#carol danvers x reader x steve rogers x natasha romanoff
angelltheninth · 27 days
Marvel Characters + Angst
Pairing: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Carol Danvers, Tony Stark, Peter Parker x Reader
Tags: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, nightmares, injury, protectiveness, kissing, tears, cuddles
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters
A/N: I'm feelings angsty today and now you will too.
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Steve has a hard time adjusting to a time of peace when he's known battle and wars for more time than most people. You can see he's always high strung, tense, like he's waiting for something to go wrong. Because of this you can't relax either, despite him telling you that you should. He can't take his own advice. No matter what activity you do together there's that voice at the back of his head that's telling him he has to be ready for action at any moment, he needs to protect you at all times.
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Bucky often has nightmares of the things he was forced to do under Hydra's command. When you're not there he can have several sleepless nights but he claims that he's used to getting little to no sleep so there's no need for you to worry about him. Usually he has to be convinced to sleep without his prosthetic arm since he can experience phantom pain without it but he's also more likely to have nightmares with it on. He likes you comforting him when he keeps his head on your lap and you gently run your fingers through his hair.
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Sam has had a lot on his plate lately, being the new Captain America and trying to balance that new life with dating you. Sometimes you overhear him talking on the phone, frustrated with whoever is on the other end, and himself for not being with you more. This could lead to a break up if he isn't careful, he doesn't think you'd leave hum but at the same time he thinks you deserve a boyfriend who is always there for you. All these doubts creep into his head even when you tell him you love him more than anyone, he just has to believe those words.
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Natasha often hides her feelings of sadness and doubt from you, to a Black Widow it's not a hard task at all. Except you know your girlfriend well enough by now to be able to tell when she's keeping things from you. She doesn't want to, she really doesn't, usually she's happy to share things from her past with you, even the bad, because she wants you to know what you're getting into. Still when she thinks you might get hurt because of her old enemies she makes sure to work extra hard to be able to protect you from any threat.
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Clint was a much cockier man when you first started dating, but the years of superhero work and the years you spent apart changed him. There were still parts of him that were the same, parts of the man you fell in love with but there was also the darker parts that he insisted on keeping from you. He always keeps you close at night, his grip tight, scared that you might slip from his fingers if he lets go. The last thing he wants is to give you a reason to leave him again, he wouldn't be able to handle another life without you in it.
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Kate was really excited to tell you about her new role as an Avenger, sort of, she's a protégé of her favorite Avenger so close enough. You were happy to see her happy but of course you reminded her that she needed to be careful when she was going on patrol or missions. Of course you expected that she would get a few bruises and injuries here and there, what you didn't expect is for her to turn up at your doorstep barely able to stand on her own. She kept telling you it's not that bad but when she can't even kiss without wincing it's pretty bad.
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Carol doesn't really date, she never has, all she had were on and off relationships, some who lasted longer some who were pretty short. With her constant moving around space that was what she figured was best for her emotions and anyone she gets with, no expectations, just honesty. She really hated that she started to like you as much as she did. It complicated everything, she wanted to spend all her free time with you, and you with her, you managed to tear down all the walls she put around herself.
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Tony is well known for being a playboy but when he started dating you it was obvious that he was getting more than a little emotionally invested. He started calling you whenever he was free, flirting, telling you he missed the sound of your voice. The first thing he'd do when he was done with work was visit you, showering you with affection, kisses, gifts, anything you want. No matter what the press say he is fully enamored with you, he only hopes you take him seriously and don't feel like he's playing with you for the fun of it.
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Peter got a lot more protective of you when you started dating. On the surface he was still the happy, bubbly guy that charmed his way into your heart but underneath he was getting more and more anxious. Torn between telling you his identity and keeping it a secret since he knew how bad that could end, and he certainly didn't want to put you in danger by knowing his secret. However keeping a secret began to take a tole on him, he began making mistakes, getting hurt, and eventually getting caught by you.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 10 months
Merry Christmas
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Summary: It’s the most wonderful time of the year. You and Natasha are off to the annual Stark Christmas Party. Little does the team know that a special surprise awaits them.
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Natasha x reader, Avengers x reader (platonic).
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: This is part 2 to Happy Thanksgiving! I recommend reading it first, but it can be read as a stand-alone story as well. I hope you enjoy!
“Be down in a minute, malyshka!” Natasha called from the bedroom. 
You were standing in the cozy kitchen, savoring spoonfuls of creamy peanut butter straight from the jar, drizzled with rich chocolate sauce. You jokingly referred to it as your "homemade Reese's." It was your first pregnancy craving, prompting Nat to rush to the corner grocery store at 2 am to procure the duo of ingredients.
"No need to worry, my dear!" I'm all set for Tony's yearly Christmas gathering at the estate. I'm wearing a stunning green Sequin-Lace Halter Twist-Neck Jumpsuit, and my growing baby bump adds an extra glow to the outfit.
Natasha's arrival was announced by the confident click of her high heels. A few moments later, she appeared in a stunning, sleek red midi dress with a scoop-back design, perfectly accentuating her figure.
"Wow, Nat, you look absolutely stunning in red. It's definitely your color," you complimented.
Her smirk grew as she put on her earrings, 'So, you're choosing it over the black?' she teased.
"I never said that, did I?" with a cheeky wink.
"Is the little one loving the homemade Reese’s?" she said, grabbing her clutch.
Absolutely!" I exclaimed, setting aside the tempting chocolate and peanut butter. "How about we whip up some delicious fudge tomorrow?
"Is it because the baby has such a sweet tooth?" Nat playfully teased.
"Absolutely," you giggled coyly.
"Whatever the baby wants, I guess," she said as she enveloped you in a warm embrace, then leaned over to plant a tender kiss on your belly.
"Are you ready to drop the baby bomb tonight?" Patting Nat's head affectionately.
“I'm feeling a bit nervous," she confessed, standing upright. "I remember how everyone reacted when they learned about Clint's family. I can't help but wonder how they'll take this news.
“They will embrace their roles as the wonderful aunts and uncles they were meant to be,” you said, grabbing your wife's hand. “Plus, announcing it with the Christmas crackers is a cute idea.”
"I hope so," she whispered before planting a gentle kiss on your lips. 
Can you believe Yelena still hasn't spilled the beans?” you asked.
"Oh, that's because I warned her that if she told anyone, I would make her run with me every morning at 5 am until the baby is born," Natasha explained.
“Well played,” you replied, high-fiving your wife. 
Thank you," she smiled. "Now, come on, let's go and get into the holiday spirit.
As we drove to the compound, the snowflakes delicately blanketed the landscape, creating a picturesque scene of holiday cheer. Each house we passed was adorned with shimmering Christmas lights, casting a warm, enchanting glow upon the neighborhood. I reached out to hold Natasha's hand, our fingers naturally intertwining as I pressed a tender kiss to the back of her hand, savoring the moment.
Upon our arrival at the compound, a rush of inviting warmth enveloped us as you both stepped into the lobby. Natasha brushed the delicate snowflakes from your hair and coat, her caring touch bringing a sense of comfort. Together, you made our way onto the elevator, where the voice of FRIDAY greeted us, creating a tranquil atmosphere as we continued our journey.
“Ladies, Merry Christmas, and welcome to the annual Stark Christmas party!”
“Merry Christmas, FRIDAY. How’s the party so far?” You asked as the elevator hum carried you up to the living quarters.
“The festivities are in full swing. Mr. Stark is treating the guests to a medley of lively and heartwarming Christmas carols,” FRIDAY explained.
"Of course he is," you chuckled.
“He only plays that baby grand after a few drinks," Nat added. "After our month-long covert op in Romania, we flew back, and he decided to mark the occasion with a tipsy performance of ABBA’s Dancing Queen.”
"Ah, I can't believe I missed it!" you groaned, pretending to be disappointed.
As the elevator doors slid open, the vibrant red and green decorations instantly caught your eye, along with the magnificent 12-foot-tall Noble Fir Christmas tree that stood proudly in the heart of the common area. It was evident that Pepper had poured her heart into adorning the tree, carefully draping it in an array of colored lights and delicate silver and gold ornaments. The festive ambiance filled the air, evoking a sense of warmth and holiday cheer.
"Look who's here - the Romanoff's have arrived!" Clint cheered as his kids eagerly ran over to greet you and Natahsa.
As Nate leaped into your wife's embrace, you welcomed Lila and Cooper with warm hugs. Each time you saw the Barton kids, it became apparent that they had grown a little more. Banner and Cho made carrying a child that would be a combination of both your and Natasha's genes possible. Observing the striking resemblance of Clint and Laura's children to their parents, you eagerly anticipated discovering which traits your little plum would inherit from each of you.
Natasha leaned in and planted a kiss on Nathaniel's cheek. "How's my little namesake?" she grinned. "Have you been practicing those punch and kick combinations I taught you?
"Practicing the what?" Laura asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, nothing,” Natasha flashed a sly smile as Nate burst into laughter.
"You both look amazing! The green and red combination is really working for you," Clint said.
Thanks! I have to say that your Christmas sweater is quite lovely. I really dig Rudolph's glowing nose." You don't see that very often!” You teased.
“Hey, the Barton’s are the cream of the crop when it comes to ugly Christmas sweaters.”
“Clearly,” Nat stated.
"I’ll take your coats," Cooper graciously offered.
"Wow, thank you. What a gentleman," you said with a wink as you handed him yours and Natasha’s pea coats.
Looking around, you spotted Wanda adding the final decorations to trays of delicious Christmas cookies. You put a hand on Nat’s shoulder and motioned toward the kitchen. She gave you a quick nod as you meandered over to the counter. 
"Wanda, Wanda, Wanda... What do we have here?" you inquired with a sly grin.
Y/N! It's so good to see you," she exclaimed, her arms wrapping around me in one of her signature warm and comforting hugs that I always loved. "This is my parents' famous Christmas cookie recipe," she proudly announced, holding up a worn and stained piece of paper. "I managed to convince Tony and Pepper to let me take charge of the desserts this year. So, we've got batches of freshly baked cookies, the decadent Viennese torte chilling in the fridge, and the pumpkin pie just coming out to cool on the counter.
Wow, you've been keeping busy," you said with a smile. "Is there anything I can do to lend a hand?
"Sure, you can take a cookie and go mingle. I'll be finished in a few minutes," she said, handing you a delightful cookie shaped like Santa. As you bit into it, you were amazed. It was the most delicious cookie you had ever tasted.
"Wow, Wanda! This is fantastic!" you exclaimed excitedly.
"That's exactly why I'll always champion homemade goodies over store-bought ones. Now, come on, go join the fun," she said, playfully shooing you away.
You turned around to see your wife, elegantly positioned by the fireplace, conversing with Steve with a champagne glass. As you began crossing the room, Kate and Lucky, adorned in festive attire, intercepted your path.
"Y/N! It's been ages! How have you been?" Kate exclaimed, her face lighting up with excitement.
"Hey, Kate! It's great to see you and Lucky enjoying the party," while giving the Golden Retriever some affectionate pets.
"Kate joyfully exclaimed, "Yes, say hello to Santa Paws and Mrs. Claus!" Sadly, we can't seem to find Yelena. She's our dedicated elf." Kate glanced around the room with concern.
Wait, Yelena is actually dressed as an elf?!" Your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, that's fantastic.”
“Yeah, if you see her, will you send her our way? We’re supposed to take the photo for our holiday card tonight,” Kate explained.
"Nothing would make me happier," you said with a smirk and a hand resting on Kate's shoulder.
You bid farewell to the young archer and her loyal pup before rejoining your wife.
"Hey detka," Nat greeted, gently wrapping her arm around your waist.
"Y/N, I was just telling your wife that she needs to find her holiday spirit and come Christmas caroling with us next week," Steve stated.
"Natasha singing? I'm not convinced that would do wonders for the community's morale," you quipped.
Nat giggled at the remark, "Says the woman who performs one-woman tributes to Harry Styles in the shower?"
“Hey" you interrupted, "I'll have you know that my performance of Sign of the Times has been receiving high praise.
A moment later, Tony and Pepper joined your little group, with Morgan walking alongside them.
"Hey there, Romanoffs! You've got to taste this amazing Hot Buttered Rum," Tony exclaimed.
I adore Hot Buttered Rum, but I'm in the mood for some sparkling cider tonight," you explained. "I bet Nat would enjoy some, though. Don't you think, sweetheart?”
"Sure," she said, grabbing the glass from Tony's hand. Steve looked back at you curiously.
As you looked down at Morgan, who was sitting on the cozy ottoman next to the crackling fireplace, you couldn't help but feel a deep connection. Ever since you discovered that you were expecting a baby, your heart has been inexplicably drawn to children in a way you had never experienced before.
"Hey there, cutie!" you exclaimed to the young Stark. "You're looking lovely tonight," as you crouched down to her eye level.
"Thank you so much, Aunt Y/N," she said with a big grin.
“Are you getting excited for Christmas?" you inquired. "You're at the top of Santa's nice list this year!
“Really?!” Morgan squealed.
"Definitely! I have a feeling the man in red will bring you some amazing surprises this year," you winked.
Hey, did you catch that, Daddy? Aunt Y/N just told me that I'm at the very top of the nice list!
“I sure did, squirt. I didn’t realize Aunt Y/N was so tight with St. Nick,” Tony said, eyeing you coyly.
"Of course, we're on a first-name basis. I'm amazed you're not," you said with a smirk, looking at the billionaire. You had a strong bond with Tony, treating him like a brother, but you couldn't resist teasing him.
Trust me, Mrs. Romanoff," Tony said with a smirk. "I'm way closer to Santa than you are.
“Do you have a direct line to the North Pole?” You countered.
"Are you getting milk and cookies flown in from Holland? You know those are his absolute favorites," Tony remarked, giving you a knowing look.
"Alright, that's it," your wife said as she touched your shoulders from behind. "You both know Santa. You both have giant egos. Merry Christmas," Nat mocked. "Come on, Tony, let's grab some hors d'oeuvres for our better halves. I'll be right back, detka," she said, leading the billionaire toward the kitchen.
You couldn’t help but admire Natasha as she walked away. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled at you with all the love in the world. You just about melted right there in front of the fireplace. Snapping out of your love daze, you noticed Pepper grinning at you.
“What?” you asked.
"Oh, nothing. I just can’t help but notice how glowing you look tonight," Pepper said as Morgan pulled her away towards Clint’s kids, while Steve strolled away to join Bucky in conversation with Rhodes.
"Hey, psst... psst!" a voice suddenly whispered.
You suddenly spun around just in time to see a styrofoam snowball hurtling towards your face. With lightning-fast reflexes, you snatched it out of the air smoothly.
"Great snag," a Russian voice exclaimed.
"Yelena, where are you?" You glanced around, but couldn't see my sister-in-law anywhere.
"Over here!" she called out, peeking from behind the towering seven-foot snowman beside the pool table.
"Aww, you look absolutely adorable as an elf," you giggled.
Yelena's voice was barely audible as she uttered, "If you weren't pregnant with my niece or nephew, you would be hanging upside down from the rafters right now."
"Do you know that Kate and Lucky are looking for you?" you asked.
“Why do you think I’m hiding behind the enormous snowman? Kate Bishop forced me to dress in this saccharin American Christmas costume, and now she wants photographic evidence of it.” Yelena said.
"Because she loves you, silly," she said with a smile, arms crossed over her chest.
"Dinner time, detka. Let's go," Natasha called out and then abruptly halted, bursting into laughter at the sight of her sister.
“Tred carefully, sestra,” Yelena threatened. 
Nope, I'm loving this. Isn't this the new mission suit attire?" she said, playfully tapping the bell hanging from her elf hat. "Maybe we can convince Stark to level up this outfit with some Widow Bites action.
“Do you have a death wish?” Yelena sneered.
“Come on, you adorable elf, it’s time for dinner,” you say as you place an arm around your best friend’s shoulder.
As you sat next to your wife at the elegant Astoria Grand Giovani dining table, the soft touch of Natasha's hand sent a gentle warmth through you. You turned to her and caught her shy smile; her cheeks tinged with a rosy, festive blush.
Pepper rose from her seat beside Tony at the head of the lavishly decorated holiday table. With warmth in her voice and a genuine smile, she addressed the gathered guests. "Before we savor this delectable holiday spread, I want to express our deep gratitude for every one of you being here," she said, gently clasping Tony's hand. "Every person in this room understands the preciousness of life, and we cherish every moment together. We want you to know how much we love you, and we wish you all a Merry Christmas."
"Cheers!" Thor exclaimed a few seats away, raising his glass as clinking filled the table.
The festive Christmas feast brought an abundance of delightful dishes to savor. The centerpiece was a perfectly roasted turkey, surrounded by tempting trimmings. Freshly baked bread, creamy mashed potatoes, and garden-fresh vegetables, delicately roasted and complemented with balsamic vinegar, graced the table. Laughter filled the air as the group indulged in cheerful conversation and shared a medley of lighthearted, albeit incredibly corny, jokes.
As the evening progressed, pregnancy mood swings began to intensify. Amidst the gathering, a wave of emotion washed over you as you and your extended family relished the holiday season together.
"Y/N, are you alright?" Carol's eyes held a deep sense of concern as she gazed at you from across the table.
Oh, yeah," you say, dabbing at the corner of your eyes with a napkin. "I'm fine.
"The holidays always tug at her heartstrings," Natasha covered, resting her head on your shoulder.
After your delicious dinner, you assisted Wanda in setting up the dessert spread. Placing the Christmas cookies in the center, you carefully arranged the Viennese torte and the pumpkin pie on either side. As the evening progressed, you passed around coffee and dessert wine; all enjoying the company and the sweet treats.
The room was filled with the cozy warmth of full bellies and slightly sleepy eyes as the group relaxed in the living room. Soft, enchanting Christmas music filled the air, creating the perfect backdrop for the kids' lively discussions about their Christmas wishes and what they hoped Santa would bring them this year.
"Alright, Kate Bishop, let's hurry up with this photo. I can't wait to change into my pajamas," Yelena declared as she reluctantly rose from the couch.
You got it! Stay right there. Come here, Lucky," Kate called out as the dog happily bounded over. "Vision, could you snap the photo for us?
"Of course, Ms. Bishop," he said, confidently taking the Canon EOS R-50 from the archer's hands.
“It is customary to say cheese before a picture, but since it is Christmas time, perhaps you should say mistletoe?” Vision inquired.
"Just take the picture," Yelena said dryly, a hint of impatience in her voice.
Kate's voice echoed through the room, 'Mistletoe!'
"Hey, we're getting one of these cards, right?" you eagerly looked at your wife.
“I had Kate put us down for two,” she smirked.
As darkness descended, you leaned back and rested your tired head on Nat's comforting lap, feeling the soothing sensation of her fingers gently running through your hair.
Natasha glanced at her watch, noting the late hour. "Are you ready to drop the baby bomb?"
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'll grab the Christmas crackers," you declared, getting up from the sofa.
"Hey everyone, Y/N and I have a surprise for you," your wife nervously announced as you handed out the gold and silver novelties to the team.
"Christmas crackers? Seriously? I was expecting something a bit more extravagant… Oww!" Tony complained as Pepper playfully pinched his arm.
You smiled nervously, your heart racing as you reached for Natasha. The snap of the festive crackers echoed merrily across the room, adding to the holiday cheer. Clint's eyes lit up as he was the first to reach inside and carefully remove the tiny gift from the cracker. The little round ceramic white ornament, delicately tied to a vibrant red ribbon, appeared in his hand, reflecting the warm glow of the holiday lights. Lila, Cooper, and Nate, their faces filled with excitement and curiosity, eagerly huddled around their dad to get a glimpse as Clint slowly turned the ornament to read the inscription, a moment of joy and togetherness shared by the entire family.
"Uncle Clint?" he read, looking up at Natasha in complete shock.
Sam couldn't believe it and shouted, "No way!"
As Wanda, Carol, and Kate gazed upon their unique ornaments, they couldn't help but shout a collective scream of joy. Each ornament proudly displayed its name, followed by the cherished title of "Aunt."
Thor exclaimed, 'This is joyous news!'
Pepper jumped to her feet and wrapped you in a bear hug, while Laura did the same with Natasha.
“How far along are you?” Wanda asked.
“Almost three months,” Yelena cut in.
"Wait, you knew?! Why didn't you tell me?" Kate yelled, slapping her girlfriend on the arm.
“Because I want to sleep in!” Yelena shouted.
"Nat, I'm thrilled for you," Steve exclaimed, gently kissing her cheek.
Bucky enveloped you in a warm embrace, planting a soft kiss on your head.
"Are you prepared to take on the role of Uncle Bucky?" You lock eyes with him.
His face froze in sheer panic, like a deer caught in the headlights.
“You’ll be great, Buck,” you chuckled. 
Bruce and Helen wrapped Natasha in a warm, heartfelt embrace, simultaneously holding her close from both sides.
Helen turned to you with a look of relief. "Now that everyone knows, we can openly discuss your pregnancy," she said. "Have you been taking your prenatal vitamins regularly?
"Don't forget, you've got an appointment on Friday," Bruce said.
Without a second thought, you replied, "Yes and yes," as Natasha leaned in to gently kiss your cheek, followed by another on your belly.
Tony swaggered up to you with his trademark smirk playing at the corners of his lips. Bracing yourself for one of his classic Stark one-liners or a cheeky joke, you were entirely taken off guard when he unexpectedly enveloped you in a comforting and heartfelt hug.
“Congratulations, Romanoff,” Tony said. “It looks like you do know Santa best.” 
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 7
Summary: As the party dies down the avengers spend some time bonding and peter joins them for the team bonding.
TW: Alcohol (that’s it I think)
Words: 2196
A/n I finally found time to write again and so I present to you this band new chapter \(>u<)/. Enjoy. Also, I know I said I would post it as one long chapter but … ig I lied? We are getting to the secret reveal soon. Only about one or two more chapters until we find out what the Parker’s are hiding. I’m so mad cuz I wrote the next chapter, but it didn’t save so I have to rewrite it which is why I’m just posting what I have here and why it’s taken so long sorry guys.
After you were led around and introduced to some more people Wanda and Nat led you back to the small area from before with a couple couches. By now the party had begun to die down with most of the guests, or who peter referred to as Stark Industries NPC’s, leaving for the night.
As you settled on a couch with the others it was now just the team, most of which you had been introduced to by now. Some introductions had been rather short but yo were working with these people so you would defiantly have time to get to know them better. Some of them you would be even living with.
The night had been a success for the most part. Earlier Thor had arrived along with his promise of asgaurdian liquor. After consulting with JARVIS it was confirmed that your metabolism was a match to Steve’s meaning you could stomach the god’s alcohol without getting poisoned.
This had of course led to you getting properly drunk or at least on the way to it, for the first time since the bite. Unfortunately, Nat had caught onto your plan rather easily and cut you off much to your displeasure.
Now with the team spread out across the couches, most with a drink in had or some assortment of fruity cocktail the banter had picked up as the music had died down and the guests all left.
