#cas drystan
mercuriiarts · 2 years
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oh boy the brainrot is back
CasKaas gay chin tilt 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 the fucking TENSION
credit to @from-sidereal for Cas (blue lad)
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casualscx · 4 months
closed starter for @surv1vor continued from here!
there was no stopping the quiet chuckle that escaped his parted lips. he doubted her statement, knowing good and well that had it been him out in the stands, surely he would've noticed her absence. how could anyone not? still, the thought that she'd slipped away made him grin, a brow quirked. was he naive to think it was truly because of him?
"you flatter me too much, my lady. slipping out on your own celebration to tend to a common knight?" he couldn't resist the smile that formed, despite the throbbing pain in his shoulder that became much more prominent as he shifted in his seat. drystan hesitated for a moment longer, searching for the appropriate response to her question but perhaps he should've known better than to say no to the star of the dawn court. "you shouldn't soil your hands with a knight's blood but," he paused, admiration and curiosity both coating his features as he lifted the wet cloth within his calloused fingers.
"if it pleases you to assist, who am i to deny the aid of the brightest there is in the dawn court?" he kept his smile at bay, though enough for her to notice his gratitude. drystan wasn't a man of many words nor emotions, he didn't wear them so openly on his sleeve like many he knew. "your father—"
a wince and hiss of pain.
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"—forgive me, it's just, i'd hate for him to be displeased with you. i am but a shadow in this grand tapestry of your life. yet here you are," he murmured, almost to himself, "making me believe, if only for a moment, that such rules don't matter." there wasn't exactly much in place that kept the pair from fraternizing with one another, though drystan knew there was a status quo to maintain and sadly, he did not fit into her world. high fae or not, he was still lesser than those of nobility.
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haydenigmatic · 1 year
How would our siblings react, if MC asked for help in running away with the love of their life, to escape from court and intrigue?
🤔well they would definitely be up to it and help you no matter what though for Bas it would be like really hard, you are his little sibling and he would like first to be sure that the person you are going to run away with is actually the love of your life, but even so he knows that you just like him have a responsibility with the family, to marry with whomever your parents choose for you, just like him but at the end he would be like I will sacrifice so my siblings ca have the life they want, they may choose whom to love and how to live.
As for Drystan he would be like right away on the move to help you, but deep down he hopes is something like the reckless acts he does and you'll return after having got tired of living the lovey dovey couple life, it again more with the fact that he doesn't want to lose you.
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hellshores · 4 years
switchblades and sinshots
chapter from my current wip, viva la vida - there are no spoilers:)
It had been late on a rainy night when Switch had gotten the assassination job, but then again, Switch only operated during the darkest hours.
Switch – always referred to as they, as their identity was so well-hidden that the people of the streets couldn’t even figure out whether the feared assassin was female, male, or neither – had been perched on the fire escape of a gambling den when it had happened. 
They’d been biding their time, waiting for nothing and no one, as they weren’t in the middle of a job and had nowhere else to go except for their shithole of a home. Depending on the job, a life as an assassin paid well, but it wasn’t nearly enough to live comfortably.
As Switch surveyed the dark street, slick from the rainfall, they wondered just how the hell they’d gotten to this point, how the hell they’d become someone like this – a question the assassin often found themselves contemplating. Falling sins, even their very street name came from their weapon of choice: a switchblade, small but fast, unassuming yet deadly.
The last thing you’ll see is the glint of their switchblade, the people of the streets liked to whisper. In a strange, twisted sort of way, they loved the notorious assassin: most things in this side of the city – nicknamed Hellshore, as it was right along the ocean that divided Tenebra and Lumen – were gambled for, so it was no surprise that many people had placed countless bets on Switch’s identity.
In fact, there was one occasion when a particularly talented and sneaky – or, more likely, desperate and stupid – individual became dangerously close to finding out. It was really rather unfortunate that the night had ended with the dreaded switchblade of the very person the idiot was trying to identify buried in his gut.
But what was done was done. Switch couldn’t shed their reputation as an assassin any more than Argent and Mech, the other two faceless, notorious figures of Concordia, could.
