#cant see the floor through all the masks that have fallen off
improbablecarny · 10 months
"actually our global military operated surveillance dystopia is awesome because it's being used to harm marginalized people that i don't like" - people who identify as marxists online
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trueshellz · 2 years
Warnings: female reader, pregnancy, swearing, babies mentioned, hormones, some fluff that came to mind today
Set in the same timeline as THIS and THIS
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Sending Bakugou to go on patrol even though you're heavily pregnant, feet swollen and hips sore despite doing your stretches with him this morning. He's worried, frowning at you over the dining table when you push his mask into his hands (usually his gauntlets, but there ain't no way in hell you're picking those up when you're carrying that precious bundle). And he's worried the whole time, checking his phone and ensuring it's on loud not vibrate in case you or his mum call him.
It's an hour until he comes home and suddenly, he glances down for the umpteenth time and his battery is dead. Empty. Black screen, no matter how many times he presses the side buttons and he wants to throw the damned thing off the bridge for dying on him, even though he knows it's his own damned fault for messaging you every five minutes and checking the house cameras in case you've fallen over and cant get back up again. (The one time you sat down on the beanbag and couldnt lift yourself up, he came home to you in tears still stuck in that same place) His name being called loudly across the street as Kirishima runs at him, his mask in one hand as his eyes almost bug out his skull. The phone in his hand thrust into his face, Bakugou fearing the worst and panicking until he realises it's you on the other end yelling at him.
"Katsuki, you idiot."
He barely gets a chance to speak when you're keening in pain, his eyes widen as he starts running to the hospital... except goes the wrong way and has to turn around again.
"I'm on the way. Don't have the baby without me."
"Yeah, lemme just cross my legs." A gasp as you whine in pain, he can hear his mum in the background soothing you and honestly, he can't get there quick enough.
He's barely stuck his head into the room when you throw something at him, ducking down and hearing it crash to the floor as he glances back to see a paper bowl lying there. He would laugh but his mum pats his shoulders as he walks by and the look on her face tells him that would be a bad, bad idea. Closing the door behind himself, he nods at the nurses who, at this point, know him all too well before sitting on the chair next to your bed. (Learning the first time that he needed to stay at your head, not down by your legs even though he had already seen every inch of you)
"This is all your fault!"
"Babe, listen. I-"
Hands held up in surrender, he's vaguely aware of all the nurses and midwives smirking while they tend to you. Your skin all flushed and shiny, you look tired and your brows are furrowed in that cute way he loves so much. Your legs are up in the stirrups you hate with a passion and you're chomping on ice like it's going out of style... but you're still the most beautiful person in the world.
"Katsuki! Get that look off your face. That look got me pregnant. No!"
"What look? I was just thinking about how gorgeous my wife is."
Eyes narrowed at him, you reach over to grab his hand for support when another contraction hits, grunting low and long as you feel the pressure work through your body. Your knuckles white as you squeeze his hand, he doesn't even bat an eyelid at the force you're putting on him just reaches across and tucks your hair back before kissing your knuckles.
"No more babies, Katsuki."
A chuckle as you open your eyes and try to glare at him, failing when he raises a brow.
"You said that the last two times as well, babe. I even have that on video."
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dracofknmalfoy · 3 years
write #12 for the one word prompt list!!
stranger; george weasley
one word prompt list; 12 — “stranger”
summary: after george ends his and y/n’s relationship so causally, the next morning she pretends as if she had never met him.
warnings: swearing, not proofread, fem reader!
it had been a wednesday evening. 8pm at night, deep within the confines of george’s dorm stood y/n — tears streaked across her cheeks and hair strewn around her face, hands shaking and mouth agape in shout. george, standing opposite her, looked similar. his freckled cheeks were speckled with fresh streaks of tears as he too, shouted in response of y/n’s.
“this was the fourth detention you’ve got me in over the past 2 weeks, george!” she exclaimed, chest heaving with anger as he stood opposite her, retaining her words.
“fourth! i don’t have fucking time to be sitting polishing plaques — i have exams to be studying for! or, did you just forget about them too? along with every other responsibility you have!” her hands were waving around as she spoke and george only grew angrier at her words. spitting back a response as a tear dripped down his jaw.
he was angry. “of course i haven’t forgot!” he retaliated, “why do you always act like you’re so high and fucking mighty?!”
they had fought for hours, with george being the one to close the argument — and the one to end the relationship.
“i can’t fucking do this anymore!” she yelled, before she was taking a breath to collect herself and looking at him, “all we do is fight. i’m sick of it.”
george looked at her in that moment, a good look — he took in the way her eyes were sunken with stress and her chest heaving, and decided that this had to be it.
“then leave.”
she looked at him with her mouth agape in shock. “just like that? just ‘leave?” she said, her words full of genuine disbelief at the way he could just throw the idea of the end of their relationship around as if it meant nothing.
she scoffed. “yeah? alright then, congratulations” she said, hurriedly grabbing her bag that she had thrown onto his bed before he could stop her.
she slung it over her shoulder, sparing him a final glance. the words, “fuck you, george” fell from her lips with so much distain she was almost unsure how she had managed it. she didn’t slam the door behind her, opting to let the sound of the lock clicking to be the indication of her goodbye.
the next morning as george awoke — his whole body was riddled with regret. as he readied himself for his day, he was tripping over his feet as he made his way down to the common room, swinging the portrait open and stepping out.
it was 7am. the tables within the great hall were bustling with students who were happily tucking into different arrays of fruits and cereals. y/n was amongst them. he could see her as he rounded the corner of the hall — sitting, mid conversation with her friends; her eyes sunken and dark, she looked completely heartbroken.
she was.
as he walked over to the table, running over what he was going to say to apologise, when he got there — his mind was blank. she noticed his presence and as she looked up at him, her stomach dropped.
her face remained unchanged— masked.
he stumbled over his words under her gaze, “y/n, can we please talk about last night?” he asked, “i’m so sorry, can we go to my dorm and talk?”
the blank expression she gave in response spoke for itself. and with that, she rose from her seat and looked her ex boyfriend straight in his dark eyes.
“no” was all she said, brushing past him and leaving his tall frame to gawk over her words. what he couldn’t see, however, were the tears that were falling from her face.
as he turned, he followed her out hastily— hot on her heels. “you can’t act like this, y/n” he pleaded, “please just slow down and talk to me”
after the words had fallen from his lips — she stopped abruptly. “i cant act like what, george?” she asked, angry tears now streaming freely down her face.
“angry? hurt? sick to my stomach at the fact that you can just sweep this whole thing under the rug?” she exclaimed. “you broke up with me — you ended this whole thing last night so casually it makes me wonder why i was ever with you”
her words cut through him like a knife and as he went to respond, she cut him off. “you broke my heart into a million pieces last night and now you think it’s okay to just ask to sort it all out?” she said, amusement at his stupidity running through her voice.
“no. i refuse. i’m sick of the fighting and the silent treatments and the crying and the constant detentions — i can’t do it, george”
she continued, “you chose this last y when you ended it — so consider it done. consider us finished and from now on, we don’t fucking know eachother, yeah?” she said as she took a step back, a tear roaming freely down her cheek.
“simple as that,” she breathed, “i’ll be a stranger”
before george could stop her, she had turned and gripped her books so tightly her knuckles had flushed white as she sniffed and made her way along the corridor to her first class. george leaned against the wall in defeat and kicking himself due to his foolish and unthought actions.
a singular tear fell from his eyes and splashed on the floor, a small ‘fuck’ echoing around the hall as it escaped his lips.
he had fucked it. all of it.
aaaa thank u so much for the number! i’m half asleep rn but i wanna publish something and i’m sorry it was so sad homegirl is going thru a hard time rn can u tell i’m going thru a breakup LMAO i hope u enjoyed !!!!
tags: @amityyyjade @horrorxweasley @hufflepuff5972 @youralternantpersonality @aesthetic-dark @whoreforgeorgeandfred @adnaweasley @pandaxnienke
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stardancerluv · 3 years
Summary: Reader in one case…and well Roman in the other are having rough days. So here is how those rough days are handled. Enjoy!
Had a rough go of things yesterday and needed some character comfort! Hope you all like it.
Dan Torrance
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Sighing, you trudged over to the boarding house. Using the key Dan gave you let yourself in. Seeing, he was still at the hospice. You pulled off your shoes and clothes that hung on you heavily. Going to one of his drawers, you opened it took out then pulled on one of his t-shirts and some of his extra soft pajama pants.
Closing the distance, you went over to his bed. Pulling the blankets back, you went and laid down. You pulled the blanket back. Sighing, you closed your eyes. The anguish that had filled you was lessening but still still there. A few tears, slid free from your eyes and after running down your cheeks, they came to rest on Dan’s pillow. After taking a few shaky breathes, you finally let yourself drift off to sleep.
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Dan shivered as he let himself into his apartment. Turning, he locked the door. Hung up his coat, turning he saw you and swallowed. Your sadness hung like a fog in the air. Sitting in the chair beside the door. he began to loosen the laces of one boot before pulling it off and doing the same to the other one.
He wondered what had happened to make you so sad. You had been a good spirits earlier in the day. He could reach into your mind but he chose not to. When you were awake, you could tell him. Perhaps over dinner or while you watched something comforting on tv.
As he took in the mound of discarded clothes and even how tightly wound the blanket around yourself, it was evident you had not had a good day.
With his shinning, he reached out in warmth and comfort. Easing into his bed beside you. He brushed some hair that had fallen into your face. Even in sleep you looked ill at ease. He pressed a kiss to your temple. Softly he whispered with his mind and aloud, “I’m here.”
A soft sound came from you and turned you curled up to him but still remained deeply asleep. He was glad that he could be a source of comfort even as you continued to slumber on.
I know I used the hug…but that hug looked so amazing.
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“Come quick.” Zsasz, rasped into the phone.
You had gone out to grab a treat you and Roman loved. Fresh, warm croissants, a bowl which was the right size for the two of you and expresso. He was getting bi-weekly shot of botox to curb the chronic headaches.
Afterward, you’d sit and indulge while the rest of the world could disappear till the evening would encroach. Roman, would slip on a killer suit, a fake brilliant smile, and a pair of shades that would obscure his eyes; so no would see that the smile he gave them never reached his eyes.
Something happened. Something shattered his “me time.”
On the opposite weeks, he’d have a shave or a hair cut or get fitted for a suit. Those days, afterward, the two of you would sit, curled up on one of the many comfortable sofas or lounges and read the society pages. Genuine, laughter would come from him.
He’d share stories of how ridiculous all those people were. When he had been a kid, he had seen behind all their masks, you delighted in the stories. He’d gesture and speak with his hands and yet again, you’d see that smile that was rarely ever across his face downstairs.
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Taking the elevator, you wondered what could have destroy his mood. Mere moments ago, be had sent you off with a brief kiss on the cheek before laying down in his silken robe for the injections. His anger filled voice, greeted you before you saw him. He was raging, his blue eyes were twin flames. Your heart sank.
“Roman, I’m back.” You held up the bag and the covered cups that barely contained, the rich delicious scent of the expresso. “I got the tiramisu and croissants!”
You hazarded a glance. A put out looking Canary, rose an eyebrow as she looked at you. You shrugged. Zsasz, who had always had a flair for calming before you entered Roman’s life looked at a loss at what to do. When he looked your way, you gave him a half smile.
“You’re fucking back?” Roman, turned grabbed a pillow; his robe flapping around him.
You nodded.
“Fuck this, I don’t want any of that right now. Get the fuck out of here.” He snarled. His features rough.
When he had first pushed you away so angrily it had hurt. You ran and even thrown the goodies on the floor as tears had prickled your eyes. But now, you knew better.
You still couldn’t exactly dodge the pillows he threw. This one hit you square in the stomach, you wavered a little where you stood but you kept the expresso and bag of goodies safe.
“Roman, she only….” Zsasz’s voice trailed off as Roman grabbed another pillow.
“You two, get the fuck out of here too!” He held up the pillow.
An idea sparked in your as you watched him clutched and moved the new pillow in his hands. Putting, everything down you grabbed the forgotten pillow that had come to rest at your feet.
You walked over to where Roman stood.
“Oh Roman.” You said softly.
Turning, his anger still prevalent as it kept his features sharp. “Didn’t I tell you to fucking leave?” The edge was there but actually wasn’t as sharp. You could do it.
Quickly, you glanced, towards Canary and Zsasz, you gestured as if to say, I got this. You two can leave Zsasz hesitated but he left when you nodded.
That’s when you did it. You threw your pillow at him. It totally confused him. He dropped the pillow he had been holding. “What? What the fucking are you doing?”
You smiled and snatched, one of the pillows at his feet. “Throwing a pillow back at you.” You said simply.
“Don’t think I can’t land one harder.”
“Oh really? Do I get a running start?” You asked a playfulness entering your voice.
“I’d fucking run now.”
“Ok!” You ran just past him and grabbed another pillow.
Running again, you looked over your shoulder and watched as he aimed and threw.
Damn, moments later it got you square in the shoulder. An umph, came from you. He had been write it hit harder. “Hey that wasn’t much of a running start.”
“I never fucking promised anything.”
That’s when you threw yours. He dodged it.
“All you can do?”
“No!” But you grabbed and began running again.
Taking one of the other hallways you figured you could creep around and get him by surprise him.
You were rounding the corner, you glanced over your shoulder and didn’t see him. A tingle of victory began to fill you. But when you turned back to look in front of you, he was right there.
It so startled you, that you screamed.
He chuckled. Both of your hands lowered as you looked at each other.
A few fallen pillows were around the two of you, as you both were eating from the tiramisu. The croissants were already a distant memory.
When his feature were completely soft and there was even a twinkle that came from his eyes, you finally asked. You rested your head on his shoulder as you handed him back the spoon.
“What happened?”
He inhaled but then he exhaled. You glanced at him from through the strands of your hair.
He dipped the spoon in and enjoyed a good spoonful.
“Harleen Quinzel.”
You pressed your lips together. You knew not to ask for anything further. Her name spoke volumes.
Not wanting to remove your head from his shoulder you had to. If the two of you were going to enjoy the expresso, you had to. You handed him, his first.
He took a sip and slid you a look, a smile tugging on his lips. “Rematch?” He eyed one of the pillows that was the closest to the two of you.
@spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @nebulastarr @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @poe-kadot26 @babydoll97-blog1 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @professionalclown123 @chogisss @xxinvisiblexx @shantellorraine @xxvisionsxx @blondekel77 @saphic-stories @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight @generallj @thebeckyjolene @mrskenobi19 @bdffkierenwalker @aviolentdaydream @thebeckyjolene @blackberries45 @sithonis @hollow-r-us @reiaux
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passable-talent · 4 years
Is this even necessary? Yes please part 6!!!
and so we return, one whole month later
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 |
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After Azula’s attack, and the forced flee from the Western Air Temple, you spent a few days being pissed at Zuko. Like, really pissed. You didn’t speak to him at all. This was something that concerned and confused the prince, because it had seemed like the two of you were making real progress only a few nights before.
What had happened?
He didn’t try to fix it before he left with Katara. Partially, he thought, to give you space, and because he assumed that your issue would be easier to fix than Katara’s. So for a day or so you simmered, just like you had back at the Western Air Temple, rage as always masking your hurt.
When he returned, and things with Katara settled down, he found you perched among the jagged stones that lined the pathway up to his family’s old vacation home. You were still hidden here, but felt even excluded from the team, which let you think, and sulk.
“Y/N,” he said, announcing his presence as he climbed up the rock. You had your back to him, and your shoulders tensed up. You didn’t face him.
“What do you want,” you asked, giving him a shoulder so cold he’d lose his firebending.
“I want to know why you’re angry with me,” he said, and you looked up at the sky, frustrated, as though he should clearly know without you needing to tell him.
“That so?” You spat, and as you weren’t wearing shoes, you sensed as he walked closer to you, arms at his sides. It seemed he was attempting to be non-threatening.
“Yes. I realized I’ve done a lot of explaining, and not much listening. Whatever is keeping you so angry at me, I’ll listen.” You fixed your gaze to the stone in front of you, glaring, before you shut your eyes tightly. Your fists tightened up, and you brought your arms to your chest, and it was like your body was contracting to prepare for an explosion.
It was.
“You want to know why I’m angry with you?” You shouted, turning around while throwing your hands down to your sides, “it’s because you’re so stupid!” Your gaze avoided his, but not purposefully, instead because your anger manifested in rapid movements while you spoke. “You get ambushed by your psychopathic sister, who has been known to manipulate you, and you- you go after her anyway?” You held up your hand, four fingers shown to him, just in case he’d forgotten how to count.
“She had four airships. And you had nothing. No backup. You didn’t let Aang or I follow you, and you charge off into battle.” You leaned forward, a snarl on your lips.
“I watched you fall. I thought you died!” With the final exclamation of your anger, you stepped forward and shoved him backwards, but with a twist of your planted front foot you moved out of the way some of the jagged rocks he might’ve stumbled or fallen onto. Anger finally released, your expression turned to one of pain, of fear, of sadness.
“You told me you’d make it up to me. You can’t do that if you’re dead.” You turned to the side, now avoiding his gaze as he collected himself from the ground, and felt tears begin to fall.
“For so long I mourned Lee, right? Thought that the guy I loved was gone, because who you are isn’t who he was. And I finally figure out that that’s not true, that you are almost as good as I thought you were, and then I think you’ve died...” you trailed off, wiping the wetness of your face with a roll of your shoulder.
“I’ve already mourned Lee, I cant mourn Zuko, too, okay? I don’t want you to die, especially not by something stupid, like charging into a battle you couldn’t win.” You turned your eyes back to him, and found him staring at you, an expression you’d never quite seen on his face. It wasn’t a clear expression that you could pin, other than that he looked so... young. Surprised, almost.
“What?” You asked, voice still a bit jumpy from being choked up.
“You said you loved me.” It took a mental backtrack through your words to realize that you had, indeed.
“Zuko...” you breathed, and you turned toward the horizon, where the sun had long ago dunked into the ocean but still it reddened the sky. You brought your hands to the other’s bicep, as though it could help you protect your heart, and you forced some of your own hesitation away as you breathed out.
“Zuko, I loved you,” you admitted, finally, and that rush of it almost made tears re-emerge. “I did. You were sweet and funny and we got on so well.” You heard him step toward you, and you looked away from where he was near to being. “But the reality I thought I was living in... the floor fell out from under me. The Dai Li were secretive, and they weren’t what I thought they were. Iroh wasn’t just a kind old man, but was a fire nation general. The new leader of the Dai Li wasn’t a brilliant young soldier, but was a fire nation princess. A manipulative and snakish warrior who wanted to topple the earth kingdom. There was a war going on I’d never even heard of!” After the volume of your statement drained away, you hung your head, closing your eyes before your gaze could find the ground.
“And I wouldn’t have minded finding out you were the prince of the fire nation. Some part of me says I should’ve figured it out myself. What hurt me was that... you had so much more anger than I thought you did. Sure, you could be moody, but when we found you in those catacombs, the way you looked at Aang...” You let out a breath, and opened your eyes to look out over the ocean.
“I didn’t know you could be so... malicious. It was something I’d never seen from you before.” You turned your gaze to him, and let your mind wander to the moment when you stood between him and Katara, when Aang was dying. You remembered that predatory look in his eye.
“Did you even see me, that day? Or could you only think about getting to Aang?”
