#caregiver bakugo katsuki
Izuku who finds out he is regressing around Kacchan once he does some research.
Before they would just call it his "shut down" time. Where he would curl up next to his best friend (preferably in his comfy bed with him, but the common room couches work too, or his mother's couch) and put headphones on and not say a word. He would put on a playlist of acoustic covers, a few video game soundtracks (mainly Minecraft and Animal Crossing), and instrumentals. A playlist of soft music helps to clear his mind and make him feel fuzzy.
He and Kacchan don't speak. Heck, sometimes the blond does nothing to recognize the other's presence besides moving his arm to the back of the pillows or couch so Izuku can tuck himself right up next to his warm body.
They communicate through texts during this time. Most of the time Izuku is already on his phone (scrolling hero blogs, social media platforms, or just cute pictures he has saved on his Pinterest boards) and so Kacchan (who is probably on his own phone as well) will just text Izuku his questions so that he doesn't have to stop listening to his music or anything.
And his questions are never too heavy or serious. Always just:
you okay?
do you need anything? water? snacks?
you mind if I turn something on the TV?
They sit like that for hours or more, always calm and always peaceful. It is nice for Kacchan as well, getting to take care of his best friend and keep them both safe. It felt like winning to him.
Izuku doesn't even realize he's regressing until much later; he finds out about regression and his whole world unlocks.
He goes to Kacchan about this and the blond just says, "wait you didn't know that was what was happening?"
From there they develop a mutually established caregiver/little relationship. Izuku gets some of his first little gear (a chew necklace and an All Might-themed stuffie) and his mind eases into it perfectly.
It has been perfect all along, but not having more knowledge about it helps the both of them.
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stimmypawz · 10 months
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💥bakugou stimboard!💥
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jelliefishhhh · 1 year
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Starting off with Agere icons of myself!! <3
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
Aged Up BakuDeku SFW One Shots
Pro Hero AU
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
No smut … still check tags.
Art not mine … credit to @thekittyheartart {permission to use granted}.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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the feeling of being in motion again by nikkiRA
Summary: "Don't you want to date him?” Katsuki wants to do a lot of things. He wants to run his fingers through his wild curls and press his lips to the freckles on his cheek. He wants to make him dinner and listen to him ramble on about his day and listen to his stupid muttering and rub his shitty arm when it hurts and— "Yeah, I wanna fucking date him."
Mina sits back and crosses her arms. "You'd better do as I say, then."
Okinawa Sunshine by amarisllis
Summary: Katsuki is smiling so wide that his face is starting to hurt. Izuku is the most gorgeous goddamn thing he’s ever seen.
Deku is still staring at him, and Katsuki is still holding his phone against his ear like a goddamn dork. “Surprise,” Katsuki whispers, as he drops his duffel bag unceremoniously to the floor. His heart is still beating amazingly fast, and he lets out a nervous laugh as he takes a step closer. “Happy birthday, dumbass.”
Don't Go (Without Me) by amarisllis
Summary: Kacchan is always surprising him. He always tries so hard to make Izuku happy, surprising him with dinner on long days, or spontaneous dates, or limited edition All Might merch that Izuku didn’t manage to get his hands on himself. Kacchan’s surprises always make Izuku smile the way nothing else can, whether it’s something as small as the two of them getting an extra patrol shift together or something as big as Ultra-VIP tickets to the one hero convention that they weren’t scheduled to appear as guests at. Kacchan is the absolute best at everything, including gift-giving, and it makes Izuku feel as if he’s the luckiest man in the world. Forget being the number one hero; being on the receiving end of Kacchan’s surprises is the real honor.
So, naturally, when he decided to try and surprise Kacchan for once, he knew he had to do something big.
Izuku goes overboard while trying to keep a secret, and Katsuki worries that he's pulling away for good.
"what's your type?" by sapphicflower
Summary: In order to increase their popularity rankings as up and coming pro heroes, Izuku and Katsuki participate in the most popular late night talk show for hero duos - ‘Heroes Rising!’. They’re killing it, obviously, because they know each other from inside and out.
Until one question stumps the two of them: “What is your hero partner’s type?”
it's the way that we rotate (that makes me feel ok) by w0nderlei
Summary: They finally get together, but then Izuku is an ocean away and Katsuki resorts to long-distance yearning.
You Got a Boyfriend? by thatpinkbetch
Summary: In the middle of a bar on a Friday night, Bakugou's out with his old classmates, his friends, drunk as fuck, and head over heels in love with the man sitting right next to him. Does Deku even know how fucking beautiful he is? How incredibly cute, and important? Well, he's about to.
