#caring through silent actions may be one of my favourite tropes
Good whatever-time-of-the-day-is-over-there. Here's a new thing. I played a little with their characterisation in this one. Stay safe out there. Enjoy 💜
Lance is bothered. And what's worse, Fernando is bothered that Lance is bothered. Not that caring about someone is wrong or strange and, while personally it isn't his MO, neither is caring about your teammates.
No, Fernando cares because of reasons that are still not clear. And that's what is driving him mad. And also the frown on Lance's face, but he'll face one problem at a time.
First point on the list, why does he care about this kid.
It had been easy signing the contract, even when Lawrence had heavily hinted at his mentor's duties.
He obviously had heard about Lawrence's son, about his achievements in the minor categories, and his average results in Formula 1.
And he couldn't escape the rumours about his rich spoiled kid behaviour, his lack of a strong personality or his evident disinterest in the sport.
Hell, he had even met the guy in the paddock before arriving at Aston Martin.
And then he met Lance, with his goofy smile, his sweet personality, his seriousness about the job, the fire that burnt when getting inside the car and the evident hard created persona for the media that completely melted when in private, the spark of a prankster spirit with Mick and Esteban.
(Ugh, he already couldn't stand the Frenchman when they were teammates, and now it was even worse when he saw how close the two young men were.)
The point is, when he started he didn't think highly of baby Stroll, and now here he is, knocking on the door of Lance's hotel room, because there is something wrong with the Canadian, and that meant Fernando cares because. Just. Because.
So, here he is, ready to find out what's going on.
He hears some muffled words behind the door, and then it's opened by Lance, his hair really messy and his shorts really short.
He is slowly losing his mind, when the younger one starts talking.
"Hey, Fernando. Do you come here often?" he says, languid and with those big doe eyes of his.
Fernando is completely baffled. They don't flirt, that's not how they are. He is usually the one that lightly teases Lance, just to see him blushing, and jokes around, just to see his smile and make sure that he is happy, but nothing more than that. He doesn't understand this sudden change.
Lance must see his confusion on his face, because he chuckles and shakes his head.
"Sorry, just the painkillers, they are kicking my ass. Also I'm tired as fuck and I'm really thirsty" he says, with an adorable snort.
Lance isn't exactly shy, but he has always seemed to like keeping to himself, and to contribute to a conversation rather than starting it. All this openness and honesty are very surprising, and somehow even a little bit worrying.
"Don't worry. You ok?"
And Fernando is winning dumbest person ever, because the answer is staring right at him, eyes glassy and unnaturally red cheeks, the aura of sweat and sick all over Lance. But the younger doesn't stop smiling.
"Yeah, it's all good, just high temperature and sore wrists"
And that's what Fernando had first noticed. Lance had been particularly careful with his wrists all day, never actually wrapping them in bandages, but massaging and rubbing them continuously, discomfort clear on his face.
ok, now you know, now you can leave he thinks, but something won't make him move. He had always been attentive, after all.
"You have a fever?" he asks, starting to worry.
Lance shrugs, but everything about him is screaming tired and sick.
"It's nothing serious, really" as he says this, Lance has to grip the door because of the sudden dizziness.
Fernando, now seriously worrying, just stares at him, until the other sighs.
"Ok, it may be a little bit serious, but everything is fine. I just need some sleep. Goodnight" and goes to close the door, but Fernando is faster. He puts his foot in between the door and its frame.
"Let me help you" he simply says.
He finds himself being looked through as if he was inconsistent by Lance's unfocused eyes. And then they refocus, and they are starting deep into his soul.
"Why?" Lance says simply, and Fernando feels like this is a test. Lance won't let him in if he fails, and Fernando has no intention of failing.
"Can see you're not well. Want to help. Because... I care" the admission tears something in him, something that has been hardened after all the years on track. Something that starts feeling warm and light and bright when Lance smiles softly and lets him in.
He enters and then closes the door, leaving behind the last vestiges of embarrassment and doubt. He has a job, a mission, and he won't make mistakes nor disappoint.
Looking around, the only sign of life is the crumpled blanket on the couch.
"You were sleeping on that?" ask Fernando, looking at the small sofa and his tall teammate.
"It was closer to the door" answers the other, shrugging again.
"Must have been uncomfortable" because even if it was of the right size, which it wasn't, it still looks stiff and leather cold.
"What's a little more pain when your whole body tingles and your wrists feel on fire?"
It's the simplicity with which Lance speaks, as if nothing bothers him, as if pain is inevitable and he shouldn't complain. That doesn't sit right with Fernando. Lance deserves the world's softest blankets, its warmest beds and its coziest socks. Fernando could give him everything. Fernando wants to give him everything. That's terrifying. But admitting it is also freeing, somehow.
soul shattering revelations later, nurse duty now he thinks, not without fondness.
Fernando follows Lance to his bed, and when the taller man just falls into the bed, not bothering with his clothes or the sheets, Nando realises he's going to have to work hard. He's always loved a good challenge.
Fernando reaches for the other's luggage, easily finding his pajama and fresh underwear. Then he returns to the side of the bed.
"Now, get up. Take a shower, dry, new clothes and bed. Can you do it?"
He infuses a bit of a challenge at the end, just to rile the man up.
What he doesn't expect is Lance's laugh at his words.
"Dude, I can't feel my legs. I'm not gonna reach the bathroom on them. I think I'll just skip everything and just go to bed" he says, burrowing further into the covers, which still aren't actually covering him.
"Ok, I'll help you" he says, as if it's something they do normally.
Fernando basically drags Lance to the bathroom, sitting him on the closed lid of the toilet. When he looks at Lance's face, he worries. It is redder than before, and his eyes are strangely focused on his arm for no apparent reason.
"Lance, everything ok?" he is starting to feel like a mother hen, but Lance's behaviour is really messing him up. And his answer really doesn't help.
"So strong" says Lance, completely spaced out and lightly stroking his bicep.
The caress is absolutely doing nothing to him, no sir.
Fernando gently takes Lance's hand, and waits until his eyes are focused on him.
"It's ok. Just a quick shower and then to bed, no?"
Lance nods, but Fernando can tell he's not completely there. So he quickly removes his clothes, leaving the underwear, and after turning on the water at a lukewarm temperature, he guides him into the bath.
It's not even ten seconds later that Lance starts shaking. Fernando is immediately grabbing his hand.
"What's going on, Lance? What's wrong?"
"The water... Is hot... It hurts" he is shivering and biting his bottom lip so hard Fernando can already see blood.
"Lance I need you to listen to me. The water is not hot. Your body is not feeling it right. Let me wash you and then it's the bed" he says, feeling like he is kicking a puppy, but he knows the lukewarm bath will help Lance in the long run. So he washes him as fast as he can, and then turns off the water. He starts wrapping the younger man in the preheated towel, gentle and careful.
He can see the other is losing himself faster than he'd like. So, when Lance seems dry enough, he wastes no time taking off his boxers and putting on a new pair, without peeking, he swears.
All dressed up, he carries him to the bed, where the other can finally sleep under the covers. He's just about to go get Lance some water, when the other starts.
"Thank you,,, for being here,,, but don't leave,,, it hurts" he says with his eyes closed and a pained frown, his breath moving his chest with a staccato rhythm.
Fernando kneels on the floor, so he is face to face with Lance, and starts stroking his hair.
"Am not leaving. Just going to get some water, then we sleep. I know it hurts, but it's going to be ok. Trust me" and the last sentence came out more like a question, and he worries for a second. Then he sees the other relax before opening his eyes and looking him in the eyes, whispering "Always" and closing them.
Fernando feels a weight lifting from his chest, but also a growing responsibility. For the first time in a while, he isn't scared of committing to whatever this is.
He shakes his head, a soft smile gracing his face, before standing up and retrieving two bottles of water from the mini fridge in the kitchenette.
He deposits them, one on each of the nightstands, and lies on the free side of the bed.
He tries to keep a modicum of distance, but Lance is having none of it. He simply turns towards him, and hugs him, reminding Nando of an overgrown squid.
He is out like a light in five seconds flat.
cute, he thinks, and for the first time in what seems like months of their dance, Fernando allows himself to properly drink Lance's sight, his long eyelashes and his strong nose and his pink mouth, slightly open in his sleep. He allows himself to think about how he likes being with the other man, how he likes to make him laugh, how he can't stand seeing him upset.
He allows himself to simply be, to simply feel whatever he feels for Lance. And it feels good.
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theangrypokemaniac · 2 years
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Thank you for your kind words, @iloitse, and your thoughts, with which I agree.
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I also see Brock with Suzie. When I used to plan out my own region, it finished with them together.
To me she's the one girl receptive to his attention, perhaps not in a loving sense, at least not yet, but no other lady ever treated him so well.
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Vulpix will always connect them, meaning Brock has a lasting relationship with Suzie, and a reason to find her again.
If Suzie handed Vulpix over within hours of meeting Brock, in that short period she'd recognized him as a kind, caring young man worthy of her trust, someone to keep Vulpix safe, and he did, repaying her faith in him.
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That's the sort of lad any girl wants to marry, and, as Vulpix is one of my favourite Pokémon, both can own it if they're together, which is my main motivation.
Vulpix for everyone!
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I understand Tracey's true dream being to meet Professor Oak, but that's almost more useless than aiming to be an artist.
Drawing is dull viewing, but it keeps him occupied, and may lead to a career, but what did he want from Oak?
Yes, you've seen him. Very nice. And what are you intending to do now?
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If I think of it too much, it gives me the idea Tracey naturally assumed Oak would be so impressed he'd take him on immediately, and so he needn't plan further into future than that, which brings me back to his arrogance.
As for getting there, the only direct progress he makes is in three epidodes:
• The Lost Lapras, his introduction, by encountering Ash and Misty.
• A Tents Situation, his penultimate appearance, when he meets Oak.
• The Rivalry Revival, his exit, when he becomes an assistant.
Between the first and final two, there's a hole of nothingness.
I suppose each step he takes puts him closer, but plot-wise, it's an abstact quest of no use at this exact moment.
This wish of his won't motivate him into any action in individual episodes, nor does it affect how he behaves throughout.
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He should've had a task in the meantime that combined both interests, if say Oak directly asked him to make detailed illustrations of all the tropical Pokémon varieties.
As in, he must purposely go out and find them, not just the few he sees passing through.
There'd then be scenes when Tracey led the team, racing off into the woods as he's heard rumours of oddly-coloured Pokémon on the island, having to traverse caves and cliffs to find it, and maybe the Pokémon wants a favour before it complies, leading to another search.
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It might encourage him to colour the sketches in for a change.
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As a trope, 'The Quiet One' works, but not so much in a trio. There's too few members for it to be a recognizable role.
It looks more like you're not doing enough.
I'm not certain it's what Tracey's supposed to be either, because he speaks often, but just doesn't say anything memorable.
Usually 'The Quiet One' is portrayed as sensitive, emotionally intelligent and highly perceptive, spotting the tiny details the loud mouths miss.
They'll sit on their own, or stare silently out to sea, in picturesque scenes absorbing their surroundings.
