whole situation a bit more cheesy (I will write this as a fic as well one day): It's Christmas Eve and Tokyo has been riddled by digital distortions recently. The Chosen Children all plan to spend their Christmas differently: Mimi is with her parents celebrating in New York, Jyou has also travelled to the landside after his brother dragged him to have a time out for once. Yamato is having a concert once again and Sora, Taichi and Koushirou decide to attend it in the later afternoon, Takeru and Hikari are actually celebrating with the other 02 kids again. The Yagami family has a tradition of baking huge amounts of sweets on Christmas Eve, whereas the Izumi family plans to have a nice dinner in the evening, so Koushirou promises to be there in time - but before the concert even begins, he discovers another distortion and informs Taichi about it. Who just texts back "That sounds serious. Want to come over early?" and he hesitates, being a bit self-conscious. He had acquired a present for Taichi, but when Mimi made a huge deal about how "presents (and going out together) on Christmas Eve are such a romantic gesture here in Japan!", he started doing research and tries to figure out the meaning of all of this. Tentomon reassures him, but he doesn't quite know how to deal with it. But - distortions are serious, so he has to see him, right??? He promises Kae again that he will definitely be back home in time today and rushes over to the Yagamis - just to be greeted by Yuuko who said she sent her children to buy more ingredients (and she didn't let Taichi warn him beforehand). So they spend time baking until Taichi and Hikari rush back, Taichi is still grumpy about it, but they settle and have a good time after all (cue a scene in which Taichi just... Stares at the cookies Koushirou made and... tries to makes sense of that weird buzzing in his stomach as well). They'd then leave, escort Hikari over to the Motomiya residence, she wishes them "a nice date" (cue blushes and denial), they attend the concert, Sora is actually confessing this time, distortions happen, they have to fight... And succeed. In the end, Taichi accompanies Koushirou on his way back home as well - and the latter decides to actually hand him the present (it's the football tickets mentioned in this interview, because this is still the most romantic thing I can imagine for both of them being clueless teenagers). Taichi actually has something for him as well (it's a book on his current interest haven't decided what it is yet and ointment, since he has noticed that he rubbed his wrists a lot recently when working too long on his laptop) and they depart with bashful smiles, a "Merry Christmas, see you soon" on their lips - and the cheesy "looking against the ceiling, chest burning with sudden affection" moment once again. :D
... Sorry for the rant. I really want to write this one day. There are 7362628 other possibilities as well, but these are the most vivid to me. (I also have a dramatic/life or death situation fight scene in which Kou reaches out to Taichi and can't reach him due to their enemies keeping them separate and he just shouts "TAICHI!" without the -san and THAT is what snaps him out of a state of trance and it's a wake-up-call for both of them. I love my tropes, okay.)
(Also, the closest I ever drew of Koushirou having an “Oh” moment might still be this, haha.)
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luke-reviews-things · 4 years
Before I start reviewing Digimon Adventure: (2020) I want to give a little background to my thoughts on the parts of the franchise I've experienced up to now and how they inform my opinions on the reboot.
The original canon:
I watched the original Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 when I was a kid, probably around age 5-8. I never saw every episode but I saw most, and rewatched them in adulthood when they first released them on DVD in the UK. The reason I liked it as a kid is that it had a large cast of characters who all had real flaws and individual qualities that made them feel real. When I watched as an adult I really appreciated that it didn't shy away from Yamato's and Takeru's parents being divorced, Koushiro being adopted or the children experiencing grief when their friends and allies died. It also made it feel like there were real stakes in the story which made the experience all the more enjoyable.
Another main reason I liked it is because the characters actually aged between each series so in 02 we got to see more mature versions of the Digi-destined as well as new characters, who for the most part I liked. Their flaws grated on me a bit more than the original characters as they felt slightly more superficial. (Davis/Daisuke being obsessed with Kari being the major source of irritation.)
As far as Tri. is concerned, I enjoyed it 99% of the time. I didn't mind Meiko as a character or her partner. I felt the original characters got some good development even if it was a little rushed in places. (Biyomon and Sora's relationship in the fourth movie particularly stands out to me.) I would also have liked to see the 02 kids properly and did feel it was out of character for the original kids to not worry about them for the most part. I hear this is addressed in the new movie but I haven't seen that yet so can't really comment.
