#cardinal t-square
venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Observations Pt 7.
Credits: @venuscnjunctpluto
* Jesse’s Lilith is in Billie’s 12th house. This is such scary synastry to me because you don’t see how the Lilith person can be manipulating you or even trying to seduce you.
*scorpio risings have something noticeable about their ‘glabella’ (space in btw the eyes specifically the smooth area above the nose I had to Google it lol) I notice Scorpio risings have glabella’s that protrude which makes their eyes even more noticeable and intense. And it makes them look like a skunk lol (ex: Taylor swift, dita von teese, Natalie Portman, Chaka Khan, and Sydney Sweeney)
*moon square Venus people are the epitome of Candy Heron in mean girls. They end up in friendships and relationships that worse their emotional well-being. It’s usually summed up to them not being able to be themselves around their “friends” or partners.
*libra risings have pudgy noses with smaller nostrils while Aries risings have defined noses with larger nostrils. You can usually guess these two by their noses
*Capricorn rising women 🤝 elaborate ponytails, long braids, bangs idk their hair gives off power puff girl vibes
*the way Pisces placements get talked to is ridiculous to me. People will talk to them like literal children which is very demeaning.
*simone biles just got married congrats to her! Her husband has so many prominent cancer placements and 0 degree libra mars. Civilized cardinal placements have such big husband/wife energy it’s insane. Very romantic and taking the time you learn you as a person. They also have Venus trine Venus, mars conjunct mars, moon conjunct moon synastry 💕
*kelis is the perfect example of a Leo dominant. She wears so many vibrant colors, dyed her hair often, and always carried confident aura.
*I notice Scorpio Venus women defend plastic surgery and those who get it. I know three of them who defend the kardashians like crazy (even though ppls problem is the lying about surgery but anywho). I think it’s bc they would get plastic surgery as well if they could.
*venus-uranus/aqua Venus placements make friends so easily it’s insane. They’ll get reposted on social media a lot as well.
*Ik this guy with cupido conjunct mars and he’s a huge flirt and player. I have cupido conjunct mars and I think it attracts players towards me it’s been so many situations a guy has tried to hide his player tendencies but I always found out eventually. I think this is a red flag placement🚩🚩🚩🚩
*i have cupido in the 8th so does Barack Obama, Ryan gosling, Rihanna, Monica Bellucci, Elizabeth Taylor, Cardi B. This might be a very seductive placement these ppl probably go all in when they’re attracted to someone. Or they might use their sexuality to get their crushes.
*zoe kravitz playing Selina Kyle and having Venus conjunct pluto makes sense. She can pull off darker looks and I notice women w this look like cats. Ryan destiny is also a good example of this.
* a lot of my celeb crushes I have their Venus in my 1st. Matthew Gary gubler, Rob Lowe, Prince, Johnny depp, Cillian Murphy etc…the house person can admire the Venus persons’s style.
*uranus-asc have something unique about their appearance and usually it’s a cleft chin (ex: Ben Affleck, Troian Bellisario, Adele) I have this aspect as well and I have one
*virgo venuses 🤝 wearing black clothes and glasses
*sag venuses 🤝wearing goofy graphic t-shirts
*hilaria baldwin has a sag venus and obviously that’s a indicator of being into other cultures. I notice ppl who tend to be fixated on or appropriate other cultures have sag or aqua venuses *insert timothee chalamet’s rap video lol*
*in defense of Austin butlers sexy voice…a lot of Taurus risings have voice changes or issues. Miley Cyrus’s voice has gotten incredibly deeper as well because she developed a condition. Unpopular opinion I think his voice just changed😭
* Saturn-asc and people thinking you’re older bc you are reserved. They’re the kid who sat down quietly and read books or knitted while everybody else was running around. Even when we have other carefree placements our Saturn-asc makes them barely noticeable at all during first impressions. We also love vintage clothing (ex: Keith powers) I saw a similar post but I agree that this can make someone’s rising traits develop more as they get older. As an Aries rising I didn’t start working out or asserting myself more until I got older.
Stars with Venus-asc tend to be really charismatic and funny during interviews. (Ex: Rihanna, keke Palmer, Megan the stallion, and lizzo)
*saturn-sun people have very strict fathers or male figures who tried to control them a lot growing up. This can make them very hard on themselves as they get older and I notice a lot of lawyers have major Saturn aspects.
* two prominent stem malfunctions (challenger explosion and the Columbia explosion) happened during Aquarius season
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mistyresolve · 1 year
| His Foresight - Simon “Ghost” Riley X Medic!Reader (Part 3)
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Word Count - 3.7k
Summary - It’s been a couple months since you last had contact with Lt. Simon Ghost Riley. While you are repairing your tarnished reputation, Simon is on the other side working from the shadows and doing everything he can to take back his words. It isn’t until the three-month marker that you finally face him again, this time you’re willing to hear him out. If only because you guys are going to be team members.               
Tags/Warnings - Blood and Injury, Depictions of war and violence, Explicit Language, Character Death, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Maybe a little bit of angst, Mentions of childhood trauma
A/N - as we near the end of this storyline I would like to thank everyone for their love and support and I appreciate every one of you guys 🤍🤍🤍  I am also going to post a brief POV from Ghost later, and one more part, two at tops.   
Part 1 ❤︎ Part 2   
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It had been a month since you last spoke with Ghost and since then you learned three things. The first was that he truly was a ghost. He haunted hallways and existed only in rumors and whispers. He made himself seen only when he wanted to be. For the rest of his assignment, he kept his distance. You figured since you have yet to see him it was because he was better at spotting you first and turning in the other direction. Soap would still drop by and fill you in on the latest 141 gossip. It didn’t go over your head that Soap never had any gossip about Ghost. Never once did Soap mention him. Whether Soap figured out that something had gone down on his own or forced it out of Ghost himself was a mystery. You didn’t have the energy or care to ask. 
The second is that whatever he had been previously telling the higher up was either rescinded or someone had put in a good word about you. If it was Ghost or not, you also didn’t know. Nor did it matter if it was him, the damage was done. You put your hand up for every opportunity, followed every rule, and every patient that came to you left you with positive feedback. You were an HR dream.     
The third was that you missed his company. Even a month after you were still fuming, still ready to rip his tongue out should you see him again. Still heartbroken and yet some part of you still missed Ghost. You kept a very tight leash on that part of you and squashed it beneath your boot. How was it fair that his fuck up, and his selfishness resulted in you losing a friend. It wasn’t, and that’s what you were most bitter about. 
After two months, you have decided to let go of the anger and hurt. It wasn’t going to help you now. You kept yourself preoccupied with work and more work. You were still based in the new camp, now dubbed Fort Cardinal, which has since become one of the biggest bases.     
You were just leaving the mess hall after breakfast when you were intercepted in the hallway. 
“L/n?” the private asked.
“Yes?” your brows furrowed. 
“Crawford wants to speak to you. He’s in his office.”
Crawford was the commanding officer, and when he summoned someone to his office it could mean only a few things. Most of them were bad. You pivoted and headed towards HQ. You might have taken the scenic route too. Pausing at the entrance to Crawfords office.  “Sir,” you stood by the doorway waiting for your CO to acknowledge you, “you requested I come to see you.” 
He looked up from the files splayed out on his desk, “Take a seat.”
You pulled out a chair opposite him, your palms began to sweat and you wiped them on your pants. Racking your brain to try and remember if you had done something wrong, or inappropriate, but came up blank. 
“How many years have you been with us?” he questioned, folding his hands over the papers.
“Four, Sir,” you straightened your back and squared your shoulders.    
He stared at you for a second, his face hard, before nodding and looking back to the papers. They were your files. A collection of reports and logs and records, “It’s of my understanding that you’ve voiced your desire for a transfer.” 
“Yes, Sir.” 
“Since your enlistment, your peers and superiors have had nothing but good things to say about you. Your records show that you excelled in both the field and the classroom. Never missed a work day, never late,” he began listing things off from the note in front of him. You couldn’t tell if he was impressed or irritated, and it was psyching you out. He paused as he flipped through, “Have you fully recovered from your injury?” 
“Healed like a dream,” you offered him a tight-lipped smile. It did, after the first couple of weeks you were back at work in full force. 
“Good to hear,” he flipped a page back so it was facing you, “Any idea what this might have been for?” It would have looked the same as any other report aside from the fact that it was entirely redacted. Whatever was written beneath had been obscured by a thick black line. 
You leaned forward, your smile fading into a frown. You shook your head, “I have no idea. No.” This was the first time you saw your files all laid out like this, so you were just as lost as him. Whoever redacted it must have been of higher status than him if even he didn’t know. Then again, you weren’t sure about what happened behind closed doors. You met his eyes, trying to read what he was thinking and when you couldn’t you wanted to melt into your seat. 
“There’s been an opening,” he leaned back in his chair, “Aerospace medicine has requested a combat medic. It’ll be a one year contract. Should you take this position you will be sent out for a three week training program and your first assignment will be right after that. ”
If it weren’t for those four years of service and learning that people like your CO didn’t like a show of emotions you would have hopped around his office. So, you remained silent, waiting for him to continue. 
“The captain of Special Task Forces 141 has requested you himself for their next mission.”
Your heart dropped.  
“Captain Price?” you echoed. Maybe it was a different 141. 
“Correct,” he waved a hand, his patience shortening, “Yes or no?” 
“Yes,” you answered before you could think it over, and he excused you before you could process your answer. This was what you had been asking for, what you were working towards, and now that it had been offered to you you were left uneasy. Working with the 141 was an honour and a nod to your capabilities. It also meant working with Lt. Simon Riley. You couldn’t unscramble your feelings about the implications. 
You determined that professionalism would yield the best outcome.  
You were packed and heading out for your training by lunch.    
When you entered the briefing room, it was as relaxed as you expected from the 141. Which was not at all. The air was thick and sober. You were half an hour early and still the last to arrive.
“Morning,” Price stepped around the table everyone was surrounding. 
“Good morning,”  you replied, making your way to the table. Laswell met up with you during your training to give you a rundown on what to expect. You were going to be their combat medic, yes, but you could fight and shoot just as well as any other soldier. You even had the grounds to brag about your close combat skills. Laswell was visibly pleased when you told her your dad forced you into mixed martial arts when you were ten years old, and could take down a full-grown man like he was a bag of flour. 
You scanned the table and the map splayed out was a replica of the one Laswell had provided. You tried to hide the smile and pointed to the empty medicine vial on the map, “Is that supposed to be me?” 
“Aye,” Soap puffed his chest out, “that was my doing.” 
When you looked up at Soap, you purposefully ignored the large burly man dressed in all black beside him, “Creative,” you noted how Ghost seemed to shrink back into the shadows at your indifference towards him. 
Soap had actually picked everyone's avatar, a sniper bullet, a lighter, a toy skeleton, and an angel wing that looked like it used to be a necklace, and a battery. You couldn’t decide whether to laugh at the figurines or the fact that everyone accepted them. 
Price ran through the plan, the target, and his expectations of everyone. He revealed that the target was going to be “Cameron Rowe” , a former sergeant turned rogue. His headshot was stabbed into the table with a knife. You recognized it as Ghosts, the blade usually fixed to his thigh. 
“Since we have no real idea as to where Rowe will be we’ll be splitting off into teams.”         You had to suck your lips into your mouth to keep from making an argument when Price moved your vial next to the skeleton on the map.  “Soap and Laswell with nest at the top of these two buildings,” he pointed to the two highrises in front and behind Rowe’s apartment building. “Doc and Ghost will take watch at the port,” he dragged his finger to the loading docs, which was usually Rowe’s meeting place. “Gaz and I will be tailing his informers and hopefully, catch them in the act.” 
You had a sneaking suspicion they stuck you with Ghost was to balance out the teams. Ghost was a one man army, you were basically going to keep him company. Or so they thought. You didn’t plan on sharing a single conversation with him, and you knew you could easily hold your own. The 141 had plans of not only taking down Rowe but finding out whoever he was working with. So, they couldn’t just pick him off in his apartment building. 