Whilst watching Pokémon encompasses this, I doubt he was deliberately designed to fill the spiritual or philosophical model, but that's the best interpretation of a flat, undeveloped personality.
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He certainly doesn't behave as The Quiet One when he has the major part in the story, so given the show credit for making a calm, laidback yet deep character, isn't something I can do.
It's so ridiculous. These writers put effort into creating Tracey, and cared enough to include him in the series, and then never took it further.
As soon as he was in, they gave up!
If however I accepted him as intentionally reserved, perhaps to counter the wilder edges of Ash and Misty, we still come back to Brock.
Tracey as The Quiet One would only ever be well-received had he been there from the outset, his relaxed, or withdrawn attitude given greater focus and serving as integrel to its beginnings.
By coming in late, no one will ever judge him on his own terms, or for himself.
He'll be held up beside Brock, and found to be not as interesting, and the longer the comparison persists, the less consideration he'll get, until fans lock him out of their minds and feel nothing but resentment.
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With regards to Pokéshipping, Tracey was seen as an obstacle to any theoretical romantic moments simply by being there.
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When Pokémon started, shipping as a concept, plus the surrounding fandom 'culture' didn't yet exist, as least not fully, and the only fellow fans available for discussion were those you knew in real life, which limited the sharing of ideas.
Therefore, children watching the very first episode weren't conditioned to see everything in terms of pairings, obsessively analysing each scene for clues etc.
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By the time Pokéshipping began, Brock was already there, so part of it, in a sense, and the ship fitted around him.
Whilst Tracey is also the 'third wheel', and technically, any allowances shippers made for Brock could also work for him, it will always come back to the ill-feeling Tracey provoked.
What people overlook or ignore in their friends they will hate in their enemies.
It's not particularly rational, but then human nature isn't rational.
Some fans take against Ash and Misty. Some dislike Team Rocket. But no one hates Brock. He holds both sides of the divide together.
Therefore, Pokéshippers will accept him, as he was there almost from day one, but not Tracey, as he's not built into the foundations, neither of the anime nor the ship.
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The writers didn't help matters by hinting at what might have been, fully knowing they'd never deliver.
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At the close of Pokéball Peril, as soon as Brock's gone, Team Rocket tease Ash and Misty as 'lovebirds', as if that's the obvious conclusion to them being alone.
A lot of shippers at home, still smarting at losing Brock, might've got over it had this continued, in that, whilst missed, Brock's absence is tolerable if it leads to more focus on Ash and Misty as characters, and greater detail on their emotions and thoughts, especially for each other.
Then Brock leaving means something, and can be justified as crucial to the coming story arc, but adding a replacement erases all that potential.
Removing Brock is pointless if we 'need' three Twerps, thus the writers squandered the opportunity to go in a new direction, which is, frustratingly, straight after they implied the opposite.
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I forgot to say before that Tracey is also hindered by his and the Orange League's perceived lack of legitimacy.
Ash, Misty, Brock, Gary, Delia, Oak, Joy and Jenny all come from the games.
Jessie and James, whilst not specifically featured, represent the villains of Red and Blue, which is a necessary invention as there were no named Team Rocket members besides Giovanni.
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Pokémon Yellow had also come out by then, retroactively adding them to the game world, so that's alright.
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Tracey however was the first main character to exist inside the anime alone, so not someone we were eager to see onscreen.
Back then, the branches of Pokémon: games, cartoon, cards, manga and merchandise, were much more connected and cross-referenced than they are now, and for the anime to adapt the game was considered very important.
When Tracey, with no roots in Red and Blue, comes in, and takes the place of Brock, who does, there was a feeling he hadn't 'earnt' his right to be there.
Who do you think you are, coming over here and acting like you belong?
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The Orange Islands aren't a bad series compared to what follows, but when judged only by Kanto, it marked a step away from the original purpose of animating the game, and that wasn't a popular move.
We 'knew' the Indigo League as players. We'd walked through the towns, battled there, and been the hero, but this place, this brand-new, never-before-mentioned archipelago, with little relevance to the mainland, held no such significance.
It's a bonus round before Johto, as if not worthy in itself, merely a stop-gap edition, just to have something, anything even, to keep the kids occupied until the real stuff arrives.
It didn't seem to matter as much because of all of the above, and the sleepy, drifting tone of wandering the seas, sailing wherever the currents go, amplified that.
If it doesn't care, why should we?
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Brock experienced blizzards, deserts, shipwrecks and eruptions like a proper adventurer.
He'd been through it all with Ash and Misty as a true companion.
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Tracey meanwhile, had really nothing but blue seas, clean beaches and fruit groves to worry about.
Overall, and visually, it's just one long summer holiday for him, with no hardship to test his mettle.
How could we even tell if he was worth our investment, when we never saw him deal with serious situations?
It's another circle: no one likes Tracey, because they associate him with the 'false' Orange League, and no one likes the Orange League, as that's the one with Tracey.
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Hating him is a very time-specific reaction.
You need to have been a child then, watching Pokémon in order, with no knowledge of what's to come, to feel it.
I wouldn't expect any fan outside that to join in if it's not part of their experience.
My younger self would never forgive me for mellowing with age, but then, when innocent enough to think Tracey was the worst thing that could ever happen to Pokémon, I didn't realise how lucky I was.
Because he most certainly isn't.
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mythicamagic · 4 years
Funeral Flowers: a Sesskag Oneshot
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Summary:  Sesshoumaru knows what Kagome's favourite flower is- because it just so happens Forget-Me-Nots have been filling his throat for months. Hanahaki Disease fic. Sesskag oneshot.
AN: for @drosselmeyerwrites​, who is also a lover of the 'suffering Sesshoumaru' trope. She's been a lovely commenter and wholesome person in the fandom ^^
Warning: body horror elements. This is a Hanahaki Disease fic with a twist on the concept.
Words: 10,000
Rated M
@cookieasylum​ drew an amazing fanart for this fic so please check this fic out on Ao3!
Funeral Flowers
It started as a mere flutter. Sesshoumaru could feel it at the back of his throat: the beginnings of something that tickled and irritated his windpipe- not enough to cause anything serious, but just noticeable. This sensation only worsened with time.
Kagome looked at him like he'd grown a second head after hearing him stifle a certain noise clumsily behind his fingers.
"Huh," she mused, peering closely at him. "I don't think I've ever heard you cough before."
After a few weeks, he'd begun coughing. A little blemish that he could easily hide behind his hand. Sesshoumaru had wanted no one to notice such a shameful thing. An unwilling action, but required in order to clear his airways.
"Hn," peeling long fingers away from his down-turned mouth, he looked away. Kagome shifted bare legs in the glittering water, lounging on some rocks by a river while half-heartedly sunbathing in a tank top and shorts. Golden eyes slid back to the slim, pale stretch of her smooth, toned leg as she swayed it.
"Kind of a human action, isn't it? Do demons even get colds?" her concern only seemed to increase. "You're not sick, are you?"
"No," he huffed, adjusting himself beside her. They kept a respectable distance. 'Friends' was what she called them. Sesshoumaru tried and failed to tear his gaze away from the parting of her thighs as she stretched languidly. "I do not get sick," he added, "such a thing is beneath me."
Kagome slid both arms behind her head to act as a cushion, laying down. "A few years ago you'd have said sitting beside a priestess ankle-deep in a river would be 'beneath' you. Things change."
Sesshoumaru tilted his chin up to regard her haughtily and gave a dignified snort, adjusting his rolled-up hakama pants. "It is beneath me."
Kagome rose a brow, fluttering one hand carelessly in a shooing motion, "go on then. Leave if it's so offensive," she sighed, trying and failing to hide her smile.
His body flared alive at the thought, unsettled. Sesshoumaru bit back another prickling cough, settling for clearing his throat. "You should be the one to leave. This one was here first."
"Wha- no! I got to the river before you!"
"I was referring to age. Bratty mikos should listen to their elders."
Kagome burst out laughing, sitting up to lightly bat his shoulder. "That makes you sound ancient! You're such a dork. No one else knows how much of an absolute dork you are, do they? It's a crying shame."
Sesshoumaru did not know what a 'dork' was, but he assumed it to be something unflattering. He should've been annoyed by it, aggravated. Kagome's playful, happy scent made this notion impossible.
Thin lips twitched at the edges, dragging his heels through the cool current. He couldn't honestly put into words why exactly he'd shown up, following her scent. Logically, he knew he should leave her alone.
They fell into an amicable silence again, one that had been born from months of time spent together. Odd snatches of coincidental meetings had flourished into something more, and they'd begun seeking one another out for company whenever he visited the village. Sometimes she even paid him a visit the Western Stronghold. Any demons who complained about it were silenced by how… determined the miko was to make friends. A force of nature. It had amused him to no end watching ancients tripping over themselves to try to avoid her bad books.
He could also deeply understand those who had taken an immense liking to her.
Kagome was warm and teasing, a rare thing not wholly unwelcome. Her stories of the future were interesting, personality vibrant but down to earth and occasionally sassy. He enjoyed her more than he should, a quiet, snarky male by nature basking in her effortless glow.
"What's your favourite flower?"
He blinked, "this is a question belonging to Rin. I do not expect such fanciful notions from you."
Kagome huffed and flicked her hand to splash some water over his knee. "I can talk about flowers if I want to. Shinto asked me what mine were, so I got to thinking. I'd like to know what yours are too- or do pretty dog demons baring flower crests not have an opinion on them?"
He sniffed, bringing down one leg to create a splash that soaked her side. Kagome let out a yelp. "The Shiragiku flower. "
"Oh you can't be serious!" She giggled. "When I asked what your favourite colour was, you said 'white' of all things. White! That's the absence of colour!"
"This one is aware. You kept rabbiting on about it," he wiped some imaginary lint off one shoulder.
"But still! And now you tell me you like flowers that are infamously used for funerals," blue eyes rolled skyward, glittering with mirth. "Why am I not surprised, Mr Killing Perfection?"
Thin lips lifted into a sneer free of malice. "Very well, Shikon miko. What is your favoured flower?"
Kagome hummed. "Forget-Me-Nots."
Letting out a noise between a huff and a chuckle, he shot her an exasperated look. "And you give me grief over mine. Did you not say that blue was your favoured colour?"
"Hey, Forget-me-Nots can be pink, white or blue! I'm not as predictable in my tastes as some people."
That was most definitely true, he thought flatly. She had moved on from her first love, a Hanyou- only to bond with a Daiyoukai, and then…
And then…
Kagome stood, stretching both arms above her head. Sesshoumaru knew what she'd say before she even said it, wincing and bringing a hand absentmindedly to the base of his throat. It throbbed. Now the ache even seemed to seep lower.
What is this pain in my chest? He wondered. What is this strange sensation?
"I should go."
Sesshoumaru slid tired attention up to her and nodded silently. He would not wish her well.
"Shinto will wonder where I am," she needlessly elaborated.
Kagome glanced at him and dropped her arms. "What's wrong?"
He thought to tell her, not for the first time. But it was silenced by everything else that had come before. Their history. Their species. Her lack of discernible interest, her new flame. A heavy weight pressed down upon his chest. His shoulder ached.