“So, spider-kid whats your story?” Bucky asked and you adjusted your position on the couch suddenly feeling a little nervous with all eyes now on you. You felt a hand squeeze yours as you looked over, seeing wanda giving you an encouraging nod from where she held your hand beside you on the couch.
“Not much different to Peter.” You said.
“But somewhat different, right?” Sam said.
“Well … yeah.” You shrugged. “Same old spider bite, different powers, different life choices.” You said with a vague noncommittal shrug.
“So, where you been all this time?” Steve asked in a kind way.
“Queens.” You shrugged. “Small apartment, big rent, crap job until I started my own business, then I was planning on moving but you guys decided to level my apartment block to save people.” You shrugged.
“Sorry about that.” Steve said.
“I’m sure you’ll make it up to me.” You grinned sipping the soft drink Nat had given you instead of alcohol.
“Hey, I let you live here, didn’t I?” Tony said with a grin.
“But you did kind of destroy all her stuff Mr stark.” Peter said from where he had snuck in and sat down unnoticed.
“Hey, you're not supposed to be at these.” Tony said. “And I bought her new stuff.”
“Its just the team Mr Stark nobody else is here. Can I stay please?” Peter begged looking at you to back him up and pouting when you threw your hands up.
“I don’t know May said no alcohol.” He begun and suddenly May piped up making stark jump.
“Its fine Tony, just don’t give him any and keep an eye on him.” She said from where she was sat with pepper.
“Jesus woman. I forgot you were here. Don’t scare me, I have a heart condition you know.” Tony said as somewhere in the background sam continued laughing at him.
“Pepper said I could stay the night, and we could have a girl's day tomorrow.” May said grinning.
“Sounds like some shenanigans I want nothing to do with. I assume it will be at my expense.” Tony said sounding amused.
“Of course.” Pepper said.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” May added.
“I’ll drink to that.” Nat said and raised her glass.
As everyone took a swig of their respective drinks you realised why peter liked it so much here. It was a family. A real family. Sure, May did her best and you would always have a special bond only blood could give but this was the goofy family you never had.
“Wait so I’m confused, is she an avenger or not?” Clint asked seemingly asking the question on everyone’s mind.
“Can I answer that one Mr Stark.” Peter piped up.
“Sure kid.” Tony said.
“Welcome to the team Y/n/n.” Peter said with a big grin.
“Really?” You asked feeling this was all very offical.
“Damn right kid. We’d be stupid to not add another spider to the team.” Steve said with a smile.
“Plus, I already made you a suit. Ai and all.” Tony said.
“Thanks, tony.” You said with a big smile plastered across your cheeks.
“I have just one question…” Sam said with a shit-eating grin.
“What is it Mr Falcon?” Peter asked missing the look on Sam’s face.
“Who’s stronger?” Sam finished looking curious. “We already know spider boy is stronger than capsicle. But what about the other spider?” A few nods went around the room before Bucky spoke up.
“Arm wrestle.” He posed and you looked over at peter, flashing him a grin as he slouched in his seat.
“Ok.” You said and peter nodded.
Everyone crowded around the coffee table as peter and you sat down on the floor face each other.
“Standard rules. Ready?” Steve said as both you and peter positioned your arms on the table. Steve placed his hand over your clasped fists.
“Don’t break the table this time.” May said loud enough for people to hear and peters cheeks heated up while you snickered.
“3… 2 … 1… go!” Steve let go of your hands and straight away it begun leaning towards a win for you. Peters arm was shaking as he tried to fight back. With barely an inch between peters hand and the table the position flipped.
You were sure people had placed bets by now. Nat and Sam were cheering you on while Bucky had yet to forget the incident at the airport and placed his bet on peter.
You were on the defence now, with peter bringing your hand almost back up to the midway point. As it began to tilt in a bad direction for you with a burst of strength you slammed peters hand down on the table winning the match. Sam cheered and Nat smirked.
Standing up and brushing off invisible dusty from your lap Nat came to your side and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“My victor. Thanks for the easy twenty I just made.” She said and your cheeks were blazing as you retreated to your seat from earlier as everyone went back to their places.
“But can the spider's sister also lift the hammer?” Thor boomed as he patted your brother's shoulder while peter smirked. Everyone knew peter could wield the magical asgaurdian hammer.
You looked at Thor with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
“Is that a dare big man?” You asked with a grin curling up the edges of your lips.
“And if it is lady Parker?” Thor asked with a challenging tone.
“Well, if it is I never back down from a dare.” You said the look on your face never faltering.
“Then it is a date lady Parker.” Thor said removing his hand from Peter’s shoulder and clapping them together and rubbing his hands in anticipation.
“Ready to look like an idiot spider boy?” You asked looking at Peter who was starting to loose his confident look. He knew you had a heart of gold.
By now all eyes were on you, Peter and Thor.
“Alright pointbreak I put two hundred on the girl spider.” Tony said.
His words catching you off guard as you took a sip of your drink making it go down the wrong way as you choked and coughed. Making a few people laugh.
“Dollars?” You exclaimed once you got your breath back.
“No, I meant seashells.” Tony sassed rolling his eyes.
“I’ll take that.” Bucky said. “I say she can’t get it to budge.”
Soon there was a chorus of voices as everyone places their bets. Tony had, at some point, gotten Jarvis to start taking notes of who bet what and how much.
Once all the bets were done all eyes turned back to you and Thor.
“Alright lord of lightning.” Tony began, “where’s the magic screwdriver.”
“One second.” Thor boomed. Holding out his hand the sound of breaking glass came from across the compound before the hammer smashed through the wall and slotted perfectly into Thor’s open fist.
“Thor! I told you to stop doing that.” Tony said as he dispatched the iron legion to fix the hammer shaped holes in the walls.
“Apologies Stark it appears I have forgot again.” Thor said looking sheepish and slightly tipsy from the alcohol he brought from his home realm.
Before anyone else could complain about the new holes in the wall Thor places the hammer down on the table. Peter’s smirk began to waver at the look of confidence on your face. Yet internally you were nervous. Were you about to make yourself look like an idiot in front of everyone?
Taking a deep breath you attempted to steady your nerves. Thor brandished a hand in the direction of the hammer, inviting you to pick it up.
Steeling your nerves and steaming the quake in your hands you reached out and brushed your hand over the cool leather that the handle was bound in.
Taking a breath, you wrapped your fingers around the hilt and gently began to tug. The hammer moved as if it weighed nothing more than a few feathers. A collective noise halfway between a cheer and an audible groan came from the spectators as people either made or lost money on the events of the past few seconds.
You tossed the hammer lightly in the air as it spun a full three-sixty before you caught it again by the hilt.
“Lady Parker congratulations are in order.” Thor said looking giddy as he found another person who could wield the hammer. You had a wide grin on your face feeling pretty special for once.
“Why exactly?” You asked not entirely aware of the legend that surrounded your actions.
“Oooo she don’t know.” Sam said before Bucky lightly slapped him to get him to shut up. Sam glared at Bucky as he rubbed his arm, Bucky however seemed unaffected as he shrugged unapologetically at Sam who poked his tongue out at Bucky who pretended not to see.
“Well, lady Parker, they say those who wield the hammer are fit to rule Asgard.” Thor said and you looked excited for a second before groaning.
“What is it?” Wanda asked feeling the slight annoyance and hesitation rolling off your psyche.
“Ew…” you muttered shivering dramatically.
“What?” Nat said reiterating Wanda’s earlier statement.
“I don’t wanna be eternally ruling alongside my little brother. He’d probably need to be babysat the whole time.” You whined making everyone chuckle while peter looked offended.
“I don’t need babysitting.” Peter piped up.
“Kid I had to put an AI in your suit to babysit you after a building fell on you. She’s not wrong.” Tony said and Peter frowned.
“Hey, you gave me one too.” You protested.
“That’s to help you, it doesn’t have snitch programs in it.” Tony said smirking at Peter.
“Yeah, plus I use Jarvis to babysit Tony.” Pepper said smirking over the rim of her wineglass as she took another sip.
“What?!” Tony spluttered. “Hey Jarvis! Is this true?”
“No boss.” Jarvis said not missing a beat.
“I programmed him to say that.” Pepper said adding her two cents.
“It that true j?” Tony asked again.
“No boss.” Jarvis said
“Liar.” Tony grumbled.
May and pepper giggled as they clinked glasses, those two always seemed to be causing trouble. They had gotten quite close after Tony had reduced peppers hours for stark industries, claiming she worked too much and needed more time to “have a life” as he put it.
Naturally Pepper had taken to spending more time with May whilst Tony mentored Peter which had resulted in their wine and cheese club that met whenever Peter came over for his mentorship with Tony. Natasha was known to join on occasion as she knew everything that happened in the tower and would never say no to expensive and more importantly free wine. Wanda joined but it was few and far between that she frequented the club. Often, she was busy doing her own thing and lately she had been too busy spending time with you.
Your only concern was May telling Pepper about … things and then pepper telling Tony who would no doubt end up telling everyone in the tower. For now, you just wanted things to be normal, or as normal as they could be right now.
@tia-thesimp @lizzielillvr @justarandomreaderxoxo @sycamorelibrary754 @dorabledewdroop @redwolfqueen19 @sadlesbeansstuff @sgm616 @queen-of-chaotic-surprises
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olsenmyolsen · 2 months
For Your Consideration
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master list
dark master list
Actress AU (Female Reader X Actress Wanda Maximoff)
Summary: You attended a Q&A event for your favorite actress's latest movie. What happens when longing looks have the potential for something more?
Word Count: 2.5K
Content: Mutual Pining, Longing, Hot Wanda, Fluff
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"Please welcome to the stage the beautiful stars of The Three Daughters: Natasha Romanoff, Carol Danvers, and Wanda Maximoff!"
From your seat in the audience, you watched as the three of the most underrated actresses in Hollywood moved across the stage to their seats—Natasha, the furthest away, and Wanda, the closest to friend and Director of The Three Daughters, Scott Lang.
How Wanda smiled and scanned her eyes across the audience reminded you of when she came to your class at University to talk about the process of acting and the struggles of mental health that come with it. It was one of the most eye-opening experiences you had, and you'll never forget the focus in Wanda's green eyes as she answered your question about anxiety.
That day, you learned she struggled with it as well.
Now, here you were two years later, again in the same room with her. However, this time, you're a part of the press and critic members.
You looked to the moderator of the Q&A, Steve Rogers, as he asked Carol the first question of the night. "Now, Carol, I've been dying to know if it was easier or harder for you to come into this role after wrapping up a season of your period drama."
Carol smiles and picks up the microphone in her hand. "Umm, honestly, it was easier." She then breaks out into a laugh as if that was the most straightforward question to answer. "Sorry, it's just the wardrobe for this that was extremely different. All I had to do was wear a shirt and sweatpants for this shoot." Carol laughs again as Natasha picks up her mic. "And she wore those bland shirts very well." Natasha bounces her eyebrows up and down, making the crowd, you, and Wanda laugh.
That sweet, angelic laugh of the woman dressed in green fills your ears as you look at Wanda and only her.
"Now, what about you, Wanda?" Steve chirps up, bringing Wanda's attention to him. "What about me?" She laughs, making the corners of your mouth fly up, as she chuckles. "How was it having a part specially written for you?" Steve asks. You've been following Wanda's career for years now, and to hear someone say that they wrote a part tailor-made for Wanda. Well... that made you happy.
Call it parasocial or attraction or whatever.
But you were proud.
Wanda holds the microphone before herself and looks down to her lap. "Well, it was certainly a new experience..." Wanda lifts her up to face Steve and continues. "I've never had someone come up to me and say 'hey I wrote this for you.' It made me think and go, 'Oh, that's interesting. I don't really... see myself as that soft' and uh-" Wanda trails off as she looks up at the ceiling before squishing her face and laughing for a quick second.
It's adorable.
Her scrunch lifting when she leans back in her chair and opens her eyes again with a wide smile. "It was nice and weirdly comforting in a way." Wanda keeps her smile as she looks out to the audience. "I think that's it." She laughs as she closes out her answer to the question. Her eyes trail over you before she returns them to Steve Rogers, who smiles and asks Natasha the next question.
As Wanda turns her body and listens intently to Natasha talk about filming in New York, Wanda's eyes slowly begin to move over the crowd once more. Tracking back towards you. She rolls her tongue over her teeth before she finds just who she was looking for.
You quickly move your eyes away to appear as if you hadn't been staring at the actress. But slowly, as you glanced back to Wanda, you found her still looking at you. As if she was whispering: "Have we met?"And as if you could understand how her eyes spoke, you slightly nodded.
Wanda's smile lifted a tad before she looked away and laughed with the crowd at a joke Natasha said.
As the hour grew longer and the conversations kept flowing, Wanda's eyes continued to dance to yours. You had no idea why or even if this was actually happening, yet you found yourself blushing, and a smirk became present on Wanda's face.
"Okay, so I think now is a good time to open this up and let the audience ask some questions," Steve says as hands fly up around you.
A younger member of the press, if you had to guess, they ran a podcast of some sort, was the first to get called upon. The person stood up and was handed a microphone by a crew member.
"Hi, my name is Kamala Kahn, and this question is for Carol."
Carol leans forward in her seat and nods with a smile. "Well, I was just wondering if this shoot with a curator like Scott made you want to get back into directing and writing?"
"Well, that's a good question!" Scott speaks up, making some people laugh around the room at his own praise. Carol shakes her head but looks back to Kamala with a smile. "First off, thank you! And honestly, yeah, it has. It made me want to flesh out a brand new world instead of just being it. Ya know?" Carol says excitedly before shrugging. Kamala laughs into the microphone. "Yes, I do. Thank you!"
Carol returns a smile before Steve calls on another person.
You begin listening before you get distracted by the warm feeling of someone watching you. You turn and miss how Wanda's eyes were just on you. However, that doesn't stop you from looking at her in all her beauty.
Your eyes move down to see Wanda cross one of her legs covered in lace and hang over the other one before she sighs, and then the only thing that moves are her eyes directly onto you.
Freezing you even if you should be used to this game by now.
However, the blush creeping up on your face is saved by Wanda, who smirks and slightly tips her head towards the person still asking their question, breaking you out of this moment. And you don't know what comes over you, but you playfully roll your eyes, making Wanda pull her lips into her mouth in surprise.
Or a challenge..?
Regardless, you smile, and the two of you look at each other once more before Natasha answers whatever question was just asked to her.
You raise your hand once Steve asks for another question.
"This question is for Wanda." You smile and say once you get picked upon. Wanda quickly dismisses her smirk towards you and replaces it with a fake heartwarming smile and big doe eyes.
Damn, she really is one of the greatest actresses of our time.
"Go ahead, sweetheart," Wanda says into her microphone, making Natasha look towards her and you with an exciting gaze while people around the room, including you, sharply intake some air you desperately need.
Praise and pet names did wonders to you.
You smile. "I absolutely adore the character in this movie. I think she, like most of the beautiful roles you have picked, is a vivid portrayal of someone who can never catch a moment to breathe or is always on the verge of breaking down. Life never stops for them as much as they want it to." You pause slightly, which Wanda takes as a chance to lift up her microphone. "Is there a question in there?" She teases with a smile.
You give a quiet, embarrassed chuckle before opening your mouth. "Why no, sweetheart, I don't think there is." You smugly reply, making Natasha and Scott widen their eyes. Carol, stop drinking her water, and the audience around you freeze.
Wanda loved it. You could see it in the dark corners of her green eyes. You continue. "I guess I just wanted you to know how you've inspired me and how I am always in awe of you and your talent."
You felt your body become warm at your confession.
You don't even know why you did it, but it was too late. Plus, what questions would you have asked instead?
Hey, Wanda, are you ever going to play a happy character?
Are you still with your boyfriend?
You sing in this movie; could you do more of that? Please?
Wanda tries her best to hide the pink on her cheeks. But Scott notices it, and so do most people in the room. "Remind me of your name?" Wanda says as she eyes you. She remembered it a while ago, but she wants to hear it fall from your lips.
"It's Y/n."
"Y/n." She repeats into the microphone in her hand. You nod. "Well, Y/n, thank you for your kind words." Wanda opens her mouth after smiling at you to say more, but Steve indirectly cuts her off, announcing that the time for the Q&A has ended.
A crew member grabs the microphone from your hand as Steve and Scott lead the cheers and applause from the crowd.
"One last time, please give it up for Natasha Romanoff!" Scott Lang says into his mic as Natasha gets directed to walk off the stage towards security leading backstage. "Carol Danvers!" Carol follows Natasha, but not before waving to everyone and blowing kisses. "And Wanda Maximoff!" Wanda, of course, gets the biggest round of applause and is the worst about receiving it. Her stunned face turns to one of amazement before looking like Emma Stone at an award show and maneuvering her way off the stage.
However, before security can move her backstage, she turns around in her green suit with nothing but a bra and lace underneath it and eyes you.
A smile finds itself on your face as she smirks before waving to you and disappearing.
Moments later, as you wait for your peers to file out of the room, a blonde woman in a grey suit approaches you. "Excuse me, Y/n?" Her accent is heavy.
You lift your head. Unable to place the person's face or how they know your name, you give them a look. "Yeah?" 
"Come follow me." Is all they say before signaling for you to stand up. You cautiously do so and end up backstage.
Down the hall, you see Scott Lang having pictures taken of him posing with the poster for his movie. Natasha Romanoff is off to the side making fun of him while Carol Danvers is on the phone with her wife.
"In here." The security woman gathers your attention as she opens a door to an unmarked room. You look to the woman. You're pretty sure she couldn't kidnap you. Yet you remain mindful as you creep towards the door until your eyes peer inside and see Green sitting on a couch.
Wanda in her suit.
The door closes behind you as you enter. Making Wanda look up from her phone. She immediately smiles upon seeing you and sets her phone on the table beside her. "She found you."
You smile and quietly laugh through your nose. "Yeah, who was she?" You say with a comedic tilt of your head. Wanda stands up. "Natasha's sister Yelena." You nod.
You didn't know Natasha had a sister...
Wanda steps closer to you and clasps her hands over themselves in front of her. She's slightly nervous as the proximity between the two of you drastically differs from moments ago. "Did you mean what you said?" Wanda asks, making you lift your eyes from her legs. "What do you mean?" You ask, unsure of what she's talking about.
"Out there." Wanda tilts with her head. "Did you mean it?" You move your eyes down her face to her fingers, picking at one another. You look down at your own hands before facing the pretty brunette again. "I did."
Wanda feels relieved and smiles before sighing and letting go of her hands as she moves closer to you.
"I hope I'm not being too forward or bold or anything, but I liked seeing you tonight. It was nice to have a familiar face even if half the time I spent trying to remember your name." Wanda laughs with an undertone of embarrassment that you find adorable.
"I don't think that's forward at all sweetheart."
Once again, Wanda hears how you use her pet name for you against her. She playfully rolls her eyes and moves closer. Her black heels almost hit the ends of your brown ankle-high boots. You can see the webbing from the lace and how her skin glistens when the light shines on the makeup covering her chest and face.
You can't help but smile while trying to push some thoughts to the back of your mind.
"You know... I asked Yelena to find you because I enjoyed talking to you, but I was really wondering if you wanted to maybe do it some more without microphones and in a room full of people watching us."
You pinch yourself and hold in the yelp when it turns out you're not dreaming.
"I'd love that." You say above a whisper as you move closer to Wanda. Your hand moves down to take hers away from picking the end of the suit jacket. Wanda's breath hitched at your contact. "Great, then it's a date," Wanda says with her voice just as quiet. "Tonight?" She asks as her eyes dance along your face from your lips to your eyes.
"My only plan tonight was this event, so I'm free." You say with honesty.
Wanda nods to your words but doesn't reply as she moves closer. Her clothes melt into yours. Her left hand comes to lay itself onto your top before the door opens.
"Hey Wanda- Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"
Wanda moves away from you, allowing you to catch your breath while Natasha continues to fumble over her words before Wanda calms her down and tells her that she'll be out in a moment for press pictures.
"I'm sorry about her!" Wanda stays after closing the door and looking at you. But you just laugh and smile. "I guess it helps to know what I'm getting into."
Wanda raises her eyebrows in a teasing manner. "Oh, is that right?" You hum and nod. "Yeah... For Your Consideration kinda deal." You can't help but let a smile break out at your terrible joke.
Wanda will say she thought that joke was stupid when asked about it years later, but you saw her smile and how her eyes shined.
An Academy Award and years spent together made that moment more special.
Well, that joke, and later that night, Wanda's green jacket ended up on your apartment floor.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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unknowndrone · 2 years
Scott: so are you two dating?
Y/N: No, we’re just partners
Scott: So dating?
Y/N: We work professionally along side each other
Scott: Hope and I are partners, we’re dating.
Y/N: that doesn’t mean anything, Scott
Scott instantly realizing: Got it! I’ll give it a few more weeks
Y/N: Wha-Scott no!
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Flufftober 2023!
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Hey y’all! Enjoy all of the fluff!
Decorations: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Heroics: Firefighter!Natasha x Reader
Family Fun Day: Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
The Sweetest Treat: Kate Bishop x Reader
Pumpkin Pie: Florence Pugh x Reader
Happy fall y’all!
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For the sisters serie, how would it be for reader to adapt to normal things and living without the red room and dreykovs control, and how would Nat, yelena, carol, etc react and help? I hope you like this idea for a fic
Through Your Eyes
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Family is More Than Blood
Warning: mention of past sexual assault, big talk about consent, our lovely reader learning how to be a person, guilt, anxiety, mention of past Red Room trauma
Note: These aren't in timeline order per say, just moments in the reader's life that have shaped her.
Relationship: Carol x Reader, Avenger x Reader (platonic)
Word Count: 4.4k
It shouldn’t be this hard, right? It was such a simple choice. Ice cream or fruit. Ice cream or fruit. Ugh, you were going to work yourself into a panic attack over a stupid choice. “Kid, you are letting all the cold air out,” you jumped at Tony’s voice and slammed the fridge and freezer closed.
“Sorry, I was distracted,” he raised a questioning eyebrow at you as he poured himself a cup of coffee. It was well past 5 o’clock, you had no idea how he drank that and managed to sleep. Well maybe he wasn’t sleeping, that was his secret.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked.
“Nothing, it’s stupid,” you sighed. Tony leaned back on the counter and sipped his coffee.
“Try me,” you began to pick at the skin around your thumb.
“I wanted something to eat,” you explained. “But I couldn’t decide if I wanted ice cream or strawberries. The decision almost caused me to have a panic attack.” It sounded a lot stupider when you said it out loud. He was quiet and you expected him to have left.
“You know you can have both, right?” You spun around to face him.
“Both?” You questioned in disbelief. He nodded and set his coffee down.
“Sit and watch this,” you sat down and he grabbed the per-cut fruit from the fridge and the ice cream from the freezer. He scoped a few spoonfuls of ice cream in a bowl and sprinkled a few cut-up strawberries on top. “Here,” he handed you the bowl with a spoon but you refused to take it. “What?”
“I didn’t have to have both,” you said. “What if someone wanted those strawberries or that ice cream? I didn’t need both.”
“Kid,” he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder and placed the bowl in front of you. “If we run out FRIDAY will just order more. You can have anything you want as much as you want.”
