#cant wait for the red but i still have to bleach some parts so yeah. might be a few days
queenmina37 · 8 months
hi!! i found out your bleach x bnha crossover series last night and i DEVOURED it, i had such a great time reading it and it's so funny 😭 i just wanted to say thank you for sharing such a brilliant brainworm that will probably now live in MY brain forever 💜 i know it hasn't been updated in like a year but that won't stop me 😾 and since we're here i figure i'll ask something: how would aizawa react if he found out ichigo has two whole *kids*?
again, Thank You and hope you have a good day 💜
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA You're the person who left comments on Ghost Hunters of UA, aren't you?? I'm so glad you liked it!
This is an interesting thing because I could actually swear that I've written something about this? Actually, I just realized that I probably have some parts of the story written... that I haven't posted... because... I don't even know... I remember that I had the very last story for the series written, but I didn't want to post it if the rest of the series was still not finished, but I might actually post it at some point, if I can just remember to do that.
But I could swear I've written something about Aizawa finding out about Kazui and Ichika? It's possible it's one of the group chat chapters that I wrote and then decided not to go through with the idea at all? Yeah, actually, I just found it and it's definitely like that.
I'm not going to put this on ao3 (at least at this time), but since you asked, here you go! Please remember that it was written before the first chapter of Ghost Hunters of UA, so it might not be entirely accurate, for example with what happens in that story, but, yeah, anyways.
Karakura Gang + Stragglers (Group chat name)
God’s Antithesis (Ishida)
God’s Worst Mistake (Ichigo)
God’s Antithesis (Ishida)
[A picture of the living room of the Ishida Residence. Sitting in front of a dark wine red couch and the low table in front of it, on the floor, are two boys around the same age. One of them has wild, spike orange hair that is just slightly smoother than Kurosaki Ichigo’s spiky hair. He’s grinning brightly, his purple eyes alight. He’s wearing a pair of jeans and a baby blue hoodie. The other boy also had orange hair, though of a different, darker shade than the other boy’s. He was beaming. He had dark blue eyes. Both boys were staring right at the camera.]
Why is kazui in my house
Assno (Asano)
Reject Universe (Orihime)
I didnt know kazui was over!
Dragon (Tatsuki... I think?)
Oh my god what the fuck
Arrancar Translator (Chad...?)
Queen (Rukia)
Oh my god how is he over there?????
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
omw dont let him leave
God’s Antithesis (Ishida)
Bit late for that
Reject Universe (Orihime)
I just got home and he just ran out (°-°)
Dragon (Tatsuki)
Is he scared of u?
This is like the third time he has done that right?
Reject Universe (Orihime)
Oh no surely not right?
I dont want kazui to be scared of me!!
Queen (Rukia)
He isnt scared orihime I promise
God’s Worst Mistake (Ichigo)
He just gets similar alarms ringing like when rukia smiles when he has done something he shouldnt have done
Also im coming over, see if I can hold him down long enough for renji to drag him back home
Karakura Red (Karin)
Caught the little shit
Bringing him home but ichi-nii should still come keep an eye on him
Me and yuzu have shit to do
God’s Worst Mistake (Ichigo)
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
I will be there in a few hours once these idiots get the senkaimon going
Queen (Rukia)
Might be good
Kazui has been taking it rather hard that ichigo is on such a long mission
A bit of time alone with his dad will do him some good
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
Im sorry
Kurosaki has a son?
Dragon (Tatsuki)
Wait we didnt tell u?
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
Improvised Molotov Cocktails (Mizuiro)
He has a wife and a husband too
Assno (Asano)
Some of us cant find one and he went and got himself two
Arrancar Translator (Chad)
Actually he has two kids
Son and daughter
Reject Universe (Orihime)
Oh but renji is actually ichika’s dad
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
Improvised Molotov Cocktails (Mizuiro)
Kazui and ichika are twins
Ichigo is kazui’s dad
Renji is ichika’s dad
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
In what universe
Dragon (Tatsuki)
Well I mean they have the same mom and are twins so its pretty simple
Must Protect (Yuzu?)
[A picture of Ichigo laying down on the couch in the living room of the Kurosaki Residence. He has one hand under his head, while the other is wrapped around Kazui, who is laying between him and the back of the couch, his head on Ichigo’s chest. Both have their eyes closed. Ichigo is in his shinigami uniform.]
They are so cute!
Queen (Rukia)
Is he purring?
Karakura Red (Karin)
Of course hes purring
This is ichi-nii we are talking about
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
I’m sorry
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Like an engine yeah
But only when he naps with the kids
They love it
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
Improvised Molotov Cocktails (Mizuiro)
You havent heard him purr before?
Arrancar Translator (Chad)
He was already doing it in middle school but it escalated in high school
Queen (Rukia)
It escalated even more after he died
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
And then it became exclusive to the kids
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
God’s Antithesis (Ishida)
What do you mean its exclusive to the kids
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Its exclusive to the kids?
He only purrs when he wants to nap with the kids?
Queen (Rukia)
It calms kazui down and he falls asleep within seconds
Ichika too but thats because shes been conditioned into it rather than it being natural like with kazui
Karakura Red (Karin)
He does it with me too tho
Yuzu too
Reject Universe (Orihime)
He did it to uryuu once too!
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Karakura Red (Karin)
Urahara said its a hollow thing
Pack thing and all that
Must protect little ones
Hes trying to calm down and put to sleep any younger relatives essentially
Must Protect (Yuzu)
Yeah I hear the visored do the same with him too
But he never does it to them because they are older than him
Karin has done it to me too
Karakura Red (Karin)
Dragon (Tatsuki)
Oh my god
Assno (Asano)
Y r u guys so pure?
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Im not sure what about having a bloodthirsty cannibal in your head is pure but u do u buddy
Assno (Asano)
Wait no!!!
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Also I will be there in another 30 mins
Must Protect (Yuzu)
Stay for tea until they wake up!
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
I hate to break this to you people but kurosaki is expected at school tomorrow morning
Karakura Red (Karin)
Thats what shunpo and sonido are for
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
What does that even mean
Improvised Molotov Cocktails (Mizuiro)
He fast
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
That explains literally nothing
Queen (Rukia)
It explains literally everything
13 notes · View notes
horrorwebs · 3 years
things i wanted: to dye half my hair red
things i get in the process: looking like a tiktok eboy
9 notes · View notes
Soulmarks, Part 15
First part
Gotta take a break for exams. I’ll probably still update every once in a while, but I probably won’t be fully back until the 10th. <3
She fell to her knees, clutching her head.
“Inamovibi-Lady, I am Hawkmoth.”
She needed to shut down. Why couldn’t she? She’d definitely hit her max. Her breath came out in shallow gasps, her eyes stung with tears. Why was she still feeling? Why couldn’t she stop? God, she wanted to stop --!
“The world is a cruel place, but only to people who don’t deserve it. Tragedy only befalls the best of people, and the wicked live without consequences.”
She couldn’t give in. Paris needed her. Any damage she did while she was akumatized would remain. She needed to summon a lucky charm. Her eyes found their way to her yoyo. Should she try and make a lucky charm at risk of being akumatized with it?
No. They would need the yoyo to purify the akuma. 
Hopefully she wouldn’t cause too much damage.
“I am giving you the power to finally make them pay for what they’ve done.”
She needed to say no. No one had ever managed it before, but she had to do it. It was her responsibility. She couldn’t get akumatized. She couldn’t. She couldn’t let Paris down.
“They will finally see justice, all you need to do is give me the ladybug and cat miraculi.”
She squeezed her eyes shut. She could hear Adrien running away and had to hope that Tim was with him.
She couldn’t let them down.
“All you have to do is say yes.”
Her fingers dug into her scalp.
“Yes, Hawkmoth.”
He cursed as he skid across the grass, tugging at the yoyo string as he attempted to free himself. The last time he’d been tied up like this hadn’t gone well, and he wasn’t eager for a repeat.
Adrien stood next to Marinette for a second, a shocked expression on his face as she fell to the floor.
“HEY! HELP!” Yelled Tim.
He snapped out of it and ran over. He tried to untie him for a second, then seemed to decide that it was a problem for later as Marinette was engulfed in purple and black smoke. He threw Tim over his shoulder and started running.
They had only gotten a block away before she walked out. Was that even her? Sure, she was still in her Ladybug outfit, but…
Her skin was bleached so pale that it shone in the moonlight, and a wide smile made up half of her face. She swung a giant judge’s gavel. He tensed at just how much the akuma reminded him of a mix of Joker and Harley.
Adrien glanced over his shoulder and picked up speed.
