Aftermath of the Accidental Slip
Fandom: My Hero Academia Word Count: 3,790 general | complete | 2/2
a/n: This is part two in my Little Heroes series, you do need to read the first part to understand what they are talking about in this fic. You can find the first part HERE
summary: The day after the movie night, some of Izuku's classmates and friends have a few questions. So they ask and maybe Izuku has a lot more to gain from the conversation.
It is the next day when Denki is the first to ask about it. They’re sitting in the common room and Izuku is buried in his books sitting at one of the tables in the area behind the couches when Denki plops himself in the seat next to him. 
“What’s up?” Izuku asks conversationally, looking for any excuse to get out of doing his physics assignment. 
Denki leans forward and his eyes dart around the room wildly for a second, as if he were scanning who all is in the room with them (it is the middle of the afternoon so there are some people here, but it is the usual group that chills here after classes get let out: Kacchan, Kirishima, Mina, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Iida, and Todoroki). Izuku also realizes that everyone here today was with him last night when he…
He ended up regressing during last night's movie night (not that he blames anyone, but come on, they played his favorite kiddie movie!) and no one really asked about it then. At least anything that Izuku can remember. They just sort of sat back and watched the rest of the movie and let Izuku keep sucking his thumb after Kacchan had given a very brief explanation of the headspace he’d been in at the time. A very, very brief explanation. 
“I just wanted to ask you about something,” Denki asks in a slightly hushed tone, putting emphasis on the final word so that Izuku could maybe understand what he was talking about. 
“Is it about last night?” Izuku asks anyway, just to make sure. 
Denki nods his head, his hair bouncing with the movements. 
Izuku has been waiting for someone to ask him about it specifically, but he wasn’t prepared for it to be quite literally the next day. He supposes he is just glad it wasn’t last night though, his poor littleself would have been so confused. After the movie was over, Kacchan declared it bedtime for the both of them, and he made sure to tuck Izuku under the covers in his bed with his favorite stuffed All Might toy before leaving to presumingly go to his own. 
He hopes that the questions aren’t too invasive, but he also wants to spread more information on the topic as well. Izuku thinks his entire class would benefit from gaining more knowledge on age regression; in fact, he thinks some of his peers might even be regressors themselves but they just don’t know it yet. 
“Okay, shoot,” Izuku gives the electric blond permission to ask his questions. 
“Is it something that you are comfortable talking to all of us about?” 
The question throws Izuku off for a second and he immediately cocks his head to the side and watches Denki’s face carefully. His immediate response is to ask who all of us are and when he finds out that it is everyone from last night then he relaxes some. Yes, he wants his class to learn more about regression but he doesn’t want to jump right into giving a lecture about it in front of the whole class! Especially not about his own littlespace adventures because he’s not sure how a handful of them would react…
“I have no problem talking about.. about it, no. But I-uh, like, what do you want to know?” He can’t help the stutter in his voice, it flairs when he’s nervous. His stomach is in all sorts of twisty knots over this. 
Izuku’s regression means a lot to him and he hadn’t expected that he’d be comfortable around so many people at once to slip as he had, but as long as everyone remains respectful he doesn’t mind talking about it. 
Denki shocks him again by looking up and waving everyone over to the table excitedly. 
“Wha—” Izuku asks as more people suddenly sit at the table. 
“D’you ask him?” Kirishima asks the blond sitting next to Izuku while he sits down in his own spot. 
“Yep!” Denki looks proud of himself. “He said he has no problems talking about it, right?” A moment of doubt flickers across his features as he waits for the subject of the conversation to confirm his statement. 
“Oh, I-I didn’t realize you all had questions- or wanted to talk about it, or whatever. But-but yeah! I don’t have a problem with it if you guys don’t…” it is hastily thrown together, but Izuku does throw that corroboration out there. He ends it with a simple, “what do you want to know?”
Uraraka eagerly throws her hand in the air and rocks in her seat until Izuku laughs at her and “calls” on her. 
“I wanna know more about it in general! I did some research last night and it sounds neat. I was just curious what it feels like for you specifically—”
“Oh!” Iida cuts her off to add, “and what triggers the regression, and what your signs are so that we can help out better the next time it happens. I felt a little bad just ignoring you last night, but I didn’t want to upset you… I don’t know much—” he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and smiles a little as he speaks, “—but I do know it can be a fragile mindset for some people. So I wish for you to enjoy doing it around us rather than the opposite.”
The rest of the group nods their heads and agree that they all feel the same; they all tell Izuku how they would much rather be more prepared in case it happens again. 
It warms Izuku’s heart so much, his insides feel gooey in a matter of seconds. His friends and classmates care so much for him, he just hadn’t really realized it until just now. “You guys…” Izuku felt the prickle of oncoming tears behind his eyelids and he blinked rapidly for it to go away. “...thank you.”
Kacchan, who had been resting on one of the couches reading a manga book, now gets up and walks over to the table. 
Izuku knows he was within earshot and so he isn’t surprised when the fiery blond inserts himself directly into the conversation. 
“You wanna know what his tells are? Because I can tell ya them better than he can,” he grins triumphantly, as if being better at this somehow mattered in his overall plan to be better than Izuku. Hell, maybe it did matter because Izuku didn’t really know how to answer their questions. He’d never really thought about the during too much, it all just felt like a sweet pillow of cotton candy in his head during. It is stress-free when he is little and with Kacchan. 
“Oh, that would be helpful, Bakugo,” Todoroki says, much to the agreement of the rest of the group. 
Kacchan throws himself into the remaining open seat and slams his elbows on the tabletop. “Fine, then I will tell you as long as the nerd is okay with it?”
Izuku hides his grin behind his hands and nods his head. He remembers a time when he’d been scared to open up to Kacchan about his regression, fearing he’d just be giving the other boy a weapon to use against Izuku. However, the blond had been the most loving, caring, and thoughtful person to Izuku when it comes to his littleself. 