"Nothing. I am fine."
Dark brows pulled together. Sesshoumaru stood and nudged her away with a single palm on her back that lingered too long. "Go. I am… merely hungry."
"Oh!" a look of relief swept over her face. Kagome laughed, "okay, I'll leave you in peace. Happy hunting!"
Sesshoumaru felt his chest ache and constrict while his expression remained a blank mask. He covertly winced after she'd jogged away to a trail within the forest that would take her back to Kaede's village. She stopped to wave, and he quickly wiped his expression clean again, rendering it neutral.
Kagome smiled gently, her face full of friendly affection. Sesshoumaru regally inclined his head, eyes burning.
Do not go.
She left him alone, hurrying away to see her new flame in complete ignorance.
Sesshoumaru coughed and massaged the base of his throat as soon as she was gone, frowning.
Feeling something stuck to the roof of his mouth with his tongue, he curiously parted his lips and reached behind a sharp tooth to pluck the soft, small thing out.
Damp from saliva, a tiny, pretty blue petal caught his attention, clutched between forefinger and thumb. Sesshoumaru stared. A sense of creeping foreboding slipped into the back of his mind at the discovery.
This did not bode well.
His affliction made visits to the village difficult. It was easier in the beginning when he could hide a few coughs and tickles of the throat. Steadily, however, the discomfort increased. Sesshoumaru needed to pick out petals from his mouth every day, and the number of them only grew with frequency. He had to remove the irritating little things every hour now.
"Lord Sesshoumaru has been picking at his teeth a lot lately," he heard Rin whisper to Jaken, pausing mid-brush. She had been tasked with caring for the old miko's horse. "Is it a toothache?"
"Shh! Don't comment on such a thing so loudly, girl! If Lord Sesshoumaru wants to do some teeth maintenance, then he may do so!" Jaken squawked, frowning up at her.
Sesshoumaru cut golden eyes to the sky and turned away.
"Ah, I didn't mean to insult you, Lord Sesshoumaru!"
"You're STILL drawing attention to it!" Jaken griped.
Pointed ears twitched, blocking out their animated voices and tuning into a set of quick footsteps. Sesshoumaru inhaled, wincing as his lungs protested- the scent of citrus, summer and home comforts reaching him long before Kagome appeared from around the side of a hut. She beamed. His heart ached.
"Hey," she called, trotting over.
"Hello, Kagome!" the little girl waved enthusiastically, wobbling.
Steadying Rin atop her wooden perch as she continued brushing the tall horse, Kagome flashed him a knowing look. "You look tense. Is it from being near the stables?" she teased.
Rin gasped, "does Lord Sesshoumaru not like horses?"
"It's their smell, you nitwit!"
Kagome frowned at Jaken, before searching Sesshoumaru's face for answers. Obviously his silence and demeanour was starting to worry her. Taking a breath, he tried to ignore the petals stuck in the gaps of his teeth. He could feel more building, pooling in the back of his throat like thick mucus.
"They are skittish and afraid of this one. It is better to keep distance."
Predictably, Kagome gentled- but surprised him by easing closer. She seized his hand, tugging- and he was helpless to do anything but follow. Heat touched his cheeks.
Kagome walked backwards, maintaining eye contact like the femme fatale she wasn't, shifting her soft touch to grasp the back of his hand, lacing lithe fingers through his. She then forced the Daiyoukai's palm to rest against a warm neck. The horse shifted slightly, tail flicking, yet it did not startle. With Kagome's prompting, Sesshoumaru glided the flat of his calloused palm down the length of its powerful neck, the thin layer of brown fur tickling his skin.
"Maji isn't like other horses, he's calm around demons. He has to be if Kaede is gonna ride him to fight Youkai," her voice glided through his ear canals like melted honey. Kagome hummed, "though she said because of her age that he might be mine soon. Weird, huh? It's like she's prepping me to be the village miko more and more."
"It is not 'weird,' it is expected," he uttered, thrilled at the prolonged touch. How foolish. The heat of her palm felt exquisite, hand clasped intimately around his. "You will make an acceptable village miko."
Blue eyes flitted up to him, smiling. She gave his hand a squeeze. "Thanks, but… sometimes I wonder if-"
"Ah, so this is where you escaped to."
Sesshoumaru stiffened. Kagome ripped her fingers away- tearing open a gaping hole inside him. He quickly stifled a cough, but it was larger this time, throat clogged. His shoulders shook, sweat dotting his brow.
Kagome was busy being scooped up by Shinto, a large male. He dressed well, for a human, a jagged scar running over one eye. A momento from his mercenary days, he'd called it, though he was now reformed.
Kagome laughed and swatted his shoulder, demanding to be put down. Jaken piped up, yelling about indecency. All the while, Sesshoumaru fought not to let anything show. To not let the agony out. The jealousy. The consuming desire to act upon instinct and take what he ached for.
He couldn't stand it. Couldn't stand seeing the male's burly, meaty hands drag over her hips to settle at the base of her spine. Like they belonged there. Sesshoumaru coughed again, drawing away.
Kagome caught the action, turning to him. "Sesshoumaru?"
He hated the concern swimming in her gaze. It would be so much easier to despise her.
"I have lingered too long," he said quietly, trying to mask the rawness of his voice. "This one should be going."
Kagome nodded slowly, "do you want some honey to soothe your throat? It sounds a little-"
"No," he quietly snapped, starting to walk away. Confusion immediately curdled in her scent, and he regretted the lapse in control. Now she'd worry.
"Lord Sesshoumaru!" Jaken hurriedly ran after him, following his Lord from the village. "Bah, those humans get more presumptuous every day. I don't blame you for leaving in such a hurry," he muttered, keeping up his tangent long after they'd met the treeline of Inuyasha's forest.
Sesshoumaru unexpectedly stopped, slamming claws into tree bark and causing it to splinter.
Jaken yelped, jumping and dropping his staff. "Mi-mi Lord?" bulbous eyes widened upon seeing him stoop over slightly, silver hair obscuring ashen features.
Sesshoumaru's shoulders shook, dry heaving sounds reaching Jaken's hearing. The retainer gasped, watching him cough, gasp and choke. Thick trails of dewy saliva pooled onto the ground. Rasping noises shuddered out from clenched teeth. Trembling claws reached inside his mouth, feeling something at the back of his throat. Grasping it, Sesshoumaru fought not to gag, coughing while removing the thing and looking at it with stinging eyes.
A Forget-me-not flower sat innocently between forefinger and thumb.
Both demons stared. Phlegm soaked petals rested at Sesshoumaru's feet. Jaken stood gravely silent for a while.
"Mi Lord…" he said thinly. "You have fallen prey to something very old…"
"You will not breathe a word about it to anyone," Sesshoumaru coughed, eyes stinging. He straightened and wiped his mouth, collecting himself. He threw the flower aside.
"No one, Jaken," Sesshoumaru hissed, molten golden eyes burning. "Or I'll kill you."
Jaken yelped and quickly bowed several times, promising wholeheartedly not to interfere.
"I-I understand! However, if it's not too much trouble, perhaps you could hear out a suggestion?"
Sesshoumaru sneered and started walking again, his breathing slightly hoarse and rasping now, no longer quiet. His lips pressed together, trying to silence himself. It proved painful, and he quickly breathed through his mouth again.
Jaken tentatively continued; "your affliction is something ancient. I know little about it, but I do remember that it's possible to have it removed before it claims your life."
Sesshoumaru stopped, hands curling into fists. Claws scraped palms.
"That will not do, either," came his soft response.
"W-why ever not, milord?! This matter is potentially deadly to demons!"
Sesshoumaru stared ahead unseeingly. He knew of the affliction too. Had recognised what it was immediately. If he removed the flowering bud from within his chest, wiped away all evidence from her from his body, then he'd lose the very thing that had made him catch the illness in the first place.
His feelings for Kagome Higurashi.
"My reasons are my own," Sesshoumaru coughed behind his hand. "I will not die. Do not fuss over trivial matters, Jaken."
His retainer gaped, hurrying after him. Fierce worry painted his features. The infamous and deadly Hanahaki Curse could fell even the strongest of Daiyoukai.
It interfered with eating.
Sesshoumaru thankfully did not need to eat too often, but hunger inevitably gnawed its way into his gut. Transformed, he raced through the forest on all fours in a smaller version of his true form. Low-hanging branches lashed at his face. Forget-me-not flowers lodged in his throat conglomerated into a thick mass. They were practically a ball stuck at the back of his mouth. Sesshoumaru managed to ignore it just enough to track the scent of a deer- only to lose it and find a green pheasant within range.
Barely a snack, but it would do.
With a gurgling snarl, Sesshoumaru sprang at some bushes. Squawking with distress, the bird took flight- only to be caught in his jaws. Bringing sharp teeth down elicited a satisfying crunch. The taste of iron filled his parched mouth. Tilting his head back, Sesshoumaru had every intention of swallowing it whole. He'd done so before. The bird was small enough compared to his form. However, this quickly became impossible.
Red eyes widened. The flowers acted as a barrier, preventing food from travelling down his throat.
Spitting out the bird, Sesshoumaru tore into it. He tried again and again, breaking the kill into smaller pieces. He even tried drinking from the river to wash down the flowers. Nothing worked. No food could pass into his stomach.
With a low crooning noise that hissed out between his teeth, Sesshoumaru padded away from his uneaten kill with an agitated flick of his tail.
It affected his sleep next.
At his Stronghold in the Western lands, Sesshoumaru set aside his paperwork and retired to bed. Curling into a nest of furs, he stretched out long legs, sprawling on one side.
Only to feel a dull ache thrum from his ribs.
Wincing and setting a hand over the spot, Sesshoumaru frowned. He was unfamiliar with the sensation, however, Kagome had once whined and complained about 'pulling a muscle.' Perhaps the tight, clamping sensation echoed that pain. Deciding to roll over onto his opposite side- he abruptly burst into a coughing fit. The angle had upset his breathing, lungs protesting.
This vicious cycle continued long into the night. He tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. Even laying still made him feel tense and pained. In the end, Sesshoumaru rose from his futon and began running.
Too tired to think, he transformed, relying on instinct to guide him. He whined softly; the ache spreading. He wheezed a little, breathing constrained despite being physically fit.
The inuyoukai sprinted to the outskirts of Kaede's village. Scenting the air, he caught a welcome fragrance on the breeze.
Clearing the hillside with a single bound, Sesshoumaru shrank his form even further to that of a regular dog. Sniffing around the outside of a hut, fluffy ears perked. She was not home.
Following the invisible trail in the air, he padded around the village, passing by unseen by some villagers. Their lack of vigilance disgusted him. What lax security. Stopping at the Monk and Slayer's hut, he listened, hearing a soft humming from within. The sharp tang of blood, vomit, faeces and afterbirth caught his frayed attention.
The Slayer had been pregnant. From the sounds and smells of things, she had given birth and now slept while Kagome remained awake. He could pick up the faint fussing from a young babe.
