#caroline miner
goth-pixie-princess · 1 month
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I've been thinking about this for months.
Ventress my beloved, the galaxy needs you.
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389 · 2 months
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Chubber by Caroline ACHAINTRE
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freshcuntgrass · 5 months
An unflattering assumption I have about every NPC in Stardew Valley
Sam: gave Gus a fake ID to get alcohol. Jodi never goes to the saloon and Kent is afraid he forgot how old Sam is, so he's never getting called on it
Sebastian: has ruined at least one online D&D group playing an edgy lone-wolf rogue with no parents
Maru: still brings up her SAT score in conversation sometimes
Demetrius: has the Neil deGrasse Tyson thing going where he assumes every field is easy because he's good at biology. Maru finds this endearing with her gadgets; he is banned from looking at Sebastian's code
Wizard: same as Demetrius but ten times worse
Robin: first marriage ended because she slept with the wizard (Sebastian is his). What can I say, she likes em brilliant, socially awkward, and just a little insufferable
Clint: you KNOW this man's on Reddit and you KNOW he does not have a healthy relationship with it. I am begging Sebastian to "fix some tech problems for him" (install a secret browser extension block on the manosphere subreddits)
Elliott: hair-trigger crier. Poems, books, the end of every rom-com, songs you do not think it should be possible to cry during, noticed the cat sleeping in a really cute way, remembers that he lives near the ocean... honestly he'd have a lot more written by now if his entire day wasn't taken up by crying and hair care
Willy: has lived alone too long, holds conversations with most objects in his house
Leah: has NEVER swept or mopped the floor of that cabin. You can't see it in the pixel art but it's a biohazard
Pierre: Twitter power-user, unironically calls it X
Caroline: doing her own research on the COVID vaccine
Haley: Swiftie
Penny: even bigger Swiftie
Abigail: Homestuck
Alex: media literacy so bad he doesn't realize the insane homoeroticism of Top Gun
Harvey: terrified that someone in town will look closer at the degree on his wall and realize he's technically an RN, not a doctor, and then it'll just be awkward
Lewis: that truffle oil was for pegging
Evelyn: "secret family recipe" is boxed chocolate cake mix with mayonnaise instead of the oil
George: Hey... um... hey guys? Where was George on January 6th?
Pam: Hey guys, where was Pam on January 6th???
Gus: definitely drunk behind that bar most of the time. He gets away with it because it comes across as "jolly"
Linus: can't go back to Zuzu City. He knows what he did
Jodi: biggest Swiftie of them all. She name-searches. Yes, she's still on Tumblr. Hi Jodi, your fave is mid, looking forward to the anon hate :)
Kent: agrees with Alex that Top Gun isn't gay. Nothing's gay in the military
Sandy: unreal amount of mobile gaming going on back behind that counter. stop sending me Farmville requests
Marnie: actually accepts Sandy's Farmville requests. Keeps texting Shane minion memes
Shane: the real unflattering assumption with Shane is when you correctly clock a fellow Stardew Valley player as a Shane girlie. In our defense, he's going through a lot and we can fix him.
Krobus: eats those void eggs raw. Cracks the shell and drinks em. Slurp slurp bitch
Dwarf: honestly HUGE drug dealer vibes. Miner's Treat has got to be the dwarves' version of cocaine, right?
Vincent and Jas: safe for now, I don't roast anybody under 12. once we hit like year 5 I'm coming for you though
Emily: wants to reblog this but can't. her queue is full and she's hit post limit
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dustedmagazine · 9 months
Vince Clarke — Songs of Silence (Mute)
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Photo by Eugene Richards
Vince Clarke has certainly been in some storied synth bands. He wrote “Just Can’t Get Enough” (and eight other songs) for Depeche Mode’s 1981 debut, Speak & Spell, before leaving that band over creative differences. From there, he headed to Yazoo with Alison Moyet and The Assembly with Eric Radcliffe, and finally to the boppiest, poppiest synth outfit of them all, Erasure, where he played stoically as all manner of frivolity unfolded around him.  If you grew up in the 1980s or 1990s and watched any MTV at all, Clarke’s songs are burned into your cortex, and quite possibly unwelcomely, but there’s no denying he was in the thick of a certain kind of dance-y, celebratory, machine-age pop.
The critical thing to understand is that Songs of Silence is nothing at all like that.
This brooding, looming suite of songs was recorded during COVID and reflects Clarke’s sorrow and isolation as friends fell ill. He channels a haunted vibe through modular synth, building each track around a single sustained tone that runs from beginning to end. Lots of things happen around those tones, fluttery arpeggios, slashes of stringed instruments, even, in one instance, a sepulchral folk tune about a “black legged miner.” Still, these tunes are constructed around static, meditational sonic atmospheres that fluctuate in volume and timbre but do not fundamentally change. There’s a sense of the eternal in them, even when as in “Scarper” they twitch into propulsion with percolating electronic rhythms.
Consider the opening “Cathedral” with its crescendoing drones, its altered, inhuman voice sounds, its cavernous sonic space. It unfolds in one long blast of sound after another, a rumbling fog horn, a tremulous string vibration, an unearthly space voyaging organ. You can’t really participate. There’s no melody to hum, no rhythm to tap, and so the best way to experience it is through stillness. You allow it to surround you, to envelop you, to subsume you, like a mystical experience.
These cuts are mostly solitary endeavors, but Clarke invites in a few collaborators to fill out his visions. Caroline Shaw’s pristine soprano arcs through interleaved shimmers of synthesized tones in “Passage,” sounding like the dream of a dream of a dream of an angel. Cellist Reed Hays scrawls a wild, passionate signature over the hushed immanence of “The Lamentations of Jeremiah.” Warmth and anguish flare from his instrument, spilling something baroque and organic into Clarke’s ominous atmospheres.
The disc’s most affecting cut is its oddest. “Blackleg Miner” sets a old labor protest song in a desolate post-industrial landscape. The air hums and trembles around the song’s brutal simplicity, surging to obscure it, at intervals, with sounds like bells shivering in sympathetic vibration. It’s a folk song launched into deep space, hurting through black voids, carrying a faint futile message about what it meant to be human.  
Jennifer Kelly
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gracie-bird · 2 months
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Handwritten letter from Princess Grace to her close friend Prudence "Prudy" Kudner (née Wise) dated on September 22, 1967.
Full transcription below:
"Prudy dear,
Our trip this summer sounds like a bad soap opera. We went through three weeks with one crisis after another. Caroline started off the trip with tonsilitis followed by a mouth infection. Then Albert woke up on the Empress of Canada that we boarded in England with measles. Then in Montreal I lost the baby & the two girls caught the measles. It was really unbelievable. Rainier cancelled the rest of our trip in Canada & Alaska. I took the two measle girls to Ocean City where we spent ten days resting & seeing family. Then we flew to San Francisco to join Rainier & Albert. Then two weeks in Beverly Hills in a heat wave.
I was really very fortunate to be in a big city at the time of my miscarriage but it is such a depressing experience and this was the second boy we have lost. It was fun to see so many old friends in California. Some haven't changed a bit while others I had a hard time recognizing. We didn't get to see Bing—who lives mostly in San Francisco now as he was off in Africa. I am so upset to hear about your eye trouble. Can something be done. Do you know of Dr. Berliner in New York. He has a fabulous reputation and is supposed to be wonderful. He & his wife spend their summers here. The head of the American Academy is now Frances Fuller who is Mrs. Worthington Miner. She taught there in my day. One of my cousin's girls is there now. The place has undergone many changes but is still very good. Hope your birthday party for Arthur was a great success. Much love to you all." 
