#carl grimes x negan's son
ficnation · 1 year
“Your dad’s an asshole” Part 2 - Carl x Reader
Request: “Carl x son of negan. Where they meet when Negan goes to get supplies for the first time from Alexandria and Negan’s son keeps flirting with Carl and Carl gets flustered and acts like he hates it, because y’know son of NEGAN, but eventually they go on a sort of date and kiss? Just fluff with a lil angst? Whatever works for you xoxo”
requested by @thatcucumberwhore
Word count: 2,2k+
Pairing: Carl Grimes x Male! Reader
Warnings: usual twd themes (e.g gore, cursing)
A/n: Your relationship with Carl develops but you still have a long way to go. Also I do plan on writing some kind of an epilogue to this lil series eventually but it’s gonna take a while. Hope you enjoy it!
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The only times you could see Carl was when you snuck out in the middle of the night or when your father wasn’t around. You always met halfway in the woods, not far from the main road that led from the Sanctuary to Alexandria. It wasn’t exactly safe for either of you, but if it was the only way you could see each other, it was a risk you were willing to take.
It was surprising how similar you were despite your different personalities. You’ve both lost your mothers at the start of the apocalypse, and your dads changed drastically because of that. You had to grow up far too quickly, drowning in loneliness with no one your age to talk to. Those things made you fit like two puzzle pieces—meant to be.
The forest hummed around you when you strode off the main road and into the surrounding trees, all but invisible from the outside world. You were careful not to step on any of the fallen twigs, afraid of making too much noise.
The sky above was dark and cloudless, yet you could only see a few streaks of light coming from the stars here and there. The crowns of the trees were far too thick to let anything more shine through them.
This part of the woods was usually peaceful—as peaceful as it could be in a world infested with the undead. But that didn’t mean you could feel safe or let your guard down. Even if there was no visible sign of threat, you had to keep your eyes and ears open.
You sat down under one of the many trees, mindlessly playing with a stray twig. You waited and waited, but time didn’t seem to pass fast enough while you waited for Carl to show up.
The darker the sky got, the more you started to worry.
But the moment you heard the familiar sound of careful footsteps, your eyes roamed around wildly. You couldn’t help the cheerful smile that spread across your face when you recognized the silhouette in front of you.
“Hey…” you greeted him, waving. Carl returned the gesture as he walked over to sit beside you, taking his spot under the tree.
His light brown hair seemed to glow under the dim moonlight, and his eye sparkled with happiness that only your presence could bring out of him. His cheeks were pink from the cold wind, and the thin material of his plaid shirt did nothing to warm him up.
Carl smiled at you and leaned back against the trunk of the tree, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s almost midnight,” he stated, gazing at the starry sky.
It was indeed getting darker and darker every second. Your breath hitched slightly as you watched the clouds move in front of the moon.
“You’re lucky I didn’t wake up Judith when I fell on my ass jumping out of the window.”
You grinned at his joke before looking down at your feet. “Yeah…” you trailed off.
It had been so long since you’d seen one another with the constant war between your communities, yet there you were, alone together at midnight, gazing up at the moon.
It felt so strange and different to be with him like this. It made you feel more alive and more relaxed than you ever had before. No stress or anger could ruin it because you both knew where you stood; no matter the hatred between your people, you agreed you wouldn’t let it influence your friendship.
Carl stared up at the sky, lost in thought, as he watched a shooting star pass by. You looked up, too, following the path of the bright star.
“That’s nothing in comparison to the way you shine,” you stated, a confident smirk already growing on your face.
You knew very well what would follow your words. The blush on Carl’s face was barely visible in the darkness, but the way he nudged your arm with his elbow assured you it was definitely there.
“Shut up,” he chuckled, and for some reason, it was the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard.
“Yeah? Or what? You’re gonna kiss me?” The world around you froze the moment those words left your mouth. Damn, you hated yourself for speaking before thinking.
The silence that suddenly fell between the two of you was more than awkward. And you had no idea how to take those words back because you did want him to kiss you. You’ve been thinking for a while now how it would feel to brush your lips against his. Would they feel rough or soft against yours? Would Carl let you tangle your fingers in his soft hair?
You tried not to think about it, to repress those thoughts and keep them far away from your mind. But they always came back when you expected it the least. Even when you were just eating breakfast, the thought of kissing Carl and really being with him randomly popped up in your head.
“I’m sorry, it was just a joke. I shouldn’t have said that.” You chickened out.
Carl didn’t say anything, sitting beside you, deep in thought. You couldn’t read his face or his body language. He didn’t seem tense to you, but as far as you knew, it could just be your brain trying to let you keep some shred of hope.
“Are you okay?”
“Hm? Yeah, why?” Carl finally looked at you, waking up from his frozen state with a shake of his head.
You gave him a look, clearly not believing his words.
He sighed and shrugged. “I’ve missed you. More than I thought I would.” His voice dropped into a soft whisper. “When you leave I feel like there’s something missing.”
Carl’s eye met yours in the darkness. His words and the way he looked at you made your breath hitch. He must’ve noticed that because seconds after you exhaled, his lips were on yours, leaving a soft peck. When your eyes fluttered in confusion, it was his time to chicken out and pull away.
“Well, shit. Now, I should probably be sorry.”
You grinned at him, your hand landing in his hair, pulling him back into the kiss. Carl chuckled into your lips, responding with just as much confidence. As your lips touched, time stopped, and everything around you faded away; nothing else mattered at that moment except for each other. As your bodies pressed together, the tension you’ve been building up suddenly released in an electrifying rush.
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The forest was still and quiet early in the morning before the light even touched the horizon. The riverbank nearby made soft noises, its rushing waters calming in their constant flow. The sun had not yet greeted the world, and the dew that had settled the night before was just beginning to vanish in the early morning’s heat. 
You chased Carl through the clearing, laughing quietly, playing a game of tag while you escorted him halfway home.
The dew from the grass had saturated your jeans, the moisture seeping into the fabric effortlessly. Your pants were almost soaked through from the ankles all the way up to your knees. A small puddle of water even seeped into one of your sneakers, your foot squelching with every step you took.
Despite that, you were fast on your feet, and just when you were about to catch the back of Carl’s shirt in your grasp, the groans of undead filled the air. Their sounds alone turned the peaceful early morning eerie. Their groans seemed to come from all directions, the sound somehow omnipresent, as if it came from within and without, surrounding you. You could feel your hair stand on end as the happiness evaporated from your veins.
Your companion stopped so abruptly in his tracks that you couldn’t stop in time and ran headfirst into him, the impact causing you to release an involuntary grunt. 
“Fuck,” you grumbled, your hand instantly grabbing Carl’s arm in a tight, protective grip.
You looked into the distance to the dirt road leading to Alexandria. A herd of walkers moved forward in the direction of Carl’s community, one of the biggest ones you’ve encountered in your life. Your breath hitched in your throat, your hand shaking. They marched in a line so long you didn’t see the end of it. 
“We gotta get out of here,” you whispered right into his ear, pulling his arm in the opposite direction. You had to get as far as possible from the herd. 
“No, I need to get home,” Carl sneered, stubbornly planting his feet on the ground beneath. He didn’t even give you so much as a glance. 
“Not fucking happening. Let’s go. You’re not coming anywhere near them.” Your voice was firm; it wasn’t a request. 
The young Grimes stood silently for a minute, observing the herd in the distance. He didn’t know what to do; if his dad noticed his disappearance, he’d panic and send people to look for him. He didn’t want them to walk into this death trap, but at the same time, there was no way he’d get through the walkers unnoticed. 
“Carl,” he could hear the slight shift in the tone of your voice. It became stern. You’ve never spoken to him this way before. He knew that he had no choice but to go with you.
Finally, he nodded his head and let you guide him the opposite way. You traveled in silence, on high alert at all times. Your eyes scanned the horizon, and your ears strained to listen for the slightest hint of danger. You couldn’t risk gaining the attention of any of the walkers. If just one noticed you, it’d all be over.
After hours of walking, you reached the gates of a community unknown to Carl. He looked quizzically between you and the tall gates, but you could see the annoyance and suspicion spreading through his face.
“You brought me to the Sanctuary? Right under your father’s nose?” he questioned, fuming. He quickly pulled his hand out of yours and stepped away from your reach. How could you do this to him?
For a moment, you were oblivious to his suspicions and looked at him, confused. “What are you talking about?” 
“Don’t play dumb!” Carl’s voice was booming as he stared you down, fists clenched.
Your eyes jumped from Carl to the community’s gates, then back to your companion again. You quickly understood what he feared. “Well, I’m flattered you think the Sanctuary looks like this.”
Carl seemed disoriented; he blinked fast as the hatred fell from his face. He felt terrible that it took just this to make him doubt you and withdraw his trust. The boy looked down at the dirt beneath his boots.
“I wouldn’t take you there Carl.”
He nodded, reassured by your words, but still didn’t raise his head. “I’m sorry, I just freaked out.”
You walked toward him, your hand gently grasping his chin to make him look at you. You pecked his cheek softly before pulling him towards the gates. “This is the Kingdom. We’ll be safe here and we can rest a little before going home.”
“Are you sure? How do you even know about this place?” he questioned but followed you without any resistance.
“Uhh…” You scratched your neck bashfully. “It’s a long story. I will tell you someday, I promise.”
Upon reaching the gates, the man on watch duty stood up abruptly, revealing the biggest, friendliest smile as he recognized your face. Waving you in, he called to someone else to let you inside. You slipped through the crack in the gates without waiting a second longer.
Carl observed as the unfamiliar man greeted you by name with his arms outstretched and his face full of joy. You rushed up to him, throwing your own arms around his solid frame, a playful fight unfolding between the two of you before you remembered about your companion.
“Jerry, this is Carl.” The man raised his eyebrow, anticipating that you’d add something more to the introduction. So you humored him, “My boyfriend.”
“Didn’t think anyone would like your overconfident ass,” he joked, letting out a deep chuckle as you clutched your chest in the feigned offense. 
“Me? Overconfident?” You snorted, crossing your arms. “Never.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Jerry waved you off before changing the topic. “What brings you here so early?” 
“I hoped we could crash here for a few hours. We almost bumped into a herd,” you explained, your happiness faltering at the memory. 
“You’re always welcome here, you know that.” The man patted your shoulder reassuringly. He didn’t need more explanation. 
You smiled, nodding gratefully at him before your hand found Carl’s, and you pulled him down the path deeper into the community. 
“Come on, I know a place.”
You took him to a small clearing on the other side of the community, a makeshift garden nearby. You pulled him onto a comfortable hammock hanging between two apple trees. As the sun rose in the sky, you both basked in its warm glow and dozed off in peaceful slumber.
Even though you both would likely be in trouble once you reached your homes, the temporary escape was more than worth it. Carl’s company was worth all the trouble in the world. There was no place you wouldn’t have gone with him, no distance you wouldn’t have traveled, and no experience that wasn’t worth sharing with him.
Maybe someday, we can just live here.
@thatcucumberwhore @yttricuz @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @humanmistakes @twdeadlysins @donttelltheelff  @khaleesihavilliard @leafy-sprouts @spenceslovcr
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little-reader · 4 months
Woody - Season Two Released
Carl Grimes x Male!Reader
If you were unaware, this is the second season of "The Son Of A Monster." You may not understand the following if you haven't read the first season. Thank you.
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Warnings; Graphic Gore, Death, blood, Slow-burn, Sexual tension, homosexual relationship (If you didn't know), Cursing, Negan is the Readers dad, Enemies to lovers story. Fighting. Zombie Apocalypse. (The Walking Dead TV show)AMC rights, I do use the storyline and some scenes.
“I gotta go, Woody.” 
The voice sprang through Carl's head, bouncing around and mixing. The words he heard a week ago. However, he hadn’t seen him since the day he left and he wasn’t brought back. He was pissed, to say the least. Something told Carl he wouldn’t have made it back, but he refused to hear that voice. 
Something went wrong with the plan. Negan didn’t back down, even when his son was brought out before him. A second later shots rang out, and everyone had to fend for themselves. Rick didn’t tell Carl much, but they couldn’t find out where he disappeared to, Y/n smith had slipped out somewhere, they weren’t sure where and when he got out, or if he even did. Rick said the cars all pulled out, and he didn’t see Y/n when they were leaving, which calmed Carl down. 
Carl stayed up at night watch, hoping there was a slight possibility he might appear out of thin air. Walk down the street with his stupid smile and his arms out. Carl wasn’t in love, he felt more than that. The cold nights he spent that week, watching the roads and trees sway, only made Carl more disappointed that he couldn’t find Y/n. He was truly pissed.
Iris held her stomach, for just about eight months. She worried about the timing, where would she go, without the father of her twins. The father who was gone, even if he was here, was foolish and reckless. Her feet were swollen, and her eyes tired. She helped at the clinic. The past week, they took shots from Negan’s men, some getting hurt and needing medical help. They needed as many hands as they could get. She was there all night and most of the day to make sure everyone was okay and healed. 
Iris made friends with the new people when she first came here. They understood her the most, nicer in a way, and she helped them. When she first came here, the people were shocked to find out she was pregnant, mainly because of her age. She was brought in kind arms, which she accepted and gave back. Rick trusted her enough to watch Judith when Carl was busy or if no one else was able to. That gave Iris practice.
She enjoyed the days she got to watch Judith. They would sit on the porch, watching the clouds move, and play with handmade blocks. Kids were something Iris always loved. She adored them and wished to have her own. Though, now how the world was, she was scared. Not just about the kids, but about herself. Would she be safe having to look out for two kids, or would she even be able to make it past birth? Either way, it was her or her kids, and at the moment, she wasn’t sure who’d she choose. 
She sat with Judith beside her on the carpet in the Grimes living room. There was a search for Y/n, not a very big one, and barely a search at all. They said they’d keep an eye out for him, but they didn’t even like him. Rick did, he had explained to the men countless times that Y/n was a kid, and kids don’t always understand the world, or what was good or bad. Iris knew that was true, and she was glad Rick had that mindset, especially with Y/n, the son of his enemy.  
Judith smiled as she played, surprisingly the day was calm. A group just came back from taking one of the first stations down, they celebrated for another day to live and buried the ones who fought. 
She had made Judith a bowl of mushed corn, which she enjoyed. Iris kept finding it around the carpet or on her mouth or hands. She chuckled to herself, wiping the baby's hands for the fifth time, this time making sure it was fully off. Rick was home, in the kitchen with a few others. They were formulating a plan for the next station, well the main topic.
“The kids have been lost for a week, are we even sure he’s alive?” Aaron asked, looking at the map they laid across the kitchen counter. The map had marker lines, pins, and prints marking it, pointing to the places, stations, and whatnot, for them to seek or destroy.  Each marking had a certain color, one more important than the other. They were searching for him, Y/n. So far, not a track, means no luck. 
“Have we checked in with Hilltop or the kingdom, he might have been able to slip in with one of them,” Toby suggested, his finger running across lines. 
“No, we haven’t heard much from the kingdom since the war started, Hilltop has a group of saviors captured, Aaron didn’t see him there,” Rick stated. 
Iris wasn’t sure why Aaron continued to help, after the death of his husband, Eric. Though, he lost a family member and gained one on the same day. A baby, cute one too, Grace. 
“What if he went back to Negan.” 
“He wouldn’t do that.” Rick shut the idea down in an instant. This made the others think.
“Aarons right, what if he went back, it's his dad after all, so what if he ran back to him-”
“Rick's right, he wouldn’t do that.” It was like Iris appeared out of thin air. She shut the man down, just in a second. “He wouldn’t do that. Hell, he's a stupid boy, but he knows when to be smart..” 
Toby shifted on his feet, looking up at Iris. “How could we know?” He asked, softly. 
Iris smiled. “Because of Carl. He wouldn’t break his promise to him. He cares too much. You may not see it now, or even ever, but Y/n has a heart. Big one too, and Carl? He sees himself in Carl, before all this. If he’s still alive, he either captured, trying to make his way back, or holed up somewhere injured.” She was very serious, her tones stone cold and eyes cutting into their throats. “Find him, if he’s not at Hilltop or the Kingdom, check the woods, near Baste Creek, where that big field is. Carl can probably show you where it is.” 
Rick nodded as Iris was called by the baby roaring in the living room. They had a lot to think about, even though there wasn’t much time to spare.
Carl held the knife with the carved “H” in it. What did the “H” stand for? He pondered that for days. He thought of names, repeating them. He thought it might be a state or shop logo, but the carving was too gritty to be those. 
It wasn’t that Carl was locked in his bedroom. He was able to leave, but he wasn’t allowed in any of the fighting going against the two teams. Carl saw a man, three days ago, and his dad scared him off. He said it might be a savior spying on them. That Carl refused to believe. He went back and left food for him, writing “sorry” to let the person know he was friendly. 
He might go back, see the man again, ask him the three questions, and show his dad he wasn’t a savior. That would leave him vulnerable, but he was willing to risk it. Something he said before that caught his interest.
The morning called. He sighed and bounced off of his bed. It was early. Because of how many people were out, Carl had the duty to make sure everything was safe. He had stations on the wall, gate, or checking the garden and pantry. 
He sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his hat as it shifted in his hands. He was surprised how long it kept with him, and how long it stayed together. He brushed his hair down with his fingers, shaking his hand from the loose hair that attacked his fingers. Carl ran his thumb over the rim, brushing off the dust, and placing it on his head. 
His feet crossed his room and into his closet, grabbing a pair of jeans, a grey long-sleeved shirt, and his flannel. 
He didn’t like brushing his teeth, but knowing what it used to be like, he did it anyway. 
“Hey,” Carl said, making his way downstairs, and seeing Iris with his little sister. She smiled at him, as she picked up Judith and rested her on her hip. 
“Where are you off to today?” She asked, following him into the kitchen. Carl shrugged as he grabbed himself a bottle of water. 
“Garden duty, then pantry.” He stated, turning to her with an awkward smile. “Might go outside and hunt, or fish.” Iris nodded and placed Judith down by her feet, cooing at her. 
“Are… you okay?” Iris asked, leaning against the counter. Her voice was laced with concern. Carl hummed, and nodded while looking at the floor, “You know, I remember when I was your age… about when the world ended.” She smiled.
