#carolyn x dasha
purpleplaid17 · 6 months
Jess Watches // Thu 11 Apr // Day 197 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
The Resident (with mum) 3x01 From the Ashes
The doctors of Chastain are surrounded by new rules and doctors, as Red Rock Mountain Medical takes over the hospital; Conrad finds himself in a dangerous situation when the construction for a neurosurgery center causes a gas explosion.
I had a feeling it was going to be Nic's sister who died. The fake-out at the beginning was mean :'( And then they blew up Karen from OTH and gave her brain cancer. Although the addition of the very dashing Morris Chesnut doing her surgery while Lil Nas X was playing did help improve the mood.
Chucky 3x05 Death Becomes Her
Chucky wrestles with his mortality, while Jake and Devon take their romance to the next level.
How are all the Collinses hallucinating the people Chucky has recently killed? Is the Damballa-voodoo-veil getting thinner as Chucky deteriorates? And Jake and Devon making time to be together away from the chaos was very sweet. Hopefully their first time won't also be their last.
Killing Eve (Remix) [x] 3x05 Up for a Game
4x04 - Villanelle is released from prison with the help of Hélène who gives her a new assignment. Meanwhile, Eve meets Hélène who confirms that Lars is in fact her target, and challenges Eve to find him before she does. / 3x06 - V asks Konstantin to join his plan to run away, but his daughter Irina hates her. Eve visits Dasha in Barcelona, who taunts her; Eve is unfazed. / 4x04 - In Havana, Cuba, V kidnaps Carolyn.
Eve-with-an-english-accent you'll always be famous. And I remember seeing the bts pics of Jodie and Fiona filming in Margate when it was a heatwave. And everyone having an opinion on her Paul Smith outfit lol. Also, Eve's strap bowling game was very hot. 🔥
One Piece 1x06 The Chef and the Chore Boy
The group is ambushed by a threat no one sees coming. After a hard-fought battle at the Baratie, Sanji finally follows his dreams while another crew member shows their true colors.
Was young Sanji also Gus SweetTooth? He has a good ear for accents at such a young age. Zeff was such a surprisingly caring papa. I can't believe he chopped off and ate his own leg just so the boy wouldn't starve. If he ever needs help braiding his funky little plaited 'tash, he can call me.
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killingevedaily · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Killing Eve (TV 2018) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dasha/Carolyn Martens, Dasha Duzran/Carolyn Martens Characters: Carolyn Martens, Dasha Durzan, Dasha (Killing Eve), Kenny Stowton, Konstantin Vasiliev Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Angst Summary:
It’s been seven months since Kenny’s death when Dasha shows up again in her life, staring at the bookshelf as it's raining outside, dressed in one of Carolyn’s silk robes.
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Cold Turkey
S3E8 recap
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What do you want Villanelle?
I’m looking for a new challenge.
Villanelle tries to retroactively accept Carolyn’s job offer to work for MI6, but with a slight twist. She no longer wants to kill. She is looking to start over. Carolyn isn’t convinced that Villanelle has any useful skills outside of assassinating and turns her offer down. By seeking out Carolyn, Villanelle was taking a real step of her own accord to actively remove herself from the Twelve rather than simply runaway.
I can change.
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You’ve infected her with your disgusting lack of ambition.
The Villanelle that Dasha and Konstantin are discussing is the Villanelle of the past. The one whose life was not altered by Eve Polastri. In this conversation, Konstantin chastised Dasha for almost killing Villanelle with her brutal training tactics focused on discipline while Dasha jabs back by blaming Konstantin for giving her no structure. In other words, Villanelle almost died because of Dasha’s method of strict rule while Konstantin made her lazy due to his method of no rules. Neither handler gave Villanelle what she needed and BOTH of them imposed what they wanted upon her. She seems like a disappointment to them now that she is breaking free of her chains and becoming her own person, which is something neither Dasha nor Konstantin is capable of doing.
As I mentioned in my S3E7 recap (post), I think the portrayal of Dasha was meant to depict what Villanelle’s life may have been if she continued working for the Twelve for the rest of her life. This would have been a life of isolation (Winners win alone) with the illusion of freedom to do as she pleases, so long as her bosses are happy.
I wish my son was here.
The death of Dasha is Villanelle’s worst fear, and ironically, the end Dasha predicted for Villanelle; one in which she dies alone and without someone who loves her.
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FINALLY, we arrive to the long-anticipated Villanelle and Eve reunion where they both “Wear it down” (post).
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What I love most about this whole scene is both Villanelle and Eve have their walls of emotional armor down the entire time. Neither of them entered the ballroom with their masks on. The cheeky and overly confident façade of Villanelle is not there and the delusional MI6 agent façade for Eve is gone.
They came just as they are: Eve and Oksana.
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This entire scene looks and feels like the past: the ballroom dancing, the clothing of the dancers and Villanelle’s 60s outfit, the lighting, the music, and the decorum. It’s almost as if this is a fantasy moment where time stands still; and in this moment, Oksana and Eve share a moment of honesty about the past and future.
