#capitalism is the worst
onlytiktoks · 22 days
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spoonful116 · 9 months
Radical ideas, but:
Pay people appropriately and enough to live comfortably
Health insurance shouldn't be tied to your job, universal healthcare
Tax the rich
Billionaires shouldn't exist
Getting really tired of capitalism; it doesn't work and is literally destroying the world
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alphacentaurinebula · 6 months
AU where Crowley is the CEO of Netflix and Aziraphale is the CEO of Disney and when they meet up they admit to each other that the streaming revenue model doesn’t make sense and it is a stock price bubble and they always knew it would eventually screw over consumers and shareholders. Even if the rest of their companies don’t acknowledge it, they can, to each other.
Because they’re on their own side.
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nando161mando · 12 days
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capitalism is a disease
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Hello all!
I'm afraid I'm experiencing some rather nasty burnout due to my job being in busy season, and it's gotten bad enough that I've fallen ill multiple times in a very short period, so as much as I don't want to it's become apparent that I need a bit of a break to recover. I'll still be liking and reblogging, but I'm afraid the lack of new writings will continue for two to three weeks, as my brain isn't capable of much more than the basics at the moment. I'll also be away from my inbox, so please don't think you're being ignored if I don't respond! Putting words together has simply never been so challenging!
I really appreciate all the support from likes, reblogs, and the incredible prompts people leave me and I hope to get right back to writing once I've recovered! As always, thank you for reading and I'll be back soon!! I couldn't do it without you all.
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chaotic-chickling · 1 year
Partitio is everything to me. That’s it. That’s the post.
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i-may-be-an-emu · 2 months
why do things cost money we should all just Not
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lary-the-lizard · 9 months
I really dislike the belief we were handed that teenage years are supposed to be full of parties and friends and that if you haven’t experienced that you’re a loser. Like, yeah we as a society kinda moved on from that belief but instead of thinking that people have experienced everything in between and beyond we created another box to put people in. Now we have people that have friends and go to parties and people that don’t have friends and stay home. It’s true that those people exist but hardly incapsulates all of teenagers. Teenage years are life changing but not because they’re the best years or years of close friendships. They’re life changing because your mind has developed to a point that you exist as a self that is pretty self sufficient in many aspects and it’s fucking weird and new. There is no way that teenagers should be or do or have or look or want. For a lot of people being a teenager was awful and for varied reasons. As a teenager you barely know how hold your own form together not to mention know what does and doesn’t suit you. People that really enjoyed their teen years more than any other time period of their lives are rare and it’s fucking tragic that those were their favorite years!
Not having friends as a teen is miserable not because you’re a teen without friends but because you’re without friends. Being at any point in your life without friends is miserable (I don’t mean to downplay the teenage woes). We’ve gotten to a point socially where a lot of people don’t have friends and this is becoming normal to us. This is not an individual issue, this is a public health crisis that our governments are not equipped to handle. Our country doesn’t govern in the interest of the people, it governs to control where the money the goes. Anything that affects us on a personal level is turned into a deal-with it-on-your-own problem. Our country hates community unless it’s controlled. We have barely any places where people can meet up without having to spend money. Do you understand how fucking wrong that is? That makes social life so inaccessible! How the hell are we supposed to make friends when we’re fucking poor? The only places people have to make friends that is normal and mostly reliable is school, church, and work. What if you’re disabled, not religious, and can’t afford school? Is any of that your fault? Does that seem like a personal failing? Now days, even people with friends barely have time to tend to those friendships. We weren’t taught to prioritize friends, we were taught that friends should move in life with us because that’s how it used to work. We used to live in close knit communities, now we travel to towns and cities for work, go to school across the country, and do all our housework alone or with our housemates. We were taught since we don’t do things as a community anymore we have to have girls’ or boys’ night in which we spend money.
We’re forgetting how much we need friends. And I mean just friends; not family, not partners, friends. Friends are necessary for our basic wellbeing. I say this all the time but humans are social animals. We can’t human without each other. We forget what’s normal and start believing that we’re unnatural and harmful. We work too much and hate ourselves for it. We forget how to care for ourselves because we forgot how to love platonically. We need each other so someone can gently pull us back into our bodies without owing anyone anything. We need someone that can look at us and love us just as we are and for that to be enough. Someone to remind us of what we deserve and what kindness looks like. Someone to have our back, to support us even when we’re not there, to hold us a spot in the group, to make sure we’re included. Making friends with the way our society is set is right now is an act of rebellion towards capitalism and the current government. It’s anarchy. And you need to do it not just for your benefit but for everyone’s. And god, it’s so difficult but it will happen. You are worthy of friendship, you are lovable, don’t forget it.