Carl's brows almost touched. “How old are you?” He asked, obviously confused. 
“That's rude.” She smiled and sighed. “I’m not Y/n’s age. Only a little bit older. Nine-teen. Which makes me four years older than you.” Carl looked a little shocked. He nodded slowly. “When I was fifteen, I used to have mental breakdowns about boys.” She laughed at herself. Iris shifted off of the counter to pull out a chair from the table and bring it over. “It was childish, but, to be fair, I was a child. Now I miss that part of me… anyway, the point is, you're allowed to feel that way. Upset, angry, tired. They're all normal.” Carl bit his lip anxiously and nodded, placing his water bottle on the counter.
‘I, uh… I don’t know.” He sighed and cracked his knuckles. “I guess I’m upset. I mean, I don’t know what happened to him, he said he’d come back and he didn’t, or he hasn’t. All I have is this knife he gave me.” He dug through his pocket and grabbed the switchblade, placing it in front of Iris. She looked shocked and picked it up. “I don’t even know why he gave it to me.”
“Because he adores you.” 
Iris smiled and looked at the knife. “He never let me touch this knife, you know.” Carl looked at the knife in her hand with a confused gaze. “He didn’t tell you?” He shook his head. Iris sighed and handed the knife over to the younger boy. “It, uh, it belonged to this boy he used to know. After the apocalypse, I hope he told you about his mother?” She asked. Carl nodded, remembering their moment in the fields a month back. “After that, Negan had a small group. Four of them, they would search. Sometimes starve out there. Negan would make sure he had food, and go hunting for days. He almost died at some points with run-ins. One day, his dad came back with a woman, Harriot. She ran a camp with another man, Bert. Anyway, he stayed at that camp for two months before something happened… I'll let him tell you about that part.” She sighed, then pointed to the knife. “That knife was owned by a boy named Husten. They were best friends, more than that really. He fell for him, and Husten saved him with that knife…” She smiled. Carl could tell she was saddened, but maybe not by him dying. He wasn’t quite sure why, but if Y/n was still alive, he hoped he’d open up to him more.
“So, the ‘H’ means Husten?” Carl questioned running his finger over the “H”. She nodded. “That's what I’ve been wondering for the past week.”
“It's a promise, Carl.” She stated, signaling to the knife. “A promise he will come back, and you need to trust him.”
The garden was quiet. No one around. He had a lot to really think about. He did not do it often; hoping for no one to be around. He dug into the dirt with his fingertip, finding a worm. He picked it up and placed it in the palm of his hand. The thing that will live past humans. He’d often see Daryl eat them when they would scavenge, or before Alexandria. Carl thought it was disgusting, but useful if he could hold his stomach eating things like that. 
He watched the poor worm wiggle in his hand. He made a hole back in the dirt, and placed it down, watching it sink. However, he stayed sitting. His knees bent and his arms wrapped around them as he stared at the dirt. 
Carl found himself daydreaming a lot recently. He couldn’t help it. He wished for a lot. For the war to stop, for the deaths to stop, for his lover to come home, for them all to agree and make up. He knew this could never happen, maybe Y/n coming home, but the rest? No. 
His heart pounded as he closed his eyes. His mind drifted elsewhere. 
He could see the laughter in the distance. It bounced in his brain and stuck to his skull. The sun shone into his eyes and blinded him unless he placed his hand over his brows. He remembers the gentle hand of his mother. The lawn in the back of their family home, or the old school friends, when their mothers would allow play-dates. He remembers when his mother would wait outside the school every day for him to get out. Something he could only wish to see again. The smile, which he can barely remember, placed on her sweet face. The memory of a mother. Would that be for him and Y/n? Only the memory of him? 
The laughter walked away, and the dream shifted. He could see him. The smile, the two kids, the house in a field. The dream he had months prior. He wished it were true. The two children. The smiles, and the change. The happiness.
He wished for the other boys to kiss again, on his lips or cheek. He missed him. He would be missing him.
He also missed the freedom of the woods. Sure, there were lots of walkers. But the nature was free and quiet. It was a god sent.
He missed the walks outside the most. With him and his group, a bunch of badasses, strong and independent. I could feel him needing to be back in those woods.
He found himself in the pantry, with a small bag. If he was going to go out, he would do it for a reason, and to him, this was a good one.
Carl thought of just going outside for no reason, but that would be fruitless. So, he grabbed himself a water bottle, and a nutrition bar, and left for the escape wall. He didn’t really need to, he could have just gone through the gate with no problem, but for “old” times' sake, he would go over the same wall they used to. 
He knew the paths like the back of his hand. The smell felt like home. His boots felt comfortable with each step. He felt his heart race. Memories came flooding back, of when he and Y/n would sneak out and goof off. They would go to the boarded-up house and sit on the rusted couch, reading comics. That, or the field, and sit and stare at the sky. Carl could hear the laughter, like before, in his ear.
Y/n ran through the field, Carl chasing after him. The stupid grin on his face as he ran off into the tree line. They had been out most of the day, messing around at an old game store. They had a small stash in their bags, but y/n ended up setting off the alarm, and instead of trying to turn it off, he ran out of the store in a second.
Carl finally caught up to him. Only because his face was smushed into the dirt. “You dumbass.” Carl laughed as the other boy lifted himself out of the mud, spitting a bit.
“God, I think I swallowed something.” He started to gag and spit. Carl laughed and hit the back of his head. “I'm serious… I think it was a beetle… I’m gonna puke.”
Carl had to hold his hair back as he puked into a nearby river. He had laughed the whole time. That was the first time Carl really realized the other boy was human. When he realized he felt things, and he wasn’t a monster like his father. 
He smiled at the memory of the boy. Something he couldn’t forget even if he tried. 
Carl was back at the house, where they’d hang out a lot. He needed to be sure the boy was there or not. There was something he noticed. Blood, dripping into the house. It was old, a week. Carl knew, this could be it, he could be here alive or dead. He hoped alive, and he hoped he was here. 
He held his gun out. His hand reached out and opened the door, that was locked the last time he was here. He looked around, then slowly opened the door and pushed in. The room was like not messy. Almost the same. He closed the door, making sure he was quiet, and made his way through the living room. The house wasn’t so large, but large enough for someone to hide.
He followed the blood trail into the bathroom. The bathroom cabinet had been ransacked. A bloody towel sat on the side of the sink. Medicine spilled on the floor, an empty cup, and then some bandages gone. Something happened to the other boy. Carl made his way to the kitchen. It looked like he was fine, the blood trail ended in the bathroom.
Cans of food were missing, and Y/n had a log kept up, making sure no one was in his home. Carl looked through it. Finally. He found some writing, with a bloody fingerprint. It had to be him. He had written what he took, and the date. It was in fact the day after he went missing. He must have got here and left. Carl was confused. Why hadn't he found his way home, and where was he now?
He then decided to make his way upstairs, ensuring no one was downstairs. The floorboards creaked under his feet. The fine railing under his calloused hands.
There wasn’t much. The bed was unfixed, he must have stayed, then left. Carl wasn’t sure where he went off to, but at least he knew he survived the incident with Negan. This let his hopes run. 
Carl felt the sheets under his hand, rubbing his thumb under them. Something peeked out of the corner of the pillow. Carl lifted it. His eyes widened. Notes, papers, and photos. All were collected together in a neat pile, hidden from anybody who would break in, and not search under the pillow. 
Carl sat down and placed his gun on the nightstand. He started to go through the sheets.
The first paper had been written on. 
Home needings: The back wall in the third bedroom is growing mold. Flooring is coming up in the living room. The wallpaper is peeling in the nursery. The stairs need to be rebuilt…
Carl smiled at the paper and placed it beside him. The next thing was a stack of pictures, some drawn and some photographed. There was one with a woman and a baby and Negan, but he was younger, WAY younger. Carl thought he looked happier. The next was just the woman, showing off her ice cream. He flipped again. It was Y/n, with a bat in hand as he swung. Carl sighed but kept going. 
Family photos, some of him and Iris, and then sonograms. Carl flipped to the last photo. This one shocked him. It was him asleep, with a bowl in hand. He remembers this. They went on the porch one night, past bedtime, and watched the stars with a bowl of corn, Y/n’s joke. He ended up passing out, but he thought y/n did the same. Rick scolded them that night. 
He smiled and placed the picture back. 
He started flipping through the papers. A lot of them were from magazines, pictures of the world before… and some adult content that Carl had thrown under the pillow. It was obvious how long the other boy had been staying here, even before the two met. There were also drawings of Alexandria. Some of the walls, with little notes, say “The escape wall”. There was one of Judith and Iris together. Not detailed, but Carl could tell who it was. 
Then, there was the lake, with a hat, Carl’s hat, floating in the middle of it. On the back of that drawing, was a note: There was a lake and lakehouse about five miles west of the house. It’s nice too. I didn’t have a chance to check out the lakehouse, or shed, or whatever it is. There might be some supplies. The lake had a few biters in it, I almost drowned the other day. One grabbed my leg, but I was able to play it off, I didn’t want to worry Carl. 
He remembered Y/n telling him he was just a pro at holding his breath, now he has proof that he’s a loser. Carl laughed at the thought and placed the paper down. Another drawing. This time, it was two hands, fingers touching, with a smaller picture of a different boy attacked. “H”.
The field is just above the lake and lake house. It's quiet. I went back today to make sure the gate around it is strong and there are no biters in the field. I almost got bit by a copper head, killed it, and ate it. Saved some for Carl, he said it was gross and I could keep it. Iris liked it though, but she likes it a lot. A few days ago, when me and Carl found it together, after the lake, we shared a moment. I wasn’t sure if it was just me, and I guess I won’t be sure. I know something though, I like the feeling of our hands touching. It reminds me of Hue… I miss him.
Carl felt like he was invading at that point, and decided to gather up everything and place it back into the pile it was once in, and under the pillow. However, he noticed something shining. He grabbed it and lifted it. A homemade necklace, with a shard of some kind. It had a beautiful print on the outside, like a plate. He placed it back safely, and made the bed, feeling like he had too.  
He set back home before someone noticed he was not there. 
Chapter 2
@ritosparty ❤️
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sweatyrickgrimes · 2 years
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zombiigrll · 1 month
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NEGANS DAUGHTER. ⋆。°✩ carl grimes x reader .ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 2.7K ꩜ .ᐟ SUMMARY ⭑ you prove yourself to your boyfriends father. .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ sorry this took a million years to come out </3 i've been WAY to busy T_T i feel like this ended kind of.. confusing/unrealistically... but its fanFICTION. so its whateva!! anyways i hope you guys enjoy :3 (also, if u guys REALLY want a part 3 i'll write one, but i mostly wanted this to be a fic where you can interpret the ending yourself! but i wouldn't be opposed to writing a part 3 it just might take a while as i work on my series :p ) .ᐟ read part 1 here .ᐟ ⭑
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you stayed the night at carls. you didn't mean to, but after a while of talking, and getting to really know each other, the two of you had grown tired. so, you ended up falling asleep in his arms.
but no one knew you were there. not until rick opened the door that morning.
"hey, carl. wake up-" rick spoke before quickly stopping, taking out his gun as he spotted you next to his son.
you quickly put your hands up, stand up and step away from carl as your chest goes up and down as your breaths quickened. carl, of course, quickly woke up to the loud noises.
"what are you doing here? and who are.." rick yells, but stops himself as he examines your features. "wait.. you're negans daughter, aren't you?"
you nodded. "yes, i.." your voice trembled as you looked around.
"dad, stop!" carl quickly intervened as he processed what was going on, stepping in front of you. "she's not like them. she's nice, she's not going to hurt us."
"how do you know?" rick glares at his son. "she's still a savior. we can't trust her."
carl continues to argue back and forth with rick, staying firmly in front of you. "we can't bring her back out there!" he yells back, using his hands to accentuate his words. he's visibly shaking in anger at his fathers words.
rick lets out a deep sigh before continuing. "if that's what you really believe, then fine. but i think we need to keep her locked up and get more information. i don't trust it."
carl scoffs. "are you kidding me?-"
"that's fine." you cut him off before he can continue speaking. "i'll go with you."
rick nods at you and carls eyes widen. "seriously y/n?"
"yes, carl. i don't care." you step forward, up to rick. "i didn't expect him to be fine with me being here. if that's what makes him comfortable, then i'll do it."
carl shakes his head in defeat, following you and rick out the door.
you were now officially locked up in alexandria. rick had pulled up two chairs on the opposite side of the dark cell. carl sat in one, arms crossed and obviously quite annoyed, while rick sat properly in the other.
carl had brought your bag with him, and it laid by his feet.
carl's leg moves up and down off the floor anxiously, his face covered in frustration. "this is so stupid, she's obviously not a threat-"
"well then she needs to prove that, doesn't she?" rick retorts, shutting carl up instantly.
you nodded understandingly, sitting against the bars of the cell. "how can i prove it?"
rick silently thinks for a moment, clasping his hands together. "you can start by telling us about your father."
"there's a lot to know about him." you chuckled lightly to yourself, leaning your head against the bars and looking up at the two on the other side. "what exactly do you want to know?"
"his motives. why is he doing this?"
you clenched your hands together, anxiety rushing through your body.
"he's.. trying to make civilization or something." your voice trembled. "he thinks for every crime there needs to be punishment. that's why he killed.. your people." your body language softened as you began taking in everything happening. "..what are you going to do to my dad?"
rick stayed silent, except for a quiet sigh, which basically answered your question.
"your friend daryl should be out of the sanctuary now." you blurted out.
"what?" rick quickly stood up and walked up to the cell, his hand laying on the bars.
"i saw one of my dads wives slip a note under his cell. when i went out to leave and come here, a motorcycle was gone." you explained yourself anxiously. ricks eyes looked deep into yours, a sense of aggression and concern coming from him.
"do you know where he could be headed to?" ricks voice shakes as he speaks to you.
you shake your head. "no, i don't." you feel like your story could be sounding like bullshit, but you were telling the truth. "i'd assume he would be coming here, but he would've been here before me. maybe hilltop? somewhere with your people, probably."
rick pushes off of the cell bars and walks out of the room, pulling his walkie-talkie out as he shuts the door.
you sit with carl in silence for a moment. he looks shaken up, and honestly a bit frustrated.
"..sorry." you lowered your head onto the bars. you didn't know why exactly you were sorry, you just knew you were.
he looked back up at you, his expression changing to confusion. "what? why?"
you hid your face away from him as tears started flooding your eyes. so much was happening, even if it wasn't necessarily your fault. you worried that you made the whole situation worth.
"for everything." your voice cracked as you moved the back of your head against the bars to make sure he didn't see you crying. "my dad, your friends.. it just sucks. i wish i could've done something sooner to stop him."
carl quickly walks up to the cell, sitting down to look at you. "hey.." he leans his back against the bars, looking at you the best he can. "you're not your father. i'm sure everyone can tell that, even my dad."
"i think your dad hates me." you laugh at his comment.
"i'm serious, y/n." he turns the upper-half of his body to face you more.
you stay looking away from him. "i need to go back to the sanctuary."
"why? you're safer here."
"me being here puts you all in danger. if i'm gone any longer, my dad might come here." you stand up and try opening the cell, which rick obviously locked previously.
"my dad has the keys, he's not gonna let you out." carl stands up with you, putting his hands on the other side of the bar.
you felt so angry. but you didn't know exactly where the anger was placed to. you felt so much at once. your heart was racing, and you could just hear static going through your brain. you laid your head against the cell, defeated.
..until you remembered you had a bobby pin in your hair.
of course, with your dad being negan, you knew how to pick locks. you began picking it as carl continued speaking to you, not even noticing what you were doing.
"it'll be fine. i'm sure your dad trusts you enough to let you go out on your own."
you shook your head, continuing to pick the lock. "you don't know my dad. i barely know my dad. by the time i came back after dropping you off, he already had a few people out ready to come get me."
"just stay. for a little while longer. please." carl begged, looking at you before finally realizing what was going on. "what're you doing-"
you cut him off by swinging the cell door open. "it's fine, carl. i'll be back." you grabbed your bag and tried walking out the door, but carl quickly blocked you
"are you kidding me?" he put his arm on the wall, preventing you from getting past.
"carl." you sternly spoke, looking him dead in the eyes. your eyes quickly softened, however, as you brought your hands up to the sides of his face. "i'll be back as soon as i can. i promise. i have to try and make sure me coming over here didn't get you guys into more shit."
carl moves his hand up to your wrist, looking down at you anxiously. but after a moment of hesitation, he nods. "please be safe."
"don't worry about me." your lips turn up into a grin before you lean to kiss him.
he moves his hands down to your waist to pull you closer, leaving one hand on your side and the other on the back of your neck. you could tell by his body language that he didn't want you to go, but you knew you had to. he knew that, too.
you pulled away, despite his protest. your smile turned somber as you looked up at him. "i'll see you soon. i promise."
"wait." he grabs his walkie talkie and hands it to you. "i have another one somewhere. i don't know if this will be in reach with the sanctuary, but please try and call me when you're safe."
you nodded, pulling him in for one last hug. he held you tightly, leaving a kiss on the crown of your forehead before letting go.
"i love you." he smiled warmly at you.
"i love you too, carl."
you snuck back out of alexandria and back to where you had left your motorcycle. you rode it as fast as possible, speeding back to the sanctuary.
luckily, you hadn't seen any saviors yet. the roads were clear, except for a few walkers that you simply just sped past. you had to get back to the sanctuary as soon as possible.
and after a while, you finally arrived.
it was similar to how you arrived after dropping carl off. negan was standing by a car with a few saviors that were geared up. they quickly noticed you, and your father didn't seem happy either.
you parked and took your helmet off. negan ran up to you and hugged you tightly.
"where were you?" his voice was stern, but also soft. he was worried.
"i just went out for a bit." you returned his hug, but quickly pushed away. "..can i talk to you, dad?"
negan looks at you confused before nodding. "okay."
he signals that the saviors can come back inside before continuing to follow you to one of the old conference rooms.
you sat down at the end of the tables, and negan sat down on the other so he could look at you.