After the briefing and everyone knew their role people started to filter back out. You stayed behind to speak with Price, having a few questions of your own.
“Captain,” you started and he turned back around, “Why ask for me?” This assignment was only temporary, you weren’t a part of the 141, but Price could have picked anyone in the world to help with this job. 
“I read your file,” he closed the door behind him, coming to meet you by the table again, “You have an impressive background, and it makes me wonder why you chose the medical field.”
You were at the top of your class for both basics and medical school, so it was a genuine curiosity. He also probably had access to your life before enlistment, “It’s what I wanted,” was the only answer you could give him, and it’s the only one you had.
He hummed, his eyes turning to slits, “Then why agree?” 
“I’ve been waiting for something like this since day one. How was I supposed to say no?” You’ve been waiting for an opportunity to show your versatility. This mission might have been overkill but it was what you wanted. Beggars can’t be choosers. 
“You’re a strange one,” Price crossed his arms over his chest, “You’ll fit in great,” he looked like he had something else to say but changed his mind. He tilted his head towards the door, “Better go and get some rest, we leave at 0400 tomorrow.”   
You nodded, parting off with a “Thank you,” before heading to the door.
“Can we talk?” Ghost was waiting outside the door when you left the room. 
You shot him a blank look, “About?” you kept walking down the hall not waiting to hear his answer. 
He followed after you, “I want to apologize.” 
You exited the building and met with a blast of the hot sticky air of summer, the sun was getting low in the sky, “Go ahead, Judas” you turned to him, making eye contact with his chest. You gritted your teeth when you had to look up at him, “I’ll keep it civil for the sake of the mission but I don’t want to be your friend.”
His shoulders loosened as if he had just received the best news, “I understand,” he shifted back on his feet, his tired eyes scanning the area, before returning to you, “I was out of line. I was mixing private affairs with work, I see that now. And I’m sorry. I was being selfish and I wasn’t taking your needs and wants into consideration. So, if you’ll give me some grace and let me show you how good I can be.”  
“Keep your fingers out of my business and I’ll think about it,” you quipped. 
He lifted his hands before him, splaying his fingers out before curling them into a fist, “They’re put away,” he might have broken your trust and crossed you but he was still the friend you lost and missed. He was going to have to work for it either way. This was a start.    
“We can talk more later,” where there were fewer listening ears and watchful eyes. “I’ll come to you when I’m good and ready. For now, just stay away from me,” you’d think after 3 months you’d have figured out what you’d say to him, but you didn’t. And tomorrow you were going to be trapped in a room with him, so you were going to have to cross your t's and dot your i’s tonight to present them to him for tomorrow. 
He physically flinched at the dismissal, but he took a step back, providing you with space, “Of course.”  
Your chest twisted at the sight, you didn’t like treating him like a disease, but you refused to let it blind you of the truth. Still. You sighed, cursing yourself for what you were about to say, “Thank you, for apologizing.” 
His eyes crinkled in the corners and you could have sworn they gave way to a smile. The awe-worthy occurrence was sadly hidden underneath his mask. You rolled your eyes at him before pivoting and walking towards the barracks.      
You sat with Laswell on a stray crate on the tarmac while you waited for the rest of the team to arrive. The two of you just people watched, with her occasionally pointing someone out and telling you a little about them. This guy was grounded a couple of weeks ago because he arrived at work still drunk from the night before. That guy had a crazy, entitled wife. 
The chopper started its engine and was ready for lift-off at exactly 0359.   
“Doc, about our talk yesterday. I also figured you want to take part and get some revenge for yourself,” Price bellowed over the sound of the chopper, and he ducked below the propellers. Realization sprung to life in your chest. Price had asked for you to be on this mission because you had something to gain from it. This Rowe guy, this squealer had been the one to rat out the convoy to the enemy. He was the reason you were injured, and the reason Butters was dead. This wasn’t the sleight of hand of Ghost but Price. It put your nerves at ease and allowed you to be a little less angry with the former.      
“I appreciate it, Sir,” you nodded at Price.  He clapped a hand over your shoulder and hopped into the helicopter after you. Being squished between Price and Soap made you feel a little safer with the fact that there were no doors on the heli. Ghost took his spot on the side of the heli, letting his legs hang out the side, his gun at the ready. Gaz sat opposite him and Laswell adjacent to you. Her pack and gun took up an entire seat. She reached into her front pouch as the heli lifted off the ground, pulling out a chocolate bar. Your mouth watered. Chocolate was hard to come back at base, people traded whole MREs for one bar. Soap handed you a headset for the chopper just as she noticed your drooling expression. 
“If you promise you can get an appointment with the chiro, I’ll give you some,” she waggled the bar in front of her, a trade.
“I know both the chiropractor and the masseuse,” you countered. She made a look of delight, before reaching into her pack and tossing you your own bar. 
Oh, you liked her.    
You stuffed the back into the small day pack at your feet, saving it for later. Acutely aware that if you opened it here at least two people on this aircraft would put their hand out for a piece. You eyed Gaz and Soap. 
The helicopter had been an hour's flight, and they had landed on a field. Without permission, you might add so you had to be quick on the exit. A line of blacked-out SUVs and trucks was waiting for a quick escape. Price ordered everyone to join up with their duo, and head to their discussed position. 
Ghost strode for one of the SUVs, opening the back to place his pack and guns. He stepped to the side to allow you to do the same and closed it after you. He was spinning the keys around his finger when he turned to you, “Who’s driving?” 
You didn’t respond, instead, you opened the passenger door and slid in. From the side mirror, you could see him look up at the sky, take a couple of deep breaths, then clasp his hands together before moving to enter the car. He was silent the rest of the way, his attention on the road. Even through the mask, you could see his jaw tighten and flex. 
He parked the SUVs at the back of the building, between the wall and another vehicle. He lead you into the building, a warehouse or collection center of some sort into the offices on the second floor. He pointed out exit routes and potential areas to hold our position. The gravity of his pointing stuff out like that said a lot about how he thought this mission was going to pan out. The thought should have frightened you but knowing that the Ghost was fighting on the same side as you had the opposite effect. The office he brought you into was already vacant, with nothing but an empty desk and a chair on each side. He locked the door and placed his gun on the desk, and informed Price over the radio that we were in place. You made your way to the window, pulling one of the vanes down to peek outside. The window gave a good view of the entrance of the port and a decent view of the sea cans.       
“How long will he have to camp out here?” you asked, letting go of the blinds. 
“The day. Maybe into tomorrow,” he shrugged, as he started pulling things from his pack, “Depends on Rowe, really. Price and Gaz have the biggest probability of catching him. Laswell is going to be our eyes in the sky, and Soap already has access to the cameras in Rowe’s apartment, and a couple in this harbour.” 
You took a seat in one of the swivel chairs, “And you?” 
He paused, his eyes refusing to meet yours, “I’m more for after we catch him,” he cleared his throat. The question made him awkward, he didn’t want you to know what exactly it was that he did. You had your ideas and presumptions already but his hesitation had you second guessing.   
“You the one who’s going to get the information out of him?” he picked up one of the blades he had laid out on the desk, turning it over in your hand. He watched you, following your movements with predatory grace. 
“Is that why I’m here?” you continued, “To make sure he stays alive long enough to give you that information?” He was the butcher and you were the surgeon. A strange dichotomy. 
He stilled, “I don’t want you to see it.”      
“It”, being what he was going to do. What he was trained to do. What he was good at. You placed the knife back on the table, pushing away with the wheels on the chair. You prepared yourself for the upcoming confession. Playing this out in your head last night was way easier than actually doing it.  
“You know, I think you and I have very similar pasts,” you looked down at your hands, at the lines and curves etched into them.
“Don’t say that,” he shook his head, and his shoulders rolled forward. 
“I also think we took very different paths, though,” you saw it in his eyes the moment you met, the wounds that were too deep to see on the surface. It was why you understood him, and why you were going to forgive him, “You don’t have to hide it from me, Riley. I’ve seen the worst in humanity, and I know that you are nothing like them”  
You didn’t think he was breathing, didn’t think he was in his body. When you met his stare, his eyes were wide, and his pupils were pinpricks. You stood up from the chair and walked to his side of the table, “Can I touch you?” 
It was barely noticeable but he nodded. You wrapped your arms underneath his arm and pressed your cheek to his shoulder. He immediately returned the gesture, his arms encircling your shoulders, his one hand reaching up to cradle your head to him. He released a shuddering breath, and if you closed your eyes and focused hard enough you could hear his heart hammering against his chest. 
“There isn’t anything you can do that will make me think you're a monster,” you whispered into his shoulder, “Aside from maybe sabotaging my career,” it was almost a joke. 
“Noted,” you could hear the smile in between his words. Feel the relief thawing his muscles. You pulled back just as Soap and Laswell confirmed their position. Ghost took a step back himself, “We should get set up.”  
He pushed the desk so it was against the same wall as the window, propping his gun onto and looked down the scope to the entrance of the port. 
You settled down and at the end of the desk, it was going to be a long, boring wait. You set to counting the bullets in the magazine Ghost pulled from his pack if only to find something to distract yourself. You were elated when he pulled a deck of cards from his pack and the two of you played a couple of rounds of poker, then switched to go fish. There was also the occasional chatter about what each other did in the three months you were separated. The both of you had become incredibly busy. 
It was nearing dusk by the time anything of importance aired over the radio. 
Price’s eager voice came through, “Ghost, Doc, we’re following the informants to the port. Be at the ready.”    
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Part 3.5, Part 4
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A/N - the sniper bullet is Soap, the lighter is Price, the toy skeleton is Ghost, the angel wing is Gaz, and the battery is Laswell. Also, also, Price is definitely playing Cupid.
Tag List - @thychuvaluswife ❤︎ @shuttlelauncher81 ❤︎ @marytvirgin​ ❤︎ @stickygumchewer​ ❤︎ @lauraliisa​ ❤︎ @jungcoccc ❤︎ @lovelyladymayyyy​ ❤︎ @lululandd​ ❤︎ @chrissyfishywissy​ ❤︎ @naxxsstuff​ ❤︎@sididakra-jo,   @yukisawer​ ❤︎ @q8852p ❤︎ @lostinsideourminds ❤︎ @kat-nee
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
week of april 14th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: you're on a post-eclipse wind-down. no matter what happened last week, although of course you must deal with it, i hope you are resting! the astrology is helpful with this - rest, nourish, it gives you strength.
taurus: mars sextiles jupiter and uranus in your sign, and meanwhile mercury in its retrograde conjoins your ruling planet venus. okay, mercury retrograde is not a crowd favorite. but overall this is auspicious for you; any change you need to make can be made. avoid grand actions, and actually avoid any action if possible, but make plans now to execute in a few weeks' time.
gemini: if you have been despondent or bummed out about mercury's retrograde, it does at least accomplish some nice little conjunctions. try to use the time well, even if it means spending a lot of time in your head. you don't have to go driving all around or sending a million emails to be productive.
cancerians: cardinal (especially aries) vibe rages on. but with that said it is a good time to beautify your public image. even if you don't go posting your headshots all over your linkedin or whatever, take a nice photo today, see how you feel. you can post it later or not. or now! or not. but at least see how it goes, or something similar if social media isn't pertinent to your social status.
leo: jupiter-uranus makes you a public persona. if you have wanted to develop an online presence, a political shift in the world, a legacy of any kind, sudden "viral" yet positive outbursts are likely for you around this week. you just have to give it the first little push.
virgo: although it is still a somewhat wild time it's actually a pretty sturdy period for virgoans, especially those with closer affinity to ceres than to mercury. if there is something you need to do or learn, it is a great time to lock in and get it done!
libra: venusian nodal activity means you're still not quite done with eclipse themes. hopefully that's not dreadful; hopefully it means great things are coming for you relationship-wise. there is also a jupiter-uranus conjunction in your 8th house, bringing positive changes to intimacy, magic, and/or shared resources.
scorpio: relationships are a very major focus at this time, with a lot of (mostly positive, try not to worry) changes but the end of the week also features a sun-pluto square in fixed signs. pluto is your ruling planet, but it is in aquarius at this moment. so these two bodies may well make a T-square to any natal scorpio points. it is uncomfortable but it brings about transformation, which in the end is kind of your whole deal.
sagittarius: the long-awaited jupiter-uranus conjunction happens in taurus this week. taurus is not a sign you are likely to feel much natural affinity or understanding with. but jupiter is your ruling planet - this is the biggest thing affecting you this week. try to live a little bit like a taurean, but one who embraces change and all the electricity alive in nature. be outside touching grass literally. the miracles then come easier.
capricorn: most modern astrology has you painted as something like a miser or suited up businessman but you're still the old god pan at heart. this week's jupiter-uranus conjunction brings that out of you - let it.
aquarius: even if you stay at home, the weirdness finds its way to you. so there's no need to alter your plans, although if you feel compelled to do so it won't hurt or keep opportunities away either. besides, weirdness has always suited you. this week's style of it is bold but benevolent. this is one of the last major uranian things of this uranus in taurus age, so enjoy it.
pisces: most of this week's events, large as they are, affect you only indirectly. have patience with others who are deeper in the trenches. not that compassion is any real difficulty for you. if you get the chance to volunteer to help someone it is good to take it.
