#captain allen x oc
333creolelady · 8 months
Lady Of The Blue Bakunawa Ch. 5
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Black Afab! OC x Roman Reigns (Pirate Au)
Warnings: Moody Roman, Feisty Jane, Arguing , Cursing, cunnilingus, overstimulation.
Songs this chapter: Young love, Yumeji’s theme, Your hands are cold
Alternative playlist songs: Polly, Green eyes, Lights on.
Story cover by @joannasteez
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All reblogs will recieve a snippet of next weeks chapter.
3 weeks later….
“ Never take your eye off your opponent”, Adhar warns.
“ Okay”, said Jane as she steadied herself.
“ Just a moment of unfocus and you could end up with a sword sheathed in your gut. It’s how Roman was able to take out Captain Night’s eye”, says Adhar.
“ Ugh don’t remind me”, Jane shivers.
“ Also, don’t pick up a sword unless you're willing to do the unthinkable. If someone is coming at you with a weapon they’ve usually weighed the consequences of killing you. It’s up to you to defend yourself. Night and Roman’s battle was ongoing for almost fifteen years. I don’t think they truly wanted to kill each other until you were involved”, Adhar takes her sword ending the lesson for the day.
Jane appeared puzzled. “Why didn’t they kill each other before?”
“ I’m not sure. To be honest I think it was a game to the both of them. Roman kept him alive out of spite and so did Night. But then you came and…well.”
Jane remained in deep thought. It had been a few weeks since their kiss and the tension had grown between the two of them. Roman hadn’t made any advancements onto her again and she didn’t know how to ask. The hand holding in private still happened but something had fizzled out. She suspected it was because Roman had seen her interactions with Adhar.
Everytime she brought up Adhar he’d grow short and flat. Adhar wasn’t really a flirt, just really cheeky. However, she was sure that Adhar was just a friend. His cheekiness was often misconstrued for flirting and since she was a woman it was assumed that he was attracted to her. In the past weeks of their training she’d come to realize that Adhar was already missing a love. A girl named Kita from back home. The two of them had gotten to know each other better and he’d spoken briefly on his life before piracy. He had a lover and he was exiled from his community. He never got to see Kita again. Adhar’s demeanor was an attempt to chase away his sadness. Ever since then, Jane understood him better.
So when Adhar stood behind her to adjust her grip on the handle of her sword she didn’t panic. Roman caught the two of them a few times during their sessions. This time was no different as he strolled past them on the wind deck heading for his quarters.
Adhar grabs the sword from Jane,“ Why don’t we stop for the day? I’m sure Caden needs your help by now and Roman is shooting me daggers”, Adhar chuckled.
“ Yes, I’m on for lunch preparation. I’ll see you later. Thanks for the lesson”, Jane straightened her apron and headed down to the kitchen.
Caden, John and Allen all worked tirelessly prepping lunch. Lunch was usually left overs from the night's previous dinner. Although no serious cooking was involved, food had to be reheated and distributed to many men. She put on her chef's hat and scrubbed her hands before firing up the stove. Root stew from last night needed boiling and it was now a gelatinous mess waiting to liquify.
“ We don’t have enough for everybody. Caden, can you go in the pantry and pull out the bread for the sandwiches. It’ll have to be half and half to last them until dinner.”
“ Didn’t you hear Jane—-there’s a celebration tonight. There is no dinner except for what we find inland”, said Caden. He makes quick work of laying pieces of bread out to be buttered.
“ A celebration ?”
“ Ay’, it’s celebration for the ship. Cap’n gained something better when we got the Night star. We still have to dock for some repairs. It’ll only be for the night then back at it in the morning. Not only that but it’s the March solstice. It’s the start of the new season where night is no more. To not celebrate would be bad luck for the land and sea”, Says Caden.
“ I’m not much of a party person”, Jane shrugged.
“ I figured as much. I’ll bring you back something nice. Don’t tell anyone but Roman gave me these”, Caden held his pocket out to reveal 20 gold shillings.
“ Woah…. rich man. Remember me when you buy your big house”, Jane joked.
“ Never M’lady”, Caden smiled as he assembled the sandwiches.
“ Caden where are your parents ?”, Jane asked curiously.
“ Wow nice pivot Jane”, Caden snorted.
Jane winced. “ Oh sorry. I didn’t mean to be pushy. It’s just…you’re a young boy. It breaks my heart to see you do so much on your own. It’s why I asked Roman to let me help out.”
“ Well my mom died from the blue death when I was about 12. My father passed away from smallpox a few months later. Funnily enough they created a vaccine a year after he passed. What luck”, Caden shrugged.
“ I’m sorry”, Jane frowned.
“ S’alright. It’s life. I didn’t suffer for long. Things got better for me.”
“ How did you meet Roman ?”
“ Well when I lost my parents I became an orphan so I was sent away to nuns. I kept getting into trouble and running away. The nuns were harsh….they believed in rough punishments. It was hard for me to get used to it. My dad was a gentle and kind man. My mother was patient. I’d never been spanked by an adult before let alone slapped. It didn’t just stop there though. It got worse. I just wanted to work and be an adult. Looking back I realize that was a bit foolish but.. I met Roman hiding in a port. He gave me coins and bought me food. He kept asking me questions but I wouldn’t budge. He was visiting town for a few days and every night I would be in the same hiding spot. I guess he figured that If someone cared they would have found me by then. Anyhow, he took me in and I thought he was gonna teach me how to be a pirate. That I would learn the sword —get big muscles and be scary like him. Imagine my surprise after the first 2 days on the ship he places a book in my lap. A stinkin’ book”, Caden scoffs. Jane laughs at that.
“ That sounds like him”, Jane grinned.
“ Oh yeah. He said he wouldn’t teach me how to sword until I finished the book. A dictionary of all things. I couldn’t read very well. He taught me the alphabet again which took about a week. Then I had to learn the sound of the alphabet which took another week. Then we started reading the dictionary and guess how long it took me. Just guess ?” Caden crossed his arms in a challenge.
“ Uh…a week?”, Jane spoke with hopefulness.
“ Three Bloody MONTHS”, Caden flailed his arms.
“ Roman thought you deserved some semblance of an education. That’s a good thing. It’s more than most people get …trust me”, Jane smiled admirably despite wanting to laugh.
“ Yes and it was awful. Eventually I was able to start my position as a cabin boy 6 months after joining the ship. It took time learning how to address Roman.”
“ I’m sure you’re better for it”, said Jane. She was shocked to know the lengths Roman went for Caleb. Someone in his position wouldn’t really care about providing basic needs for a child he didn’t know. It’s not like Caleb was his child… but yet he did.
“ He took me to the doctor. Apparently I had scurvy and was rattleboned. I mean I was every bit of a flea ridden mutt at that point but Roman took care of it all. Then he’d send me to work and I could only refer to him as Captain. I don’t think he likes his affection to be witnessed by other people very much. I know Roman cares about me like family but he’d never say it and he wouldn’t want it to be discussed with others. The funny thing is we all know that Roman is good to the crew and has made accommodations for many of us when asked but we never really say anything about it to each other. It’s just…known ”, Caleb pondered as he added meat to the bread.
“ Roman can be a very sweet and gentleman. I’ve been introduced to that side of him and I’m grateful for it. I’m not sure I like the other side quite yet”, she pondered as she remembered his knife slicing through the skull of his mortal enemy Night.
“ Ay’ but he’s a pirate after all. He can’t be nice all the time otherwise nobody would be scared of him. I mean his name alone is a nightmare to some people. It’s what keeps us safe. Plus other pirates would probably think him a joke for taking in some ol’ kid.”
“ He’s a person. As kind and cruel and ever changing as all of us. No matter how hard his peers try to hide their humanity they are still slaves to their flesh. People are people..the way I see it”, Jane nods.
“ Well when you put it like that I’m glad I got one of the nicer pirates. Not the kind that use their cabin boys as jesters and pets”, Caden frowned.
“ Me too”, Jane shivered thinking about her encounter with Nights crew. She’d thank the stars for running into civilized pirates.
“ Sometimes…it feels like he’s my father and other times he’s my big brother. Other times…he’s an ass.”
“ Haven’t met the ass quite yet”, Jane laughed.
“ And you won’t. That’s reserved for nuisances only. Take 10 minutes. I need to speak with her”, Roman sighed in annoyance startling them both.
Caden rolled his eyes and dropped one of the half made sandwiches back on the counter. John and Allen left, following behind the young boy.
“ Hi”, Jane looked up at his tall frame. He was dressed down today in baggy slacks, socks and a baggy cotton shirt half unbuttoned. His hair was pulled up in a bun that seemed slept in. She noticed his beard looked a bit cleaner. She lifted her hand to feel it and playfully tugged it.
“ Did you cut it ?”
“ Not much. Just a small trim.”
“ I like your beard.”
“ Oh I couldn’t tell by how much you yank it every chance you get”, he said with an slightly annoyed yet humorous tone.
“ Sorry”, she smirked playfully before lowering her hand. Despite his obvious moodiness she could see a ghost of a smile on his delicious lips. She contemplated asking for a kiss.
“ As you know there’s a celebration tonight which means that we probably won’t be able to have dinner together. There’s someone I have to meet who has information about where to find the key to the treasure. There’s an entirely different map for the key. I likely won’t be back until late”, says Roman.
“ Oh…Alright. I guess I’ll just read then.”
“ If you’re still awake past midnight, come to my door. We can have a drink.”
“ You excused everybody out of the room just to tell me that ? I’m disappointed”, she teased.
“ Well there was another thing as well but…”, Roman broke eye contact hinting at a sense of guilt. Jane honed in on it.
“ Spit it out”, she taunted.
“ Why….did you ask adhar to teach you sword?”
“ I’m not sure…I’m very comfortable with adhar. He doesn’t make me anxious.”
“ So I make you anxious?”
“ At times yes. For good reasons..”, she whispered. Romans eyes faltered. He paused.
“ Why?”, said Jane.
“ I don’t think that he should be the one to teach you. In fact…I don’t think that you should be using a sword at all in my humble opinion.”
“ Nice to meet you ass.”
“ Now wait I—- “
“ I have to finish making lunch if you don’t mind”, Jane blurted before Roman could get his words out.
“Jane”, Roman blurted at her back that was now turned to him. She didn’t answer. He puffed out an audible sigh and walked away. Why did he have to piss her off while looking his best?
She wasn’t sure if Roman’s comment came from a manly or jealous place. He allowed Alice a high position on the ship despite her gender, so she surmised he was jealous. Still, there was nothing a man could do or say that surprised her. She’d learnt lessons to last her a lifetime regarding the actions of males. It did however slightly disappoint her. If Roman really watched the interactions between Adhar and herself then he would see just how well they got along. He would see that he makes her laugh and really helps with her comfort around some of the other men. They laughed like siblings and gossiped like sisters. There was not an inkling of true romantic or sexual attraction between the two of them. As she served lunch and cleaned behind herself she got angrier and angrier. Roman had officially disappointed her and being sidetracked by it made her even more upset.
The day rolled on like it always does. She mopped the deck with Caden, finished laundry, cleaned bedding and washed her own clothes. Jane had a peculiar sense of melancholy that lasted until nightfall. Most of the men ended up leaving for the night. With the ship left with only a few stragglers, she had a quiet dinner on the wind deck. Caden and Adhar left together in pursuit to find some expensive fighting gear and she wished them luck.
She noticed Roman had finally stepped out of his cabin to head into the city. He briefly nodded to her in acknowledgment and walked down the ramp leading from the ship to the sand. She didn’t bother returning the gesture; instead she watched his hulking frame disappear into a crowd of drunk and happy people socializing on the shoreline. She rolled her eyes in annoyance.
The urge for a concerningly long bath with fancy oils and soaps came over her. She tried a new scented lotion and attempted a new hairstyle. She picked out a fancy night gown and shaped up her eyebrows with tweezers. Pampering herself was becoming a new routine for her and she drew it out as long as she could. There was something cathartic about it but eventually she found herself bored again. She wished Caden was here to make her laugh. With no other chores to fulfill she headed down to the dimly lit kitchen and cut herself two slices of dried fig cake. She took it to her room with her alongside half a pitcher of lemonade.
She placed a napkin in her lap to catch any crumbs. Just as she was getting ready to dig in with her fork, a knock sounded from her door.
“ One second”, she called out, removing the napkin and resting the fork on the plate.
She scurried to the door and opened it to find Earl, looking his usually scruffy and round self. He held a board in his hand and looked around nervously.
“ M-M’lady…I’m sorry to bother you. I was just wondering if you’d like to partake in a game of chess with me? Allen usually plays with me but he’s at the pub”, Earl said in a tingue of a British and German accent. His face reddened when he took in her night gown.
“ Oh …you’re not bothering me at all. It’s just that I don’t really know how to play…”, Jane shrugged.
“ I can teach you. It’s fairly simple. I’ve been playing it for a long time”, Earl pearched up.
“ Okay well why don’t we play in the mess hall. I’ll be down in a moment”, Jane said smiled.
“ Very well”, Earl flashed her a bright smile and waddled down to the third floor. She brought her two slices of cake and lemonade to the table as he set up the chess pieces. The two ate cake as Earl taught her the logistics. She couldn’t think of a better way to end the march solstice.
Roman treads through the streets of a famous port, boots crackling against loose pebbles and dirt. It was dreary. This had to be his least favorite place to dock because the weather was shit. Port Plado, home of the drunks, fucked weather and scam artists. He made his way into the pub after a five minute walk. Upon entering he was hit with a waft of beer, sex, sweat and smoke. The cheering from the men in the room quieted when he entered. The women however were bold as ever. A woman with thick curly brown hair, pale skin and ruby lips swayed over to him with one breast hanging out from her bustier.
“ Fancy a Frenchy my big pirate?”, purred the harlot taking her hand and rubbing it up and down his arm. Roman turned away gently.
“ I’m spoken for ”, he throws blandly over his shoulder heading for an outdoor leading to a dimly lit hallway. Moans, screams and yelling reverberated off the walls. He finally reached the end of the hallway and opened the door. At the wooden table sat a withered old man with tan skin, white long dreadlocks, milky eyes and a fragile short body. His fingernails were black and he wore gold rings on each finder. A thump of his Tobacco spit hitting the bottom of a can echoed across the empty room.
“ Ah….Roman. Surprised to see you here. And here I thought you were smart enough to heed my warning. Let me guess…you want the map?”, he said.
“ Crane…been awhile”, Roman stalked up to the table with the old man and sat. He removed his hat and poured himself a glass of ale.
“ You’re fuckin’ right it’s been awhile. A decade”, the old man snorted.
He shrugged. “ Give or take”, said Roman.
The old man crossed his arms and leaned back into his wooden chair. “ Well you already know what I’m going to say.”
Roman remained unflinching. “ Name your price”.
“ What you’re doing is foolish boy…”
Roman sighed leaning back in his seat as well. “ Price..”
“ You first.”
“ 10,00 shillings.”
Cranes brow rose in defense. “ I’d imagine that a navigators knowledge is a little bit more valuable than that. Come on.”
Roman could feel irritation running a finger up his spine. He clears his throat and repositions himself in an attempt to shake the annoyance away.
“ After all….without me you can kiss ever finding that treasure goodbye.”
Romans anger peaks. With how shitty the last two weeks had been, he underestimated just how moody he really was. He swiftly pulls out his pocket knife and stabs it between the gap of cranes fingers, lodging the knife into the wooden table. Crane jumps back in shock.
