#carmilla walking pass the two and patting them both on the heads
lynher · 7 months
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this is definitely ooc, but i had a vision where carmilla accidentally turned vaggie into a domesticated cat
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coallise · 2 months
Movie night
@korrasamiswan, you're requested Carmine Family movie night with kidnapped Vaggie.
“Delivery!” Clara called as she and Odette moved a large, Vaggie sized, box into the lobby.
“Who ordered it?” Vaggie asked as she took the clipboard.
“Mama just told us to deliver it here,” Clara shrugged, “open it already, we’ve been dying to know what’s inside.
Vaggie hummed and undid the clasp on the side, swinging the door open to show an empty box, that was promptly shut and locked with Vaggie inside. “What the fuck!? What’s going on!”
“Mandatory Carmine family movie night that you are currently late for,” Odette said as she put the box back on the cart.
“You’re joking.”
“Nope! We take family bonding seriously,” Clara passed Angel the ‘order form’ as Odette wheeled Vaggie into the van. Vaggie cursed almost the whole way until they opened the box back in the Carmine mansion.
Carmilla was in a red tank top and shorts under a long black bathrobe with white fuzzy edging. Zestial was in a green striped nightgown and cap.
“What is the meaning of this Ca-mama!” Vaggie growled, hating how the adoption form makes her call Carmilla mama. Most times it was fine, not when Vaggie was pissed.
“I gave you ample time and warning of the movie night and told you we will get you if you failed to come on your own. Here are some pajamas, mija, the bathroom is the third door on the right. If you change quickly you can pick the movie,” Carmilla pat Vaggie’s head. Vaggie growled but stomped off to the bathroom. Her pajamas were red fuzzy pants with silver daggers on it, and a white tanktop.
The living room was set into a pillow nest where Carmilla and Zestial sat with popcorn and Clara and Odette, in similar pajamas, were looking over the movies.
“Vaggie! Coco or Encanto!” Clara yelled as she held up both movies.
“I haven’t seen either,” Vaggie said, still standing in the door frame. The two looked at each other, nodded, and put in one of the dvd’s before jumping into the pillow nest.
“Come on!” Clara called, taking one of the popcorn bowls in her lap.
“It is physically impossible to watch the movie from the doorway,” Odette said as she took the other popcorn bowl. Vaggie walked closer to the group and paused, Clara was pressed against Carmilla, and Odette against Zestial. Carmilla and Zestial were shoulder to shoulder. There was no space, at least in Vaggie’s head. Before she could take the couch, four sets of hands pulled her into the middle of the pile.
“Now that everyone is finally ready,” Carmilla pressed play and the beginning of Encanto started.
The movie was nice, but what fascinated Vaggie was that none of them were afraid to cry. Every five minutes Carmilla had given one of them a kiss on the head and called them her miracle.
“Soooo, enjoy the movie?” Clara asked, turning around to find Vaggie had fallen asleep, drooling on Carmilla’s bathrobe. “Hey! Rude!”
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1-800iamhispanic · 3 years
READERS WARNING⚠️: This chapter contains explicit fighting and gore sequences, as well as adult language and sexual references. It may be offensive to some readers.
He had left immediately after his conversation with Alucard. That was early this morning, and he had been traveling for about five hours now with still no sign of any attacks or vampires. He sighed as his horse continued to trot through the forest.
His back ached and his legs were beginning to cramp. "Whoaa," he tugged onto the reins and the horse neighed but stopped. "Maybe we can rest for a bit," he said as he got off the horse, his bones popping as he finally stretched, the patted the horse's neck. "Immortality looks good right about now, huh? No need to worry about old age or sore muscles," he smirked at the horse who only snorted as a response.
Trevor's grin slowly disappeared, "Yeah, I wouldn't want to live longer than needed either," he said as he tied the reins of the horse to a tree branch, and began to walk away from the horse.
In his walk he kept thinking of his conversation with Alucard. How he should be with Sypha at this moment, enjoying and helping build the new town. Sypha. How happy she had become since their victory. Her growing womb swelling certain areas that were his favorite, and as if it were any more possible, making her glow with absolute beauty. The sex was even different now, Trevor thought. That made him smirk remembering what they had done last night. Twice.
He sighed and shook his head not wanting to distract himself from his current task. Hunting.
