#capricorn female
astro-tag-9 · 6 months
i have a fictional couples req if you're still doing them!
Me (she/her): cap sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising
Her: cap sun, libra moon, pisces rising
🖤Willow and Tara🖤
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astrosolutions · 1 year
Capricorn Traits Male Decoded: Discovering the Depth of Their Personalities.
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Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac in astrology, it is symbolized by the goat. Capricorn sign is an earth sign, it is very much ambitious, practical, and grounded in nature. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and karma. Capricorn season runs from December 22 to January 19.
Capricorn traits male are known for their hard work, determination, and perseverance. Capricorn men are goal-oriented and driven to achieve success in whatever they do. Capricorn people are also loyal, reliable, and dependable. They value tradition, stability, and security. They are not easily swayed by emotions or impulses. Capricorn men are rational, realistic, and pragmatic.
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calixcasual · 2 years
Friends & Roommates
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Capricorn ☀️ Cancer 🌙 [INFJ 1w2]
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Aquarius ☀️ Taurus 🌙 [ENFP 2w1]
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zodiacsigns-12 · 1 year
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caturnmoon · 1 month
Saturn & Pluto: Their Similarities and Differences 🪐
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🪐I thought I’d take this opportunity to chat a little bit about Saturn and Pluto; and what makes them similar and different from each other. 🪐
Cold giant planet ruling time (represents Kronos the Greek god of time) fathers, traditions, hierarchies, hard work, aging, old people, isolation (to an extent), refinement, and lessons. Saturn traditionally rules the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius and the 10th house of public image, legacy, and career. Saturn rules aging and lessons so wherever Saturn is placed or emphasized in your chart will illuminate where this process will take place for you. It requires us to own our karmic lessons, learn them through taking ownership, and then we reap the rewards of that effort. If we are still repeating unhealthy patterns and not making the necessary steps forward to grow and learn from them, Saturn will restrict and make life uncomfortable. In order to challenge us to leave these themes behind to step into a more evolved “adult” role in our lives. We normally experience this more acutely during the transit of our Saturn returns starting around 27 and ending around 30. Whatever isn’t learned from this astrological coming of age is rolled over into our karmic debt and the lesson will be enhanced during your second Saturn return somewhere in your 50’s. Saturn rewards hard work and patience. So it’s not all restriction and loss only if these traits are acknowledged. Dramatic changes can occur within the house and placements in your chart because Saturn is the teacher wanting to give a lesson for you to learn so you can mature and grow. Once these are learned, the effects of these lessons lessen. Lean into this time and reflect inward. Saturn loves responsibility and ownership.
Pluto is the tiny dwarf ice planet furthest from the sun in our solar system. In modern astrology Pluto represents the sign Scorpio, which is ruled also by mars. Pluto is associated with Hades, the Greek god of the underworld and death/the afterlife. Themes associated with Pluto and the 8th house are death and rebirth, sex, intimacy, joint assets, taxes, debts, inheritance, power, transformation, desire, drive, psychology, trauma, and the occult. Wherever Scorpio or Pluto is in your chart tells you how you can embrace your inner power in powerless situations and the subconscious as well. Through burning to ashes, the phoenix rises again, better than ever and wiser. Pluto will initiate dramatic change(s) that asks you to grow and make you more resilient than before. Pluto can shake us up and ask us to get in touch with our inner power and subconscious fears. How we observe our relationship with control and fear. Only through facing these fears and uncomfortable emotions, can we transform the negative into a positive. Only through being victimized can we be survivors and thrive. Tap into the inner victim and touch the shadows. Pluto demands that you FEEL the uncomfortable and embrace the darkness. It’s part of the process to finding the light again. Pluto is associated with shadow work and themes associated with great potential for healing and dark psychology. The 8th house also rules trauma and violence to an extent. The ugly horrors that the human experience has to offer and isn’t often talked about openly. You can’t have the light without also having the darker nuances of life. The duality that’s to be respected within ourselves and others. Pluto doesn’t ask you to completely eradicate the darkness, but to become one with it through the light. Merging. Intimacy with self in order to embrace true vulnerability and intimacy with others. True union. Pluto rules this as well.
Saturn & Pluto: Similarities/Differences
These two entities are similar to each other in that they both require us to “own our shit” so to speak. Saturn asks us to grow up through responsibility and work through restrictions and hard work to accomplish our goals. Pluto asks us to grow through dramatic changes/shifts of power and shadow work. Confronting the subconscious fears in order to grow and become more resilient and empowered. Their differences lie in outward influence vs. inward. Since Saturn rules the 10th house, these changes and lessons normally affect our public image and drive to meet goals through taking personal responsibility. Pluto asks us to take the external and go into the depths of what makes us tick with these factors. Flip them inside out. How can we rise above the tumultuous change and get to know ourselves better from the process. To feel more intimately empowered as a result. How we can utilize healthy control to prevent it become obsession and compulsion.
