#cartoon Azael
sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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FINALLY FINISHED ALL THEIR REFS!!! Took awhile….but I like how they came out! Put the canon ones at the bottom for comparison ^^
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Plus a height chart for myself ! Gonna make refs for the batim/batdr versions aswell, it’ll definitely take me a lot longer 😭
Just a reminder that these are my hcs and they are not to be taken srsly !! ^_^
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iricathel · 2 years
🎀 Zazelle — sorry for asking a lot :") 🎀
Offspring Meme
Send me a ship and I will tell you…
The parents -
Who first brought up having/adopting kids?
It was a surprise gift, no one expected it and no one had talked about it.
Which parent is most overprotective?
Zazu is a very strict father who controls every movement, thought, emotion and even breathing if necessary. He is addicted to control and perfectionism, so he applies this to his offsprings.
Which parent is most supportive?
Estelle, he is much more flexible than Zazu and gives his offspring greater freedom to suffer from a huge load of pressure from an early age. It's the sugar in lemonade.
Which parent expects the most from their child?
Zazu, being so overly controlling and perfectionistic, his children are expected to equally aspire to success and fear failure so he can avoid it at all costs. He expects them to get the best grades, learn many skills to master them and get a bright future to stand out in society with pride.
Which parent is more likely to spoil their child?
Comparing both parents, Estelle is more versatile and permissive than Zazu due to how strict he is.
Which parent does the child go to to get their way?
Although they are both a mess, Estelle is much nicer to Shen. He thinks he's much warmer so he definitely goes to him in an attempt to get something.
Which parent is the best at singing lullabies?
Zazu, it is his specialty and talent despite having a rather unusual voice due to its resonances, but he does not sing often.
Which parent finds it harder to let go?
Honestly? Neither both of them 💀
The kid -
What the kids name is and the meaning behind it.
Yazhu, of Chinese origin means industrious, hardworking, diligent.
What traits the kid has that doesn’t reflect their parents.
The boy is neither horny nor kinky. Pretty vanilla and is much kinder and more caring.
What the kids favorite clothing style is.
Zazu instilled in the child the traditional oriental Asian dress, but despite the fact that there is variety, the Chinese influences more.
What their favorite cartoon is.
Unfortunately, Yazhu was not allowed to watch cartoons as Zazu considered this silly.
What skills their parents try to pass down to them.
Zazu tried to pass on to Yazhu all the knowledge he got in military combat, how to plan it and so on, while Estelle decided to teach BDSM 💀
What their future might be.
Regent as his father or as a royal adviser, it depends on how he decides but what is certain is that he will work for royalty to have a good life.
The family -
Who the child’s godparents are.
Irina and... Azael 💀
Do their parents plan on giving them any siblings?
Definitely, but rather because it is the law that ordinary families have at least 5 offsprings in the Owl Clan.
What is the child’s first pet?
A rat that he found on the street and decided to take care of it because it had a funny face.
How do they get along with any extended family members?
There are no more family members, F.
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paulsmith221286 · 4 years
partage la bande-son de son mandat à la Maison Blanche
On y retrouve les Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Sade, Stevie Wonder, U2, Jay-Z, Fleetwood Mac, Beyoncé, Arteha Franklin et d’autres artistes dans des styles très variés comme le classic rock, le jazz et le hip-hop.
Cette playlist a été réalisée dans le cadre des mémoires d’Obama qui sortent ce 17 novembre et intitulées A Promised Land. L’ancien président des Etats-Unis a dévoilé une playlist de titres qu’il écoutait lorsqu’il était à la tête du gouvernement américain.
Avec "Michelle" des Beatles, le président fait notamment un petit clin d’œil à son épouse. Ecoutez la playlist en streaming ici. Barack Obama partage la bande-son de son mandat à la Maison Blanche
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"Quand je relisais mes notes avant un débat, j’écoutais "My 1st Song" de Jay-Z ou bien "Luck Be a Lady" de Frank Sinatra. Lors de mon mandat, Michelle et moi avons invité des artistes tels que Stevie Wonder et Gloria Estefan lors d’ateliers dans l’après-midi avec des jeunes avant de jouer des concerts dans la Salle Est."
Il continue en se souvenant de ses performances préférées : "Beyoncé a interprété "At Last" lors de notre première danse à l’inauguration, Paul McCartney a chanté "Michelle" devant ma femme et Bob Dylan m’a souri juste avant de quitter la salle après avoir joué "Times They Are a-Changin"".