Damn you, Alucard. How dare he! Trevor thought as he stopped walking. "This is for them!" He raised his arms up showcasing the empty forest around him. The birds were chirping, the sun was still out, everything was peaceful.
He put his arms down and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Maybe I should go back."
Just as he was about to turn around and head back, he noticed the silence around him. The birds had gone quiet. He continued to pinch the bridge of his nose as if pretending to be thinking tiredly. His eyes slightly opened as he scanned his surroundings. Then he felt it. The hairs on his arm rising and his skin tingle with coldness, just as it did right before a fight.
He turned normally, keeping his head straight ahead to avoid being obvious, and began to walk back to his horse. Trevor held tight onto the handle of the Morning Star whip.
There was a rustle of leaves coming from behind him. Feet running. A branch snapping. The sound of a hissing mouth opening and-
Trevor turned quickly, swaying his whip off the dead corpse. He had struck him clean down the center of the vampire's face, which now split open on the forest floor.
Trevor listened for a moment in silence. The wind blew towards him and that's when he caught the scent. "I'd get this over with rather than wait it out," he shouted. Silence.
Trevor moved passed the split body closer to the smell in the air of blood. Not from the vampire he just killed, but of blood that had been days old by now. An iron-like and rotting smell the kind that lingers after a hunt or murder. Movement.
"Don't tell me you're afraid?" He scoffed and couldn't help but grin at that. "What's the point of being an immortal with permanent weapons attached to the gums of your mouth if you can't even- OOF!"
He groaned as immense weight was applied to his chest, right below the rib cage. The vampire had sprung out and slammed Trevor to the floor. He bared his fangs and pressed his foot against Trevor's wrist which held the whip. All the while keeping the rest of his body weight on Trevor's chest.
Trevor gasped for air as he blinked trying to quickly regain consciousness after what just happened. He looked up at the devil who was literally standing on top of him. Oh, I'm going to enjoy killing you he thought.
"That'll be tough, seeing as you won't have hands to kill me with," sneered the vampire. Oh, so Trevor had said it out loud. The vampire raised his left foot but before Trevor could make sense of what was happening, the vampire slammed his foot down hard against Trevor's wrist.
The sound of bones cracking and his own hissing scream bought Trevor back to focus. He groaned and gasped through gritted teeth as he noticed that he had dropped hold of the whip when his wrist popped.
The vampire smirked and tsked at Trevor's deformed hand. "Don't tell me you're afraid?" Teased the vampire.
Trevor clenched his teeth and with his left hand tightened in a fist he punched the vampire's knee on the side as hard as he could. It didn't do much because of the armor he was wearing but it was enough to make him sway. To which Trevor rolled to his upper back, wrapped his legs around the vampire's left leg, one by his hip and another below the crouch and stretched. The vampire staggered unbalanced, which gave Trevor enough time to wrap the Vampire's foot under his armpit and twist it until the ankle snapped and dangled. He grabbed the handle of the Morning Star and staggered up to his feet.
The vampire shrieked, fallen on the floor. He took his silver helmet off and threw it towards Trevor's neck at incredible speed. The razor sharp sides of the metal rotating through the air like knives. Just as Trevor was about to whip the helmet at a different direction, a sword interfered causing the helmet to bounce off and land on the floor.
Alucard moved out of the forest and looked over at Trevor who was cradling his wrist. "That looks different."
Trevor sighed and rolled his eyes, "You should have gotten here five minutes before, and it wouldn't look like this."
"I shouldn't even be here! I should be home, remember?" Alucard raised his brow as he turned his attention back to the vampire who began crawling away.
Trevor cracked his whip and slashed a clean cut through the vampires left wrist. Blood trickling down the open wound. "Speaking of home, why aren't you there?" He broke his gaze only momentarily to glance at Alucard who was already glaring at him.
"You aren't seriously asking me that? I just saved your fucking life!"
The vampire cradled his injured arm much like Trevor was doing. He threw his whip back, "A bit dramatic aren't you? I had it-"
he stroked his whip at the vampire's right hand, slicing it clean off. "-under control," he finished.
The vampire shouted as Alucard stayed within the shadows of the trees but continued to creep in closer, his sword by his side. "Oh! So that's what control looks like," he glanced at Trevor's wrist.