Actually, it wasn’t long after he found out that he’d been taking care of a small-minded Izuku in his dorm while he did homework. From there they both found comfort in the regression (for Izuku it is the act of being cared for, and for Kacchan it is feeling the sense of purpose as a caregiver). 
So… between the two of them, they cover all of the bases and retell the story of how they found out. They haven’t been doing this for very long so it doesn’t take a lot of time to retell everything. 
“So it was the movie last night then?” Ochako asks. 
Izuku squints down at his hands resting on the table overtop his open textbook, his studying has long since been forgotten about. He thinks about the question for another second before looking back up to meet the eyes of his friends. “Honestly, yes, but it doesn’t always happen. I mean- I’ve uh, watched kids' movies with everyone before without regressing…” 
“Was it that specific movie?” 
“Uh, no, I think I just had a stressful day and that mixed with the movie just caused it.”  He is pretty sure that’s what caused the regression the night before, but it isn’t always important to figure out the why part. Sometimes he just needs the mental break and he tries not to fight it when he can, and a part of him knew that last night he was safe and comfortable enough.
“Hmm.” The group takes in the information while Iida speaks, “do you always know you’re going to regress? Or does it just happen?”
Izuku shrugs, “kinda both.” 
“Okay, another question,” he clears his throat and starts talking again, “if it just happens around any of us, would you like us to take care of you like Bakugo does?” 
Izuku’s eyes widen and he immediately shoots his gaze over to Kacchan himself. Was Iida really asking to be his caregiver here? Well, the title might be a bit premature, but did they really want to care for his littleself? It can be quite a bit of responsibility… especially when he goes really young and he does get fussy sometimes and he knows that that isn’t really enjoyable for anyone. Heck, sometimes he wonders why Kacchan even stays to help—
“I-zu-ku,” the voice of Kacchan pronouncing each syllable of his name startles him out of his own thoughts. 
By the look on everyone else’s faces, the green-haired boy knows that he said all or nearly all of that out loud. Oh god, he really does have the tendency to mumble. 
“I’m sorry,” he looks back down at his hands. 
“I didn’t mean to ask if it was going to stress you out, Midoryia,” Iida consols. 
“Oh no, no, that’s not it!” Izuku waves his hands erratically in the air and feels bad for the misunderstanding, so he corrects himself right away. “Being a caregiver can be a lot sometimes—”
“—please, you’re easy—” 
“—and I just want you guys to know what you’re signing up for, you know?” 
Iida hums thoughtfully but doesn’t say anything. Uraraka grins wild enough for her round cheeks to push out even further. And as Izuku looks around to table, he realizes that the silence isn’t awkward but maybe a little energetic? Everyone has clear or happy looks on their faces and the green-haired boy can’t help but feel like something is coming. 
Uraraka is the first to break. “But taking care of little you would be so fun because you’d be so cute!” Her voice gets all squeaky by the end and she starts kicking her legs under the table and bouncing in her seat; she is very clearly excited about this. 
“Ochako,” Tsu speaks up in her plain tone, “you have to make sure it is okay for you to coo over him first, ribbit.” 
Uraraka slaps a hand to her forehead and mumbles oh yeah! before turning her gaze back to the subject of their conversation. 
“I would also like to know the answer as well,” Todoroki says. 
Izuku’s head is spinning. 
“I am sorry if that weirded you out, Deku,” she says honestly, “I just- ever since I was looking more stuff up last night I started getting all of these ideas and I would love to have a play date with you!”
“Wait—” Izuku stares wide-eyed around the table when he notices some agreement. Then they start adding to it to further blow him away.
“Yeah, man,” Kirishima speaks up, “it would be cool to make little kiddie snacks and maybe play some video games, depending on how little you go, of course.” 
“Oh!” Denki joins in, “I read that cuddling is also a really big thing with regressors, so that would be loads of fun. You know me, always down to get my cuddle on!” He jams two thumbs in his own direction with his signature goofy grin and Izuku is too busy trying to keep up with all of them to even laugh at it. 
“Wait—” he tries again, “now hold on.” 
“Also just making sure you are cared for would be a huge benefit for the class, as you don’t typically do that on your own anyway—”
“Okay, slow down!” Kacchan barks, cutting off all conversations that were starting up at once. “Let him speak for Christ’s sake!” 
After the shock of such a loud voice, everyone else quiets down. Izuku takes his chance to speak now: “Thank you, Kacchan,” he starts with. Then he flattens his hands overtop his book and takes a breather to collect himself before speaking, “first, I would love to have more of you involved with my regression if you’d like but I suggest you be with Kacchan and I for a while first. It isn’t always happy and stress-free when I am little…” 
He stops for a minute, remembering with quite a bit of embarrassment all of the times he’s been fussy or thrown literal temper tantrums when little. Almost all of which Kacchan had been there to soothe him as best he could. And then there are the times when he couldn’t sleep and how his neediness would impede on Kacchan’s schedule (even if his friend said it didn’t matter, Izuku always knew when he was big again). Being someone’s caregiver is a lot of responsibility. 
“Izuku,” Kacchan starts, his tone hinting at the start of a possible argument. 
Izuku speaks again before he can say more. “What, am I wrong? I’m not bashing myself here—” he doesn’t look away from the boy he’s talking to for a second, “—I just know that all of the crap that is wrong in my head doesn’t always go away when I am little. Sometimes I’m upset, sometimes I can’t sleep, and sometimes I am just needy.” 
He does turn to the others now, needing them all to know this. “Kacchan and I stumbled into this kind of relationship, but I want you guys to know that once my littleself trusts you, you can really mess me up by leaving. And that trust builds after a while, so we can tiptoe around it for now, but being one’s caregiver is big. Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Just because we didn’t plan on it,” Kacchan interjects, not looking anywhere but at Izuku so that he knows what the blond is speaking is the truth, “doesn’t mean I regret any of it. I know I probably don’t say it enough, but I do enjoy taking care of you like that.” 