🪐Saturn and Pluto both are wonderful tools to acknowledge in our charts/lives if we let them. I don’t like ruling by fear when utilizing astrology because that isn’t what astrology is about in my opinion; it’s facing the realities of life and how it impacts us, and then using the information it provides for improvement and discernment. Only through acknowledging the shadow can we appreciate the light. ☯️
Until next time!! 🖖🏼👽
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dimenirvana · 9 months
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thesirenisles · 5 months
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I find myself randomly missing Halloween season year round. horror movie night, candy, snuggles, red light.
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dietcokeadicction · 3 months
Always tempted to make my eyebrows thinner
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xyzzmy · 5 months
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astro-tag-9 · 3 months
can u do a character for me too?
Leo ascendant
Capricorn moon
Capricorn venus
Aquarius sun & mercury
Pisces mars
Thank you:)
💙 Haley James Scott 💜
( One Tree Hill )
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astrosolutions · 1 year
Capricorn Traits Female Personality: What are the characteristics of a Capricorn woman?
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In Astrology, the Capricorn traits female are those of a strong, independent, and ambitious woman who strives for excellence in everything she does. She is realistic, practical, and disciplined, but also sensitive, loyal, and romantic. She has high standards for herself and others and can be critical, stubborn, and suspicious at times. She is not easily impressed by superficiality or flattery but values honesty, integrity, and hard work. She is a leader, a planner, and a survivor who can overcome any challenge with her steely determination and foresight. She is a Capricorn woman, and she is amazing.
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ssangresagrada · 2 months
Karma instantaneo le llega a la gente que me lastima porque yo estoy divinamente protegida
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astro1derland · 2 months
I’m today’s transits, our Vertex at 4° Capricorn ♑️ 19’ forms a square with our Black Moon Lilith at 3° Libra ♎️ 0’. Our fated encounters clash and have a hard time with our sense of mystery and the feminine demonic in a practical and balanced way. See, sense and feel your own darkness today. Find peace ☮️ 🕊️ ✌️ in the details today.
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caturnmoon · 17 days
I always see people saying that Chiron in the 5th house can be indicative of fertility problems or even miscarriages, I have this placement and my Chiron is in Capricorn. My Saturn is in Cancer, could this also be another indication? Since Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the Moon symbolizes the mother
Thank you 💞
Greetings!! 👽
🛎️Chiron in the 5th “can” indicate the potential for trauma surrounding childbirth/matters of fertility, but the 5th house encompasses so much more than that as well. Chiron in the 5th is similar to Chiron in Leo in that it is a wound of self expression/creative expression in some capacity. This can mean the creation of a child but this can also point towards childhood wounds of feeling stifled and your talents and creative expressions not being nurtured or encouraged. You could’ve been told that your talents or interests in sports/hobbies were a waste of time and that you needed to focus on more “practical” pursuits by your parents or made to feel that you weren’t good enough at them. I have my Leo in Chiron and this was very much the case for me in many ways. The 5th house is ruled by Leo and it is the house of sports, romance, pleasure, self expression and creative ventures.
With your Chiron being in a sign like Capricorn this further emphasizes the suppression of the 5th house themes mentioned above and a wound of a more stoic nature and possibly traumas related to bosses, male figures and paternal figures since Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and rules that as well. Perhaps a father figure was disapproving of your self expression and need to shine in a hobby of some sort growing up and held impossible standards for you to live up to. This can also be wounding in romance and dating as well. I generally interpret Chiron as a deep wounding starting from childhood. Its wounding of the past that stays with you and becomes a point to heal, nurture, and be aware of so you can heal that wound in others as well, since Chiron is named after Chiron the wounded healer in Greek mythology. Look to see if Chiron has any aspects in your chart to know more about the potential for healing and nature of that wounding!
Predictive astrology isn’t full-proof and only highlights potentials; not certainties. We have free will and I look at the chart as a blueprint to help guide us on our own individual journeys. The choices we make along with the mixture of divine guidance/timing help determine the rest. 🙏🏼
***The Saturn in cancer would need to be looked at further and any aspects it makes to other planets and or Chiron and the house it is in to reveal more about the nature/potential of that placement.
I hope this helps and I wish you all the best! ✨
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dimenirvana · 9 months
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Happy 25th Birthday to Latto 🩷🥂
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sofia-illustrator · 4 months
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Sci-fi Zodiac Signs Girls
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