He didn’t answer, and you spared him from needing to. You didn’t think you wanted to know his answer.
“I think that I’ve blamed you for everything that went wrong that day. Aang’s death, your betrayal, the Dai Li’s betrayal. And I guess that isn’t fair. But I can’t seem to let it go.” You felt tears well up again, and Zuko slowly slipped his hand into yours.
“I want to forgive you,” you said, squeezing your palm around his fingers, “I want to let go of all this anger, and grief, a-and confusion, but I look at you and I... I see this boy who made the wrong choice. And that’s so frustrating, because you’ve made the right choice, again and again, you’ve defended us and helped us and fought alongside us. It’s not fair of me to focus on your mistakes when you’ve been making up for them.” You took a deep breath, and with its shaky exhale, let go of some of the sadness still clawing at you.
“I just want to let it go, so I can love you again.” There was an instant’s pause, when the prince took in your words, an instant’s pause in which the waves crashed on the shoreline and a bird cawed overhead. An instant’s pause, and then Zuko tugged you by the hand into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You hugged him back, tightly, almost squishing his torso into yours while a final few trembling breaths fought their way out of your lungs.
“I’m sorry,” he said to your shoulder, and you could hear emotion in his voice. “You deserve so much better than me. I’m so sorry. I- Y/N, I loved you then, too. If it weren’t for you, I might not have had the courage to leave the fire nation. You helped me change, and you didn’t even know it. Please, please don’t be mad at yourself.”
“I’m glad I met you,” you whispered, when a few moments had gone by.
“Me too,” he said back, laying his face down and into the crook of your neck.
You could’ve stood there and hugged him forever. You could’ve stayed in his arms, where you knew it was safe to be conflicted. He understood, and didn’t ask you to change, or make a decision. Maybe Zuko was better than Lee after all- he was flawed, but he chose to overcome those flaws and be a better person in spite of them.
It made him stronger. And, you thought, it would make you stronger.
Your heart had been broken. You’d been lied to, and cast aside. But you found it in yourself to forgive him, and to be honest with him, and to keep him close to you.
“Hmm?” You pulled from his chest, your eyes dry of their tears but heart still raw and open. You were ready to forgive him, and to move forward.
But there was one more thing.
“I need you to tell me what happened to Iroh.”
request for pt 7
edit: pt 7 requested!!
edit: | part 7 | part 8 |
-🦌 Roe
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
HC: Hawks gets a pimple
Hawks x Reader
Warnings: fluff! Slight mention of suggestive sexual intercourse and cursing! But that’s it! Enjoy!
Word Count: 2.7K
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Hawks was having a good morning so far. The sunlight peeked through the curtains of his spacious penthouse apartment, letting the orange glow illuminate the usually dark room. His avian like eyes peeked open, dark pupils shrinking at the sudden invasion of brightness. He rose a heavy hand up to block out the light, groaning in reluctance to rise from his comfy bed next to you. Both his eyes opened slowly, remembering that you’d spent the night with him. His golden hues focused in on your sleeping face beside him. He loved moments like these, waking up with you beside him —even though he had to leave you. It always made his heart swell with warmth.
Once he lazily picked himself out of bed, careful not to wake you, he sent a few sturdy feathers to collect the fallen ones he’d littered on the floor and to dispose of them. He gave you one last look with a satisfied huff and a genuinely loving smile. His light footsteps padded against the hardwood floors as he went to his closet and began to dress for the day, leaving his pants undone so he could take a leak before he left. He slipped into the bathroom and out of habit sparred a glance at himself in the mirror. His eyes shifted to the toilet until he froze. WAIT—
Hawks jerked back around to the mirror and rushed over to the reflective glass, eyes shrunken and horrified at the rather large white bump that protruded from his skin, an irritated flush of his skin surrounding the small pore. “No, no, no, no, no. Oh fuck, shit, what the hell is that?!” His bare hands rose to gently poke and run his finger along the pus filled pore. He winced at the touch and pain that swelled around his cheek. The dashingly handsome hero had no idea what was now stuck on his face, blemishing his sex appeal and pride.
In a fit of panic he flew to your side and shook you gently awake. “(Y/N). (Y/N) wake up! I need your help!” You stirred and groaned in exhaustion, cracking your eyes open to see your lover with a panicked expression. “Mmm... what’s wrong Keigo?” Your voice was groggy and tired, laced with drowsiness as your body threatened to lull you back to sleep. “There’s something on my face, I-I don’t know what it is. Can you help me cover it up?” Your brows knit together at the urgency in his voice. Why was he freaking out about some cut on his face? He got small scratches all the time. “Keigo it’s just a scratch. Just put a band-aid-“ “ITS WHITE. It’s not a scratch!”
Your eyes opened in confusion and the instant you saw his face your pupils narrowed in on the irritated red patch of skin that dawned his right cheek about an inch or two away from the corner of his lips. “Keigo that’s a pimple. It’s norma-“ “A PIMPLE?!?!” His loud shouting instantly woke you up, and your ears rung in slight irritation at the unexpected squawking. He was urgently pointing towards the small pus head, anxiously awaiting your assistance. “Don’t yell babe... it’s not that big of a deal, everyone gets them-“ “I’m the number two hero, I’m a model, I cannot have some... some white thing on my face!! What’re people gonna think? That I’m dirty? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Never before have you seen Hawks so upset about something so small as a pimple. He did pride himself on his looks. He spent hours preening his feathers to have them look their best for the public to keep up his flashy reputation. He knows he looks good. Was this an insecurity seeping through?
“Should I pop it? Will that get rid of it?” He rose his hands up, ready to do the deed himself without hearing an answer. “No Keigo. That’s the worst thing to do. I know it’s tempting but you just need to clean your face and put some ointment on it.” “Can you buy it for me?” It was cute seeing Hawks so insecure about a pimple. Every gets them at least once in their life, it happens, but you’ve never seen someone freak out as much as Hawks over ONE pimple. “Sure babe, I’ll get you some. But you need to calm down, it’s not that bad-“ “I’m so ugly.” “...yes Hawks one pimple makes you the ugliest man in the world.” “...really...?” His wings dropped, looking at his reflection in horror and sadness. “Oh my god no. I was just kidding Keigo.”
“Don’t play with me like that. This is serious.” “And I’m serious when I tell you it’s gonna be okay and you need to calm down.” He still had a frantic look in his golden eyes once you told him to relax. He nodded and continued to eye the blemish in anger, hoping it would vanish if he glared at it enough. “Tell you what babe, let’s put a little bandaid over it with some Neosporin and you can just say got a little scratch from a fight with a villain. Sound good?” “You’re so smart, love bird. How did I get so damn lucky, or were you the lucky one? It’s always debatable huh?”
Once he was patched up and covered, he finished getting ready and kissed you goodbye, leaving through the balcony window. He ascended to the skies, wind bursting against his face and sweeping his hair back. His mind was still on the pimple that graced his handsome face. He brought his hand up and scratched his chin in thought. As soon as he got to his agency, he would look up all the fastest ways to get rid of a pimple.
“Hey love bird, did ya get the ointment?” “Yep, got it right in the cart.” Your eyes cast down to the ointment resting in the temporarily empty cart awaiting to be filled with groceries. “So I was thinking about what we should have for dinner tonight-“ “Can you pick up a few more things?” Your brows furrowed. “Like what?” “Face masks, face scrub, moisturizer, clay masks, oh! Get the charcoal ones too I heard those fuckin’ hurt but work good! Foam wash, some skin oil, sunscreen-“ “Keigo are you serious... baby that’s so much. It’s just one pim-“ “Sorry love bird, I gotta go, just use the black card okay? Love ya!” He hung up...
You did as he instructed and bought a lot of skin care products for him, along with some packs of chicken and some of his Georgia WAX coffee. Once you got home and put everything away, you started on dinner. It was rare if Hawks even got home on time, but you always made him some for him to heat up —if he didn’t get take out. To your surprise he came home quite earlier. “Hey love bird! Did ya get my stuff?” “Yeah, it’s all in the bathroom, babe.” “Hair clips?” “I already had some Bobby pins.” “You’re the best.”
When he emerged from the bathroom he had a charcoal face mask on, the messily long strands of blonde hair usually sticking up pinned down to his head and away from his face. You couldn’t help but laugh at the silly look on his face and the avoidance of his “manly” patch of scruff on his chin. “Were you worried it would take off your little beard?” “.....yes.” “I wish you’d shave, I hate it.” “Wh-What?! I thought you liked it!” “It looks like pubes on your face.” His face paled, well, as much as you could see. “Baby I’m kidding.” “Oh-“ he sighed in relief. “I was about to say there, you weren’t complainin’ when I ate you out last ni-“ “KEIGO!!!” He laughed at your embarrassment.
After dinner Hawks finally took his face mask off... or well he tried to. He was whining like a baby at how much it hurt. “Ow! Ow! Fuck! Why does it hurt so much?!” “You told me to buy it, you knew the charcoal one was gonna hurt you birdbrain!” “It said it would get rid of it fast!” “Who’s fault is that for telling me to buy it!” “It’s the internet’s fault for tellin’ me it worked fast!” Eventually you ripped the mask from his face and stared at all the tiny hairs and unnoticeable pores. “Hey look, it-“ you looked up at him and stopped once you saw his flushed red face. “Babe you okay?” “I can’t feel my face. Do I still have eyebrows?” You burst out laughing. “Yes Kei’.” “What about my scruff?” “Nope, gone.” “Liar.”
Afterwards you both put on some face masks and lathered each other up in some lotion in a very comforting way, not sexually, although he made some very sly comments that teetered on the edge. Against your wishes, you both ate some chips on the couch watching TV with Hawks shouting and throwing chips. “WHAT THE FUCK!!! THEY CANT KILL HIM OFF LIKE THAT!!!!” “BABE ITS A SHOW!” “ITS MY FAVORITE SHOW HE WAS MY FAVORITE CAUSE HE WAS HOT LIKE ME!!!” You rolled your eyes and sighed heavily at his cute childish antics. His eyes moved over to you, a small smile pulling at his lips.
“I love you, birdie.” Your cheeks flushed. “I love you too...” “Ah, after three years of dating, a year and a half of livin’ together, and you’re still embarrassed with me tellin’ you I love you? We’ve done worse ya know~” “Shut up. You’re... never around much anymore, and it always makes me happy when we spend time together, but... confessing your feelings... it’s a different kind of happiness all together. Words can’t explain how much your words mean to me.” His expression turned sullen. “(Y/N)...” “And I know it’s cheesy, it’s stupid, but... it’s how I feel... knowing you still love me even when we’ve been apart for so long... I love you, Keigo. Whether you have a pimple or not.” He frowned, eyes narrowing. “You ruined it.” “Really? Damn. Nothing gets past you does it?” You both shared in playful laughter until the masks were ready to come off.
The next day his skin was clear, surprisingly, perfect and smooth with the exception of his patch of scruff. He had taken a day off work, which was a bit odd but, heroes need a break too I guess? “Mmm... good mornin’ birdie~” His deep morning voice rumbled against your ear, shaking your core and making a small tingle twinge in the dark pits of your stomach. “M-Morning.” His lips littered the side of your jaw and down your shoulder. “Are you ready for our fun day off, love bird?” “Yeah, I’m uh... pretty excited.” “Oh yeah? Well...” His hand slowly slipped down your night gown, trailing his fingers sneakily to the hem while shifting his fingers up. He pressed into your skin to slip a hand into your panties, but you quickly stopped his hand. “Later.” “Whyyyy?” He whined. “Unlike you, I have work.” “Oh don’t worry! I already called ‘em and them ‘em you were spendin’ a day off with me for... personal reasons.” “........” “I-I love you...?”
Hawks still ended up being cock-blocked that morning, but he was awarded some juicy chicken with a side of pancakes. The morning was full of playful banter, loving gazes, and small kisses. “I booked us a massage today.” “Oh really? When’d you do that?” “Yesterday after I called your work.” “They let you have an appointment last notice?” He laughed. “I am the number two hero, and there are some benefits to being the most popular and handsome man in Japan.” “I think Best Jeanist tops you.” “Why must you always be so mean to me, Birdie.” “I’m mean cause I love you.” “That’s not how that works.” “...” “...” “Keigo.” “I know, I know, we won’t talk about it.” He’s playfully mean and teasing because he loves you too.
Later that afternoon you arrive at the spa and everyone is gawking at Hawks. Who wouldn’t? He is the most handsome man in Japan like he said. Oh, let’s not forget the glares some of his fangirls gave you, it never failed to make you a bit uncomfortable. “Hey there, we’ve got an appointment for two, a couples massage.” “Oh! Y-Yes Hawks everything is ready for you!” “Ah! Great! Thank you sweets~” He cooes out and sends the lady a friendly wink as she left. His slung his arm protectively around your waist and he kissed your cheek. You pouted. “It’s unbelievable what you can do with your charm.” “Tell me about it! I get a lotta free stuff; discounts, free reservations. All that stuff, comes with being so popular, ain’t that right?” “Fuck off.”
The massage was wonderful, absolutely amazing. It took a lot of the stress off your shoulders and gave you a bit of time to just relax and think about nothing. Your mind was blank, enjoying the silence and feel of someone else’s hands just rubbing the pain and stress away. There was also a very fashionable and professional facial. It was then you realized it. “Hawks, did you book these massages just to get the facial for your skin?” “Well yeah, how else am I gonna keep the pores away?” “You do realize I bought you like- tons of stuff for home right?” “Yeah! But this is more relaxing dont’cha think?” “Well... yeah but-“ “Just hush and enjoy the massage love bird.”
You were going to kill him. Bury him six feet under, you wouldn’t even attend his funeral. He wouldn’t even have a funeral you’d hide the body so well. The massage and the facial Hawks had booked cost way over $2K dollars. But with Hawks and his grade A flirting and charm, the price was knocking back to just $1.95K on the bright side... he saved you $500. Even though he paid. “Hawks why did you book such an expensive massage!” “Well, I really wanted the facial but I got more for the bundle, so I just went with that and decided to relax! You can’t tell me you didn’t like it, love bird.” “Of course I liked it, but just don’t spend SO MUCH money. All this over one pimple!” His face flushed. “Keep it down-“ you burst into fits of laughter at his embarrassment, you couldn’t help it.
He wore face masks everyday after the pimple incident and lathered up lotion before bed, making him all slick when he cuddled you. It was such a clear insecurity you never knew he would have, it was honestly very cute. At dinner when he finally returned home, he heaved a heavy sigh of exhaustion. “I’m home love bird.” He called out with a smile. You approached him immediately with his little face mask and gently pinned his bangs back, putting the cool moistened mask onto his smooth face. “Oh? What’s this? Givin’ me some special treatment tonight? What’d I do?”
“You’ve been freaking out the past couple days, so I figured I’d help you out just a bit.” A smile spread over your lips as you helped him out of his hero jacket, leading him down the hall to the bedroom. He laid his head against your lap, wings nudging your knees on either side of you while he laid on the bed calmly. “Thank you love bird...” “You don’t need to thank me, Keigo. And just so you know...” You leaned down and gently pecked his lips, giving him a sweet upside down kiss. “I love you cause you’re you, not because of your looks. It doesn’t matter if you’re covered in thousands of scars and pimples or whatever! As long as you’re my birdie...” His wings fluffed up, eyes going wide. “I’ll love you forever, my avian mate.” It was silent until he spoke up in a very flustered tone.
“...” “...” “Can we fuck?” “You ruined it, Keigo. You ruined it.”
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sexy-bee-juice · 4 years
“I love[d] you”
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Pairing: Tsukishima x reader
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Warnings: angst, mentions of cheating, light mentions of smut??(i am so sorry if its bad but i’ve never written it so-), fighting [karasuno throwin hands-]
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Summary: Tsukki cheats on reader, and the team finds out after you break down.
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heres a song to make it worse. Im sorry.
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“Hmm?” He said, looking up from his book.
You were both in bed, cuddling, you looking through your phone, with your boyfriend of only one year beside you. Sure, it’s only been a year, but you’ve been crushing on him since middle school. Feelings ran deep.
You smiled at him.
“I love you.” He stared at you for only a moment, then looked away blushing.
“I love you too.” Then he reached over and kissed you lightly on the forehead. “To the moon and back.”
It had been nearly four months since you had first said those words to Kei, and you were still head over heels for him.
You were the manager for the Karasuno Volleyball Club, and a third year. You were only making your way to the gym where they were practicing, skipping along, happy because the older third years were coming back to see the team.
Kageyama and Hinata were going to be ecstatic, especially Hinata. Suga, Azumane, and Sawamura were already on their way. Then your phone beeped with a message from Kei.
can’t make it to practice today, head hurts tell evryone else
You frowned. When you had left his house earlier he seemed fine... Oh well. Later you just needed to make him some of that tea you had at your house that your mother always made for you when you had a headache.
alrightyyyyy. see you after practice. i’ll tell the alums u cant make it bby! hope you feel better soon! :)
No reply. You brushed it off, as he usually did this to you. Plus his head hurt as well.
You checked the time, and jumped as you saw you were still ten minutes away from the gym, and you were supposed to be there fifteen minutes before everyone else. AHHHHHHH. Gotta rush, gotta rush, gotta rushhhhh. You thought as you ran as fast as you could to where practice was gonna be.
When you finally reached the school, you saw that Shoyo and Tobio were already there, with Shoyo bouncing around, singing whatever song he came up with, probably mere minutes before, and Tobio aggressively yelling at him, trying to pull him down.
“Hey guys! Stop that sorry Im late lets get inside and you two can start warming up before everyone else gets here oh my god I need water-” You said, out of breath and gasping, dripping in sweat.
Shoyo smiled and offered you his hand to the place where you had fallen on the ground.
“Hey! No worries y/n-Chan! I have some water for you here! Well, it was supposed to be for me, but you can have cuz I don't need it and I’m sure I can get someone else to share with me!” You smiled up gratefully at Shoyo, and took his extended hand, pulling yourself up.
An instant sense of cool relief flowed over you as you swallowed down the chilling water. God, you couldn’t have asked to be the manager for a better team.
Soon, the rest of the team began to minnow in, laughing and talking, carefree as usual, until (as expected) Shoyo nearly jumped on Tobio after giving the loudest screech ever.
“Jeez, what happened? GET OFF ME YOU RUNT! SCRUB! IDIOT! I SWEAR I’LL-” The words died in his throat as he saw who has just entered the gym.
“AH! SUGA-SAN! AZUMANE-SENPAI! CAPTAIN! NOYA-SANNNNNN! TANAKA-SENPAI!!!!” You smiled, looking back to the alums of Karasuno.
“AHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHOYOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Bellowed Noya as he jumped over to Shoyo, Tanaka at his heels.
“BROOOOOOOO WE MISSED YOU!” said Tanaka, tackling both Tobio and Shoyo in a hug, lifting them both off the floor.
“HEY GERROF!” said Tobio, muffled by his jacket.
You walked up to the older alums, smiling greetings and welcomes.
“So? How’s things with you all?” You asked.
“Ehhh, same old, same old. How you managing...as...manager-? I- wait-” stutters Azumane.
“No, no, its fine. These two still fight and bicker but they’re easy to manage nowadays.”
“oh? Jeez, y/n-Chan, you have it easy.” Said Suga. “When I was still here as a third-year, it was definitely harder to manage them, and the rest of the team...”
You smiled, happy to see them, and continued watching the four freaks reunite.
