#carved in a heart haha no that would be illegal)
asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
top 10 friendship moments number one
me n pretty boy: *literally talking abt and threatening to make out with each other*
other friend: *clone high jfk voice* whip and nae nae. shawty bae.
#both of us literally stopped the conversation and almost fell to the ground laughing#she didnt even mean for it to sound like the jfk voice apparently but it did so it was just pretty boy says smth abt putting his tongue#in my mouth n then we just hear ''SHAWty bAe''#n they werent even paying attention to our conversation it was just out of nowhere- i care them both so much#also ngl i have kissed and been kissed more times over the past week (past day even) than i have in my entire life#like i saw a meme a lil bit ago like these fictional characters are platonic dating and these fictional characters are romantic friendship#and like the three of us totally just are romantic friendship now like im stealing that terminology#we're friends but also..... gib kiss to each other n also lots of *lenny face* jokes at each other (mostly between me n pretty boy)#another important moment was just me n pretty boy kissed n were like thats kinda gay ngl and our friend just blows a grass whistle#like really loudly it was wonderful#also if like to note that all of this happened at like 1am at my childhood park by my house bc we had a sleepover and decided to walk#over and hang out there for a while#(we totally didnt commit any vandalization and add our tags to a little wood area as well as crossing out where me n my ex's initials were#carved in a heart haha no that would be illegal)#lmao and yesterday pretty boy backed me up against a wall at one point trying to get me to gay panic and i was just like lol L#ive mastered the art of internalizing the panic you arent gonna get a reaction from me haha#(i also may have challenged him to figure out how to get me to outwardly panic at some point :eyes:)#OH ALSO I ALMOST FORGOT i am currently wearing two items of rose quartz jewelry each stolen from one of them (to be returned at#school on monday) but i feel like that just feels very fitting for the situation#just me rambling again#frogs down bad#mmm also also there is nothing more important in life than starting a new deltarune save file and starting to play chapter one with friends#i controlled technically but the decisions were group decisions and we all voiced the characters n stuff#i was kris and the narration and ralsei n friemd was noelle and berdly (her berdly voice was literally so perfect???) n pretty boy was susie#and lancer n we got a little ways in it was so incredibly fun#frogs down bad more like frog n his friends are fuckin gayyy
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tiny-anxious-mess · 5 years
sweet & poisonous
Summary: There is a little door at the back of a local bookshop that Roman has never seen before. When he and Logan step through, they find an entirely different world in the confines of a little shop.
Warnings: a singular swear, which is probably a record haha, but other than that, none!
Pairings: all platonic! though roman does have a few moments when he sees virgil and is like goddamn he’s cute
Notes: In the spirit of the spooky month, I wanted to do a few snippets inspired by some spooky things. I decided to do a few prompts I found at random and gave them all a witchy twist. I love witchcraft and actually practice it myself! Mostly tarot, spells, charms, and crystal-based things. I know I’m gonna have a lot of fun doing haha. I hope you guys enjoy this!
EDIT: I posted this the other day but it posted really weirdly so I am reposting it haha
It wasn’t that Roman didn’t like bookshops or reading or anything of the sort. Quite the contrary, Roman loved reading; poetry, in particular, had always been his favorite.  
So no, Roman liked bookshops, like reading, liked it all. It was just that this was the fifth time in a week that Logan had dragged him to this bookshop.
“You didn’t have to come,” Logan said as they browsed the isles. He paused in front of a section of psychology books, pulling out one to flip through the pages. “Your company is welcomed but not required.”
“Tch, rude,” Roman grumbled, leaning against the bookshelves.
“You know what I mean,” Logan said, glancing at him while he put the book away.
Roman lolled his head back and groaned. “I know,” he pouted. “I just don’t understand why it has to be the same bookshop.”
“What’s wrong with this bookshop?” Logan asked, turning to Roman, eyebrow raised.
“Nothing! I just–there’s so many out there and we could be discovering more places, new books!”
Logan didn’t seem impressed.
“It’d be an adventure!” Roman insisted, straightening with a grin.
Logan rolled his eyes, though Roman knew it was done so fondly. “You and adventure,” Logan mumbled. “Who’s to say you can’t find adventure here?”
“I’ve searched every inch of this place,” Roman told him, pouting again. He nearly stomped his foot in annoyance. “There’s nothing here but books and a few old people.”
“Talk to them, maybe they’ll give you an adventure,” Logan offered.
“I’m too impatient.”
“You? No, really?”
“Your sarcasm is not appreciated.”
Logan smirked and continued to another isle.