Argent, Switch, and Mech. The infamous three names that everyone both feared and respected, the Unholy Trinity, as the people of Hellshore liked to call them, the rulers of the streets – until, of course, another piece had entered the board: Deadfall, possibly the most dangerous, mysterious of them all. No one knew who he was or what his intentions were, not even Argent, the thief of secrets. He seemed to be utterly untouchable; as far as Switch knew, no one had ever made direct contact with him. The only thing Switch was aware of was that, while it seemed as though Deadfall had been on the streets since the beginning of time, he’d only materialized shortly after the fall of King Drystan Alastor.
Many assumed all four dangerous, unidentified figures worked together, or that the Unholy Trinity worked under Deadfall himself – but in truth, they all worked for no one but themselves, and they rarely interacted; on the contrary, they had an unspoken, mutual agreement: Don’t interfere with my dealings, I won’t interfere with yours.
Though it seemed as if Switch had been having a severe lack of jobs to be interfered with recently. Of course, one might consider that a good thing, as less people were being killed – but as their only source of income, Switch didn’t find this a positive, especially because the targets they were tasked to assassinate were usually the sewer-rat-type sinshots who more likely than not deserved to die.
Before Switch could sink further into their rather ironic self-pity, the faintest noise reached the assassin’s ears: a nearly imperceptible flick, like a card being flipped in the air. Holding their breath, Switch waited until they were completely sure the person was gone before slowly leaning over to see where the sound had come from.
Sure enough, a playing card lay on the ground, rainwater soaking it through.
Quickly and soundlessly, Switch leapt from the fire escape and landed lightly on the street, the puddles under the assassin’s feet barely rippling as they leaned down to swipe the card. There was writing on the back, part of it smudged unintelligibly thanks to the rain, and Switch melted back into the shadows of the gambling den’s dirty alleyway to try and decipher the smeared words.
 I have a job for y willing to pay a price you can’t turn
To meet me, follow the ca
 Stifling an irritated sigh, Switch tilted the card, trying to figure out what the missing letters were.
 I have a job for y . . . ou, and I’m willing to pay a price you can’t turn . . . down.
To meet me, follow the . . . cat. . . . cart. . . . call. . . .
 The first two lines were safe bets, but the last one was questionable – until a group of obnoxiously loud men barreled out the door from the gambling den, drunkenly shouting something about heading over to the club on the next block over, and it finally clicked in Switch’s mind:
 To meet me, follow the card.
 Switch flipped the playing card over. The fifth of clubs – the club on Fifth street. Absurdly obvious now that they understood. Oh, how so gods-damned clever of you.
The rain dripped off the water resistant material of Switch’s dark hood as they leapt back up onto the fire escape, quickly climbing up to the roof. Of course, they could have taken the route through the narrow alleyways, but the rooftop made a far better vantage point – and anyway, the assassin could use the adrenaline rush.
The buildings of Hellshore were tightly packed together, making it all too easy to jump from one to another. Switch enjoyed the rush of the wind as they flew from roof to roof, each landing light and silent, each leap smooth and graceful.
If the assassin had any sort of favorite pastime, this would be it.
Almost too soon, Switch had reached Fifth Street, a busy main road with people and carts hurriedly rushing in every direction. From Switch’s viewpoint, they all closely resembled a colony of panicking ants, scurrying around with no real place to go – open, vulnerable, all-too-easy prey.
But you’re not here to hunt them, Switch reminded themselves, quickly locating a drainpipe to slide down. There was only one club on Fifth – the notorious Nightshade institution, known for its sketchy dealings and, according to the rumors, the best drinks in all of Tenebra. And since everyone in Hellshore ultimately ran on alcohol alone, Nightshade was always packed, any and every time of the day.
Switch made it to the club, considered entering through the door, and then deigned to go through the club’s large vent system – not to be unnecessarily complicated, but because the assassin didn’t have the time nor motivation to battle the crowds and whispers.
And yes, fine, going through the vent system was also undeniably fun.
Switch located the opening to the vent and was just about to pry it open when a faint whisper reached their ears.