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bivht · 2 years
Astrology Observations Part 2
🎃People with 3rd house stellium look really cool driving vehicles i.e. cars, motorbikes. Especially if they’re also earth dominant.
🎃People who lack earth in their chart are unstable and can have horrible balance. They trip so easily😭. Especially if there are harsh contacts with mars. I’m looking at you Mars-Neptune and Mars-Mercury people.
🎃Earth doms are stable, play pushy games with them and they won’t budge. They are also quite rough even when playing around.
When I said stable I was talking in a literal sense lol but they also have their sh*t together.
🎃Mars square saturn people are so unintentionally rough people. These people can’t seem to express anger or playfulness in a healthy way. Also, they seem to struggle with getting started on something and procrastinate a lot. They also have a hard time getting out of a ‘down in the dumps’ mood. Mars rules all action and Saturn restricts that. It can be a depressing aspect.
🎃Air energy always overrides water energy. I swear their ability to dissociate from any emotions they’re feeling is almost sociopathic. Almost.
🎃I didn’t say this in previous notes but 🔞NSFW🔞. People I know with prominent sexy asteroids in their chart such as eros(433), sirene(1009), lust(4386) etc. have more confidence than fire energy istg. You need to be confident to know you’re hot. And they KNOW they’re hot, for sure.
🎃Moon+Mars in the 1st house are gorgeous af. The energetic, action oriented mars with the caring, emotionally reactive energy of the moon in the 1st makes such a magnetic personality. They radiate ‘fun but not reckless’. You can probably imagine the androgynous features this combo gives as well.
🎃Mercury opposite/square Neptune🤝hearing ‘I’m sorry but can you repeat that’ 24/7.
TW: narcissism?
🎃Undeveloped cardinal placements and their narcissistic traits:
Aries- thinks they’re always right (will do whatever reckless thing they want to do at the expense of everyone’s worries).
Cancer- thinks they’re always right (will emotionally manipulate you into believing their point, play the victim🥺).
Libra- thinks they’re always right (will lack empathy for all of your problems, thinking they’re being diplomatic and a mediator in said situation, no emotion involved).
Capricorn- thinks they’re always right (these mf will interrupt you when you’re trying to argue your point💀🖐).
🎃Chiron in the 7th house people struggle with relationships a lot and get a lot of unnecessary hate for it. Suffice to say they may grow up as an anti-people person and prefer to be alone.
🎃You better believe Scorpio mercuries are batsh*t crazy and love them for it.
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 month
2024 Aquarius Full Moon
Monday, August 19, 18:26 UT, 27°15’ Aquarius
Chart erected for Washington, DC
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The key phrases for the Full lunar phase are “culminate, fulfill, illumine, manifest;” and “pour all our efforts and energy into our intentions.”
The first thing to notice is how little Cardinal sign energy there is - if we take out Lady Asteroids, Centaurs, and TNOs, there’s nothing left!! (Only the Nodal axis, which isn’t involved in anything.) So we’re dealing with things that have already been set in motion - we don’t have a lot of “push” to start anything new.
The Full Moon is part of a tight Fixed sign grand cross. The Leo Sun is conjunct Mercury Rx and Vesta, giving it a scholarly bent. An Aquarius Moon is usually going to require some emotional distance. It’s sensitive to crowd dynamics; and being opposed to the Sun, Merc, and Vesta, we have some long-standing issues between being our unique selves, and feeling alienated from the crowd.
Uranus/Taurus squares both ends of the Full Moon. It’s stationary at the moment and will go retrograde in a couple of weeks - this greatly concentrates the energy. Surprise events irritate what balance we have between authenticity and community.
The asteroids Pallas and Lilith, in Scorpio, also square the Full Moon, and oppose Uranus. We need to do some deep psychological digging; it’s a smart idea to use our anger and alienation in constructive ways.
As if that weren’t enough, there’s a tight mutable t-square as well: Venus/Virgo opposes Saturn Rx and Nessus Rx in Pisces, all of whom are squared by Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. Some really rancid sexism already is beginning to emerge - consider the statements of US vice presidential candidate Vance about the roles of women. Mars and Jupiter together is cocky; and in Gemini, that cockiness issues forth verbally. Mind your mouth! Try for more generosity of spirit.
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elminx · 9 months
Energy Update: January 2024
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January is a "9" month [1 (January) + 8 (2+0+2+4=8) = 9] in an "8" year. Though we are on the edge of something new - both represented by some of the astrological transits of the month and the beginning of a new year - we still have some stuff to wrap up before we can truly move onwards. A lot has changed since the beginning of 2020 - everything really, if you want to look at it that way. As our lives slowly bend and adapt to the changes that have been wrought in the world, we still have to live in it.
Numerologically, 9 is our last number as each multi-digit number gets added back together again. In this way we know that February is a 10/1 month: 2 (February) + 8 (2023) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. February is not the beginning, but February is a beginning. Now we just need to get there.
The Details
We begin January with the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio, Jupiter and retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. This is an unusual alignment of planets and worth noting here. We know that the Sun, Mercury, and Venus travel together but right now they are being joined by both Mars and Pluto as they cross over Sagittarius and Capricorn this season. Additionally, our other planets are congregated together as well in Taurus and Pisces. It's also worth noting that all of this (/crazyhandwaving) began four years ago when all of our planets except for Uranus and Neptune were in the sign of Capricorn.
This month the last of our planets from this 2020 transit, Pluto, finally leaves Capricorn for good. This is one of the big gong crashes that denotes time. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2043.
Additionally, our Sun enters the sign of Aquarius, and Mercury, Venus, and Mars will enter the sign of Capricorn. January also marks the end of retrograde season for the next four months as Mercury and Uranus station direct.
The Nitty Gritty
January begins with a bang as Jupiter stations direct on 12/31/23 and Mercury stations direct on 1/1/24. This is a great omen for both January and 2024 as a whole as the first day of the month/year will set the stage for the energy of the time ahead. All signs point to "go" as we only have one single planet left in retrograde (Uranus). Uranus also stations direct this month (on 1/27); we will not experience another planetary retrograde until April.
That said, many of us are still carrying some of the weight of our pasts and it may be hindering our progress. As mentioned above, January is a "9" month of endings that will lead to February being a "10/1" month of beginnings. In this way, January can be seen as a series of releases that can help to unburden us of the things that we do not need to bring with us into the future we see ahead. This process may be triggering for some, especially those who are lost in the past or unduly holding onto something that has passed its expiration date.
The big release dates to watch out for include: 1/1 when Mercury stations direction, 1/4 when Mars enters Capricorn, 1/11 our new moon in Capricorn, 1/13 when Mercury enters Capricorn, 1/20 when BOTH the Sun and Uranus enter Aquarius, 1/23 when Venus enters Capricorn, and 1/27 when Uranus stations direct.
Any of the above dates can be used magically to speed this change along if you are so inclined. Each of these days may be a relief or triggering depending on your life circumstances and general personality. Stay prepared and aware.
There are also a few days of the month where life may seem to "help" you along on this release process, whether you wish it to or not. As our personal planets move through the sign of Capricorn, each will make a cardinal t-square with our lunar nodes of fate (in Aries and Capricorn). Each of these transits will carry with it some of the energy of eclipse season. Some doors may open during this time and some will inevitably close. When the lunar nodes are involved we sometimes find that it is too late to make certain choices, but also that new and interesting choices have become available to us. Our Sun will form a t-square with the nodes on 1/10, Mercury will on 1/28, and Mars will on 1/30. In February, Venus will form one final t-square to complete this process.
For transits like these there is one simple piece of advice: don't hold on too tightly. With our North Node in Aries, we are being asked to stand up for ourselves and that often means letting go of prior conditioning from our childhood or society that keeps us small and forces us into conformity. This can trigger a lot of deep-seated defenses and unhealthy coping mechanisms from our past. The big flex is to name it and bring it into the light rather than letting these things control or destroy us. If you have Aries or Libra in the 12th house this may be especially difficult for you, but this makes this work especially important.
Chiron, also sitting in Aries, shows us that being our unique selves can be quite a painful process. Each of our personal planets will also square off with the Wounded Healer during this time and each of these dates (Sun square Chiron on 1/6, Mars square Chiron on 1/25, and Mercury square Chiron on 1/28 plus Venus in February) is another chance to reexamine our core wounding surrounding standing out versus fitting in. This shit leads deep back into our childhoods and often is the center of our deepest fears. If you are into shadow work, these topics will likely prove especially fruitful during these times. A word to the wise about Chiron: the way out of the pain is always through examining it and learning to understand and create adaptive strategies for management and mitigation. Many people who have Chiron highlighted in their natal birth chart find that healing "out loud" helps them to deal with and make sense of more ouchy moments like these.
In this way, the month may feel very cyclical. You see a way forward and grab for it. It's painful beyond what was expected as it sparks deep wounds. From there the work is to transcend and release the wounds. Rinse and repeat.
It's certainly not work for the faint of heart. But that's not a surprise, we're in Capricorn season - a sign known for almost being compelled to work. This isn't the summer work of planting seeds, tending, and bringing them to harvest. This is the winter work of reexamination and reclamation. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is sitting in a supportive sextile in Pisces to help us along in this process but it WILL be work. The big flex all month is to keep moving, to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and to keep on keepin' on. With some many chances, you CAN get it right.
Our two lunar events for the month are a new moon at 20° Capricorn on 1/11 and a full moon at 05° Leo on 1/25.
The new moon will be more supercharged as 1/11 is 111 reflecting an influx of 1/new beginnings energy which will also be in close square to our lunar nodes. If you do not set intentions for the year on 1/1, 1/11 will be another strong time to do so. The new moon's numerology is 2/2 [2 (10 Capricorn Sun + 10 Capricorn Moon = 2), and 2 (2 Capricorn new moon + 9 January = 11 = 2] which shows that it is a powerful day for creation and togetherness.
Our full moon in Leo carries the energy of 7/7 [7 (11 Aquarius Sun + 5 Leo Moon = 16 = 7) and 7 (7 Aquarius full moon + 9 January = 16 = 7]. 7 is the number of spirituality and is generally associated with intuition and inner understandings of all kinds. This is a great day to divine on your journey through January and will aid in any magic designed to align you with where your path is leading you.
If you're looking for a day to do money magic or other prosperity work in January, Friday 1/12 is your day when Mars in Capricorn is in exact trine with Jupiter in Taurus. Work that earth money magic - Capricorn is seeing to their future and Taurus loves the finer things in life. This is a big luxury day - this is a day to treat yo' self even if you're not doing any magic. But do that money magic if you've got it - earthy trines like this don't come around every day.
I see two days to watch out for during the month.
On Saturday, 1/20, the Sun meets up in its yearly conjunction with our planet of death and transformation, Pluto and they both enter the sign of Aquarius in lockstep with one another. This is a big change of the guard and it's likely to be reflected both in the outer world at large and in our personal lives. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn for more than a decade and its force has been slowly eroding our outdated systems of government and bureaucracy. Now, it shifts its gaze to Aquarius where it will remain until 2043.