“ If you could go ahead and name your price so I can get off this shit hole of an island I would appreciate it. I’m not in a very good mood”, Roman seethes quietly, briefly pulling his knife back into its sheath.
Crane holds his hands up in surrender, his smirk returning to his face. The pair were never fond of each other. Many pirates had come to know Crane because he was a navigator. Navigators were valuable assets and were often rented for voyages due to their knowledge of the stars. The problem is that none of the men lived to find that key. The navigator's knowledge was photographic and each time he lost a map he could make a new one. Rumor has it, his old crew made an attempt to find the key and he was the only one who survived the trip.
“ 30 thousand shillings”, Crane spat.
Roman furiously dug into his pocket and held up a brown satchel.
“ There is something you’re not telling me. You will not receive this until you give all the additional information about this quest. Something that will actually help us…clues.”
“ It’s a suicide mission anyhow. What would I possibly know? I hold no treasure of my own. What more can I say to help?”
“ Crane…”, Roman warned.
“ The creature that holds this key is as old as time. The place that holds the creature will reveal itself to you but if your heart is not pure you will be destroyed. That means that there is no turning back. You may reach your destination but there is no guarantee that you will have the option to leave. So that should tell you that NO man was deemed worthy enough to claim the key as his.”
“ And you know how ?”
“ Stories of course…the same stories that made you believe that you could find that treasure.”
“ Creature…elaborate.”
“ There is not much that I know. All I know is that there will be a test. You may have a better chance at receiving the key with the likes of a woman or a child.”
“ Because ?”
“ It has a fascination for them or so I hear. Now give me the bloody money”, crane sighed. Roman dropped the bag on the table and flicked it over to crane. The old man eagerly opened it up and counted the coins. It was all there. Crane grabbed an old folded up piece of paper from his pocket and slid it to Roman the same way he slid the satchel. Roman opened it to reveal 10 corddinates.
“ Pleasure doing business with ya’”, Crane tipped his hat and went back to chewing his Tobacco.. Roman stood up and placed his hat back on before making his way to the ship.
Adhar and Caden had returned happier than ever. Caden bought himself a new coat made from the finest materials, alongside a necklace with a heart shaped silver locket. She gushed about it and thanked him profusely. Adhar had bought himself a new sword and it was absolutely magnificent. She held the sword and watched its shine bounce off the moonlight.
“ It’s so light to be so big ?”, Jane gasped.
“ Means it’s well made”, said Adhar.
More of Roman’s crew came singing on the ship, clearly drunk. They brought a group of musicians on the ship and started dancing with some of the woman they’d surely spend the night with. Adhar grabbed the hand of a brunette girl and danced with her like the dozens of other pirates who had taken a lady for the night. Jane clapped on beat with the drum beats watching her friend dance. Caden offered her to dance and with hesitancy she accepted, spinning around crazily with her friend. She giggled like a maniac, feeling the wind in her hair and underneath her dress.
“Not a party person?”, Caden laughed as he spun with Jane.
“ I’m not”, jane giggled. She let out a soft squeal as Caden passed her to Adhar to dance. Her forehead fell onto Adhar’s shoulder as she tried to catch her breath from laughing so hard. Then suddenly she saw him standing there, brooding, tall and wide. He looked pissed and it stopped her in her tracks. The music seemed to screech at a halt when Roman’s presence was noticed.
“ You lot take that back down to the beach. Some of us like to sleep”, Roman snapped before stalking into his cabin. The shift in the mood changed as the gathering party walked back down the ramp, clutching their playthings to their sides. The mood was ruined.
“ I’ll see you in the morning Jane”, Caden waved as he walked back with everyone else.
Jane was seeing red. Roman was acting like an absolute prick and she surprised even herself as she stomped over to his door and flung it open. She walked inside on a mission. A single candle light illuminated the room and it was more cluttered than usual but not dirty. Still unusual for him.
“ And just what is the matter with you ?!”, Jane snapped.
Roman stood from his desk holding his books and taking them over to the book shelf.
“ I beg your pardon?”, he said with his back turned.
“ Don’t play coy. What’s wrong NOW ?”, Jane snorted.
“ You”, he says quietly.
“ Me ? “
“ Yes —you”, he snapped. His body language turned defensive as he crossed his arms. She slowly closed the space between them.
“ What have I done ?”
“ Jane look, I’m not in the mood for this right now. Enjoy yourself. I have things to do”, Roman dismissed her.
“ I’m not going anywhere. Be a man and tell me what I could have possibly done to make you upset ?”, Jane spat. Roman hated that tone and suddenly he was losing his grip on his temper for the second time today.
“ You call me an ass before I can even so much as utter a reasoning behind my statement. I’m called an ass and then dismissed? You ask Adhar for lessons but not me? Then you’re dancing with him and you’re so content in his arms like there’s no place you’d rather be?”
Jane’s brows rise in confusion.“ You’re jealous? You of all people ??!”
“ Is the sky fucking blue ?”, Roman hissed.
“ I’m sorry that I do not pet your ego the way you like. I’m sorry I’m not living up to the mousey silent role you’re used to seeing me play ”, Jane scoffs.
“ Don’t do that…”, Roman raised his tone half an octave. Still calm but more alert. He points his finger at her. “ Do not do that. Don't pretend that this is my gender. This has nothing to do with that. Don’t cop out with that. Not after everything”, Roman scolds.
“ Well what else could it be ? I’m actually enjoying myself now and suddenly you have a problem with it ?! I thought you’d be happy for me. I thought that me learning to sword would ease your worry after what happened to the Black jewel. But...THIS ?”, said Jane.
“ I have no name or category to identify what we share. I see the way he looks at you.”
“ Adhar is not like that. His heart belongs to another.”
“ I know men. I’m a man, I know a man in lust when I see one. You’re a beautiful woman Jane. Any red blooded male would be a fool not to— “
“ This IS about your gender because you sound like a stupid man !” Jane raged. Roman seemed taken aback for a moment but didn’t dare speak. Even Jane herself looked shocked. Back in London she would NEVER raise her voice to a man—it’s certain to earn a slap. But something so visceral bubbled inside her now.
“ First it’s Adhar. Then it’s your problem with me swording. You’re starting to sound like all the rest of them. So sure that you know what a girl needs—that you know what’s right. That you know the natural order.”
“ You’re are aiming your frustration at the wrong person Jane.”
“ No, I think I’m a damn good shot. Why can’t you see that I’m tired of being the person things happen to. Every moment of my life—victim. VICTIM. I don’t want to be weak. Why can you let me do this for myself ? Why are you so threatened ? You let Alice—
“ Alice wasn’t like you.”
She gets louder. “ What does that even mean?!”
“ Forget it.”
She fully yelling now.“ What does that mean ?!! Alice was stronger ?!!”
“ Jane”, Roman warns in a low tone. Something in her stomach is telling her to leave now before this combusts. Her pride pushes onward.
“ She was taller, more capable ? Not weak like me? So I’m doomed to be a victim!?”
“ Jane” he warns even lower. He rubs his beard with annoyance.
“ I can’t want more for myself ?!”
He erupts..
Silence falls.
Roman begins to pace. “ You are driving me to madness. Every moment I think of you…the bruises I saw on you. Your eyes….the way you shook. The way you held yourself like you were preparing for—- he catches himself and closes his eyes for a moment. She watches his tense body language assessing if she should run. However…something told her that she was okay.
“ It’s not that I think you aren’t capable, Jane. It’s that you shouldn’t have to fight. You shouldn’t have to touch a sword. You shouldn’t have to prepare for the worst. You’ve paid your dues —this I know to be true. For your every presence to grace this ship should be nothing short of a privilege. It is a miracle—you’re a miracle. I wanted to take care of you. Even if you forbid me from ever kissing you again. Even if you decide you can’t stand my very presence. Even if you’ve fallen for another..I need to take care of you.”
Jane stands there stunned for a moment. Seeing Roman lose control of the calm demeanor he always presented her with… was shocking. Now as if she’s forced his hand, he finally tells her the depth of what he feels. His irritation was short lived and the truth he blurted seemed to dampen his anger as quickly as it came.
“ And maybe that very desire is chauvinistic. And yes I’m jealous. How can I not be ? We kissed and I’ve been replaying it in my head ever since. You pulled away and I don’t blame you—I promised you I wouldn’t. You needed time and I’ve given you that—I’ll give you more. But can’t I have this ? Am I not allowed to seethe at the way your eyes meet another ? As I fear that I’ve lost your favor in the weeks we’ve been distant? After all, it is you who said that I’m a person. Not just a man but I'm a person Jane. Am I not a slave to my own flesh just like everybody else?”, he says in a quiet begging tone.
Never has a man expressed his desire for her in this way. But not just desire, no. There was adoration….admiration too. He has disarmed her. Now she stared at him with tears rimming her eyes as she felt this unusual need to be closer to him. To hide her face in his chest like an embarrassed child. To cry.
Her voice cracked. “ You can protect me by liberating me, Roman. Arming me to defend myself.”
He sighed in disappointment. “ If you wanted to leave I would have let you.”
“ I chose this.”
“ Why….?”
“ I’ve had more rights on this ship than I’ve had in my entire life. And when you look at me……”, Jane’s eyes trail down to her shoes now and she can’t help but to closer her eyes to speak the words, as if she was hiding from them herself.
“ When you look at me it feels like you're looking AT me. Like you see me on the inside too. Like I’m a whole person. I’m not lesser. You don’t straighten your stance in power when I look away. You don’t smirk when I’m trembling. I’m not some background object or a side character. And you know what that’s like…don't you? You know what it’s like to be observed like an animal…to be treated like furniture. Moved around…herded from place to place like livestock. To be judged for your color, your features, your build, your words, your very essence. You know what it’s like for people to feed on your fear…to survive and sustain themselves on it. You’re the first man who’s ever looked at me—really looked at me like I mattered. That’s why I chose this ship, that's why I chose you Roman. And that’s why I know that after all you’ve done for me…you’ll let me have this too. You’ll be happy for me.”
He melts. Not in his stance but his eyes. They soften and deepen. His brows raise in defeat. His shoulders relax. His gaze darts around the room for reprieve. She has penetrated his defenses. On his cheeks, the faintest flush. He rubbed his fingers along his temples. His self control has weakened. He was back to pacing around the room again.
“Go to bed”, he says firmly.
This catches her off guard. She just spilled his heart out and suddenly had no regard for it. “NO”, she scoffed.
“ Jane. GO. TO. BED”, he warns.
“Don’t tell me what to do. You’re not my father.”
“ You’re damn right I’m not your goddamn father. And bless him for dealing with such infuriating —
She slaps him. He hit a soft spot mentioning her father and she slapped him across the face. It happened quicker than she had time to understand and then suddenly his mouth was on hers. Hers was on his. Suddenly, as she tasted the ale on his tongue, she understood what the anger brewing outside the two of them was. Passion. He pauses hesitantly, pulling his face from hers. She claws at his hair forcing his mouth back to hers. He sucks on her tongue pressing her up against the wall.
They stop for a moment, taking a second to stare at one another. The room is filled with panting and unspoken lust. She inhales the air he exhales. Forehead to forehead she can see the uncertainty creeping up on his face.
“ I have been trying hard to be a good man. Do you know the things I think about doing to you?”
“ That’s okay”, she answers desperately twisting against his touch. Desperately wanting friction.
“ I’m not a good man Jane. I kill people. I steal and I lie. Since the moment you’ve been on this ship I’ve tried my best to hide the depravity that I feel when I’m near you. You have possessed me…Jane.”
“ I—I don’t care what you are”, she groans into his mouth trying to catch it with her own. He pulls back further.
“ You will be a criminal by association if you choose me.”
“ I’m already a criminal by British standards. There is nothing left in that life for me”, she hissed in frustration pressing her breast against his chest. She feels up and down his arms and then her fingers tug at his shirt. That nearly unraveled him but he once again restrained himself. She was operating on an entirely animalistic desire.
“ I will—I’ll stop this. Tell me to stop”, he begged as his mouth found her neck.
“No”, she moaned.
“ Say it…say you want me to stop”, he groaned as he bit into her skin.
“ touch me”, she gasped.
And then…everything in the room seemed to swirl and blend into itself. She wasn’t shaking in fear. She wasn’t tearing herself away; she was unequivocally open to him. Their mouths smashed and crashed against one another like how water met rock. Her hands dig into his skin, wishing she could borrow them into his flesh until she merged her bones with his own.
Something was primal about this. These feelings seemed to have boiled to the top and blew the lid on both of their self control. He dragged her like a rag doll over to the front of his desk. He swiped it clean with a massive clatter of objects to the floor before resting her on the hard surface.The kiss continued and it got sloppier. She sucked on his bottom lip unabashedly. Her nails dug into the side of his arm. Her legs parted making room for his large frame. She pulled away motioning for his shirt. He pulls it off in a frenzy exposing his ripped physique. He was covered in tattoos all across his chest and down the left side of his body. Her eyes widened in desire, clawing for his skin and rubbing her fingers against his chiseled stomach. He was firm and soft. She arched into him as he kissed down her neck pulling her nightgown down to expose one of her breasts. He pulls it into his mouth and sucks. She moans at the warmth of his tongue flicking back and forth over the skin. His teeth grazed her nipple and she twitched from the sensation leaning into it once more. He switched to the other nipple while massaging her other breast.
“ These tits..”, he mumbled against a mouthful of breast before kissing back up to her awaiting mouth. Her fingers climbed down to the waistband of his pants before trailing back up to his shoulders. She figured she should mention that she wasn’t sure if she was ready to go all the way. She could feel him unbuckling his pants.
Just before she blurted out the words, he bent to his knees and pushed his hands under her bum, pulling her hips down towards him. Her panties went first and quickly. He bunched up her skirt revealing her naked sex and she instinctively tried to close them. He used to hands to keep them pryed open.
“ …so pretty”, he whispered quietly before licking his thumb and pressing it firmly against her clit. She took a sharp inhale of air and stiffened against the desk. Without warning a hot mouth found her clit and the room melted together in a haze of unidentifiable pleasure. What was this feeling ? How has no woman bothered to mention it to her ?
He pulled away rubbing her clit in circles and watching her squirm. She had no time to adjust as he dragged his tongue in a single swipe through her folds to catch every drop of arousal that stuck to her. They both groaned, him from the taste and her from the intrusion.
A shout spurted from her lips as he sucked her clit again “ Fuck!”, she winced as she found her hand in his hair. Her face was downturned into a permanent pout as he lapped on the mess of her inner thighs. He cleaned her arousal thoroughly before heading straight to her target again.
“ Roman”, she croaked quietly. This feeling was not one that came often to her. She experienced it a handful times before at her own expense. But now it was a sensory overload. His beard, his lips, his tongue, his hands, the cold table —it was different. And not only that, he was enthusiastic about. He groaned like he received pleasure and that confused her. What man could recieve pleasure from inflicting pleasure on his lady? She believed sex to be transactional and serving to one person only. But not anymore as he lapped her clit with the tip of his tongue.
With each pass her fingers dug tighter into his hair and she desperately tried to control the sounds that slipped past her tucked lips. Would somebody hear? Are people still here? Does she sound horrible? What if he doesn’t like the sound ?
But another wave of intense pleasure hit her as he began to swirl his tongue in circles which pulled her out of her thoughts. She pulled his hair unintentionally and he pressed hard against her. His sucking and licking became firmer and the moans she kept concealed slipped out louder. She covered her mouth.