Bakugou's madly in love with his childhood friend (aka, his husband) and he's about to make that everyone's problem.
if at first you don't succeed (cry & try again) by saekimchi
Summary: “What,” says Katsuki flatly, “the actual fuck.”
Izuku looks up from where he's crumpled on the floor in the fetal position, surrounded by little silver wrappers and a half dozen colorful metal badges. “Oh, Kacchan,” he says, sniffling and wiping the dampness still clinging to his eyelashes. “I didn't know you were coming over today.”
behind every good marriage by supercrunch
Summary: (...is a very surprised mother-in-law.)
“So, I’m dating Deku,” says Kacchan.
Mitsuki, to her credit, takes the revelation in stride. "We’re very happy for you, Izuku! You’re a sweet kid and you’ll be a good influence on my stupid son.”
“Thank you, aunty.” Inko still hasn’t said anything. Hesitantly, Izuku reaches across the table to brush his fingers against hers. “Mom? You’re being awful quiet.”
Mitsuki nudges her. “I’m sure she’s just surprised. Really, Masaru and I should be thanking you, Izuku. You’re far too good for our son.”
Inko smiles very sweetly and takes a sip of her wine. “You know what, Mitsuki? I agree.”
They Took the Wisdom With the Teeth by asdfjkl129
Summary: Kacchan is trying – and struggling – to bring Izuku’s other hand up to his face again.
“Don’t touch me, nerd,” he says, and puts Izuku’s hand directly on his face.
“Kacchan,” Izuku laughs, “I thought you didn’t want me to touch you.”
“I don’t,” he insists, and pushes his head into both of Izuku’s hands even more.
- - -
Izuku deals with a high and very affectionate Kacchan fresh from his wisdom teeth surgery and can't help but fall in love with him a little more.
Finally Home by vnillaswirl
Summary: Katsuki Bakugo, aka hero Dynamight, has been assigned to a mission at the worst time possible, and Izuku can't help but feel bitter. Was there a point to celebrating his favorite holiday if his Kachaan wouldn't be there to enjoy it as well?
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Caregiver Katsuki Bakugo Headcanons
A/N: Hey!!! This is my first like. Writing related post. In a WHILE. Sorry about that!! But please feel free to request anything, I’m kinda bored. :P
Warnings: Minor swearing but I think that’s it ???
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Bakugo is very aggressive. We all know this. Pretty much all the time, he’s aggressive and seemingly angry. And this does not waver or change, even when you’re regressed. So if you’re super sensitive, he probably wouldn’t be the best for you.
However, that’s not to say he doesn’t care. Quite the opposite, actually. He would die for you and actively goes out of his way to protect you.
Oh, he would get SO mad if anyone ever said anything remotely negative to you about your age regression. He wouldn’t even try to reason with them or have a debate he would straight up just tell them to kys 💀 (me core)
He does better with toddler or kid regressors, but baby regressors are fine as long as they can tolerate his naturally rough and callous behavior.
He did not know what the hell age regression was before he met you. Honestly, I feel like he’d come off as judgey at first. He doesn’t mean to, it’s just how he is. But then he’d go and research it a bit and realize that it’s not anything weird or fetishy and is instead a healthy coping mechanism.
He’s a little hesitant to be your caregiver at first. He says it’s because he isn’t sure if he wants to focus on anything other than training right now and being a caregiver is a lot of responsibility. That’s partially true. But it’s mainly really because he’s afraid he won’t be good at it and will just end up hurting you and potentially ruining one of your only healthy coping mechanisms.
It takes a lot for him to be able to open up to someone and take care of someone like that, but eventually, he does it. And he finds he enjoys it. He finds your little antics and your dependency on him really adorable.
He’s not embarrassed or ashamed that you age regress. I feel like nearly half of class 1-A regresses so it’s not unusual at all for you two to be in the common room, you sitting on his lap with a sippy cup in hand.
Sets you up on play dates with Kaminari and Mina all the time. He wants you to have fun and interact with other littles. Plus, they’re his friends and their caregivers are his friends too.
Takes a little bit to get used to nicknames as well. But finds he likes parental nicknames a lot more than he thought he would.
The first time you called him dada was something he will never forget. You were half asleep, snuggling in his chest, when you realized you were thirsty. You lazily grabbed his shirt and gently tugged on it and went, “Dada…juice…?”. He immediately knew what you wanted and he gave you the juice. He didn’t even register the nickname until a few seconds later and was really shocked. He didn’t say anything about it in the moment, though. He talked to you about it when you were big again and he clarified that he was okay with it and it didn’t make him uncomfortable.