And then Tim watched her swing the gavel in a large arc. It morphed into a yoyo. Her smile stretched ever wider.
Her yoyo hooked around a lamppost nearby and she practically flew to them. Her yoyo detached itself midair and she did a flip that would have made Dick proud as she landed in front of them, a microphone now in hand.
Adrien skid to a stop.
“Hello!” She said without moving her mouth. Her voice boomed through Paris’s streets and people began to poke their heads out of windows. She looked around, her black eyes glittering like beetles, and started talking again when she apparently decided there was enough of an audience: “Don’t you know missing a court date is enough to get arrested?”
“I’m not French, so no,” said Tim awkwardly as Adrien set him on his feet to start detangling himself.
“True! I’ll give you a pardon for that, then. The crimes you were originally going to be tried for, though, I’m afraid can’t be ignored.”
Adrien sighed lightly as he pulled out his baton. “I don’t want to fight you, Nette --.”
“My name is Inamovibi-Lady, thank you.” She twirled the microphone in her hand and it stretched back into her original gavel. “Anyways, your crimes were that you never brought yourself to believe me, even when the truth was right in front of you.”
“I know your defenses, so I’ll tell them to everyone for you. Cheval didn’t listen because he thought I was too good to be true and Chat didn’t want to believe ill of his family.” She gave a fake sniffle and rubbed under her eyes like she was wiping away tears. “Enough to bring a tear to my eyes. If I could cry, of course.”
“But your personal issues don’t give you a warrant to push all your problems on me. Trust me, I’m a judge. I know all about warrants.”
Tim finally managed to get himself out and the yoyo hit the floor at his feet. He could breathe properly again, thank god.
But then she stepped closer, her gavel poised for a hit, and he seemed to forget how to breathe.
“So, your sentence is to live your lives through without anyone ever believing anything you say ever again! Good luck, darlings!”
Adrien brought his baton up to keep her from hitting them, but it seemed they weren’t quite her target. She slammed her gavel on the ground at their feet. A red circle stretched around them and they were engulfed in bright red light. He brought his hands to his eyes as the light threatened to blind him, and when he’d finally managed to open them again she was gone.
They tore through the streets, looking around for Inamovibi-Lady, but she’d completely disappeared.
“Right, her targets are definitely Hawkmoth and Lila.”
“Says who?” Said Adrien, raising his eyebrows. “She can’t fight Hawkmoth without getting deakumatized and Lila has nothing to do with what we did.”
Tim snorted. Really? Like getting deakumatized would stop Marinette from beating up a terrorist and Lila definitely had something to do with his half of the sentence. “Even if you were right, which you’re not, we’d be stupid not to check up on them.”
Adrien rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “We’d be wasting our time.”
“This conversation is wasting our time,” hissed Tim, before pressing a hand to his comm. “Hey, we have a problem in France. Ladybug got akumatized.”
“Yeah, now they’re an evil judge,” said Adrien.
Dick had the audacity to laugh. “Marinette? Akumatized? An evil judge? Funny joke, guys.”
“Yeah, she’d never let that happen,” agreed Barbara.
He groaned and let his hand fall back to his side. This was definitely going to be more of a problem than he’d originally thought. No wonder Inamovibi-Lady felt comfortable leaving them to go and enact her revenge. What could they really do? There was no way they could ask for help and even talking to each other was a pain...
They detransformed and they went to Marinette’s parents’ bakery. He needed to get some bread for Kaalki so he could open up a portal. Marinette would probably agree to go through the portal, if only because Joker and Harley were practically inaccessible. The bats might not believe him now, but he had to hope that seeing Inamovibi-Lady would be enough to convince them.
They sat down in a nearby alley to wait for their kwamis to recharge. Adrien didn’t need to do that, but he’d apparently decided that they should stick together.
Their phones buzzed and they frowned at each other as they pulled them out.
Inamovibi-Lady’s face beamed at them from their screens (not that her face seemed to be able to do anything else).
“Hello, Paris! Well, it’s really just my classmates and the police. No matter! Welcome to our second hearing of the night! Our special guest is…” She did a drumroll on her legs before stepping to the side with a wide flourish.
Lila was pressed back against her wall, looking like she’d rather be absolutely anywhere else. 
“I was right,” muttered Tim, sending Adrien a glare.
He only got a shrug.
Both of them considered going to save Lila. There was a pretty high chance Adrien knew where she lived, but…
“YOU CANT DO THIS! MY MOTHER WORKS FOR THE EMBASSY!” Screamed Lila, pulling their attention back to their screens.
“Your mother isn’t here, now, is she?” She spun her yoyo at her side lazily. “Right, how about you plead your case? Would you like to defend yourself on the whole ‘lying to everyone in your class’ thing or the ‘working for Hawkmoth’ thing first?”
Lila sputtered. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t want to talk, huh? Don’t you know that you get a lighter sentence when you plead guilty?”
Her yoyo wrapped around Lila’s neck. The liar gasped and clawed at her throat. Tears began rolling down her face.
“How about you talk?” Said Inamovibi-Lady. “I won’t be giving you another chance to tell your side if you don’t.”
Lila sobbed and continued trying to pull the string off of her neck.
The akuma gave her a few seconds before giving the camera an overexaggerated shrug. “Right, I tried. Every word that comes out of Lila’s mouth is a lie, anyways. You shouldn’t trust her to tell you the sky is blue without pictures... and, who knows, they’re probably photoshopped.”
“On top of that, she works for Hawkmoth. Isn’t that right?”
Lila hung her head.
“Cool! I actually wasn’t sure on the Hawkmoth thing, but it’s great that she didn’t deny it. Come get her, coppers!”
“Unless, of course, she wants to say something. Don’t really think there’s anything she can say to make this better for herself, can’t claim self-defense when your victims can’t fight back, after all.”
Inamovibi-Lady unhooked her yoyo and it morphed into a microphone. She pressed it to Lila’s mouth.
“I’m innocent! You have to believe me!” Her voice boomed around Paris.
The akuma tapped her hand to her chin as if considering it, then shook her head as she brought the microphone to her own lips. “Anyone who believes a word that comes out of your mouth is stupid, but I’ll make it so they can finally trust you! Your sentencing is that you can never lie again!”
“Wait, what?”
She turned it back into a gavel with a wave of her hand and hit the wall right beside Lila’s head and the girl screamed as she was engulfed in light.
The akuma picked up her camera and started out into the streets. “Right! Now that that’s done…” Her eyes narrowed. “I know you’re watching this, Chat and Cheval. I added you to this for a reason. How about we play a game? Hero to hero… and vigilante.”
Adrien and Tim gave each other wary glances.
“I can’t see you, but I’m assuming you said yes! I have three targets that I’m going after tonight. Well, five, but two of those are a bit harder to get to. I’m going to need a little bit of help, could you give me a hand, darlings?”
“Either way, you probably can guess who the third is. Feel free to go over to his place now if you don’t want to use your brains… but, if you want to help the other two, my first target is actually on this call, too! She and I have the same noble rank, and we used to be friends, but unfortunately we just stopped connecting like we used to.”
She winked and the screen went black.
Tim frowned, resting his head on his hand. “Marinette is nobility?”
Adrien shrugged and shook his head.
Tim nodded slightly and rested his head back against the stone. It was definitely a riddle, then, but what did she --?
Wait a minute. Tim had believed him.
That didn’t make sense. He wasn’t supposed to believe a thing Adrien said.
But he hadn’t technically ‘said’ anything.
Tim snapped his fingers and pulled out his phone, typing a few words and then pressing send.
Timberly: Hey, I kissed Nette earlier
Adrien looked down at his phone and raised his eyebrows slightly. He rolled his eyes and typed his answer.
Adrikins: Cool? Not able to say that out loud?
Tim grinned.
Timberly: I could but I found a loophole
Timberly: As long as we’re not speaking out loud people can believe us
Adrien’s eyes widened.
Timberly: Is there a way to have our phones on us when we’re in our suits
Adrikins: Yeah. We just can’t be holding them when we transform.
And then Adrien facepalmed. Tim raised his eyebrows at him and waited for his text.
Adrikins: LADY WIFI.