Izuku smiles, his vision blurring a little with unshed tears once more. And once more, he blinks them away. “I know, Kacchan,” he says. “I like that you enjoy it, actually, I need you to. Knowing that it helps you just as much as it does me makes me feel less guilty…” he admits. 
“You shouldn’t be feeling guilty at all, ya damn nerd.” 
Izuku looks away at that, he doesn’t have any sort of argument there. He knows he shouldn’t be feeling guilty, but sometimes the reassurance when he is big is just what he needs. He and Kacchan have always been enough and have always known exactly what the other needed. It took a lot of missteps and a hell of a lot of bumps in the road, but being here with him after so long is perfect. Izuku wouldn’t want to take this journey with anyone else. 
But before he can get too lost in his thoughts and his appreciation for his best friend, said friend’s voice pulls him out. 
“Let them help too if you think it is too much for me.”
Izuku sighs, letting Kacchan hit it right on the nail yet again. He looks around at the rest of them, gauging their varying reactions to the two of their’s conversation. He’s grinnig by the time he is ready to start circuling back to his original speech from a little bit ago, “the second thing I wanted to say is that I don’t mind if you call me cute or ‘coo’ over me or anything, but please save it for when I am little. We can talk more about boundaries and stuff but I do know that hearing you guys talk about it while I’m big makes me feel weird—”
“I’m sorry, Deku!” Uraraka covers her mouth with her hands and Todoroki puts a comfortingly warm hand on her shoulder. 
“—no, you’re okay! I’m just more likely to argue with you when I am big, but my uh… heh, yeah… just not when I am big,” he laughs off the rest of his sentence and rubs at the back of his neck. He was gonna say something about his littleself, but he might want to save that for another time, or like never—
“He eats that shit up when he’s little,” Kacchan says plainly, looking all nonchalantly at his nails. “That’s what you were going to say, wasn’t it?”
Izuku blushes and looks down, he can’t believe Kacchan read his thoughts so easily! 
“Heh, that’s what I thought.” 
“Shut up—”
“Would you be okay with us taking care of you when you’re little, ribbit?” Tsu’s cut-in sobers them both up instantly, focusing back on the overall conversation once again. 
“Yes,” Iuku says plainly. “I trust all of you with my life on the field, I don’t see why my littleself shouldn’t either. Hell, he trusted you enough to come out last night.”
“True,” Todoroki says aloud. 
There is another moment of silence, albeit not awkward like Izuku might have feared it would, now that the overall conclusion has been made. Izuku might have some more caregivers in the future, and he has to admit that he really does love the idea of it. So that he doesn’t have to suppress his own regression on nights when he knows Kacchan will be busy or at his work-study late, and also knowing that he can spread his time out with more than just one person. 
Denki is the one to pull Izuku out of his thoughts again, “so do you like… schedule these playdates with Baku, or do they just happen?”
“You dunce face,” Kacchan says immediately, “we already covered this!” 
“No, I know, I know!” Denki bites back, both of them still smiling. “I just meant like, can we—” his hand circles the air in front of him so that he gestures to everyone sitting at the table, “—schedule a time to play with him the next time he’s regressed, so we don’t all come at him at once and overwhelm him.” 
Izuku is grateful for Denki for a lot of reasons, but this is definitely at the forefront right now. “That’s so sweet,” he catches himself murmuring. 
“Oh, I know!” Uraraka is back to raising her hand in the air again. She speaks when they all look at her, “we could make a group chat! That way Bakugo, or even Deku can if he’s big enough to use his phone, can text when he’s little and we can figure it out right then and there.”
Izuku grins, a thrill of happiness and excitement sipping through him. He now understands the feeling everyone seem to be exhibiting when they all first sat down. At some point, they all talked about this and came up with a plan for Denki to ask him if they could talk because they all wanted to know more so that they could be there for him… Sometimes Izuku doesn’t realize how much he loves his friends and how much they love him right back. 
“Most of the time I text Kacchan when I feel myself slipping anyways, so that is a perfect idea, Uraraka!” 
They all start talking at once about which app they should have it on and who should create it. Izuku sits back and lets them. He still can’t believe how lucky this has turned out for him; to have so many people be not only willing but excited to care for him? 
Then Kacchan laughs suddenly, interrupting all conversations. 
“What?” Kirishima asks. 
“Be prepared to get some nicknames,” is all he says. 
Izuku knows what he means immediately and his cheeks flame up. 
“Wait, what?” Uraraka laughs, looking back and forth between Izuku and Kacchan. 
The blond smirks and leans back in his chair, pulling himself back far enough to balance on only two legs. “How do you think I got the name ‘Kacchan’?” 
“Wait, that came from him being regressed?” Denki asks. 
Izuku thunks his head forward onto his textbook, sighing dramatically. Oh, why did Kacchan have to tease him about this? He could have just let them figure it out on their own… not that he’s actually upset at the teasing, after all, it is all light-hearted. 
“No, that came from when we were actual children. But would you like to tell them why that is, Izuku?”
“No,” he laughs, thinking that Kacchan is incredibly cruel for this (he really isn’t, but Izuku isn’t sure if his cheeks will ever cool off). After a second he concedes and answers him anyway, still talking into his textbook and not looking at anyone, “it’s because I used to have a hard time pronouncing things when I was little. And especially names. So I gave him the nickname and it just stuck… so yeah, my littleself probably won’t call you by your actual name.” 
“Okay, that is cute. I wonder what mine will be,” Todoroki thinks out loud, then a split second remembers what Izuku had said earlier, “I’m sorry.” 
Izuku laughs at his tone along with some others, “I don’t have as much of an issue with the compliments now as I thought I would, just don’t do it all the time.”
They nod and agree to follow his first rule. It gives Izuku hope for the future. He isn’t sure how this will pan out but he kind of hopes it does soon. In fact, he’s kind of excited for the next time he regresses. 
