oh-nostalgiaa · 2 years
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Hello, @asteroiideae, it's me, your R1 Crew Secret Santa! It's been a pleasure writing for you, although I had to take a big chunk of time to recover from a fun lil illness and this isn't nearly as long as I would have liked it to be!
The prompt was pretty much to write whatever my heart desired (a fun AU) and I was inspired by @carr-crashh-heartss-archive's lovely pirate au waves & the both of us, so have a sequel of sorts! I wish I could've sent snippets along the way but that would have ruined the pirate aspect! I really hope you like it and happy holidays to you. <3
You can find this fic on A03.
come back with the waves
The sea sometimes called to Captain Cassian Andor.
But he no longer heeded that call. Could no longer return to the man he had once been when sailing had been the very blood running through his veins. Decades worth of hard work and egregious injuries had taken their toll and against his better judgment, he had been forced to retire.
The same brutal battle that had seen a cannonball strike throw Cassian from the crow's nest to the deck below, breaking him into a thousand metaphorical pieces, his crew - Jyn and Bodhi and Chirrut and Baze and Kay and others they had picked up along the way - emerged victorious, the supposedly unbeatable, unsinkable Death Star sinking beneath the blue, blue waves, taking her villainous Captain Krennic with it.
They should have been celebrating the new beginning they (and every pirate ship from Scarif to Naboo) were being given now that other pirate hunters were going on the run - or would, if they knew what was good for them) but instead they were mourning their dead and quietly praying that their brave captain would pull through.
First Mate Kay deferred to Jyn, who ordered the Rising Hope to Takodana, where Cassian could receive the best medical care possible in the shortest amount of time. To Maz, who always knew what to do.
Even so, Cassian's condition had been touch and go for quite some time, and nobody knew whether his broken bones would heal correctly or at all, if he would walk, if he would wake a fraction of the man he had been before. The main crew stayed behind to watch over their captain, the others released to other ships, to new pursuits, to return home if they so chose. But there was no question for Jyn and Kay and Bodhi and Chirrut and Baze - they were going to stay until their Captain woke, they were going to stay at least until they knew he would recover.
So they sat with him and read to him, told stories and reminisced, prayed over him and sang to him, pleaded with him to just wake up, sat with each other in the reassurance that this was not all in vain. And the day that he finally opened his eyes was a day full of tears and cheering and thanking whatever deities that watched over pirates like them for allowing him to come back.
Cassian's recovery, however, was long and painful and not without its fair share of setbacks and complications. He fought tooth and nail to learn to walk again, and while he depended heavily upon a cane to get him places, was able to see Chirrut and Baze off to Jedha, where they planned on housing and teaching children orphaned by the piracy wars. And by the time Bodhi set off as navigator to intrepid young explorer Luke Skywalker, Cassian could walk without it (for short distances), only curling an arm around Jyn to keep himself steady.
Still, six years post-injury, Cassian still felt aches and pains deep in his bones when the weather dipped low, could foretell the brewing of a storm off the coast well before it ever reached land. Oh, he heard the call of the wild waves, but he could no longer answer in the ways he used to. He could dip his toes in from time to time, on the good days when his ever-present pain was minimal. He could walk along the beach on the calmest days when the wind wasn't whipping hard enough to make him unsteady on his feet.
He could sit on a blanket and teach their four year old daughter everything he knew, show her the wonders of the treasures the sea sent to them from time to time in the form of shells and stones and washed up driftwood. They would watch for whales and dolphins to breach the water's surface, imitate the barking of the seals, the calls of the seabirds soaring overhead, study crabs and snails and starfish and whatever else they might find on their shore adventures.
And on the clearest nights - if the weather allowed - they would all lay out under the blanket of the night sky and watch for shooting stars, Cassian teaching Asta how to look for constellations, telling her what they were meant to signify, but also making her eyes light up with wonder when he shared the myths surrounding them. He was slightly more restrained when regaling Asta with tales from their days at sea, but that didn't much matter, she knew enough and was bright enough with a vivid enough imagination to fill in the gaps.
Cassian certainly couldn't move with as much grace as he once did, but when Asta begged for him to swordfight her, he always obliged. Asta, Queen of the Pirates, always won easily, giggling madly at the way her silly papa crumpled to the ground and dramatically begged her for mercy. And for all his fears about not having the capacity to be a good father, when he glanced up at his wife and her gently rounding belly, he was reassured that despite his faults and the inevitable ups and downs they faced, he was doing just fine.