"so, what's up?" he smiles warmly at you, which you anxiously return.
you messed with your nailbeds nervously. you knew how he would react, but you had to ask. "i can't live like this anymore."
that was the only thing that you could spit out. probably the worst way you could've worded it, but you could tell it got your point across the way negans face dropped.
"what?" was all negan could spit out from that sentence.
you stood up and began pacing around as you spoke. it was the only thing that could even slightly calm your nerves. "the way that you run things. i know i'm your child and i've grown up around this, but i know right from wrong. i'm sure you do, too."
his eyebrows furrowed as he clasped his hands together, placing them on the table. "go on."
"i know why you do it. you've told me a million times. but i can't stand it anymore, dad." you stopped pacing, looking him straight in the eye. "i can't watch you kill people like that. not again."
"then i wont take you again, easy as that-"
"no, dad." you quickly cut him off, your voice raising slightly as you become more infuriated. "i can't let you kill people like that either."
negan simply huffs in response, standing up and walking over to you. "this is how we live now. how do you suppose you'll stop it?"
you stay silent for a moment, just thinking. he puts a hand on his shoulder and goes to speak, but you stop him.
"i'll leave."
his face drops. he moves his hand off of your shoulder and presses his lips together. you've never seen him look so distraught before, at least with you.
"you'll never see me again."
"where would you go?" negan finally speaks, his expression glum and his voice firm.
"anywhere but here. i'd go far away just to get away from here." tears started forming in your eyes as you tried to keep your composure. "maybe you'll find me. maybe you'll kill me, i don't care. because i'll be away from this."
"this is how we live-"
"this is not living!" you yell, tears finally falling down your cheeks.
when he didn't respond, you grabbed your bag and walked towards the door. but, he grabbed your wrist. "hey-"
"don't leave." negans voice remained firm, but you could tell he was upset. "what can i do for you to accept that this is just the way things are?"
you give him a look that screams 'are you stupid?' before you continue speaking. "nothing. because i wont accept it." you move his hand away from your wrist. "i love you, dad. but i can't keep living with the fact that we're just.. murdering people."
negan looks at you blankly and you take it as your opportunity to exit. except before you could close the door behind you, something stopped it.
negans foot.
"what?" you turned around to look at him.
"fine." he breathily says, wiping his eyes quickly. "i'll.. i'll figure it out."
you smiled at him, letting your tears fall as you hugged him tightly. even if it seemed like it to him in the moment, you didn't want to leave him. he was your father, not many people had that luxury of still having a parent alive nowadays. but it's the only way you thought that he would listen to you, and he did.
he hugged you back. "i'm not losing you, too."
you didn't know what your dad was going to do now. hell, he didn't even know what he was going to do now. but, you knew that you needed to call carl. you walked back over to your room and locked the door, pulling the walkie-talkie out as fast as possible and calling.
"hello? this is y/n. is carl there?" you asked, but just got static as an answer.
'maybe i need to get a bit closer.'
you walked back outside of your room, and negan was standing right outside. you put your hands behind your back quickly, hiding the walkie-talkie.
"hey, dad."
he smiled, hugging you with one of his arms. "are you heading out again?"
"..yeah." you nodded nervously. "not too far. i just need some air."
"alright. try and be back by dinner, alright?" negan smiled at you. you nodded back and him, putting the walkie-talkie in your pocket as you walked back towards your motorcycle.
you rode out a bit, towards the area you'd usually roam to when you needed space. as you rode, you occasionally turned the radio on to check if you were in range.
as you approached your hangout area, you set your motorcycle down and turned your radio on.
"hellooo.. this is y/n, i'm calling for carl." you repeated for the thousandth time.
there was static, but just before you turned it off again, you heard his voice.
"carl?" you exclaimed happily.
"holy shit, are you okay?" carl asked through the radio, his voice seemingly laced with concern, but he also seemed happy to hear your voice.
"yes, i'm okay." you nodded, your smile not leaving your face. "i told my dad that.. i'd leave if he didn't stop. he's gonna try and figure something out."
"that might not go over that easy with my dad, y'know?"
"i know. but i won't let him kill anyone else. all i ask if that you don't let your dad kill mine." you lightly chuckle, which he returns.
carl stays silent for a moment. "could you come back over here?"
"i can try. why? what's up?"
"i'd feel better knowing you're here with me while all of this goes on." his voice is a bit more quiet over the radio, but loud enough where you could still hear it.
"of course." you started getting back onto your motorcycle as you spoke to him. "i'll always be there when you need me."
you could hear him laugh on the other side. "thank you. i'll see you soon then?"
"yep. love you!" you happily replied.
"love you, too, y/n."
you rode off back towards alexandria. this time, instead of feeling so anxious and stressed, you felt happy.
you didn't know what was going to happen after you arrived at alexandria. how rick would react, the other alexandrians, the people effected by your fathers actions.. but you did know that you'd figure out how to make it right.
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melanatedeuph0ria · 5 months
the boy is mine ⋆˙⟡♡
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rick grimes x black!fem! reader
since he’d arrived in alexandria, you and rick have gone from complete strangers to close friends. you’d proven to be extremely useful to his team-after all, you were a great shot and had skin tougher than steel. but now, you’ve started seeing rick in a different, more romantic light. will your newly-developed crush on the police officer be reciprocated as you’d dreamed?
summary: you and rick go on a run for supplies. some hidden feelings get uncovered along the way.
NOTE: this fic takes place in alexandria era BEFORE negan (i’m guessing like s6 bc i forgot)
a/n: MY FIRST FIC EVER AAAAA i’m hoping its ok bc i’m literally just going w the flow lmao
also sorry ts took so fucking long i still have school n stuff guys 🙏🏽😞
genre: fluff, angst, hurt, comfort idk
warnings: blood, zombies, cursing, use of n word, near-death experience
“y/n! you ready to head out?”, rick yelled as he leaned against a silver sedan parked in front of Alexandria’s gates.
after finding yourself caught in a conversation with maggie and glenn, you quickly swooped your head around to acknowledge the gruff man, your eyes widening at the sound of his southern drawl lingering on your name.
“yeah, I’m comin’!” you croaked, creasing your lips into a nervous smile. after a moment, you made your way over to his car, backpack slung over your back.
you and rick were headed to a small, nearby grocery store that an old-time alexandrian claimed was hidden away from the frequent commotion of the town. there was a 50/50 chance that it might’ve or might’ve not been looted, but you both weren’t willing to skimp out on this rare opportunity. after all, the community was running short on food and supplies-it started getting obvious that it was once people were given smaller portion sizes than normal.
and it was you who, stupidly enough, agreed to check out the area with none other than your best friend you’ve been harboring a crush on, rick grimes.
you were intrigued with the man from the moment he stepped foot into alexandria-he lowkey terrified you, him AND his group, but that only sparked your urge to get to know them a bit more. you didn’t actively seek interaction with them- it was by really by circumstance when you had the chance to kinda intermingle with them all. you forgot how you and rick even met each other, to be honest. he knew you were a good shot and had skin tough as nails, that’s for sure. you had grown into something of a maternal figure for Carl, his teenage son, although it took a while for him to finally warm up to you. you couldn’t blame him, to be honest. you knew he’d been through some rough shit-he told you about his mom and what he was forced to do to her after she’d been bitten and just delivered judith, his month-old half-sister. nonetheless, you and rick were both each other’s rocks; he cared for you unlike anyone else in alexandria, and you adored certain things about him-his deep, southern voice when he gently called your name. the traces of vanilla and bourbon cologne left on his clothes despite sweating all day-most of the time he didn’t even bother trying to put it on, but the days he did, you subconsciously noticed. him surprising you with 90’s rnb album CDs that he’d snatched on his runs- once he’d surprised you with a whole erykah badu album, and since then, you’ve kept it under lock and key inside your nightstand. his damp, ruffled hair as he stops by your house for a towel to dry it off because he never seemed to have any of his own; you let him in without much question, of course, but for the past few weeks he’s been on your porch steps, your heart’s been pumping at speeds you’ve never experienced before-at least, not in a while-a zombie apocalypse ruins one’s concept of love when the one you’re in love with can slip from your fingers in a heartbeat.
but could it be? could you really be in love with your best friend in a zombie apocalypse? you were sure of it, but horrified to know if he felt the same, which is why you didn’t even realize your leg was was anxiously bouncing up and down on the floor of the car until…
“y/n. you alright?”
“huh? oh y-yeah, i’m good. what’s wrong?”
“nothin’, you’re just..extra quiet.”
“do i need to start talkin’?” you didn’t mean for that to come off as rude as it did. you were just nervous, nervous about what he’d tell you if you told him how you truly felt.
“no, no, it’s fine. you don’t gotta say nothin’ if you don’t feel like it.”
aww shit, now i feel bad, you thought. you tried your hardest not to sink into the car seat in shame so he wouldn’t notice yet another thing off about you today. you tilted your head to the window.
“we made it.” in what seemed like a flash, you and Rick were parked outside the convenience store. did you zone out that hard? not that it mattered anymore. you climbed out of the car and you both took a closer look at the store. it was abandoned all right-at least, it could’ve just looked that way-but it still looked intact. untouched by the world. you hoped that would also apply to whatever awaited inside.
bigger than what i thought it’d be, you thought as you peered at the building.
“bigger than i thought it would be.” rick said aloud.
is this nigga reading my mind..? you thought. “let’s just hope there’s no walkers on the inside.” you said in an attempt to reassure yourself that there were no undead lurking around.
You looked back at Rick for a response or some sort of agreement, but when you did, out of the corner of your eye you saw him damn near snap his neck just to stare back at the store. he cleared his throat loudly. the gesture alone radiated an anxious energy, something you had almost never sensed in the man since knowing him. it was kinda like he was afraid of getting caught…wait…
..was rick staring at you? and how long had you gone without even noticing?
if he was staring, it certainly wasn’t for no reason. you are undoubtedly stunning, so much in fact that some people were envious of your beauty before and during the apocalypse. your rich, brown skin, glistening in the hot, june sun, and your thick, coily hair, pulled into a low puff, were just a few of your most admirable features, both inside and out.
shaking the thought off your mind, you both finally approached the building, carefully peeling open its glass doors and sliding inside. you knew the drill already, but rick felt the need to tell you again, which wasn’t to your surprise at this point. “i’ll take the left side, you take the right. we’ll use our walkies to communicate-if you’re in trouble, i’ll be right there, alright?” you nodded in compliance-you both knew you could handle yourself-but you couldn’t help but bite down a smile when he said that. his low, whispery voice was strangely reassuring, like he cared for you as a lover instead of a friend. you felt your cheeks begin to burn-it’s not really like he could tell anyway, for obvious reasons, but also because it was dark as hell in the store- you assumed the owners didn’t survive long enough to pay the electricity bill.
you were shocked to see that the aisles were just barely looted-you we’re expecting them to show signs of being scavenged at least a bit, but there they were, filled to the brim with food that would just about save Alexandria from starvation.
you clicked on your walkie and held it up to your mouth. “holy shit.” is all that could manage to come out of your mouth right now.
“looks like we hit the jackpot.” rick replied on the on the other line. he already knew what your “holy shit” meant.
with caution, you strolled down the “canned goods” aisle, looking up and down each section in awe. you came to an abrupt stop in front of one of the rows, gazing at everything in stock until your eyes settled on a can of peaches. you knew they were probably expired, you expected everything else in there to be, but you were curious to see what the expiration date read on its back, to see how long it’d been since the world went to hell. you held the can in your left hand, examining the date on its back: 10/18/09; it’d been expired a year before the apocalypse even began…
didn’t think it’d be that expired.., you murmured to yourself as you creased your lips into a disgusted frown. just as you began to set the specimen back on the shelf, a loud thud from underneath the rack sent it bouncing upwards, startling you so badly that the can slipped from your fingers and splattered onto the floor into a mushy mess. somehow, there was a walker under there, reaching its pale, maggot-infested limbs out to grasp at your leg. your eyes immediately traveled to the undead as you quickly thought of how you could quickly end its 2nd life. you frantically tugged your imprisoned foot backwards in an attempt to break free, reaching into your leather sheath and pulling out your dagger halfway, but, soon enough, you were met with an even more terrifying scenario. your back clashed violently with the rack behind you, and a walker on the other side, suddenly aroused by the sound and the smell of your human flesh, reached its spindly hand through a wide, open hole in the decaying rack. its hand curled around your throat with enough pressure to keep you pinned to the shelf while you also tried to free your leg from the walker below you.
“RICK, I NEED HELP!” you yelled out into the aisle. it was a risky move and could probably attract even more walkers than what was already threatening you, but you couldn’t get a good grip on your dagger and that was the only weapon you had. calling for backup was the only option you had left.
the oncoming presence of death pricked at prodded at your skin like thorns. the thought that-in that moment, you could be bitten, and all of your hopes and ambitions for the future could immediately be crushed-left you speechless, stricken with terror.
just as the walker grabbing at your neck prepared to take a bite out of it, rick appeared and stabbed it right in its head. just after you finally freed yourself from its grasp, the man noticed the walker on the ground and stomped on its skull, leaving a bloody, mushy mess on the floor, but you were too panicked to even notice.
an exasperated sigh escaped your mouth. “oh my God, rick, you’re a lifesaver-“
your rushed, panicky words were interrupted when he suddenly crashed his lips onto yours. your eyes immediately widened at the sensation of his coarse lips pressing onto yours, soft and plump, then slowly fluttered shut. your breathing, at first rapid and filled with anxiety, had simmered down into slow and steady breaths as his lips passionately devoured yours. almost subconsciously, he trailed his right hand, roughened with scars and calluses, on the nape of your neck, holding you closer than ever before as he rested his left hand on your hip. his ocean blue eyes drifted shut as he explored you, desperate for your touch, before he slowly pulled away from the kiss to give you some time to breathe. you fluttered your eyes back open and waited for him to look up at you.
“i’m-i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have done that, just so randomly. fuck…” rick babbled rapid apologies before a frustrated, shaky sigh escaped from his mouth. without thinking, you cupped his cheek, burning with the embarrassment of his decision, and leaned into him, rewarding him with a kiss of your own; it only seemed fair after he saved your life and your heart in only a matter of seconds. his eyes fluttered shut at your touch as your other hand tangled into his neatly combed hair. you let the feeling of your lips gently pressed together linger for a few seconds before you slowly pulled away. you felt your heart buzzing with excitement but also with relief, now that you knew that he’d been storing feelings for you this entire time. a confident grin appeared on your face as you looked up at him.
“i like you too, grimes.”
-the end. ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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enidette · 5 months
NICE FOR A SAVIOR carl grimes x male!reader
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warnings — reader is negan’s adopted son, this is literally shit because i couldn’t come up with anything for this request i’m sorry </3
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carl first noticed you at the lineup. someone his age, looking disgusted and terrified at the acts your gracious leader was doing. he saw the panic in your eyes with every strike, using his curiosity towards you to distract him from the traumatizing events unfolding right before him.
the ptsd from it all, as much as he’d like to deny it, had him forgetting about you. but that day he popped a cap in a few saviors’ asses he saw you again, following negan around. you always walked in silence, your father’s words going through one ear out the other. your focus was more on carl.
“i can’t, i can’t do it.” your dad laughs, “it’s like talking to a birthday present. you gotta take that crap off your face, i wanna see what grandma got me!”
you roll your eyes at his immaturity, giving carl a pitied look. but he’s not even looking at you, his eye glaring at your dad instead. “no.”
“two men!”
“dad,” you give him a dirty look, causing negan to run a hand down his face. carl grimaces at the revelation that you have to deal with negan as your father.
“two men.” his voice gets lower, “punishment. do you really wanna piss me off?”
you sigh, “just do it.” carl’s head turns to you, squinting his eye at you. you mouth a ‘sorry’ at him, causing him to swallow thickly and sigh. he sets his hat on the table in front of him and reaches behind his head to unwrap the bandages.
you lean back in your seat and look out of the window to respect him, hearing your father go off on him. you stand up quickly, surprising both of them. “i’m gonna take him back, i’ll check on what they have going on while i’m at it.”
you walk over to carl and negan sends you both his weird, sinister smile. “you sure? i think our new friend here would really like to see the iron. i mean, that guy’s eye is gonna be seriously fucked. way worse than his.”
you give your dad a fake smile and motion carl to follow you out of the room. he brushes his hair back in front of his face and places his hat over his head to keep it in place. you both walk in silence for a bit, carl only breaking it when you both get in the truck.
“he’ll just… let you go?” his face is turned up in either confusion or disgust, you couldn’t tell. but you wouldn’t blame him if it were either one.
you nod, “i’m his son, he wants me to be all independent and shit.” you motion your head towards him, “probably why he takes such a liking to you. you’re what he wants me to be.” carl doesn’t say anything for a moment. you notice he does a lot of that.
“do you like it here?” he blurts. now it’s your turn to be quiet. you don’t know how to answer that question. it’s shelter, it’s protection, the big bad guy in charge is literally your father.
you shake your head with a laugh, “i would if my father wasn’t so bloodthirsty. he says he only does it when he has to, but like the other night, with your friends… he went too far.” carl turns his head to look out the window when you say that, “should i not have brought that up?”
“it’s fine.” is all he says, adjusting his hair again.
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when the two of you enter alexandria there are certainly a few starers. “look, i’m not actually here to do anything. i just felt bad and wanted to take you home.” he fixes his hair again, pulling it so more and more covers his face. “why do you keep doing that?”
he clears his throat, “it doesn’t make you uncomfortable?”
you look at him oddly, “your eye?” he nods, you could tell it affected him by the way his cold facade shattered when your dad made fun of it. you shake your head and roll your eyes, “no, why would it? i think it looks cool as hell.”
carl stops walking and turns to you fully, tilting his head and looking at you with an unreadable expression.
“why are you doing that?”
“why?” you echo, turning around as well so you’re face to face.
he squints, “you’re being too nice for a savior.”
“don’t call me that,” you snap. “i’m not like them. i’m only there because i made the mistake of trusting negan.” carl looks down for a bit in thought.
“then come stay here.”
you laugh humorlessly, “so my father can hate your people more? have another reason to destroy what you have going here?”
carl shrugs, “we can protect you.”
you give him a weird smile, running a hand through your hair. “okay, why are you being nice now?”