Timberly: Who
Next part
Me, frantically scrolling through a wikipedia article on the French Judiciary system: there has to be a pun here SOMEWHERE
This was the best I could do ;-;
I, too, am disappointed by my inability to make a good pun for Akumanette
@pawsitivelymiraculous @golden-promises @salty-fang @kitsunebell @sassakitty @octobitch @glastwime859 @miyla-lokidottir @onlyabatfan @ira-sairain @2confused-2doanything @ultimatetornshipper @ladybug-182 @laurcad123 @we-want-mini-mini @roguishredaxion @just-reblogs-by-h @futursworld @magic-miraculous @nathleigh @smolplantmum @vroomtaka  @emimar7 @toodaloo-kangaroo @charme-de-malchan @spicybelladonna @fusser90 @indecisive-mess-named-me @rosesgonerogue @celestialsiren @bluesimani @loysydark @trippingovermyfeet
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
💔Rotten Love💔 //Twisted Wonderland Yandere Idia Shroud X Yandere Eliza X Reader// Part 1
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GIF made by the amazing @flowerofthemoonworld. Okay, so this story is really going to have a Persephone x Reader x Hades vibe to it. If we can get this to 160 likes before July 12 than I’ll release part 2. For now, my goal is to make it a 4 part story with a bonus 5th fluff chapter. Also for this story reader will be GENDER NEUTRAL.
WARNING: Gore, Angst
💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙
There was always a cold, nostalgic air in the Ignihyde dormitory, a sort of homey sensation that made Eliza's heart skip a beat. Sure the dorm was quiet and secluded, unlike the ghost kingdom, there was barely anyone to talk to. Most may have even described it as "lonesome" and "boring". But to princess Eliza who had waited more than five hundred years to be with her prince charming, it was unadulterated, homespun bliss. Of course, there was still something missing, a tiny puzzle piece that refused to fit in with the rest of its kind, a stubborn little piece it was, yet all too important to paint the picture of her perfect life. That mulish fragment came in the form of her newly wedded husband, Idia Shroud.
The "young" princess sang as she skipped over to where her "husband" was sitting, his posture crooked, like that of a scrunched up cat's. His long slender fingers where typing rapidly on that bizarre rectangular device that he all too attached to. Way too attached to, for Eliza's liking.
Eliza nuzzled her visage into the crook of the bleached-skinned boy's neck, taking in his smokey, ash-like sent. Her icy colored arms wafted over his shoulders, enclosing them his a tight embrace. Her fingers dangled over where his heart was, feeling tiny fast-paced pulses that sent a pleased blush to her face. "Idia let's go for a walk near that river. Please, my love! You haven't left this room since the reception!"
The taller male barely turned to look at her, preferring to instead to keep his eyes locked on his glowing blue screen. "Still busy Eliza" his cold dead voice was always so sharp and monotone whenever he spoke to her. It felt like someone was reaching into her rib cage and squeezing her decaying heart. Her voice cracked into a thousand tiny shards, as she tried to form a comprehensible answer. He might as well have told her to die again and rot in the deepest parts of hell. He doesn't love me....he'll never love me. The relation was like a heavy chronic toxic gas levitating overhead. Easy to overlook but still there, always there. Idia didn't move, if Eliza's arms weren't wrapped around his shoulders feeling every breath he took, she might have mistaken him for a statue. No, not a statue, she thought, some sort of sculpture of an ancient Greek God. A divine being set in stone resting in an altar, waiting for reparations and benedictions. 'I'd gladly pray at your feet every day. I'd sacrifice everything I had just for you to smile that charming smile at me'. The ghost thought to herself.
For an endless minute, the darkroom fell into a thick, suffocating silence. Neither Eliza nor Idia moved both too scared of breaking some invisible glass wall they had put up around them. However, no amount of serenity could dispose of the awkwardness, and annoyance Idia was beginning to feel. "You know" the lord of the dead began "maybe you should talk to the principle about join the school full time. It would give you more to do than breathing over my shoulder" despite Idia's tone harboring no malice, Eliza still flinched in shock. Her body going rigid, stiffening as if she was going into Rigor Mortis again.
The voice in her head screamed,
"Please stop" she whispered
"If that's what you want" she finally replied in a broken voice.
"I'm... I'm only saying it for your sake," he muttered in a coaxing tone.
Deep down a delusional part of her wanted to scream that he was only saying all those harsh things for her own well-being. But she was still lucid enough to not believe those fallacies, imaginary words...Eliza perceived that her beloved prince Idia saw her as nothing more than a nuisance.  One that he was far too eager to get rid of. 
She couldn't bear the conversation any farther. Painfully slowly she peeled her arms off from around her so-called lover. In that taunting minute, Eliza swore she could feel billions upon billions of sharp needles piercing every piece of her dead body. She lingered in place staring at Idia's glowing, blazing hair. She didn't want to leave, she wanted to spend every second of her dead life with him! Touching him, kissing him, loving him! But he wouldn't love her! Why didn't he love her!! Without a customary goodbye or any form of acknowledgment, Eliza flew to the door. Swinging it open just a crack, wishing to slam it so hard that the whole underworld dorm would feel it. But alas she was still royalty and there was a politeness beaten into her every action. In the end after much debating, she closed the damn door quieter than a mouse. With a broken heart and eyes full of tears, princess Eliza began to hover up onto the surface of the school grounds.
A simple blaring thought that reverberated through Eliza's nonexistent skull as she marched through the glowing green halls of Night Raven College. Unlike Ignihyde, the rest of the school still felt rather alien and terrifying to the girl. She'd only been in the cafeteria for a short amount of time. Only to finish up her official marriage to Idia. After the marriage -and much persuasion from his friend with grey hair and glasses-  Idia had carried Eliza in the traditional manner a groom must carry a bride, to the hall of mirrors and straight to Ignyhde. Neither of them had left Idia's room since then.
It was a rather short memory but one that always placed a smile on Eliza's face. Rather than remembering the halls, Eliza had been all too bewitched by Idia's shy golden gaze, his bloody red face, and his kissable thin blue lips. Such a darling memory that she would always cherish within her rotten heart.
But as the minutes ticked away and Eliza passed hallway after hallway all identical to one another, she soon began to wish that she'd paid more attention to the whereabouts of the school's rooms and offices. The headmaster's office seemed to be missing from this endless maze. Behind every corner was the same tiled floor, candles lit by a mystical green light and windows so large they put the countless classroom doors to shame. Every few minutes a crowd of students would pass by, disappearing behind another wall withing second. No one noticed her, which was rather odd considering she was the only female in an all-boys school, her purple dress and feminine curves were proof enough of that. "I guess this is the result of being a ghost, wandering the land of the living" She whispered hopelessly to herself. "You're invisible when you're me..."
The eighth turn that Eliza took brought her to a small cluster of peculiar students. Some donning ears and tails like those of wild beasts, while the other had odd features resembling Ortho's limps. Metallic and reflective. They were laughing at something, attentions enclosed within their small groups. A measly thought flew into Eliza's head, why not speak up? Raise your voice and ask where she could locate the headmaster of this complex establishment.
"Excuse me."
None of the boys turned to her, they just continued with there chatter. Eliza opened her mouth to speak once more when she -rather unwillingly- picked up stray words from their conversation.
"It's not fair!" A tall lanky one with striped ears and tail whined
"Yeah! How come that useless shut-in gets to get married to a cute girl !" the second one was even taller, with thick furry grey ears that reminded Eliza of a wolf.
"Look man I don't know what Idia has that makes him so damn lucky! He's a useless wimp..." A Bold statement made by the one with metallic features.
Eliza was sure they continued bashing Idia but the phantom pain of blood coursing through her ears droned them out. How dare such hooligans speak ill of her beloved husband! Her fingers flexed in a robotic-like movement, stretching open than closing once more. Around her tiny flame-like spirits began to materialize, cute and cheery with big eyes and smiling mouths...until they noticed the distress of their mistress. the tiny things took a look around, grasping the situation from the loud words of the boys as well as Eliza's grim expression. Slowly the little flames began to merge with one another. Fusing into a large ax with a burning end. The weapon floated down to her hand, positioning itself smugly between her ghostly digits.
Eliza's eyes locked with the backs of the boys, she didn't know how this would work, could the ax could even harm the living? It may just phase through them as if nothing had happened....or it may price through there flesh and bones, tearing them in two. Hosting the ax up over her shoulder with both hands and taking a shaky step forward, Eliza lunged towards the first boy. In a swift flick of her wrist, the blade of the ax was pushing through the Ignihyde student's back. Splitting ceaselessly at the skin and urging past muscles until it reached the creamy colored bones. Eliza didn't stop there, her arms still pushing forward trying to get the heavy ax to break those pesky osseins. He had to pay for what he said! No one was permitted to speak ill of her one true love! A satisfying crack filled the air followed by a choir of screams. Only when the ax had finally resurfaced on the other side, covered in plasma and the remnants of organs, did Eliza turned her attention to the other two students. There eyes where enormous staring at her in disgust and fear...and something else. Something that -although it revolted her to her very core- she wished Idia would look at her with that same look in his eyes. A look of want, a look of need, pure lust, yet the welcoming sort ONLY if it was coming from the person you adored so much.