Pluto moves on a glacial scale so we shouldn't expect to see the effects of its ingress initially but what we should expect to see is the fallout of what has been left behind. Given the planet and its namesake, I use the term fallout very intentionally here. Capricorn rules the governing systems of our lives; in truth, it rules all things that are contractual like government bodies, businesses, and even marriage. Anything that requires signing a contract is in some way controlled by Saturn and Capricorn as Saturn's emissary in this world. Pluto has been shaking up these systems for quite some time and not all of them will survive the release that comes as our dwarf planet finally exits the scene.
Sometimes you don't know how bad the disaster is until it's over and the dust has settled. I would expect to see governmental shutdowns, businesses failing or entering bankruptcy, and the dissolution of marriages as the energy slowly begins to shift away from Capricorn and into Aquarius. In this sense, any structures that are held on by a thread will be most at risk through the beginning of the year. If this is you and it impacts your life specifically, I will guide you back to the words above: Don't Hold on too tight.
Sometimes things need to fall apart. Sometimes you can't pick up the pieces.
The second day of interest is 1/29 when Mars in Capricorn meets up in trine with Uranus in Taurus. I have found that it is best to keep an eye on when these two planets meet, regardless of the aspect that they make with one another. Mars is our planet of action and war and Uranus rules the unexpected disaster. This is Tower weather; it is best to do less and avoid any overt dangers if you can. It's a day to stay away from explosives of all kinds. Uranus in Taurus is especially eruption-prone, make of that what you will. We are nearing the end of Uranus's transit of Taurus (something that we should be very grateful for) but it's not over until it's over.
January is the cosmic right time to put in the work to better your life. January is the cosmic right time to take accountability for where you are the problem. January is the cosmic right time to let that shit go so that when February rolls around, you are ready.
The Details
1/1 - Mercury stations direct 22° Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (repeats on 10/28) 1/4 - Mars enters Capricorn 1/6 - Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/8 - Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces* 1/9 - Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/10 - Sun in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra, cardinal t-square 1/11 - New moon 20° Capricorn 2/2, Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (repeats on 11/3) 1/12 - Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus 1/13 - Mercury enters Capricorn 1/15 - Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries/sextile South Node in Libra 1/18 - Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/19 - Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 1/20 - Sun enters Aquarius, Pluto enters Aquarius, Sun conjunct Pluto, Mercury exits their post-retrograde shadow 08° Capricorn 1/23 - Venus enters Capricorn 1/25 - Full moon 05° Leo 7/7, Mars in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/26 - Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/27 - Uranus stations direct 19° Taurus, Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus, Mercury conjunct Mars 17° Capricorn 1/28 - Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, Mercury in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal t-square), Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/29 - Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus 1/30 - Mars in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal t-square)
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growwithmeastrology · 6 months
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Monday, April 1st 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon in Capricorn ♑️🌍
It’s back to work day and the Moon has entered the stable and hard working sign of Capricorn to support that. We have several transits however that may make you want to just stay in bed for one more day.
The Cap Moon will square the Sun in Aries which can cause irritability, emotional pressure and inner tension. As if that wasn’t enough, today we officially enter Mercury retrograde in Aries. This energy is all about revisiting, reflecting and revising. In Aries it will make things slow down greatly and since it’s Mercury, it impacts all forms of communication. Be sure to dot your I’s, cross your T’s and if you’re writing to your ex, be sure that’s really what you want before letting that back into your life. Expect travel delays, technology issues, overall confusion, disagreements and potentially challenging news. It’s the universe’s way of making sure you really want what you’re going after.
For some better news, Venus will conjunct Neptune in Pisces helping us see the beauty in things. This energy is great for new relationships, spiritual bonding and increases compassion for others.
The Moon will sextile Mars in Pisces which will add some drive to the energies and later will sextile Saturn in Pisces which adds stability and discipline.
It’s a tug and pull kind of day. I’d go light on the April Fool’s jokes. They may backfire. Emotions will be all over the place so be nice to yourself, be kind to others and allow yourself plenty of time when going out in the world. 💫
The signs most affected by this retrograde are Virgo and Gemini risings, all Aries placements and the rest of the cardinal signs too. Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. If you have major placements in these signs, reach out. I’m happy to help you navigate through it.
If you enjoy my daily forecasts please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ get or DM me for a consultation.
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darksaiyangoku · 8 months
RWBY x Garo: Into the Fire
Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns. Yet by the blade of the knights, Mankind was given hope.
A crowd booed and jeered, pelting Jaune with stones, dirty clothes and rotten fruits and vegetables. He could do nothing but grit his teeth and bare the pain as he was dragged across the streets by the inquisitors of Vale. Small tears were forming in his eyes and his face tensed from trying to supress his sadness. He felt like a failure. It was only his second mission and he had already made a mess of things. His "trial", if you could even call it that, didn't allow for him to defend himself. Every lord and lady threw accusations of witchcraft against him, for which he could not rebuff thanks to the sways of the young priest, Cardin Winchester.
The inquisitors stopped in the middle of the city and dragged Jaune up to the pyre, bounding him up tight. Walking towards him with Cardin, dressed in a wine red robe and a a golden emblem of the cardinal bird on his back.
Cardin: *smiles sinisterly* Good people of Vale, we have gathered here today to witness justice! *points to Jaune* What we have here is a witch! A heretic servant of the Grimm sent here to uproot our peaceful lives and bring damnation upon us!
The boos of the crowd grew louder. Jaune hung his head, not wanting to face the humiliation.
Cardin: Thanks to our fine inquisitors, we have captured the witch and now, we shall send him back to the depths of hell where he belongs! *turns to Jaune* Do you have any last words to say before we cleanse you?
Jaune glared at Cardin, his eyes bloodshot with anger. Cardin simply smirked and lit the pyre with a torch. Jaune heard the cheers of the crowd as sweat began dripping from his skin and the heat was becoming intense. His lungs were filled with the toxic smoke and he coughed violently. It was pitiful. Jaune couldn't believe that he was dying like this. Suddenly, the cries of a horse alerted the crowd and a woman riding on horseback leapt into the town square. She quickly dismounted and, using only her fists, started to beat down the inquisitors one by one. Cardin drew his knife and tried to attack, only to be disarmed and knocked down. She turned to the pyre and raised her hands, splitting it so that it wouldn't crawl to Jaune. Walking up to him, she cut open the binds and caught him as he fell into her arms. With a sharp whistle, she called her stallion and jumped into him, riding off with Jaune in toe.
They rode for an hour until they stopped at the woods. The mysterious stranger dismounted again and let go of Jaune, who was still in shock at the whole ordeal.
Jaune: Um, thank you mademoiselle. Not many people would've raised their arms to save someone like me.
Stranger: Well unlike them, I actually have a heart. Watching an innocent die like that is sickening and the fact that they have the nerve to cheer about it. *clenches fist*
Jaune: I am truly grateful. *bows* May I ask your name?
The mysterious woman unhooded herself, revealing light tanned skin, luscious golden blonde hair and bright eyes that resembled the lilac flower. Jaune immediately stood back, in awe at her stunning beauty. She gave him a warm smile and reached out to touch his hand.
Yang: My name is Yang Xiao Long. You could say I'm a kindred spirit of sorts. *shows Jaune a necklace*
Jaune: *eyes wide* T-That's a necklace from the Makai Order. Y-You're a Makai Knight?
Yang: *nods head*That I am. From now on, your life is mine and my life is yours. *touches his hand*
Jaune felt a warm sensation course through his body. Not one of hatred and death like the fires from the t,ial. but a soft and gentle warmth that reminded him of his role as a protector of mankind. From her pockets, Yang handed him another necklace. It was a golden yellow pendant in the shape of a burning heart. Jaune smiled and held the pendant to his chest. His will to fight had returned.
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thewomanofrevelation · 9 months
4 10
The Cardinal T-Square: Foundation of the Antichrist.
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alohaastro · 16 hours
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Moon transiting Cancer, Thursday, September 26th, conveys powerful manifesting energy through the intensity of your emotion and an absolute conviction of your belief that what you desire will be yours, as the moon sets up multiple aspects patterns which create a flow of supportive energy between planets, including a Grand Trine, two Kites, two Minor Grand Trines, a Mystic Rectangle, and a Castle, involving the moon in a cardinal water sign, Mercury conjunct the sun and South Node in Libra, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn. Mars in Cancer trine to Saturn in Pisces, as well as Venus in Scorpio, turns the desire into action, followed by the material realization. Three T-squares of tension and pressure: 1) moon, Venus, and Pluto 2) moon, Chiron, Pluto 3) Mercury, sun, Jupiter, Neptune, are bringing pent-up desire, frustration with blockages or disempowerment limiting growth and abundance, and divine discontent, together, to form a concentrated power punch of activating energy which is sure to gain momentum once it is unleashed. Jupiter in Gemini - a mutable air sign of multiple options - is today's pivotal planet which will determine what you manifest, and whether you are pleased with the consequences of your thoughts, prayers, words, and actions. Redirect the intense feelings over who or what you no longer want, toward intending and choosing conditions or things which harm none and are for the highest good of all, so you will ensure a good outcome for yourself, and others, rather than manifesting more of what you don't want.
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cheri-sources · 2 years
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Helpful RP TIPS ✨feat. beta editor
subject : how to make custom text colours && formatting.
using beta editor is a learning curve for those of use that are used to legacy ( rip ol' boi ) . you can say goodbye to all that beautiful custom formatting that gave your blog that PIZZAZ. . . . SIKE !! you can still do all that time consuming / wonderful formatting just as easy. there is a small work around but one you should be used to if you are using Roleplay Formatter ( view this tutorial here ) .
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⇧ this right here ? garbage. trash. colour choice is not the vibe. do better t/umblr. what even is that red ?? that green ?? CARDINAL SIN.
luckily for you, i'm going to show you an easy way to make your text colours match your blog aesthetic using icons && graphics.  
first youre going to want to pull up adobe PhotoShop ( PS for short ) or any other editing service you use for your icons / graphics. the most important part if that it uses the ' EYEDROPPER ' tool function. now assuming your icons / graphics ( i'll be using my icons as an example ), already have the PSD you want attached an active-- use the eyedropper tool on the colours you want to use. i recommend three for variety but you can do as many as you want. 
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keep in mind by default most people's blog editors have a white background. so using white text is not recommended. i personally like to use 1 vibrant colour && 2 muted colours because of eye strain. vibrant colours can be overwhelming for some viewers but you are welcome to do whichever colours you like. it is subjective after all.
now that youve selected your colour, consider having a notepad ready ( either digital or ol' fashioned pen & paper ) . at the TOP RIGHT side of the program in PS you'll see your colours, click the top overlayed square. this will open a sub-menu that shows you indepth stats. from there you'll see that EXACT colours HEXCODE. 
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go ahead && write down the HEXCODEs including the ' # ' sign. you'll plug in this code here in the Roleplay Formatter. ( the ' A ' symbol at the TOP RIGHT. ) from there another sub menu will open and you'll click ' More Colors '. that is where you will plug in your hexcode. while the editor is open it will save your colours, however when you close they will disappear which is why i recommend writing them down. but you can always just have PS open and copy & paste them from there. its a matter of personal prefenece at this point.
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and thats it. Thats the whole thing. take your now formatted and coloured reply, copy the source code and paste it into t/umblr's HTML editor ! play around with bolding, italics, capitalizing, && enlarging / shrinking specific words or phrases to give your reply that speical little OMPH !! you're on your way to being a pro, good job !
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russicnroses · 2 months
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Below is the second half of CHAPTER TWO of the second volume (58-127 pages) which consists of 69 pages.
PAGES: 58-59-60
Saya walks through the snow-covered streets of Petrograd, dressed in riding clothes, a sealskin coat, and a matching hat. She carries a sword concealed in her riding trousers. Today, she intends to revisit the city center, specifically the places where she first encountered the chiropteran and fought after the ball, despite knowing the Red Shield members have already investigated these areas. Unable to stay still once the blizzard stopped, she leaves the mansion.