Midoriya and Kirishima are his go-to babysitters. Mainly Midoriya because he’s more responsible than Kirishima. But Midoriya can get busy quite a lot. And Bakugo’s also a little anxious about you possibly liking Midoriya more than him, although he would rather die than admit that out loud lol.
He can cook. This is canon. This mf can cook like a 1950s housewife it is INSANE. He makes all your food for you, especially when you’re little. He likes taking care of you, even if he won’t really say it.
If you’re like me, and you tend to have really bad rage episodes and outbursts when you’re overstimulated or upset, he’s got you. He knows how to deal with that. He’s got a punching bag in his room that he lets you beat the shit out of if needed. He can make you laugh too. You’ll be beating the fuck out the punching bag and he’ll pretend like it’s a real person and say shit like “YEAH‼️‼️‼️ BEAT HIS ASS‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️” and it makes you giggle.
Surprisingly okay with physical affection. You wanna cling to him? That’s fine. Just listen to him if he tells you to get off of him. Respect his boundaries and don’t get in the way when he’s doing something important and it’s cool. 🙏
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tiniesthero · 18 days
caregiver katsuki bakugo mood board ヽ(・ω・)ノ
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ur-fav-is-agere · 1 year
Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia
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Is a caregiver!
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pubby-from-outerspace · 2 months
welcome to my blog !! ::3
basic info:
helloo !! my name is cyrus and im a pet regressor and age regressor !! when regressing i switch between littlespace, petspace, and a weird inbetween where im basically a kemonomimi? idk, ive never seen anyone else regress that way, but i call it puppy boy regression, and my mindset is inbetween human and animal ::3 im a puppy regressor, specifically german shepherd, and my little age is 7-9. wont specify big age but i am a MINOR!! minor minor minor. i do NOT want to see anything nsfw and will block. >::Ɛ okay anywayss.,, im kinda new to tumblr so im not sure what to include in this intro !?!? im always looking for mutuals, if you follow me i will probably follow back !! ::3
what i post:
ill mostly post petre/agere tips and activity ideas on this blog !! ill also repost anything i enjoy and may ramble from time to time.., i may post stimboards and moodboards as well, but im not very good at making them !! ::Ɛ
MY REQS ARE: open !! ::3
my labels and disabilities:
transgender man
wolff-parkinson-white syndrome
anger issues (undiagnosed currently)
sally face
warrior cats
animal jam
goofy movie
into/across the spiderverse
more i cant remember rn.. too speepy.
random facts:
i do not have a caregiver, nor do i want one !!
im an older kiddo regressor and doing “mature” activities such as chores helps me feel little ::3
i LOVE aliens, if it wasnt obvious ::3
i also really like clowns !!
i listen to rap mostly if you want more details pls ask i love to talk about my music taste
i still enjoy big shows/music when little
alongside a regressor, i am a furry n kemonomimi ::3
my kins when im little:
scout from tf2
socks from bluey
rainbow dash
sonic the hedgehog
barry from pokemon
(growing list, probably !!)
my kins when im big:
katsuki bakugo
larry johnson
red guy
kenny mccormick
craig tucker
miles morales
(growing list, probably !!)
thanks for reading !! byebye
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Hi hi! I was wondering if I could please request a Little! Gender Neutral! reader with a Caregiver! Katsuki Bakugou, but he doesn't know about their regression yet?
Please and thank you!!!
Have an amazing day!!! <3
Of course! I'm sorry for the delay, but I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: just Bakugo's potty mouth. Nothing is said out of anger or anything towards you, he just has a bad habit of not watching his language. If anything, he's frustrated on your behalf.
"Nap Time"
You found yourself watching your favorite cartoon after you got home. It had been a long day of villain fighting, paperwork, and mean people that just couldn't understand what all hero work required. You couldn't be everywhere at once! It was no surprise that you needed a break from it all.
What was surprising was that you ended up regressing after everything.
And that's how Bakugo found you: wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket, watching your favorite childhood cartoon with wide eyes. That wouldn't have been weird if it hadn't been for your soft giggles and the thumb you were gnawing on absentmindedly.
"Um, hey there?" He was uncharacteristically quiet, unsure of what to say.
Hearing him, you grinned and held your arms out for a hug. "Bak'go! Come sit! Missed you!" You excitedly patted the couch beside you with one hand, Bakugo was home! He could watch your favorite show with you! Maybe he'd even help you put together your new lego set! This was going to be so much fun!