“at a time like this you should be, to the people who deserve it.”
you nod in agreement, beginning to walk with him again. “you know, i’m starting to like your company carl.” you kick a rock as you walk, “we just met and all, but there aren’t many people who give me a chance.”
carl shrugs like it’s nothing, “maybe i’m starting to like your company too, uh…” carl trails off when he realizes he still doesn’t know your name.
“y/n." carl nods with a smile, leading you to his house.
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Everybody Dies
Pairings: Rick Grimes x teen!reader, Daryl Dixon x teen!reader, Carl Grimes x teen!reader, Michonne Hawthorne x teen!reader, Aaron x teen!reader, Negan x teen!reader, Rosita Espinosa x teen!reader, Eugene Porter x teen!reader, Sasha Williams x teen!reader (all of them are platonic)
Requested by: @leahsbasement may i request a teen or child g/n reader that’s really close to the twd group and during the lineup they’re one of the people chosen by negan to yknow- receive the glenn and abraham treatment💀 and like we get some reactions from the group from it🧎 i apologize if this sounds really morbid but i am dire need of some good angst and i love your writing sm it’s amazing <3
Warnings: reader death, angst, a tad bit of fluff (definitely not much), mention of character death, description of Negan doing what he did to Glenn and Abraham, blood, mention of a brutal way to die, idk what more I guess you have all seen twd so you know what might be in this. Not proofread
A/N as usual the gif is not mine, found it somewhere on the internet. This is not proofread, well half of it is.
Now I tried to do a reaction with all of the people at the line up so sorry with Sasha I guess bc I don’t like her so found it a bit hard to write her as a character that’s close to the reader, and once more thank you for the request, it gave me an excuse to write this
Anyway idk what I think of this, wrote it in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep, so anyway hope you like it.
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Everybody dies a little when the brightest soul disappears.
A sea of red water mixed with the gravel and mud on the ground. The trail of blood — that had gone its own path from the puddle it was previously in, could be followed towards two bodies. One of a hunched man, who racked with sobs through his entire body. His hands grasped towards the body before him. Blood still oozed from the head. Or what someone would once have called a head, as it was now just remains of smashed bones and brain goo. The once familiar face was unrecognizable to anyone. No one would ever be able to pinpoint who the body belonged to, because the head atop of it was gone. It had been smashed into a puddle of goo. No one would ever be able to see your smiling face, or the mischievous smirk that pulled at your lips whenever you wanted to rebel a bit. Nor would they ever see the sparkles in your eyes whenever you talked about the things you liked.
No one of the group surrounding the three bodies wanted to acknowledge what had happened. How could they. They’d all just seen three of their family members die, because of their actions. Because of them. The teenager in which the hunched man had taken a tight grip of their hands had warned them about the attack. That nothing good would come out of it, that it wasn’t who they were. Rick had been wrong like everyone else to ignore the teenager’s warnings. In the end it was what cost them your life. Their choice of actions had been the beginning of your end.
Rick couldn’t let the image out of his head, he couldn’t even look at your body as he held you tightly. His eyes stared into the distance at nothing in particular as his mind tried to register what had happened just a few hours ago. His cries had stopped only for his eyes to glaze over once more with tears. He couldn’t help but to think that it was all his fault. He had the final vote on what to do, and his vote caused your death. It caused Negan to seek them out. To line them up. To smash your head with his goddamn wired baseball bat. His goddamn Lucille. He swore to kill Negan if it was the last thing he did, whether you would want him to or not, he needed to. Rick wanted nothing more than revenge. Nothing more than justice and revenge brought to you, Glenn and Abraham.
Not soon after Rick had stopped crying his son had walked over to you and him. His eye was bloodshot by the tears that rolled down his red cheek. And his hand went up to rub his eye off the tears as he tried to control himself, as he sat beside his father. Same as everyone else at the brutal scene he couldn’t let go of the events. How everyone got a look of dread and fear on their face as Negan announced that he’d had to kill two more because of Daryl’s little outburst. Carl had glanced at his father to see that for once under this meeting he held actual fear in his eyes when Negan’s bat had landed in front of you. It was deadly quiet as all of the group watched you stare dead into the eyes of Negan who looked at you with a scary face, gleaming with excitement as he noticed everyone’s reaction.
Negan had watched with glee as everyone went into submission after Lucille had stopped in front of you. He’d felt kinda sorry for you. He didn’t usually kill teenagers but something about you annoyed him so greatly. Maybe it was the way you didn’t look with fear into his eyes, how you held your own, even with the knowledge that you would soon be dead. He didn’t know what it was but he had decided to kill you, well he decided in a way.
Maggie who had lost her husband and father to her child, stared with emptiness at you. She didn’t know if she’d be able to take it if you died as well. She had tried to fight the man holding her down, but to no vain. Her already bloodshot eyes had filled with tears and sobbed had shook through her body as soon as she saw Negan start to swing his bat. She didn’t want to lose you, she couldn’t. But her silent prayer came to no good end.
Rosita was no better than Maggie. Since the first time you met when you and Glenn together with Tara searched for Maggie the two of you had gotten close and she as everyone else got flashes of your lives together. Of all your good and bad memories of everything you had survived. How you’d found an apple tree that hadn’t been destroyed at a random location in the forest and thrown apples at your companions heads as they hadn’t stopped when you told them to. Or how you’d draw drawings with the kids in Alexandria or help hunting and scavenging for food. Getting stuck in a building while a herd of walkers walked past. The blood and the gore of every kill. All of them comforting you while you cried yourself to sleep, all the cuddles you forced them into, especially Rick and Daryl. How you forced them to take a break so that they wouldn’t overwork themselves while doing the exact same thing. Needing help from others to make sure you actually took care of yourself and not just everyone else. It just made them all get to the brink of breaking even quicker as they thought of all your moments together. Not only did memories flash inside your head, nor only Rosita’s they flashed through everyone. You had always looked out for them and what had they given you in return, nothing but death.
Sasha wasn’t especially close to you but the previous death of Abraham and Glenn and now you had her at her breaking point. She might not have known you well but you were a good kid, you helped and knew how to survive. You didn’t take unnecessary risks and you’d helped her through her losses. So she tried nothing more than to break herself away from reality as she heard the bat make contact with your head. It reminded her too much of the other two kills and she couldn’t look through another one, not again.
Eugene only stared at the distance as sobs racked through his body not being able to watch you die. He couldn’t even bring his eyes to look at you afterwards, he’d never be able to erase the short scream of pain that had left your lips. He was at a loss of words and he wouldn’t be able to really function in a few days, much like everyone else. He was scared shitless and he didn’t know for anything in the world what to do or say in the hours that came after.
Negan had looked at everyone, gauging even the slightest reaction out of them. Michonne had watched helplessly at you, she’d tried not to flinch everytime the bat hit you among a sound she’d never wished she ever heard ever in her life. The only thing on her mind was how she taught you how to sword fight or when you hunted a deer together and accidentally fell into a puddle of mudd getting every inch of you covered in it.
Arron, who had been right beside you, wanted to crawl away as your blood splashed onto the right side of him. He remembered all the times you’d gone over to him and Eric to eat pasta not wanting to socialize with the rest of Alexandria. You’d always go to him or Daryl.
Arron felt sick as he felt your warm blood on his cold cheek, and he felt even more sick as he made a glance at Daryl who didn’t do anything else but staring with regret and anger at your body who now laid lifeless on the ground. When Aaron dared a glance at you his throat became thick and a sob threatened to come out but he didn’t make a sound instead he stared at you before he looked with fear, numbness, anger and defeat at Negan.
But it wasn’t until Negan had looked at Rick Carl and Daryl did he notice that he sure as hell picked the wrong one to kill, deep inside, he knew that he’d just started a war. A war that wouldn’t take too long to brew over to the real fight. However he was filled with glee over getting a few peaceful weeks at reveling in his power and control over Alexandria. Maybe that would make the war something never to come, how wrong he had been on that thought.
Daryl felt nothing but guilt as he looked at you and it was all he thought of when he got loaded into the car and the Saviours drove away with him. He regretted having lashed out. Regretted ever getting angry. Daryl knew more than anyone that he’d miss you when you were gone. Like Beth, he’d miss you, even more so than Beth.
Carl had held a strong front, but on the inside he was breaking he lost his best friend and the only kid that had been with him since the beginning of the disaster they now lived in.
Now in the present Carl placed his hand on Rick’s shoulder as everyone surrounded your body (except for Maggie, Sasha, Rosita and Eugene). The two Grimes hugged each other as Carl dug his head into Rick’s chest. The older Grimes, having stopped his crying once more, tried his best to comfort his son while he himself was still breaking.
Rick, like Carl and Daryl, had held a shield with spikes as defense against Negan, as they had all starred with the same thought of killing Negan running through their heads. They had let a numb shield cover them while their enemies still surrounded them. They hadn’t let go of the shield until their enemies were gone. (Or in Daryl’s case until he was alone in the cell he was placed in at the sanctuary).
That day, the day you died, was the day everyone in Alexandria died a little with you. You were the brightest soul in most of their lives and to lose you was one of the worst things to ever happen to any of them.
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carlsangel · 2 months
carl grimes x male!reader
(you’re negan’s son.)
tags: angst
masterlist here!
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Being a Savior isn’t quite for the weak. Thankfully you had the privilege of being of the highest status in the Sanctuary, the leaders son. Negan was an…interesting dad, maybe he wasn’t the best example for you as you grew up, although he would talk about the Sanctuary like you’d be the one to rule it one day. You knew everything your dad was doing was to better your future, or that’s what Negan thought at least.
The Savior war was everything you ever wanted, even if that sounds horrible. You knew the Saviors would lose, if anything you quite admired Alexandria and their people. You could never tell your dad however. You weren’t exactly innocent, however. Even if the war had ended Negan’s reign, it wouldn’t take back everything you’d done as a Savior. You were tricked at the start, you sometimes abused your power but later, upon the first couple of murders Negan had committed with Lucille at the other settlements, it never had to be that way.
The first he killed was a boy named Rory. Just a sixteen year old teenage boy, just like you. It freaked you out.
There were many occasions where you’d try to tell Negan what he was doing was wrong, you’d tell him people were dying and it isn’t what you wanted, not for the Sanctuary at least. You expected him to understand because the Sanctuary would be left in your hands, it’d be your responsibility.
Negan would just say “My mistakes, were made for you. Everything I do is for you.” He made it seem like you were being selfish and unappreciative. One of his many flaws as a father. Sometimes you wondered how Rick differed, you wondered if his son, Carl was like you or if maybe he was completely different.
Your dad ended up being captured, at the end of everything. The Sanctuary was in your hands, the moment you’d been hearing about since it’d started. Everything was in your control, the people, the Saviors— it was all yours. Every decision, every mistake is on you. You took advice from others while you could. Everything was rolling pretty well. You’d gotten fairly close with Daryl, he was assigned to help you lead the Sanctuary since you were so young.
Daryl out of all people knew what it was like to be compared to your father. Someone you’d never be like, someone you didn’t really like at all, except everyone expected you to be. He was raised the same way, with those same expectations.
After a while, you made the decision to run the Sanctuary from Alexandria, since your dad was held there and all. Making the trip back n forth from community to community was a waste when you could just be a little walk away from him. You had to make some deals and compromises but you managed to convince Rick, thanks to Carl. He was the one who truly made the decision.
He always took interest in you, as well. He felt bad for you, the fact you were being raised in such a violent environment. Sometimes he felt like he wanted to save you. But he felt some slight resentment when Abraham and Glenn died, you were there at the lineup just sitting in the back of a truck saying nothing. But, Olivia died too…and Spencer. Then Sasha. He still felt bad, but he couldn’t help being angry at you.
Not everyone was on board with you staying there, they believed you’d want to release him and they thought you were just like him. The Alexandrians believed that because you were his son, you were the new Negan. Upon arriving you were put in a house across the entire Grimes family. Carl mostly mattered to you, since he convinced his dad and all. You see him sometimes when leaving your house to visit your dad or do your work around the community, you could tell he didn’t like you.
It made you wonder why he’d even help you stay at Alexandria in the first place.
─── ⋆⋅ 𐚁 ⋅⋆ ───
Anyway, there was a gathering at some random Alexandrian’s house and the only person you really knew was Daryl. He encouraged you to go even though he would never go to one himself, but he wanted you to put yourself out there. He wanted others to see who you really are.
It didn’t quite go as planned.
You entered the home and you immediately got stares, people moved away from the entrance and you already knew you needed a drink. So you made your way over to the kitchen, avoiding all the deep glares from others, wishing you didn’t listen to Daryl and just head back home. You were fed up with everything, you were sick of people comparing you to Negan.
You were fine secluded in the corner of the room, you finally decided you’d leave. You were stopped before hand. “You’re not gonna get him outta there y’know.” A random woman stops you. “I- what?” You’re confused at first then taken aback. “Your dad…Negan, you’re his son right? You’re not gonna get him out.” She repeats. “I wasn’t planning on it.” You reply, trying to walk past her but she grabs your arm. “You’re a Savior. Raised by him.” Her voice somehow projected through the small house, catching others attention.
You felt that to some degree she was right. He had raised you and you made many decisions based on his teachings but you were different now. “Look lady-” Someone else interjects to share their opinion as well. Like you needed it. “No, she’s right.” It was an older man. “You’re just like him aren’t you? I heard about what you’ve done.”
What you’ve done. He knows about what you’ve done.
You’d look around and see everyone avert their gazes towards you. Most importantly you can see Carl listening in. Great, another reason for him to hate you.
“How you lured those innocent people into the hands of death. Right into your dad’s trap.” The man scolded. You put your drink down on the counter, unsure of what to do. Your demeanor changes to one of nervousness and it’s quite prevalent. It didn’t take much more reprimanding before you pushed your way through the house to leave. But the man was right, when you were younger you would act vulnerable, like your dad needed help when instead you’d lead them to a group of Saviors. They’d be captured.
You didn’t realize how warm the house was till you exited it, the cold air wafted into your face sort of bringing you back down to earth. Everything somehow felt like a blur; you were angry, sad and sweaty. You needed to be outside. You lean against the railing, doing your best to calm down. You decide to go see Daryl, but before that you’re interrupted by a voice behind you.
“You don’t get to be upset.” It was Carl. “You got people killed, your dad killed my friends. You’re not the victim.” His tone is sharp, but… you’re tired. You turn around to face him and at first you want to just walk away, but no. You believe you deserve to explain yourself. “You’ve never killed anyone?” Carl tilts his head at you. “That’s not the same.” He replies. “Maybe not but you feel bad don’t you? I do. I feel fucking terrible but no one likes to believe that. I’ll never forget it.” You utter, turning back to face the street in front of the house.
“I’m not him. I never was. I don’t know what I’m doing. I didn’t want this, I didn’t want any of it.” You say before realizing you’re opening up to someone who you presumed would hold the grudge against you for forever. “I’m sure you don’t give a shit. You probably don’t understand.” But he was silent for a little, before walking over to you, resting himself against the railing as well.
“I don’t understand. It’ll probably take me a while to.” He explains quietly. He looks over at you, even though you don’t quite notice. He just looks at you, takes you all in. You’re just another teenage boy. You’re just like him. “But I’ll try. I know Daryl trusts you…I guess I can learn how, too.”
You look over to him. “Do you want to though? Like really?”
He nods, holding eye contact with you. “Yeah…really.”
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a/n: hiiii i hope this was what u wanted and i hope it wasn’t garbo >-< thank u sm for this req i lovedddddd it! UMMMMM IDK WHAT TO SAYYY i might start working on ghost in the woods soon mayhaps i have a ton of reqs im excited to do tho
tag list: @zomb-1-egutzz @lunarnightt @ilikestrawberriesandwomen @hiro--aoki @h00d-tr4sh @callsignwidow
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into-crazy · 6 months
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don't wanna miss a thing
》 chapter 1
Negan Smith x Female Reader
Non-apocalyptic AU // The Walking Dead AU
Other Characters: Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, and Carl Grimes
Summary: You move back to your hometown after being away for a few years, and reunited with your long time neighbors/friends.
Warnings- mature language, alcohol consumption, age gap(reader's in her early 20s), slow burn, ages 18+
Other chapters & info -> RIGHT HERE
💕divider by @saradika-graphics
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It felt great to be back home. After hours of driving, you finally come up to your destination. The sight of your house gives you a sense of familiar comfort. You've been away for too long, longer than you probably should have. Truth be told you had certainly missed your hometown.
Your aunt Rena greets you as your car pulls into the driveway. Waving at you with a huge smile on her face.
It's been a while since you've last seen her, a little over a year. Though you've kept in close contact through phone calls and text messages. She is pretty much the only close family member you have left in your life.
Your parents had passed away from an accident three years ago. You'd already been living out on your own by then. Aunt Rena was living with them at the time, she was the one to call you and deliver the tragic news. It shattered your heart. You remember dropping to your knees and sobbing for hours. You loved and cared for your parents so much. It took a lot to bring you back together, and your aunt was there to help you through it all. You were an only child so your parents had left you everything. The house, you felt it was best to share with your aunt. After all, she's like a second mother to you. Plus there was no use in going through the trouble of selling the property and having the two of you deal with that mess. So instead you'd both agreed that the house would remain in your name, and Rena would continue to live there.
"There she is- my favorite girl!" Aunt Rena exclaims as you get out of your car.
"Hi aunt Rena." You greet her back wholeheartedly before going in for a hug.
She throws her arms around you and squeezes tight. "Ah, I missed you so so much!"
"I missed you too."
"How about we go inside, get you something cold to drink. Then we can come and get the rest of your things after." She suggests, taking the bag from your shoulder.
"That sounds great." You sigh with relief before following her inside. It was a long drive and you could definitely use a break.
You sit and take the time to tell her about your drive. After that, you get to work on getting settled in. Your aunt helps out with carrying your bags inside. Which wasn't too many, yet she insisted on offering a hand. She takes the two you give her and takes them into the house. You sling the last bag over your shoulder, then close and lock up your car. At that moment, you see a couple figures out of the corner of your eye.
"Y/n, is that really you?"