Sesshoumaru stayed still, listening to the miko gently hum. Slowly, his body weakened, and the inuyoukai lay down outside the hut, resting a weary head atop large paws.
Something stirred from within, the rustle of covers. "Mn... are you alright? Want me to take over?"
"No, I'm fine," Kagome answered in a hushed tone. "He seems completely zonked out, little cutie-pie."
The Slayer paused, "your head. You said it was aching again earlier."
"Heh, Sango! You've just had another baby! Focus on yourself!" her lovely voice tinged with exasperation. "Really, everything is okay. It just hurts from time to time ever since that night with the boar youkai attack. It's no big deal."
"Prolonged headaches and amnesia does not fall under 'no big deal,' Kagome."
Laughing this off breezily, he could hear the shrug in her tone. "I just blank on a few things from the month prior to the attack. I'm sure it wasn't anything important."
Tired lids slid shut, and Sesshoumaru gained some sense of rest while imagining the woman within cradling a newborn pup instead of a gurgling infant. The two women talked some more, lulling him into a false sense of comfort even as his throat thrummed with continuous pain.
Breathing was a struggle.
Every inhale became a wheezing, quivering thing. Like crumpled paper that had been smoothed out and squashed too many times. Mucus constantly filled his mouth, senses clogged. His breathing ranged from laboured to a noisy, rasping thing.
He could no longer afford to visit the village. Sesshoumaru took to monitoring Rin from afar whenever he felt the need to check up on her. Needless to say, he avoided Kagome at all costs. The miko was an infamous busy body who would become a nightmare to deal with if she knew of his suffering.
Yes, that was the only reason.
However, on a random day he briefly let his guard down, the unthinkable happened.
Inuyasha found out.
If Sesshoumaru had comprised a list of all the beings he did NOT want to know about his affliction, Inuyasha would be right up there, along with his meddling mother.
Inuyasha stared, watching him with a complicated, horrified look on his gruff features. Shifting, Sesshoumaru stood from where he'd been knelt by a river.
Forget-me-nots floated downstream.
"... What the hell is wrong with you?" were the first words Inuyasha blurted out.
Sesshoumaru wiped his mouth, sneering. "I need not explain myself to you, whelp."
"Keh, if anything warrants a damn explanation, it's barfing up flowers."
He didn't need to hear anymore, turning with the intent to leave. No doubt the fool would talk nonsense, and he had no patience for such things with his current headache. His temples were pounding, throat parched.
"Why don't you just fucking tell her, you coward?"
That certainly caught his attention. Sesshoumaru halted. "What?" he croaked.
"Ya think I'm that ignorant, huh?" Inuyasha rolled his eyes, shoving both hands inside his sleeves. "I know."
"Know what, exactly," silken tones rasped. "You are but an ignorant pup. You were not raised within youkai circles, and so could not possibly understand."
"And whose fault is that?" shaking his head, Inuyasha huffed. "I dunno what crap you're yappin' on about, anyway. I'm talkin' about your secret relationship with Kagome that you had a couple of months ago."
Stiffening, Sesshoumaru felt his bones lock and throat inflame. He swallowed, wincing slightly. He flashed his teeth, "whatever you think you know, it is incorrect. A baseless assumption."
Continuing to walk with every intention of escaping the pending conversation, he stopped dead the second Inuyasha opened his mouth; "I could smell you on her! But that all changed the second she hit her head. Did she forget you or something? You were happy to just abandon her after she stopped being useful for a good time?"
A deafening snarl upset his aching throat, ripping something inside. Blurring through the air impossibly fast, Sesshoumaru snatched up his sibling's throat and slammed him into a tree, causing the trunk to shudder.
"Silence," a blood-curdling rasp hissed out from clenched teeth like boiling steam. Crimson eyes glowed, claws itching to bury into the nuisance's windpipe.
Even while choking, Inuyasha managed to bark out a laugh, grasping a striped wrist. "You really do like her, huh? Never thought I'd see the day, bastard." White ears pulled back flat against his skull. "What's the deal? Just open your mouth and tell Kagome. Then I don't have to smell your pining ass all over the forest while you stalk her."
Burning embers were snuffed out. Sesshoumaru coughed, lifting a hand to his mouth. His shoulder thrummed, aching. "I cannot do that."
"Why not?"
"She does not remember," releasing him, the Daiyoukai stepped back. "The miko fell quite quickly for the male who rescued her that night. The fault lies with me that she sustained injury. If she is content with another, I cannot force her gaze to me."
It wasn't as though he hadn't tried. However, Kagome seemed happy with their relationship as friends. Guilt, stung pride and other such ugly emotions were all tied up with the incident.
Inuyasha blinked with disbelief, sizing him up. "When the fuck did you get so noble?" Sesshoumaru sneered, glancing away as his brother continued. "And anyway, what does that have to do with you coughing up flowers?"
Since he'd revealed more than intended as it was, Sesshoumaru felt no inclination to divulge extra information. He turned and this time; resolved not to stop walking. "Drop the subject, whelp."
"Maybe I'll tell Kagome about it."
Sesshoumaru did not falter, knowing the fool's game by now. "Do as you please," he dismissed in a wheezing, thin voice, stepping under the cool shade of weeping willow trees and leaving him behind.
He did not intend to revisit their old rendezvous point. Sesshoumaru had wanted to put it behind him, to let everything that had happened within the cave fade into obscurity.
The second he stepped foot within the mossy mouth of its opening, however, Kagome's lingering scent fanned over a striped cheek like a breathy exhale.
Long white lashes slid half shut. Hooded golden eyes became hazed. The memory of her salty, sweet taste wrapping around his tongue flooded his senses. Claws twitched, recalling the phantom sensation of full breasts falling into his palms as her back arched exquisitely. Her eyes had darkened into a lush, deep blue.
She'd been memorable, to say the least.
Walking further in, so that he stood fully submerged in their love-nest, Sesshoumaru basked in the illicit scents and breathy whispers he could remember caressing his hearing. It hadn't just been about sex. It never was with her.
Kagome had held his demonic hand without fear and stroked his cheek, murmuring ardently or giggling quietly. She told him things he hadn't thought he'd wanted to know before.
'You're nothing like your father' she'd said easily but with a conviction that made the ageless demon believe her. The notion should've been insulting. His sire had been unbeatable in strength, so of course he should wish to be like him.
Yet Sesshoumaru had never appreciated such compliments. He wished to be unique, bold, powerful, walking an entirely different path. Her words had been strangely welcome.
"And yet here I stand, Father," Sesshoumaru uttered to himself. In love with a mortal. Dying, because of a human woman of all things.
Just like you.
Golden eyes snapped wide open. A wave of elation, dread, guilt and longing washed over him. Every fibre of his being flared to life, muscles stiffening, heart racing. His lungs constricted.
Sesshoumaru swallowed a rasping breath, shifting to face the priestess.
Kagome crept closer, glancing around the cave curiously. "Was just in the forest to collect some things. I thought I sensed you close by. Looks like I was right. What are you doing in here?"
"Nothing," he said softly. His voice sounded fragile these days.
He could tell she was confused, radiating hurt. He hadn't visited in so long. No doubt she'd wondered why. The flowers buried within his windpipe felt heavier in her presence. He cleared his throat.
"Oh," Kagome scuffed a sandal over the dirt-covered floor. "Well... I'm glad I caught you-" she offered a tentative smile. "I've missed talking with you."
Sesshoumaru's insides screamed at him. The marks on his shoulder felt like blistering iron tongues being thrust into his flesh they wailed so loud.
"I dunno what's kept you away," Kagome continued talking, making her way out of the cave. He followed, "but you haven't missed much. Rin is progressing nicely with her riding though. I'm not too shabby with that thin sword you gave me either, though Shinto says I need more practice."
That very sent icy needles piercing his skin. Stepping foot outside, Sesshoumaru couldn't stop the abrupt bite in his tone; "why are you here, miko?"
Kagome blinked and glanced at him over one shoulder. She then threaded her fingers behind her back, attention sliding away, voice unreadable.
"Shinto proposed to me."
Sesshoumaru stopped. A profound sense of loss rendered him breathless. He anticipated a coughing fit. Wheezing. Pain. But there was nothing, just him and Kagome standing alone in the silent woods. But she'd be beyond his reach for good soon.
He'd tried. He'd tried hard to forget, as she had. To push all the feelings and words right down from his throat into his chest. Maybe that was how the curse had started.
But he'd have kept the curse for good if it meant lingering in the 'almost' fantasy of them.
Now that illusion would shatter.
The very idea of her belonging to another felt like a wound somewhere inside him that he couldn't locate. The sensation of teeth on his shoulder thrummed, and he coughed, snuffing out the sound behind his hand.
"I didn't really know what to say," Kagome was muttering. "A part of me feels like it's too soon. I wanted to talk to you about it-"
"This one is needed elsewhere," he said in a clipped tone, turning on his heel.
He couldn't be her confidant anymore. Not about this.
He began walking, trying to put distance between them. He should've known it wouldn't work as Kagome quickly caught up and planted herself firmly in his way, halting the demon.
"Okay, what is going on with you?" she demanded. "Is it the cough? Are you in so much pain that you can't talk to me?"
Sesshoumaru flashed his teeth in a faint sneer, throat protesting at the extended use of his vocal cords. "is it so unthinkable that for once, I may not have time for you, miko?"
"Yes," Kagome planted both hands on her hips. "Because this isn't an isolated thing. I've hardly seen you all month! And besides that, you're my friend, Sesshoumaru. Friends tell each other things. Remember how you talked about the court and how obnoxious General Kito was to deal with? Things like that. I need to talk to you about this- and clearly, you need to talk to someone about whatever's going on with you. I'm worried about you!"
His heart clenched, and Sesshoumaru bit back a hiss at the stab of pain it caused. Thin breathing rasped and rattled. He raised a hand, urging her aside via a gentle grasp on her shoulder to continue walking.
Kagome's grip was not so gentle as she latched onto his arm.
Frustration abruptly burst in his chest and Sesshoumaru snarled, whirling with the intent of spilling everything to her. Ruin their friendship. Burn everything they'd built and admit his failure to protect her-
-only to cough up a mouthful of blood onto her collarbone.
Kagome yelped in surprise, eyes wide. Touching the wet substance dazedly, horror paled her complexion. She looked up at him with palpable fear.
Humiliation stung white-hot and burning into his body. The visceral, blinding sensation of being exposed- of being seen- felt like too much. Too raw. As a demon unused to such things, his first instinct was to remove himself from the situation.
Sesshoumaru blurred away from her outstretched hands, putting the length of the clearing between them.
Kagome called his name again with alarm, asking him to wait, but he would not heed her call.
Taking to the skies, he flew fast and erratically, a wobbly figure. Coughing hard and feeling blood clog up his windpipe like mud, Sesshoumaru had no choice but to land not long after.
Within an overcast clearing upriver from Kagome, he steadied himself against a gnarled tree.
"Hah- hah-" he wheezed, doubling over and squeezing stinging eyes shut.
Something suddenly constricted tight around his lungs, around his very ribcage. Bones protested and ached. He gasped for breath, blood leaking from his open mouth to pool on the floor. Forget-me-nots mingled with it, petals stained red.