Eventually, their conversation does end and they all part ways to do their own thing, but all of them hold a secret from the rest of their peers. That secret has a group chat called “Little’s Corner <3” on each of their phones and Izuku leaves with a full heart. 
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stimmypawz · 10 months
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💥bakugou stimboard!💥
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v4mpiirew1tch · 5 days
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a sketch i made like A MONTH that i couldn't post ,,
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jelliefishhhh · 1 year
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Starting off with Agere icons of myself!! <3
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
Aged Up BakuDeku SFW One Shots
Pro Hero AU
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
No smut … still check tags.
Art not mine … credit to @thekittyheartart {permission to use granted}.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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the feeling of being in motion again by nikkiRA
Summary: "Don't you want to date him?” Katsuki wants to do a lot of things. He wants to run his fingers through his wild curls and press his lips to the freckles on his cheek. He wants to make him dinner and listen to him ramble on about his day and listen to his stupid muttering and rub his shitty arm when it hurts and— "Yeah, I wanna fucking date him."
Mina sits back and crosses her arms. "You'd better do as I say, then."
Okinawa Sunshine by amarisllis
Summary: Katsuki is smiling so wide that his face is starting to hurt. Izuku is the most gorgeous goddamn thing he’s ever seen.
Deku is still staring at him, and Katsuki is still holding his phone against his ear like a goddamn dork. “Surprise,” Katsuki whispers, as he drops his duffel bag unceremoniously to the floor. His heart is still beating amazingly fast, and he lets out a nervous laugh as he takes a step closer. “Happy birthday, dumbass.”
Don't Go (Without Me) by amarisllis
Summary: Kacchan is always surprising him. He always tries so hard to make Izuku happy, surprising him with dinner on long days, or spontaneous dates, or limited edition All Might merch that Izuku didn’t manage to get his hands on himself. Kacchan’s surprises always make Izuku smile the way nothing else can, whether it’s something as small as the two of them getting an extra patrol shift together or something as big as Ultra-VIP tickets to the one hero convention that they weren’t scheduled to appear as guests at. Kacchan is the absolute best at everything, including gift-giving, and it makes Izuku feel as if he’s the luckiest man in the world. Forget being the number one hero; being on the receiving end of Kacchan’s surprises is the real honor.
So, naturally, when he decided to try and surprise Kacchan for once, he knew he had to do something big.
Izuku goes overboard while trying to keep a secret, and Katsuki worries that he's pulling away for good.
"what's your type?" by sapphicflower
Summary: In order to increase their popularity rankings as up and coming pro heroes, Izuku and Katsuki participate in the most popular late night talk show for hero duos - ‘Heroes Rising!’. They’re killing it, obviously, because they know each other from inside and out.
Until one question stumps the two of them: “What is your hero partner’s type?”
it's the way that we rotate (that makes me feel ok) by w0nderlei
Summary: They finally get together, but then Izuku is an ocean away and Katsuki resorts to long-distance yearning.
You Got a Boyfriend? by thatpinkbetch
Summary: In the middle of a bar on a Friday night, Bakugou's out with his old classmates, his friends, drunk as fuck, and head over heels in love with the man sitting right next to him. Does Deku even know how fucking beautiful he is? How incredibly cute, and important? Well, he's about to.
Bakugou's madly in love with his childhood friend (aka, his husband) and he's about to make that everyone's problem.
if at first you don't succeed (cry & try again) by saekimchi
Summary: “What,” says Katsuki flatly, “the actual fuck.”
Izuku looks up from where he's crumpled on the floor in the fetal position, surrounded by little silver wrappers and a half dozen colorful metal badges. “Oh, Kacchan,” he says, sniffling and wiping the dampness still clinging to his eyelashes. “I didn't know you were coming over today.”
behind every good marriage by supercrunch
Summary: (...is a very surprised mother-in-law.)
“So, I’m dating Deku,” says Kacchan.
Mitsuki, to her credit, takes the revelation in stride. "We’re very happy for you, Izuku! You’re a sweet kid and you’ll be a good influence on my stupid son.”
“Thank you, aunty.” Inko still hasn’t said anything. Hesitantly, Izuku reaches across the table to brush his fingers against hers. “Mom? You’re being awful quiet.”
Mitsuki nudges her. “I’m sure she’s just surprised. Really, Masaru and I should be thanking you, Izuku. You’re far too good for our son.”
Inko smiles very sweetly and takes a sip of her wine. “You know what, Mitsuki? I agree.”
They Took the Wisdom With the Teeth by asdfjkl129
Summary: Kacchan is trying – and struggling – to bring Izuku’s other hand up to his face again.
“Don’t touch me, nerd,” he says, and puts Izuku’s hand directly on his face.
“Kacchan,” Izuku laughs, “I thought you didn’t want me to touch you.”
“I don’t,” he insists, and pushes his head into both of Izuku’s hands even more.
- - -
Izuku deals with a high and very affectionate Kacchan fresh from his wisdom teeth surgery and can't help but fall in love with him a little more.
Finally Home by vnillaswirl
Summary: Katsuki Bakugo, aka hero Dynamight, has been assigned to a mission at the worst time possible, and Izuku can't help but feel bitter. Was there a point to celebrating his favorite holiday if his Kachaan wouldn't be there to enjoy it as well?
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Caregiver Katsuki Bakugo Headcanons
A/N: Hey!!! This is my first like. Writing related post. In a WHILE. Sorry about that!! But please feel free to request anything, I’m kinda bored. :P
Warnings: Minor swearing but I think that’s it ???
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Bakugo is very aggressive. We all know this. Pretty much all the time, he’s aggressive and seemingly angry. And this does not waver or change, even when you’re regressed. So if you’re super sensitive, he probably wouldn’t be the best for you.
However, that’s not to say he doesn’t care. Quite the opposite, actually. He would die for you and actively goes out of his way to protect you.
