#cas you’ll always be famous
casirosa · 8 months
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the-princess-of-loki · 6 months
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Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader x Loki
Warnings: smut, graphic descriptions of smut, if you don't like it DON'T READ IT. There's a paragraph that's MXM (LokixLoki). You could read it without reading that paragraph, but again, if you don't like it, don't read it.
I was tired. So fucking tired I could barely keep my eyes open to see the door in front of me. I jiggled the keys in my hands as I tried to remember which key was the one to open the door of Loki’s and my flat. The work week has burned me down mentally and I wasn’t able to do a simple task like opening a fucking door. At least, I had the whole weekend with Loki ahead of me to look for. Maybe Loki was in a good mood and wanted to give me one of his famous massages. I smiled at the thought. His big hands always felt so good on me…
I finally found the key so I opened the door. I left my keys on the bowl we had next to the door for them and hung my bag on the rack. Our flat was really not that big, so I was surprised when I didn’t see Loki sitting on his usual spot on our two-place sofa reading a book. As I walked towards our small kitchen, I heard laughter and flirting coming from our bedroom. I walked there slowly as if moving by an automatic response more than real will. I felt my heart throbbing against my chest and my ears started to get blocked. I could only hear the fast rhythm of my heart and a piercing whistling.
As I stood in front of the door, the doorknob on my trembling hand, I pondered for a moment if I really wanted to see what was waiting for me on the other side. Was I ready for it? Hell, no. Did I need to see it? My gut was telling me that I should. Just for the sake of not doing a scene and seeming even more pathetic, I took a few deep breaths before daring to move again. As I slowly recovered my hearing, I noticed that everything was silent. Obviously, Loki knew I was there. Why he hadn’t come out of the room to make up some kind of excuse was beyond my comprehension at that moment.
Once I was calm enough given the circumstances, I opened the door slowly. I couldn’t have prepared myself for what I saw in a thousand years. The sight in front of me left me utterly speechless. I think I forgot how to breathe at some moment. I just stood in the doorframe, not able to move or look away. It was impossible.
Loki was there on the bed, kneeling on it, in all his naked glory. But even if that was a sight to be left breathless, it wasn’t all. There were not one but two naked Lokis kneeling on our bed. Did I pass out and hit my head that hard? Was I in heaven? I didn’t know but this felt like a wild version of paradise. The two Lokis smiled at me and both of them extended one of their arms towards me. Only one of them spoke, though.
“Hello, my dear princess,” he said, his smile intact. “Come to bed, my love.” It was more of an invitation than an order but my legs moved on their own accord as if he were the owner. Once I reached the side of the bed, the two Lokis helped me get on it, kneeling right in between them. The Loki behind me started to unbutton my shirt just enough for my collarbone to be exposed. He placed both of his hands on each side of my hips as his lips started a travel from my neck to my collarbone and back. I sighed at the sensation of his warm lips on my exposed skin. “We both know how tired you are, my dear,” the Loki in front of me went on as he caressed my cheek. “So we thought about a little game to wind you down a little.”
“Wh-what kind of game?” I asked, my breathing getting heavier because of the kisses I was receiving from the Loki behind me.
“One that you’ll enjoy, of course,” the Loki in front of me answered, mischief shining in his green eyes.
“Where’s the catch?” I asked before moaning as the Loki behind me started to nibble on my skin. The Loki in front of me laughed.
“You know me so well, my dear,” he chuckled as he kept caressing one of my cheeks. “There’s a little condition or pre-game if you’d like. If you win, we’ll both take care of your pleasure.” That notion itself seemed mind-blowing but there had to be something else.
“And if I lose…?” I asked a little wary, closing my eyes as the Loki behind me tilted my head back to have full access to my throat.
“If you lose, you will take care of our pleasure. Pretty fair, isn’t it?” The Loki in front of me asked after a small chuckle. Still, I wasn’t convinced. Loki’s thinking was too complex for this game to be so simple.
“And what do I have to do?”
“Oh, that’s easy, love. You only have to tell us which one of us is the real one and which one is the magic copy. It should be easy enough for you. As I said before: you know me so well…” he smirked.
And it was easy. I could definitely tell the difference without a second of a doubt. But I was conflicted about my answer. On the one hand, I couldn’t even phantom the kind of pleasure that not one but two Lokis could bring me. After all, only one Loki always drove me crazy with pleasure. However, pleasuring Loki was as much enjoyable to me as his pleasuring me. I loved to be able to drive him completely insane with my actions. Every time he moaned my name in pleasure, he grabbed my hair tightly and lost control of himself was as blissful as when I reached my own climax. So I had to think carefully about my answer.
However, how could I think about anything at all in my current situation? I had two beautifully naked Lokis in bed with me. One of them talking sweet nothings to me; the other slowly unbuttoning my shirt, kissing my neck, throat and collarbone, nibbling them softly and caressing every bit of newly exposed skin. There was no way I could think.
“This one,” I said in a breathy whisper as I grabbed a bunch of the Loki behind me hair. “You’re the real one,” both Lokis chuckled at the same time.
“What makes you say that, my dear?” The Loki in front of me asked with a smirk. The Loki behind me stopped his ministrations on my skin so I could take a moment to at least answer coherently.
“A few things. First, the real Loki would never make it easy for me to guess it. He’d think that I’d think the one doing all the talking was the real one because we know how much he likes being in control. So he would change roles to try to confuse me. Secondly, the copy hasn’t touched me in any private area, while the real one already kissed my neck, my throat, my collarbone and caressed my whole body. But there is one thing that Loki has no control over and that thing is defining to know which one of you is real.”
“May I know which thing is that, princess?” The Loki behind me spoke for the first time since I entered the room. I smiled.
“The way your touch makes me feel, love,” both Lokis looked at me with a surprised expression. They were so cute that I couldn’t help smiling more and caressing one cheek of both of them. “When the real one touched me first, I felt this warm, fuzzy, comfortable and safe feeling that I always feel when you’re around. When the copy caressed my cheek, the same feelings aroused except for the safety. And the real Loki always makes me feel safe, even when he’s angry. It’s always like that,” I shrugged, blushing a little. Loki looked at me still surprised but after some minutes, he smiled sweetly. Although I must admit it was a little weird to see his copy do exactly the same thing as him at exactly the same time.
“You do have me figured out, don’t you, princess?” The real Loki chuckled. “Well, we made a deal and it’s time for us to deliver...”
I shivered involuntarily at the way his sultry voice left that sentence hanging in the air. I felt his smirk on my ear where his lips were and I saw his copy in front of me smirking too. The real Loki put two of his long fingers below my chin and softly moved my head to the side. He joined our lips in a sweet but passionate kiss. I didn’t doubt to return his kiss; our breaths mingled and so did our tongues. I gasped when I felt both my shirt and my bra disappear but I kept kissing Loki all the same. While the real Loki kept kissing me passionately, I felt his copy’s mouth and tongue on my collarbone. The copy’s tongue moved down my torso until he reached one of my nipples. He blew some cold air into it and then surrounded the pink bud with his mouth, lazily stroking it with his tongue. I had to break Loki’s kiss as I moaned and arched my back. The real Loki smirked again as he grabbed my work skirt and tore it to pieces. I was already heaving and this was just starting.
Loki caressed the sides of my body while his copy moved to my other nipple. Loki grabbed the sides of my panties and I could see a smirk on his lips as he tore them into pieces too. His hands caressed my belly, going lower inch by inch. Before he reached my core, he stopped, though. He was, without a doubt, enjoying this as much as I was.
“Are you wet yet, my princess?” Loki asked in a sexy whisper.
One of his hands still wandered around my core while the other caressed its way to my butt. I gasped when he grabbed tightly one of my asscheeks, squeezing it; I moaned a second later when he slapped it at the same exact moment his copy sucked harder on my nipple. My air and lungs weren’t enough to moan out my pleasure. Loki slapped my other asscheek, a little harder this time, making my hips move away from him involuntarily. Right in that instant, he massaged my external walls with two of his long digits. I heard him chuckle through my moan.
“You are always wet and ready for me, my princess,” he praised me still chuckling.
Loki teased my clit for some moments while his copy sucked my nipple and squeezed my asscheeks. The real one rubbed my clit with his thumb and I moved my hips with his movements until the copy grabbed my ass more tightly so I couldn’t move. I whimpered and they both chuckled at the same time. Then, Loki inserted one of his fingers inside me, while he kept rubbing my clit with his thumb. I moaned, tilting my head back so much that it ended up resting on his shoulder. He moved his finger inside and out of me, teasing that fantastic spot with each thrust, all the while he rubbed my clit with his thumb and his copy kept sucking on my nipples, alternating between the two of them.
When Loki felt I was used to his finger, he nodded to his copy. The copy smirked and left my breasts and one of my asscheeks as he inserted the same finger that Loki had inside me. I moaned as both of them moved their fingers at the same time, just teasing me. They kept adding fingers inside me as they felt how I was getting more and more aroused every second that passed by. I got excited as I saw them both taking his fingers out of me completely; that only meant one thing. However, when my lust-clouded mind was able to think, I got worried. They were both preparing to penetrate me. Both.