The blue-haired ghost didn't move, her semi existent body felt overworked. Everything hurt! Or at least she thought what she was feeling was the ghost equivalent to human pain. "Why.." her voice glitched at every syllable, like a broken cassette player. The two boys didn't answer instead taking shall strides backward. "WHY DID YOU SAY SUCH AWFUL THINGS ABOUT HIM!" in a split second, anger over ran Eliza's boy once more, dragging her and the ax forward until the blade came in contact with one of the animal eared men's neck. Slicing it so it flung backward, crashing onto the ground with loud "thud" then rolling around in its own gore. The last man stand, the one with monochrome ears pushed his palms forward, a pathetic attempt of shielding himself from her wrath. "W-we..we d-d-did...didn't-t mean...mean any..offense...honest!" His voice creaked as tears gushed from the corners of his eyes. "You're...you're just so...so...pretty...beautiful even...and...and...Shroud well...we...well, he's a loser who w-w-wouldn't kno--" his words were left half-finished, as Eiza's ax severed through him diagonally.  
Her heart was pounding much too fast, that it was beginning to make her feel sick. Her legs finally gave up, sending her crashing onto the blood coated floor.  Her bare knees dug into the red liquidy substance, finding an odd comfort in the warm human ichor. Eliza didn't know what to do, or even where to go. If she went back to Idia like this he would surely use it against her, Ortho was too young to be introduced to such a carnage...and she didn't know anyone else! "I'm all so very doomed" she sobbed as transparent tears trailed down her eyes.
"Hey" A distant voice spoke up. "What's wrong with her?" another voice, this one more high pitch and raspy. Eliza tore her face from her hands looking up at a group of three strangers and a cat...no, not strangers, she recognized the orange and blacked haired boy. They both had tried to crash her wedding. But the other person was new, they had a gentle look in their eyes, a welcoming stare that the princess longed for. "Hey ghost bride," The orange-haired boy spoke up, "need some help with your mess?" Eliza nodded meekly. Her body still limp and voice still too frail to speak. The last person, the one that had unexpectedly piqued Eliza's interest extended a hand towards her. And with only a scrap of hesitation, Eliza gripped it.
"Come on, we'll help you out!"
💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 
Tags: @yandere-romanticaa​ @ghostiebabey​ @lovee-infected​ @mermaid-painter​ @firemelody4​ also tagging @twstpasta​ and @delusional-obsessions​ cause I know they're huge Eliza fans.
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Just poppin in to say that Chop Top story was 👌 and I’d love to hear a continuation. He’s gotten himself and the reader into quite a mess considering how Drayton reacted to Bubba and Stretch, and now you’ve got me all curious about how they’re gonna get out of it.
((You are very correct. Meeting the family on the first date? Lord knows what he was thinking. AND GUESS WHAT! I saved this bad boy so it’s my 69th post. *smacks lips and looks at the camera* Noice. It’s what Chop would have wanted. Also, I am trying my best to stick to the canon story-line like I did in the first part but like…the canon story-line as is does not allow much wiggle room. I’ve cranked the forced 70’s slang up to 11 so I hope the context clues work. ;P Also, it’s pretty much canon that Chop only listens to shitty “experimental” prog-rock.  In any-case, thanks so much to all of y’all who’ve encouraged me to write the sequel as well as write in general. Your support means a lot to me. TW For Drayton being…the way that he is. Most of his dialogue is straight from the script but if that’s upsetting feel free to skip this one. Tagging: @i-cant-get-with-it
From outside, the abandoned theme park was just an empty husk of long-forgotten family trips and worn plastic over a warped metal skeleton. Inside however, the old Texas Battle Land had found a second life as home to some of the most wanted people in Texas. When the youngest members of the Sawyer clan arrived home, it was just as they had left it. Fluorescent lights casting a dull glow over the filthy environment, made even more unpleasant by the ever-present smell of decayed flesh and dried blood.
As they carried the bodies they’d gotten earlier inside, the older of the two stopped his brother before they entered the threshold. “H-Hey Bubba, I, uh, I’m just gonna take this one alright?” he asked, gesturing to the body whose head wasn’t a gross mess of blood and pulp. The younger, Bubba, looked at his brother curiously, and while it was impossible to tell from beneath the mask, his eyes conveyed that he definitely was raising an eyebrow at this behavior. Chop-Top fidgeted under his gaze, “I-I g-got a, er, project I wanna do with it.” Bubba just shook his head and shrugged the limp body off his shoulders, into his brothers arms. He grinned up at Bubba and turned to walk away before quickly whipping back. “W-Wait!” he held onto Bubba’s arm, “Don’t-Don’t tell Drayton about this one, ya dig? He’s joanin’ on us enough already.” Bubba nodded solemnly and he and Chop parted ways down into the labyrinthine tunnels.
When you finally woke up, you had no clue where you were. Your first instinct was t scream but you held it back as you tried to analyze your situation. The room was dark and looked like the inside of the Devil’s Shaggin’ Wagon. The walls were lined in colorful, yet dingy carpets and miscellaneous oddities, ranging from bones, to old and blurry Polaroids, to worn and torn band posters, and age-bleached centerfolds of woman and men, naked as they day they were born. After quickly taking in your surroundings, you groggily moved to stand up, but were cut short as you finally took notice of the rope tying you arms and legs to the chair you sat in. You instantly wanted to panic, memories of what happened suddenly flooding back. But you knew that, whoever these people were, you were at their mercy, and it was in your own best interest to just try and play along. Just thinking like that was frying you, but you had to keep it together, or you didn’t have a chance
.After what felt like ages of waiting for a bomb to go off, the door directly across from you opened up to reveal the pale face of the man from the radio station. His glasses and wig were gone revealing an exposed metal plate embedded into his skull, the edges where it met skin were raw and torn, indicating they had not been allowed to heal. He turned to you, and when his eyes met yours his face lit up. “Y-You’re awake! I-uh, well, groovy!” he said, scrambling over to you. He sat beside you, and started messing with your still-trapped hand, picking at the skin and bringing it to his face. If you remembered right, this man mostly responded nicely to you, so he was probably your best option.
  “Um, hey man, not-not that I can’t dig it but-either I’m tripping or you’ve got some ‘splaining to do Lucy.”
  The man laughed at that and moved away, crossing the room to a shoddy looking record player. “You-You like At-t-tomic Rooster?” the man asked, though the record was in place before you could answer. Distorted keyboarding and some bitchin’ guitar riffs blared through the tinny speakers as the man bared his teeth in a manic grin. “Th-this one’s called Ger-Gershazer,” at that word, he started giggling to himself. Disappointed, you tried again.
  “So is this your pad?”
“Damn straight!” the man yelled before more quietly adding, “Well, I-I don’t live alone…But-But I paid for this place!” He pointed at the metal plate, “What I got for this chrome-dome ‘Nam gave me?”“You…you were in Vietnam?”
The man’s eyes got a weird glint to them and his head whipped back in a loud cackle, “NAAAPALM! FIRE IN THE HOLE! The ole’ AGENT O!” He gripped your shoulders tightly, “It’s the dream baby, Nam Land!” You just stared at him in a mix of shock and horror. Before you could respond, from somewhere outside the door, you could make out the sound of a someone yelling. The man’s eyes narrowed and whipped towards the door. “Just-Just w-wait here. Don’t bug out on me now,” he said before bolting out the door. You didn’t bother to mention that you couldn’t even if you wanted to, well, of course you wanted to, it’s just…it doesn’t matter. There’s certainly nothing you can do right now. Worry about your apparent susceptibility to Stockholm Syndrome later.
  When the trippy hippie finally returned, he wasn’t alone. “Hey sunshine, he crooned, seemingly having gotten over whatever caused him to freak-out last time, “I got someone I want you to meet…” He gestured to the other person revealing a gnarled old corpse wearing a camo army jacket, and you bit back a scream. The thing was on the rough side of decomposition and looked like a prop from the guy who did Dead of Night. The man broke into a near falsetto and reached the corpses hand out as if it were a puppet, “H-Hi my name’s Nubbins! You’re-You’re a r-r-real f-fox.” Despite the horror of the whole situation, you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. The man swatted at the corpse and turned to you, with a noticeable pink to his cheeks that wasn’t there before, “J-Just ignore m-my brother. He’s a j-jelly brain. 
You decided not to address the obvious taxidermied elephant in the room, “So you two are brothers?”