Oh, he would get SO mad if anyone ever said anything remotely negative to you about your age regression. He wouldn’t even try to reason with them or have a debate he would straight up just tell them to kys 💀 (me core)
He does better with toddler or kid regressors, but baby regressors are fine as long as they can tolerate his naturally rough and callous behavior.
He did not know what the hell age regression was before he met you. Honestly, I feel like he’d come off as judgey at first. He doesn’t mean to, it’s just how he is. But then he’d go and research it a bit and realize that it’s not anything weird or fetishy and is instead a healthy coping mechanism.
He’s a little hesitant to be your caregiver at first. He says it’s because he isn’t sure if he wants to focus on anything other than training right now and being a caregiver is a lot of responsibility. That’s partially true. But it’s mainly really because he’s afraid he won’t be good at it and will just end up hurting you and potentially ruining one of your only healthy coping mechanisms.
It takes a lot for him to be able to open up to someone and take care of someone like that, but eventually, he does it. And he finds he enjoys it. He finds your little antics and your dependency on him really adorable.
He’s not embarrassed or ashamed that you age regress. I feel like nearly half of class 1-A regresses so it’s not unusual at all for you two to be in the common room, you sitting on his lap with a sippy cup in hand.
Sets you up on play dates with Kaminari and Mina all the time. He wants you to have fun and interact with other littles. Plus, they’re his friends and their caregivers are his friends too.
Takes a little bit to get used to nicknames as well. But finds he likes parental nicknames a lot more than he thought he would.
The first time you called him dada was something he will never forget. You were half asleep, snuggling in his chest, when you realized you were thirsty. You lazily grabbed his shirt and gently tugged on it and went, “Dada…juice…?”. He immediately knew what you wanted and he gave you the juice. He didn’t even register the nickname until a few seconds later and was really shocked. He didn’t say anything about it in the moment, though. He talked to you about it when you were big again and he clarified that he was okay with it and it didn’t make him uncomfortable.
Midoriya and Kirishima are his go-to babysitters. Mainly Midoriya because he’s more responsible than Kirishima. But Midoriya can get busy quite a lot. And Bakugo’s also a little anxious about you possibly liking Midoriya more than him, although he would rather die than admit that out loud lol.
He can cook. This is canon. This mf can cook like a 1950s housewife it is INSANE. He makes all your food for you, especially when you’re little. He likes taking care of you, even if he won’t really say it.
If you’re like me, and you tend to have really bad rage episodes and outbursts when you’re overstimulated or upset, he’s got you. He knows how to deal with that. He’s got a punching bag in his room that he lets you beat the shit out of if needed. He can make you laugh too. You’ll be beating the fuck out the punching bag and he’ll pretend like it’s a real person and say shit like “YEAH‼️‼️‼️ BEAT HIS ASS‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️” and it makes you giggle.
Surprisingly okay with physical affection. You wanna cling to him? That’s fine. Just listen to him if he tells you to get off of him. Respect his boundaries and don’t get in the way when he’s doing something important and it’s cool. 🙏
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tiniesthero · 18 days
caregiver katsuki bakugo mood board ヽ(・ω・)ノ
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mamaslittlespace · 6 months
♡ Safe Space Cubby ♡
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☁︎ Welcome ageres! Hi All Littles, caregivers, or anyone who wants to be here. Call me Cookie: I am a little and a mommy!caregiver. Lately the world has been crushing down on me and I wanted to make some stuff to help me and others. So I’m here to make some fics!! And they will be very slowly coming out because I run another account.
🍼 Masterlist 🍼
⇢ My hero academia
Fruit shakes- Cg!iida x fem!little!reader
Best price- CG! Kirishima x trans!reader
⇢ Demon Slayer
⇢ Marvel
🧸 Rules to follow 🧸
★ If this is not the page for you, block or move one. This is how some of us feel safe and heal. Sometimes it’s okay to scroll and not leave hate.
★ this is a completely sfw safe. AgeRegression here is just for comfort and nothing sexual about it. You can leave my page if that’s what you want but on here it’s a no.
★ i wouldn’t be doing to heavy themes when it comes to angst but I will give comfort of fics on who ask!
★ blankies, pacis, stuffis, snacks are aloud.
★ like I said no too heavy themes but I’m comfortable with most things for the littles!
★ if you leave a message in my inbox I will reply as a little or a caregiver! Whatever you want.
★ fics will be short and sweet.
★ fem, male, gn are all expected! I will try my best with all of them!
★ body types are welcome too in requests.
★ kitten, puppy spaces are welcome too!!
★ beware I am not familiar with all disability’s so my lack of knowledge might be bad. But I will try my best
★ My hero: Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Momo, Todoroki, Iida. Ships: kirideku, kiribaku, Bakudeku, kiribakudeku.
★ Demonslayer: Tanjiro Kamado, Mitsuri Kanroji, Giyu Tomioka, Kyojuro Rengoku, Shinobu Kochō
★ Marvel: Wanda Maximoff, Team!Avengers.
★ requests and fics might not come out for a while. I log off to go to my main account and can only make theses when I have time!! I am sorry, I hope I can keep up with this account!!
☪︎ open for fandom suggestions ☪︎
🎀 things about me 🎀
𐀔 hello I’m cookie. I am 19 years old, in the past I have used age regression as a save space to heal my trauma but I haven’t been little in a long time, until now. I have had many Cgs but they have all be bad, and littles too but they are mixed. I am willing to be friends with everyone on here if they want! Cg me can help take care of you littles, which little me can play and bond with you too. And little me will love to have a cg to talk to about anything, get to know people first tho before jumping to anything but friends are all at the start!! Thank you <3
𐀔 I like animal crossing, a lots of video games, coloring, and Bluey!
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Welcome! こんにちは! ⛩️
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Fic Masterlist
Art Masterlist
Before You Read Anything of Mine! (Info)
Drawing Game + Art Requests
Here's a bunch of kaomojis for you to use!