“Why don’t you go search around a bit more?” Logan said, looking over his shoulder at Roman. “You can’t have possibly searched every inch.”
“Go, Roman. I’ll be here.”
Roman actually did stomp his feet this time but he left nonetheless. Utterly convinced he wouldn’t find anything, he only half-heartedly looked around. Shelves upon shelves upon shelves passed him by. Nothing new, nothing interesting. Maybe he’d find a few poetry books or some journals.
Shelves upon shelves, books upon books, the same thing upon the same thing. Roman felt like he was stuck in a never-ending hall, destined to repeat the same steps, see the same things, hear the same sounds.
And then he turned. And then he stopped.
At the end of the hall, towards a section of lounging chairs, was a door.
That… Roman swore there wasn’t a door there the other day.
It looked old; it was surprising and out of place. Wooden, too, just plain, oak wood with a steel knob. The design carved into the wood was intricate, methodic and beautifully done.
Roman blinked and half expected it to disappear before his eyes. But no, it stayed right there, big and real and there.
The man in question turned around, blinking three more times. Logan stood behind him, expression confused, with a book in hand. “Are you alright?” he asked.
“F-Fine,” Roman squeaked before clearing his throat. “I just, um.” He jabbed a finger back towards the door. “That wasn’t there yesterday, right?”
Logan peered over Roman’s shoulder, expression falling from confusion to astonishment. “No,” he said quietly, “I don’t think so.”
“Oh, okay, good, I’m not just imagining it,” Roman muttered, turning around.
“No, no you’re not.”
They stood there in silence, watching the door, as though they thought it would vanish if they didn’t keep a close eye on it. It occurred to Roman that no one had walked past them, nor was there any noise, any talking around them.
It also occurred to Roman that this was something new, something different and interesting.
It was an adventure.
Roman grinned and marched towards the door. “Roman!” Logan exclaimed. “What are you doing? This is probably an employee-only area.”
“Oh, please,” Roman trilled excitedly, facing him and walking backward towards the door. “This isn’t a door that belongs here! It’s a big oak door with designs that look like runes; how could this belong here?”
“It’s still a door we probably shouldn’t go through!”
“Where’s your sense of adventure, Lo?” Roman turned to face the door, pausing right in front of it, the knob only a hairsbreadth away from his hand.
“I have a fine sense of adventure,” Logan insisted, coming to stand behind Roman. “I just like to know what I’m getting into before I do so.”
“That takes all the fun out of it,” Roman said, hand on the knob. His heart was racing, beating up into his throat.
“And adds a good bit of danger.”
Roman twisted the doorknob.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
Roman pushed open the door.
On the other side of the door, a little shop was revealed. It had muted blue walls with oak accents. With wind chimes in the windows, a dark oak counter to the right, and another door leading to another section of the shop. There were shelves near that door, filled with books, a few plants, and a few crystals.
The whole shop made Roman feel warm like someone had just sat him down in front of a fireplace, handed him a cup of hot cocoa and placed a blanket over his shoulders.
Roman’s head snapped to the doorway. There stood a man who was so gorgeous Roman thought it should’ve been illegal. With a shirt that hung off his shoulders, ripped jeans, rings and necklaces, eyeshadow dark enough to be a black hole, and eyeliner sharper enough to kill Roman, Roman knew he was fucked. The man leaned his arm against the doorframe, resting there with an eyebrow arched and a smirk on his lips.
“And here, I was starting to think that portal was broken,” the man mused. He pushed himself off the doorframe, walking behind the counter before resting again on his elbows. “How can I help y’all?”
Roman gaped. Logan was silent.
The man blinked before shaking his head, chuckling to himself. “Right, this is probably your first time here, huh?” he asked, eyes narrowed in amusement. “That’s fine, hold on–”
The man leaned back and raised a hand to his mouth, cupping it. “Hey, Pat!” he yelled. “We’ve got company!”
The man turned back to them as the sound of footsteps came around the corner.
Another man appeared at the doorway, dressed in a flowy t-shirt, shorts, glasses, and a silly pointy witch hat. He paused in the doorway before smiling brightly at Roman and Logan. “Oh!” he exclaimed. “Hi! Sorry, we don’t get many customers through that door.”
“Cu-Customers?” Logan stuttered out. Roman glanced at him out of the corner of his eye and saw an uncharacteristic blush on his cheeks.
“Yeah,” the man said, smiling still, though it looked a bit more confused. His eyes flickered to the gorgeous man, who chuckled.
“It’s their first time,” the gorgeous man explained.
