#carol danvers x yn
specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Carol Danvers x reader - different with you
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Heyy, I have a request... It's where yn is a bit of a playgirl and she dates around the people Monica Rambeau knows (e.g. Wanda, she could be inside the hex too). Shes dating carol now, which Monica doesnt like, but starts to warm up to ger as time goes by thank youu- Anon💜
A/N: mentions of spoilers from The Marvels film
Standing on Carol’s chair on her ship, you looked at her as she came walking in and you smirked a little, hands in your hips.
“You know it’s rude to leave me waiting here asshole.”
Carol rolled her eyes, gesturing behind her.
“We’ve got issues.”
“That’s no way to talk about your new friends.”
You chuckled a little bit, and you jumped over the back of the chair, walking over, you ran a hand over her shoulder, and leant your back against hers.
You looked at the two staring at you and you smirked as you found a familiar face among them.
“No. No why are you here?” She asked.
“Come on Monica! Give a friend a hug!”
You grinned walking over to her and she used her powers, making you just walk right through her and you laughed a bit.
“You seriously can’t be dating (Y/N).” Monica sighed.
“Wait! Captain Marvel has a girlfriend?!” The new girl gasped.
Carol sighed, walking over she placed a hand on your face, pushing you towards the other side of the ship.
“Kamala, this is (Y/N), (Y/N), this is Kamala. And apparently you two have already met.”
“I’m telling you right now, end this relationship.” Monica said sternly.
You pointed between you and Carol.
“What? This? Nah.”
“Carol you have to end it, I know (Y/N), I know her reputation. Why are you even here (Y/N)?”
You shrugged a little bit, giving a small wave to the teenager who was still just staring at you in awe.
“Hey, you’re not the only one who walked through that witch hex Monica, I’m just lucky my powers didn’t get all screwed around with yours.”
Carol punched you in the shoulder.
“There’s a kid on the ship!”
“I didn’t even swear!”
You laughed a little bit, throwing yourself back down in her chair and you looked at them all.
“So, what’s the game plan?”
“Will you help us?!” Kamala whisper yelled.
“Do you want me to help you?”
You laughed a little, turning to look at your girlfriend who shrugged a little bit.
So, you decided to help them.
Learning everything there was about their powers, and what had to be done in order to making fighting a lot easier for them.
It had been a while, and for the most part they had begun to work as a team.
“Hey (Y/N)?”
You looked up from what you were doing, setting the screwdriver down.
“Sup kid?”
“How did you and Captain Marvel meet?” She asked.
You hummed a bit, leaning against the wall of ship.
Monica looked up from some of the research you had laying around, and she walked over, crossing her arms.
“Yeah, how exactly did you two meet?”
“Well, to put it simply, she saved my life. I was doing some work for shield, I think you may have been there actually Monica, the undercover mission I did?”
“Yeah, I remember it. You never came back after, everyone said you went straight into another.”
You laughed a little, shaking your head.
“No, I was badly injured.”
You watched as Carol walked in, trying to tend to a few of her injuries and you rolled your eyes.
Snapping your fingers to get her attention you gestured to the chair you had pulled in front of you and she sat down.
You began to tend to her wounds, and you looked at Kamala who had a few minor injuries and gestured to a chair and then the spot next to Carol.
Kamala did that, and you held up a hand to her.
“How has was it?” Kamala asked.
“The reports said it was some minor injuries, nothing much to worry about.” Monica replied.
Carol scoffed.
“Minor? I swear I have never seen someone bleed so much.”
You smacked the back of her head and went to tending to Kamala’s injuries.
“Unfortunately I’ve been stuck with her since, she just won’t leave for some reason.” Carol said.
“Alright, you know what, I won’t help you then. I’m going to go annoy fury.”
Everybody laughed.
“Keep laughing, I’ll do it.”
You gave the two a thumbs up, letting them know that you were done, and you went back to what you were working on.
You grabbed a few more things and you added them, and then you walked over to the three women.
“Here, one for each of you.”
“What is it?” Kamala asked.
“(Y/N) has a particular skill for making things, looking at this I’d guess defence of some sort?” Monica asked.
“Yeah, close. It’s filled with small particles of light I compressed. They’re designed to respond to injury, and will act as a temporary solution if you need it until you can seek medical attention.”
“Woah, that’s possible?” Monica asked.
You nodded, leaning against the ship wall.
“Her powers allow her to control and recode the construct of light. Using it to her advantage for what she needs.” Carol said.
“You’ve been studying.” You smirked.
“I’ve had no choice.”
You grinned a little, and Monica looked at you.
Usually she was used to you flirting with every woman in sight, sure you would date women but you wouldn’t be all thay committed to them when it came down to them.
You weren’t a cheater, that was one thing you weren’t.
But you were known for ending relationships just because you were bored, or just for fun.
You were the kind of woman everybody wanted, that every woman wanted to be.
You were the whole package deal.
But she did notice when it came to Carol you were different, gentle, caring, you gave her every ounce of attention you had.
“Oh, by the way, Monica, I’ve been going over your research, and I think we can find a way around it if you can tolerate to be around me long enough to go through it with me?”
She laughed a little, nodding her head.
“You two no powers for at least a few hours, I need Monica to use hers.”
With that you gestured for Monica to follow you, and she decided that you weren’t all that bad, though all the light conflict that had gone on between the pair of you had become normal for you two
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silver-pieces · 2 years
carol danvers masterlist
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All Carol Danvers fanfics. 18+ only.
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Oneshots & Drabbles
Divine Gifts - 14/12/22 ~ Carol takes a bath on an alien planet with you as her servant. (Carol Danvers x (afab) gn!reader)
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thatonebrazilian · 3 years
Y/N: That’s ridiculous. Natasha doesn’t have a crush on me
Yelena: Yes she does
Carol: Yes she does
Natasha: Yes I do
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lesbesapphic · 2 years
Illicit Affairs - Masterlist
A Sorority Leader Wanda AU
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Summary - Alpha Phi Omega. To outsiders, it seems like a normal sorority group being led by a strong leader, Wanda Maximoff but from inside it isn't anything like that. Filled with social hierarchy and cruel bullying by the seniors. It is a playground except nobody is playing around.
Amidst all this, Y/N is developing a huge crush on her sorority group president, Wanda who is untouchable to everyone around. An Enchantress. People flock around her. What happens when Y/N mess up and the president decides to deal with her? Will Y/N end up learning some unwanted Dark secrets of the group?
Warning - Individual warning for each chapter but still some of the major one are Dark Wanda, Manipulative Wanda, manhandling, Top!Wanda, spanking, slapping, etc.
A/N - Many of you might be aware of my situation and if you wish to support me for my work in a materialistic way. It would be really helpful. No pressure though.
Buy me a coffee | Ko-Fi (for paypal user)
Current goal is just 100 dollars or 50 dollars to reach the rent of the next month.
Illicit affairs pt 1
Illicit affairs pt 2
Illicit affairs pt 3
Illicit affairs pt 4
Illicit affairs pt 5
Jealousy (NSFW)
Punishment (NSFW)
Movie Night (NSFW)
No particular order to read. Feel free to send more blurb asks for the au.
Lap Dog
Some little drabbles about Wanda and Y/N. Not going to tag each one since it isn't that big. Putting one here. Feel free to send in more.
It all will be under the hash tag 'Illicit affairs au asks'. Tagging one so you all can easily navigate.
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
A/N- Thank you so much Everyone! For the support and love you all have given this AU. It means alot. And for your support.
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awake-dearheart · 4 years
Bound To Break [Part Four]
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moodboard by @angelic-holland
Series Masterlist
Summary: Andromeda and Perseus feel they’re made for each other. They know they’re meant to be together, even if the gods say otherwise. Even their constellations are together. When Zeus issues a decree that they defy, his fury forces them apart. Is their love strong enough to overcome even the will of the gods?
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of injuries, blood, death, the most gut-wrenching angst I’ve ever written holy shit
Word count: 8773 (hahahaha)
A/N: I um....yeah. I wish I had a better explanation for why I did this but I don’t. I just enjoy causing pain. But in all seriousness, I love this little mini series and I’m so happy with how it ended. Thanks to everyone who’s been along for the ride! If you need a refresher on who’s who, here’s the cast list.
The thunder of Zeus’ rage echoed throughout the whole of Olympus as he stormed through the gates, not even bothering with the formality of stopping to greet Athena, who sat befuddled at the desk. Zeus stomped past him and through the crumbling streets that composed what was left of Olympus.
In the five years since Y/N had left Zeus’ temple in Greece, Olympus had felt the brunt of his rage. When he wasn’t destroying random buildings with bolts of lightning, he was terrorizing the citizens, keeping them living in a constant state of fear. Nearly every home had holes or scorch marks from lightning blasts. Stones randomly crumbled from the palace walls. Perseus and Andromeda’s old home had been burnt to cinders years ago. Olympus had fallen into uncontrolled chaos and the residents couldn’t remember the last time they had seen a clear and cloudless sky. The only thing in the entire kingdom that had been spared Zeus’ wrath was the oak tree in the center of the palace grounds.
The king continued through the grounds and into the palace where he was greeted by a frazzled and anxious-looking Hermes.  
“Your Majesty,” Hermes greeted with a bow. “How did it go?”
“How do you think it went?” Zeus snapped, pushing past him toward the stairs. Hermes recognized the path he was taking and blanched in fear.
“M-my liege,” he stammered. “Perhaps a reprieve for the prisoner is in order?” Zeus stopped in his tracks, turning slowly back to Hermes with murder and lightning in his eyes.
“You dare to give me orders?” he hissed through his teeth.
“N-no! Of course not, Your Majesty,” Hermes faltered. “But my job is to advise, and as your advisor I feel I must remind you that Perseus is weak. Your current rage is palpable, and I fear he may not survive it. If he dies, you’ll have lost your only bargaining chip.” Both gods were quiet for several moments while Zeus considered his words. Hermes waited with bated breath, flinching each time the thunder rolled outside.
“About time you proved yourself useful,” the king said finally, causing Hermes to let out the breath he’d been holding. “I’ll leave him be for now. He’s more useful to me alive anyway. This visit to Earth was just the first. Andromeda is bound to break sooner or later.” Without another word, Zeus turned and left the hall. Hermes waited until he rounded the corner before turning and making for his own chambers.
Over the centuries, Hermes had made it a habit to collect things from the other immortals. Some of them were sentimental, others more practical, but all of them served a purpose. As he closed his chamber door quietly behind him, Hermes hoped the one he was looking for would be powerful enough to help. He made his way across the room to a trunk he kept at the foot of his bed. It creaked when he opened it and he froze in place, eyes darting around the room. When he was sure he was alone he opened it the rest of the way and looked over the collection inside; a pair of rose-colored glasses from Aphrodite, a small plant gifted to him by Demeter, and a Cerberus fang he had taken on a trip to the Underworld. Hermes dug through the trunk until he found the relic he was looking for and eventually lifted out a small, clay jar. Apollo had promised him eons ago that the contents of this jar could heal any injury.
“You better be right,” he murmured to himself as he tucked the jar into a small bag he kept at the end of the bed. He was about to close the trunk when Hermes noticed something at the bottom. The sword had been sitting there for so long he had forgotten about it until this moment when he picked it up and let the dust fall from the blade. More resolved than ever he stood and shut the trunk, stowing the sword beneath his cloak and walking to his window. His staff rested against the sill and Hermes lifted it to his eyes.
“It’s time,” he whispered against it. “Meet me at the gate in fifteen minutes.” He thudded the staff against the ground once and four separate golden feathers flew through the sky. Not waiting to see where they ended up, Hermes turned and left the chamber.
As he made his way through the ruined castle, Hermes felt like a stranger in the only home he’d ever known. The path he traveled was familiar to him, but the walls surrounding it felt almost alien after all they’d been through. He descended the steps into the dungeon slowly, cursing under his breath when he saw Hephaestus on guard duty.
“Hermes?” the smith asked, his voice echoing off the stone walls. “What are you doing down here?” Hermes swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat before he spoke.
“You know why I’m here, Hephaestus,” he replied softly. The color drained from his companion’s face and he started shaking his head quickly.
“Look, man,” Hephaestus protested. “I like you, and I know you like the kid and all, but I can’t let you do this. You’re talking about treason.”
“I’m talking about much more than that,” Hermes cut in. “You’ve seen what’s happened to our home since she left. If it continues, I don’t know how much longer we’ll have a home left. This isn’t just about reuniting long-lost lovers, Heph. This is about saving Olympus.” The two gods stared at each other for some time without moving or speaking. Eventually, Hephaestus dropped his gaze to the floor, sighing heavily.
“You’re right,” he said softly. “But Zeus is our king. We can’t go against him.”
“We can if we win,” Hermes replied. “And I know how we can.”
“Enlighten me,” Hephaestus said, looking up from the ground. Hermes pulled back his cloak, producing the sword he’d found in his trunk.
“Take this,” he said, handing over the blade. “Perseus can wield it, but it needs something more to defeat a god.”
“I think I have an idea,” Hephaestus said with a smirk, taking the sword and turning it over in his hands. “Man, I missed this sword.”
“Reminisce later. Work now.” Hermes put his cloak back into place and held out his hand. “Keys?” Hephaestus nodded and took the keys from the hook on the wall and handed them over.
“What do I do if I get caught?” he asked, finally tearing his eyes from the sword.
“Hope Elysium is waiting for you,” Hermes replied, striding past him into the dungeon. He made his way to the end where he found the strongest of the cells. There, huddled in the corner, was a bruised and beaten Perseus.
“Oh, gods,” Hermes gasped, opening the cell as quickly as he could. When the iron of the bars creaked, Perseus flinched and began to drag himself away from the door.
“N-no,” he whimpered, desperately trying to get away. “Please, no.” Pain gripped Hermes at the sound of utter defeat in Perseus’ voice and he crouched down slowly and held his hand out.
“Perseus,” he said in the softest voice he could muster. “It’s ok. It’s me.” The broken boy raised his head and looked up at the god through swollen eyes.
“H-Hermes?” he asked, confusion and the slightest hint of relief coloring his voice. “Is it really you?” He struggled to sit up and Hermes quickly leaned in to help, propping him up against the wall.
“It’s really me,” he answered. “I’m here to get you out.” Perseus chuckled weakly and closed his eyes again.
“Hope you brought help,” he groaned. “In case you can’t tell I’m more than slightly incapacitated.”
“Lucky for both of us I did then.” Hermes took the bag from his shoulder and reached inside, pulling out Apollo’s jar. He took a generous scoop in his hand and rubbed it gently over the wounds on Perseus’ face. He watched as the ointment began to glow softly. It bathed Perseus’ face in a warm, golden light, and when it faded his wounds had vanished. Perseus brought his hands up to gingerly touch his face, his eyes widening in surprise when he found them all repaired.
“Woah,” he breathed as he looked up at Hermes. “Thank you.”
“Thank me once we’ve got you off Olympus,” Hermes muttered, working the ointment over the remaining wounds.
“Yeah, what’s the plan on that?”
“Don’t worry,” Hermes said with a small smirk. “It’s all taken care of. We’re getting you somewhere safe.”
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Y/N woke up late the next day, stretching out in her bed as the sun poured through her windows. For a moment, she thought maybe the confrontation with Zeus had been nothing but a bad dream, but a message chiming on her phone swiftly reminded her.
Dr. Strange: When you come back on Monday we’re reviewing the Rhodes case. Files will be on your desk. Enjoy your day off.
Chuckling softly, she put her phone back on the nightstand. Even on a personal day, the doc had work for her to attend to. The small smile on her face faded as the memory of her altercation with the king came flooding back. She’d called the doctor last night after leaving the café, letting him know she’d be taking a personal day today. He didn’t ask for details and she didn’t give them, just thanked him for understanding. Her sadness over the entire encounter quickly faded into anger, which burned into a renewed sense of hope. Hearing Perseus, as clear as if he’d been standing right beside her, reignited a fire inside her. She didn’t know how she knew, but she knew that he’d been hearing her all along. Every prayer she’d whispered had made its way to him and somehow, he’d managed to get one to her. With that knowledge inspiring a confidence she hadn’t felt since she’d fallen from Olympus, Y/N got out of bed and headed to the living room. Books towered on her coffee and end tables, and just as she was about to dive back into them, she heard a knock at her door.
“Oh, by the gods,” she groaned, standing back up. The person on the other side of the door kept incessantly knocking as Y/N made her way to the door, yanking it open roughly. She was prepared to tell whoever it was off but was caught by surprise when she saw Hermes looking back at her. He wore a crisp suit, similar to the ones he donned as his alter ego Tony Stark, and smiled softly at her. Neither of them spoke and Y/N allowed herself to fill with elation at the sight of her old friend. Her happiness was quickly replaced by anger when she deduced the most likely reason for his visit.
“Tell your king he can shove his offer up his ass,” she snapped, folding her arms in front of her chest.
“Well, hello to you too,” he chuckled. “Sorry to disappoint but my king doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Why do I find that hard to believe?” she asked coolly, glaring at him.
