#captain laserhawk imposter rayman
aftonsocks · 9 months
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thinking about Imposter Rayman..and Ramon
I dunno if the replacement was a clone or not but I’ve been thinking about it 🙇‍♂️
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dandelionsprout42 · 11 months
Captain Laserhawk episodes 4 through 6 review (Mid-major spoilers)
I am so damn confused after finishing those episodes. There's at least 30 unanswered questions.
References I spotted (I likely missed several): • Crazy Taxi (More on that further below). • Sega-CD FMV games. • Metal Gear Solid 2. • Arachnid from Transformers Prime (Easily the best Transformers media). • Rayman Origins. • Any horror movies where girls chant menacingly. • Earthbound?
Why didn't we get to know who the imposter talkshow host is? E06 made it clear that it's likely not an intangible hologram. There also really only was one Rayman in the dimension they came from (Shadow Rayman doesn't count).
I don't know a whole lot about Splinter Cell lore, so I'm not sure why Sam Fisher had both legs amputated from the knee down.
The Crazy Taxi system feels like something People's Republic of China and Saudi Arabia would literally copy 1:1. Including the electroshocks and apparent sleep deprivation.
How many VR worlds (Dimensions?) are there in this lore by now?
What kind of beach bar only serves 1 drink type?
Why could the Warden turn into a mecha-spider? Surely cybernetic upgrade programmes alone can't explain that.
The map showed 5 or 6 megacities and 1 desert. I'm pretty sure one city can't cover the equivalent of a third of the Midwest each.
There's no info about other countries' diplomatic relations to Eden. Surely Canada would have some diplomats and crises with Eden or something.
With various characters dead at this point, who's going to fill out the hero team if a S2 does get made? Ly the Fairy? Betilla? Globox? Ajay Ghale? TrackMania Car? There's very few options left.
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Been having some chats with friends and fellow roleplay partners lately about how I portray CLH Rayman/Ramon. Seeing a post from a fellow Captain Laserhawk fan earlier inspired me to make a post about how I portray the guy.
The way I write Ramon is that yes, he's got a bit of a gruff attitude and mostly wants to be left alone but if you put him around those he trusts, he tends to show a softer side. He's not afraid to be silly around his friend circles. He's even willing to let those he trusts call him by his name and won't correct him when they don't call him Ramon. Behind closed doors he is a colossal goofball and you can see some traits he shares with canonical Rayman. He allows his friends to tease him. He will take it in stride. (Unless you are Murfy, then he gets the newspaper and starts beating him with it after a certain point.)
Ramon adores kids still. If you put that man next to a little kid that shows they want to be friends with the guy, he melts! He'll spend so much time entertaining the kid before he has to head out. Always breaks his heart when they have to leave.
Put him with a romantic partner and he still goes head over heels for them like his canon counterpart and even when he was still a show host. He still keeps a lot of those goofy traits when you put him in a relationship. Giggle fits? Constantly getting heart or star eyes? Will literally go to pieces? Yes. He can be protective of his partner, but when you put him in a position where they are in trouble, he does a lot of crying and worrying over them. He also knows how to use puppy dog eyes against them and WILL use them.
Ramon is a lot weaker than his canonical counterpart due to losing most of his power after he fled Dimension X. The only power he's got left is his helicopter hair which he used frequently to escape dangerous situations. He cannot use his helicopter hair as effectively when his hair is slicked back, so he will flip it back into the tuft position to use it. His punch is as weak as when the Robot Pirates destroyed the heart of the world back in Rayman 2. He had to rely on the guns because he cannot throw a punch like he used to. He has to train to get that back. He can still lift quite a bit, but that does not compare to his weak punch.
He still has a few of the bad habits, but after a certain point, he tries to get them under control. He's smoking a lot less thanks to friends buying him either gum or hard candies to curb the cravings. He's not drinking as much and it takes a LOT for the guy to have a relapse. He doesn't drink anything stronger than wine, cans/bottles of beer, or champagne on special occasions. He's completely off the hard drugs.
Ramon loves music. Sometimes you'll hear him sing when he's doing household chores. When you put a guitar in his hand he will play for hours, especially when he's got a lot on his mind. He does have a tendency to get so lost in the playing that he won't realize his fingers are raw until you get him to stop playing. He'll then go hunt down an ice pack from the freezer.
He still loves food and sweets. He still eats quite a bit. Good way to snap him out of a slump is to get him some food. Going out of your way to either cook for him or get him some take out would mean the world for the guy. Getting him some sweets also brings a huge smile to his face.
The Ramon I wrote actually got away with killing the board of directors and rescuing Bullfrog. A lot of his work for the resistance is covered up by Eden because they don't want word getting out that an imposter/copy Rayman is running around. So they are trying to catch him quietly. Anyone coming forward to report his crimes are usually silenced or told "There is no imposter Rayman." If that news got out, it would not look good for Eden or the current replacement voice. Evidence is altered to remove any presence of Ramon or kept as vague as possible.
Despite his current record, there are some places within Eden that will allow him in and will even protect him while he's there. He's earned a number of favors from certain establishments or people within the city for helping them out.
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aftonsocks · 9 months
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Rayman au?! I think Waaah my head is full of them help
Anyways remember that one character from an rayman game?- that looked like rayman- if anyone were to replace Ray it would be him..
Enjoy some doodles
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