“Oh!” the other man said, drawing out the word. He walked forward, then outstretched his hand. “Then where are my manners? I’m Patton. And this is Virgil. Welcome to The Willow.”
Roman blinked before shaking Patton’s hand. “I’m Roman,” he said, still dazed. “This is Logan.”
The two shook hands while Roman looked to Virgil. “I’ve never seen this shop before and it’s–” he laughed nervously, “–certainly not attached to the bookshop.”
“God, you really are new,” Virgil hummed, mouth slanted down. He still looked amused though, and Roman was mesmerized. Virgil cleared his throat, leaning on his palms, and said, “The door you just walked through is a portal. You’ve entered a new world.” Virgil straightened and spread out his arms, beckoning and wide. “Welcome to a land of magic.”
Silence hung in the air before it was broken by Logan’s stammering.
“Magic? Magic?” he said incredulously. “You can’t be serious, magic doesn’t–it can’t–what?”
“I think you broke him,” Roman said, staring as his friend came apart at the seams. He looked back at Patton and Virgil. “But, yeah, I mean… magic? I’m all for believing but… really?”
Patton and Virgil looked at each other, both grinning. Virgil held his hand lazily as Patton took a similar position. A soft purple began emanating from Virgil’s veins, traveling up his arm and resting in the palm of his hand. A bright, sky blue glowed from Patton’s hand, trickling down his arm like water.
Roman stared, mouth falling open. He had to be dreaming, he had to be. He could only be seeing this if he was dreaming. As much as he may have wanted it to be true, magic didn’t exist; it didn’t–
“What the–” Logan actually took a step back.
If Logan, a realist, a science-based, logic-based person through and through, was seeing it, then, okay, maybe it wasn’t a dream. Roman dared to believe more than ever before.
“That real enough for ya?” Virgil teased, snickering as he lowered his hand, glow disappearing.
When neither of them spoke, Patton smiled kindly at them and said, “I understand it’s a lot to take it. That’s okay! We can show you around if you want to know more.”
The two men watched Roman and Logan. Roman looked at Logan. Logan’s eyes were wide and frantic and ever so slightly panicked but there was wonder in there too.
Roman let himself smile. Logan wouldn’t let up the chance to learn more, especially when it was something he knew little about.
The two nodded at each other before turning to Patton and Virgil. “Please,” Roman said, hope blooming in his chest.
Virgil grinned before walking out from behind the counter. He walked to Patton, briefly turning to Roman and Logan to say, “Then follow us.”
The four all walked through the doorway and farther into the shop.
“Looks like you found your adventure,” Logan muttered to Roman, eyes glued to the new world around them.
Roman chuckled breathlessly. “Looks like I did.”
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fibonnacifairytale · 6 years
Name something that you saw within the past week that made you smile:: Little girl fell asleep on her mum whose childcare bailed on her so she brought her to class.
Name something within the past week that made you frown:: My boyfriend reading my unfinished script without my knowledge, although it turned out he only clicked it to figure out what it was as the title was interesting then he left it alone. Name somebody who you wish would cut you a break sometimes:: Myself, I’m too hard on myself haha Name somebody you know who deserves a better life than they have:: My friend Elin.
Name something you own that has high sentimental value::
 A card my gran made me a while ago, she passed away last year.
Name something that you hope is different by this time next year:: My financial situation. Name something that you’re good at but don’t like: :
I genuinely can’t think of anything.