“Honestly, I don’t care what you believe,” Hermes said, leaning against the door frame. “I came here to bring you something. Call it a peace offering.” Y/N arched an eyebrow and looked him over.
“What kind of offering?” she asked skeptically.
“Turn around and find out.”
The voice. Was it in her head again? Every time she’d let herself feel hope over the last five years it had been snuffed out by crushing disappointment, and she knew if she let herself believe Perseus was really behind her and he wasn’t, she would crumble. She looked up at Hermes with tears already in her eyes, but the god said nothing. All he did was nod over her shoulder, smirking softly. Slowly, she turned around.
It felt like a dream. There, in the center of her living room, bathed in bright sunlight, stood Perseus. He wore a simple t-shirt and jeans, just like he always had when he was Peter and flashed Y/N a wide, toothy smile. Every cell in her body wanted to run to him, but shock kept her rooted to the spot. Perseus kept smiling at her as his eyes traveled up and down.
“Hey, dream girl,” he said softly, his voice thick. That was all it took. With a sob, Y/N launched herself across the room and into his arms. He grabbed her tight and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and kissing her temple softly.
“I told you I’d never let anything keep me from finding you.” Y/N pulled back to cup his face with tears streaming down her own.
“I never doubted you for a second,” she said with a smile. Chuckling softly, Perseus leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She kissed him back slowly and wound her arms around him. While their lips were connected, as far as they were concerned, they were the only two people in the world. Hermes shifted in his spot and after several minutes, cleared his throat.
“As touching as this reunion is,” he said sternly. “We do have some slightly pressing matters to attend to.” They finally broke apart and Y/N turned around, stunned at what, or rather who, she saw. Walking past Hermes and into her living room were Artemis, Apollo, Demeter, and Ares. Her mouth fell open as they came to her one-by-one and wrapped her in long-overdue embraces. More tears fell from her eyes and she took turns hugging them all, finally turning back to Perseus and taking his hand.
“I-I don’t understand,” she stammered, “How did you all get here?”
“Sadly, without any kind of fight,” Ares said, sitting on the back of the couch.
“Why is that sad?” Apollo asked, bewildered.
“I haven’t had a good battle in eons,” the goddess of war answered. “I’m getting all itchy.”
“I might be able to help you with that,” Y/N said abruptly. Everyone looked at her with varying expressions of concern on their faces.
“Drom, who are you planning on going to war with?” Perseus asked.
“Zeus,” she replied without hesitation. Hermes sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as Artemis shook her head.
“That’s not the plan here, babes,” she said, rubbing Y/N’s arm gently. “You’re mortal now. You can’t fight this fight.”
“This was a rescue mission,” Demeter said. “Step one was getting Perseus out. Step two is getting you somewhere off of Zeus’ radar so we can go back and take him out.”
“They’re right,” Perseus said, squeezing her hand. “It’s too dangerous for you.”
“If any of you think for one second that you’re going to hide me away in some shoebox while you go fight the king of the gods you’ve gone completely insane,” she said, turning to her husband. “All of this happened because of me. Everything he’s done, everything he’s planning, it’s my fault. Do you really think there’s anywhere I’ll be safe from him? The only place I’m really safe is with you guys. And I want my shot at him.”
“She’s right,” Hermes said abruptly, earning a chuckle from Ares.
“Not something I thought I’d ever hear from you,” she smirked. Hermes shot her a look so severe it made even Ares falter before he turned back to Y/N.
“Ever since you told Zeus off in that temple in Greece, things on Olympus have been horrific,” he explained. “He’s gotten more volatile, more unpredictable, and more vicious with every passing day. Our home is in ruins all for his overinflated ego, and that ego means he won’t let you out of his reach for even a second. The last thing he’ll expect is for us to bring you to him. Are you prepared for this?” Y/N felt Perseus squeeze her hand again and she looked back at him and nodded softly, knowing in her gut what she had to do. Perseus stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her again, placing a soft kiss to her forehead. He held him tight and closed her eyes, willing herself to take in just this moment in his arms. Y/N knew that once they did this nothing would be the same, be it good or bad. Perseus seemed to sense it too and held her close until Apollo spoke.
“Not to ruin a beautifully half-baked plan,” he said, perching himself on the windowsill. “But how do we intend to pull this off? He’s…well he’s Zeus. It’s not like I can just put an arrow through his eye and call it a day.”
“I have something that can help,” came a voice from the doorway. Everyone looked up to see Hephaestus leaning against the doorframe. Perseus tensed immediately and pulled Y/N behind him. Artemis and Apollo pulled bows from out of nowhere and took aim while Ares produced a small blade from her belt and Demeter positioned herself between Hephaestus and Perseus.
“No, it’s ok,” Hermes said, holding up a hand. “He’s on our side. Heph helped me get you out.” Y/N looked over Perseus’ shoulder as Hephaestus stepped slowly inside.
“I know I failed you both,” he said, defeat thick in his voice. “There hasn’t been a day since Zeus cast you out that I haven’t regretted my part in it. I can’t take back what I did, but I can do my best to try and make it up to you now.” He took a leather bag off his back and opened it slowly, pulling out a large sword. Perseus gasped softly and stepped toward him.
“I-Is that…?”
“Your sword,” Hephaestus finished for him, handing over the weapon. “Harpe. Hermes found it and since you managed to kill Medusa with it, we figured it might be helpful.” Perseus turned the blade over in his hands as Y/N stepped up with her brow furrowed.
“There’s something different about it,” she remarked, looking the sword over.
“I lined the edges of the blade with bark from the oak tree at Zeus’ palace,” Hephaestus said, nodding. “I don’t know if the legends about it are true, but I thought it was worth a shot.”
“They’re true,” Demeter piped up, eyeing the sword. “I grew that tree for him myself. Its bark is the only thing in all the realms that can hurt him.” Y/N looked up at Perseus, his sword still in his hand, then around the room at the other gods.
“I can’t thank you all enough for what you’ve done,” she said softly. “You’ve given me my love back. Having Perseus and seeing all of you…I can’t put it into words. This next part is going to be big. Life-altering big. If any of you want to walk away, we won’t blame you.”
“Do you really think we went through all of this just to back out now?” Hermes scoffed, shaking his head.
“Yeah, we’re not going anywhere,” Apollo agreed.
“I’m sick of watching Zeus destroy my home,” Artemis said, tightening her grip on her bow.
“No one is safe until we stop him,” Demeter said.
“Like I said,” Ares chimed in, joining her friends. “Itchy.” The group turned slowly to Hephaestus who clutched his chest gently.
“After my heartfelt speech and act of treason you still doubt me?” he asked. “Consider me officially defected.” He stepped up next to Hermes who clapped him on the shoulder and nodded softly. Perseus rubbed Y/N’s arm gently and leaned into her.
“So, what’s the play?” he asked. Turning to her cluttered end table and digging through the stack of books, Y/N finally pulled out the one she was looking for and turned to her friends.
“I found this in a bookstore last year,” she said, holding the book up. “From what I can tell it maps out all the passages the Norse gods talked about. The closest one is in New Mexico.” Hermes looked up at her with a smirk on his face.
“Shall we?”
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The immortals gathered at the base of Olympus several hours later, huddled close to avoid being seen. Once they were sure the coast was clear, Hermes nodded to Apollo. The sun god stepped out and aimed his golden bow, firing an arrow across the sky. Everyone watched as it flew in a high arch, slipping behind the clouds to catch the sun and drag it down beyond the horizon.
“What happened to the chariot?” Perseus asked softly.
“Too bulky,” he answered with a shrug. Andromeda chuckled and took Perseus’ hand as they made their way up the mountain as slowly as they could. They kept to the shadows, choosing to take the longer route up the mountainside rather than risk the main staircase. At the top, the path brought them close enough to it to see Athena, nose buried in a book at the top of the stairs. One-by-one, the crept past, careful not to attract attention. Demeter was the last to join them as they passed the gate and headed toward the palace.
The grounds were deathly silent as the immortals made their way through. Perseus and Andromeda walked hand-in-hand as they crept forward, constantly looking over their shoulders. Slowly, Hermes pulled the palace doors open and ushered them inside.
“What the hell happened here?” Andromeda breathed, taking in the crumbling structure.
“Zeus happened,” Ares replied, balling her fists.
“Where is he, Hermes?” Perseus asked, still gripping Andromeda’s hand.
“Most likely in his chambers at this hour,” Hermes said. He started down the hall with the rest of the group close behind.
“What about the throne room?” Andromeda asked as they passed it.
“Not likely,” Artemis replied. “He hasn’t made much use of it since your little display in Greece. Rumor is it’s completely destroyed.” Andromeda gulped slightly and nodded, opting to stay silent. They kept on their way, tension filling the air thickly. The only sound besides their soft footsteps was the occasional roll of thunder in the distance. After what felt like ages, a pair of golden doors shone up ahead of them. Andromeda shivered involuntarily as they stopped, looking back at Perseus as he pulled Harpe from beneath his cloak.
“Are you ready?” she asked him with a shaky voice. He nodded gently and raised his eyebrows.
“Are you?” he replied.
“Not really but we’re here now,” she resigned.
“I still think it should be me,” Ares protested for the tenth time.
“And I’m done debating with you,” Perseus snapped back. “Harpe is my sword and I’m the one who killed Medusa with it. I’ll do it.” The red-headed goddess nodded and pulled a pair of daggers from her belt. Artemis and Apollo readied their bows while Demeter produced a spear from beneath her skirts. Hephaestus, armed with a hatchet, stepped forward and handed Andromeda a small blade.
“It’s not much,” he said with a slight edge of fear in his voice. “But it’s sharp enough to make someone pay attention to you.” She nodded once and turned back to her husband.
“Stay back with Hermes, and only attack if you have to,” he instructed before turning back to the others. “On my count. One…two…three!” At his count, he pulled the doors open and the group charged inside, weapons raised. Andromeda gripped her knife tight as Hermes pulled her into the room and back against the wall. The rest of the group fanned out; weapons aimed at all corners of the room. Andromeda’s eyes scanned with them and dread filled her when she realized the only other person in the room was Hera, seated at the vanity in a navy blue dressing gown, pinning her hair into curls.
“Where’s Zeus?” Perseus demanded, raising his sword. Hera remained silent, only turning around once her last curl was in place. When she spoke, she addressed Andromeda directly.
“I’ve never understood what my husband saw in gutter trash like you,” she spat. “You really are as stupid as you look.” Perseus tensed and tightened his grip on the sword, moving toward her only to be cut off by a bolt of lightning striking in the middle of the room. It flashed brightly and once it faded, Zeus stood in its place. He was accompanied by his brothers, Hades and Poseidon, as well as Persephone, Hestia, Athena, and Aphrodite.
“Now, now, my love,” Zeus said almost sweetly. “There’s no need to be so rude to our guests.”
“Says you,” Hera shot back. “I’m the one who’s had to watch you lust after this child for centuries.” Another bolt of lightning struck, this time just outside the window as Zeus’s face hardened and he turned to his wife.
“Hold your tongue or I’ll rip it out,” he threatened, waiting for Hera’s meek nod before turning back to the intruders. “Relieve these traitors of their weapons and then escort them to the throne room to receive the king’s justice.” Hades, Persephone, and Athena moved forward at his command, collecting weapons from the reluctant rebels. Andromeda managed to find Poseidon’s eyes as Athena was taking her blade and tried her best to plead with her friend without words. He looked back at her and sighed softly before breaking her gaze. Once all their weapons had been collected, Zeus’ minions rounded up the intruders and led them toward the throne room. Perseus found Andromeda and she clung to his hand as they walked, tears filling her eyes. Desperate, she looked to her left and spotted Aphrodite.
“Dite, please,” she begged, too far past terrified to care. “Please, don’t let them do this.” Aphrodite kept her eyes down as Hades stepped in front of Andromeda and slapped her across the face. Perseus managed to keep her from falling to the ground and glared up at the god.
“Keep your mouth shut until someone tells you to talk, traitor,” Hades commanded with fire in his eyes. Before Perseus could charge him, Poseidon stepped between them.
“There’s no need for that, brother,” he said, holding out his arm. Hades shoved it away and looked him over.
“When I want your opinion, brother, I’ll give it to you,” Hades sneered. “If you’re not careful you’ll end up in the same spot as your friends here.”
“You forget your place, Hades,” Poseidon said, drawing himself up to his full height. “You may be king in the Underworld, but up here you’re just my brother.” Dark flames burned in Hades’ eyes and he was about to snap back when thunder crackled outside.
“Enough,” Zeus bellowed, opening the doors to the throne room. He strode inside, the others trailing behind him as he took his place on the large, marble throne. Andromeda looked around and took in the state of the room. Despite the appearance of the rest of the castle, and contrary to the rumors Artemis had heard, the throne room looked to be in pristine condition. Not a speck of dust or debris coated the floor and the throne looked like it was still being regularly polished. Zeus nodded to Hestia who smirked, flashing her red eyes to light the torches around the room. The pilfered weapons were dropped at Zeus’ feet and Perseus squeezed Andromeda’s hand as they faced the king.
“Never, in all my years on the throne, have I endured such disrespect from my subjects,” he said flatly, staring directly at Andromeda. “You sneak into my home in the dead of night with a plan to assassinate your king, and now that you stand before me you don’t even have the decency to kneel?”
“You’re no king of mine!” Andromeda yelled, glaring at him. “You don’t deserve your throne.” Gasps echoed off the walls at her outburst and louder thunder sounded outside the palace.
“And you,” he growled. “Defying my orders and returning to Olympus. This is an offense punishable by death, little one.”
“No!” Perseus screamed, lunging forward. Hades shoved him back roughly, sending him stumbling into Hermes.
“You’re the one who wanted me back in the first place!” Andromeda yelled back at him, reaching behind her for Perseus’ hand. She relaxed slightly when she felt it in hers and from the corner of her eye, she saw Poseidon turn to his brother in confusion.
“What is she talking about?” he asked.
“Nothing,” Zeus snapped at his brother, still glaring at Andromeda. “Shut your mouth.”
“You don’t command me anymore, Steve,” she hissed. “I’m not afraid of you. Yesterday, your king came to Earth and told me I could return to Olympus if I never spoke to Perseus again and I agreed to be his and his alone.”
“You went to Earth?” Hades asked, turning to look at his brother. “You didn’t tell me that.”
“Because I didn’t,” Zeus protested, growing angrier by the second.
“Yes, you did,” Aphrodite said meekly from behind him. Everyone in the hall turned to look at her. Zeus was the last to look, finally tearing his eyes from Andromeda. The thunder outside struck again, louder this time as the king glared at Aphrodite with rage in his eyes.
“Aphrodite stay out of this,” Persephone cautioned from behind Hades.
“No, Aphrodite, get involved,” Hephaestus said, taking a step toward his wife. “This has been eating at you for years. Now’s your chance to make it right.” She looked back at Hephaestus with wide eyes, watching as he nodded encouragingly. After a deep breath, Aphrodite spoke while walking forward.
“On the day Zeus banned travel to Earth, he told me to lie to Perseus and Andromeda,” she began, keeping her eyes on her husband. “He told me to tell them that they weren’t soulmates even though I bound their souls myself.”
“Why would he do that?” Athena asked, removing his glasses.
“Because he wanted me,” Andromeda answered before looking back at Aphrodite. “Tell them what else.”
“Yesterday, Zeus took me with him to Earth,” Aphrodite continued. “We found Andromeda and he told me to offer her a deal; if she agreed to be with Zeus, he’d let her come back and Perseus could live out his life on Earth as Peter.” Hades and Poseidon glanced at each other and then back at Aphrodite. As she finished and held out her hand for Hephaestus, a huge bolt of lightning burst through the ceiling, striking her in the chest. The force of the blast knocked her off her feet and across the room into the wall. Hephaestus screamed in agony and ran toward her as she slid to the floor. Andromeda was right behind him, tears already pouring down her face. Hephaestus picked his wife up gently and brushed her hair out of her face as he checked her over. After a moment, he looked up at Andromeda with red-rimmed and tear-filled eyes.
“S-She’s gone,” he whispered. Andromeda let out a broken sob and clapped her hands over her mouth. She looked down at the lifeless body of her friend as the gods behind her started to argue.
“How could you?!” Hestia screamed, causing the flames of the torches to burn brighter.
“You really are a monster,” Hera breathed, backing away from him.
“I did what needed to be done,” the king said coldly. “She was lying.”
“No, she wasn’t,” Perseus challenged. “I heard it all. Andromeda prayed to me when you were there, and I heard it all. Aphrodite was telling the truth.” Slowly, the remaining gods started to realize the truth, and one-by-one began to turn on their king.
“What’s wrong with you?” Poseidon demanded. “Aphrodite was one of us. How could you do this?”
“Watch your tone,” Zeus growled. Outside, peals of thunder boomed louder and more frequently.