Looking at them, you recognize it to be your neighbors. It's Lori Grimes and her son Carl. They live right next door along with Rick Grimes- Lori's husband. They were good friends with your parents. You used to babysit Carl for them when he was a toddler. He's a little older now, by a few years. From the looks of it the two of them had just gotten home.
"Mrs. Grimes, hi! Gosh it's- it's been so long. How are you guys?" You wave and go over to give her a quick hug.
"Honey for the hundredth time, call me Lori. And you know us, always busy." She replies. "Hey, you remember our son Carl."
"Are you kidding, of course I do!" You look down at Carl. "Hey little man."
She pats Carl's hair, "sweetie, do you remember y/n?"
Carl looks up at you and smiles once he recognizes you. "Yes, hi y/n!"
He runs up and gives you the biggest hug, it's clear that he is excited to see you again. You're not all too surprised that he still recognizes you. You doubt he'd forget his favorite babysitter.
"You're back! Are you here to stay?" He looks up at you without letting you go. "Please say that you're staying."
His mother feels the need to save you from Carl's embrace, even though you don't mind it at all. "Come on sweetie, let her go. Don't you see her hands are full?"
You laugh at her playful teasing. "Ah it's okay. And don't worry, I'll be staying for a while so we'll have lots of time to catch up. What do you say, that sound good?"
Carl nods his head gleefully in response.
"Oh, well actually this weekend we're-" Lori's sentence is interrupted by the sound of a car horn.
The sound belonging to a sheriff's car pulling up to the curb. Looks like it's Rick, who's also just getting home from work. "Is that who I think it is?" He asks while exiting the vehicle.
"Dad!" Carl exclaims before running over to him. He grabs his father's arm and excitedly guides him over. "Come on, look who's here."
"I know, I see her." Rick acknowledges with a smile. "Y/n. When did you get back?"
"Just today." You reply. "My aunt and I are finishing up bringing in the rest of my bags. I'll be staying for a while."
Rick nods. "That's great. Well we're just glad you're back. I'm sure Rena's very happy. You know she was always talkin' about how much she missed you."
You shake your head, "sounds like her."
"Hey," he continues, "we had already told your aunt but we're having a party for Carl this Saturday. A barbecue. You're more than welcome to come on over."
Lori elaborates, "yeah I was going to mention before- he's going to be turning ten and we're throwing a small party for him."
"You're going to come, right?" Carl asks you. "You've got to, it's going to be the best."
"You bet I'll be there." You assure them.
"Okay then," Lori speaks, "we'll let you get back to settling in. See you this weekend. Oh- and don't forget your swimsuit."
It didn't take you long to unpack. By the time the sun was starting to set, you had already gotten fully situated.
You're wrapped in a silky robe as you enter your bedroom. Fresh from a nice shower. After tossing your dirty garments in the hamper, you go over to the window and look out.
There it is, the house directly across the street from yours. Negan Smith's house.
All the memories of sitting beside this windowsill and waiting to see him flood back in. Parked in the driveway, you see that he still has his '67 Camaro. Red, with the black racing stripes. Of course he still has it. He's always had a thing for classic cars and the color red. How your heart use to flutter when you heard his car coming down the road. You'd sprint to the window like an excited child so you could catch a glimpse of him.
Negan had moved into the neighborhood around the time you turned eighteen. He easily became friends with your dad and Rick, as his charm and strong confidence made it hard not to like him. The first time you met Negan, your dad had casually introduced the two of you. He was definitely older, mid to late thirties. With his jet black hair slicked all the way back and a clean shaven face. He wore a black leather jacket with dark jeans. His whole look definitely gave off greaser vibes and somehow it worked for him. At least you thought he looked good. Handsome, even. It surprised you when you'd found out that he wasn't married or in a relationship. Although you thought that Negan was an attractive guy, there was nothing more to it. He was your dad's friend. That's how you saw him and that was it.
Until later on.. that changed.
You were nineteen and it was the middle of crisp September. It was an eventful night, your dad was hosting one of his football viewing gatherings.
You'd just come down the stairs to join everyone, and Negan was there. Relaxed on the couch, with one arm draped across the top and a beer in his hand. His leather jacket was placed beside him, which you figured he must have taken it off at some point. That was the first you'd ever seen him without the jacket on. He wore a white fitted tshirt underneath that hugged his toned torso. On his arms, there were a few tattoos. When he looked over and waved at you, you realized you'd been staring too long. You politely waved back then turned away to greet everyone else. The Grimes were also there. Lori and your mom sat in the kitchen, sipping wine and having their own conversation. Meanwhile the guys all sat in the living room, drinking beers and watching the game. You stood in the middle, unsure of which group to join.
"Want to sit down?"
You blinked a few times, having realized it was Negan that asked you. "Huh?"
"You want to sit down?" He repeated, motioning to the spot next to him.
Looking around, you had realized that there wasn't anywhere else to sit. Though the space beside him looked like a tight squeeze. "Um, no it's okay. I'll go get a chair." You replied with a slight shyness in your voice.
Negan slid over, making more room beside him. "Why do all that when there's enough room over here?" He pat the spot. "Come, sit down."
Your cheeks warmed at the thought of sitting close to him. Admittedly, you felt a bit shy around him. But only because you didn't know him that well yet, as your previous interactions have been rather brief. Such as greetings and some small talk every now and then. Still you thought it might have been rude if you didn't accept his invitation, so you went right over.
"Thanks, Mr. Smith." You expressed your gratitude as you sat down beside him. Instantly you were met with his scent- a mixture of aftershave, cedarwood, and something else that you assumed was his natural musk. It was pleasant, you liked it.
He nodded at you. "Sure thing. And just call me Negan, alright sweetheart. Mr. Smith makes me feel old as shit. Bad enough that I gotta hear it every day at the school."
You laughed as he took a sip of his beer, "okay, sure." Seeing how he was a middle school gym teacher at the local school, you figured it was a way to separate his work life from his personal life. Also, something about the way he called you sweetheart made your chest swell with delight.
As the night went on, you unwittingly paid attention to Negan. You noticed that he wasn't quite as passionate about the football game as the other guys were. Though he showed interest and seemed to be genuinely having a good time. He loved to talk, a lot. He'd crack jokes and talk back and forth with everyone so easily, like it came naturally to him. You admired that about him. Even if about every sentence he spoke contained at least one curse word. His smile was really something, the mere sight of it was enough to make you melt. You'd get butterflies when he let out one of his deep, gravelly laughs. It was a sound you wish you could capture and play on repeat over and over. Somehow he was becoming more attractive the more you would notice about him. Plus you really liked being this close sitting next to him. Something about it felt right. Very inviting.
Okay.. maybe you were developing a teeny, tiny crush on Negan. So what? There's no harm in that. It's not like you were going to act on it or tell anyone. It would just be your own little secret.
Well it turns out that you've been holding on to that secret for a long time. Because ever since then, you've been hooked on him. Your attraction to Negan had grown stronger over the years and it hasn't dissipated. Even when you had moved away, it always lingered and you'd think about him from time to time. You've also never told anyone about your feelings for him, which was probably for the best. It was difficult, and you've really wanted to blurt it out on a few occasions. But you didn't. You couldn't. Because once it's out there, there's no taking it back.
You sigh wistfully before moving away from the window to get ready for bed.
After turning off all the lights and shutting your bedroom door, you finally plop down on to the bed. The countless times you've spent lying awake at night thinking about Negan. Imagining what it would be like to be wrapped in his arms. Wondering what his kisses tasted like. Wishing you could be with him.
Oh well. Maybe you'll get to be with him again in your dreams, tonight.
The next morning, you mentioned the barbecue to your aunt Rena. It's three days away. She informed you that she was invited as well, however she wasn't going to make it. She's scheduled to go into work early that evening and wasn't able to request it off in time. You felt bad about attending without her. Though she strongly suggested that you should still go even without her. After all, the Grimes are long time friends of yours too.
With that in mind, you still needed to get a birthday gift for the Carl. However you hadn't seen the kid in a while so you had no idea what to get him. Your aunt had mentioned that Carl really enjoyed playing games on his handheld gaming device. When you asked what kind of device it was, she said that it flips open and has two screens. So you figured it must have been a Nintendo DS. They seem to be extremely popular handheld consoles, especially for young kids. After a few more questions from you and some suggestions from her, you'd finally decided on what to get him.
It's now a quarter to noon, and you've just come out of the video game store. Shopping bag in hand, you are pleased about your purchase. You're confident that Carl's going to love the games you got for him.
You're looking down at your phone while walking along the sidewalk towards your car, not paying much attention to your surroundings.
"Holy shit, well if it isn't y/n!"
Suddenly you are halted in your tracks. That voice.. you know it all too well. It's been so long since you've heard that heavenly voice if his. You look up, and there he is.
"Negan?" It takes you a moment to realize that this isn't your imagination playing tricks on you. It's really him. Walking closer to you with that irresistible grin on his face. Be still your heart- he's grown a beard. It's short, neatly trimmed, salt and pepper in color. He looks even better than you ever thought possible. "Oh my god, Negan- hi!" You greet him ecstatically, still unable to believe your eyes.
Negan chuckles heartily. "I thought that was you. Damn, I didn't know that you were back in town. Why wasn't I informed?"
"I had just got back yesterday."
"Oh alright. I guess I'll let it slide then." He jokes around with you. "How've you been, sweetheart? And how's that job in Chicago going?"
You melt inside from him calling you sweetheart again. How you've missed it. Missed him. "I've been okay. I actually quit the job and left Chicago. So I'm going to be staying for a while."
He looks surprised at the news. "Really? What happened?"
"Well um.." It takes you a moment to gather your answer. "I grew tired of living there. Couldn't get used to it and it was starting to become too much for me. And I missed home a lot. So I decided to quit the job and move back. I think it might be good for me to stay, pursue a career here."
He sighs after paying attention to what you had said. "I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you. But hey, at least you went and tried something different. Doesn't hurt to. Even though it didn't work out, at least you can say you tried. Right?"
"Yeah, of course." You incline your head in agreement.
"Good that you're back. I sure missed you and I know that everyone else has." He must be referring to your aunt and the Grimes. "It's been what- a year now?"
"Just over a year." You confirm. That's how long it's been since the last time you've visited.
It means a lot to hear from him that he missed you. Makes you wonder if he's thought about you while you were gone. Surely it wasn't even remotely close to how much you've thought about him. Nor would the thoughts have been similar in nature. However, the notion that he might have thought of you at all made butterflies swirl in your stomach.
After a few more lines of exchange, Negan swiftly checks the time on his phone. "I need to get going, but we should definitely catch up more sometime."
"Sounds good to me." You respond coolly, even though you're squealing internally.
"And listen, if you need anything don't hesitate to reach out. I'm still across the street. Oh shit- that reminds me- are you going over to Rick's this weekend for Carl's birthday?"
Once again you give him a nod. "Yeah I'll be going over. In fact, I have Carl's gift right here." You quickly open the bag to show him the video games inside.
"He'll like those. I got him one of those foam dart guns. Little wussy looking, but that's what the kid wanted. I suggested a BB gun but Rick said no to that." He shakes his head at the recall.
That's Rick. You thought to yourself.
"Well it looks like I'll be seeing you there then. I really have to get going now. Tell your aunt I said hey."
"I will." You wave him off as he walks in his own direction and you in yours. Clutching your chest to try and calm the rapid beating of your heart.
That encounter was completely unexpected. He caught you off guard. Thankfully you'd took the extra time to make yourself look presentable today.
Somehow Negan still manages to make you feel this way when you're around him. Even after being away for so long. A year might not seem like a long time. But the way you see it, a lot of things can change over the course of a year. One thing's for certain, your feelings for Negan haven't changed. He still makes your head spin and your heart race. Seeing him again only amplified that. Guess the question on your mind now is- what are you going to do about it?
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smutinlove · 1 year
You were my light (Part 2)
Carl Grimes x Reader
Warnings: A bit angsty, tiny bit of fighting, arguing, carl being a jackass, panic attack, description of panic attack
☽ Author's note☾ Yay! Part 2 is here bitches! And surprisingly it didn't take ten years lmao. Omg. So like this is very depressing. Read at your own risk. Take a damn look at the warnings. ESPECIALLY THE ONES IN ITALICS. DO NOT STEAL, COPY, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs, likes, and comments are very much appreciated!
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Summary - The daughter of the now dead Negan Smith is walking in the woods. She thought she was alone. But she wasn't.
❝ The jokes weren't funny, I took the money My friends from home don't know what to say I looked around in a blood-soaked gown And I saw something they can't take away ❞
You hated that motherless son of a bitch. He was so annoying, smug, and just an asshole in general. Which made you want to kill Carl even more.
Every day, at six in the morning, he'd storm inside your prison and throw a plate of expired food at you, punch you in the face, and then lock you inside. Every. Fucking. Day.
Oh, and that was just the beginning, sometimes he'd feed you dog food.
You were sitting in the same chair, but this time there was a table in front of you. Cause, "Carl is so... nice." You heard the door unlock, expecting it to be Carl.
You said, "Come to feed me more dog food, Carl?" You laughed.
But you were surprisingly wrong. It was a man who looked a lot like Carl. And you most definitely knew this man. "Rick?" You questioned.
"He's been feeding you dog food?!" He asked furiously. You nodded.
He let out a breathy laugh. "I told him not to do that."
"So, you're Negan's daughter. I remember you. I remember that day."
'Negan's daughter.' God, it hurt so fucking bad. Everyone called you 'Negan's daughter.' Of course, sure, the Alexandrians probably didn't even know who you were, but it was the fact that most of your father's minions called you 'The boss' daughter' or 'Negan's daughter.'
"Yeah, I remember you too, Rick. I saw it. How scared you all were. And when my dad killed that Chinaman and that red-headed fool, I felt nothing. So, if that's what you wanna talk about, then done." You said bitterly.
Rick stared at you with a blank expression before moving closer to you. "He's Korean! And his name was Glenn, Glenn Rhee. And that red-headed fool's name was Abraham Ford! And YOU don't get to talk about them like that," he yelled.
He crossed his arms and leaned back against a dirty wall.
"We'll let you stay here. In Alexandria. Just listen to us. Answer what we want you to." You frowned. "Why should I? Huh?"
"You won't survive another minute out there. Carl saved you! We saved you," he shouted. "No! He kidnapped me. He didn't save me at all. And neither did you."
You sighed, "So stop. Just stop, Rick Grimes. You're not helping. I don't wanna stay in this garbage community. It's repulsing!"
"Tell me if you change your mind. Until then, we won't let you out. Not today, not tomorrow."
"How about the day after tomorrow?"
He chuckled but didn't speak any further. He left, locking the door after.
You were getting bored of staring at the same grey walls. "Fuck!" You shouted.
You grabbed your chair and threw it at the wall, which did not make a difference as the chair instead broke.
You laughed and threw your head back. Of course, it had to break.
And now your back was against the cold floor, you brought your knees up to your chest. "Happy, happy, happy..." You whispered to yourself.
"Daddy loves you, Y/N."
"No, no. Stop..." You cried out.
Blood, sweat, tears, starve.
Jokes, money, friends, gone. Dead.
Around, soaked gown, cry, scream.
You're on your own, kid.
You always have been.
Face it. Face it. Tell them. Tell them you're—
"Stop! No. Stop, I can't—" You're heart was racing, and sweat dripped down your forehead, maybe you were dying, you were too young, your hands were trembling, "No, no—" You couldn't breathe, it only meant one thing.
"No! Stop, no. No! Stop it!" You screamed over and over.
"Daddy loves you, Y/N."
"No, you don't!" You yelled repeatedly.
You blinked rapidly, but you felt like giving in. Sleep, die. Sleep, die. Sleep, die.
You heard the door open, or maybe it was your imagination. Yeah, that's it. Right? Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing special.
You were a fucked up little girl.
"She's waking up! Doc," You tried sitting up, but someone stopped you. "Hey, take it easy, sweetheart."
What even happened? I don't know...
You looked around the room. You were in a rather uncomfortable bed. The walls were painted a disgusting shade of green.
"No," you groaned. Your eyes were met with another. A singular blue eye. Fuck, it's him. "Damnit, it's—"
"—Me. Surprised, Y/N?" He chuckled.
So, you had a panic attack. It was not much of a surprise to you, but it was to Carl. "Wow, I knew you were fucked up in the head, but panic attacks too?"
You felt a bit ashamed. So much was done for you, and you didn't even deserve all this 'protection and care.' "Just cause you're a total mess doesn't mean I immediately care about you. I hate you." He confessed. You smiled.
"Why are you smiling?" He asked curiously.
You grabbed the glass vase. It was to your right. You jammed it in Carl's arm, making him scream in pain and fall back. "You fucking bitch!"
Part 3?
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ficnation · 2 years
“Your dad's an asshole” Part 1 - Carl x Reader
Request: “Carl x son of negan. Where they meet when Negan goes to get supplies for the first time from Alexandria and Negan’s son keeps flirting with Carl and Carl gets flustered and acts like he hates it, because y’know son of NEGAN, but eventually they go on a sort of date and kiss? Just fluff with a lil angst? Whatever works for you xoxo”
requested by @thatcucumberwhore
Word count: 2918
Pairing: Carl Grimes x Male! Reader
Warnings: usual twd themes (e.g gore, cursing)
A/n: It's a little bit different than the request, but I still hope you'll enjoy it :D There'll also be a second part to this which will focus more on the romantic aspect of Negan's son and Carl's relationship!
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“Well, hello there,” the greeting that left your father’s lips was anything but friendly. The mere idea of it not being hostile to the people who killed so many of your men blew your mind.
You decided to keep your mouth shut when a glare of a blue-eyed man on the other side of the fence almost outmatched yours in its viciousness. You hopped out of the vehicle, yawning and murmuring something about having enough traveling for the next few weeks. There was nothing you hated more than sitting for hours in a metal can with nothing to do.
“Do not make me have to ask,” your dad said when no one moved to open the gate for him and your people. He shoved his hand deep into his leather jacket’s pocket and tapped his foot on the ground to hurry them up.
The blue-eyed man hesitated for a moment before sliding the gate open, but not without some resistance. “You said a week. You’re early.”
“How about you file a complaint, huh?” the words escaped you before you could catch them, gathering everyone’s attention.
