#capital expenses
nando161mando · 7 months
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Why are things expensive?
4 companies control 55% to 85% of the meat market.
4 airlines control 80% of air travel.
3 companies control 92% of the soda market.
3 companies control 73% of the cereal market.
Why don't I hear about it?
6 companies control 90% of the news.
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glorfindelridesagain · 5 months
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phoenixisrq · 4 months
Strive for a world where wheelchairs can be used by anyone. I shouldn't have to feel like my pain needs to be worse to be a 'valid' wheelchair user. That shit can get dangerous real fast. I deserve comfort and reprieve from my chronic pain. I deserve to do things that alleviate my BIID dysphoria, even if I didn't have chronic pain. Everyone does. Wheelchairs should be accessible to everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY.
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
insurance makes sense on a conceptual level but in reality insurance companies turn decently huge profits by a) relying on things not happening, which they mostly don't b) ensuring things mostly don't happen by exluding anything that might make "things happening" more likely and stacking it in their favour and then c) finding any excuse and loophole possible to not cover you if anything ever does happen
like. insurance would be good if it wasn't managed by insurance companies
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opalsiren · 2 months
the hse's advice on covid self-isolation is such dogshit. 'you can come out of isolation after 5 days but don't interact with anyone high risk for 10 days' cool how do i know the person sitting next to me on the bus isn't high risk. the person in line behind me getting groceries, the person i make small talk with in the pharmacy queue. literally eugenics-adjacent advice
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ragnarssons · 5 months
so huh. after watching all these youtubers (you know, people who do know how youtube works and how much money you can get off youtube and patreon and sponsorships etc) analyze watcher's numbers and statistics and all... can we finally say it's all for capitalism's sake? thanks.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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existennialmemes · 9 months
I did not ask to
✨ Exist ✨
Seems pretty rude to charge me money for it
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arty-e · 8 months
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Camilla’s siblings mock her tiny height
Ennis siblings in age order: Abigail (ginger sister), Camilla (Alvis’ mum), William (ginger brother), Nicholas (brown haired brother) and Marta (brown haired sister)
Camilla’s sibling designs belong to @buttercup-draws44
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library-fae · 1 month
being disabled is expensive
i hardly ever have the energy to cook
and sometimes physically can't stand long enough to do so
so i have to get quick premade, precut or precooked food
im also autistic and there are certain foods i can't eat
and safe foods i need for days im struggling from a sensory standpoint
its tiring to have to equate for these extra costs
and disability insurance doesn't cover them
food has become a luxury item in this economy
and the first affected are going to be the poor and disabled
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sergle · 9 months
speaking of yarn ive been meaning to ask since ive heard of it elsewhere, is the general quality of yarn you can get going down? ive been looking into fibercraft but ive been told its getting harder and harder to find actual good thread without some sort of plastic in it, especially for a good price. so ive been wondering is this true or was it made out to be a much larger problem than it really is (in your experience)?
i've only been into crochet for a couple of years, so i'm not a Fiber Arts Veteran who can tell you the difference between shopping for supplies now vs 30 years ago! i don't really have anything to compare Current Yarns to. in my experience, the only thing i can speak on is cost, and it seems like the cost for yarn has probably been going up. animal fibers are certainly more expensive, acrylic yarns are budget-friendly but are synthetic, if that's something you're worried abt.
so i don't think that stuff is Untrue, but i also don't think it's any reason at all to avoid getting into fiber arts, and you can absolutely find yarns made from cotton / wool / bamboo fiber and stuff like that for good prices! it would probably be harder in-person, like in the aisles of a hobby lobby. but i think lion brand and lovecrafts are good sites to browse for yarn/supplies. it's really not a small-scale problem, someone like moi who's recently gotten into crochet and does it for funsies based on my whims/needs isn't going to really notice, i don't think. as an aside, if we're talking about crochet specifically, you can really crochet with anything at all- i've been making a tote bag out of plastic grocery bags, lmao. reduce reuse recycle or whatever. people will also use strips of fabric instead of yarn, and that's good for stuff like rugs / bags / baskets, chunkier projects. (though ig you could probably make some clothing if you cut the strips of fabric thin enough.) so as far as accessibility to the craft, there is that!
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The idea of real sex sounds terrifying when you realize that someone has to see you naked and you have to shave every part of you body including in places that seem impossible to do so
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randomprose · 8 months
i don't want to go to work. i want to sleep and dream of unlikely scenarios. then, i want to wake up and write my silly little stories, the scenarios i dreamt in my head the night before. do you understand? the longing to write? the yearning to create? the desire to produce art?
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pacing back and forth in front of my laptop like a caged tiger debating on making an amazon account
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nando161mando · 14 days
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When companies want you to quit so that they don't have the expense or bad publicity of laying you off.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Every now and then I think about the fact that I will never qualify for any sort of government assistance for being disabled because "my spouse makes too much money" and I want to cackle until my throat hurts because in which fucking alternative universe would my husband ever make too much money.
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