Prudy was roommates with Grace, Sally Parrish, and Carolyn Scott at NYC's Barbizon Hotel. Periodically Prudy shared Grace's Manhattan House apartment and the apartment at 1285 Sweetzer Ave. L.A.
Possessing exceptional organizing skills, Grace hired Prudy as her secretary and assistant in 1953-56 until Grace married Prince Rainier of Monaco. Though Prudy was one of Grace's closest friends she was denied the opportunity to be a member of the wedding party since she was in Grace's employ. The palace thought it would be unsuitable. She did attend the wedding and attended the events of the week leading up to the wedding serving as Grace's assistant. Princess Grace would serve as Prudy's matron of honour at her wedding to Arthur Kudner Jr. on December 13, 1958 (see photo).
Prudy died of leukaemia in 1973 and was survived by her husband and two children a son Arthur Kudner III, and daughter Prudence Barry Kudner. 
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Princess Grace at Prudy'a wedding in 1958.
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starlightcleric · 3 months
Knight Commander Caroline Gemsledge
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After finishing Wrath for the fourth time on my Azata->Legend game, I tried to finally play Lich, the last one I hadn't unlocked, but wound up not enjoying it that much. So I decided to return to my roots, my first and favorite path, Angel, but with the merged spellbooks this time. Out of this was born Caroline, a dwarven Cleric of Torag with the Artifice and Protection domains. Despite my username, Pathfinder 1e Clerics are not my favorite of the divine casters, but I'm having fun so far with her and her warhammer! She's tentatively going to be romancing Ulbrig :) (picrew here)
Caroline Gemsledge A Relic Out of Time
Race | Dwarf Class | Cleric of Torag Alignment | Lawful Good Pronouns | she/her Professions | bartender, smith, priest, crusader Skills | athletics and lore (religion), smithing, hitting things with a warhammer
Appearance | A pale skinned dwarven woman, slightly on the shorter side, with bright green eyes. She wears her pinkish-red hair half-up, half-down, usually with a golden ornamental circlet. When not in armor, she favors practical clothing in grey and gold, the colors of Torag. When making the effort to dress up, she prefers makeup in pink to match her hair, and golden rings and earrings.
Personality | Caroline is outwardly reserved and a follower of tradition, but deep inside she has a streak of free spirit. The homeland of the dwarves was too stifling for her, and so she set off to become an adventurer. She is outwardly kind, if not warm, and it takes a lot of effort to get to know her well. She values justice over mercy, but is not particularly stubborn, and can be talked around on an issue. Her way of showing affection is to make things, usually with her smithing skills, for those she values highly.
History/Hooks | Born to a miner and a homemaker in Gildside, Druma, Caroline grew up close to, but slightly removed from, the legacy of the dwarven homeland. Her mother was a devout follower of Torag and attempted to instill this reverence in her eight children. As a middle child of eight, her upbringing was loving, even if she was slightly overlooked for her more rambunctious siblings. On the cusp of adulthood, her world turned upside-down as her mother walked out on the family in a search for greater meaning in her life.
Her father turned more strongly to drink, and in an attempt to support her younger siblings, Caroline traveled north to try to find work. After some wandering, she secured a bartending job at a pub in Peddlegate, the major point of contact between Druma and the Five Kings Mountains. She worked there for some years, sending money home, but she looked wistfully toward the mountains. When she received news of her father's death, she decided it was time to start living for herself and set off for Highhelm.
Caroline found her calling in the clergy of Torag, learning the prayers and the ways of the forge, but never felt quite at home in the insular Highhelm. Society was highly stratified, and it bothered her that if she had been born in the capital, she never would have been able to become a priest due to the entrenched social immobility. So when her training was complete, she set out to begin a life of an adventurer.
After hearing of the horrors of the Worldwound, she traveled even farther north to join the Crusades. The Second Crusade. The next thing she knows, she finds herself in Kenabres in 4715 AR with muddled memory. But the front line is where her skills as a Cleric are needed most, so she throws herself into repelling the demons, without too much time to wonder at her situation. Torag has not forsaken her, so everything must be fine, right?
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kall-me-kaos · 5 months
I'm a HUGE fan of Stardew Valley, but the inclusivity is a little.. Lacking. I took it upon myself (as a cure for boredom) to doodle up a few diverse NPCs for the Stardew Valley world. For the next few posts I will be making and explaining (in depth) my NPCs and how they fit into the universe. First up is Shay Roe! Shay is a 36 year old trans woman who is predominantly post-transition and very comfortable in her own skin; as an NPC she isn't seen until you have finished / only if you finish the Jumino quests, where she appears at your doorstep, mentioning the Juminos told her you were a friend of the forest so she just had to meet you. Her house, however, cannot be found unless you pass through the treeline during the flower dance, where you will find her cabin; if you find her this way before completing the Jumino quests you will unlock a scene of her struggling to piece together a few slabs of runic text, if you offer to help her this is also a way to unlock her as a villager! Shay is a translator for the arcane, having the ability to speak Dwarf, Jumino, Shadow creature and Runic (such as the runes seen in the caves!); she works closely with Gunther and he usually refers to her as his 'right hand woman'.
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Villagers she seems close with are Rasmodeus, who she claims to have had an 'on-and-off' relationship with, Caroline who she lovingly teases, recalling her wedding where Pierre got so nervous he fainted. Her closest friend by far is Jodie, who she recalls staying with when she first came to the valley; at her four heart event (or around there) if you enter Jodie's house she can be found inside, looking at baby photos of Sam, she explains she is his god mother, as she is the god mother to Vincent too and explains she can recall when most of the younger members of the valley came into the world, or when they first crossed paths. Shay is a bachelorette but is quite difficult to take beyond friendship; she expresses that she is often too busy with work for relationships, but as you progress with her she will start to take time for herself and put more effort into seeing you. Trivia: Shay loves / likes - Fried Calamari, Topaz, Amethyst, all artisanal goods except from all types of honey (which she hates!), Star fruit, ancient fruit, Autumn Bounty, Salad, Truffle Oil / Truffles in general and all forged metal bars (copper, iron, gold, iridium, radioactive etc. Rarer the mineral, the more she loves it) Shay Hates / Dislikes - Prismatic Shard, diamond, Weeds, Joja Cola, All Trash,  Rotten Plants, All Bait, Magnet, Sap, Fish, Seaweed, All Algae, Hay, Sea Urchin, Bug Meat, Snail, Slime, Oil of Garlic, Strange Bun, Void Mayonnaise, ALL flowers except Poppy, both Pink and Chocolate cakes and Frozen Tears. Upon discovering her house and looking inside, a note can be seen on her coffee table; it is a snippet from a news paper, suggesting that a 14 year old Mason Roe is missing. The excerpt is dated from the first year of gameplay.
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Shay can be found - Monday - Walking around town from 8:30am onwards, returns home at 12 midnight. Tuesday - Joins the girls (and Harvey) for their workout class, she stands beside Harvey and can be seen cheering him on. Returns home after the class. Wednesday - Visits Marnie at 8:30am, if you walk pas the pair together speech bubbles read 'Really, with the mayor?' and 'Under a bush???'. Returns home when Marnie closes. Thursday - Visits pub, can be found drinking wine and eating an autumn bounty. Returns home at 12 midnight. Friday - Enters pub at 12 noon, sits on the table shared by elliott and co; can be found drinking wine and gossiping. Saturday - Visits Krobus in the sewers, can be found talking to him and gossiping. Returns home at midnight. Sunday - Visits the Dwarf in the caves, can be found talking to her and gossiping. Returns home at midnight.