A few of the Saviors whistled in amusement and appreciation. You quickly pulled the hood of your sweatshirt over your head with an unpleased groan and turned your head to the side, suddenly finding the trees on your left very interesting.
You didn’t get a kick out of people’s attention on you as your dad did. It was just one of the many differences between you and him. There were things you were confident in, but speaking up in front of a large group of people or getting applause for something you did just wasn’t it.
Luckily for you, the citizens of Alexandria didn’t dwell long on your words, and their fearful eyes quickly returned to your father. His smug grin already told you that he was proud of you for speaking up. You were his blood, after all.
When the distinctive growling sounded closer and closer, you could almost see the light bulb lighting up above your father’s head.
“Oh, Rick, come on out here.” He licked his lips in anticipation as he raised Lucille above his head and whistled. “Watch this.”
“I’m not a damn dog,” you mumbled under your breath, but obediently grabbed the bat out of your father’s hands, annoyance clearly visible on your face and in your voice.
The undead man stalked towards you with outstretched hands, excited to get a bite of fresh meat. You raised the bat over your head before swinging at the creature with an annoyed groan. The weapon hit it straight in the middle of its head. The barbed wire and force of the strike made a whole bloody mess of its brain. The blood and all the muck splattered over your clothes and the nearby car.
Negan burst into a deep chuckle at the sight. “Easy peasy lemon squeezy! My kid is doing some charity work for you here, Rick. You better remember that,” he said, winking at the man standing by the gate.
You rolled your eyes, handing the bat back to him and wiping the stray red drops off your cheek. Negan proceeded to give a cheeky little speech to the people from Alexandria, throwing a few threats their way and bowing at the end, almost as if he was waiting for applause.
He gave Lucille to Rick with a sly glint in his eyes before he stepped inside ASZ. He knew exactly what effect his actions had on that man. Rick Grimes was furious and afraid, but not for himself, for something far more important to him.
“Alright, let’s get this show on the road. See what kind of goodies you have in the cupboard.” Negan gestured for you to keep close while he walked further into the town.
“We put aside half of the supplies.”
“No, Rick. No,” your father butted in. He stepped closer to the man threateningly. “You don’t decide what we take. I do. Tell him, boy! Tell him how things here work.” Negan turned towards you with a proud grin.
Of course, he wanted to include you in his weird power plays. He was throwing your existence right in their faces for reasons unknown to you. You thought it’d be safer for you if they didn’t know about you being their enemy’s son, but your father had different plans, like always. It was a shame he didn’t at least give you a heads-up before playing them out.
“It’s always been like that. He’s the boss, he decides what’s his,” you spoke up, shrugging your shoulders. You weren’t going to give them more than that; you weren’t your father.
After that, Arat yelled out for your group to get a move on, and they dispersed, immediately getting themselves busy searching through the houses.
Your father weaved you off to go and explore, maybe help out his men if you were feeling petty. But you knew the rules—the crueler you were, the more things you took, the more Negan’s approval you got. It wasn’t your thing, so you just planned to walk around and check out some of the places there. You were particularly curious about what weapons and how many of them did they have, but you also did not want to participate in the scavenger hunt, so you decided to just let it be.
After not even an hour, you knew you’d seen every interesting place in Alexandria, so you followed one of the random Saviors group searching through the houses. You didn’t take anything from the buildings, just walked around, curiosity peeked by the big suburban homes. The place was nothing like the industrial Sanctuary. It was beautiful and cozy, with the light colors of the furniture brightening the rooms. You could’ve lived in a place like that.
While you were checking out the upstairs of the house, you heard a commotion and an unfamiliar voice downstairs. Without a second thought, you ran down the stairs to find your people being held at gunpoint by a long-haired boy around your age. You looked at him in awe. He looked badass with his bandaged eye and the steady grip on the weapon. He also looked like someone you could get on with. Damn, it was a shame that your groups were on some kind of warpath.
The teenager popped the safety off. “Put some back or the next one goes in you,” he threatened.
“What do you think happens next?” one of the Saviors asked, looking at the boy in amusement while you took that as a sign to pull out your own gun.
“You die,” he replied with so much confidence it was surprising.
“No, you die.” You pointed your gun at his temple, cocking your head, very entertained by the situation. You weren’t sure if the kid had the balls to actually kill your guys over the medicine, but you were curious to find out.
The brown-haired boy slowly turned his head toward you at the sound of the safety clicking. He stared you off with that pretty blue eye of his. For a second, you wondered if he wasn’t this settlement leader’s kid. If that turned out to be the truth, then the chance of you becoming friends dropped to zero.
“That’s a standoff I didn’t expect.” Your father’s whistling cut through the tension in the room.
You turned your head to look at him and Rick, that stood at the entrance of the room. The leader of Alexandria walked over to the two of you, glancing between you and the other boy. It was easy to put the puzzles together. The one-eyed boy was his son. It was an accurate guess, seeing the fear and uncertainty in the man’s blue eyes.
Rick called his son’s name, reaching for the gun in the boy’s hand. “Carl put it down,” he warned him, looking yet again at the barrel of your weapon.
“No. He’s taking all of our medicine. They said only half our stuff,” he protested, raising his voice. His hand holding the gun started shaking slightly, and your eyes quickly caught that sight. Maybe he wasn’t as brave and badass as you thought, or maybe your father traumatized him so much that his presence scared the boy.
“Really, kid?” Your father stepped in front of Carl in amusement. The whole situation was probably pretty entertaining to him.
“And you should go,” the boy continued looking Negan right in the eye. “Before you find out how dangerous we all are.”
You snorted amused. Shit, you knew that with this sentence, the boy just fucked up. If Negan wasn’t pissed before, he definitely was now. You let out an exasperated sigh, tucking your gun behind your belt. You stopped listening to the conversation between them, your eyes glued to the blue-eyed boy.
You didn’t even pay attention when your father stopped talking for a moment before he commanded Dave and the other Savior to take away all of Alexandria’s weapons.
Your heart started beating faster when you took a closer look at Carl, who scrunched his eyebrows in annoyance. The whole time you were there, he gave you maybe a glance or two, desperately trying to show you that you were the intruder here.
You noticed your father staring at you with narrowed eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow, challengingly at you. His gaze went back and forth between you and the boy. When you finally met his eyes, he sighed loudly and shook his head disapprovingly. You rolled your eyes and scoffed lightly, turning around and walking away without sparing Carl another glance.
Your steps sounded too loud in the silent house, making you feel uneasy and a bit ashamed because of getting caught staring like a lovesick puppy at someone who was supposed to be your enemy. And damn, how did he manage to make such an impression on you? Why did you want to talk to him so much?
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You sat by the little lake in the town, tangling your fingers in the cold grass and waiting for somebody to call you over and say you were leaving. You felt bored and out of place. You thought you would get out of the sunshine and rainbows town quicker. But it took a lot longer than you initially thought.
There weren’t many Alexandrians around the area, so you could let your guard down for a bit. The humidity from the water was refreshing, and you caught yourself breathing in deeply. If you could, you’d bring that lake back to the Sanctuary. It reminded you of your childhood and the days when your mom took you to swimming classes. However, the water there stank strongly of chlorine, so the air wasn’t as nice as this was.
When someone finally passed by you. It was Carl fucking Grimes. He walked right past you like you weren’t there, but you didn’t take it personally. He had no obligation to keep you entertained, and you knew that. You also knew that he probably didn’t want to have anything to do with you, but something drew you to him.
You waited until no one was looking before following him. If he noticed you behind him, he showed no sign of it for most of this short walk. His steps were long and rushed, and it should’ve been a red flag to you, but you decided to ignore it.
At one point, Carl stopped walking and looked around, searching for something. You noticed he was pretending. He did that to make sure you were still following him. And when he noticed you did, he scoffed under his nose. He kept walking, pretending like you weren’t there.
You noticed you were getting close to the edge of the town. There was no one in sight anywhere around you. Carl must’ve seen that, too, because he stopped and sighed, turning around slowly to face you. His expression had turned into a frown, and his eye had grown cold and angry.
“What do you want? Why did you stare at me, and why did you follow me here?” he spat the words at you, glaring daggers at you as if he wanted you to fall dead before his feet. He stepped closer to you, invading every inch of your space, forcing himself between you and the town. You took a step back, your back hitting the cold wall of the house behind you.
“No reason,” you muttered, trying to act nonchalant about it all. “Just wondered where you were going.” You tried to sound natural, which was hard, considering you were freaking out about being in such close proximity to him.
Carl stepped closer toward you, knowing you had nowhere to back away now. He glared at you again, and you flinched. “Yeah, right.” He scoffed once more. “Why does it matter?”
Your mind blanked at this sudden question, and you struggled to find an answer. “Well...” You glanced down at the ground nervously. “I haven’t seen anyone my age for so fucking long. I just thought we could talk for a while.” Your voice faltered at the end, your heart pounding against your chest. You swallowed thickly. You didn’t know what else to say.
“About?” he raised his eyebrow, waiting expectantly. You shrugged awkwardly.
“Whatever you want to talk about.” You tried to keep your tone light, hoping it would calm him down somehow. This was getting awkward and embarrassing fast. You weren’t used to people staring at you like they could read your soul with their piercing gaze.
“You’re pretty badass,” you blurted out nervously. You mentally slapped yourself for talking without thinking twice. Carl raised an eyebrow yet again, seeming unimpressed by your answer.
He stared at you, looking even more annoyed now than before. He opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it again, shaking his head and letting out a heavy sigh. “Whatever. Just leave me alone, okay? You’re not welcome here.” With that, he turned on his heels and started walking away.
“Wait!” You shouted before you could think. He stopped and glared at you once again, this time with more malice than before. He looked ready to punch you. You gulped down some nervousness and continued speaking, trying to sound casual. “Look, I’m sorry I came after you. Like I said, I just wanted to talk.” You smiled sheepishly. “Can’t hurt to try, can it?”
Carl crossed his arms over his chest. He leaned against the brick wall beside you and studied you; his forehead furrowed in concentration.
For a while, neither of you said anything. You stood still, staring at each other intensely, waiting for the other to speak first. It felt like hours had passed before Carl finally broke the silence.
“Your dad is an asshole.”
You gave him a weak smile and nodded. “Yeah, he really is,” you admitted.
“A total douchebag,” he continued, but a hint of sympathy was hidden underneath the harsh words. You gazed at him in contemplation, but he wasn’t paying any attention to you. Instead, he stared up at the sky quietly. He seemed lost in thought.
“He wants me to be just like him.” You shook your head and chuckled bitterly.
“That sounds like the sort of thing a douchebag would do.”
The corner of his lips twitched, and you almost didn’t catch it. Almost. Your heartbeat sped up in excitement, and you grinned. You liked seeing him crack a small smile, even though it was barely there. It made you feel warm inside and helped you forget how Carl’s eye flashed dangerously at you just a few minutes before.
“You have a pretty smile,” you blurted out, surprising even yourself.
The boy looked at you quizzically for a minute as if wondering what the hell had possessed you to say something so stupid. But then the corners of his mouth curved upwards into a shy grin, and that was all the answer you needed. You felt giddy and lightheaded. Maybe because of the fact that he was still smiling at you or perhaps the fact that he hadn’t yelled at you yet. Either way, you were grinning foolishly at the boy you considered an enemy just minutes ago.
You watched him as he studied the clouds. He was handsome, and the way his long brown hair framed his face made him look almost angelic. His blue eye shined in the sunlight, but there was something more: it hid loneliness behind its surface. It made you wonder if he felt just as lonely in this world as you did. Then again, you didn’t know enough about him to be sure if that was true. So instead, you focused on the warmth spreading through your chest.
“Do you think this could work?” you asked suddenly, breaking the silence. Carl turned to you, eyebrow raised in question. “Well, I mean, if we became friends… Would it work?”
He frowned, considering your question carefully. “I’m not really sure.” He hesitated, “Maybe.”
You sighed, defeated. “Me neither. But it’s worth a shot, right?”
It took him a few moments before he finally agreed with you. “Yeah,” he said. “It’s worth a shot.”
You smiled widely at him, and he returned the gesture with one of his rare smiles. It sent an electric jolt through your body. You swallowed hard and tried to ignore the butterflies that swarmed your stomach.
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@thatcucumberwhore @yttricuz @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @humanmistakes @twdeadlysins @donttelltheelff
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little-reader · 5 months
"The Son of A Monster." Ch. 9 - Season one ending.
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Carl grimes x Male!Reader
Warnings; Graphic Gore, Death, blood, Slow-burn, Sexual tension, Gay awakening (For both), Cursing, Negan is the Readers dad, Enemies to lovers story. Fighting. Zombie Apocalypse.
I had woken to silence and still. My eyes felt burned out as I opened them. I was bruised. I refused to move, but instead looked around the room. Same bed as last time. I must have passed out. I felt fine though, well, okay enough to move my head. Toby was looking over something, a gun in his holster, and glasses hanging on his nose. It was late morning, a few birds chirping off in the distance and the sun shining in the front windows.
My throat was dry and I was dizzy. I looked over to the nightstand, where water sat again. I blink a few times, before reaching over slowly. I could see my hands shaking, sweaty, as I grabbed the glass. I felt the weight of the water as it slipped from my grasp.
I felt my shoulders jump when the glass landed on the floor and shattered into several pieces. My eyes closed tightly as I heard Toby mutter an “aw, shit” and move away from his chair. I could hear the wheels on the chair scratch against the wood as he pushed it in and moved around the room. 
I wanted to know if someone else came into the room. My eyes were being blinded by the lights in the room. They would strain too hard to see anything if I tried to open them.
I felt glass press to my arid lips and a hand pushing back my long hair, that I have yet to cut since it's been growing out these past few months. The voice was muffled. Like it was underwater. I grunted and shifted my head away, cracking my eyes open and trying to focus on the person in front of me. My ears started to clear out and I could see the faint outline of the person in front of me. 
Eric something. That curly man's husband. Aaron. I know Iris loved to have meetings with the two. She said they were both great to talk to, helping and kind. Iris. I forgot about Iris, I haven’t seen her since I left. How long was I out? 
I muttered nonsense and looked around slightly, checking for more people. Only him and Toby. Toby was cleaning the glass and water off of the floor. “Kid is out of it,” Toby said, looking down at me. “Can’t hold anything, probably can’t move much right now.” He dumped the glass in the trashcan. 
“He needs water,” Eric said, placing the cup back on the side table. He sighed and started to work on the bandage. “He should be fine, his infection has left in the past few days.” He stated. “It makes it even better he doesn’t smell like puss, and that he’s finally conusious.”
Toby nodded. “Barely.” 
I let my eyes close again as they continued in silence. Then, there was a sudden sting that honestly brought me to life. I grabbed the man's arm and yelled, more out of shock, as he cleaned up the wound. I tried to move away, but surprisingly, he was able to keep me in place. I grimaced, “Stop. That… fucking hurts.” 
“And he’s talking, even better.” A known voice, one that I haven’t heard until now. Iris came behind the curtain, holding her stomach. I sensed sarcasm in her voice when her tired eyes gazed at me. The bandage was changed in a second before Eric moved back. 
I kept eye contact from where I lay. Eric patted her shoulder before he left the office, toby leaving, giving us space. I already knew what was coming, something I wasn’t in the mood for, but it was better for me to if it happened now.
“You… okay?” I said, slowly debating my words. She took that as an invitation and came closer. 
She pushed back my hair and sat on the edge of the bed. I closed my eyes and relaxed slightly.  “You need a haircut.” She whispered, one hand playing with my hair and the other tracing my jaw. I felt her nails scratch slightly on my skiing. “And a shave.” I shook my head and held her hand. 
“Like it long,” I said, rubbing her hand with my thumb. “You shouldn’t be back here,” I stated, my eyes searching hers. She shook her head. “He’ll come back. Harder than ever.” I stated. She only nodded and kissed my cheek. 
“You’ve been out for two weeks.” She stated, resting her head on mine. I sighed. A whole week, plus the days I missed before I passed out. “Ricks got a plan. A good one. But this will cause death, and a blown-out war.” She said, grabbing my chin and pointing at her. “Soon, nowhere will be safe. You need to recover, now. If you don’t, you’ll die.” It was bland, the way she said it. Ominous. Her tone scared me slightly as I held her wrist in my hand. I could feel the pulse under her thin skin.
“I’m sorry,” I said, and she hummed. “I… don’t want that relationship with you, Iris. I can’t. I really can’t.”
“Shut up.” She said, kissing my forehead, She then dug through her pocket, and grabbed one of my hands, before placing something in it. I peered down and smiled. “I saw it on one of our dead ones. I didn’t tell anyone who it was.” She said, handing me the knife and I smiled. I traced my fingers over the carvings and held the switchblade to my chest. 
“Thank you.” 
I sat in that bed for four days since I awoke when I decided I was truly ready to leave it. I had gotten changed and then left for the Grimes. No one was home, but I later found out what their plan was. It involved me. Rick and the groups have been working hard. They have a whole huge plan, though Iris said she was not allowed to speak any further in the matter, and I should get rest while I can. I wasn’t quite sure if I had a choice in the whole matter, but I guessed I would be forced into it.
“He’s probably dead by now,” Simion said, staring at Negan from his stance at the door. Negan sat there thinking, “formulating” a plan. At least, that's what he was trying to do. His mind had been all over the place. “Kid’s got a mouth on him. Plus… I know you don’t want to hear it, but that shootout and the wound he had the last we saw him. He wasn’t doing so hot.” He stated, pushing himself off the wall and making his way over to Negan. “They must have killed him.”
Negan slammed his fist onto the table. “Shut the hell up, Simon. You don’t get to tell me whether my kid is dead or not.” He said, rubbing his eyebrows. He didn’t say anything else. 
I was reading through one of Carl's Marvel comics. I wasn’t allowed out of the room until tomorrow, meaning, the plan was more likely in the next two days. I still wasn’t sure what they were planning to do, but it had to be a strong plan to take down multiple armed stations. I know a few that are harder than the others. Station three, the one I ran, was the easiest. This one had a baby, but it was away from most mobs or civilization and safely guarded but not as armed. 
Though, knowing the crowd, they would keep the baby alive and well. 