They were doing just fine.
With Kay living nearby ( "Someone's got to watch over the pair of you, and I'm the best man for the job") and letters coming in on a fairly regular basis from Bodhi and Chirrut and Baze, it was almost as though the little family they had cobbled together was still as strong as ever
Maybe it wasn't exactly the life Cassian had ever imagined having for himself - or even living long enough to have - but he wasn't sure that he would change a moment of it. Not the loss or the heartache or the pain. All of it, everything, was just leading him to where he was always meant to be. No longer fighting to see the next day, but living fully and loving with his whole heart.
With Jyn and Asta and their baby on the way.
Safe and happy.
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andorerso · 4 years
166. “I’ll take care of you.” - “It’s rotten work.” - “Not to me. Not if it’s you.” , please and thanks. :0)
hello, thank you!! this is a bit depressing/melancholy but I hope you like it :)
also in my mind this is pre-relationship… just because I love them being soft with each other and acting like lovers even before they actually are. but it’s never really specified so you can read it however you want to!
Cassian is not the same after Scarif but it doesn’t stop Draven from sending him out the second he’s cleared for fieldwork. Jyn sees him off with a tight-lipped smile, refusing to put a name to what she’s feeling – but it stays with her the whole time he’s away, eating at her insides.
She knows how this goes; she’s been burned before. Cassian had welcomed her home but it’s not as though people didn’t break promises. He wouldn’t have to do it on purpose. All it would take is a bad intel, the wrong kind of informant, a blaster bolt he didn’t see coming. Then she’d be alone again, and she’s so tired of being alone. It hadn’t been until Cassian burst into her life and awakened her soul that she realized how much she craved this kind of intimacy only he could give her now.
When the notification of his arrival pings on her datapad, she excuses herself from the pilots she was chatting with and heads towards his room. His back is turned when she enters, his shirt off. Jyn can see the faint red line across his spine where they had to operate on him to save his mobility. He doesn’t turn around at the sound of the door and that’s how she knows he’s aware of her presence – anyone else, and he’d be on them with a blaster raised in a second. But he trusts her like this; back turned and vulnerable.
It’s a bad sign, however, that he doesn’t greet her. He’s upset; she can tell from the way he holds himself, the way he focuses single-mindedly on the task in front of him. Jyn steps closer, careful. She has to stop herself from reaching out to touch his shoulder because she doesn’t want to spook him.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he answers, his voice curt. A pause. Jyn waits. “Can you… can you get my back?”
His voice is softer now, just a little bit – an ordinary person wouldn’t notice but she does. He reaches for the medpac on the table and she realizes he’d been putting a bacta patch on a recent injury. Jyn’s mouth twists as she stares at the fresh red wound on his abdomen. It’s probably not too serious, nothing that would kill him but… but the animal instincts in her are still screaming to protect him.
He shouldn’t be pushing himself so hard but they don’t have the luxuries of choosing their fate.
He holds out a tube of ointment to her, and she takes it wordlessly. She’s done this before, many times in the aftermath of Scarif. It helps ease his pain, and the thing she quickly learned about Cassian was that he never complained. If he willingly accepted or asked for pain relief, it had to be bad.
She tries not to think about that, or his soft hiss of discomfort as she rubs the ointment onto his skin. He thanks her quietly once they’re done, pulling on a clean shirt, and settling down on the edge of his bed. She follows suit, watching him with his downcast eyes and sagging shoulders. She doesn’t want to push him so she waits.
“You always take care of me,” he murmurs after a while. He almost sounds guilty about it.
She smiles, a small thing. “Somebody has to.”
Cassian huffs out a quiet laugh, both fond and painful. “I’m just… so tired.”
Jyn doesn’t ask him what happened out there but she thinks about his injury, she thinks about her restlessness while he was away, she thinks about the possibility that one of these days, he might not come back. And she says, “We can go. We can leave.” She reaches out to him, her fingers wrapping around his wrist. “I’ll take care of you.”
Cassian shakes his head, watching her from under his lashes. “It’s rotten work.”
“Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
He looks at her for a second before pulling her into his arms. Jyn melts into him, letting his embrace calm some of her anxiety, his physical touch like a balm to her poor tattered heart. They breathe in and out in sync, clinging to each other like they were the last two people in the galaxy. Cassian rests his head in the crook of her neck, his breath hot on her skin.