Bakugo hesitated, still unsure of how you were acting, but smiled and sat beside you. He could never resist a cuddle session. "Hey, bear. How are you doing?"
You snuggled close and sighed, content now that he was with you. "Fine. Bad day, missed you."
He snarled, pulling you closer. "They make you do all the paperwork again? Those fuckers." He fumed, the other heroes at your agency liked to dump all the work on you and get all the glory for themselves. He couldn't count how many times you'd come home with other people's documents, struggling into the late hours to get everything submitted.
"Mhm. An' people were mean."
Bakugo grumbled to himself about 'self-righteous a-holes', but you didn't pay it much thought. You just curled up into his chest and sighed contentedly.
"Bak'go? Can we take a nap? P'ease?"
He paused again, hesitating at your phrasing. You sounded so...small? Childlike? He'd have to talk with you about it later.
But right now, there were more important things to worry about.
"Sure, bear, we can take a nap. Come'ere." He laid down on the couch and pulled you with him, so you were laying on his chest. Then he pulled the blanket over the both of you.
You wrapped the blanket tighter around yourself and relaxed into his hold. "Night, Bak'go" you whispered, eyes already closing as your breathing slowed.
"Good night." Bakugo made a note to talk with you later. He wasn't judging, no! He just wanted to know how he could help you better with whatever this was. It clearly helped you relax. And honestly? He was glad you'd found something that helped.
He just wanted to know how he could be there for you through it.
For now, he closed his own eyes and let himself ease into the couch. He was just glad you were able to rest, for once.
And he would make sure he was there for you.
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I am all for flip bakugo. I feel like he’d be a really good caregiver but keep his regression secret for fear of being called ‘weak’
Oh you are absolutely right!
When the others come out to him about their regression they fear that he might judge them on it and he can sense that; so he takes the time to make them their favorite snackies and put on their favorite shows. He takes the time away from his own training to care for them.
It is the only time that he is ever really physically affectionate. He runs his hands through their hair and praises them on their coloring pages, games, puzzles, etc. that they've done. It is a caring side of Bakugo that no one was expecting but everyone loves to see.
It is really sweet but when they are big again and ask why, he clams up. He can't come out and say it is because he craves that kind of attention when he is regressed, that his little-self is crying for some nice head pats or for someone to pour some juice into his favorite sippy.
He keeps that part of himself locked away, convinced that they will all see him differently once they know despite nothing changing for the person he is caring for. It is just different when it is himself, or so he thinks.
// Thank you for this ask, anon! This turned out a little angstier than I meant it, so I will tag it as such. But what do you think? Do you think Bakugo can hide it forever or is someone going to find out? I am curious to know what you guys think, so leave a comment/reblog/ or just tap an answer on the poll! I love interacting with people <3
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
Crashes to Cradles
Crashes to Cradles by LetThemBeRegressors
Todoroki and Bakugo have had enough of their abusive parents. After going through a bunch of legal things to get them the jail time they deserve, they start a new life with their respective boyfriends. After enrolling in therapy with Mr. Aizawa, they discover that age regression could be used to help cope with their childhood trauma. With the help of therapy, and their new caregivers, they tackle childhood trauma together, and one last little thing, they have to keep the whole thing a secret from the public!
Words: 2454, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Diapers, Therapy, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto has PTSD, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Mentor Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Temper Tantrums, Fluff and Angst, Autistic Midoriya Izuku, Autistic Todoroki Shouto, Autistic Bakugou Katsuki, Chronic Pain, Coping, Abusive Bakugou Mitsuki, Abusive Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43091106
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
Denki Needs to Go Potty!
Denki Needs To Go Potty! by Useless Fanfictions
Denki, who is regressed and really needs to go potty, except the class is out to a heroes’ museum and they're standing in line to get in. It is a long line and it seems like they've already been standing here for hours. Or, the one where Class 1-A goes to a museum and Denki is regressed.
Words: 800, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Sero Hanta, Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A
Additional Tags: Age Regression, Non-Sexual Age Play, (not age play ao3's tagging just sucks), Age Regression Little Kaminari Denki, Age Regression Caregiver Kirishima Eijirou, Age Regression Caregiver Bakugo Katsuki, Age Regression Caregiver Sero Hanta, sfw age regression, agere, Mha Agere, no kink, Urination, Non-explicit Urination
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42849819
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Crashes to Cradles
Crashes to Cradles by LetThemBeRegressors
Todoroki and Bakugo have had enough of their abusive parents. After going through a bunch of legal things to get them the jail time they deserve, they start a new life with their respective boyfriends. After enrolling in therapy with Mr. Aizawa, they discover that age regression could be used to help cope with their childhood trauma. With the help of therapy, and their new caregivers, they tackle childhood trauma together, and one last little thing, they have to keep the whole thing a secret from the public!