Do you ever think about the past?
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All of the time.
Eve can tell immediately that something is deeply bothering Villanelle and so her offer to dance serves as a temporary distraction but also as an opportunity to find real peace.
I want to feel carefree.
Well dancing will do that.
The freedom they are discussing here is emotional freedom. Both Villanelle and Eve have their own internal demons they are battling and neither have been able to find peace on their own.
Dancing is not my thing.
Mine either, but it’s good to try new things.
The origin of the word dance came from the Latin word saltare which means to “leap with emotion”. What Eve is offering Villanelle is emotional support by “letting it win” in order to quit their self-destructive habits of repressing their feelings around each other. In other words, they are actively giving into their emotions to feel and deal with it together rather than keep it all buried inside.
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They both fumble at first, this is something new after all, but then they begin to talk openly with each other as they sway in sync. While staring at a happy elderly couple, Villanelle asks Eve is she wants to be like them. What she is really asking here is: Would a long, normal and carefree life make you happy?
Eve honestly replies no. Why?
We’d never make it that long. We’d consume each other before we hit old age.
Eve’s reply is significant because she envisions her life with Villanelle in it and associates her with happiness. In her brain, she re-framed the question from “Would I be happy” to “Would we be happy?” For Eve, to be happy means to have Villanelle but she recognizes that this situation of teatime dancing in the fantasy ballroom is not sustainable for them. Eve understands that happiness means becoming fully consumed mind, body, and soul by Villanelle which may not allow them to live a long life with the danger and chaos they always find themselves involved in.
I’ve killed a lot of people
Villanelle said these exact words to her mother. In this instance she was rejected, told she had a darkness, and instructed to leave.
With Eve, she was immediately accepted without hesitation and held in a loving embrace.
I know.
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When she dances with Eve, she is Oksana. No pretense, no cheeky jokes, no lies. She is just a girl dancing with her wife, because this scene proves they are married, but when Eve leaves and she turns to talk to Rhian, Villanelle the mask is back on. Now she is cheeky, the pretense is back, and the game of lies is on.
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Rhian leads Villanelle away to take her to see Helene in order to, once again, play by another handler’s set of rules.
Come a long little sheep.
Villanelle is determined to maintain her autonomy and have the happy life that Eve envisioned for the two of them. Killing Rhian to have her dream life takes its toll since murdering is no longer something she can disassociate from.
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I’m sorry.
Villanelle now feels things when she kills. This was the cost of learning what love means and opening herself up emotionally. She is now capable of feeling love and happiness, but this means she can also feel pain and loss. This kill was a milestone for her because we see this balance of Villanelle the assassin and Oksana the woman.
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Interestingly, Eve (aka Tallulah Shark) has a similar experience at the betting parlor and with her exchange with Konstantin. She osculates from not a nice lady to innocent and caring throughout both of these scenes.
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I think this was significant in depicting how both Eve and Villanelle are capable of attaining balance between their darkness and light. More importantly, they are most at center when they together both emotionally and physically.
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Now I know many of you are wondering: What was the point of Geraldine?
I think her point was literally to annoy the emotions out of Carolyn. She was annoying to us because that’s how Carolyn felt also.
Carolyn has been a spy for decades and has learned to separate her work life from her personal life. The death of Kenny was what forever merged these two aspects of her life; but the death of her son alone was not enough of a trauma for Carolyn to willingly “let it win” by succumbing to her guilt in order to feel this great loss. She needed someone to pry these feelings out of her unwillingly.
That’s what you say it’s about, but what’s this really about?
So, in a way, Geraldine is the therapist Carolyn never asked for but desperately needed in order to find peace with the death of Kenny which she achieves in her final scene with provocation from someone else she cares about: Konstantin.
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Konstantin has betrayed literally everyone in his life including his own family. What’s interesting about this scene is that Villanelle is watching this whole exchange without any knowledge of Eve and Carolyn’s investigation into Kenny’s death. In fact, she seemed to have no knowledge of Carolyn and Konstantin’s past.
Villanelle is witnessing this relationship for the first time unfold and she realizes that Konstantin, someone she considered a friend/ family, is using Carolyn’s love for him against her. It’s truly a fascinating detail.
I feel like the series has drawn many parallels between Carolyn and Konstantin’s relationship to Eve and Villanelle’s. Both couples are literal enemies to lovers. Much like Dasha, this is a glimpse into what Villanelle and Eve’s future relationship might look like if they continue their current career paths. Their relationship will dissolve into nothing more than transactions and lies all centered around work.
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What Villanelle doesn’t know, is that Konstantin has used Carolyn’s feelings against her to save himself before. Let us recall the car driving scene from the previous episode. He flat out lied about what he was discussing with Kenny in order to save himself from Carolyn’s inquisition and reckless driving. Konstantin has no rules set and no set of morals. He just wants to stay alive.
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Winners win alone.
Once again, Konstantin shamelessly chooses himself above all others. He plays his last hand by telling Carolyn he loves her to influence her decision making by tugging at her feelings.