“I can’t leave,” he murmurs at last, though she already knew as much. It was a pipedream from the start, a longing for certainty and safety and peace. But Cassian can’t give her certainty, and she can’t ask him to.
“I know,” she reassures him, understanding.
“Will you stay anyway?”
Jyn smiles into his neck, her eyes closing as she buries herself in the scent of him.
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spacepandar · 4 years
"Words so great, words so real/Words so desperate and concealed" - Generational Synthetic by Beach Fossils
put a "∞" in my ask box and I'll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up
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gaelgarcia · 5 years
I would die for you by Miley Cyrus
Home by One Direction
Empty Garden by Elton John
No Expectations by The Rolling Stones
Fuck it I love you by Lana del Rey
Delicate by Taylor Swift
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callioope · 5 years
happy birthday!
Thank you!! :D
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melanoradrood · 6 years
66 - Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In please :D
in honor of rebelcaptainsmutweekend 
They’ve been at this for weeks now, working to assemble a KX unit, where they could place the memory core for Kay. When he had been shot on Scarif, what had been destroyed was the power supply, the battery station… in essence, his heart. What had been unaffected, however, was the brain, everything that made Kay, well, Kay.
They had only had a few seconds to grab it, Cassian knowing exactly what to grab, having previously reprogrammed part of it to give Kay free choice, to join the Rebellion, to join Cassian, but even with the knowledge of what was important, the wires were frayed, some had to be entirely replaced, and it was slow work.
The chassis was perfect, the shell of it all ready to accept what was missing, and now, they just have to finish replacing the issues on the core. There had been blaster residue, one of the circuits was completely fried, and Jyn had somehow managed to completely destroy part of the ocular drive, which meant replacing it… but today, if they kept at it, it would be done.
Kay would be in a new body, and they could bring him back up. His last memories would be of death, or near death, and then…
He would be with them, in Cassian’s room on Crait, the current base of Intelligence for the Rebel Alliance.
“I have to admit, I have missed it,” Jyn says, carefully holding the magnifying glass over the chamber. Cassian is working with tiny tools, attempting to slide the wire into place, wrapping it around with a pair of tweezers, and it’s hard to see, even with all of the lights on.
“What, you mean you miss the sarcasm?” Cassian asks, grinning a little under his breath.
“I miss someone else calling you on your bantha shit,” she retorts, and Cassian has to pull away to fix her with a glare, then chuckle a little.
“Yes, well, I am certain he will have a lot to say, once he’s awake again.”
They have a list of things to tell the droid, like about what happened on Scarif, how the Death Star was destroyed, why they were no longer on Yavin…
In particular, Jyn wants to know his thoughts on her, whether or not she is a friend, even how he feels about… well, she’s interested to know Kay’s thoughts about her, and Cassian…
She hasn’t said anything to Cassian about it, of course. His thoughts, in their downtime, have been entirely on this project. She knows it’s important to him, understands why, and when she had brought back the KX from one of her missions, he had nearly cried. Nearly two months later, and Kay is almost back together.
She doesn’t know what they’ll have to talk about, after this, what they’ll do together. It had been awkward, once they were both out of medical, to find a reason to spend time with one another, to find ways to see him, but now…
She’s happy, honestly, that she can return his friend to him, that she can help him like this, but it means returning to being alone. She’s still not officially part of the Rebel Alliance, not really, and she could leave, but… she keeps hoping that Cassian will ask her to stay, rather than just assuming she won’t go. 
“And, there,” Cassian says, the last wire finished being wrapped.
They haven’t charged the unit, yet, instead waiting until everything is plugged in, and when Cassian carefully sets the core into the frame, they both hold their breath. Everything gets plugged in, wires attached, and once it’s done…
Cassian plugs it into the charging unit, so that they can wait to see what happens, wait to see if Kay is in there, if they had done this properly.
There’s a blaster sitting on the table, and they don’t talk about it, but Jyn knows where to aim to disable the thing, to not harm the memory core.
“How long?” she asks, and Cassian licks his lips.
“A few minutes, maybe? Could be an hour. It all depends on how long it takes for everything to power up enough for the core to download the data of the new frame, and for the frame to accept the core.”
A few minutes to an hour, before she has to say good bye.
“I’ve enjoyed this, with you,” she says, and she doesn’t look at Cassian, her eyes still on the KX. She won’t think of it as Kay until she hears the tinny voice laced with sarcasm. “Working on the droid, I mean. Thank you, for allowing me to help.”