Saya heads to the alley where she first encountered the chiropteran, recalling a piece of cloth she found near her sword earlier. Puzzled by it, she puts it back in her pocket, planning to ask Tanya about it later. Reaching the deserted and snow-covered alley, she finds no clues and shivers slightly, remembering her first encounter with the chiropteran.
Deciding to visit another location, Saya heads toward the canal and the Church of Blood, recalling the Red Shield mansion where she was attacked. She emerges onto a bustling main street filled with people enjoying the break from the blizzard. Overwhelmed by the sight of women in luxurious fur coats, she almost steps into the road, narrowly avoiding a passing carriage. Seeing an elderly man being picked up by the carriage, Saya suddenly feels tense. As memories return, she recalls that the man had watched her the day she fell into the canal and struggled to the shore, recognizing him despite her hazy memory from that time.
PAGES: 61-62-63
Saya realizes that the old man she saw might be the same person she remembers from before. She suddenly turns and runs after the carriage carrying the old man, startling the women nearby. The carriage enters the square in front of the palace and then goes around to the back of the Winter Palace. There, the old man and two men get off the carriage at an entrance facing the canal, which is more secluded and elaborate. Hiding in the shadows, Saya recalls that Felix and Dimitri mentioned that the Winter Palace is usually unoccupied, except for the Grey Cardinal, who is known for his striking silver hair and cold, beautiful eyes. She wonders if the old man has business with the Grey Cardinal.
Saya reflects on the frequent visitors bringing bribes to the Grey Cardinal and questions why the old man was by the canal at that hour. While she is lost in thought, one of the men who got off with the old man approaches her and asks what she is doing there. Caught off guard, Saya struggles to respond. The other man, noticing the disturbance, also approaches. Saya hastily makes up an excuse about getting lost and begins to back away, but her heel gets caught on the brick pavement.
As Saya braces herself to avoid falling, the sword she had tucked in her belt slips and falls. The men, seeing the large sword, draw their guns and point them at her, not giving her a chance to explain. At the moment they prepare to fire, Saya quickly drops to the ground and sweeps the legs out from one man, causing her coat to flare out. She then uses the sheathed sword to knock away the gun from the other man's hand and kicks it further away. Seeing the first man getting up, Saya jumps to the lower path along the canal, narrowly avoiding bullets fired at her.
PAGES: 64-65-66
Saya continues to run without stopping. Not wanting to hurt anyone. In a room of the Winter Palace, a young girl lay face down on a chaise lounge, lazily swinging her legs. The room’s master, Grigori, watched her without reprimand from his desk. The girl complained of boredom and buried her face in a cushion. Grigori, showing an unusual gentle expression, reassured her that their "work" would soon be finished, reminding her that Yuri had just said the same. The girl, looking up with one eye, mentioned she had been waiting for her toy. On the floor lay a bisque doll, its head cruelly torn off, suggesting the girl’s dissatisfaction. Grigori explained that they had been interrupted, but they would get what they wanted eventually.
The girl complained that Grigori seemed to be having all the fun, attending balls. Grigori clarified that he went to assess their "toys." She demanded to be allowed to play too, her innocent yet sharp gaze even momentarily daunting Grigori. He knelt at her feet, promising to prepare something to relieve her boredom. The girl’s face lit up, and she clung to his neck with a childlike innocence. Grigori warned against rushing things and summoned a young man who had been waiting silently by the door. Grigori gave the young man brief instructions, and he left the room. As his footsteps faded, the girl whispered seductively into Grigori's ear, asking if she could eat "that" yet. Grigori, chuckling, replied that it was still useful. The girl, losing interest, playfully bit Grigori’s earlobe.
Saya, meanwhile, caught a carriage at the outskirts of the city and returned to the mansion. As the sound of the carriage faded, she ran up the porch steps and reached for the door, which opened from the inside. Haji greeted her, showing a brief look of relief before smiling gently as usual, welcoming her back.
PAGES: 67, 68, 69
Haji, respecting Saya's wishes, allowed her to handle things on her own, only providing minimal assistance. Saya removed her coat and handed her sword to Haji, then found a piece of cloth in her pocket. Haji explained it had been wrapped around her sword hilt while she was unconscious, so he kept it. Saya couldn't recall where it came from but put it away, focusing instead on an old man who entered the Winter Palace with heavy guards, wondering what they were doing there. She asked Haji if anyone had returned, and he nodded, indicating that Kirill had come back.
Saya expressed a desire to visit the Winter Palace, but Kirill told her it was not easily accessible without a reason, like a ball. Despite their battles with the chiropterans, life went on as usual in Russia, with nobles indulging in luxury. Kirill had many invitations but none from the court, as the Emperor and Empress disliked social events. Saya felt uneasy but didn't want to trouble Kirill further. As she pondered, a carriage arrived, and the door to the next room opened. Valery appeared, followed by Maxim, who smiled at Saya. It had been a while since they met due to Maxim handling post-incident matters at the old house. Kirill, Rodion, and Eduardo greeted Maxim as well. Saya found it heartwarming that they cared about each other.
Maxim handed an envelope to Kirill, explaining it had arrived at the other house. Kirill accepted it, noting that it seemed fate favored Saya. He informed Saya that, after several years, a ball would be held at the Winter Palace. As Tanya tightened Saya's corset, Saya had a complex expression, contemplating the situation.
PAGES: 70,71,72
Saya learns that a grand ball is to be held at the Winter Palace for the first time in years, at the request of the imperial princess. Despite the dire war situation, frequent demonstrations, and energy shortages, the ball is still planned. Although Saya is excited about the event, she is also aware that Chiropterans have infiltrated the country. Nya reassures Saya by patting her waist, despite the difficult circumstances. Tanya, while fetching a dress, expresses her delight at the prospect of the ball, reminiscing about past events and assuring Saya that she will look just as beautiful. Tanya loves seeing people dressed up and happy, regardless of the reason for the ball.
Saya smiles wryly, recognizing that gatherings of people are also gatherings of information, which is necessary for Maxim's work. She has to attend the ball. Tanya gives her a dress, which Saya dons without realizing it has an even more revealing neckline than the previous one. The champagne blue satin dress emphasizes her bust with white lace motifs and is designed to cling to her body. The skirt is decorated with pearls and looks like flowers, with layered white tulle petticoats peeking out. Tanya examines Saya with pride, and Saya reluctantly accepts, noticing the dress is even more revealing at the back.
After Tanya leaves to fetch accessories, Saya slumps over the dresser, feeling an occasional overwhelming sleepiness, which she quickly overcomes. She knows the cause is her longing for blood, making her restless. Just before she is consumed by this hunger, a voice echoes in her mind calling her a "monster." Saya denies it. As the doorknob turns, she hastily sits up, not wanting Tanya to see her tired. She turns with a smile, expecting Tanya, but it is Haji standing there. He hands her a box of pearl and sapphire accessories that Tanya had instructed him to bring. While Saya struggles to find words, Haji approaches the dresser.
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Saya is trying to fasten a delicate necklace by herself but struggles with the clasp. Haji, noticing her difficulty, gently takes over and helps her. Saya feels awkward because it's been a long time since they were alone together, which adds to her discomfort.
As Haji fastens the necklace, Saya is acutely aware of his movements and feels unsettled by his touch. Once the necklace is in place, Haji comments on how beautiful she looks, which makes Saya smile. Suddenly, Haji bends down and kisses the nape of her neck, causing Saya to stiffen in surprise. This reminds her of Joel, who used to kiss her neck affectionately during special occasions when she was dressed up.
Haji's actions seem to be an imitation of Joel's gentle gestures. Saya awkwardly smiles at Haji in the mirror, but instead of smiling back, Haji looks down sadly. He then kisses her again, this time on the base of her shoulder blade, with more intensity. After the kiss, Haji’s eyes show a mix of sadness and regret. Noticing Saya watching him through the mirror, Haji quickly regains his composure, apologizes, and leaves the room, leaving Saya feeling bewildered and lost.
PAGES: 77,78,79
From his room, Haji watches as the carriage carrying Maxim and Saya leaves the mansion. He begins playing his cello, recalling the day his fate became intertwined with Saya’s. It was Joel’s birthday, and Saya had taken Haji to a corner of the estate, despite a party starting soon. Suspicious, Haji followed her to a cliff where a newly-bloomed red lily was growing. Saya proudly suggested giving the flower to Joel as a birthday present. Haji, having noticed Saya’s frequent walks around the estate, realized she had been searching for this specific flower.
Praising her find, Haji noticed Saya preparing to descend the cliff to pick the lily. Alarmed, he stopped her, but Saya insisted they needed to hurry to retrieve the flower before the party. The lily was halfway down the cliff, which was difficult to reach. Haji suggested they bring Joel to see the flower later, believing it would still make him happy. Joel had always valued Saya, despite knowing little about her mysterious condition that prevented her from aging. Haji reflected on Joel's care for Saya and his reluctance to entrust her to others, even fetching Haji personally from the Romani group to ensure she had a trustworthy companion. Concerned for her safety, Haji’s words were genuine, but Saya pouted and looked at him with frustration.
Compared to when they first met, Saya had become more receptive to Haji’s opinions, though she remained stubborn once she set her mind on something. Lowering her eyes briefly, Saya expressed that she had nothing else to give Joel. Haji wanted to assure her that Joel would be happy just knowing she cared, but he refrained from saying so. Saya wasn’t allowed to leave the estate, known as the “Zoo,” and had limited interactions outside of Haji and Joel. She felt compelled to do something special for Joel, unaware of the danger involved in descending the cliff.
Realizing Saya wouldn’t back down, Haji reluctantly agreed to retrieve the lily himself. Saya’s face lit up, making it impossible for him to refuse. Carefully, Haji climbed down the cliff, using skills he had learned as a child. The cliff was steeper and more unstable than it appeared. He thought about how dangerous it was for Saya to have attempted this in her dress and resolved to ensure her safety.
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Haji lets out a bitter laugh and tries to reach the red lily Saya is pointing at from atop the cliff. He warns her to step back as she leans dangerously close to the edge, but she dismisses his concern. Before she can finish her sentence, the soil beneath her feet crumbles, and she begins to fall. Haji manages to catch her, but the ledge they cling to collapses, sending them both plummeting to the ground below.
Saya calls out to Haji, who is relieved to hear her voice despite his injuries. He struggles to move, his vision blurred and his body unresponsive. Realizing he is bleeding heavily, Saya panics. Remembering that losing too much blood can lead to death, she frantically searches Haji's coat and finds a knife. She cuts her own palm and tries to feed her blood to Haji, begging him to drink.
When Haji does not respond, Saya desperately sucks her own blood into her mouth and transfers it to him through a kiss. Haji unconsciously drinks the blood, feeling a strange connection to Saya's urgent desire for him to survive. When Haji awakens, he realizes that Saya's blood has healed his wounds and changed his body. They rush back to the mansion, only to find it engulfed in flames, and a girl who looks exactly like Saya standing nearby.
PAGES: 83,84,85
Haji, while playing the cello with his eyes closed, feels a jolt as a string snaps, causing a thin cut on his hand that quickly heals. Since receiving Saya's blood, he, too, has become immortal, with any wounds eventually disappearing. Saya was initially sad when she realized this, biting her lip and holding back tears and words. Haji also remained silent, understanding her regret for giving him her blood. She felt guilty for unknowingly binding him with her blood. Haji remembers Saya saying she doesn't want to take any more of his time, which makes him smile bitterly, knowing she doesn't understand his feelings.
Haji sighs and looks at the moon. The palace square is bustling with carriages and cars. The Alexander Memorial Column, topped with a golden angel holding a cross, stands at the center, with the goddess of victory statue overlooking from the General Staff Building's roof. The carriages and cars form a long line extending to Nevsky Avenue. The lamps lit by the coachmen create a galaxy-like scene in the night sky. After days of blizzards, the extravagantly dressed people's excitement adds to the city's anticipation. Saya is also part of this excitement but is momentarily startled by a woman wearing a flamboyant hair ornament.