“I miss my children...” You heard Suga murmur, barely discernable from the now probably-not-human-noises the four were making. Daichi and Azumane were trying their best not to burst out laughing behind Suga, who was wistfully staring at his “children”.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Daichi-san asked you the one thing you forgot to tell them.
“So...where’s Tsukishima?” He asked, looking around as if your boyfriend were hiding. As if he would do something so childish.
“oh! Yeah, I forgot to tell you all. He said to tell you all. He said he had to skip today because his head was hurting.”
“Ah, yes. The head pain. An unfortunate enemy.” said Tanaka-san, looking up from the place he was wrestling with the team. You giggled.
“Well, when Kiyoko-senpai arrives i think i might leave for a bit to take care of Kei, then i’ll come back, just letting you guys know, so don’t-”
“SHIMIZU-SENPAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII” You heard Noya and Tanaka yell simultaneously.
“And that’s my cue-” You said swiveling to the door, and sprinting back to the Tsukishima residence.
As the door was always open for you, you didn’t even bother knocking, but entered right away. Nobody seemed to be home either.
As you silently made your way to your boyfriends room, you saw that you were pretty much already a significant part of their lives. They had pictures of you with them all, framed. Sticky notes with reminders for you on the fridge. You even had a spot at the table with them, for the nights you stayed for dinner.
Truly, this was your home.
https://youtu.be/Mhj15W23IjA        [more pain, you masochist’s]
You smiled softly as you made your way to his bedroom, humming along the way, so any other sound went unnoticed by you.
As you reached his door, you smiled at the little dino sticker he had stuck there at the beginning of your relationship. It was worn, but it still stuck there, serving as a reminder.
“It’s so you don’t get lost when you need to find me in the house. It shouldn’t be hard, but knowing you, you can go out for milk then buy a swimming pool.” You smiled as he smacked it on, and he turned the knob to his door, permitting you to enter.
You turned the knob.
“Tsukki? I know I should have come earlier or something but could you help me with-”
“Idiot. Just get in here. I couldn’t care less anyways, what? Can’t solve a simple question?”
“Tsukiiiiiiii, stop being so meaaaannnn.” he smirked at you.
“Don’t call me that.” you blinked up at him.
“uhhhh...call you what?”
“Tsukki. Don’t call me that.”
“oh. um. ok then.”
“call me Kei.”
you smiled up at him, tears swimming in your eyes.
You cracked open the door.
“Y/n?” He opened the door to his room, the dinosaur sticker still on it, only a couple months old.
“Yuppers.” he tilted your face up to him with his thumb and forefinger. “I-oh.”
Then he leaned down and kissed you ever so softly on your lips, eyes fluttering shut.
“I want you to stay with me forever...” He whispered.
“I will.” He smiled.
“Then I will too”
And you opened the door, smiling to yourself due to all the memories you made in this very spot.
Then your eyes widened.
It can’t be real...
Kei would never.
but he.... he did.
And he didn’t even notice you open the door, he didn’t even see you or hear the gasp you let out as you took in what you saw. He only looked up from the girl he was fucking in front of him, sweaty and panting, bites and scratches over his back and on his neck, when you slammed the door.
No tears ran down your face, like most people. You just ran back to the gym, not even really getting tired just...numb.
he promised. He promised to be yours forever.
but he must have crossed his fingers. done something stupid. because he lied. he wasn’t ever soley yours. he wasn’t, he couldn’t be.
But still. You couldn’t cry.
1) You don’t cry. You never cried.
2)You couldn’t let anyone see you weren’t ok.
Fake it ‘till you make it.
“WAIT. Y/N! WAIT, WAIT WAIT, DON’T GO!” But why would you listen?
Everything went by in a blur. you were minutes away from the gym.
Minutes away from safety.
Then you could hide behind a mask and never let anyone see.
“Oh, hey y/n-Chan! That was kinda quick.” Said Daichi. You inhaled, pushing everything away.
You giggled.
“Uh, yeah. Kei had his mom there so I left it up to her, plus he told me to get back to practice.” He smiled.
“Glad to hear he’s doing alright.” You smiled back.
“Yeah. Anyways. Anything happen while I was gone?” He shook his hed.
“Just the usual. Noya and Tanaka with the freak twins are in a two-on-two, trying to kill each other, and Suga and Asahi are kinda trying to stop the death part.”
“Ah. I see. The norm then.”
“Y/n!” You froze.
NO. nononono not now.
Why would he do this if he never really cared?
“Oh, hey look! Its Tsukishima!” Said Daichi, a smile still on his face.
But rather than running towards him, like you usually would, you ran away. Right into the gym, and...
Right into Suga’s arms.
“Hey, slow down a bit or you might be worse than Noya and knock me over!” He smiled at you. But he was just too intuitive for his own good, damn it, and his smile fell immediately.
“Is something the matter?” You composed your expression, smacking a smile back onto your face, and as you opened your mouth to say all was fine, you were cut off.
“Y/n! no no no I can explain!” You looked at Suga. Fear in your eyes. Did he figure it out? But you didn’t want to look at Kei right now. You couldn’t.
“y/n? What happened?” You looked back up at him.
“...Nothing. I’m fine.”
“No! Y/n! You don’t understand! I love you! And only you!”
Oh, he shouldn’t have said that.
Because that’s what broke you.
And soon you had squirmed out from Suga’s grasp and fallen onto the floor, sobbing. You never cried. But if you didn’t just this once, you might have exploded.
“Y/n?! What-?”
Then suddenly the whole team was surrounding. You, some of them kneeeling down to your height.
“...y/n? W-what happened?” Asked Yamaguchi. You looked up at him, tears still streaking down your face.
“I-It was...I don’t-”
“Y/n! Y/n, please listen! Please, please, please I’m begging you!” Called Kei as he finally reached the doors to the gym, panting and gasping.
“Why would I listen to you? H-How am I supposed to believe anything you say anymore?”
At this, he reeled back, your words finally hitting him.
But before anyone moved, Daichi looked between both of you, and crouched down beside you. And so softly, he whispered:
“Did he...Please don’t tell me he did...? He cheated...?” You nodded and started to sob harder, and soon you were wrapped up in his embrace, while he petted the back of your head, whispering consoltations into your ear.
Unfortunately for Kei, the whole team heard.
“He did what to you?” Asked Noya, staring right at you, a stone cold expression on his face.
“He cheated on her.” Said Daichi, looking between you and Tsukki. “Tsukishima cheated on y/n.”
“And in the next moment, before anyone could react, Suga was standing right in front of Tsukki, glaring at him with the most terrifying expression on his face anyone has ever seen.
“You did what?”
“I- I c-cheat-” But before Tsukki could finish sentence, Suga had punched him right in the face.
“HOW COULD YOU?!?! WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO THAT TO ANYONE?!?” He screamed, tears now streaming down his face. “SHE LOVED YOU WITH ALL HER HEART AND LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER!” He pointed to you and Daichi.
“I-I didn’t m-mean to-” Stuttered Tsukki, eyes blown wide in fear, tears prickling in the corner, so close to spilling over.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!” It looked like he was ready to land another punch across his face before Noya and Tanaka were there holding him back, and began to bring him back to where you were, still screaming at Tsukishima, tears likewise streaming down his face.
“Hold her.” Ordered Daichi, looking at Suga, who nodded and cradled you, still shaking.
“Hey, hey, calm down, I’m here, i’m here...”
This time Noya and Hinata were standing right in front of the boy who so towered over them.
“I don’t want you to come near her for a while. I don’t want to look at you anymore.” Said Noya, serious as ever. Tsukishima nodded.
As he looked to Hinata, he realized that tears were pricking the corners of his eyes, and he looked mad. Really mad. Then suddenly, he was on the ground, a sharp pain in his back.
Hinata had pushed him. He looked down at him, and shook his head, as if saying no.
But he didn’t say anything, and just walked away.
But, why? Why didn’t he yell? Why didn’t he scream? Why was he so... SO DAMN QUIET?!
Before Noya could do anything, as he was expected to do, Tanaka was there, herding them both away, and completely ignoring Tsukishima. Whatever they were doing, it made it worse.
Azumane couldn’t even go near Tsukishima.
Not only because he didn’t want to be near him, but because he was afraid. Not afraid of Tsukishima, no.
He was afraid because he might lose control. He might hurt him.
Then Daichi was there.
“I don’t want you to even come near her until she’s ready to talk to you. Do you understand me?” He nodded. Daichi glared at him for a minute that could have been an hour, a moment completely suspended in time.
“Then get out of here.” And Tsukishima scrabbled to his feet, not once looking away from Daichi until he was completely up on his feet. Only then did he let the tears fall.
You were gone now. And look what he did.
As he ran away from the Gym, you thought it was laughter you heard coming from Tsukishima, when really, he was sobbing.
You kept listening even as his cries echoed through the clearing, and even when they were gone.
“I loved you, Tsukishima.” You whispered.
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a/n: Makin myself cry here
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fictional-thoughts · 5 years
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nsfw. the mandolorian x reader
warnings: slight angst, smut w a hint of rough sex, rollercoaster of emotions in dis bitch
words: 5.8k
He’s standing outside her door, feeling a thousand feet away but it’s only a lock and a few inches of wood separating him from you. His gloved fingers tap nervously on the hilt of his long weapon, under the helmet he’s chewing his bottom lip, colouring it red, contemplating, thinking, smoothing over the idea in his mind.
He can’t see her now.
He’s a mess, still pumped on adrenaline from returning from his last job, it ended brutally, all he remembers is blood running down the street in thick streams, cracked open skulls and the dim echos of screaming. His eyes close, dark lashes kiss his cheeks and he’s erasing the memories from his mind, only wishing he didn’t have to knock on that damn door, pass over the threshold and finally be rid of recollection.
Surely she’d answer. She always did.
What is holding him back? His own guilt of betrayal? His errors of the past haunt him, soak deep into his skin he nearly finds himself turning away from you when he needs her most. That’s it. The Mandalorian is chewing on the idea that he does need her, it feels sharp on his lips, its thick and sickly sweet, a poisoned wine he’s desperate to try and accept. The thought of her is held high over his head, a knife of vulnerability threatening to drop over his skin, slide and peel back the foundations of his history. He’s alone in the galaxy, a hunter, a killer, torn from all things the world says people need in order to survive.
She’s not that.
She’s everything he knows he would want to be.
And he needs her. Maybe not forever, but not another moment should go by without him near her.
The Mandalorian sighs deeply and lifts his fist to tap on her door, number 017. He’s been there so many times the number greets him with familiarity. He’s rolling his sore neck, the helmet tilted and he’s staring at the ugly brown ceiling as short steps approach the door, its creaking open and his heart is starting to beat faster, trapped under the confines of his ribs it’s threatening to escape.
The world calms and she’s in front of him, dressed down in casual clothing she’s barefoot and her hair is let down. It’s warm light and the smell of home, wrapped in her curiosity filled eyes he’s finding no words to speak. It’s been so long.
“Mando,” she’s whispering softly but no one is around to hear the gentle way she’s saying his nickname she claimed as her own. Her arms cross, there’s a chill in the hallway and he sees her shiver. Her eyes scan him over, searching for a wound or ailment. The Mandalorian is okay, he’s safe and she’s been worried over nothing. His armour clinks as he shifts his boots on the hard ground. “Come in,”
She’s stepping back and offering him room to pass over the threshold, his aura of power and destruction follows the soldier into the room. Her eyes are on the guns and the knife concealed on his lace up boot. He’s still the same. The door closed behind him and he’s alien to her homely flat, plants and books stacked everywhere he’s picking small details about her place he doesn’t remember from the last visit. It’s all her own personality turned into a place where even he feels welcome.
“Thank you for seeing me,” he thumbs a green plants soft petals and stares down at the short bit of life in the pot. He feels her eyes on him, soft and bright they’re unwavering and he feels the pressure to gaze back, to look across the room as if she’s stars away.
“I’d never turn you away,” her arms are still crossed over her chest, she’s freezing. The Mandalorian sighs, he’s brought icy winds with him and the frigid night air. He turns and sees just how little she’s really wearing.
She can’t tell but through the visor he’s gazing into her eyes, searching for a clue of what she’s going to say next. He’s never been able to read her. “Did I wake you?”
He nearly takes up the bulk of the small flat with his broadness and layers of armour but you don’t mind. He’s here and she’s unsure of what to say, her eyes downward she draws an invisible pattern on the wooden floor with her bare foot. “I’d just fallen asleep,” she’s lying but how could she tell him she lies awake most nights and pray he’ll show up at the door? Not injured or broken but whole and wanting for her company; though she wouldn’t mind him to be broken, bruised and in need of her help. That’s never happened and she knows the Mandalorian suffers alone.
“I can leave if you wish.” He turns with a step towards her and he’s looking down, her body so small compared to his, she’s beautiful in the semi darkness, it reminds him of sunsets on the horizons and lunar eclipses, of dying stars that shine so brightly in the last living moments — things he never thought to take notice of before he met her. “I shouldn’t have come.”
Regret seeps through the particles of air all around them, sucking the space and drowning out the noise of the world. He’s slowly breaking as she looks up, hurt in her eyes. The Mandalorian sighs, he didn’t mean that. He rarely speaks the truth and it’s hard even with her. The bounty hunter is skilled in many things but expressing the art of softer emotions was never on the list.
They’re close and she’s thinking of what to say, her mind a cage of birds. She should be bitter, angry and cold towards him, blocks of icy bricks and unbreakable walls made of iron. But she’s soft and can’t bring herself to hurt him more than he’s hurt himself in the past. “Stay,”
She’s staring at the visor, where she knows his eyes are, she can feel the deeper eye contact, sense his dark eyes connected with her own, each afraid to break the gaze she’s feeling her breath pick up. She’s missed him.
A glimmer of hope sparks and the Mandalorian is releasing a breath he wasn’t aware he’d been holding. “Thank you.” The helmet manipulates his tone and he’s sure his words sound heartless to her, of forgotten promises and crumbled love letters, spilled ink and empty words. He cannot give into that again, he’s a Mandalorian, a fighter, unbreakable and strong. It’s a tangle of his history and oath, his chosen path of culture and personal dependence, welded to his life, he’s stuck in time.
“Why are you here, Mando?” She’s pulling at the strings of bitterness, her gentleness has morphed into hints of resentment blended into her question. She’s close to him and yet so alone.
He’s not looking at her but removing his weapons from his form, the weight they carry is pulling him down, the very objects behind his life, his only possessions besides the ship he flies through the stars from planet to planet. He wishes he had more, but of what? What could a wandering hunter possess? The long rifles set down, its base thumped on the ground and the length is leaned against a dark bookcase and his blaster goes next to it. The knife is set down on the shelf with a careful hand. There’s more but they can come off later. “I’m here for you.” His gravelly tone is curling around her ears like a thousand deadly drums, beating out in time to the time of her breathing. He’s sincere and getting closer to her. “I want —”
She’s soft but not stupid. “You want to forget.” Shaking her head she’s a little hurt, a little on the edge of a steep cliff but it’s all foggy, unknown and he’s so close is suffocating. 
He’s pausing and the grips on his heart fade away. She knows him so well and it’s slowly tearing him apart, you’ve always been there to become a beacon and block the echos of his past. He thinks back to a time where he was caught after a battle, war torn and crushed he arrived at her door, tearing from him his battle gear and allowing her to blindly feel his scars, map this history of his body, he devoured every breath she took, sunk into her warmth he never wanted to leave. She’s never turned the Mandalorien away.
“You’re right.” He can’t lie, not yet.
She’s unfocused, her lip drawn under her teeth, bitten to a soft red, swollen under pressure. The thumping of her heart in her chest is loud enough for it to echo in her mind, she’s pulled in different directions, to remember the bitter past or take soul advantage of the present before her. She’s torn, spread so thin. He looks the same, and you can only really wonder who he was under the mask, though a little bulkier and clad in new armour he is still the Mandalorian, he is still yours. It’s all a mess but didn’t they used to thrive on the chaos? Get off to the secret, the whispered words and hidden touches. They were so young and blind and bonded together, it felt like ages ago. “Its just been so long,”
She’s missed him.
He’s stepping closer and sees just how small she is, compared to him. Metal to silk, ash to spring like winds she’s all the light in the world and he can only be her match. Their words built on an equal balance of light and dark, of shifting tides and uncertain times but in the end, one shall always meet their match. He’s exhaling shakily and he’s never one for words but he wishes to tell you everything, his sins, his purging of the innocent and its only a job but its not. It’s wearing him down to slide back into his bunk every night with his thoughts on you and what you once were, to him. Please, he’s thinking, its burning and rocking inside him and why cant he just tell you what he wants.
“Mando...” she’s looking down at his hands, his right curled over her own wrist, thumb rubbing circles.
The glove is worn and soft, leathery and not what she wants. He is silent and she’s tugging the gloves from his hands and tossing them to the floor. His tanned hands are bruised and split knuckles, trophies of his winnings.
“I don’t want to relive the past.” He tells her, tone neutral and softer, only for her. He cant think back to the times they’ve hurt one another, times when the moments never ended and they knew it would be alright in the end. But things like that never last. “I just need -”
“Me,” she’s completing his sentences and he’s alive with hope, waves of curling heat are smoothing his skin. And he tries not to go fast but he’s got her pulled into his arms and she’s so smooth and soft in his hands he’s nearly saying her name in prayer. Her backs arched to him and she’s got wonder in her eyes, he feels her hand slide over and up his shoulder and he’s suppressing the shivers that run through him, lit from a fuse thats connected only to her. “I can’t promise things will be the same,” she’s whispering through him, her hand on his cool helmet, just where his cheekbone would be and the Mandalorian is leaning into her touch. At her words his hands spread and squeeze her waist.
“I don’t want it to be the same,”
She’s being backed up, slowly and careful steps and she’s pressed into the wall. “We can make it better.” She knows the Mandalorian, she’s been his home, his secret for years and it cant ever be the same. She knows all he wants is to burry within her and forget the sounds of bombs, the taste of blood and rustic metal and smoke. “Mando,” she says his name and he’s already helping her from her clothes.
Gods, he’s feeling chunks of himself melting and falling to your feet, his girl, tender and lovingly she’s a mess of bittersweet romance and the feeling of flowers that you can only touch but not pick from the garden it’s planted. Is that all she is to him? A beauty to only observe and continue on the journey? “Mando, wait,” she’s gasping softly and he can barely stop, his hands splayed over her ribcage, the bumps of her bones under taunt skin he’s waiting for her to continue, her voice sending sparks to alight within him. He’s got his hand cupped around her jaw and the other sliding downwards to span her thigh, he’s going to lift her to the wall and push himself onto her. “Mando,” and he stops, leaned back he’s watching her to make sure she’s okay. “The blindfold, its, its in my room,” she’s flushed and stumbling on her words and he’s only wondering how such a beautiful thing could be in his grasp.
The Mandalorian shakes his head lightly. “Not yet.” His armours being untied by your careful hands and he’s silent, watching her work, cheeks flushed and eyes shining. Hotness seeps into his stomach, it’s craving and desperate. Bit by bit she’s pulled the metallic layers away, stripped him of his defence, he’s just as bare as you, with thin clothing thats close to the skin, close enough to feel the radiating heat. “Can I trust you?”
She’s mustering a soft smile and nodding, “’course, Mando.” 