A hand covers hers, and Jyn looks up to see Cassian leaning in, holding onto her hand tight.
“Jyn… you cannot possibly…” He pauses, then shakes his head. She can guess what he was trying to say, but she lets him restart his thoughts. “I am forever grateful for what you have given me. I couldn’t imagine not doing this with you. Thank you.”
She smiles at him, something tight, and gives a nod. His hand doesn’t let go, though, and she realizes he’s still leaning in, eyes locked on hers.
“Cassian…” She breathes out his name, and he nods, like he might know what she’s trying to say, trying to ask, even if she doesn’t.
“Jyn, you must know…”
He can’t seem to bring himself to go any further, but he doesn’t have to. She can see it in his eyes. His eyes, which are lingering on her lips. Her tongue flicks out, wetting them, and Cassian sucks in a breath, licking his own lips. Her eyes are drawn to it, drawn to the movement, and she…
Karking hell, she wants to kiss him, wants him to kiss her. She thinks he might want it as well, and that opens up so many other questions that Jyn hasn’t even begun to figure out for herself, but she wants to know. She wants him to tell her, to show her, before she has to lean in.
She does it anyways, even though she’s scared, and he does so as well. They’re both leaning forward, not, and his eyes flick up to hers for a moment, then back down to her lips. Neither of them is pulling away, but neither of them is closing the gap either.
She thinks, then, that this is it… this is the stalemate. This is their great story, right here, where they both leaned in, and no one made the final move. She’ll leave this room, leave his life, and forever look back on this moment, wondering what would have happened if she had just leaned in.
Jyn knows, realistically, that life is short, and she’ll be damned if she’s going to live with any regrets.
Closing the last few inches, Jyn presses her lips to his. She can’t even pull back, because Cassian is kissing her back, his hand moving from hers to her hair, cupping her cheek. His lips part immediately, and she presses into him, her body taking the two steps towards him so that they’re grabbing at one another.
There’s a faint sound beside her, but Jyn doens’t notice, because Cassian has already got her hair down, his fingers running through it, and she’s gripping at his shirt, holding him tight, trying to not let him go.
“… Oh God. Is this hell?”
They both rip away from one another, looking to see that the KX unit is alive, and there’s a whirling that sounds absurdly familiar, just like Kay, letting out a sigh.
“Yes, this must be hell. It’s the only logical answer.”
Jyn lets out a laugh, then looks up at Cassian, who is grinning.
“Welcome back, old friend. We have so much to tell you…”
Find the Prompt List here!
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sublimesenorita · 7 years
Hello @carr-crashh-heartss- I am your secret RebelCaptain Valentine. Here is your gift! Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart! 
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rxbxlcaptain · 7 years
I'd like ... 'are you still awake ... ?', if you wouldn't mind. :)
Months ago while searching for writing inspiration, I found an prompt that said “You were supposed to be aone night stand, but we ended up talking till dawn instead of sex. And wow wereally click, so do you maybe want to have breakfast and stay longer?” and I’d really wanted to write that for these two (it just seemed to fit so well!) and with this sentence prompt I was finally able to do it! So enjoy a modern, not-quite-a-one-night-stand AU :)
The first fingers of light were coloring the distant horizonwhen the balcony door slid open behind her. She didn’t turn at the noise,leaving her head resting on her hand and her eyes trained on the early sunrise.
“Are you stillawake?” Cassian asked gently, the accent that first intrigued her lastnight at the bar thicker now, more tired than it was when she’d first heard it.
“You’d been quiet for so long, I wasn’t sure.” At that, Jynturned to him, enjoying the way his lips curved up into a half smile and hiseyes softened as he looked at her.
“What can I say?” Jyn gave him a smile of her own, teasing.“You wore me out last night.”
“Yeah,” Cassian laughed, moving to sit in the chair besideher, propping his feet up on the balcony railing. “Just not quite in the way Iwas expecting.”
“It’s not my fault you believe ‘All You Need Is Love’ is abetter song than ‘Hey Jude.’” Jyn threw her hair up in the air with a mockserious expression on her face. “Your opinions needed to be corrected and somethings are just more important than sex.”
Cassian laughed again, the low sound escaping into the crispearly morning air freely. Jyn wished she could bottle that sound; she’d onlyheard it for the last few hours, ever since she’d met this gorgeous stranger ata bar, but she wanted to keep it with her and replay it occasionally.