“Oh,” you whispered. There was a limit to certain things in the Red Room; food that was given, free time without the cuffs, and a break from the ballet bar. Everything good was limited. “Uh, thanks, Tony. Sorry, that was so dumb.” And a little embarrassing.
“Don’t apologize,” he smiled. “If there is something specific you want let FRIDAY know or ask me, okay?” You nodded as he cleaned up the mess he made. “Enjoy!” He left you to devour your sweet treat.
You heard giggling as you entered the kitchen after your workout with Steve. A smoothie, a cold glass of water, and a nap was calling your name. Sitting on the island were Wanda and Yelena, hunched over a laptop and that was the source of the laughter. “What’s going on you two?” You asked, grabbing a glass of water.
“Yelena is a croissant,” Wanda said smiling. You stared at the Slovakian and your sister, mouth slightly open as you tried to process what she told you.
“I’m going to pretend I understand what that meant,” Yelena giggled and turned around the computer.
“It’s an internet quiz,” your sister said. “It will ask you a few questions and you answer at the end it will give you the type of bread you are, or dog, or cartoon character.” She explained. You tilted your head.
“Why do you want to know what type of flower you are?” You questioned, scrolling on the page to see the other quizzes. “What’s the point?” You saw Yelena roll her eyes and take the computer from you.
“There isn’t a point,” Wanda said. “It’s just a fun way to pass the time.” Fun? You weren’t allowed to have fun. There was always a mission or job that needed to be done. Fun was something you weren’t allowed to have in the Red Room.
“Can I take one?” You asked Yelena smiled, nodding her head excitedly. That was where Natasha found you, sitting between Wanda and Yelena with the computer on your lap. “I am not a red panda,” you whined. The two girls laughed at you.
“According to the internet you are,” Yelena smiled, pinching your cheek. “My big krasnaya panda (red panda).” You slapped her hand away.
“I hate you,” you deadpanned.
“There you are,” Natasha said, rounding the corner to stand in front of you. “I thought we were meeting at 3.” You frowned. You were done with your workout by noon so you could shower, eat, and maybe take a nap. Natasha wanted to meet with you because there were some Widows in Central America and the Avengers wanted to see if they could do some surveillance. You looked at the clock in the corner of the laptop. It was 3:15. Shit. You looked back at your sister, her arms were crossed and she wore a smirk on her face.
“I got distracted,” you cringed.
“They got you addicted to those dumb quizzes.”
“Hey,” Yelena said. “They aren’t dumb.” She defended. Natasha rolled her eyes.
“Are we meeting or..”
“Yup,” you put the laptop on Yelena’s lap and stood up. “That was fin. See ya guys.” You followed Natasha to the conference room. “Sorry I was late,” you said to her as you sat down in the chair. “Time got away from me.” You were never late, when you needed to be somewhere you were early. If you were late there would be horrible consequences. Natasha waved you off.
“I’m just messing with you,” she smiled, handing you a folder. “Messing around and not working all the time is good for you. We all need to do it every once in a while. It reminds us why we keep fighting.”
Walking by Yelena’s room, you heard a groan from the slight crack. Frowning, you gently knocked on her door. “Go away,” she groaned again. You chuckled.
“It’s me,” you opened her door. Yelena was cocooned in the blankets on her bed. “Are you okay?” She burrowed her face in her pillow, muffling the sound she let out. “Come on, sestra,” you sat down on her bed and ran her fingers through her blonde hair. She flopped on her back, pouting.
“I don’t feel good,” you placed your hand on her forehead. She wasn’t warm. “No, it’s not that type of sickness,” she huffed out a sigh. “It’s that time of the month.” Her cheeks blushed slightly. Ah, that explained her mood the past few days. You smiled.
“What do you need?”
“Can you get my heating pad?” She asked. “I think it’s in Nat’s room.” You nodded, kissing her forehead. It was a quick trip to Natasha’s room to grab the heating pad and into the kitchen for water, a Gatorade, and some chocolate. You weren’t subjected to periods but you knew people who were and what they liked. Yelena sighed when you reentered with your arms filled with goodies. You bent down to plug in the heating pad. “Ugh, I hate having a uterus,” the off-handed comment made you freeze, subconsciously moving your hand to wear you bared the mark of the Red Room’s choice. “Shit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.” Her panic snapped you out of the fog, turned on the heating pad, and placed it on Yelena’s stomach. You sat down and cuddled up against her.
“It’s okay,” you said and handed her the chocolate bar. She unwrapped it, picking at the bar slowly. You could tell she was still upset with herself. “Yelena, I’m serious. It’s okay. You didn’t mean any harm,” she sighed. Your sister sat up and placed her hand where she saw where you rested yours. Natasha saved Yelena before the graduation ceremony. One day she could have the choice of having children.
“Do you and Carol want kids one day?” You laughed.
“Funny enough we haven’t talked about that fair into the future,” you smiled, resting your hand on top of hers. The Red Room forced all Black Widows to be sterilized upon graduation. A child of your own was the one thing worth more than the mission. It made everything easier, with undying loyalty to the cause. “Not sure if I want kids,” you told her. “I never thought I’d be given the opportunely to have them.” Yelena nodded, moving to rest her head on your stomach.
“I think you’d be a great mom,” she mumbled, closing her eyes.
“Do you think so?” You asked. She hummed in agreement. “Thank you,” you whispered. “Get some sleep.”
‘What the hell was the noise?” You thought as you walked out to the balcony. It sounded like a cat being murdered. The source of the sound was coming from Steve, a guitar resting on his lap. You grimaced at the note that was very out of tone. "Whatcha doing?” You asked, holding the book you were going to read behind your back. The super soldier looked at you, pausing the song he was playing.
“Trying to learn how to play the guitar,” you smiled, sitting down in the empty chair next to him.
“And how’s that going?” He sighed and set the guitar on the side table between you and him.
“Well Sam was out here with me at one point so does that answer your question.” You chuckled.
“It takes some practice,” you said, leaning back in the chair and opening the book. Steve mirrored you but with a sketchbook. “You’ll get it,” you added and you both fell into a comfortable silence. But as you read your book, you kept glancing at the guitar. It had been so long since you’d felt the strings of a guitar underneath your fingers. You enjoyed every callous you earned. Sighing, you put the book down and carefully picked up the guitar. You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face as you tuned it and began to strum. It was a weird feeling it’s been years since you felt this level of peace. Your smile grew. The world seemed much smaller when a guitar was in your hands.
“I didn’t know you could play,” you jumped, stopping mid-song. “Sorry,” Steve chuckled. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Not, it’s fine,” you ran your hand over the body of the guitar. “I was in my own little world,” you sighed. “I haven’t played since Ohio and I didn’t realize how much I missed it.” You admitted, resting your chin on the guitar.
“I could tell. I haven’t seen you smile that big before,” you felt your body warm up. Steve closed his sketchbook and stood up. “You should keep it. You’re the best person to play it.” It took a moment for your brain to register what Steve said.
“Wait,” you stood up. Steve was already at the door. “Hold on. I can’t just keep this.” It was ridiculous, a little absurd.
“Why not?” He questioned with a tilt of his head.
“Because,” you licked your lips. “Because I’ve done nothing to deserve this.” He sadly smiled at you. Did you say something wrong?
“You know you can be given a gift without having to earn it,” that couldn’t be correct. You had to earn everything. Extra portions at dinner time. A mission success meant you could get a break. “Besides, that thing has been bouncing between everyone looking for a home,” he continued. “I think you can give it one.” You stared at the guitar in your hands.
“Thank you, Steve,” he shrugged.
“You should play for all of us,” he said. “At dinner or something.” You smiled.
“I may need some practice before I start performing shows.” He chuckled.
“Well enjoy,” he left you alone. You sat back down, guitar resting on your lap. It was bittersweet holding this instrument again. You wondered what happened to the one you had back in Ohio or any of your things? Was it confiscated by SHIELD? Or local authorities? Was it donated and now someone else was learning how to play on the very same instrument you used? Sighing, you began to play again.
“So bye, bye Miss. American Pie-”
There was something off about the day. You were just off all day, having no motivation or energy to do anything. So you called it an early night and curled up underneath the covers. A gentle knock followed by the door opening caused you to sit up. It was Carol. “Hi,” she smiled. “Mind if I join you?” You shook your head and lay back down. You heard her walk over to your closet to grab some clothes she left in your room. The bed shifted as Carol climbed in. She was quick to bring you into her arms. Sighing, you felt her lips graze against your skin. Her hands traveled underneath her shirt. Any other night you would welcome her advances and where this was going to lead but you were so tired.
So when Carol turned you over on your back and covered her body with hers, you didn’t fight her. She was your girlfriend and if she was in the mood you should just let her. It wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last.
“Hey, are you okay?” Carol asked, sitting back on her heels.
“Why-why did you stop?” You asked.
“Because I asked you a question and you didn’t answer.” Oh. You must have dissociated. “Do you not want to have sex?” No. That was the word fighting to come out of your mouth but if you said no would she still want to be with you? Would she hit you like the orders and force you anyway?
“It’s fine,” you said, placing your hands on her thighs. “You are in the mood,” you sat up and put your arms around her neck. “So you can use me.” Your girlfriend stared at you as if she was trying to figure out what you said.
“Use you?” She questioned. You nodded. “I’m not going to use you like you’re some object.” You frowned and sat back. Why wasn’t she going to have sex with you? “Baby, if you don’t want to have sex at any time you can say no.” Your eyebrows scrunched together. No? You weren’t allowed to say no.
“But-but if you want to and as your girlfriend I should let you.” Carol sighed and crossed her legs on your bed. Was she upset with you?
“You have ownership of your own body. It doesn’t matter if I want to have sex, you owe me nothing. I should have asked for consent first.”
“Consent?” You said the world slowly as it felt foreign on your tongue.
“Yeah consent,” she said. “So you know how I would ask to hug you when we weren’t officially together,” you nodded. You always wondered why she did that. “I was asking for your consent to touch you. I didn’t want to assume it was okay.”
“But it is. You can touch me.” She smiled.
“Maybe on some days you don’t want me to and you can tell me no and I’ll respect that.”
“Oh,” you whispered. “You must think I’m so stupid.” You looked down at your hands. Gently, she used her pointer finger to lift your head to look at you.
“Never. The Red Room took your and your sister’s autonomy. I will help you get that back. So,” she smiled. “What do you want to do?” You sighed, biting your tongue from telling her you wanted to have sex.
“Can we cuddle? I’m exhausted.” She nodded and climbed off the bed to help you pull back the covers. Once you were under them, she lay down next to you and put her arm around you. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” you heard the smile in her voice. “Now sleep.” And you did, safely in her arms.
“Melina-” Natasha heard the strain in your voice as she walked by your room. You were pacing; 5 steps, turn around, and another 5 steps. “I know but if you-” you were cut off again. Natasha couldn’t hear the other end of the conversation but she could tell you weren’t agreeing with whatever was being said. “Yes, mama. I will. Talk to you soon. Bye.” You hung up and stared at your phone.
“You know,” Natasha made her presence known before you threw your phone against the wall. “I don’t think your phone deserves that.” You chuckled and sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I think Stark could cough over a few bucks to get me another one,” she hummed in agreement and entered your room.
“What’s going on with you and Melina?”
“It’s nothing,” she gave you a pointed look. You sighed. “Sometimes I feel like she doesn’t listen or even try to understand my point of view on something,” you tapped your phone against your thigh. “I was cycled through the Red Room four times before you were born,” you mimicked the older Black Widow accent so well it made Natasha smile. “And I get that it must have been so hard and painful but-”
“It’s not an excuse to invalidate what you went through,” Natasha said, finding the words for you. You looked at her, nodding your head.
“Exactly,” you looked forward again. “When she finished her work with him she got out. Things just got worse,” Natasha knew this conversation was about Melina but there was a part of her that wondered if that was directed at her too.
“It’s common for daughters to fight and not see eye to eye,” Natasha witnessed Laura and Lila go toe to toe.
“Yeah but most mother-daughter relationships weren’t created by a deep undercover Red Room mission to steal information from SHIELD aka HYDRA,” you said, resting your head on her shoulder. “I’m so glad I don’t live with them anymore,” the redhead laughed. “I’m serious. I think I’d kill Alexei by now,” Natasha smiled and took your hand in hers.
“Do you hate them?” She found herself asking. “Like do you wish they were stronger to say no to him.” You were quiet. Natasha could see your eyebrows pinched together in concentration.
“I think that resentment will always be there,” you said. “I was so angry at them when we first arrived at the Red Room.”
“Really? I had no idea,” you acted like their betrayal was something you expected. You chuckled.
“That’s because I hid it from you,” of course you did. Natasha wasn’t surprised by that. “But I thought about getting my revenge on them all the time. I thought I wanted to kill them.” You admitted.
“What changed your mind?” You sighed.
“Because they weren’t the problem. They were just part of the system that was created far before their time.”
“I’m not sick,” you mumbled, fighting a sneeze that was tickling your nose. Yelena and Natasha stared at each other before rolling their eyes. “I’m serious!” You pouted, sniffling slightly.
“Oh yeah?” Natasha questioned. “How come Carol told us you didn’t sleep last night because you were up coughing?”
“Traitor,” you huffed and failed to keep a straight face as one sneeze after another escaped. You groaned, a pressure building behind your eyes.
“It’s probably just a cold,” Yelena said, jumping on the table next to you. “Helen will just give you medicine and you’ll feel better in no time,” that was the problem. You hated taking anything that you were told would ‘help’. “Maybe she’ll give you a lollipop.”
“Yelena-” Before Natasha could finish her thought the door opened but instead of Helen, a man walked in. “Bruce,” your sister said. “I wasn’t aware you were back.” He gave her a small smile.
“I got back late last night. Helen got pulled away in a meeting with Steve and Tony so she asked me to help out,” he turned his attention to you. “You must be Y/n, I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Bruce,” he approached you with his hand extended to you but you refused to take it, frozen in your spot. Could they hear your heart beating? “Would you be more comfortable with Dr. Cho?” He asked. His question snapped you out of the trance you were in.
“No,” you said. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“I’ll let you know everything I’m about to do before I do it, okay?” He could sense your hesitation. A small nod was all the consent you could give and the exam began. He listened to your lungs, asking you to breathe in and out, and took your temperature. You tried to get your body to relax but it wouldn’t. It was tense with tension every time Bruce touched you. His touch was gentle, a little hesitant but you were waiting for the shoe to drop. Soon his hands would leave bruises, would grab you, and force you down. “Looks like you have a small upper respiratory infection,” he said. “Which is odd since you were given the serum, right?” You didn’t respond “Are you under more stress or training harder?”
“I don’t think our sister knows how to relax,” Yelena mumbled and glared at her. Bruce smiled.
“Well I recommend some rest and I’ll prescribe you an antibiotic,” he wrote all this down on his tablet. “I don’t want to interfere too much but the medicine should remind the serum to do its job. Take it easy for the next few days.”
“Thanks, Bruce,” Natasha said for you. You forced a smile as the doctor left. “Want to talk about what just happened?” You sighed but a violent coughing attack ripped through you. Natasha grimaced and walked over to you, rubbing your back to soothe the cough.
“I think I’m sick,” you mumbled. Yelena laughed.
“Yeah no shit but listen to what Bruce said and you’ll be better in no time,” So, that was the problem. You refused to take the antibiotics and decided to try to sweat the infection. That was where Bruce found you, holding onto a punching bag as a violent cough left you breathless.
“Your sisters told me I could find you here,” you tensed up at the sound of his voice. Another cough caused you to sway on your feet and Bruce reached out to steady you, this time you didn’t hide your flinch. Immediately, he pulled back his hands. You slumped against the wall, rubbing your chest to ease the pain. It helped. “Do you want me to get Helen or someone you’re comfortable with?” You shook your head.
“I’m fine,” you took a sip from your water bottle. “It’s not you, it’s me.” He stared at you.
“That was the most cliche line you could have said,” he deadpanned but it made you smile. You lowered yourself onto the ground and tried to collect your thoughts. But Bruce was patient and didn’t rush you to speak. Instead, he sat down in front of you with enough space to not make you feel trapped.
“In the Red Room, we were given pills and we were to take them without question mostly by male doctors,” you explained. There was still fear whenever Helen or Melina gave you medication but it helped they were females. “Sometimes it did help, the pain or sickness went away but other times,” you dug your nails into your hand. “Other times we would black out and wake up to a man on top of us.” You swore you saw a flash of green appear on his neck but the doctor covered it up with a cough. “So it’s me, not you.” It was his turn to be quiet and analyze the information you told him.
“Natasha almost broke my arm when I tried to patch her up after a mission,” you chuckled, that sounded about right. “She wouldn’t let Yelena see me alone. I can’t begin to understand what you and your sisters went through,” he sadly said. “But I’m not going to force you to be around me. It’s a trust I’m willing to earn, on your terms, and however long it takes.”
“Thank-thank you, Dr. Banner,” he smiled and stood up.
“I’ll have Helen set up another examination,” he said. “She may prescribe you a different and stronger antibiotic,” you bite back a groan, it was your fault anyway. “Get some rest or I’ll have FRIDAY ban you from the training room. Doctor’s orders.” He joked.
“Aye, aye captain,” you gave him a mock solute. He chuckled and left you alone. With a sigh, you rested your head on the wall. The serum helped you avoid sickness and long-lasting injuries but it was a water-down version unlike what they gave to Steve and the Winter Solider. So some of the bruises and injuries from their hands would last a little longer. It was another way for all the Widows to be under their control. But you were free and safe from them and Helen and Bruce were trying to help. They wouldn’t hurt you. You kept repeating it over and over again until you believed it.
It was a foreign feeling as you sat on a blanket near the pound of the Avenger’s compound. Feet bear and resting on the grass. Your fingers strummed on the guitar and hummed along to the song you were playing. Peace. That was the state of mind you were feeling. It was overwhelming. It was strange. But nice. You heard footsteps approaching, but the sound didn’t stop you from playing. You felt the warm hands of your girlfriend resting on your shoulders. She squeezed them. “How are you, baby?” You smiled, looking over your shoulder.
“Good, I’m happy which is odd.” She chuckled.
“Odd? Why is it odd?” You shrugged.
“Never thought I would be happy,” she kissed the top of your head.
“You deserve all of this and more,” she promised. “Now come on, teach me how to play.” You laughed and handed her the guitar. You stood up on your knees and maneuvered her hands on the guitar. As you were explaining the different notes and chords, she was staring at you instead of the guitar.
“What are you looking at?” You giggled.
“Just the most beautiful person in the entire world,” you rolled your eyes and fought the smile that spread across your face.
“Flattery will get you nowhere Captain. Now focus.”
“Yes ma’am,” she teased and began to listen to what you were teaching her. You smiled as she played the cords with some hesitation. This was your life, your beautiful life.
Also, while writing these stories. I don't think I've written Carol asking the reader to be her girlfriend. May write a quick drabble about that.
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the avengers meeting your boyfriend [teenage avenger headcanons!]
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1.2k
request: yes / no
original request: can you do one where the reader gets a boyfriend and everybody is getting overprotective and when they see their door closed they all bust in while we are watching a movie bc they thought the reader & bf were making out so they give them “the talk”😭😭
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: so many oml but some include tony stark, bruce banner, natasha romanoff, clint barton, thor, steve rogers, scott lang, bucky barnes, wanda maximoff, sam wilson, there's probably more but that's all i'll put for now lol
a/n: y'all know i had to use this picture LMAO anyways ty for the request!!! two in one day #slay (that rhymes) requests are still open, send in an ask whenever :)
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
ok first i’m gonna name ur bf so it doesn’t get confusing
let’s call him
guys i’m so unoriginal pls ignore :’)
anyways so you had been dating jack for a while
he had asked you to go to midtown’s winter formal together :) 
and ofc u didn’t tell any of the avengers bc u KNEW they wouldn’t react well
but of COURSE mr. peter parker was so excited that he had to open his big mouth
miles kicked him under the table but it was too late
“who asked you to the formal y/n?” natasha asked, a small smile on her face
you could FEEL yourself blushing
all you wanted to do was like sink into the floor
which is actually physically possible (though it’s an anomaly)
bruce told you that :D 
anyways you just shook your head 
so then HARLEY decided to go “jack lastname”
and you were ready to die
right then and there
if the grim reaper decided it was your time you would be fine with it
so tony goes “jack lastname… huh.”
“tony, please don’t – “ you tried, but he was already there.
“jarvis, can you run a background check on that kid.”
you were so embarrassed.
miles, sweet sweet miles tried to change the subject
“so um… steve. how was… your day.”
but then there was sam wilson butting in
“when is winter formal anyway? you know we gotta know so we can take pictures.”
and that made you, harley, peter, and miles groan
tony was still looking at some tablet or whatever.
“stark!” came thor’s booming voice. “i thought you said no electronic devices were permitted at the dinner table! if they were, i would be much happier!!”
“yeah yeah. well they’re not. i’m busy.” tony replied, dismissing the god with a wave of his hand.
and happy, who was right next to tony, kept leaning over and shaking his head or nodding.
anyways once you got done with dinner you went to put the dishes in the dishwasher robot
idk why i said it like that but it’s basically this cool thing where you put the dishes in the sink and this robot will wash them & put them away
very nice bc doing the dishwasher is so much work sometimes.
but then wanda, nat and carol came in
and you KNEW they were gonna try to get you to talk
“i’ll tell you guys later.” you spoke, trying to end the embarrassment. 
“come on y/n! we want to see him at least.” carol said, tilting her head and raising a brow.
“ok fine.” you said, and pulled up a picture of jack. you showed it to them for like one second and then put your phone back in your pocket.
“hey wait! no fair! i wanna see! yeah.” came the voices of sam, clint, scott, and bucky as they tried to fight their way into the kitchen.
“that’s a hard no. maybe i’ll bring him here after the dance. harley peter miles and i were already going to stay over. then he could walk by you guys for TWO SECONDS and then do something with me.”
“alright.” said sam, crossing his arms and nodding.
“seems fair!” said bruce.
“perfect.” you replied, leaving the room to leave them all to inevitably gossip.
ok so it’s winter formal
and you strategically told jack to meet you there so that the avengers couldn’t bombard him during picture taking time.
so y’all had a super fun time
& u slow danced with each other 🤭🤭
it was super fun
but you were kind of dreading going back to the tower
you had told jack about being an avenger a few weeks ago
and he was super excited to meet them all
jack is like super sweet & really awesome
so it put you at ease a little bit.
so you went back to the tower with him
peter harley and miles had gone to get ice cream and were coming back later
so you did the retinal and fingerprint scan that would let you into the elevator
and you went up to the main floor (so you could get to your room)
but ofc they were all there
and so you took jack’s hand and brought him over to where they all were
he was lowkey freaking out
and bro
bucky and sam and clint and scott looked so unamused
tony and happy too
but they all were acting so clipped and like not charismatic 
but wanda, steve and bruce were rly nice so that put jack at ease a little bit
anyways so then you took jack to your room
you guys had been planning to watch a movie together
he was kind of nervous because he didn’t think the avengers liked him
but you assured him they did
(at least you hoped)
anyways you turned on the movie & watched it
and it was soo funny so y’all were laughing a lot
and it was so loud you got freaked out fr
but then you saw it was tony, bucky, sam and steve.