“Yeah. We’re twins! But I got the good looks.” the man argued. Given the state of the other one, you’d have to agree. “Ya see those pictures on the wall?” You nodded. “Nubbins is the one who took them. He always liked artsy stuff…” he drifted off, lost in thought or perhaps memories, of a happier time you couldn’t picture. You were about to offer some comfort when the door slammed open, revealing the giant from before. “DON’T YOU EVER KNOCK!” the smaller man shrieked, leaping up to try and block the other from you. You heard the masked man mumble indignantly. “SO WHAT IF I DON’T USUALLY CARE!” Despite the hippie’s best efforts the large man pushed past him and was struck dumb when he saw you. He turned to the other and yanked him off to a somewhat separate part of the room. While you couldn’t tell what all they were saying, you could tell it was a heated argument.  Before they could return to you, the yelling voice from earlier called for them both and you were left alone again.
Drayton was on one again, this time, he was convinced that there was some intruder in the house and had been yelling at the two of them to FIND THEM DAMN IT. Finally Chop-Top and Drayton caught up to where Bubba had some girl cornered at the end of a tunnel. It wasn’t surprising to find a cave-in or a dead-end and end up lost for hours. “What the hell’s going on here?” Drayton looked from Bubba to the young woman, confused and angry, “Bubba, you nap-haired idiot. Get out of here. Who’s this? I get it. Are you the saboteur that’s fucking up our house? Tryin’ to put me out of business? Thousands of dollars lost. You got that kind of money?” “No!” the woman finally responded, and Chop-Top finally recognized that voice.
“It’s the DJ. My faaaaave.”
“That dirty thing?” Drayton sneered, “Told me you boys got her!”
“Well, yeah,” Chop butted in, “Leatherface killed her once already tonight. But look, she’s red-faced. Bubba’s been playing with her. Bubba likes her!” With a exaggerated gasp, he broke into an obnoxious chant, “Bubba’s got a girlfriend. Bubba’s got a girlfriend! Bubba’s got a girlfriend! Bubba’s got a girlfriend!Bubba’s got a girlfriend! Bubba’s got a girl-BLEAH” he jumped and erupted into cackles again.
  “Is that what this is, Bubba?” Drayton asked, “The old cock-and-cunt swindle, huh? S-C-E-X. Sex. And you had to find out about it, didn’t you? You just couldn’t leave it alone. If you wanted to know about it so bad, why didn’t you ask me? You wanna know about it? Ask me. Ask me! It’s a swindle, that’s all. So don’t get mixed up in it…”
Bubba grunted angrily and pointed to Chop-Top, who had lost his playful expression. “What are you going on about?” Bubba communicated in his own way what he had seen in Chop and Nubbin’s room. “Cheese-eating fink…” Chop-Top mumbled under his breath. Drayton threw his arms in the air, “Are both of you falling for it! What would Grandpa say!” Bubba hung his head sadly and Chop just rolled his eyes.  Drayton sighed, “Alright, Chop-Top, take this one away,” he thumbed towards the DJ and glared at the his second-youngest brother, “Then we’re going to see this little cock-monger of yours!”
After a more than awkward first meeting with the eldest of the Sawyer clan in which he called you every name under the sun, you were brought to a large dining table and were sat across from Vanita. She briefly stopped screaming when she saw you and sobbed, realizing the fate she had doomed you and L.G. to. You tried to comfort her but there was only so much you could say over Drayton raggin’ and monologuing his totally square life story. “There’s Grandpa now!” he crowed as the two other Sawyers brought in what appeared to be a decrepit corpse in on a throne like dining chair. As Drayton began rambling again about the man “Grandpa” used to be, you noticed that the thing in the chair wasn’t a corpse at all! “Refracto…” you muttered as you watched the ancient man move, albeit slowly. The man who had captured you, “Chop-Top” you had heard the others call him, kept scrambling around, alternating between taunting Stretch and nuzzling against you. “Get the hammer!” the cook squawked and the hippie scampered off. Drayton ordered them around, yelling to “Just get on with it!” and soon they had a small tub set down in front of the old man.
  “Wait, uh,” Chop spoke up, “Maybe we ain’t g-gotta kill ‘em.” He looked nervously back to you, “I mean, at least n-not both of ‘em. Mine ain’t gonna be an-any trouble. A-And I’m the one bankrollin’ this place! I should decide!”Drayton sneered, “I can’t believe both you shit-heads are gonna pussy-out on me at the last minute. You know the country’s in the shitter when a man can’t even rely on his own family! The plight of the American businessman! Quick fucking around and bring them down!”  The two younger brothers looked at each other, neither moving. Slowly, the larger one, Bubba, hung his head and starting walking towards Stretch who started screaming again, pleading for him to let her go. You were too scared to scream and could only watch as Vanita was dragged from her chair and made to bear her head over the bucket at Grandpa’s feet. Chop muttered something into your ear about “Not tripping” and “Just letting him handle it.” But something told you it was gonna take a miracle to get you out of here alive.
  That miracle came in the form of a disembodied voice singing “Bringing in the Sheaves.” From your position at the table you couldn’t really make out what was happening, but you could hear Drayton talking to someone, apparently some competition in the catering biz? You heard Stretch pitifully say “Lefty…” Wait, wasn’t Lefty the name of the guy you two were waiting at the station for? Before you could even call out to him, everything exploded into chaos. All you could hear was chainsaws revving and the screams and yelling from the whole family. You saw Stretch run past you into the tunnels, Chop-Top hot on her heels. Bubba was chainsaw-dueling with a guy who looked like a love-child of  Sheriff Buford T. Justice and Major Kong. Drayton was nowhere to be seen. 
In all the excitement, they seemed to have forgotten about you. You seized your chance to escape, wiggling out of the ropes Chop-Top seemed to have purposely tied a little loose.
  You made your way through the seemingly endless tunnels, finally making your way outside. As you finally reached the surface, you realized night had turned to day. Exhausted on all levels, you collapsed inside the metal tunnels leading to the main body of the park. You heard the sound of explosions, chainsaws and screaming in the distance, but they barely seemed to break through the daze you were in. You had no idea how long you sat there, but you were suddenly broken out of your stupor by a gangling shadow looming over you. 
You looked up, only to see the grinning mug of that crazy Head you just couldn’t seem to lose. He looked more than worse for wear, blood dripping from his neck and a gaping hole in his abdomen. Despite everything he had put you through, you found yourself still feeling pity for him. “Hey, rock b-bunny,” he crowed weakly, “Figured you’d blown this p-pop-stand.” You couldn’t bring yourself to respond, instead leaning in to look over his wound. He brushed you off, “Don’tcha’ know?” He grinned, “Sawyers are like cockroaches, it’ll take more than a lil’ rough stuff and and a wayward Smokey to take us down. Now c’mon.” He held out a hand to help you up, then started off back towards the park, “Let’s go round up the rest of ‘em.” You took one last glance behind you towards the horizon, your freedom, the rest of the life you had always believed you wanted…then turned back and followed your new life into the caverns. Into his, and now your, hell, or perhaps…heaven.
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oh my god, i just realized it has been 4 and a half years since i cut my hair short. I had been really really wanting to cut my hair short, at the time i had my hair pretty long, but it was layered that like 2009 scene way, even though it was 2014 :) but so that meant if i pulled back the long part of my hair i could see exactly what i would look like with short hair, and i was also just in the process of discovering my gender identity and shit. and i kept asking to cut my hair, my mom kept telling me that i needed to think about it because she “knew i would get upset about it” about a week after that conversation i went to bleach the red dye out of my hair, and pretty severely over-processed, meaning my hair was all breaking off and was spongy and looked like cotton candy. I had to cut it all off. and it just so happened it had to be cut down to about the exact length i had wanted to cut it. It was meant to be. 
It feels like some of my family are still waiting on the “but you are gonna grow it back right?” that i got for so long. Literally all the women in my family were like “so are you gonna grow it back out now?” immediately after i cut it. Not only did that not happen but its also shorter now lol. As much as i really really miss having long hair that i can do whatever i want with, i never did, i just straightened the shit out of it and had an addiction to combing it. now that its short, yeah i cant do tons with it, but i also dont have to do literally anything to make it look good. i wake up, run my fingers through it, and if its particularly messy i just wet down any part that is bad and when it dries it looks fine again. 