Ten hours previous, Jyn was gathered in a crowded bathroomwith her two flatmates, Leia, who was trying desperately to arrange Jyn’s hairin any style other than her traditional bun, and Shara, who kept intentionallyknocking Jyn’s elbow every time she started applying eyeliner. They hadn’t hada “girls’ night out” in months, Leia had been complaining, so she’d organizedan evening of a classy dinner – followed by a less-than-classy after party at abar Leia had been suspiciously pushy about going to.
(It wasn’t until they arrived at the bar to find Han Solo, aman Leia refused to admit she was attracted to, working as the bouncer. Jyn andShara only rolled their eyes when Leia went pink at the sight of him.)
The music was loud and the drinks were strong. Han clockedout an hour after the girls arrived and Jyn and Shara subsequently lost trackof Leia; Shara remained by Jyn’s side for another twenty minutes until, with awink and a request to not wait up, Shara was led onto the dance floor by a tanman with dark eyes.
That was when Cassian found her.
He’d skipped the cheesy lines and the sleazy moves most menin a bar like this would have tried (smart move, Jyn thought, since that wouldhave earned him either a fist to the face or a knee to the crotch). Instead, he’dgaze at her from under the mess of hair littering his forehead and smiled thatillusive smile and, god, something about his long eyelashes…
Jyn was pulled in before he’d asked if she wanted to getaway from the noisy music and rowdy atmosphere.  
She texted Leia and Shara – both of whom were likely toooccupied to notice if Jyn had gone or not – and accepted the outstretched handCassian offered her.
(She’d used that hand to her advantage, too, pulling himinto a nearby alleyway and pushing him up against the brick wall of the club.)
But the wait for their Uber quelled the heat between them –but not, as it turned out, the intrigue.
It all started with a random car driving down the street,its windows rolled down and blaring, not the hip-hop tunes Jyn expected, but anold Beatles tune. Cassian picking up the tune – and what a voice he had! –sparked a debate over the merit of the different Beatles eras.
By the time their Uber met them, they’d transitioned over toclassical composers (both parties were overly surprised the other knew anythingabout the true art of classical music, though Cassian insisted Jyn’s educationwas lacking, since she didn’t recognize several Mexican composers) and, by thetime they’d arrived at Cassian’s apartment, they had found their way toliterature. (Jyn maintained Cassian won their contest over who could place the openingline with the correct novel because they were in his apartment and near hisbook shelves. Cassian wanted to kiss the stubborn pout off her face.)
Somewhere between Kurt Vonnegut and Aldous Huxley, betweenletting her hair down and finishing an entire bag of Lay’s potato chips, thesun began to rise and Jyn slipped out onto Cassian’s balcony, taking in hisview of the city from a lounge chair.
Whatever Jyn had been planning on when she left her flat theprevious evening had not been this, but, taking in Cassian’s profile in thepale light and considering how she’d discovered so much more than what helooked like, she wasn’t sure she regretted it.
In fact, the whole crazy situation made her throw her headback and laugh.
“What is it?” Cassian asked, asmile already on his face and in his voice.
“This,” Jyn replied, gesturingacross the space between them. “Me and you.”
Cassian reached out to take her hand,rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “Will your friends be worried about you?”
“No. They know where I am.” Leiaand Shara likely weren’t even awake yet and, if they were, they had morepressing matters to attend to than worry about Jyn’s one night stand. Besides,they knew she was a big girl who could take care of herself.
“Then they aren’t expecting youback anytime soon?”
“I think your time for attemptingto seduce me has past,” Jyn teased. “You should have taken me up on the offerlast night.”
“Ah, I didn’t realize it had an expirationdate,” Cassian smiled back. “You should have been more clear in the contract Isigned.”
“You didn’t read the fine print.”
Cassian inclined his head,conceding the argument. “If it’s too late to try and seduce you, what aboutbreakfast?”
Jyn raised an eyebrow at him. “Idon’t get breakfast with one night stands.”
“Good thing you didn’t sleep withme, then.” Cassian stood and reached out his hand to her. “What do you say?There’s an excellent breakfast joint a few blocks from here that puts out freshbagels at six.”
“Hmm,” Jyn tapped a finger to herchin, pretending to consider her answer. “That depends on whether you preferblueberry or cinnamon swirl bagels in the morning.”
“Blueberry, of course.”