In this moment it clicks for Villanelle. This is the type of behavior her mother showed her and her siblings. She manipulated the feelings of those that loved her and used them to manipulate them into doing her bidding or boasting her ego.  With this realization, Villanelle saw that her mother was not her family, and neither is Konstantin.
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He only called out to her when he was desperate and blatantly ignored her own calls of desperation throughout their entire relationship. She also witnesses Carolyn spare Konstantin. Instead of killing him out of anger and she let him go out of what little love she still holds for him. I believe this was a parallel to Villanelle shooting Eve in Rome out of anger. I think Villanelle recognized the difficult choice Carolyn made and why it’s so important for her and Eve to walk away from all of this if they want their happy life together.
Cold turkey.
Eve is not fully prepared to let all of this go. To her, fixating on the Twelve means fixating on Villanelle. So in this moment, I think she panicked and fled because she can’t comprehend how to live that life without Villanelle and the Twelve consuming her. She craves the excitement, the darkness, and chaos that comes with Villanelle.
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You’re so many things.
Eve comes to a place of acceptance and finally admits to Villanelle that they are the same and that she wanted Villanelle in her life all along. The cost was blowing up her own life; but Eve never truly wanted that life. She only became passionate and fully alive after Villanelle came crashing into her life.
Wear it down.
Since that 30 second meeting in the bathroom, Villanelle and Eve were forever changed. They briefly saw the monsters in each other. Neither recoiled. They continued to pursue each other and are finally at a point where they can fully see one another for exactly who they are. They were both seeking the relationship they now have. It’s not a normal relationship like the couple in the fantasy ballroom, but it’s the real connection they have both been yearning for.
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Help me make it stop.
At the end Villanelle offers Eve a solution to stopping all the pain, chaos, and darkness that comes with their unique relationship.
She is suggesting that Eve has to quit her cold turkey.
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Villanelle is presenting them both with the opportunity to cut ties with their consuming relationship and attain their individual freedom that they have both been trying to attain throughout this season.
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Ultimately, neither one is prepared to quit cold turkey. In the end, they choose to remain tethered by the red string of fate that binds them. They choose to view each other as equals and mutually consume each other to attain their version of love and happiness.
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It’s new challenge they willingly face together.
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Some Killing Eve (Villanelle) lockscreens for y’all
Like/Reblog if you save/use
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wearevillaneve · 4 years
The Twelve needed Villanelle back more than Villanelle needed The Twelve.
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Question: Tell me this, do you also believe the 12 were right not to give her any position of power and leadership in their ranks?
The ONLY conceivable reason The Twelve would have given Villanelle a position of power and leadership is they are following Don Corleone Rules and keeping their friends close, but their enemies closer. Maybe to get V on a tighter leash or a little closer when the time comes to take her out.   Who knows?  That's for fanfics to figure out.  The third season of Killing Eve sure didn't.
Looking at Felix, Rhian, Anton, Dasha, Konstantin, and Raymond, I am highly unimpressed with the shallow talent pool The Twelve has to draw upon.   I wouldn’t pick these fuck-ups to run a McDonald’s. Surely they have one or two other psycho killers like Villanelle ready to come off the bench and take the ball?
Hélène is the only person in The Twelve who brings any swag to the party.    She is super confident she could take Villanelle out, and it wouldn’t even be a major effort.  I believe her.   Hélène is a scary woman and I look forward to the time when her path crosses Villanelle and Eve in Season Four--whenever that finally gets going!
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Whatever comes next there are two things the next season absolutely has to be about: getting E&V horizontal on a soft bed or vertical against a hard wall and finally paying off whatever the threat is this mysterious cabal supposedly poses.    That, and doing right by E&V who were seriously short-changed in all the Family Matters madness the S3 writing crew wallowed in. 
Heathcote gave us some vague suggestion that Villanelle wanted to get the power that came with being a Keeper (even though its not clearly defined what that power even is) and she wanted to smell like a centurion and hold that power, then she got fascinated with babies as if she couldn't figure out why people even like babies, and Eve kissed/head-butted her, and yeah that happened too, and she got a sudden urge to go off and see her peeps and murder/death/kill her mama and blah-blah-blah.
Meanwhile, Dasha couldn’t kill one civilian even after sneaking up behind him and skewering him with a pitchfork.   Then Villanelle couldn’t kill Dasha with a golf club to the dome; a sloppy mistake compounded by Eve failing to finish off the senior citizen slayer by stepping on her chest when she should have stomped the shit out of her. 
It was--to put it kindly--a bit of a mess.
“What I've come to realize is that one cannot destroy The Twelve.“ Carolyn declared  Despite Carolyn’s change of heart coming out of nowhere in the S3 finale, it doesn’t mean she’s wrong about The Twelve.
The Twelve is supposedly this powerful, insidious, and unstoppable criminal cabal.  To believe Dasha and Raymond, they were working for the baddest of bad asses.
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The Threat:  They will take you apart for this. Both of you. And everyone you know. Inch by inch.