Maxim offers his arm to Saya, who accepts it with a gloved hand. They enter the Winter Palace, greeted by the grand Ambassador’s Staircase, made entirely of white marble with intricate gold decorations and archangels supporting columns. The landing's floor is a black-and-white checkerboard with a red carpet, creating a magnificent scene. Saya is awestruck by the high ceiling depicting Mount Olympus with Greek gods. She realizes the true meaning of dazzling beauty, finding it incomparable to other splendid places she thought were grand. At the goddess statue, the stairs split into two, with guests ascending either side, their dresses brushing and mingling. The sound of rustling fabric and murmured conversations echoes, making Saya feel dizzy. They pass through several rooms and enter St. George’s Hall, named after its marble columns facing the throne at the front.
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The scene is set in a grand, opulent room with golden columns and decorations, highlighting a throne adorned with crimson wallpaper and tapestries. Emperor Nicholas II sits on the throne, and beside him stands the Empress, dressed in elaborate court attire and wearing a long veil. Saya notices Cardinal Gregory, who helped her during a previous masquerade ball, standing nearby with his usual cold expression. Despite his somber black cassock, he stands out with his long silver hair. The Empress seems comfortable with him, indicating his high status.
Saya hears her name called by Felix, who asks her opinion of the Winter Palace. Saya finds it luxurious and overwhelming. Felix enjoys the crowd, waving to a young lady, and shows no concern for his partner. Saya inquires about Lord Dmitri, learning that he left due to urgent matters at the front lines. Felix notes Dmitri's bad luck in missing the ball but is ready to enjoy it in his stead.
Felix comments on the unexpected but welcome nature of the ball and notes the absence of someone from a previous encounter, referring to Haji. This makes Saya uneasy, recalling a kiss from Haji. Maxim asks Felix why he regrets Haji's absence, but Felix does not answer directly, instead giving Saya a knowing look before addressing Maxim.
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Felix playfully remarks that Saya seems unusually competitive when Haji is around, which he finds amusing. This comment surprises Maxim, who denies it, but Felix insists. Just then, Empress Alexandra and Grigori begin waltzing in the center of the floor, causing a stir among the guests. Older men, possibly military officers, criticize Grigori for dancing with the Empress, ignoring the Emperor and the current state of affairs. Some women, however, watch Grigori with fascination.
The Empress, captivated by Grigori, behaves in a manner unbecoming of her status. Even the Emperor does not intervene, merely observing. Saya thinks to herself that the rumors of the Gray Cardinal's control over the court seem true. As people begin dancing, Felix returns to his partner, leaving Saya to wonder if anything strange happened in the city while she was asleep. She notices Maxim watching Felix leave with a frustrated expression. When she calls his name, he apologizes and suggests they dance, his expression returning to normal.
Saya hesitates, recalling her previous discomfort dancing in front of a crowd and wanting to inquire about the old man and any unusual events in the city. Despite her reluctance, Maxim insists they dance, complimenting her previous performance. Saya, embarrassed, explains that Haji helped her last time, and Maxim teases her about being afraid without her chevalier. Saya denies it, but her voice reveals her unease. They notice people around them watching, and Maxim laughs softly.
PAGES: 92,93,94
Saya, with pouting lips and looking up, glares at Maxim, who is still lightly laughing. Apologizing for his teasing, Maxim suddenly becomes serious, placing a hand on his chest and elegantly bowing as he asks Saya for another dance. Wearing a white officer school uniform adorned with gold, Maxim's formal request leaves Saya with no room to decline. She curtsies and extends her hand, which Maxim takes firmly, guiding her to the dance floor. Maxim's graceful demeanor, despite his youth, attracts attention, with some women openly gazing at him. Saya, feeling like a background figure, notices that most eyes are on Maxim, except for one set of eyes she feels is watching her intently.
Saya tries to dismiss the feeling of being watched, thinking it's just due to the crowded room and Maxim's presence. However, the feeling persists throughout the dance. Maxim notices her discomfort and suggests taking a break. Although Saya insists she’s fine, Maxim leads her to a sofa at the room's corner, where he apologizes for pushing her too hard and goes to fetch a drink.
As Saya leans back and takes a deep breath, the music and conversations continue around her. She still feels out of place in the ballroom atmosphere and notices an unsettling feeling, like someone is watching her. Despite trying to convince herself it's just her imagination, the sensation of being observed doesn't leave. Determined not to rely on others, Saya slaps her cheeks to shake off the feeling. The couple nearby looks at her, startled, prompting Saya to leave the spot in discomfort.
PAGES: 95,96,97
Saya continues to feel uneasy, and Maxim hasn't returned yet. She tries to dismiss her discomfort, thinking it will go away if she steps outside. Quietly, she leaves the grand hall. The corridor she enters is quiet and filled with art pieces, suits of armor, and weapons, giving it the feel of a small museum. The walls and floors are richly decorated, making the place seem eerie and empty. The long corridor stretches into darkness, seemingly endless. Just as Saya considers going further in, she's suddenly hugged from behind.
Startled, Saya hears a child's voice calling her "big sister." She quickly turns around to see a small boy standing there, shocked by her sharp reaction. The boy, clinging to the hem of her dress, realizes his mistake, saying, "You're not big sister?" The boy, with fluffy blond hair and wearing a white military uniform, blushes and apologizes, explaining he was playing hide-and-seek with his sister. The boy resembles a miniature emperor, and Saya guesses he might be the crown prince.
The boy, Alexei, hesitates before confirming his identity as the crown prince. Saya smiles at his adorable demeanor, remembering he has hemophilia. Concerned, she asks if it's safe for him to be playing around, warning of the risk of injury. Alexei responds sadly, saying everyone tells him the same thing, even though he believes he's careful enough. He mentions that only his sister and Grigori understand him. Grigori, the boy's guardian, is likely dancing with the empress in the grand hall. Saya feels the boy's isolation and contemplates if it's right to leave him alone. Noticing her concern, Alexei pleads with her not to tell his mother, as he fears being sent back to bed despite finally having some fun.
PAGES: 98, 99, 100
Alexei doesn't want to return to his boring room, so Saya offers to join him in searching for his big sister. Alexei is thrilled and insists that she hide while he looks for her. Saya hesitates, unsure about running around the palace like children. Instead, she suggests they search together, which Alexei eagerly agrees to. He is excited, revealing that he hasn't spoken much with anyone else besides his sister and Grigori. As they prepare to search, Saya grabs his small hand, and Alexei blushes with joy.
Saya and Alexei start looking for his sister, who usually hides in a spot where Alexei can easily find her. They head towards the corridor Saya had previously hesitated in. As they walk through the palace, Alexei confidently leads the way through luxurious rooms, showing his royal status. They finally reach a quiet part of the palace, descending a secluded staircase into a large, lush greenhouse.
In the greenhouse, they see a beautiful moonlit scene through the high ceiling. Tall banana plants, palm trees, ferns, and various climbing plants create a vibrant environment. Looking down, they spot the Neva River’s surface. Alexei proudly explains that this special place was created just for him and his sister. Despite his calls, his sister does not respond, which seems unusual. As Alexei murmurs in disappointment, Saya notices several puppies emerging from the ferns, recognizing them as Chinese Crested Dogs from a previous tea party. Alexei tells Saya that Grigori gave him the puppies.
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Saya and Alexei continue their conversation about the Chinese Crested Dogs. A hairless puppy, different from the others, catches Saya's attention. Alexei explains that all the puppies, both the hairy Powderpuffs and the hairless ones, are from the same parent dog. He leads Saya and the dogs to an ancient-style gazebo and sits with the hairless puppy on his lap, while the other dogs play at his feet. Alexei mentions that the hairless puppy is always born with others that have thick fur to protect it. He remembers they need to find his sister quickly as she might be bored alone.
Saya, charmed by Alexei's affection for his sister, comments on it. Alexei blushes and shares more about his close relationship with his sister Anastasia, who is just a bit older than Saya and always plays with him. He admires her spirited nature, even though their mother sometimes scolds her for being too capricious. Anastasia had even arranged the ball that day through Gregory just so she could play hide-and-seek with Alexei when he got bored.
Saya realizes it has been a long time since she left the ballroom, and Maxim might be looking for her. She suggests returning as the Empress might be worried. However, Alexei insists on finding his sister first, saying his mother will be fine with Gregory. He refuses Saya's offer to accompany him, showing a youthful stubbornness. Reluctantly, Saya agrees but holds back from cautioning him further. As Alexei turns to leave, he hesitates and seems to want to say something to Saya.
PAGES: 104,105,106
Alexei, the young boy, speaks to Saya, requesting her to tell anyone who speaks ill of his sisters that they are wonderful and noble princesses enduring hardships because of him. Despite his anxiety and wounds, Alexei is determined to shoulder the burden of the country. Saya reassures him by promising to do so, which makes Alexei happy. Saya then reflects on the necessity to defeat the chiropterans that have infiltrated the country.
Alexei finds his sister, Anastasia, among a cluster of white orchids. She is wearing a pure white court dress with gold embroidery, which accentuates her blue eyes. A black panther, submissive to her, lies quietly behind her. Alexei, unafraid, runs to her and questions her about her whereabouts. Anastasia merely smiles and lets him rest on her lap, making Alexei forget all other trivial matters. They are compared to the angel statues adorning the Winter Palace as Alexei begins to talk earnestly.
Alexei shares that he spoke with a lady who helped him look for Anastasia and mentioned a dog story Anastasia had told him. It's his first time talking to a stranger. Anastasia, enjoying the conversation, remarks that ordinary individuals are mere prototypes sacrificed for creating precious ones, calling them foolish and adorable. As Alexei listens to her, he becomes drowsy from the sweet scent of orchids and falls into a deep sleep, feeling his sister's gaze upon him.
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Alexei recalls mistaking someone for his sister at first, despite noticing later that they had no resemblance and wore different colored dresses. Anastasia, stroking Alexei's hair, ponders why he thought that. As Alexei falls asleep, Anastasia sings a continuation of a song she had previously sung to him. The song reflects on searching for something elusive and a door that is always closed.
Anastasia reflects on the limitations of someone raised by humans, who likely can't even imagine that they can take on different forms. She then notices a young maid at the entrance of the greenhouse, searching for Alexei. The maid, recognizing Anastasia, instinctively steps back, sensing both beauty and a hint of fear. Anastasia smiles and comments on being hungry if she gets angry.
Meanwhile, in the morning, a crowd gathers by the canal. Saya, observing the crowd from an alleyway, sees a body on the canal's bank. The body is of a young woman, pale and resembling a wax figure. Maxim, a member of Saya's group, confirms that the body appears to have been attacked by a Chiropteran, a creature known to drain blood. Kirill notes that there were no unusual occurrences in the city the previous night, apart from a ball at the Winter Palace.
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As Rodion mutters, Edouard, who had been silent, speaks up, questioning why this incident in Petrograd was so sloppy if there were supposed to be collaborators. Everyone falls silent, including Saya, who can't figure out if there really are collaborators. The crowd starts to disperse as the police begin to move the body. Unable to bear the silence, Rodion bursts out, suggesting they all split up to gather information from the previous night. He immediately starts running, with Saya instinctively trying to follow, but Haji stops her, saying running around recklessly is pointless. Saya remembers there was no sign of the old man at the ball the previous night, and they hadn't obtained any significant information, yet this incident still occurred.
Saya, driven by a strong desire to pursue the chiropterans, is more emotional, while Haji remains calm. Maxim decides their assigned areas. Meanwhile, Rodion, who had run off recklessly, stops and realizes he hadn't consulted anyone. He mutters to himself that he never sticks to assigned areas anyway and felt uncomfortable staying in that place. He had wanted to leave quickly because Saya's troubled face was painful to see. Remembering the morning when they moved to the new mansion and saw Saya crying, Rodion recalls never having seen someone cry so close before. That morning, he had only been thinking about the chiropterans, not Saya's feelings.