“That,” Jyn said, rising to herfeet and poking Cassian in the chest. “Is the first correct opinion you’ve hadall night. Lead the way to the fresh bagels.”
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hurricanedancer · 7 years
rebelcaptain, things you said with too many miles between us, please? :)
“How is it where you are?” Cassian asks, and Jyn rolls her eyes back at him, before tilting up the camera to show the miles and miles of forest green. 
“Quiet,” she replies, trying to make it clear how much she’s just playing along with his inanities. “How about you?” 
It comes out sharper than she meant it, and Cassian sighs. Over the comms, he looks tired--she doesn’t know much about his current cover, except that it involved shaving his face and letting his hair grow out. it makes him look younger, with his hair falling into his eyes. She clenches her fists. If he was here, if she was there, she’d brush it away for him. If they were together, they wouldn’t have to deal with these comms. 
“You know I can’t say,” Cassian tells Jyn. Jyn grits her teeth. She knows. She probably shouldn’t even be getting these calls, but after the first time he’d gone on a deep cover mission alone and disappeared for six months without a word, she’d put her foot down and threatened coming after him, guns blazing, if he did that again. he’d made a fuss about it, but she’d seen how he’d smiled when  no one else was looking. And more than that, he’d made it work. She doesn’t fool herself into thinking anyone can make Captain Andor do anything he doesn’t really want to--she wouldn’t ask that of him anyway. Just like he, seeing what this meant to her, to have this lifeline, made it work. 
But it’s still so little. She can see his face, but nothing more; she knows nothing about where he is or what he’s doing, or what sort of danger he’s in. If he didn’t call--she’d go, she’d look and search and she’d burn the galaxy to find him, but she knows she might not. She hates his away missions without her. 
“Jyn...” Cassian says at her silence, and sighs again. He doesn’t apologize, just like she doesn’t. They do what they have to. They don’t have to like it. 
Something must happen, on his end; he looks up, his hair falling into his face again. He glances at her, then puts a hand over the camera; she waits impatiently until he’s back. 
“I have to go,” he says, and now he is apologetic. “Something’s come up.” 
Of course it has. Something always comes up, with the two of them; there’s never enough time in this war. She nods, and she knows that he knows what she’s feeling, all the anger at everything that’s always roiling under her skin, the anger and fear and how she’s so ready to be done with this war and not sure what it would mean to be free of it. 
“Next week,” she says, and they both know it’s an order, a plea--she won’t jinx it by wishing luck, won’t make him promise something he won’t keep, can’t say anything the risk and terror underneath the words. 
“Next week,” he agrees, all the conviction he’s ever carried in those words, and they’re simple words but in his eyes are everything else she’s ever looked for. They’ve never needed words. Just actions--just next week. 
She shuts off the comm and closes her eyes. Next week, she tells herself. He’ll be there next week, and someday they’ll both be at base at the same time, and someday this war will end and there will only be tomorrow. She can’t see the shape of that, not yet, maybe not ever--but she thinks Cassian can, and that’s enough. 
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andorerso · 4 years
How about Rebelcaptain and a comfortable kiss, please?
Thanks for the prompt! Prepare for pure fluff :)
He gave her the door code, ishow she justifies it to herself. He did it willingly; she’d never asked, nevertried to slice it, never even tried to steal a glance when he put it in. Hejust offered it to her. For emergencies, he said and didn’t quite meether eyes. Jyn could not really get over the implications of it all. He all but gaveher a key to his most private, most vulnerable side, trusting her not to takeadvantage of it. She wondered when was the last time he’d had such absolutefaith in someone. Probably the last time it’d been for her, which is to say never.
This isn’t a violation of histrust, she decides as she slips under the covers, pulling the covers high up toher neck. It’s not like she’s here to steal from him or go through his stuff(she wonders how much he’d mind even if she did. He shared everything with herthese days; clothes, blasters, secrets. All but his heart and body. Still,there are boundaries, and she knows them, wouldn’t ever cross them. Not withhim.)
Cassian is away but shewouldn’t keep this a secret from him. It’s just that, his room is somehowwarmer than hers, his bed is softer and his pillow is fluffier. It has nothingto do with how his sheets smell like him, and it makes her feel closer to him.It has nothing to do with how she’s always felt more at home in his room thanher own. It has nothing to do with Cassian, it’s all just practical. At least that’swhat she’s going to tell him when she confesses that she’s been sleeping in hisroom while he was away and he asks her why. Your bed is more comfortable,Cassian. It’s not a big deal.