“Close your eyes,” his voice is rough and tender, sandpaper and featherlight and seeping into her skin: she obeys, letting her eyes slide closed she’s surrounded by darkness and the gentle click and hiss of air as the Mandalorian is removing his helmet. He lets it drop to the floor and she jumps at the noise but he’s already pulled her close, he finds her lips and its a clash of rough remembrance, of slick and stolen moans he’s kissing her so hard she might just shatter in his arms. He feels himself weaken as she’s winding her arms around his neck, fingers swirled in the tendrils of his hair she’s so perfect and he just wants her now. It’s growing faster and more desperate, he’s got his hand curved around your jaw and his tongues flicking in between her lips and she’s a whimpering mess of sweetly melted emotions.
She’s got her eyes squeezed shut and her heads thrown back as the Mandalorian is moved down to the curve of her neck, he’s lined her throat with slicked kisses, his hands slide over her breasts and she’s moaning softly. His attention to detail is immaculate and he’s got her whimpering in moments with the curve of his hands on her tits and lips on her throat, he’s greedy and she tastes so sweet. He’s breathing is picking up and the sounds catch on a gasp as her hands trail down his chest. “Please,” she’s blind to him, her eyes never opening but picking up on every slight movement he’s making against her pressed to the cold wall. Use me.
Without warning his mouth leaves her own and he’s got her turned, front to the wall and his own pressed to her back, his large hands curved over her ass he’s groaning at the feeling, his lips on her shoulder and neck the Mandalorian is living for the soft sounds she’s making, without the helmet obscuring his vision its all the more real and he’s watching her hands close into fists as he’s pulling at the lobe of her ear with his teeth. He gets an idea. “Wait here.” And he’s gone. 
She’s already slick and her stomach is tense, she’s resting her forehead to the wall as the Mandalorian is turning down all the lights, she hears him blow out a candle on the desk and she realizes he doesn’t want the blindfold, he wants it to be raw, unconfined and free. His steady and slow steps are closer and soon she’s whirled around, crashed into his chest. Its dark in the room, in contrast to the stars above the room could be dark as night.
Its soon a mess of stripped clothing and her nails are carving marks into his naked broad back, skipping over the flexing muscles she’s got her head thrown back as his mouth covers her breast, its the art of passion drawn with sound and the unspoken rule to give in to one other and forget everything else, from one broken soul to another.
She’s bare and exposed to his hands, rough and tugging he’s got her so ready for him she’s feeling weak. “Bedroom,” she pants, he grunts softly in response, his hand slipping between her thighs he’s pulling aside her underclothes and she gasps, his fingers gather her slick and curl up into her its sending shocks through her system.
In the darkness he’s so close to her, too far gone to tell her how good she is, how he’s barely holding it together, he wants them to fall to the ground, lay her down to explore every inch of what she has to offer, he’s going mad with the feel of her quivering with only his fingers inside her and his teeth on her neck and god she’s so wet and he can tell she’s needed this. Needed him. 
“Gods, Mando,” she has a grip on his shoulder and the other moves to graze over him and its sending him into a shock. He’s in denial of the feelings she’s giving him, and soon its all too much and his fingers leave her warm cunt and he’s tasting them on his tongue.
She’s growing more frantic with every second as she leads him to her bedroom, sliding her hand along the smooth wall she finds the door and the Mandalorians quick to push her to the bed. She’s pulling his bottom lip in her teeth, her hands knitted in his thick hair, thigh curved around his waist, hes so close and so hard against her through the restricting fabric. He’s groaning softly as her hands move downward, it’s been so long and Mando quietly gasps against her swollen lips. She’s realizing that she’s using him too, to forget the pains of the past, of forlorn moments and bitter goodbyes.
She’s under him on the bed, curved to his body in the eerie darkness. It’s just like old times except he’s different, he’s more quiet and controlled, rough on the edges and confident. He’s dragging her underclothes down and sinking past her thighs, forehead leaned onto her stomach the Mandalorian takes a moment, eyes closed, breathing in her sickly sweet scent that’s all her before he’s burrowing his head in between her legs it’s a mess of his lips on her soaked cunt, he’s fast and his fingertips dig into her hips, spanned over the ridges of her hipbones; his mouth is on her sweet slick and not stopping until she’s close.
She cries out, whimpering his name and her hands fly to his head, her thighs ache, they close around his head and the warmth of his tongue sliding across the softness of her core is pulling her closer and closer to the edge, controlling her form.
Then he’s gone, pushing her thigh off his broad shoulder his tongue is replaced with two fingers, curved deep inside her — hot and tight around him, she’s got a grip on the while sheets under her and he’s swallowing her moans, lips against hers it’s fast and messy, she’s gasping into his mouth, her hands taking advantage of the removed helmet she’s mapping out what he looks like through the darkness, his hairs thick and turned with soft curls, she feels the contours of his jaw and cheekbones under her fingertips, raised lines of scars and indents of a once broken nose — he’s beautifully tragic, compiled of her imagination he’s everything that and more.
He’s beckoning, sliding his fingers into her she’s panting wetly against his skin, it’s so dark she can only see the outline of his body over hers, blocking out the light she’s picking up on the small details, the scars on his shoulders, of bullets and knives, stitched by his own hand? She’s feeling lower and he’s packed on muscle and bulk until she’s sure he could crush her if he so pleased — not that she would complain.
The Mandalorians never been so exposed, he thinks his oath is broken, his ties to his own religion snipped away. But as the light panels over her, he’s easing his fingers from her cunt, they’re slippery with her slick and it’s carving out his innocence of pleasure and shaping him into a place wretched and sinful. He’s looking down at her, beautiful, gentle, and the Mandalorian wants to ruin it. He’s raising his hand, sliding over her chest, past her pretty neck and slips his two digits past her parted lips. She moans at the sharp taste of herself, tongue curled around him she’s sucking hard and he’s nearly done for. His head lowers to her tits and teeth close around her nipple, pulling, tugging he’s buried in the softness of her skin. His lips span over the arches of her breasts, stopping to kiss her sternum, the valley in between.
She’s biting down on the tip of his pointer finger, smiling through a moan as he looks up at her, wonder and adoration swirled through the darkness. “What do you want?” He’s recalling their past, her favoured touches, sweet spots — he can’t think of just one, to bring her to the edge, to hold her down and have him engulfed within her, his hands moulding her flesh, dragging his teeth over her throat, catching her soft cries and matching her with his own.
His fingers slip from her lips and he’s gripping her jaw, shifting above her he’s pressed so tightly it’s hard for her to breath but it’s so worth it. Use me, she wants to plead, to have him grip her tightly, take everything he has out on her, break through the barriers of bitterness, soothe her wounds. The catch, there’s always one, the catch is: will he leave again? Vanish without a word, escaped into the night, never to see her again?
It’s happened one to many times. She should hate him for it, slam her door in his stupid fucking helmet face, one she’s never seen underneath and banish him from her life. But, in the months past, the Mandalorian just feels too good between her thighs, his hand around her throat or gripped in her hair, guiding her head down on his hard cock — he’s ever so tempting, a rush of adrenaline, he’s a drug in her veins, and she’s not broken her addiction.
“You,” she bites her lip, “just you.”
He’s kissing her, feels his tongue slip against hers it’s hot and heavy, messy and wet and bruising. Hands pulling at the ties of his pants they’re undone and she’s jerking beneath him, a wave of flushed arousal, unfurling and powerful she’s welded to him, darkness to light, magnetic force, of blinding stars and broken planets. “You’re so good,” he’s growling into her skin, pushing her thighs upwards he’s sliding against her, teasing, held back. He can’t, it’s the pounding of the air around him, the world blinks out and all he has is her, her body, crashed to the planets, exiled down from the gods she’s surely an angle, dammed to give herself to him, and he in turn, gives everything to her.
But he just can’t.
She’s surrounded by soft sheets, her beds worn and warm — how is she so soft? “You’re,” he’s groaning, pushing himself against her, large hand curled around her jaw she’s whimpering, chewing on begs, his name mixed within the words. “You—” he’s inhaling shakily, his nose follows up the line of her throat, behind her ear she’s covered in goosebumps and he’s sucking and biting her skin. “You’re mine.” He’s trying to convince himself of that, she’ll never be anyone’s; she’s her own. He’s never allowed himself to pin her down, fuck her and call her his to keep.
She’s nobodies. All her own.
But in between the moments of shattering lust and forgotten anger of abandonment, she could be his. The Mandalorian is the only one who’s cared, given a fuck — but it’s never been enough. She’s not accepting his words, she’s not his. “Shut up,” she’s turned her head away and his lips follow, sliding from her jaw to her own swollen and pink parted lips, his body heavy on hers she’s alive with desperate longing.
She’s pushing at his shoulders, roughly pulling herself from under him and before he’s complaining she’s shoved him back to the bed, he’s staring at her form through the darkness. She’s changed. It’s rough and she’s climbing into his lap, he groans as her soaked cunt slides over him and she’s surprising him with her nails dragging down his chest, skimming over the hard ridges of muscles.
It’s a game, teasing and seductive she’s on top of him, her lips on his throat as his large hands take handfuls of her ass.
She’s wretched, complied of what the stars wish they had she’s furious, kissing down his throat, she’s trailed hot spots down his chest, her warm breath fanning over him, his taunt muscles tighten and she hums in approval, her delicate hand trails over his rigit abdomen, bending down she’s licking a trail up and closing her lips around the collom of his throat.
“Gods Mando,” she’s an absolute angel, cursed to the darkness and awoken sin she’s grinding her hips down over his. It was never his, she’s claimed him and as she’s twisting her wrist, fingers slicked and wrapped around his cock he’s realizing it’s always been her.
Mando relaxes into the bed, his muscles strain and all he wants to do is sit up and jerk her up to straddle him properly, he’s groping her ass and it’s all he can do but not lift her, pull her close and sink her soaked cunt around him, a battle between logic and fantasy — he’s getting harder thinking about her, fucking up into her, hand wrapped around her throat, pursing the chase. She’s so good.
Lets not relive the past she said. It can be different. I can make it better.
All this? To be his beacon of light, a glimmer of hope in this bitter and isolated life he’s chosen? She’s whispering praise into the Mandalorians ear, her guts rolling with arosual and he’s not even inside her yet. He’s achingly hard, it’s closing in around him, how quickly everything would be over after he’s fucked her one last time. He shouldn’t have come, shouldn’t have knocked on her door. It’s going to be over and he’ll have to leave again.
He’s swearing, his voice deep and guttural she’s grinding down so hard the thoughts are slipping from his sober mind, he’s drunk on her skin, stuck in a daze of boiling emotions, tucked just a little too far away to reach.
The Mandalorian is getting frustrated, he’s preparing to slide his hands around her and throw her under him, have her whithering and saying his name like it’s the only thing she knows. “Wanna, wanna fuck you,” the words come out harsh, clipped with the moments of blinding pleasure, he’s so close and she’s only grinding faster, pushing her anger into him. “C’mon—”
She suddenly stops, gasping she fills her lungs with air. Both her hands cupping his face, it’s suddenly gentle — intimate — and the moonlight seems to be inline with the art of the lovers, a sliver of the dim and glowy light is passing by the window, it pans across the floor and the Mandalorian can finally see her, her eyes have softened and they’re almost nose to nose, her finger strokes down his cheekbone and he’s realizing she can see a part of him.
They’re sharing the light and their breathings in tune with one another. Her lingering eyes drop to his lips and she’s soft, a silken cloud, kissing him so softly, it’s not rushed, it’s stopping the planets circles around the moon, and suddenly time doesn’t exist.
She’s melted down, her anger and bitterness cooled to a point of gentle adoration, her lips fit with his, he’s made for her, made for her to care for him.
Surges of softer emotions swell inside her chest, it’s brimming and she feels her throat tighten. She can’t cry. But it’s all too much and the memories coming back, of waking up with the Mandalorian vanished from her bed, no sign he’d ever been there aside from her wrinkled sheets and marks of his passion etched into her skin — but even those fade over time.
Her breath catches and the Mandalorians pulling her close, curling her in his arms, brushing slim fingers over her blushing cheeks, he’s searching her face, gazing up at her and they both know the unspoken words.
“Mando,” she’s whispering, letting him shift her, settling her over him properly, skin to skin they’re the only two lovers in that moment. “Please,” don’t leave again.
The Mandalorians silent, spreading his hands over her hips she’s helping him move her upwards, lined up she’s got her hands braced on his broad shoulders. They both utter soft groans, she’s sliding down around his length and she’s shivering, her back arching, pressing her chest to his as he’s sitting up, curved his arms around her waist the Mandalorians done for. She’s panting, swollen lips glossed over and parted, she’s a mess of sweat slicked skin and burned and blackened passion. She’d scratched down his chest, raising thin red lines under her nails, she’s tearing him apart, devouring all what’s given to her, only in the fear if she doesn’t this will be the last time.
Everything’s okay, she cannot physically get any closer to him, flesh to whatever he’s made of, of metal and the war. He’s got his hand on the back of her head, chin tucked into her shoulder she’s seeping into his form, her fight gone — vanished, forgotten once more as the tides change, they’re gentle to each other. She’s moving over him, fists clenched he’s filled her perfectly, it’s a balance of their moments, of his hands lifting her again so she’s pressed to the bed, her back once more against the smooth sheets. He’s inside her again, his hand pulling her thigh up — smooth, fluid. She sighs softly, at each strokes he’s pulling her release closer, to feel the warm waves crash and battle within her.
The lovers are quiet within one another, her body curved to his its not a mess anymore, things have fallen into place and she’s so so so close, her hands tug at his hair and he’s kissing her neck, holding back from having his own way with her, keeping the rush at bay. She’s pleading his name, lip caught under her teeth she’s suddenly gasping, tense and quivering beneath him.
She’s got her eyes screwed shut, “don’t stop, don’t stop,” it’s a winding and beautiful build up, hotness pools into her core, thick and spreading through her nerves she’s trying to stay still, but he’s chasing the fleeting moments with rough movements, his hands on her skin, lips at her ear he’s so close it’s nearly unbearable.
“Come for me,” his gravely voice sends vibrations through her and she falls apart under him, her body floating through a daze it’s fast and coming in waves, she chokes on a gasp, tasting the sparks of heat, they’re smooth on her tongue and she’s seeing everything all at once.
“Gods,” she’s gasping, sensitive, overworked, but the Mandalorians going, his hand curved around her breast, he’s shaking and suddenly it all stops, he’s dropping from his high and the electricity of his release is explosive, wrapped in pleasure it’s blocking out everything but her, her tightness and warmth and the feeling of him buried so deep he’s unable to stop, she’s catching his moan, parted lips against his own they’re falling together, crashed to the ground with unfurling webs of pleasure.
The Mandalorians slicked with sweat and he’s tangled with her, his chest heaving he’s telling her only the way she’s made him feel.
He’s got his eyes closed and when he opens them, it’s not a dream, she’s there, tears brim her eyes and her hands trail down his shoulders. They’ve forgotten, all he hears is the sound of his heartbeat and the echos of gunfire is gone.
“You’ve always been there for me,” he’s saying, hours after the battle of passions and forgetting of the past. His tone is kept of the brimming emotions that had broken free of his cage, birds of flight they’re taking off, flying just from his reach. “I’m n-not enough for you.” He’s catching the air that’s not going through his lungs fast enough, lying next to her he’s unsure if this is all real, not a work of fiction. She’s got her head on his chest and his hands are sliding over her lower back, feeling the softness of her hips.
“I’ve never thought less of you,” she’s sighing, sleep digging its self into her body, she’s bruised, wrecked and exhausted; her thighs ache but it’s a good burn. She turns and pressed a short kiss to the middle of his chest, pulling her arm from the warm blankets she’s trailing a slim finger up and down his skin, tracing a slashed scar.
“Stay with me.” She looks at him, it’s still dark but the suns nearly about to rise, it’s golden rays peeking over the mountains outside the city. “Please?”
The Mandalorians hand comes up to smooth her hair from her face, running over the top of her head he’s watching her lean into his touch, angelic, perfect. “You know my chosen path,” he’s tearing him apart, he’s drowning. “I made a vow, long before ...”
“Before me,” she’s got a distant look in her eyes. It’s okay. It’s okay. She’s too weary, too beaten down with emotions she’s not used to feeling, she sinks into the bed beside the Mandalorian and allows him to curl around her, hold her for the last few moments before sleep takes her.
She wakes alone the in bed. The sun high in the sky, her room is filled with a golden yellow glow and her skins warm against the sheets. Sitting up she’s looking for the Mandalorian, he’s not beside her and she’s cursing herself for drifting off to sleep.
He’s got to be here.
Dressed in her wrinkled oversized covering from the night before, she pads into the open flat, flooded with light she looks around and realizes she’s all alone.
thank you for reading!! sorry for all the mistakes i just really wanted this posted, i’ll come back and do the editing tmrw! feedback is always appreciated ♥️
3K notes · View notes
smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Hey red this is what I got so far what do you think? It's under 'for red'
You and masky have never been on good terms you never knew what it was you disliked about him just as soon as you saw him you're hatred for him started. Masky on the other hand was utterly crazy about you yet he hated you for it , he wasn't sure what it was about you that separated you from anyone else on his team when it came to doing missions for the boss.
Night had soon fallen and you and the masked serial killer had taken place in a old abandoned building after almost getting caught by the cops , Masky lit a cigarette before speaking "We almost got caught because of you're sloppiness I thought you said you took care of any witnesses" you looked up to him from your spot on the cold floor as you tried your best to wipe the blood off your face.
"No we wouldn't of had to run if you would of kept everyone quiet , don't go and blame me for your faults" you stood up as you turn to walk away you feel him grab ahold of your hand "Where the fuck do you think you're going dove?" You quickly pull you're arm away and turn around to face him "dove? What the hell is with that nickname? We're not dating you idiot" your face had turn red at what he had called you.
O M G suspense-
Some of the phrasing is a bit confusing, for example at the beginning maybe put a semicolon after “terms” in the beginning. Just read through it and make sure that all the grammar is smooth but other than that I’m excited to see what’s next!!
4 notes · View notes
hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.21
a/n: things will get better~ <3
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 22
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​  @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
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The silence of the hall was cut by the vibration of your phone. Taking it out, you answered.
“Yes, Nao?”
“The cameras showed the Fukuo Kai members left the building. Save for two people. Overhaul not included.” Inside the tent, Tsukauchi focused on the monitors. Observing and watching as live and recorded footage were being played to make sure the remaining two were to be caught. “I’m assuming you're on the 4th floor. Be careful. Cameras aren’t picking up feed.”
“I know. You said there were two?” Staring at the fresh blood dripping onto the floor, you took a step back when the thick red liquid began to run down the wall. Recalling that sound earlier, the other person was surely on this floor. Somewhere.
“That’s right. It’s your call from here.”
“Any info on their quirks?”
“We’re still digging it up. Apparently, those two men weren’t part of the meeting. If my deductions are right, they were the ones who terrorized our plan.”
Feeling a bit lightheaded, you inhaled and let out a long exhale. The man wasn’t lying entirely when he said it had nothing to do with the Fukuo Kai. Now that you were sure he was not on the same floor, you cursed under your breath.
“Nao. There’s only one person left. Overhaul used his quirk on one of them.” Heading back towards the fire exit, you wiped off the beads of sweat forming on your forehead. Feeling chills run down your spine, the grip on your phone tightened as your hands began to feel tingly. “My adrenaline is going down. We’ll catch the other one… next time.”