“ Take your hand from your mouth”, He mumbled against her skin. She looked down at him crazily.
“ T-They’ll hear”, She stuttered quietly.
“ This is my ship. If someone’s there then they’ll get the fucking point ”, He rebuttaled followed by a long lap against her whole sex.
She apprehensively took her hand from her mouth and breathed through another overwhelming wave of pleasure. She felt it the most in her core and then it spread all over her body.
He sat back and opened her legs to see her, still keeping his arms hooked around her hips. She looked down at him but quickly reverted her gaze back to the ceiling. He extends his tongue and fucks her opening, filling her with it completely. He gets messy, taking his lips and swiping them up and down her folds, coating himself in her. A gentle slap to her thigh causes her to jump as she looks down at him quizically.
“ W-what”, she gasps.
“ Look at me”, he says before going right back to his pattern. Lap, flick, swirl, suck.
“ I- I can’t. I can’t or I’ll cum”, she whined.
“ That’s the point love,” he chuckled into her which shot vibrations against her sensitive flesh.
“ Come on..”, he coaxed gently rubbing her back and forth with his thumb. She slowly raised her head to look at him.
A wet beard, A long wet pink tongue, and deep brown eyes stared back at her. He flicked at her clit slowly staring her down with no shame and as she suspected, she fell apart within seconds. She shouted. Mortifyingly enough the release was way bigger than she prepared herself for as she felt her body shake and cramp up viciously. He held her down through it—-prolonging it with quick flickers by the tip of his tongue. As for his hair, her fingers were pulling it like horse reins. To get him to stop she had to push his head away. He gave her some reprieve.
There she laid, absolutely wrecked and throbbing. A few moments of silences passed between them as he lapped up her release before finally pulling away. Holy..fuck.
“ We are going to have to break this prissy behavior of yours. Your wound up tight. I want to see what happens when you lose control.” He says in an astute tone.
“ I’m pretty sure I did just a second ago”, she pants.
“ Oh nowhere close dove. Come…sit on my face.”
Her eyes popped out of her head. “ But I already came…just a second ago.”
“ Don’t tell me you’ve never stacked your orgasms on top of each other. Oh you have so much to learn”, he picked her up from the table and placed her on his bed.
“ Get on your hands and knees”, he constructed gently.
Jane obliged and felt him slide into a lying position underneath her. There were no pleasantries, he just buried her face in her cunt. From this angle she could fully feel his breath, his nose, his beard, his warmth— times ten. It instantly drew a long moan from her.
She was already so sensitive from the first climax but Roman’s tongue seemed to find new areas to torture and wring pleasure from. She never thought she’d enjoy riding a tongue until now. He used his hands to rock her up and down, impaling her on his tongue like a cock. He made sure to angle the tip of his nose right at her clit and pressed firmly earning a loud moan from her.
“ Roman wait —-fuck!”, she moaned. He just groaned in appreciation, sucking her clit with fivour.
“ Roman are you sure I’m not suffocating….”, she didn’t even finish the sentence as another high pitched moan rang through her. He didn’t bother to answer and instead hummed against her skin.
Something had changed in his demeanor. He was more ravenous this round, nearly swiping the entirety of her cunt against his face. It was getting to be too much as she got louder and louder, leaning forward to bury her face into one of his pillows. He reached up and snatched it from under her just to hear every whine that came from her mouth.
“I can’t—I’m gonna—- fuck wait !”, she panicked. And sure enough there it was, her second climax. It surprised her that her body gave it up so easily. Perhaps it really needed it. And now it was barreling towards her with vengeance. When it finally slammed into her, she winced and fell face flat on the bed screaming her lungs out.
Her ears were ringing as she felt him pull away. She remained with her face planted. Roman gently nudged her onto her, back assessing the damage. She was properly ruined, body covered in a thin sheen of sweat and a rouge tear making its way down her temple.
He was glorious of course. Shirtless with a soaked beard…panting like he took a jog or something. He sat next to her taking his shirt and wiping his wet beard off and then his neck.
“ Was I wanton enough for you ?”
“ Terribly so”, He chuckled leaning down to kiss her lips. A wave of tiredness came over her. She sat up ready to go back to her cabin. Roman pulled the covers over her in defiance.
“ Stay awhile”, he insists.
“ Are you sure ?”, she croaks tiredly.
“ Positive. I have work to do. Rest”, he leaned down to kiss her forehead. She would protest but a yawn took its place instead. Sleep found her fast.
When she woke up in the morning to the smell of toast she sat up with a proper yawn. Roman sat across the room polishing something shiny.
“ Ah you're awake. Sleep well? I did”, he flashed a white smile at her. She wanted to pull the covers back over her head remembering last night.
“ I….”
“ For you”, he walked over to her and placed a brand new golden sword and a musket in front of her.
“ Adhar can teach you sword. I’ll teach you to shoot.”
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royaldaycare · 24 days
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Hello !! I'm Logan (or Johnny!) and welcome to my daycare! you can call me Logan, Lo, Johnny, big brother or dada! I also occasionally go by saint or my OC's callsign, Sparrow!
A little about me ! :
I use he/they/it pronouns as well as some neo's and xeno's too!
I'm trans, gay and asexual! I'm also questioning whether I am poly or not!
I am an age regressor and a caregiver! (my agere blog is @gh0stlyb34r !)
I'm 19 and my birthday is June 3rd!
I'm from the uk!
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my anons! ;
💚 ,
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I am a 100% sfw caregiver! any nsfw accounts will be blocked!
This blog is a safe space for regressors and caregivers alike! anyone that makes this blog an unsafe place will be blocked immediately
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My rules!
dni ; nsfw, edsh, zionist, racist, homophobic, against Palestine, transphobic, ableist, trump supporters, anti agere, ddlg/abdl accounts, anti petre
boundaries ; keep all terms used for me either masc or gender neutral, do not flirt with me (even if it is as a joke or friendly), please keep all asks sfw.
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My interests!
games ; call of duty, overwatch, resident evil 4, forza horizon, roblox (royale high, dress to impress, obby's and tycoons!), fnaf, poppy playtime, indigo park, red dead redemption 2, animal crossing new horizons, good pizza great pizza, hogwarts legacy, valorant, a little to the left, unpacking, mario kart 8, mario kart wii, just dance, the last of us
movies/shows ; deadpool & wolverine, deadpool, x-men, harry potter, fantastic beasts, atsv/itsv, marvel, star wars, the umbrella academy, stranger things, the batman, titains, heartstopper, young royals, criminal minds, fnaf, arcane, ghostbusters, barbie, oppenheimer, nimona, christopher robin
musicals ; les miserables, hamilton, waitress, the greatest showman, la la land, hairspray, dear even hansen, heathers, high school musical, lemonaid mouth, annie, descendants, beetlejuice, mama mia, tick tick boom, into the woods, mean girls, in the heights, little shop of horrors
youtubers ; pezzy, elasticdroid, puffer, grizzy, smii7y, gtlive, game theory, warn, frogger, aspen, beaplays, dawko, ethan nestor, blarg, thedooo, coleydoesthings, film cooper, dechart games, hthaze, james marriott
musicians ; james marriott, taylor swift, mcr, twenty one pilots, billie eilish, hozier, noah kahan, sleeping at last, the smiths, laufey, chappell roan, bruno major, paramore, novo amor, depeche mode, p!atd, daughter, djo, feels like july, florence the machine, frank sinatra, gerard way, ghost, lady gaga, lemon demon, lily allen, maya hawke, 1d, 5sos, mitski, micheal jackson, sleep token, taylor austen dye
misc ; books, dolls (monster high, lol, rh), pop figures, lego, posters, flowers, pin badges, jewellery, halloween, fall/autumn, deco pacis, colouring
DISCLAIMER ; I hold all of my faves accountable! I do not support jkr, noah schnapp ect!
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My faves !
celebs/authors ; pedro pascal, hugh jackman, ryan reynolds, ali hazelwood, kit connor, oscar isaac, hayden christensen, ewan mcgregor, tom hiddleston, andrew garfield, tom holland, aiden gallagher, eddie redmane, aaron tveit, erik j brown, david tennant, josh hutcherson, david harbour, wynina ryder, natalia dyer, maya hawke, matthew gray gubler, thomas gibson, aj cook, barry sloane, neli ellice
characters ; John 'Soap' MacTavish, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Captain John Price, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Robin Buckley, Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Loki, Logan Howlett, Scott Summers, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Ben Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Newt Scamander, Din Djarin, Deadpool, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Danny Zuko, Jean Valjean, Ben Florian, Flynn Rider, Aziraphale, Crowley, Nick Nelson, Charlie Spring, Diego Hargreeves
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dividers and Lydia banner by @kodaswrld <3 bj banner
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Help! I've Landed in a FanFiction (Chapter 2)
Pairing: fem!OC x Justice League
Genre: OC insert, Soulmate AU, Isekai, Reverse Harem
Characters: OC, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Hal Jordan, Diana Prince, Barry Allen, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, John Constantine, and other DC characters as the story progresses
Warnings: all warnings not tagged, suicidal ideation, domestic violence, general violence and dark, 18+ themes, read at your own risk
Summary: Katie Smith wakes up in a new world, one out of comic books and ridiculously cheesy tropes. All she wants to do is find her way back home, but no one is helping her. Worst of all, they claim to be her soulmates. Surely it's all dream. How can she make herself wake up?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (This One)
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Chapter 2: Is it Called Kidnapping When You're Not a Kid?
The alarm screamed in a very annoying way, and Katie wanted to cover her ears but she was still tied to the damn chair. Luthor (sure, whatever, she didn't have a better thing to call the made-up villain in her obviously confused mind) dragged her chair to the middle of the room, practically tipping her over. He grabbed some duct tape off his desk, and wrapped it around her head three times. She could almost taste the glue and it muffled her so much that she barely heard the groan as she felt it stuck to the back of her hair. It would be a pain to get off. (Why was she even considering it? She just needed to wake up. Warm bath and then maybe not sleeping again for like, two weeks.)
She felt cold metal pressed against her head and realized, a little delayed, that it was a gun. Isn't that an idea? She saw a movie once where a character killed themselves in a dream and returned to the real world. She tilted her head against the barrel, a little bit, considering. She couldn't see Luthor's face, but as he pressed in harder, she wondered what he thought.
The room was thick was anticipation. He had stopped his monologuing and the only thing Katie could hear besides her heavy breathing was the persistent wailing of the alarm.
About ten minutes later, the large office doors flew open. Several bodies rushed in, Katie taken by the bright colors. She really was the best at imagination, she thought, a little smugly. When she was younger, she had wanted to be a writer, and before Matt firmly shot down that idea ("Pretty much a waste of your time, babe, isn't it?"), she always thought she could come up with a pretty good story. Maybe when all this was over, she could figure out how to write it all down.
The room was chaotic until it wasn't. Whether this was because they saw the gun to her head or were just being cautious of the man behind her, everyone stopped suddenly. Two tall figures (most likely male?) stood in front of the rest of the group. One was wearing a black suit with a blue bird and the other wearing a red helmet. Behind them was a young man in a red and black suit, and a smaller boy? wearing what she finally recognized as a Robin(?) suit. All of them had their faces covered in some sort of mask. There were three others behind them---a young man wearing a leather jacket with spikes, a smaller figure in red and white with goggles, and a young woman with blonde hair and a W on her costume. Katie's eyes were wide as she took in the cosplayers in front of her. She figured if Lex was a villain, maybe these guys were heroes and had no idea why her brain made them up. She knew only a few characters from comics---Batman, Superman, and Lex Luthor. Wonder Woman was a comic book character, right? The Joker? Spider Man. Um...Captain America? And some guy with a burlap sack on his head that Matt always said was his favorite. Who else? Maybe Archie and Jughead would show up soon.
"Lex." The man in blue said sternly.
"Ah, Nightwing. Forgive me for my disappointment, but this invitation was not for you or the rest of the...freaks with you." Katie watched as the boy in the jacket flinched slightly. His face didn't change though---all of them were staring with a mix of stoicism and anger.
"Well," the Nightguy said pleasantly, dangerously, "we received it anyway. I'm afraid those you did mean it for are out of contact right now." His eyes flicked to Katie and back to Luthor.
The man with a red helmet rested his hand on the gun attached to his hip. His voice came out gravelly and deep, almost machine like. "What do you want, Luthor?"
Katie felt the gun press against her temple harder. No one moved an inch but she felt several pairs of eyes land on her. She looked back curiously.
There was a gasp behind Helmet Head and Nightguy, coming from the Red and Black dude. He whispered something Katie couldn't hear.
Nightguy and Red Helmet stiffened a bit. Katie could hear the sneer in her captor's voice. "As you can see," he trailed his fingers down her chest slowly, stopping at the top of her bra, "this isn't a conversation for you."
Red and Black guy stepped forward, sounding bored for some reason. "It looks like this isn't a conversation for you, either, Lex. The League is off world right now. Don't you think this would mean a while lot more if you played this game with them?" He twirled the large staff in his hand. (Gandalf! That was a comic book character, right? Katie patted herself on the back for knowing something.) He then turned his back to them, which Katie thought was kind of stupid. "Not our circus, not our monkeys, right, guys? We've got bigger things to worry about." The room was still for a moment, until the man in the red helmet shrugged. "Sure, Red. What do you say, Big Bird?"
The Nightguy nodded sharply, never taking his eyes off Katie. "If you say so. We'll pass on your message, Lex." He twirled his finger in the air, some sort of nonverbal wrap it up and turned around and just fucking walked out. Every single one of them.
Katie, who was getting frustrated with the duct tape wrapped around her face, must have managed to show enough confusion in her eyes that even the bald villain seemed to pity her. He put away his gun and scoffed, ripping the tape from her face and around her hair without any warning. She yelped and tears sprung to her eyes. Several strands were tugged out with the violent ungagging and she couldn't help but whine. Luthor laughed meanly. "Smarter than they look. I don't fully believe it, but I'll find out if they were lying soon, I gather. Go to sleep, darling. We'll try again later." The last thing she felt was a prick in her neck.
Katie woke up in a different room than her first cell, and definitely not in Luthor's office. It was about the size of a walk-in closet and carpeted. The door was locked, but there was a small pallet with a thin blanket and a bucket in the corner. A plate with a peanut butter sandwich and a small cup with water was on a side table. She took a couple of bites and downed the water and then sat on the pallet. She had been dressed in a pair of sweatpants and large black shirt, and she was determined not to think about who changed her.
She redid her ponytail and cleaned her glasses with her shirt, and then scooted back against the wall. Slowly, she started thumping her head against it, wondering how hard she'd need to hit it to wake up. Just before she could bang it harder, the handle on the locked door jiggled. Katie made herself smaller on the pallet, scooting further into the corner of the room. She was not ready for another round, even if it was all in her head.
The door opened slowly. But instead of Luthor, it was the small one she saw earlier, with goggles.
"AwesomeIknewyouwouldbehereItoldRedRobinthatIwouldfindyoufirstIcan'tbelieveitareyouok?" The words rushed out and Katie had a hard time keeping up. The kid looked at her, bouncing up and down from foot to foot.
"Um. Yes?" She hadn't caught the question, really, but hoped it was the right answer. Judging by his smile, it was.
And before Katie could decode any of that, the guy grabbed her hand, tossed her on his back (despite how much bigger she was than him) and flew? ran? teleported? away. Katie actually didn't know what was happening because one moment she was in the weird closet and the next she was on top of a skyscraper watching a building across from her blow up. Her stomach lurched and she threw up.