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Heart events 2 Hearts - Shay appears at your doorstep after you have completed the Jumino quests, proclaiming how cool it is to finally see the community centre back how it used to be when she was a kid; she walks you there and talks to a yellow Jumino, where she translates that the Juminos are very pleased with you and that they'll now be able to help you (a nod to the Junimo huts you can buy /earn) 4 Hearts - Shay is found sat on Jodie's sofa, looking through a book of photos; she notices you and starts to gush about having lived with Jodie while she was pregnant with Sam and how she is Sam and Vincent's god mother. She explains how she's seen all the younger characters in the village grow up, admitting that she worries about the Mulners, despite her animosity with George (the reason they are 'enemies' isnt clear at this point). 5 Hearts - Shay invites you to stay at her's for the night, suggesting you join her for a pamper day as your farm seems to have you stressed; when you get there, you can view a film exclusive to befriending her and, if you agree you like the film, you can receive an exclusive film poster! she puts a face mask on you and you chill, enjoying jasmine tea and a film. 6 Hearts - Shay can be found talking to Evelyn outside of her house when George wheels out; the tension between George and Shay turns to arguing, George admits that he doesn't like her because he thinks she's a witch, that's why she's so close to Rasmodeus, but she denies it. You have to choose a side, whoever's side you DO NOT choose you lose a heart with. If you choose Shay's side she takes you back to the woods and admits that George isn't the only one who is cruel to her, that Kent didn't like how close Jodie and Shay had got so kicked her out and that she has been yelled at by willy a few times for washing herself in the river (she cannot get running water where she lives). she admits you are one of the few people she trusts, and that you're her best friend, that she knows she can rely on you
8 Hearts - At her 8 heart event, Shay can be found trying to pick a dress to wear to whatever celebration is coming up (dress options customised to the event coming up closest to this event!); she'll ask you to choose a dress and jokingly offer you one, if you accept you will be put in a dress and dance with her in the forest clearing outside of her house. Once you stop dancing she will become flustered and try to laugh it off, you can now ask her out!
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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FAQ Volume 1 Appendix — The Symbols of Anarchy
Anarchism has always stood deliberately for a broad, and at times vague, political platform. The reasoning is sound; blueprints create rigid dogma and stifle the creative spirit of revolt. Along the same lines and resulting in the same problems, Anarchists have rejected the “disciplined” leadership that is found in many other political groupings on the Left. The reasoning for this is also sound; leadership based on authority is inherently hierarchical.
It seems to follow logically that since Anarchists have shied away from anything static, that we would also shy away from the importance of symbols and icons. Yet the fact is Anarchists have used symbolism in our revolt against the State and Capital, the most famous of which are the circled-A, the black flag and the red-and-black flag. This appendix tries to show the history of these three iconic symbols and indicate why they were taken up by anarchists to represent our ideas and movement.
Ironically enough, one of the original anarchist symbols was the red flag. As anarchist Communard Louise Michel put it, “Lyon, Marseille, Narbonne, all had their own Communes, and like ours [in Paris], theirs too were drowned in the blood of revolutionaries. That is why our flags are red. Why are our red banners so terribly frightening to those persons who have caused them to be stained that colour?” [The Red Virgin: Memoirs of Louise Michel, p. 65] March 18th, 1877, saw Kropotkin participate in a protest march in Berne which involved the anarchists “carrying the red flag in honour of the Paris Commune” for “in Switzerland federal law prohibited public display of the red flag.” [Martin A. Miller, Kropotkin, p. 137] Anarchist historians Nicolas Walter and Heiner Becker note that “Kropotkin always preferred the red flag.” [Peter Kropotkin, Act for Yourselves, p. 128] On Labour Day in 1899, Emma Goldman gave lectures to miners in Spring Valley, Illinois, which ended in a demonstration which she headed “carrying a large red flag.” [Living My Life, vol. 1, p. 245] According to historian Caroline Waldron Merithew, the 300 marchers “defied police orders to haul down the ‘red flag of anarchy.’” [Anarchist Motherhood, p. 236]
This should be unsurprising as anarchism is a form of socialism and came out of the general socialist and labour movements. Common roots would imply common imagery. However, as mainstream socialism developed in the nineteenth century into either reformist social democracy or the state socialism of the revolutionary Marxists, anarchists developed their own images of revolt based upon those raised by working class people in struggle. As will be shown, they come from the revolutionary anarchism most directly associated with the wider labour and socialist movements, i.e., the dominant, mainstream social anarchist tradition. As Nicholas Walter put it:
”[The] serious study of anarchism should be based on fact rather than fantasy, and concentrate on people and movements that actually used the word. However old and wide the ideas of anarchism may be … no one called himself an anarchist before [Proudhon in] 1840, and no movement called itself anarchist before the 1870s … The actual anarchist movement was founded … by the anti-authoritarian sections of the First International … This was certainly the first anarchist movement, and this movement was certainly based on a libertarian version of the concept of the class struggle.” [The Anarchist Past and other essays, pp. 60–1]
Unsurprisingly, the first anarchist symbols reflected the origins and ideas of this class struggle movement. Both the black and red-and-black flags were first used by revolutionary anarchists. The black flag was popularised in the 1880s by Louise Michel, a leading French communist-anarchist militant. From Europe it spread to America when the communist-anarchists of the International Working People’s Association raised it in their struggle against capitalism before being taken up by other revolutionary class struggle anarchists across the globe. The red-and-black flag was first used by the Italian section of the First International and this had been the first to move from collectivist to communist-anarchism in October 1876. [Nunzio Pernicone, Italian Anarchism, 1864–1892, p. 111] From there, it spread to Mexico and was used by anarchist labour militants there before being re-invented by the Spanish anarcho-syndicalists in the 1930s. Like anarchism itself, the anarchist flags are a product of the social struggle against capitalism and statism.
We would like to point out that this appendix is partly based on Jason Wehling’s 1995 essay Anarchism and the History of the Black Flag. Needless to say, this appendix does not cover all anarchists symbols. For example, recently the red-and-black flag has become complemented by the green-and-black flag of eco-anarchism (the symbolism of the green should need no explanation). Other libertarian popular symbols include the IWW inspired “Wildcat” (representing, of course, the spontaneity, direct action, solidarity and militancy of a wildcat strike), the “Black Rose” (inspired, no doubt, by the demand of striking IWW women workers in Lawrence, 1912, for not only bread, but for roses too) and the ironic “little black bomb” (among others). Here we concentrate on the three most famous ones.
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Hii! Can i get a Tim drake uh, treat? first time doin one of these so yeah, thank youu!
Hello! I hope you enjoy this!
Read here, or on AO3
After hours of work, he was finally able to turn off the computer and step away. 
Hours? If he were honest with himself, it had been days that he had been working without any real break. This was nothing new, especially since leaving the Manor and setting up his Nest in the middle of Crime Alley. With no one to loom over him, he could get lost in his task and not come up for air until he was finished. 
As he stood, Tim’s back cracked and popped, and his knees trembled, not used to the movement after being folded under him since daybreak. 
He was used to ignoring his body’s demands. When he had still been growing -something that to his utter disappointment had stopped several years ago, topping him out at five foot almost six- he hadn’t noticed it as it happened until he would put on an old pair of jeans and find that cuffs showed an extra inch of ankle. He didn’t listen to the rumbling of his stomach until he got lightheaded and someone more responsible shoved a sandwich in his mouth. 
Creaking with each step but gradually standing straighter as he went, Tim made his way to the master bathroom where he ran himself a hot bath to soak away the stiffness. As he went, he shed his clothes, marking a path from his desk, up the stairs and down the hall. 
Each discarded item exposed the marks on his body that he often forgot about as well. Not for any kind of self neglect, but simply because it was easier for him to compartmentalise and tuck those little bits of damage away to be dealt with later. Later just rarely came. 