“Bring yourself back to safety. We’ll debrief once you're here.”
“See you in a few.”
Ending the call, you shook your head and made your way back to the fire exit. With each step you took, your eyelids seemed to become heavier. Leaning on the wall for support, you saw how your vision was starting to blur. Shutting your eyes close, you reached out for your phone only to stumble to the ground. With a steady growing headache, you activated your quirk.
Giving yourself a self-administered adrenaline pump, your felt control over your body once more. Standing up with effort, your shoulder remained glued to the wall as you took slow and steady steps towards the exit. Taking your phone out, you dialed for Tsukauchi only to flinch as another gunshot echoed through the room. The way your phone just sprung out of your hand and landed with a crack made a small yelp escape your mouth.
Taking your handgun out as you turned around, you were face to face with a man in a suit. Realizing that your phone was long gone by now, reaching base through your earpiece would not be the best option.Squinting your eyes, your blurry vision was not helping one bit. Hopefully, the sudden end to your call would alert your partner.
“Who are you?” Buying time was all you could do for now.
“No one important.” He took a step forward. His face void of any emotion save for the complete focus he has. “The question is, what are cops like you doing? Teaming up with the yakuza? Have you all stooped that low?”
“Says the man who’s ready to pull the trigger. Is it Overhaul you're looking for?” Each second that passed, your headache was evolving into a migraine. Breathing alone was becoming strenuous.
“On the contrary, yes.” He takes another step forward. “He’s been rather difficult to deal with these days.”
“You… You’re not from the F-fukuo Kai.” This was not good, you thought to yourself.
“Don’t strain yourself, love.” Seeing how your eyes widened and body trembled. He let a smirk cross his mouth. With much confidence he closed the gap between your bodies. With one hand, he unzipped your bulletproof vest. “You might be wondering why you can’t move?”
“No shit.” Watching him create invisible circles over your stomach made your heart beat even more rapidly. Thinking that his quirk had something to do with how your body’s motor skills were useless, you hoped that back up was now on it’s way. “This is your quirk, isn’t it?”
“Right you are. I can control a certain portion of a person’s gravity. It also works with force as well. But it’s much more fun.” Slapping your face, you barely felt a thing till you saw how his irises changed colors. The amount of force you received hurt double than it should have. Before your hands could touch him, his irises shifted color once more. “Not fast enough. But that was fun.”
“Why are you after Overhaul? Isn’t that suicide?”
“That man refuses to partner with us. We were more than willing to sponsor but for some shitty reason he turned us down.” He rolled his eyes and took a step back. “Wanna see something fun?”
You flinched at the sound of his gun. Yet the bullet lay suspended in mid air. Knowing where this was going, you tried to gather each ounce of your strength to break through the man’s quirk. With your body trembling from the failed attempt, you cursed under your breath and focused on your own quirk. If his quirk centered on gravity, then maybe yours could regulate your blood flow to show any kind of result.
“Struggling won’t get you anywhere.” He blinked and his irises changed colors.
Regaining control of your body did not save you. Feeling an intense heat pooling on your lower obliques, the burning sensation was enough to let you fall to the ground. Immediately covering the wound, you focused your quirk on that area to stop the bleeding. The pain made you curl into a small ball, your body trembling as your mind remained focused on the bullet’s entry way.
“Guess backup isn’t coming~” Taking his time, he grinned at the sight of slowly forming a puddle of red liquid. “Sucks to be helpless? Hoho~ I see your quirk is preventing blood loss.”
Bending down to squat, he grabbed your hand and flipped you over. Trying to release yourself from his grip, he placed a foot on your right hand and kept a hold of your left. Placing his free hand on your wound, he let out a chuckle. The pain had subsided but you were too aware of what would happen next.
“And here I thought police officers were a force to be reck-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you watched as he went flying all the way to the other end of the room. Simultaneously, the blood he had stopped came oozing out like a small water fountain. Seconds after, you harshly bit on your lip as the pain came back two fold. Putting pressure on the badly bleeding wound, you activated your quirk.
“This.” Despite the ringing in your ears, you knew who owned that voice. “This is why we refused to work with your lot, Ayato. Always causing unnecessary burdens.”
“Well if it isn’t the man I wanted to see.” Ayato stood up, barely keeping his balance. The way he landed was rather painful on his side. “Thought you left already, Overhaul?”
“I did.” He scratched his forehead. Glancing at your bleeding body did not help the situation.
Taking slow steps forward, Ayato focused his sight on the mask wearing man. Blinking a couple of times he felt his blood start to boil. Patting his body, he felt the small bullet on his side. The same red bullet he was supposed to be funding. Meeting Overhaul’s eyes once more, he felt a chill climbing up his spine and enveloping his mind.
“The bullets are nearing its completion..” Overhaul said as he removed his other glove. Moving forward, Ayato couldn’t help but take a step back. The growing anger in Overhaul’s eyes was enough to shrink whatever confidence he had in him. “What’s wrong, Ayato? Not so brave without your quirk?” Patting around his body for his gun, he let out a silent curse when he saw it resting beside Overhaul’s foot. Reaching for a small knife, he assumed a battle stance only to be met with a faint chuckle and a shake of the head. Gritting his teeth, Ayato began to sprint towards the supposed villain. Only to fall to the ground with a thud as a surge of electricity coursed through his body.
“Sorry.” Tsukauchi’s body appeared from behind the fallen man. “Got held up at the entrance.”
“Useless.” Overhaul commented as he watched the unconscious body. Turning around, he went closer to your body. Observing how shallow your breathing was, he caught himself clenching his fists. Caught up in the fight, he had forgotten the main reason why he rushed back to the building.
Before he could do anything, a hand touched his shoulder and shoved him. Stumbling three steps to the side, the same officer who was not fond of him was now administering first aid. Seeing him lift your badly bleeding body made him feel uneasy.
“This is your fault.” The officer's eyes focused on the standing man. “If you weren’t involved in this mess, (l/n) wouldn’t have been injured this bad.”
“For your information, she was already injured when I arrived.” It took a lot of strength not to harm the person in front of him. “Tell me, officer, do you think it would have been a smart move to just barge in?”
“You and your quirk are more than capable of doing something on the spot.” He stood up. A few drops of your blood dripping down his fingertips. “Lend a helping hand? An officer gets injured, and one of the terrorist is gone because of your hot head. That’s why I despise working with your lot. Nothing but  bad news.”
“Captain Iwase.” Tsukauchi butted in. He had just finished cuffing Ayato and handed him over to another officer. “Enough. Let me tend to (y/n) injuries. Your babbling mouth is causing her to bleed out.”
“Look at her.” His index finger pointing at your heavily breathing form. “Do you really think first aid is gonna help? For a bullet wound, that amount is abnormal. If anything, a blood transfusion is what she needs now but I doubt the ambulance would get here in time.”
“Then why don’t you stop complaining and dial 119?”
“Tsukauchi. Are you serious?”
“You may be higher in terms of ranking, but she’s my partner and she will always come first.” Reaching for his personal phone, Tsukauchi tossed it to Iwase. “Now unless you want to keep Overhaul’s hand away from your neck, I suggest you dial emergency hotlines. Now.”
Defeated, Iwase marched off the floor. Making sure to bump shoulders with the tall detective.
“He means well.” Tsukauchi still vouched for the captain as he checked your weak pulse. Carefully lifting your body, he made you lean on the wall. Iwase, despite the rambling, was right. He wasn’t sure what happened but the puddle of thick red liquid was alarming. “What happened?”
“The man you just electrocuted used his quirk on (l/n). He can control gravity to a certain degree. By the time I arrived, your partner was already bleeding and glued to the ground. His hand was covering the entry way so I assume her blood came gushing out like an oil pipe when I attacked him.”
As he relayed the information, Tsukauchi was already wrapping a bandage around your waist. For a moment, his eyes met your dull ones. Looking back at the red patch, he swallowed a bit of his saliva.
“Move over, Tsukauchi.” Overhaul looked down on both your crouching bodies. His eye twitching at the sight of your blood stained bandage. Not wanting to go on his bad side, Tsukauchi stood up and excused himself. Despite Overhaul being the labelled sociopath, he had gained enough respect for him to be trusted. “Can you talk?”
“I’m in a lot… of pain… but I’m fine, Overhaul.” You reassured him. Voice breathy and shaky. “It’s not that bad and I’m already doing my part by regulat-”
“Shut up.” He cut you off and forced your hand away from the wound. Taking a look at his hand, he let out a muffled curse. He was breaking out but the priority of fixing your wound won. Seeing Ayato’s knife, he reached for it and sliced the bandage. The bleeding was still bad and he knew full well that your quirk was no longer doing its function. “As much as I hate to admit it, that asshole officer was right. You need blood transfusion. I can close the wound but i’ll have to overhaul the bullet.”
“I think dying would hurt less.” You managed to chuckle.
“Just shut your mouth and let me overhaul the damn bullet.” Without a warning, his index finger entered the small hole. His eyes darted back to your screaming voice. He had to do this quickly to make sure any more blood loss would stop. Sighing, he leaned in closer. Just enough for you to lay your head on the crook of his neck. Your badly trembling body was not helping the situation.
Luckily, it barely took another push for his fingertip to reach the cold shell. Overhauling it in barely a second, this time he warned you about his exit. Receiving a nod, he felt your shoulders tense. Once his bloody finger was out, his clean hand held on to your wound before closing it completely.
“You’re in for an amount of pain.” At least the wound was closed now. The small whimper that escaped your mouth was the telltale sign that you were near exhaustion. Yet somehow, you managed to grip on to his jacket. “Your wound may be healed bu-”
“I-I’m sorry.”
“Be specific.”
“For m-mentioning Ackerm...Ackerman.” With your last ounce of strength, you wrapped your shaky arms around his neck. To which he did not refuse. “You’re b-breaking out.”
“I know. Guess you really aren’t as pure as I thought you were.” He stared at his hives and back at you. Slowly sliding in and out of consciousness. “Such a shame. Then again, each and every person is tainted in their own way.”
“I… I’m sorry about… last time.”
“You should be.” Wrapping his arm under the crook of your knees, he lifted you up. He adjusted his hold to make sure you were comfortable. By now, you had lost consciousness. Failing to hear what he had left to say. “Don’t ever mention Ackerman again. You’re mine and mine alone my guilty pleasure.”
- - - - -
a/n: and the fluff begins :D hope the tension was alright in this scene... took a while to write this tbh xD see yall next week <3 yes Overhaul is still accepting in his waiting list too :)
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nightwingvixen23 · 4 years
Pairing : DamiJon fanfic in their later teens
Little Vixen Side Note : Wrote this piece a few nights ago when I couldn't sleep and came across the dark version of Cant Help Falling In Love; which is what I wrote it to
Cheeecckkk ittttt ouuutttt
A speeding bullet of black, yellow and green. He blew ahead of me in a chase throughout the thick of winter. Skeletal remains of my heart began to drop, all signs of epic violence tittering around us in pursuance of the two malefactors we had just minutes prior unmasked who's carnage stained hands were laying hell into the legs of a screaming woman, in attempts at victimizing her to a two-sided brutality. And though be as it may, with her browbeaten crying, this ambushed petite woman of golden curls had torn like a vicious feline to free herself from the drooling lock jaws of famished wolves refusing to die in this wasted city. Then she'd stopped. She'd turned her head towards us. And it was with that act of final defeat, the deadlock of her blue eyes onto Damians, that had been a tethering of empathetic steel.
In that moment, I'd witnessed the city burn within his eyes. A revival of Pompeii, humans choking on ash; and it was by his hand that carried out was this biblical apocalypse. I mean, you can only stand to see so many weeds in your garden before getting tired of yanking them out by hand and simply just mowing over it all to start fresh.
I'd numbly watched Robin free the woman who'd scurried down the dark street (purse and shoe forgotten like a broken Cinderella) and analyzed where the rules of these unbidden streets lingered any longer ? A wasted land left starved of God's Love long ago, and so us as his children are outcasts in regards to just how mortality works. This is The Devils playground now where we've adapted into calling out Love, not by the blossoming virtue of a budding rose, but by the cut of it's petalless thorns; where the only splash of red comes at the blooming of our own blood. 
What else to do with pain than to make it our art form, our very own self worth. To turn it into a purpose and to make that purpose something beautiful.
A park.
Swings creaking with a glacial slow breeze as ghost children play games on the teeter totter. White fluff born from clouds shroud lost personal belongings from humans long past through, and will overnight, do it's best, to shroud the two bodies lay dead 'mid this park's jogging trail.
He stands between them; The Sympathizer, a crimson splattered god in which no Olympian can put a name to crowned in injustices and liberalizing duties.
Crows form a murder beneath these dark skies, dancing and entangling above our heads. Something cruel. Something elegant. Something in harmony with what I behold here and now; because somewhere off in Gotham City this man, that I've fallen in a surprise trust fall for, remarkably kept a young woman home-free tonight. Not from duty. But from instinct.
He turns to me.
He sheaths his sword; and he smiles.
He smiles at me through tears.
He smiles at me through red blood.
He smiles at me through falling snow.
He smiles at me through the antagonism; and that has to be the most beautiful thing I think I've ever seen.
Regardless; i still wonder what chamber door, dusted with years of abandonment, had finally been gifted a hand to open it's rusted impasse come with what we'd witnessed tonight. What poisonous blend leaks out this door to flood his veins and pour fever into his eyes; clouding his vision against a better form of judgment on justice that has two miserable assed men, twice his size, laying slaughtered like pigs with him standing noble between them both ?
Even though the winter wonderland park is dead quiet, I've never in all my existence heard so much noise. So much all at once while staring at Damian, just now realizing that he'd removed his mask long ago: now raven's stare with deadly ink eyes in jealous passion at the too black fullness of that jet hair filled up in a shaven bun. Cat's whine in envy at the feline-like features of this clandestine face. Jade gems rust in sad defeat before such green eyes. He's the pristine vision of Talia al Ghul (nothing about him is Bruce anymore aside from the cut of his jaw) housing 9 lives amidst 100 secrets.
"I love you," like the many times I've voiced it before, it gushes from me all soft and rushed.
"You love me? You love me?? Don`t," and there is coldness in his stare. Floating all the while amongst the arctic, I've struck the iceberg. Sinking under. Cracked in two. And I've got to say, the embrace is haunting.
"It is true that the lion coddled the lamb beneath its purring chin, bustling with a protective big paw. Be as it may, unbeknownst to the onlookers, once turned away; the lion gorged on the lamb. Feasted upon its frail body only to lick at its bloodied carcass and keep it close by. Not in memory, but as a trophy; for the lion`s former coddling of the lamb was nothing more than animalistic curiosity.
"Do you not realize Jon that we are all animals, you and I ? Instinct drives us, some however are more lethal, some run in packs, some run alone, and others...just….run." green devours me. Green tears through my flesh. Green swallows me whole. Perhaps I am but being gorged upon by the starving lion.
His lips curl into a sadistic sneer despite the tear tracks on his face and I'm all but floored by the fabric skin of this demon that everyone's tried to give a halo, "I will rip you apart, little lamb."
"Then by all means," I grab his hand to wrap it around my throat, it's cold but his grip is tight and his lips on mine are hot, "take my neck to slaughter."
Five fingers tremble in innocence against my throat; a golden token of humanity, honesty and clemeity. Making my wonder
just who really here is the lion and who is the lamb? Then he bares his teeth, rabid and wild. I bare my teeth back, standing ground in the middle of our Eden turned Jungle. Then our lips meet again. Our teeth clash. We fight to force the other into submission though neither backs down.
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe, he is but a lamb that learned to evolve amongst the lions. And could it be that I am but a lion having learned to secret himself amongst sheep? Maybe that's why him and I fight more than find common ground, for the foolish costumes we were taught to wear in order to cover up what rightful creatures God bore us as.
We are different and the same whether it be his purity or my hidden away corruption.
The volcanic eruption of his anger and soothing temperament of my ocean meet. 
They form an isle.
A match to an ignition causes an inevitable explosion. But, sometimes, that match plus ignition can give birth to fireworks rather than a bomb; we've just gotta be patient and count to 3. I count to 2 before seeing the spark. And right at 3 comes the crackle then pop, a raining shower of diabolical color transcending the stark black sky.
Who ever would of known that 4th of July in the middle of December would  look so much like Heaven waging war with Hell.
No one is home execpt for me to answer the chipper knock at the front door on the next sun smothered day, and the florist that greets me is happy to do so.
In my hands I'd received my gift of a crimson rose bouquet;
and while up in my room i'd read the card written on with an elegant gothic flourish:
                     My Little Lamb.
These three words made the wool wearing prey in me seek sanctuary, and yet, caused the dagger toothed predator in me to roar.
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naptoons · 5 years
Triggered-Joel Pimentel
warnings: Sexual Content, Cheating,Mild Language, Alcohol reference.
Theme: Angst
A/N: this is a part two of story of us , this is requested by @cncogirl18 ! i hope it’s great and it meets your request!. Read the first part here!
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joel and i have been getting more and more distant for the past 2 years. sometimes i blame it all on tour, sometimes i blame it all on maybe he’s cheating. maybe hes fallen out of love with me. but to be honest i blame it all on me. i pushed him away because im not ready for the limelight. im not ready for the flashing cameras and gosspi pages. most dont even know what i look like, they just thought i was a fanpage commenting under his posts all the time. some he didnt respond to so it didnt look so obvious.it’s been on my mind all day, even my friends noticed it, urging me to go home and talk to him about it. but i cant. maybe  cant because im afraid of the answer.
 leaning back in my chair picking at the peeling skin on my thumbs. debating going to joel’s apartment or heading to the party richard invited me to for his daughter. i might as well go home first, maybe get a nap. getting up from the chair, i grab my keys to his aprtment, heading for the door.
arriving at his apartment i walk in the house,hearing the noise of heavy breathing and muffled moans. the grunts that only i would know. but apprantly im not the only one whom knows it. biting the bullet of crying, i walk towards the living room dropping the keys in the bowl. after today i dont think i wanna come back. walking past the room to the bathroom i hear the voice of someone farmilar.
“i told you, you never loved her, you’d come back to me papi” emlila swoons him in, joel sighs with his feet shuffling against the carpet “why cant you admit it?!” she yells at him “she is nobody anyways why do you care so much?” feeling anger in my broken heart i swing the door open, gritting my teeth against my jawline, the atomsphere turning colder than stone.
“yeah joel, im fucking nobody” i choke through my clogged airways
“baby-” cutting him off i smack his hand away from my frame, i grab my back packing all of things “bre listen it didnt mean anything!” his voice breaking and pleading to get my attention, joel grabs my arm but i push him back making him hit the edge of the dresser groaning in immersed pain. but i feel no remorse.
“if it meant nothing why the fuck did you do it?!” i yell through the tears, i tried to be strong. to not cry in front of him. he didnt deserve my tears, he didnt deserve anything from me at this moment. “get the fuck away from me joel, i never want to see your fucking face ever again” grabbing my packed bag i place it on my shoulders before stepping out the room, i look back at emailia to see her smiling.
“you think you have everything right now, but if he did this to me, what makes you think he wont do it to you?” i pour my venom on her, her smile slowly falling flat and changing into anger “misery loves company, i hope you guys are miserable together karma is a bitch” with my words i feel my shoulders become lighter, running downstairs i hear joel yelling my name behind me, getting to the front door i slam it behind me getting in my car.