“You lied to all of us,” Hades accused. “Forbid us all from visiting Earth while you took little day trips and for what? A bruised ego? Some girl who rejected you?” The others joined in shortly after and soon shouts echoed from every corner of the room. During the chaos, Andromeda saw Hera and Persephone slip a back door behind the throne. As the shouts and demands for answers reached a fever-pitch, Hermes raised his hands and addressed the gods.
“Fellow Olympians,” he called out. “For five long years, we’ve watched as Zeus has laid waste to our home. He’s let his hatred and jealousy run rampant and forced us to pay the price. The time had come to end his reign of terror. Together, we can take back Olympus and return her to her former glory.” The gods cheered and began to yell again when he finished, and Hestia and Athena came to join the rebels. Through all this, Zeus still barely moved. He sat, almost as still as the marble his throne was carved from, with his eyes on Andromeda. She stared right back at him, never so much as flinching as the thunder boomed so loud the walls shook. After a minute, Poseidon stepped forward to speak to his brother.
“Zeus, it’s over,” he said softly. “Come with me.” He reached out and placed his left hand on the king’s shoulder and that seemed to be the last straw. The instant his hand connected another enormous bolt of lightning cracked through the ceiling. Rather than suffering the same fate as Aphrodite, this bolt struck the sea god on the shoulder, severing his arm from his body.
“No!” Hades cried out, running toward his injured brother. Apollo ran forward as Poseidon toppled to the floor, already pulling healing elixirs from his bag. Chaos erupted in the hall again as Artemis and Ares rearmed themselves. Smaller bolts of lightning struck around the room as the gods turned on their king. Zeus paid them no mind, but rather kept his eyes on Andromeda. She waited, holding her breath until his eyes flitted over to his injured brother. When they did, she took her chance. Lunging forward, Andromeda grabbed Harpe and ran toward the throne, raising the blade to strike. She brought it down quickly but at the last second Zeus turned and caught her by the throat. Her eyes widened as his fingers squeezed tight and she felt the sword slip from her grip.
“Let her go!” Perseus screamed. He made a move for the sword, but Zeus was ready. Rage seemed to have cleared the king’s mind and was able to anticipate the young immortal’s move. Lightning struck all around the throne, driving Perseus and the gods back. They looked on in horror at the scene before them.
“Brother, enough!” Hades yelled. “This has all gone too far. You’ve let this girl influence every decision you’ve made for centuries. Let this end and face your justice.”
“If I hear one more word from any of you, I’ll kill you all,” Zeus seethed. The remaining immortals fell silent at his threat, watching as Andromeda struggled against the king’s grip on her throat. Zeus leaned in until his face was mere centimeters from hers, so close she could see the lightning striking around the throne reflected in his eyes.
“Despite your continued insolence, I’m willing to give you one last chance,” he whispered, his breath fanning over her face. “Be mine or suffer the consequences.” His features hardened as he looked over her like his prey and Andromeda felt herself shiver. He loosened his grip by a fraction, and she clenched her jaw hard. Knowing what she was about to do would seal her fate, she said a silent farewell to Perseus, looked up at the king, and spit in his face.
“Go fuck yourself.”
The lightning blast that struck the outside of the palace made the one that had killed Aphrodite sound like a firecracker. The ceiling that had been so well cared for splintered and cracked, sending chunks of it hurtling to the ground. Zeus retightened his grip on Andromeda’s throat and stood, stepping forward. Perseus attempted to make for his sword again, but another lightning strike knocked him back.
“I’ve had enough of you, child,” he said, low enough that only she could hear. “I’ve given you every opportunity to live a comfortable life here with me, and you’ve continued to refuse me. I thought your little vacation to Earth might have made you see reason, but I can see we’re beyond that. The time for deals is done. All that’s left now is judgment.”
“Let her go!” Perseus screamed again. “End this!”
“The only question is how to punish you,” Zeus continued, ignoring Perseus’ pleas. “I could just kill you, but that would be too easy. Hermes has proven he can’t follow commands and would conspire to travel between the realms and bring you back from the Underworld. After this, maybe even with my own brother’s help. And it’s obvious Perseus will never stop fighting for you.”
“Gods, you really do love the sound of your own voice, don’t you?” Andromeda rasped in his grip. Growling deep in his chest, Zeus spun her around to face her husband.
“And you still haven’t learned it’s not wise to goad me, have you?” he hissed in her ear. “The punishment I’ve devised for you is one worse than death. Say goodbye to your husband. Tell him how much you love him.” Andromeda bit back the sobs that threatened at her throat and locked eyes with Perseus. He already had tears pouring down his face and Demeter was holding him back from being struck by the lightning.
“Andromeda,” he sobbed, struggling in Demeter’s grasp.
“I love you, Perseus,” she said, feeling the tears start to fall from her own eyes. “My hero.”
“I love you too, my dream girl,” he said, still fighting to get to her. Zeus rolled his eyes and chuckled.
“Always with the nicknames,” he said. “How touching.” He kept a firm grip on the back of Andromeda’s neck with one hand and raised the other in front of her face. Andromeda took a deep breath and kept her eyes on Perseus, readying herself for what was to come. She could vaguely register the shouts of the other immortals, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying. All she could do was watch as Zeus raised his hand and snapped.
At first, she thought Zeus had granted her the mercy of a painless death. She felt nothing and waited, watching her husband and waiting to meet her end. Then, just as she was about to turn to Zeus, something happened. Demeter gasped and let go of Perseus, looking down in terror. He stumbled away from her and fell to his knees in front of Andromeda. She tried to free herself to get to him but Zeus’ grip on her didn’t falter. Perseus looked up at her with wide eyes and tried to speak, and it was only then that she realized what was happening. Andromeda watched, frozen in fear, as her husband started to fade into dust in front of her. He tried several times to call out to her but each time nothing but small puffs of dust passed his lips.
“PERSEUS!” she screamed, fighting to get to him. Zeus dug his fingers in tighter, refusing to let go until all that remained of Perseus was a small pile of ashes on the ground. Then, and only then, did he throw her down next to them. She reached out with a shaking hand, hoping somehow this wasn’t real, but knowing as soon as she touched the soft ashes that it was. Zeus wasn’t lying when he said her punishment was worse than death. Silent sobs ripped through her as her tears pooled on the floor beneath her. Behind Zeus, Hades and Apollo had managed to help Poseidon to his feet.
“Zeus…what have you done?” a bewildered Poseidon asked. Andromeda turned her head a fraction of an inch to get a better look at him. It seemed Apollo hadn’t been able to reattach his severed arm, but Poseidon had managed to reform a new one from water. It reflected the light of the lightning outside, almost metallic looking as he challenged his brother.
“I’ve taken care of my problem,” Zeus answered with a shrug. “Now, it’s as if he never existed. Nice and simple.”
“Simple?” Hades scoffed. “This is despicable, and that’s coming from me. You’ve crossed a line here.” Zeus ignored them both and walked over to Andromeda still weeping on the floor.
“I hope this serves as a reminder to never cross me again,” he whispered in her ear. “Then again, since you’ll be spending the rest of your days in a jail cell, I suppose it doesn’t much matter.” She looked up at the king through her tears and balled her fists.
“I won’t let you get away with this,” she swore. Zeus simply chuckled and grabbed her face, kissing her firmly. She struggled against him as he held her in place, only pushing her back to the ground when he was done.
“I already have,” he mocked, turning to walk away. Andromeda laid where she fell, next to her husband’s ashes, and watched him with defeat and grief filling her chest. She closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate when something brushed against her hand. She blinked her eyes open and looked down, her eyes widening in shock. A small stream of water was flowing past her, carrying Harpe into her hand. Almost on instinct, her hand wrapped around the hilt as she looked up to see Poseidon’s steel-blue eyes on her. Slowly and deliberately, he nodded once. She nodded in return and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly to calm her shaking nerves. Gathering her strength, Andromeda pushed herself to her feet and charged at the king with the sword raised, screaming incoherently. She swung the sword at him as he spun on the spot, catching her wrist in both of his hands. The tip of the sword managed to just break the skin above his heart, causing a single drop of blood to fall. He looked into Andromeda’s eyes with genuine shock on his face for the first time in eons. She pushed against his hands in a desperate attempt to drive the sword further in, surprising everyone in the room with the strength she displayed.
“Insolent girl,” Zeus panted, fighting against her. “I am Almighty Zeus, King of the gods. Who are you to defy me?” Sweat dotted both of their brows as they fought for dominance. Andromeda could feel her grip slipping and her strength waning with every passing second, and just as she felt she couldn’t hold on any longer, her eyes fell on Perseus’ ashes. Gritting her teeth, she looked up at Zeus with fire in her eyes.
“I’m a hero,” she answered. Planting her feet firmly and mustering every ounce of strength she had, Andromeda let out a roar and pushed against the sword. Zeus’ grip slipped slightly, and the sword plunged into his chest all the way up to the hilt. His eyes widened in shock as his hands fell and he looked down at the sword that had run him through. Andromeda stared at it with him for a moment before pulling it out, sending Zeus staggering back into his throne with his hands clamped over his wound. Lightning started to crackle in his eyes as he looked over to his brothers. They stared silently back at him, offering no help as he started to gasp for air. Everyone fell back as the lightning spread from his eyes over his head and down his torso. With one final look to Andromeda and a blood-curdling scream, Zeus exploded in a giant blast of lightning.
The peal of thunder that followed Zeus’ death seemed to last forever. When it finally ended it took the clouds that had gathered with it, and for the first time in five years, the Olympians could see the stars. Andromeda fell to her knees and began to cry again, letting the sword fall from her hand. Her friends watched her in stunned silence. They looked back and forth at one another, none of them sure what to do or say, or even if anything could console her. They could only stand there, still as the statues that filled their temples, watching as she broke in front of them. Finally, and quite surprisingly to everyone, Hephaestus dragged himself to his feet. He staggered over to Andromeda and flopped down next to her, taking her hand gently in his. Neither of them spoke. They just sat silently, hand in hand. His sorrow mimicked her own, bleeding from his soul into hers, connecting them in the worst way imaginable. After a time, Andromeda looked up at the gods until she found who she was looking for.
“Can you bring him back?” she asked Hades desperately.
“I’m sorry,” he said, shaking his head. “Zeus didn’t just kill him, he obliterated him. His soul…his essence doesn’t exist anymore. There’s nothing to bring back.” For the first time since they’d met, Andromeda saw actual remorse in his eyes. His apology now was for so much more than his inability to bring her husband back. She nodded slowly and sniffled, wiping her nose on the back of her free hand. Poseidon sighed softly and walked forward, crouching down in front of her.
“Rommie,” he said gently. “We can’t stay here.” Her eyes met his as a fresh wave of tears spilled out and she grabbed at his flesh arm.
“I don’t have anywhere to go,” she whispered.
“Let’s start by getting off the floor,” he suggested, moving to help her up. Andromeda stared at the ground as Poseidon and Hephaestus helped her up, her eyes once again falling on Perseus’ remains. And that’s when it hit her. The clarity of what she had to do now dawned on her as if Apollo himself had raised it.
“Hermes,” she called out. “Can you send me back to Earth?” Poseidon froze in front of her as she turned to face a stunned Hermes.
“Y-you want to go back?” he asked.
“Maybe take a little time to think things over,” Athena suggested, his voice thick. Andromeda finally took a look around and saw how disheveled the gods were. Every one of them had tear streaks down their faces, even Ares. Hestia was still on the ground over Aphrodite. Seeing them like this only cemented for Andromeda that she didn’t belong.
“I don’t need time,” she said, looking around the room. “I was never supposed to be here. Perseus and I…we wanted to go home. That’s what started this whole thing. And now he’s gone. Zeus took my immortality. I don’t belong here anymore. It’s past time for me to live out my life.” By the time she finished speaking, most of the remaining gods were in tears again. Poseidon turned her gently to face him, a single tear falling from his eye.
“Rommie, I need you to understand something,” he said. “If we send you back, that’s it. With Zeus gone, it’s going to be chaos up here. For centuries. Hera will want your head. Olympus will be locked down for the rest of your mortal life. This is a one-way ticket.” More tears fell from his eyes as he spoke, and Andromeda reached up and brushed them away.
“I understand,” she whispered, nodding gently. “Please, Poseidon.” The sea god leaned into her touch and closed his eyes, sighing softly. He cupped her face in his hands and leaned forward to press a soft kiss to her forehead.
“The favor of the gods,” he mumbled against her skin. “It will take you to Elysium when you die.” He pulled back and looked down at her with a watery smile.
“Thank you,” she said, smiling softly back at him.
“Live well, Andromeda,” Poseidon said, letting her go slowly. She held onto his hand until the distance was too great, and eventually turned to face Hermes.
“I’m ready,” she said before looking over her friends one last time. “I love you all. Thank you.” Hermes placed a hand on her shoulder and just as they were about to leave, Poseidon cried out.
Every head in the room turned to him as he held his hand out. He swallowed thickly and took a shaky breath before he spoke again.
“I can’t bring Perseus back,” he said, his voice cracking slightly. “But I can give you something else you’ve lost.” Andromeda and the others watched in confusion as Poseidon kneeled to scoop up Perseus’ ashes. He walked them carefully over to a window that had been blown open during Zeus’ rage, and with another deep breath he blew them out among the stars. Andromeda felt her heart thud in her chest as the stars started to glow brighter in the sky. The constellations shifted in their places until two she recognized came into view. She let out a choked sob as Poseidon reunited her and Perseus in the heavens.
“I know it’s not the same as having him back,” he said, turning to her. “But hopefully this is a small comfort.” Andromeda tried to speak but nothing came out, so she settled for a small nod as Perseus rejoined his remaining brother. With a final look at the place she once called home, Hermes put a hand on her shoulder and whisked her away.
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Y/N sat at her favorite table in her favorite cafe, sipping her tea and reflecting on the time that had passed since she’d returned from Olympus. When she’d visited Earth with Perseus, a decade seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Now, on her own, the last ten years had felt like a lifetime. She hadn’t been on Olympus long enough to arouse suspicion, so both her apartment and her job were waiting for her once Hermes had left. Dr. Strange took a liking to her and helped pay her way through nursing school. She worked beside him as a right hand, and though the job was often demanding, he treated her well and she enjoyed the work. Her life was quiet, and she liked it that way.
Nights were the hardest. When they were in season, she would spend hours staring out her window and her and Perseus’ constellations. She still prayed, only now she included all her old friends as well as Perseus. She told them about her life and how much she missed them, and every so often she’d find a little sign that they missed her too. A large snowy owl had taken up residence outside her window, reminding her Hades still had a sense of humor. Demeter made sure all the plants in her home thrived, but her favorite was the dagger Poseidon had sent her. She found it in her bathtub of all places, a small trident carved into the oak handle. She carried it with her everywhere, always tucked safely at her waist as it was now. She felt it there as she read an article on her phone. The Daily Bugle had been writing non-stop about the recent crime wave in the city, and today was no different.
Y/N scoffed slightly and scrolled past just as the front door burst open.
“Everyone get down! This is a robbery!”
Two gunshots rang out as customers dove to the floor as ordered. Y/N slid from her chair and onto the floor under her table, chancing a quick look up at the robber. He was young, maybe in his twenties, and his hands shook as he looked over the crowd.
“Nobody try any hero shit or you’re all dead!” he ordered, pointing his gun around the room. Y/N rolled her eyes slightly and sat back, adjusting when she felt her dagger digging into her hip. Suddenly, right next to her ear, a voice she had almost started to forget whispered to her.
My hero.
She whipped her head around, looking for the owner of the voice but knowing he wouldn’t be there. Her hands shook slightly as she looked down at her phone.
Slowly, she drew the dagger from her hip and looked down. On the hilt, opposite the trident and burned into the wood, were tiny recreations of the constellations she stared at every night. Thunder clapped outside as Y/N looked back up, gripping the oak tight in her hand. She eyed the robber with a small smirk on her face as she crawled out from under the table and readied herself for a fight.