Words: 2454, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Diapers, Therapy, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto has PTSD, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Mentor Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Temper Tantrums, Fluff and Angst, Autistic Midoriya Izuku, Autistic Todoroki Shouto, Autistic Bakugou Katsuki, Chronic Pain, Coping, Abusive Bakugou Mitsuki, Abusive Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43091106
0 notes
notbirdnorplane · 2 months
It all began many generations ago in Qing Qing City with the birth of an extraordinary baby that radiated light. After that, reports of people with superpowers began popping up all over the globe. The cause of these “Quirks” was unclear, and time passed. The old structures of society crumbled, giving way before the new. Chaos ran rampant in the streets, and people and governments alike began to adapt to fiction becoming their reality. A new profession emerged in these times as citizens rose up to help those in need: the Hero was born. At first, it was only 1% of the populous. Then 2%...4%...16%...now, roughly 80% of people possess these uncanny abilities. The once-extraordinary became the norm.
However, not all circumstances are fair; men are not created equal; society and humanity are not without flaw.
Among the masses, there were still those without power, the Quirkless. They were often stigmatized and abused by their powerful peers. Certain doors were closed to them the moment they were born, be it to a career path, or even certain schools. The tide had changed.
Laws adjusted how they could, but people were still unsure how to deal with Quirks, leaving only vaguely-enforced policies and rules. How could one ban something that was genetically part of another human being? What was considered a genuine crime committed via one’s Quirk, and how could that even be proven without witnessing it firsthand?
Things have become stable out of a desire for normality and peace, but issues bubble just beneath the surface. Social and political movements rally for their causes. Criminals who criminally abuse their Quirks for personal gain become branded Villains and wreak havoc and chaos amid the peace, and professionally licensed Heroes stand against them, protecting and serving the public. The vanguard between the two are the unofficial Heroes, the Vigilantes, dealing their own brand of justice in a world ill-suited to them or simply because they lack the proper licensing.
This was the Age of the Superhuman. The Age of Inequality.
Small flashes and pops, like firecrackers. That’s how it appeared to the crowd of youngsters as a small child unlocked his Quirk. Though most of them, the teacher included, couldn’t help but gush and adulate the phenomenon, the child in question just looked on at the new aspect of himself with curious red eyes, mouth slightly agape.
“Wow! That’s so cool, Kacchan!” “Nobody else has a Quirk like that!”
The words of praise fell on deaf ears. Young Katsuki Bakugo’s mind was bubbling with all different sorts of thoughts as he took in the new sensation. “This is my Quirk?” he quietly asked.
“Yep! It’s the perfect kind of Quirk for a Hero to have, don’t you think, Katsuki-chan?” the caregiver asked.
“Yamikumo!” Katsuki, as he had with the rest of the kids, wholeheartedly dismissed her as background noise. The smile he wore shinned with joy as he scampered over to his friend. “Look! Look! I’ve finally got my Quirk!”
“Wow! That’s amazing, Kacchan!” The friend’s purple-hued eyes glistened excitedly. He was a child of roughly the same size as the other, though unlike Katsuki who had expressively spikey hair and clear skin, this one had wildly messy, dark hair that matched his eye color and freckles that adorned his cheeks. “I can’t wait to get mine!”
“Yeah!” Katsuki cheered on his friend, closing his hands and extinguishing the small explosions. “Then, we can go on adventures and stuff like real Heroes! We’ll save all sorts of people!”
The two kids seemed to be having a wonderful time bonding, though some of the other kids that had been ignored sulked off with a dejected look to their expressions and demeanor. “Katsuki-chan,” implored the lady with a pleading tone and smile, “wouldn’t you like to share more with everyone else? You get to see Mikumo-chan every day after all.”
Katsuki looked to the teacher with bright curiosity, smiling to her as he did with Yamikumo. “Why would I wanna do that? It’s not like they’re my best friend, Omoi-sensei.” Inwardly, Katsuki was a bit miffed that their time together was being interrupted.
The other children were all a mix of emotions at those hurtful words. Some of the rejects were on the verge of tears, and others looked like they wanted to create an angry outburst. The onlookers were silent, unsure where to stand at the moment. One of their classmates was going against a teacher after all.
At first, Omoi seemed taken aback, but the young instructor quickly regained her composure. “But they still care about you. And only showing Akatani isn’t fair, is it?” She looked over to some of the students who had left to sulk. “Besides, Rei-chan got her Quirk recently, right? And Kenjiro-chan too! Everyone got to see.”