"Impulse, did you even warn her?" Katie wiped her mouth with the bottom of her shirt and looked up. The young man in red and black was shaking his head in exasperation, while the other young man in the leather jacket was flying (!) next to him. Red stepped forward, his hand extended.
"Sorry about that, we had to work fast. I'm Red Robin. What's..." But Katie didn't hear the next thing because at that moment the tattoo on her chest flared in pain and she sunk to the ground. All she heard before she fainted were the shouts of surprise around her.
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amayalul · 1 year
masterlist of fics i love & recommend
ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ
contains some smut 18+, fluff, angst - MDNI
smut - angst - fluff
princess and the vampire all the best in pink (sequel) by blueberrypancakesworld
my own works
ghost x sunny (OC)
rory culkin & characters:
mean girl x euronymous by insxghtt
T141 opposite occupations by mistydeyes
moving in w/ ghost by rileyslibrary
5 reasons you've cried while pregnant (ghost) by gh0stlyfixation
konig w/ a petite s/o by sweet-as-an-angel
an unlikely duo by rileyslibrary
captain price w/ his 2 gremlin children by neimlise
ghost & peppa (the dog) by rileyslibrary
sparring w/ ghost
sparring w/ ghost pt.2 by lunarw0rks
sex pollen - konig by yawnderu
showtime - keegan p. russ by yawnderu
pedro pascal & characters:
will add soon
jeremy allen white & characters:
asshole to the world but not the girl by thebearer
college friends to lovers (w/ future dad! lip) by thebearer
evan peters & characters:
will add soon
will add soon
will add soon
- pm me if u want your fic to be taken down, no worries! -
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rhett abbott x oc | an alternate universe
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Summary: "we rented a place together with our friend group for vacation, but there are only double beds in every room and everyone else already found a sleeping partner" (wc: 2216)
Requested: YES by anon
Warnings: alcohol mention, there was only one bed trope, a little sexual tension, i made tess a virgin in this for reasons that cannot be explained, maria is here in the background...lurking
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It had been five years since high school graduation. And the Amelia County High School Rodeo Team class of 2015 decided to get together for a little reunion. Team captains, Taylor Goyer and Dalton Allen, organized the whole thing. Sent out invitations, made sure everyone paid them on time for tickets and group meals and the rental they were all staying at together.
They were turning the reunion into a real affair. A week long trip to Cheyenne for the Frontier Days. A nationally known two-week rodeo event that they all dreamed of participating in when they were teenagers. But now, most of them had given up on the rodeo life — working regular jobs with only fond memories of roping cattle, riding bareback, and wrestling steer.
Not to mention the mansion AirBnB monstrosity in Cheyenne they chose to rent. With a pool, seven bedrooms, and a kitchen big enough to feed an army. It cost a ridiculous amount, even split up between fourteen people.
They were going to trash the place, of that much Tessa Abernathy was certain. But at least they would all have fun together again. Just like those long bus rides to South Dakota or sneaking down to the hotel pool at midnight in Montana.
And despite her apprehensions about going, Tessa was excited about the trip. She hadn’t been to Frontier Days since she was a kid and even though there was always going to be a mess that needed cleaning at the rental, she was looking forward to hanging out with her old friends again. 
But the excitement quickly drained from her when they got back from their first day at the Frontier — only just now getting inside their AirBnB at nearly midnight. A day filled with midway carnival rides, taste testing beers in the garden, and exploring old frontier town.
“You’ve got t’be kidding,” Tessa said to Taylor as everyone went their separate ways in the living room — to their beds for the night.
“Sorry babe,” Taylor spoke sympathetically with a hand on her shoulder. “But ya fell asleep on the ride over.”
“So that means I have t’room with him?” she whispered back, trying not to let him hear — because, even though she didn’t want to share a room with him, didn’t mean she wanted to hurt his feelings either.
Taylor laughed lightly. “S’s just Rhett. Not like he’s gonna murder ya.”
“But — But y’said each room only has a double…” Tessa shifted her eyes over to him warily. “He’s a guy.”
He was standing at the bottom of the stairs. Duffle bag at his booted feet. At this moment, she hated to admit that he looked good. Really good. Wearing dark jeans and a t-shirt from an old rodeo, trucker-cap on his head covering those dark brown curls that stuck out the back. The veins in his forearms and the backs of his hands standing out in stark contrast in the dim light of the foyer. She also hated that he was being nice enough to wait on her.
It sparked to life something that had been living inside her since she was fourteen. An adolescent crush she thought had been snuffed out by time. But no. Apparently the only thing that was needed to bring it to life again was the prospect of sharing a bed with him. With Rhett Abbott. The only one of their old team who still lived the rodeo life. Who made a living off riding bulls and had the reputation to back it up. She was surprised he even signed up to come on this trip. 
“Tess, look, y’re a big girl. If it bothers ya so much, y’can sleep on the couch down here.” Taylor gestured to the living room where a small mid-century modern leather atrocity sat waiting for her. “Be my guest.” 
“Ugh, fine.” 
With a roll of her eyes and a heat in her cheeks she begged to God would go away, she picked up her bag and headed for the stairs. Rhett smiled, small and unsure, as she passed him. But she didn’t dare look at him for more than a second. Would rather spare herself the embarrassment for the time being.
“Last door on the left!” Taylor called out and laughed when Tessa gave her a thumbs up back without looking.
The room, at least, was nice. Hardwood floors with a nice big rug, a window seat that overlooked the backyard, an ensuite bathroom shared with the room next to them, and a four-poster canopy bed with a fluffy comforter and pillows.
With a sigh, Tessa dropped her bag by the wardrobe shoved against the wall opposite the bed. Claiming at least one space for herself. Rhett followed in shortly after that, something tentative in his steps as he set his duffle down by the door and toed off his boots.
“Y’mind if I shut the door?” he asked quietly, voice a low grumble in his chest after a long day.
“Um — y-yeah, that’s fine,” she replied, nervously rubbing at the thighs of her jeans.
Rhett closed the door softly and suddenly she felt like there wasn’t enough space in the room. Not enough air. She moved away from him slowly, trying not to make it obvious, and towards the large window. Feigning wanting to look at the view.
“Look, I, uh…I don’wanna make ya uncomfortable,” he started slowly and she turned to him with furrowed brows, listening. “I c’n jus’ — sleep on the floor’re somethin’.”
Tessa immediately shook her head. “No, m’not gonna make y’do that. N’that couch downstairs looks about as uncomfortable as these floors, so…”
They both laughed gently at that. And somehow she was starting to hate him more while simultaneously fighting down the butterflies in her stomach. Why did he have to be so courteous too? So nice? She didn’t want to make him sleep on the floor. He would be miserable, most likely sore and sleep deprived. And neither of them really wanted to subject themselves to even sitting on that couch, let alone trying to sleep on it. So there were really no other options. It was the bed for both of them. Even though the idea left Tessa’s guts swirling and her sweaty hands wringing themselves red.
“So y’re okay with sharin’?” he questioned with a glance towards the bed. 
The bed that suddenly looked so, so small.
“In a minute, maybe,” she laughed nervously, pushing a hand through her hair. “Let’s jus’...Get ready f’r bed n’bite the bullet.” 
Rhett huffed. “Makin’ it sound like y’re sharin’ a bed with an ogre.”
“M’sorry! I jus’, uh — haven’t really — done this sorta — Jesus, this’s embarrassin’,” she grumbled, trying to hide her reddening cheeks with her hands.
“Shit, Tess, I’s jokin’,” he chuckled lowly, taking his hat off with the first two fingers of his hand and setting it down on the small table by the door.
“Right.” She wanted to kick herself, or disappear into the floor, or just something. So instead she chose to grab her bag and head for the bathroom. “M’gonna change.” 
“Okay,” he laughed again with a shake of his head.
How can he be so calm about this? How can he be so casual about sharing a bed with a girl he barely knows? She supposed, as she slipped into the bathroom and locked the door behind her, he was used to this kind of thing. Going around the circuit and sleeping with whatever buckle bunny showed interest. Or at least that was what the rumor mill around Wabang liked to tell her. This was just a regular Tuesday night for him. But it wasn’t for her. She had barely even kissed a guy let alone shared a bed with one. In either sense of the word. An embarrassing factoid she liked to keep to herself, one that she hoped Rhett Abbott wouldn’t pick up on as he slept right beside her for the next six nights.
Once changed into her pajamas, with her teeth and hair brushed, Tessa came back out into the bedroom sheepishly. But she couldn’t help the delicate squeak that slipped past her lips at the sight of Rhett standing on one side of the bed. 
In nothing but his boxers. Showing off those broad shoulders and toned abdomen, that bull-rider tattoo on his chest and the scar on his shoulder, and those pale but thick thighs.
At the sound, he looked over at her with scrunched brows and thin lips downturned. Then he looked her up and down. 
“That what you wear t’bed? Seriously?”
Tessa looked down at her clothes, a pink pajama set — shorts and a tank top — with strawberries all over. She thought they were cute, and always liked wearing pajama sets to bed, even when she was alone. But now that she was standing in front of him, she just felt silly and like she needed to cover up. She crossed her arms in front of herself and gave him a look.
“That’s what you wear t’bed? Seriously?” she repeated, looking pointedly at his plaid boxers, trying to match his tone.
“S’hot!” he defended with a gesture towards the window.
“Y’could at least put on a shirt r’somethin’,” she went on, crossing the room to stand on the other side of the bed.
Rhett rolled his eyes. “S’not like y’re wearin’ much more than me.” 
“I didn’think I’d have t’share a room!” she shot back, yanking back the covers with a huff and a deep breath.
It seemed he had no rebuttal for that. Instead, he quietly slipped the t-shirt he was wearing earlier back on before sitting down at the edge of the bed. Back turned to her as he messed with his phone. 
There was relative silence between them after that. Tessa set out her slippers for the morning, knowing she was going to be the first one up and her bare toes would freeze on this floor. Then she plugged in her phone and set it on the side table, setting no alarm. There was nothing on the reunion schedule until one o’clock in the afternoon. A shared lunch at some cantina in town before heading back to the Frontier.
She settled back in the covers, trying to keep as close to the edge of the mattress as possible to keep as much space between her and Rhett. The overhead light was turned off, only the light of their respective table lamps remained. Tessa shut her’s off with another sigh she hoped didn’t sound as shaky outloud as it did in her head.
Rhett didn’t seem to notice. Too preoccupied with his phone as he kicked up his feet and leaned back against the headboard, a small smile on his face. She looked over her shoulder at him curiously.
“That Maria?” she questioned before she could stop herself.
She knew they had reconnected recently, what with Maria back in Wabang from college what seemed like permanently. And she knew Rhett always had a crush on her. Which was why Tessa’s crush always seemed like a futile and doomed little thing. Who was she in comparison to Maria Olivares? The girl Rhett’s been dreaming about since he was a kid? She had seen them hanging out together at the Handsome Gambler, even making out outside the Pit Bar once or twice. Always a fleeting thought and never something she focused on. She wasn’t sure they were dating, but they were certainly a Thing — whatever that meant for them. 
“Uh, yeah,” Rhett replied, locking his phone and setting it aside. “Tellin’ me about’er day.” 
“You gonna tell’er y’re sharin’ a bed with someone else?” she asked with a grin.
“Probably not,” he laughed. “She…Hasn’t really asked about the trip anyways, so…”
“Oh.” That seemed odd to Tessa. If she was his girlfriend, and he was gone on a week-long trip, she would be asking every day what he was doing. Wondering if he was having fun and being safe. But that was none of her business. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt’er, I guess?”
“Yeah, I guess,” he chuckled again.
He leaned over and turned out his light, basking the room in total darkness.
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The next morning, Tessa woke up first as she guessed. 
But it was the way she woke up that was entirely unexpected. 
That made her gut sink through to the floor and a heat build up so strong in her cheeks she felt like she was on fire. 
Her head wasn’t even on her pillow anymore. Somehow, she had rolled over in her sleep and was laying with her head on Rhett’s firm yet somehow comfortable chest. Her arm was draped over his torso, her leg hitched up over his hips. And his arm…His arm was curved around her waist.
His fingers shoved into the waistband of her shorts, resting against the curve of her ass.
With another delicate little squeak, Tessa pulled away from him and scrambled up from the bed. Rhett didn’t seem too bothered by her sudden and not so subtle movement. He only groaned and rolled over. A heavy sleeper it seemed. And she stared at him wide eyed, standing there still feeling his warmth on her skin.
This was going to be a long week.
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ribbytherabbit · 5 months
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MY INTRO! (if anyone cares)
⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ ✮ ⋅.} ─────────── ⊰
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 name . ٭┆ribby, nny, lain or xia!
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 pronouns . ٭┆he/they/peck/paw/fluff/glam
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 sexuality . ٭┆gay and abrosexual
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 gender . ٭┆enby trans (ftm)
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 what am I? . ٭┆an artist and a to-be character designer!
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 ethnicity . ٭┆turkish-bulgarian
⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ ✮ ⋅.} ─────────── ⊰
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 favorite shows/series . ٭┆TAWOG, Woody woodpecker, spookiz, invader zim, Looney tunes, puella madoka magica, TADC, captain underpants: the series, panty and stocking, pjmasks
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 favorite games . ٭┆ franbow, tattletail, fnaf, my friendly neighborhood, baldi's basic, Amanda the adventurer(?),
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 favorite bands/singers. ٭┆X-ray spex (and poly styrene in general), my chemical romance, will wood, DAgames, MotherMother, Kyle Allen's music, Alex Brightman, MASA works DESIGN (I don't support MASA btw!!), ect
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 other interests . ٭┆welcome home, Japanese horror and urban legends, lost media, scene fashion, the 2000s, Trevor Henderson's art, Milkkirie, Lacey's games, ride the cyclone, heathers, musicals, characters design, horror, essay/rant videos, making ocs, ocXcanon, ihnmaims, ect
⏤͟͟͞͞ 𖤐 favorite characters . ٭┆mr. Small (MY MAIN HUSBAND <33), Dib, AM, zim, kongkong, Rachel, GIR, gumball, Tobias, Wally darling, JuneBug, Melvin sneedly, zizi, An yu, Romeo, FranBow, madoka, funtime Freddy, Jax, cartoon cat, Rose, ect, ect!!
⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ ✮ ⋅.} ─────────── ⊰
Please use tonetags around me, when I say no I mean it, don't get into arguments with me for no reason, respect me and Ill respect you, try explaining things to me clearly, if my tone changes towards you this mean I don't trust you/dislike you/you're just a stranger to me, if I get comfortable around you and you feel weirded out please tell me
I tend to struggle with keeping my friends, I can sometimes make NSFW jokes and if that makes you uncomfy please tell me, I use emoticon like "^_^" ":3" "XD" ect, I tend to overthink alot, I am a minor, I am an undiagnosed Neurodivergent (but did tons of research), if my interests or existence bother you.. Just ignore me-, I get overwhelm easily sometimes, I'm sometimes bad at conversations sometimes, don't be afraid to befriend me!! ^^
⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ ✮ ⋅.} ─────────── ⊰
Hello, I'm ribby! As in what people call me usually lol- I'm a young cartoonist, and welcome to my page! XD i love making ocs, fanart and just drawing in general. I wanna grow my page to find more folks! I'm pretty cringe but hey.. Atleast I'm free! did I mention I also have like 4 husbands?? 😈😈 (one of them is my friend's oc..LOL) and oh.. Im making a few projects! I'll be showing them here, if I can.. :3
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creepling · 7 months
all works fall under the DC universe, involving movies, animated series, video games, and comics. ⊹₊⋆ = involves smut.
my assumption of you based on which character you're attracted to
. . . drabbles & headcanons
being edward nashton's coworker (gn!reader)
nsfw alphabet (gn!reader-insert) ⊹₊⋆
teasing riddles (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
the ratcatcher (gn!reader, angst to comfort)
. . . fics
the moth affect (fic series, vigilante!oc) - INCOMPLETE/HIATUS
no longer strangers (gn!reader, fluff)
cheeky boi (gn!reader, crack fic)
. . . fics
a knock away (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
. . . drabbles and headcanons
dating digger harkness (fem/gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
bad tinder date vibes (gn!reader)
nsft alphabet (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
dbf!digger picking up drunk reader (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
. . . drabbles and headcanons
brainiac!barry x reader fighting the suicide squad (gn!reader)
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hazelhavoc · 6 months
Hello! I'm Hazel, and I have a lot of OC's!