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jazalyn-monet · 4 years
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In this chapter the author explains how the Obama Hope piece experienced mass reproduction, appropriation, and transformation. The speaker identifies what some call Obamamania and how this image has fueled this. The piece took a more satirical turn and became a parody and political meme. Obama Hope also has inspired a novel genre that has become a base in political commentary. They follow the many rhetorical transformations that Obama Hope has endured through its global circulation and its growth into an icon. The author starts with how it has transitioned into a commodity as many companies started merchandising Obama Hope. Even ebay took up Obama Hope selling for as high as $1,000.Obamamania has been defined as the condition of being in very enthusiastic support of Obama. We look at how Obamamania was used for nonprofit such as with Canstruction helping with local food. Obamamania was also big in Africa where many Africans take pride in Obama’s ancestry being his father was Kenyan. The support that stemmed from this was immense with even biscuits and flip flops. As Fairey's credibility started to be questioned, Obama’s received some pressure as well. This created the space for people to comment on this changing perspective on Obama Hope. This political commentary is how Obama Hope transitioned into more of a satire and parody piece over time. The author shows us examples such as “Hope and Change” by Dana Ellyn or “Balance of Power” by Matt Sesow then moves into how Obama Hope has changed into political cartoons. Fairey’s piece is then moved into the meme realm of art which only capitalized the reach that it had. One example of the fun that these memes created was “Zombie, Obamicon” by Azael Solis. The author also chooses to highlight Obamicons which are images created on the obamicon site that mimic the original work. Many of these still circulated after the site was shut down and were satirical commentary on politics. These many transformations of Obama Hope have not only informed viewers but also shown a blueprint on how to create visuals that have global circulation.As I read this piece, I realized just how many functions the Obama Hope piece provided to society. It was circulated and transformed so much that we can now use what it stands for in almost any scenario to comment on something. It has become a basis for political commentary and I didn’t realize just how far it went. I never saw all of the different pieces that emerged from Obama Hope so seeing all of the artwork is surprising to me. The memes are probably my favorite, especially the one of the several posters watching the man walk by. All of the different ways people worked with Obama Hope are so creative. The fact that people used it to question his credibility after Fairey was a little saddening but everyone has a right to their own opinion. I found this other recreation of Obama Hope with Trump and thought it was funny so I decided to attach it.
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popcartoonkabala · 7 years
Moved from below, for the season is upon us: In the birthpangs of the cartoon form, much of the literary flourishes were translated directly, to much mockery and consternation until it was realized how superfluous they were. You don’t need to describe what’s happening if we can see it, and ever since television brought the novelty and presence of theater into our everyday experience of myth and narrative, we can see it, and hear it, so the sound and the image don’t have to be redundant, but rather, complementary. The explosion noise and musical drama that highlights action cartoons translated, ultimately, into visual cues in the relatively static comic book medium as it developed, incorporating inner monologue into the thought balloon before more sophisticated techniques began to be more relied upon, reserving thought balloons for very deliberate stylistic efforts, rather than being the transformer from literature to cartoon.   And in this transition, we recovered many of the most ancient of visual effects, some set aside since ancient Egypt, and others, just since Greece and Rome. Romance makes transition easier and more compelling, deglamorization compels a rejection of circumstance, a hope of the better which we feel (all)owed. An infinity of beauty and and an infinity of revulsion, as the S”Y defines the polarity of grace, the filter of heaven through which all prayers are ostensibly received and through which existence is judged.  “Zeh leumat zeh.” This paralleling/opposing this. And so progressive degrees of divinity are described, from the most alienated but still Known, to the most closest and familiar constant. If the Sun and the Moon would be the only heavenly forces, Luna would be romance and Sol would be demanding standard and looking for better perfection, through his sword of glaring priority. The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, notably visible in almost all children’s artwork as a kind of universal constant signature, we are all Atonists at a certain stage: the one where we pursue skill and accomplishment, from about 3 – 5 years old. Apollo is the anal retentive one, as opposed to the directed and ultimately comfortably vulgar Mars, in his lighter forms manifest as an aggressive healer.And none of this quite describes anywhere close to the sublime and infinitely unknowable-yet-perpetually-experienced novelty of G-d that stands just beyond, and/or perhaps within between all the other patterns and sequences. It describes the Immediately Experienceable, “Zeir Anpin”. The Tree of Life is mostly identified with its centers, 3 and 6. The outlying reality described by that model features a supernal that is too infinite to be identified with planet (“Wisdom” and “Understanding”,) but the lower order, until the last, can be identified with celestial bodies constantly in view and motion.  