Katsuki turned his head the same direction as his instructor. Despite the yellow bunny name tags each student wore, their names didn’t feel familiar to him. One of them got a Quirk recently? He had a rather carefree expression on his face as he returned to smiling at Omoi. “Really? That’s cool. I’m still waiting on Yamikumo to get his, then we’re gonna have our own Agency!”
“Kacchan…” Mikumo Akatani, or as Katsuki called him, Yamikumo, looked between his friend and their sensei with a worried expression, to which, Katsuki glanced over to him with the same friendly smile he’d been wearing for everyone. “Maybe you should go ahead and show Rei-chan and Ken-chan…”
Katsuki pondered over this for a few brief moments by looking up to the ceiling, then shook his head in denial as his gaze returned to Mikumo. If at all possible, his smile only seemed to brighten. “Nah. It’s my Quirk, and I’ll celebrate with you.”
Omoi looked like she wanted to say something, but only sighed in defeat. “I thought I’d be used to this by now…” she muttered to herself. “You really do go to the beat of your own drum, Katsuki-chan.” She stood up from her crouching position with a gentle smile. “Just make sure to share with the others if they ask to see, okay?”
“Okay~!” Katsuki gave her a thumbs-up. Most of the children seemed satisfied with that answer, and those that weren’t went back to playing with their other friends, leaving Katsuki and Mikumo to themselves.
“You don’t have to do that, Kacchan.” Mikumo smiled a little, appreciative of his friend, but seeming somewhat upset he’d been a source of conflict. “You can just come over today and show me.”
“But your mom’s taking you to the doctor today, right?” Katsuki’s smile dimmed into his casual smile as he grabbed a ball off the floor. “It sucks, but I gotta wait. We’ll do it some other time.”
“Yeah. Mom says I might have a Quirk that doesn’t need me to do anything, and the doctor will know for sure.” Mikumo brightened up a bit as they changed topics.
“Oh yeah? That doesn’t happen too often! Maybe it’s even cooler than your mom’s.”
“Akatani!” called Omoi, garnering both Katsuki’s and Mikumo’s attention. Yamikumo’s mother was standing in the open doorway, smiling to her son. “Your mom’s here for you. Gather your things so you can head home, please.”
Mikumo smiled, nodding to teacher and parent before returning to Katsuki. “See you tomorrow, Kacchan!”
Though the tomorrow they envisioned wasn’t the tomorrow they received.
“Did’ja hear? Akatani doesn’t have one,” one of the kids commented. Like the day before, the small ones had gathered into a crowd around another of their classmates. However, the energy in the room felt very differently than yesterday. The aura was a mixture of pity and vindictive spite, a veritable fog of negativity.
“What? No way; that’s so weird!” muttered one of the others with a vaguely concealed snicker. “I heard it’s called being ‘Quirkless’.” “Poor Akatani-chan…” “That’s what he gets for letting Katsuki-chan run his mouth.”
The subject of interest himself was sitting on the floor, nearly hidden beneath one of the tables placed in the room. His purple bangs weren’t enough to hide the tears nearing the edge of his eyes.
“Hey!” It wasn’t shouted, but it was said with a sort of authority. The sea of munchkins parted for the speaker. Katsuki walked through, and while he was smiling, it wasn’t nearly as happily as the day before. It was a sad smile, like one might have while seeing the sun covered by an oncoming storm. “You guys shouldn’t bother Yamikumo anymore if you’re not being nice.” All the while, his little hand was raised, followed by the firecracker-like explosions. “And if you don’t like me, you can just talk to me instead.”
To most, this all sounded like a threat. It was enough to scare them back into their own activities, especially once saved by Omoi’s call for them to disperse and continue playing. With them gone, Katsuki closed his hand and plopped down beside his friend. There was an uncomfortable silence that settled in while the sounds of the others just background noise between the two as each tried to think of something to say. Mikumo was the first to speak up.
“You don’t have to hang around me anymore if you don’t wanna, Kacchan.” For such a youngling, his tone was steeped in sadness and despair. “We can’t be Heroes together anymore.”
That quickly wiped Katsuki’s smile off his face, replacing it with a curiously concerned expression. “Like that made us friends?” It was posed more as a rhetorical question, but was said with such conviction that it could be taken more as a statement.
Mikumo looked up from the floor and to Katsuki. “B-But, I’m Quirkless…and everyone else—”
“As if that made us friends,” Katsuki reiterated almost dismissively as his smile returned. “Besides, I think you can still be a Hero. Like…a smarty that brings down the bad guys with traps and tools!”