Rodion is surprised that Saya cried. He finds her a mysterious creature, full of killing intent when fighting chiropterans, yet talking about charms and everyday happiness. Despite being a weapon, she is busy crying, laughing, and eating. He had been overwhelmed by her fighting with her red eyes shining brightly and blurted out, "What are you?" Reflecting on this makes him feel restless. To release his energy, Rodion jumps onto a wall and looks back at the scene through the alley gaps, noticing the crowd has mostly dispersed. He spots a shadowy figure on a bridge over the canal, who quickly gets into a car. Recognizing the figure as the gray cardinal, he wonders why he is there. Although the cardinal is actually just a priest, it's not strange for him to be walking around the city.
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Rodion sees Grigori, a gray cardinal, stopping his car to observe a scene, which he finds suspicious given Grigori’s shady reputation. Recalling that Saya seemed wary of Grigori during the masquerade ball, Rodion decides to follow him. Using his intuition, Rodion tracks Grigori to a building on the outskirts of town, which turns out to be a hospital for wounded soldiers. Thinking Grigori might just be visiting, Rodion is ready to leave, but his curiosity keeps him observing.
Rodion notes that wealthy women, enamored with Grigori, volunteer as nurses at these hospitals. Despite his suspicions, Rodion sees this as a positive aspect of Grigori. As Grigori heads to a chapel within the hospital grounds, Rodion, feeling deflated, decides to continue observing. The chapel is guarded, which seems excessive for a hospital. Sneaking into a small adjacent room filled with books and documents, Rodion finds a short hallway leading to the chapel.
Moving cautiously, Rodion overhears Grigori discussing their experiments. Grigori mentions that their chiropterans (bat-like creatures) have proven somewhat usable in recent tests. An older man's voice agrees but mentions their instability. Grigori dismisses this, saying they aren't chosen like him. The conversation reveals that despite collecting sufficient data, they need to relocate their facility due to rising suspicions about missing soldiers. Grigori coldly remarks on the absurdity of those who sent soldiers to their deaths now questioning their fate.
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Grigori chuckled with contempt, discussing the importance of acquiring a particular individual he had recently confirmed. If they could secure "her," the experiment would progress significantly, and preparations could be made to abandon the country. Grigori also mentioned that a certain person's boredom had reached its limit, leading to a secretive meal and the disposal of a corpse in the canal. Despite his cold, mocking tone, Grigori noted that information could be manipulated, which might speed up their plans. Rodion, listening in, realized that Grigori was likely involved in creating chiropterans, sending a chill down his spine.
Grigori's control over the Empress would make manipulating information easy. Rodion deduced that Grigori's men must have handled the bodies of the chiropterans from the masquerade night. Rodion quickly decided to return, his thoughts focused on the mention of "her" in the conversation. He was particularly concerned if "her" referred to Saya, and wondered how Grigori’s group had identified her. Just as he was about to leave, a new question struck him. As he reached for the door handle, he heard a creak behind him.
Saya sat on her bed in the dark, unable to sleep. Despite searching the city all day, she found no new information about the chiropterans. When she returned, she was shocked to find that Rodion had been brought in, gravely injured. Eduardo’s report of Rodion’s condition—unconscious with severe bleeding from a large wound—was almost too much to bear. Saya was troubled by the sight of his pale face and bandages stained with blood, realizing he had been attacked by a chiropteran. Rodion had somehow managed to get close to the mansion before collapsing, and Saya reflected on his previous encounters and the connection they had shared.
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Saya recalls the promise she made and feels heavy-hearted because Rodion, whom she was closest to, returned injured. This frustration causes her to bite her lip. Despite the recent chiropterans seemingly targeting her, she wishes they would attack again so she can ensure they don't escape next time. Staring into the darkness, Saya feels as though she might vomit blood and wonders why they aren't targeting her anymore. Since arriving in Russia, she has been uneasy and unable to get closer to her target despite encountering chiropterans twice. She feels like she’s being slowly tormented. To distract herself, she decides to move around the house and heads towards the entrance hall.
Saya hears the sound of a piano coming from a room and finds Maxim playing a vigorous piece on a grand piano. The piece is familiar to her, possibly named "Revolution." The moonlight from the tall window behind Maxim casts a blue light in the room, reflecting off the snow outside. Though she cannot see Maxim’s expression clearly, his intense playing seems unlike his usual calm demeanor. She remains silent, unable to speak. Suddenly, Maxim stops playing and hits the keys with his fist, producing a harsh dissonance. This unexpected behavior prompts Saya to open the door further and call out to him.
Maxim looks up in surprise at Saya’s intrusion, and she notices tears in his eyes even in the moonlight. This vulnerable, almost boyish side of him shocks her. Saya realizes that his usual calmness is merely a facade he maintains for the Red Shield. She reaches out to him, sensing his fragility, but Maxim brushes her hand away. His uncharacteristic reaction fills Saya with astonishment and a deep sorrow. She tightens her grip on her sword and apologizes for not being able to defeat the chiropterans, feeling her words are powerless. Maxim, confused and unable to suppress his emotions, covers his face and shakes his head, leaving Saya helplessly standing by.
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Saya, wandering aimlessly, noticed something shiny at Maxim's feet. It was a silver pocket watch. When she picked it up, she saw that the cover had opened, revealing a photo of a boy inside. The photo was quite blurry, but she could make out the name "Ilya" written in the corner. Hearing Saya's murmur, Maxim abruptly looked up, causing Saya to stiffen. Maxim then turned away and sighed, apologizing for his agitation. Saya apologized for looking at the watch and asked if the photo was of a friend. Maxim’s expression hardened briefly before he quietly explained that Ilya was a comrade from his generation, who had passed away.
Saya recalled that Maxim was the only member of his generation, while the others were of the same age. She asked if other members of his age were stationed in other countries. Maxim responded that Ilya was dead and that he was nowhere. His cold and dark expression left Saya at a loss for words. Maxim then apologized for being unsettled by Rodion’s situation and apologized for showing his vulnerable side. Saya, moved by his sadness, reassured him that grieving for a comrade wasn’t unseemly. Maxim seemed surprised by her strong words, and Saya felt embarrassed, struggling to continue.
Saya went back to her room and returned with a gift for Maxim—a decorated Easter egg. She explained that the bird pattern symbolized the realization of wishes and that it was a token of gratitude. Maxim was surprised by the sudden gift. Saya, feeling embarrassed, admitted that Tanya made the egg and that her own attempt was very poorly done. Maxim, with a small smile, teased that receiving the egg might prevent Saya’s wish from coming true. Saya replied that her wish was something she needed to fulfill herself. Maxim murmured that Saya was strong, though the moonlight made it difficult for Saya to see his subtle expression. Saya, closing her eyes with a wry smile, said she aspired to be strong.
PAGES: 126, 127
Saya reflects on her failure to seize opportunities, including not being able to save Rodion. She feels frustrated by her inability to achieve anything. She asserts her determination to defeat the chiropterans and eventually DIVA, despite the hardships. Maxim’s reaction is marked by a cold beauty, showing a different side of him.
He questions the harshness of their situation but Saya insists that giving up is not an option, regardless of whether gods exist. Her mature words momentarily surprise Maxim. Embarrassed by her earnestness, Saya blushes. Maxim, standing behind the piano with the moonlight casting his shadow, silently regards the Easter egg she gave him.
Maxim eventually murmurs, “...I see,” and gently cradles the egg in his hand. His downcast expression reflects his youth and vulnerability as he thanks Saya for the gift.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of july 9th, 2023
aries: a freshly micromanaging mars kicks off the week, which can be very powerful if channeled positively. then a flurry of nodal activity culminating in the ingress of the north node into your sign means fate puts a focus on your relationships and how they grow you. for the next year and a half.
taurus: mars into virgo takes some of the heat out of recent pursuit vibes, for better or worse (which is largely up to you anyway.) the north node takes its leave from your sign to head to aries; the lessons of the last 18 or so years of your life now head into your 12th house to integrate in the soul.
gemini: while some of the astrological weather this week is quite heavy, drenching especially earth and fire signs, yours is much lighter, more sociable, more interesting without being too dramatic... unless you like drama? then there's plenty to go looking for, but it doesn't fall into your lap.
cancerians: most of your week is not too hard, but be advised in advance that the shift of the nodal axis into fellow cardinal signs can mean a hard T-square for your cancerian planets/points. you feel it sooner if you have vibe in late cancer, later on the earlier your cancer placements are.
leo: mars exits your sign and mercury pops in just after. perhaps it corresponds to a much-needed conversation after a period of strange, even wonderful, sexual/other tension or even aggression? say what you need to say but now you can do it non-confrontationally.
virgo: whether you're a virgoan sun, moon, rising, or stellium, or just big on virgo vibes, there is a lot going on this week for you. is it auspicious? yes, but is it easy? mostly no not really. however, mercury in a sextile with ceres blesses your endeavors as long as you do make endeavors - not a time for lazy virgos.
libra: the nodes switch signs about every year and a half so it's been a little while since you hosted either of them, especially the south node, who comes to visit starting this week. your next year or so is a whirlwind of retrogrades plus this south node, which feels like a permanent retrograde of one kind or another. past themes bubble up to the surface for revisiting; move in a helix rather than a circle. trend your cycles upward, not around and around.
scorpio: the biggest event of the week for your sign is the south node leaving your sign and, necessarily simultaneously, the north node out of your house of relationships. they move instead now to your soul and your daily routines, but these sorts of karmas tend to be easier to deal with. it is as though a weight or a veil lifts and you return to some old, nostalgic life, but with new eyes and maturity.
sagittarius: the ingress of the north node into your fifth house, aries, means you have some guiding light (or shove) toward what you need to be creating. a child? art? a manifesto? and somehow it becomes fun, even if you've been digging your heels in about it. so just go!
capricorn: mars into virgo suits you well, especially if you're an academic or philosophical sort. you simply get things done. let it be easy and don't veer off into compulsivity, that's the serious danger here, but mostly this ingress is great for you.
aquarius: later in the week, uranian activity affects you more than any of the preceding astrological events. and it's positive energy, although uranus is long-term in taurus, an uncomfortable angle for you. so these benefits may come at you from the periphery, but when you do notice them, try to bask in the miracle of them.
pisces: mars into virgo is bound to heat up your relationships. it may even be feistier than you want - the trouble is it breaks your fantasies by bringing them into reality. is it as fun in the real world as it is in a dream?
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bivht · 2 years
Astrology Observations Part 3
🧤Pluto energy x Lilith energy get along so well! Their vibes and self expressions are similar and they understand each other to a T, especially if it’s in the same aspect.
For example, someone with sun conjunct lilith may get along with sun conjunct pluto.
My favourite dynamic has got to be pluto 1h x lilith 1h tho. Just cat and dog energy. Don’t ask me who’s who🤷‍♀️.
🧤Mercury signs really affect self expression, even more than sun sign. If you have a Taurus sun, you may give off more Aries traits, because your Mercury is in Aries.
If you have natal Leo moon, you may seem more like a cancer moon, because you have cancer mercury in your moon persona chart.
🧤I’ve seen people with libra/venus influence and capricorn/saturn influence rocking the boho style.
🧤To be fair Libra/Venus rocks every style.
🧤People with heavy Neptune aspects especially squares/oppositions/conjunctions never lose their inner child, even as they grow old.
🧤I really love male dancers with mars square neptune. They never take away the femininity of the dance just to appear masculine to the public eye. They are also confident about it. Same with Pisces, Libra, cancer and Taurus doms to a lesser extent.
🧤Asteroid Kitty (9563) dominants i.e. conjunctions to personal planets within 3 degree orb, suit pigtails soo much. It fits their playful, mischievous attitude.
🧤Kind of obvious but no one does cat walk better than them, especially kitty conjunct moon. Would not be surprised if a lot of models have prominent kitty.
🧤Mutable doms (especially pisces) being able to look like almost anyone with a bit of makeup and a costume change👀.
🧤Aries Mercury in the moon persona chart is a natural simp attractor.
🧤Virgo venuses and their urge to help their loved ones with their physical health, and emotional well being but never with themselves🥲.
🧤Sagittarius moon in the Mercury persona charts are really good at making funny facial expressions. It cracks me up every time.