Jolting and snapping upright, Sesshoumaru arched his back, throwing back his head. A cry escaped him unlike any other. Loud, agonised and roaring in its ferocity tinged with pain.
Stems shot out from within his ribcage, tearing his chest asunder.
Her friends made noises of alarm at the sight of Kagome's bloodied clothes, but the miko ignored Sango and Miroku's questions, bypassing them in favour of finding and grabbing Jaken by the scruff of his robes.
"You're going to tell me in 10 words or less what the hell is going on with your lord," she demanded.
Jaken yelped and squinted, hanging from her hold. "Haven't the faintest idea of what you could be alluding to!" he sniffed.
Kagome snarled and bared her teeth, lifting him closer with a menacing expression and gesturing to the red substance marring her priestess robes. "This is HIS blood. He looked awful. Like- like he was dying, Jaken," her voice broke. "Please. I need to know what's happening. He won't tell me what's wrong and I'm scared."
Yellow eyes rounded wider, swallowing the imp's face. He appeared conflicted.
Releasing Jaken, Kagome shifted her attention to Inuyasha, who leapt towards her with alarm pinching his gruff features.
Dread dropped low in her stomach. That was never a good sign.
Distant snapping noises like wood being felled reached her ears. From behind the approaching Hanyou within the forest, large vines could be seen shifting and slithering over a portion of the trees.
"What is it?" Miroku gaped. "I sense a demonic aura, but it's distorted."
Kagome shuddered, feeling strange. She recognised that energy. Identified it as easy as breathing.
"Maybe a forest spirit has been disturbed?" Sango guessed, clutching her son a little more protectively.
"It ain't that," Inuyasha dropped from his jump, landing before them. He panted, white hair windswept. Of all people, his gaze landed upon the miko first. "It's Sesshoumaru."
Their way became blocked by a thick mass of vines crisscrossing through the forest. It created a wall, preventing any from entering.
"Lord Sesshoumaru must be further in," Miroku observed, leaning to inspect the leaves. "Beyond this 'barrier' I suppose you could call it."
"I wonder what could have happened," Kagome murmured, brows pulling together. "Sesshoumaru doesn't even have nature powers."
"Why on earth did you bring ME along for this?" a high pitched, nasally voice reached their ears. Sango and Inuyasha readily ignored it, while Kagome frowned down at the imp she held by the scruff of his robes.
"Because you're clearly hiding something, and until you come clean, I'm not letting you out of my sight."
His mouth thinned into a stubborn line, glancing away.
Kagome turned her attention back to the vines. Worry took root in her stomach. The memory of the Daiyoukai spitting up blood remained fresh in her mind, evidence of it staining her clothing and plastering it against her skin.
Handing Miroku their son, Sango went first. She swung Hiraikotsu with a seemingly effortless toss- the bone boomerang spiralling, cleaving trees in half but bouncing straight off the vine wall. It didn't so much as leave a dent.
Not wasting another moment, Inuyasha unsheathed Tetsusaiga. Everyone immediately gave him a wide berth, watching as he shook the sword out into a monstrous blade. He swung it back over one shoulder, feet planted far apart- delivering a swift blow downwards with a loud cry.
A burst of power shot out, heading straight for the vines. They made contact, and for a moment Kagome thought the consuming golden light might break through, only for it to fizzle out. The insurmountable wall remained intact.
Inuyasha tried again and again, using different techniques. None of them worked.
Nocking an arrow in her bow, Kagome took aim. Pale pink reiki split forth, coating the arrow while glowing ever more blinding until she set it free.
She held out hope as it shot through the vines, managing to burst through the dense foliage- which repaired itself almost immediately, covering up the hole.
"Nothing appears to be working," Miroku muttered, turning his friends. "Perhaps we should seek advice elsewhere first before trying to continue."
Her friend's voices faded into background noise as Kagome approached the vines. Frowning slightly, she stretched out her senses, using her aura to touch and brush against the barrier. It felt like him.
If that were the case, the wall was of Sesshoumaru's own making, whether he'd consciously chosen to hide away or not. Perhaps they were going about things the wrong way.
Thinking back to Maji and how carefully they'd run their linked hands down his neck, she raised a palm. Gradually easing closer, Kagome set it down gently onto the vines, stroking downwards.
Hearing outcries of alarm as the greenery parted, only for swirling stems to curl about her shoulders- Kagome quickly grabbed Jaken.
"It's okay, guys. Just find a way to follow me in later," she met their startled gazes. "I feel like I need to reach him quickly."
"Kagome, wait!"
Ignoring their protests, Kagome lept into the fray. She welcomed the green vines that wrapped around her, enclosing the miko and wailing kappa securely behind its wall.
Mercifully the winding tendrils of vines that moved as though infused with a will of their own allowed her freedom of movement. Kagome climbed through their moving, twisting stems, occasionally losing her footing and having to grasp hold of some.
"Again, I ask; WHY ARE YOU BRINGING ME ALONG WITH YOU?!" Jaken shrieked, clinging to her back and looking around fretfully.
"You know the answer to that. Tell me what you know about Sesshoumaru's situation and I'll let you go," Kagome hummed, shielding her eyes and looking up at sprawling branches above where sunlight streamed through. Maybe she could punt him over the treetops.
"I have sworn not to break my vow of silence on the matter!"
Grinding her teeth, Kagome stopped and reached over her shoulder, tearing him from her back to frown at him. "If your silence ends up hurting him, is it even worth it? Which means more to you; Sesshoumaru's trust or his life?"
Jaken clamped up, thinking about this for a moment. His eyes abruptly filled with tears, "fine! But you had best save me from his wrath once this is over."
Kagome grinned and patted him on the head, continuing to walk. "I promise."
He huffed, "Lord Sesshoumaru is suffering from a curse."
Blue eyes widened, and Kagome set Jaken over her shoulder like she would Shippo. He did not appreciate the gesture as the kit would while she minded swirling vines aside from their path and ducked through. "What kind of curse?"
"How much do you know about youkai mates, foolish mortal?"
At that, she tilted her head, noticing a blue flowering bud among the vines and gently touching it in passing. "Very little. I know they're like married couples. They, uh... make love and bite each other instead of having a wedding ceremony and stuff. That about sum it up?"
"Insolent girl!" Jaken griped, noticing the bud she touched opening up into a flower behind them. "It is far more than that! Their energies synchronise, aura's linking. However, it's quite imperative they both bite one another."
"Or else the mating is incomplete? What's so bad about that?"
"The partner that was bitten will consider them mated and suffer a one-sided attachment. This isn't so terrible if they have the bite mark healed and lose their troublesome feelings towards their mate," he continued with a self-important air. Kagome didn't mind it if it meant getting answers. "But... if they choose to linger in longing and are prevented from completing the mating, then their energies become distorted! Their youki takes on a life of its own as flowers."
"That's what these vines are," Kagome mused. She shifted, a strange, unsettled feeling churning in her gut. "You're implying someone bit Sesshoumaru? He'd never allow someone to do that if he didn't want it- let alone not reciprocate. Besides, if he could remove it, he'd have surely done so."
"I agree this situation is unprecedented! Unthinkable! Besides that, ANY partner resisting Lord Sesshoumaru's advances is unworthy of being his mate! AH-!"
Kagome jolted, feeling a weight lift from her back. Glancing over her shoulder, she gaped and strained to reach Jaken. Vines had wrapped tight around his mid-section, lifting him away.
"Hang on!" she shimmied her bow off her arm, quickly taking aim. Releasing the arrow, she watched as it hit the mark, sailing through a vine and breaking it in two. Jaken yelped, falling, only to be caught by another vine that continued dragging him back the way they'd come.
"J-just leave me!" he wailed. "Go save Lord Sesshoumaru!"
Kagome blinked, strangely touched. Nodding with conviction, she turned and hurriedly continued to make her way through the dense foliage.
Her breath caught the second she caught sight of the flowers.
Forget-me-nots littered the area, becoming more frequent the further in she ventured. Soon she practically waded through a sea of blue petals. They hugged trees, peppering logs, the ground beneath her feet, even climbing above to hang from branches. The vast mass of familiar flowers eventually opened out into a huge clearing packed full of them.
And there, at the centre of it all, Kagome finally saw him.
Vines had burst his chest open, putting quivering lungs on full display. To her horror, she witnessed them expanding and deflating with each struggling, wheezing breath. His ribcage had been repurposed for a vase of flowers. Vibrant blue forget-me-nots poked out between his ribs, green stems tightly wrapped around his bones, constricting.
Sesshoumaru's body lay tilted back, face turned upwards to the sky. Glassy eyes were vacant, blood caking his chin. His armour and hankimono lay shattered and torn on the ground. Around him, the stems that had spilt forth from his gut propped up his lifeless form, clearly part of the mass of greenery that had hindered her approach. Kagome covered her mouth, hand shaking. Tears pricked her eyes. Blue veins visibly spread over his flesh, causing her to wonder if the stems had buried beneath his very skin.
This was not Sesshoumaru. It couldn't be.
Choking on nothing, Kagome hurried closer with a thin noise. Reaching his motionless form, her hands hovered uselessly over his decimated chest. She didn't know where to start. How could she even help him?
"Who did this to you?" her voice wobbled. Stinging eyes misted over, running over his body. He looked like a corpse that had been picked clean by crows. His moving lungs moving were the only indication he was even alive.
"Sesshoumaru- I don't know if you can hear me," Kagome tried, reaching out and touching his cheek. It shocked her skin, icy to the touch. "But please- let go of the person who caused this," she said, locating what she assumed was the mating mark upon his shoulder. "No one is worth dying over. You could start over with your mate. Ask them out- anything!" she shuddered, looking at the flowers poking out from his ribs.
"Just don't die! This isn't like you!" Kagome snapped, tears rolling hotly down her cheeks to slide free from her chin. "Fight this! Keep living. T-there's still so much I want to talk to you about."
The tears landed upon pretty blue petals.
Leaning against him slightly, Kagome sobbed. She wondered if she could just reach out and rip the awful things free from inside his chest.
Why Forget-me-nots, anyway? Why not another flower-
The mating mark halted her hand, fingers brushing the stems. It didn't look like an animal bite, nor did it belong to a demon.
Kagome's eyes slowly widened. She had a distinct tooth at the back of her mouth.
The tooth marks looked like a perfect mould of her teeth.
"Was it...me?" she breathed, glancing up at Sesshoumaru's features dazedly. "Those blank spots in my memory. Was I... with you?"
The puzzle pieces slotted into place perfectly. Kagome stared, feeling like a fool for having not noticed. She'd just thought, assumed- he would never look at her like that.
But if the miko cast her memory back and pictured Sesshoumaru's lovely features, his honeyed gaze resting upon her face, half-lidded, lips quirked, face soft and drinking her in- maybe he had been looking at her 'like that' the whole time.
Kagome shook her head, feeling frantic. She latched onto his shoulders.