“Loki…I…both…I won’t be able…” I stuttered, looking back at the real Loki behind me who smiled at me sweetly but with mischief shining on his green eyes.
“My princes, have I ever done something to you that you didn’t enjoy? Have I ever hurt you?” Loki asked as he kissed and nibbled my neck.
“N-no, but…” It was difficult to concentrate on words at that moment. Almost impossible.
“Then, keep trusting me, my love. I will always do what’s best for you and I promised you pleasure, not pain. So relax, my love, and give yourself to me.”
I was still a little hesitant, to be honest. But what Loki had said was true so I decided to do what I always did in these situations: I trusted him and gave myself to him. He always knew, sometimes better than me, what, how and when I needed something. So I just nodded to him, giving him my express consent. I knew that he wouldn’t go on until I had fully and expressly consented. It was one of the things, of many things, that made me fall in love with him. Even for our first kiss, he’d asked for my permission.
Once I’ve consented, both Loki and his copy started to prepare to penetrate me again. They had to move on the bed so they’d be able to do it. I was excited but hesitant at the same time. Loki knew it, of course he did, so he grabbed my neck with one hand to bring me towards his chest as he was still behind me. His lips lingered on mine, his warm breath hitting my face as a hypnotic fragrance.
“Feel me,” he whispered in a low, sultry voice.
Loki crashed his lips on mine and I lost every ability to think. I was only able to feel him, just as he had told me to. After a short while, I had to break the kiss as I felt both Loki and his copy thrust inside me at the same time. I moaned high. I felt a little bit of pain, I wasn’t going to lie. Loki was big enough on his own and now he was doubled in size and completely inside me. Loki, of course, knew it, so both he and his copy stayed still inside me.
“Good girl,” Loki praised me as he breathed heavily. His chest went up and down against my back and the same went for Loki’s copy in front of me. A thought crossed my mind then; a dangerous thought without a doubt. Loki knew about it as soon as it crossed my mind and he chuckled. “Oh, my princess. Who would’ve known you had such dirty thoughts, my good girl? But I’ve promised you pleasure and I’m a god of my word, aren’t I?”
I couldn’t believe it, but was really excited and amazed to see, when Loki grabbed his copy’s neck and brought him forward to him with me still in the middle. They kissed passionately right next to my face. It was an exaggerated kiss so I could see every movement. Loki looked at me the whole time, making sure that I was looking and enjoying the show he was putting up for me. And hell, I was enjoying it more than I thought I would. When I saw their tongues playing together, I couldn’t stop myself and joined their kiss with my own tongue. I moaned as soon as they kissed me back.
Once I was lost in that passionate and wild kiss -really, not even in my wildest fantasies I’d imagined that I’d get to kiss two Lokis at the same time. Loki and his copy started to move slowly, thrusting inside me in a rhythm which made sure that one of them was all the time inside me. I broke the kiss and moaned with each thrust, as they both hit my G-spot all the time stimulating me non-stop. To make matters better in this particular situation, Loki started to rub my clit with his thumb again. I was being over-stimulated and I didn’t know how much time I was going to last. I even started to feel my walls getting tighter around both Loki’s and his copy’s hard members inside me.
“You’re so close, princes…” Loki whispered in my ear in his sensual, breathy voice. “Cum for me, my good girl…cum for both of us.”
Immediately after he finished speaking, I cum hard with a high moan of his name. I trembled as I felt my orgasm in every inch of my body. However, Loki and his copy didn’t stop or slow down his movements. If something, they moved harder and faster. My mind was in no state to think about anything but my body responded automatically to their movements, getting ready for yet another orgasm. I was still trembling from the first one but it seemed that my body wanted to please both Lokis with an orgasm for each. It didn’t take me long until another climax hit me and this time I felt both Lokis cumming too, filling me with their semen so much that it started to fall down my inner thighs before they got out of me. It was, without a doubt, the hottest experience of my life.
Once they both took out their member of me, I fell on the bed, breathing heavily and completely exhausted and satisfied. Loki laid next to me, caressing my back with the tip of his fingers as he too tried to recover his breath. I turned my face to the other side to look at him and we both smiled tiredly to each other, the look of complete satisfaction present in both our faces.
“Would you like my copy to give you that massage you were hoping for, my princess?” Loki asked with half a smirk. I laughed and nodded.
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latin5mamii · 3 months
stay ready (what a life)- CA, JS
|Warnings: none
|Summary:Be strong and forget about him!Is this so hard for you?
Maybe it's impossible to get over your past relationship, or maybe you just need to find someone that'll make you fall in love again.This should work, right?
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You remain shocked as you read an article about your ex boyfriend with his new girlfriend.You almost want to cry,it’s only been three months since your breakup, and you were still devastated.
I mean,you didn’t really got over your ex relationship and in the moment where you were finally healing, you catch up this fucking article.
Jannik Sinner and bla,bla,bla..
You weren’t just jealous, you were also disappointed: he literally hid you for a half of a year because of his “privacy”and now?Photos and revealing facts about his new relationship?
You couldn’t stand it, but you also couldn’t say or do anything, your relationship is over and you have to go over it. Wish it was so easy, though.
You already messaged your girlfriends, of course.
-Mia: He’s a loser, who cares?
-Evelyn: He’s not a loser, he’s a dick
-Ava:Every loser is a dick
-Mia:period girl
Thank god your friends were there to help you out,but maybe he wasn’t really a dick, and not even a loser.
He’s actually one of the most responsible people you’ve ever met. He never treated you without respect, of course, but he could at least keep it a secret to let you suffer less and heal.
But now you have to get away with it.
You: girls don’t be so hard on him,please
Ava: …
Evelyn: We lost her again..
I think that after this,you’ll have to pay your girls to support you.
Ava:and to be honest, i never trusted him
You: Wait why?
Ava:He’s too much of a gentleman
Evelyn: I agree.
But unfortunately, that wasn’t the only bad news for today:
You had to go to the Roland Garros,where of course your ex boyfriend would play.
You are  famous too, you’re a fucking italian-spanish hot girl in her early 20’s and you had to go there, even if you wanted to die just to think about it. But you’re going to be a responsible person,right? Of course you are, or you hope so.
Ava: We are going to be with you for the whole journey and we’re going to have so much fun,don’t worry about him
Mia: Maybe you could get a new tennis rich boyfriend, who knows?
You:I don’t think I'm healed for another tennis player in my life, seriously.
Evelyn: That would be fun, though.
You wish you could do like in the movies where the main character fucks around with everyone just to get revenge on your ex boyfriend, but unfortunately you’re not the kind of person that your friends want you to be.
Oh my god that Anna girl looks really pretty, but most importantly, he seems to be in love,really in love.
You thought that you were always going to be together, what a stupid baby.How could you ever have fooled yourself like this?
All the memories started to flood your mind, you looked like you were about to cry, but as soon as a tear falls on your cheek, you remind yourself again:
You've cried too much, it's time to move on. But the real question is this: will you be able to do it?
-Author’s note
This is the first part of a long (i hope so) fanfiction, and if you trust me, you’ll be satisfied🤭
Thank you always for the support!💗
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Hogwarts Legacy Profile
Owner: @a-usernamelol
Character's Full Name: Allan Waite
Meaning of name: Allan means handsome and cheerful, and the name Waite means watchman or protector. So, essentially, his name means “Cheerful Watchman” / “Handsome Protector” or something along those lines.
Nickname: Sometimes just called “Waite”- not really a nickname, but it happens enough its a casual address.
Race: Muggle Born
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Occupation: Traveller
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Age: 5th year-17 / 7th year-19
Mother: Dead
Father: Dead
Extended family: A significant amount of unnamed aunts and uncles. He doesn’t like them much, and from the sounds of it, the feeling is mutual.
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Magenta
Height: 6’1 ft
Type of body/build: Sleeper build. He looks skinny but he’s actually very fit! That said- he'd probably be even healthier if he gained a little more weight.
Skin tone: White.
Scars: He has a mysterious burn mark on the back of his left hand
Predominant feature: Pink hair
Looks like: 
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Physical Health: Excellent.
Mental Health: Dying inside. He’s been through a lot of trauma and microtraumas in his life, including the events of the Hogwarts Legacy Game. Someone get this man a therapist.
Allan’s favorite color: Pink or purple
Favorite Music: Anything played on an Ocarina.
Least favorite Music: Classical. He just doesn’t like the combinations of sound of artists such as Mortzart that we now consider classics.
Food: Give him a good turkey leg or medium rare beef and he will devour it.
Literature: Sherlock Holmes- He finds he can relate to the now famous detective, but he would never say it. He wouldn’t want to sound pompous.
Expletives: He usually is quite creative and makes up his own most of the time.
Mode of transportation: Highwing the Hippogriff.
Most at ease when: In a darkly lit room with lots of space to roam freely, i.e. the Room of Requirement.
III at ease when: Surrounded.
Priorities: He puts others first, no matter who they are, friend or foe, regardless of race.
Philosophy: He is a levelheaded and compassionate man, who regards all life as important, and finds a childlike fascination in everything ordinary and grand.