Trevor scoffed as he brought his whip back. "Don't you ever stop talking?"
Alucard rolled his eyes as he grabbed hold of the vampire's hair and yanked his head back to see his face. Trevor looked down at the vampire. His face dirty from sweat, blood and days of travel. He glanced at the uniform, the metal and the colors. "I've seen this armor before," he stated.
"What are soldiers from Styria doing here? We know you're not the first ones to be lurking in the forest," asked Alucard.
The vampire only grunted. "How many of you are there in this area?" Asked Trevor impatiently.
"You can kill me now or wait until later, but you'll not hear a thing from me," spat the soldier.
"Then let's see how long you'll last," echoed Alucard as his sword flew through the vampires knee.
"No, I don't think that even hurt him, let me try," teased Trevor as he grabbed hold of the hilt of the sword. He placed the tip of the sword just below the crouch of the vampire and added pressure.
"You know I've actually never sliced anyone in half starting from the bottom. So, I might have to take a few breaks before continuing," he threatened through clenched teeth.
"And seeing as how he's unable to use the strength of both hands, this will take a while," clarified Alucard.
The vampire only turned his head avoiding eye contact. "The witch will die. Along with the bastard of your spawn and everyone else. She 'll make sure you live long enough to see it all burn and die," grinned the vampire. He sounded nervous and desperate, but he managed to laugh and keep a smirk on his face.
Trevor's hand trembled with fury, his face twitched with rage and he felt his blood boil throughout his body. In one quick swipe he managed to split the vampire open from bottom to top. Blood pouring and gushing in all directions until finally the body lay torn apart on the floor, the blood pooling around what was left of him. Alucard moved the sword out of Trevor's hand with his mind and looked at the dead bodies.
The two of them stood motionless for only a moment until finally Trevor composed himself. He inhaled deeply and turned to Alucard. "You need to go back immediately. Find Sypha and protect her. Protect everyone, I'll be there as quickly as I can, if I don't return...then I'm dead. In which case you need to be prepared for whatever this is-" he pointed at the dead vampires.
"He wanted a quick death Trevor, he knew how to trigger you," Alucard tried to calm him down. Trevor was already walking back to his horse. "These are Carmilla's soldiers! Why are they here, Alucard? They found the castle, they found us! Now they want war," he untied the reins from the branch and braced himself as he climbed onto the horse.
Alucard quickly ran a hand under the horse's reins, keeping it from moving. "Let me at least, set that back for you," he insisted. Trevor bit his lip and sighed.
Alucard snapped the wrist back in place and Trevor winced in pain. "FUCKING HELL!"
Alucard nodded. "There's some things that might be broken but it isn't bad-"
"That's because their not your bones," grunted Trevor.
Alucard smiled and let go of the reins, stepping aside. "Ride as fast as you can, I'll be back at the Castle. If anything happens look out for smoke, we'll signal you if there's danger."
Trevor took hold of his reins and nodded, "She's going to bloody kill me."
Alucard chuckled and raised a golden brow, "Probably. I don't know how she stands you." Then in a blink of an eye Alucard was gone, on his way back home.
Trevor clicked his tongue and kicked his heel to the sides of the horse, prompting him to trot and then run. "Neither do I," he muttered to himself before he continued his journey back home.
(Writer’s note 📝: It’s not easy to have my stories reached out to more readers, so if you could be so kind as to reblog this for more people to read it, I’d greatly appreciate it. I hardly know if anyone does ready my stories, but if you are reading this now, and enjoying it then I’m very much happy. Please feel free to leave a comment, message me or create a fanart based on my writings. 🖤)
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hostess-of-horror · 3 years
For Science!
[M.B is my Cadetsona OC, Carmilla de la Cruz is my OC, and M.J. belongs to @sleepy-heads-blog.]
[It's a cool autumn afternoon. The clouds gather in the sky, blanketing the city with its sweet, chill breeze. Sam and Max are off on another case and M.B. is once again in charge of watching over M.J. Since it's October, they decide to head over to check out the local Halloween store. When they arrive, the store was massive - bigger than the ones M.B. had been before. All around them are thousands of costumes and a whole section full of animatronics, which M.J. avoided like the plague. They fooled around with the masks, showing off their favorites to each other. But out of everything they found, they gravitated toward the decorations.]