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onlytiktoks · 27 days
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moopsy-daisy · 1 month
Going to treat this like a little messy journal for a minute. Not sure if my OCD is kicking up again or if this instinct has returned because I have finally had a moment of peace after a very messy move.
I'm craving a culture again. See, I don't belong in US culture, and I get reminded of that every time I get hungry. I can't eat wheat or dairy. If I order a little treat for myself, odds are good that it'll have run out and get replaced by something that will kill me a little bit.
Don't even get me started on being bisexual and polyamorous. I never know when I can even admit to loving the people I love.
Then there's the whiteness. Oh, I loathe it. I loathe the capitalist destruction of anything I could have been proud of. Folk art, language, holidays, magic, caring communities all erased in the name of modernity, progress, and white supremacy.
Trying to go back and find those eroded arts just reveals more crimes, both contemporary and historical. Doesn't help that I have no grandparents because they saw a potential disability and disowned me at birth. (Didn't even turn out to be an issue.) No memories of grandma's cooking or grandpa's wisdom.
I am utterly adrift. No culture, but what they sell on Etsy; no food, but what I can cobble together from cuisines that don't belong to me; no faith, because the gods here won't know me.
Too disabled by an autoimmune disease to get to know the land. Too ashamed of the crimes of my ancestors to ask permission to take refuge with another people.
Sometimes, I think I can make my own way of life, start over, and sew the seeds of a solarpunk future. But, it rings hollow and lonely. Culture ties you to others. You can't make it alone. But, no one is lost like I am. They have churches, or heritage, or large polycules. Or family.
So, I drift in circles. Wanting, trying, finding myself alone, taking solace in my independence, and inevitably wanting again.
I wish I could see the freedom in it, make my own meaning out of fucking pipe cleaners and glitter. Stars know, I've tried. Supposedly, I have Swedish blood, but I can't drink beer, milk, eat wheat, or relate to their climate at all. I have some mystery POC in my bloodline who intentionally kept her heritage a secret, so I will never even know who her people were.
I've visited Heathenry, Buddhism, animism, Shinto, Hinduism, witchcraft, and more. Only in the DIY mess that is magic have I had even a taste of legitimacy, and that's fleeting.
Hopefully, this fit will pass. I will distract myself with some game and forget how the world has left me weeping for a lost humanity.
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templeofshame · 2 years
i can't think of any form of consumption under capitalism that's closer to being ethical than dumpster diving
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nando161mando · 6 months
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vinxwatches · 6 months
the bad batch season 2
really liked season one, trough probably too much because i headcanon Omega as trans.
Omega is badass now? cool.
Cid is damn manipulative... by having a valid point.
the call for adventure of the season: help people. they are good people, helping when the opportunity arises, seems like they'll be making the step to looking for places to help.
i just realized something i really like in this over clone wars: people can't die. don't get me wrong, it was neat, but it also meant you wouldn't get to know the cast. in this the cast is an actual cast.
oh, that's one fucking cliffhanger, strong opening.
stop being stupid, you can't run on a broken leg... i mean you can, but you shouldn't.
they were hunted by Wilco... the name sound familiar, but my memory for names is ass. also he's dead now, so not that it really matters. i literally caught it on his death grunt.
i do like the message, but i wonder where they'll be going with it.
Crosshair episode? also cody again, probably about to die too.
there's always something neat about a sniper just sniping overly well.
maybe not, maybe cody is able to leave and live. more likely not. the only reasonable way to achieve that is by linking up with Rex or task force 99. and i don't recall him being with Rex in rebels.
well damn, he went awol. hope we'll see him again.
i love a good race, especially layed out well, and it was. good episode
ok i'll admit it my gay hart is losing it over phee, worried she'll turn out to be the villain, or at least not trustworthy.
pre jedi stuff. how will not force users make it trough here. also they're going big with the music.
i was sure it would be a kibar cristal (lightsabre core). oh, it's big.
so i really did recognise him... HOW?!
the message of the show seems to me "people need their people". now this isn't a bad message, but is easily malformed.
ah, so wookies are argonians.
"don't stand where i'm flamethrowing"
i really like where she moved. how she seems to have grown... it's probably going to get her killed isn't it? ep 7 btw.
i love the leitmotifs.
damnit two parter? i need to prepare, not need to watch part two... oh well.