"I-I'm so sorry. I'm sorry! I never meant for this to happen. Why didn't you bite me? Why didn't you TELL me, you stupid demon!" she snapped, cheeks reddening as a fresh wave of tears stung her eyes. "All that time we spent together goofing off and talking- and you were suffering in silence? You're so stupid, Sesshoumaru!"
His anguished face did not stir. Kagome mindlessly wiped away the dried blood from his chin with shaky fingers.
"There's no taking this back now," she said quietly, glancing at the bite mark. "So... I guess there's only one thing for it."
It sounded terrible, but Shinto was far from her mind as she lay a hand over her mating mark and began concentrating. When resolving to save someone, Kagome became bullheaded. Sesshoumaru was all she could see as her aura rose out from her body, seeping into his bloodstream via the bite marks.
"You need to wake up," she mumbled, using her free hand to adjust the parting of her white kosode. Sliding it off one shoulder to bare her flesh, Kagome remained heedless of the vines growing and curling around them. They seeped into her ebony hair, twining into the long locks like a lover's hands.
Kagome straddled the Daiyoukai, shuddering a little at being so close to his bare bones. She couldn't have sex with him, obviously, but she suspected it wasn't truly needed to complete the bond. Feeding her energy into his body, she bit her bottom lip. Sweat beaded on her brow.
She began to mumble and pray under her breath.
When her spiritual energy had spread through most his system, Kagome grit her teeth and hoped he'd forgive her. Laying one hand atop his rib-cage directly over his heart, she raised her voice.
"Wake up!"
A pulse of reiki shot out through her palm.
Sesshoumaru jerked beneath her. A ghastly, chocking noise escaped him. His head lolled to the side as he looked at her unseeingly, a trickle of blood welling from the corner of his pale mouth. Kagome quickly wrapped an arm around him, guiding his head to her shoulder.
"Bite down, Sesshoumaru," Kagome whispered fiercely into his ear.
Sharp canines brushed her skin, causing a shiver. Wet flecks of blood accompanied it as he coughed. Whimpering with desperation, the miko curled trembling fingers into silver hair. She pressed a kiss against his cheek.
"Please- I want this." She'd do anything to save him. Besides that, a small, buried part of her felt strangely at peace with the action and its meaning. "Bite down!"
A blood-curdling snarl vibrated out from his open chest. Fangs sank deep into her shoulder. At once, dark, dominating youki burst through her system like a shot of adrenaline. Kagome gasped, back arching. It turned her heart into a burning star. Sesshoumaru's presence filled her until she practically burst at the seams. She distantly understood why youkai had sex before biting each other, reeling from it. The orgasm probably softened the intensity. Completion was something the mind could fathom, a release, the pooling of cum inside her.
This felt overwhelming. He was everywhere. His energy burned and licked, igniting and soothing her body like burning whisky.
Kagome felt the pinpricks of fresh tears in her eyes, overcome with a hurricane of emotions she couldn't quite name. She could feel his weakness. His exhaustion. The part of him tethered to her became a lifeline between them, feeding him the energy he'd lost.
Sesshoumaru's mouth peeled back from her flesh. He panted, sinking back. Kagome caught him about the shoulders, cradling him close.
A wave of tiredness sent her sinking down against him, lashes falling shut as dizziness spun her vision.
The last thing she saw before surrendering to the lure of unconsciousness was a canopy of Forget-me-nots surrounding their weary bodies.
Drowsy lids slowly cracked open- wincing at the setting sun's harsh orange light peeking out from between the trees. Golden eyes averted and Sesshoumaru stirred with a dusty rumble.
Something heavy lay over his bare chest. He lifted his head.
Kagome rested against his shoulder, dark hair spilling everywhere. Sesshoumaru stared, feeling he must be dreaming. They were laying within a clearing together, which looked clear, quiet and picturesque.
Squinting, he sat up, adjusting the woman against him. Kagome sank against his side, revealing a gaping hole in his flesh, exposing his rib-cage.
Ah, that's right.
The flowers. The vines spilling forth from his chest as blood asphyxiated him, making breathing impossible.
And Kagome...
The miko had come for him. Saved him.
Sesshoumaru ghosted stiff fingers over his mouth, dragging clawed nails down to the fresh bite mark branding his shoulder. He then shifted Kagome, running an aristocratic nose to similar marks adorning her shoulder- a tongue sliding out to drag over bloodied flesh. She tasted wonderful.
Kagome groaned and wrapped her arms around him tighter, burying her face in the juncture between his neck and shoulder.
Closing his eyes, Sesshoumaru held her close and revelled in the sensation. However, he soon picked up on the far off shimmer of his barrier enclosing them within their mini safe space. He could sense Inuyasha waiting outside, along with Jaken.
Deciding to lower it, Sesshoumaru rested his lips against the crown of Kagome's head before drawing himself up to stand unsteadily, lifting her into his arms.
When Inuyasha burst into the clearing, leaves scattering and clinging to his thick white hair, he brandished Tetsusaiga, only to lower it with a raised brow.
Sesshoumaru stood clad in his hakama pants, arching a regal brow in return. He approached the hanyou and passed Kagome over wordlessly, ignoring his noise of surprise at the sight of his ribcage.
"It is healing," the demon dismissed.
"Uh, alright," Inuyasha grunted, supporting Kagome. "Should I even ask what the hell happened?"
Sesshoumaru ignored him in favour of looking at the miko. His shoulder ached, and when he drew back his heel with the intention to leave- a fresh wave of discomfort elicited a wince.
Kagome stirred, blue eyes blinking open. She then drew a hand out towards him, "where are you going?"
"This one is..." he trailed off. "I must..."
"No, you don't," she murmured. Patting Inuyasha's shoulder to prompt him to set her down, Kagome flashed her friend a smile. "Thanks for coming for me, but I need to stay with this impossible guy to make sure he heals alright."
Inuyasha eyed the bite mark on her shoulder, nostrils flaring. "You sure?"
Kagome nodded firmly.
"What do ya want me to tell Shinto if he asks where ya are?"
Guilt passed over her face, and blue eyes flicked away, before finding him again. "Just say I'm visiting another village. I need to tell him the truth myself."
Relenting, Inuyasha stepped away, shooting Sesshoumaru a warning look before reluctantly leaving them be again, feeling like the wind had been thoroughly knocked out of his sails.
The Daiyoukai watched her, stunned.
"It's crazy you're even up and walking around in your condition," Kagome rubbed at her forehead, reaching out and seizing frozen fingers. "Come on, let's find a cave to take shelter in for the night."
The demon lord stopped and slid unrelenting attention down to her once they reached the mouth of a cave. "What made you choose this place?"
"I dunno, it wasn't far away and it felt familiar," Kagome hummed, meeting his gaze. "Have we... used it before? In the past?"
Golden eyes cracked wider. "You remember?" he asked in a quiet, brittle tone.
She shook her head, "not at all. I just figured it out. Would've been nice if you'd told me," releasing his hand, she wandered inside, finding a bed of furs awaiting them further in, cracks of sunlight streaming in through holes in the rock ceiling. Her cheeks reddened a little, imagination running wild.
"You really scared me back there," she murmured, back turned to him. "I thought you were going to die."
"That is why you completed the mating," Sesshoumaru uttered. To save him, and for no other reason.
A part of him had hoped she'd remembered, but another had immediately recognised the sacrifice she'd made. Kagome was a selfless individual in the face of danger. If Inuyasha were dying, or any of her other friends, he wondered if she'd mate them if it meant saving their lives.
With a benevolence he did not truly feel, Sesshoumaru forced himself to prioritise her comfort. "If this is not something you wish for- there are ways of severing the bond."
"Stop," she grit out, whirling to face him. Flinty blue eyes took his breath away. "Stop lying all the time. I remember valuing your company and opinion because you were always so blunt with me. You never held back your opinions."
"I am not lying, there is a way to sever it."
"But that's not what you want! Damn it- you nearly died because you couldn't open your mouth! Just be honest for once and tell me how you're feeling, Sesshoumaru. What do YOU want?"
Energy lashed at the air, kicking up a breeze that caused dark hair to fly back. Hands closed over the back of her neck, cradling her skull. Lips were shoved against hers, smothering startled breath.
"You," Sesshoumaru breathed in a brief parting, kissing her fiercely again. His mouth slanted ardently over hers, the hint of a fang brushing her lips. "Is it not obvious I cannot abide anything but having you? Foolish woman, it is for your sake I held back. Once you submit, there is no escaping me."
Kagome gaped, unable to keep up with the sheer amount of heated kisses. Her hands settled over his arms, heat igniting her cheeks. She'd never received a kiss like it before and tentatively returned it. A small gasp and accompanying noise from him only confirmed to her how much he wanted it. She could feel the tension in his frame. He was holding back even now.
When he pulled away, she panted, thumb dragging over magenta cheek stripes. "Didn't that feel so much better than burying everything?" she teased weakly. "Even if I'd rejected you, surely that would've been better than regret- than nearly dying."
Sesshoumaru's gaze slid away. He then released a long sigh, clawed hands curling in her hair. "You seemed happy with the mercenary."
"Ex-mercenary," she corrected out of habit, leaning into his touch. "And I was. I like him. But..." Kagome looked at him. Really looked, and somehow it clicked that his face was the only one she wanted to wake up to in the mornings to follow. When had things gotten to that point? Had she wanted this while lazing on the riverbank with him so long ago? Things would've been so much more simple if she'd identified it sooner. If he'd said something.
How foolish they both were.
Stepping closer, she blushed and tilting her head back in order to ghost her lips over a firm jaw. "I like you more."
Power sparked her insides at the ensuing shudder he gave. "Mating entails more than 'liking' one another, miko. Can you deal with my extended company? Being mine?"
Kagome pretended to consider this. "For how long?"
His lips quirked. "Centuries. Possibly thousands of years."
"That's a long time," her eyes danced. "I guess I'm okay with that if you work on your communication skills."
He inclined his head gravely, dipping his nose into her hair and inhaling a lungful. It felt so good to have clear airways again.
"Sesshoumaru, there is something I want to ask you about; Why didn't you bite me? And what happened during that night I lost my memories?"
"I intended to, miko," he said with dark promise. Displeasure curled his lip. "You managed to bite me during climax. I do not think you understood the ramifications of it at the time. I would have reciprocated nonetheless. Unfortunately, my senses- brilliant as they are- sensed a disturbance in the forest. A herd of boar youkai were bolting towards your precious village."
He could scowl all he wanted about it, but Kagome knew of his attachment to Rin. No doubt they'd both wasted no further time in lovemaking and quickly made for the village.
"We fought them, tried to redirect them. You asked me to save a boy that had fallen during the village's impromptu evacuation. Naturally, I did so- but it meant leaving you alone."
Kagome winced. Her hand found the back of her head, remembering waking to a sizable bump and stitches. "They got me, huh?"
"One struck you down," Sesshoumaru uttered with a weary tone. "I did not know where you were, as we had become separated in the chaos. When I eventually found you... the mercenary was nursing your wounds."