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Hello! My name is Michiko, but please call me Michi or by my username, CopyCat! I'm fine with some nicknames as well! *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
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About Me!
I write and draw art for My Hero Academia (just MHA right now)
I'm accepting writing requests! Requests will always be open, so please feel free to stop by! You can ask on anon, and it's completely free! I'm fine with multiple requests and super long and complex requests too!
It just might take me some time to complete them right now, but I always strive for quality! I normally try to keep my fics around 5k+ words. Bonus since sometimes I have to do lots of research on things I'm not familiar with to avoid a poorly written request
Other than writing and drawing I love Japan and Japanese culture! I also love lots of cute things as well (especially cats) ( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ )
I also like biology and biotech! I'll admit I'm a bit of a STEM nerd (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
I'm open to anyone who wants to just chat! I like getting tagged in tag games and hearing about someone's day! It's a bit of a struggle for me to talk to people, but I always try to put in the effort!
It's a pleasure meeting you! ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১
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Writing Requests
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Characters I'm better at writing:
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Anything really
Present Mic
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Platonic Only ➜ Mentor/Aunt/Caregiver, etc
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
All Might
Platonic Only ➜ Mentor/Uncle/Father Figure/Caregiver, etc
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Platonic Only ➜ Friends/Best Friends
Platonic/Romantic ➜ Any Request is fine
Detective Tsukauchi
Platonic Only
Platonic Only
Recovery Girl
Platonic Only
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Other Characters:
I'm fine with writing pretty much any MHA character, although there are some that I'm better with. Just ask and I'll tell you if I can write them or not!
I do mainly write for Shinso and Aizawa, so if you can then I'd suggest asking for them (๑´ㅂ`๑)ŧ‹"ŧ‹"
Will Write:
I'll write for a wide range of things!
Horror (good with this)
Complex/long requests
Mind Control/Brainwashing
Mental illnesses/health (most likely for hurt/comfort)
Slow Burn
Amnesia Fic
Body Swap
Childhood friends/friends/enemies to lovers
Strictly platonic fics
Arranged marriage/regular marriage
Slice of life
Darker content such as Death, torture, interesting ways of thinking, etc. (As long as it has a resolution)
If you have any questions as to what you want to request, please ask! If I can't write for something all the way then I'll be sure to try to find a night ground! ୧(`꒳´* )ว𓈒𓏸
Won't Write:
Political or overly religious prompts (with exceptions, such as it helps drive the plot forward)
Anything that has to do with real people
I don't do character x character (sorry, nothing against it!)
Male reader ( I have nothing against male readers, but since I'm female I find it rather difficult writing from a different perspective). I will write from a gender neutral point of view though :⁠-⁠)
Any hate in general towards an undeserving person/group
Anything other than MHA, although I do like to write short stories and poems from time to time
Overall for Requests:
If you have a request, please send it in! I love getting them, and I always try to write something that won't disappoint. Anons are on, and if you wish to stay anonymous but want to be remembered, then you can sign off with an emoji, symbol, or nickname.
So far my anons are:
Extra Disclaimer (s):
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My Tags!
These are just some ways I've recently been trying to implement to make it easier to navigate my blog. I've only recently created this system for myself, so I'm sorry if it's a bit jumbled!
💬 - Just chatting with someone or random personal posts where I'm just talking
📌 - A post I loved and want to visit again / think is important
🎋 - General messages/asks from others (like from ask games or just sweet messages I receive)
💌 - Can also be used for sweet messages/Notes I really enjoyed
🍱 - Foods/Recipes I want to come back to
🧧 - Educational Japanese/Korean/Chinese content
🎏 - Events/Holidays/Birthdays
🎐 - Cute things!
🩹 - Vent Posts / Asking for personal help or opinions
🧬 - Interesting science or biotech things
📝 - Writing Prompts / Writing Info
🏮 - Aesthetic Japanese Posts
🔖 - General info I've found helpful
🍥 - Anime/Manga things
🔔 - Polls
🍰 - Cute reactions I plan on using
📎 - Posts I liked (like a lesser form of the pin)
🍬 - Sweet Posts (like inspiration and things)
🪻 - Art I like
🍄 - My friends' posts
🍵 - Anything that I relate to / goals of mine
🗨️ - A post with just text (normally short) that isn't mine
📢 - Something important I need to get across
My Hero Academia - General MHA stuff
➜ Along with that I tag the characters
CopyCat Writes - Fics I've made
CopyCat Draws - My Art
My friends ♡ - Anything that has to do with my friends (messages/posts)
Favorite art style - Art styles I really like
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Thank you all for your time! If you ever want to talk or be friends or anything, then I'll be here! I'm a bit awkward when it comes to talking, but I enjoy getting to meet new people!
I hope you all have a lovely day! Wishing you the best! (៸៸᳐>𖥦<៸៸᳐ )੭゙
Link to the old "Welcome" post
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ur-fav-is-agere · 1 year
Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia
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Is a caregiver!
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Izuku who finds out he is regressing around Kacchan once he does some research.
Before they would just call it his "shut down" time. Where he would curl up next to his best friend (preferably in his comfy bed with him, but the common room couches work too, or his mother's couch) and put headphones on and not say a word. He would put on a playlist of acoustic covers, a few video game soundtracks (mainly Minecraft and Animal Crossing), and instrumentals. A playlist of soft music helps to clear his mind and make him feel fuzzy.
He and Kacchan don't speak. Heck, sometimes the blond does nothing to recognize the other's presence besides moving his arm to the back of the pillows or couch so Izuku can tuck himself right up next to his warm body.
They communicate through texts during this time. Most of the time Izuku is already on his phone (scrolling hero blogs, social media platforms, or just cute pictures he has saved on his Pinterest boards) and so Kacchan (who is probably on his own phone as well) will just text Izuku his questions so that he doesn't have to stop listening to his music or anything.