M.B.: "Ah yes, home decor all year 'round!"
M.J.: *giggles*
M.B.: "If I had all the money in the world, I think almost a quarter of it would be on these." *picks up a coffin-shaped jar* "This would be perfect for the kitchen."
M.J.: *picks up a black small candelabra* "And this would be for the living room."
M.B.: *smiles* "Oooh, I like it! I personally enjoy candles as a source of light, right next to the twinkling lights."
????: "Do you need help with anything?"
[Both M.J. and M.B. turn to see an employee, dressed in her festive black-and-orange vest. She is copper-skinned and sports bright hazel eyes. Her chocolate brown hair is pulled up into an intricate braid and decorated with floral sugar skulls. Across her face are freckles and above her eyes is a unibrow. On her name tag reads in bold black letters: "Carmila."]
M.B.: "Oh no, we're just looking."
M.J.: "They're all really cool!"
Carmilla: "Si, there are! My personal favorites are these right there."
[She motions over to the far left of the aisle and turns their attention towards a garland of jewel-colored flowers and venus flytraps. In some of the flowers are little eyeballs and the others small sharp teeth.]
M.B.: "Oh wow, I didn't even noticed! These are beautiful."
M.J.: *gasps* "Look, Miss M.B.! Venus flytraps! And they look just like Audrey II!"
Carmilla: "Audrey II?"
M.B.: "Audrey II is a giant man-eating venus flytrap from Little Shop of Horrors."
Carmilla: "Ah, I remember hearing about that. Is it any good?"
M.J.: "Yeah! If you like musicals, that is."
Carmilla: "I'll have to watch it next time. Well, if you guys need anything, just holler."
M.B.: "We will, thank you."
Carmilla: "De nada."
[An hour passes. M.B. and M.J. leave after a shopping spree of Halloween treats and toys, including the flower garland. As they are walking out of the store, they notice Carmilla having trouble with her car. The car's engine refuses to start up. She curses in her native tongue.]
M.B.: "Having some trouble?"
Carmilla: "I'd appreciate it l, but I don't got the money to fix it. I only have so much."
M.J.: "Oh, oh! We can help you with that! I know someone who can fix your car, and she'll do it for free."
Carmilla: "Really?"
M.J.: "My sister is really good at that kind of stuff."
[Carmilla looks over to M.B.]
Carmilla: "Can you really?"
M.B.: "Oh no! I'm not his sister! I'm actually just a family friend and Cadet for the Freelance Police."
M.J.: *to M.B.* "But you do treat me nicely like a sister, though."
M.B.: *to M.J.* "Well, it's pretty hard not to when you're watching over a cute little bunny." *pats his head* "Anyway, yeah! Her name is Geek. She's like a child prodigy for all sorts of things, from science to inventions to automobiles. We can call her if you want."
Carmilla: "Ah, gracias, you two! You are a lifesaver!"
[M.B. grabs her phone and calls up Geek. Geek reluctantly agrees, saying that she's not just some mechanic to call for help all the time. After a half an hour, Geek arrives.]
Geek: "Alright...." *sighs* "What do we have her-?"
[Geek pauses. She notices Carmilla, her voice trailing off into silence. She stares for a few seconds. M.J. giggles. Geek suddenly snaps out of awkward pause and continues.]
Geek: *flustered* "U-um, yes! You need your car fixed? N-no problem! Let's get this... engine fixed! For science!"
[As Geek proceeds to fix the engine, Carmilla smirks. M.B. and M.J. try to contain their stiffled laughter, giving each other looks. Carmilla watches as Geek impressively fixes the engine in a matter of minutes.]
Geek: *wipes off the sweat of her forehead* "There we go! Good as new!"
Carmilla: "Gracias, Geek. I really do appreciate you're help." *puts her hand in her pocket* "Here..."
Geek: "Oh no! You don't have to pay me anything, Miss, I'm just happy to help some-"
[Carmilla places a small piece of paper on Geek's hand. Geek looks at it, puzzled. Carmilla gets close to her ear.]
Carmilla: *whispers* "Llámame..."
[As Carmilla turns on her car and drives off, Geek unfolds the piece of paper. Written in pen is her phone number. Geek stands there, stunned in silence. Her face goes red as a lobster. M.B. and M.J. continue giggling.]