"I remember," she said gently. A stab of sympathy clenched her heart. Stroking a hand down his bicep, she sighed. "That must've been awful, to lose me so soon after almost completing the mating. I didn't realise, didn't recall our relationship. I greeted you so casually and didn't get why you were lingering around in his hut."
"The fault is not yours," Sesshoumaru rested large hands possessively on her hips.
Kagome glanced at him, squinting. "Neither is it yours," she pressed her fingers to his lips when he opened his mouth. "Nope! Not yours. I wouldn't have wanted you to prioritise guarding me that night. If you had, that boy you saved might've lost his life. Besides, I can usually take care of myself. They caught me on a bad day."
The two fell into silence. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes, resting thin lips against the crown of her head while Kagome leaned carefully against him.
"I find it weird that we've had a whole conversation while you have a massive hole in your chest. At least I can't see your whole ribcage like before. Seems like the skin and muscle are repairing," she mumbled.
"It will heal quickly," he dismissed, palms gliding over her back.
Kagome made a soft noise, basking in his warmth. "It's also weird that this feels so natural to me," she lifted her head, catching his eye. "I might not remember us. Ever. So just... promise me you won't search for my past self in me. I've been through that before."
He swept her down into the furs, covering her form with his own. "Hn, we will live in the present."
Heat flushed her cheeks as she sank into the soft, comforting furs. Her heart fluttered, stomach jumping. "Thank you."
A silver curtain of hair blocked out their surroundings as Kagome pulled him closer, both mindful of his injury. She smiled, searching his gaze and slowly delivering a sweet kiss to his lips.
Sesshoumaru let out a long sigh of relief, their foreheads meeting.
"Hey, on the bright side..." Kagome gave him a cheeky grin. "I get to experience my 'first time' with you again."
Astonishment painted his features. A simmering, darkly satisfied look soon replaced it, transforming his face into something more raw and honest. Kagome accepted his anticipation, his hunger, not dissuading him from it. She endeavoured to encourage even more displays of emotion from him.
"You don't need to hold back," she murmured, accepting his searing kiss. "Tell me everything you've wanted to say to me since losing my memory. I don't mind."
Their energies twined once more, and the miko hooked her leg over his hip to anchor him against her without any seductive intentions. She merely wanted him close, and Sesshoumaru did not argue, burying closer to her the second he healed. Skin met skin, noses brushing.
In the hush that followed, Sesshoumaru took his lips to her ear and began talking.
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going-fancognito · 4 years
Hi! I love ur work ! How about a head canon of Revali, Sidon and Link were they make they s/o cry. Like they were fighting or they said something that hurt their feelings.
*I spy with my little eye, one of my guilty pleasure tropes*
Everytime someone says they like my writing I go through two stages; 1. Shocked disbelief 2. Going into a fit of happy child giggling.
Seriously, to everyone who takes the time to read my stuff; TYSM!!
Okay enough gushing, ya’ll came for a head canons!
Characters are ordered from most to least likely to make you cry.
I think we all saw this coming.
Best Rito isn’t known as an asshole for nothing, so obviously he topped this list. 
(Hey, first time he ever beat Link at something)
It’s normal for you two to bicker
But there’s one time where it got way out of hand
Now when Revali’s angry, he shoots words out like a machine gun: they’re quick, painful and accurate
(Good luck getting a word in edgewise)
His comments eventually drive you to tears
UNFORTUNATELY, Featherhead here is a hothead
Will be too caught up in the moment
“Oh there’s no need to act childish Y/N,” There’s a mocking bite in his tone “enough with the crocodile tears.”
When you continue sobbing, his anger starts melting away to guilt
Suddenly he’s very aware of what he’s said
He done fucked up
He’s at a loss for what to do
Will mumble something about training and take off, leaving you alone for the rest of the day
(It’s not that he doesn’t care, he’s just worried that he’ll make things worse right now)
Eventually you cry yourself to sleep in the same spot from that afternoon
You wake up the next morning wrapped in a bundle of blankets inside your hammock
Once you’ve managed to untangled yourself, you spot Revali nearby preparing breakfast
He glances up when he hears you approach
Nervously, he slides some fresh cooked omelettes onto a plate and hands it to you without a word
His face looked like he was worried you’d to eat him instead
(And not in the good way)
You both spend a good minute staring at each other, trying to figure out what to say
Revali decides to break the silence first
“I took some time to to reflect on last night’s events. I realize that I......may have gone too far.”
“No shit.” Sadness had morphed into anger overnight. If he wanted your forgiveness, he’ll need to say a lot more than that
Instead of the usual snippy retort, Revali nods “I suppose I earned that”
...Well that’s not the response you were expecting
Apparently he paid a visit to Zelda last night to discuss her recent friendship with Link. 
He wanted to know how she managed to resolve things between them.
Throughout his explanation, his gaze remained trained on the wooden floor 
His feathers begin to fluff up when you don’t respond right away
“I have many talents y/n, but this isn’t one of them. I have little experience in romantic relationships, along with the difficulties that come with it”
“However,” He finally meets your gaze. “I wish to learn. If you are willing to give me a chance, I promise to do my upmost to work on...this.” He gestures between you and him with his wing “What happened last night... I swear that it will never reach that point again.”
And if you allow him to, Revali will make good on his word
This guy’s mastered the silent treatment
Link’s a quiet guy so he tends to become distanced when he’s angry, rather then yell it all out
You learn this the hard way after a particularly bad argument with him
 Suddenly, he’s acting colder than an ice talus 
No matter what you say, the only response you’ll get is a dismissive grunt 
This goes on for days
The dude is surprisingly good at holding a grudge
However, one night he returns home late and hears faint weeping
He sneaks upstairs and finds you with your back turned to him while you quietly cry yourself to sleep
His heart nearly cracks in two once he catches a glimpse of your tear-stained face
Will quickly leave before he can get caught
Conversations aren’t his thing, and the situation required more than a simple apology
One thing is clear though; he needed to make amends.
There’s a note on your pillow the next morning
Inside it is your boyfriends handwriting, apologizing for his behaviour
Will proceed to list everything he loves about you, from the general things to your little quirks; everything he never says out loud
You did’t even realize you did half of these things 
But Link did
And he loves all of it
At the bottom, he makes you a promise to make up for the last few days
Downstairs, Link’s prepared your favourite dishes
Any of his recent cold behaviour is nowhere to be found
During breakfast, he lets you know that he’s taken the weekend off to spend time with you
That weekend feels like heaven
What Link lacks in words, he makes up for action
Will insist on doing your share of chores, takes you horseback riding for a picnic, he even shows you his secret spot for stargazing
You both take the time to enjoy each others company
 By the end of it, the argument is nothing more than a distant memory
It-it honestly hurts my brain to imagine this soft boi being angry
Like, no.
He baby.
It will take a LOT to make Sidon lose his temper
Even then, it’s probably over something like your safety
For example, if you have a habit of recklessly running into danger with no regard for your own safety like a certain Hylian
Sidon will try to bring up his concerns with you. Multiple times.
You just wave it off every time
The constant dismissing eventually causes him to snap
He won’t do anything big, maybe just raise his voice or shout in frustration
“Would you please LISTEN TO ME!?” 
(Bruh, even when he’s angry he’s polite)
Unfortunately, Sidon is also an 8ft. shark with a booming voice
You know he’d never actually lay a claw on you. He was a gentle lover (No, not like that you naughty sinners)
However; when you hear the natural growl in his voice, and baring his fangs in irritation-
In that that moment, you’re terrified to the point that tears start sliding down your cheeks. You don’t even notice them as they fall
But Sidon does
Poor baby is crushed
Will immediately crouch down and gently gather you up in his arms
He tries to make his voice as soft as possible, cooing words into your ear in an effort to put at ease
“Shh, shh - please don’t cry darling. I am so sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” He rubs small circles on your back to help calm you down. “I swear that won’t happen again.”
Great, now he’s crying too.
(You might actually need to comfort him now too)
Once you’ve both calmed down, you try talking things out again.
This time, you take his worries about you more seriously
(Seriously, where’s Sidons’ official Disney prince title?)
(Get on that Disney)
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faedawayyy · 4 years
part 1
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BASICALLY, this is a masterlist of things i want people to know about them but they’d never necessarily say or show outloud bc most of them as stubborn as fuck.
he doesn’t regret or hate any of his exes at all. he is completely indifferent towards liana and gisele, still loves soraya and has a kind of up-down mood towards riley and zara. ruby’s a friend.
he believes he’ll end up with soraya...like one thousand percent. she’s the only person he’s loved. 
charlie, matt and evan are the only people he’d give the label of ‘true friends’ and it definitely isn’t what he would’ve expected a few years ago.
his weakness is people feeling proud of him. like that’s something he craves constantly and when it happens, or you show it genuinely, you’re most likely to get through to him.
his natural coping mechanism is to act out; some people shut down/drink/take drugs. the more extreme dallas’s behaviour is and the harsher he’s behaving, the more you know he’s hurting/in a bad place. 
definitely the victim of a serious god complex. he believes with his whole heart that some of his worst work is still better than a lot of peoples best (so do i cause im a bieber fan LOL) 
he’s intelligent - scarily so...he got into several top colleges after high school including yale (where he attended for half of a semester/term), oxford and UCL. 
before his dad’s debt engulfed his family, he had a really good relationship with him and played multiple sports including hockey and golf. 
he can’t picture himself living past 30...or 27 some days. 
biggest character flaw EASILY is not knowing how to ask for or accept help. it’s been the root of ALL of his bad decisions and shitty actions. 
this literally isn’t a secret but he doesn’t give up. if you push him, he’ll push back harder and would sooner escalate a situation than be the one to walk away. 
he does everything in his power to not have to sleep in his family home. 
a cute hidden quality - he’s shockingly very good with children 
a shit hidden quality - a lot of his choice of girlfriend’s have to do whether he finds them physically attractive or not. if it’s an ‘or not’, chances are he won’t even consider it. 
his personality type is estp - bold, practical, original, direct, insensitive, risk-prone, unstructured, defiant 
he is HIGHLY impulsive and quick to act on feelings. back to his exes, this has often made him feel like he loves people that he definitely doesn’t. 
he’s actually HUGELY affectionate and that’s the tell tale sign of who he likes and who he doesn’t. if you’ve known him and he’s never acted soft/affectionate, he didn’t care in the first place. 
he’s one million percent had his heartbroken. he’ll tell you he hasn’t all day. 
conflicting with his god complex is crushingly low self-esteem when it comes to things like being worth of peoples time/energy/genuine interest beyond just being funny/hooking up with. 
silent reassurance is a thing for him. he’ll check that someone he’s comfortable with/loves is there every so often as social events and eye contact/acknowledgement definitely helps 
confrontation and disputes gives him huge anxiety but the carmichael house is the definition of toxic masculinity, so he swallows it and tries to be as rational as possible in arguments. 
comparison is a very real thing for him. he compares every element and detail of his life to others; especially the other boys. 
he considers madison his first love 
his love language is definitely acts of service, if he’s willing to help and  work towards something w.you, then he cares. 