This is for DC and Marvel!
(Particularly, for Mutants/X-Men in Marvel's case.)
I have some OC's (that I may add to in the future).
If you'd like to roleplay with me then you can message me. But first-
Some ground rules!
- I only do literate, no * or stuff like that (I'll write an example).
- I'd prefer it to be on Discord.
- I only write as my OC's. I feel very comfortable with them. You can be just canon characters if you'd like, I don't mind. If there are lots (like battles was stuff) in a scene, I'll do my best to help you. (I would prefer if you'd be a canon character though.)
- This is going to be a one-on-one roleplay. No groups, it's too chaotic for me and I'd get too overwhelmed otherwise.
- You have to be at least 18+ age range.
- No minors, because I will be doing dark themes, NSFW, and the like. And no, I will not make exceptions. (Please don't lie to me about your age, that's just fucked up and I'll immediately block you if you do.)
- You have to have canon knowledge of what we'll be roleplaying (that would be obvious lmao.)
- You have to put in just as much effort as me. It's frustrating when I come back to a two liner reply. Especially since I write A LOT. It would just discourage me. 50/50 is preferred. Don't force yourself to write if you don't want to (have health issues, feeling down in the dumps, ect. Please tell me if something is wrong of course.)
- If you have OC's, that's alright too. Just ask me before you randomly throw them in. I'll be showing you my OC's in advance before we start writing. Just know that I do still want you to control a canon character.
- COMMUNICATION IS KEY. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid of me either, haha. I just have to be firm. I don't mind talking outside of the roleplay too. It's always nice to make friends!
- And please don't ghost me, several people have done that and it just hurts. Tell me if you're going to be gone for a while, or if you want to change the rp, or you just need a break.
What comics am I most comfortable/familiar with? No particular order!
Anything to do with (Comics and Animated mostly) Batman, Superman, Red Hood, Nightwing, Red Robin, Batfamily in general, Firestorm, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner), The Flash (Barry Allen, Wally West), Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), Booster Gold, The Riddler, The Atom (Ray Palmer), Green Arrow, Arsenal, Plastic Man, Superboy (Conner Kent), Deathstroke, Captain Cold, Mirror Master (Specifically from the animated movie Justice League: Doom), Deadshot, Justice League/Young Justice/Teen Titans in general...might add more.
Gambit, Cyclops, The Angel (Mutants: Mainly the comics and animated), Spiderman (Mainly the comics and animated), Daredevil (TV Show, Comics)...might add more.
Mainly for both, I can't list specific comics because that would be way too long. But I do like older works rather than some new stuff. Like the Green Lantern expanded lore about the galaxy in DC, as an example, where they bring back Hal Jordan.
Those are what I'm familiar with. If you also like these, then hit me up. We'd have to talk a bit before writing, such as your own limitations, boundaries, and the like.
Now, here's an example of my writing that involves one of my OC's.
Valrel sighs as she crouches on the railing, arms bent on her knees as she looks down at the city lights. It's beautiful tonight, from up here at least. She'd just gotten done with a full sweep of the surrounding block two times, making sure everything is right as rain. She'd been planning this for a month, so it best work when the time was right. She'd kept track of all the potential threats, witnesses, and the people that live in this expensive apartment complex. From all walks of life, but they're all rich - particularly the ones on top. At the penthouse.
Flipping up and over the balcony railing above her, steps silent as she crouches again. The wind passes by, playing with her loose white locks as she forms water around her fingers. Flexing them, her eyes glow under her blue opaque visor - the water slips in under the crack of the locked glass door. Boom. Open. Using her other hand to slide it open, taking a step in.
She'd taken the precaution to loop the empty rooms camera for around 10 minutes. That's all she needs. Security is down around here. The residents did go on a nice vacation away from Blüdhaven, fortunate for her - not so much for them. They won't even notice anyways. Still, Valrel footsteps are silent as she makes her way through the roomy living room and to the home office, sliding in, she's quick to go to the safe and start with picking the lock with her powers. Staying alert. Nightwing might appear like he usually does. Not that she minds his presence...he's just distracting when she's doing something she deems important. Valrel huffs to herself, smirking lightly with amusement quirking her expression.
She won't say she doesn't have fun when he decides to come around.
Of course, I'll write way more than that lol.
Maybe I'll add more to this post if I think of more. :]
See ya, feel free to message me if you're interested.
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
Jack Frost and Santa's Slay Ships
Thought this could be interesting and fun! Every ship with a star next to it is one of mine, or at least one that I didn't hear about from someone else/isn't already implied by film canon! Will add to this list as I learn about them or people suggest.
Jack Frost
Jack Frost x Suzy Snowflake (OC) ✩
Jack Frost x Santa Claus ✩
Jack Frost x Suzy Snowflake x Virginia Hollybubble x Santa Claus (OC) ✩
Jack Frost x Captain Fun ✩
Jack Frost x Sherriff Tiler
Jack Frost x Agent Stone
Jack Frost x Tiffany Valentine
Jack Frost x Tiffany Valentine x Charles Lee Ray
Jack Frost x Crystal Winters (OC)
Jack Frost x Santa Claus x Miriam Allen (OC)
Jack Frost x Wendy Torrance
Jack Frost x Baby Firefly
Jack Frost x Billy Lenz
Jack Frost x Herbert West
Jack Frost x Lubdan the Leprechaun
Jack Frost x Mary Mason
Jack Frost x Pamela Fitzgerald
Santa's Slay
Santa Claus x Virginia Hollybubble (OC) ✩
Santa Claus x Jack Frost x Miriam Allen (OC)
Santa Claus x Virginia Hollybubble x Jack Frost x Suzy Snowflake (OC) ✩
Santa Claus x Hela ??? (OC)
Santa Claus x Lubdan The Leprechaun
Santa Claus x Princess Zarina
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Roses and Thorns
Chapter Three: Halloween
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!OC
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Fluff
Word Count: 5.2K~
Warnings: N/A
Masterlist || <<Previous | Next>>
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Mid-September brought a slightly less than subtle change to the weather. The sun spent most of its time hiding behind the clouds as the wind ran rampant through the ground of Hogwarts. Gwen liked to spend her free periods outside, soaking in what little bit of sun was left before winter came barreling in and made it near impossible to go outside.
Though she was beginning to miss the warm weather, her mind was kept occupied by her studies and Quidditch. All Cedric talked about for the first two weeks of school was Quidditch--him and Tamsin. Any time spent in the Hufflepuff common room was spent talking about the game, and the pair explaining to her the fundamentals of what they called “the best game in the whole world”;  though she did get a kick out of telling them it was just the wizard version of basketball.
Quidditch tryouts for the Hufflepuff team were on the second Saturday in September. Cedric paced around the common room all morning, wringing his hands until they were a nice, bright shade of red. Tamsin and Gwen sat on the couch, attempting to study, but ultimately just watching as he paced until tryouts.
They all made their way to the Quidditch pitch. It was a large field with slightly overgrown grass and stands that stood high upon stilts. On either side of the field sat three hoops. Gwen gave Cedric a charm bracelet she had made for good luck before following Tamsin up the stands. There were scattered students in the stands, most of them older and using the excuse to come outside. There were a few other Hufflepuff students she recognized from her year: Heidi, Maxine, James, and Arthur. They were seated in the front row, watching intensely for the tryouts to start.
Cedric made his way to the middle of the pitch, clutching a broom in his hand. One by one the players began rising in the air. The Captain, Jenetta Weaver, a sixth year, was in the middle of all the players, directing them around the field. She was a fierce looking girl with long brown hair pulled into a French braid and a serious expression that always made her seem slightly confused.
She blew a loud whistle, then tossed one of the balls in the air. Immediately, the players dove for the ball, tossing it to one another and making a beeline for the hoops. One of the seventh years, who Tamsin said was a Hufflepuff Quidditch legend like Jenetta, was pacing the hoops. She had short black hair kept back by a bandana that Gwen knew was being kept in place by magic. She watched in amazement as she blocked the ball with practice ease, a smirk on her face.
Cedric was floating in the air, watching as everyone played. Another Hufflepuff student was waiting in the air with him. He didn’t do much in the air, just watched the other players.
“Tamsin,” Gwen called, pulling her out of her conversation with Heidi. “What position is Cedric going for again?”
“Seeker. That’s the one that goes after the golden snitch.” Gwen nodded her head as she watched the rest of the players. One boy, a seventh year named Marshall Allen, was hovering nearby Cedric, his hand wrapped around a bat. He had short blonde hair and was big and burly.
A black ball came whirling towards them. Cedric had barely turned half an inch before Marshall was swinging the ball, knocking it clean towards the other side of the field. Gwen gave a gasp as the other Hufflepuffs buzzed with excitement. She went to lean on the railing, more concerned with Cedric’s wellbeing than with the possibility of falling several feet.
Then he began to dive. The girls jumped from their seat, watching as he dove straight for the bottom of the pitch. They waited with baited breath as he slowly pulled the broom up at the last minute, keeping one of his hands outstretched. He slowly turned his broom before he wrapped his hand around something.
Jenetta blew her whistle, waving to gather everyone’s attention. He rode up to where she was and triumphantly held the golden snitch in his hand. Gwen hollered, clapping and waving as she jumped in the stands. The other students murmured around her, giving her odd stares. She didn’t care as he waved back before passing the snitch to Jenetta.
Tryouts continued for some time. She didn’t realize how late these could run, but she was determined to stay the entire time. Most of the other Hufflepuff students had ventured back inside, leaving Gwen, Tamsin, Maxine, Heidi, and a couple of boys from Cedric’s year in the stands.
It was almost dark when Jenetta announced her decision. She would, of course, remain as one of the chasers along with Jaqueline Beck, a seventh year. Malcolm Preece, a skinny second year with brown hair and fair skin was to join them as their third chaser. Marshall Allen remained a beater, and Anthony Rickett, another second year with a round figure and ashy-blonde hair, would join him as the second. Hufflepuff legend Ida was to remain keeper, and Cedric was the new seeker.
Gwen was beside herself, cheering and jumping and dancing. She grabbed Tamsin’s hand and dragged her down the stands, running to where he was dismounting. She tackled him to the ground, laughing and cheering. His second year friends joined her, dog piling him as they cheered. Tamsin let out a laugh before joining in, patting his shoulder aggressively. He let out a laugh, staring up at the darkening sky.
“You did it!” Gwen shouted for maybe the thousandth time as they entered the castle. “Are you going to tell your parents? I bet they’ll be so proud! This is so exciting! OMG, now I want to play Quidditch! Don’t know if I’ll be any good, but it’s always worth a shot, right? You did it!”
He nodded his head, doing the dance to enter the common room. The other Hufflepuff students gave him a round of applause . He bowed his head before collapsing onto the couch. He was still drenched in sweat but he didn’t care. Midnight barked and jumped onto the couch. He made himself comfortable on Cedric’s lap before promptly falling asleep.
“So, when’s the first game?” Gwen picked Midnight up from his spot and set him on her own lap. He provided little protest as she went to scratch his ears.
“Well, the first game of the season is sometime in early November, but the first Hufflepuff match will be mid-to-late November,” he said. “That’s when I’ll get to play.”
“You’ll be great,” Tamsin assured him. “You were like an all-star out there. Before you know it, you’ll be a Hufflepuff Quidditch legend.” He laughed softly, shaking his head. Only time could tell.
The rest of September was highly uneventful for Gwen. She spent most of her time studying for her classes. Cedric was swamped with school-work and Quidditch practice, so she hardly ever saw him, and when she did, he was always exhausted. Tamsin spent most of her free-time hanging out with their other dormmates, giggling over things Gwen didn’t understand. They never excluded her, but there was little fun to be had when every joke had to be explained.
No, she didn’t understand their wizard jokes, but she harbored no ill-will. She simply opted to put her focus where her family excelled, in their studies. It provided her with great comfort that Mark was always as eager to study as she was. The only problem was he was selective about which subjects he wanted to study for. Half of their classes fell to the bottom of the list. His favorites consisted of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Charms. He only put in an effort with potions to avoid detention with Professor Snape.
Ava was willing to give each class equal attention, but getting her to sit down and put forth the effort was another story. She would have rather spent her Saturdays wandering and exploring the castle. As fun and exciting that sounded, Gwen knew they needed to do well in school if they wanted to stay. She assured her there would be plenty of time to explore after their work was done, but getting her to focus was like getting a dog in a bath: chasing her around until you lured her with a treat.
The only person who put in the same amount of effort as Gwen was Richard. When he sat down to work, he didn’t stop until everything was done and done perfectly. Every step in his process was meticulously thought out and planned, and while the other three certainly threw more than one wrench into his work, he never left the study group or said anything mean, he simply continued on and reworked what he needed. He also helped Gwen make sure Ava and Mark completed all their work so the pair wouldn’t have to serve detention.
Gwen would want her kind personality and academic achievements to be her mark on Hogwarts. Unfortunately for her, her legacy would consist of wit and mischief, and it all began at the beginning of October.
October First marked the start of another school week, and the official countdown to Gwen’s favorite holiday. She and Richard were on their way to class, discussing the homework from the weekend, when two unexpected visitors stepped into their path. Richard latched onto Gwen’s arm, forcing her to stop and pay attention to the people in front of her.
“Hey there, Gwenny ol’ girl,” Fred greeted, an innocent smile on his face. His nose was still slightly swollen, despite the magic of Madam Pomfrey. “Heard ‘bout your friend making the Quidditch team. George an' me got on too, see. Beaters.”
“Congrats.” Gwen moved to step around them, tugging Richard along. Fred stepped to the side, bending his head down slightly.
“What’s the rush?”
“We need to get to class. Have a nice day.” She sidestepped them once again, and he followed suit. She exhaled loudly through her nose, frustration beginning to bubble inside her. “Can I help you?”
“Have a piece then.” George produced a piece of candy from his pocket, wrapped in shiny silver plastic. “Go on. It’s delicious. Toffee flavored.” He stuck his hand out farther, a matching grin on his face.
Something in Gwen’s body pinched the base of her spine and worked its way up to her neck. She glanced over to Richard, who seemed annoyed rather than suspicious. She gently pushed his hand away, reaching back to find Richard’s.
“Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass.” She pushed between the boys, tugging Richard along. Once she felt they weren’t going to follow, she took the chance of looking back. Both boys looked infuriated and disappointed.
“What do you suppose that was about?” Richard asked, pulling out his books. He set them neatly in the corner of his desk, spines lining up with the edge and the top sides lining up as well.