Jyn closes her eyes, herthoughts falling away.
It’s not about you at all.
Jyn wakes to the sound of thedoor opening, awake and reaching for her blaster in a split of a second. She stopsmid-movement when she realizes it’s Cassian returning to his own quarters,pausing in apparent surprise when he sees her. She blinks at him stupidly. Oh.
“You’re not supposed to be backyet,” she says, like it’s an accusation, like it isn’t his bed that she’s occupying,and she isn’t unspeakably glad to have him back in one piece.
“Mission ended early,” he saysbut with none of the dark edge in his voice that means things went south and hehad to cut his losses and leave. She looks him over quickly, unable to find anyapparent injuries. So the mission must have ended early in the good, things-went-smoothlykind of way. Jyn lets out a quiet sigh of relief and nods.
“Welcome home.” She gives him asmall smile but her heart is in her throat as his inquisitive gaze settles onher. He’s not angry, just curious, and this is more awkward than she’d plannedit to be. Yes, she was going to tell him about it, but she didn’t plan to becaught doing it.
“Your room is warmer,” she saysto his unspoken question and it’s not untrue. She thinks she sees his lipstwitch once, an eyebrow raised – as if he senses there’s more to it than that –but he doesn’t press. He goes to set down his bag and she watches him unpackhis stuff and calmly put them away. Entirely at ease, as far as she can tell,and she’s gotten pretty good at reading Cassian.
Would he want her to go? It’snot as though they haven’t shared a bed before, but it was either on a missionor after a nightmare if one of them sought comfort. There’s no special occasionthis time and Jyn isn’t sure how he feels about the idea of her staying. Butthe idea of having to step even one foot out of this bed makes her feel cold tothe bones.
Should I go? she thinks.Can I stay? Say something.
“I’m going to take a shower,” hetells her like he hears her unspoken plea – but it’s not an answer at all. It’snot telling her to go but it’s not enough of a permission to stay.
Jyn nods, biting down on herlip. “And when you get back…”
This time, his lips definitelytwitch. “When I get back, I expect you’ll have kept the bed warm for me, yes?”
Jyn can’t help smiling back atthe humor in his eyes. “I’ll save you a spot.”
She’s almost asleep when hefinishes up in the fresher, her thoughts kind of fuzzy and far away, her bodypleasantly warm under all the blankets. Cassian’s steps are soft but she couldpick them out in the middle of a warzone, and really, all she wants is hissteady weight against her back and his arms around her waist.
Gently, he settles in besidesher and she lets out a soft sigh. There’s a pause, as if he’s trying to figureout how much he can touch her, and she has to snuggle back against him beforehe decides to put his arm around her waist like she wants him to.
“Is this okay?” he whispers,his breath warm on her neck.
“Mhmm,” is really all she’scapable of saying, too content for words. She can feel Cassian’s lips curveinto a smile before he presses a kiss against her neck, and if she was moreawake and alert, she’d probably go into a frenzy trying to figure out what thatmeans. Right now, though, she’s too relaxed to feel self-conscious of the way shepractically preens under his touch. It just feels natural, the way they clingto each other.
“Hey, Jyn?” Cassian says aftera moment of silence, just when she thought they were done talking.
“Is that my shirt?”
Jyn opens one eye, unpreparedfor the question. Busted, she thinks for a second but then she just patshis hand around her waist. “Shhh.”
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spacepandar · 5 years
✏ K-2SO
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Send me a ✏ with a character, and I'll doodle them with my eyes closed!
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polynesianhermione · 7 years
thenewleeland answered your question “RebelCaptain fans!”
For sure! :)
oh-nostalgiaa replied to your post “RebelCaptain fans!”
carr-crashh-heartss replied to your post “RebelCaptain fans!”
letthepeoplesay-oh answered your question “RebelCaptain fans!”
The answer is always yes. The RebelCaptain fandom can never ever have too many fics/mood boards!!
Thanks to you all for the feedback/encouragement! I’ll definitely be doing that soon then! :D
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leaiorganas · 4 years
happy birthday!
Thank you for thinking of me! You are also so wonderful with the other birthday posts, I really appreciate it!
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Hello RebelCaptain shippers!
We’re happy to continue our Birthday Project, where every month we post the members’ birthdays of the month. We hope you will join us in wishing a happy birthday to these awesome people!