“y/n. could you go out in the hall for a minute.” steve said.
“this is my room!!” you tried, but tony just pointed out to the hall. 
“i’m sorry jack.” you said to your boyfriend
jack was literally about to cry omg
poor thing
“don’t be mean.” you said as you left, taking extra care to give them all a withering stare
natasha and bucky had taught you that skill well bc you saw sam shiver HAHA
so you went to the hall and clint, scott, and natasha were standing there.
“what are they DOING??” you hissed at them.
“they’re just worried for you y/n. they wanted to talk to the kid.” natasha assured you, patting your shoulder.
“yeah, nothin’ to worry about!!” scott added, a big grin on his face
“well i really don’t trust that coming from you.” you replied
“well tony thought you guys were kissing in there!” clint laughed.
although it turned into an “ow” when natasha elbowed him
“he WHAT?!” you replied
“yeah, that’s why he came up here. he said he wanted the most intimidating ones to go make that kid afraid or something.” scott added. “not sure why he didn’t ask me…”
you gave scott a nod but then made your way back into your room, crossing your arms and raising a brow as tony, bucky, sam and steve turned towards you.
“hey y/n.” sam said, raising a hand to wave.
“are you guys done now? i’d like to finish the movie.” you said, trying to be stern.
“i think we are. right jack?” steve said, standing up and gesturing towards your boyfriend.
“yes sir! i mean steve. i mean mr. rogers?” he said, clearly scared out of his mind.
“yeah yeah. alright. get out please!!” you said, guiding them out of your room.
bucky was the last to leave, but despite you pushing him, he turned back to face your boyfriend.
“hey, you. hurt them in any way and i’ll find you.” he said, accompanied by his signature deathstare.
then he gave a little salute to you. 
“night kid. don’t stay up too late.”
and then he was gone.
“did he really mean that??” jack said, eyes wide.
“yeah, he did.” you said, sitting beside him and holding his hand. “isn’t that sweet?”
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miscfandomwrites · 1 year
Avengers Masterlist
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Happy Birthday - Avenger! Teen! Reader
Dog: Avengers x Werewolf! Reader (Found family ish)
Chapters: One, Two
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Riding Lessons - Natasha x Student! Reader
Panic Room - Natasha x Student! Avenger! Reader
Pretty Girl - Avenger! Reader Smut
Overworked - Detective! Reader Smut
Howling For You - Queen! Natasha x Werewolf! Reader (Royal AU)
Doodles - Avenger! Reader
Warmth - Student! Reader
Pax - Scientist! Reader
Mama: Avenger! Mom! Reader
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen,
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Too tired for this - Dad! Bucky x Teen! Reader
Fight Me, Bite Me - Avenger! Reader Smut
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Ghost - Smut - Wanda x Avenger! Reader
Witch - Smut - X Avenger! Reader (Ghost part 2)
Academically Kickass (Mafia! Avenger! Reader)
Chapters: One, Two
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Motorcycle Mechanic - Mechanic! Reader
Valentine Queen - Sexual Scenes / Hinting at Smut
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Little Mouse - Smut - Wife! Reader
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Sour Bread - x Avenger! Reader
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Howdy: Cowgirl! Reader x Wanda x Natasha
Chapters One, Two,
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Map: x Avenger! Reader
Chapters One, Two
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theangelicimp · 19 days
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Waiting For the Right Time | fluff | Bucky Barnes x Black!GN!Reader
Summary: Imagine that Bucky Barnes has a huge little crush on you. Now imagine that he's not the only one who thinks that way.
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nothing yet...
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nothing yet...
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nothing yet...
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sycamorelibrary754 · 5 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 10: MacGyver
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Summary: Wanda and Monica hurry to Rome to save the team from San Castillo's catacombs while you anxiously wait for news about Wanda and your newfound family.
Warnings: Mentions of injury, asthma, anxiety
Word Count: 8k
A/N: The latest chapter of Guardian Angel is the longest yet. Thanks to everyone who's reading! I'm excited about where the story is headed, and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Guardian Angel Masterlist 
Tony slowly opened his eyes, but all he could see was darkness. The faceplate of his Iron Man helmet slid open, and he heard the dripping sound of condensation. The only indication that he was still alive.
Steve stirred next, feeling the damp air and touching the hard stone floor. He started crawling on all fours and ripped off his oxygen mask, coughing as small pebbles from the drop scraped against his skin.
“Buck, come on. There you go.” Steve tapped his friend's cheek as he started to come around. “Wow,” Barnes gasped as he looked back up at the height of the drop.
Yelena crawled towards Natasha, her face and arms stained with dirt and blood. Despite the pain in her wrist, she began moving the small pile of rubble that had buried her older sister's lower body.
“Are you okay, sestra?” Her voice was muffled under the oxygen mask, but she managed to ask.
Nat slowly sat up and let out a hiss as the pain in her right leg began to hit her. Looking down, she noticed a gash spanning the length of her lower leg, visible through her suit. Although the cut wasn't deep, it was enough to cause her discomfort.
All around them, there was an eerie silence that sent shivers down their spines. The darkness was so thick they could barely see anything beyond a few feet.
Carol quickly sprang into action, helping Peter and Kate to their feet, while Sam and Clint sputtered and coughed as they crawled out from behind a chunk of stone slab covered in a cracked fresco painting that had fallen along with them. The sound of the debris crashing against each other had been deafening, and it had taken them a few moments to get their bearings.
Thor was the last to appear, tossing rubble and rocks aside like Legos. His strength and determination were evident as he worked to clear the wreckage.
“Is everyone alright?” Steve asked the team.
A smattering of grunts and mumbles floated out of the team in response. Everyone was nursing a modicum of injuries, but somehow, all were alive.
"FRIDAY, can you give me an IR scan of the space?" Tony's voice echoed through the underground catacombs.
FRIDAY's response was unexpected. "This is not part of the previously mapped subterranean pathway, boss."
Tony's curiosity was piqued. "What do you mean? Are there any air currents?"
"This catacomb is not accessible to the general public. Therefore, no air currents were constructed at this depth," FRIDAY replied.
Steve had a sudden realization, "How much oxygen is left in the masks?"
"Undeterminable, Captain,” FRIDAY said.
Panic set in as the realization hit them - they were running out of oxygen. "Maria, can you hear me?" Nat urgently called out through her comms, hoping for a response. But all she got was static. "Is comms working for anyone?" she asked, looking around for a glimmer of hope, but no one could get through. 
Not waiting for further instruction, Carol swiftly flew up the shaft. The team could hear the distant sound of energy blasts as scattered debris and water droplets fell from above. She returned shortly after, displaying an air of calm anxiety similar to Natasha's.
"We fell at least one hundred feet," Carol reported, removing her oxygen mask. "The top of the shaft narrows, and the passage is blocked by rubble from the fall."
Thor looked around in frustration, "This is ridiculous," he lamented. "I'm getting us the hell out of here," he declared as he started to spin Mjölnir.
But Bruce quickly stopped him. "No, don't you remember what Friday said before the fall?" he said, grabbing Thor's forearm. A core reactor holds the tunnel together. We have no idea what is behind the energy surges. Introducing thunder into the mix could collapse the entire catacomb."
Thor's face contorted in exasperation, "So what do we do now?" he asked, the tension rising.
“How far out are we?" Wanda inquired.
The low and gentle hum emanating from the Quinjet reverberated through the atmosphere as it soared through the endless expanse of the bright blue sky.
"Just a few minutes. Their trackers are still active, but I can't say how long they'll stay online," Monica replied, glancing down at the GPS display.
Wanda wasn't sure what to say. This was the first time she and Monica had been alone together since the events in Westview. Despite the hug they had shared on the loading dock, Wanda wasn't sure where they stood. However, she couldn't bear to dwell on what they might find when they arrived in Rome. She needed a distraction.
"So... how have you been since, well, since..." Wanda began.
"Since you trapped Westview, New Jersey in an idyllic suburban illusion of your grief and turned me into a photon," Monica finished for her, raising an eyebrow.
Wanda buried her face in her hands, feeling embarrassed. "In a manner of speaking, yes," she mumbled.
"I've been okay. After the Hex was dismantled, Fury sent for me. I was recruited into S.A.B.E.R. I've been shuttling back and forth between Earth and the space station for the last year," Monica explained.
Wanda nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions as she absorbed Monica's words. After a moment, she turned to face her. "Listen, I-"
"You don't need to say anything, Wanda. You already apologized, and I meant what I said that day. I understood how you felt, and given the circumstances and your powers, I would have tried to bring my mom back, too," Monica said, her voice filled with empathy.
Wanda nodded in recognition and gratitude, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.
"Now, I have a question for you," Monica said. "What's the deal with you and Y/N?"
"Our meeting was pure luck, and now... now I can't imagine my life without Y/N. Losing Vis was a turning point in my life. The world around me crumbled, leaving me and my boys vulnerable and exposed. But I had to be strong and protect them, even if it meant building a fortress around my heart. But Y/N, she shattered the fortress the moment our eyes met. It's weird; sometimes it feels like Vision sent Y/N to me, you know? Like she's my guardian angel."
"That's amazing, Wanda. I'm so happy for you,” Monica declared.
"Approaching target landing zone. Cloaking technology initiated," FRIDAY announced.
Darcy seemed to have an unmatched familiarity with the Overwatch system—she navigated through it with precision and ease, almost as if she had designed and constructed it. You couldn't help but notice how meticulously she calibrated her equipment, making every adjustment with utmost care and attention to detail.
“What kind of data were you seeing before the fall?” Darcy asked.
“Mostly thermostats,” Maria said. “A core reactor holds together the stabilization of the tunnel structure.” 
At this point, they could have been speaking a foreign language. You were having difficulty washing off the shock of the last few hours. You were also worried about Wanda putting herself in danger to rescue everyone.
“Why were they all on this mission, anyway?” Darcy continued. “Jack Sparrow doesn't usually push all his Poker chips into the middle of the table for surveillance.” 
Maria pulled up the mission file on the screen, "In the city of Rome, there are more than sixty catacombs composed of miles of underground tunnels in which thousands of tombs are found. Currently, only 5 of them are open to the public. For the last month, we have received some unusual readings from the Catacombs of San Callisto. It spans five floors and more than 12 miles in length,”  Maria continued. “Despite our best intelligence, we were unsure about what we were walking into because it wasn't publicly accessible. Fury wanted us to be prepared for any contingency."
Darcy caught sight of your zoned-out expression. “Hey, Y/N, you okay over there?” 
“Yeah, I just,” you trailed off. “I mean, I make candy for a living. The most dangerous thing I encounter in my day is Harper forgetting to turn off the stove,” you said, starting to get worked up.”
“Y/N,” Maria said, seeing your anxiety rising. 
“I just watched the Avengers fall to God knows where, and my girlfriend just left to try and rescue them with her magical powers…. What the hell is my life?” 
“Y/N, it’s going to be okay,” Maria repeated as she and Darcy approached you.
“How can you possibly know that? This is fucking terrifying!” You shouted. “What if we never see any of them again?”
As you were spiraling into a state of panic, Darcy's hand came down hard and made contact with your cheek, jolting you back into the present moment.
“You were spiraling,” Darcy said, patting you on the back with a smile. “All good now.”
Y/N," Maria said as she placed her hands on your shoulders and looked you in the eyes while you rubbed your cheek. "Everything will be alright. Their trackers are still sending signals, and I just received an update on everyone's vital signs. They're in distress, but they're still stable. Wanda and Monica will find them.”
After a deep breath, you said, "I'm sorry, Maria. I don't know how you guys do this every day,” wiping your hand across your face. “With Natasha down there, I don't know how you're holding it together." 
“I’ve been doing this for a long time, and if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that Nat doesn’t give up. If anything, this entire ordeal has pissed her off, and she’s even more of a fighter when she’s angry,” Maria said.
You glanced at your watch. "Shoot,” you sighed. It's almost 3 p.m. I have to go pick up Billy and Tommy from school. Please call me as soon as you know anything.” 
As you arrived at the boys' school, a sense of nervousness washed over you. You had only met Billy and Tommy once before, and you weren't quite sure what to say to them. You remembered Wanda’s request not to go into detail about the reason for her unplanned departure, so you were hesitant about how to approach the conversation.
Within just a few minutes of your arrival, the sixth-grade class began to come out of the building. It didn't take long for you to spot the twins, carrying their backpacks and books, scanning their surroundings for you.
You called out, "Boys, over here!" Billy and Tommy ran towards you.
“Hi, Y/N, how come you’re picking us up today?” Tommy asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Yeah, where’s our mom?” Billy added, looking a bit confused.
“Your mom had to go on a last-minute mission with the rest of the team,” you said, trying not to go into too much detail. “So, she asked me to look after you boys until she gets back. Is that okay with you?”
Billy and Tommy looked at each other, seemingly communicating a message without words, and then turned back to you with a nod. You couldn't help but wonder if they had some secret twin language that only they knew. Either way, you were relieved they seemed alright with you taking care of them. 
It felt odd stepping foot in Wanda’s home without her. It was your first time there, and the absence of her presence made the atmosphere feel eerie. However, you took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling, reminding yourself to focus on Billy and Tommy.
Once settled, you asked, “Okay, so what do you guys usually do first when you get home from school?” 
Tommy and Billy stood in the kitchen, looking up at you with hopeful eyes. "Well," Tommy began tentatively, "Mom usually lets us play video games after school."
Billy nodded eagerly, adding, "And then we have ice cream. It's our favorite snack."
You couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. "I see," you said, playing along with their little routine. "And after video games and ice cream, you'll probably get started on your homework, right?"
At this, Tommy's face fell. "We don't have any homework," he admitted sheepishly.
You chuckled, leaning back against the counter. "Listen, boys," you said, adopting a more earnest tone. I know we don't know each other very well yet, and you're probably thinking this is a free-for-all. But you should know I invented the 'I don't have any homework' line," you said, placing your hand on your chest. "I was a kid once, too, you know."
“It was worth a shot,” Billy said. 
Why don't you two bring your homework out here, and I’ll fix us a snack in the meantime?” You suggested. 
“Okay,” they said in unison before clambering down the hall. 
You shook your head at their cheekiness and set about preparing a snack. You sliced up some crisp apples, added a dollop of creamy peanut butter, and poured some refreshing lemonade.
After spending some time helping the boys with their homework, which turned out to be more challenging than you remembered, you decided to tidy up around the house. As you walked into the living room, your attention was immediately drawn to the family photo on the wall. Vision stood tall and robust, with Wanda's arm around him, while Billy and Tommy grinned from ear to ear. The image was a gentle reminder of her life before you. Rather than jealousy, you felt a deep empathy and sorrow for all the hardships and heartbreaks she had endured.
You couldn't help but wonder if Wanda was okay right now. If they were all okay.
As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, a soft glow began to spread across the ancient cobblestones of the Appian Way. The air was still and quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was the distant chirping of birds. The surrounding landscape was bathed in a golden light, casting long shadows stretching across the fields and trees. Amidst this stillness, the Quinjet lay concealed in a nearby field. Wanda and Monica walked down the cobblestone path and made their way through the Arch of Dursus, their footsteps echoing in the quietness of the night. The entrance of the San Callisto catacombs suddenly materialized, rising from the ground like an ominous apparition.
The iron gate had been meticulously re-welded shut—Tony’s standard attempt at not drawing suspicion after they entered. Wanda’s hand began to swirl in red. 
“I got it,” Monica said, breaking the lock with electrifying blue energy. 
The two women donned oxygen masks and walked down the stone stairs into the catacombs, their communications and body cameras crackling to life. 
As they descended the steps, their feet moved steadily, one after the other. The count of each step eluded them as they were fully immersed in descending. As they reached the end of the stairs, the first of the tombs revealed itself, emerging from the darkness before them. 
Do you feel anything?” Monica asked, “Anyone?” 
Wanda shook her head, “Not yet.”
“We’re looking at 90 acres of catacombs to search, ladies,” Maria said over the comms.
“So, you know, it may take a minute,” Darcy added. 
Yelena frustratingly turned to Tony, "Can't you fly us out of here? I thought Iron Man could do anything?"
Tony snapped, "Oh gee, I hadn't thought of that blondie. Thank God you finally mentioned it after five hours!"
Natasha intervened, "Take it down a notch, Tony."
Tony sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Don't you think if I could have flown us out of here, I would have done it by now? The energy surges compromised the calibration of the thrusters. FRIDAY is down, too.”
Sam nodded in agreement, "Same here. It's a complete multisystem failure."
Suddenly, Kate's voice echoed off the stone, "Help!!"
Peter dropped from the wall onto the floor, webbing still hanging loosely from the rocks. "I couldn't find any other openings."
Bucky added with a hint of sarcasm, "Terrific. Well, Steve, we died once; looks like it's going to stick this time," he lamented, as he pulled a small flask from inside his leather jacket and removed his oxygen mask.
“Bucky, stop,” Steve sighed.
Clint chimed in, "Hey, give me some of that," as he took a swig out of the flask. 
The archer passed the flask to Thor, who reluctantly sipped,” Your human alcohol is so weak.” 
Natasha stood and hobbled over to Bruce, the cut on her leg now causing her more significant discomfort. 
“Do you want me to look at your leg?” Bruce cautiously asked.
“No,” Nat said, ripping off her oxygen mask. “I want you to get your green ass off that rock and go MacGyver something with Stark to get us the fuck out of here!”
“What’s a MacGyver?” Peter asked.
“It's not a what, it's a who,” Kate responded. 
“I've never heard of him,” Peter continued. 
“MacGyver is amazing!" exclaimed Kate, her excitement bubbling over. "He’s a super resourceful secret agent who uses his vast scientific knowledge to escape dangerous situations. He uses everyday items like matchsticks, paper clips, and rubber bands to complete his missions.”
Nat's voice echoed through the cramped quarters as she shouted, "Knock it off!" The two young Avengers quieted down immediately, their eyes fixed on her. 
Steve took a deep breath and scanned the room, his eyes settling on each of his teammates in turn. "Look," he said, getting everyone's attention. "We don't know how long Wanda and Maria will take to find us, but we must assume they're close. That means we need to stay calm and do everything we can to conserve oxygen in this tiny space and our masks. We don't know what will happen next, but we're in this together, and we're going to make it through."
It had been an hour since the boys had gone to bed. Now that you were finally alone with your thoughts, you couldn't hold back the tears. Your mind was consumed with worry and fear, and you had not received any updates from Maria and Darcy. The silence was deafening, and the longer it persisted, the more scared and anxious you became.
You gazed at your phone, considering calling them, but decided against it. Instead, you wiped your eyes and scrolled through your camera roll, looking at pictures of you and Wanda that reminded youof your favorite memories together.
You suddenly felt like someone was watching you. You looked up and saw Billy poking his head around the corner.
"Hey, Billy. You okay?" you asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Are you?" the young boy asked in return, his voice barely above a whisper. "Your thoughts are really loud."
It took you a moment to realize what he meant, but then it hit you. Of course, like his mom, Billy could hear other people's thoughts. You wondered how often he had to deal with that and how overwhelming it must be.
"I'm sorry, Billy," you said, trying to keep your thoughts in check. "I didn't mean to be so loud."
"It's okay," he said with a shrug as he joined you on the couch. "I'm used to it.”
You sat in silence for a few moments, unsure of what to say next. Then, you remembered why you were there in the first place.
"I'm just excited for your mom to come home," you said, trying to inject some positivity into the conversation.
"Same," he said, his face lighting up a little. He scooted closer to you on the couch. It was a small gesture, but it made you feel like maybe you were doing something right.
"You and Tommy love your mom a lot, don't you?" you asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Yeah, she's amazing. She's always there for us," he explained with a smile.
"I can tell," you said, pulling a soft blanket off the back of the couch and placing it over Billy. "She talks about you and Tommy all the time. She's so proud of both of you."
"Really? What does she say?" Billy asked curiously, his eyes widening with interest.
"Well," you began, "she says you're both brilliant, funny, and sweet young men. She admires your sense of humor and your kindness towards others. Tommy is a great athlete, and you like to draw. She thinks you're a very talented artist."
"Mom told you that?" he said, surprised. "I didn't know she talked about us so much."
"Yes, she does. She loves you two very much," you replied, smiling at him warmly.
You followed Billy’s eyes as he stared at the family photograph you admired earlier. "I miss Dad," he said. "Tommy does, too."
"I know you do," you replied. “I’m sorry.” 
"We were happy in Westview," Billy said, fidgeting with his hands just like Wanda. "Then, one day, we woke up, and Dad was gone and Mom said we had to go."
"That must have been difficult," you said softly.
"Yeah, at first it was tough," Billy continued, "but then we came here. Mom got Uncle Tony to build us this cool house, and we have a lot of fun.”
You couldn't help but smile as he talked about Wanda. "Your mom is the coolest person I know," you said, and Billy beamed with pride.
"You miss her too, don't you?" he asked, and you felt a pang of longing in your heart.
"You're good, kid," you said with a smirk as you ruffled his hair. "Yes, I miss your mom very much."
“She talks about you too, you know,” Billy mentioned.
Your surprise showed on your face. "Really?" you asked.
"Yeah," he said matter-of-factly. "She says you make her happy, and you make the best chocolate in the world."
You giggled at the compliment, but then you noticed the time. It was almost 2 a.m. "I think we both could use some shut-eye, Billy. We want to be well-rested when your mom gets home."
"Okay," he agreed, climbing off the couch.
But before he left, you had an idea. "Hey, what do you say you and I and Tommy make brownies tomorrow as a treat for everyone when they get home?"
Billy's eyes lit up. "That would be awesome!"
"I think so, too," you said with a smile. "Okay, now, bedtime. Off you go."
Unexpectedly, the young boy hugged you goodnight, and you felt a warmth in your heart. "Thank you, Y/N. Goodnight," he said.
"Goodnight, Billy," you said.
Meanwhile, half a world away, Wanda and Monica ventured through the dark and musty catacombs. The eerie silence was only broken by the echo of their footsteps. They had been walking for hours with no sign of anyone. Suddenly, Maria's voice broke through their comms, sending chills down their spine.
“Our last point of contact was down this secondary tunnel just ahead,” she said.
Wanda's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the area. "Watch your step," she warned. "If this is near where they dropped, we're on unstable ground."
As they continued, the walls around them became adorned with ancient symbols and paintings, marking Papal tombs. But their peaceful exploration was abruptly interrupted when Monica came to a sudden halt. "Stop," she said, sensing a change in the electromagnetic spectrum. 
Wanda spun around to face her. "What is it?" She asked, her anxiety rising.
Before Monica could answer, the ground began to shake violently, throwing both women to the ground.
As the ceiling crumbled, debris rained down onthe two women. Acting quickly, Wanda summoned her powers to redirect the falling fragments away from them.
“Are you two okay?” Maria asked nervously.