How he feels about self: He tries not to think about it, but he is proud of who he’s become, he just wishes he’d have done better in life thus far. He would give anything to somehow save those who got hurt or killed under his “protection”.
Greatest strength: His compassion and strategic judgment.
Greatest weakness: Also his compassion- in a sense, and his own survivors guilt.
Biggest vulnerability: He doesn’t open up to anyone- but you’ll certainly know he trusts you if he’s comfortable enough to tell you about his past. Otherwise, he’ll avoid it.
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist. He sees the good in everything except himself.
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert! Social interaction exhausts him to no end, unless its close friends.
Drinks: Sometimes. A butterbeer here and there, and when he’s older probably some wine. But even in his old age butterbeer will always be his favorite.
Hobbies: Taking care of beasts, painting , Duelling, and inventing of all kinds- including taking a scientific approach to magic for these inventions and experimenting with Ancient Magic.
How does he spend a rainy day? Outside, rain or shine, unless its super windy and possibly dangerous outside, in which case you’ll find him playing with his beasts in the Room of Requirement.
Type of childhood: He grew up migrating from family to family, at first from aunts and uncles, to foster care. Eventually, he was simply shoved in an orphanage, after most families realized he was just to much trouble.
Most important childhood event that still affects him: When he was about five, like many kids, he had to a degree SOME magical properties. His parents, being intelligent people, picked up on those slight signs and despite being Muggles came to the conclusion there must be more people like their son. In an attempt to make his life potentially better, they tried and succeeded in finding the Wizarding World through the smallest breadcrumbs. Unfortunately, this attracted the interest of some radical Pureblood Supremacists who burned down their house with the family still trapped inside. Both Allan's father and mother perished, but he survived, but not without a constant reminder of the painful memory. His left hand got trapped under some rubble causing a horrible burn. Although he was saved and pulled out of the fire by some kind neighbors, he will forever have limited nervous functions and mobility in his left hand, along with a permanent scar. He now covers up the scar with gloves, however his damaged hand gets random phantom pains from the nerves not healing properly. Sometimes it hurts enough that his hand shakes, which is why he sometimes has to rub his left hand.
Drives and motivations: He wants to save everyone he possibly can. He always wants to help, even at his own detriment.
Talents: He is very artistic and logical at the same time, even capable of combining the skillsets of magic and science to use together in formidable new ways.
Extremely skilled at: Ancient Magic, Drawing, scientific examination
Extremely unskilled at: Sitting still, pottery, Divination
Good characteristics: Compassionate, kind, intelligent
Character flaws: Low self-esteem, survivor guilt, clingy to people he cares about
Mannerisms:  Verbal: He sometimes, when asked about any particular subject, will rant on and on if he knows a lot about said subject.
Physical: When he's nervous he rubs his left hand where his burn mark is. When he's thinking hard he taps his chin or cheek, and when he's uncomfortable and around someone he trusts, he'll stand slightly closer to them.
Peculiarities: No one knows if he dyes his hair or jinxes it, and no one cares to ask because he doesn't answer.
Biggest regret: The death of professor Fig, and in 7th year, his failure to help Sebastian, who inevitably goes to Azkaban.
Minor regrets: Any wizards or witches he has to kill do actually weigh on his heart. He doesn't like hurting or killing anyone, especially because he doesn't know their backstory.
Biggest accomplishment: Defeating Ranrok- obviously, and less obviously, a more personal but still large accomplishment for him was adjusting to the Wizarding World's society. (For example how homophobic the Muggle World would have vs. how generally accepting of it the Wizarding World is.)
Education: A Christian Orphanage that doubled as a school.
Religion: Raised Christian, but doesn't REALLY follow it.
Finances: Depends on what he can steal. He doesn't have a home to go back to over the summer, so most of his belongings are stuffed in his coat, which he has an Undetectable Extension Charm. He used to stay with Fig as a sort of "apprentice", but after 5th year he usually just wanders around the Highlands on his own, since he has nowhere else to go.
Char's darkest secret: His past. He never talks about how horrible his life was or is, simply out of principle to not drag anyone else down.
Does anyone else know? He may tell you if he trusts you enough, but it's unlikely. He might have told Sebastian around 7th year. (And in roleplay blogs I believe the only other MC that knows (As it stands of writing this post) is @not-that-gilbert-blythe, because it was a one-off comment he made about his burnt hand. He never fully explained how his parents died or why they died, just that he'd been in a fire as a kid.)
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Some screenshots because I take too many :)
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almaasi · 2 years
@almaasi fic update 🌈
hello friends, i am BACK!!! sort of? mostly.
so here’s the deal. i haven’t posted fanfic in nearly 2 years. i’ve been unwell, and now i am less unwell. and now i have a stack of 9 new fanfics in my drafts, with a word count altogether totaling close to 300k. i intend to post one fic a week, starting on october 7th 2022. half of them are illustrated, and i’ll illustrate the rest nearer their posting dates.
but here’s the thing. these stories are for a fandom that once consisted of like... 3 people, and those people haven’t posted in years. on my last count, there’s about 23 fics in existence already. it’s a subfolder of a fandom. it does not exist. please join me in making it exist.
here’s everything you need to know (ugh let me engage my shift key, i need to capitalise names)
Redd “Rabbit Claw” Moonshine and Lohn Lightning are fictional characters from a youtube show i love: “Good Mythical Morning”. the characters were invented in 2008, given names in 2013, and were last seen in 2020.
Redd and Lohn were childhood friends, and now they’re redneck country music singers trying really hard to be famous. their two-man band is named “Rabbit Lightning”. and that’s the name of their ship, too.
i cut together a 20 minute video containing their ENTIRE history and backstory and relationship. literally every single thing you will ever need to know about them to understand my fics is contained within this video. (source links to original videos are pinned in the comments.)
if you ever liked my Destiel AUs, you’d like these fics, and these characters. i had to fight to not write them exactly the way i’d write Dean and Cas, because in some ways, they’re exactly the same.
Lohn: blue-eyed, dark-haired, clueless, awkward, dominating when he decides to be, touch-starved, sexuality.exe is corrupted, unusually formal speech, pastimes include staring at Redd with hearteyes and watching bees, loves animals.
Redd: green-eyed, browny-blonde-haired, freckles, taller than Lohn, bi panic mode, caring, grumpy, adores kids, has love to give in every direction, absent father with questionable teaching methods, Do Not Touch (please touch), loves rabbits.
if you ever got to know me on zoom during Sid City Social Club meetings, or via discord, or saw me interact with Mr. Siddig, you’ll understand where my first fic (”The Worst Jukebox in Arcadia”) is rooted. heck, if you’ve ever struggled to be creative for people who expect something, you’ll know where it comes from.
anyway. i love these two, they make me unbelievably happy, and gave me space to be creative in deeply personal ways that i always needed but never knew i needed. no other characters exist fleshed-out in what passes for their “canon”, so i get to invent them, which has been a delight for me.
i’m planning to post my first Rabbit Lightning fic tomorrow. so if you’re interested, please watch the video above, and then watch this space. ❤
thank you for being so patient while i’ve been absent. and i’m SO EXCITED to bring you along as i explore filling out worlds built around almost nothing.
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accustiv · 1 year
@vanishinq said: ❛ this your idea of laying low? ❜
i blinked at him, then turned and looked at the house behind me. it wasn’t excessive, at least in my opinion - 17th century, middle of nowhere… but it had been restored before i bought it, and looking at it through casper’s eyes, i could see the irony in it. i grinned, and turned back to him. “ what? you expected me to let us hunker down in some hole somewhere? ” i tsked, quietly, “ baby, you should know me better than that by now. ”
in truth, this was more of a precaution than perhaps was necessary. i didn’t like working around my old stomping ground if i could help it, and london had been a stressful time - whether cas had picked up on that or not… i wasn’t sure. it wasn’t just knowing that at any second i could run into family, or old classmates, or, god forbid, someone from my father’s store - still my father’s, i didn’t want it - it was how close i was to underwood’s influence, and the fact that i’d been questioned three times in london alone before i’d left, before i’d found him.
so after the national gallery had fallen foul of us, i’d wanted to make sure we were clear, really clear, and the closest safehouse was ireland. wexford. georgian farmhouse and private land. i’d driven, he’d teased me about the pembroke ferry, it was… fun. it was always fun with him. and now he was teasing me about the house - it was, i realised, the first time i’d actually taken him to one of my safehouses; there was a part of me that fizzed at the thought - even knowing that it hadn’t been touched in over a year, i was excited. another first just when i thought we were on the brink of running out.
i bounced over to him, and took his hand in mine, beaming. i kissed him, then tugged him towards the front door. “ anyway, i don’t see how this is any worse than living in a giant l.a mansion and being a famous star three nights a week, ” it was my turn to tease him, but i shot him a grin so that he knew it was light hearted. “ you’ll like it here, there’s stuff from jobs i was pulling when i was sixteen, it’s wild. ” the key jammed in the lock, but i knew the trick, a tiny jostle, a knee to the slightly warped wood under the hinge and - the door sprang open. i grabbed his hand again.