I cut my own hair, its a pretty weird haircut, the back of my head is cut super short like .5-2 inches depending on the last time i cut it, and the top and front of my hair is long and swoopy, and i have the two weird long bits framing my face. and i love how it looks, and it makes me feel like i can look both feminine and masculine whenever i want. I dont think i could be as happy as i am without having cut my hair. it probably would have taken me even longer to figure out my gender as well. 
i really hate that there are parents out there who control their kids hair. hair grows back, if you shave your head? grows back, Bleach it and dye it colors? will grow out, literally anything you do to hair is semi-permanent, if you dont like it then wait a bit and you will be back to your blank canvas to try more. I had the rule that i wasnt allowed to dye my entire head a color, that didnt last long, i then had the rule that i couldnt dye it black, i did end up dying it so dark that it was essentially black though so that didnt really last either. Fuck parents that completely dont allow their kids to do what they want to their hair, and if you have parents like that, as soon as you are out of there do whatever you want with it, shave half off and dye it neon green, literally WHO CARES if you want to do something DO IT, dont like it? do something else. sure hair can take a while to grow, but whats the point of having boring hair you hate when you can have fun fucking it up lmao. 
this turned into a long ass post but here have a pic of me just before and right after cutting my hair short the first time :D (spoiler the after looks almost exactly the same as it looks now)
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marvelousaddiction · 7 years
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged. 
I was tagged by @pheonyxstorm
Drink: Last thing I drank was a coke, last alcoholic beverage was Gentlemen’s Jack (but I may have regular Jack tonight)
(btw Tay, try Irish Trashcan, optional but add strawberry sour straw candy)
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 Phone Call: My momma lol 
Text Message: @ceobryce
Song you listened to:  Rammstein - Feuer Frei! (and Victorious a Breezy original)
Time I Cried: two tears in the shower, I missed the breakdown this time and I took care of myself so yeah...
Dated someone twice: nope
Been cheated on: twice 
Kissed Someone and regretted it: yep, four people.....well....yeah four
Lost someone special: yep, some of them died, and one of them is still alive but I wish her the best still
been drunk and thrown up: yes, twice, but only a little bit each time  and I’ve never really had a hangover, only maybe a mild headache when I wake up, I barely notice it 
Made a new friend: I’d like to say so 
Fallen Out of Love: no
Laughed Until You Cried: all the time like (almost) errday
Met Someone Who Changed You: no, not really, but people I have always had I’ve come to some realizations about leading to changes in myself, example, I drink sometimes now
Found Out Who your true friends are: mhm, I always constantly play it safe in this department because of my past
Found out someone was talking about me: honey, listen, people been talking about you since you came into this world and they gon’ talk about you after you out of it. (at least you're on their mind) 
How many people in Tumblr do you know in real life?: @ceobryce @wolfsilverlight @leftzombiepenguin @brayamac @violet-soulkeeper17 @talonvictor @oneshoeshort (and Megan, I have to find her name and edit this lol)
Do you have any pets?: Yep. Dusty Leroy (my last name), Simba Sophia (my last name), Angel Clemingtine (my last name), Bobby Lee (my last name) and Loli (Lolli) Pop (my last name) 
Do you want to change your name? : First name,no, it made Papa proud I was named after him, Middle name, yes until this past june because I was the only kid of my dad’s kids (and grandkids) without the middle name Marie but in June something happened that changed my mind so I thanked my mom for naming me Irene. Last name, eventually lol, yknow marriage and shiz
What time did you wake up this morning: 6:00
What were you doing last night: laying in bed, talking to @browneyedhunter and ignoring what was going on outside my bedroom or trying with all my might and failing 
Name something you cannot wait for: Just one thing, other than actually starting my life (long ass story), tonight (giggidy), the black panther movie and april fools day to take a day trip to Raleigh and see Kevin Hart (if life allows) and down the line a little bit, to be a mom 
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: not to my recollection, but yes in my dreams, Tom Hiddleston is a amazing man 
What’s getting on your nerves right now: nothing really at this moment, i guess being a female has terrible timing 
Blood type: blood? red? 
Nickname: Nerd, Short Person, BabyGirl, Jess, Jessie, Jessie Jess, Angel, there are so many 
Relationship Status: Happy 
Zodiac Sign: Cancer (June 25)
Pronouns: She, her, I am a cis girl lol but I will proudly respond to Dude, Bro, Bruh, Broski
Favorite Show: Obviously Supernatural is number 1, top 3 are Supernatural, Sherlock, and probably Penny Dreadful (but I have many favorites)
College: Not yet, I took a placement test and such but I am trying to get things straight first. Fingers crossed, within the next year or so I can start. I took some CP/ college class in high-school, there was one, Physcology, where  the professor actually came and taught us and I did well in that also I think I made like a high Cor a B but with the history class they gave us a book, popped us in front of computers. I tried, I really did, but I also did something there that I never did in school before, I tried and couldn’t learn anything (that is when the computers actually worked) and it was just boring so I got fed up basically said fuck this shit and failed on purpose. My education currently is K4-graduating from high school with a diploma. I actually love learning so please don’t misunderstand, I hated school, but I still tried my best and did pretty well and never flunked a grade level or anything, I was also that person everyone hated for reminding teachers of homework when they forgot it because I was the one that, not exaggerating, had mental breakdowns doing it. In highschool there is/was a notorious teacher that everyone hated, literally, someone keyed his truck, but, he saw how hard I worked and such and he actually became like my best friend and I may have been a teacher’s pet but he and my other math teacher my senior year were my best friends. Okay long unnecessary rambling sorry 
Hair Color: brunette, naturally, will eventually be black I know for certain. However, I colored it black once years ago, and in highschool I bleached my bangs so they were blonde, about two years ago but longer I put blue where the blonde was and that faded to teal, then i put red streaks throughout my hair when that was gone. Its been natural for a long time 
Do you have a crush on someone: yes. celebrities, obviously, but there is one man on campus i sware i cant take my eyes off of lol. My babe,marie, and I have a whole private joke thing about it. He is known as Superman, you had to be there
What do you like about yourself: this one is really hard, honestly. It varies but I guess....I mean, my sweatshirt I am wearing now? that count? Oh! I can drink and not become my big sister, despite having to convince myself of that. It is complicated and my eyes too lol 
First Surgery: it was getting my tonsils taken out when i was like maybe 5 or 6
First Piercing: ears, although i was never really able to wear earrings because of a reaction but they are closed now. I’m really thinking about getting my belly button pierced
First Sport You joined: there was the time when I was little and wrestling my dad, but that career ended when I kicked his nose/mouth and they swole, and the time I played football as a baby at my moms old family church but I bit my evil cousin? do those count?
First vacation: I don’t know if I ever had a vacation but I know my first time leaving home for a trip we went to Virginia, then Pittsburgh PA, then Niagra Falls NY
First Pair of Sneakers: I am willing to bet were hand me downs or from dollar general or a thrift store
Right Now: 
Eating: Nothing at this second
Drinking: Nothing at this second but later Jack & Coke/soda  and going to taste green apple Crown Royal with sprite,supposedly tastes like Jolly ranchers 
I’m about to: respond to @browneyedhunter, shes been waiting while I typed all of this and hopefully tonight......uh giggidy 
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Listening to: keys typing and Jimmy’s snoring behind me 
Want Kids: in the future, someday, yes, very much 
Get Married: maybe, I’ll see if life let’s me but people say Jimmy and I are married. By people I mean my 62 yr old parents and his grandad, and his mom 
Career: I really want one someday, but, we have talked, and we would both be alright with being a SAHM too. Right now, I don’t feel like I am doing my part despite what everyone says; but as long as I feel like I am doing that, I am good
Lips or Eyes: who’s?
Hugs or kisses: again, who are we talking about?
Shorter or tall: I am shorter than everyone, @emoryhemsworth knows what I mean since we are both 4′9
Older or Younger: I have a thing for older guys
Romantic or Spontaneous: both
Sensitive or loud: those things don’t always necessarily correlate 
Hookup or Relationship: Relationship. Unless it is another girl’ then I couldn’t do a relationship unless it was Poly
Troublemaker or Hesitant: hesitant af 
Have You Ever:  
Kissed a stranger: no, that is how disease happens. Unless...I guess Jimmy was technically a stranger when I met him and we kissed 
Drank hard liquor: the hardest thing I have found I actually like is whiskey or Irish Trashcan 
Lost Contacts/ glasses: nope
Sex on first date: believe it or not i have only ever done it with one person
Broken someone’s heart: I think I broke Faith’s heart when I told her true things about disney,childhood movies, fairytales etc 
Been arrested: no, my parents have though XD
turned someone down: nope
Fallen for a friend: Yup, wish her well but she co go screw herself or that sweet soulles-
In yourself: most of the time, no
Miracles: yes, because of I have lived through some, many of them 
Love at First sight: i guess 
Ive tagged people lol, I am done 
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celestialriptide · 7 years
taggy q’s!
Thank you my dear @commodorecliche for tagging me!
The rules: Answer these 85 q’s then tag some peeps!