“Yeah, we're okay,” Wanda said as she helped Monica to her feet. “What was that?” 
Take a look around," Darcy pointed out. "Do you see those fissures along the walls? Someone is utilizing the catacombs as a natural storage space for geothermal energy. But there is something wrong with the core reactor. It's causing the structure to become destabilized.
Monica's voice trailed off as she tried to put her thoughts into words. "So, in other words, we're..." she hesitated, unsure.
Darcy picked up on Monica's hesitation and completed her thought. "Walking on eggshells. You need to find them, and soon.”
Clint, feeling a tad bit drunk from sipping from Bucky’s flask for the last few hours, began singing to himself, “Nobody knows the troubles I've seen.” 
“No, we need to find some physical conductor for the thrusters! We can't use Thor or Danvers down here,” Bruce exasperated.
Clint, not paying attention to the conversation, continued his solo performance, “Nobody knows my sorrows.” 
Tony suggested, “We could use Barnes’s arm,” side-eying the super soldier sitting against the wall. 
Bruce momentarily thought about it and responded, “That could work. We could use the vibranium and cybernetic implant to hot wire the thrusters”.
“Nobody knows the troubles I've seen,” Clint shamelessly continued. 
Bucky, who had been quietly listening, pulled down his oxygen mask so that only his eyes were visible and said, “Come try to take it; I dare you.”
“No one at all!” Clint finally finished singing. Natasha gently coaxed her best friend back into a sitting position beside her and Carol.
Nearby, Yelena, Peter, and Kate sat on the ground. Kate’s head rested in Yelena’s lap, doing her best to clean the cut on the young archer’s forehead. 
"Ouch!" exclaimed Kate, her voice muffled by the oxygen mask.
Yelena had attended to Nat's leg gash and now turned to the cut on Kate's forehead. She took out a disinfectant wipe from her vest pocket and dabbed the wound gently.
“Stop moving, and it won't hurt so much, Kate Bishop,” Yelena said, trying to hold her still. 
Suddenly, the sound of Peter wheezing broke the blonde's concentration away from Kate's forehead.
"Woah, are you okay, spider?" Her voice was filled with concern as the boy tore off his oxygen mask.
Peter gasped between every word and said, "I don't know, I can't,” he sputtered. “Catch my breath."
Kate sat up nervously, "Hey, what's happening? Where is your inhaler, Peter?"
Peter's voice strained, and his breaths became shorter as he said, "On the jet."
Bruce took charge of the situation, moving Peter into a sitting position against the wall. He placed an ear to his chest and frowned at the raspy, short breaths.
"Peter, look at me," Bruce said gently as he held the boy's face. "Are you certain that you don't have a rescue inhaler with you?"
He shook his head, his eyes filled with fear as each breath became more labored.
Tony quickly turned to Steve and said, "Help me out of the suit."
Steve was confused and asked, "What?"
"FRIDAY is down. I need you to get it off me, do it!" Tony's voice exclaimed anxiously.
Steve found the central seam of the Iron Man suit and tried to pull the chest plate apart, but it wouldn't budge.
"Buck, Thor, help me!" Steve shouted.
The sound of Peter's shallow breaths was drowned out by the metal bending as Bucky and Thor worked to free Tony from his suit.
"It's going to be okay, Peter. Stay with us," Sam said, as he and Carol did their best to keep him calm.
Peter's vision began to blur as his breathing was reduced to a squeak.
"Shit!" Bruce exclaimed, realizing the gravity of the situation.
Tony quickly stepped out of the broken pieces of his suit just as Peter was about to lose consciousness. He reached into his pants pocket, pulling out a rescue inhaler. He shook it several times before removing the cap as Nat lowered Peter’s head into her lap. Tony tilted the puffer slightly, angling it down his throat as he gave two puffs into his mouth. 
"Slowly breathe in, kid," Tony instructed. "One, two, three, four, five."
Tony administered two more puffs of the inhaler before Bruce listened to Peter's chest and confirmed his breathing had improved.
"Thank you, Mr. Stark," Peter whispered as his lungs began to open up. "Where did you get that inhaler?"
From Aunt Mae. It was one of her conditions for you to join the team. I always have it on me," Tony explained.
"You broke your suit," Peter realized.
"It's an easy fix, kid. You're not," Tony smirked.
Peter continued to use the inhaler as Tony kissed his forehead and walked away, his hands trembling.
Kate and Yelena comforted Peter while Bruce examined him.
"You're okay, Peter," Bruce said. "Continue using the inhaler, and when you feel up to it, put your oxygen mask back on." He picked up Peter’s mask, but his eyes widened with anxiety. The gauge was empty, and the light had turned red.
"What's wrong?" Steve asked.
"The mask is out of oxygen," Bruce whispered.
"I'll give you mine," Carol offered, taking off her mask and giving it to Peter.
"Thanks, Carol," Peter said as he continued to use the inhaler.
Steve pulled Bruce to one side. “Be honest with me, Bruce. How much time do we have left?”
"It's hard to say. With Peter's preexisting medical condition, he may have been using more oxygen than the rest of us. I'll check the other masks, but with so many people in this small space—”
“Bruce,” Steve said solemnly. 
“An hour. Maybe,” Banner conceded.
Instantly, an avalanche of disordered thoughts rushed into Wanda's mind, emanating from Peter. The intensity of his anxiety was so profound that Wanda had to cling to the wall of the tunnel to steady herself. Overwhelmed with relief and anguish, she burst into tears. It was as if Peter's distress was contagious, and his emotions threatened to engulf Wanda's consciousness. His mind was a chaotic maze of thoughts, all leading to the same inescapable conclusion: they were all going to die.
Monica's voice interrupted her thoughts, "Wanda, what is it?"
Wanda had to grab the side of the wall for support. "Peter. I can feel him; he's close."
It was as if Peter’s thoughts broke the dam, and one by one, the desperation and fear of her teammates came through. But soon, it was replaced with something else entirely: acceptance. They seemed resigned to their fate, and Wanda couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.
“This way,” Wanda said as the two women doubled back. 
A dark tunnel forced the two women to duck as they crawled through it. As they forced their way through the ancient passage, they were relieved when it opened into a larger space—rubble scattered everywhere and the feeling of uneven ground underneath their feet. 
Maria's voice echoed through the comms, "What do see?" 
Monica took a deep breath and replied, "It's much cooler in here." The air around them was refreshing, starkly contrasting the humid air in the rest of the catacomb.
Wanda knelt and placed her hand on the ground, feeling the dampness seeping through her fingers. "The ground is damp, too," she added.
Darcy's ears perked up at their report, and her eyes widened. “This is it! If the water sinks into the ground, it's coming out somewhere.” 
Monica took notice of the uneven gravel. “Don’t move,” she said as she phased through the ground, leaving Wanda alone with the team’s thoughts in her head. 
Bruce, true to his word, carefully examined all the oxygen in the ten remaining masks. Unfortunately, five more had depleted, leaving the group with only five masks to share. They sat in a circle and passed the masks around, agreeing on five-minute turns, but the adults made sure Yelena, Kate, and Peter had the masks on for a bit longer without saying anything.
As they breathed heavily and coughed occasionally, it became apparent that the air was running out. Suddenly, a low rumbling sound made everyone scramble to the walls. Yelena instinctively reached out for Natasha, who was struggling to stand on what was now most likely an infected cut in her leg.
"Cover your head!" Steve shouted, not sure if it was another energy surge or if the catacombs were finally caving in.
Suddenly, Monica dropped through the stone ceiling and landed on Carol, causing her to grunt in pain. Monica quickly stood up, dusting herself off and helping Carol to her feet. 
Kate screamed in relief, "Oh my God, it's Monica!!" and hugged her. Yelena tried to pry Kate off Monica while everyone else watched in surprise.
"You found us," Carol said, hugging her next.
"Actually, Wanda found you,” Monica said as she held Carol. “She heard Peter's thoughts," turning to the young Avenger.
"Thank you for having asthma, you wonderful little arachnid!" Clint said, kissing Peter on the cheek.
"Umm, you're welcome," Peter replied.
"Wanda is here?" Steve asked.
"I knew she could do it," Natasha said under her breath, recalling the day Wanda returned to the compound.
"Wanda," Monica said, pressing her comms closer to her ear. "You were right, they're down here."
"Are they alright?" Wanda asked, her voice a mix of anxiety and relief.
"More or less," Monica responded, looking around at the sweaty, exhausted, and dirt-covered group. "When I give the word, you do your thing."
"Got it," Wanda replied.
"Everyone move away from the center," she instructed. 
After ensuring that everyone was safe, she issued the command, "Alright, Wanda. Now.”
The redhead stood still, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Her hands and eyes began to emit a bright red glow, almost like they were on fire. As she closed her eyes, your words echoed in her mind.
“The magic that courses through you is the true measure of who you are, Wanda. Don't let a single mistake define you or your legacy."
She focused her energy and channeled her magic to lift the endless amount of heavy rubble that blocked the narrow shaft. As she lifted the debris, the sound of rocks and debris tumbling down from above echoed through the small space. The team looked up as they saw a faint ray of light piercing through the small opening over a hundred feet above them. 
Wanda's heart pounded as she floated down, eager to reunite with her family. As soon as her feet touched the ground, Natasha enveloped her in a warm embrace. "No arm tied behind your back anymore," she whispered, her words full of relief. 
Tears filled Wanda's eyes as she nodded, overwhelmed with emotion. Then, Tony stepped forward and hugged her tightly. "I can't even tell you how happy I am to see you, Red," he said, his voice filled with genuine joy.
"Same here, Tony," Wanda replied, a smile spreading across her face.
But their reunion was cut short by Maria's voice crackling over the comms. "You can all exchange pleasantries on the way home; time to rejoin the above-ground dwellers," she said briskly.
Wanda quickly wiped away her tears and, with a wave of her hand, conjured a ladder leading out of the shaft. 
After Wanda and Monica checked the stability of the ladder, Bucky, Clint, Sam, Thor, and Carol led the way up. Monica offered her assistance to anyone who needed it. 
"Does anyone need a lift?" Monica asked, glancing around at the group.
Tony immediately pointed to Peter, who quickly protested, "What? No, not necessary, Mr. Stark. I'm fine."
However, Tony was quick to dismiss Peter's objections. "Nice try, kid. Your asthma almost killed you. Let the Photon carry you. That's an order," he said, picking up the broken chest plate of his suit and ascending the ladder.
Peter reluctantly acquiesced. "Fine," he grumbled, "but no one tells MJ.”
Monica picked Peter up bridal-style and flew up the shaft, ensuring that he made it to the top safely.
Natasha leaned on Yelena and Kate for support as she hobbled toward the ladder.
"May I offer you a lift?" Wanda asked with a smirk, knowing that Nat would be hesitant to accept help from anyone.
"Do I look like Peter?" Nat replied sarcastically, trying to shrug off the offer.
Wanda's smirk turned into a concerned expression as she noticed the pain she was in. "No, but your leg looks pretty bad, and I have someone on the line who wants to speak with you," she explained, handing Nat her comms earpiece.
Nat begrudgingly grabbed it, knowing precisely who would be on the other end. She put it on and said, "Hi, Maria.”
Maria's voice echoed through the earpiece. "Natalia Alianovna Romanoff! I can see your leg on their body cameras. Let Wanda help you, or I swear to God, you are sleeping on the couch until it heals," she shouted in a stern tone. 
Natasha let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that Maria was right. She reluctantly handed her earpiece back to Wanda and nodded in agreement.
"Have a nice conversation, did you?" Wanda teased, noticing the annoyed expression on Natasha's face.
"Shut up, and get me out of here," the Black Widow grumbled.
"Good choice," the redhead said with a smile as she used her magic to lift Natasha out of the shaft. She then turned her attention to Yelena and Kate and gestured for them to follow. "After you."
The last one to leave, Steve smiled broadly at Wanda, his dirt and blood-covered face unable to conceal his immense pride in her.
“Are you going to give me some big hero speech, Cap?” Wanda asked, half-joking.
"Maybe later," Steve replied with a sigh. "But for now, all I want to do is this." He wrapped his arms around Wanda, pulling her close. "Welcome back, Wanda," he said, his voice filled with warmth.
Night had descended upon Rome by the time the team finally boarded the Quinjet. Monica took control of the jet and put it on autopilot, allowing her and Wanda to attend to everyone's injuries. The mood was somber as they tended to the team.
"No more underground missions!" Sam declared loudly, wincing in pain as Wanda wrapped his shoulder. "I mean it. If we need to go underground, Fury can send in the incredible shrinking Scott or use Red Wing. I was chasing ghosts down there, and we still don't know what the hell was going on."
Monica tried to reassure him. "You were probably just hallucinating from a lack of oxygen," she said.
Ha! Probably!" Sam responded, his tone skeptical. "See, that's not exactly comforting. Steve, I need you to make sure this is included in the mission report. We can't afford to overlook any potential threats."
Looking around at the team, Steve agreed with Sam. "I think we could all use some rest first though," he suggested. "We can reconvene in the morning and go over everything in more detail.”
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your phone ringing on the coffee table. You had decided to sleep on the couch after Billy went back to bed, in case either of the boys woke up again. As you picked up the phone and saw Maria's name on the screen, your heart skipped a beat.
Anxious and nervous, you answered the call, "Maria? Have you heard anything?”
Maria's response brought tears to your eyes, "They're all safe. A bit bruised and battered, but alive. ETA is about 2 hours."
Relieved and grateful, you could feel a weight lifted off your chest. "Oh, thank God… and Wanda?"
"She was amazing, Y/N. You would’ve been so proud," Maria's voice was filled with admiration.
You couldn't help the tears that fell down your cheeks. You asked, "So, what happens now?" while looking around the corner to make sure Billy and Tommy were still asleep.
"Well, they'll have a short debrief when they get back and presumably a visit to the med bay. But I know Wanda will want to see you and the boys ASAP," Maria explained.
You nodded, even though she couldn't see you, "Okay," you said while running your hand through your hair and looking at the clock. "We'll be there."
"Good, see you in a bit, Y/N," Maria said.
"Bye, Maria," you replied before hanging up the phone. 
As you were putting the couch back together, Billy and Tommy, still in their pajamas, walked into the kitchen. You greeted them with a warm smile and said, "Good morning, boys! I have some good news for you - your mom is on her way home."
Tommy's face lit up with delight as he exclaimed, "Yes!"
Billy looked at you with curiosity and asked, "When will she be here?"
You checked your watch and replied, "In a couple of hours. I was thinking we could all meet her at the compound. What do you think?"
Both boys nodded eagerly, thrilled at the prospect of seeing their mother again.
Then, you added, "Cool! So, I was thinking, would you like to help me make some brownies to bring as a welcome-home treat for everyone? It's a very special recipe from The Candy Bar."
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for their response. The boys looked at each other, then back at you, with wide grins on their faces. "Yes, please!" they exclaimed in unison.
As you stepped into the kitchen, you were struck by the state-of-the-art sound system that Tony had built into the house. You paired your phone with it and turned on your “Baking playlist” to set the mood for your baking session. Billy and Tommy sat at the kitchen island, eagerly awaiting their tasks. You laid out all the ingredients for your fudgy chocolate brownies on the sleek granite countertop, admiring how they gleamed under the overhead lights.
“Okay,” you said, clapping your hands together. “Tommy, you mix the dry ingredients, and Billy, you mix the wet ingredients.”
You couldn't help but grin as the boys rolled up their sleeves and got to work, their eyes fixed on the recipe book as they measured each ingredient with utmost care.
While the brownies were baking to perfection, you whipped up a decadent chocolate frosting that would add an extra layer of sweetness to the treat. The smooth, velvety texture of the frosting was the perfect complement to the chewy, chocolatey goodness of the brownies.
Once you finished frosting the brownies and placing them in the refrigerator, you checked the clock and said, "Okay, why don't you guys get showered and dressed? You want to look your best for your mom."
In perfect unison, they responded, "Okay." That's when Tommy suddenly zipped away and returned in a split second, ready to go. 
"Whoa! That was fast," you said, impressed.
"I know, right? I have super speed, just like our Uncle Pietro!" Tommy proudly announced.
"Ah, your mom has told me a bit about him," you replied, nodding in understanding.
"Well, that's why I'm so awesome at sports!" Tommy exclaimed with a huge grin.
"Actually, that's not true," Billy interjected. "Mom doesn't want him to use his powers while playing."
"Ugh, don't listen to him. Sometimes I use them when she isn't looking," Tommy said, a mischievous look creeping across his face.
"What?! I'm going to tell Mom!" Billy shouted, looking outraged.
"You will not!" Tommy said, pushing his brother playfully.
"Hey, hey, hey!" You stepped between them, breaking up their squabble. "Billy, you can go get ready, and Tommy, how about you help me pack the brownies?"
"Fine," Billy grumbled.
"Okay," Tommy said with a nod.
As you entered the compound, you were informed that the team had already finished their debriefing and were receiving post-mission examinations and oxygen treatments in the med bay, as per Fury's orders. You and the boys patiently waited outside the medical facility, observing as doctors and nurses went in and out.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally caught a glimpse of Wanda. The sight of her filled you with joy, and you couldn't help but smile. Wanda was scanning the room before her eyes landed on you and the boys. The twins' excitement was palpable as they ran towards Wanda with unbridled enthusiasm.
Wanda hugged Billy and Tommy tightly, kissing the tops of their heads. You hung back, holding the Tupperware full of brownies, not wanting to impose on their family reunion. 
“I missed you boys so much!” Wanda said, kneeling to hug them.
“We missed you too,” Tommy replied.
“Yeah,” Billy agreed, “but we had a great time with Y/N. She's so much fun, and we made brownies for everyone, see?” pointing back at you. 
Wanda glanced back at you, and her eyes lit up with joy upon seeing you standing there. “Hello, my love. I missed you too," she said, pulling you into a warm embrace, and giving you a soft kiss on the lips, which made you blush.
“You brought everyone home,” you said, repeating the words you spoke to her before she left. “I knew you could do it,” you said, as you both tried to hold back tears in the middle of the med bay. 
Lost in the moment, Tony's voice brought you back to reality. "Aww! Look at the lovebirds," he exclaimed. You saw Stark walking towards you, holding Pepper’s and Morgan’s hands. He looked a bit worse for wear than the last time you saw him, with a limp, butterfly stitches above his eyebrow, and a cut on his cheek.
You hugged all three of them. "Mmmm, what do we have here?" Tony asked. "Very nice! I don't remember you making brownies for me when I came home from a mission,” turning to his wife.
Pepper shot back, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little busy running your entire company. If you want brownies, make them yourself."
Natasha appeared next, being pushed in a wheelchair by Maria, followed by Yelena and Kate. Natasha's lower right leg was heavily bandaged, "Oh, Nat, are you okay?" you asked.
"I'm fine," she said, reassuringly smiling as you leaned down to embrace her. "This is all just precautionary."
Maria chimed in, "Right, that’s why Dr. Cho also gave us precautionary antibiotics," doing air quotes, and you couldn't help but laugh at her comment.
"My sister has always been stubborn," Yelena said as she and Kate joined the group. The blonde adjusted the brace on her wrist before hugging you and grabbing two brownies.
"Yeah, you should have seen her down there," Kate added. "It was like the Black Widow on steroids," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around you.
"What was that, Bishop?" Nat asked, giving Kate a suspicious look.
"Nothing," Kate responded nervously. "Would you like a brownie?"
"Mmhm, that's what I thought you said," Nat smirked as she took the brownie.
You joined the team for dinner but retired early to your room, wanting to give the group some space to decompress after a traumatic mission. While resting on your bed, a knock on your door caught your attention, and Wanda poked her head inside. 
“Sorry, sweetheart. Were you sleeping?” she asked.
“No, just resting my eyes,” you replied as you sat up with a yawn. 
Wanda joined you on the bed, giggling. “Yeah, that's how I usually feel at the end of the day with the boys, too.”
You wrapped your arms around her and kissed her cheek. “The boys were great. It was nice to spend more time with them.”
“They feel the same way, love. To quote them, Y/N is super cool,” Wanda smirked.
“Super cool. I should put that on my business card,” you joked.
“Seriously, Y/N. Thank you. I know two 11-year-old boys are a handful, and I put you in a challenging position, but it means so much to me that I can trust you.”
As soon as the word "trust" was uttered, memories of your parents' dubious actions over the remains of Sokovia and your conversation with Tony flooded your mind. The weight of the past seemed to take its toll on you, and your anxiety was on full display, which the redhead must have picked up on.
Wanda glanced at you with concern etched on her face. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice laced with tenderness and care.
You tried your best to put on a reassuring smile and push the nagging thoughts out of your mind. "I am now that you're home," you replied softly.
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lexiepoch · 2 years
They Find you Having a Nightmare
Word Count: 5902
Tony Stark: "Y/N? What's going on?" says your boyfriend, Tony, rolling over when he hears you making noise. You're clearly still asleep, but whimpers of pain escape your lips every few seconds. Your eyebrows cross as your nose wrinkles.
"No! Please Dad! Stop! It hurts! Dad! Stop! Stop please!" You call out in your sleep, hands curling into fists on your chest, clutching at the top you stole from Tony's closet.
"Y/N, baby, it's okay! You're safe now. You're not there anymore! Wake up baby! Wake up Y/N!" says Tony, frantically shaking your shoulder, trying to wake you. "Baby, wake up! Wake up, love!"
"Huh?! What happened?!" you say, bolting upright, finally waking.
"Oh, thank god. You were having a nightmare again baby. Come here, I'll hold you. Let's go back to sleep, it's not quite morning yet. We can still get a few hours before you need to get up for work." he says, pulling you back down into a laying position, but rolling you so you're cuddled up against his chest.
"Sorry Tones. I hope I didn't disturb you too much."
"You never disturb me babe. Go to sleep, four o'clock is going to come around really fast. Don't worry about it." he says, pecking you forehead, encouraging you to relax into him further.
Pepper Potts: As Pepper comes home from another day at Stark Industries, instead of finding you dancing around the kitchen while making dinner, she finds a quiet apartment. Almost too quiet. "Y/N? Baby, where are you?" she asks into the silence. That's when she hears it, a quiet whimpering coming from your shared bedroom. Hurriedly, she kicks off her stilettos and makes her way to where the noise is coming from.
"No, Pep, please don't leave me! Please, I need you Pep! I'm nothing without you, I'm a mess. You know that! Come back please!" you beg, obviously asleep. Tears roll down your pale cheeks. Pepper kneels down in front of you, before softly taking your face in her hands, wiping your tears away with her thumbs.
"Y/N, baby, wake up. Wake up for me sweetie. You're okay, I'm never going to leave you." she coos, helping wake you from your nightmare.
"Pep! Oh Pepper! Oh thank god you're here!" you cry, waking suddenly and throwing your arms around her neck.
"Hey baby. It's alright, I've got you. Pepper's here, my love. Calm down, take a deep breath. I'm never going to leave you, not for anyone." she soothes, rubbing your back underneath your sleep shirt. Minutes pass and slowly your breathing settles back down to its normal pace. "Feeling better, babes?"