The Result: The Ginger Goon gets turned into kindling by Eve.   Not only do The Twelve not take Eve and Villanelle apart and everyone they know by inches, they welcome Villanelle back with open arms, instruct Dasha not to touch a fabulous hair on Eve’s head and Sugar Ray is never mentioned by anyone in Season 3.  
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The Threat:  She's moving up in the world. You'll never touch her now. You think you are winning. You will never win at this game. You can't beat us. You understand? I can kill you... any time.
The Result:  Dasha gets touched all right.  Touched with a golf club up against the head and a shoe squashing the shit out of her.  Her double humiliation ends with Dasha lying flat on her ass, looking all beat-up and sad before coding out in the hospital (and presumably dying).   See what your shit talking gets you, Dasha?  No reunion with your son in Russia, but instead a toe tag on a cold slab.  
What everybody fails to see until it is a little too late is that you do not tell Eve Polastri what she can and cannot do.   She will kill you just to prove how wrong you are.
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The Twelve is weak.  They aren’t scary.  They aren’t even all that competent. Except for Hélène.   She is scary and if you would tell her I said so, I’d appreciate it.     
As it stands, as evil criminal cabals go The Twelve is all sizzle and no steak, so step yo' villain game up, you gangsta wannabees because it's looking real shaky right about now.
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itsladykaramazov · 4 years
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so i did a bunch of 3x08 stickers
if you’re interested here you’ll find my killing eve collection
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vilanel · 4 years
[SPOILER ALERT] Episode 6 and 7 Synopsis
Ep 6 - End of Game
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Ep 7 - Beautiful Monster
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What do you think? Any thoughts? I’d love to see more theories/predictions/analysis based on this!
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So I had to take some time to come down after that last episode but all I have to say is
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satanaries-world · 4 years
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we-are-colleagues · 4 years
Villanelle - Character Analysis: Power & Growth:
Villanelle doesn’t kill without reason. 
This season has put a spotlight on her motivations, that can be traced back to S1. Villanelle kills for power and for Control. She’s not some Ted Bundy who kills to get her rocks off. It’s the power that she craves (and she gets off on). The changes we are seeing in Villanelle in the recent episodes are a product of this core drive and motivation being challenged. 
In S3, we hear Villanelle vocalise this connection. A lot. She names the scent she confronts Eve in "Power". She purses her family because she believes the knowledge – the truth – will make her more powerful. She agrees to work for the Twelve again because she is promised power.
The key to changes we are seeing unfold in Villanelle is due to them unpicking the driving force behind her actions. In her mind killing and violence has always granted her power and control. It’s a link her upbringing cemented in her and that The Twelve have fostered ever since.
The Evolution of Her Kills
The first kill we ever see on screen is bone-chilling (The Hairpin). She absolutely delights in the kill. It’s like she drains the life force out of him as he falls to his knees before her. She feels powerful watching him die.
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But even in S2, her glee is diminished. I think immediately of the pig kill. Konstantin is distracting her in Amsterdam with this job. She’s killing for a scorned wife, hardly the world-changing targets she’s used to. She’s bored the whole episode and missing Eve. She has to dress the kill up to intrigue herself and to get Eve’s attention. To Konstantin, afterwards, she remarks, ‘It didn’t feel like anything’. That thrill from S1 is absent. She didn’t feel powerful killing this man and the experience pales incomparison to what Eve makes her feel.
In general, as of S2 there is no more looking into people’s eyes as she kills them. The last time she really felt the power she chases was when she killed Aaron Peel and it turned out Carolyn was using her. Then, of course, when she watched Eve kill Raymond, where she was the one controlling Eve and seemingly, getting everything she wanted.
The kills in S3 ramp up this contrast to S1. Her spice kill lacks her usual flamboyance, she’s more interested in posing the body and challenging Dasha than the kill. She wants to prove she’s better, more powerful. Her garden kill is almost merciful. She takes more joy in playing with the woman than killing her. 
Villanelle is motivated this season not so much by the power she feels from each kill, but the power promised to her by Dasha and The Twelve if she makes it to the rank of Keeper.
Her Relationship With Eve
This hardwired understanding is challenged when she attempting to kill Eve and their connection. Let’s dive into why she shot Eve, framed through this understanding of why Villanelle kills. 
Villanelle’s perception of love is also skewered around control. Villanelle tries to narrow Eve’s world and her options to just running away with her to Alaska. When Eve realises she’s been manipulated, Eve acknowledges how they are alike by chooses to walk away anyway.
Villanelle has just borne her soul to Eve, made herself vulnerable by telling Eve that she loves her and she’s shut down. Completely. As soon as that happens Villanelle feels like she’s lost control of this situation, of Eve, of herself and she shots. It purely an attempt to regain some control and power, as killing and violence have always been for her.
Villanelle believes Eve is dead and six months later she is talking about her on her wedding day. When she finds out Eve is alive, she can’t pretend that she was in control of their connection or had gotten over Eve. That is why she makes such a show of her power to Eve as if to say “it doesn’t matter that you didn’t die, I’m more powerful than ever now”. She dresses in a men’s suit, wears the perfume Power and invades Eve’s life on her commute to work. Even physically she takes control of Eve. But it doesn’t mean anything in the end. Eve has just as much if not more power than Villanelle in that scene. She has the power to give Villanelle what she really wants.
