#cant you not be homosexual towards every man you interact with
feralshadowdemon · 2 years
hello i’ve been only awake for a few minutes. BUT has anyone else noticed that Dazai is the least hetero man you’ll see not just with Chuuya, no, no man is safe from Dazai.
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the anime version isn’t very straight either it’s just more Homosexual in the manga
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feral-radfem · 2 years
How do I know if I'm attracted to men or not when one man coerced me but it wasn't physically forced, and I was horny but felt repulsed by him and dissociated? My feelings toward women are euphoric and my feelings toward men are fear, but then how was I able to consent to a male if I'm not osa? Every lesbian I speak with has a different definition of what "homosexual" actually means, and they say the other definitions are homophobic. What do I do?
I mean this in the nicest way possible: the first thing you can do is stop caring about whether or not people think you're a lesbian/bisexual. Itll make you so much happier if you are just honest with yourself and ignore the dissenters, than worrying if someone is judging you.
Homosexuality has one definition: exclusively same-sex attracted. Any definition other than that is homophobic. Whether or not people believe you are exclusively same sex attracted May differ based on your lived experience but that is the one and only definition. Questioning someones sexuality may not be the nicest thing to do but we are a minority community with constant interlopers, so some may feel the need to be vigilant. I would just ignore them. It shouldn't bother you that much if your actually gay. Just like being "misgendered" doesn't bother people not playing make pretend. Though that is definitely a personal view of mine rather than a set in stone law.
I don't think it's fair to you to judge your sexuality based off of a sexual assault. Which is what that was, because you said you were coerced. Coercion is a form of force. It could be that you were bisexual and you felt repulsed because he coerced you or it could be that you're a lesbian and you felt "horny" (Im assuming you mean you got a little 'wet') because in many cases that is your body's natural reaction to sexual stimulus whether or not it is wanted or enjoyed. I cant really tell you the answer to that, you have to determine that yourself.
Males are our oppressors as women and you've had a negative experience with one, fear is a natural reaction to trauma. There is no innate inclination for lesbians to fear men however. So I don't think that's relevant to your sexuality. If you are bisexual it may get in the way of you experiencing the desire for an actual sexual interaction with a male, but it doesn't lean one way or another to whether or not you're gay. Trauma cant change your sexuality.
Just sit down and be honest with yourself. That's really the only advice I can offer. Ask yourself some question and dont try and "force" the answer you want.
Do you get sexually aroused by the idea of being with men? Don't put any exceptions on that. If the idea of partaking in heterosexual sex is thrilling for you then you're bisexual. If it isn't and you really can't imagine enjoying having a male as the sexual partner, then you're probably a lesbian. It is really as cut and dry as that.
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