And his questions are never too heavy or serious. Always just:
you okay?
do you need anything? water? snacks?
you mind if I turn something on the TV?
They sit like that for hours or more, always calm and always peaceful. It is nice for Kacchan as well, getting to take care of his best friend and keep them both safe. It felt like winning to him.
Izuku doesn't even realize he's regressing until much later; he finds out about regression and his whole world unlocks.
He goes to Kacchan about this and the blond just says, "wait you didn't know that was what was happening?"
From there they develop a mutually established caregiver/little relationship. Izuku gets some of his first little gear (a chew necklace and an All Might-themed stuffie) and his mind eases into it perfectly.
It has been perfect all along, but not having more knowledge about it helps the both of them.
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theogclownboy · 8 months
Can I request a little midoriya and caregiver bakugo? Or little kaminari and caregiver shinsou? Plz? You can ignore this if u want to!
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cherxyx · 10 months
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12 Days Of Christmas My True Love Sent To Me...
To start off the Holiday season right, I wanted to base a work on one of my favorite Christmas songs.
Spicy Ver.
(These are modern objects/items and these gifts may not fit with your aesthetic. There will be a bunch of random characters.)
BTW: These are my opinions and if there is an anime character that is a CHILD then the age is not changed and the action of the verse is in a friendly/caregiver way not a relationship way!!
Kids in pink (let me know if I missed any) If not pink then they're aged up to around 18-19. If older then their age stays the same.
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On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent me a bouquet of flowers that were gingerbread-themed.
Sugawara, Tanjiro, Shouko Nishimiya, Tohru, Nezkuo, Izuku, Hinata, Uraraka, Asahi  (anybody else you want).
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent me two matching sets of Christmas pjs.
Yachi, Kirishima, Mina, Eren, Yuji, Mikey, Bokuto, Tanaka, Gojo, Todoroki, Bakugo, (anybody else you want)
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent me three matching necklaces.
Mikasa, Eren, Kita, Nanami, Mina, Tsuyu, Mikey, Miyuki, Nezuko, Anya, Geto, (anybody else you want)
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent me four puppies.
Kei, Nanami, Mina, Kaminari, Draken, Gon, Baji, Geto, Tendō (anybody else you want)
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent me five golden rings.
Oikawa, Megumi, Nobara, Tsuyu, Draken, Nezuko, Geto, Sukuna, Momo, Asahi  (anybody else you want to)
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent me six lip oils.
Miya Twins, Kei, Gojo, Tsuyu, Mikey, Michiko, Go Matsuoka, Baji, Sukuna, Eita, Ukai, (anybody else you want to)
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent me a seven layered cake.
Nanami, Kaminari, Kuroo (anybody else you want)
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent me eight different shades.
Suna, Gojo, Mina, Jiro, Draken, Shuji, Miyuki, Coffee, Killua, Baji, Bakugo, Tobio, (anybody else you want to)
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent me nine dangle earrings.
Toji, Suna, Nobara, Mina, Draken, Canary (idk why but i feel like she would), Coffee, Geto, Momo, Tobio (anybody else you want to)
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent me a ten-book series.
Yachi, Kei, Tsuyu (anybody else you want)
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent me eleven new makeup brushes.
Miya Twins, Eren, Toji, Nobara, Kaminari, Jiro, Mikey, Coffee, Go Matsuoka, Kenma, Daichi, Ukai (anybody else you want to)
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent me twelve sweet kisses.
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pubby-from-outerspace · 2 months
welcome to my blog !! ::3
basic info:
helloo !! my name is cyrus and im a pet regressor and age regressor !! when regressing i switch between littlespace, petspace, and a weird inbetween where im basically a kemonomimi? idk, ive never seen anyone else regress that way, but i call it puppy boy regression, and my mindset is inbetween human and animal ::3 im a puppy regressor, specifically german shepherd, and my little age is 7-9. wont specify big age but i am a MINOR!! minor minor minor. i do NOT want to see anything nsfw and will block. >::Ɛ okay anywayss.,, im kinda new to tumblr so im not sure what to include in this intro !?!? im always looking for mutuals, if you follow me i will probably follow back !! ::3
what i post:
ill mostly post petre/agere tips and activity ideas on this blog !! ill also repost anything i enjoy and may ramble from time to time.., i may post stimboards and moodboards as well, but im not very good at making them !! ::Ɛ
MY REQS ARE: open !! ::3
my labels and disabilities:
transgender man
wolff-parkinson-white syndrome
anger issues (undiagnosed currently)
sally face
warrior cats
animal jam
goofy movie
into/across the spiderverse
more i cant remember rn.. too speepy.
random facts:
i do not have a caregiver, nor do i want one !!
im an older kiddo regressor and doing “mature” activities such as chores helps me feel little ::3
i LOVE aliens, if it wasnt obvious ::3
i also really like clowns !!
i listen to rap mostly if you want more details pls ask i love to talk about my music taste
i still enjoy big shows/music when little
alongside a regressor, i am a furry n kemonomimi ::3
my kins when im little:
scout from tf2
socks from bluey
rainbow dash
sonic the hedgehog
barry from pokemon
(growing list, probably !!)
my kins when im big:
katsuki bakugo
larry johnson
red guy
kenny mccormick
craig tucker
miles morales
(growing list, probably !!)
thanks for reading !! byebye
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MHA Agere Headcanons
A/N: This is my official post switching over to a primarily MHA blog. I feel obligated to complete the Hazbin Hotel requests in my inbox, but I don’t want to. I’m not into Hazbin Hotel very much anymore. I’ve had a recent experience with someone that sort of ruined it for me, and I’m going to disconnect myself from it for a while, at least for the most part. I’m sorry, but I will most likely be deleting most, if not all, of the requests in my inbox.