“ come on, there’s a gabriël metsu in the living room i want you to see. ”
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elitemotorsports12 · 8 days
Discover the Magic of Los Angeles: A City of Culture, Entertainment, and Adventure
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Los Angeles, CA, is a city unlike any other, known for its vibrant energy, world-renowned entertainment industry, and rich cultural history. As one of the most diverse cities in the U.S., it offers endless experiences for visitors and residents alike. From famous movie studios to scenic outdoor spaces, there’s always something to discover in this sprawling metropolis. In this blog, we’ll dive into the top attractions, the city’s thriving art and cultural scene, and the unbeatable outdoor activities that make Los Angeles a one-of-a-kind destination.
The Heart of Entertainment: Hollywood
Hollywood is the epicenter of the entertainment world, where dreams are made, and history is created. A visit to Los Angeles wouldn’t be complete without experiencing this legendary area. Walk down Hollywood Boulevard and spot your favorite celebrity star on the Walk of Fame, or visit TCL Chinese Theatre, where you’ll see the handprints of film legends. For a behind-the-scenes look at movie magic, take a tour of the Warner Bros. Studio or Universal Studios, where you can experience sets from iconic films and shows. Hollywood is where the magic of cinema comes to life.
Los Angeles' Thriving Art and Cultural Scene
Beyond the glitz of Hollywood, Los Angeles is home to a thriving art and cultural landscape. The Getty Center offers stunning architecture, breathtaking views, and a world-class collection of art ranging from European paintings to modern sculptures. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is another must-see, featuring diverse works from around the globe. For contemporary art lovers, The Broad Museum showcases a unique collection of post-war art. Additionally, Los Angeles is rich in cultural diversity, with neighborhoods like Chinatown, Koreatown, and Little Tokyo offering a window into the city's global heritage.
Outdoor Adventures and Scenic Beauty
Los Angeles boasts an unbeatable combination of urban energy and outdoor beauty. Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and mountains, it’s a paradise for nature lovers. The beaches of Malibu, Venice, and Santa Monica offer perfect spots for surfing, sunbathing, and beachside activities. For those who love hiking, Runyon Canyon and Griffith Park offer spectacular trails with panoramic views of the city. You can even combine adventure with culture by hiking up to the Griffith Observatory. Whether you’re into water sports, hiking, or just taking in the sunshine, L.A. is the perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts.
ConclusionLos Angeles is a city that captivates and inspires with its rich culture, entertainment, and natural beauty. Whether you're drawn to the glamour of Hollywood, the city's art and culture, or the adventure of its outdoor spaces, L.A. offers something for everyone. With so much to see and experience, it’s no wonder millions of visitors and locals alike are enchanted by the City of Angels. Discover the magic of Los Angeles for yourself and make memories that last a lifetime.
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homegirlprincess · 9 months
Tips for Mattress Shoppers
Buying a mattress can be challenging, but if you break the process down in simple steps, you ca get a good deal and keep your sanity. First, you need to know the main types of mattresses. Then you must decide the particular make and model you want. Last but not least, you can follow the sales and determine when to pounce visit site here based on the time when a good deal is offered. Yes, you can get a good deal on a mattress if you know what a good price is!
Mattress shopping is not for wimps. Picking out the right mattress can be a real challenge, particularly when you confront all of the many types (not to mention brands and models) of mattresses on the market. It's no wonder all those mattress commercial pitchmen sound nuts Here is some basic information to help you before you sprawl out on your first show room mattress.
Mattresses are not cheap. Even a relatively low-end product is still going to cost you hundreds of dollars. Before you start comparing prices, figure out what you will need. Delivery of the new mattress, and removal and disposal of your old mattress are not necessarily included in the price. Always ask. (And if you can arrange to transport the mattress yourself and deal with your old mattress on your own, you may be able to get a better deal.)
Next, narrow down the type of mattress you want. There are four main types of mattresses: the inner-spring mattress, waterbeds, foam, and air.
Airbeds are starting to gain in popularity and they definitely are a smart choice for a guest room or to be a store-away mattress you only need a few times a year. Don't think of the old air mattress. Some airbeds are regular height and can be made up to look just like a regular bed. They also inflate quickly and easily. But most people don't want to make an airbed a permanent bed, so this is not likely the choice you'll make if you're shopping for you main new mattress.
Foam mattresses, including the famous TempurPedi mattresses, are made of a dense foam material. They conform to the weight of the body, don't transfer motion, and are usually good choices for allergy sufferers since they do not harbor dust mites or other allergens. If you've never tried a foam mattress, you need to sprawl out on a couple in some show rooms to see what the fuss is about.
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daily-diego-ca · 11 months
Altura in San Diego, CA
The Altura apartment has noteworthy modern 3 bedroom apartments near Del Mar location. It’s perfect for a small family. Basically, you can claim the lifestyle you’ve always desired if you opt to rent at Altura. It has irresistible amenities and upscale features, too. Besides, it has proximity to Qualcomm, Carmel Country Plaza, and Penasquitos Creek Waterfall that are only some of the things you’ll love about Altura. Moreover, their community amenities include pet-friendly community, on-site storage spaces, surrounded by 1,300 acres of preserved natural habitat with trails for hiking and biking, easy access to SR 56, Interstates 5 & 805, minutes from the beautiful beaches of Del Mar, Torrey Pines & Del Mar Racetrack, and more.
San Diego, CA
These days, preparing to travel for vacation is exciting. If you’re looking for pre-scheduled events in San Diego, CA, it is necessary to check out online posts. First, there will be San Diego Anime Convention 2023 this coming Saturday, November 18, 2023, at around 10:00 AM at Handlery Hotel San Diego. Second, the Teddy Ball 2023 is scheduled on Saturday, November 25, 2023, at around 7:00 PM at Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine. Lastly, you can also opt to attend the SoCal Etsy Guild Market San Diego this coming Saturday, December 2, 2023, at around 10:00 AM at Westfield Mission Valley.
Belmont Park in San Diego, CA
We know that the Belmont Park in San Diego, CA is famous among tourists from other parts of the world. If you like sightseeing and relaxation, it is also one of the best places you can visit at present. Basically, it is an oceanfront historic amusement park located in the Mission Beach area of San Diego, California. The park was developed by sugar magnate John D. Spreckels. Then, it was opened on July 4, 1925 as the Mission Beach Amusement Center. Aside from providing recreation and amusement, it was also intended as a way to help Spreckels sell land in Mission Beach.
The Air Force's new nuclear stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, has taken its first test flight
Nowadays, there are numerous interesting news reports in San Diego, CA area. Recently, there was a topic about a new nuclear stealth bomber of the Air Force. Reportedly, the B-21 Raider took its first test flight on Friday, moving the futuristic warplane closer to becoming the nation's next nuclear weapons stealth bomber. In addition, the Raider flew in Palmdale, California, where it has been under testing and development by Northrop Grumman. Besides, the Air Force is planning to build 100 of the warplanes, which have a flying wing shape much like their predecessor the B-2 Spirit but will incorporate advanced materials, propulsion and stealth technology to make them more survivable in a future conflict.
Link to maps
Belmont Park 3146 Mission Blvd, San Diego, CA 92109, United States Get on I-5 N from W Mission Bay Dr and Sea World Dr. 9 min (3.9 mi) Continue on I-5 N to Carmel Creek Rd. Take the Carmel Creek Rd exit from CA-56 E 11 min (12.6 mi) Follow Carmel Creek Rd to your destination 1 min (0.3 mi) Altura 11921 Carmel Creek Rd, San Diego, CA 92130, United States
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destielotp · 1 year
You’ll always be famous Cas
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hahahahahangst · 1 year
Anna's twenty years old (Be The Young 36)
TW: [suicidal thoughts, self h*rm, violence, s*xual assault]
Other tags: [sister fic, canon-level violence, dean is an asshole, angst]
All chapter titles are song titles, some of them translated from Italian songs. We start from the first season and make out way through the series. I will occasionally break canon✨ .
Summary: Emily Reed, born and raised in Portland, is preparing her admission papers for Stanford, medical school. Little does she know, her life is about to change forever.
"After reading this whole letter, call John Winchester. [...] He’s your real father."
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A/N:  Dean and Emily can’t catch a break
Anna's twenty years old
You’re special, you’re better than the rest You need to have a better job than mom and dad She grew up with the hope of changing a sad reality Anna is twenty years old and she’s on the doorstep of adulthood But Anna is unhappy, nothing changed and it’s all here
“Dean, are you ready?” Emily called out. The door bell rang and she opened the door. “Oh, hi Ellen!” The woman entered the house. 
“Where’s little John?” She asked, smiling. 
“He’s in the playpen- Ellen, thank you for coming in this soon, I’m so sorry I gave you little notice.” 
“Oh, no worries, honey, it’s always a pleasure to take care of my grandson!” The woman walked to the playpen and took out John. Emily’s heart filled with joy. She really loved her son. She was extremely lucky to have Dean’s family step in and help after John’s father died. She had given up on John calling Dean “uncle.”, and just accepted that he would call him “dad”. Explanations were due when he was older. 
“Oh, hi mom.” Smiled Dean, seeing Ellen. “Are you ready, Em? We need to go.” 