On his belly, the jagged wound from a sword that had run him through while he had been searching for his father. Even now, he wasn’t entirely sure he believed Ra’s when he said that he had survived the surgery and that he hadn’t been dipped in the Pit. It would explain a lot. How he had survived everything else he had faced since, for one. The dark thoughts that often swirled in his mind for another. 
He sank into the tub and let the steaming water come to his chin as he closed his eyes and ran his fingers over his body, cataloguing other marks. 
The still red slash down his forearm he had sustained from the blade of his future self, delight in his eyes when he saw that it formed on him as well, telling him that there was still a chance that he wouldn’t turn into the monster he was. He had to wear long sleeves now, to save himself from pitying, misunderstanding looks. No real hardship in Gotham, where the sun shone an average of twelve hours a year and there was a damp chill in the air more often than not. 
His fingers slid delicately over his throat where the doctors hadn’t quite been able to conceal the scar where one of Penguin’s goons had put a bullet through him. It was mostly covered with the Robin suit, and he wore scarves now when he was in public. Stylish, cool, and stopped any questions from paparazzi. 
On his thigh, four parallel lines scored across the skin just above his knee where his first attempt at shaving his legs had gone awry, and Caroline Hill became a waxer instead of a shaver when she went out in short skirts and high heels to spy on targets at a bar. No one ever noticed that she only drank mineral water, and just pretended to sip at the drinks that were sent her way, her crimson lipstick never smudging on the glass. Tim had learned to run in five inch Louboutin So Kate pumps that summer and so far it was a skill that none of his siblings could master. After he had gotten used to the leers and found his new centre of balance while sporting a full bra, there was something about Caroline that boosted his confidence. She was fun, and sweet, and liked to dance, and when she bent over to pick up a dropped pen, all eyes were on her ass. So different from Tim, the reserved and awkward and gangly. 
Tim laughed softly, the sound echoing off the walls of his bathroom as the memories of crowded dance clubs came to him and his prick twitched and waved for attention through the soap bubbles sitting on the surface of the water. The last time he had been dancing, strangers had pressed in close, holding his hips and pressing their knees between his own. Pinned between two men he had felt relaxed and carefree, even as he kept a careful eye on his target at the other end of the bar. 
He had gone home alone that night, and he was beginning to wonder if he should have given in. 
The way his cock throbbed with want, he realised he had been neglecting other needs as well. 
And he was so bad at taking care of himself, he needed someone else to do it for him. 
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lifewithaview · 10 months
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Aidan Turner in Poldark (2015) S2E5
When a smuggler is caught magistrate Francis cleverly ensures a lenient sentence but Ross suspects one of his miners, Nick Vigus, as an informer. Francis is also loyal to his cousin when they meet Warleggan at a party, where Elizabeth admits that she still has affection for Ross and Caroline jilts Trevaunance before Dwight reveals his feelings for her. Francis discovers copper in the mine but his jubilation is cruelly curtailed whilst Ross once more finds himself at the mercy of Warleggan, who has obtained his promissory note and has a financial hold over him...
*The Judge is played by Robin Ellis, the actor who played the title role in the original "Poldark"
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morganlegaye · 2 years
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is anyone surprised lmao
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enkisstories · 2 months
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Expedition to Crait, the crew:
Jannah (fighter, survivalist)
Master Savi (crystal lore, Jedi historian, mechanic)
Eightball aka IT-08 (interrogation droid, field medic)
John Spilph (pilot, machinist, landspeeder salesperson)
Caroline Spilph (art historian, sword fighter, schmoozer)
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Rose Tico (miner, mechanic, politician in training)
Armitage Hux (strategist, weapons engineer)
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Holding hands, as always.
The next gameplay goal will be to reach Crystal Lore and Handyness 10 to unlock Forgotten Grotto. That’s all. But as always, weird stuff will happen.
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deadcactuswalking · 3 months
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 13/07/2024 (Eminem/Big Sean/BabyTron, Quavo/Lana Del Rey)
Sabrina may have outperformed Sabrina recently but thankfully, Sabrina has taken the throne off of Sabrina for a sixth week at #1 for Sabrina above Sabrina’s last hit, dropping to #2 thanks to a boost above Sabrina for Sabrina, leaving Sabrina below Sabrina. “Espresso” is at #1 and welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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content warning: language, Eminem discourse
And as always, we start our episode with the notable dropouts, songs exiting the UK top 75 - which is what I cover - after five weeks in the region or a peak in the top 40. This week, we bid adieu to… okay, sorry, “Gata Only” by FloyyMenor and Cris Mj went from #76 to #75 to #76 in a three-week span as if they know the arbitrary restrictions I place on this series and want to pressure me into changing them. If that’s the case, what’s “read the FAQ” in Spanish? Besides that, we say farewell to a mix of older tracks and stuffed EDM collabs, as our full lists consists of: “places to be” by Fred again.., Anderson .Paak and CHIKA (which of course deserved more than five weeks), “Addicted” by Zerb, the Chainsmokers and Ink, “Yellow” by Coldplay, “Without Me” by Eminem and finally, “Prada” by casso, RAYE and D-Block Europe, which feels like it’s been here forever.
As for our returns, we see the Euros boost another football anthem back on the charts, namely the #8-peaking “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond. On the two non-consecutive weeks this song peaked, Mungo Jerry and T. Rex were #1 and that should give you enough context that I really don’t need to tell you it was 1971. Alongside it, “3 Lions” is up to #20 and “Mr. Brightside” is at #58 thanks to the band playing football matches at their shows in the lead-up to this track, but once again, I’ve talked about these football songs a while back. I can’t remember the episode but you can probably take an educated guess based on whatever football tournament was happening.
When it comes to notable gains, it’s a bit of an easier job, as there’s some straightforward pick-ups for “You & Me” by Disclosure featuring Eliza Doolittle at #66, “Miles on It” by Marshmello and Kane Brown at #60, “Evergreen” by Richy Mitch & the Coal Miners at #48, “Move” by Adam Port, Stryv and Malachiii at #46, Zach Bryan’s “Pink Skies” returning to the top 40 at #40 thanks to his new album but more on that later, “Kisses” by BL3SS, CamrinWatsin and bbyclose at #26, “Too Sweet” by Hozier at #13 and Kendrick Lamar returning to the top 10 at #9 with “Not Like Us”.
As for our top five, well, for our first full tracking week under a Labour government since 2010, we already know where Starmer’s cabinet stands on pop stars, with Chappell Roan’s “Good Luck, Babe!” at #5 swapping places with “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” by Billie Eilish at #4. One thing hasn’t changed, though, and that’s drinking habits, as Shaboozey’s “A Bar Song (Tipsy)” is steady at #3, and then of course, Sabrina: “Please Please Please” at #2 and “Espresso” at #1. Now for what should be an interesting and definitely varied set of new tracks.
New Entries
#73 - “28” - Zach Bryan
Produced by Zach Bryan
As I expected, I loved Zach Bryan’s newest album, The Great American Bar Scene, which released on July 4th - fittingly - and I delivered some longer thoughts in my listening log on RateYourMusic. The account name’s exclusivelytopostown if you wish to read any more, but to sum it up, it’s definitely more of a folk and heartland rock-influenced album, going from sounding like Springsteen to well, containing the Boss himself, and it fittingly has a more observational, on-the-road feel to it as we travel across America with Zach Bryan delivering relevant anecdotes surrounding his life that seem more distant than the self-titled. It’s still personal, it’s still got a warm, organic production, but there’s an undeniable swell to it all that makes the humble road trip feel a lot grander. I prefer the self-titled in terms of having more memorable, distinct songs but this is an excellent record in itself. Thankfully, one of my favourites was “28”, his only debut as the album bows in at #16 on the UK albums chart.