"Yeah, thanks Pepper. Sorry if I scared you."
"It's okay, as long as you feel better now. My pretty little baby. My needy little baby." she coos, pulling back to pinch your cheek, causing you to whine unhappily.
"Pepper! Stop! Don't like that!" you complain, pouting at your girlfriend. She chuckles, leaning forward, kissing the pout off of your lips.
You roll your eyes at that. "Pep, I just woke up from a nightmare, I'm dressed in a massive shirt and barely there panties. I'm the opposite of cute right now." You complain, flopping onto your back, draping an arm over your eyes to block out the sun.
"You'll always be a cutie to me, Y/N. Even in your crappy Walmart brand sleep shirts and barely there panties and messed up hair." she teases, standing up bedside the bed.
"Hey! Leave my Walmart shirts out of this! It's all I can afford, I don't make nearly half of what you do, Pep. You know that."
"You realize I am willing to buy you nicer things, right babes?"
"No! Charity is not allowed! You're lucky I let you pay the rent for this place."
"It's not charity baby. It's called a gift. My pretty baby deserves pretty things." she coos, pulling you out of the bed and planting light kisses to the crown of your head.
Peter Parker: "Morning babe. How'd you sleep?" you say, as Peter slides his arms around your waist and leans down slightly to rest his chin on your shoulder.
"Pretty good, caught a robber last night, that was fun. How about you? Was it a good night or a bad night?"
“Bad. Had a nightmare again. But it's okay, I got five hours, I'm all good." You say, like getting less than eight hours a night was normal and healthy.
"I thought I told you to call me if you had a nightmare and couldn't get back to sleep. Why didn't you?"
"Because Pete, you need your sleep, I can do without. It's fine, just drop it okay? We've got to get to homeroom." you say, sliding out of his grasp, shutting your locker.
"Babe! Don't be like that! You know I care about your health, mental and physical. At least tell me what the nightmare was about?"
"Alright, fine. I watched you and May die and I couldn't do anything about it. I cried for about half an hour while my coffee brewed. Once I had my coffee I was fine. I'll see you in Chemistry Pete." you say, kissing his cheek softly.
"Yep, see you in Chem." he says, returning the affection before you disappear into your homeroom.
Sam Wilson: As Sam comes home from his morning run he notices you on the couch, sleeping somewhat peacefully. "She must've gotten back from work while I was out." he mutters, heading past you to the bathroom for a shower. After his shower, he quickly changes and heads back out to the living room, expecting to find you still sleeping peacefully. What he wasn't expecting to find was you wide awake and panting. "Y/N? Are you okay?" he asks, sitting down on the couch arm, placing an apprehensive hand on your shoulder.
"Ahh!" You scream, before noticing who's in front of you. "Oh, sorry Sammy. I, uh, had a nightmare again. Don't worry about it, though. Sorry for screaming in your face." you say, cringing away from him slightly.
"Hey, it's okay. You have issues, we all do. Just relax, I'll go get you some water, okay?" he says softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He gets off of the arm and starts making his way towards the kitchen.
"Wait! Sammy!" you call after him.
"Yeah babe?" he asks, turning back to face you.
"Can you get me some of that juice I like instead, please?" you give him puppy eyes.
"Of course I can. Anything for you, babe."
Steve Rogers: Steve wakes up to his alarm going off, and notices you're not in the bed beside him. Confused, he glanced towards your ensuite bathroom. The light's off as well. "Oh shit. She probably had a nightmare again." He mutters, getting up out of bed. He grabs a shirt and throws it on before heading into the rest of the compound. He comes into the kitchen to see you sitting at the island, a cup of coffee in front of you.
"Morning Stevie. Sorry for leaving you, I couldn't go back to sleep. There's coffee in the pot if you want some." You say, smiling sheepishly at the super soldier.
“Morning princess, how's the hips?" He teases, kissing your head.
"A little sore, you left hand prints you know?" You say, taking a sip of your coffee. You wink at him, pulling up the side of your shirt to show him the edge of the bruise he left.
"Seriously, I did? Wow, I didn't mean to baby. Do you want to tell me what it was about?" He says, shocked.
"The usual. You and the team dead. Fury dead. But I'm fine. Don't worry about me, Stevie."
"Are you sure bubs? Normally you can get back to sleep. What was different this time?"
"Nothing Stevie. Remember I went to bed earlier than normal last night?"
"Oh right, forgot that. I fucked you so well you were too tired to stay up, even for aftercare. " He says getting a coffee mug out.
"Yeah. I need a shower, want to join me or are you gonna go on a run today?" You say, finishing your coffee off with one big gulp.
Steve looks at you, looks at the coffee mug in his hand before putting it back into the cupboard quickly. "Let's go, I can run tomorrow." He says grabbing you by your waist, swinging you over his shoulder with ease. You giggle as he carries you back down the hall.
Bucky Barnes: "Doll! Wake up!" Yells Bucky, aggressively shaking your shoulder. You were having a terrible nightmare. Kicking, screaming, hitting. With one final scream you shoot upright, breathing heavily. You clutch at your chest, feeling your heart race. "Y/N, it's alright. You're here with me, it's James. Breathe doll. Take a deep breath for me, hun. There, that's better. Just breathe doll, I'm not going anywhere. You're alright. You're never gonna have to face him again. I promise. We will protect you." He says, knowing that the reason for your nightmare was your abusive ex-fiancé.
"Yeah doll? I'm right here. F. R. I. D. A. Y. turn on the bedside lamp please. Hey, look at me doll. What wrong?"
"I just want you to know that I- I love you, Buck. I love you a lot."
"I love you too doll. Why don't you try to get some more sleep? I'll be right here, as always." You nod, laying back down, curling into your boyfriends side, clinging to his waist, pulling him to lay with you. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. turn the lamp back off." He mumbles, holding you to his side protectively.
Bruce Banner: You lay in your bed panting as your husband leaves the room to fetch you a glass of water. When he returns, he sets the glass on the bedside table and gently pulls you into a sitting position. "Y/N, breathe for me love. Take deep breaths, you had a real bad fright. You need to bring your heart rate down before you drink anything, otherwise you will likely choke. Y/N, look at me. He's in jail, you never have to worry about him again. I promise my love, you're safe from him now." says Bruce, rubbing your back and planting tender kisses on your forehead.
"Brucie, what if he gets out? What am I supposed to do if he gets out?" you say, eyes teary.
"He won't, he's in for life Y/N. And if on the off chance that he escapes, the team will take him out. We've got you, love."
Natasha Romanoff: "What is it, babe?" says your girlfriend over the phone, clearly having just woken up to answer your call. Even though you're only a few floors away from her, you had to call her, you couldn't convince your body to move.
"Nat, can- can you come to my r-room?" you sniffle, tears rolling down your cheeks. You hear the rustling of her bed sheets as she gets up.
"Yeah I can baby! What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare again, love?" she says, her bedroom door creaking shut in the background.
"Mhm, I can't move Natty. It's happening again! I can't move!" you cry, sobs shaking your entire body, despite you not being able to move your limbs. You can hear her bare feet run up the stairs of the compound, and try to calm yourself down, but the hysteria takes over you an the phone falls out of your hand onto the bed.
"Baby! Y/N, I'm coming sweetie! Listen to my voice Y/N. Listen to me, my lyubov. I need you to breathe for me. Y/N! You need to breathe for me!" She says, opening the stairwell door, practically sprinting down the hall to your bedroom. She quickly throws your door open, letting it bang against the wall, and rushes to your bedside. "Hey! Look at me baby! Look at me Y/N! Hey, hi. Yeah, breathe for me dorogoy. Good, yes! Just like, that my lyubov. Just relax everything for me. There you go my lyubov. Do you want to tell me about it?" She coos, stroking your hair away from your face.
"It was the Chitauri. You and the whole team dead. Loki on a throne, chaos." you whimper, leaning into your girlfriends hand.
"They're gone dekta. You don't need to worry about that. Loki is back on Asgard where he belongs." she comforts you, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
Clint Barton: As you walk into your apartment you notice Clint's bow sitting on the couch and you can hear the tap running in the bathroom. You close the door and lean against it, waiting for him to emerge so you can throw yourself at him. When he finally does leave the bathroom you do just as you had planned and attack him in a hug but not before noticing the cuts, scrapes and healing bullet wounds on his bare upper body. "You're home!" you cry out, burying your face in his neck. You let your tears run, and practically bawl into his neck.
"Hey baby! Y/N? What's wrong, my love?" He asks, hugging you back. The sobs wrack through you body, leaving you shaking terribly in between the heaves. He gently shushes you as he carries you over to the couch. He pushes his bow to the floor with a clatter and sits down on the cushions, pulling you into his lap in order to comfort you. He rocks you back and forth gently as you continue to cry.
"You got shot at!? Again?!" you whimper, brushing light finger tips over the healing wounds. He nods, stroking your hair. "Oh god, it's all coming true. Oh shit. Clint, what if you die?! What am I supposed to tell our friends if you go out on a mission one day and don't return?" you ask, tears coming to your eyes once more.
"Y/N, don't be upset! Don't start crying again love! It's fine, I'm fine. Now, tell me, what's got you reacting like this?" he croons, rubbing your back and pressing butterfly kisses to your forehead.
"I had a nightmare, you had gone on a mission with Nat and Coulson and they returned but you didn't. They said you died in gunfire. I was so terrified when I woke up." you say, your body still shaking.
"I promise that won't happen any time soon. I have the next two weeks off. Let's just relax and cuddle for a bit, alright?"
"Okay, that sounds nice." you say, trying to continue to take deep breaths and slow the shaking to a minimal amount."
Wanda Maximoff: You slip from your bed and pad across the room towards the door. Trying to be quiet you open the door, intending to slip out into the hall and go sit in the main room until the others began to wake. Your plan fails quite quickly because as you open the door, the hinges creak surprisingly loud, waking your girlfriend. "Y/N? Why are you out of bed? Where are you going, kitten?" she asks, sitting up in the bed, cocking her head to the side confused.
"Was going to the main room Wands. Didn't mean to wake you, sorry." you mumble, ears drooping on top of your head. Your tail dips down to rest between your legs.
"Why were you goin' to the main room, kitten?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows.
"I had a nightmare again." you whisper under your breath.
"Y/N, kitten, you need to speak up. I didn't hear a thing you just said." she coos.
"Had a nightmare Wands. Scared me and didn't wanna bother you." you admit, bowing your head, ashamed.
"Baby, if you have nightmare you wake me up! Come here my love. No need to be ashamed, everyone gets them. Come here, yes, come back to bed little one. You're safe here. Come cuddle with me, kitten." says Wanda softly. Abashedly you walk back over to the bed and climb in with her again. She gently grabs your waist and pulls you across the mattress so you're laying against her chest. She begins to hum an old Sokovian lullaby to you, while scratching behind your ears. Your feline instincts tell you to curl up in to her, to wrap your tail around her thigh. So you give in and do just that.
When she finishes the song, you're practically asleep. "Wanda?" you mumble into her chest.
"Yes kitten? Something wrong?" she asks, quietly.
"Nothin's wrong. Just wanted you to know I wuv you." you slur, nuzzling closer to her.
She chuckles quietly, continuing to rub at your ears. You purr unconsciously, enjoying the feeling of her nails on your scalp. "I love you too kitten. Go to sleep now honey." She whispers, kissing your temple.
Pietro Maximoff: "No. No, no no. No. He can't be! You promised me he would come back Stark! Same with you Steve. You promised me my boyfriend would come back alive and well!" you shout. Pietro looks over at you, noticing that you're asleep and having a nightmare. He quickly places his book on the floor and rushes over to you, crossing your small apartment bedroom in less than half a second.
"Draga, I'm here. I'm alive draga. Y/N, wake up! Wake up my dear!" he says, shaking your shoulders, trying to wake you. "Wake up, draga!" he shouts in your ear, shocking you awake. You bolt into a sitting position, crashing your forehead on your boyfriends.
"Ow. That hurt." you mutter, clutching your head in pain.
"Oh! I'm sorry draga! I'll go get you some ice! I'll be right back." he says, holding his forehead as well. He leans down and presses a kiss to your head before running out of the room and returning five seconds later with two ice packs in his hands.
"Thank you baby. I love you Pietro." you say, taking the cold pack he offers to you before reaching up with your free hand to pull him in for a sweet kiss. You feel him smile slightly into the kiss, causing you to smile as well.
Thor Odinson: As soon as you wake from the horrible dream, you get up from your bed and stride to your balcony. "Oh, lord." You mumble. Holding your chest, you look out at the sunrise over the royal gardens, and notice movement by the royal stables. Upon a closer look, you realize it is Lady Sif, prepping a horse for a ride.
"Darling? What are you doing out on the balcony this early in the morning? The sun's not even fully up yet.  Come back to bed, my queen." mumbles Thor, his eyes open to little slits, peering over at you from the bed.
"Sorry Thor, darling. I had a nightmare and needed some fresh air. I didn't mean to wake you, my love." you say quietly, crossing the room again.
"Oh, no. You didn't wake me. I just sensed your missing presence and woke up. A nightmare you say. What was it about?" he asks, worry evident on his face as you join him in bed again.
"I'll tell you about it later darling. Let's just go back to sleep. I am still tired and bet you are too." you say, sliding to snuggle against your fiance's chest.
"Alright. Sleep well my love. Sweet dreams. I love you."
"I love you too, Thor."
Loki Laufeyson: "Darling! Darling wake up!" yells your husband, shaking your shuddering from. You bolt upright, nearly bashing your forehead on his. Before you do, his hand blocks your foreheads from touching with a gentle hand. "Love, relax. Breathe. It's alright. I'm here. Just breathe my dear." he soothes, hands snaking around you and pulling your body to rest on top of his. He gently tucks your head into the conjunction between his neck and shoulder.
"Oh Norns." you mumble, struggling to even out your breaths.
"You're alright my dear. I'm here for you. I'm here." he says softly, hand rubbing your back. You wrap your arms around his neck and your fingers grip onto the hairs at the back of his neck. Your shaking shoulders gradually become still as your breath evens out. "Would you like to tell me why you were screaming in your sleep, my queen?" he asks quietly.
"I was having a nightmare, Loki." you mutter into his skin.
He rolls his eyes before speaking again."Yes, I understand that you were having a nightmare my love. Do you mind telling me what it was about?" he asks, sarcasm evident in his voice.
"I watched you die... By the hands of Thor." you whisper, tucking your face closer to his neck.
"Well, seeing as Thor could barely catch me when we were younger, I doubt he could catch me now. Let alone overpower me. You have nothing to worry about my love. Thor is too much of a people-pleaser to even think about killing me." he says, chuckling slightly.
"I'm tired. I'm going back to sleep. I love you, Loki." you mumble, letting your breathing even out.
"Alright my dear. I'll see you in the morning. I love you too, my queen." he says softly, pressing a kiss to your temple as you begin to drift back into unconsciousness.
Lady Sif: "My dear, what on Midguard are you doing awake so early?" asks your wife, coming into the armoury. She comes up beside you, and leans in to press a soft kiss to your cheek but you flinch away from her. "Y/N? What is wrong, my love?" She asks, concern on her face.
"Nothing Sif. I'm fine." you say, pulling your silver polish out of your tool belt, along with a shammy. You grab one of the swords off the wall and pour some polish onto your cloth and begin to rubs at a tarnished spot on the blade.
"No you're not. You flinched when I went to give you a kiss. Not once in the time we were courting and in our marriage have you ever flinched at my actions. So tell me, what is wrong?" she says, pulling the weapon in your hands away and placing it on the bench before moving to stand in front of you. She takes your hands in hers and looks down at you. "Y/N. Tell me what's wrong." she says as tears begin to gather in your eyes.
"I'm scared Sif. I'm terrified I'm going to lose you to battle. I need you. I- I just don't want to lose you to a mistake on the battle field." you whimper, sniffling slightly as you try to stop the tears that are beginning to flow.
"Oh Y/N. Come here my love. It's alright. I'm here. And when I'm not, I'm being careful on the battlefield. I promise you, I won't leave you in the way of death in battle. You're alright." says your wife, pulling you into her body. She hugs you close to her as you cry into her shoulder. When you finally manage to stop the tears and pull away from your wife, she stops you as you reach for the sword again. "You and I are both taking the day. One of the others will get to it. Leave it, love. Let's go back to our chambers and cuddle for a bit. Sound good?"
"But what about-?" she cuts you off with a peck of a kiss.
"No. Leave it. I'll have a kitchen maid bring us some food around lunch and again at dinner. Put the shammy away." she says, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you out of the armoury. Hastily you stuff the shammy cloth back into the pouch where it came from. When you reach your quarters, Sif closes the door and begins to undress you. When she begins to unlace your corset, you let out a deep, relieved breath. You let her strip you down to your bra and underwear before pulling away from her slightly. "You're alright, my love. I wasn't going to strip you naked, I just want you to be comfortable. Why don't you go lay down while I undress?" she suggests, pulling you against her gently. She presses gentle kisses to the crown of your head and you return them on her collarbones. You eventually pull away and go lay on your shared king sized bed. You watch as your wife begins to undress herself in front of you. "Do you like what you see, my love?" she teases, pulling her under shirt off to reveal her toned abdominal muscles and her breasts.
"You know I do, Sif. Now come cuddle me." you flirt back before demanding her physical affection. She smiles and climbs into bed with you.
"I'm here, my love. Do want to tell me what your nightmare was fully about?" she asks letting you cuddle into her, wrapping her arms around your back.
"Just a large battle. You dying. Lots of blood. You were dying very slowly, bleeding out from a deep dagger wound to the abdomen. It was right about here." you say, shifting yourself back wards and moving your hand to rest on the lower left side of her abdomen. You blush slightly as you realize where your hand is.
"Darling are you blushing? Just from touching my bare midriff?" Sif asks, glancing down at your face. You nod shyly. "Darling we have been married for over a thousand years! Adorable you are!" she says, pulling you tighter against herself.
Dr. Strange: You bolt upright in your bed and see the Cloak of Levitation floating right beside you. "I'm fine, Levi. Do not tell Stephen that I am awake. It's nothing but a little night-terror. Nothing I haven't dealt with before." you say to the fabric, using a strict voice. You listen carefully and hear absolute silence. "Stephen must be downstairs. I should be safe to hop in the shower then." You slip out of bed, and shove your feet into your slippers. Walking to your bathroom, you manage to not cause a single floorboard to creak under your feet. The New York Sanctum is eerily quiet. As you begin to apply the conditioner to your hair, there is a knock on the door.
"Y/N? Are you alright?" asks Stephens voice from outside the bathroom.
"For fucks sake." you mutter, rinsing your hands off in the stream of water. "Yes Steve! I'm fine! Just woke up a little early!" you call to him, lying through your teeth.
"No you didn't. You never 'just wake up early' Y/N. Don't lie to me." he says, opening the door and stepping inside. You roll your eyes as he leans against the counter top. "Tell me the truth, hon. Why are you awake three and a half hours before you usually are?" he asks, raising his eyebrows at you. You turn towards him and glare through the fogged glass at him. "Glare all you like, sweetheart. I'm staying here until you answer my question." he says stubbornly.
"Stephen Vincent Strange. Get your ass out of the bathroom, right now. I had a nightmare. Nothing too bad but enough to wake me up. Now get out!" you say, rinsing the conditioner out of your hair.
"Alright. Alright. I love you." he calls as he leaves.
"I love you too, Steve." you smile at his retreating form before shutting the water off. You step out and wrap your torso in a towel before wiping your feet on the mat and returning to your bedroom. You close the door behind you and walk towards the walk in closet you share with your husband. grabbing some clothes you dry yourself off before dropping the towel to the floor. As you bend over to pull your underwear up your legs, you feel a large hand smack your ass and grab hold of it. "Steve. Now is not the time. The Avengers are visiting later this morning. We can't do this right now." you say, straightening up and pulling the thin cloth up your legs easily.
"Come on love. It won't take long, I promise." he says, groping your breast from behind, pressing his crotch to your ass.
"No Stephen. I love you, but we both know you can't keep it short. Later." you say, turning towards him and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before drawing away from him to continue dressing.
Carol Danvers: When Carol opens the door to your apartment, it's nearly three in the morning so she is very surprised to see you on the couch, wide awake. "Y/N? What are you doing up, my love?" she asks, shutting the door softly and dropping her duffel onto the wooden floor.
"Carol! You're home!" you say, a smile breaking out on your face. You get up to go give her a hug and kiss but you fall back onto the couch. That's when Carol gets a text message from Fury.
"Check on Agent Y/L/N. She's been unsteady at work recently and been drinking a lot more coffee and energy drinks." it reads. She nods before glancing back at you.
"Y/N? What's wrong my love? Fury says you haven't been normal recently. No sweetie, don't try and get up, I'll come to you." she says, tucking he phone back into her pocket before crossing the room to sit with you. When she sits next to you, you almost immediately slump into her and begin to shake. "Hey, Y/N, look at me please. Look at me baby. Oh, babes, you look so tired. So tired. Why haven't you been sleeping?" she coos, stroking your cheek.
"Nightmares. Been having nightmares. Why am I shaking?! Why can't I stop shaking?! What's wrong with me?! Why can't I stop shaking Carol!?" you begin to panic, which makes your body shake harder.
"Baby, calm down. Take a deep breath for me. Take some deep breaths. Nick says your been drinking lots of coffee and energy drinks. How long has it been since you slept, baby? Do you know how long it's been?"
"Three days? Maybe four?" you say, still clearly panicking.
"Oh Y/N. You're not going in tomorrow. No, you’re staying here so I can take care of you. Let's go to bed, yeah?" she says, pressing light kisses to your forehead.
"No! No! I can't sleep! I'll have nightmares again!" you protest, but Carol's already picked you up into the cradle of her arms.
"You're fine baby. I'm here. I'll protect you. You're okay, my love." she says, kicking the bedroom door open with her foot. She easily carries you to the bed and gently sets you down. Quickly making work of your office button down, she tugs that off of your shoulders and arms. She then easily unbuckles your belt and undoes your pants. She pulls them off of your legs and tucks you into bed. Once you're snugly in place she undresses and grabs one of her night shirts to sleep in. Throwing that over her head, she joins you in the bed. "Come here baby. I've got you." she says, rubbing your back gently as you curl into her side.
~Time Skip~ *The Next Morning*
"Hey baby, good morning. How are you feeling my love?" says Carol as you roll onto your back and pry your eyes open a slit before throwing an arm over your face to block your eyes from the sunlight streaming in through the open blinds.
"I feel like shit. I don't remember the last three days. When did you get home?" you ask after clearing your throat and pulling yourself into a sitting position.
"I got home last night, about three a.m. You didn't sleep for nearly four days and drank a fuck ton of caffiene. Thats why you remember nothing. Your little brain can't handle that much stimulant, baby girl." says Carol, pinching your cheek softly.
You groan at the uncomfortable feeling. "Carol... Stop that!" you whine, rolling towards your girlfriend and burying your face in her chest. "Wait! What time is it?!" you ask, bringing your wrist up to your face and checking the time. "Shit! I'm so screwed!" you begin to panic, trying to throw the blankets off of your body.