Emily got her bag from the couch. “Yeah- So, remember, John eats at 12. Everything is prepped and ready in the fridge, you just need to warm it.” She explained. “Temp is 90 degress, not more or he will burn himself-” 
“If you need anything and I'm not answering my phone, there’s a binder on the counter.”
“Emily, I’ll be okay. This is not my first rodeo. Come on now, you’ll be late.” Ellen smiled. 
Emily said goodbye to John and sprinted down the stairs with Dean. They entered their car and Emily drove them to work. “You know…“ She said, parking the car in front of the office. “You could drive one of these days.” 
“Nah, I feel safer if you do it.” 
Emily shrugged and entered the building. Dean took the elevator to his office and Emily joined her colleagues in the communal office. She worked as a tech support operator. When she entered the cubicle containing her desk, she was immediately distracted by Sam’s tall figure towering in front of her. “Hey bestie.” He smiled. “Coffee break?”
Emily giggled. “We literally just got here.” She stood up. “But who am I to deny you some of God's nectar?” They started working towards the break area. “Should we also ask Jessica?” Sam looked away. “I was expecting more enthusiasm- wait!” Emily dramatically stopped in the middle of the office. “Did she turn you down?” Sam smiled and nodded. 
“Aw, that’s awkward.” Said Emily, pretending to be sad. “Let me fix it.” She skipped towards Jessica’s desk.
“No, wait-”
“Hey Jess!” Said Emily, entering the girl’s cubicle. “Wanna get some coffee?” 
“Can’t. Working.” She answered, stressed.
Emily, confused, asked again. “Come on, just five minutes. We’re paid by the hour, you know.” 
“I said I can’t!” Jessica repeated, nervously glancing at her. 
“Oof.” Said Emily, going back to Sam. “What did you do to her? You stalked her or something?” 
“What?!” Sam seemed outraged. “Of course not!” 
“Well, she sure is stressed.” Sam and Emily headed to the coffee station. “Alright, spit it out: what did you dream about last night? I’m looking to update my Tumblr profile with a new chapter.” 
“Dude, you gotta stop writing short stories about my dreams.” 
“Why? I told you, if we ever get famous, I’ll give you your fair 50%.” 
“It’s not about that, just-”
“Shhh, I don’t care! Just tell me what you dreamed about.” She sat on the counter and poured herself some coffee. Sam exhaled, surrendering to his will. 
“I dreamt of me and you, fighting a demon named Alastair.” 
“Ooooh, that’s fun. I can already see it: Sam and Emily, besties fighting supernatural crime, from spring in all bookshops!” 
“You’re out of your mind.” Laughed Sam, sipping his coffee.
“No, no my friend: you’re just not dreaming big enough!” 
They got back to their desk. Emily entered a call. “Sandover tech, this is Emily, how may I help you?” She asked, with her work voice, at least twice as high as her regular voice. 
The person on the other side, an old man, seemed upset. “Uh, actually, could you transfer me to a man? I need someone who knows his tech.” 
“Of course.” Said Emily, with a disappointed sigh. “Give me one second.” After muting her microphone, she stood up and leaned in Sam’s area. “Can I transfer a dick to you?” He shrugged. She was about to sit back down, when she noticed Jessica was on the verge of crying. She quickly transferred the call. 
“Sandover tech, this is Sam, how may I help you?” Said Sam voice. 
“Jessica, what’s going on?” Asked Emily, walking around the corner. 
“All my work, it’s gone! The stupid computer is frozen!” She said, nervously typing something on the keyboard. 
“Yeah, they’re crap! But it’s okay, it happens. Did you backup?” 
“No, I- I didn’t!” Jessica grew more and more nervous. 
“Jess, it’s okay. It’s not like nobody cares about our performances here.” 
Crying, Jessica ignored her words and kept desperately trying to get her files back. 
Seven hours later, she said goodbye to Sam and left the office. She met with Dean in the parking lot. 
“‘Sup?” He entered the car. 
“Nothing much, Jessica turned down Sam.” 
“Who are they?” 
“What do you mean? Dean, I talk about them all the time!”
“Never heard of them.”
“Sam is literally my childhood best friend, how have you not heard about him?”
“Ahh, that Sam!”
“Yeah, that Sam. What are you thinking about all day that you can’t remember one three letter name?” 
“I don’t know, this guy doesn’t seem important in my life. I just purge myself of this info.” 
Emily shook her head and started driving. Once home, she went straight to John. 
“Hey honey!” The toddler called her and raised his arms. 
“Up! Up!” He asked, smiling. 
“Is your stomach nice and full?” She asked, taking him up. “Nana had you play a lot?” 
“I was pwince and I saved her fwom monsters!” He said, proud. 
The night went on as usual, and everyone was soon in their beds. 
“Dean, are you ready?” Emily asked again the following morning. The bell rang and she opened the door. Ellen entered the house. 
“Where’s little John?” She asked, smiling. 
“He’s in the playpen.” The woman walked to the playpen and took out John.
“Oh, hi mom.” Smiled Dean, seeing Ellen. “Are you ready, Em? We need to go.” 
Emily got her bag from the couch. “Yeah- So, remember, John eats at 12. Everything is prepped and ready in the fridge, you just need to warm it.” She explained. “Temp is 90 degress, not more or he will burn himself-” 
“If you need anything and I'm not answering my phone, there’s a binder on the counter.”
“Emily, I’ll be okay. Come on now, you’ll be late.” Ellen smiled. 
Emily said goodbye to John and sprinted down the stairs with Dean. They entered their car and Emily drove them to work. 
Everything was exactly as the previous day, but once they approached the building, something felt off. There were police cars and ambulances around, as well as a good amount of people nervously chatting in front of the door. Emily separated from Dean to join Sam, whom she had noticed, crying, a little bit away from the rest of the employees. 
“Sam, what’s going on?” 
“They found a corpse in the break room.” He said, sniffing. 
“I said, they found a corpse! In the break room!” 
“Yeah, I- Alright, Sam, calm down!” She took his head into her hands. “Explain to me. What happened?” 
“I don’t know, I-” Sam sobbed. 
At that moment, just when Emily was about to ask him whose corpse they found, the body was rolled out. She would recognize Jessica’s hair from miles away. And there they were, coming out of the white sheet they had laid on her. Emily looked at Sam, who was quickly descending into sobs. 
“Hey, come here.” She whispered, hugging him. “I'm sorry, I know. I know.” 
Emily and Sam took the day off. She drove him back to his place and made him some dinner. She looked at him sob and wince and he reminded her of the day she found out John’s father, Daniel, died. She sat there, on the same exact couch, screaming. She could not understand why the universe would do something that bad to someone as nice and loving as Daniel. She could only imagine Sam was feeling the same. She made him some pre-cooked ramen and served it to him. He set it down on the coffee table. 
“Come on, Sam, you have to eat.” He looked at her. 
“Emily, did I do this?” He pleaded. 
“No, Sammy, of course you didn’t.” She dried his face with her hand. “You heard what the boss said, right? She already had problems on her own. It’s not your fault.”
“You don’t know that!”
“You’re right, we don’t, but- Take a deep breath, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong.” She hugged him. “One breath at the time, okay?” 
The following day, Emily picked Sam at home to bring him to work. He insisted on getting back to normal as soon as possible: there had been gossip in the workplace saying the company was firing employees who underperformed. So, he walked into work as normal as he could. 
Emily started working and answered a couple of calls. Then, she stood up and leaned into Sam’s cubicle. “Coffee break?” 
“No, sorry. I’ve got work.” 
“Come on, don’t be stupid. You need a break.” 
“I said no.” 
“Sam, come on. You’re not gonna get fired over a coffee break.” 
Sam ignored her and kept working. Emily, upset, sat back down. Twenty minutes later, she left the building to go have lunch. As she grabbed her pizza off the counter, her phone rang, showing Dean’s name. 
“Ya?” She said, already chewing. 
“Emily, you need to come back, now.” 
“Why? I’m not even halfway through the break!” She lamented. 
“Emily, this is serious. It’s… It’s Sam.” Through the phone, Emily heard the distinct sound of an ambulance. 
“Dean, what happened?” 
“I can’t talk about it on the phone. I need you to come back.” Dean closed the communication. Emily started walking back towards the office. 
As she approached the building, it became more clear, something bad had happened. Police and paramedics flooded the place and the employers were extremely nervous. Someone was even crying, sitting in the back of an ambulance. Dean stopped Emily from entering the building. “Dean, what happened?!” 
“There was an accident-”
“What does accident mean?!” 
“Sam, he-” 
“Dean, just tell me what happened.” 
“You need to calm down, Emily, please…“ Dean tried to calm her down and drag her away from the door. Emily violently pushed him away. 
“WHAT HAPPENED?!” She yelled. 
“Sam killed himself.” 
“He- WHAT?!” 
Emily hid herself in Dean’s office. She sat on the chair, crying. “Why does everyone I love die, Dean?” She asked. He shook his head. “What did I ever do to deserve this?!” 
She dried her face and noticed Dean wasn’t paying attention to her words anymore, instead, he was looking at the screen in front of him. “What the fuck is more interesting that me, losing another person I cared about?!” She asked, angry. 
“You like mistery, right?” He turned the screen towards her. “Check this out. Both Sam and Jessica received the same email, asking them to report to HR in room 1444.”