Switch was already standing, that infamous switchblade in their hand, glinting dully in the weakly flickering street lights.
“Come out slowly with your hands up,” Switch said, their voice disguised by a special microphone in their hood. “If you so much as flash a weapon, I will not hesitate to kill you.”
The phrase was usually enough to subdue anyone who dared hire the dangerous assassin, but whoever had led Switch here only gave a dark, quiet laugh. “You won’t kill me,” they said. “I have a price you can’t refuse – and from what I hear, Switch, you never turn away a good price.”
By the sound of their smooth baritone, Switch assumed the unknown figure was male – though they could have been using a voice-changing microphone as well, so there was no way to be sure.
“Show me your face, and then we’ll talk,” Switch replied, an unfamiliar sense of uneasiness beginning to press in. No one had ever been able to stay unseen from the assassin for this long; the fact that they were accomplishing so was enough to set Switch on edge.
“You say that while still keeping your own identity hidden,” the unknown person remarked, sounding faintly amused. “That hardly seems fair, now, does it?”
Falling sins. It took quite some nerve to provoke the Switchblade Assassin – if Switch could have even just seen this mysterious potential hirer, the bastard would’ve been dead long ago. But they couldn’t even sense the other person, couldn’t even hear a whisper of their breath, something that rarely – indeed, never – happened.
Switch’s teeth gritted together. After a long moment of silence, they finally said, “Just tell me what the bloody job is, sinshot.”
Though the assassin couldn’t see it, they could sense the other person’s humorless smile. “I knew you would come through for me.”
“I swear to all the gods, I will carve out your ass and leave it on the street to rot,” Switch snapped. “You have thirty seconds to tell me the job, or we’re done.”
“You truly do drive a hard bargain,” the other person deadpanned. After a pause, they said almost too simply, “Assassinate Prince Laurent Aldrich.”
For a moment, Switch was entirely caught off guard – and Switch was never caught off guard.
Finally, the assassin said, “That’s the job?”
“That’s the job.”
“Falling sins and saints, you’re a blasting idiot.” Switch turned to leave. “I’m out. Find some other lucky sinshot to pine after.”
“Ah, but there’s more to it than I’ve told you,” the other person said. “Unfortunately, I cannot detail the rest unless you accept – and remember, I’m offering you a price you can’t turn down.”
“No amount of coins will make this worth it. It’s impossible, risky to the point of idiocy.”
“Then I suppose it’s a good thing I’m not offering coins.”
Switch laughed in disbelief. “Then what is this un-turn-downable price you claim you can give me?”
There was another pause. “I can give you the identities of both Argent and Mech.”
Again, Switch was thrown.
For a moment, it sounded unbelievably tempting – but reason finally caught up with the assassin, and they shook their head. “Hardly worth it. It makes it easier for us to operate unknown and unnamed – and anyway, why the hell should I trust that you even know?”
“Because,” the sinshot answered, “I know your identity as well.”
Switch shook their head again. “You’re full of shit, sinshot. We’re done here.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t walk away quite yet,” the other person said, and though their voice remained pleasantly indifferent, Switch could hear the veiled threat behind the words. “The impossibility of your situation hasn’t yet clicked, has it?” There was a pause where Switch imagined the sinshot leaning forward, as if coming in to share a secret. “If you don’t do this job, Switchblade Assassin, I will tell both Argent and Mech who you are – and once the thief of secrets knows, no one can predict where that juicy little tidbit of information will spread.”
For a moment, Switch was frozen. Falling gods-damned sins and saints. Now that this unknown figure had pointed it out, the assassin finally understood too late the amount of saintshit they were in. Even if this bastard was making it up, there was that slightest chance they weren’t – which meant Switch’s entire life was hanging precariously in the balance.
Was it worth taking that risk?
“If you’re really telling the truth,” Switch finally said, “you can tell me either Argent’s or Mech’s identity now.”
“Oh, I could,” the sinshot replied. “But if you decide to back out of the job at the last second, I will have traded the name for nothing.”
“So you want to pay me after I kill the gods-damned golden prince of Lumen – and if I don’t, you’ll tell all of Concordia my identity.”