Permanent taglist (49/50): @londonspidey​ @marvelxholland​ @yourmum792 @jamesbuckybarnes-anon​ @piper-koko-barnes-rogers​ @niall2017​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @bibbarnes​ @buckysmischief​ @reann-loves-sebstan​ @afterlaughter27​ @lyniboy​ @stuckonjbbarnes​ @stareyedplanet​ @tomhollandssecurityguard​ @agent-barnes40​ @emmandhercoffecrisp​ @parkrpeter @whitewolfandthefox​ @to-be-so-lcnely​ @murdermornings​ @bellelittleoff​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @sovereignparker​ @agent-curt-mega​ @missmeganrachel​​ @ireblogtheshitiwanttosavehere @heyhihellowhatsup0​​ @angelhaz11​​ @valkyriesryde​​ @my-drowning-in-time​​ @sunmoonandbucky​​ @unapologeticallymimi​ @just-the-hiddles​​ @daughterofthenight117​​ @glowunderthemoon​​ @lilliannaansalla​​ @dumblani​​ @chewymoustachio​​ @spideyboipete​​ @my-super-musical-life​​ @tomshufflepuff​​ @practicallylivesonline​​ @dasexydevitt13​​ @willowtree42095​​ @rebekkah4766​​ @mariaenchanted​​ @lexy9716​​ @alexxcorona113​​
Bound To Break Taglist (8/25): @book-loving​–anime-chick​ @hopesbarnes​​ @everydaymj​​ @plxstic-rose​​ @averyfosterthoughts​​ @melonmochi​​ @bisexual​—-mermaid​ @cptn-sgrogers​
61 notes · View notes
Costumes- Carol Danvers
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Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
Characters: Carol Danvers
Warnings: N/A
Request: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ - And lastly, a Carol Danvers one where she gets sent a picture of goose wearing a tie and collar from her gf yn and finds it cute, surprised goose let her do it. But when she comes home finds goose now wearing on of those fake lion manes you put over around their heads. Only to find yn has bought various outfits from bowties to booties to full outfits like tuxedos and halloween ones and has been taking pictures and videos of goose to show Carol when she comes back. Of course Carol finding this super cute but even more surprised goose let her do it. Until she assumes that goose really enjoys this and the affection she gets from yn. Okay please and thank you and hope the three ive sent weren't too long and too detailed lol have a lovely day/evening
Word Count: 467
Author: Charlotte
Having cuddled up with your pet flerken, you had struggled to stay awake, leaving the two of you snuggled up on the sofa and dozing off. With Carol away working somewhere on the other side of the universe, you enjoyed the company of Goose, making the most of the time the two of you got alone. With Carol’s work you rarely knew when she was actually going to come home, her schedule often changing frequently, leaving you pleasantly surprised whenever she did finally return to you.
Today she woke you up. You jumped awake, having fallen asleep with only a flerken in the house, but as soon as you saw Carol’s smile, you realised that it wasn’t someone having broken into your home.
“You’re home,” you lazily smiled, propping yourself up on your elbows, the flerken on your lap stretching out, having also just woken up.
“I finished up early and came home, I should be back for at least the next week,” she stated. “I do have a question though.”
Carol looked down at her flerken before looking back up at you. “Why is Goose dressed as a lion?”
Your eyes became wide. You had hoped that Carol wouldn’t have seen the costume that Goose was wearing, normally having it removed before she was even on the same planet as you, but seen as you fell asleep, you hadn’t had a chance to hide it. The orange cat-like creature was contently sat on your lap, a fluffy mane around his face.
“He looks cute,” you smiled innocently. “And I think he likes it.”
“I’m surprised you still have your hands after putting that on him. I can’t believe he let you do that and that he fell asleep in it.”
You moved Goose to the sofa beside you as you made your way around to the side of the sofa.
“I have a little secret to do with what Goose and I get up to when you’re not home.”
You pulled out the box that you had slotted behind the sofa and hidden from your girlfriend since you had been living together. Moving the box onto the arm of the sofa, you opened it, revealing numerous cat-sized costumes and a small stack of photographs. You handed her the pictures.
“I dress him up whenever you’re gone. I didn’t think he’d let me at first, but I think he likes it, or at least he tolerates it,” you shrugged.
Carol flicked through the pictures, looking at Goose dressed up in a variety of different costumes.
“I don’t know whether to be mad that you hid this from me or to be happy at how adorable he is,” she sighed. “But for now you should be relieved that Goose likes you enough to dress him like that.”
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swfteverlqrk · 3 years
He looks good with kids.
Bucky x female!reader
Warnings: Kids. Jk, none, pure fluff.
Summary: Yn heart can't love more Bucky, but it can when she sees him with kids.
A/N: I gave a warning that i wanted to just write about domestic/Dad bucky. Is just the first of a thousand of bucky's fic's :)
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You arrived with your hand holding Bucky's.
"Aunt yn!" a little girl ran to you. 
“Hey mor!” you let go of Bucky´s hand and hold the little girl. “how is my princess doing?” 
“I dont want to be a princess anymore!” she said with a frown, you put her down. 
“Why?” you tried to not laugh. 
“Because if i want to be a queen, im gonna have to get married... with a...” she made a long pause, trying to say the next words. “boy! ew!” she said with a repulsive expression. 
that was something you loved about the kids, their honesty, saying everything uncensored, you saw Bucky trying not to laugh next to you. “Morgan, say hi to Bucky, dont be rude.”
“Hi, Mr Barnes.” she was shy, and added a little wave, without leaving your side. 
“Call me Bucky.” he winked at her, which made the girl blush, who could blame her?. 
she nodded and then her mother appeared “Morg, go play.” the little girl obey and got inside the house. “Im so glad you could make it” she greeted huging you and gave your boyfriend a warm and friendly handshake. “But please come in”.
you took Bucky´s hand again, and got inside the house, it was such a warm and really normal and familiar house, you wouldnt guess it was Tony Stark place, it wasnt a big mansion as he used to, it didnt have any  technology gadget, and they had a yard, more like a yard it was a private forest, where all the avengers were. 
“Im going to say hi to Natasha” you said, seeing her in the distance. 
“Ok, i´ll go with Steve and Sam.” you nodded, Bucky kissed your cheek and headed to Natasha. 
“Hey you!” your friend hugged you with one arm, cause she was holding a two month baby on her free arm, her daughter “Hey Thea, im your aunt, yn.” 
the baby girl smiled at hearing your voice. “Can i hold her?” 
“Of course!” she handed you the baby, when you took her in your arms, Nat sat down, glad that her arms could rest for a while. “Where´s Bucky?” 
“Over there with your husband and Sam” 
“It´s dangerous when they get together” you chuckled, giving her the reason, the baby start to cry. “Oh, let me” 
“No,Nat, i can, dont cry Thea.” you rocked her and started singing to her. “ Hey Dorothea
Do you ever stop and think about me?
When we were younger
Down in the park”
“Doesnt she looks gorgeous with kids?” Bucky asked his two friends, they rolled their eyes. 
“Uncle Bucky!” a boy approached. 
“Hey kids!” they high five, smiling, it were AJ and Cass wilson, Sam nephews. 
“Did you brought us what we asked for?” the soldier nodded, they went to his car, where he let out some water guns. 
“Cool, thank you!” the younger one hugged his uncle and ran after his brother. 
Nat noticed bucky´s scared face while Sarah continued shouting at him. “Yn, your boyfriend is in trouble.”
“What?” you turned to see Bucky in the entrance. “I´ll be back.” you gave her Thea, and walked. “What´s going on?” 
“James gave my kids water guns!” 
your eyes opened surprised. “Why?, Bucky what...?”
“They asked me to, they texted me!” he said innocent. 
“If something happens, they are your kids” Sarah said at Bucky and left, she was a good mom, she wanted what was best for her kids. 
you went to sit with Bucky, saying hi to Thor and Jane, until three little girls, Morgan Stark, Cassie Lang and the younger who was Alice Quill walked there. “Auntie yn, can you come play with us?” Morgan said with a small pout. 
“I´ll love it, but im going to help Sam, Sarah and Vision, to get the food ready. 
“I can play with you.” Bucky said letting go of your hand. “If you want to.”
the three girls looked at you, where you just nodded. “Go, he is funny!” your boyfriend got up and walked. Morgan took the initiative and took Bucky´s hand. 
“So, prince, which is your first decrete?” Cassie Lang said laughing, it been thirty minutes and the girls were comfortable now with the ex soldier, hugging him, holding his hands. 
“That i get a bigger crown.” he took his princess crown off, which was hurting him, making the three girls laugh. 
“Hands up! We are taking him”  The older Wilson said, pointing with his water gun.
“He is our prince, you cant take him.” The little Quill said, trying hard to hold to Bucky. 
“We can!” Billy Maximoff said, he took A.J gun and got Bucky back wet. 
‘i see why Sarah hated me for the water guns’ bucky thought to himself. 
The boys were shooting water to the girls, and them throwing grass and toys, your boyfriend got up and tried to run. 
“He is leaving!” Billy said, and all ran after him, you wouldnt guess that the weight of 7 kids could make a super soldier fall to the ground. 
“Is little yn in love?” a girl voice said, Carol Danvers. 
“Hey, Danvers” you turned and hugged her. “How are you?” 
you started catching up, she telling you stories about the space, once in a while you turned to see Bucky in the ‘jail’, that was a playpen, where all the kids put him.
“You know his wife, will come to rescue him, right?” Morgan said to A.J while having a tea party.
“What wife?” 
“Yn, duh.” she said as it was the only option. 
“They arent married” the boy said. 
“yes they are.” A.J just shooked his head. 
“Kids, the food is ready!” Sam shouted and the kids ran, Bucky got up from the playpen  that they took from Thea, he approached you. 
“I was expecting you to come to my rescue"he said resting his chin on your neck.
"Oh no, did you saw them? They had guns" you teased him, turning around to see him.
"Yn! You can stop time!" He said like a little kid, maybe an hour with 7 seven kids was more than enough.
"Here, you hamburger" You just said handing him the plate, with the bun and meat.
"Thank you, where we'll sit?"
You looked around searching for an empty table. "There" you pointed. "I was thinking of telling Sarah and Sam to sit with us".
Your boyfriend nodded, and taking your hand, you walked to the table, you were going to start eating when three girls approached the table.
"Aunt...yn... Can we, sit here?" Morgan Stark said shy, with Cassie and Alice by her side.
"Uh..." You looked at your boyfriend who with his look, he told you it was fine. "Sure, come."
"Guys, they said yes!" Morgan shouted and four more kids appeared.
"i thought it was only you three" Bucky said, trying not to laugh.
They sat, Morgan between you and Bucky, the food was delicious, and the kids were a good company. Bucky went for Soda, and coming back to his place he kissed your cheek, making you blush.
"I told you they are married!" Morgan said to A.J, biting her food.
"W-what?" You almost choke with the soda.
"Morgan thinks you two are married, but I've been telling her, you are just boyfriend and girlfriend" A.J said tired of the same argument.
"We are not married, sweetie" you cleared to the little Stark, who frown her eyebrows, confused.
"Then, why you kiss?, My mom and dad told me only married people do that." She looked at you, waiting for an answer, she was really confused, Bucky just smiled a bit.
"Because...umm..." You made a pause thinking what to answer, all the kids look where on you in that moment.
"We are going to get married, we're engaged." Bucky finally said, the most serious he could, not making notice it was a lie.
"When?" Cassie asked excited.
"Soon, in a few years, right yn?" You nodded, you let out a relief sigh, until two boys voices started arguing.
"Hey, Billy, Tommy, what is going on?"
"He took my chips without asking!" Tommy answered, looking at his brother wanting to kill him.
"But Tommy doesn't wants to share!" They started arguing again.
"Don't fight. Billy, we asked for things, and Tommy we have to share" they rolled their eyes, knowing their were being scolded. "Now Tommy, apologize"
"Tommy!" You looked at him, really serious. He took air and apologize, same with Billy. "Now both of you, go for more chips." They got up and murmuring they said something like 'she acted just like mom'
The food time was over, you and Bucky played hide and seek with the kids, when it was the soldiers turn to found you, Alice was the only one who hided with you, but when you had to find them, you knew wherever was Bucky you'll find at least a fifty percent of the kids. The time passed quickly hiding, and laughing.
"Who wants dessert?" Pepper said to the kids, whose eyes opened wide.
"Come on, Uncle Bucky!" Morgan took one hand of his and Cassie another, and walked together, but Alice started to cry.
"Um, Buck, you left something here." You said while Alice was on your arms.
"Sorry, baby, come on" he pointed his back with his head, and you put the little girl there. "Hold on tight" She did, putting her little arms around Bucky neck, while walking to the food area.
Once they got their dessert, including Bucky, all went to sit and start playing charades, you only heard kids real laughs, making you smile.
"Kids, why don't you go for yn?, she loves to play this, but it's to shy" Billy and Cassie nodded and went to grab you while you were with Tony and Steve.
"Come play with us, aunt yn!" Both making a pout. "Uncle Bucky said you like to play!"
"He did?" You gave a killing look to the blue eyed man, who just lift his shoulders innocent. "Fine, let's go"
You left Tony and Steve, and went play, you sat next to Bucky, his arm around your shoulders, that pose didn't last, because when you got up to play, Morgan took your place next to Bucky. 'Oh, so Bucky is the new favorite' you thought seeing him surrounded by all of them.
The day was over, after saying bye to Gamora, Quill and Alice, you helped Pepper to clean a bit.
"You know something, yn?" She said serious.
"Mhm?" You were picking up the plates and cups.
"All this afternoon, i saw a girl with Bucky, you should be more careful."
A girl? Which girl? All of the avengers girls were taken, you thought for a few seconds, but no one came to your mind, until Pepper told you to turn, where it was your boyfriend and the girl who wanted to steal him, Morgan, watching the Sunset, she was in his arms, one arm on his neck, while he was talking to her, not being to able hear, but seeing him with kids, to see his sweet and soft side made your heart melt.
"So, you see, the sun loves the moon so much, he goes to let her shine for hours." The girl's eye opened wide at the story.
"Morgan, they have to go." Her mother said walking to her.
"Stay to sleep, please?" Morgan said with a pout, without letting go of Bucky.
"We are going to stay at the Roger's, baby girl." You told her, which made her sad. "But, if you behave, we can make a sleepover next week at my place!"
Her eyes shined, and a smile appeared. "Really?"
"Of course, beautiful, but you have to be nice, ok?" Your boyfriend told the little girl putting her down.
"Mom, he calls me beautiful! He doesn't calls yn that" she tried to whisper but failed, Pepper just nodded, taking her hand, getting inside of the house"Bye guys." Morgan shouted before entering the house.
"what?" Your boyfriend noticed you looking at him.
"nothing..." You chuckled softly, and got into the Rogers car.
A few days later.
You were making breakfast, when your phone rang, the contact name was Tony Stark, it was a FaceTime. What if something had happened to him? Was he okay? You answered nervous, but when the camera opened, you saw Morgan, making you feel relieved.
"Hey Morgan!" You greeted her.
"Hi, aunt yn!" You could tell her she was trying to see the house, looking for something. "Are you alone?"
"Yes?"you said confused" But one friend is coming over."
"Oh, is not uncle Bucky there?" You chuckled, of course she wanted to see her 'uncle'.
"No sweetie" you shook your head, making Morgan eyes sad. "He went to help uncle Sam with something, he'll be back at night."
"Oh okay, I'll call him then! Bye." You were going to talk but she hang up.
The night came and your boyfriend went to your place to say hi and having dinner.
While eating dinner, you said to him about the morning call.
"I received a weird call today"
"What?, From who?" He asked looking up from his dumplings.
"A girl you know." You said serious, like you were mad.
"come on yn, it was Wanda? Or Carol, or Natasha?" You shook your head.
"Morgan Stark" He laughed.
"Wait, why?"
"She wanted to talk to you, you should call her" your look went back to your noodles.
"Are you jealous that she prefers me?" He teased you, making you laugh.
"Yes, you are." He pointed his fork at you, making you let out a good laugh.
"Just call Morgan!" You said playing you were angry, after dinner he did, you heard how Morgan told him all about school, and her toys, and dolls, all that she could ever think about, and he was paying attention, gasping every minute about something she said or showed.
Your heart melted again. 'He looks so good with kids'.
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gxrlcinema · 3 years
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loyal patrons of the arts,
it was a joy to share the stage with you during this challenge. our actors delivered truly incredible performances, and i'm so proud of everyone involved. thank you all for your contributions, whether you were onstage or giving your applause. I look forward to seeing you all in future productions. please, read over this playbill to remember the incredible performances.
- ilana 🌹
oh, I see stars by @auroracalisto
Steve Rogers x Reader | His angel, the soul with stars in their eyes.  he was lost without them.  He was lost without you.
first date, last night by @intrepidacious
40s!Bucky Barnes x Reader | You were supposed to go on a date tonight, but Bucky just had to interfere. It doesn't make any sense, either. It's not like there's anything going on between the two of you.
Never Planned On You by @hellotvshowtrash
Sam Wilson x Reader | You finally admit your feelings to Sam.
his little crush by @romancherry
pre!serum steve rogers x 1940′s!bucky barnes (romantic) ; pre!serum steve rogers x male!reader (platonic) | Steve comes out of the closet.
How 'Bout A Dance by @lady-salvatore
Bucky Barnes x Fem!1940s!Reader
where you decide to stay by @imaginearyparties (me)
Nomad! Steve Rogers x Reader | All you've ever known is the lonely life. If you're not careful, you just might let Steve Rogers convince you of something more.
ten minutes by @yelenabelovq
Carol Danvers x Reader | 18+ | She was brilliant and golden. But nothing gold can stay. Based off The Next Ten Minutes from The Last Five Years.
never such a night before by @ambrosiase
40s!Preserum!Steve Rogers x Fem! Reader | 18+ | At least the moon would remember them.
Call It Love by @sweetascanbee
Bucky Barnes x Reader | As much of an expert as you were in pain, Bucky Barnes had introduced you to a novel strain, a kind of pain that encased your entire being down to the last atom, the kind of pain that left you breathless and sated, and yet still, wanting more.