“Yeah, they did not work well, Dean, would you listen to me? My best friend is dead, damn it!”
“No, no, you’re not getting the point. HR is at floor 7. Room 1444 would be floor 14.” 
“There’s a typo, yeah, okay, the company doesn’t make mistakes? The company doesn’t care about anything, Dean. There’s people killing themselves and they force us to keep working! Who the fuck does that?”
“Emily.” He sighed. “You’re not listening.” 
“Of course, but you listen so well, right?! You didn’t even know who Sam was-”
“EMILY!” He raised his voice, rolling his eyes. “Should we go check out what’s in room 1444?” He pointed to the door. 
Emily stared at Dean for a second, processing everything. She had been there for almost 5 years and HR had never been on floor 14. Someone would have cared to change the template in 5 years of HR people coming and going, right? 
So, what was in the room?
“Let’s go.” Emily hastily stood up, drying her face. 
“Now, that’s the Detective Emily I grew up with.” Dean smiled. “Dying to solve some mysteries.” 
“Do not-” She scowled. 
“Sorry, I heard it. You’re right.” 
They headed to the 14th floor. Nobody was in it: it actually looked like it was abandoned and never renovated, like the rest of the building had. 
Immediately out of the elevator, they heard someone screaming from inside room 1444. Instinctively, Emily ran towards the door and tried to open it. When it failed, she kicked it down.
“Where did you learn that?” Asked Dean as they entered the room. 
“I don’t know.” She said, frantically looking for the source of the sound. As she turned a corner behind some cabinets, she found Al, a guy she knew worked with her but never really spoke to, trapped under a bookshelf which seemingly came down. She didn’t have the time to ask him what happened that both her and Dean were thrown away by an invisible force. She fell on a pile of computers and got hurt. She saw Dean also struggling to stand up, and tried to use another computer as a ledge, but it also fell. Then, she looked in front of her, where an old man, dressed as if he came from another century, was standing over Al, electrical sparkles coming out of his hands. Dean, across the room, managed to stand up and tried to hit the man with a tool, making him disappear into thin air. 
“Dean, listen- My best friend just died. I have known him since we were kids. I am not going ghost hunting after the guy who founded the company.” She stood up from Dean’s desk. 
“Come on, wouldn’t taking revenge make you feel better? You always said you felt like you were supposed to be doing something else, right? This might be it.” 
“Absolutely not! Listen, I just want to go home, get drunk and go to sleep.” 
“Get drunk? Since when you drink alcohol?” 
Emily thought about it. He was right, she had not touched alcohol since Daniel had died. “Right… I don’t know, it was- it was a lapsus.” 
“Listen, you don’t want to come, maybe I’ll go alone.” 
“What if you’re hurt? Come on, be serious.” 
“Hey! We have all the info we need. We watched all those ghostfacers tutorials.” 
“Dean, do you really believe in two nerds who live out of their mother’s basements?
“Do you want people to keep dying?” 
Emily groaned. “I hate how you always manage to convince me with words. I hate you.” 
“I love you too, little bitch.” He smiled, smug. 
They prepared the tools they needed. Salt, iron, a lighter. They headed for room 1444 to find something that could have the ghost’s DNA on it. They looked and looked, but didn’t find anything. 
“I give up.” Said Emily, about two hours later, putting down the last piece of paper she had checked. “This is not a good idea.” 
“Wait, I just remembered something.” Dean dragged her out of the room and towards the stairs. They ran down to the 7th floor, where HR had created and pinned up an exhibition with the history of the company. “Here.” He pointed to a pair of old gloves which once were of mr. Sandover, the founder of the company and ghost currently haunting the building.
“You think these were really worn by him? I always thought it was creepy.” 
“Worth a try.” Shrugged Dean. Using the iron bar he had brought, he broke the glass protecting the gloves. Immediately, the same invisible force from earlier, had them flying separate ways. The ghost of mr. Sandover attacked Dean and Emily had to struggle by herself to stand back up. However, she ran towards the gloves and managed to burn them.
They went back to Dean’s office. “You know what?” Giggled Dean. “This was fun.” 
“Fun? Are you completely out of your mind?” 
“We should keep doing this, you know?” 
“Alright, you’re completely crazy.” Concluded Emily. “Dean, I have a son. He calls you daddy.” 
“Yeah, he can come with!” 
“And do what? Growing up in motel rooms and eating saturated fats from Biggersons?” 
“Did it occur to you when you adopted John that signing those papers came with responsibilities? Now you want to go be a ghost hunter?” 
“You seem upset, I-”
“And also- You hate working out. Do you realize how much we had to run today? Up and down stairs, running for our lives? You know who would have been good at this? Sam. But Sam’s dead.” 
“Would you-”
“The fact alone that you would propose something like that, without spending one single second thinking about it… It makes me wonder if maybe I should not have let you back in my life after Daniel died.” 
Dean blinked, shocked. “Really?” He asked. “Is that how you feel?” 
“Fuck you is how I feel. My best friend killed himself today and all you can think about is ghost hunting!” 
Emily stormed off the room and went back home.
The following morning she woke up in an old, crappy motel. That’s when she saw Ramiel, staring at her from the other side of the room. 
“Damn it, Ramiel! What did I say about watching me sleep?” She moaned, throwing a pillow at him. He easily caught it and calmly returned it to her bed. “Wait, what- that wasn’t a regular dream, was it? It had angel of the lord written all over it.” 
“You’re right. It wasn’t a regular dream. Dean is still in it.” He pointed to her brother, still peacefully sleeping on the other half of the bed. 
“What was all that for?” 
“I am not the one in charge of your dreams, but-” Ramiel exhaled. “What I think my superiors are trying to communicate to your brother is that this is your destiny. One way or the other, you’re always gonna end up hunting.”  “You’re full of crap.” She scoffed. “You can make us dream as much as you want, Ramiel. But we know we can choose our own path.”
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geweke-kia · 1 year
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El Zarape Restaurant is a bright and comfortable eating spot with a cozy atmosphere. This venue has a vast menu, so it’ll surely have something for everyone. The highlights include delicious enchiladas and vegan burritos with authentic Mexican seasoning.
The staff will make sure to help you feel at home at this family-owned eatery. You’ll find it at 1005 Stafford Way.
If you’re a true taco fan, we’ve found a lunch spot you’re going to love. You can enjoy a variety of dishes, including seafood and vegetarian options, at Los Charros Taqueria. This venue even shows major sporting events on giant screens, so you can enjoy a game while savoring your food.
The staff is always very friendly and determined to make your visit an unforgettable experience. You’ll love the irresistible quesabirrias and super nachos. Los Charros Taqueria can be found at 425 Colusa Avenue.
You’ll always feel at home dining at Casa Lupe. The kindness and the excellent service of the staff will make sure of that. Make sure to try the famous and delicious enchiladas at least once. The prices are very affordable here. Plus, if you’re in a hurry, you can order your meal to take away and enjoy at home. Casa Lupe is situated at 655 W Onstott Frontage Rd.
If you want a unique culinary experience, this restaurant will not disappoint you. There are so many delicious dishes on the menu, from fish tacos to burritos and pozole.
There is surely something here for the whole family to enjoy, so why not pack them into your 2023 Kia Soul, and treat everyone to a memorable culinary experience? There’s plenty of room in this comfortable vehicle, but we’re sure they won’t want to drive home in a hurry. The restaurant is at 450 Center St.
At Mariscos El Capitan, you’ll find a menu full of flavor and diversity. The garlic mojo tilapia is highly recommended, as are the shrimp and cheese empanadas.
Every bite is an explosion of flavor and freshness at this restaurant. You won’t regret visiting. See for yourself by driving to 112 Garden Highway Ste B.
We’re blessed with such a wide range of delicious Mexican food spots in Yuba City. If you’re looking to buy a new Kia vehicle here, make sure to pay us a visit at Geweke Kia so our experts can show you our huge range of new and used vehicles.  
Photo by Chitokan C.: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-rice-and-tacos-2087748/
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best-burlingame-ca · 2 years
Works Plumbing Burlingame in Burlingame, CA
There is reliable a plumber or service providers in Burlingame, CA location. All you have to do is check details about Works Plumbing Burlingame. At the said company, they take the time to offer highly personalized services for homeowners and property managers. In addition, they make it easy to have a plumber come to your home by offering flexible appointment availability. Apart from that, they offer reasonable rates. Those are charged for all of their services. Once you have connected with them, you’ll have the chance to review and approve a cost estimate for any job before they get started with it.
Works Plumbing Burlingame
The existence of Works Plumbing Burlingame in Burlingame, CA is necessary. After all, it is a well-known plumbing company in the said location, especially when it comes to providing remarkable plumbers near me services. First, they can help you if you need to replace your toilet. In case you have a pipe that you can’t get to stop leaking water, they will assist you. Aside from that, they’ve been assisting homeowners in Pacific and the surrounding areas with their plumbing service needs for many years. Besides, they are always ready to handle your home plumbing for you. Isn’t it amazing?