“Again, there’s more to it than that – but ultimately, yes.”
Switch very much wanted to stab something – preferably whoever the hell they were talking to. “You could be a lying bastard for all I know.”
“I could,” the sinshot said, “but do you want to wait and find out, knowing there’s a minute chance I’m not?”
The assassin silently cursed themselves – they were well and thoroughly trapped. “At least tell me how you know my identity.”
“I have connections.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“That’s the only answer you’re going to get.”
Switch shook their head in incredulity. “At least show me your blasting face.”
“That’s something I simply cannot afford.”
Oh, Switch very, very much wanted to stab them. “Give me your name, then, sinshot, because I don’t deal with people I don’t know.”
The mysterious hirer gave a dry laugh. “Well, since you asked so gods-damned politely,” they replied, and then paused for a long time – not for dramatic effect, but as if they were slowly, carefully thinking of how to respond.
Finally, they said, “Call me Deadfall.”
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filigreefaerie · 4 years
male fantasy names
below the cut you’ll find 52 male fantasy inspired names. keep in mind that you can change the names up to make those them sound even more unique and personal!
like or reblog if you save
send a request!
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A, B
aeric, aeron, anias, blaiz
caed, caley, chael, cassiel, ciaran, cyne
dacareon, dailan, darieth, davion, drystan
E, F
eilan, eiran, feron, finnian
G, H, J, I
galien, helion, jadis, jaisen, ilyr, iyan
K, L
kallias, keir, kellen, kien, kit, kova, krinn, lydan
M, N, O
macen, nathair, oreon
R, S
riden, rune, ryven, silas, sion, 
talon, taren, thorne, titus, tomas, torian, torryn
V, Z
vadim, varian, zariel, zev
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fanficfreekspn · 4 years
1-5: Surprise! We’re Engaged (4)
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Drystan dropped the book he was reading and rubbed his eyes. "So Ian, your parents are in the same generation as my grandfather?"
"Yes. Time means nothing in Tír na nÓg. One year there is 100 in the human realm."
Lily stared over her book at him. "So how old are you?"
He flashed his eyes at her as Drystan answered for him. "He's 35 and has never been to the Otherworld."
Both turned their eyes to him.
"We did that... introduction thingie the night we met."
"Were you raised as human?" she sat up.
"I'm not human. I was raised by my parents, in England, who pretended to be human."
"Where are they now? Still slumming it out in London?"
"Essex, thank you very much, but no. They returned to their kingdom when I turned 21."
"So what, you went to a proper school and college? How horrible for you."
"It was your mother's decision, and hers alone. My grandfather is brother to your great-grandfather..."
"That makes us..."
"Forth cousins, once removed," he answered. "Intermarriage within the clan is usually frowned upon for obvious reasons, but our genetics are only a 10% match. There's enough separation that we are completely compatible."
"Well, at least our children won't be disfigured," she hissed before pushing back and storming off to the bar.
He rolled his eyes and mumbled, "just like water..." under his breath.
"She dealt with the whole incest thing on an up close and personal level just a year ago," Drystan explained. "She's not a fan of this discussion."
Ian smirked at him. "Fitting right in, I see," he complained.
"She trusts me," he shrugged his shoulders before returning to his reading.
He watched him for a moment before walking off to find her. When he did, she was drinking from a glass of scotch and leaning against the bar.
She raised her hand before finishing the glass and letting out a breath. "Continue."
"This would be so much easier if you just let me..."
"No," she looked him straight in the eye. "I have no choice of who my parents are or were. I had no choice in the way I was raised. I have no choice in the feelings coursing through my body just by standing this close to you..."
He raised his eyebrows, completely understanding what she meant. He too had felt it since the moment she walked out of her room. The need to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her was overwhelming. He had never in his life felt the connection to any one being like he did her.
"I can control this one thing, and I'm going to hang onto that. Please tell me you understand that."
She placed her glass onto the bar and sighed. “Thank you.”
“Hey Lily, an alert just went off on your phone,” Drystan interrupted them.