The last major thing I enjoyed about the original is that it was partially set in the real world. I'm a sucker for anime/fantasy series set in the real world and as much as I love the digital world, I really enjoy it when the characters are hanging out in Japan or even battling in the real world. That sentiment will definitely tie in to my thoughts on the reboot.
As a whole I really enjoyed the old canon (Kizuna excluded for now) but I don't expect the reboot to follow it too closely, nor do I think they should. We've already seen the old version, give us something new and different rather than repeating the same old stories and format.
Finally, I think it's fair to say my favourite characters in the original were Yamato and Gabumon plus Joe and Gomamon. However in Tri. I really enjoyed the focus on Joe and Mimi as characters in the second movie, that scene in the rain is one of the few times I cried watching Tri.
Basically I love Digimon and I'm very excited for what the new series has in store!
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higuchimon · 4 years
[fanfic] Secret of Ears:  Chapter 1
Ken carefully arranged his hair so that it fell over his ears, checking his reflection. The tips still pointed out of his hair, but not enough that anyone would call attention to them. He nodded; just the way that he liked them.
“Why do you hide those, Ken-chan?” Wormmon asked, peering up from where he sat on the back of the toilet.
Ken rested his hands over his ears for a few seconds before he turned to look at his partner. “Haven’t you seen other humans’ ears?”
Wormmon tilted his head, considering. “Well, yes. Yours aren’t like those.”
“I know.” Ken looked back at the reflection before he reached to pick Wormmon up and settle him on his shoulders. “But that’s why I don’t want people to see them.”
His ears were just different. The skin on them was paler than the rest of his body. But that really wasn’t the problem. He wouldn’t have cared if that was the only issue. They were pointed. Far more so than anyone else’s that he’d ever seen. He could keep his hair over the ends most of the time. No one had said anything about them for ages.
Though he did remember – long ago, when he’d been young, before his hair grew out to cover them. He didn’t remember the kid’s name, but one kid he’d played with at a park had – he shuddered just at the memory before he carried Wormmon out of the bathroom and into the living room.
Daisuke lay on the couch in the living room, V-mon next to him, chatting about the latest soccer scores with Ken’s dad. His dad didn’t play soccer, but he’d learned enough about it when Ken had to keep up with Daisuke.
“Ken!” Daisuke jerked up to his feet and grinned the moment Ken entered the room, previous conversation forgotten. “What took you so long?”
Ken just shook his head, ever so carefully. Daisuke knew about his ears but he never said a word about them. He never had, not since Ken started doing his best to be a better person.
“Are you ready?” Ken asked instead of answering. Daisuke wouldn’t press. He never did.
“Sure.” Daisuke waved at Ken’s dad, who waved back at him. “We can finish later?”
“Sure!” Mr. Ichijouji nodded. “You boys have fun and behave yourselves!”
Ken fought back a blush. His parents were well aware that the two of them weren’t only best friends. He thought they were a little sad that they’d never have biological grandchildren but Ken hadn’t ruled out the idea of adopting one day. He hadn’t talked about it with Daisuke or Wormmon, though. They were fifteen. There was so much time ahead of them.
Together the four of them headed out of the building. Daisuke chattered relentlessly the whole way, about at least half a dozen different topics, and Ken knew he was only required to nod and smile at the right points. He did listen, though. He loved hearing Daisuke babble about whatever was on his mind.
Right now it was ramen – which wasn’t a surprise since they were going out to have a ramen lunch. Daisuke insisted that he would have a ramen restaurant of his own one day and he searched for ramen all over the world. Ken didn’t even remember how many times he’d been taken out for ramen anymore. At least it was delicious – and Daisuke’s own cooking got better every time.
“You know, your ears aren’t that strange,” Daisuke said without warning. Ken stumbled over his own feet, catching himself, and staring at Daisuke.
“Where did that come from?” He raised one hand to make sure his hair remained tucked over the tips, while his other made sure Wormmon remained safe. Both those situations settled in his favor, he stared at Daisuke.
“I was just thinking, that’s all.” Daisuke shrugged. “I even know someone who has ears like that. Someone who isn’t you, I mean.”