There are many topics that Bryan will delve into across the record but this one, in comparison, feels like a pretty straightforward love ballad, and a very sweet one at that. Bryan tells us stories about how he went to see her family on his 28th birthday and that was the first time his left felt full and that he was truly loved on his own birthday, having a family and home that he’s been searching for his entire life, caught in a place between home and somewhere distant and unfamiliar, but now he’s fell into what might be a new home for him, and the song celebrates how real that relationship feels. This is developed on in the second verse where Bryan finds himself in a very familiar lyrical space: the dive bar’s crowded with rich people, not at all like it was when he was younger, but the smoke seeping out is still the same, he’s still playing the guitar he was gifted at 14, and being with his new partner takes him back to that space he’s so familiar with. It’s a beautiful sentiment that the homes he created from a passage of specific, frequently recurring memories have been brought back to him by the way he feels with his partner. The organic recording with some distant guitar and an overwhelming bed of strings turns an intimate set of recollections to an honest-to-God ceremony and that little lyric change from “where your old man stayed” to “where your whole heart stayed” places a really neat little bow on everything. It may not be the deepest or most powerful cuts on the latest record, but it’s one that feels so universal without sacrificing the important details that make him such a loveable songwriter. It’s one of my favourite songs of the year, and the whole album’s worth checking out too.
#71 - “I Love You, I’m Sorry” - Gracie Abrams
Produced by Gracie Abrams and Aaron Dessner
Now we’re back in some territory that I’m less familiar with and also less appreciative to see on the charts, TayLorde Rodrigo… I mean, Gracie Abrams, daughter of J.J. This is another album cut from her breakout record that hit #1 a few weeks ago, with this being a sequel to another breakup track she released in 2020. I know I’ve often made comical comparisons to other artists when discussing Abrams’ particularly derivative style but I really liked “Risk” which is similarly plainly obvious on who it takes influence with so it really isn’t just that, and there’s some promise to that: it’s similarly structured to her “I miss you, I’m sorry” whilst taking a more wistful approach, a couple years later, on the breakup and acknowledging the weirdness of still being familiar to someone you slammed the door on despite loving, and being thankful that the ex-partner still keeps in touch, albeit the connection is dwindling. I was actually somewhat liking it, even if it borderlines on easy listening, until the bridge which seems to deflect some blame onto this partner for no reason in a really immature moment that feels out of place, and also has some really obvious takes from the Taylor department (no pun intended), even down to inflections and vocal delivery. The songwriting becomes basic and childish for what seems like a lashing out moment but doesn’t really need to serve that purpose in any way. The song is about frustration but a frustration that quietly bubbles down through life, why have that moment so far into the song? It just doesn’t work for me narratively even if the idea isn’t bad, and Dessner’s utterly unremarkable instrumental backing isn’t helping matters. It’s still okay, but with some very obvious flaws I can’t really get over.
#69 - “Bring Me Joy” - Rudimental and Karen Harding
Produced by Rudimental, Billen Ted and Slim Typical
I question who in Rudimental even contributes to these songs anymore. There are two other credited acts as producers here, and they are both DJ-producer duos who can do a perfectly good job by themselves or even together, but then add Rudimental, who are a trio and get top billing, and you’re telling me nine people produced this. You could argue that maybe one of them did and Rudimental is just the more recognisable name, but all three of the members are credited as writers, alongside salute who, if you don’t know, is also a DJ and producer, meaning 10 were involved in creating this song with Durham singer Karen Harding, who last appeared on the chart in 2015. Her debut single and biggest hit, “Say Something”, actually peaked at #7. The #1 was “Uptown Funk!”, of course. Maybe this new track will revive her hit-making career and you know what’s bizarre? How I can more obviously tell salute did work on this than any of the credited producers. Sure, it’s a drum and bass track, but it’s got a choir vocal, a gentler swell of pianos and the lead vocal filtered as an intro, it sounds more like it’s introducing a salute song than Rudimental’s until we get into the weirdly-mixed lead vocal and very unsubtle stutter that spirals into a frankly wank drum and bass loop. The song basically starts on 11 with all the details thanks to the nine people on the DAW, so any attempt at genuine bombast or relief in the drop feels like bashing in some horns to an already full orchestra. In fact, for what should be a rote, inoffensive track from an easily ignorable vocalist and completely competent producer teams, it’s surprisingly annoying with just how overly produced it is. The egregious implementation of that distorted male vocal clip is out of place, the effects added to Harding’s voice are grating and at times seemingly arbitrary, it’s just all a bit gross. I really like this genre and a lot of the time, will defend more mediocre drum and bass tunes because the drum patterns make me happy or the drop is exciting, but not even I can find much joy in this, which should be saying something.
#64 - “Apple” - Charli xcx
Produced by Charli xcx, A.G. Cook, George Daniel and Lotus IV
Once again, we go back to Charli’s BRAT, an album with more mainstream influence and longevity than I expected, as we get what is now our sixth debut from the record across multiple weeks. I believe this is what the gays call "being the moment." Charli has described this song as focusing on her very complicated relationship with her parents, using the “apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” saying as its main conceit and going for a perhaps more familiar synthpop backing whilst filtering her vocals out to muffle her voice slightly, as if she’s becoming separate from her family as she finds escapism by travelling away from a family she’s constantly comparing herself to. The apple could “turn yellow or green”, accentuating both how unpredictable growing up could be and how that connection could either still work into old age or rot over time, with the third verse having her dissect the apple, splitting what traits of her that she doesn’t appreciate between her parents. It’s a clever and really open concept for the song, and whilst I’m a sucker for honest detail, the analogy is more telling depending on how you interpret it than perhaps a more down to reality vent about what is probably a feeling that couldn’t be understood by an audience that’s not specifically her. With this, I still feel the escapism of the airport but also the disappointment when that turns into a stuttering, dark clog instead of a beautiful swell in that bridge where she promises, of course, that she’s going to “drive all night”, aimlessly, realising that even if she makes her branch of the tree, she can’t escape from her family as it’s part of her. It’s not my favourite mix on the album, it can feel a bit flat and rushed sometimes, but the instrumental outro with the mantra of “do you” really places into perspective her question of asking where you even go to feel like you’re not alone, because forming a yes-or-no question out of that forces you, and her, to reckon with the idea that you don’t actually go anywhere. You’re still you, and your experiences don’t take you elsewhere, they add patches of detail to your own person. And if I’m getting philosophical, that means the song’s good or I’m insane. Probably both, and I don’t need to tell you this, but it’s definitely worth checking out even if it’s not the most sonically distinct piece on the album - for a more revealing track, it doesn’t need to be.
#62 - “Lies Lies Lies” - Morgan Wallen
Produced by Joey Moi
Well, well, look who else released country music on the 4th of July, with a special live YouTube performance video to boot which I didn’t mention in the review but is also how “28” was premiered. Even for Morgan Wallen here, the songwriting is a bit dire, which is a shame because there’s a darker hinge to the guitars here that should lead to the forestry atmosphere the smokier sound and the cool whistling should succeed at conveying. Yet the chorus is so basic and pissy, as is the rest of this breakup song, delivered in a way that doesn’t justify any of the bitterness in the lyrics or the darker sound. He kind of just delivers it like “Last Night”, which also had its toxic relationship - where the woman is mostly blamed, but at least in this one he ended things (despite his persistence that he must be the one to do so). The difference is that “Last Night” is almost sing-songy, it’s a pop song more than anything and embraces it by going for trap drums and plastic silliness instead of going deeper into country cred for what is little more than an aesthetic for something that doesn’t pull on many of its songwriting tropes. It just ends up sounding ugly and flat for no purpose when a perfectly serviceable Maroon 5 song is hidden under there, and ends up looking pretty bad for Morgan Wallen. If your country song released on a patriotic day as what should surely be a gift for your fans given its lack of connection to an existing album and no reason to start another cycle is this ashamed of being a pop song, ridden in so much interpersonal hatred that’s still vague enough to consider itself universal, largely because you didn’t write one word of it, I would be reconsidering why I made country music in the first place. Or maybe that’s just how you celebrate the founding of your great country: singing about your ex-girlfriend’s lies and deceit, alcohol addiction and hating yourself. Hell, is that saying more about Morgan or the States?