"Baby, relax. You've got the day off, courtesy of Nick and yours truly. Lay back and snuggle into bed again, beautiful. I'm going to pop around to my place and collect your favourite flerkin. Love you, baby girl."
"Yay! Goosie! Love you too, and thanks babe."
"No problem Y/N. I'll be back in twenty minutes and I had better find you in bed still, missy."
"Alright, I'll follow the Captians orders, unless there's a punishment to be dealt if I don't obey."
"No punishment this time baby. You need to rest. Not get your brains fucked out of you." She winks at you before collecting her clothes from the night before and heading to the bathroom to get dressed. When she comes back out her hair is brushed through and styled. "See you in twenty minutes babes!" she calls, walking out of your apartment, locking the door behind her with her key.
T’challa : "Good morning Shuri!" you call as you enter her lab.
"Good morning! You're awake earlier than normal Y/N. How are you?" she asks, smiling at you.
You return the grin before answering. "I'm tired from last night if you catch my drift. But it also doesn't help that I had a nightmare either. Hence why I'm up so early today. I couldn't get back to sleep after about half an hour of laying in bed so I gave up."
"Oh? That sucks, good thing my brother is a deep sleeper then. He won't be pleased if he finds out you had a nightmare and didn't wake him up, you know."
"Yes I know Shuri. Please don't tell him."
"Don't worry sister, I won't say a word to him. Join me for breakfast? The kitchen made muffins!" she says, offering you an arm.
"I would love to! I really love him, you know?" You agree and playfully slip an arm through hers and let her lead you down the hall towards the dining area.
"Oh I know. I can tell just by the way you look at my brother that you love him. You don't need to admit that to me, you should really tell him though. Because he loves you as well. He truly does."
When the pair of you enter the dining hall, you see her and T'Challa's mother sitting at the table. "Come to eat again, have you Shuri?" she teases, kissing your cheek as you sit beside her.
"You can never have enough of the muffins! They're so good!" she defends herself, grabbing another muffin from the tray. You scrunch your nose at the pair of women in the room with you. When you finish eating breakfast, you and Shuri return to her lab, you assisting her with some of the typing she has to do. "How do you type so fast Y/N?!"
"Because she was an author for a news paper, back in California, sister. She did a lot of typing in a day." says your fiancee, entering the lab. "Good morning my love." he croons, kissing your cheek causing your face to flush red.
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mrs-avenger3000 · 2 years
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Pair: Natasha Romanoff x Reader(fem).
Type: Fluff/Angst/Smut
Word count: 2.7K
Warning: This will contain adult language, mature themes such as violence, mentions of death and torture as well as sexual language and so 18+
Remember me pt4
Natasha sat across from you. She was getting ready for her date and you were getting ready for yours. Steve had decided to make it a double date. Much to your dismay. You certainly didn’t want to watch Bucky fawn all over the woman you may have very intense and confusing emotions towards. “You excited?” She asked, and you glanced at her.
“I- I um have never been on a date before, so I don’t know. I’m more nervous.”
She leans over and places a hand on yours. The warmth of her hand seeped into yours, making you feel all kinds of things. Your eyes accidentally drop to her cleavage, which was on display, gorgeously and you quickly rip your eyes away, your face flushing like mad. Nat smiled slightly. “He’s going to love you in that dress.” She grinned. Your eyebrows furrowed.
“How do you know?”
She went to say something, but she clamped her mouth shut again. “He just will. I know it.” She murmured, her thumb caressing your hand. The warmth from her touch seeped into your hand, even a small touch like this left your skin sizzling with warmth. You smiled at her.
“Bucky is going to fall over when he sees you.”
Natasha rolls her eyes. “Please.” She muttered. You scoff.
“That dress is gorgeous in its self but you really pull it off Natalia.” You whisper. Your eyes connect for several intense seconds before she stands up and you follow suit. She hands you something and you look at it. It’s a little necklace, it is a little diamond, and it’s really pretty.
“Will you put this on me?” You nod.
You gently move her hair off her neck so it didn’t get caught on the clasp. You place the necklace around her neck and secured it. You let your hands fall to rest on her shoulders closer to her neck. And your eyes caught hers through the mirror. Her eyes are captivating and you felt the nerves bunch in your stomach.
“Can I ask you something?”
You nod.
“The letter you wrote. Did you mean it?” She asks, a slight vulnerability to her tone. You swallowed, licking your now dry lips.
“I meant everything.” You say and her cheek curved up, but she didn’t smile. She just nodded.
“So the part where you said-”
“Hey ladies. Ready to go?” Bucky said as he walked into the room. His eyes fell over Natasha’s body. He smirked as his eyes stared at her cleavage. He was shameless in his staring. This made you feel… you didn’t know some form of anger, but not quite anger…
Natasha pulled up her dress and hid her cleavage, much to Bucky’s dismay. She smiled tightly and held out her hand. He took it gently, and they walked out. You followed silently, falling back so you couldn’t hear what they were saying. You jumped when you felt an arm link through yours. You glanced to the side and smiled. “Hey Wanda.” You smiled.
“Hey, y/n you look amazing!” She grinned, squealing a little. This caused Natasha to look back. You didn’t notice. She scowled slightly when she noticed your arm around Wanda’s shoulder.
You sigh happily. Steve came into view, and you felt a slight disappointment. He stopped and stared at you for several seconds. “Wow. You look good!” He smiled. You saw Natasha roll her eyes and your brows furrowed in confusion. You smiled at Steve.
“Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“Haha, I bet Steve can’t wait to see you out of that dress, Y/n.” Bucky joked and your eyes widened and your face flushed.
“She’s not like that.” Natasha cut in. Glaring at her date.
“Are you?” He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. You scowled as she smirked at him.
“Play your cards right… and maybe.”
He smirked, squeezing her hip. You glanced away, focusing on Steve. “Ignore him.” He said with a slight eye roll. You smiled. He held out his arm, and you nodded, taking his arms. Wanda smiled.
“Have a good time, you two!” she beamed.
“Thank you Wands.” You grinned.
The four of you walked out of the building and slid into one of the many, many limos that pull up here, per Stark’s request. The seats were heated, ensuring that the sleek, expensive leather wasn’t cold. You sat by the window, Steve settled in next to you, and Natasha and Bucky slipped in opposite us. You secured your seatbelt and smiled at the girl in front of you. She smirked back at you. Her eyes dropped down to your legs and you watched as her smirk widened a fraction. The air seemed to still and you couldn’t focus on anything but the fact that her eyes were on you. You shifted in your seat before crossing your leg over the other one. The action caused your dress to ride up. Her eyes snapped to the newly exposed skin. She swallowed, and then the moment ended as soon as Bucky slipped his hand onto Natasha’s thigh. You clenched your jaw, looking out the window. Hating the fact he was touching her in such a way.
Steve’s arm fell around your shoulders, and you smiled, leaning into him. He was always so comfortable, and he was very sweet and he’d be the perfect boyfriend. That much was obvious, but he wasn’t… her.
“I think we’re here.” He said, leaning down to whisper in my ear. “You really do look beautiful, y/n.” You flushed, smiling down at your feet.
“Thank you.” You whispered back, reaching up and linking your hand with his that was still around your shoulders. He grinned in approval.
Soon enough, the car rolled to a stop, and you felt less anxious now. Everyone got out and Natasha fell into step right beside you. Steve had linked his hand with yours, but you didn't acknowledge it much, you were far more concentrated on the fact that Natasha's hand was softly brushing against yours as you walked. You glanced at her. She was smiling slightly, and you weren't really sure why.
"Can I take your order, or do you need a little more time?" The waiter asked, she looked about 16 and was very nervous waiting on a table full of three Avengers. You smiled at her to which she returned immediately.
"Um, no, I think we're ready." Bucky spoke up and everyone agreed. We ordered our meals and the girl, whose nametag said "Emma" rushed back to the kitchen. Natasha was discussing something with Steve. You tuned out of the conversation to stare at her. Her hair was curled and fell over her shoulders, the ends stopping where her dress started, the perfect spot where her shoulders meet her neck. You kept your eyes on her for a moment longer before looking down at your utensils absentmindedly spinning your knife around in circles.
“So how did you guys meet?” Steve asked glancing between Natasha and you. You looked up your whole body perking up, smiling at the memory.
“Well, I was told I was abandoned by my parents and so I was taken to the red room and well… it was horrible but what they made us do was worse. And I was there both before and after they invented the chemicals that forced us to do their bidding. But Natasha saved me I guess is the only way I can explain it. I had just finished my first mission and was ready to end it all I hated the way I felt afterwards. I hated myself. Um Natalia found me and stoped me. After that we became friends and we’ve been close ever since. She is the only person I had ever loved.” You confessed smiling brightly by the end of your confession. Natasha reached over and squeezed my hand.
“Wow… I guess something like that does bond you.” Bucky said with a gentle smile. “But how did you end up where we found you?”
“HYDRA is always looking for new blood, especially someone who is as disposable as I am. I guess my skills and my past helped them want to choose me… I don’t know I had been out of the red room's influence for a few years and then I was captured by HYDRA and well, you know how that ended.”
“Did you get a chance to live?” Bucky asked with a smile.
You nodded. “Yes. But I haven’t lived it all.” You say with a wistful smile. You realised Natasha’s hand was still in yours.
“We can help with that.” Nat smirked. You grinned.
“I’d love that.”
Her eyes didn’t leave yours until you could no longer hold her gaze. You smiled, looking down at the table. Luckily, there was no awkwardness as the waitress came back with our food and the drinks. She smiled nervously before departing again. You gingerly reached for the glass of wine and smiled at the taste.
“Y/n?” Steve said softly. You glanced at him. “Did you evert try and find out about your parents.” His question wasn’t that of Ill-intention but the dark feelings that emerged from it had you steeling your face so there would be no indication that it had hurt your feelings.
“They left. Isn’t that all that matters?” You said, raising a brow.
“But surely you’d like to know more about them?” Bucky pressed. I fisted my dress, squeezing tightly.
“They aren’t really my parents. They didn’t want me. Why should I feel obliged to want them?”
“She answered your questions. Lay off.” Natasha cut in. You threw her a grateful smile, and the conversation died there. You took a long gulp of your wine and as soon as you put it down, the waiter was back to refill it. There was light conversation at the table, nothing quite so heavy as before to which you were really glad about. Nat and Steve spoke to each other the most. It was all about different missions they had been on or completed in the last few months. Natasha was grinning as she described how crafty she had been in getting information out of a suspect who was planning to sell an earthquake device capable of levelling a whole sub-city in one go to a very dangerous war lord in Iraq, she had been particularly cunning in how she got the information out of him. You smiled at her, loving the way her eyes shined as she talked about the people she saved and how grateful the president had been.
"Where did you go after the red room was disbanded?" Steve asked, turning the conversation to you. You looked up at him, a gentle smile lifting your lips at th memory of your once home.
"A small city called Noto in Italy. It was quiet, peaceful, and it was my comfort place for years. I loved it there."
"Well, maybe you can go back there?" Bucky said. You knew he meant no harm in that statement, but the thought of leaving Natalia again so soon after finding her again, you frowned. That thought making you uneasy. You cast a thoughtful glance towards Bucky. He was staring back softly.
"I- I'd love to but my home there doesn't exist anymore, I don't exist. HYDRA eradicated everyone I had a connection with. Blood ran thick down the streets of my village. MY friends are no longer alive because of me. I couldn't go back." You explain with a slight shrug. Truthfully, you were distraught when you saw what HYDRA had done to those who you loved, those who had loved you.
"I despise that organisation!" Nat spat venomously. You shrugged, trying to act impassive. Natalia cast you a look, and you knew she knew that you cared much more than you were letting on. The men, however, remained unaware. Sitting here staring at the woman you've loved for years, you realised that after tonight you couldn't continue your relationship with Steve. It was best to remain friends. He was a good guy and you didn't want to hurt him by continuing this facade. He would never truly know or understand the darkness that dwelled within you, never truly understand the urges HYDRA burned into you, never truly understand you as a whole. He had this image of you, the doe-eyed victim who needed to be carried out in the arms of a hero instead of saving yourself.
To him, you were someone to protect, to keep safe and shielded from the world's horrors. You knew that you wouldn't be happy being trapped, being constantly protected.
You knew you were destined for more than that.
You picked up your wine glass, determination burning through you. Never again would you be weak. Never again would you need protection. Need shielding. You were going to become more, so much more than the shell you were when The Avengers found you.
You vowed to yourself to become better, stronger.
Dinner passed by quickly and soon enough, you were in the limo ride home. Natalia had been quiet ever since Steve had asked about the years I was free. Though you had caught her staring at you from time to time.
The limo pulled up to the compound, and you all got out. Nat held out a hand for you and you delicately slipped your hands into hers. Her calloused hands gripped yours as she helped you out of the limo. You smiled sweetly at her when both your feet were on the ground. Steve got out last and Bucky took Natasha's hand tugging her towards the building, her eyes didn't leave yours until you looked down at your feet. She sighed softly before she followed an eager looking Bucky inside, no doubt to do all kinds of sordid activities that make your blood boil thinking about it.
Steve's hand brushed your lower back, pulling your thoughts away from the devastatingly beautiful, red-haired assassin. "Can we walk for a moment? I need to talk to you." You said softly, the nights wind ruffling your hair that hung by your shoulders. He smiled nodding.
The pair of you walked through the compound's garden, which is so much more beautiful when it's coloured by the moon. The fountain in the middle of the large garden was on, creating a soft sound of water trickling down from the spout at the top to the pool of azure at the bottom. The two of you had sat down on the edge of the fountain. Steve had a knotting feeling in his stomach as if he knew that this was going to be the last date they went on.
"Steve," You, started looking into his ice-blue eyes. He smiled at you, encouraging you
"I think I know where this is heading, y/n." He said, and you looked down.
"I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't apologise," He said lifting your chin so you were once again looking into his eyes. "It would be very easy to love you, even easier to be your friend." He murmured with a bright grin. You smiled brightly back at him.
"Thank you for understanding." You whisper. He shook his head, waving the thought away. He leaned forward, jumping off the perch of the fountain and held out a hand for you. You gripped his hand and stood. The two of you walked back to the compound arm in arm until you reached your room. He opened the door for you and you smiled, turning to face him. He leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you for a wonderful evening, Y/n. Goodnight." He grinned. You smiled in response before bidding him goodnight.
You readied for bed and jumped in snuggling in the warmth of the duvet, happy that Steve had understood and took the ending of things well. You closed your eyes and the image of that body in that dress filled your mind making you blush a little. You fell asleep with a smile on your face.
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swan-of-sunrise · 2 years
Endgame (Chapter Ten)
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Summary: Following the funeral to honor Tony and Natasha, Steve volunteers to return all six Infinity Stones to their original timelines and makes a surprising decision.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: This is sad, ya’ll, there’s no way to sugar-coat that lol but things will lighten up a little towards the end of the chapter so hang in there! Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Ten One Week Later… (Previous Chapter)
The funeral was held on a beautiful autumn afternoon, on the banks of the lake bordering the Stark family’s eco-compound. There were only thirty-eight people in attendance, as per Pepper’s insistence; she only trusted the small number of people who knew Tony best to be around Morgan, who was understandably distraught and confused by the sudden loss of her father. Following the instructions given to her by Natasha, (Y/N) reached out to her best friend’s adoptive family and informed them of her death, but Alexei and Melina informed her that they wouldn’t come without Yelena, who was inconsolable with grief and unable to face her sister’s funeral. All across the world, people were celebrating the return of their loved ones and mourning the loss of Iron Man and Black Widow but there on the secluded eco-compound, friends, teammates and allies came together to mourn Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff.
While the other funeral attendees stood outside in the crisp October sunshine and distracted themselves with stilted small talk, a small gathering was taking place inside the farmhouse. Thor was leaning a shoulder against one of the living room support columns, Bruce was hunched over near the kitchen to avoid hitting his head on the low ceiling and (Y/N) stood between Steve and Clint while Pepper, Morgan, Happy and Rhodes were seated around the coffee table, upon which an Iron Man helmet sat and projected a recorded hologram of its inventor; before the time heist, Tony had seemingly taken the same precaution that Natasha had and recorded a final message to his family and close friends, and Pepper wanted to wait and watch it until they were all gathered together.
(Y/N)’s eyes welled with tears as Tony’s message began to play. She still couldn’t quite believe that she’d never hear her friend call her ‘Austen’ again, the silly but inexplicably heartwarming nickname he’d bestowed upon her the moment they first met, or have a chance to fully reconnect with him in the wake of Siberia and Thanos’ Snap. With that being said, the brief time she’d known the billionaire was time that she’d treasure and never forget, and she was truly honored to have known the man behind the hero.
“Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn’t always roll that way…maybe this time. I’m hoping if you play this back, it’s in celebration. I hope families are reunited-” (Y/N)’s eyes briefly flicked over to Carina, napping peacefully near the window in her floating pram. “-I hope we get it back, and something of a normal version of the planet is restored. If there ever was such a thing…” The hologram of Tony shook his head in amazement and smiled. “God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren’t alone, let alone, you know, to this extent? I mean, I wouldn’t have been surprised, but come on, you know? The epic forces of darkness and light that have come to play…and, for better or worse, that’s the reality Morgan’s gonna have to find a way to grow up in. So, I thought I’d probably better record a little greeting in the case of an untimely death – on my part – I mean, not that death at any time isn’t untimely. This time travel thing that we’re gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it’s got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That’s the thing. Then again, that’s the hero gig; part of the journey is the end.” He scoffed at himself before standing from his chair and moving towards the camera. “What am I even trippin’ for? Everything’s gonna work out exactly the way it’s supposed to.” The hologram of Tony leaned down to stop the recording, his sudden smile seemingly aimed at his red-eyed daughter cuddled up to his wife’s side. “I love you 3,000.”
The message suddenly ended and the hologram faded away into nothing as the farmhouse full of mourners took a moment to wipe their tears away and compose themselves. (Y/N) took a steadying breath before turning towards Steve and adjusting the crooked knot of his black tie for him, murmuring under her breath so that only he could hear her words. “Are you okay, Steve?”
Her husband nodded but remained silent, wiping away some of the tears that managed to escape his eyes while she gently smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles of his suit’s lapels. (Y/N) witnessed Steve mourn far too many losses over the years, but the loss of Tony and Natasha seemed to affect him on an entirely different level; she wondered if it was because they were among the first people he’d befriended after coming out of the ice into an unrecognizable world, or if it was because he somehow found a way to blame himself for their loss, but it was clear to her that he wasn’t ready to talk about it yet. Distractions helped – the super-soldier was more than busy organizing the secure clean-up of the Avengers Facility wreckage and spending his spare time finally bonding with their infant daughter – but Tony and Natasha’s losses remained constant on his mind. Hopefully today will bring him a sense of closure, (Y/N) thought as she slipped her hand into his and gave it a comforting squeeze, will bring us all a sense of closure.
“Pepper’s ready to begin.” She turned to see Clint, who was holding the wreath they’d worked on together in Natasha’s memory; it was an arrangement made from the wildflowers that grew in the field behind the Barton’s barn, and at its center were the spy’s crossed batons they’d retrieved from the battlefield. The archer’s eyes were rimmed in red but he mustered up a small smile for them both as he offered her the wreath. “I know I said I’d lay it with you, (Y/L/N), but I…I-I just…”
(Y/N) nodded in understanding and accepted the wreath with her free hand. “It’s okay, Clint. I’ll do it for the both of us.” He swallowed thickly, giving her a chaste kiss on the forehead and exiting the farmhouse to stand with his family outside. As Rhodes and Happy followed Pepper and Morgan out onto the wraparound porch, (Y/N) brought hers and Steve’s joined hands up and gave his knuckles a reassuring kiss before following after them.
Walking down the porch steps and along the path that led to the dock, (Y/N) took the opportunity to study the impressive gathering of heroes around her. Clint and Laura Barton’s arms were wrapped around Cooper and Lila’s shoulders, and Laura’s fingers soothingly carded through little Nathaniel’s shaggy brown hair; Peter Parker’s eyes were red with grief and he was trying in vain not to cry as his Aunt May rested a consoling hand on his arm; Stephen Strange and Wong stood together, but the doctor’s gaze was diligently trained on his polished dress shoes and there was something almost akin to guilt written across his face; Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne stood alongside their daughter Hope and Scott, the former rival of Howard Stark putting aside their personal history to pay respect to his fallen son; the Guardians of the Galaxy looked slightly out of place amongst the other attendees, but they – particularly Rocket and Nebula – appeared genuinely sorrowful for the loss of Tony and Natasha; T’Challa, Shuri and Okoye watched their procession with saddened eyes, the three of them all too familiar with the pain of loss; Sam and Wanda stood beside Bucky, who only came after (Y/N) and Steve convinced him that he deserved to attend despite what the Winter Soldier had done to Tony’s parents; a teenage boy around Peter’s age hovered near the back of the gathering – according to Pepper, Tony had been his mentor from a young age and even provided him with a scholarship so he could attend MIT – and behind him stood Carol, the captain’s hands clasped together as she gave the procession a nod of respect; Secretary Ross, Maria Hill and Nick Fury stood the farthest away, with the Secretary of State avoiding the pointed glares that the other two were giving him.
The attendees gathered along the grassy shore of the lake and watched as (Y/N) and Steve followed Pepper and Morgan onto the dock. When they reached its end, the older woman crouched down beside her daughter and they both gently placed their wildflower wreath onto the calm water; the first iteration of Tony’s arc reactor was affixed to its center and the sun reflected off its metal, which was etched with the playful words ‘Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart.’ With Steve’s assistance, (Y/N) lowered herself and – ignoring the twinges of pain caused by the pull on her many stitches – laid Natasha’s wreath onto the water beside Tony’s. The four of them stood at the end of the dock and watched the wreaths slowly drift away and as (Y/N)’s free hand fiddled with the black fabric of her dress, a random memory of Natasha forcing her to wear her Boyz II Men shirt to the U.N. instead of her mourning dress came to mind and she couldn’t help but smile fondly to herself. Her eyes remained trained on the two floating wreaths as she quietly hummed one of the R&B group’s more emotional ballads under her breath and thought about all those they’d lost in the years-long fight against Thanos.
“How do I say goodbye to what we had? The good times that made us laugh outweigh the bad…”
When they first met, Tony welcomed her into the Avengers Tower with open arms and from then on, he always treated her as a friend, even during the complicated events revolving around the Sokovia Accords. His laughter was infectious, his constant jokes and nicknames were accepted with loving exasperation, and his loyalty to his friends and family was something that (Y/N) always admired greatly about the self-proclaimed genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist.
“I thought we’d get to see forever, but forever’s gone away. It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday…”
Vision was a gentle soul and while the other Avengers found it difficult to converse with the thoughtful android, (Y/N) loved hearing his thoughts on history and literature. They bonded over their shared worry for Steve and Wanda whenever they’d embark on missions together, and Vision trusted her enough to begin asking her about how human emotions – specifically, the ones centering around romance – worked. He was brave in the face of overwhelming danger, his capacity for kindness was second to none, and (Y/N) hated that Wanda was suffering under the loss of such a wonderful person.