The purple one looked a little more hopeful as he smiled and wiped his eyes. Where the others might’ve gotten more hurt or angry at this point, it actually cheered the tike up. “You mean that? We’re still friends? And you really think I can be a Hero too?”
A vigorous, affirmative nod was given by Katsuki. “Yeah, of course! Anyone can do it if they try!”
Nearly a decade passed in the blink of an eye, and April came marching in the same as always. The new school year was greeted with the cherry blossoms right beside the school gate. Meanwhile, inside, the third-years of Aldera Junior High were already in preparation for their graduation.
“You guys are all third-years now, so it’s time to start thinking seriously about your futures!” It seemed like a rather ordinary lecture within the classroom, with the teacher trying to guide his students. “Normally, I’d hand out these future career forms…” He picked up the stack of papers, flouncing it about as he walked around his desk…before tossing them into the waste bin with grandiose enthusiasm. “But I assume you all want to be Heroes!”
The class burst into excitement, each youthful teenager eager to show off their Quirk and prove to their teacher that they were ready to become Heroes. All save for two individuals, one of which quietly looked down to his desk, the other of which would soon speak his mind.
“Sensei! Don’t lump me in with these guys!” The classroom suddenly turned in near-unison to the voice. “There’s just not enough room for all of us where I’m going.”
A dull roar of grumbles ensued towards their classmate, every single one is dissidence against the speaker.
“You think you’re better than us, Katsuki?!” “Get over yourself, man!”
Katsuki had grown quite well into his teenage years. While his hair and the way he smiled were still the same, he was lither and more muscular than before, taller too. He’d likely take on these traits even more as he got older. Instead of the standard-issue blazer for the school uniform, Katsuki instead wore a light-brown sweater jacket. It almost looked handmade.
The teacher dug through some of the papers on his desk, eventually finding the one he was looking for. “Ah, right…you’re aiming to go to U.A. High, right Bakugo?” He asked this quite casually, though it sent a shudder through the student body.
“That national school?! But only the top twenty percent of the written exam move on to the practical! Even then, only around forty people will get in!”
“That’s barely one-percent!”
“Your chances might as well be none!”
Katsuki threw his head back and let out a cheerful laugh. “You might think so, but I’d daresay anyone could do it if they try! I’ll be the best Hero once I graduate!”
“Well, with that positive note, let’s move on to the next U.A. candidate.” Papers were shuffled as the teacher worked to find another career form. “Akatani, you’re planning on applying too, right?”
Mikumo Akatani’s desk was positioned one down and to the right of Katsuki’s. Up until this point, he’d been keeping to himself, reading what looked to be a textbook over electrical wiring. His hair had become long and unruly, with his purple bangs parted slightly to the side so he could see decently. “…I’ve considered it. Wouldn’t hurt to at least give it a try.”
The class in general gave a snicker at the thought of that. Though most of the opposition wasn’t so direct, and those who approached were either due to concern or in passive aggression.
“Akatani, you can’t be serious. You’re smart, but it’d be dangerous to try without a Quirk.”
“A small fry like you would only get squashed the moment the practical started.”
A short glare from Mikumo promptly shut most of them up, causing them to look away. While he wasn’t a delinquent per se, he had certainly become an errant student of sorts, one that didn’t take bullies lightly. He soon returned his gaze to his book, as though trying to dismiss the conversation. “The Hero Course isn’t the only career path U.A. offers.”
“Ah, a fair point has been made.” The teacher gave a smile of sorts. “They still have the Business, General, and Support Courses, and you can choose a secondary path when you submit your application. You also did very well on the written mock exams. There might be a decent chance for you to get into at least one of those, Akatani.”
With that, the Westminster chime sounded on the speakers for homeroom to end. “Ah, that seems like my cue,” the teacher said, dismissing himself as he gathered up his supplies. “Well, if any of you aren’t planning on trying for a Hero Course, let me know.”
The class day seemed to pass by as usual, with nothing but the basic general studies work for the students. But, pass it did. As Mikumo exited the classroom with his belongings, a familiar arm looped around the Quirkless’s shoulders.
“Hey! Yamikumo!” Katsuki greeted with a smile. It was he who was embracing Mikumo.
“What’re you doing, Katsuki?” Purple eyes quietly drifted over to the friend. “There are easier ways to get my attention.”
“Eh, this was the first to come to mind.” He gave a chuckle, but released Yamikumo so the two could actually walk. “I didn’t have a chance to ask this earlier, but do you need any help dealing with those guys?” Katsuki was referring to the passive-aggressive bullies from their homeroom. “You know I’m always willing to talk to people who give my best bro a hard time, right?”