#59 - “you look like you love me” - Ella Langley featuring Riley Green
Produced by Will Bundy
Thankfully, for a week weirdly full of country songs for the UK charts, we actually have more good than bad, with - interestingly - two relative newcomers in Ella Langley, who released her first record in 2023, and Riley Green who has had much success as a writer (hence his credit on this song) but not as much in his solo career until 2019 onwards. This duet tells the story of a lonely Ella Langley meeting passionately with a lover at a bar: “you look like you love me” seems like a very forward line for a one-night stand so whilst the life after this hook-up isn’t referenced and their drunkenness is emphasised throughout, there’s definitely still some reminiscing about this rendezvous. Langley uses a conversational delivery in the verses that feels very much like a traditional story-telling country songs, the kind that my dad used to like, but returns to an undeniable sing-a-long hook every time and it just feels like magic. Despite what could be a pretty chintzy instrumental considering the piano and acoustic pick-up but it just immerses you further in the story, with the awkward dead spaces in Riley Green’s verse that make it clear this isn’t as smooth of a hook-up as she remembers, the emphasis on little clothing details like boots and Green’s cowboy hat, the fact that she goes “alright now!” before the hoedown instrumental break, it’s all quite comical in its own cutesy way that I find really endearing. Vintage, sure, and perhaps a story that’s less believable to have happened in this day and age, but it doesn’t need to be to still be a fun little story delivered really excellently. I will say that Langley is clearly much more of a presence but thematically that makes a lot of sense, and it is refreshing to see a woman be the most prominent element of the highest debuting country song this week (outside of, well, we’ll get to it), that has a separate woman credited as a co-writer. It’s a cute, heartwarming little song that I think even those who write off country music on the charts will enjoy a fair bit.
#56 - “Pink Lemonade (Str8 Reload)” - LeoStayTrill and Mr. Reload It
Produced by Xeretto and VG$ Midnight
Whilst this is “Pink Lemonade (Str8 Reload)” by LeoStayTrill and Mr. Reload It. LeoStayTrill is a rapper from South London whilst Mr. Reload It is… not the producer or vocalist so who is Mr. Reload It? It took me little time to gather through social media that Mr. Reload It, real name Alex, is a content creator on TikTok who runs a show called Str8 Reload wherein rappers come in and freestyle, and the song had already finished without me realising I was really playing it by the time I had written all that out. LeoStayTrill appears to be a content creator on his own, and I skimmed through his TikToks that have nothing to do with the song but are featured with the sound in the background and hashtags proclaiming it’s the song of the summer. He appears to be a young guy still in education - sixth form maybe? - so I can’t really heavily criticise what is a pretty generic Tion Wayne-esque drill song with bad mixing, nothing flexes and a type beat as the instrumental. I was scanning through so many of his TikToks finding some extra context for his viral hit, but it seems like just shilling for it consistently will give you enough plays with a big following, and there are definitely some very catchy parts of his verses - ironically, all outside of the chorus - that I can understand the virality. One interesting thing I picked up on was that he was defiantly explaining to his followers a word that they had gotten wrong when reciting the lyrics, and jokingly claimed that he wished to delete the song because of this mondegreen until he brought out the original project file for the song to prove this. Nearly every single one of his TikToks had this song or its shitty Jersey club remix in the background, it was maddening. Wish you the best, man.
#32 - “Tough” - Quavo and Lana Del Rey
Produced by Cirkut and watt
If anyone was going to team these two disparate artists up, it was probably Andrew Watt, though the two appear to be friendly which makes sense given Lana’s affinity for hip hop, which is seldom implemented in her music but I enjoy when it is as it ends up surprisingly smooth, especially in cloud rap and trap territory. “Summer Bummer” with A$AP Rocky and Playboi Carti is one of my favourites from her. The conceit of this collab is somewhat comical: a country-influenced song where they both try and prove themselves as “tough” in different ways, with Lana using western cowboy imagery and Quavo harkening back to his days living impoverished in Atlanta, but together, they’re beautiful. It’s very cliché and silly but I can actually connect with that as just a matter of setting the stage for this upcoming Lana country album: suspension of disbelief is important in both country and rap, and especially pop, so I like when artists play around with unfitting narratives. Lana’s vocals are in their typical wispy rasp over the twiddling folksy guitars but Quavo comes in referencing the trap beat that drives into the song he just hopped on, and whilst I did laugh the first time, he adds a bit more emotive rasp to his voice that really works, especially in balance with the more melodic flows he’s able to temper the aggressive delivery with. I also like his informing of the posturing with what he’s genuinely been through, and those two different ideas of what “tough” is between them makes their surprisingly well-done harmonising very compelling. In fact, Lana adds more to Quavo’s posturing in her verse with Huncho himself prompting her lyrics in a cute back-and-forth that makes me believe these guys are actually dating, even though if that was the case, there may not be a mutual depth to how they feel about each other here. That bridge still has a lot of great swell and deviates from what could easily be a tedious novelty if not split apart by a gorgeous interlude that sounds perfect for walking down the aisle. I’m very surprised by the chemistry here, but the dialogue in the outro, whilst obviously corny, sounds like movie dialogue from a dated film, and the way you hear him pasing her the lighter and doing a typical Migos ad-lib injects a lot of Quavo’s personality into a Lana-led song. One of my favourite details is the crack in Lana’s voice where she admits for as much as Lana appreciates the grit and roughness of Mr. Quavious thanks to his upbringing, it’s that same upbringing that makes him tell her some truths a woman like Lana may not want to hear, and I find that a really subtle but effective way of painting the lovestruck soulmates with troubling, nuanced dots. I figured something like this, especially with Quavo releasing more singles than months of the year currently, would be a rushed, comical slap-dash collab but there is a lot more thought into this duet than I expected from even Lana who never really shined outside of her introspection that much. Brilliant song.
#29 - “Tobey” - Eminem featuring Big Sean and BabyTron
Produced by marvy ayy, John Nocito, Carlton McDowell, Daniyel, Eminem and Cole Bennett
As I said with the Zach Bryan review, full thoughts on the latest Eminem comeback, The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grace) are on my RateYourMusic page, and thankfully, this song kind of has no relevance to the existing plotline of that album. It’s always an unnecessary stress when a song hits the top 75 and I have to either explain away the conceits of a narrative- or theme-based record that I already wrote some thoughts down on, or end up diving in headfirst to a song from an album I haven’t gotten around to hearing so I can review the one song, but ending up a bit headless thanks to my lack of context. This is a weird case because it’s a pre-album single that was released in the midweek and despite the album having a clear plot and theme you can see even in its lead single, this song has nothing to do with it and this time, it’s on purpose? “Tobey” is one of a few songs on the back-end that show Eminem is still hungry without the Slim Shady persona, and this particular track is him stepping bar-for-bar with a newer cat in Big Sean and so new a cat he may as well be a kitty, BabyTron, of the Detroit ShittyBoyz scam-rap collective, known for his semi-witty punchlines and tight flows. That works a lot better for me when he has an actual groove, especially the constant punchiness of a Detroit trap track but here, we have a beat that I thought was interesting at first and becomes increasingly odd. It makes sense to me for a beat to have no steady percussion line and instead be full of cinematic strings and thwooping, bass-heavy movie trailer sounds - it’s Eminem, after all, I guess he’s catching up to his Christian stan NF - but it just never drops after all the build-up, and that piano line that is also very explicitly Detroit is a tedious loop that never changes but feeds tension into the beat without ever finding build-up, despite obvious lay-ups for that to happen. The verses transition not through smooth sequencing of instruments but through a cloudy void of blurry sound effects, as if the song was made for the music video and nothing else. There’s electric guitars added into the mix because, it’s either Em himself or his main man Luis Resto who are obsessed with adding those to the back of the beat for no reason, there are hi-hats during BabyTron’s verse that just skitter out of existence, and a mix of guitars with cavernous drums and warping synths during the latter two verses from Sean and Em that just drown out the two rappers without ever landing them on a true groove, which only really Eminem can play with in an interesting way. I know it’s Eminem so the beat should not be the focus but this is a bizarre, borderline just experimental beat that sounds kind of terrible most of the time but has so many fascinating bad decisions and moving parts that it’s hard to ignore.