(Look I was gonna put a quote here from Sandra Oh about Villanelle being physically stronger than Eve in the bus scene but she still never hurting her. And that it demonstrates how Eve’s power over Villanelle’s psyche continues to grow. I can’t find it anywhere so like let me know if you know what I’m talking about. I swear it exists.)
UPDATE (edit): I found it.
"Villanelle at all times can physically overpower Eve, but what grows is Eve's influence on Villanelle's psyche. Which is like [Villanelle] won't, even though she can"  X
Villanelle entire relationship with Eve is a push and pull of power where Eve maintains her power without violence (aside from the stabbing in S1). In the bus scene, it is won through an act of affection, or omission that she feels similarly about Villanelle. 
Her Mother
What trying to kill Eve started, killing her mother finished.
Villanelle thinks killing her mother will give her control, give her power over herself.  Literally serve as a way to kill her demons. However, I think Jodie put it best in this interview:
“You can see the regret that she is already feeling but feels she has to go through with it — because I think she feels it’s the only way she feels she can fully kill her past and the woman that she was,” Comer says. “But actually in some ways, it’s like she kills Villanelle; it’s Oksana who is her true self and who she can’t get away from. So I think actually by doing what she has done, it has the complete opposite effect of what she was hoping for. For me now, at this point, I think Villanelle is her own worst enemy, and she’s coming to the realization that that may have been the case all along.” x
If we compare her killing Tatiana to say her first kill. The choice to not show her killing her mother cannot be ignored. It’s like even Villanelle doesn’t want to look at it:
“Villanelle has always looked into the eyes of those she’s killed, and in one draft the kill was actually [depicted], and I was like, ‘Maybe she can’t look at her; maybe she has to cover her mother’s face. This isn’t as easy as she thinks,'” Comer tells Variety. “I think Villanelle’s having a real identity crisis after the events of Episode 5.”
Villanelle doesn’t expect it to but killing her mother wounds her. Robs her of some of her power and makes her lose control.
S3 pulled off what could have been a disastrous dive into Villanelle’s past. You are encouraged to understand Villanelle was always like this. Probably would have always been. But we are also meant to see her mother’s influence, especially on her understanding of power and control and why she would be so fixation on obtaining it after being under her mother thumb.
We see Tatiana’s influence affecting her brothers lives as well. Pyotr stays there simply because he is told to. He has his own anger issues which he takes out on a couch. Pyotr attempts to control that side of himself, while Villanelle has always lent into it. She even suggests he just take it out on people instead, it will make him feel better. She doesn’t understand the need or benefit in controlling her own darkness.
In many of the scenes where Villanelle speaks to others about her mother, she mentions her mother’s covert and overt attempts to control all of them. Villanelle hopes that killing her mother might finally free her, give her back control. But in a echo of her advice to Pyotr taking it out on her mother doesn’t make her feel any better.
My assessment of Dasha’s role in this season has change from 3x01. She was quite impressive in the first ep. She looked dangerous, which she is, but having spent more time with her and seen how Villanelle easily copied her signature kill, how she messed up killing Niko and how she lost at bowling to Eve. It’s clear she’s a washed up has-been assassin. I think in a way she is meant to make Villanelle consider the future available to her in this kind of life.
Dasha is one of the few assassins that makes it to old age. Villanelle is too confident to consider she would die doing this job. That said, I don’t think she’s given much thought to her future, especially not one without Eve.
Dasha is our glimpse at it. A woman, who when she should be retired, rich, and happy is still playing this game. She can’t even return home. Whatever power Dasha wield doesn’t grant her what she wants. Her legacy and her status have earnt her little. She is still taking orders from the same people. This must surely motivate Villanelle’s ascent through the ranks of The Twelve. Villanelle is after power and Dasha is dwarfed by the likes of Hélène
 Keeper, but not a keeper
This brings us to 3x06. Villanelle is finally made a Keeper, the job description isn’t as lavish as she hoped. They offer her more money, more material possession but send her on the same old missions. Where is the power she was promised? It is here where she finally gets a whiff of how much The Twelve are truly controlling her.
I think this is why the Hairdresser kill goes so poorly. To kill this man is almost a forfeit of her power, to knowingly do it when she is being control. She knows she’s been fooled. It must be driving her crazy. Cause this is bullshit.  For the first time she feels like a pawn working for The Twelve rather than powerful.
She’s just killed her mother. She’s head deep in her childhood trauma, that is all centred around being used and controlled. This insult from The Twelve hits different. Killing no longer offers what she always sought from it. The strings are pulling loose on what makes Villanelle, Villanelle. Talk about an identity crisis.
It’s all quite raw, she’s changing before our eyes, I doubt we will see this weepy emotional Villanelle forever. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this unlinking of power and control with killing suddenly make Villanelle a saint. Not a single part of her felt bad for the man she killed, she just didn’t want to do it.  