The door creaked open. I kept my eyes on the comic in front of me, as the steps paused. 
“Your… awake?” Carl asked, wide-eyed and confused. I nodded and hummed. “That's… you should be sleeping.” He stated, placing something down in the room before snatching away the comic and placing it down neatly in his stack. 
“I was reading that,” I said, leaning up by my elbows. My eyebrows furrowed as he cleaned up his desk, ignoring me. “Hey…” I softened my tone slightly, throwing my feet over the bed and fully sitting up. He was shuffling his desk around, I didn’t quite understand why he was doing it now. I watched, silently, as he finished up and sat down, with a box in hand. 
“You left these here.” He threw the box to me, I caught it and examined it. My cigarettes are barely used, only two missing. “I meant to give them to you when you first woke up, but…”
I paused and peered up at the boy. “... yeah…” I placed them down softly on my pillow. “Thank you.” It was a simple gesture from him, but I was thankful. I watched his eyes droop, though I couldn’t tell what he was feeling. No, that's a lie. The way his eyebrows were furrowed, the twitch of his nose, and the crinkle of his cheeks. “You're upset?” I asked, tilting my head slightly.
“Stupid plan my dad has.” He stated. It only made me more curious. “He wanted me to talk to you about it.” I sat up straight on the bed, feeling a slight jolt in my abdomen. “You okay?” He asked, turning towards me slightly. I only nodded and grunted for him to continue. He messed with his hands nervously.
I patted the bed. “I can wait,” I stated, scooting closer to the wall, leaving room for him. He looked at me like I was stupid, thought I was grinning at him stupidly, and got up to cross over the room and join me. 
We end up on the bed together, my arm wrapped around his shoulder and his head barely resting near my chest. Anxiety. He was anxious, I could tell by the small twitch and fidget of his connected fingers. His breathing was slow but I could feel his heartbeat fasten slightly. 
I reached over and untangled his fingers before wrapping them with my own. I feel his sigh and shift. He lifted my hand and moved beside me, keeping our hands interlocked. I stared at his side profile for a bit, allowing him to take a moment where he could be calm. Plus, I just like looking at his freckles.
“It can't be that bad.” I slightly whispered after a while. He shook his head and huffed before looking at me.
“Dad has been collecting fuel and cars since Negan left. He built metal walls on them so he could line them up. We had some before this, we had to move walkers away from an area before they got out and destroyed Alexandria. The metal plates are strong enough to reject bullets. He plans on taking those cars to your dad, telling him to give up. If he doesn't, he sends a signal to Daryl, and Daryl starts leading a whole army of walkers to your dad's sanction.” Carl explained in detail, trying not to leave anything out. I nodded through the whole thing. Damn Nut, Rick is. He’s smart but ruthless and risky. 
I paused, he still didn't tell me what I had to do. “My part?”
“The fucking bait.”
I hummed, moving away from him slightly. The bait, Rick was smart. Though, unfortunately, that wouldn’t work. He was too stubborn for that. He’ll try to destroy everything before Rick can get to him, even if he fails. Or maybe it will make him back down. He’s protected me for years, but maybe it’s time for me to leave the nest, and fly. Fall first, then pick myself up, slowly. I’m already in that stage. Getting left behind. I didn’t realize that. I was left-
A hand slowly brought me back from my own thoughts. Carl looked at me sadly, his hand barely laid on my shoulder. 
“You won't be there?” It came out like a whisper. He let out and small breath and shook his head. I felt myself do the same. “It won't work.”
“Think we all know that,” Carl said, in a very light tone. I patted his hand lightly and left it there. “I could sneak in-” “No.” I interrupted him. “But-”
“If your dad said no, then it's dangerous. I'm more experienced than you. I'll be fine, Carl.” I stated, turning to look at him. I think he realized I was serious because he glared at me.
“You could get hurt.”
“So could you.” We both, we're getting pissed. Though, I wasn't letting down. I wasn't going to let him walk into a battlefield with no shield. That would give an opportunity for Negan to have a hostage, Rick to get distracted… or Carl on the ground bleeding out. “I can handle myself, I've been through this a thousand times. Carl… I'd rather me get hurt than you.” My voice turned into a whisper, my face rested and eyes softened. His eyes didn't soften a bit as they stared into mine. His eyebrows twitched from the strain and he swallowed slightly.
“I don't want….” He picked his lips. “I don't want you to die.” It was simple. I smile a bit and let out a chuckle. “It's stupid-” he paused and glared harder at my slight laugh. “-and you're stupid.” He shoved my shoulder and tried to move away from me. I laughed a little harder and pulled him over, my arms wrapped around his shoulders. He crossed his arms as I connected his back to my chest. “We don’t have to fight. We can fix it, agree, and be in peace. My dad doesn't have to kill yours, no one has to die.” He ranted on. It was purely background noise for me. I've heard this from others. Peace. They weren't wrong, but they were Human. Brutal, Foolish, and disgusting creatures who ruin each other without truly realizing it. Human instinct. I won't tell him that because I know he knows that. 
I remember what my mother used to talk about. Humans were disappointing, and destroying the beauty and life of the world, taking everything from the soil and drying it up. 
I watch as Carl breathes, frustrated. I rest my head on his shoulder, slowly. Relationships are weird too. Not a bad weird. It's confusing, the beginning of a relationship, I ask myself what I can do and what can't. I test the waters.
Carl sighs and leans closer to my body. “You sure you're gonna be okay?”
I thought for a moment. I've been through war and fights with other groups we've encountered. All messy, leaving dead and injured. People were a resource, but medical supplies were rare. 
I dug through my pocket, taking Carl's hand and placing the switchblade in it. “Promise,” I said, wrapping my arms around him.  Carl ran his fingers over the cover and metal. 
“H? You pick this off of someone.” He asked, looking at the engraving. I stared at the knife. Flashes of the fire, hue.
“Something like that… it's important to me.” 
Rick came to see me in the morning. He was calm, asking if Carl explained. I agreed to do whatever, however dangerous. It wasn't for him though, Carl and Iris, and the twins. Those were my main focus.
“You know this won't work, right?” I asked him before he left. Rick paused and turned slightly on his face. He opened his mouth and closed it. “Maybe… you'll kill him…” I could see a slight grimace in his face when I said that, though I continued. “But not today, not tomorrow. He'll kill your people like there's no tomorrow, destroy you, and finally, leave you with dead family before you kill him.” 
I lifted myself from the living room couch, my bag sat beside me, extra clothes, food, medical kit, two cans of food, gun and ammo, and a knife. Rick said just in case something went wrong, everyone would need one. Cigarettes in another pocket with a lighter.
Rick nodded, he didn't know how to reply to that, considering Negan was my dad. What was he supposed to say? “I'll kill your dad”?…sounded bad. 
The next second, I was told we were leaving soon. I was heading upstairs.
“We’re leaving soon, about 20 minutes,” I said to Carl, who was on my bed looking at the knife, his hat laid beside him. He didn't give a straight reply, only a short “hm” and he dragged the knife tip over the bedside table. I stared for a second, before dropping my bookbag gently and kneeling. “I'll be fine,” I whispered, tucking his hair out of his face. His face was stone cold, with little emotion but pissed. 
“Don’t leave.” He whispered. I gave a slight sigh and shook my head. “You came into my life and became a best friend and… what if you don’t come back?”  My face saddened with a frown as I lifted myself halfway. My hand reached through his hair as I gave him a light kiss. He hummed, pushing back slightly. I hummed and pulled back, staring into his eyes. I wasn’t sure if it was love, or the thought of me not coming back that made me push for more. His lips were soft, dry, but soft. I had my hand under his bandage that wrapped around his head as I pushed up, both of us laying on the bed. I went easy, remembering he wasn’t as experienced as I was. He was also younger. 
I moved my head to the side, allowing me to get more room. We barely separated with each kiss, spit smearing over our chins and going to his cheek. One arm under him, the other holding his hip. His shirt slid up slightly, allowing the little touch of his skin to press on my thumb. I cherished this, keeping it close, keeping him closer. His hands, one in my hair, the other wrapped around my neck, moving slightly, he wasn’t sure where to place them or what to even do. 
I allowed myself to pull back. His eyes, were full of lust, eyes I’ve seen before. I probably had the same. I felt my tongue run on the bottom of my lip. The spit trail from my lips to his fell and broke apart. I reach up and grab his hand, wrapping my fingers into his, and connecting them. I pressed my forehead against his. “I gotta go, Woody.”
I loved him. My heart beat into his, making a tune and forming a song altogether. Funny, how it all began. The King and Monster fight, while the prince falls for… well, the son of a monster.
Season one ending. Season 2 chapter 1 - Woody
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jakessbtch · 2 years
☆ water | c.g
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masterlist | requests
TW ✿  °   : gun use, guns, mentions of death, close death, swearing
pairing   ✿  °   : carl grimes x reader [platonic (could be more) + s/h]
summary of fic ✿  °   : When negan forces his daughter to fire on the battle field, she shoots a helpless boy. when he falls into the water unconscious, she can’t just leave him for dead.
requested by  ✿  ° : @eveleighkinsey15​
word count   ✿  °   : 2.3k
a/n ✿  °   : this deleted the first time so i'm so sorry it took so long to get out x
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death came by easier now, this was a world of death after all. the only thing you could really do now was wonder what happens after you do unfortunately die. were you still in your consciousness when you were a zombie? or did your consciousness go to a hopeful heaven like your spirit would? was there even a heaven for people who have kindness in there hearts? or did they make it to hell like the gross sickos and freaks?
y/n never really knew what happened once death occurred, but yet again no one really did. as she gazed out to the green decaying trees, she could only wonder if this was going to be her last fight alive. her father, negan smith, believed he had done it. he believed he had found these travelers in a venerable state to which he could kill their leader, rick. it’s all her ever talked about, kill rick this and kill rick that, it was annoying.
her dad was some kind of sicko like the ones in hell, yet she never had the guts to tell him her thoughts. she had let him run lose and kill who he could, she couldn't tell him not to go after innocents. honestly, she was scared. she was yelled at constantly, and she had gotten into incidents where he had to hold himself back from harming her physically. by now she knew what she could and couldn't say to him. she unfortunately knows what he could do to her ‘pretty little’ face.
“alright gang, they’ll be here soon! get out and hide so we can catch them!” y/n complied with her fathers pitiful orders. obviously she didn’t want to do this to them, but she also didn’t want to be alone either. she knew her father would drop her in the middle of no where, and dying alone was not on her bucket list. she opened the car door and stepped onto the grey gravel, everyone going to hide further up in the trees. she sighed, following the men as she didn't want to be left behind.
she silently ducked behind a blossoming juniper bush, reloading her carbine rifle so she could actually protect herself from the shots that were fired. her head was rushing with different kind of thoughts, but she needed to do this for herself, she needed to survive. she suddenly saw a dark red beaten jeep zoom nearby her, and she caught the face of daryl dixon, just for s split second. she knew daryl from an incident, so she knew rick was obviously with him. the two wouldn’t leave each other behind that easy.
it was silent for a long outstretched while, then the loud rumbling and roaring of a motor neared her once more, recognizing the red jeep from previously. she watched helplessly as daryl, rick, some woman and rick’s son got out the vehicle. they were all equipped with some form of weapons, so they weren’t leaving without a decent and bloody fight. y/n glanced at her father whom was in front of her, he had pulled the gun up to his eye. he peered through the scope right at the group.
the first shot crackled in the air like a blind firework, then multiple were fired shortly after. it was as if the first was a cue for the rest to start. y/n ducked lower to the grassy floor, anger bubbling through her body like a warm boiler. she glanced at her grinning father, growling at the way he was acting about this all. she then aimed helplessly at someone near by her, but because of their quick movements and dodges she couldn’t get a good shot on them.
after focusing on daryl’s quick body for too long, she heard a crackling snap of a twig behind her. just an animal, she told herself, but she thought different when she heard the horrifying cock of a handgun gun. she felt her heart skip a beat at the sudden noise. y/n never spun around so fast, shooting the perpetrator of the gun. the sound ripped through her ears like a rocket, making a terrible circuit sound whip around her head.
“oh my god, oh my god” she repeatedly whispered to herself, e/c eyes widening as she realized what sin she had preformed. the boy, who she now recognized as carl grimes, had been shot in the stomach. he just painfully watched her, letting his lip quiver with sudden fear. he felt all consciousness slip slowly from his head, eyes closing shortly after. his body stumbled as it hit the rotting tree behind him, then falling into the shallow waters bellow. despite the waters being shallow, his body did fall under the blue. he felt his body fall into a hidden piece.
“no no no! carl!” y/n gasped to herself, jumping up and starting to panic. she didn't know what to do, she didn’t know how to help him survive. she turned to where rick was crouched, he was making his way over slowly from behind the cars. maybe rick knew how to give cpr or something, she just needed him over here quicker. he needed to be closer to help his son. “rick! help! carl's been shot, he’s going to drown!” she screamed loudly before running into the water to try and pull him up.
she didn’t see rick run to where the two were previously, she was more focused on grabbing carl out of the blue water. his hat floated above the water, but she disregarded that as she found his clothed stomach floating just above the blue water line. she grabbed his cowboy hat while approaching his motionless body, placing the hat on his body. the slow ripples of his body made the water look pretty, maybe it was the wrong time and day for the water to look nice.
rick suddenly wailed at the sight of his son’s head underneath the water. he had lost his wife, and he couldn't loose his son too. y/n grabbed carl’s head carefully, raising it above the water. he looked rather peaceful, which pulled at her heart. was he dead? she pulled at his shoulders, etching him closer and closer to the bank of the stream. she kept thinking, a few more steps carl, just to reassure herself mainly. she didn’t want him to die, he still had a chance at a good and safer life.
“rick please! you have to know cpr or something! you have to save him!” y/n begged when she rested carl on the rough grey stones. the desperation in her voice shocked him, but he didn’t lack in movement. rick scrabbled to the two teenagers, whimpering and thanking the girl for grabbing his defenseless son. she sat back on the rocks while rick pumped at his chest aimlessly. she began counting to herself, how long it had been when he started the chest compressions. how long until it was too long.
“don’t yer dare, you ratbag” y/n looked up rather quickly to see her father angrily aiming a hand gun right at her face. her breathing suddenly stopped at the terrifying sight of her dad. she never thought she’d see this sight ever in her life, yet here she was. daryl had his shotgun aimed right at the back of negan’s head, eyes blazing red with hidden hatred for the elder man. ”put the gun down, and no one has ter get hurt” and negan obeyed. y/n had never seen her father shake from someone else’s words before.
“dad” the whisper came out rather softly yet noticeably, and rick started contagiously smiling. a few people let out sighs of pent up relief when carl sat up. his eyes squinted at the sudden blast of light, yet turned to see the events unfold. everyone remained still, y/n still staring desperately her sadist father. well the man she used to dumbly consider a father. she didn’t know him anymore, this whole apocalypse made him fowl and disgusting. this whole apocalypse changed him for the worst.
“y/n listen to me, get back in the car, you’re helping the enemy, i can’t even consider you my child. you sicken me” y/n felt the anger shoot through her like a gun bullet. was he seriously pulling that card? “good, I don't want to be your sick little offspring at all! i’m fucking sick of you and your disgusting behaviors! you have never once been my father since this started, and you never will be! so leave me for dead then!” the words flew out before she could process them. and when she did process them, she couldn’t stop now.
“i never wanted to fight you or challenge, i've been to scared of you. but i will not stand down to you anymore negan! I’m not fucking scared. you have ruined my life! dad’s aren't mean to do that to their daughters!” she wailed in horror, wet and fat tears filling her e/c eyes. she had never cried in front of her dad before, but she needed this moment. this was her moment. “we are only two people with the same last name.. we have no similarities anymore. you are dead to me” she finished angrily.
“negan, its best you and your pity party leave” rick spoke up bravely, standing to his feet, “she’s coming back with us” y/n turned her gaze to rick. he had now stood up at carls side defensively, carls blue eyes wondering to his angry father. “i think she’s made it very clear that she doesn’t love nor need you in her life” y/n dropped her head lower to the floor. she couldn’t look anyone around her in the eye right now.
“fine! you want to be apart of these show ponies then so be it, i just hope to shoot your rotting body one day” that was the last thing negan ever said to her before him and his few men walked away. he had strolled out of her life just like that, he surely didn’t care about her. y/n looked at his retreating figure, negan was out of her life and she could thrive happily. she now had better men to help her out. she would be safe and much more happier then with negan and his sick little friends.
when y/n was back at their safe point, she felt relaxed and refreshed. she had only been staying for a few days, but yet again it was so much better, having her own small shack to stay in and having her own job to help out. she felt as if she was apart of something more, not just apart of some apocalypse. she felt like she belonged with the other thankful survivors of alexandria, she was thankful for all of them. they had happily accepted her after some convincing with rick too, so she had to pay them back for her safety.
“so you're the kid that saved me right?” her relaxation in the garden was short lived when carl approached her. she turned to face him with a welcoming yet slightly confused smile, placing her shovel against the white home wall. carl looked a lot better after the gun shot he had induced, as it had only been a few days. y/n nodded sheepishly, approaching him with a small pip in her steps. This was their first formal interaction together, as carl had been often tended to by denise for the past few days. 
“i guess you could say that, i have to owe it to your father though, he gave you cpr and stuff” she said cockily, placing her hand on the wall. it was true what she said, all she did was fetch carl from the shallow waters, it was nothing more then that. she would have done it for anyone who was there. plus anyone could have gone after him “all i did was go into the water, its not that interesting unless you make it out to be”
“yeah but you went in the water for me, your supposed enemy! plus you rebelled against your dad! that was amazing!” he gasped loudly leaning on the railing, “i never did catch your name, you know. mind telling me?” he looked down at her with a big lopsided grin. she saw some kind of friendly glint in his mischievous eyes, one that kept her on her toes for him. carl seemed friendly enough to her, and she really did need a good friend around here. it was getting boring of listening to daryl about how he used to kill squirrels. he calls them an old delicacy, gross.