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Burlingame, CA
Are you familiar with the history of Burlingame, CA area? Well, the prominent place has a captivating historical background. Many people are curious about its history. Basically, Burlingame is situated on land previously owned by San Francisco-based merchant William Davis Merry Howard. In addition, Howard planted many eucalyptus trees on his property and retired to live on the land. He died in 1856, and the land was sold to William C. Ralston. The latter is a prominent banker. In 1868, Ralston named the land after his friend Anson Burlingame, the United States Ambassador to China. Lastly, the town of Burlingame was incorporated in 1908.
CuriOdyssey in Burlingame, CA                            
In Burlingame, CA, one of the famous tourist spot is the CuriOdyssey. Those who enjoy weekend getaways also go there with family and friends. Interestingly, it is a science museum and zoo for children and families where visitors can see wild animals up-close and visit interactive science exhibits. CuriOdyssey is home to nearly 100 rescued animals, most native to California that cannot survive in the wild. The custom-designed exhibits of the said place are a science playground where kids play with scientific phenomena, including physical forces, perceptions, and reflections, patterns in nature and backyard science. Lastly, it is located at 1651 Coyote Point Drive in San Mateo, California.
5 New Burlingame-Hillsborough Area Properties on the Market
Based on a latest news report in Burlingame, CA, there was a topic about 5 new Burlingame-Hillsborough area properties that are on the market. When you’re looking for some fresh living spaces, hunting down every new listing in the area can be a tiresome work. No wonder many publications have gone ahead and done the initial work for you. They listed the five latest homes to go up for sale in the Burlingame-Hillsborough area. It includes one in the Burlingame area with 5 beds and 4 baths for $3.0 million. Then, there’s another in the Burlingame area with 5 beds and 4 baths for $3.0 million.
Link to maps
CuriOdyssey 1651 Coyote Point Dr, San Mateo, CA 94401, United States Take Coyote Point Dr to Peninsula Ave 4 min (0.6 mi) Continue on Peninsula Ave to Burlingame 5 min (1.2 mi) Drive to Hatch Ln 3 min (361 ft) Works Plumbing 263 Hatch Ln B, Burlingame, CA 94010, United States
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llazyneiph · 3 years
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Royalty Mod 2.7.2 - Missing Princess Update
Get Famous has always been recommended to play this mod and is strongly recommended to play this update, without it you might not be able to experience the full features of this update.
Missing Princess Aspiration
This update is inspired by the film Anastasia, where your sim has to work through the aspiration to announce to the world that they are the missing royal. (Available for both male and female, missing princess is just a catchier name lol)
Your sim must meet the aspiration goals, including a few new features:
'Convince of Royal Blood' interaction
Reading the 'Royal Family Lore' book to gain the new skill of the same name
'Hold a Press Conference' event which will only become available once your sim is at the final level of the aspiration.
'Give Interview' to the journalists who attend the press conference.
'Podium of Truth', a new object specifically for the press conference
'Announce Self as Missing Royal', a new interaction on the podium of truth which will complete the events main goal.
(There is a cheat in the new settings menu to add the aspiration trait, as if you add the aspiration outside of CAS it doesn't add the companion trait... I don't know it's set up to work this way but it's very annoying)
Settings Menu
Something long overdue and hopefully you'll all get a lot of use out of, I've added a settings menu under the Royalty Mod pie menu when clicking on your active sim. In this menu you can;
Turn Illiteracy on and off
Turn Auto Classes on and off
Turn 'React to Royalty' on and off  (Your sim reacting to royalty)
Turn Royal Fans on and off  (Other sims reacting to your royal sim)
Add a cheat version of the peasant trait that doesn't update based on lot value (all other cheat auto class traits have been removed)
Add the 'Missing Royal' gameplay trait (as adding the aspiration in live play actually doesn't add the trait - don't ask me why EA did this, no bloody idea)
Other Fixes:
Fixed llama icon for Royal Partner buff & the interaction image to make a sim a RP
In-Game tutorial menu has been updated to include the features from the peasant update
'Practice Reading' interaction no longer shows for toddlers
This update also includes updates to folder structure, 'pick your own' Auto-Class files, and a 'remove if unwanted' folder containing all packages safe to delete if you don't want them! New auto-classes packages (Pick your own): - Cash & Lot Value: Designates the class traits based on the sims household cash AND their lot value. - Cash Only: Designates the class traits based on the sims household cash ONLY. - Lot Value Only: Designates the class traits based on their lot value ONLY. Available now for patrons tier 2 and above Public release is 11th April, 10am ACDT!
215 notes · View notes
wormstacheangel · 3 years
Suptober Day 1: Harvest
wc: 1.7k tags: fluff with the side of tiny case fic, established relationship, spoilers but cw they are drugged with cider,
It was a long hunt. One that they accepted as their last one, but, of course, they can never sit still enough not to take an easy local hunt. By local, he means a two-day trip away, but still, they saved a couple of old folks from a ghost, which was fun. Dean sure enjoyed getting thrown around until Cas finally burned the dentures.
Like he said, long hunt.
They stayed at a nice little Airbnb overnight. During breakfast, their waitress told them of the Harvest Festival a town over. Cas was still a little bruised up, but Dean convinced him to go, at least to try their famous apple cider.
“We’ll make a day of it! Just me and you.” With that, Cas agreed, taking Dean’s waiting hand across the table.
The festival was lively when they arrived in the afternoon, with more people than they expected considering the small town they were in but apparently when they say famous they meant it. The tents lined up with food from funnel cakes, donuts, chicken, and some pumpkin spice beer that Dean chugged down even though it tasted like shit.
They eventually ended up with bags filled with treats and souvenirs to take home to the kids--Sam and Eileen fall into the kids’ category. They each held a bag while Dean held Cas’ hand tight in his own, dragging him around from seller to seller, buying and tasting as he went.
“We should start heading home, or soon you’ll be too full to drive.” Cas teased as Dean finished off their bag of apple crisps. “You think we’re feeding an army.”
“Considering how Jack eats, we might as well be.”
“He gets that from you, you know.”
They continued their banter as they made their way out of the festival and to the parking lot.
Then they were stopped by a woman wearing a volunteer pumpkin shirt, “Aw, leaving so soon? Don’t ya wanna stay for the fireworks?”
That quickly took Dean’s attention, brightening up his whole face so much that once again, Cas couldn’t find it in himself to refuse. Instead, earning himself a small kiss on the cheek as a thank you before being was dragged to the car to drop off their items.
Once back in the festival, they walked around until another volunteer told them about the amazing view of the fireworks at the middle of the corn maze.
“It’s a small maze, but in the middle is a little hill. So it’s usually first-come, first-serve. But I haven’t heard of anyone taking it as of now.”
Once again, Dean was easily hooked in and took Cas along for the ride. Not that he was complaining. He enjoyed watching Dean get excited over small things, things he wouldn’t have permitted himself to get excited for before. Of course, it helped when Dean hooked his arm around Cas’s waist to tug him close, whispering, “Ever kissed someone in a corn maze, Cas?”
“You know I haven’t, Dean.”
That did it for Cas. A promise of a spectacular kiss that will put the fireworks to shame.
At the entrance of the maze stood a cider cart, and Cas made a beeline for it. “I at least wanna be warm if you are going to make me walk around in the cold.”
“On the house.” The saleswoman winked at them, and something uneasy passed through them, but they ignored it as she motioned them to go right on in that the fireworks should be starting soon.
They took their hot cider and walked right in, taking hold of their hands as they walked through the maze in comforting silence. Watching the sky above them change from orange and pinks to the dark night sky.
When the maze opened up to a clearing, Dean started to run—taking the small space on top. It was tall enough to see over the cornstalk and watch the lights twinkle from the festival up ahead. They could even see groups of people exiting the maze from their left, and for a second, Dean wondered why they didn’t run into anybody on their walkover. It looked like a lot of people were going through the maze, but nobody passed them.
That thought was quickly dismissed as the first firework lit up the sky, cheers from the crowd echoed the loud boom, and Dean felt secure with an arm hooking around his shoulders to bring him in closer. So they sat there watching the firework show and polishing off their now cold cider until Cas couldn’t wait another second.
Gently, he turned Dean’s face just enough so they could start the kiss slowly. The snap crackle pop of the fireworks above their heads just kept lighting up the fuse between them until Cas asked for them to find another place to spend the night.
“Should we go now?” Dean kissed down Cas’s jaw, feeling the hastily nods instead of seeing it. “Okay. Okay, let’s go.”
They both stood up and took one last look at the view before they got down. Turning left, where they were sure they saw the other folks exit from before. Every few steps, they pulled each other for another kiss-- smiling into them like giddy newlyweds--until they started to realize they’ve been walking for way too long.
The fireworks had long been over, and they soon realized it was their only source of light. It soon became so hard to see anything that they didn’t dare let go of each other’s hands. They tried to go back to the hill to see if maybe they could see the trail from there, but it was like it never existed in the first place.
“Fuck!” They turned the corner to find another dead-end. “Isn’t this shit for children!”
“You know we haven’t seen or heard anyone in a while. Not since-”
“We came in here. I know. I was thinking the same thing earlier when we were on the hill.”
“Why didn’t you say anything then?”