Ken blinked, mouth working but not actually having nay words come out. He shook his head. No one else had those. He would have noticed – wouldn’t he?
“Yeah. You know him too.”
Ken didn’t have the chance to ask more questions, since they came to the train and they both had to worry with getting their tickets out and finding the right train. Once they got settled on their seats, he glanced around, not wanting anyone else to overhear this. While Digimon were known and the world remained in the process of adjusting to the existence of a fellow sapient species, there were always those who weren’t happy about it. He also suspected this conversation might bring up his past as the Kaiser and he really didn’t want that to be brought up around people who didn’t know.
There weren’t that many people around them right now. One little girl had her own Digimon partner, but no one else there seemed partnered. Ken nodded to himself, then turned to Daisuke, opening his mouth.
“Ichijouji? Is that you?”
It was a voice he didn’t recognize right away. But he wasn’t surprised that people he didn’t know knew his name – the remnants of fame clung to him, thankfully more for being a Chosen these days than anything else. He turned to see a teenager lurching down towards them. He was grinning wildly and threw himself casually into the seat next to Ken.
“Yes,” Ken murmured. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember you…”
“Yeah, you probably wouldn’t,” the teenager agreed a little too cheerfully. “Tachibana Noriaki. We played together when we were kids. Before your brother -” He waved one hand in lieu of finishing the sentence. Ken held back a flinch and managed to nod. He could think about Osamu without it hurting much these days. But he still didn’t like hearing him mentioned without warning.
Tachibana regarded Daisuke carefully before he looked back at Ken. “I’ve seen you on the news. So you grew up to be a hero, huh?” He grinned at the way Ken blushed. Daisuke leaned forward.
“Was there ever any doubt? He’s the best hero!” Daisuke declared without a breath of hesitation.
Tachibana grinned, displayed teeth that looked as if he had been sponsored by a toothpaste company. “Well, when he was a kid, I wouldn’t have guessed. Little kid drawing all the time.” He shrugged before he reached over and dug one hand into Ken’s hair, grabbing onto his ear. “And with these ears -” He pulled on the tips.
Ken jerked away, eyes going wide, and Wormmon glared at Tachibana. “Stop touching Ken-chan!” He snapped, ready to spew out silk at a moment’s notice.
Tachibana tilted his head. “Man, what’s the problem? You’ve see those ears, haven’t you? How can you resist?”
“Pretty darned easily,” Daisuke snapped back. “Leave him alone.”
Tachibana drew his hand back. “If you’re gonna be that way about it. Just trying to have fun.” He snorted and got up, walking to a seat farther away from them.
Ken leaned back on his own chair, tucking his hair back over his ears, trying so very hard not to tremble and not doing a very good job of it. Daisuke rested one hand on Ken’s.
“You okay?”
Ken nodded a little. His ears weren’t just a bit larger and pointed, they were sensitive. Having someone yank on them like that would leave them red and burning for ages.
Daisuke grumbled a few words that Ken suspected his parents wouldn’t be happy to hear on his lips. They were in English, and he had a surprisingly good accent. Ken tried not to feel so very warm inside from knowing that was because Daisuke was upset over something happening to him.
Before Daisuke said anything else beyond the few profanities, both of their phones started beeping, alerting them to a text. Ken glanced at his and blinked. He hadn’t expected this at all.
“A meeting?” All of the original twelve Chosen being called together by Koushiro. He wasn’t sure of what this meant, but it had to be something important. Izumi Koushiro wouldn’t gather them all without a very good reason. “Change of plans?”
Daisuke sighed, tucking his hands behind his head and pouting. “I guess. We can hit up the ramen place afterward? If it’s not too late.”
Ken nodded. He didn’t want to lose this special time with Daisuke, no matter what the issue was.
At least they were on the right train to get to Izumi’s place. Ken wondered what they would need to talk about. Some sort of new villain? They didn’t really have regular meetings when there wasn’t someone they needed to fight. He wasn’t even sure if they’d had those when there had been. He hadn’t exactly asked back then.
He ran one hand over Wormmon’s back and tried to ignore the way his ears ached. He’d been so looking forward to having a pleasant trip to a new ramen place with Daisuke. Today wasn’t turning out to be his day.