I’m not sure who to tag, so I’ll just go with @ideal-mina and @viktorthicciforov and @authordrive and leave it at that for now
THE LAST 1. DRINK: sweet tea 2. PHONE CALL: the jakester/close friend 3. TEXT MESSAGE: maribae. check her outtttttt atttttt >>> :) :) :) @viktorthicciforov :) :) :) 4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF ART yall probably think im joking 5. TIME YOU CRIED: i dunno honestly i cry a lot 6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: i dont think ive technically dated anyone more than once 7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: ehh 8. BEEN CHEATED ON: Yes. 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: Yeah. 10. BEEN DEPRESSED: um yes, i have depression  11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: oh of course 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. purple 13. blue 14. red IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: yupperooskies 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: unfortunately. 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: i think so 18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: ooooooh yeah, man. 19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: not particularly 20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: not really no 21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: i have not kissed someone in almost two years.
GENERAL 22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: like most of them. all except like 15? and even them i’ve known for 7 years. 23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: i live with five chihuahuas: Sasha, Clifford, Mika, Nora and Navi 24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: yupp i’d love to see Ryn on my legal docs 25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: i worked a 10 hour shift :) and then died :) im still bitter :) she wouldn’t let me leave :) because she bought a cake :) and didnt want it brought in until nearly :) 8pm :) even tho i had been there since 9 :) with no break :) on my fucking :) birthday :) 26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: uhhhhhhhh like 1pm lmao 27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: i have the vague idea that i was reading, but i dont remember 11:30-1:15 28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: the void h a l l o w e e n 29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: couple of hours ago, i still live at home 31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: the call of the void the ambient noise of living on a military base 32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: yeah, i think he died a few years ago. i miss him. 33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: being unemployed, living at home, not being independent, my mental state, lots of things 34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: i would say tumblr, but it’s ao3. 35. HAIR COLOUR: im a bleach blond, with brown roots bc im lazy and dont feel like upkeep 36. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: short, but still longer than i like 37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: subtly screams: MARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 38. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: mnyeh. nothing really i reckon 39. PIERCINGS: i’ve got a standard tongue piercing, a monroe, right nostril, and then i’ve got 7/16th plugs 40. BLOOD TYPE: i honestly dont heckin know my guy 41. NICKNAME: uhm. void and, uh, vore. lmao. there’s probably more but these are the ones i see daily. 42. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: a single useless pringle, i think? i dont think im dating anyone, maybe 43. ZODIAC: im keith (scorpio power yall) 44. PRONOUNS: he/him pls pls pls 45. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: got that VLD and Rick & Morty grind yall GoT doesnt count its just part of my life at this point 46. TATTOOS: 3ish. This swirly star neverland skully thing on my left foot, a bird on my right shoulder, mars/moon/stars on my left wrist that matches my mother and oldest younger brother, and vaguelly some blotches of color on my right foot that dont count anymore because you cant really see them unless you Know. 47. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: right handed, left hand can be used for some things. 48. SURGERY: galbladder, tonsils/adnoids, and wisdom teeth.
50. SPORT: i’ve never been a sport but i always enjoyed the idea of playing volleyball. 51. VACATION: all my vacations are home. @ tennessee whats good i miss you  52. PAIR OF TRAINERS: idk like the only shoes i own rn are like vans MORE GENERAL 53. EATING: i nothing atm, but i do love eating. 54. DRINKING: sweet tea 55. I’M ABOUT TO: bounce between writing some more and playing overwatch 56. WAITING FOR: the void to take me a job 57. WANT: to enter the void to take my longboard out, but it’s too hilly here and im still new 58. GET MARRIED: one day probably i like the idea of proposing to someone.
WHICH IS BETTER: 60. HUGS OR KISSES: meh. idk. depends on who i guess 61. LIPS OR EYES: can i get a uhhhhh b o t h 62. SHORTER OR TALLER: meh 63. OLDER OR YOUNGER: either or 64. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: i am a slut for some nice arms 65. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: idk. 66. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: little bit of both. im hesitantly a troublemaker. HAVE YOU EVER: 67. KISSED A STRANGER: neh. 68. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: ooohyes. 69. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: i lost 6 months worth of contacts once 70. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: yesssssss 71. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: does it count if it wasnt a date at all, just hanging out that ended up there bc yes? but we didnt have a date so 72. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: idk maybe probably wait yeah sorry 73. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: ahahahaha yea 74. BEEN ARRESTED: nopers 75. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: vaguely. the concept of death is something that vaguely affects me. i generally end up crying a few months after the death, if at all 76. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: ye DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. YOURSELF: meh 78. MIRACLES: not exactly 79. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: lust, yes. love, no. 80. SANTA CLAUS: i believe that there was probably once a man that sparked the legend but santa as the current urban myth is a m y t h 81. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: sure 82. ANGELS: in a way. OTHER: 84. EYE COLOUR: hazel 85. FAVOURITE MOVIE: donnie darko or howls moving caste
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crazykendal · 7 years
This is too long
Why did you close the door the last time you closed one? so no little kids would rampage in Stripes or polka dots? stripes Do you care if people touch you when they’re talking to you? depends on who What is your gender? female Do you think that people think its obvious? i sure hope so haha
How long did your first date last? 0 seconds ;) Is your favorite color within 10 feet of you? yes Highlight of your day? my old friend came over Would you rather be on a boat or a plane? dood no boats those scare the f outta me, but ive never been on a plane Can you tell when girls (or guys) have eyeliner on? yes. Can you cook?
yikes uh.. nope How high is your ceiling? i believe 35 feet im some parts of the house Whats the worst job you can think of? honestly idk Do you swear a lot?  what the fuck are you talking about Does the last person you texted have an O in their name? HA no Is everything working in your house? i dont think so Would you rather have a pool or a trampoline? pool. Does pop give you energy? no..? TV show you love with a passion? the walking dead, and ive been watching the 100, but i love twd  a lot more Do you think you learned anything from the worst night of your life? yeah, im a fucking prick/dick head
Perfect age to get married? who the fuck knows
Is it safe to say you own over 20 pairs of shoes?  i own 3 or maybe 5.. i think Name a career path that women are known for taking. doctors?? idk Favorite type of cookie? chocolate chip, i can never make them because i always come close to burning the house down A quality you look for in choosing a significant other? if anyone can understand me im good What would I find if I looked in your pocket? no pockets What was your first word? yo wassup my homies. (I say that too much, but I have no idea) A musical instrument you wouldnt mind learning how to play? DRUMSSS Last time you went to 7-eleven? months ago A fast food restaurant that you hate with a passion? I kinda hate most of them equally Does everyone in your family have a job? yeah Going anywhere this weekend? im going to a legally blonde musical Is your room ever clean? yeah but usually never What does it mean when youre being quiet? im mad Last person you had a face to face conversation with? my cat Wheres your phone? dude idk ive been grounded for 2 weeks ahahahah Do you know the difference between your and you’re? yes i aint no dumb bitch How late did you stay up last night? 10 pm Anyone youre ready to kill? oh hell yeah Do you need to get a tan? yes What do you want? money and love Favorite TV show as a kid? dood idk
Whats a show that you absolutely refuse to watch? Strangers Things How many times have you been in love? once Go camping or go to a party? camping Do you remember how old you were when you started swearing? maybe when I was 12 How many years older than you would you date someone? I would like to date anyone in my grade, nothing over or less What was the last thing you pinky swore on? I dont swear to anything, ever, unless i care about the person usually more than my self Would you consider yourself a nice person? no. why is this even a question Are there a lot of mirrors in your house?  a lot more than I think there should be Has there ever been a serial killer in your house?  I sure hope not
Do you know anyone who looks like Adam Sandler? no True or false: Glee is annoying. true, ive never watched it but I know its annoying Last thing you cooked? grilled cheese Do you use slang often? maybe Wear glasses? yes hahahaha
About how old was the last person that hit on you? well.. no one has ever hit on me OH wait I cant say (this one girl maybe I don't her well oh god) What color are your headphones? black and red BLUETOOTH BITCHES Would you make a good teacher? Why? I would rather be some sort of leader than teacher Dont you hate those commercials that try too hard? lol some commercials are my life, like the life alert commercials. HELP IVE FALLEN AND I CANT GET UP but yeah some over them are just to much Is the fan on? I have like a ton of fans on right now Any special reason why youre taking this survey? i have nothing better to do What does the last text message you sent say?  i was telling my mom that my little sister was being a pain in the ass and that i wanted pizza hahaha
Your friend needs you to run to the store to get a pregnancy test. Do you? which friend? Friend #1, id ask her who she fucked and be really surprised. Friend #2 I wouldn't even have to ask. Friend #3 I would be shocked and possibly upset. But id get them for all of them hahahaha Do you log out on facebook when you leave the site?  i dont use my Facebook What color are your underwear? white How short are your nails? short Do you like the opposite sex to be dominant or you the one in control? funny you ask that, id rather have the opposite sex dominant and id rather be dominant with same sex.. yep Favorite holiday? Christmas If I asked you to point to Ohio on a map of the US do you think you could? yeah You're locked in a room with spiders. Do you have an issue? spiders don't really bother me, depends on size tho Do you wear your most expensive item of clothing often? uhh Do you eat a lot of food? no THERE'S NO FOOD IN OUR HOUSE
Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? well like a relationship relationship? maybe Have you ever had to give someone directions before? yes i forget everything but I know how to give directions like a mastermind Speaking of which, are you good at understanding driving directions? ive never driven before because im too little!! in two years i can tho hahah How many people do you text daily? usually none Do you play any instruments? Which instruments do you play? nothing Is there anyone who you call by their last name? no What did you do on your last birthday? I dont remember I think I had a sleepover tho Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? what Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? no What is your least favorite subject in school?