Mythic divine narratives seem to tend to center around the stars themselves– natural phenomena as well, certainly, but the eternal gaze of the stars feature strongly, identified with the ruling powers themselves.  Only with the advent of cities and temples so brightly lit that the moon and starlight is minimized in import. Notice the stories of angels and gods giving up on heaven for the peace of human encampment. It’s there everywhere, and often, the way that a human in apotheosized into a divinity. The story of Ea, the great creator-ruler-of-heaven, who came down into the world because he loved a priestess and her temple is the secret origin of the great goddess Innana herself. The Jewish tradition preserves a version of this story in their elaboration of the biblical decent of the “Children of Gods” (Bnei Elohim) who take the daughters of man for wives, by giving two versions of this narrative, and even naming the two women who were so taken. One, apparently named Naamah, (“pleasure”) guilelessly charms the angelic duo, Uzza and Azael, the highest angels of the celestial light, into renouncing heaven, and finding a new home in between heaven and earth. This home, beyond the farthest mountains, becomes utterly identified with them all, now known as the composite entity “Azazel.” This is the Azazel refered to in the bible, as the Other offered sacrifices to in the Temple of the Hebrews, and was explained to me as a euphemism for the degree to which God almighty sacrifices his own perfection for an erotic thrill that makes the vulgar world possible, warts and herpes and all. The sacrifice to Azazel is instituted specifically to offset the danger of shaman-priests (“Kohanim”) dying in the temple experience, overwhelmed by the wholeness of the Original divine light, ashamed of their shameful corporeality, now reminded at the moment of the release of the Azazel goat, which notably, is not slain but instead “released alive,” that even the purest and holiest parts of G-d himself would actually prefer this dirty life, to boring old heaven. The other is actually identified by the Talmud as “Istahar.” The Jewish Talmud does not tend to justify pagan narratives or gods, or even acknowledge them one way or the other, until or unless they are already culturally unimpressive or irrelevant enough to name without fear of encouraging the worship of. Nonetheless, they describe Istahar in terms astonishingly similar to the traditional Babylonian Venus, our beloved “Nogah” identified with Innana- a normal girl, who two fallen angels take a shine to. But instead of submitting to them, she asks them to show her the source of their power. So they point to the sublime and total original G-d standing behind them, at which point she leaps right through them to become tangled in that original light, and is then enthroned in the heavens as the Pleides, a.k.a. the Seven Sisters.  Three (2 angels + 1 woman) becomes seven, once again.———————————The moral of this foundational angel story: All duos, dividing-like-Pisces OR unifying-like-Gemini, are moved by love. Love is not principled in the normal way, it is principled in the stupid and dishonest way, where someone matters more than everyone else. This is a most unenlightened perspective, but it is the heart of the pop experience. Why are all those songs sung so wholeheartedly? Because there’s only one person i’m singing about. This is the secret monolatry hidden in duality– one god worshiping the other. The God worshiping is alive, so alive, a heart on fire. The god being worshiped is beyond response, like a lover being sung to, or gone down on, motionless except for the sounds of their satisfaction, sought and perhaps imagined. This is the secret of why monotheism won, everywhere: It is not so possible to love, or hear, more than one at a time. This can be done if many are sublimated into one team, so that the whole becomes one again. This is what happens when a team is formed, dressed, and fetishized into one large precious, and so, a pantheon, or a dyad or a trinity can be adored because it is one. But whoever is adoring is now outside of that wholeness, unless invited in, and then the awe vanishes and the identification begins. This is one of the axi that comics development is defined though– awe vs. self identification.  There is the level of both in the Action itself, whenever anything sudden happens, which Garth Ennis observes is perhaps the one major phenomenon unique to comics and superior to cinema– the panel before the next page, after which anything can follow, and stun. Love bridges the gap and ends the war– interest and excitement start the war, as they insist on engagement, precious glorious engagement. And so acceptance to action is a spectrum in the dramatic trigger and lesson plan of a given comic book story.Very far down the spectrum is something like Harvey Pekars meditatively frustrating American Splendour, or Chris Ware’s pensive and systematic dip into tidy powerless nihlism- both profound workers of a never ending, and painfully anti-satisfying labor and struggle of so much beauty and ugly. No explodo, very little catharsis. Charlie Brown is in this field as well, the geniuses of this mire. Notice how central cathartic prayer, complaint, community counsel, song and dance are to the experience of Charlie Brown. There is no apocalypse without prayer, a natural reaction to desperate, unavoidable disaster. Furthermore: prayer is bound up in awareness of doom. Empires (“Malchuyot”), Rememories(“Zichronot”), Shofarot(“Trumpetings”): These are the three mothers as expressed in the High Holiday Temple service; they parallel  Space, Time and Feeling.   Because the essence of extended narrative, of a cycle of small and accessible cathartic triggers that must be both new and old, fresh and resonantly enough familiar. This is what pop must be- the fresh fizz sparkle mixed with the most sweet and delicious of traditional flavors.  