To Be Continued
Notes: Tachibana is probably Uchiyama’s second cousin or something. Maybe I’ll make that my canon for them. Anyway, I didn’t mean this as a chaptered piece but I ran out of time and writing juice to make it a one-shot. The full hurt/comfort will be there by the end. As will how the breeds work into this. Though I’m sure you can guess, if you know what Piemon looks like. Extra Notes: As of August 5, 2020, this story is on indefinite hiatus. I intended to restart in September, but YGO GX Month came up and it gave me ideas. So, once that’s taken care of, I’ll return to my WIPs.
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izzyizumi · 10 months
{Taichi Yagami} was someone who treated others {including at the school} without discrimination {unjust hatred or prejudice based on social status and class}. That {outlook} of Taichi's never changed {in that time}, even towards {Koushiro Izumi}.
-Digimon Adventure Novel (Summarized)/(Amended)
If it hadn't been for {Taichi continuing to treat Koushiro that way}, Koushiro {believed} Koushiro {might} have (read as: would not have) ever gone to the summer camp.
{The summer camp where the Chosen Children originally were dragged in to the Digital World, and met their partners.}
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#taishiro#taishirou#taichi yagami#yagami taichi#koushiro izumi#izumi koushirou#izumi family#adopted koushiro#koushiro and adoptees discrimination#koushiros class as adoptee#izzyizumi summarizes#(Posting This To Make Points Maybe)#(But also because)#(at this rate I'll probably just have to resummarize the entire novel for people)#(which I'm honestly willing to try and do when I actually have more time {Likely more like next year})#(I was even thinking of recording my own version where I amend the dialogue to include light explanations like this)#(because some of the original quotes are rather vague sounding in English)#(and while yes in JPN there is a certain level of vagueness)#(I've noticed I've had to explain and reexplain these sections to people Ive met and chatted with about the novel over time)#(even just about a character like Taichis canonically described qualities)#(Taichi is CANON DESCRIBED as treating people WITHOUT {Unjust hatred or prejudice} aka discrimination AGAINST OTHER PEOPLE)#({THAT *INCLUDED* KOUSHIRO} KOUSHIRO WHO IS LEGALLY AN ADOPTEE)#(KOUSHIRO WHO IS OF A LOWER SOCIAL CLASS THAN TAICHI and while Taichi may at that canon point have had NO IDEA PERSONALLY)#(The reason Koushiro was drawn to attending the camp was BECAUSE TAICHI TREATED EVEN SOMEONE LIKE KOUSHIRO AS AN EQUAL)#(Even when Koushiro intentionally held back from speaking with most other kids and they likely picked up on that about Koushiro over time)#(IF TAICHI DID pick up on it Taichi may not have known WHY Koushiro was holding back from engaging with classmates)#(INCLUDING TAICHIS OWN SELF but Taichi must have eventually noticed SOMETHING about Koushiros self that got Taichi to invite Koushiro)#(because Taichi was willing to INCLUDE KOUSHIRO and HAD NO REASON TO ACTUALLY INVITE KOUSHIRO but DID)#(AND KOUSHIRO CANONICALLY ACKNOWLEDGES THIS)#(Koushiro RECOGNIZES that Taichi is treating Koushiro equally WITH KOUSHIRO KNOWING KOUSHIRO IS OF A LOWER LEGAL CLASS)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
D I G I M O N Adventure{s} (+02; Kizuna) ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - Only Exception (sung by: Par@more) featuring DUO/O.T.P: - KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi) -- (KouxMimi appears briefly in the 2nd verse. However, the focus is KouTai.)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
This A.M.V. is currently UN-FINISHED. As of now, only the 2nd chorus is (partially!) completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! This 1st part has taken about 45~ min already. This 2nd verse + chorus took about another 35~ min. These may not be final scenes as I make adjustments.
There is a tiny bit of scenery shots from beginning of Kizuna (for now, opening Odaiba scenery also in the pre-views only.)
{Lyrics Preview}
And I’ve {ALWAYS} lived {LIKE THIS}, Keeping a {comfortable}... “Distance”
... Because {NONE OF IT} was ever {worth} THE risk,
But YOU,
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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holyhikari · 5 years
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FEB 11. Favorite Chosen Children friendship
I beg of you, just go read @adventure-hearts​ post answering this question! And her take on Jyou and Yamato’s friendship, too. That’s basically what I feel. The girls-only bonds & Jyou and Yamato are so, so good. I’m not particularly attached to Ken and Iori, I think. Gotta re-watch 02, tbh.