With that out of the way, these are my MHA Agere Headcanons! This will be separated into multiple parts. :)
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Flip, caregiver lean. Controversial, I know! Most people headcanon him as a little or a switch with a regressor lean, but something about him makes me think he cares for people more than he gets taken care of.
I mean look at the entire vigilante arc. He cares more than he gets cared for. Although, that does result him in ignoring his own needs and crashing, something we’ve also canonically seen.
When he’s a caregiver, he’s extremely protective and gentle. He wants you to hold his hand at all times when you’re in public, just to make sure you’re safe. It’s dangerous out there, y’know.
He loves to baby you. He gives you compliments, praise, tells you how much he loves you, etc.. He thinks you’re the cutest thing ever. :)
Physical touch is his favorite thing ever. Especially kisses. He loves just kissing your little head and forehead out of nowhere. And he loves holding you. He just loves you.
When he’s a little, he regresses to about 3-4 years old. He’s very hyper and active, but he’s also pretty good at entertaining himself. He’ll usually just play with his little hero action figures, and occasionally he’ll ask you to play heroes with him.
He loves physical contact when he’s little as well. He asks to cuddle and hold your hand ALL the time.
He draws pictures for you sometimes and gets SOOO excited when you put them on the fridge or hang them up on the wall or something.
Caregiver! Maybe this is just me projecting, because he’s literally my fictional caregiver, but I think he’d be a cg more than anything.
He’d take a little bit to get used to it at first, but he’d warm up eventually. He wouldn’t be super soft or gentle, don’t get me wrong. That’s just not in his nature. He still cares about you and loves you very much, though.
He goes to bed early, so one of his favorite bonding activities is to just. Cuddle. And go to bed snuggling. He doesn’t care if you’re technically not allowed in his dorm room after hours. Not his problem. Aizawa can suck it if he finds out.
He cooks for you. Sometimes, if you’re a little older and can manage it, he’ll let you help out! But you can’t do any of the dangerous stuff, at least not on your own. You just do most of the measuring and stuff when you wanna help out. Other than that, he does it.
He SPOILS you rotten. He knows he isn’t good with words, and while he appreciates physical affection sometimes, it gets a bit awkward for him after awhile if it’s in public. So, to try to make up for it and to let you know he still loves you, he buys you pretty much anything you want.
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proxissima · 10 months
Ooooh what do you think of afo's backstory? Did you like it or not? Since you like him lots, it would be interesting to hear your opinion. Did you expect anything like this?
Sorry, I didn't mean to reply to this this late; I had half of this typed out last Monday, then the new chapter and life happened.
So... The last few chapters in general have been quite a ride, with very mixed moments and scenes. That tonal whiplash, going from the chapter before that to arguably the most rancid and horrifying backstory in the series so far, was something else.
Ik you didn't ask about my opinion on the chapters before that one, but let it be said that that disbelief was no longer being suspended™. Everything related to Bakugo was just taking me out of the story completely because of how goofy it felt. That being said, I also believe that Horikoshi had written himself into a corner beforehand with Bakugo, because the way his death had been set up, actually keeping him dead would've been a poor choice but his revival now was also... not handled in a way that feels authentic. But all of this is just my opinion.
Anyway, I have to give Horikoshi credit for this chapter about AFO's backstory, because I was genuinely about to check out of the series as a whole, ngl. It was jaw-dropping and it's been a while since a story made me feel as viscerally uncomfortable/disgusted as that past chapter. The circumstances surrounding AFO's birth, that Yoichi and him were actually twins, the comparison between quirks and STI's... Jesus.
There's the obvious parallels of the brothers' story with the myth about Romulus and Remus, which I think is pretty cool.
That chapter was a lot more explicit than what anyone could've seen coming, HK really went all out there. Is it what I'd expected? I mean, I was never really... too concerned about AFO's personal upbringing. I figured he was an entitled, rich asshole by the time he locked Yoichi into the vault, but that's pretty much a given and now basically confirmed. I did like to think he was always like this, raised in a rich family, though I never really committed to that idea, because, ultimately, it doesn't really matter because it all boils down to the same thing.
What heinous crimes he chose to commit later in his life when he needn't to.
AFO's childhood turned out to be utterly horrifying; he lived through deeply traumatising formative years, hunted and scorned by society, before he inevitably turned the tide with his god-like powers and became the scourge of society for his next 100+ years alive, in return.
He's become a supervillain, a mass and serial murderer, and whatever else is in his long list of crimes.
None of it excuses his actions, but the tragic circumstances do leave room to wonder, what if.
He was very much shaped by his mother's death, forcing him to take up the mantle as a caregiver for his twin brother from early infancy, by how he was not just I ignored and failed but actively hunted down by society. This environment led to him seeing himself not as human in the beginning, which turned into a god-complex later in his life.
He's indifferent to the suffering he causes others at best, and really enjoying at worst. He shows no remorse for any of his actions, ever. Look no further than one of the recent past chapters where his face literally split open from the grin he had on it as he was about to kill All Might. Taking 408 into account, as well, he's hunted down and killed each and every individual related to the second OFA user, which makes me wonder what he did with the infants and small children.
((I'd argue that AFO is a narcissistic psychopath and would most likely be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (this and malignant/grandiose narcissism are almost indistinguishable from each other). He checks pretty much all the hallmarks for NPD and ASPD:
Saying he's a deceitful person is an understatement. He's a chronic and cunning liar and manipulator. He's been using Shigaraki (whom he'd robbed of his own identity) from early childhood on to sort of fill the role of a substitute for his own brother, but also as a vessel and backup plan, should his body give out, while simultaneously taking revenge on both the seventh and eighth users of OFA.
"Failure to conform to societal norms and laws". ...Lol.
He quite literally started a cult around his persona (#408).
A remarkable lack of empathy. He hardly ever displays real emotions, not even anger in most situations (I'm not sure how much the final battle can be accounted for here, since he was influenced by Shigaraki's hatred, which is what causef give in to his own hatred of All Might to chase after him)...))
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