Coca Cola, whatever it’s made of, is refreshingly familiar, and that’s because the notes in it are at least facsimiles of the greatest of human consumable essential oils. Preserves + fizz = pop! So too with culture. Experimental music, or cinema, is made to explore and liminal and uncomfortable, and, as such, is of limited appeal. But pop is made to be resonant and accessible, and so it is– and the surprise hit is when the experimental becomes carved into something that becomes popular1. Call it selling out historically, but it has more to do with something novel-but-profound being carved into the shape that makes it effectively cognizable and appealing. That’s just how one has to share whatever one prefers the other listen to. The alternative is elitism, which hovers closer to posturing than it does to authentic care for content. Human responsibility is to find a way to circulate whatever it discovers is good, and the proper role of a priesthood or illuminati is to guide appreciation for good things, so that good things can circulate more easily.  This is the aspiration of every economic theory, and every idealist, ultimately. The patterns of heaven and earth have long been observed, and understood as divine because of how much they recur. It’s not just one great hunt, one epic love, one sad tragedy– it’s the cycle that outlives and seems to even testify for whatever endures in the world. Some people are described as becoming immortal, and every symbol offers to be as true above as it is below, literally as much as some how also figuratively. The attempt to strip narrative of its meaning is like the attempt to refine grain– nice for some controlled use, but ultimately often tending to lose something precious that was to be a significant part of the cargo.The main hope of the house, the structure, the city, is to be stable enough to filter and provide comfort enough for the whole life cycle. All the modern pop stories, the more the world becomes urbanized partially express fears with regards to these structures. Underlying mysticism look to address, not just meaning, but spanning patterns. In this way, mysticism can be alienating from the purpose of the narrative or document, turning the meaning of the piece around until only divinity is visible, the essential conflicts or passions in the most elementary aspects of the godhead, expressed through the passions below. This method is alienating from the special distinct and practical need of each next issue, but facilitates engagement THROUGH FANTASY. And this is the secret of romance: the dream of meaning, associated with socialized stories, to bring enthusiasm to presence and soften the blow of disaster. Perhaps the romance will even carve the reality perfectly, making the world as nice as we would dream it, eventually. 1Genesis P-Orridge iSilver is traditionally identified with the first worldly Sephira, Chesed, “LovingKindness”, notably in the Zohar, where it’s contrasted with Gold/Gevurah as the more easily flowing metal. The hebrew word for silver “kesef” implies both currency and even yearning itself at it’s very essence.
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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Who’s tryna ride the go carts with me
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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Azaels first debut episode is "double trouble" with Alice angel.(making a poster for that soon) in 1930
In their debut, both her and Alice were assigned with the task of terminating bendy, later in the episode they return to heaven without the troublesome imp and both become fallen angels, gaining horns, a tail, black hair and dresses. Basically loosing all their angelic colors(white, yellow, blue etc just the typical stereotype angel colors) Despite the two angels trying to capture bendy, he comforts them and offers friendship, to which Alice and Azael both accept and apologize for trying to capture bendy.
After the "double trouble" episode, Azael and Alice join Boris and Bendy, all four becoming an iconic Quartet of Joey drew studios.
Azael had many solo episodes throughout 1930s and 1940s. Said episodes being Rubba dub dub, cooking catastrophe, Angels harmonies, Two to tango, and many more. Azael mostly shows in episodes with Bendy, since in the cartoons they have a more son and mother relationship despite being friends.
In later episodes(late 1940s)Azael was used less for importance in the quartet and mainly there for sex appeal.
Joey drew later took Azael out of the cartoons completely. Reverting the bendy crew to a trio. Azael was mainly used in background shots in the 1950s episodes and never had a single solo since the 1930s and 40s. Soon, bendy and Azael lost the mother son relationship in the cartoons due to lack of interaction between the two.
Azael was seen as too inappropriate for the cartoons, despite barely being suggestive or seductive.
However, in 1972 when archgate pictures bought the bendy franchise, Azael was returned to the Quartet for good.
NOTE: all the POC and lgbt hcs are not canon and are apart of my au and interpretation. If you somehow have a problem with things not connecting to canon then my posts aren’t for you. Please don’t comment negative things about my hcs or interpretations about the batim story. Thank you!
Yada yada yada I’m done rambling 💔
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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Made another poster thingy, but this time it’s an episode promo!
NOTE: all the POC and lgbt hcs are not canon and are apart of my au and interpretation. If you somehow have a problem with things not connecting to canon then my posts aren’t for you. Please don’t comment negative things about my hcs or interpretations about the batim story. Thank you!