No One Is Alone by @thesewordsareallihavetogive
Derek Hale x Braeden | Derek has been distant and Braeden finally finds out why. Inspired by the song “No One Is Alone” from Into the Woods.
She Used To Be Mine by @yn-ymn-yln
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader | After Elijah turns Y/n she asks him to fix the mistake that he made.
My Dancing Queen by @mrs-maximoff-kenner
Lizzie Saltzman x Reader
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anagentinwriting · 3 years
Lifeline - Part 12
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 8700+ (whoops!)
Warnings: Angst, language, fluff, jumper/suicidal, snakes
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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AN: Flashbacks in italics
You yawned at your reflection in the mirror, bringing tears to the corner of your eyes. Today was the softball tournament, and Steve was picking you up at 6:30 in the morning. Unlucky for you, when you agreed to go with him as his date, you didn’t think it started this early. Station 107 was playing in one of the first two games of the day. It wasn’t a huge bracket with only twelve teams competing from different fire stations, dispatch call centers, paramedic units, and police departments. Nat and Clint’s West LA Police Department won last year, and they were hoping for another win.
You sighed, splashing your face with cold water, hoping it would shock your body awake, but it only made your face cold. You grabbed a towel, dabbing your face as you stared at your reflection. Your eyes shined back at you, and you couldn’t help the small approving smile spread across your lips. You shake your head, reverting your eyes back to the counter. Only an insane person smiles at themselves in the mirror, but you couldn’t help but look at yourself. Really look at yourself. You looked different, but it was a good different; no dark shadows under your eyes, a calm, relaxed expression, and a smile that came so much easier.
You were happy. It was a weird feeling, waking up refreshed without fear coursing through your veins. You were never going to be the person you were before you met him or even the person you were when you were with him; a weak, abused, and frightened woman. No, this was a whole new you. A stronger you that was finally letting old wounds heal and allowing yourself to move on and start over. You let out a deep breath as your phone vibrated on the bathroom counter. 
Steve: Good morning. I’m outside ;)
YN: Be out in a second
You sighed, slipping on the baseball cap Thor gave you to wear with LAFD (Los Angeles Fire Department) stitched on the front with their station number on the back. You let out a breath and smiled at yourself. It was a new exciting feeling, a feeling of improvement, and a fresh start.
You sat on the bleachers watching the game between Station 107 and Station 93. The whole team wore the same dark blue station shirt, grey sweatpants, and the same cap you had on. Your eyes scanned the field, finding Steve covering first base. The car ride over didn’t do any justice to his uniform. His shirt was stretched tight across his chest with his biceps bulging out from his tight sleeves, and his joggers hugged tight to his quads. He caught you staring, giving you a little wave before hitting his hand into his glove. 
The game was slow to watch, with the lead changing almost every inning.  Every time the batter hit the ball, your breath caught in your throat, waiting to see how it would play out. You were caught up in the game when out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a familiar redhead. 
“Hey, YN. Guess what? We won!” She nudged you on the arm.  “How are Val and the boys doing?” 
“Winning, but not by much. Carol needs to get her ass here. I think they’re feeling lost without their Captain,” you smiled, and she nodded in agreement. “Her shift ended about 10 minutes ago, so she should be on her way, and then she’ll set them straight.”
“Yeah, I noticed that. Like, why is Thor catcher?” she pointed at him. “And Bucky at second base? I mean, he can run, put him in the outfield.”
“I was wondering the same thing, but then I realized he already got to second base with you, so...”
“Oh shut up,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. “He hit a home run, but I could say the same about you and Steve.”
“And you’d be wrong; we haven’t even got to first base yet.”
“Wait, what!” She slapped your arm. “But, I thought you two have been hanging out for like two weeks. I figured you two would be doing a little somethin-somethin,” she teased, nudging you in the side. 
You chuckled, shaking your head. “I get why you’d think that, but we’re in no rush,” you insisted with a half shrug, earning a nod from her.
You heard a car door slam and glanced over your shoulder to see Carol charging over to the dugout with her cap and aviators on. 
“The boss lady has arrived,” Nat announced loud enough for Carol to shoot you two a smirk. 
Everyone huddled around her in the dugout. She used all kinds of hand gestures, some a little inappropriate, but her team stood together, nodding their heads and hanging onto every word like they do when they are on call. With it being a single-elimination tournament, they couldn’t afford to lose. It might have been a charity event, but some teams still came wanting to have bragging rights until next year. When she stood up, they broke apart, and it seemed like everyone's energy changed from defeated to conquering. It was like they finally suited up and wanted to win with two innings left.
Carol was a competitive person and always felt like she needed to take an extra step to prove herself. Growing up, she never got along with her parents; they always insisted she couldn’t do something because she was a girl. No matter how many times she got knocked down, she would always get back up and try again. When she got the job as Captain of the 107th, many men under her didn’t want to follow her orders or be controlled by a woman. Many of those ignorant men left her station, even though she proved herself time and time again. She earned the respect of a few firefighters who stuck around, and to those, she felt earned her respect as well. With everything she has gone through to get this far, you couldn’t help but admire her. 
A slight chill ran up your spine, sending a tingling sensation coursing through your body. It forced the hair on your arms to stand up straight and make your hands shake. You rubbed them together, glancing over your shoulder, but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. You gulped, sitting up straighter, getting the feeling of someone’s eyes on you. You bite your lip, scanning the faces one by one until they landed on Nat.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied, seeing Clint take off running to a van. “But it looks like your cheering section has arrived.” 
“On that note, I will be back--” she patted your leg “--I have to go hug my favorite niece and nephews.”
She stepped down the bleachers with a huge grin on her face and ran towards the van. Clint’s daughter met her halfway and pulled her into a hug. She hopped on Nat’s back, and Nat gave her a piggyback ride back over to her parents. You smiled at their interaction. It was such a simple gesture, but it meant so much to both of them. 
Family has always been important to you; even when you didn’t think they would be there for you, they still showed up. You always thought you were the glue that held Thor and Loki together, but now, you were almost positive they were the ones holding you together. 
Your eyes focused back on the game to see Station 107 heading back out to the field. They were up 3 points, heading into the top of the 7th inning. You couldn’t help but notice that Carol changed their field positions; Bucky and Thor moved to the outfield, but Steve stayed put at first. It’s surprising how moving a few players around made it look like a brand new team, and the game quickly ended with three straight outs, advancing them to the next round. They shook hands with the other team before huddling together in the dugout. 
Thor was the first to leave the huddle, making his way over to you with a closed mouth smile plastered on his face. He hit the bill of your hat and continued to walk past you. 
“Hey! What was that for,” you shouted at him over your shoulder. 
“Felt like it,” he grinned with a shrug, walking backwards. 
“Jerk,” you said under your breath, readjusting your hat as Steve approached you. 
“Hope you weren’t too bored.” 
“No, it was entertaining, watching you all fall over your feet until Danvers showed up and helped you pull off a win.”
“It wasn’t that bad. We kept a good pace with them all the way to the end. Just needed an extra push from Danvers,” he chuckled, putting his hands on his hips. “Did you want to get breakfast?” He offered, pointing to the line of food trucks behind you.
“What....no Wade’s Chimichangas?”
“I don’t think I have the stomach for that this early in the morning.” He rubbed his stomach before offering his hand to you. You took it with a chuckle, walking over to one of the most famous breakfast trucks in LA, Stan Lee Scrambles.
Thor had mentioned to you once before how Stan and his old firefighter crew decided to open up a food truck after they gained popularity. It started out small but soon became very successful, and they had to get a second truck. Everyone loved them, the food, and how they gave back to their community. They didn’t have a huge array of options, but it revolved heavily around breakfast items, including their award-winning breakfast sandwich, The Egg-celsior, a sausage bacon egg english muffin sandwich.
“What can I get you, Big Guy,” the old man, wearing tinted glasses and an old fire station hat, asked Thor.  
“Well, Stan...I will take two Egg-celsiors with a side of hash browns and a parfait,” Thor replied, squinting his eyes at the menu. “I think that will do for now, my good man.”
“Coming up, Big Guy.” You smirked at Stan’s nickname for your brother and moved up in line with Steve.  “Hiya, Steve. How’s your dog...Cosmo, right?” Stan asked, putting his elbows on the truck's small counter ledge. 
“Yeah, he’s doing much better. He’s gotten a lot more friendly and isn’t as skittish. I’ve been teaching him a few commands and lovin’ up on him.” 
“That’s terrific to hear. Remember, every relationship starts off a little shaky, but before you know it, the two of you will be inseparable.” Steve nodded with a smirk, as did you, reading into the double meaning. “Now, let’s get you two something to eat; what will it be?” 
You and Steve placed your order, and before you could beat him to it, Steve had his wallet out, paying. You shook your head, taking a few steps back to wait for your order to be called. You didn’t miss the subtle wink Stan shot Steve, making your eyes drift to the ground, hoping your hat would hide the bashful smile appearing on your face. 
Steve’s feet came into view, and you looked up at him. “Thanks for breakfast.”
“No problem,” he smiled. 
“So, what are the chances of you winning the next game? Any big competitors you're worried about?”
“I don’t know.” He lifted up his hat, scratching his head as he leaned in close to you, and whispered. “We’re not that good. We might make it to the next round, but I think the final four is as far as we’ll get.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Observation.” You narrowed your eyes at him as he tilted his head to the fields. “For one, one of the games behind us is already up 5 to 0, and they're still in the first inning. Second, Nat and Clint’s department dominated because Clint hits a home run every time he is up to bat. And three, I think we just want to start drinking.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “You seem so sure of yourself.”
“I know a thing or two about baseball, and the odds are stacked against us.” Steve shrugged.
“Maybe, I should’ve joined your team. I’m pretty good with a bat,” you smirked, earning a breathy chuckle out of him.
“Maybe next year, you and Bruce can put together a group of individuals…”
“Let me stop you right there. No and no. I’d rather eat, drink, and watch,” you giggled, making Steve nod in understanding.
Your order was called, and you both went to the counter to pick it up. Steve followed behind you, taking a seat at one of the picnic tables with Bucky, Sam, and Thor. You took the spot beside Sam, and Steve sat across from you next to Thor. 
“You did not do that, Sam. I don’t believe you. I bet you made that up,” Thor said, waving his hand around with his Egg-celsior in it.
“I’m not, it’s 100% true.” 
“Lies. All lies this guy.” Thor shook his head, sliding over to give Steve a little more room on the end. 
“What is he lying about?” Steve asked, unwrapping his breakfast sandwich.
“Thor doesn’t believe I ran five miles in thirty minutes.”
“It’s true; we ran it together once,” Steve confirmed, nodding his head. 
Thor rolled his eyes, doing a double-take at someone behind you. “WHAT? Bruce is here! I didn’t know he was coming. YN, did you know he was coming?” Thor pointed at him, talking with Happy by the silent auction tables. 
“He told me he was going to try and make it.” You shrugged, glancing over your shoulder. 
“BRUCE, BRUCE,” Thor called, standing up in a half-sitting half-standing position at the picnic table. “BANNER, BRUCE BANNER.” Bruce noticed him and waved at him, not wanting any attention. “BANNER, IT’S ME, THOR. YOU POPPED MY CHERRY.”
All eyes in the surrounding area stopped what they were doing and looked between Bruce and Thor. You swore you saw Bruce roll his eyes from more than a few hundred feet away and let out an annoyed sigh before he headed over with his hands in his pockets and his shoulders slouched.  “Hey, Thor. Fellas, YN, Carol, Val. How was your first game?”
“We won,” Carol answered from the table next to theirs, where she was sitting with Val.  “It was a tight game before I showed up.”
“We just didn’t want to win without you, Ace,” Bucky smiled at her, forcing her to shake her head.
“Steve, did I ever tell you how I lost my dispatcher cherry to Bruce?” Thor asked as everyone stood up from your table and the table next to yours, besides you and Steve. “Wait, where is everyone going?”
“To watch the next game starting, but tell Steve the story, we have heard it one too many times,” Val stated, stepping out of the picnic table. 
“Yeah, he hasn’t heard it yet; he deserves to hear it at least once,” Sam replied with wide eyes before walking to the bleachers with Bucky, Carol, and Val. 
Thor did love telling the story. Maybe a little too much because each time he told it, you swore he added something new to it or remembered something he forgot the other 15 times he mentioned it. It was a story that only needed to be told once, but Thor liked talking about his first time. 
You shake your head, sneaking a peek at Steve through your eyelashes as a small smirk tugged at your lips. He caught you staring, widening eyes as if he was asking if they should've made a quick getaway, but it was too late for them. 
“That’s right, I did tell those guys,” Thor nodded with an amused smile. “Anyways, Bruce, take a seat. We will tell it together.” 
“No, that’s okay,” Bruce assured, holding his hands up “I got to go and...”
“Nonsense. Take a seat, Banner.” Thor tapped on the spot next to him.
“Okay,” Bruce mumbled with a shrug. “Since when do I ever get what I want.” Bruce sits beside him, knowing the faster he got this over with, the faster he could leave. He shot a quick glance in your direction, almost asking for help to make a quick getaway. 
“That’s right.” Thor patted Bruce on the shoulder. “Now, it all started when I was working at my first station in LA. I was a young greenhorn, learning the ropes many years ago...
“Thor and Sif,” Captain Heimdall spoke into the walkie on their jacket. “There is an EMT emergency at the Los Angeles Zoo. We are the closest unit, and I need you two to head there now. The team and I will finish putting this blaze out.”
Thor and Sif got into the ambulance as instructed, blasting the sirens, and drove to the access point the dispatcher routed them to. A few zookeepers were waiting as they lead them through the zoo, stopping directly in front of the reptile building. Sif ran to the back of the ambulance and threw a paramedic bag at Thor as she grabbed another bag before running into the building behind the other zookeeper.
“Now, at this point, I never had to deal with the whole paramedic, injured people side of things, so it was an intense situation. Luckily, I was able to stay calm and collected through this whole situation, and I had Sif to thank for that. She remained so focused in these emergencies, I always thought she took Xanax, but it was just her personality.” Thor shrugged, taking a sip out of his water bottle in front of him. “Back to the call...
“Did the dispatcher mention what is happening to either of you?” Zookeeper Carina asked while weaving them through the halls of the building. 
“Not much,” Sif answered. “The victim called in mentioning a snake. A few guests must have seen it happen through the viewing windows and called it in, too. I’m hoping you cleared the viewing area for now.”
“Yes, of course, we did,” Carina nodded as they continued down the hall.
“Wait, this involves a snake. I love snakes. My parents got me one when I was younger, thinking it would give me more responsibility, but then my brother let him out of his cage, and he was never found again. I like to think he found a mate, and they are living happily ever after.”
“Great story, Thor, but let’s get to the matters at hand right now,” Sif commanded, earning a serious understanding nod from him. “What’s the current situation?”
“Miek, our 16 foot long 237-pound Burmese python snake from the Asian exhibit, latched onto my fellow zookeeper, Taneleer Tivan, leg, and she started coiling her body around Taneleer’s leg, cutting off his circulation. Taneleer collects snakes, so I don’t know if he read the situation wrong or did something to provoke her.” She shook her head. “It’s protocol to have two zookeepers present during feeding to avoid these types of situations, but his co-worker was running late, so he started the feedings by himself.” 
Carina stopped at a door. “He is behind this door.” She opened it, and they both stepped in to see Taneleer holding a phone to his ear, mumbling and grunting. His eyes and head traveled to the door with a faint smile on his lips before he went unconscious. 
“OH MY GOD, that snake is huge?” Thor shouted in surprise, seeing the snake wrapped around Taneleer’s leg. 
“Taneleer, you still there? Taneleer?” The caller on the speakerphone asked. 
Sif went over to pick up the phone and tossed it to Thor. “I’m Fireman Thor Odinson. Who am I speaking with?” Thor questioned, keeping a watchful eye on Sif. 
She slowly moved into position to check his vitals while keeping an eye on the snake. Her eyes traveled over his body, further assessing the situation. She noticed multiple bite marks across his stomach that were bleeding profusely, and Miek’s jaw was still latched on tight to his stomach. Sif tried her best to put pressure on the wounds, trying not to disturb the snake while Mieks body seemed to coil tighter around Taneleers leg. 
“Dispatcher Bruce Banner here, how is Taneleer doing?”
“He’s unconscious.”
“Okay, how are his vitals?” Bruce asked, but Thor ignored him.
“Carina, do you have any protocol when this happens? Like what is the best way to get the snake off them without harming them?” Sif asked, trying to keep pressure on the wounds.
Her eyes went wide, and she shrugged. “This isn’t usually my area, I fill in where I’m needed, and…and…” her voice drifted off, staring down at Taneleer. 
Sif nodded, looking at Thor. “Thor, can you try uncoiling the snake off of his leg.”
Thor nodded, starting at the tail end, but as much strength Thor had, he couldn’t unwrap the snake. “I think Miek is getting pissed. She is making herself tighter and heavier,” Thor grunted through clenched teeth.
“STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, THOR?” Bruce shouted from the breast pocket on Thor’s shirt. 
Thor slowly set down the snake’s body and pulled the phone from his pocket. “Then, what do you suggest we do, Banner?“
“Find some alcohol and put it in their mouth, but make sure the head is pointed downward and make sure it goes into his mouth. The alcohol won’t work if you put it on their face or body.” Carina disappeared as if she remembered something and returned with a small bottle of vodka and a syringe. 
“It needs to be the mouth, okay. I got it, but we don’t want to get this snake drunk, Bruce.”
“It will work, trust me. The snake will become disoriented and unlatch herself from Taneleer. Then you will need to slowly unwrap her from his leg. Go slow because you don’t want to make the snake uncomfortable.”
“Got it. You sure she likes vodka,” Thor winked at a blushing Carina, filling the small amount of vodka in the syringe. 
“Thor,” Sif shouted at him. “Focus.”
“If she bites me, this is on you Sif, and this Bruce Banner guy.” Thor pointed his fingers at her and then to the phone.
Thor held the syringe just enough to place a few drops into the python's mouth. In an instant, the snake disengaged its teeth and retracted them away from the bite zone. Sif stepped into action and put pressure on the wound while Thor grabbed a hold of his jaw and head, gaining full control of the snake. With his other hand, he pointed to Carina to start unwrapping the snake slowly at the tail end.  
“And just like that, another person saved.” Thor smacked the table with a big grin on his face. “If I remember right, you Banner had quite the temper in that situation.”
“Well, when a person needs help, you have to think of the best way to help.”
“How did you know the alcohol trick would work?” Steve asked, looking at Bruce.
Bruce opened his mouth when Thor spoke up for him. “This guy, right here--” he grabbed both Bruce's shoulder and shook him “--took some fancy snake class and learned how to disarm them.”
“It wasn’t for that reason per se, but it was a class at the local herpetology society to better understand situations involving reptiles and amphibians.”
“Exactly, fancy snake class,” Thor smirked, patting him on the back while Bruce nodded his head, rubbing his lips together. You couldn’t help but shake your head at them. These two had nothing in common but that one call they experienced together. “I want you to remember, Bruce, you will always be my first.”
“Okay,” Bruce nodded with a fake tight-lipped smile. 
“It was good to see you, Bruce, but I am going to go see if Stan has any more Egg-celsiors left.” He patted him on the shoulder, crawling out of the table and walking back to the truck. 
“Good to see you, too.”
“And here I thought my first time was good.” Steve winked at you, forcing you to roll your eyes.
“I will say one thing,” Bruce mentioned, peeking over you to make sure Thor was out of earshot. “He wasn’t that calm. If you ever want to hear the real version, we have it in the archives, it's in my favorites.”
“And here I thought my brother loved snakes,” you added, making both men chuckle. 
Steve went to warm up for his next game while you made your way over to the bleachers to watch the rest of Nat and Clint’s game.
“YN, come sit with us,” a woman with brown hair called, waving at you with a huge grin on her face. A little boy sat next to her, focused on the game in front of him. You recognized her as the woman Nat hugged earlier. “I don’t think we have been properly introduced, but I’m Laura, Clint’s wife, and this is my youngest, Nathaniel. The little lady in the purple shirt by the fence watching the game is Lila, and the young man next to her is my other son, Cooper.”
You nodded as she pointed at them. “I’m YN, but you seem to already know that,” you smiled, shaking her hand. 
“I did, I’ve heard so much about you, and it’s nice to finally put a face to the name. Here join us on the blanket.”
“Thanks.” You plopped down on the blanket, getting comfortable. “Nat’s told me so much about her niece and nephews, too, and they do seem pretty adorable.”
“Do they? Because if I’m being honest, they can be little terrors sometimes, and the sibling rivalry, well don’t get me started,” she huffed, shaking her head. 
“Oh, don’t I know it. I’ve experienced plenty of it growing up with two brothers.”
“I can imagine, but I didn’t know you had another brother.”
“Yeah, Loki. He’s adopted.” You shrugged, watching Nathaniel look through one of the books in front of him.
“Was it like sporting event after sporting event growing up? Because let me tell you something, once you have kids and they want to play sports, then that's all you're going to be focusing on until the season's finished. Bye-bye social life.”
“I’ll take that into consideration,” you let out a soft chuckle, “but for me, it wasn’t like that growing up. Loki and Thor are two very different people. Loki was more into drama theater, but Thor did play a lot of sports. And their personalities, well, they couldn’t be more opposite. Loki is great to talk to when you need someone to tell you how it is or how something is going to be, but Thor always takes your feelings into account by telling you what you want to hear before telling you what you should hear. Each brother has good and bad traits, but I still loved them and would do anything for them.”
“Do you miss Loki?” She reached over and patted your hand. “I’m assuming he doesn’t live around here because Nat mentioned you’re from New York, right?”
“Ahh, yeah. I miss talking to him and seeing him. We were close growing up and up until I moved at the last minute, but it’s just tough, right now.” You shrugged, biting your lip as your eyes drifted to the field. 
You hated not being able to talk to Loki. He helped you through so much, and you hoped he knew that. As dramatic and theatrical as he could be, you missed him. He was often hard to read, but once you cracked his hard shell, he showed a different side of himself, some never get the chance to see. You wished you could tell him what you have been doing lately, but you didn’t want to draw unwanted attention to another cell phone besides your brothers in California, in case Billy was keeping an eye on them.
“I’m sorry--” she gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, and your head snapped to hers “--I didn’t mean to pry or anything. I’m just a stay-at-home mom that hasn’t had any adult communication since last week.”
“No, you’re good, Laura,” you smiled at her. “Don’t you have Clint to talk to?”
“He’s like my fourth child. He is the oldest but acts like the youngest,” she whispered the last part, making you let out a loud laugh. “So, tell me...” She nudged your side, tilting her head at something behind you. You turned to see who she was referring to only to spot Steve. “What’s going on with you and Steve?”
“Depends on what has Nat told you?”
“Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be! Wow!” She pushed you, and you laughed, falling onto your side. 
“MOM, Dad's up to bat,” Cooper shouted, sprinting over to inform her before going back to the fence.
“Is he? Oh yes, look at that,” she smirked, seeing Clint square up in the batter’s box with the bases loaded.
With the first pitch, Clint swung the bat, sending the ball flying over the fence on the opposite side of the field. He hit a grand slam, earning cheers from his teammates as he jogged around the bases with a fist up in the air. 
"Showoff," Laura snorted, shaking her head. “I’ll cue you in on a little unknown fact about Clint. He only hits those over the fence because he doesn’t want to run around the bases.”
“Yeah, he’s the worst, but I love him,” she smiled with a half shrug. 
You may have just met Laura, but you already adored her. She was so easy to get along with, and seemed like the type of friend you could share all your secrets with and she wouldn’t tell a soul.  
"How long have you and Clint been together?"
“It’s been seventeen long years, but he’s been worth it,” Laura smiled, running her hand through Nathaniel’s mop of hair. “How about you and Steve?”
“Okay, back to me, then.” You shake your head, finding it hard not to smile. You glanced over at Steve to see him talking with Sam, flipping his baseball glove around in his hands. “We’ve been hanging out, but I wouldn’t call it serious.” 
“Steve’s a great guy from what I’ve come to understand. I’m pretty perceptive, and let me tell you, not many people can finagle themselves into their little group, but he fit right in. And from what my perceptive powers are telling me, he likes you,” she grinned, tilting her head at him. 
You took a deep breath and looked over your shoulder to catch Steve and Sam staring at you. Steve bit his bottom lip, a smirk forming on his lips. You stuck out your tongue at them, making them both laugh as they leaned down to grab their gear for the next game. Steve headed towards the dugout, but you didn’t miss the ever so subtle double-take Steve shot your way. You shot him a cheesy grin, and you could’ve sworn his ears couldn’t get any redder. You chuckled, your eyes drifting back to the game in front of you. 
“And that Nathaniel, my little man, is called the double-take. It means Steve is into YN.”
You scoffed. “May I ask what you’re teaching him?” You bit your lip, looking at the smiling boy. 
“My perceptive powers, of course,” she said, reaching over and tickling him. 
“No, mommy,” he screeched in a burst of high-pitched laughter. 
“He’s got the trait. Cooper and Lila are screwed.” She confessed, and you mouthed ‘wow’ with a half-smile on your lips. “Regardless, you two are cute together.” 
“Thanks,” you mumbled under your breath, feeling a rush of heat to your cheeks. 
The West LA Police Department took the win and were moving onto the final four. Nat and Clint were walking over together, and Lila took off running towards them. Clint leaned down with open arms, but she ran right to Nat and wrapped her arms around her waist. You didn’t miss Clint let out a sigh of defeat as he stood back up and smirked at them.
“Did you watch us kick the other teams butt?” Nat asked, smiling down at her, patting her back. 
“Yeah, you were so awesome, Nat. I want to grow up and be just like you,” Lila grinned, looking up at her.
Clint shook his head at them, giving Lila a knowing look. “Yeah, no, that’s not gonna happen. You wanna give your old man a heart attack or something because I’m not ready for that," Clint sighed, walking over and laying down next to Nathaniel and Laura. He rested his head on his wife’s thigh with a huff. “I’m getting too old for this sh...stuff,” he groaned, closing his eyes and was out like a light. 
“Man, I wish I could fall asleep that fast,” Nat admitted, staring down at sleeping Clint.
“Don’t we all,” Laura chuckled. “At least I know where Nathaniel gets it.”
“How’s your team doing?” Nat asked, standing with her hands on her hips. 
“I haven’t checked up on them. Been too busy talking with Laura.”
“Happens to most of us. She’s so easy to talk to.”
“She is,” you nodded at Laura, and she shot you a soft smile. 
Station 107 won their game, moving them onto the final four, which started after lunch. To your surprise, Happy’s Hydrant was catering the event, and all the food looked delicious. All you had to do was pay for the plate, and all the money collected would be donated to the winning team's charity.  Everyone from the team agreed, this last game wasn’t important and that it was time to finally start partying.
It was the bottom of the 7th inning of their final four game with Station 107 down by one point with one out. Val was up to bat, and the current count was one strike and two balls. She stepped back, taking a few quick practice swings before returning to the plate. The pitcher threw the ball straight across the plate, and Val swung with a miss. She stepped back out, shaking her head as her teammates cheered her on from the dugout. 
Steve gulped, seeing her set herself back up in the batter's box, doing one more quick practice swing. Steve never really had a one on one conversation with her, but he had a ton of respect for her. He was always impressed with how determined and focused she could be in a high-pressure situation. Those calls were a walk in the park for her, and he knew with the current situation at hand, she would knock that ball out of the park.
The pitcher tossed the ball, and in an instant, it landed in the catcher's glove slightly out of the strike zone. 
“Strike 3, you’re out,” the umpire called, making a fist with his hand. Val stood there with a questioning glare at the ump before she turned around and walked away. 
“What the fuck?” Steve commented under his breath, pushing his way out of the dugout and passed Val. “What kind of fucking call was that, ump?” 
“If you don’t like the call, you can get out of here.” The ump stood tall in front of him, but it didn’t do much since he was shorter than Steve. 
“The ball was nowhere near the damn strike zone, and she didn’t even swing at it. She’s not out.” 
The umpire tore off his mask. “Listen here, buddy, I’m in charge here--” He stepped closer to Steve and poked him on the chest with his mask “--from my view, she swung the bat but didn’t commit to it. Get over it or get out.”
“You know what I think…” Steve started, but Bucky showed up, forcing himself between them. Sam stepped in and grabbed a hold of Steve’s arm, pulling him back to the dugout.
“All good, Rumlow, all good. It’s just a friendly annual charity grill-out game. Can’t we all just get along,” Bucky added with a slight smirk, walking backwards to the dugout.
“Keep your new recruit under control, and we won’t have a problem.” Rumlow shook his head and pulled his mask back on with Thor up to bat next.  
“Who is that guy?” Steve asked Sam, taking a seat on the bench in the dugout.
“Brock Rumlow. You kind of took his job.”
“What do you mean, I took his job?”
“We were going to hire him, but then, Bucky told you to apply, and you got it.” Sam patted his back. “He is not very fond of our station anymore, but you were the more qualified candidate.” Sam squirted his water bottle into his mouth. “It’s probably why Val didn’t say anything to him about the call because she saw who it was and knew it wasn’t worth the fight.”
“I see,” Steve nodded, taking a drink from his water bottle. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing you watching him. Nat was saying something to you, but your attention was on him. He held up his hand with a slight smirk to show you he was fine, and you nodded at him.
“Why am I always cleaning up your messes,” Bucky inquired, plopping down in the seat next to him.
“Bad timing,” Steve smiled, forcing Sam and Bucky to shake their heads. 
You and Nat stepped down from the bleachers when the game ended, with Station 107 losing by 2 points. Nat nodded at you, leaving to prepare for the championship game. Once you realized the umpire was Rumlow, you and Nat knew it was inevitable that they were going to lose. Rumlow knew how to hold a grudge, and he was still holding onto it. You shot Steve a side smirk as he walked over to you. 
“And here, I thought you guys didn’t care about the game, and who knew you were so competitive?”
“What can I say, I got into it a little bit. We all did.” He shrugged with a tight smile.
“You did,” you chuckled, patting him on the bicep. “The ump was making some terrible calls anyways, and it doesn’t help he’s an asshole.”  
You sat down in the same spot at the picnic table from earlier, and Bucky and Steve joined you, still talking about their loss. 
Bucky took a bite of his BBQ ribs and grabbed his napkin, wiping the sauce from his lips. “It’s a good thing you’re not in charge of the grill, Steve? You remember what happened that one time.”
“What are you talking about? I’m great on the grill.”
“Yeah, but there was that one time, Peggy threw you that Fourth of July Birthday bash at your new house. You were on the grill and had the gas turned on too high and when you lit the match, a fire blaze shot up in the air. Hell, I thought you were going to lose your eyebrows, but Peggy was more worried about the house,” he chuckled with a crinkled-eyed smile, shaking his head.  
“In my defense, it was a new grill,” Steve snickered. “I didn’t know what it was capable of yet.”
“Who’s Peggy?” You asked, glancing between Steve and Bucky, who seemed to be in their own little world. They fell silent as Steve bit his lip, shooting Bucky a hard glare. Bucky looked away from him, shoving more mashed potatoes in his mouth. 
“Story for another time.” Steve peeked over at you, letting out a breath. He moved his potatoes around on his plate as a few different expressions crossed his face. 
“I understand,” you nodded, taking a sip of your drink. 
You knew better than anyone that there was a time and place for certain things to be shared, and this was not one of those times; it was too public. You took a bite of your sandwich, trying to remember if Steve mentioned Peggy before, but you don’t think he ever did. You peeked up at him across the table to see him laughing with Bucky, but it seemed forced. It wasn’t the hand clutching to the chest kind of laugh or the adorable chuckle that made the butterflies erupt in your stomach. It was almost like it didn’t have a sound, but the emotion hiding behind it was there, like a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. He was physically here, but his mind was somewhere else. Whoever this Peggy was, she was special to him. 
“Clint and Nat’s team is fucking dominating; 12 to 2 in the bottom of the 4th. They should just call it at this point. It’s tough to watch,” Sam stated, sitting down next to you.
Everyone’s head at the table nodded in agreement. Your eyes started to wander around the park, noticing the whole Barton clan invested in this game. The line to Happy’s Hydrant was still long but moving swiftly. Thor, Val, and Carol were talking with a group of people by the beer wagon, paying no attention to the game. Your focus returned to the table, hearing Bucky comment on Nat’s uniform, forcing Sam to roll his eyes and bring his sandwich to his mouth.
“I’m gonna head back for seconds; do you want anything else? I can grab it for you,” Steve asked, catching your wandering eyes. 
“I’m fine, thanks, though.” You smiled up at him, and he nodded, stepping out of the picnic table.  
Steve stood back in Happy’s line, which was much longer than it was the first time he went through. Drunk munchies, he assumed. He glanced over at you and couldn’t help but smile. Sam must have made a comment about you and him because you smacked Sam on the arm as your gaze landed on his. You waved at him with a playful smile while giving Sam a stern look. 
He couldn’t help but smirk at your interactions with the guys. They were a rowdy bunch, but you could always hold your own against them and put them in their place, even him. Every joke you made, every laugh that escaped you, and every smile you shot his way made his heart leap in his chest. It was a feeling he hasn’t felt in a long time, a feeling he hasn’t felt since Peggy. 
"Is this the line for Happy's?" A guy behind him asked, interrupting his daydream.
“It is, yes,” he nodded, turning around to look at the guy, wearing a Northeast LA police department t-shirt and cap.
“Was your department playing today?” Steve questioned, pointing at his shirt.
“Oh no,” the bearded man chuckled. “We prefer being spectators and drinking.” He pointed behind him to a group sitting by the game with lawn chairs and coolers.