I’m gonna add here SORA AND JYOU!!!, Jyou and Mimi!!!!!, Taichi and Yamato, Takeru and Yamato <3, the (canonically platonic but totally in a polyamorous relationship in my head) Taiorato trio, Daisuke and Ken, Hikari and Takeru being annoying little shits together in Tri. era, Taichi and Koushiro, AND Daisuke and Mimi in Natsu e no Tobira. ..............I’m not very good at picking only one thing,,,,,,.I’m sorry,,
FEB 12. Favorite Digimon Adventure series villain.
This little chaotic evil killing machine who just wanted a playdate and feel like a real boy with friends. I think he’s the most unique one in the first series, and the most interesting one. The way his engines freeze slowly as he agonizes whispering about how incomplete he felt haunts me to this day. And his connection to Takeru’s arc about independence was amazing! 
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AAAND, of course, ExistentialCrisismon!!!! would adopt and hug no hesitation 
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I like Piedmon a lot, too, and pretty much 50% of the reason why is his design. And Apocalymon... He’s very interesting, just not exactly as a character. He’s, like, the representation of all that felt rejected and sad and TRAPPED in its ‘bad nature’ in the Digital World. We didn’t spend much time with him, but I like the concept behind him. Mugendramon fucking bombed entire “cities” to kill the Chosen and I respect him for that. He ain’t playing. 
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1, 14, 19
Aww, thanks Hidden!
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
Oh gosh. I think it’s…nine? Oh dear. XD 
14. (For authors) Post a line of dialogue from one of your WIPs without context.
“Sometimes when we go to the Digital World, we get brand new outfits!” 
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
Since we both love Koushiro, here’s some of my favorite headcanons for him! 
–After the events of Adventure, I think that Koushiro doesn’t worry so much about getting straight A’s, since he’s sure that his parents will still love him even if he isn’t “perfect.” So he focuses more on the subjects that interest him.
–I like to imagine that Koushiro gets into some pretty prestigious far-away universities, like M.I.T. or Cal Tech, but in the end he sticks with a local college because he’d rather be close to his family. (But maybe it’s a really good local college! He is Koushiro after all.)
–I love to imagine that Koushiro adopts his daughter! That’s definitely my favorite headcanon for him.
–I really like chubby Koushiro! I think that literally all of my favorite fic writers describe Koushiro as being “skinny,” “scrawny,” or having “pale, delicate limbs.” I understand why that’s popular (and that everyone is thin in canon), but when I try to imagine different body types for the characters, I think chubby Koushiro would be really cool! 
Thanks again for the ask!
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Thank you for tagging me, @florencetheflowerfairy
Now, I present my list of ten favorite characters from ten different fandoms:
Hyuuga Hinata (Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden): For over 10 years, Hinata has been a dear character to me. I indentified with her struggles with anxiety and self-deprecation and admired how she grew through the story to the point where she’s respected as a ninja and acknowledged by her family and peers. Hinata develops a strength that is unlike the typical “strong female character” trope. She doesn’t have to shout to be heard, she doesn’t have to punch people or destroy things to be taken seriously. There’s a quiet dignity to her that brings a lot of weight to her words when she speaks. Hinata’s speeches are almost always (dare I say always?) meaningful. She knows how to motivate people and recognize value in them even when they can’t see it themselves. She’s wise, kind, hugely empathetic and might be one of the most emotionally intelligent characters in the series. I also fell in love with her relationship with Naruto. As a self-loathing child who nobody believed in, Hinata saw a lot of herself in the little boy who was shunned by the entire village. And by seeing how he, although faced with many difficulties and failing many times, kept on doing his best and refusing to give up, Hinata felt encouraged to do her best herself and become someone she could be proud of. What began with admiration evolved to love and Hinata became the person to encourage and protect Naruto. I don’t think I was ever as happy to see a couple I shipped become canon as I was with these two. They’re characters who bring the best in each other and respect each other deeply. Relationship goals right here!