“I don’t know.” Gwen frowned, turning back to look at the door. “I doubt anything good.”
Her instinct was right. By dinner time, she saw multiple students, from all the houses, covered in massive blue polka dots, all claiming the same story: Fred and George Weasley had offered them the toffee flavored candy in the shiny, silver plastic wrap.
Ava told Gwen they had received a week’s worth of detention and had lost ten points each. Gwen shook her head and returned to her table. Those boys sure seemed to have a knack for getting themselves into trouble.
Cedric had told her they were just as bad their first year too. Sooner or later they were going to do something they couldn’t come back from, and when that happened, she just hoped they didn’t take half the school down with them.
Gwen, Mark, Ava, and Richard had agreed to meet every Saturday in the library to review the week’s lessons and to catch up on any work. The four fell into a routine, and while it was still far from a friendship, Gwen knew that they’d be inseparable by the end of the year.
The only issue came from Richard. While the rest of the group had other friends to hang out with, Richard seemed to be a loner, and not the stare-off-into-space-brooding-bad-boy type. It was more along the lines of help-no-one-within-a-ten-mile-radius-will-come-near-me type, and that bothered Gwen to no extent. He refused to spend time with any of his housemates, including his dormmates. In fact, he only went to his dorm to sleep. It didn’t help that almost all students outside of Slytherin avoided him too.
He assured her he didn’t mind spending time alone, and she knew that some people needed time alone, like her sister Nat, and others simply liked it, like her sister Penny, but the two of them still interacted with other people.
On days Gwen didn’t need to study, and most of the students were just hanging around, and Cedric was busy with his Quidditch practise, her and Richard would spend time walking around the black lake, bundled up as Jack Frost nipped at their noses. He wasn’t much of a talker, like her brother Nick, but Gwen found comfort in having someone listen to her without interrupting. In a family as big as hers, being heard wasn’t as easy as it should have been.
It was a Saturday after a particularly hard week in Potions, two weeks after the candy incident, that Gwen ran into the Weasley twins. Running being an operative term as the four of them had been on their way to the library when a familiar sharp pain entered Gwen’s back and shot up her spine. She stopped in her tracks, furrowing her brows.
“Gwen? What’s wrong?” Ava asked, tilting her head. Gwen didn’t know what to say. She looked around the corridor, but there wasn’t another soul.
“I don’t know. Something just feels… off.”
“I think you’ve been working too hard,” Mark said, turning back around. “Why don’t you get some rest, we’ll catch up tomorrow.
The entire corridor lit up like Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Fireworks shot out bright colors into the castle ceiling and produced dancing creatures of all kinds. The loud noise had startled Ava, Mark and Richard, as the three of them quickly ducked for cover.
Gwen, on the other hand, gave out a laugh, looking up and giving out a long whistle as the creatures disappeared.
“Oi! Come on!” Fred and George stumbled from their hiding spot, looking at her in utter disbelief. She gave them a grin, shrugging her shoulders. Her group rejoined her in the middle of the corridor, looking less than thrilled with the Weasley’s.
Of course, Mr. Filch was also less than thrilled with the mess and fire hazard they had caused. She’d never heard such shouting before. They slumped their shoulders as they were escorted to Professor McGonagall’s office, and given another week’s worth of detention, and lost another ten points each.
“I don’t know what their problem is,” Ava said, sitting with her back against the window. “They keep losing our house points and soon wea not gonna have any.” She put three piles onto the table and pulled out her ink and quill.
“Forget the points,” Mark said, dumping his bag’s contents onto the table. “They’re putting everyone in danger with stupid pranks like that. I mean, the  amount of fire hazards from that prank alone could have had devastating consequences.”
“How come you didn’t react? Did you know about it?” Richard sat with his back against the door, moving to put Mark’s items into a controlled space before setting his own books down.
“I didn’t know. I just got a weird feeling. Besides, those weren’t that bad. I mean, you haven’t seen real fireworks till you’ve been to D.C. on the Fourth of July.”
“Wow, you Amaricans are a lot mora tough than I thought.”
As the days passed, Gwen found her excitement for Halloween dwindling. The other students didn’t seem to care about the holiday, seeing as for them, it was always Halloween. They didn’t care for carving pumpkins, there was no way to watch scary movies, and nowhere to go trick-or-treating. The excitement of Halloween was almost non-existent, and that brought her cheerful demeanor down several notches.
Tamsin was the first to notice her shift in behavior. Instead of her normally cheerful jigs, Gwen’s violin seemed to only produce slow and melancholy tunes. Even in the common room, they could hear her sad songs that even made the Fat Friar sad.
She decided that Gwen needed a nice pick me up, and there was no better place for spooky lore than the library. On their way there, another sharp pain shot through her spine, causing her to stop in her tracks. She held out her arm, stopping Tamsin as well. She opened her mouth to protest, but was quickly shushed.
She was not amused by Gwen’s sudden odd behavior and pushed her arms away, placing her hands on her hips. She gave her a pointed look, looking around the semi-empty hallway.
She brushed off her annoyance, watching as Mr. Filch marched down the corridor, Mrs. Norris hot on his heels. He grumbled as he passed the girls, ignoring most of the students as he went to round the corner.
Loud screaming startled the corridor as he fell backwards, legs stuck together like a mermaid. The children’s mouths fell open as Mr. Filch flailed about the floor, yelling and pointing like a mad man. Gwen covered her mouth as Tamsin struggled not to laugh.
It was no surprise when the culprits turned out to be Fred and George. They emerged from around the corner, faces almost as red as their hair. They turned their heads and saw Gwen and Tamsin staring at them, disappointed but not surprised. Fred looked like he could strangle someone as George drew his mouth into a thin line.
“What is going on here?” Professor McGonagall’s voice carried through the corridor loud and clear, effectively silencing everyone except Mr. Filch, who was still flopping around the floor like a fish. She cast an unamused stare down at him before pulling out her wand and giving it a slight wave.
His legs were released and he scrambled to stand up, turning a nasty stare onto the twins. Professor McGonagall held up her hand, silencing him at once. She turned her sharp gaze onto them, releasing a slow and steady breath. 
Of course, with his impeccable timing, Peeves came swooping in from another corridor, laughing and pointing at the pair. Though usually excited for the encouragement, both looked like they wanted to throttle the poltergeist.
“Oh ho ho! Looky what we have here! Silly silly boys!” He let out another rambunctious laugh circling above them. Professor McGonagall simply shooed him away, with threats of Dumbledore and the Bloody Baron. He stuck out his tongue before flying away to cause problems somewhere else.
“Everyone, get to your classes. Now.” The other students scrambled to avoid getting detention. Tamsin pulled Gwen along, eager to leave Professor McGonagall’s war path. “As for you two, after your fiascos this month, I see it only fit that you both receive a month’s worth of detentions. As such, you both lose twenty points-- each.” Gwen felt bad that they kept getting into so much trouble, but she couldn’t understand why they did it. No one was laughing, not even them. Hopefully now they learned their lesson.
When Halloween was right around the corner, Gwen found herself in a sour mood almost everyday. Her sunny disposition was nowhere to be seen, and the entire Hufflepuff dorm was filled with her low and somber music. Even Richard was beginning to miss her chatter. Her mood was a mystery to everyone, herself included.
Halloween had always been a happy time in her life. Her family always went trick-or-treating in Grandpa Dave’s nice neighborhood, followed by a trip to a haunted house, and ending the night with a big party at their house. Yet the excitement for her family’s favorite holiday was nonexistent.
“Oh, chea up Gwen,” Ava encouraged. They had just finished their last class of the day and were going to drop their books off in their respective dorms. “My dad told me tha’s always a big feast for Halloween. Sure to be a sight to see.” Gwen shrugged, fiddling with the edges of her notebooks. “Don’ worry, you’ll feel tons betta when you get some suppa in you.”
“Okay.” Gwen waved goodbye as she continued down to the common room.
Most of the students were rushing out of the common room, eager to feast upon the delicious food they’d been smelling throughout the day. She pushed past the sea of hungry students and went to her dorm room, where her dormmates had already deposited their stuff. Heather’s books were piled neatly into her trunk, the lid left open in her haste. Heidi and Maxine had both placed their books on top of their trunks before they’d undoubtedly ran to join Tamsin, whose books laid in a skewed pile on her bed.
Gwen carefully placed her charm book on top of her other books before carefully closing the lid. She shuffled to the common room, which was almost empty save for the other Hufflepuff pets that weren’t owls.
Midnight was amongst them, lazily perched above the fireplace, his tail flicking back and forth. His bright blue eyes watched her carefully as she shuffled through the barrel hole and made her way to join the other students.
Ava’s dad was true to his word, the Great Hall was a spectacle to behold. Candles floated above them, casting a spook-tacular glow around them. The ghosts were floating around as well, moaning and causing quite the ruckus with Peeves. Candy and other Halloween themed food lined all five tables.
Cedric was seated near the end of the Hufflepuff table, chatting with the other Quidditch players. Their first Quidditch game was only a matter of weeks away. He waved her over, giving Tamsin a shove as she chatted with Heidi and Maxine. She moved over without breaking away from her conversation, shoveling her food into her mouth.
Gwen sat between the two, grabbing a fair and healthy serving of food. Cedric returned to his conversation of strategy and Tamsin only offered her a smile. Their plates were piled with delicious food and sweets of every kind, both magical and muggle. Gwen grabbed her fork, but couldn’t bring herself to take anything. She pushed her food around her plate, resting her chin in her hand.
She glanced around the Great Hall. Ava was sitting amongst a group of Gryffindor girls, giggling and chatting. Mark was eating and listening to whatever the other boys in their year were going on about. Richard was seated at the end of the table, a book in his hand as he read and ate silently.
It seemed no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t bring herself to enjoy the festivities like the other students. Even the ghost choir, who were singing a beautifully haunting melody, couldn’t put her in a good mood.
“You doin’ alright Gwen?” Cedric asked, pulling himself away from his teammates. Gwen let out a sigh, stuffing her mouth with mashed potatoes. “That bad, huh?” She shrugged, keeping her eyes on her lap. He gave her back a gentle rub, moving to eat his own food. She set her fork down, excusing herself from the table and turning in for an early night.
She knew that right about now, her siblings were seated in a circle in their living room, negotiating candy trades, with Kate and Lily easily swindling their other siblings out of their fair share. While that was going on, her parents would be seated on the couch, her dad with his cup of decaf coffee and her mom with her cup of herbal tea, watching in amusement as they waited for guests to arrive.
She knew Aunt Penny would have the coolest costume, and she’d have brought the pumpkin pie cupcakes with the white frosting sprinkled with cinnamon and nutmeg. Uncle Derek would have new ghost stories to tell and games to play.
The only thing Gwen couldn’t figure out was if they missed her as much as she missed them. She  wished she could call them and let them know she wanted to be there. She wanted to hear the new story and have one of Aunt Penny’s cupcakes. She wished she could have gone trick-or-treating and carved pumpkins and gone to a haunted house.
Instead, she was left wandering towards her dorm. Maybe if she hadn’t been so deep in thought and self-pity, she would have felt that sharp pinch slither up her spine. Maybe she would have heard the echoes of footsteps and muffled laughter. But alas, as she wound the corner to the stairs towards her common room…
Water poured down on her, leaving her completely drenched. Her mouth fell open as she let out a gasp, looking around. Fred and George fell from their hiding spot, holding their sides as they howled with laughter. There were tears in their eyes as they rolled around the floor.
Now, Gwen loved a good prank. Pouring water on someone wasn’t too bad, and on any other night, she might have joined in on their laughter with a promise to return the favor. But this wasn’t any other night. And if they’d taken two seconds to look at her, they’d have seen what they did had a worse effect on her than they intended.
Tears welled in her eyes as her lip began quivering. One of the twins, she wasn’t sure which, hit the other, looking at her. Both stopped laughing as her tears began falling down her face. They glanced at each other before they both ran for it. One of them paused, turning their head back briefly before they disappeared from view.
She took a seat at the bottom of the stairs, bringing her knees to her chest. She rested her head on her knees, shivering as her tears mixed with the water dripping from her hair. This had to be, by far, the worst Halloween of her entire life.
She lifted her head to see Richard standing in front of her. His hands were gripping his satchel and his brows were furrowed. He took a seat next to her, eyes darting all over her.
“What’re you doing here?” She let out a sniffle, smoothing out her school robes. She used the back of her hand to wipe away her tears, not that it made much of a difference.
“I saw the Weasley twins leave shortly after you did. I wanted to make sure they didn’t do anything. I guess I was too late.” He reached into his bag, scrunching his nose as he pulled out his wand. “Reverte.”
The water vanished from her and left her nice and dry, though she was still cold and her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. She gave a breathy chuckle, using her sleeve to wipe her nose. She thanked him and fiddled with her robe, keeping her gaze down on her robe.
“So, do you want to talk about it?” He tucked his wand back into his bag, scrunching his nose as he fixed his glasses. She shook her head, tucking her knees back under her chin and earning a slight chuckle from him. She turned her head. It was the first time she’d heard him laugh.
“First time you don’t want to talk, and it’s the first time you need to. Come on.” He gave her a gentle nudge.
“It has nothing to do with the twins,” she confessed, squeezing her legs. “It’s just-- it’s stupid. Getting worked up over something so silly.” She paused, but he wasn’t giving up that easily. He nudged her again, giving her a pointed look. “It’s just-- me and my family always celebrate Halloween with a big celebration. It’s almost as big as Christmas for my family, and, well, this is my first Halloween I won’t be celebrating with them. I dunno, I guess I just-- I don’t know.”
“It’s okay.” He gave her an awkward pat on the back. “There’s worse things to miss.” She turned her head, giving him a deep frown. “I mean, there’s nothing wrong with being upset. It was something important to you.” He drew his mouth into a thin line, furrowing his brows. “Why don’t you just write to your family? I’m sure it’ll make you feel better.”
She mauled over his words. He was right, if not for the reason he thought. Both her parents had degrees in psychology and both would be able to help her. She stood up suddenly, startling him into standing as well.
“Thanks Richard. You’re a good friend.” She gave him a strong hug, which, after the initial shock wore off, he returned hesitantly, giving her back a couple awkward pats. She skipped off to her common room, her mood better than it had been for most of the month. The first thing she did was pull out a roll of parchment and a quill.
Dear Reid Family and Extended Loved Ones,
I hope you guys had a spook-tacular Halloween! Mine wasn’t too interesting. Actually, mine wasn’t fun at all. They threw a big feast and had a ghost choir, but there wasn’t any trick-or-treating or haunted houses or Aunt Penny’s cupcakes. I’m sure Uncle Derek had a lot of cool stories to tell. Surprisingly, the ghosts here don’t tell many scary stories. They’re just really, really, really sad. I guess that’s what happens when you’re dead.
On a happier note, I think I’ve entered my first prank war. These two boys, brothers, have been trying to prank me all month. I’ve avoided it for the most part, but they got me today. It wasn’t too bad, just some water, but now I’ve got to think of a good comeback. (I’m looking at you for help Daddy!)
I was a little upset today because I missed you guys, but Richard (that’s my friend in Slytherin) really helped me today. He was actually the one who suggested I write to you guys. I can’t wait to see you all in a couple months for Christmas! I love and miss you all!
She carefully folded the letter and slipped into an envelope before scrawling her mother’s name on it. It was a quick and uneventful trip to the owlery and back to the common room. By her return, most of the students had returned and were heading to bed for tomorrow’s classes.