Name something that you’re bad at but DO like: : Acting/singing
Name something that you like about the person you argue most with:: I love everything about them. Name something that you strongly believe in: : Life’s too short to waste time on toxic people. Name something was funny to you but not to anybody else:: My best friend’s seal impression, also ‘what’s your favourite animal?’ Name somebody who has tried to help you and ended up hurting you:: I can’t think of anyone. Name something that you had to learn the hard way:: Pre-drinking in the afternoon won’t mean the party will last longer and you’ll feel good all through the night, you’ll just crash quicker and sober up and want to go home by 10:30 Name something that you think should be illegal:: Wearing socks and sandals that shit is criminal Name a date that has a lot of significance to you: : October 7th 2016 was my first kiss with my boyfriend and when we both admitted we liked each other. Do you like pudding?: yes
What was the last thing you complained about?: Either being poor or having to write my essay Do you tend to use a lot of big words?: I have an extensive vocabulary, but I only whip it out if the word is right for the situation so I guess? Do you fall for guys/girls easily?: Yep Do you have low or high self esteem?: Middling Are you a heavy sleeper?: Once I’m out I’m pretty much out for the count yeah, it’s just falling asleep is my issue Have you ever felt like you’ve hit below rock bottom?: Not yet When someone copies you, are you more flattered or annoyed?: Depends on what it is, I’m not really fussed what other people are doing. Are you trustworthy?: Yes What’s one of your favorite quotes?: ”Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” - Martin Luther King Favorite song lyrics?: ”And you were a dream, and I was a concrete wall” - Grandaddy and the entirety of Get Outta The Car by Aesop Rock Which is worse: Stale chips or flat soda?: Stale chips Have you ever been heartbroken?: Yes Have you ever carved a pumpkin?: Actually no I don’t think I have, maybe once when I was super young but I don’t really remember Are there any CD’s that you enjoy listening to all the way through?: The Impossible Kid by Aesop Rock, the entire discography of Sophie Ellis Bextor. Is there a lot of drama in your life right now?: Not really Do you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?: No Have you ever set off a fire alarm at school?: No Do you like raviolis?: Yeah, I haven’t had it in ages though What’s the hardest lesson you’ve had to learn?: I don’t know Do you have a silly side?: Definitely Were you obsessed with those bead/jewlery making kits when you were younger: I don’t think I had any of those kits, I liked making bracelets though What’s one show that you wish was still on the air?: If you’d asked me this 5 years ago I’d have said Reaper mainly as that ending was very dissatisfying, I don’t know though What’s something you’re looking forward to?: Going to America to see my dad and meet more of my step family, as well as properly have my dad and boyfriend meet Are you optimistic or pessimistic?: I’m realistic Did you ever play with side-walk chalk?: Probably Are there any fast-food restaurants that you hate?: I don’t hate anywhere but I’m not particularly fussed by Burger King Are you a picky eater?: Not hugely I know what I like but I’m willing to try new things Do you like the band Rise Against?: I don’t know any of their songs
Who’s the hottest guy and hottest girl out there?: I have no idea, if we’re talking celebrities then Justin Baldoni and Stephanie Beatriz
Are you stubborn?: Oh yeah What’s your favorite song at the moment?: Right now it’s between Cold Hearted by Paula Abdul and Chicago by Sufjan Stevens Do you live your life to the fullest?: I try but not as much as I’d like Have you ever questioned your sexuality?: Yep, all my teen years. I’ve now settled on not bothering with labels, I’ll love who I love regardless What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been called?: Words themselves don’t hurt me it’s implications I don’t like. Have you ever burnt your ear with a straightener/curling iron?: Nope Are you any good at the game Rockband?: Only on DS What’s your favorite board game?: Betrayal at House on the Hill a.k.a. Spook House or Dead of Winter Do you believe that sometimes life is unfair?: Yes Do you have a hard time with making new friends?: Yes and no What’s your favorite kind of doughnut?:
No hole, filled with jam or custard and dusted with sugar
What’s the most important quality in the opposite or preferred sex?: Good sense of humour, honest, open communication and patience Have you ever used a port-a-potty?: Probably What’s your favorite ride at the fair?: The spinny ones, or the up and down ones When was the last time someone gave you a piggy-back ride?: A couple of days ago, I jumped on my boyfriend’s back Have you ever been onstage in front of a lot of people?: Several times What was the last stinky thing you smelled?: The trash outside Are you more of a girly girl or a tomboy?: Depends on the day What’s something you’re craving right now?: Ravioli as it was mentioned earlier and I’m easily influenced haha Have you ever been on a boat? Yes Have you ever been camping?: Nope What’s your favorite outdoor activity?: Walking a dog through the park on a bright warm day Do you ever shop at Hot Topic?: Nope Do you ever trip over your pets?: My only pet at the moment is a corn snake and my flatmate has a budgie so no Do you have any Christmas lights up on your house?: No we only moved here last month, also it’s bad luck to leave xmas decorations up for too long
Do you watch Spongebob Squarepants?: Not recently, watched it a lot when I was younger though Are you currently in a relationship?: Yes Is your foot asleep?: Not that I can tell What did you last look in the fridge for?: Milk or snacks
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hvzardly · 7 years
I am just done with sahur. Sandwich. With hard boiled egg. And a date cake. And a danish pastry (and a Danish gal lol). And a banana. Enough for me; not sure about the others. Feeling a bit guilty for telling le hotel guy to prepare “nothing big; just some breads will do”. Huhuu. Subuh is up at 4.30ish. It says 4.38 on Google or MuslimPro web; but le masjid right across the street did azan at 4.32.. so might better take 4.30 as le safe line.
Okay; time to answer le questions from your last post. Hehehe.
What’s cool here? I. Have. No. Idea.