Echo's role is always the most questionable to me, but here they really found a role for him.
fuck he's such a politician. (yes that is obviously an insult)
feels fitting for Echo, the old squad reuniting... yet also we know this isn't where he ends up. after all i watched rebels.
hello purple hair, should i know you already?
and it's given proper weight, nice.
tech is autistic isn't he? because my god can he be almost stereotypically oblivious. damn growth for tech. also yea you'll always lose against water.
oh, this really just is the neurodivergent episode... and i think it's handled pretty well. episode 9. Techs and Omega's conversation around 22 minutes is very good.
nope purple hair is not someone we know, and definitely doesn't have cool feather hair.
ugly and disabled means evil... not a fan.
the workers suffer while and to increase the profit of the company? what a new story, good thing such things never happen in the real world /s. if only the solutions were ever more realistic. revealing the truth never changed anything. but obviously disney doesn't want to tell that.
a broken space dropping out of hyperdrive?
oh shit, they're continuing with what i thought was a dropped plotpoint. but why though? what do they plan to do with this plot now?
Rex? doesn't look like him, but certain talks like him. and i don't just mean same voice. i mean how and what he says. ep 12
oh, is this the deserting episode? they have been building it up.
in case it wasn't obvious enough the empire was evil and a bunch of dicks.
welcome to cold, the cruellest, slowest killer. the cruellest part may be the hope. there's nothing you'll survive better then cold, because while it kills you it also preserves you. you can hope to make it, until the moment you die. and the people who find your body will feel that same hope until your corpse is warmed up. it's a blessing too, for you'll survive it more often then drowning, but the hope is cruel.
damn that ending though.
are they planning to split to group up further? i mean probably the right decision, but not healthy for the series i think. they are making this play too idyllic, like 80% sure it'll either be destroyed or secretly evil. the only reason i'd say maybe not is because they seemed to have put too much afford into the assets to throw it all away. of all the enemies to throw at the it, this is one of the most mundane and with that cool. especially in it's accuracy.
also did they hint at this ship before? i didn't notice it but i'm notoriously bind to this type of ship. or did they introduce it in this episode.
that ship sure looks like the ghost.
"i suggest i you proceed before i come to my senses"
two things i still really like: Wrecker is allowed to be afraid of heights and it's not a flaw. a hinderance and a weakness, sure. but everyone has those. it's not something that's wrong with him that must be changed. Omega is trusted with important tasks and is competent. she's not just a tag along kid, she's an actual member of the team with useful skills like any of them.
there's going to be more then one team working here, that'll be a problem. called it, and called it... fuck. this season won't end in a successful rescue. they better be getting a season 3.
on no. i see the solution, Tech does too. please don't. yet you must. fuck. come on, it's too early in the episode for a mayor character death. right? unless the rest of the episode it to come to terms with the loss. i'm wrong... right? i mean... the start of the episode did set it up, but, like.. no?
this feels like an episode where they all die... but that can't be. they have an unresolved plot. whatsit fuck face needs omege, she needs to be captured and then rescued. that's how those plots go. everyone can't die, not yet at least, the plot demands it... right?
ok... they "salvaged" him. that has to mean he's alive... right? fuck i already know a friend of mine would call out my hopium.
another female clone? the fuck? also how can you be here? do what you do? that just doesn't make sense? trying to improve the system from the inside? that won't work with the empire, and if you were a mole you'd be a shit one. they're really hoping they'll get another season.
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darthmatthewtwihard · 10 months
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
how am I expected to just.. go back to work after they drop that???
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flameunquenched · 8 months
stupid shit my work has done lately:
refused to hire any new people, leaving the rest of us swamped an overworked with no time to answer emails, etc
implemented a thing called 'time doctor' that literally takes random screenshots to make sure you're actually fucking working
oh and it also pops up if you don't move your mouse/type/touch your trackpad for longer than a minute going HELLO? ARE YOU STILL WORKING?
this sucks bc if i'm just explaining something to a customer, i usually have my eyes closed to rest them
bc you know. 8+ hours of staring at a computer screen.
changed to THE MOST BULLSHIT way of transmitting orders to the warehouses and instead of having certain orders with bonus items come from one wh, they now come from multiple depending on the bonus items???
thanks for adding 10x the stress and work that i, your already stressed and overworked employee, has to do
put out requests for overtime every evening when there are inevitably 20+ calls in the queue instead of, y'know. HIRING EVEN 5 MORE PEOPLE.
i'm literally job hunting while on the phone with customers and i am so fucking done done done with this bullshit.
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