Now for the rappers themselves, as you’d probably expect me to discuss more given again, it’s Eminem, he’s the only person with an interesting concept or flow here. He’s bitter and desperate to prove he’s in top fives - not that he should care but I’m not angry that he does, he’s a lyrical rapper from the 90s, caring about being the best is kind of his job - but unlike Kamikaze, he’s not lashing out at his own fans, he’s lashing out at so-called critics, including Melle Mel, who he very reasonably stamps out for the reason that whilst people prompted him not to respond to the man because he’s a pioneer - a grandmaster, if you will - of the genre, Eminem’s cemented his place just as much as he has and it would be a fair competition between legends. A weird beat always brings out awkward deliveries in Em, and he’s surprisingly not going for the easier, fast-paced deadpan talking both BabyTron and to a lesser extent, Sean, go for here, instead being all over the beat like he has eight legs spread out saying a different bar. It’s a cool approach that means he’s not always perfectly on beat but the beat’s weird, so let him be too, I actually find it much more compelling than BabyTron, who sounds like a bored child lost in the supermarket, even if there are some quotable lines and Detroit references that add a little more spice. Big Sean is selling his anger and hunger much more convincingly, even when faced against this Lovecraftian monster of a beat, and whilst I’m not necessarily invested in Sean because… of course not, his bars hit, his rhyme schemes are solid and he sounds on point the whole time, it’s a focused verse that really balances out Em’s verse. BabyTron is completely lost to that dynamic so the fact that he originated the main conceit of the song, the utterly stupid idea that since Tobey Maguire became Spider-Man after being bitten by a spider, BabyTron and Big Sean must have been bitten by a goats because they’re GOATs, and Eminem must have been the goat / GOAT that bit them. Yeah, there’s a reason why the song’s namesake didn’t deserve being brought up until the last minute. I know this was a hefty review for a pretty middling debut that won’t last, but this really feels like a can of worms hidden on the back-half of an album completely irrelevant to it, even though it was already released as a single and music video. Fascinating little track, honestly. I’m kind of glad we end the week with that nonsense.
Well, it was a big debut week for country or country-adjacent tracks, and this rings well in our conclusion, as Best of the Week obviously goes to Zach Bryan for “28” whilst we have surprisingly close Honourable Mentions for the two duets: “you look like you love me” by Ella Langley and Riley Green and “Tough” with Quavo and Lana Del Rey. As for the worst, that also represents country as Morgan Wallen takes it handedly for the regretful “Lies Lies Lies”, whilst I suppose “Bring Me Joy” by Rudimental and Karen Harding ends up as the Dishonourable Mention. Whatever happens next week, apart from Eminem, I hope there’s not too much to write about because it’ll be a busy Friday for me. Knowing the charts, I won’t get that peace and Peppa fucking Pig will debut a couple songs. Regardless, thank you for reading, long live Cola Boyy, and I’ll see you next week.
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stardewremixed · 2 years
🍨Stardewies Favorite Desserts🍨
Stardew Valley ladies’ favorite desserts (including SVE) 
this girl is all about the desserts - banana pudding, blackberry cobbler, chocolate cake. Picks fresh blackberries from your farm every year. 
Gets bananas from Ginger Island to make her own banana pudding. Definitely needs multiple alarms to remember to remove items from the oven. 
loves everything pumpkin spice - mousse, pudding, pies, cakes, muffins, bagels, etc. 
is first in line for a pumpkin spice latte. Complete with a cozy hat, scarf, and sniffing the steam from the beverage with a pleasant sigh. 
chocolate pumpkin donuts? Is that a thing? 
sucks on rock candy - nearly chipped a tooth once. 
would drag the Farmer around the Spirit’s Eve festival to get all the pumpkin treats and candy (no black licorice though, please)
enjoys fruity desserts - apricots are her favorite. 
Apricot jam and scones is a perfect snack with a hot cup of tea. 
also loves apples - and bakes an apple pie every fall. 
Eats a slice while in her garden and watching the birds at the feeder. 
secretly stockpiles recipes from the cooking channel and her favorite movies. 
stocks up on discounted joja candies and feels guilty about it later. 
if in a romantic relationship, would enjoy a lazy afternoon between leafy fruit trees, lying in the grass, eating fruit and fresh cream on the farm. 
drinks a kale and fruit smoothie every morning before she meditates. makes dessert alcoholic beverages all the time at Gus’s. Hardly anyone buys them, but she enjoys making pina coladas with fresh cherries and pineapple from your farm. 
when she’s in a silly mood, she will put a scoop of ice cream in a beer after work. Gus might join her if he’s in a particularly jovial mood. Sam would absolutely join, but more ice cream, less beer. 
picks up cranberry candy every time she visits Ginger Island 
bakes rhubarb pie. She’s halfway decent in the kitchen, playing very zen music when she cooks. Might overload on sugar. 
In a romantic relationship, the Farmer would be the unwitting participant in taste testing Emily’s sugary desserts and beverages. 
Pink cake is her favorite. 
definitely owns a frilly apron. 
Dances in the kitchen a bit when baking. 
eats ice cream with sprinkles. 
organizes a cake walk fundraiser nearly every year. Coordinates with all the ladies of the community. Jodi, by far, bakes the most cakes - there’s always an overload of chocolate cakes of various sizes (perfectly iced).  Marnie enters a pumpkin cake. Robin “makes” a peach cobbler (really it’s Sebastian with Robin’s help). Caroline makes tea cakes. 
Is very particular about the display of cakes, with her own right in the center on a lacy pedestal. 
Any excuse to bake a cake for the farmer if in a romantic relationship, with fresh ingredients from their farm. 
Not a big sweets person. Likes fruity dessert salads. 
Foraged berries are a great treat! Salmonberries, blackberries, 
Enjoys a slice of cheesecake every once in awhile - made from goat cheese. 
really, really, really loves fruit punch (especially when it’s spiked) 
needs Elliott (or the Farmer) to escort her home as she trips over her own feet if she’s too far gone on the “punch” 
skips out on Haley’s cake walk - yuck! Pink cake! Blech! 
Also doesn’t like cookies or ice cream. (What’s with this woman!) 