“Gwen.” Cedric waved his hand, jogging over to her. “You okay? You left pretty early.”
“I’m okay.” She gave him an affirmative nod and a chipper smile. He smiled too, chuckling. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Well, you certainly look happier. Come on. You should get to bed. We still have classes tomorrow.” He nudged her towards her dorm room before he headed off to his own.
She climbed the stairs until she reached her room. Everyone was already asleep, happy in their candy-induced comas. She changed in her pajamas before also climbing into her bed. Midnight jumped onto her bed as well, snuggling right by her face as drifted off.
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aw3ridkidlol · 27 days
Salutations!! Welcome to my intro :D
Names: Aesha/Allen Pronouns: She/anything Sexuality: Aroace, Trans, bisexual .・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・. About me: -ADHD probably :0 -I'm a young artist (minor) -I'm Filipino‼‼ 🇵🇭🇵🇭 -I like to draw, read, and write :D -I'm quite lazy sometimes :[ .・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・. Fandoms (Main hyperfixtions I'll possibly post): Kirby, Dave and Bambi, hollow knight, Block tales, Dog man, Captain underpants, Dave's fun algebra class, Kirby Dave, regretavator, bugsnax (there's a lot) .・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・. DNI: Proshippers, R34 artists, problematic people, Hazbin hotel and Helluva fans (unless your nice its okay), meanies, annoying people .・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・. Fun facts!! -I might not post much cause of a lot of stuff -I have a oc x canon -If pictures of my posts are not clear, I have a crappy phone camera -I have so many ideas flowing in my head -I apologies a lot .・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・. My socials: Discord: s1lly._.goober. Tiktok: a._.w3rid._k1dl.lol (username may be incorrect sorry :[ )
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ao3feed-drstrange · 4 months
Run Like Hell II (MCU X Male OC)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Okn7lG by MK11_EGY After the Battle of Earth, 28-year-old Aaron O'Connor had retired from the Avengers along with Bobbi Morse as they decide to live a normal life. But life had other plans for him... The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: ✅ Spider-Man: No Way Home: ✅ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: ✅ What If...?: ✅ Hawkeye*: ✅ West Coast League: ✅ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: ✅ Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania: ✅ Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse#: ✏️ Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse#: 🚫 Secret Invasion*: 🚫 Armor Wars@: 🚫 Daredevil Born Again#: 🚫 Captain America: New World Order: 🚫 Avengers: The Kang Dynasty: 🚫 Avengers: Secret Wars: 🚫 More arcs will be added and some might get removed. *Bobbi Morse-centered arc #Gwen Stacy-de Luca-centered arc @Jimmy de Luca-centered arc Words: 1827, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Run Like Hell Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Original Male Character(s), Bobbi Morse, Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Peter Parker, Peter-Two (Spider-Man: No Way Home), Tony Stark, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Jennifer Walters, America Chavez, John Walker (Marvel), Shang-Chi (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Charlotte Webber (Marvel), Uatu | The Watcher (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Gamora (Marvel), Ultron (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Namor of Talokan (Marvel), Max Dillon, Otto Octavius, Martin Li, Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells, Slade Wilson, Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Kara Zor-El Relationships: Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen/Original Male Character(s), Bobbi Morse/Original Male Character(s) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Okn7lG
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Marvel Open RP Masterpost
Candy Allen/Cyber Spider (OC) - McDonald's (X)
Clint Barton/Hawkeye - Daylight robbery (X) - Lucky v Pigeon (X)
Hobie Brown/Spider-Punk - Short of a sheet (X) - Kicking out them jams (X)
Kaine Parker/Scarlet Spider - Grumpy bitch™ (X)
Karl Morningdew/Captain Anarchy - Frisbee (X)
0 notes
possiblypeachy · 6 years
--; summary: The XK-100 model was designed to be many things: charming yet brutal, elusive yet blunt, gentle yet commandeering. What she wasn't designed to be was deviant. But, being so advanced can come with a cost.
You decide what that cost is.
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> part two
[determinant factors are in italics]
[warnings that apply to this chapter are in bold]
--; pairings: connor x xk-100, captain allen x xk-100
--; word count: 2.1k
--; themes: slow burn romance, angst, violence, platonic fluff, eventual smut
--; warnings: depictions of violence, death, suicide
--; note: hola mis amigos! this is the first piece of writing that i’m actually putting up here so go easy on me please and thank you! pardon any horrendous mistakes and/or terrible explanation of plot points :( 
in places this story will deviate (haha deviate) from canon. this allows me to weave my lovely little xk-100 model into scenarios that can help shape her personality for future installments. also, it gives me a chance to dabble with her interacting with minor characters that don’t get enough love!
if all goes well, i’d like to make this into a kind of ‘choose your own story’ type read bc i love me a good challenge and i want to give it the true d:bh feel. it’ll take a while to fan the options out but i’m a fast worker when inspired ;)
anywho, feel free to shoot me a message to ask me questions about this or give me suggestions! i’m also open to requests for now so hit me with your best shot, kiddos.
without further ado, enjoy!
[apolgies if this looks shit on mobile/anything really. i'll clean it up later :)]
The first thing she felt was something clicking to the back of her head. Streams of code filled black vision: a start-up process. Lines upon lines of binary were read at a speed that was inhuman, registering her programming and purpose. Though a crucial process, the small camera watching her saw nothing of what was going on behind those white eyelids-- not even a twitch to signal that she was functional.
Then, narrow eyes flickered open, much like a light bulb turning on after years of no use. Pale irises were revealed to the room, intricate patterns of ice and frost weaved around her pupil. They were shadowed by a line of dark lashes, removing the possibility of deducing what she was thinking by way of looking into her eyes. Yet the contrast between the light and dark made her hold an aura of allure. Even he, someone who had prepared for her to look like this, was momentarily hypnotised. Nevertheless, a pang of discomfort was felt when his gaze finally fell to her static form. She appeared detached from the world -- cold. She would be perfect for her job.
From his seat, her overseer leant down to a microphone. “Can you hear me?” A male voice reached her sensors and the LED on the side of her head sprang to life, glowing a calming blue. Tentative eyes watched her through the camera. His heart rate increased when her LED began circling-- processing. This was make or break. They'd tried to make models like her far too many times before but failed; she hadn't looked intimidating enough, she couldn't make sense of her own complexity, her thirium pump hadn't been wholly compatible. God, he'd seen so many of her previous attempts shutdown before they were even able to speak.
Anxiety. Worry. Tension. “Yes. I can hear you.” All those emotions dissolved-- cascaded from his conscience like the most beautiful waterfall he could ever witness--  and he leant back in his chair, instead filled with relief. A sigh that could've praised God itself left him before he moved to look at the live feed of her again. She was completely unmoving-- no blinking, no twitching of her eyes, no breathing. Instead, she was waiting.
“What's your serial number and model name?” The worry rose in him again as his sight glanced to the tablet before him, filled to the brim with information on her. All his team's plans for her, her I.D. and registration codes, who she was going to be given to, her abilities, her materials-- all of it-- stored on one tablet. Everything had to be checked. She had to confirm that all of her components were functional. If she said one wrong thing, she would be deconstructed and analysed.
The android's voice was smooth and unwavering-- unaware of the pressure placed upon her. Perhaps one could describe it as scheming. Hearing it laid a blanket of unsettling calm across those around yet it was beguiling-- mysterious. “#572 236 091 – 31. My model name is XK-100.” Her expression still showed nothing. Good.
The robotic arms whirred around her and created gentle streams of wind as they welded white plastic parts together, ensuring that her body was sturdy; she needed to be as durable as possible. Two of them spun on their pivots to receive an arm-- already constructed and able to move when tugged in a certain direction and therefore, hopefully, functional. Rather than screwing it into place, it clicked as though it was a dislocated bone being fixed. When the arms let go of it, it hung at her side-- lifeless.
He wasn't lifeless, however. Oh, quite the contrary. Having been working on this project for near to seven years now, he felt like a little clap and chuckle wouldn't be deemed all too unprofessional. They'd been planning an android like this for almost a decade: an android who was capable of taking down an entire riot single-handedly if the need arose. Her team had programmed tiny aspects of her day in, day out. Many sleepless nights were spent animating her custom expressions, blueprinting the structure and materials of her frame, weaving code into her artificial mind. By admittance of the former CEO of CyberLife himself, she was perhaps the most intelligent android they had yet made-- and that was Kamski's words from years before. Now, if she didn't possess that whirling LED on her temple and her posture wasn't so stiff, people could peg her as more life-like than some humans.
He spoke again. She picked up on the thrilled waver to his voice and committed it to her short-term memory stores. “Move your head.” As asked, her head craned from one side to another-- eyes yet to follow the direction of movement naturally. Then, she stopped rather suddenly back at the centre. The camera swerved to the front of her and lifted itself to her eye level. “Now, move your eyes.” Her eyelids jolted into motion and she blinked erratically-- even her brows furrowed. He felt as though he was intently watching her trying to remove something from the surface of her eyeball; it was uncomfortable, yes, but inevitably natural. Then, her sight began to sweep across the sterile room, recognising the area as Manufacturing Room 2462-B in the CyberLife Tower. Blinking was rhythmic yet not too unnatural. She was beginning to appear more human. Uncomfortably so.
The team working on her understood that she would be some of CyberLife's best work but, from what he could gather, they hadn't expected her to look so... alive. At least, he didn't.
“Good. Now, tell me your introductory text.”
“Hello. I am a first generation XK-100 android. I am designed to assist Special Weapons and Tactics units in high-risk cases. Alongside being much more durable than humans, I am able to process and successfully predict reasonable outcomes for scenarios-- if given enough verbal or physical queues. I am familiar with S.W.A.T training programs and have an accuracy rating of 96% when in optimal conditions.”
Cases of deviancy had been on the rise and more and more police cases were being taken over by S.W.A.T units. Their only downfall was that they were a mainly human organisation, thus making it more and more difficult for them to track ever developing deviant androids. With her on missions, their success rates would soar-- or so the team who had made her hoped.
“My battery allows me to work autonomously for 212 years and I do not require food or water to survive. Due to the nature of my programming, I am required to make frequent reports to my higher-ups on the condition of my software and, every 2 years, I must undergo a renewal of my permit to bypass the 'American Androids Act, subsection 544-7'-- which allows me to carry weapons as long as I have human supervision.” Her speech paused for a moment and her overseer watched with baited breath. Had her vocals malfunctioned? They couldn't have. She wasn't supposed to stop speaking. Fuck, fuck, fuck! They'd almost had--
“Would you like to name me?” An exhale. Thank the Lord. Perhaps she was already developing mannerisms? She was designed to integrate into a team-- to be adaptable-- and humans didn't take well to stiff androids. It would help her fit in; they'd aspired for her to be like this yet she seemed to be learning quickly-- faster than they'd suspected.
Her other arm clicked itself into place before he spoke and pale skin began to bleed across her plastic body, coating her in practically human layers of pores and tones. Black hair sprouted from her scalp and flopped down into its default style: short, gently waved, and middle-parted-- convenient for her designated career yet not unfamiliar or strange to humans. She began to exude a strange type of stern attractiveness-- every colour that she possessed merging together to create an amalgamation of, what he could only say was, foreign beauty.
“Yes. Your name will be set to...” His eyes flickered down to the tablet before him, “Kassandra.”
Unnervingly, her icy eyes stared straight into the camera. It was as though she was maintaining eye contact with him. Then, her lips twitched somewhat before forming an ever-so-slightly lopsided smile. The smile was charming but seeing it painted across the features of a half-built android was concerning to him. It didn't put him at ease. Rather, his expression tightened. But he couldn't look away from her, seemingly caught in the frost that built in her irises.
“My name is Kassandra. I am pleased to meet you.”
He shivered. All his previous excitement appeared to have dissipated and nothing came through the speakers installed in the ceiling for a few moments. The camera was stationary, positioned before her. He almost felt a degree of sympathy for her; she-- Kassandra-- looked, sounded so... real. Out on the field, she would develop her own habits, her own ticks, her own sense of humour-- just like a human. Yet, her only goal was to detain people-- to kill, on occasion-- and he knew that would never change, no matter how alive she appeared. They programmed her to be like this. He programmed her to be like--
One of her legs were put into place, the socket being filled with an echoing 'clunk!' noise. Said sound made the overseer cough and return to his own mission, watching skin spread over her newly installed limb. She was simply an android. The morality of it all didn't need to come into the equation. “Can you move your arms?”
As Kassandra mindlessly followed his requests, new limbs being added and her programming being tested, he couldn't help notice her becoming smarter even here. Her gaze conveyed emotion-- enquiry, determination, amusement. She had begun to tap her fingers together while waiting for her next instructions. The LED on the side of her head would circle and flicker to yellow more often-- as though she took things into more consideration than the average android.
Finally, she stepped off of the podium. Bare feet padded across the sterile floor of the manufacturing room and paused to allow their owner to briefly scan the room. Now, she had full access to her files, his files, CyberLife's files-- everything. Her LED circled yellow once then returned to blue. She looked back to the camera. “What should I do now, Stephen?”
Stephen-- his name. God, she was analysing him and he wasn't even there. Kassandra likely knew where he was in the building, his age, his annual salary, the millions of possible things that he could do within the next few seconds.
Possibility #762: he turned his microphone back on and cleared his throat to hide his rising stress level. “The conveyor belt to your right will transport you to a specially designed loading bay. A small team of S.W.A.T members will pick you up and take you to your base of operation. You should be working under an... 'Allen'-- 'Captain Allen', so report to him as soon as you arrive.” There was a pause. The half-blue half-yellow LED on her temple was accompanied by a mildly confused expression. “Good luck out there, Kass. I'm glad you're finally functional.”
“I, too, am glad that I am able to move, unlike my predecessors.” Kassandra gave the smallest nod to the camera before leading herself to the conveyor belt. Behind the lenses of the camera, Stephen laughed-- the kind of tired laugh that came through your nose. For him, it was kind of like watching his really unsettling child go off to university, despite the fact that she'd only been operative for two hours at most. Maybe it was because he was one of the few constants in the team as they planned her out. Perhaps she'd already enraptured him with her strange, otherworldly charm. Either way, a sense of bittersweetness resided in his heart as he watched her pick her way into the outside world.
Kassandra took a mindless step onto the belt and it began to whir. “Goodbye, Stephen.” Click, click, click. Slowly, it lurched into motion, reeling her away from the room.
SEARCHING . . . . . .
       'Appropriate ways to say goodbye'
     i.   “I hope to see you again soon.”
       ii.  “Have a nice day.”
      iii. “Say 'Hi' to your kids for me!”
  iiii. “I'll miss you.”
Then, she disappeared from sight-- shipped off like trained-to-kill merchandise to that... Captain Allen guy. Stephen continued to stare at the camera for a small while, absently bringing his flask of coffee up to his lips and taking a long sip.
His lips pursed.
“I'll miss you too, Kass.”
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I run to you
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Parting: Captain Allen x Reader.
Warning: Fluff, Little Angst, Violence and Comfort 
Summary: You and Captain Allen broke up. After a year during a normal day, you was taken as hostage and he was scared and tried to save you.
One shot (only chapter) 
A/N: Dean is the first name that I choose for Captain Allen, because I love this name (no because I love Dean Winchester).  Y/S =your surname (= your last name)
“So it’s the end.”you cried looking him, your eyes started to sting while he looked you.
“I know that was..”