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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It takes two to tango!
Don’t eat your dance partner tho
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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Yoo-hoo ladies I broke my back my back is broken
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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Like ink bendy weeper is a failed recreation of a bendy cartoon character, Joey failing once with bendy and now twice with Azael and locked them both away from the public eye. In the cycle weeper isn’t much of a threat to Henry or the others, when she is near the screen flashes a grayish blue and you can hear her weeping nearby it’s best to hide instead of staying in the open. Unlike inky she is less aggressive when it comes to Audrey or Henry only attacking if they’re in her way or out in the open when they’re near. She can talk but chooses not to at times, my VC for them is the reaper from little misfortune ^_^ while her ink form can speak, her toon form can’t. They and ink demon fight occasionally mostly play fighting and adapting to their sibling nature
In BATIM Weeper wouldn’t be a threat or enemy and usually is blocked away by something and you can see her crying alone. I like to imagine weeper is the one who can be heard crying at the start of BATDR
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Azael cutouts are hardly ever seen around the studio, if they are seen they’re seen next to a Alice or bendy cutout. Loads of them can be found in weepers domain. Weeper doesn’t like keeping their cutouts out in the open for everyone to see and possibly ruin so instead she keeps them in her domain of flooding ink and where a new enemy’s called 'ink mermaids' live, she knows how much bendy loves to keep their cutouts laid about the studio and she KNOWS they hate it when someone either disturbs the cutouts or breaks em so occasionally she’d knock over or breaks them
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Like inky, weeper was pushed into a form that’s less powerful but they didn’t resist as much as inky did. Like lil benders Azael is mute and uses the notepad in her tummy pocket to communicate and draw. They act childish at times like sitting down with bendy to take a break, kicking rocks or empty BC cans around, or even skipping when she walks but they can also become very determined and serious when trying to complete a task.
When Audrey finds them they’re in a room doodling with the only exit being the way Audrey comes in(that door being locked and having to be smashed open which alarms them) once they’re alarmed she hides underneath a table behind them. Audrey approaches them reassuring them that it’s okay, she reaches out with the correct hand but Azael pushes past her running through the exit. Audrey catches up to her at a dead end and they have no choice but to trust her and accept her friendship and assistance. After this they find lil benders where Audrey apologizes for shocking them and whatnot
They didn’t receive as much torture as benders but they were still indeed tested and tortured while inside the GENT building
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At the end Weeper, inky, and Audrey share the same body(beast bendy) I’ll redesign beast bendy just a tad to fit my narrative lol but after the cycle is reset since they were all fused together the cycle resets with bendy, Audrey and Azael all being transported back into the real world where than can live happily wooooo(unles……)
Little bonus fact Weeper can be considered the middle child since she was made second!
THAT WAS ALOTT to write and I’m sure it’s not all gonna be read but I rlllllyyy needed to get this out cuz if I didn’t do it I would’ve forgotten, thought of all this last night ! Plus some bonus doodles
Sorry for the long info dumping post ^_^"
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
NEW OC ?!? Ye I couldn’t just abandon Beebee……so I’m making them their own character!!! (Sort of)
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Beebee is the “unused” fifth member of the bendy crew. First appearing in 1929 in "double demon".
While Azael angel is named after Drew’s daughter, Beebee is designed after the young girls appearance. The imp even shares the nickname “Beebee” the name being used by other employees to address Drew’s daughter.
This female imp was originally supposed to be Bendys love interest, but JD changed it after Beebee’s first debut due to them both looking alike. They both kept a brother sister relationship in later episodes.
Beebee is a rather messy girl unlike her fellow lady friends, Azael and Alice.
In 1937 Beebee was removed from the quintet reverting it to a quartet. She was removed due to being a bad influence to little girls around the time.
Drew got complaints from families about Beebee’s behavior. In episodes with bendy, both Imps would cause massive harm, from stealing to down right vandalism. The two Imps would often play pranks on one another, the pranks getting more dangerous throughout certain episodes. Families were afraid their girls would attempt this with their brothers or friends.
The other ladies, Azael and Alice, would never participated in these acts, in fact they tried to stop the little devils from causing harm (due to them being angels) although Azael was removed from the cartoons as well in the early 1950s due to being/looking too sexual. Both girls became background characters until Azael was returned to the quartet in 1972. Audrey convinced the staff to return Beebee to the show, in honor of her sisters unfortunate death in 1940 (who she had never met, Henry had informed her of the young girls early death)
To which later archgate considered and returned the female imp to the quintet.
Blah blah 🤐!!!
Bonus thingy
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They’re both banned from most public places
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