“Nothing wrong with that,” Steve smirked, shaking his head.
“What’s it like being a firefighter at the 107th?” He gestured to Steve’s shirt. “Doesn’t Thor work at that station, too?”
“Yeah, he does. Good guy.” The brunet nodded in agreement. “I like it. It’s both a physically and mentally demanding job, but I enjoy it.” Steve shrugged, grabbing a few extra napkins from the table.
“Same with me, but we aren’t fighting fires or rescuing kittens from trees.”
“If only it was that easy,” Steve nodded, narrowing his brows. “How do you know, Thor?”
“He helped me with a call a few months ago….it was a jumper,” he gulped, putting some vegetables on his plate as they made their way down the line. “I was the first officer on the scene. I was working on talking him down, and then this big intimidating guy from the 107th showed up, had a heart to heart with the guy, and he got down off the ledge. It was amazing to watch.”
“Did Thor tell the guy his wife left him and that he found himself in a similar situation?”
“Thor made that up on the spot.” The guy furrowed his brows at him, not really understanding. “You see, sometimes to calm people down in these stressful situations, we try to find some common ground. In this case, Thor made up the story about his wife leaving him, and it ended up saving the guy’s life.”
“Wait, so Thor was never married.”
“Nope,” Steve smirked, taking a couple more BBQ ribs for his plate. “We do what we have to do to save lives, even if it means making up an emotional story for the victim to know they are not alone, and people still care.”
You glanced over at the food buffet to see Steve talking to someone in a dark blue cap that you didn’t recognize. Steve always seemed to be able to start up a conversation with anyone, even though he seemed like a quiet guy. Bucky snapped his fingers in front of your face, pulling you away from them. 
“Eyes on me, darling, eyes on me.” He pointed his middle and forefinger at his eyes than to yours.  “Stop giving Steve all the attention. He’s the real troublemaker.” Bucky shook his head. “Has he told you about all the stupid things he did when he was younger and how I had to rescue his ass?”
“A little,” you snickered, pinching your thumb and forefinger together.  “And here, I always thought you were the troublemaker.”
“Nope, all Steve. You’d be surprised how often I got into trouble for shit he did. He’s such a punk.”  You couldn’t help but grin at Steve’s back, shuffling down the buffet line. 
Steve hesitated before scooping one more serving of potatoes on his plate. He deserved a few more carbs after playing softball all day and consuming copious amounts of water. “Sorry, I don’t think I caught your name?”
“Oh, my friends call me Jig.”
“Jig?” Steve mumbled, cocking his head to the side. “I bet there is a story behind that one, but I’m Steve.”He held out his hand, and Jig shook it. “I better get back to my squad, but it was nice talking to you.”
“You too. I’ll see you around, Steve.” 
“Do you think Cosmo is staring at the door waiting for you to come home? I miss that pretty boy,” You suggested, standing next to Steve watching the final game between West LA Police Department and Fire Station 113. 
“Maybe,” he smirked. “I know he misses you. Won’t stop talking about it.” He shook his head, making you bite back a smile. “He wanted me to ask if you wanted to come over after this?” He shrugged, acting all innocent.  “I told him I would ask, but I wasn’t promising him anything.”
“What...like a play date?”
He chuckled under his breath, eyeing you with his blue orbs. “I guess you could say that.”
You turned your head to the ground, biting your lip. “Yeah, I'd love to, but only if it's okay with his Dad. I know he has a strict bedtime.”
“I think he will let this one slide this time,” Steve murmured next to your ear, wrapping his arm around your back and putting his hand on your hip. You leaned closer to him and wrapped your hand across his waist, pulling him closer to you.
“Where is Cosmo anyway?”
“My neighbor is watching him, and let me tell you, he is not a fan of her. I think if he sees you, he will be much happier, and then he’ll forgive me for leaving him with her.  
“I’m sure he will. If not, I’ll talk to him and put in a good word for you.” You squeezed his side and shot him a promising smile, forcing him to shake his head at you. 
“Thank you.”
To no surprise, the West LA Police Department won with the scoreboard shining 18 to 7. They decided to forfeit after the 6th inning, knowing they weren’t going to be able to catch them. It was a boring game to watch, but you were in good company. 
The car ride to Steve’s house sent a chill up your spine and a warm rush to your face. It was a sensation you couldn’t explain. The butterflies in your stomach erupted, and every nerve in your body made your skin tingle with anticipation. You hung out at his apartment a few times before, but tonight something felt different. You sighed, leaning back in the passenger seat, staring out the windows and watching the sky change colors. It was a beautiful sight. You glanced over at Steve, watching him bob his head along to Marvin Gaye. He tapped his hand on the steering wheel as his gaze caught yours and cracked a coy smile, causing your heart to race.
You walked up the steps behind Steve to his apartment on the second floor. He opened the door to let you in, so he could retrieve Cosmo from his neighbor. You stood next to the island by the front door with your hands on the counter, listening to the quick chit-chat Steve was having with his neighbor. You heard paws charging down the hallway followed by footsteps not much later. Under the door, you could see the shadows dancing and hear Steve giving Cosmo a little pep talk. 
“Okay, Cosmo. Someone decided to come visit you, but you have to promise me you won’t embarrass me.” Cosmo whined, and you couldn’t help but think how cute it was. “You’re gonna embarrass me, aren’t you?” Cosmo barked in response, and Steve let out a loud sigh. 
The front door creaked open, and Cosmo charged in, his head looking around the room until his eyes landed on you. He ran over to you with his front paws landing on you.
“Hello to you too, Cosmo,” you grinned, scratching the top of his head. “I heard you missed me.” His tail continued to wag, and it hit the kitchen cabinet, but he didn’t seem to have a care in the world. 
“See, I wasn’t kidding when I told you he missed you.”
“I see that now. Did you miss me, Cosmo?” You crouched down, rubbing his ears, and he licked your face. “Yuck, Cosmo, no kissing.” You shake your head and wipe the drool off your face.
“Did you want anything to drink?” Steve offered, opening a cabinet with glasses. “I was thinking about opening a bottle of wine?”
“Yeah, I’ll have a glass.” You nodded, standing up straight at the end of the bar with Cosmo sitting right beside you, waiting for another scratch. 
Steve grabbed two glasses, setting them on the counter. “See, all he wants is your attention; he could care less that I am here.” 
“I’m sure he still loves his Dad.”
“He kind of has to; I feed him,” he breathed a small smirk, shrugging his shoulder. He grabbed a wine bottle at random from the small rack on the counter. He opened the bottle, pouring it into the glasses, and handed you one. “What’s the movie going to be tonight?”
“Have to check the list.”
You turned to follow Steve to the living room when you tripped over Cosmo, and the wine glass fell from your grasp. It crashed on the hardwood floor, shattering into tiny little pieces. Your hand covered your mouth, feeling a chill run up your spine. As you stared down at the floor, your heart sped up, causing tears to peek at the corner of your eyes. A lump formed in your throat, making it harder to breathe, and your hands started to tremble. You felt him reach out and touch your shoulder, forcing you to jump back and stare at him with wide eyes. In a glimpse, you saw Billy standing where Steve used to be. A sob escaped your mouth as you squeezed your eyes shut, shaking your head. When you opened your eyes, Steve was holding his hands up, his mouth was moving, but his words weren’t reaching your ears.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you whimpered, backing away from him.
“It’s okay, YN, we’ll clean it up. It was an accident. These things happen.”
“No, no, I should go. I forgot I had...um...I’m sorry. I should go.” You grabbed your jacket and took off out the door with tears streaming down your face. 
The door closed with a loud bang, causing Cosmo to whine at the door. Steve let out a deep sigh, looking at the door and then at his dog. “What am I going to do, Cosmo?” He ran a hand down his face, walking over to grab his broom.
AN: Thanks for reading Part 12! Soooo much happened in this part, so where do I start. I originally thought about breaking this part into two, but got lazy, and was like nahhh! Haha! But what a way to end it, am I right?! Everything was going so well until it wasn't. 😬 What is Steve gonna do now? Do you think Cosmo feels bad about it? Poor pup! Did you like the Stan Lee cameo? Whenever I write a story, I try to add him in since he is the one who started it all! And what did you think about the story of Thor losing his dispatcher cherry? I don’t know anything about snakes, I just googled and this is what came up, so it could be inaccurate, but regardless, I hope you at least got a little laugh out of it! Anyways, thanks for reading, comments are always welcome!
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luminous-faerie · 4 years
How about number 4 with Carol? Maybe Goose taking a really good liking to yn and the one time Carol tried to move Goose off her side of the bed it ended with a big cut on her hand? :)
Cats and Cuts
Carol Danvers x Reader
Words:510 ish
The morning sun was shining through the paper-thin curtains as you and Carol lay peacefully in bed. Goose was sprawled out on top of you, sleeping quietly. She had taken a liking to you when you started dating Carol, something that Carol told you wasn't a regular occurrence. 
You felt a movement next to you and turned to see Carol staring at you. She smiled at the sight of you and Goose. You returned the gesture and giggled when your eyes drifted over her hair.
“G’ morning,” she said, starting to climb out of bed. She didn’t get far before you grabbed her hand and pulled her back, giggling at her hair again. “What’s so funny?”
“Your hair, love.”
“Ugh, you say that every morning.”
“Because it's like it every morning,” you said cheekily and ruffled her hair. “I think it’s cute.”
“I hate you.” 
“You love me, Danvers.”
“Yeah, I do. Now come on, we’ve gotta get up.” She moved off the bed successfully this time, but you couldn’t move. 
“Y/N, you need to get up…”
“I can’t,” you said, gesturing to the flerken sleeping on top of you. She looked so peaceful and you really didn’t want to move her. You also didn’t want to wake her and get scratched again.
“Just move her, you’ll be fine.”
“You do it if you’re so sure, Miss Sparklefists. I don't want to get scratched.”
Carol shrugged and sat back down on the bed. She reached over slowly and barely a second after touching her, pulled back. It happened so quickly, you couldn’t believe your eyes. 
“Ouch!” she shrieked and glared at Goose, who had climbed off the bed and padded towards the kitchen.“Bad kitty.”
“She’s a flerken,” you said and Carol looked at you pointedly. “I told you…”
“You told me… yeah yeah yeah. Now help me, I’m bleeding out.”
“You’ll be fine Carol. It could be worse.” 
“You aren’t the one bleeding.”
“Oh you big baby, show me.” The cut on Carol’s hand was deep and oozing blood. You sat up to get a better look at it. “Okay, maybe it is pretty bad.”
“Ya think?”
“Run it under the tap. I’ll be there in a minute.” Carol disappeared into the bathroom and you collected some plasters from the first aid kit under your bed. 
When you entered the bathroom you winced at the sight of the deep cut on Carol’s arm. You placed the plasters on the side of the sink and made sure the wound looked clean. Once a plaster was secured over the scratch, you wiped away the rest of the blood on her hand and waltzed out of the bathroom.
“You’d better not tell me to move her again, by the way.”
Carol followed behind you with an annoyed expression on her face and moved quickly to stand in front of you.  “I hate you.”
“Love you too, babe.”  You pecked her lips quickly.  “Now, we need to get ready. Honestly, Carol.”
You smirked at her, and she shook her head silently. Damn you.
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crewhonk · 5 years
I Meant it More
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Summary: You surprise your fire fighting, life saving girlfriend with lunch
Pairings: Firefighter!Carol X F!Reader
Warnings: literally just fluff— really gay fluff
Words: 1.2K
AN This is a disjointed series all following the same AU idea— firefighters. All one shots are unrelated
The day was hot and sunny— common now that June was nearing to a close. She walked down the sidewalk, sun-kissed shoulders and burnt nose. Her hair was loose and curly around her face, streaks of light colour dashed through it from her time in the sun. A paper bag was curled in her fist— the name of her and her girls favourite take out place plastered on the side and dotted with grease stains. Her dress flowed prettily around her knees, slip on shoes making no noise as she entered the parking lot. Carol’s familiar Jeep parked closest to the entry door of the familiar fire red building. 
YN had just gotten off of work, a text from her girlfriend, Carol Danvers reading something along the lines of; ‘your damn cat was asleep my bag— got into the car before he even woke up. Good morning, I love you.’
Today was no special day, but the desire in YN’s heart to see her girl’s smile was the only reason why she hadn’t just stayed in bed that morning. She went to the restaurant immediately after getting off, ordered her favourite sandwich and soup, and was on her way. 
YN no longer felt the need to knock— being the captain's girlfriend had that kind of benefit, so she just strolled into the garage, calling out for anyone who was around and not covered in engine grease. 
“Car? Hello?” She yelled, standing on the welcome mat on the inside of the building. It only took a few seconds for someone to show up, a toothy grin on his face once he saw who it was. 
“YNN! Babe! Haven’t seen you around lately! Thought Carol had finally driven you out by now!” Sam grinned, wrapping her in a hug. Outside of Carol, Sam would absolutely be her favourite member of Carol’s shift. His smile contagious and his laugh infectious. Carol had always come home a little happier when Sam was in. 
“I think I’ll be the one to drive her out, actually.” She wrinkled her nose up at the man who could only roll his eyes. 
“She’d be stupid to run from you, babe.” He stage-whispered as he swung his arm around her shoulders and guided her through the building towards the back. There was the rest of the team, propped on rolling chairs and couches and the floor where Benny, the team dog, was sleeping. 
“Look who finally decided to come to visit us!” Sam announced, waving his arms in YN’s direction. YN, however, couldn’t care less about any of the teams' reactions because even though it had only been a handful of months with her, Carol never failed to take YN’s breath away. 
She was on the floor with Benny, rolling his soft ears gently between her fingers and laughing at something Thor had just said. Her blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail and away from her face. Her black-on-black uniform hugging her form but also leaving room for comfort and practicality. 
At the mention of YN’s name, Carol's head whipped towards the door, a smile spreading so far across her face YN would have feared her cheeks would split. In a clumsy, quick rush, Carol shot to her feet (much to the unhappiness of Benny) and walked quickly over to YN, hands immediately finding their place on her cheeks. 
“Hey, Babe! What’cha doing here?” She gasped in awe, pecking the very tip of YN’s nose— someone on the room fake gagged and Carol absently flipped them off. 
YN, still stunned and very, very gay raised her fist and held the bag up to where Carol would be able to see it. “Figured you’d want some good food— you bein’ a hero and all.”
Carol squeaked happily when she saw the familiar logo, snatching the bag with one hand and YN’s hand with the other, dragging her out of the back room and out to her Jeep amidst hoots and hollers from the rest of her team. Loving and jesting and making a flush spread across the two women faces. Carol skipped over the building threshold and pulled Yn to her car where she placed the bag on the hood and pulled YN close.
“I missed you today.” She murmured, and YN’s breath caught in her throat. Carol never failed to make YN’s heart stutter and swell and she wanted to jump up and down with joy at the notion someone like her would give YN the time of day. 
“I obviously missed you more,” YN whispered back and watched as Carol grabbed her food from the bag, ripping open the foil and humming happily. 
“I adore you,” She moaned finally once she opened the packaging, hot scent drifting up to her nostrils. YN could only blush, reaching into the bag to take out her favourite fries and burrito. 
“Good.” She could only find herself saying as she watched Carol almost dislodge the joint in her jaw to try and fit most of the sandwich in her mouth at once. YN laughed once she put the sandwich down, a look of pure panic in her eyes as she realized that she had, in fact, made a mistake. It was only a few more seconds of giggling and choking on Carols part before she could swallow all the bread and meat and lettuce. 
YN reached her hand out and swiped the corner of Carol's mouth to collect the dressing there, absently licking it off of her own thumb and leaning forward to press a chaste kiss to Carol's lips. Even in the slightest moments, YN seemed to astonish Carol and take all of the breath from her lungs in one fell swoop. 
The kiss was quick— only about two seconds long, but Carol felt everything. She felt the softness of YN’s lips and the roundness of them. She could taste the dressing from Carol's sandwich on her mouth, and the warmth that spread from her face down to the very tips of her toes. 
“I adore you more,” YN mumbled after she pulled away, biting a fry in half and raining her milkshake to her lips. Carol wanted nothing more than to pull her into the backseat of her Jeep and kiss her until her pretty lips were red and swollen for the world to see. 
“I said it first,” Carol replied, pulling the waistband of YN’s dress closer to her, pressing her forehead to YN’s once she was able.  YN only angled her chin, staring into Carol's beautiful eyes and whispering against her lips. 
“I meant it more.” And before Carol could argue back, her lips pressed against hers in the softest, purest embrace. 
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thatonebrazilian · 3 years
Natasha Romanoff
Illicit Affairs: You were falling for Natasha and, despite being with Bruce, she couldn’t hold her feelings for you back. (Angst, Cheating)
Getaway car: Runners, deserters, traitors, those were the words you’d use to describe you and Natasha. You just never thought she’d betray you. (Angst, major character death, betrayal of trust).