It might lead Villanelle to ask whether she has ever been in control of her own darkness. We talk so much about Eve letting go, perhaps, on the other side of that Villanelle needs to take control and realise she is her own worst enemy sometimes.
In the same episode, Villanelle falls apart we see Eve wield her own power and darkness without violence, even though we know she’s capable of it. We are watching Eve reach an equilibrium with her darkness while Villanelle is seesawing.
In summary, this season has reinforced and emphasised why Villanelle does what she does – for power and control - and then gone on to challenge her understanding of it completely. It’s given Villanelle room to grow and change.
I think it’s so interesting, if you can’t tell from reading this whole thing. I always thought the show would be too scared to change Villanelle so drastically, though some change is definitely necessary, especially for her and Eve to have anything stable. I thought the show relied too heavily on Villanelle pulling of a hit every episode to tamper with her drive to kill. But it’s delicious and opens up a world of possibility. This doesn’t mean we’ll get soft Villanelle anytime soon but maybe a more calculated Villanelle, whose interests better align with Eve’s. 
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userastarion · 4 years
to absolutely no one's surprise i'm going to ask you about agent carter, but also killing eve!
oooo okay so i definitely need to keep rewatching AC bc it’s been a while and as of recently i’ve only seen the pilot again lol but Let’s Do This
(also, this is not a spoiler-free post if you’re not caught up! particularly for KE)
agent carter
the first character i ever fell in love with: does peggy count? i loved her in catfa and that love only continued to grow throughout the show!
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: honestly i can’t remember 😅 i feel like by the end of s2 i was kind of ambivalent towards jack thompson, but watching it again i’m like wow this guy really is a douchebag huh? 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i didn’t really have a ton of ships in the show! i’m gonna say n/a on this one
my ultimate favorite character™: gotta be peggy, but i really really love edwin jarvis!!
prettiest character: peggy again lmao
my most hated character: to be honest w/you i can’t remember if i hated anyone? i don’t love the boss guy
my OTP: peggy x daniel ♥ but also peggy x angie!!!
my NOTP: hm. i can’t think of one
favorite episode: i think “the atomic job,” s2e5!
saddest death: i can’t think of any deaths sldjflsdk
favorite season: i think s1!
least favorite season: that only leaves s2 lmao
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: n/a
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: n/a
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: i’m gonna say angie martinelli bc she was underutilized & i love her!!
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: n/a
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: i could maybe get into enemies to lovers sousa x thompson but otherwise i don’t have one
killing eve
the first character i ever fell in love with: eve polastri!!
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: n/a
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i used to really root for eve and niko bc he really tried to be understanding, but honestly they just.. eve’s obsession was real bad for niko & he couldn’t handle it and so it was just bad for both of them. does that count?
my ultimate favorite character™: villanelle 🥰🥰
prettiest character: villanelle & eve!
my most hated character: frank sucked. ALSO THAT RICH DUDE WHO GOT OFF ON CONTROLLING VILLANELLE OR W/E, I HATED HIM. aaron i think was his name?
my OTP: villaneve!!
my NOTP: villanelle/konstantin, they’re too father/daughter for that
favorite episode: the one where dasha throws the baby in the trash
saddest death: kenny D:
favorite season: hmmm maybe 2? i loved them all though
least favorite season: 1? i think the show improved as it went on
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: idk about the fandom at large but my friend loves konstantin and i am... not as much a fan. i don’t hate him by any means but i don’t like, love him
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: dasha. also honestly carolyn. carolyn is a stone-cold bitch & i respect her for that
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: KENNY
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: n/a
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: kenny x elena? i wish elena had come back in later seasons
send me a fandom!
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hey!!! hope ur having a nice saturday!! what did u think of the first ep in season 3 of killing eve?? fortunately i’m a dyke but otherwise i’d call it kinda boring ://
i really loved the wedding scene and so far i love dasha (i adore harriet walter to begin with, and here’s me plugging the show flowers again so you can see her as a lesbian priest), but i also found it a bit slow. that being said, i think they had a lot of plot points to tie up, and those plot points werent ones that make exciting screen time: they were all emotional things, like how eve is coping with what was really the destruction of her whole life, carolyn’s various deceptions, and niko’s mental state. i have confidence that with those things sorted in the pilot, the rest of the series will be closer to what we’ve come to expect in the last two seasons (some of the rumours i’ve heard definitely point to that, but i won’t get into specifics for the sake of not spoiling anyone). in any case boring or not i deeply and innately relate to the sentiment of “fortunately i’m a dyke”...villanelle wearing a tuxedo with a bloody nose many thoughts head full. have a good weekend angel x
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killingevedaily · 4 years
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Killing Eve 3x02 Management Sucks
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nightsh6de · 4 years
1, 3, 16, 39, 42, 43 :) x
hey, first off, thanks for sending in so many numbers!! i really appreciate it <3
1 : What was your favourite episode?