M.B.: *imitating Geek* "For science!"
M.J.: "Oh my God, we will never let you live that down!"
Geek: "Shut up, M.J.!"
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good-and-safe · 7 years
Prompt! Hollstein and the quotes "Are you drunk?" and "Don't call me that!" ~Fox
i’m doing this as a HMT!verse prompt and it’s set somewhere amidst the events of chapter six. thanks fox!!
You’re at The Roof with the usual suspects - Kirsch and the rest of your squadron - when some drunk college idiots start making a ruckus down the bar from you. It disrupts your group’s conversation, but only for a moment. Kirsch recovers quickly and turns to you.
“So,” he starts with a smile that tells you that you won’t like what follows. “How’s the little nerd?”
“She has a name, you know,” you say, taking a long pull from your drink.
“I know that, but this is more fun for me.”
“Because it’s annoying?”
“Duh,” he shrugs with a grin.
“So how is she?” Carson asks, steering the conversation back to your ridiculous sham of a marriage.
“Uptight as ever,” you say, before motioning to Brody behind the bar. “Another, and make it a double.”
“I thought you were getting along better,” Kirsch says, leaning back against the bartop.
“We are. That’s the problem.”
“I’m… confused,” Billy says.
“Yeah,” Reese adds, “how’s that an issue?”
Just then, Brody sets down your drink and a shot.
“On the house,” he tells you, “to survive this mockery of an interrogation.”
You down the shot quickly and chase it with your drink. Your very strong drink. Brody never disappoints.
Kirsch points to you and says, “See that? That’s Carmilla for” - he puts on a voice that you think is meant to sound like you - “‘she’s making me feel things and I’m Carmilla Karnstein and no one makes me feel my own feelings!’”
“Okay, Wilson, that’s enough.”
“Dude,” he says, voice softer. “At our bar? Not cool, man.”
“Fine - just - let’s drop it.”
Kirsch perks back up. “Chugging contest?”
“Only if you get me the finest German beer this place has to offer.”
Too many beers and not enough minutes later, your arm is being raised in victory. You wipe the beer mustache above your lip away with your free arm and let loose a serious belch.
“Karnstein remains the queen!” Brody announces to the small crowd that’s gathered.
“As if there was ever a doubt,” you say, pushing yourself to your feet, wobbling a little as you do. “Whoa.”
You pat Kirsch’s back as he downs the last of his beer before slamming the stein down on the table in front of him.
“Fuuuuuuuuuck, man.”
“Obvs, like totally,” Kirsch adds in his finest Valley Girl voice.
“Okay, so,” Brody cuts in, “he’s done for the night.”
You, however, are not, so while Kirsch sips some water, you continue drinking - albeit at a much, much slower pace - and you both continue talking and laughing with your friends. The Roof clears out a little but somehow gets louder, but that’s probably because those remaining are too drunk to have volume control.
You head over to the jukebox in the corner to switch the music, as you always do on Fridays around this time, when the college guys from earlier call to you.
“What’s new, pussycat?!”
You turn on your heel, which goes more smoothly than it should considering how many drinks you’ve had tonight.
“Excuse me?”
“Come over and play, kitty,” one of them says and you feel your stomach drop.
Your vision blurs and for a moment - a split second - the dark-haired boy’s face morphs into a more familiar one, a more beloved one: Will’s.
That second passes and you see the face for what it really is: a drunk, belligerent assbag.
“Here, kitty!” he says and you stalk toward him, shoulders drawn up. “Aw, kitty’s on the prowl!”
You reach the bar, grab the idiot by front of his shirt, and say, “Don’t you fucking dare call me that.”
Just then, you feel strong arms wrap around your waist and then your feet are no longer touching the ground. If you didn’t recognize Kirsch’s cologne, you’d kick and fight, but you let him carry you a few steps back.
“Breathe, Carmilla. Breathe.”
You don’t realize until just that moment that you’d been holding your breath and you exhale sharply. The back of your throat pangs and Will’s voice seems to echo in your head. Kirsch sets you down and you turn to face him.
“You good?”
“Yeah,” you say. “Whatever, I just - I’m g’nna get some air.”
“Want me to come with?”
You shake your head.