“I don’t know where this road is going to lead. All I know is where we’ve been and what we’ve been through…”
(Y/N)’s friendship with Loki was as unexpected as it was exceptional. Not only had they been forced to work together to survive on a hostile alien planet, but the God of Mischief helped her give birth to Carina and protected them both from harm, showing (Y/N) a softer side of him that few others had ever had the privilege of seeing. Beneath the dark façade he used to scare others away, he was truly heroic and for as long as she lived, she would never forget how he saved her daughter’s life and lost his own in a desperate but brave attempt to save the universe from a threat he knew all too well.
“And if we get to see tomorrow, I hope it’s worth all the wait. It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday…”
Although she’d never had the opportunity to meet Gamora, (Y/N) knew enough about the Daughter of Thanos from Rocket and Nebula’s stories to form an understanding of her. Gamora’s life before joining the Guardians of the Galaxy was filled with trauma and pain, but she proved that she possessed an empathetic heart when she abandoned her adoptive father and devoted her life to protecting the universe from him, a life that she’d come to lose in exchange for the Soul Stone. By a trick of fate, however, 2014 Gamora was with Thanos when he transported his army through their Quantum Tunnel and she was seen fleeing the battlefield shortly after helping them defeat Thanos for good; nothing could ever replace what Nebula and the other Guardians lost that day on Vormir, but (Y/N) hoped that finding that version of Gamora would help them cope.
“And I’ll take with me the memories, to be my sunshine after the rain. It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday…”
To (Y/N), losing Natasha was like losing a sister and she knew that for the rest of her life, she’d never stop missing the spy. But because Natasha wouldn’t want her to wallow in grief, she focused on all the happy memories they shared, from the first time they met in the National Mall and she smirked as (Y/N) teased Sam to the last smile they shared before embarking on the time heist. The night before the funeral, as she cuddled up to Steve and was soothed to sleep by his warm embrace, she decided that the best way she could honor Natasha – and everyone else who died in the fight against Thanos – was to put her skills as a writer to good use and write a book; people deserved to know the woman who sacrificed her life to save the world, and (Y/N) needed to ensure that her name would never be forgotten.
“And I’ll take with me the memories, to be my sunshine after the rain. It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday…”
As they watched the wreaths glide atop the lake’s steady water, (Y/N) closed her tear-filled eyes and sadly smiled.
The funeral was followed by a quiet outdoor reception and while the others chatted amongst themselves as they sampled hors d’oevres, (Y/N) sat on the porch and waited for her Tylenol pill to start kicking in; as a result of the Battle of Earth, she needed twelve stitches for the gash along her stomach, eight stitches to close the cut along her collar and two for the small wound on her right temple, and she was becoming increasingly annoyed by her slow-healing body and how weak her injuries made her feel. She kept her mind off her injuries by watching Steve interact with Morgan, Nathaniel and Lila; the super-soldier was feeding Carina her bottle and smiling as all three children fawned over the infant, and (Y/N) was pleased to see Morgan crack a tiny smile for the first time that day when their daughter’s tiny fingers wrapped around one of hers.
“Pepper sent me up here to give you this, and she said to make sure you ate all of it,” Maria remarked as she walked up the porch steps and offered her a paper plate of cheddar and broccoli mini-quiche. “I think there was some talk of ‘by any means necessary,’ but I can’t be too sure.”
(Y/N) chuckled. “I guess it’s a good thing I’m hungry.” Thanking the agent, she took the plate of food and placed it on her lap. “In a few minutes, you’ll be able to report back to your boss that your mission was an overwhelming success.”
“And here I thought that I was your only boss.” Both women turned to see Nick Fury approaching them, his hands in his pockets and a pensive expression on his face. “You mind giving us a minute, Hill?” Maria nodded and patted (Y/N)’s shoulder before heading off to join Clint and Wanda standing near the dock. Fury took a seat in the empty wicker chair beside hers and while she nibbled on a quiche, he looked out at the glassy lake and sighed. “I can see why Stark moved his family up here. It’s peaceful…but one thing I’ve learned about certain kinds of people is that no matter how peaceful their surroundings are, they’ll never find satisfaction in it so long as there’s someone out there in trouble. Those are the real heroes; the ones in the position to fight the battles that most could never dream of fighting, the ones who choose to become something more…” The corner of his lips curved into a smile as he glanced sideways at her. “The ones who help save the world in any way they can and who don’t need anyone’s permission to do it.”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but snort in amusement as she recognized her own words being spoken back to her; she’d said the exact same thing to Fury over eight years earlier, right before he allowed her to join the Theta Protocol and travel to Sokovia to save its citizens from Ultron’s attack. “You’ve got a long memory, I’ll give you that. This isn’t some sort of recruitment speech, is it? Because I have to say, this is kind of an inappropriate place for one…although, you did once try and recruit me in the middle of a cemetery, so this is sort of on-par for us.”
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Mrs. (Y/L/N), but today’s my day off.” Fury’s chuckles died off and his expression shifted into a more somber emotion. “To tell you the truth, my days of recruiting heroes might already be behind me; I always thought that finding them is the hard part, but today’s shown me that losing them for good is even harder.” (Y/N) pursed her lips and nodded as the former director watched Steve cradle a giggling Carina in his arms. “No, I’m here to offer you and Rogers the same set-up I offered the Barton’s when they decided to get married and settle down.”
Her brows shot up in surprise. “You want to give us a farm so we could live off the grid?”
“Doesn’t have to be a farm and it doesn’t have to be off the grid, just someplace far away from prying eyes where you can raise your daughter together in peace.” Reaching into his pocket, Fury withdrew a business card and placed it on the arm of her chair and stood. “Take all the time you need to talk it over with Rogers, then give me a call with your answer. It was good to see you again, Mrs. (Y/L/N).”
Fury turned and started to walk away, but didn’t make it far until (Y/N) called out, “Did you know? When we first met in that hideout in D.C., did you know what was going to happen?”
He stopped and turned back around to face her, his eye twinkling with an unknown emotion as he smiled to himself. “Natasha asked me that same question once, so I’ll tell you what I told her: you never know, you hope for the best and make do with what you get. And that’s remained constant, for the most part, but in this specific instance? I may know a lot and see even more, but not even I could predict what an unpublished historical-fiction novelist would end up bringing to the table.”
With a final nod, the former director stepped off the porch and strode across the grassy bank towards Rhodes and Pepper, leaving (Y/N) alone with her thoughts. A quiet life with Steve and Carina sounded like a dream come true, but she couldn’t quite picture what that might entail for them; after all, she was an award-winning novelist and a college professor and he was still Captain America, the Star-Spangled-Man-With-A-Plan. A quiet life wouldn’t quite come as easy to them as it had Clint and Laura Barton. And that’s without considering what Steve might be picturing for our future as a family, she thought as she slowly finished her mini-quiche and stared off at the lake.
“I think someone might be missing you, sunshine.” (Y/N) tore her gaze away from the glistening water to see Steve settling himself onto the unoccupied wicker seat beside her; Carina was beginning to fuss in his arms and (Y/N)’s arms itched to hold her, but her stitches made it difficult and she didn’t want to risk accidentally dropping her. “See, angel? Your ma’s right here.”
(Y/N) adjusted her daughter’s blanket and gave her a smile as she began to calm down. “Aw, are you getting sleepy again, lemon drop?” Carina yawned, snuggling further into Steve’s arms while her parents shared a quiet chuckle. “Must be all the fresh air here. Back before we fought Hela and saved the Asgardians from Ragnarok, I promised Cari that the three of us would go someplace warm and sunny where she could see the sky. I started out feeling terrible that she’d spent the first month of her life trapped on a literal garbage planet, but then we were in space and on Asgard and then Thanos…well, you know the rest. All that matters now is that we’re finally together as a family again.”
Steve nodded in agreement and jutted his chin out towards the business card resting on the arm of her chair. “Is that Fury’s phone number?”
“He offered us a similar set-up to Clint and Laura’s.” (Y/N)’s fingertips thoughtfully caressed her daughter’s soft cheek as she continued. “He wants us to give him a call once we’ve decided where we want to go from here.”
The super-soldier was silent for several moments, and it wasn’t until Carina had fallen back asleep that he finally spoke. “Yeah, I’ve been giving that a lot of thought lately, since even before the time heist. But it wasn’t until Tony and I traveled to 1970 and I saw Peggy again that I finally knew what I wanted.” (Y/N) quickly looked up at him as he took a deep breath and reluctantly met her gaze. “(Y/N), there’s something I need to tell you…”
The following week was filled with tearful goodbyes and promises to keep in touch. Thor was set to make a brief visit to New Asgard before departing Earth with the Guardians of the Galaxy; (Y/N) understood the Asgardian’s desire for change and wished him luck on his search to find himself, tearfully reminding her friend that if he needed anything at all, their door would always be open for him. Rocket and Nebula surprised her when they presented her with her own Volkswagen Bug, miraculously and inexplicably restored to its former glory; she suspected that the mechanical geniuses might’ve obtained some replacement parts through illegal means but she kept her thoughts to herself and accepted their thoughtful gift, giving the normally-reserved pair large hugs and standing alongside Steve as they watched the Benatar take to the skies.
Clint, Laura and their three children returned to their farm; the Barton’s were kind enough to offer Wanda a place to stay, but the younger woman politely declined their invitation and claimed that she had something to take care of. (Y/N), who suspected that Wanda would try to track down Vision’s body and demand its return from whichever federal agency claimed it after the Snap, hugged her tight and wished her luck. The loss of yet another person in Wanda’s life was obviously hitting her hard, and (Y/N) silently hoped that she would reach out to her old friends and teammates for help or support if she needed it. Rhodes was reinstated by Secretary Ross – albeit reluctantly – as an officer within the Air Force, while Happy continued his work as head of security for Stark Industries and Pepper returned as its CEO.
Scott traveled back to San Francisco with the Pym-Van Dyne family, eagerly looking forward to reconnecting with his daughter Cassie and catching up on the five years he’d lost while trapped in the Quantum Realm. Stephen Strange returned to the New York Sanctum Sanctorum and resumed his post as its protector while Wong, the new Sorcerer Supreme, moved into Kamar-Taj to continue training the young sorcerers who lived there. Peter Parker was re-enrolled in his old high school, with his aunt and friends there to support him as he tried to return to some semblance of normalcy. And T’Challa, Shuri and Okoye returned to Wakanda, with the Black Panther resuming his rule as the King of Wakanda and working out how his nation could provide relief to the millions of displaced and struggling people scattered across the world.
While construction crews worked to remove rubble and debris from the former site of the Avengers Facility, Bruce built a new Quantum Tunnel in the woods near the lake and the day after it was completed, the few remaining Avengers gathered for one final mission: to return the Infinity Stones back to their original timelines. But this time, it was a mission that Steve and Steve alone would be embarking on, and no amount of arguments from Sam and Bucky could convince him otherwise.
“Now, remember, you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them,” Bruce explained, opening the locked case resting on his makeshift desk to reveal the stones resting in their own individual settings. “Or else you’re gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.”
Steve nodded and closed its lid before activating the locking mechanism. “Don’t worry, Bruce. Clip all the branches.”
The scientist watched him take the case before averting his saddened gaze. “You know, I tried. When I had the gauntlet, I really tried to bring her back.” (Y/N) and Sam exchanged a saddened look, and her hand slipped into her pocket to touch the red hourglass-shaped buckle she’d carried with her since Natasha’s death. “I miss her, man.”
“Me, too.” Steve gave Bruce’s uninjured forearm a comforting pat and fell into step between (Y/N) and Sam as they walked towards the illuminated Quantum Tunnel.
“You know, it’s not too late for me to come with you.” Sam offered the super-soldier a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Seriously, Steve, my wings are in the trunk. Just say the word and I’ll go put ‘em on.”
“You’re a good man, Sam,” Steve grinned but shook his head. “This one’s on me, though.”
While Bruce continued to make last-minute adjustments to his equipment, Steve approached Bucky, who was standing guard beside Carina’s floating pram and letting her hold onto the index finger of his vibranium hand. “Don’t do anything stupid ‘till I get back.”
“How can I? You’re takin’ all the stupid with you.” Both men shared matching smirks of amusement before hugging; Bucky’s eyes briefly met (Y/N)’s over Steve’s shoulder and she gave him a reassuring smile, understanding exactly why he was so worried for his old friend. She and Steve only told him of his plan the night before, after all, so it was a miracle that the super-soldier was handling the news as well as he was. They separated after a moment, and Bucky gave him a forced smile. “Gonna miss you, buddy.”
“It’s gonna be okay, Buck.” He clapped Bucky on the shoulder before bending down to kiss Carina on her forehead. “I’ll be back before you know it, okay? Be good for your mom, angel.” The infant babbled and wriggled around as Steve gave her another kiss and when he straightened, he turned to face (Y/N); his azure eyes were filled with determination but as they took her in, they softened and he gave her a tender smile. “I love you, (Y/N). I always have, and I always will.”
“I love you too, Steve.” Her husband’s hand cradled her cheek and their lips met in a gentle but passionate good-bye kiss. When they finally pulled away, she held his face between her hands and smiled up at him as she forced herself not to cry. “Go get ‘em, sweetheart, and come home safe.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Steve winked and gave her another kiss before ascending the steps and standing at the center of the new Quantum Tunnel.
Sam’s brow was furrowed in confusion as the super-soldier tapped his wrist to activate his Quantum suit into covering his red-white-and blue uniform. “Wait a sec, how long is this gonna take?”
“For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds,” Bruce replied from his control booth, waiting until Steve picked up Mjolnir to hover a hand over a lever to continue. “Ready, Cap?” Steve took a deep breath and gave the scientist a nod, and Bucky’s hand slipped into (Y/N)’s and gave it a gentle squeeze. “All right. We’ll meet you back here, okay?”
“You bet.” The Quantum suit’s helmet enveloped his head and the machinery surrounding him began to hum.
(Y/N)’s hand gripped Bucky’s tight and she anxiously bit her lip as Bruce started his count-down. “Going Quantum in three…two…one!” In the blink of an eye, Steve shrank into nothing and the three of them watched the vacant platform with bated breath while Bruce began his next countdown. “And returning in five…four…three…two…one!”
There was a blinding flash of light and a figure appeared on the platform, hunching over as if catching their breath; the Quantum suit deactivated to reveal their small frame, old-fashioned clothing and a large circular leather case slung over his shoulders. Chaos erupted all around (Y/N), with Sam ordering the figure to stay still and protectively putting himself in front of her and Carina while Bruce frantically checked to make sure his equipment hadn’t malfunctioned, but all she could do was release a shaky breath and quickly sidestep her best friend to ascend the Quantum Tunnel’s steps.
“(Y/N), what the hell are you doing?!” Sam’s hand latched around her wrist to halt her. “We don’t know who the hell this guy is or-”
“Easy, Sam.” Bucky stepped forward and rested his flesh hand on Sam’s shoulder. “She knows what she’s doing.”
Giving the super-soldier a grateful look, (Y/N) turned and continued up the steps while one of her hands slipped into her pocket to grip a stun disc. “Steve?” Her husband, nearly a foot shorter and a hundred pounds lighter, raised his head and met her gaze; the instant his azure eyes found hers, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was her Steve standing before her but after 2014 Nebula’s effortless deception and the heavy price they’d paid for it, they agreed to take precautions on the off-chance that history would repeat itself. “Steve, what’s the special nickname you gave me when we first started dating? The one that you’ve never used unless we’re entirely alone?”
Steve’s lips curved into a wide smile. “Tiny Dancer, because you always reminded me of the woman that Elton John was singing about in the song.” (Y/N) surged forward and pulled him into a hug that he was eager to reciprocate. “God, I missed you, sunshine. Doctor Erskine worked as quickly as he could but all I could think about was getting back home to you and Carina, and I-”
“It’s okay, sweetheart, you did it, you made it back to us just like I knew you would.” They pulled away only for Steve to hold her face between his hands and soundly kiss her, sighing happily against her lips when she returned his passion-filled kiss. When they eventually separated, she couldn’t keep herself from smiling widely as she took in his altered appearance. “My handsome husband. I take it that there weren’t any complications?”
Before Steve could answer, the sound of a throat loudly clearing caused them both to look over at Sam, who was standing by the platform steps with his hands on his hips and a brow arched in shock. “Cap?”
“Hi, Sam.” With a sheepish expression on his face, Steve followed (Y/N) down the steps and stood before their two friends, his eyes briefly flicking over to Carina’s pram before turning his attention back to Sam.
A knowing smile began to play on Sam’s lips as he slowly pieced everything together. “So, did something go wrong, or did something go right?”
“Right, definitely right.” A loud sigh of relief escaped Bruce and he immediately stopped fiddling with the switches on his control booth, and Steve chuckled. “Sorry, Bruce. Before I volunteered to put the stones back, I thought that maybe I’ll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get. So, I paid a visit to an old friend and managed to have most of the serum’s enhancements reversed; I’m in mostly better health than I was in 1943, since a reversal of the serum can’t just un-cure medical conditions, but other than that, I’m still just a kid from Brooklyn.” Muscles and super-soldier serum or no muscles and super-soldier serum, (Y/N) silently agreed with her husband, recalling their frank conversation the week earlier right after the funeral…
“Yeah, I’ve been giving that a lot of thought lately, since even before the time heist. But it wasn’t until Tony and I traveled to 1970 and I saw Peggy again that I finally knew what I wanted.” (Y/N) quickly looked up at him as he took a deep breath and reluctantly met her gaze. “(Y/N), there’s something I need to tell you…”
“What is it, Steve?”
“Seeing the life that Peggy led after I went into the ice and that old photograph of me on her desk got me thinking, about what our future could look like depending on the choices we make now while we still can. It’s time for me to hang up the shield and finally live my life as Steve Rogers,” Steve explained, leaning forward in his wicker chair and adjusting his hold on Carina so that he could rest a hand on one of hers. “I never thought I’d feel guiltless at the idea of stopping, but I don’t. All that matters to me now is you and Carina, sunshine, and to make sure that it stays that way, I have an idea…”
Bruce walked over to their group and smiled. “Good for you, Steve. Tony, he…he’d really be proud of you.”
Sam nodded. “I’m happy for you. Truly.” Steve’s azure eyes shone with gratitude at their friends’ acceptance, but (Y/N) saw a flicker of sadness cross her best friend’s features. “Only thing bummin’ me out is the fact I have to live in a world without Captain America.”
“Oh, that reminds me…” With (Y/N)’s help, Steve shrugged off the leather case off his shoulders and leaned it against the steps before unzipping it to reveal an undamaged red-white-and blue vibranium shield. “Try it on.”
The smirk on Sam’s face vanished as the implications of Steve’s invitation settled in. He looked over at Bucky, who gave him a firm nod, and then at (Y/N), who beamed in happiness for him; the night before, Steve told her and Bucky what he was intending on doing with the mantle he’d carried for eighty years and while a part of her was wary of the pressure her best friend might feel, she knew in her heart that there was no one better suited to be Captain America than Sam Wilson.
Still looking a little uncertain, Sam picked up the shield and carefully slipped the leather straps onto his left arm; he stared down at the shield in silence, and (Y/N) and Bucky shared a smile as Steve quietly asked, “How does it feel?”
“…Like it’s someone else’s.”
Steve shook his head and waited until Sam met his gaze to speak. “It’s not.”
(Y/N)’s eyes prickled with unshed tears as she watched her best friend struggle to hold back his own; he took a deep breath and looked out through the trees at the nearby lake before looking back at Steve with an earnest smile on his face. “Thank you. I’ll do my best.”
“That’s why it’s yours,” Steve answered with a grin and both men shook hands, Sam’s large hand enveloping Steve’s newly-smaller one.
(Y/N), making sure to mind her stitches, practically launched herself into her best friend’s open arm and gave him the tightest hug she could manage. “I’m really proud of you, Sam. This doesn’t mean I’ll stop calling you ‘Birdbrain,’ though; that nickname’s for life and not even Captain America can change that.”
Sam laughed. “I read you loud and clear, Booksmart.” He kissed the top of her head and wiped a stray tear away as they pulled away. “So, what’re you three gonna do now? Settle down on a farm like the Barton’s and make a half dozen more of these cutie-pies?” Carina, who was now contentedly nestled in her father’s thin arms, giggled as Sam tickled the patch of skin under her chin.
“Steve Rogers living on a farm?” Bucky scoffed with a twinkle of amusement in his blue eyes. “This punk’s a born-and-raised Brooklynite; all that farm-fresh air might finally do him in.”
Steve rolled his eyes as he rocked Carina. “A hundred and six years old and still a mother hen.”
“Are you gonna keep on writing, (Y/N), or are you gonna go back to teaching at Brooklyn College?” Bruce asked. “My fans absolutely love your books, and I hear that your students are really missing their favorite professor.”
With a mischievous smile, (Y/N) looped her arm around Steve’s narrow shoulders and shared a loving look with him before turning her attention back to the three men standing before her. “We have a plan that sort of includes a little of all of the above, actually. What’s say we explain it to you guys over some lunch at that diner down the road? Our treat.”
“Thanks, doll. I could really go for a cheeseburger.”
“Wait a sec, how do you know what a cheeseburger is?”
“Because I ate my first cheeseburger in 1935, Birdbrain, the same year that they were invented.”
Sam and Bucky continued bickering as they walked along the makeshift path to where they all parked and while an amused Bruce egged their argument on, (Y/N) and Steve trailed behind the boisterous trio, lost in their own little world and the long-awaited promise of a peaceful life together with their beloved daughter.
A/N: Did anyone see that coming?! I hope that you guys like the deviation from canon, it’s the ending that I always thought they’d go for with Steve lol thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5L6MERx3PIydW3FyNPqYvl?si=ad6c46de8e954c11
“Endgame” Masterlist
Tagging: @mrs-obrien @lahoete @awkward117 @cminr @natdrunk @momc95​ @savedbystyle @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat @marinettepotterandplagg @mangosandmimosas @supersouthy @benakenalove @brooke0297 @hufflepeople @becausewelie @outoftheregular @junipermurdock @ladydmalfoy @mads-weasley @username23345 @crist1216 @capswife @lilmschild @avngrsinitiative @crowleysqueenofhell @y-napotat @mary1raven @groovy-lady @ljej95 @innersublimefury @prettysbliss
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togrowoldinv · 4 months
6k! Let’s have some fun!
Y’all I can’t thank you enough for 6k followers! It’s such a crazy milestone to reach. I know lately I’ve not been posting much. As I’ve mentioned I’m working and taking the CPA exams.
But today I took one so I now have about a week before I start studying for the next, exciting I know lol.
I want to use this time to be creative and celebrate this blog!
Please send in any fic or drabble or blurb sort of ideas, head canons, and really anything about Marvel that we could discuss or I could write about! Just send me an ask and we’ll have some fun!
See my masterlist here where you can find who I’ve written for at this point. I am open to discussions beyond just those characters and actors though.
Can’t wait to celebrate with y’all over the next week or so!
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