“what a fucking fool i am” i breathe out “thinking we could ever be something, neither of us was ready” i grab my phone calling lunay as i back out of his driveway, the tears begin to roll down my cheeks clouding my vision all i can see if dots of red and white lights.
“hola mami” lunay’s voice hones in on my ears. insatly my voice cracks trying to keep it together, i just break down and cry gripping the steering wheel as my knuckles drain the blood from them. “hey bre are you okay? where are you?”
wiping my face i inhale heavily “joel cheated on me” i let out “can i come over?” i ask, before hearing the answer all that fills my ears is the skid of tires on the road, and the reverb of a collision. The vision I once had colored like a void.
Pitch dark.
Opening my eyes to the angelic light, I groan as it burns my cornea, covering them with my fingers I sigh heavily. “Welp I guess that’s a sign to use night mode” I let out, slowly regaining my eyesight looking over at a puzzled wreck of a cousin. Smiling slightly I reach for his hand “hey, what’s got you so tangled up Charlotte?”
“You’ve been unconscious for three weeks, that’s what, and get a better joke that was corny” Christopher smiled slightly at the end, but I could tell that smile was fake. “And I’m wondering should I kill someone” his voice taking the form of malice.
“If you were to do that you couldn’t see your precious cousin” I smile followed by his scoff “wouldn’t say precious” he insults me. Lunay walls into the room sighing of relief “wow, did y’all really think I was going to die?” I laugh “y’all had no hope for me huh? What a sha...” getting my sentence cut off by his hug around my neck, I smile softly my fingers rubbing his back. “Hey you” I let out. He must’ve been so worried.
Lunay has been taking care of me for a whole month. I had to go to recovery, I lost a little bit of feeling in my legs so I started walking little by little, they also recalled my brain is a little fuzzy prior three minutes before the crash. Sadly it didn’t make me forget I got Joel cheating on me. With the girl who tried to break us up even before a label. I guess she got what she wanted. I haven’t seen or heard from Joel since that day. Part of me wants to reach out. But another part says “fuck him he pushed you away” tapping on the bow empty cereal bowl I hear the chunks of shoes hitting the floor.
“Aye mami, you okay?” Lunay rubs my shoulders, moaning at the tension in my body I nod my head slightly “are you sure? I’m here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on”
“Hm no I’m tired of crying, I’m moving on now”
“Aye nena! That’s right, you can do better” he encourages me. Lunay was throwing a party at his house tonight for a celebration on winning an award. I joined in even though Lunay told me I didn’t have to I just couldn’t be soaking in my sadness. It’s not going to fix anything so what’s the point of moping? Grabbing the drink on the counter I gulp it in one shot feeling it burn down my throat rapidly. Every cnco member was here but Joel. Made me wonder is he trying to avoid me? Why should he? He cheated on me he shouldn’t have any shame he knew what he got himself into. He shouldn’t have any shame it’s what he wanted anyways.
Drinking down another shot Richard furrows his eyes at me smiling I wave at him “what’s up Richard? You scared to drink?” I ask him
“Scared of you drinking, I don’t think you’re in the right headspace to be drinking nena” his lips fall in a flat line leaning against the counter, grabbing the bottle of liquor I grab my red solo cup this time.
“I think I’m just fine, I can’t sit around here and fucking waste my time in being sad, it’s been a whole month Richard, im fine” I crack open the cranberry juice to fuse with the liquor. “So stop worrying about me okay?”
“I’m worried about the both of y’all, hoping neither of you collapse first” Richard mumbles while walking away, I wanna ask him what that was about but I’m stopped by Lunay. With the biggest smile on his face.
“Hey? You good having fun?”
“Never better! Let’s dance” grabbing his hand with my left I sip with my right, everyone was bumping and grinding on their designated partner. Everyone here was having a great time. No one had a mask on themselves. Drinking, smoking falling in love in his backyard. Five cups down and the world was spinning. Taking off shoes and dancing on tables. I was dancing it away.
The pain away. Fuck it still hurt.
But there’s always three sides to a story.
His. Mine. And the side neither of us talked about.
Giggling on the couch I lay my head on christopers shoulder “hey cousin how are you?” I slur followed by a hiccup “I haven’t seen you since the hospital what are you up to these days?” My face felt hot and was probably showing hues of red. Maybe even pink.
“Babysitting two broken people is what” Christopher groans, he was rarely serious so this caught me off guard. Being to drunk to even ask I hug him.
“Aye, there’s no use in worrying, you gotta have a hurricane before the rainbow, I’ll be okay I promise”
“I hope so, we don’t want any more collateral damage” he hums in my ear.
The party was over and I watched as the few people that stayed over, Lunay was cleaning up trash until he saw me laying in the couch. “Mami, go to bed, or would you like me to drive you home?”
“Id rather not be alone” I mumble, almost throaty, suppressing the cries I want to let out. I can’t I’m done crying. I’ve been doing it for a whole month.
“Hey” he bends down to my level, running the pads of his thumb on my cheek “you’re never alone I promise” his eyes twinkled in love, I’m feeling the same way I did towards Joel. How can this be true? Have I moved on that quick?
Richard went back to Joel’s apartment, just as he was about to knock on the door, emailia opens it, her face showing signs of panic. “Wheres joel?” She asks
“And you think I would tell you? Plus that’s why I’m here to see was he here” Richard smugly answers
“So wait, hes not with you?” emailia asks
“Nope” Richard grabs his phone dialing his number, but to his demise it goes straight to the voicemail. Richard mumbling a soft curse word under his breath. “His phone is off”
“Oh my god fuck” she paces while chewing on her thumb, Richard looks at her with no sympathy but he just knew his mind had to ask.
“So what lie did you tell him hm?” emailia turns around on her heels looking back at him dumbfounded
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me I didn’t stutter, Joel is completely and utterly in love with bre, what did you say?!” Richard snaps are her, feeling Christopher pull him back slightly, “rich calm down”
“I didn’t tell him anything! He told me he felt bre was fading from him, and the more he tried the more she pulled, all I said was maybe she found someone else”
“Then took his sadness as your advantage to comfort him” Richard spits, walking away slowly
“You know damn well I love him!”
“If you did he wouldn’t be in this situation” Richard mumbles before getting in the car. “So? How are we going to find Joel?”
“We can’t, he’s been so secretive lately. Who knows where he is, the only thing I can think of is just wait for band practice or for him to come home” Richard sighs heavily “this is a fucking hurricane”
The bright sun beams on my eyelashes, squirming I feel a arm wrapped around my waist and the feeling of a chin in my shoulder. Slowly lifting the covers I gaze upon our naked bodies entwined together. Sighing and softly cursing to myself I sink my head deeper in the pillow.
Lunay and I hooked up.
Drunk hookup.
Slowly getting up from the bed I grab my clothes putting them on one by one. Until a hear a husky groan “good morning” he mumbles, my luck. Smiling I make it back to the bed sitting in front of him.
“Good morning” I whisper back
“How you feeling?” He asks
“Good, I had a good sleep”
“I imagine so” he jokes, getting up from the bed slowly “look bre, I don’t wanna be your rebound, I know this is the worst timing but, I’ve had a crush on you for the longest, and seeing how broken you are hurts me” freezing at his sudden words I looking down at the my tangled up fingers, “I want you to find what you mean to yourself, I want you to fix yourself, even if that means talking to him again”
“Lunay, I can’t even look him in the eyes and not want to cry”
“So? Isn’t better than wondering and drinking alcohol, not to mention losing your mind not knowing what to do” Lunay grabs my hand kissing my knuckles softly “bre, you deserve love okay? Don’t think that there won’t be someone out there for you”
Nodding my head I decided to face him head on. To talk about the problems I’ve never discussed.
Arriving at Joel’s apartment my stomach drops in depths. Never thought I’d come back here. Having ptsd just by looking at the snowflake walls, the way his plants on his patio are slowly decaying. He really isn’t doing to well just like me. Why is this so hard on him? I’m the one that should be triggered.
Knocking on the door I wait for his answer, the door swings open, smelling like a strand of weed. “Richard I told you-” his sentence is cut off by the sight of my eyes glued in his. “What are you doing here?”
“To talk” I answer
“What is there to talk about, I made you look stupid” Joel sighs
“yeah you’re fucking right you made me look like a fool, but I can’t blame you, maybe I pushed you towards that resort, not saying what you did was okay, but maybe the way I treated you inflicted this” I sigh leaning against the wall “can I come in?”
Joel opens the door for me to come in, closing the door behind me I see the mess his living room is in, I see the empty beer bottles and burned out half blunts. The edibles wrappers over the floor. Looking back at joel I see his hand is wrapped in a gauze. What has he been going through? I grab a bag as I start picking up his trash, “no it’s okay I’ll clean it up” Joel suggests but I grab his hand leading him to the couch.
“Let me help you, let someone help you okay? We gotta stop shoving people out” I stammer through my tears. Finish with cleaning up the mess, Joel and I sit on opposite sides of the couch.
“I’ve had two boyfriends in my lifetime, and when it got past two years, shit just started going downhill, one was abusive and one was a pathological liar and a drug addict” I start off, Joel’s eye filling to the brim with water, with just one touch they would pour down his lips. “It’s tiring opening and closing parts of me just to repeat the cycle, and when you cheated on me, I just saw you as the rest, I yelled at you and blamed you, I claimed you ruined everything, I wanted to fight you guys both, knowing she’d probably sue me or charged me with battery”
“In that heat of the moment I was willing to catch a case for it, cause you know me, when I get mad I get big mad, weeks after my accident I was going to call you, maybe even text you but I couldn’t, when I typed on the bubble I Tried my hardest not to disrespect you After what you did, man, what you expected?” My eyes looking at the tearful golden boy, his cheeks and nose were pink, so was his ears, glistening cheeks swelling up at the minute.
“I felt so Triggered, when I hear your name but also I was Triggered, because I am not okay, I was getting drunk partying hooking up with people all because I still missed you, Of our memories All you meant to meAll that history All that's history” my fingers trembling to grab his hand, caressing my thumb over his.
“But ain't no me and you without you in it, so I just wanna say I’m sorry, I pushed you away and made you feel like I didn’t love you, because I now know I do, I really do love you joel” the tears now falling out of his eyes, mirroring mine in the same gesture.
“I’m sorry too, I should’ve never talked to her about our problems, I should’ve came to you, but it isn’t your fault, I was the one who decided to have sex with her in our bed, no matter what I should’ve came and talked to you” Gravelly his voice echos the room, pulling him towards me, I wrap my arms around his head, letting him sob into my hoodie. As I begin to cry along with him.
“We’re both you blame, all we needed was to communicate” my wobbly voice whispers on his ear. “I accept your apology Joel, just promise we won’t run away from each other” feeling his body stop shuttering his head pulls out hovering over me.
“Yeah, I won’t run unless you promise to not run, and let’s better ourselves” Joel sniffs
“I’m not going anywhere, maybe someday we’d could be something more than friends again, you have my heart joel. We just need to fix ourselves before becoming one, but I don’t mind taking it slow with you”
“No labels? Just chilling?”
“Yeah” I smile caressing his face “slow burns”
“Slow burns”
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randaccidents · 5 years
Fractured (part one)
So I have fallen into another fandom! @mine-sara-sp‘s shadow people au is just so good though!
A while ago she posted a fic of a vexed Paladin and it got me thinking. This is where that thinking went.
TW: Blood, fighting, panic attacks (somewhat), manipulation
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Epilogue
The morning sun had just risen over the horizon and everything was quiet for once on Hermitcraft. With the recent glow ups in New Hermitville – literally, there was glowstone everywhere now – not even the sound of zombies could be heard, allowing all hermits who thought to find the comfort of their beds to have a peaceful awakening.
At least, for most of the sleeping hermits on the server, this was the case. For Wels, not so much.
The buzzing of his communicator woke Wels from his peaceful sleep. Groaning, Wels rolled over in his bed and blearily groped for the infernal device. Rubbing his eyes, Wels’ eyes flicked over the main chat to the two personal message chats that were blowing up his communicator.
Personal message from GoodTimesWithScar
[Scar] Wels vex alert!
[Scar]   bnghyt67sdzfgtyuopgtfjgkadsfxgchvjbknlm;,;lkjhaghjkl;’
[Scar] sorry Keloid licked my communicator
[Scar] where are you Keloid wants you
[Scar] I think Paladin died again
[Scar] youre sleeping arent you?
[Scar] please wake up
[Scar]Keloid is gonna melt me in lava please wake up
[Scar] wake up
[Scar] wake up
[Scar] wake up
[Scar] wake up
[Scar] wake up
[Scar] wake up
[Scar] pls this jrt is hgh they took my elytea
[Scar] wake up
Personal message from Cubfan135
[Cub] Wels vex alert!
[Cub] Avarice is looking for you
[Cub] ohno your asleep arent you
[Cub] Wels wake up
[Cub] Avarice is destroying my villager center
[Cub] Wels
[Cub] Wels my poor villagers
[Cub] How are you still asleep?
[Cub] If I know Scar, and I know Scar, he is spamming you right now
[Cub] Wels please if not for me then do it for the villagers
[Cub] … Wels I know youre awake answer me where are you
There goes his opportunity to pretend to be asleep. Grumbling, Wels rolled out of bed and began preparing for his day. He wasn't in the mood for anything in particular at the moment. If anything, he wanted to go back to sleep. Grabbing his tool set and weapons, Wels headed for the door. Yawning, he almost forgot to put on his armour before he left his mansion.
Shuddering at the memory of his last round trip flight, he quickly doubled back to grab the most important piece; the helmet. Looking at the rest of his armour set, he shrugged. Where he was going, and especially who he was going to meet, he wouldn't need any armour. Shrugging on his elytra, Wels jumped from the highest window in his mansion, gliding lazily towards the portal tower.
As he flew, Wels opened his communicator and idly flipped through the general chat, trying to pinpoint what needed to face his wrath for waking him up so early (the zombies weren't even burning yet!)
*Welsknight's shadow fell from a high place
[Zedaph] its vex time boys
[Iskall]  I dont think they heard you
[Impulse] I think their working on Concorp things right now
[Grian] Keloid and Avarice just flew past at mach speed and knocked me out of the sky like some kinda vex aeroplane what did I miss
[Iskall] read up
[Grian] oh
[Grian] well their heading the wrong direction we can still warn them
[Impulse] there is no way this chat hasnt warned them yet
[Zedaph] is that Keloid holding Scar up there on the jet?
[Impulse] ...I stand corrected
[Grian] isnt today his sleep day
[Impulse] what
[Impulse ] aw man he sleeps like a rock!
[Tango] you know what this means?
[Iskall] how do you want to do that man hes unshakable
[Zedaph] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Tango] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  WAKE UP WELS
[Impulse] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ WAKE UP WELS
[Mumbo] Guys stop I cant afk in peace like this
[Grian] Mumbo? Woken from afk? Impossible
[Iskall] and here is proof that Wels cannot be woken
[Iskall] yo bdubs you alright? been using a lot of caps there
[Keralis] hes not alright
[Keralis] send help
[Impulse] WAKE UP WELS
[Doc] Alright Im headed over right now dont you run from me
[Keralis] hurry I cant hold him forever
[Doc] I know where everyone is on this server
[Mumbo] How did you find my witch farm?
[Mumbo] How did you even get here???
[Cub] Wels I swear I know you're awake answer me where are you
[Impulse] WAKE UP oh
[Grian] ooo busted
[Impulse] I cant believe that did it
[Grian] my work here is done
[Tango] but you didnt do anything?
[Grian] exactly
[Cub] Wels hurry up Avarice saw the chat it is this close to smashing me
[Zedaph] did I just see grian flip his elytra like a cape while flying and not die
[Mumbo] Please get out of here
[Scar] please
Any other day he would feel guilty for leaving the Concorp with their shadows. But today he was tired and feeling a tad bit petty. Landing before the portal, he shot a quick message into the chat.
[Wels] Tell them to meet me in the sand mesa temple. They know which
Not bothering to wait for a reply, Wels set his communicator on silent and strode into the portal, heading towards the 'meeting place'. Preoccupied as he was, Wels never saw the stray shadow on the floor that detached itself to follow after him.
Closing the door of the shadow temple, Wels began preparations to resummon Paladin. Reaching into the chest he had left, he pulled out an armour stand and climbed the podium, humming a sea shanty as he went. Placing the armour stand on the podium, he stepped back to make sure Paladin wasn't summoned quite that fast. He was not in the mood to deal with his ego today. Suddenly, he heard the door open and close behind him. That was fast. “Wait just a bit I’ll have your Shiny for you,” he yelled over his shoulder. Stepping forward, he prepared to summon Paladin and-
Wait. Keloid and Avarice don’t just, open and close doors. They smash them. The person behind him was not Keloid or Avarice. He turned-
and something slid across his throat, cutting off his breath.
Choking, Wels stumbled back, falling onto the stairs. Hands scrabbling at his throat, trying to close the wound, to breathe. Tilting his head to the side, he found an angle that let him breathe shallowly.
“Well, that wasn't what I intended, but it works great for my frustrations.”
Gasping, he looked up and met his bright blue eyed ambusher, idly tracing shapes in the air with its sword. Wels knew this shadow. He was so dead. Shakily, he drew his sword from his tool belt. His ambusher looked down at him through his visor and grinned, stalking forward.
“You think you can fight me as you are now? You make me laugh.” A snarl, and Apex was upon him, sword screeching against his own. Wels found himself struggling to push Apex away, to breathe, breath stolen in the face of a predator. “Good thing I need a laugh right now.”
Apex made a quick movement with its hand, sending Wels’ sword skittering up the stairs onto the podium. Wels barely managed to bring his arms up to block the next sword strike, wheezing in pain as it skittered off something hard. Pain ignored in the adrenaline, in the need to stay alive, Wels scrabbled backwards up the steps, forgetting his injuries, forgetting to breathe, anything to grab the precious sword that would give him a chance. Apex was advancing on him, he can't breathe, where is his sword?
His hand reached back, and he grabbed hold of something made of sticks.
His shadow bubbled, rising out of the floor to become 3D. Yellow eyes flickered open.
*Welsknight’s shadow has been summoned
Paladin stretched lazily, unaware of their surroundings. “Wels hey so about that death I...”
Apex stood before them, Wels on the floor at their feet. This was not normal. “What are you doing Apex?”
The shadow grinned at them lazily, sword in a resting position at their hip. “Why, just releasing some pent up frustrations on unsuspecting players. This doesn't concern you at all. Go back to those creatures you call shadows.”
They almost did. They didn't want to keep Keloid and Avarice waiting too long. But then they made the mistake of looking down.
Wels looked horrible. Paladin could see open wounds on his neck and arms, fresh from the fight. Wels’ breathing was shallow, but his eyes were hyper aware, shuddering between Apex and Paladin.
He looked cornered. Paladin took a step towards him, something tugging at the back of their mind. What was this emotion?
Apex snarled at them threateningly. “Are you challenging me little blacksmith? You’re nothing without your guard dogs following you.” Paladin’s shoulders hiked upwards at the nickname and they hissed in the way that Keloid and Avarice would when angry. Apex flinched at the noise, stabbing their sword downwards towards the floor to mask it, Wels’ whimper of pain going unnoticed in the tension. “You can fight me if you want blacksmith. But I’m not afraid of you.” The sword came back up to point at Paladin’s exposed chest. “You are nothing without those vex, and I will end you.”