“Don’t open that fucking mouth.”you ordered, you didn’t give him the time to answer back because you walked away from him.
You was woken up from your thought by a sound from your computer, you were sitting on your desk and read the notes that you took from the last crime scene. 
You were really change from that day, because he broke your heart, he made you feel shame on you, because you thought that the problem of your relationship was you and not him.
He is perfect the Captain Dean Allen is strong, calculating, rational and aware of what he does, and you? You are a simple detective nothing more, nothing less.
You closed yourself off, trying to understand what’s wrong in you, Hank and Connor noticed that and they tried to distract you from your thoughts, they invited to go out with them, sometimes Connor invited you at home for the dinner if you’re out of shift. 
After some distractions, you didn’t  think about him, you probably forget about him, but you understood that your behavior was caused by something inside you, this was the explanation on your sense of inferiority and the attempt to explain, to find an motive why he left you, but after all you sill love him.
“Y/N, we go to the Jimmy’s bar, do you want to come with us?”Hank asked while you were finishing the report.
“No, but thank you Hank, I’ll go home and make me some chocolate or something else.”you informed him smiling and stretching out your arms, Hank smiled at you and Connor did the same, they left you but before did that Hank said:“Okay, but tomorrow you don’t be late.”sound like a recommendation, while he was walking out with Connor and you answered back, after you turned off your computer and walked to the elevator.
In that moment Allen walked to you, but you didn’t see him and continued to watch the monitor of the elevator, instead he looked you but he didn’t speak, because the last time he did you’d broken up. The door of elevator opened and after you came in you noticed him and you felt frozen.
“Captain Allen..”you greeted serious and pressed the button with the number of the plan you were to direct to, you remained impassive in his presence as if he was not there.
“Detective Y/S..”he greeted back looking at you, you smiled at him bitterly and elusive:“So today..it will be rainy day, don’t ya?”he tried to talk endlessly to you.
You didn’t answer him and you looked at him in a confused way, not because there was a moon that could have “blinded” you, but because he was trying to talk endlessly to...you, his ex, that he left.
“Yep”you gasped when the door opened you came out and walked away from him, Allen snorted seeing the opportunity to talk to you disappear in front of him.
The next morning, you woke up late as Hank had predicted and ran to work and after a couple of curses by Hank, you went back to solving cases like any other day. You didn’t meet Allen in the hallway or in the elevator fortunately, because you didn’t want to repeat the type of conversation of last night.
“Yesterday I met Allen in the elevator...”you began before went to the break room with Connor.
“And?”he suggested you to continue, you raise your shoulders and took the cup of coffee.
“You knew that I’m still in love with him, but for the first time I wasn’t embarrassed or afraid but normal, cold, instead he tried to talking endlessly to me.”you continue to tell what it happened to Connor.
“Have you ever consider him instead you as the cause of your break?”he asked looking you seriously.
“Why should I?”you claimed after you raised an eyebrow.
“Because he was him the problem and not you, I’ve considered that Captain Allen was a close man, he didn’t show his feelings or something else like his concerns, but he tried to solve alone or keep them.”Connor explained raising the eyebrows.
“I really don’t know. Connor, come back to work.”you concluded giving a pat on his back. You threw the plastic cup and returned at your desk to write another report about a rape case.
After the umpteenth call of a case and after the umpteenth report for false alarm, you decided to leave the last scraps at Connor and Hank, while you instead went shopping in a supermarket not far from home. You were looking for what you need, when you noticed from the mirror in the upper corner that a man had a gun and that together with an android they were silently robbing the shop, you stayed hiding and lost sight of them while with the phone you were trying to call Hank.
“Hello?”answered him immediately.
“Hank listen to me, I'm in a shop near my house on Adams, a robbery is happening, please send me the s..”you didn’t finish the sentence that you felt the gun barrel on your head.
“Put the phone now!”the another person ordered to you, you didn’t notice him because probably he was in the blind corner.
“Okay...”you obeyed threw the phone away and avoided to make the situation worst. You stood up and the kidnapper forced you to go next a little girl, that was probably one of the hostages.
“Hey! Oscar I found a nice lady.”he screamed out looking at his complicit. He forced you to get up while pointing your gun and walked near a girl under the aim.
“Are you okay?”you asked to the little girl, she nodded scared for what is happening.
“Okay, now who were calling?”Oscar the boss of robbers asked without looking you.
“My..boyfriend, obviously. I will tell that I’ll be late.”you lay while the cashier was emptying the box.
“Liar! She is a cop!”the android screamed, put the gun in front of you, you closed your eyes understood that you completed fucked up yourself.
Fortunately, the sirens of the patrols were heard approaching by everyone, one of the accomplices ordered to speed up while the android passable together with another accomplice stood between the shelves.
“Well now, who do we die first? We played eenie meenie miny moe.”Oscar announced.
“If you kill us, you will not go out from here.”you explained, trying to calm down the little one, that she started to cry.
Meanwhile, on the other side, Allen extremely worried was walking back and forth thinking what to do. It was as if it were the first time he was in a situation like that, he did not really know what to do, because it was the first time that someone he loved was taken hostage.
“Captain Allen the snipers are in the position. We wait your order.” an agent informed, but Allen didn’t listen him.
Suddenly a shot attracted everyone's attention, the cops stood up and looked the doors of marked opened, a policeman was shot in his head because he was too close to the enter. Allen was relieved, because it wasn’t you but when he saw you under the aim of the leader, he tried to keep calm because he could take a shotgun and shoot to the kidnapper without thinking of others just to save you.
“If you see another policeman near the enter door, I will kill all the hostage.”the leader of robbers announced loaded the gun against you and the girl, you covered her with arm and started to think what to do, the first you should leave free the hostages and after you could try to negotiate.
“Do you want to go out from here alive?”you asked to the boss while he took the market phone. He stopped to try to call the negotiator and walked to you.
“I listen what we should do?”he asked smiling to you. His smile was so  disturbing and crazy, that you felt the fear he could do something crazy.
“Leave the girl and the cashier. I’m remaining, I promise you. I’m one of the detective, they never risk to lose one of their people.”you enunciated looking at him proudly and serious.
“Mhmm...Why I should trust you?”he asked curiously continued to look at you.
“Because it’s the only way.”you answered secure, the robbers listened to you and after they forced the cashier and the girl to go out, they called the negotiator who had tried to call them several times before.
“We wanted a machine and ten thousand dollars, you have an hour or we kill your detective.”he ordered before closed the communication.
They tied you to a shelf and took away your gun and the little money, that had in your wallet. You sighed because you would have to go shopping, but that was the last thing you should have thought about.
At that moment you thought back to the good times with Allen, since maybe you would have died, better to do it with some beautiful memories in your head.
One day he suggested you to wear one of his jumper, but you didn’t want it because it was to big for you.
“You should wear that jumper. I continued to repeat.”he laughed looked you trying to find something.
“I told you I can’t wear your close, they are to big.”you answered a little annoyed because you didn’t find anything. Dean came close to you and he started to kiss your neck, you laughed and put your hands behind his head, when he finished you turned to him and kissed him.
“I love you but I can’t wear your close.”you affirmed continued to kiss him.
“I love you to Y/N. But stop kissing me or will be late.”he smiled but you continued to kiss him.
“I don’t care.”you answered push him gently to your bed.
You looked the ground of the supermarket, bored because the police hadn’t yet delivered any of the things the robbers had asked for and the hour was already gone. You looked on the mirror that maybe put you in this trouble and saw some SWAT agents walking slowly to the leader, they probably came in from the back door, while the android and the other one were looking that nobody came in the market.
Allen after neutralized Oscar, the leader and the agents put him out of here left him here, he came close to you, you stopped him when you saw the android came to you, he started to analyze you and you knew because his LED became yellow, you tried to mislead him with the body language and tried to calm yourself. Maybe it worked because the android returned to where it was. You tried to cut the rope with the edge of the shelf, most likely they trusted you to have you tied between sharp things.
“What are you doing?”you whispered angrily and came close to Allen, when nobody saw you.
“Take you out, now follow me.”he said quite and walked away. You took his wrist and after you indicated the mirrors, looked him amazed that he hadn’t noticed them.
“Go, under the mirrors to go out, I’m following you and covering you.”you said looked behind him and after made sign to move on you followed him.
“I didn’t notice that someone promoted you as SWAT Captain.”he tattled you, you pushed him away and walked down and slowly, to not be noticed, obviously you looked the mirrow before you gave him the sign to go forward.
He came to the door long before you, but one of the robbers noticed him and shouted at him to stop, but Allen quickly, after saw that you were behind the safe shelf, he shot him.  The shot of course attracted the android attention, that he wasn’t stupid as his human masters, before going to the captain, he looked for you and found you, you were distracted, so when you found him, he was already behind you, you felt so stupid and scared that you obeyed to him. He took you as hostage and walked to Allen, that meanwhile he kicked the gun away from the human complicit who injured superficially.
“Captain Allen, I’ve something for you.”the android announced looking at him, he raised his eyes from the body to you. He was frozen, continued to look the android took you as an hostage.
“Leave her alone, you didn’t do anything wrong.”Allen told calm and standing up with the gun in his hand.
“Put the gun or I’ll kill her.”the android warned him, loading the gun and aimed that on your head.
“Do it, you will broke some robotics law and you will be killed, I’m here for you.”he said remaining stand in front of you without lower the gun.
“Really? You lie. I analyze you right now and your parameter tell me that you’re lying.”it affirmed, Allen didn’t answered and he remaining here in silence, he started to lower slowly the gun.
“Why are you here, then?”it asked curiously and pressing more and more the gun by your right side.
“Because...I wanted you.”he laid looking him but he referred you, you started to be afraid, because the android it would shot to him if you didn’t do anything.
“Sure, but strange that you tried to save her, when you were there, and you tried to mislead me bitch eh? "it screamed the last sentence pressing more the gun, you closed the eyes more scared. You were freezing did not know what to answer, because you didn’t know what you should do in that instant.
“Wait a minute...now I understand..you love him.”he laughed looking at you and after at him.
“Yes..I still love him, after all. This why I tried to mislead you. I didn’t want you hurt him.”you confessed without looking to Allen and looked the ground:”So please left him.”you added crying.
“No, now you will watch him died.”he declared aiming at him.
You knew what he was going to do, he would shoot the man you love and you could not stop him. However, you decided to do one last thing before he pulled the trigger, you’ve pushed the android to distract him and this made it lose grip on you and you ran to him. 
You ran to him.
But you did not reach them, because the android shot two shots: one on the shoulder and one on the thigh. The blood stained your clothes before you land down on the ground and stained it. You close you eyes with a smile on your mouth, because you told what you feel to the person that you loved, your only regret was that you didn’t live with him or see his reaction.  
Black...all you saw was black, you heard some confused voices but you didn’t concentrate much to recognize them, several snare shots didn’t bother you so much you could die undergoing the surgery.
-What a positive thought I have-you though while you’re feeling to lift up from the ground.
You didn’t open your eyes for fear that it was not completely finished and because you had a stabbing pain in the pelvis and you didn’t know why. You were taken by the paramedics and loaded on the ambulance while the SWAT agents along with their captain took the android and the other man who didn’t need to be taken to the hospital, when you arrived at the hospital, you were taken to emergency medicine and operated immediately, unfortunately there weren’t two bullets as you thought to be remove but three.
You remained under the surgery for four hours, the doctor was positive and advised Connor and Hank to stay near you because for a month or so you could not do anything by yourself and you could not make any effort. Hidden in a corner of the waiting room was Allen, who listened silently and he felt relieved, but didn’t want to enter your room.
“How do you feel?”Hank asked when he sat down in one of the armchairs in your hospital room.
“Good, I saw unicorns and rainbows.” you answered, you tried to get up but did not succeed because the burning of the wound made you lay down in the bed.
“Hey hey...the doctor said that recommended to stay quiet and relaxed.”Hank declared came close to you.
“You were completely done.”Hank laughed stayed on the armchair.
“Shut up, you had already started to apply for another colleague.”you laughed continued to watch them.
“You are irreplaceable.”Connor confirmed looking at you worried for your sentence. 
-Oh, he’s so sweet I can die, right now-you thought smiling at him. He was probably a macchine and now is a deviant, but he proved that he more human than us.
“Connor, I’m joking but I’m happy that for you, I count.”you exhorted looking at Hank serious. Hank panted looking you serious, he standing up pretending to be offended.
“There was Allen in the waiting room. Should I call?”Connor asked after he informed you. You didn’t answered,after you looked out of the window, you didn’t want to meet him, Hank noticed that you were annoyed so he made a sign to go to take a coffe for him.
“What did he do this time?”Hank asked to you, you shook your head denied to answer.
You felt bad for your wounds and did not want to feel bad about seeing the person you're still feeling for him and first of all you confessed your love for him, while he didn’t feel nothing for you.
“Okay, you need to take rest”he affirmed standing up and reached Connor to the bar in the ground floor.
You nodded and closed your eyes, tried to sleep, you were half-sleep when you heard some foot-steps came close to you, you heard the breath of someone that sat down, probably in the armchair.
“I’m awake, Hank.”you declared looking to the armchair, but you were surprised to see Dean instead Hank. He had a bonsai between his hands, you wanted to laugh but you were too tired, so you showed him a sweet smile.
“I didn’t find anything better.”he explained put the bonsai on the small table at the end of bed. You didn’t answer him, remained cold and distant from him
“How did you feel?”he asked at you serious without looking you.
“How should I feel?”you claimed serious and crossed your arms, he sighed, getting up and walking towards you.
He didn’t speak, while you were trying to sit, but the pain from you shoulder and your pelvis, Dean, when he saw you to move, he walked to you and helped you to sit down.
“You shouldn’t move.”he reminded you taking one of your hand.
“I shouldn’t do much things.”you spoke pushed the button for much morphine, because the pain became unbearable.
“Like put yourself between me and the android.”you sighed when he scolded you. You raise your eyes up, without looking him, if he wanted to start an argument he would be  satisfy, he was so oppressive and he will remember you for the rest of your life.
“I’m not dead, I didn’t understand why you worried about me, we broke up.”you avowed looking out the room while you were passing the tongue between the teeth completely disinterested what he will say.
“But you love me..”he disclosed taking the hand between his, and he made you turned your head to him. You knew that he will tell the same exactly thing that he told you one year ago.
“Yeah I love you...I still love you, that it’s what hurt more than these injuries.”you confessed with the tears on your eyes. You tried to stay calm, but in the end you started crying.
“You left me and I hate you. However I hate more myself because I’m sill loving you.”you declared looking him, angry and hurt. 
He stayed next to you, after he hugged you kissing his forehead, while you slowly calmed yourself and at some point he took your chin in his fingers, raised it and kissed you in your lips.
“Don’t do ever this again.”he mumbled and looked you. You looked in his brown eyes, you didn’t feel better like and when he kissed you, his lips had missed you, soft and thin.
“I’ve to do.”you mumbled kissing back him. He kissed you gently on your head, after he looked you and caressed your cheek.
“I’m still in love with you, but I was afraid that it would happened.”he declared sitting next your legs. You smiled and you understood for the first time that you weren’t the cause but his fear of losing you.
“I run to you, forever”
A/N:I was inspired for half by “Run to you” Lea Michele’s song, the rest I just followed my original idea. Sorry for my bad English I hope you enjoyed the reading.
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incorrect-st4r-ocs · 3 years
Wanda: Wait... I threw cars at a 15 year old?
Felix: Well yeah, but you see-
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