It was only because of this trip, I’ve learnt that Colombo is the capital of Sri Lanka. That its old name was Ceylon instead of Sierra Leone. That it is a big island with 21 million in population; not some land connected to India like Bangladesh or Pakistan. That even tho they claim that the civil war (between the notorious Tamil Tigers vs pretty much everyone else) had ended back in 2009, conflicts are just waiting to resurface; which made everyone (who are familiar with le issue) wonder - why the hell did you guys choose Sri Lanka?!
Well.. because of the sponsor value that they (Sri Lankan government) offered to us; worths more than half a million. Without that, maybe even NZ will not happen at all.
The flight was approximately a 3 hours long bumps-and-smells-filled one. Hence le sickness; which has alhamdulillah now gone after hours. Even as we left the plane (we were seated quite close to the final rows; 60ish), it was like a war zone. Blankies were tossed everywhere. Thrashes; even toothpicks; were on the seats and floors. Eww eww eww. Me not the tidiest person on earth but eww eww ewww.
Owh. Gotta give some credits to le entertainment system on board. They didn’t really interrupt much when we play stuff. Hehe. And quite a good selection of movies too. Me watched ARRIVAL; le story about le aliens language expert played by Kyla Fischer (not bothered to Google le spelling cos me cool liddat lol).
You seem to manage to squeeze in everywhere, don’t you? First; I saw Bangkok on le flight map all the way thruout le flight, even tho we were not going anywhere near Thailand. Second; out of so many countries in the world, le aliens decided to land in Denmark too??!! Huhuu. Me rather it was YOU than those craycray hints tau.
Le meals were fine too, so far. On board, and at le hotel. Quite atuned to our taste buds.. luckily. So Le Gemoks’ 1st world problem seem to solve quite quickly tho. Hehe. Oh. Me think le tummy has grown since you left; but somehow me needed to make extra holes on me belt, went few sizes lower for pants and even managed to pull much remainder of le seat belt (been a while since me last saw any part of le belt remaining tho after locking le buckle huhuu). So what happens here? My theory : waist got smaller, tummy remains as it was pre 2017. Huhuu.
We got quite some hundreds of miles to cover in the next few days; including some stick fishing (men fish while sitting on sticks, literally), jeep-riding through the safari, tea planting, ancient textiles industry, traditional wood carvings etc. So yah; these should be quite compact of episodes. Hopefully. Pray for me. Huhuhi.
Hmm. Not gonna touch on le jealousy much. Just impressed (and a bit relieved) that you now know how it feels. But still sceptical of how risky it could typically be. But as me trust how you’re so many things beyond typical, we shall just leave that aside and move on to.. yah, le next part.
Me glad that you’re getting some breeze now, at last. And also le biking; so that you won’t suffer much behind those 4 walls. I think le monsoon is coming tho, that’s why. Even Sri Lanka does not feel that hot (except to some bunch who just travelled across le hemisphere huhuu). In fact, just as gloomy as your place (weird calling le Thai that now); and even rained last nite.. that was why they got back from le jalan2 so early.
Owh ya; we share quite le same climate here and Malaysia; as both are in le Khatulistiwa center earth line. So me didn’t really need to unpack and repack. Me had actually packed some tshirts and pants (le new ones woot woot) already for Sri Lanka and brought them to NZ; so just had to replace le inner stuff with fresh ones, and also swap to much smaller bag. Hehe.
Oh oh. Of cos me remember Dailamo and le story about your Lankans classmates. Gonna try and sing it to le guide tomorrow and see if he knows it. Lol.
Awh.. fun fact : out of those 21 million, 7% are Muslims; and majority of Muslims are.. jeng jeng jeng.. Malays! Ahahaha. Been speaking with me Abang last night about this; Moana could be about us anyways - le warriors of the sea! Plus; le Maoris could be some Malay outcasts; hence le likeliness. He’s le expert in some history shhtuff, not me; so let him enjoy this one lah. Haha.
About le texting; me really sorry tho. Sorry to you, and sorry to meself. Me seriously getting used to how we roll tho.. even enjoying it liao. So yah; me gonna be extra careful of texting next time. Tau tau.
But not sure if me regret it (minus le hurting you part); cos if le illegal (hehe) texting could tell me one thing, that would be you mishing me as crazy, and how me travelling up North might and should happen eventually.
As me said, let’s just wait and see. If it happens, it happens. Only what matters most is, it COULD happen. And how the both of us mutually agree that it SHOULD happen.
InsyaAllah. We plan, but He plans le best.
Mishu. Luhyu. Somach. Even much more than much could logically be.
P.s. : Hence le 3 minutes mini heart attack.
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