The finale, hands down! i haven’t stopped rewatching it since last sunday (i may be slightly obsessed). just everything about it was fantastic. it’s left the door wide open for the further development of villaneve in s4 & i’m just in love with the episode overall. truly the best episode of television i’ve ever seen 👌🏻
3 : What is your favourite Eve scene?
It’s honestly a tie for me between her confrontation with dasha in the bowling alley (she looked and acted so damn confident and that was honestly so sexy ngl) & the whole tallulah shark scene (peak comedy tbh). and i also just really loved her responses to villanelle in their finale scenes, but idk if that can count as an eve scene because she wasn’t really on her own?? but yeah seeing her growth shine through in the finale was so awesome!
16 : What is your favourite Eve outfit?
I lowkey feel like she was wearing the same outfit the whole damn season (i pray that s4 gives her some new, sexy outfits), but the one that really stands out in my mind is that turtleneck she wore while confronting dasha. i lost my mind when i saw the first pics of her in that scene tbh
39 : What do you want to see in terms of Villanelle and Eve’s relationship in s4?
I honestly just want to see them in the same space together for the majority of the season. I think s3 did such a great job of developing them as individuals, which in turn helped develop them as a duo (because they’re connected regardless of distance & circumstance), and then the finale just blew me away with how easily they set up the exact framework needed for putting them together in s4. so i’m really just wanting to see them fully lean in to their romantic & sexual tension, and maybe even have them work together in some capacity as well?? i’m not too clear on what the plot will fully be in regards to the twelve in s4, but yeah, i just hope they work together and, well, maybe make out & bang along the way lmao
42 : How do you think we will find Villanelle and Eve at the beginning of s4? Have they started a quiet life? Has there been a time jump? Are they still hunting the Twelve?
As with the previous question, i can’t even begin to imagine what the plot will be in s4 regarding the twelve, but i do have hope that villaneve will work together to take them down or something along those lines.
I personally would really love if there was no time jump & laura neal chose to pick back up on the bridge. i feel like there’s so much potential to benefit from that tension that they left us with after they turned around. but at the same time, i think no matter what laura chooses to do in the beginning, it’ll be brilliant!
In terms of the whole “quiet life” situation, i really don’t see villaneve ever living a quiet life lmao but it might be kind of comedic to make it seem like they’re hidden and unbothered but then have everything kinda go to shit. again, i’m sure laura will come up with some wild stuff for s4 that will blow any of our predictions out of the water
43 : What do you want to see explored in terms of the larger plot in s4?
Ahhh i feel so bad to say the same thing again, but i just have no clue where they’ll go with everything outside of villaneve, and i honestly don’t even have any ideas or expectations of my own! i guess that just generally, i want to figure out more about the twelve & more about carolyn. maybe see what happened to konstantin & irina?? idk tho that’s all i can come up with 😬
again, thank you so much for sending in some numbers!! i had a fun time answering these <3
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lesbiangracehanson · 4 years
Killing Eve for the fandom meme!
Want as my mentor: literally.......none of them BUT if i did have to pick one then probably konstantin purely bc i like his laugh + he ends up letting villanelle get away w/ so much....... exactly what u want in a mentor  
Bake cupcakes for: kenny, i have no reason for this other than he put up w/ A LOT of stuff + cupcakes r probably the very least he deserved 
Lend my books to: carolyn, we could do a book swap i feel like she’s probs got a good selection of books!
Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: dasha’s lol, a dangerous move i know BUT i think it’d be funny 
Have a crush on: both villanelle + eve, for kind of wildly different reasons actually 
Pack up and leave if they moved next door: hélène...... she’s somewhere vaguely higher up in the twelve AND she just generally had bad vibes, i’d be outta there x
Follow as captain of a ship: carolyn, it’s like i KNOW she’s untrustworthy but nonetheless i think in a stressful moment i’d appreciate her calmness + pragmatism 
Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: ELENA!!!!!! i’ve been reading so many killing eve fics recently + elena turns up so much in them + i’ve been realising how much i miss her :( she’d be the PERFECT partner in a buddy movie, comedy gold!!
Marry: since in a dream world eve + villanelle would be marrying each other, i will say elena!!! we could all double date, might b nice x
Want as my boss: bill!!!! what a 10/10 boss he was, another character i really miss 
Sue: the writers for the lack of eve in s3 >:( 
Want as my best friend: villanelle, so long as it was a genuine best friend-vibe not a fake villanelle/amber situation OR bill!! he was such a good friend to eve, the ideal wingman/best friend/general confidante!
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wearevillaneve · 4 years
Killing Eve S3, E1: “Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey” is a big, flashing yellow light.
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The wait is over!  Last night we got our first taste of sinful Eve and sinful Villanelle in over a year and after the shitstorm that was their final encounter in Rome, we were were all left wondering what comes next for our malevolent Murder Wives. The answer is “Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey” which some KE stans are taking as a caution to chill, sit back and let the show continue being the slowest of slow burns it has been in its 16 previous episodes.    Sorry.  I just can’t.  This episode was choppy erratic and some parts weren't put together well. The wedding itself was a huge letdown.  There was like NO chemistry between Villanelle and her bride. Like zero.   No kissing, no hand-holding, no excitement.   Were you thirsting for V to lip lock her lady love?  Me too, but the Killing Eve writers seemingly said, “HA!  YOU GET NOTHING!” Villanelle just seemed like she was sleepwalking through her so-called “special day.”    