Sawada Tsunayoshi (Katekyo Hitman Reborn): what I really liked about Tsuna was how realistic he felt to me. He didn’t act like the typical shonen hero and never really embraced the Mafia Boss destiny people tried to shove him in. Tsuna was a loser in academics and sports who had no friends and no faith in himself in the beginning of the story. However, he evolves in the story and becomes someone who is more confident in himself and earns the trust and respect of other people. All that without actually changing his core personality. Tsuna never stops being a scared-cat or an anxious guy, but he learned that he shouldn’t let those things stop him from fighting to protect the people he cared about. Another thing that I love about Tsuna is that he hates to fight, no matter how strong he gets. Strength for him is merely a means to protect people when needed, not something to use carelessly or to brag about. He’s a sweet kid and I love him.
Todoroki Shouto (Boku no hero academia): his past might be one of the saddest in the manga. His mother was forced into an arranged married with his father, number two hero and abusive jerk. Todoroki was trained since early age to be a great hero but didn’t feel loved. Events that I shouldn’t spoil happen and he resents deeply his father and part of his ability (he has powers of ice, from his mom, and fire, from his father), refusing to use the same power that the man he loathes has. But then, he’s told by someone who would become a dear friend that that power was his and that he shouldn’t hate a part of himself. Todoroki has a beautiful growth in the series and slowly comes to terms with himself as a whole.
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls): Mabel is an extrovert who embraces life with high levels of enthusiasm. I find it nearly impossible not to fall in love with her. She loves her family and values her heart more than her brain when it comes to make decisions (a trait that saved the day many times). Mabel is incredibly creative and artistic and is also someone who thinks outside the box, coming up with surprising solutions for problems. She had moments of self-centeredness but deeply cares about her family and friends. I’d say nobody in the show has a heart as big as hers.
Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion): my child! She had a lot of hurt, trauma and insecurities but tried really hard to hide them away and present herself as a strong and arrogant person who needed nobody. Asuka in reality wanted to feel like she belonged and wished to be accepted, and believed that being the best pilot would make her achieve those things. In her hurry to grow up, she messes up, makes many mistakes and has to learn to take other people into consideration and to look into herself to understand her struggles. She might be one of the most complex characters I’ve ever seen and it’s a delight to analyze her.
Garnet (Steven Universe): easily the coolest character in the show. Garnet has a unique sense of humor, strength of character, courage, protectiveness and self-confidence. What to expect from someone who is the representation of a relationship? Someone literally made of love? She acts as the leader of the Crystal Gems ever since Rose’s departure and does her best to keep the team together and maintain the balance. Her strong front sometimes hides fears and fragility that we’re only shown sporadically, which adds to her complexity.
Kagura (Gintama): you can look anywhere but it won’t be easy to find a heroine like Kagura. All characters in Gintama are great, especially the women, but Kagura has a special flavor. She’s a teenager from the Yato clan, said to be the strongest species in the universe. She left her home planet behind after sad family-related things happened and made a new life on Earth. Kagura found a new family in the Yorozuya, having Shinpachi as an older brother figure and Gintoki as a father figure. She’s brash, is not afraid to say what she wants, sometimes can be inconsiderate and other times she’s the sweetest child in the world. The bonds that Kagura forms on Earth (not only with the Yorozuya, but also many different characters. My favorites are the sisterly bond with Otae and the best friend bond with Princess Soyo) give her safety and confidence to forge her own identity, not letting her Yato blood dictate her fate. It’s also thanks to the growth she had on Earth that she can later confront her father and older brother, bringing closure to her family’s conflict. Kagura is absolutely fantastic and I adore her with my whole heart.
Tenjou Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena): RGU is the kind of story where all the characters are well-written and complex. Therefore, it’s incredibly hard to pick a favorite. In the end, I decided to go with Utena. She’s a brave and heroic person who wants to live nobly, like a prince. However, her chivalric desires made her unable to recognize that her behavior was at times patronizing. She wanted to help Anthy but for most of the series failed to understand the girl’s real situation. Utena only comes to understand and help Anthy when she stops seeing the girl as someone who needed rescue but as her own person, with virtues and flaws. Despite her shortcomings, Utena was able to extend her hand to Anthy and bring revolution to the oppressed girl’s world, enabling the former rose bride to break free from her brother and the abusive cycle developed by him. The story of Utena and Anthy is remarkably beautiful, showing how both of them were fundamental to each other.