“maybe that was because you were drowning in water, or was it because you were unconscious, but my names y/n! you don't have to tell me about your name, i know already” she said sticking her left hand out for him to shake. carl accepted it graciously in his own, giving a firm shake. “uhm, anyways.. rosita is hosting a dinner for everyone tonight, and i was going to ask if you wanted to sit with me?” carl seemed a bit nervous to ask the rather simple question, y/n found it very sweet.
“yeah for sure! that sounds like heaps of fun” she chuckled loudly when his face lightened up at her response. “and if it isn't a problem with you, we could go back to my place and i could show you my comics, i know girls don't really like comic books much bu-” y/n chuckled to herself, cutting him off suddenly. “No, I love comics, and i’d be happy to go with you!” she chirped back to him, making him crack a huge grin. reading comics sounded like a lot of fun, she needed to wind down.
y/n felt a form of happiness inside, one that would bubble forever.
✿  ° Fin
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zombiigrll · 4 months
Can I request Carl x male reader who is Abrahams son set either during 7x1 or when Negan comes to Alexandria and reader is really angry and tries to kill Negan and gets injured. Carl patches him up and is upset at reader for doing that and they both end up breaking down and comforting eachother
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IT WAS STUPID. ⋆。°✩ carl grimes x male!reader .ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 1.7K ꩜ .ᐟ WARNINGS ⭑ angst to fluff + comfort, reader is abrahams son, use of y/n, spoilers for the walking dead 7x1, death mention, unhealthy grieving + coping, swearing, injuries, gore, zombies, arguing, crying, then cute moments trust <3 .ᐟ SUMMARY .ᐟ ⭑ your father made it your job to hold the fort at alexandria as he went on a run. but, little did you know, that was the last time you'd see him. you had to get back at him. .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ thank you for the request anon! i hope this is to your liking <3 sorry for the weak ending T_T
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he told you he would be back as soon as possible, giving you one big bear hug before he left. you wanted to badly to come with, but your boyfriend, carl, had convinced you to stay back as well.
"you gotta stay here, kiddo. just while we're gone. we'll be back as soon as possible, promise." your dad comforted you, patting your shoulder with his palm.
"please, dad, let me come with. i can help!" you begged anxiously.
"abrahams right, y/n." carl popped in. "you have to stay here. it's dangerous, and the people here need you while we're gone."
you looked at him, your facial expression softening. he was always so good at convincing your stubborn ass.
"...okay." you sighed, looking back at your father as he nodded, entering the van.
"we'll be back shortly." carl pulled you in for a hug, kissing your forehead.
"you better be." you laughed.
carl moved away from the hug, nodding at you before entering the van.
it felt like the longest day of your life. having to help everyone at alexandria while worrying about the possibility of your boyfriend, dad, and your newfound family could all die and you'd never know what happened. but, finally, after what felt like years, everyone came back.
well, not everyone.
as people were coming back in, you were looking for your father, but you couldn't spot him. you knew something was up. everyone looked upset and beaten up, and thats when you spotted eugene.
"eugene?" you sped-walked over to him, acknowledging his beaten and cut up appearance. he stayed silent at the sight of you. "eugene, where is my dad?"
then, everyone fell silent, their solemn eyes piercing through you.
"...what happened to my dad?" your voice cracked as you looked around at everyone with your glossy eyes.
carl comes up to your side, grabbing your hand and looking at you sympathetically.
"he's.. he's gone, y/n."
your heart shattered. you brought up your hands and covered your mouth as tears flowed down your face. carl tried to hug you but you politely shook him away, running off to your house shortly after. you threw yourself onto your fathers former bed, curling up into a ball and sobbing into the pillow he once laid on.
a couple days had passed by. all of your grievances slowly transformed into anger. man, you really were like your dad, weren't you? carl was the only person you had a soft spot for, but everyone else experienced hell on earth if they had angered you. carl helped you with trying to recover from your loss, but it proved to be pretty difficult.
"i want to kill negan, carl. i don't know why you wouldn't either." you scoffed, picking at your calloused hands as you spoke.
"i do, but, we need to be smart about this. your anger isn't going to get us anywhere."
you rolled your eyes, silently crossing your arms. before you could say anything else, there was a knock at the door. carl walked over for you and opened it to reveal rick standing in the door way.
"hey, dad. what's up?" carl asked his father.
part of you felt jealous at his words. it made everything feel more real in a sense.. that you would never be able to say 'hey' to your dad again, or experience his bear-like hugs.
carl and rick had their conversation as you thought about all your past memories with abraham. how he'd comfort you whenever you'd need him to, how he extreme he would go just to make sure you were safe... he was the most amazing dad you could've ever asked for, and now he was gone.
carl walked over to you, causing you to snap out of your daze as he began speaking.
"my dad wants me to go babysit judith. if you want, you can come with..." he offered with a smile.
"no, thank you." you answered monotonously. he nodded in response before walking over to you, giving you a hug.
"that's okay. just let me know if you need anything, okay?"
you mumbled a quick 'mhm' into his chest before he pulled away, shooting you a quick smile before exiting your room.
after he left, you laid in your fathers former bed thinking about what you could've possibly done to prevent this. then your mind began racing to what you can do to avenge your dad. you knew that if it was you who had died, your dad would've already been on an expedition to find your killers and give them hell, even if he had no leads to where they could be. so why weren't you doing that?
you quickly stood up and began grabbing your stuff. your backpack, gun, knife, and some water. at this point, you knew you could die and that you were probably going to die, but you didn't care. as long as they got the message and you got what you wanted, which was negans life.
quickly but stealthily, you walked out of your house and began carefully climbing over the gate. you landed down on the other side and began aimlessly walking. you didn't know where you were going, but you knew that eventually you would find negan or one of the saviors. you had been walking for quite some time when you came across two walkers. you pulled out your knife. should be easy enough, right? wrong. two walkers quickly turned to four, then 6, then... you lost count. fuck, was this the end? are you seriously about to die from a random herd of walkers?
you had killed one of them before falling to the ground, your leg grazing down a sharpened branch as you fell, cutting your calf wide open. a small yelp left your mouth as you landed on the ground before looking up, watching the walkers slowly limp over to your helpless body.
you chuckled, accepting your stupid fate. but just before the walkers got to you, you spotted a boy with a familiar hat stabbing the walker in front of you through the ear.
"...carl?" you mumbled
he continued to kill the rest of the walkers and making sure the coast was clear before tending to you. he kneeled down, looking at your wound.
"fuck, y/n. we need to get you home." his eyes widened as he examined your leg. he quickly grabbed your arm and wrapped it around his neck, helping you back through the woods. he was silent throughout the entire trip back to alexandria, which made your blood cold. he was never silent like this, not unless he was frustrated. the two of you made it back safely and he sat you down carefully on his bed, leaving for just a second to grab some medical supplies.
you fidgeted with your hands as carl came back with a couple bandages, some gauze, and other kinds of stuff. he lifted up your pant leg to get a better view of your injury before silently cleaning it up, causing you to wince. he remains silent as he cleans the wound, making you anxious.
"...are you going to say anything?" you mumbled nervously.
"do you want me to say something to you right now?" he said, a tone of hostility in his voice as he began wrapping your wound up.
"if it means you'll stop giving me the silent treatment." you sighed, looking down at him.
"i'm just... i'm pissed off." carl admitted, his voice raising a bit.
"...why?" you knew exactly why.
"why?" he repeated, laughing in annoyance. "because you almost got yourself killed. did you even think for a second what could've happened aimlessly going outside the walls? it was stupid."
"you..." you started matching his energy, getting frustrated with him. it wasn't necessarily at him, it was at yourself. but you couldn't contain how you were feeling anymore. "you don't get it. you wouldn't get it."
"you're right. i don't get it, y/n." he finished bandaging your leg, standing up to face you. "i've tried so hard to let you know that you can come to me if you need anything. no matter what. and instead of doing that, you.. you risked your fucking life!"
you stayed silent, letting him say whatever he needed as you fought back tears. you've never seen him this angry before.
"if i didn't see you going over the fence and followed you just in time, you could've died-- you WOULD'VE died! you know that, right-" "maybe i wanted to." your voice broke as you cut him off, causing his face to go from angry to shocked and melancholic.
"wh.. what?"
"i wanted to. i knew i could've died. i knew it was stupid. i didn't care." you wiped away the tear that had fallen from your eye, laughing slightly. "..i was just wanting to do what my dad would've done."
carl shook his head, processing what you had just said. "are you serious? y/n?" his eye turned glossy and his voice was wobbling.
you hid your face from him. he grabbed your face with one of his hands, turning you to look at him. he noticed you crying, which caused him to cry as well.
...you've never seen him cry before.
he wiped away your tear with one of his thumbs as he brought his other hand up.
"i can't lose you." carl muttered before pulling you into an embrace. "especially not the way you were trying to go. if you left me without a word?" "i-i'm sorr-"
"don't be. just.. your dad, he wouldn't have wanted you to go out like that either. he'd want you to live for him." he ran his hands through your hair as he spoke. "we'll get negan. but it'll take time. we'll do it together, just like we always have."
you held him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder and he rubbed circles on your back.
"i'm here. remember that this time." he reminded you.
"i know, i promise i won't do it again." you reassured him.
carl broke from the hug, putting one of his hands back to your cheek with a smile. "i love you, my pretty boy." he laughed, giving you a quick peck on the forehead.
you let out a small chuckle with him. "i love you too, dork."
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tupperwaretub · 1 year
The Everlasting Love of the Enemy
Pairing: Negan Smith x Male!Reader
Prompt: "i finally found a place where i am loved"
Warnings: angst, dad! Rick Grimes so age gap between Negan and Reader, mentions of twd s7 spoilers.
You'd been spending all of your time at the sanctuary recently after Negan had managed to woo you into coming back with him. You wouldn't have gone with him if your dad, Rick Grimes, the leader of Alexandria after Deana died wasn't so rude to you. He picks on every small thing you do and finds something to complain about and it just got exceedingly worse after he met the saviours and Negan, he would snap and bark orders at you treating you as anything but his son. Carl on the other hand was treated like some sort of precious, fragile item that Rick had to protect at all costs. So, due to Ricks sheer negligence towards you, you decided to go with Negan after he promised you a life that sounded much more pleasant than the one you were living with Rick.
Of course though, after a while you wanted to go with Negan on one of his visits to Alexandria, why wouldn't you want to at least check on your friends and family to make sure they're okay? So that's what you did, Negan helped you step into the truck like a gentleman (knowing you were completely capable) and held your hand the entire way to Alexandria, giving you small kisses on the top of your head on the journey there. In comparison to Rick, Negan treated you with every ounce of respect he could and although he hadn't said the three words you were aching to hear, to reassure he loved you, he showed his strong feelings through actions like physical affection. With Negan you felt loved in a way you hadn't felt loved since your mother had died, you actually felt worth something with him.
When the truck stopped at the gate to Alexandria Negan helped you out and you walked through the gates into the place you called home, as you came face-to-face with your father your heart dropped. He was clearly exhausted and overworking himself to meet Negans expectations with collections. You felt a pang of guilt course through you seeing the state your own father was in, but you quickly reminded yourself of the way he had treated you and made you feel and the guilt quickly subsided.
You spent your time stuck to Negan as he walked through Alexandria with Rick moping behind him, the three of you soon settled onto Ricks porch and sat on the couple of chairs that were placed out there, Rick remained standing. Suddenly Rick spoke up, "Negan. Can I talk to my son in private?" Negans shit eating grin widened and he looked towards Rick. "What d'you say prick?" Ricks adams apple bobbed and he replied with a quiet, "please." Negan let out a laugh before turning towards you, his expression changing to one of compassion and care, "My love, would you like to speak to your father in private?" You nod and get up off of the chair you were sat on and followed Rick inside.
"What the fuck is this?" Rick begins. "What do you mean 'what the fuck is this'? Dad, me and Negan are together, I thought you might've come to that conclusion when he flirted with me and took me to the sanctuary?" You argued back. "Y/n, you are sleeping with our enemy! I'm your father for god's sake! And you just decide you'd rather be with the man who killed Glenn, Abraham?! He was going to make me cut off Carls arm and made me risk my life for a damn axe! I could be dead because of him, Carl could be missing and arm because of him, Glenn and Abraham are dead because of him! But you're stuck to his side like a lost fucking puppy!" Rick raised his voice but kept himself quiet enough as to make sure Negan didn't hear him. "You don't get to speak to me like that anymore dad! You never made me feel worth anything, you constantly shit on me for every little thing I did that you didn't agree with and I felt like I wasn't worth anything to you, I felt like my own fucking dad didn't love me! I finally found somewhere were I am loved and you still shit on me! You really cannot stand seeing me happy can you Rick!" You spat, your words were filled with a new found confidence and hatred you gained due to your time with Negan. Rick was lost for words knowing what he'd done and a guilty look washed over his face.
Without saying anymore you stormed out and made your way back to the truck, Negan shouted after you but didn't follow instead going into the house to most likely give Rick a peice of his mind.
The thought of Negan hurting your father like your father hurt you made you grin as you stepped into the truck and got comfortable waiting for Negan.
A/n: Hi, just a shorter one as I'm slowly getting back into writing. Slowly getting through requests but am completely hyperfixated on TWD rn and Pedro fics are gonna be slow coming out. But hope you enjoyed <3
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enidette · 5 months
I ALWAYS WILL BE carl grimes x fem!reader
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warnings — violence, gun usage, reader gets injured, mentions of death, hurt to comfort (i tried at least)
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carl met you in alexandria. you had lived there since the beginning of the apocalypse, so your knowledge when it comes to fighting it’s very limited. the two of you bonded immediately and it didn’t take much time for you to become extremely close. relying on each other, mostly you relying on him, for nearly everything.
he at least taught you how to shoot, and you could do it. as long as it’s either a close or still target. and you were prepared.
so maybe you weren’t that ready to go on a run or fight flesh eating dead humans… but rick was running low on people he needed to get the job done. and despite having little knowledge, you stepped up. it didn’t seem like anyone else would.
this leads you to now, in the passenger seat while carl drives around in search for a place to raid. you have to say, it was funny watching rick internally battle with letting his son and you go of all people. but you needed to scavenge and you two were the only options.
carl was just a tad on edge, not because of a fear of something happening to him, oh no. a fear of something happening to you. he hadn’t taught you what all you needed to know just to have the odds in your favor out here.
everything went well for the first few hours, you were able to get plenty of resources that negan would most likely show interest in. but of course, not everything is sunshine and rainbows in an apocalypse.
you’re both at an abandoned store a long way away from alexandria when you hear growling behind you and begin to silently panic. carl is too far from you for you to get his attention without yelling, and you wouldn’t want to do that or pull your gun in fear of drawing in more.
but your gun is all you had. all you knew how to use.
a knife couldn’t be too hard? or something sharp. you look around frantically, finding a piece of broken glass on the sidewalk near you. you wait for the walker to come to you, the overwhelming stench of death accompanied by it’s fucked face made you grimace. you shove the glass shard through it’s eye and use your knee to push the body off of you.
you make an uncomfortable noise at the dark walker blood, whatever that substance was, that dripped down your hand. you were so focused that you didn’t hear the growls of a walker coming at you from another direction. and another. another. another.
you mentally curse yourself for being weak, you shouldn’t have agreed to come here in the first place. you’re surrounded before you could even blink, “fuck it.” you mumble, clumsily reaching behind you and grabbing your gun.
you fire at the growing herd, unable to see carl’s scared expression when he realizes what’s happening. “shit, shit, shit.” he throws what he has in the car and slams the trunk hard, purposefully making a lot of noise to divert the herd from you to him.
it only works slightly, the walkers on the outer part of the herd stumble towards him. every one of them eating the bullets of his gun.
you’re honestly surprised by how many you’ve knocked down, but it’s not nearly enough. carl’s come to your rescue, yes, but the herd dissipates slower and slower. you back up the more they get closer and resort to shooting at one and stabbing at another that gets to close.
it’s working until it isn’t. you get cornered up against a broken window, your back hitting it harshly and a piece of broken glass piercing the skin. you do your best to stifle a pained noise, bending your body as much as you could without pushing it deeper and getting bitten.
your left leg comes up to stop the ones coming at you from that direction, your gun still raised and shooting at any target it could get. you hear carl’s shots get closer when a walker reaches out for you. it’s hands land on your shoulders, pushing you down. multiple pieces of glass stab into you and your hand begins to bleed from the intensity you’re squeezing the shard in your hand to numb the pain.
you head-butt the walker and twist your body to try and get free and hear a loud snap. you feel nothing, you assume it’s the walker’s bones. but your vision begins to darken from blood loss, and the last thing you see is the walker in front of you’s head getting blown to pieces.
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your head is rushing, everything sounds and feels fuzzy. the surface under you is soft and everything smells clean. you blink your eyes open and look around the room, recognizing the infirmary quickly. you hear rustling before carl is face to face with you.
“oh my god…” his hands run along your body before leaning down to hug you. you wince at the contact he makes with your leg. you hear him mutter apologies before he pulls up a chair beside you. “you’re never going on a run again.”
you don’t even fight him, you just let your head fall back from the heaviness of it all. “what happened?”
carl moves his chair closer to your bed, grabbing your hand and softly running his thumb over the skin. “you lost a lot of blood, gave yourself a concussion, and broke your leg really badly.” carl laughs dryly, “you have a lot more to learn.”
you hum and giggle, reaching your hand up to feel a bandage wrapped around your head. your back is killing you and your leg is propped up. “i’m pretty banged up, huh?” you try to joke through the situation, but your smile falls when carl sniffles.
he hardly cries, unless there’s a good reason. “i could have lost you easily in that herd. you were seconds away from getting bit.” you shake your head and squeeze his hand, a way of nonverbally telling him you’re still here. “no, i just… i don’t know what i would do with myself.”
“go on.” you answer for him, looking at him sincerely. but the look in his eye is different,
“go on? there’s not a lot to live for. another one of the people i care about most dies…” carl runs his free hand down his face, “a part of me does as well.” you sigh, you knew he would say something like that. screw whatever happened to him, but something happening to you, rick, judy, michonne. he’d turn into something you wouldn’t even want to imagine.
“look at me,” carl takes in a breath, looking up with a calm expression. you can’t help but laugh a little at the tough guy he’s trying to be. “i’m still here, and as long as i can help it, i always will be.”
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