Makes an exception for stardrop sorbet when it’s available at the movie theater. 
kindly eats Emily’s (too sweet) rhubarb pie without complaint 
this girl adores strawberries - fresh strawberries and cream is a delightful late spring treat. 
also will eat pretty much any strawberry dessert - strawberry pie, strawberry pound cake, strawberry turnovers
makes little strawberry jam thumbprint cookies for everyone’s Christmas stockings. 
buys Miner’s Treat from the Adventurer’s Guild regularly. (cave carrots, sugar, and milk so I’m guessing carrot juice smoothie popsicles?) 
asks Alex to make her a strawberry soda shake in the summertime 
begs her dad to take her to the Strawberry Festival in Grampleton. Demetrius still goes with her every year even if she can drive herself now.
if friends with the Farmer, would invite them along on her annual trip to the Strawberry Festival. If in a romantic relationship, would take the farmer sans Demetrius. 
cannot bake to save her life, but will eat plenty of chocolate and pink cakes. 
spends the most money at Haley’s cake walk. gifts to all her friends. 
loves dessert wines, especially when paired with cake. 
also loves coffee-flavored desserts like her son. will dip biscotti in her afternoon coffee. 
happens to enjoy apples dipped in caramel in the fall. got really into it one year and tried to make her own. the canning turned into a disaster. the apples were good. 
would love to be invited apple picking if the farmer is offering. if in a romantic relationship, she would bring a favorite recipe for apple cake she has stored for years and shyly requests the “cutie” make it for her. 
loves poppyseed muffins and poppyseed cake. 
while she can cook, she doesn’t bake well. Prefers to buy her baked goods from Joja or Pierre’s. 
that time she ate so many poppyseed muffins in high school that she tested positive for drugs by accident. She was so depressed, she ran away and cried up on the mountain and actually did weed with Sebastian. 
she enjoys a good watermelon smoothie in the summertime. Alex keeps extra in stock just for her. 
If in a relationship with the farmer, she regularly makes poppyseed muffins for breakfast. 
orders Japanese candies off the internet 
keeps a stash of candy in her apron to nibble on throughout the day 
likes unusual fruit cookies - apple and cinnamon chips, passion fruit cremes, rhubarb macaroons, mandarin orange flavored pizelles. 
also would roll mochi with Sebastian late at night, if he would let her join him. brings wine from her farm to share. 
leaves little treats out for the fairies on the eve of spring (like kids leave cookies for Santa). It’s a superstition she’s had since she was a kid. Has never failed to help her crop season.
would absolutely go do karaoke with friends and order all sorts of desserts for them - green tea ice cream, coffee jelly, banana sushi 
if in a romantic relationship with the Farmer, would bring them a slice of Japanese cheesecake on the new moon. 
And there you have it. See the bachelors here. 
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catholickedd · 1 year
hello!!! um so i had an idea the other day. if you've read my pinned post you know that i'm an aspiring author, and i wanted to practice some short story writing just to get the hang of the setup-payoff cycles. so here's the idea i had - i'm going to write 94 short stories over the next couple of months. one inspired by each song on my spotify playlist. this is going to be the masterpost. here we go
amount completed: 3 of 94
wasteland, baby by hozier - here
autumn by wylder - here
velvet ring by big thief - here
thérèse by maya hawke -
sea, swallow me by cocteau twins -
paint by the paper kites -
sedona by sir chloe -
kyoto by phoebe bridgers -
strawberry blond by mitski -
bloom by the paper kites -
would that i by hozier -
swan upon leda by hozier -
in a week by hozier -
nfwmb by hozier -
fool by frankie cosmos -
evergreen by richy mitch & the coal miners -
candles by daughter -
september by sparky deathcap -
alrighty aphrodite by peach pit -
caroline by lowertown -
jaded by near tears -
poison tree by grouper -
haunt me (x 3) by teen suicide -
the way her hair falls by grouper -
the bug collector by haley heynderickx -
the perfect girl by mareux -
dark beach by pastel ghost -
faerie soiree by melanie martinez -
downtown by majical cloudz -
all your yeahs by beach house -
i don't know by whatever, dad -
gwan by rostam -
the loxian gate by enya -
ophelia by the lumineers -
eat your young (bekon's choral version) by hozier -
francesca by hozier -
no face by haley heynderickx -
rises the moon by liana flores -
washing machine heart by mitski -
all things end by hozier -
through me (the flood) by hozier -
nobody by hozier -
manta rays by chloe moriondo -
unknown / nth by hozier -
like real people do by hozier -
jackie and wilson by hozier -
from eden by hozier -
work song by hozier -
foreigner's god by hozier -
run by hozier -
shrike by hozier -
as it was by hozier -
sunlight by hozier -
dandelion wine by gregory alan isakov -
meet me in the woods by lord huron -
make your own kind of music by cass elliot -
where is my mind by pixies -
pool house by the backseat lovers -
mclean's baby boy by neighbor susan -
space song by beach house -
garden song by phoebe bridgers -
motion sickness by phoebe bridgers -
grandiose by pomme -
je sais pas danser by pomme -
better views by yellow house -
même robe qu'hier by pomme -
ghosting by mother mother -
lent by autoheart -
bron-yr-aur by led zeppelin -
adieu mon homme by pomme -
cause for concern by lovejoy -
willow by taylor swift -
feathered indians by tyler childers -
the last of the honeybees by sam burchfield -
de selby (part 2) by hozier -
the last thing on my mind by tom paxton -
the night we met by lord huron -
ends of the earth by lord huron -
the yawning grave by lord huron -
the moon doesn't mind by lord huron -
sex sells by lovejoy -
perfume by lovejoy -
maine by noah kahan -
white winter hymnal by fleet foxes -
anchor by novo amor -
pale blue eyes by the velvet underground -
i'll be your mirror by the velvet underground -
dinner and diatribes by hozier -
wildflower by beach house -
good old-fashioned lover boy by queen -
bright eyes by art garfunkel -
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emgene · 1 year
Stardew Valley with Enhypen
bc I can't think of anything else to post
requests are open for both enha and skz
Heeseung is a miner 100%. Screams whenever he's fighting a monster and "dies" constantly, but he's a miner. He doesn't delve much into the story of the valley, he just wants money. He also constantly forgets to bring food with him to the mines so he just kinda... passes out. A lot. He's the sole reason why Harvey is still in business. He's the type to go for Abigail or Emily. But I feel like his goal would be to date as many villagers as possible without you noticing.
Jay likes fishing, no matter how frustrating it is in the beginning. He's really good at remembering the villager's birthdays and has a specific chest with their favorites. I can see him really liking Penny for some reason, though he would prefer to marry you instead of her. He's good at saving your money and only gets a little mad when you impulse buy the tree of the winter star.
Jake loves the game. He really likes taking care of all the farm animals, but he Hates going in the mines. That's your job, sorry. He's probably friends with Alex tbh, and he might try to date Haley if not you. He loves the island, he and Leo are best friends. He tries to find all the golden walnuts and he's actually really good at it???
Sunghoon doesn't like the game very much tbh. He plays it with you because you find it fun and he likes seeing you happy. His foraging skill is really high and he goes fishing a not. Sometimes he'll go into the mines, but he prefers not to. He always reminds you to go out and get seeds when the crops are harvested.
Sunoo is confused by the game at first, but ends up loving it. He's best friends will all of the villagers and knows All the lore. He's really good at remembering the villagers favorite gifts. He and Elliot are best friends, along with Jas and Vincent. I can see him marrying Shane tbh bc he gives me "I can fix him" energy. He tries making his farm cute... but it's not very functional.
Jungwon loves the game, he loves farming and tending to the animals. He and Caroline are good friends, and he doesn't really like Pierre or Clint. He doesn't really have any goals in the game, he just likes playing for fun. I'm not gonna lie though, he often forgets to feed the animals or pet them so Please make sure you either remind him or do it for him.
Ni-Ki's main goal is to 100% the game, but he gets bored easily and won't play the game for months, then restarts a different world. It's a surprise if he even makes it to winter of year one. There was a time that you tried gifting him the diamond ring to marry him, but he said no and ran away. For the next in-game week, he kept running away from you and even gifted you trash. Also blew up your crops more than once. Love him tho.
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