Amy Pond (Doctor Who): my favorite companion! Amy was visited by the Doctor as a young child and asked him to take her away from the village where she was the only Scottish girl and her aunt left her alone for several hours during the night. The Doctor took too long to return (12 years!), and Amy grew up with nobody believing her stories and thinking that she was crazy. The harshness of her childhood made her develop abandonment issues, to the point where she sabotaged her relationships. Most of her growth comes from Amy learning to trust people and to be more open with her emotions and insecurities. Also, she learned that she deserved the love and dedication people gave her, especially Rory’s, her boyfriend and then husband (who also becomes a companion and travels in the tardis).
Izumi Koushiro (Digimon Adventure/Digimon Adventure 02): my favorite fictional character, without a doubt. In those two shows, Koushiro was written beautifully, allowing his depth to be perceived in countless glimpses and episodes focused on him, especially the ones written by Hiro Masaki (nobody will ever write Koushiro as well as this person! He’s without a doubt the author who better understands the character). The boy is shy and awkward around people but enthusiastic about learning new things. For long, Koushiro attempted to evade his problems by throwing himself in the search of knowledge, which caused most of his insecurities to remain unresolved until he talked to his parents about his adoption. Koushiro’s sense of inferiority made him polite to an extreme and only capable of seeing value in himself when he could be of help to others. Because of that, he demanded too much of himself at times, neglecting his own well being for the sake of others. His character is formidably complex and I believe I’ll never get tired of writing for him or reading about him.
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist): Ed was a joy to see. He was easily the funniest character but also could shift to dramatic and heavy moments when necessary. He went to great lengths for his family and carried immense guilt for what happened to his brother. Nevertheless, he became determined to always move forward. Ed is constantly morally questioned through the story until he comes to his own answers. It’s a beautiful journey to watch.
Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time): the morally ambiguous statist! Bubblegum ‘s first impression is of an affable leader who loves her people but the show wastes no time in showing how many layers she actually has. She has a pragmatic and scientific mind and sometimes fails to be empathetic and to treat other people as equals. Nevertheless, she does have good intentions and honestly believes that what she does is for the greater good. Bubblegum is truly a fascinating character!
Hinata Shouyou (Haikyuu): he’s a child that puts all of his energy into things. What’s interesting about Hinata is that he can be light-hearted and enthusiastic most of the time and then, suddenly, become super focused and serious during a volleyball game, to the point where his intensity can be a bit (a lot) scary. He’s also a sincere person who is not afraid to praise people and let them know how great he thinks they are, while at the same time being competitive with the people he admires.
I’ll tag @qwertyshuman, @thefatedmeeting, @fujitsubos, @sirelo, @skuag and @gossipchii, if you feel like doing it. Also, whoever else wants to. :)
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incoherentwhore · 8 years
I see you're a Digimon fan, at least Adventure. Have any ships? Favorite characters? Fan digimon or their human partners?
(Warning: this is going to be a long-ass post because I finally get to talk about Digimon. I blame you for that)
Hello, hello! Why yes, I’m a Digimon fan. I don’t know if I can necessarily call myself part of the fandom though seeing as I have never watched anything but Digimon Adventure 1 and 2 (because I grew up watching those two). Recently I’ve started to familiarize myself with Digimon (meaning re-watching them all over again) to gear myself up before diving into Digimon Tri, hence the flood of Digimon stuff on my blog. 