he is definitely a burnt out over-achiever. he struggles with the concept of ‘reaching his full potential’ and no matter what he does, he doesn’t feel like he’s ever there
between leo and brody, he feels like he was never a child or even young. he’s always had a really wise head on his shoulders and is rarely impulsive. it’s the thing he hates most about himself...yet the thing a lot of people find appealing 
if you mention a critically acclaimed movie as your favourite, it gives him a bad first impression of you LOL 
he struggles to show emotion more than the others, who tend to act out and make rash decisions. i doubt anybody’s seen him cry ever. 
he didn’t peak in high school but he 100% misses who he was back then 
nostalgia is something that consumes him sometimes - if he’s shared a deep connection or memories with you, he won’t forget about you 
he’s literally never been on the wrong side of the law but police sirens make him anxious 
he never wants to be turn out like his dad, but also wants everything his dad created and had and it’s his biggest dilemma 
dogs are and have always been his favourite animal
organisation is a big thing to him. people probably assume kendall is the one who keeps things in check in their apartment, but it’s totally him. cabinets, wardrobes, shelves and everything...he can’t leave it alone if it’s disorganised 
he struggles being spoken down to or feeling like he’s being patronised. it’s the quickest way to piss him off 
he over-thinks everything, even if it doesn’t feel like it 
his worst habit is nail biting. he even had the stuff you put on your fingers as a kid and it didn’t squash it
he’s vegetarian 
if he wasn’t a carmichael, he definitely would’ve gone backpacking and worked from place to place after school but his dad definitely wouldn’t have approved
feeling useful to people is something that makes him feel self-worth 
it’s very rare for him to quit ANYTHING. if he’s committed, he’ll be in it until it comes to a natural end or just forever
an actual clean freak. he hates mess. 
he doesn’t know if imogen is/was his first love but he definitely considers her his soulmate
when he falls for someone, he falls HARD and will definitely give up some of his own values or change to impress somebody 
he has a lot of opinions and ideas but finds it hard to articulate them, he’s always found it easier to fall into the ‘hot guy’ trope and it’s got him far enough so he can’t complain 
he’s lowkey into zodiac signs and astrology but wouldn’t ever outwardly show it 
he’s VERY domestic; cooking, cleaning handy-work etc. are all strong points of his. it’s rare you’ll find any space he’s living in a mess 
he’s a romantic but quietly. the amount of time he spends thinking about dating/his love life/his future wife/kids scares him sometimes 
if he shouts, he’s not even that mad. when he gives up and just let’s someone go off/or he walks off, that’s usually when he’s hit rock bottom with someone 
big hero 6 is his favourite movie but he says black panther because it’s more acceptable to most LOL 
he suffers with health anxiety; not working out properly, or eating too much junk food will send him on a weird spiral where he’s hard on himself for months 
he always smells good. always. 
he doesn’t like people who act dumb for attention, it’s probably his pet peeve 
his harry potter house is slytherin, i took the test for him. 
he loves all of his sisters but is definitely the closest to evie, it may have something to do with them being the youngest of the 5. 
the thought of having to play any board game upsets him a lot 
if he sleeps over at anybody’s house, he has to bring his own pillow. most people who know him have just accepted it 
even now he’s older, his parents are very much his parents - he hasn’t got that friendly vibe some people get with their parents once they pass 20.
he’s a pretty good chameleon. he can shift and change depending on the crowd he’s with without being too obvious 
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tumblunni · 7 years
I couldn’t get yo sleep even tho I’m deadly tired, so I figured I may as well do some more reviews/rambling for Monster Rancher! God I love this show. I love the games too but the show is just so close to my heart. (Incidentally the name of the third opening theme in Japan! The one that’s a montage of everyone crying! THIS SHOW IS SO FEELS)
Today we watch episode 2: aka ‘Oh Shit I Just Realized Where My Love Of All Grandpas Comes From’
I figured it would probably make more sense if I sum up the episodes in my reviews now, that way people who haven’t watched it can still read along. So yeah! In the previous episode our hero Genki got sucked into the world inside of a videogame, and was surprisingly okay with that. He met big ol destiny carrying girl Holly and her monster Suezo, who is basically our meowth of the series. And he also got his own monster Mocchi, and now this next episode is more of an introduction for this new team member. Genki has trouble initially befriending his monster, because he expects Mocchi to just be a perfect videogame creature and doesn’t understand how to be a good big brother to a lil kid. Its just a very cute episode! There’s also a lot of good world building during such a downtime episode. It reiterates and better establishes the villain, Mu, and the legend about how only the phoenix can save the world, thus Holly is searching for it. And we get to see how the people of this world are so beaten down and scared of Mu that they’re prejudiced against our heroes for wanting to stand up to him. They get kicked out of town right when they really needed food and shelter, leading to meeting the nice old couple who lead to the whole plot about genki and Mocchi becoming closer. And it also starts up the first season’s recurring plot of Genki realising this isn’t just a fun game, its real and terrifying to the people here. (Cos he caused them to get kicked out by talking about how he could easily win against Mu, even tho he only just got his first monster!) Anyway, they get saved by a nice grandpa and grandma after that, and have HEARTWARMING ANTICS and Genki learns a lesson, etc LETS DO SOME REVIEW BLABBERING!!
Okay.. Like… Matthew and Lily are really undeveloped but I still absolutely tear up at the very thought of them, geez! The first allies our heroes met on their journey! And Genki keeps the pair of workman boots they gave him, all the way to the end. WE’LL NEVER FORGET YOU!!! and just AAAAA the mere fact they did that for him! The tone in lily’s voice when she says ‘that poor little boy has no shoes’. I mean, they can’t really explain to her that he left them behind when he fell through a dimensional vortex, lol! They didn’t ask any questions, they just gave this gaggle of kids a bed to sleep in and the first good meal they’d had in ages and then some lovely handmade clothes. Just imagine this elderly couple running around in the rain offscreen, trying to find our heroes before they left! Complete stranger: you cannot be without shoes in this weather! And they clearly heard everyone saying that these kids were dangerous troublemakers opposing Lord Mu’s rule, but they still selflessly helped them and supported them on their journey and made sure they’d be prepared. They may not have many lines of dialogue, but their actions say so much about their personality! I FUCKIN CRIED LIKE A BABY AT THE ENDING Cos Matthew and lily were so lonely and so happy to have kids staying over! And they really loved hugging Mocchi and treating him like their own child for a few happy hours. It was so wonderful that in the end the heroes hatched a Spot Dino mystery disc and gave it to the couple as thanks for all their help. Oh god Matthew’s crying as he cradled this bunny-sized dinosaur! Mocchi’s lil sweet face as he and the dinosaur held hands, as he introduced it to its new family! MY FUCKING SOOOOOUL (Oh and random thing I probably should have also established! Monsters in this setting are hatched out of mystery discs- magical stone idol things leftover from an ancient civilization. The heroes need to find the one that holds the legendary phoenix, so they find a lot of other ones along the way.)
And let’s take a random moment to appreciate the animation! I remember reading another review that once pointed out how the characters become this lineless cel shaded style whenever it rains, to invoke a sort of blurred camera lens under the raindrops. And I mean… Its not necessarily expensive animation? Its still got all the usual shortcuts of the time, there’s a lot of static frames, stock footage, using a 'hit flash’ instead of drawing fists connecting, etc. But it feels like these were good animators that were forced to work within those limitations, not people who chose it to be lazy. At every possible opportunity they try to put extra effort into everything and make it feel like it isn’t on the low budget it actually has. Its really noticeable compared to other shows of the day! And honestly compared to the general awfulness of the first season of pokemon and digimon, this DOES look like high budget animation! Hell, its got better attention to detail than some high budget stuff…
Anyway! On to talk about genki and mocchi’s super family plot! I really like how this show consistently subverts and explores genre tropes of the 'mons anime’. Right from the start, even! It subverts with how genki is absolutely happy to be trapped in another world. And how this is used as a unique character development plotline where he’s TOO optimistic about things and doesn’t realise the villain threat is real and the heroes won’t automatically win just because they’re heroes. And then it also subverts things by having genki fight alongside his monsters, who’re all fully sentient individuals with an equal plot role. And he actually fights to defend Mocchi for these first few episodes, and he has to deal with a baby monster being a defenseless and impressionable lil brother when he wanted a badass doom machine. Mocchi does indeed learn to fight as the series progresses, but that doesn’t mean genki doesn’t have to learn some empathy too! And they’re such cool bash brothers that kick huge amounts of ass together while being adorable AF! This episode is good cos treating a new little sibling well is a lesson a lot of kids can relate to. And its nicely delivered, you can see genki’s opinion change 180 throughout the whole episode with a lot of it being purely delivered through animation. Like, it doesn’t patronise the audience even though its a very typically 'kiddy’ plot. Genki starts off being frustrated how his new toy won’t do what he wants immediately, and seeing it almost as an insult that people are saying something that belongs to him isn’t perfect. He does love Mocchi, but at first he seems to articulate these feelings into a weird sort of unhealthy 'pride’ for a version of him that doesn’t exist. I feel like he thinks he’s being a good friend for believing that Mocchi can do anything he can do, but instead he’s being pushy by forcing the kid to HAVE to do anything he can do! So he gets irrationally grumpy at his cool monster friend getting hungry and tired and scared and wanting hugs and pretty flowers and stuff. But he ends up learning to take better care of him, and learning to care about him as more than just a cool thing to boast about. And also we get to see that mocchi’s all-loving feminine personality doesn’t make him any less badass when they need to fight evil! But I really liked how we see Genki realizing he’s wrong just from like.. Some nice completely silent moments where you see his reaction. Same for the moment where he starts to worry that the journey is too dangerous to take such an innocent kid on, and feels incompetent as a brother/parental figure, deciding to leave Mocchi behind with the grandparents where he’ll be safe. There’s no moment of exposition explaining that this is why he’s making that decision, but you feel it anyway! Its a type of storytelling I really struggle with, I tend to over explain everything lol! But I also like that because genki is silent about his character development, it leads to misunderstandings with everyone else. Mocchi assumes genki just doesn’t want him cos he’s weak, cos that’s how genki was acting earlier. And everyone else thinks genki’s being petty again and getting jealous of Mocchi for finding that dino disc when genki couldn’t. But genki proves he’s genuine about his love by literally kicking a dinosaur in the face to protect his lil buddy! (The evil dinosaur, not the baby one XD) And I love that they animate a lil moment of him wiping his muddy rollerblades on the dino’s face mid-kick!
And then we just end on super heartwarming hugs and repaying the kind grandparents and bunni’s heart explodes OK I just really love this show! I love that it focuses so much on the slice of life stuff and personal emotion in a monster fighter setting, rather than just the fighting. Yet it somehow still manages to have way better animated fights! Also its like the only show that’s pulled off this cliche 'annoying younger sibling’ plot without making you hate the 'annoying younger sibling’, lol. I still didn’t like mocchi as much as the others as a kid, he kinda has one of those unrealistic 'me hungwy’ lil kid personalities, with a weird voice in the dub. But GOD HELP ME I will defend him with my life just like genki does!!! Least favourite in a cast of favourite characters is still infinately better than 90% of all characters in fiction!
0 notes