Then Dasha shows up, Villanelle immediately attacks her and the wedding ends up in an all-out brawl with the two Russian killers, nursing shared bloody noses as their car with a “Just Married” sign on the back and tin cans tied to streamers rattle and clatter.  
It didn’t work.  Any of it.  What the fuck happened to those promises that Villanelle was very much “loved up” with her Spanish senorita?   I didn’t see anything remotely resembling affection between V and her boo.   Maybe in another episode we’ll learn more, but conceivably that could be the last we see of The Bride of Villanelle. 
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The high points of this muddled premier was Villanelle’s sloppy kill of a shop owner and Kenny taking a tumble.   Off a building.  Insert your preferred South Park joke here.  I’m sure Sean Delaney’s heard them all by now. 
It would really make Carolyn a monster if she were to off her own son, but would I be totally surprised if she did? Nope.
Meanwhile, Eve be Evein’.  Working a shit job, visiting her PTVD (Post-Traumatic Villanelle Disorder) suffering hubby in the convalescent home and protesting way too much how much she’s totally done with her old life...right up until she’s not. Drunk texting Kenny was cute, and they had a sweet moment just sitting there and talking. I’m going to miss Kenny. He was the only character (Niko’s not a character. He’s a foil) whose moral compass wasn’t hopelessly damaged or totally broken. Sandra did so much with so little to work with while Jodie’s Villanelle seemed slightly bored by the whole proceedings. I know the feeling.
It's not an unfair observation to note that while Phoebe Waller Bridge thought it was a good move to empower other women by changing out the showrunner/head writer each season it does cost KE the continuity that other shows have.  Vulture writer Jen Cheney explained how these substitutions may explain Killing Eve’s maddening inconsistency. And those qualities sprang from series creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who also acted as lead wrier in season one. Though she’s still an executive producer, Waller-Bridge has passed that baton to a different woman each season. Last season it was her friend, actress (Call the Midwife, The Crown), writer, and now director (Promising Young Woman) Emerald Fennell. In season three, it’s Suzanne Heathcote, a British playwright who previously worked on Fear the Walking Dead. It’s wonderful that different women are getting this opportunity and being encouraged to pursue their own visions. But inevitably, it leads to a show that, season to season, lacks consistency and has lost the idiosyncrasy that originally defined it.
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Killing Eve is empowering women in front and behind the camera and that’s good.  But none of them have topped Waller Bridge’s opening act and that’s bad.  Case in point: Better Call Saul which just had maybe their best episode last week and was directed by creator Vince Gilligan and his number two, Peter Gould. I think it helps to have an overarching vision and creative continuity for a show to truly grow and flourish. I'm all for putting women in positions formerly occupied by men, but I can see why some critics and fans feel Killing Eve may have reached the end of its shelf life with the whole "cat-and-mouse/will-they-or-won't-they" dynamic. There's still space to explore, but not a whole lot. At some point they have to move the story along. We still don't know much more about The Twelve in S3 than we did in S1, as we learned nothing about them in S2. KE is a compressed show due to its limited number of episodes. Sometimes in erratic episodes like the S3 opener where the wedding turns into a brawl it doesn't entirely work. Nor would I place too much faith in the suggestion by some fans that PWB is overseeing the entire workings of the show behind the scenes. Phoebe doesn't seem the type to be looking over the shoulder of her successors and telling them, "Do this. Don't do that." Being a showrunner means just that: You Run the Show. The six-month time jump was an error.   It robbed us of Eve’s recovery and how Villanelle moved on and into another relationship.  If you drop the entire opening sequence of Dasha’s origin story and instead focus on how Eve survived her last encounter with Villanelle or show where she went after she shot her obsession down in cold blood.
The bloom is off the KE rose.  You’re only news for a short time and then you’re old news with a past track record that is ripe for to be reviewed and compared.  That may not be fair to the show, but it is fair for critics and audiences to compare what Killing Eve is to what it was and conclude while it’s better than 99 percent of the competition,  it’s just not as good as it once was.
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 If we had been given that scene perhaps we might have a better perspective why Eve is so pathetic and why Villanelle is trying to put on a happy face when she’s anything but. I mean she treated her supposed bride like one of her dead exe’s.  
That would have been enough to up the premier to a “B.”   But we didn’t get that scene so I’m dropping the grade down.  
Oh, and fuck you Niko. Mr. Nice Guy and a permanently weak, wimpy, wuss of a character.  Every time you show up with your droopy mustache I have to resist the urge to projectile vomit.  It should have been your pitiful ass one to take The Big Drop instead of Eve’s last link to normalcy and possibly, sanity. 
Rest In Power, Kenny Stowton.   You met someone all right, but it turned out to be the Grim Reaper.   Plus, you probably died a virgin. You deserved better, but then so did we.  
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