Now, speaking of ships, ugh. The thing about Digimon Adventure is that I HAVE SO MANY PAIRINGS IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY. Here’s the list:
Taichi x Sora (I will be forever bitter about the fact that Taiora is NOT canon. Taiora is a match made in fucking heaven, come on)
Taichi x Takeru (try to tell me that these two wouldn’t be compatible and I will LAUGH in your face. Takeru is the embodiment of ‘calm and collected’, so he can keep Taichi in check whenever he’s out of line, which let’s be real here, he often is. Taichi getting beyond excited to adopt a baby with Takeru. Takeru smiling lovingly. IT’S BEAUTIFUL)
Yamato x Daisuke (I feel that pent-up sexual frustration is closely tied to these two)
Mimi x Jyou (I used to ship them when I was a kid, before I decided that Mimato would be much better. I still like the idea of them together though)
Mimi x Koushiro (I don’t exactly SHIP-SHIP them, but there was this one Koumi drabble that I stumbled across that was more than brilliantly done and since then, I kinda entertain the idea of these two together) 
Mimi x Miyako (hell fucking yeah. Gimme Miyako and Mimi being a disgustingly in-love couple just like Mimi’s parents)
Koushiro x Miyako (again, I don’t exactly ship-ship them, but I can see them ending up together. All that leaning over the other’s shoulder working on something together on a computer… yeah. Sexual tension everywhere)
Takeru x Hikari (let’s be real here. At one point in our lives we must have shipped them at least for a period of time. I still do, to some extent, but not as much as I used to when I was little)
Takeru x Catherine (think about it. Takeru has this charm basically oozing and spilling out all over the place, coupled that with his easy-going mien… the kind of character that would be a perfect match for someone of Catherine’s caliber and personality)   
Hikari x Daisuke (I feel that Hikari COULD easily fall in love with Daisuke if these two were explored. And Daisuke would be so good to her he practically would worship the very ground she walked on. They’d be one of those couples that was lovey-dovey and mushy, (yet steadfast and strong) all the time that it would get sickening at times. One of those ‘high school sweethearts’ that eventually would end up married and having a litter of kids)
Daisuke x Ken (”I know I felt it. That we’re partners. IchIjouji’s heartbeat… thump, thump, thump… I felt it inside me!” if you’re telling me that’s not gay then I don’t know what is)
Daisuke x Catherine (not even going to bother explaining this one because I know the pairing sounds illogical but, eh, whatever)
Ken x Miyako (do you have ANY idea how over the moon I was when the epilogue showed them married with three babies? I was only nine or so at the time, BUT I HAD BEEN SHIPPING THEM FOR A WHILE; I believe it was after that episode where Miyako decided to believe that Ken had changed for the better and for good. Whooo boy. One of my all-time OTPs, that’s for sure)
Iori x Takeru (I don’t ship these two as much as I ship Takeru and Taichi, but I can see these two work well)
Now that the shipping thing is out of the way, I’m bad at picking favorites. Especially favorite characters, because I like all of them. But I guess if I had to choose… maybe Ken? His character has always fascinated me ever since I was little (aside from his raging hotness; but the again, I find each one of those Chosen Children attractive, so). He has so many layers but at the same time he’s inherently and overall a good, loving, gentle and kind person. The way he treats Wormmon warms my heart (NOT when he’s the Digimon Kaiser, mind you. I neither condone, defend, nor romanticize his Digimon Kaiser persona. In fact, the Digimon Kaiser makes me sick. I’m talking about the pure Ken Ichijouji here). Basically I’m just a sucker for cinnamon rolls that are too good for this world, and Ken Ichijouji is one of them.
I have to say I don’t really understand your last question here. Did you mean my favorite pair of Digimon and their partner? Or my favorite Digimon that are assigned to human partners? Tell you what: I’ll give you answers to both possible questions (I FEEL LIKE TALKING ABOUT DIGIMON SO SUE ME)
Favorite pairs of Digimon and human partners:
Tentomon - Koushiro (the dynamic between these two is so endearing to me. Not to mention the way Tentomon calls Koushiro with the -han suffix)
Agumon - Taichi (classic goofballs of the group)
Tailmon - Hikari (a cat and a cat lover. What more do you need?)
Palmon - Mimi (so there were a couple of times when I felt that Mimi treated Palmon like crap, but I like the overall vibe these two give)
V-mon - Daisuke (I know that every Digimon has unending loyalty to their partner and vice versa, but the loyalty between these two is literally in-your-face fierce and I like that shit)
Favorite Digimon with human partners:
Agumon (he eats like a pig. What’s not to love?)
Tentomon (the way he talks never fails to amuse me)
Patamon (can I just take him home and mush his cheeks together?)
Armadimon (”Something something DAGYAAA” jeez. Can he be any more adorable?)
As for your last question about Miyako x Hikari, I don’t have a problem with that pairing. It’s just that I envision Miyako with Mimi more than with Hikari. 
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