Peace: How could someone like you ever give her the peace of mind you knew she deserved? (Angst, fluff, self-loathing/self-acceptance, hurt/comfort, healing trauma).
Tolerate it: Everyone assumed you were fine, but what would they do if you just... Broke free? (Major angst, hurt no comfort, just pure hurt - you've been warned).
Wanda Maximoff
Sanctum: (Pt.2) (Pt.3) Sanctum (noun) 1. a sacred place, especially a shrine within a temple or church. 2. a private place from which most people are excluded. After everything that happened, WestView became your sanctum. And you would not let anyone desecrate it.
Sara Lance
Drunk in Love: You were jealous of Sara and Ava, but you had no right since you've never confessed your feelings to the blonde. So the only way to make things better was to get drunk, right? (Fluff, Angst if you squint)
From the League to the Legends
Kate Bishop
With Great Power... : Since the moment you introduced Kate to the team, Peter had tried to do everything to get your girlfriend's attention, even if it meant putting her in danger. (A bit of Angst, Fluff if you squint, a bit of Humour)
Multi Characters:
To Find Love Again: You and Lena were dating, but you always knew her heart belonged to another. When she leaves you for Kara, will you be able to find love again? (Lena Luthor x Reader / Sara Lance x Reader)
Make Her Happier: Kate has always been your best friend, which didn't sit well with Wanda, your girlfriend. After the witch broke your heart, Kate mended it, but what happens when Wanda wants to have you back? (Kate Bishop x Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Time To Go: What is the right course of action to take when you love someone, that someone loves you, but both of you are also in love with someone else? (Wanda Maximoff x Reader / Kate Bishop x Reader / Platonic!Yelena Belova x Reader)
Hello Darkness (Prologue, chap1, chap2.1, chap2.2, chap 3, chap 4, chap 5.1, chap 5.2, chap 6, chap 7, chap 8, chap 9, chap 10, chap 11, chap 12, chap 13...): You were happy with Wanda until you found Vision on her bed. You loved her, though, you would have forgiven her eventually, but Natasha couldn’t let you throw away your chance at true happiness like that. So she took matters into her own hands. (Wanda Maximoff x Reader / Natasha Romanoff x Reader)
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thatonebrazilian · 3 years
Carol: Truth or dare?
Natasha: Dare.
Carol: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.
Natasha: Hey Wanda?
Wanda, blushing: Yeah?
Natasha: Can you move? I'm trying to get to Y/N.
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anagentinwriting · 4 years
Lifeline - Part 2
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: ~2900
Warnings: Elevators, Angst
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Steve POV
“The 911 operator I was talking to had this great idea to use the hose to pull the little girl across the water to get her out of the pool,” Steve reminisced, sitting at the big island in the kitchen watching Sam cook.
“Dude, I was there, remember,” Sam replied.  “And hasn’t it been like a week since that happened?”
“Yeah, but it was such a clever idea. I didn’t even know they could see the whole house on their monitors.”
“Who cares! It’s probably some fancy technology not available on the market yet, but if I'm hearing this correctly, it sounds like she popped Stevie’s dispatcher cherry,” Bucky joked behind him.
Steve peeked over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes at Bucky. “My what cherry?”
“You know when you talk to a dispatcher on the phone while on scene. Danvers takes those calls most of the time, but every once in a blue moon, one of us takes it.” Bucky wiggled his eyebrows. “Who was the operator?”
“Oh, my sister,” Thor announced in a deep voice, patting him on the shoulder and taking the stool next to him. “She is very intelligent.”
“Wait, you have a sister?” Steve asked, widening his eyes at him.
“I have two sisters, while one half-sister, but we don’t talk about her because she’s the worst,” Thor answered with pursed lips. “YN is the best though, I like to think she got the brains, I got the brawn, and well, I guess, that makes Loki the beaut of the family.” He nodded with a half shrug. 
“Are we still talking about how Rogers popped his dispatcher cherry,” Carol smirked, walking into the kitchen with Valkyrie. Steve felt his face heat up as he tried to say something, but she held her hand up. “It’s okay! Everyone remembers their first time,” She winked, forcing him to shake his head.
“Okay, okay. I get it.” Steve held up his hands in surrender, trying to hide the blush on his face.
You swiveled back and forth in your chair, waiting for the next call to come in. You had a half-hour left of your twelve-hour shift, and you needed a girls' night out. Living with your brother and Darryl was both a blessing and a curse. They offered you a place to stay, rent-free when you first moved here, but the amount of testosterone in that house was sometimes too much for you to handle. You tapped your fingers on your desk when your line started ringing. You sat up, letting out a deep breath, and pressed the spacebar.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“Hello,” a male voice replied.
“How can I help you?”
“I’m making a turkey and was wondering what the internal temperature has to be?”
“You do know it’s against the law to call with a fake emergency, right?”
“Yes, but this is an emergency.”
“No, it’s not, so get off my line.” You hung up the line, shaking your head. Right away, another call came through, and you answered it. 
“911, what’s your emergency?” 
“Hi, hello. My friends are trapped in the elevator. The elevator must have snapped or something because there was this loud bang.”
“Where are you calling from?”
“The Natural History Museum. Please hurry!”
Steve sat in his unassigned assigned spot at the dining table, eating a late lunch with the team. It was the cardinal rule at Station 107: Work as a team and eat as a family. Steve never thought he'd be able to find another firehouse he enjoyed working at, considering his previous teammates and friends at his old one. He hated leaving them behind, but he needed a fresh start, and so far, Station 107 was the best second home he could ask for. 
Everyone brought something to the team as every firehouse did.  Captain Danvers, or Ace as she preferred to be called in the field, brought her confidence and experience, which made for a great leader they could trust and rely on. Thor had his strength and his bravery, but he did have an ego. Sam was a great motivator and could keep everyone on task while still cracking jokes. It was no wonder Sam was the head EMT at this firehouse. Valkyrie was a badass and wasn’t afraid to put people in their place. As for Bucky, Steve knew he would always be there for him till the end of the line. 
The loud alarm blaring throughout the firehouse pulled Steve out of his stupor. Everyone knew what that sound meant, and they were ready to tackle whatever it might be. One after another, they slid down the firepole, pulled on their gear, and hopped in the truck, heading towards the scene. It wasn’t unusual to take calls that didn’t involve fire because whoever could get there the fastest was better than no one showing up at all. 
Thor hopped behind the driver's seat of the fire engine, pulling out of the garage. Carol sat beside him, giving him directions while speaking with the dispatcher through her headset. The sirens were wailing with Val and Sam behind them in the ambulance. 
“Alright, boys. We got an elevator crash at the Natural History Museum,” Carol said into her helmet mic after speaking with dispatch. “Dispatch says three students and their pregnant teacher are inside.”
“What’s the plan, Ace?” Steve asked into his helmet mic, concealing the siren blaring in the background. 
“I have contacted the museum's elevator technician, and he has already locked and tagged the power on the cars. The car sits near the basement level, so we will approach from the top in the lobby. I want Thor on the winch…”
“Ahh---what,” Thor interrupted her.
“Calm down, big guy, you can have the next one.” She gave him the side-eye, making the rest of the crew chuckle. “Steve and Bucky are going to do an immediate retrieval and approach from the top. Sam and Val will set a perimeter and then treat those who come up. Then, I will help with the retrieval, and Thor with the winch,” she stated with the last part dripping in sarcasm.
“It still hurts,” Thor added, taking a right at the intersection.
Once on-site, everyone grabbed their gear and took their positions.  Steve and Bucky strapped on their harnesses and helmets, switching on the flashlight. They started scaling down the elevator shaft from the lobby as Thor lowered them on the winch with the retrieving rope.
“How we looking, Steve?”
“Sexy, but not like we are trying too hard, but it’s more kind of effortless.” 
“Yeah, I mean, have you seen Steve’s ass in that harness. It could be American’s Ass or more like LA’s Finest Ass,” Sam commented with a whistle, echoing in the shaft. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Steve landed on the top of the elevator, unhooking himself while Bucky did the same.  “I’m down and unattached.”
“That’s what she said,” Carol responded with her head appearing in the shaft.
Thor chuckled, shaking his head. “Classic.”
Steve rolled his eyes and used his other flashlight to find the hatch on top of the elevator. He unclipped the lock, opening the hatch door, seeing the top of the lights. “I’m Fireman Rogers, please move towards the buttons. I’m going to kick the light out, so we can get you out of there.” It took a few kicks, but once it fell through, a few faces peeked up at him.  “How are we doing in there?”
“Oh my god, thank god, you’re here. I thought we were gonna die,” one of the kids replied, clutching his phone in his hand.
“Calm down, Flash. Everything is fine,” the pregnant woman reassured. “Right?” She looked up at Steve with worried filled eyes, and he nodded.
“Watch out, I'm coming down.” Steve crawled down into the hatch, and Bucky passed him the spare harness.  “Ma’am, you’re going up first, but first we need to get you strapped into this harness, then we’ll pull you up.” She nodded, trusting him, and allowing him to put the harness on her before Thor used the winch to pull her up.
“Okay, boys, who's going to go next?”
“I’m next,” the one they called Flash stated.
“Okay, then, how about you with the cool hat.”
“Thanks, it gives me confidence,” the kid smiled.
“And then, you,” Steve pointed to the kid wearing a Midtown School of Science and Technology shirt.
“Um...yeah--” he nodded a little too much. “--Yeah...I can go last. Get everyone else to safety first.”
“Perfect.” Steve clapped his hands together. “Let’s do this.”
It turned out to be a quick rescue, and no one suffered any major injuries. Steve took some gear out to the truck and started repacking it when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned around, noticing the kid in the Midtown School of Science and Technology shirt wrapped in an ambulance blanket. 
“What can I do for you, kid?”
“Peter. Peter Parker. I’m...I’m Peter Parker.” He held out his hand, and Steve shook it. “I just wanted to say thank you...thank you for saving my teacher and my friends back there. We’re on our school trip from New York, and this was an adrenaline rush experience.” Peter held up his hand, and Steve noticed it shaking.
He chuckled. “It will wear off.”
“It felt like that opening scene of that old action movie. Where John Wick saves those people that were trapped in the elevator after the bad guy tried to blow them up with a bomb. They don’t catch him obviously because it’s the opening scene, but later he puts the bomb on the bus, and that Bird Box lady has to keep driving like fifty-five miles an hour, or the bus will blow up.”
“I know the one. I think you’re thinking of Speed, but I don’t think it’s that old.” 
“Yeah, yeah, that one,” he chuckled, pointing his finger at him. “It’s kind of old, I mean you’re kind of old, so it’s kind of old to you, but to me, it’s kind of new because I’m not that old.” He rambled on, his eyes widening, realizing what he was saying. 
“Peter, come on. The museum is going to show us some never before seen stuff because we almost died,” the kid with the cool hat shouted from across the street. 
“Coming, Ned,” he yelled back. “Thanks again, Fireman Rogers, and sorry about calling you old. I didn’t...”
“It’s okay, kid, I’m just glad you’re safe.”
Steve watched Peter run back over to his friends with a smile on his face. It was these moments when he loved his job, watching friends and families reunite after a tragedy. It was these moments where he felt like it could almost fix what he lost. 
You sighed, taking a seat at your usual spot at the end of the bar in Happy’s Hydrant. Happy noticed you right away and smiled, giving you a bottle of beer. You thanked him with a nod, taking a sip, and scanning the crowd. It wasn’t unusual to spot a familiar face, considering this bar was created for the heroes of Los Angeles. It welcomed all those members who served or are currently serving as first responders, but civilians were welcome, too. It’s nice to have a place to go with people you could relate to and share similar experiences with after working a twelve or twenty-four-hour shift. They understand what we go through on a day to day basis. It was one of the many reasons Happy Hogan wanted to open this bar after he retired from his Fire Chief position at Station 12.
You swiveled back and forth on your bar stool until someone familiar on the other end of the bar caught your eye. You stopped moving, your eyes not wavering from the man. Your mouth went dry, hearing your heartbeat thumping in your ears. You gulped, feeling your palms start to tingle as the muscles in your legs start to tighten. Every nerve in your body was firing, telling you to run, but it felt like if you moved an inch, he would see you, and these past three months would’ve been for nothing. He glanced your way for a brief moment, and relief flooded your whole body. You relaxed, squeezing your eyes shut as you took a few deep breaths in and out. It wasn’t him. 
The weight of someone touching your shoulder makes you jump off your bar stool, and turn around to see one of the ladies you were waiting for.  “Hey, it’s only me.” Carol held up her hands in surrender, giving you a reassuring smile. “Sorry, I forgot how jumpy you can be.”
“It’s okay. Lost in my head again.” You nodded, returning to your barstool.
“Thanks for giving my transfer a chance to be the shining star of my squad last week.” She nudged your side, flagging down Happy for a drink.
“Your what...with what,” you asked, narrowing your eyes at her. 
“The pool, the hose, the little girl stranded on a floaty with the water electrified. Ringing any bells?”
“Ohhh, right. That one.” You took a sip of your beer. “Fireman Rhodes or was it Ronin?”
“Rogers. Steve Rogers.” You pointed the neck of your beer bottle at her and nodded. “You made quite an impression on him. He can’t stop talking about it, and it’s getting really annoying, but I guess you did pop his dispatcher cherry.” She nudged your side with an ever-growing smile on her face. You rolled your eyes at her, shaking your head. “And if single you is interested, I am sure he is willing to mingle. At least, if you’re into that sort of thing.”
“I’m not ready to start dating. I’m still trying to find myself after going through a terrible six-year marriage.” You gave her a half shrug, eyeing the bar. “When I am ready to date again, all I want is a nice guy.”
“Steve’s nice.  Hey, you should swing by one day before your shift and meet him,” she winked, and you scoffed, rolling your eyes. 
“I haven’t even filed for divorce yet.”
“Wait--” she turned on her stool to face you “--hasn’t it been three months? Why not?”
“I don’t want him knowing where I am.”
“Doesn’t he know where Thor lives?”
“No,” you sighed, shaking your head. “Let's just say he didn’t take much interest in my life while we were together. Besides, I don’t think he'd think I’d go to Thor with how everything turned out the last time I went to him for help.
“What an asshole.” She rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her beer, and you nodded.  “Well, at least you know you have an admirer,” she added, making you scoff.
“Hey ladies, sorry I’m late,” Natasha greeted, taking the other stool next to you. “Clint and I checked out this noise complaint a neighbor called in. And it turns out this guy was serenading his ex-girlfriend with hopes to win her back. It was this whole thing, and we wanted to stick around to see what happened next.” 
“So what happened,” Carol asked with curious eyes, wearing a mischievous smirk on her face.
“It was crazy.” She shook her head, letting out a breathy chuckle. “She came down and punched him in the face. Apparently, this dude cheated on her with, wait for it--” she drummed her hands on the bar countertop “--her brother. It was a twist I didn’t see coming, but talk about drama on duty. Sometimes I think it would be easier fighting fires or answering phones all day.”
“Oh please, Nat, you wouldn’t last a day. You would miss seeing the excitement first hand. Over the phone, you don’t get much excitement,” you replied.
“Speak for yourself,” Carol added, taking a swig of her beer. “You would love my job, Nat. You get to boss men around.”
“I kind of do that already. Besides, I don’t think I could leave Clint. He’d be lost without me,” she smirked, signaling Happy to make her a martini.
Natasha oozed confidence, which came off as intimidating to most women. When she walked into a room, all eyes were on her, but it was attention she chose to ignore. When men would buy her drinks, she'd take it to another lovely lady. Nat was all about lifting and empowering women to feel confident in their own skin. She wasn’t afraid to tell people to back off or shut up. She was the role model you wish you had when you were with him, then maybe you would've had the confidence and courage to leave sooner. 
“Here you are, Nat?” Happy pushed the martini glass to her. “Are you ladies still good?” He asked, pointing to the drinks in front of you.  
“Yeah, we’re good. Thanks, Happy,” you smiled at him as he walked away, shooting you a thumbs up. 
“How is apartment hunting going, YN?” Nat asked, taking a sip of her martini.
“Good, I found this cute little condo a few blocks away from work. It has a modern feel to it, but I think it would be perfect for me,” you described. “I loved it when I saw the pictures. The landlord is out of town right now, but she told me it’s mine if I want it.”
“I’m so excited for you,” Nat squealed, squeezing your forearm. “You need to get out of that testosterone-filled house and get on your own two feet again.”
“Yes, you do,” Carol agreed. “What’s your softie older brother going to think of you leaving?”
“I’m going to have to break it to him slowly.”
AN: Thanks for reading part 2! I hope you all are liking it so far! If you caught it there was a quote from Brooklyn 99 that I thought was too good not to put in! 😂 Also, Darryl Jacobson, if you don't remember him, he was Thor's roommate in those Marvel shorts. I thought he would be a fun and entertaining addition to this story! Also, any ideas as to why Steve left his old firehouse? Did you enjoy the little Peter Parker cameo? And what do you think Thor is going to think of her moving it? Comments always welcome, thanks again for reading! 
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