This October, please celebrate:
@rxbxlcaptain – Oct 15
@jeeno2 – Oct 19
@jemmasimmons – Oct 19
@watson-emma – Oct 22
@carr-crashh-heartss – Oct 25
Happy birthday to you! Please remember to send birthday love to your fellow RebelCaptain shippers :) ♡ ♡ ♡
(If you’re a member and want us to celebrate your birthday, please SEND US AN ASK! If you would like to become a member, please follow the instructions HERE)
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kotaface · 6 years
It’s 05-04-2018 and you know what that means...
May the Fourth be with you, @carr-crashh-heartss -- I’m your RebelCaptain May the Fourth gifter!
I had such a blast writing this fic for you. I hope you love it!
Running Out Of Time (Let’s Stop Running)
Rated M for language and sexual content Chapters: 1/1 Words: 5612 Prompt: Reunion, (or, “We finally got our happy ending”) Tags: Jyn is a Pathfinder, Kes Dameron is an Ass but also Cupid, and Cassian is a Panicked Mess, Mutual Pining, Confessions, last minute kisses, Lots of Panic Swearing, Non-Graphic Smut
He didn’t have a lot of time.
He tried to block out the voice in his head that was reading off the massive list of things that could go wrong, but it was insistent -- the words wormed and burrowed their way into the deepest recesses of himself and made his chest tight. He moved through the white halls of the cruiser at as dignified pace as he could manage, reminding himself that running in the absence of an emergency was unbecoming of an officer. Still, he hurried, his barely-restrained feet leading him down the well-worn route as his mind whirled and spun around the possibilities. But it kept settling on one painful and poignant thing:
She would be shipping out soon.
No, he didn’t have a lot of time left, he thought as he walked. He’d only had four kriffing years to do -- what? Something, anything -- but he had done nothing. Nothing, except treat her like a professional, a most decidedly platonic partner, and pretend like the proximity of her body to his didn’t set his nerves on fire or make his chest cave in with the sheer weight of her -- her. She. An overwhelming presence that contained so many deep and wondrous things it seemed silly to label with something so common as a name. But she was a name, a single, resounding word that echoed louder in his heart than the sound of his feet on the durasteel floor --
Jyn . JynJynJynJyn --
Had it been any other day, (“ Any other fucking day in the galaxy,” he thought bitterly) , he would never have begun waxing as poetic as he was now. A part of him that was somehow still on the outside of all of this turmoil was shaking its head in disdain, berating him for acting a fool. He was an officer, she was a subordinate. He had no business thinking of her as he did, but after all they had been through, after all they had survived together — Force, if she knew…
He had to tell her. She could very well be dead tomorrow.
[Read the rest on AO3]
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rxbxlcaptain · 7 years
How about ... "I can't remember the last time I was happy", please?
This one’s a little bittersweet, but hopefully you enjoy! 
Words: 288
“Why’d you do it? Leadthe mission to Scarif?”
Jyn startled a bit atthe question posed from the man she’d thought to be unconscious in the bedbeside her. She and Cassian hadn’t spoken since the droids had wheeled him backfrom his most recent bacta session. (How many hours he’d spent in bacta sincethey’d limped back from Scarif, Jyn couldn’t say.)
"I can't remember the last time I was happyor the last time I felt like I belonged," Jyn whispered into the sterileair of medbay. She hadn’t seen a living soul beside for Cassian for hours,which was the only reason she felt comfortable enough to say this out loud. Still,how to put it into words seemed just outside her reach. “But… The members of RogueOne. They followed us to Scarif, even though the odds were so slim.
“And,” Jyn took a deepbreath, trying to organize her thoughts. “They believed the same things as us.They wanted to fight for the same beliefs. I’d forgotten what that felt like.”
“Forgot what?”
“Fighting for something. Believing insomething. Having someone with you. But, with you, I remembered.”
Cassian stayed quiet solong that Jyn began to think he’d finally succumbed to the sleep he sodesperately needed, but, a few minutes later, his voice echoed across the smallspace.
“You reminded me, too,Jyn.” His sheets rustled as he turned to face her. “You reminded me thisrebellion is about more than following orders. There’s a reason why I joinedthis fight, and I’d lost sight of that.”
Jyn reached her armtowards his bed, interlocking their fingers.
“We can remind eachother.”
Cassian nodded, his eyesserious. “All the way.”
Send Me a Prompt, and I’ll Respond in 300 Words or Less!
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