“I honestly think that’d do more harm than good,” Mikumo answered sullenly, pulling out his phone to check the time. “There’s always gonna be opposition, so I gotta deal with it on my own. Besides, with my position, it’d be simple to correct them. Even if I’m Quirkless, they usually won’t do anything.”
“Oh, that’s right,” commented Katsuki with a chipper grin. “You got elected as the head of the Disciplinary Committee, didn’t ‘cha, Student Council-san?” The last bit was a friendly tease on Katsuki’s part. “Guess that means you’ll be off doing your own thing from now on?”
“Whenever I’m needed to at least.” The phone returned to its proper pocket. “It’s the best thing I can do to help people at the moment.”
The idea had been proposed by several nearby schools towards the end of the previous school year to introduce a Disciplinary Committee to their respective student councils as a means to monitor and protect the student body. Teenagers weren’t best-known for making good decisions, and some had even taken advantage of others via Quirks.
“People probably see me as just a snitch. That’s probably also why they didn’t want the position either.” Mikumo grumbled to himself. “The teachers pretty much just handed it off to me.”
“But still!” Katsuki threw his hand open, palm upwards, as he gestured and spoke. Occasional apple-sized explosions burst from his hand as they walked along. “You get to help decide how things are run! That’s pretty damn cool!”
“Katsuki, you shouldn’t use your Quirk on campus.”
“Hm?” Katsuki blinked cluelessly, closing his hand and extinguishing the bursts. “Oh yeah, that’s a rule, isn’t it? My bad there, Yamikumo.”
Mikumo gave a tiny wry smile. “Next time, I’ll have to correct you. Anyway, I gotta head to the faculty office. You should head home on your own today.”
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MHA Agere Headcanons
A/N: This is my official post switching over to a primarily MHA blog. I feel obligated to complete the Hazbin Hotel requests in my inbox, but I don’t want to. I’m not into Hazbin Hotel very much anymore. I’ve had a recent experience with someone that sort of ruined it for me, and I’m going to disconnect myself from it for a while, at least for the most part. I’m sorry, but I will most likely be deleting most, if not all, of the requests in my inbox.
With that out of the way, these are my MHA Agere Headcanons! This will be separated into multiple parts. :)
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Flip, caregiver lean. Controversial, I know! Most people headcanon him as a little or a switch with a regressor lean, but something about him makes me think he cares for people more than he gets taken care of.
I mean look at the entire vigilante arc. He cares more than he gets cared for. Although, that does result him in ignoring his own needs and crashing, something we’ve also canonically seen.
When he’s a caregiver, he’s extremely protective and gentle. He wants you to hold his hand at all times when you’re in public, just to make sure you’re safe. It’s dangerous out there, y’know.
He loves to baby you. He gives you compliments, praise, tells you how much he loves you, etc.. He thinks you’re the cutest thing ever. :)
Physical touch is his favorite thing ever. Especially kisses. He loves just kissing your little head and forehead out of nowhere. And he loves holding you. He just loves you.
When he’s a little, he regresses to about 3-4 years old. He’s very hyper and active, but he’s also pretty good at entertaining himself. He’ll usually just play with his little hero action figures, and occasionally he’ll ask you to play heroes with him.
He loves physical contact when he’s little as well. He asks to cuddle and hold your hand ALL the time.
He draws pictures for you sometimes and gets SOOO excited when you put them on the fridge or hang them up on the wall or something.
Caregiver! Maybe this is just me projecting, because he’s literally my fictional caregiver, but I think he’d be a cg more than anything.
He’d take a little bit to get used to it at first, but he’d warm up eventually. He wouldn’t be super soft or gentle, don’t get me wrong. That’s just not in his nature. He still cares about you and loves you very much, though.
He goes to bed early, so one of his favorite bonding activities is to just. Cuddle. And go to bed snuggling. He doesn’t care if you’re technically not allowed in his dorm room after hours. Not his problem. Aizawa can suck it if he finds out.
He cooks for you. Sometimes, if you’re a little older and can manage it, he’ll let you help out! But you can’t do any of the dangerous stuff, at least not on your own. You just do most of the measuring and stuff when you wanna help out. Other than that, he does it.
He SPOILS you rotten. He knows he isn’t good with words, and while he appreciates physical affection sometimes, it gets a bit awkward for him after awhile if it’s in public. So, to try to make up for it and to let you know he still loves you, he buys you pretty much anything you want.
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