They couldn't take those insults to his ability. Their ego did not want to allow it. But Paladin had survived this long with fewer deaths than expected because they knew when to quit. This was not a fight they could win, even if the pulsing knot in their chest rebelled. They stepped away from Wels.
Apex grinned, yellow smile flashing through the impossible corners of the temple. “Smart choice.” They moved, and Paladin’s eyes trailed downwards, locking onto Wels’ panicked ones. The knot in their chest grew tighter-
And in one stroke, they had grabbed a sword from the floor and stabbed Apex through the back with it.
Apex snarled in surprise, whirling around to face them. A clashing screech, and they were locked in combat. Paladin could see Wels dragging himself away from the corner of their eye and a strange relief filled them. Giving a threatening hiss-chirp back, blocked Apex’s blows, looking for an opening to exploit as their training with Wels kicked in.
Parry, parry, thrust, parry, parry, thrust
The rhythm kept them in the fight, preventing Apex from advancing while also retaliating. So it came as a surprise when Apex suddenly twisted its wrist and sent their sword flying to the opposite side of the room. Not wasting a beat, Apex leapt at them, sword swinging in a large arc that sliced across their neck. Paladin staggered backwards at the pain, only barely moving their head to the side to avoid a sword in their skull, sending a straight gash of light across their face. They click-snarled at Apex, whose grin only turned more predatory.
The next swing was intercepted by an axe, followed by a pickaxe which sliced across their chest. Apex barely stumbled as they charged forward yet again, pinning Paladin’s off-handed axe to the floor with one hand. Raising a foot, it was brought down with a snap!, breaking the weapon. A pickaxe at its shoulder brought their attention back to Paladin, and the cycle began anew.
Parry, parry, parRY, PARRY, PARRY
Slices on their arms, light and triangular particles spinning away. Paladin could feel panic start to settle deep in their bones as they fought. They had barely managed to keep themselves between Wels and Apex, but they knew this was a losing fight. A pickaxe was never meant to be a strong weapon against a sword, but they were determined. The knot in their chest would be too painful to bear otherwise they knew. They kept swinging and parrying, what choice did they have?
There is one choice for you dark one.
Bells and tinkling laughter. They knew who this was. The world around them paused, glowing a light blue like a badly rendered photo. They closed their eyes.
The sound of wings, of bells and tinkling laughter grew nearer. The intense sensation of being watched crawled beneath their skin, but they stood firm. They were made for the spotlight, it did not scare them one bit. Not even as the Vex arrived to speak to them again.
We can help you dark one. All you need to do is make a deal.
Keloid and Avarice had warned them more than enough for them to know that this was a bad idea. They snarl-growled at the unseeable entity before them. “No. Haven't I said this enough times? Go away.”
Ah, but you need help don’t you? Look at your summoner, so weak and fragile. We know that he won’t last once you go down.
That made Paladin falter slightly. “But he’ll respawn!”
Humming. But what if this time he doesn't? What then dark one, what then?
They were not thinking straight, they knew that, knew it in the shaking of their hands and the rush of adrenaline, the cold in their bones and the knot in their chest- no, the emotions in their chest that they didn't understand, emotions for their summoner; care? worry? They didn't know, everything was going so wrong-
Calm dark one. We can help. All you need to do, is ASK.
Paladin considered, actually thought about what was being offered. They needed help, they knew. They also knew that the Vex were strong and ancient. But the warnings…
“If I ask for your help, I want to know what I’m getting into first. No sneaky dealings of any sort.”
Laughing bells. If you insist. All we want is a chance to make a deal with your summoner. You will be the conduit to bring him to us.
“And if I don’t?”
You both won’t have a choice. One way or another we will find you.
Paladin ducked their head, opening yellow eyes to glance sideways at Wels. The man had pulled himself to a column. His shirt was ripped, used as makeshift bandages. Red. So much red. They made their decision.
“Alright, I’ll take your deal. Help me.”
Shattering music notes. What do you want us to give you, dark one?
There was no hesitation, the words drawn upwards out from him. “Power. I’ve been the damsel for long enough. Give me the power to protect my family.” They would have hesitated more, but that glance at Wels earlier had solidified a fiery resolve. They wanted to protect their family, and that included Wels whether he liked it or not.
Tinkling glass shards mixed with laughter as power stabbed its way into Paladin. Of course. Now, wake and face your opponent dark one, and remember our deal.
The blue fog faded, the staring spotlights died, the glass was swept away. It was as if the Vex were never there. But Paladin could feel the power rising in their chest, competing with guilt and worry and panic. With a roar, they released it into the air.
Apex stumbled backwards, the roar resonating through memories of darkness, birds, blue. Its grin became more of a grimace as they launched itself at Paladin again, only to be stopped by a sword. Where had they-?
Looking around, Apex noticed the glowing blue gauntlets floating in the air around Paladin. The gauntlets moved quickly, each hand grabbing the closest weapon. A blue cloak of the same colour had spawned out of nowhere and draped upon Paladin’s shoulders. Apex’s grimace flipped back into a feral grin. This was what a real challenge looked like.
They sprung into action, hacking away at each weaponed hand. With every hand that fell, another took its place. Every hit that did land bounced off the hard plating of the seemingly cloth-made cloak. But it soon began to tire, invisible strings softening its blows. No one else on the server had kept up with it this long, not even Killjoy. But shadows didn't tire, someone must be helping Paladin. Looking up, Apex met Paladin’s angered glare. But that didn't faze them at all.
What did faze them was the softly glowing blue streaks where they had sliced Paladin earlier. Apex hissed. Vex. That's where the blacksmith’s help had come from. They shuddered as the invisible threads cut deeper. Now that it knew what to look for, they could feel the Vex on its shoulders, weighing it down. It was time to cut their losses.
Apex faked a lunge at Paladin, taking the split second of Paladin being off-balance to make a run for the door. Turning back inside the doorframe, Apex took in the scene they had left. Red on the floor, pillars sliced into, Paladin running towards them.
And Wels was finally open. Apex grinned. Mechanically, they raised their arm, bringing out Biffa’s spare iron sword and threw it, slamming the door behind them.
Paladin howled, jumping to grab the sword. They knew they were too far away, but something carried their momentum forward and they grabbed the sword out of the air, tumbling onto the steps of the podium. They could feel the cloak folding behind them as it smoothed back out from whatever form it took. In that moment, all Paladin could do was breathe.
“Pal-adi-n?” The halting gasp of their name brought them back to the source of their current problem. Prying themselves off the floor, they hurried to Wels’ side, checking on his wounds. Wels was more concerned about other things, physically recoiling at the sight of the blue scars.
“Wha- di-you do?” The question came out gurgled, but understandable. Paladin could only helplessly reach for their summoner, voice pleading for understanding.
“I made a mistake so I could save you.”
Wels seemed to understand, allowing Paladin close to check on him even as fear swam in his eyes. “Vex” he hissed, before coughing painfully into Paladin’s chest. Paladin chirped soothingly as Avarice always did for them, even as the now known panic rose up yet again. Wels was in no condition to move right now. They could look for help, but what if Apex came back? They could try Wels’ communicator, but they had no idea which temple this was. They could be anywhere! What to do what to do what to do
A pricking in their arm brought them back to reality, grounding them. They cooed at Wels in confusion; they could sense no danger here.
Until they saw the lone Vex mob, sitting on the centre podium where shadows were summoned. It cocked its head at the bloodied knights below them, grin permanently stretched wide.
We told you we would find you. Tinkling bells, shattering laughter, a hundred gazes combined as one.
It's time to fulfill your end of the deal.
Blue particles, broken bells, the room bathed in a blue-purple glow as the knights held tight to each other; one protectively and one in fear. The bell tolled.
Not minutes later, Keloid and Avarice burst down the door to find the temple empty, clean of all signs of struggle and missing two fractured knights.
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stardancerluv · 4 years
At War
Part 6c
Summary: Roman comes to some realizations and somethings come to an end.
Warning: light torture from Roman, one mention of blood and someone dies.
Getting up he went into his walk in closet and closed the door. From deep within him, Roman let out a scream, an incoherent fuck. He felt much better afterward. So caring about another made you feel like this.
He looked over his shoulder to where you were laying just in the other side of his sound proof wall. He pressed his lips together, you were worth it. As he grabbed a t-shirt, something inside him clicked, this felt right.
With a clearer mind he went to anti-room where he let you keep some clothes and grabbed a pair of your own pajama pants.
Coming over, he sat beside you, “I brought you some things to be more comfortable.” He said softly draping an arm over you.
“Roman?” Looking, over at you he saw your watery eyes.
He inhaled. “Yes.”
You shook your head, you covered your face with your hands.
“I, look when Zsasz delivered you to me downstairs, I wanted you more then anything I had ever wanted in my life.” A cynical bark of laughter came from him. “I had a life. It was fun, exhilarating and I was unstoppable.” He looked away and he realized that the words he needed to say were not longer a jumble. “But here you were. I was silly enough to think I could keep you safe, because I grew to care for you.”
“Oh Roman.” You sobbed, bending over. He felt you tremble.
“Baby?” Had he said all of this too late.
He watched as you gathered your breath, as your tears fell down your cheeks.
“Come here.” He urged, you did and he held you.
He was not sure how much later it was but he helped you into your pajama pants. As you stood before him, he pressed a kiss onto your hip before tugging his shirt down.
You giggled and ruffled his hair, “That tickles.”
He smirked at you. “Good.” He pulled you onto his lap.
He ran his fingers through hair that had fallen into his hand. “Baby, I have go and finish what started with Gillis.” He swallowed. “Maybe we afterward we can disappear, would you like that?” He rested his hands on your hips.
“I’d like that.” You smiled.
To Zsasz: I am on my way.
From Zsasz: I’ll be outside with your mask.
His heart picked up speed despite feeling ice cold sitting in the back of the Rolls. It weaved in and out of the traffic of Gotham.
Zsasz, was standing there holding his face.
Getting out, he straightened his gloves and slipped on the mask. Gravel cruncher under his shoes as he walked over to where Gillis hung.
He turned to look into her face. “Hello, how’s the leg?”
“Fuck you.” She spat out.
He shook his head. “You really have never been one for conversation.” He moved and pushed her hard. “We didn’t have end up here.”
He stepped back enjoying the sight of her wriggling and swinging. As if in slow motion, he watched as she flew free from the rafter. With a heavy thud and groan she crashed in the concrete floor, at his feet.
He looked over at Zsasz, who looked confused.
Roman, shook his head. “Were you wriggling alot Gillis?” He tsked.
“She sure was boss.” Zsasz, scratched the back of his head.
“See the harder you fight, the harder it is to affix one to the ceiling, Gillis.” He stepped over and bent over her. Grabbing her by her clothes, he looked her in the eye.
“Look, I am not one for unnecessary pain, well at least not for the ones I have a scrap of respect for.” He admitted. “But then you had to go and try to kill me girl.” He kicked where he shot her in the leg, a scream erupted from her. It made him smile under his mask. Fresh blood blossomed under the bandages, his smile broadened.
Out breath she managed to find her voice. “She, they all should know what happens when they love us.” Another scream erupted from her when he kicked her again.
“Maybe but they deserve a chance.” He reached into his pocket with flourish he took out one of his knives. “You should have negotiated. Tell St. Clair when you see her that the pretty boy says hello.”
With a smooth move, he bent down and slit her throat. Letting her, she was dead before she hit the concrete.
He gave his knife to Zsasz, “Is there anyone else we have to worry about?” He shook his head. “Good, clean this up.”
He took off his gloves, and dropped them beside the very dead Gillis.
“We will talk business in three days. Keep an eye on things. Y/N and I are going disappear for a few days.” It was a statement, Zsasz knew not to question him.
“Sure thing boss.”
@spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @theblackmaskclub @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @top-rumbelle-fan @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @rosionis @queenofgotham800 @brookisbi @peachthatdrinkslemonade @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @rentskenobi @starwarsslytherin @proffesionalclown @chogisss @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @pooshnulooshnu @speedypartyducksuitcase @blondekel77 @saphic-susperia @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight
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antihero-writings · 5 years
The Only Fight--Young Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Star Wars Sequel Trilogy fic (full fic!)
Fic Title: The Only Fight
Fic Synopsis: Waking or sleeping, Ben Solo has been fighting the darkness within him ever since he was a child
I’ve been wishing i had more Kylo Ren fics on my dash, please feel free to send me prompts/asks and let me know what sorts of Kylo Ren--especially young Ben Solo-- fics you’d like to see (once I get some time to write)! Or just message me to chat about Kylo Ren, here or on my main blog!! I’ve been looking for more friends in the Reylo fandom!!
All Ben knows is that he has to run.
The little boy’s breathing is short, his heart racing, his hair falling about his face. The snow crunches and crumbles beneath his feet, the cold biting into his skin. The darkness threatens to take him into its consuming grasp, hold him tight and never let go.
Maybe he should let it.
He does not know how long he has been running, where he is now, or where he will end up. Nor does he know what he is running from. All there is is the act of running, and the fear that set it in motion.
Fear. Fear heightening his senses, making every stagnant shadow into patient monsters; waiting for him to come to close, come close so they can pick him up, swallow him whole.
He doesn’t wait in return, doesn’t wait to see if they’re real; he assumes they are.
But nothing reaches out with bloody claws, nothing taunts him, or roars in his ears. The only sound in this snowy forest is his own frantic gasps for air—(but he doesn’t feel like he’s breathing)—and that is monstrous enough.
Ben falls to the ground. He tries to crawl, to get back up, but his legs refuse to answer his commands.
The darkness, at last, now that Ben is on the ground, now that he cannot escape, takes on form, and steps before him.
Ben is just a child, he will never win against the hosts of darkness. Never win.
Or at least, his mind repeats it, like some sick prayer; You’re nothing.
The creature—no, the person—‘s face is obscured, whether by a cloak, a mask, or his own blurred perception, is itself another unclarity.
Everything is a little off, a little unclear, like he’s looking through the dusty viewfinder of his uncle’s macrobinoculars. Like he’s making it up as he goes along.
In the dim light Ben can’t tell whether the cloak is brown or black.
There is a whole spectrum between those two colors.
A sound penetrates the shadows, and with it, a light.
The lightsaber gleams in the dark. It is not, however the warm, saving grace of lamplight come to save him from the surrounding black. Rather it gathers its energy from the dark around it, amplifies the shadows, and the terror they provide. It hums, a crackling, red-soaked lullaby. Like an escaped convict of the old world, singing to himself in an empty cave the words to an even emptier old imperial march, telling himself he will be king again.
Red. Black. White. One day, the only colors he’ll see in.
Ben doesn’t even have the strength, or time, to ask Who are you? What are you? What do you want with me?
It doesn’t matter anyways. He knows, he knows exactly why this person has come: they have been hunting him down for a long time, and that lightsaber is about to break his too-fragile heart—the heart he hasn’t had time to harden and protect yet.
The only thing he dares to do is shut his eyes, and catch a breath, hold it in his lungs, try to grasp tight enough it won’t be stolen away.
“Ben,” the shadow taunts with a deep, crackling, familiar, unfamiliar voice, and the figure is so tall …or maybe Ben is just too young…“Oh poor little Ben,” it speaks with mock-pity, “Who will save you now?”
The little boy tries to swallow, tries to think of something to say, his tongue and mind searching for one strand of hope reach out and grab with his words.
He has no weapon of his own. His words are his only sword. So he must choose the strongest ones.
So…what are the strongest words? Defiance? Emotion? Insults? Truths? Lies? Will he fight the shadows with light or darkness?
There is power in silence too, but his tongue will not sit still. So, with a nervous sort of pride he says,
“My father will come. H-He’ll come to save me.”
The figure laughs.
Then, to Ben’s surprise, they power down the saber and crouch down. But he soon finds the reason is because worse than their taunts, worse than the violent promise of the lightsaber, is the feeling of their gloved finger on his chin. Their face is indistinguishable even now, close. And they say, with only a glint of empathy, hidden under six feet of of malice,
“Poor little Ben…all alone in the world.”
He swallows.
Is he? Is he all alone? What if Father isn’t coming? What if Mother isn’t coming? What if Uncle Luke isn’t coming? What if he, and this thing, and these snowy woods are all that is real in the end?
They take their hand away, the mocking tenderness left behind for slander;
“You think Han Solo will come to your rescue? You think that arrogant wretch will be your savior?” he laughed, “I am sorry to say.”—and Ben has been around enough adults to know they wasn’t sorry at all—“He will leave you on your own…everyone will. Han Solo can’t save you.”
The boy’s hands clench into shaky fists. “N-No! NO!” Ben cries out, so lonely, so afraid, so lost.
The figure head tilts ever so slightly. “You’re so sure… why?”
“Because…Because he’s my father—”
“And that’s what father’s do?” they scoff. “Just because he is your father doesn’t mean he’ll always be there. There are some darknesses we must face alone. Best to realize this earlier on…it’ll save you the pain of betrayal later.”
Ben’s expression is set. His small frame can barely contain all the anger running through him.
They tilt Ben’s chin higher, as if appraising him as some fine item for auction. He swallows. “You cling so tightly to the light. Wouldn’t it be easier just to give in?”
“U-Uncle Luke says—”
“Skywalker. I should have known…Did he ever tell you of your grandfather?”
Ben chooses silence this time.
“And what if even he, this perfect hero…isn’t what he seems? What if even he turns against you one day…What would you do!”
“No…NO! Uncle Luke would never do that!”
“Quiet!” The figure barks, looking around wildly, exchanging the gentle touch close to Ben’s face for the lightsaber again—at which Ben cries out in fear, and attempts to scramble away but I cant move!
A voice comes from the trees nearby. “You’re the one who shouldn’t be so chatty.”
The footsteps of the new figure fall between the shivering boy on the ground, and the shadow which hovers above him.
“He’s just a boy. What do you want with him?”
“What use would you have for him? He is just a boy.”
“Use? He’s not a tool, or a toy! He is a person!”
The attacker whirls his lightsaber tauntingly, “He has his grandfather’s blood in him. Someday he could become something great. But not like this; Not sniveling on the ground.”
“He could be something great. He will be. But not led by you. Go. Leave him alone.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
Lightsabers draw, splash paint across the night, colors flash, sending shocks through him, and cracks of sound through the air and ground.
Ben looks away.
Thunder and light in the middle of the night, the villain may have fallen, but the child is caught in the middle—between the fire, and the shadows it casts on the wall—
And they die.
And in the moment he dies Ben realizes just how alive he is.
Light from the stars—which they promise he will travel to, someday—pools on the floor of his bedroom, dripping from the window, crawling through the dark to the child.
There is nothing more in the room but cloth and metal; pillows and toys, empty and unliving. The world is silent. But the noise of the dream still fills his head. Tells him, though he knows not what something is in the room with him. Telling him, no mater why, he must feel uneasy, even now that he is safe.
And there is nothing more unsettling than a silent room to a noisy mind.
So, with hyperventilating heart, Ben sits up in the quiet.
He does not, however, rest within the emptiness.
He tries not to shiver.
He fails.
He tries to close his eyes, to shut it all out.
It only makes his mind louder.
There’s nothing here. I’m alone. I’m alone. Comes the first chorus.
I’m so very alone. I’m all alone, just like that thing said, and no one will save me—! Is the refrain.
He tries to tell himself the darkness is not reaching out at him.
He fails.
As he moves to flee from his nightmares.
Something moves on the shelf.
And he runs.