math and science Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? depends Do you know a couple who constantly sucks on each other’s face? what the actual fuck When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? a few days ago Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? no
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? does my cat count How many meals have you eaten today, so far? none and it’s 1:05 pm Do you think it’s stupid for people to call others “hot?” no because they might actually be hot hahaha Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? yeahhh? depends Have you ever shopped at Wet Seal before? Did you like it? wtf is that Do you care about spending money if it’s someone else’s money? yeah What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? dude I dont really like Disney movies so none When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? wtf no Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? i have both in my house Who was the last person you yelled at? Why? my little little sister As a kid, did you ever go to camp? no Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? no Are you currently trying to learn to play any instrument? no. When was the last time you went somewhere you thought was haunted? hmm a few months ago Who was the last person to compliment you? idk that was over a month ago How old were you when you got to go on your first date? never have and I bet I never will :( Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? over protective helpppp Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? what Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? chandler riggs or alycia debnam-carey? Are you the jealous type? yeah When was the last time you felt like you were high on life? when clarke and lexa had sex mwahahaha what Do you know someone who cares about themselves more than their child? yeah haha we have their kid now Do you still watch cartoons on television? no What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there?  i dont like taco bell Is there anyone currently annoying you? yes Do you have freckles? no :’( How many dogs do you have, if any at all? imaginary doggos Have you ever witnessed someone being beaten up? i couldn't say I witnessed someone being beat up I usually beat up things Do you think biting is weird or sexy? well it depends on who Would you rather be called hot or beautiful? hot but im neither hahaha Have you ever had a pet turtle before? yes Do you still sleep with your parents when you’re scared sometimes? no. Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes? nope. Have you ever felt like someone was following you? yeah
What color shirt are you wearing at the moment? white Do you enjoy going school shopping? sometimes Do you think Pug dogs are adorable or just plain ugly? I LOVE PUGS my grandpa has some and I love them so much Have you ever met someone who completely resembled their pet? haha ive never thought of that but maybe What was the worst substance you’ve spilled on yourself before? bleach Have you ever made out with more than one person in one night? no Do you think there is a soulmate out there for everyone? no defiantly not me
Do you like short or long surveys the best? long Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? no Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? depends on who Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? no i live for thunderstorms How often do you shower? every other day Have you ever had to sell something for a school fundraiser? maybe How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? sometimes one but usually never Have you ever met someone who was completely weird all-around? yes shes a good friend of mine Do you ever watch any soap operas? i have no idea what that is Have you ever met someone who was mean to everyone? yes. (me) thats not trueee though <3 Do you usually have a low tolerance for pain or high tolerance? I dont care whenever I get injured Would you rather eat or sleep? i dont care Are you one of those die hard Twilight or Harry Potter fans? no just no
Do your parents ever force you to talk to your grandparents? I have one grandpa and a step grandma and I dont really know her that much but I never really see them Do you think long surveys are boring or entertaining? it depends on the questions. Have you ever learned that someone had lied to you all along? i feel like someone has been lying to me but I dont know if its true or not Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer? no. Have you ever had to bail someone out of jail before? no. Is there anyone in your immediate family who was adopted? yeah Do you know anyone who doesn’t have any common sense? yes my same weird friend, oh and me :) When was the last time you bought something? Monday Do you think you look anything like your parents? kinda What are your plans for this weekend? i answered this What color is your significant other’s hair? Chandler Riggs and Alycia Debnam-Carey both have brown hair. Woah ive never thought about this but every single person ive ever crushed on was a brunette Have you ever applied for a job at Walmart before? no. Would you ever become a foster parent? id rather be a foster parent than give birth but I fucking hate kids (maybe that's why I hate myself) Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? yeah my cat Bub he attacks my other cats Would rather talk to someone on a landline or a cell phone? cell Has anyone ever given you a psychiatric assessment? no What is your favorite amusement park?  i dont know Did you ever have braces? I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET THEM OFF THIS MONTH BUT NOOOOOO What is cuter: kisses on the forehead of the cheek? i like both? why am I answering to this Do you believe in evolution or creation? evolution, there was never a god who created anything
Would you rather take a bath or a shower? Why or why not? shower, I dont have time for baths Does it bother you when people touch your personal items? depends. When was the last time you did something sexual? ..depends on what.. Do you collect anything? What? snapbacks Are you better at hand-drawing things or painting? I cant paint to save my life Have either of your parents ever called you a failure before? oh my god all the time! They tell me that more than compliments Have you ever suspected someone of cheating on you? no. When you get married, will you convert your last name? depends on who :) Are your parents divorced, married or separated? married Has someone ever left a relationship with you for someone else? no. What’s the most painful thing you’ve ever experienced? from december 5, 2002 all the way to today When was the last time you went shoe shopping? like 4 weeks ago Are you a part of any clubs at your school, if you still go to school? like in 7th grade CREATIVE WRITING CLUB oh man Do you know someone who wears a wig? no What is your best friend’s last name? nakamura. its my cat haru When was the last time you cried? For what reason? awhile ago because im a fucking baby, just because im going to a different school than a friend of mine who im going to tag mwahaha sucks to be you IM LOOKING BACK AT THIS ITS NOT TRUE IT WAS THE LEXA DEATH SCENE
What is your favorite shop to go to at the mall? forever 21 What time do you usually go to bed on the weekends? like 10 or 11 Have you ever considered suicide? not much? Have you ever been raped before? no. Would you ever consider becoming a marine biologist? no if i ever see those words again im going to fuck someone up. (my dad wants me to be one but im deathly afraid or the ocean) Did you carry a lunchbox as a child? yes. What is your favorite ‘sweet’ to eat? idk Are you someone who usually eats when you’re bored? no Have you ever eaten your way through a breakup? no. Who was the last person you texted? my mom Do you usually buy popcorn when you eat at the movie theater? yeah Did you sleep alone or with someone last night? alone. What kind of dressing do you eat on your salad, if any? none Are you someone who constantly likes to wear hats? no what are talking about im not wearing a hat at all Have you ever seen a Lifetime movie that relates to your life? what What is your Myspace URL? never had one Are you someone who likes to wear dresses more than pants? hahaha if i ever have to wear another dress again im going to kill myself Have you ever dated someone who was way overprotective of you? never fucking dated alright What was the last thing you touched besides your keyboard? my HAT When was the last time you witnessed a fist fight? never..? Do you know anyone who lives in the state of California? bitch I do
Are you waiting for a text right now? no Is it your summer vacation right now? yepp fucking kill me Do you like traveling? love it, more time I can listen to to musicccc What color are the walls of the room you’re in right now? dood i think grey, im looking now and its hard to tell Do you still make mix cds? no. Are you eating or drinking anything right now? no
Do you go to church regularly? no i dont believe in that stuff Who’s your best friend? haru Are you determined? yeahhh...
Are you always looking for/in a relationship, or do you like being single? id love to be in a relationship but i hate so many people and a ton of people hate me and I bet i never will Ever had your heart broken? yeah Even broken someone else’s heart? oh god yes Are you confident? not really When’s the last time you smiled? today. Are you tan? no
Any big plans for today/tonight? I want pizza What’s the background on your computer? oh I recently changed it to lexa and clarke from the 100 Do you have days where you just want to listen to sad songs? yeah Don’t you hate when your plans fall through? sometimes Ever maxed out a credit card? no How old are you? older than time itself Who’s the last person you kissed? my cat Are you hoping they will also be the next person you kiss? no Do you ever actually go on dates? no
Im going to tag @rottentulips because I finally found a really long question tag for her to do so you're welcome ;)
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