“Thank you, but no. Keep an eye on those fuckers.”
“Roger that.”
Before you know it, you’re in the alley beside The Roof, crouching, back against the cold brick of the building. You’re willing yourself not to cry, but you’ve had a lot to drink and you just - you miss your brother.
You pull your phone from your pocket and before you can think about it, you call Laura.
It only rings twice before she picks up.
“Carm?” she asks.
“Hi,” you say and to your own ears, your voice sounds weak.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, mhmm. I just - I’m at Th’ Roof and some guy - it’s just - Will’s dead.”
“Carm, are you drunk?”
“Very, cupcake. A lot. But ‘m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine.”
You let silence settle between the two of you before you say, “I wanna come home.”
“So come home.”
“I don’t - well - I can’t ‘member how to get there.”
“Carm,” Laura says with what sounds like a mixture of amusement and sadness. “I’ll be there in ten, alright? Stay put.”
You rejoin your friends, if only to tell Kirsch that you’re leaving. They all pretend as if you hadn’t just tried to fight a frat boy and you’re reminded, once more, that you know some of the best people in this city. Laura comes through the door even sooner than you expect and something in your chest settles.
“Hi guys,” she says, bright and sunny as always, regardless of the fact that it’s nearing 1:00am.
“Hey Laura,” the group says, nearly in unison.
She turns to you then and asks, “Ready to head out?” You nod and Laura loops her arm through yours and tugs you gently toward the door. “Have a good night, everyone! Get home safe, please.”
“Will do,” Kirsch says, and you ignore the content grin he shoots your way.
Laura leads you back to the loft, arm still looped around yours the entire way, and when you get to her building, she pulls you up the stairs. The two of you reach the third floor, Laura passes it and continues up the stairs. You resist a little in confusion and Laura stop walking.
“Trust me,” she says, nodding toward the stairs. “I know a place.”
You follow Laura, who leads you to a heavy metal door that you find out leads to the roof. She pushes the door open and then holds it for you.
“Thought you could use some fresh air,” she says, shrugging. “Plus, it’s clear out tonight.”
Your throat tightens again and all you manage is a nod before you pass Laura and walk out onto the roof. The cool air hits you and you pull in the first fulfilling breath since you heard the word “kitty.” You walk out to the center of the roof and you don’t feel Laura follow. She’s right, though, and it’s clear enough to see the night stars, even with the lights of the city shining bright.
You sit down, cross-legged, eyes trained on the sky, focusing on your breathing. Laura joins you then, mirroring your position, her right knee resting on your left. The contact shifts your gaze from the sky to Laura and she’s unfolding a blanket.
“Where did you magic that from?”
Laura nods to her left and says, “Storage closet, for just such an occasion,” as she wraps the blanket around the both of you.
“Thanks,” you say, voice soft.
“Wouldn’t want you freezing to death up here.”
“No, I mean - for coming to get me, but also this - thank you.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
You look back up to the sky and start counting stars. You feel yourself gaining a bit of sobriety.
“I miss my brother. I always do, but - there was this guy at the bar being gross and he called me the nickname Will always called me and I just…” you trail off.
“I’m so sorry,” Laura says.
You shrug and say, “It’s whatever.”
“It’s not, Carm. I know you like to act like you’re tough as nails but it’s okay to be upset. It’s also okay to accept help when it’s offered, which you did tonight!”
“Silver linings, huh?”
“Silver linings.”
Shortly thereafter, you and Laura retire to the loft and you head straight for the couch, opting not to even bother changing into sleep shorts. You let yourself fall onto the couch and get situated on your side, back to the back of the couch. Your body feels heavy with grief and alcohol and exhaustion and you’re just dozing off when you feel a dip in the couch near your feet. 
You open your eyes and Laura’s there, looking down on you.
“You okay to sleep now?” You nod and she continues, “Okay, just, y’know, come get me if you need anything. There’s a glass of water if you need it.”
“Thanks, Laura.”
She smiles and you think her cheeks redden a bit. Then she pushes herself to her feet and retrieves a blanket from the wicker basket beside the couch. She lays it over you and fusses until she’s content that you’re comfortable. 
“Thanks for letting your guard down tonight. You’re safe with me,” Laura says, and you drift off into a peaceful rest.
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