“Mommy! Daddy!” he cries, attempting to knock down the door to their bedroom with feeble hands, but ends up sliding down it, falling to the floor in a heap of tears.
It’s only a moment before light extends its hands in friendly greeting from the bottom of the door. Footsteps, and the door opens to reveal the worried and sleepy face of his mother, brown hair falling about her waist.
“Ben?” she runs a hand over her tired expression, “What’s wrong?”
“I-I was—there was—Momma he was gonna kill me—!“ Ben heaves.
“Oh...You had a nightmare, didn’t you?” Leia kneels down before her son.
Han’s face appears in the doorway beside her.
His mother rubs her hand soothingly along her son’s back, crooning, “It’s alright.” She lifts him up in her arms, then runs her hands through his hair as he cries, “Shh…it’s alright. You’re going to be okay.”
“Yeah, it’s okay, Ben,” Han tries to comfort. She sits on the bed, placing him on her lap. He leans his head onto her chest, continuing to cry, as Han joins them. “It was just a bad dream.”
It takes a moment before Ben is able to whimper through the sobs, looking at his dad through the wind and fire,
“H-He told me y-you wouldn’t be there…he said you couldn’t save me…”
“What?” Han sits down next to him, “Who told you that?” he laughs a little, “Who does he think he is, ‘can’t save you’?” he scoffs, “You think this asshole”—Leia gave him a reproving look—“er, jerk, would be able to take on the fastest pilot in the galaxy? I bet he’d take one look at me and piss his pants. You really think your cunning, genius, incredibly handsome dad can’t save you?”
Leia rolls her eyes. Ben almost smiles.
Han smiles back. “That’s not true, son. That’s just not true. I’ll be there; I’ll always be right here.” He cups his son’s cheek.
“Y-You promise?” Ben asks, sniffling, tear-stained eyes bright and yearning.
“Yeah. Sure. Of course. Of course I promise.”
Ben tries to smile but sorrow is so strong in him—as though it’s trying to penetrate his soul and claim it for its own forever after.
Ben’s mind races, unfinished images falling like rain inside his head. They pool on the dual pathways that lead to Woods of Fear, and the Town called Love, and trickle down into the deepest parts of his soul.
“You’re gonna be okay, sweetheart, you’re gonna be just fine.” Leia smiles, trying to find the antidote the poison of the dream, “When I was little, I used to have all sorts of dreams.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. I used to have these dreams about my mother and father all the time. Some of them were nice, but… there were others that scared me.”
“I didn’t know that.” Han spoke.
“Just be thankful you have a mother and father to run to,” she twisted a strand of hair in around her fingers, “not everyone is so lucky.”
“But you’ll always be there for me, right? You’ll protect me?”
“Of course,” she kissed his head.
But our nightmares never go away. Not really. Not completely. Not when they’re real/from the force)…
They say the war’s over, but, in him, it feels like it’s just beginning.
And it is.
Legacy. It always sounds so hopeful to those leaving it. The promise of a better world. But to a child who is this legacy…it becomes quite the toll on the bridge of life. And Ben had this burden worst of all; An uncle who persisted in the light, whose legacy was stars and starships, and saving the galaxy, who made heroism look so easy. A mother whose legacy was kingdoms, republics, who was a princess, though not one in some tower waiting to be rescued. And a father whose legacy was never giving up, always smuggling something, who never checked twice, and always shot first. And a grandfather whose legacy was empires, and black-strewn halls and masks, and bloodstained names, strong with the force, which attuned his heart to darkest parts of it. The blood of all of them spilled beneath his skin, running a race in his veins, pulling him in different directions. And the name of an old hermit whose legacy was the knights and the chivalry of an old forgotten world. He knows not which voice is the tempter and which is the voice calling him home.
All these conflicting legacies, so much pressure to stay in the light, and one single string of dark, there like a rope rescuing him from a cave he’s fallen into, and the expectation that he’ll live up to them all somehow…What can be left in and of him but war?
Peace is not as simple as it seems. Peace is often harder, because while peace is easy to shatter into war, it’s nearly impossible to pick up the pieces of war and put them back together as peace again. There are always little wars in the cracks. It’s unfortunate that he was born on one of those cracks.
If only he hadn’t grown up. Every child stops idealizing their parents at some point. If only it weren’t those words from the dream that echoed in his head, if only they hadn’t started to sound more and more true, until they were the only thing he believed in.
If only he had realized he didn’t have to choose just one. Just one side, just one legacy. And just part of one. If only he realized that he didn’t have to choose between being the hero, the prince, the rascal, the master, and the lord. That he could be them all at once.
And if only the light hadn’t given in to that single moment of fear, proving everything said in his dreams right.
Maybe he’d still be Ben.
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littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
Work Place Romance
Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Characters: Thomas, Luda, others mentioned Relationship: Thomas/reader Request (ish): So I originally started this as a request for a Thomas proposing request and this was the backstory. But I fell in love with the idea and decided to write it as a stand alone. Enjoy. You had heard of the Hewitt’s growing up, but never saw any of them other than Luda Mae, who had given you free lollypops when you came into the small shop she ran when you were a child. But her son, Thomas, was all but a mystery to you. He didn’t go to school like the rest of the children from the town and surrounding areas. He didn’t play out at the parks or in the fields. Occasionally, you would see him at the river, but never playing. He would normally be on the other side of the water, and you would wave happily to him. He’d return with a shy wave then leave to hurry home. But when he got the job at the meat factory, that was when you started to grow close to him. You were in HR, administration and payroll. If there was any office work, it got dumped on your desk with a snide comment to hurry up. When it came time for Thomas to join, he had to come see you so you could speak him through his contract, his hours, wage, holidays and any sickness leave. This hulking great man sat and listened closely to everything you had to say and you were surprised. Most men just rolled their eyes and snapped at you to hurry up, but Thomas listened and responded with nods when appropriate. You were pretty sure it was because you didn’t speak to him like he was dumb or an animal. You didn’t flinch or turn away from him in disgust or even fear. He started to gravitate towards you, making a point to walk by your office every day before he started and when he finished. 9 times out of 10, you would see him and wave good morning or good night to him. Once, he had fallen. It was another employees fault after they didn’t clean up some cattle blood on the floor and Thomas had been carrying some boxes. He slipped, fell, and had to go home. You had been on holiday for a few days, so when you popped into the little shop Luda owned and heard her and Charlie fretting about what they would do without the income for a few weeks, you stormed back to your office. After a 3 hours standoff with the owner and several employee handbooks and contracts being thrown about, he eventually gave you the okay to pay Thomas a sickness wage, plus compensation for his fall. --------flash back ------------ You wrote the cheque and got in your car. Driving up to the house, you saw a man outside leaning over a open car bonnet. “Excuse me? Is Thomas about?” You called, startling him as he hadn’t heard your car approaching over a radio. “Yeah, whos asking?” The man, you were sure his name was Monty, snapped at you. “My names [y/n], im from the factory.” You tell him and immediately see him relax a little. “Heard about you. Wait a minute.” He turned to the house. “LUDA!” You jumped a little as he called out for Luda but she came out fairly quickly, seeming annoyed to be summoned in such a way but immediately smiling when she saw you. “This young lady’s from the factory. Wants to see Thomas.” Monty filled her in. “Of course, hes just in here.” Luda retreats back inside, beckoning you to follow, which you did. Thomas was in the living room, sitting on the couch. You saw him try to move a little but wince in pain. Your heart broke for him. “Thomas, you got a visitor.” Luda called sweetly to her son who she was obviously dotting on. Thomas turned to see you and immediately went to stand, but both you and Luda stopped him by holding out your hands. “No, its fine.” You smiled, touched that he felt the need to stand up when you entered. You walked around to sit in one of the chairs while Luda leaned on the back of the couch.”Im sorry I didn’t come sooner. Im on holiday for another few days and I try to keep my distance from the factory when I can.” Your comment earned a small chuckle form Luda who shook her head. “Its fine, love. But how did you find out?” She asks and Thomas cocked his head to the side, obviously thinking the same thing. You had ran out of the gas station before her and Charlie had realised. “I overheard you in your shop.” You tell her and you see her face drop. Like many around here, money issues was an embarrassing subject and rarely spoke about outside of family. “I went back to the factory and watched the CCTV footage. There was blood on the floor, it should have been cleaned up or a sign put out. So that means it’s the company’s negligence. I had a little… talk with the owner, and hes agreed to give you sick pay along with some compensation for your injury’s.” You leaned forward and held out the envelope which contained the cheque and a small letter listing what was sick pay and what was compensation. Luda leaned forward and looked over Thomas’ shoulder, her mouth dropping open when she saw the figure. “That’s only up until the end of next month. If you need more time, come and see me. I can probably push for 6 months at the most. Im sorry you had to wait so long.” You apologies sincerely. If you had been there, you would have made sure Thomas knew what he was entitled to before he left so his family didn’t have to fret. You were angry that the owner thought he could just take advantaged of his employees this way. “Sweetie, you don’t need to apologies for anything. Thank you.” She quickly walked around the couch and wraps her arms around you. Even though you were still sitting, you couldn’t help but smile and return her hug. When she pulled back, she was smiling. “Will you stay for dinner? Please?” “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to intrude. I know I came a bit unexpectedly.” You wanted to accept her invite but didn’t want to barge in on the family who were obviously so close. “Of course you can stay. We’ll set a place for you.” She smiles widely and hurried off to the kitchen to prepare dinner. “How are you feeling?” you asked Thomas, moving off the single seater to the sofa so you could sit beside him. He shrugged, moving his hand to his shoulder. You could see he was wearing a shirt, but the buttons weren’t fully done up. “Are you bruised?” you asked, and he nods and leans forward. He undoes 2 more buttons of his shirt and pulled it to the side so you could see. you gasp a little as you see the bruised flesh. When he had slipped, he had fallen to the side and his shoulder had taken most of the impact. The back of his shoulder and down was the worse area. It was his left shoulder, so he had a little benefit that it wasn’t his dominate arm but that didn’t make it easier. “Im going out to the city tomorrow. I’ll try get something to ease it. Do you have any pain killers?” You asked him as he covered his shoulder again. Your eyes glanced to the side of his neck. You could just see a small area of flesh which was exposed, showing the damaged skin that covered his face. On his shoulder, you had seen he had small areas that were indented, showing that the skin condition must cover his whole body but his face was the worse. It wasn’t till you were looking at him that you realised he was wearing his normal mask over his lower face. You found it strange that he wore it at home, but didn’t question him on it. Thomas reached to the coffee table beside the couch and showed you a half empty packet of paracetamol. “I’ll try get you something stronger. Paracetamol barely helps with my headaches so I cant see it doing much for your shoulder.” You reach out, stroking his upper arm. You could feel the muscles under his shirt tense a little at your touch. Luda watched silently from the door to the kitchen. She had never seen Thomas so comfortable with a stranger. ‘mind you’, she thought to herself, ‘shes not a stranger. He sees her nearly every day’. ---------------time skip ----------------- You pulled up outside the house in the early evening. The sun was still out but it was warm with a cool breeze. “Back again?” Monty called with a small laughter as he sat on the porch in a rocking chair. “afraid so.” You smiled back and Monty nods to the door. “Just head in. call out though.” He tells you and you thank him before grabbing the bag from your passenger side. You climb the stairs to the front door and nod at Monty as you pass him. “Hello? Its [y/n].” You call as you enter the house. You had left late last night after a loely meal with the family. But you had been up early for the drive into the city. It was about an hour and a half but sometimes the traffic on the way in and out was bad so you wanted to give yourself enough time. Glancing into the living room, you saw Thomas wasn’t on the couch. “Thomas?” you called out, the big house suddenly feeling very empty. That was until Thomas came out from the kitchen. He looked a little surprised but happy to see you once again as you made your way towards him. “I got you some stuff to help with your back.” He guided you to the kitchen and you placed the bag on the table in the centre of the room. “So I got some co-codomol.” You pull out the tablets, placing them down. “I wasn’t sure what sort of cream to get you so I got a few things for you to try. If you just do a little patch test first to make sure you wont react.” You place 4 different pots of cream on the table. You continued to pull out a hot water bottle, and ice pack and a few bars of your favourite chocolate. He picks one bar up, holding it up to you with a quizzical look. “When Im hurt or sick, it’s the only thing that gets me through.” You smile, laughing a little. You then pull out a small piece of paper with your number on it. “If you need anything, just let me know.” He takes the paper from your hand like you were giving him some kind of diamond which would shatter if he mishandled it. He couldn’t help but smile and nod to her in thanks. “[y/n]!” Luda called as she came in the door, Monty having told her you were here. “Will you be staying for dinner?” You couldn’t help but smile a little as you looked at Thomas. He nodded, his eyes begging you to stay as Luda came in the kitchen. “Yes, but you have to come round tomorrow.” You smile and Luda immediately inspects everything you had bought back. --------time skip -------------- You drove along the road, your eyes searching for the big hulking figure. It was going to be his first day back, but Luda had called you and said he had started to walk to work this morning. He had been off for 3 months, giving him enough time to heal, but that didn’t mean he was completely better. You couldn’t have that. So you said you would see if you could pick him up. Sure enough, you saw him walking along side the road. He didn’t normally take the road into work, usually keeping to the safety of the forest route to hid from people. But there had been a small bit of rain and the woods were muddy today. Putting your indicator on, you pulled up beside him. He jumped a little but relaxed when he saw you. “I’ll give you a lift.” You call when he silently questions why you were here. Opening the door, Thomas got into your car without further question. Your ac was nice and cool and the soft music coming from your radio relaxed him as you drove. “I can give you a lift home tonight. The only thing is I finish an hour after you, so you don’t need to wait about if you don’t want to.” You look at Thomas who nods. You weren’t sure if he was accepting the lift or wanted to respond while he thought about it. You didn’t push him. -------------time skip ---------------------------- The factory was now empty, apart from you, one of the managers and Thomas. You always locked up at night, which gave you a little quieter to finish your work in after the rest went home. Thomas had came to your office when he finished and saw in the corner while you worked away, chatting occasionally to him. “Don’t be too late.” The manager called through the door. “Wouldn’t want your husband waiting up for you.” “Haha, very funny.” You rolled your eyes but chuckled. Unlike the others, he wasn’t too bad. You saw Thomas sit up straight, his eyes darting to your left hand. “Im not married, if that’s what your thinking.” You glance up at Thomas as you heard the front door close, leaving just you and him. Thomas’ eyes darted to the door. “it’s a joke. So none of the guys try to hit on me.” You tell him as you stand up to file some stuff away quickly. You had become a much more permanent place in Thomas; life than before. You came and saw him 3 or 4 times a week and he waited anxiously for you. When he and his family went to yours for dinner, he had been all to happy to sit on the couch with yu and watch TV after. You slotted so perfectly into his life, into his heart, than he struggled to believe you were real. you felt the same about the man sitting behind you. He was sweet, and rather gentle despite his abilities. Luda had admitted to you than she could see how her son felt for you. She had told you than he watched for you coming and seemed to sulk when you left. This was enough to give a little more courage than you would normally have. “I think I’ll need to find a husband soon. Some of them are catching on.” You giggled, calling over your shoulder. You heard the chair scrap as Thomas stood up. Glancing over your shoulder, he walked up to you and stood behind you. His eyes were curious, so you decide to try and answer what he might be thinking. ‘why?’. “All the woman in town are married now. Might just need to find myself a husband. Someone big and strong.” You turned to face Thomas, biting down on your lower lip. Thomas towered over you and yet, you didn’t feel intimated. You knew you held the upper hand here and he wouldn’t do anything that would upset you. but you knew he wouldn’t have the strength or confidence, even if you wanted him to. “Hows your shoulder.” You reach up, resting your hand on his left shoulder. You allowed your hand to move in soft, slow circles and Thomas shuddered at the touch. You stepped closer to him, closing the gasp between you as your other hand rested on his chest. Slowly, you wrap your arms around his shoulder, trying to not put too much pressure on his left shoulder. Once your hands were behind his head, you undid the mask which shielded his face. His eyes never left your own as he seemed unable to pull away from your touch. In fact, the only time his eyes darted away was when his mask fell away and you saw his face for the first time. He moved his head to the side, his eyes closing as if he couldn’t bare to see your reaction to his features. That was until he felt a soft palm on his cheek, and you guided him back to look at you. His eyes opened only for a moment to see the love in your eyes and he couldn’t contain himself. leading down quickly, he smashed his lips against your own. It wasn’t the soft and gentle kiss you had been expecting. You had expect to have to incited that as well, keeping it slow and soft. but you certainly weren’t complaining. His lips worked against yours in a desperate and needy way that made your head spin. It wasn’t like any other kiss you had had in your life. you couldn’t help but moan into the kiss which had set your world alight in the space of a few second. A feeling which you could quickly becoming addicted to. His arms locked around you and, before you knew what was happening, you were being lifted up. Thomas carried you to your desk, setting you down without breaking the kiss. you quickly spread your legs so he could step between them. one of your hands buried itself in his thick hair with the other travelled down from his shoulder to his chest to grab onto his tie. You pulled him closer, leaning back so you were lying on the desk, his large frame over you as you gasped for air between kisses. But you both broke apart when the phone started to ring beside you. You quickly grabbed it, knowing that if it were the owner, he would think you had gone home early. Glancing at the clock, it was only 5 minutes before you finished, but he would still yell at you for that. However, when you answered, it was Luda. “Is Thomas still there?” She fretted, obviously expecting him to have been home by now. “Yes, sorry. Im going to give him a lift back. I finish in 5 minutes.” You tell her, hoping she wouldn’t hear how out of breath you were. “oh good. Thank you.” She let out a sigh of relief then giving an apology for phoning you before hanging up. You placed the phone back down, looking up to Thomas was still leaning over you, but had propped himself up on his hands as he stared down at your fear in his eyes. you propped yourself up on your elbows, a soft smile on your lips. Thomas relaxed when he saw your smile. you leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his check. He seemed to want to mirror your affection and leaned down, pressing a kiss to your neck. He paused there for a moment, worried he might have overstepped his boundaries, until he heard a soft sigh leave your lips as you leaned against him. The sound of the front door made Thomas jump as he twisted around, leaving you on the desk as he heard jogging footsteps approaching the office. He was prepared to protect you any way he could, until he saw a figure run right past the door. “Left your keys?” you called out into the hallway, making Thomas relax a little. “uh, no?” The voice Ricky called back, but he was lying. You heard him walking back, popping his head into the room and seeing Thomas standing in front of you. You had sat up properly and crossed one leg over the other, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t see what happened. “Work place romance?” He asked, winking at you but you quickly flipped him off. “Remind me, how did you and Pamala get together again?” You asked, innocently. His face fell, remembering that he got her pregnant when she worked here. It was a scandal in the town. “well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He nodded at Thomas and was quickly on his way. Giggling, you hopped off the table and approached Thomas. His hands were balled into fists which quickly loosened when you took his right hand in both of your own. “Would you like a work place romance?” You asked Thomas, looking up at him with doe like eyes. His gaze softened when he met your eyes and immediately nodded. “me too.” You smiled, unable to hide your blushing cheeks. You grabbed your bag and keys and the two of you left the factory, but not before phoning Luda saying you were running slightly late. Although this was a lie, you and Thomas would have to do a little sneaking about at the start. Who knows. Plenty of work lovers turn into the real thing. Although, you were pretty sure it was already real, it would be fun for a while to have a work place romance with your gentle giant.
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