🧤Cancer moon in the mars persona chart are this ——>👁👄👁, low key.
🧤Pisces moons get along with Scorpio moons more than Cancer moons.
🧤Capricorn venuses are loyal af. Stable, good sense of humor, amazing. I love them.
🧤Capricorn is in my 7h. I get along with them despite the fact I have a lot of cardinal energy and they’re always making squares and oppositions to my personal planets.
In my experience, 7h compatibility is super strong is what I’m saying.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
2024 Scorpio First Quarter Moon
Monday, August 12, 15:19 UT, 20°24’ Scorpio
The key phrases for the First Quarter lunar phase are “take action,” and “build new structures to support our intentions.”
This week and next week are going to be tough. Now, we have a fixed t-square; then, we’ll have a fixed grand cross (with the Moon moved on to Aquarius). But for now: the Moon is conjunct asteroids Pallas and Lilith in Scorpio; they’re opposed to Uranus/Taurus, barely budging as it gets ready for its retrograde station (Sept 1.). They’re all square the Sun and Vesta in Leo.
Authenticity is the keyword for August 2024. We need to take action by being true to ourselves, and by building structures to support our authenticity. Where we start is shown by the House of your natal chart into which 20°24’ Scorpio falls. In the 1st? You need to personally exemplify the traits of Moon (feelings, intuition), Pallas (creative intelligence), and asteroid Lilith (freedom to express ourselves) - people get that buzz off of you right away.
In the 6th House? Go over your daily routines and focus on health.
The superpower of fixed signs is (wrote Steven Forrest) “sustaining intentions over time and in the face of whatever resistance arises.” We have to be in this for the longer haul. If we don’t get our own way after only 15 minutes, keep going and hang in there. But we also need to recognize when it’s time to make adjustments, and when it’s time to move on - fixed signs don’t know when to quit.
Knowing when to quit (and how to adapt) is the mutable signs’ superpower - and wouldn’t you know it, we have a mutable situation beginning to arise. Venus and Dark Moon Waldemath, in Virgo, are closing on on oppositions to Saturn Rx and the Centaur Nessus, in Pisces; at the same time, Mars and Jupiter in Gemini are squaring all that. With Venus and Mars involved, a sort of “battle of the sexes” can be seen, for example in the manner of the attacks on Kamala Harris and Tim Walz - we can expect that toxic sexism to increase over the next few weeks.
(The cardinal signs’ superpower is getting things started and jumping in to help. If I’m ever in trouble or injured, I want to be surrounded by cardinal sign people!)
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elminx · 1 year
Energy Update: August 2023
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August is a “6” Universal Month [8 (August) + 7 (2023) = 15 = 1+5 = 6] in a “7” Universal Year. Generally, six energy is focused on the home and creature comforts. Major conflicts of five have passed, and six energy is focused on getting creative and moving from a space of conflict to a space of comfort and agreement. This is somewhat in alignment with the astrological energy of the month (we are coming out of some rough astrological weather) but it’s wise to remember that we are not out of the weeds yet.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun and retrograde Venus in Leo, Mercury and Mars in Virgo, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, retrograde Saturn and retrograde Neptune in Pisces, and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. The nodes of the moon have just eeked their way backward into Aries and Libra which was a major change of the guards. We are all a little bit off balance and in need of some adjustment and stabilization. By month’s end, the Sun will have moved into Virgo and Mars will have moved into Libra. That’s it. That’s a very small amount of planetary movement as normally Mercury and Venus keep close time with the Sun. But Venus is already in her retrograde cycle (which won’t end until early September) and Mercury will retrograde before the end of the month. We are deep into retrograde season now – by month’s end we will have eight planets in retrograde and Jupiter isn’t far behind. If it feels like very little in your life is moving forward, know that you are right on time.
The Nitty Gritty
The month begins strong with a full moon in Aquarius and a sweet earth trine between Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. Any positive connection between Mars and Jupiter is a time to work for it – to dream big and take the very real and necessary steps to bring your dreams into reality. In the earth signs, this is an especially strong time to do work around material gain – whether it be a fatter paycheck or the acquisition of property. Mars in Virgo understands the need to put one foot in front of the other and Jupiter in Taurus knows the value of quality. All of this combined with the full moon and the energy of the first of the month makes it a great day to set intentions towards building a business and other types of long-term investments into your future. The Aquarius moon is a great innovator, too, so make sure that you are thinking outside the box and including all possibilities.
Things are coming to a completion and you need to accept that. Pluto, our planet of death and transformation, has been moving backward into the tail end of Capricorn (another sign of wealth and the completion of our Earth triumvirate) where it has resided for the last fifteen years. Pluto entered Aquarius for the first time earlier this year which was another big Gong Crash – similar to the switch of the lunar nodes in July. Now, Pluto in Capricorn meets up with the lunar nodes in a cardinal t-square. Something has got to give, an old coat needs to be shed. This is happening collectively as we throw off the shackles of Pluto in Capricorn for the innovative nature of Aquarius but also within our own lives. These past three years have been a lot – we are not who we were before 2020. It is time to adapt and step into the new.
Sort of anyway. It’s more like baby steps. This is inevitably one of those times when you will start to see the division between those who have been doing the work (as this has been a major letting go cycle) and those that are a bit more mired in their own lives. Whatever side of this you are on, try to practice some kindness towards yourself. These major planetary retrogrades are yet another chance to step up and make the changes that you need to move forward.
As we enter the first weekend of August, this may be coming to the forefront. Mercury, our fast-paced messenger, enters its pre-retrograde shadow at 08° Virgo. I will be writing a post about Mercury’s retrograde so I will only touch on it briefly here, but as always there are a few highlights. Mercury will retrograde backward from 21° Virgo to 08° Virgo which means that if you have a personal planet between 08-21°, you will be directly affected by this retrograde. Additionally, it is worth noting that Mercury’s retrograde through Virgo will happen during Virgo season and will coincide with the latter part of Venus’s retrograde through Leo. We need to feel something first (Venus) and then we will need to think it through (Mercury).
The Sun in Leo will square off with Jupiter in Taurus on Sunday 8/6 – this is a day to do less and especially to pay attention to overspending or overdoing it. Both Taurus and Leo are signs that tend towards extravagances in differing ways and Leo is very bogged down by Venus’s retrograde during this time. Say less. Do less. Spend less. Stay the fuck home and thank me later.
There are a lot of undercurrents in the air and a lot of it may just seem like it is up to chance at this time. On Wednesday 8/9, retrograde Venus meets up in a square with Uranus in Taurus for the second time – this time relationships are on the chopping block. All of this Venus’ retrograde can be considered to be break-up weather and Uranus adds an air of unexpectedness to the whole affair. Yes, affairs. Beware of who you are trusting right now, all that glitters is definitely not gold. People will be in their egos, too, so fights will be explosive and unproductive. Our Sun’s trine with Chiron in Aries (exact on Saturday) shows us that all of this hurts. Chiron is always a sign to dig into the pain and to seek the lesson behind the hurt.
Egos abound even stronger on Sunday 8/13 as retrograde Venus meets up with our Sun. This is business as usual, Venus meets up with the Sun twice in every cycle – once during her retrograde and once afterward. Here she enters her “Morning Star” phase – in about a week, she will begin to appear next to the rising sun at dawn. In any case, when our hearts are filled with ego – it is hard to see clearly. Tread with caution here. Indeed, with the Sun and Venus so close together – they both form a trine to Chiron in Aries in quick succession. Altogether this may make for a very painful weekend in which we are reminded of old wounds of the heart.
On Tuesday 9/15, our Sun meets up in a fixed square with Uranus in Taurus – this is also a day to lie low and avoid fireworks of all kinds and heavy machinery if you can. Expect the unexpected. Uranus’s influence can be compared to that of the Tower card in the tarot – it can topple everything with little to no warning. With feeling raw already, this is definitely a time to avoid domestic troubles if at all possible.
And just like that we are at the new moon in Leo which will peak in the early morning hours of Wednesday 8/16 (EST) at 23°. This will likely deepen the energy of the weekend leading up as it falls within the dark of the moon. Pack your patience and your very best methods of self-care during this time. Retrograde Venus will still be closely aligned with our solar and lunar bodies and not holding any punches. This would be a great day to do some baneful (but well-deserved) magic if you dare. Any work with dark deities would also be enhanced by this deep energy.
The rest of the week holds on aspects except those made with the moon which shows that we may need to sit with things for a while.
By the following Monday, 8/21, our Sun will meet up in a trine with our North Node in Aries and a sextile with our South Node in Libra. This is the eclipse zone and one of our first real hits to the “new” doors of fate that Aries and Libra will be opening and closing for us during the upcoming eclipses later this year. It is always wise to keep your eyes wide open when the lunar nodes have been activated – you may get a glimpse into where you should be going, or (sometimes more importantly) where you don’t belong.
Retrograde Venus squares off with Jupiter in Taurus the next day which is another day to lie low and spend less. This is the second pass through this transit during Venus’s retrograde – we may be forced to come face to face with some of our overindulgence during this time. It is wise to remember during aspects like this that astrology is happening for you, not to you. Being called out on your shadow behaviors can feel really harsh but most things get managed better when they are brought into the light.
All eyes are on Virgo on Wednesday 8/23 as the Sun enters the sign of the virgin and Mercury retrogrades at 21° Virgo in the early afternoon (EST). It’s worth noting here that Wednesday is also Mercury’s day and that Mercury is the ruler of the sign Virgo. Mercury retrogrades are rarely as scary as the pulp astrology pages like to claim but they do require adjustments. Mercury rules communication, technology, and travel so we can assume that all three of these domains will be affected but their retrograde cycle. It’s not that you can’t do these things but rather that the results of your actions will be a bit more roundabout than normal. Mercury retrogrades are an important time to pack your patience and be prepared to have to rethink, rework, and reevaluate.
On 8/24, Mars in Virgo meets up in a trine with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn and we may finally get the chance to act on the changes that we have known since day 1 of the month that we needed to make. But, with our other two personal planets in retrograde, the chances won’t come easily. Dig in. Do the hard work.
On 8/27, the Sun in Virgo meets up in opposition with retrograde Saturn in Pisces which will just likely feel hard. Saturn was not particularly comfortable in the ephemeral mutable sign of Pisces to begin with and is further stymied by its retrograde. Virgo wants to put all of the pieces together into a neat whole but there is definitely something missing. Again, patience is called for here.
Additionally, Mars enters Libra, the sign of its exile. Mars needs to move independently but Libra is almost chronically codependant. This won’t play well with our egoic Venus retrograde in Leo and Mercury retrograde is out-to-lunch so talking about it is off the table here, too. Try to avoid important relationship issues at least until Venus has exited her retrograde as they are very unlikely to go well at this time.
Uranus retrogrades at 23° Taurus on 8/28. Outer planet retrogrades are not normally felt on an individual level but they do tend to add a feeling of time ceasing to exist for a few days on either time of their station.
Finally, on 8/30, we have our second full moon of the month at 07° Pisces. We are astrological savvy folks here so we know that this isn’t a true “blue moon” (which requires two moons to be situated IN THE SAME SIGN) but it still packs a double full moon punch for the month and an extra chance to let that shit go. The gods know that we need it.
The Details
8/1 – Full moon 09° Aquarius, Mercury in Virgo opposed Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus 8/3 – Pluto in Capricorn square North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra (cardinal t-square) 8/4 – Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow at 08° Virgo 8/6 – Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus 8/9 – Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus, retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 8/12 – Sun in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 8/13 – Sun conjunct retrograde Venus 20° Leo 8/14 – retrograde Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 8/15 – Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 8/16 – New moon 23° Leo, Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus 8/21 – Sun in Leo trine North Node in Aries/sextile South Node in Libra 8/22 – retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Virgo opposed retrograde Neptune in Pisces 8/23 – Sun enters Virgo, Mercury retrogrades 21° Virgo 8/24 – Mars in Virgo trine retrograde Pluto in Capricorn 8/27 – Sun in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces, Mars enters Libra 8/28 – Uranus retrograde 23° Taurus 8/30 – Full moon 07° Pisces
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