“Thanks,” she walked off to read the news feed. “Excuse me a moment,” she dialed and walked into the library to retrieve a book.
“Hey Lil,” Sam answered.
“Are you two off to investigate the deaths in Kansas City?”
“Um… yeah, why?”
“There’s been an update to the FBI database.”
He placed her on speakerphone. “Go on,” Dean spoke while driving.
“Hoof prints heading toward the body, footprints leading away in all three cases.”
“So what, a shapeshifter?”
“Or a Deer Woman,” she found the book she was looking for and turned the pages. “In Native American lore she’s a fertility spirit. Basically benign, but known to lure promiscuous men to their deaths.”
“All three victims are male,” Sam read over his notes. 
“How do we gank her, Temporary Garth?” Dean smirked.
“She can be banished through the use of chanting and tobacco. Some claim that the spell she casts can be broken if one looks at her cloven hooves.”
“She casts spells?” Sam asked.
“Think sirens and succubi,” she smirked. “Are you sure you don’t need me?” she rolled her eyes to the ceiling.
“Nah, we’ve got this,” Sam smirked. “You just… have fun.”
She pursed her lips before hanging up and sliding her phone into her back pocket.
“And that’s what you do,” Drystan smiled at her.
“I’m going to find the specific chant and tobacco spell they need, but I’m going to wait and make them pay for not taking me,” she smarted before returning the book to where it belonged.
There was suddenly another being in the bunker with them. The three of them turned to see Castiel, his eyes glowing blue that only those who could see through the veil could see.
“Castiel, these are Einion and Drystan,” Lily made introductions without blinking an eye. 
“Pardon my intrusion, I was looking for your brothers.”
“They’re on a hunt for a Deer Woman in Kansas City,” she informed him.
“What are you?” Drystan asked as he tilted his head.
“Sorry,” Lily smiled. “Castiel is an Angel. Cas, we’re all Celts here.”
“I see that,” he cocked his eyebrow. “And royalty at that.”
Drystan raised his eyebrows as Ian offered his hand. “Pleasure.”
“Is there something I can help you with?” Lily asked.
“I believe that I have come across a simple haunting…”
She raised her eyebrows. “That’s awesome,” she turned to her brother. “It would be perfect for you to start with.”
“You’re training him?”
“He’s my half brother on the Celtic side,” she explained. “He’s a bounty hunter, how different can it be?”
〈⍟ Part 3 •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾ ⍟ ☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• Part 5 ⍟〉
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layahimalaya · 7 years
tagged by @kaisaisling, thanks!
Relationship status: single
Favourite colour: purple and green and blue
Lipstick or chapstick: ive literally never worn lipstick in my life
Last song you listened to: uhhhh happy by mitski
Last movie you watched: the dark crystal, I watched the final version on netflix to see if it was much different from the director’s cut i have on my hard drive and also watched recently (since we’re doing a project on it for class) and uhh.....the final version has narration and internal thoughts and the skeksis actually talk, not just unintelligible screeches 80% of the time. so that was enlightening.
Top 3 characters: annie from the lifeline signal, lirael from the old kingdom books, elliot from turn of the story (i have many and these were just the first I thought of)
Top 3 ships: idk man, micah/drystan from micah grey series, kelly/yorkie from san junipero, cas/swift from the abyss surrounds us. tbh there are lots of ships i ship but it’s not the main thing i care about
Books you are currently reading: Wild by Hannah Moskowitz!
tbh all the people I would have tagged were already tagged, soo..
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mercuriiarts · 2 years
i made a comic for the first time of mine and @unpheenix ‘s blorbos, Kaasyr (my twilek mando) and their Cas (chiss/zabrak boyo)
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i really wanted to convey Kaasyr’s auditory processing disorder through the blur of the text/the distortion Cas’ mask makes of his voice
also a focus on hands and touch cuz these boys are touchstarved AF
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mercuriiarts · 2 years
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blorbos ✨✨✨✨
Kaasyr is taking up a lot of headspace, as is Cas, who belongs to @unpheenix
i love them so much it’s driving me insane
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based off my favourite sculpture, Cupid and Psyche
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