“Cause you stuck your tongue in my mouth and impending doom took a backseat.”
They started to run, calling out for help as they did, but it only felt like they were going in circles.
Then Dean yelled, “Hallelujah!” When a flashlight shined into their faces.
“There you two are. It’s time to go.” The old man sounded so relieved to find them. He didn’t look sinister. He didn’t even make it sound like they were gone for that long. “You two okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah. We got lost, I guess.” Dean shrugged, watching as Cas stared ahead of him.
“Many people do. But they always find their way out, though.”
They followed the man out of the maze while Dean’s knuckles brushed alongside Cas’. They were listening to the man recite a memory when suddenly Cas tugged at Dean’s arm.
“Dean.” It was a shocking gasp.
“Cas?” Dean turned around to watch; Cas’s eyes rolled to the back of his head before dropping like a ragdoll. “Cas!”
And just like that, Cas was out to the world.
Dean fell to his knees to take Cas into his arms, but it was useless. He was heavy, and Dean’s body was starting to tingle, his muscles becoming weaker with every passing second.
“Don’t you worry about your little friend.” The man flashed his light on Dean’s face. Blinding him, but Dean kept glaring up at him. “Just like you, he won’t feel a thing.”
“What did you do to him?” He tried to growl, but it came out too breathless for it to be threatening.
“Same thing we did to you. Same thing we do every year to a couple of tourists.”
Dean could feel himself slipping out of consciousness, but he kept trying to shield Cas from whatever was coming.
“Don’t fight it, boy.” The man walked over to him, raising his flashlight high above his head. “Hate it when they struggle.”
And with a single hit, Dean was knocked out. Falling over Cas. Hoping that at least he gets killed first this time around.
Dean woke up again when he felt someone kicking his legs with little to no effort. His arms were numb, and he realized it was because they were pulled back and tied around some huge boulder.
Dean recognized the voice and happily groaned out a complaint. “Hate small towns. Creeps. All of them.”
Cas chuckled in relief. “Glad you’re okay.”
Dean blinked a couple of times before his eyes focused, looking across from him to find Cas in the same position as him. Cas looked dirty, a few scratches on his face from being dragged, which made Dean furious—tugging at the ropes that hold him back from checking for any more injuries.
“Fuck! Shit! You okay? They hurt you?”
“Not as much as they did you.” Dean didn’t feel much pain besides the stretch on his shoulders and a raging headache. “I guess that’s not true. You have a swell on your head.”
“Yeah, well, I went down swinging. Unlike you.” Cas didn’t look amused, but he looked concerned. Dean followed his gaze, looking for an explanation or a way out. “I guess we’re either bait or dinner.”
“I’m used to being bait.”
“And I’m used to being dinner. Well, aren’t we a match made in heaven?” This time Cas glared, and weirdly enough, it made Dean relax a little. “Okay, so what’s the plan?”
The plan was simple, while Cas may not be a full-powered-up angel, he was still an angel. And he was stronger than an average human. So with a little more force, Cas had his arms free, rubbing his wrist while shrugging at Dean, “I always see humans do this.”
“Yeah, cause it hurts, so if you can just-” Dean motioned for his arms and Cas quickly reached to untie him. Then, when they were both free, they once again started to look around the empty cornfield. “I say leave now and call for backup; come back in the morning.”
“Considering we have no weapons, I think that would be for the best.”
“So much for date night.” Dean took Cas’s hand, and they quickly started to get themselves out of there. Running like maniacs as they pushed through the endless corn.
“I actually enjoyed myself today. You know, before the whole being drugged and left for dead part.”
“Really? That was my favorite part.” Dean joked, squeezing Cas’s hand as they made their way to safety. “You think all the stuff we bought was drugged?”
“Won’t stop me from having another donut.”
“Man, I love you.”
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
February Contest Submission #6: Circles
Words: ca. 6,000 Setting: mAU Lemon: no Content: none Song: Circles By Mac Miller
Anna slid the tub of dirty dishes towards the sink with a heavy sigh. She was in the middle of the aftermath of the lunch rush. Just a few more tubs of gunk and she would have a short reprieve till the madness of dinner started. 
Grabbing the sprayer, she pulled the trigger, small chunks of uneaten food flying in every direction. It didn’t matter how she sprayed them, the shrapnel was unavoidable. Her rubber apron and long-sleeved gloves handled most of it, but there was nothing she would do about her upper arms and face. 
Once the dishes were semi-clean, Anna moved the tub further down the counter and into the large boxy dishwasher. The door was pulled shut with a massive lever, it was old and nearly always jammed. Anna had to use two hands and pull down with her entire body weight to get the door closed. A single button turned the machine on and the tiny viewing window filled with steam. She just had to trust the dishes were getting sanitized in there. 
Anna pulled her mask down and grabbed a coffee cup from a shelf above the sink. The coffee had gone cold hours ago but she wasn’t going to waste it. She took a long sip and glanced to the kitchen. It was past the lunch rush sure, but they were still moving and working. A welcome sight from the height of the pandemic, where there were long stretches of just nothing. Anna would spend hours just washing and rewashing dishes that were already clean, just to look busy.
Tilting her head back she finished the rest of the coffee and dropped the mug in a bus tub with other unwashed and unsorted things. With Kid Cudi bumping in her one earbud, she went back to spraying food off dishes.
“Hey Red!” Cheryl hit a bus-tub to make a sound. Anna turned instantly, bending down to look at the other woman properly. Her eye-level view was blocked by the rack of clean glasses and mugs, sitting at an angle for the servers to easily grab. 
“What? Did you need something?” 
“Did ya hear? Larry is hiring a big batch of new folks today,” Cheryl stated, she was leaning on the counter now, her head below the rack so she could make eye contact. Her facemask was pulled down, crumbled under her chin, the inside stained with makeup. Having to wear a mask every day really did the older woman a favor, aging had not been kind. Under the fluorescent lights of the kitchen, her fake teeth stood out from her yellowing real ones. The skin around her mouth was marked with deep lines from years of smoking. Her eyes, sunken in and glassy, always sported far too much eyeliner and shadow. 
How that woman was on her fifth husband, Anna would never know. 
“Yeah so?” Anna started moving again, the dishwasher was done so she pivoted to open the door, which was easier than closing it. Steam came rushing out and she stepped back to let it dissipate before she slid the tray out and moved it to a drying rack. 
“So? So nothing!” Cheryl spat. “Guess who has to train ‘em? Me. Like I ain't got nothing else to do in this fucking hell hole.” 
Anna wanted to ask what exactly she did. Cheryl was famous for pawning her side work off on other servers and leaving before closing nearly every night. 
“I’m sure you’ll do great, they’ll be lucky to have someone with your experience teaching them,” Anna replied it was better to stroke Cheryl’s ego than argue.
This seemed to satisfy Cheryl, who smiled wide, her missing molar visible. “Red, you are so right.” She tapped the edge of one of the bus-tubs with a wrinkled pinky finger. “So tell me again why you’re stuck back here washing dishes and not out there racking in the tips with me?” 
“Because I hate people.” Anna frowned under her mask and slid a new tub into the dishwasher. 
“Well ain't that the truth, we all do.” Cheryl slapped the metal counter before standing up and looking at Anna through the rack of clean glasses. “Smoke in thirty?” 
“Yeah, sure,” Anna grunted as she struggled to pull the lever down again. 
“I’ll come grab you, I know how distracted you get with all that shit.” Cheryl gestured vaguely at the sink and walked off. 
Anna sighed again. She grabbed a clump of silverware to sort when a new voice cut through the monotony of the kitchen and the constant thump of heavy bass music in her ear.
“Excuse me? Do you know where the group interviews are happening?” Came a soft female voice that Anna didn’t recognize. 
Anna purposefully leaned too far forward to grab the next bus-tub so she could see the source of the voice. There was a blonde woman, standing in front of the expo line, trying to get the chef’s attention. She was dressed business-casual, well-fitting plants, and a nice button-up that hugged her in the right places. Her hair was down and loose, cascading over her shoulders. Anna nearly fell into the bus-tub, but as captivated as she was, she knew Sergio was going to throw a fit. 
“Who the fuck are you?” the man of the hour roared as he slammed his spatula down with a loud bang. The woman, however, didn’t flinch. If anything she squared off her shoulders, ready to stand her ground. 
“I’m interviewing and I would like to know where that is taking place. The host upfront said the kitchen, but I’m sure a chef sure as yourself, who is so busy and concerned about his food would not appreciate any more of your time wasted.” her tone was even and controlled. She leaned forward slightly and Anna held her breath. “So kindly tell me where I need to go and we can both go about our business.” 
The chef glared at the stranger, his mask had fallen off his nose and even from a distance, Anna could see his nostrils flaring. His large shoulders were heaving up and down and he leaned forward so far that his chest touched the hot food window. Easily meeting the woman’s challenge. 
“I don’t give a shit about any damn interviews but if you don’t get off my fucking expo line, I’ll remove you myself–” 
“M-Ma’am the interviews are probably in the breakroom. Just go down that hallway.” On the line cooks said, pointing towards a short hallway lined with cleaning supplies. 
“See? Was that so hard?” She asked Sergio before standing and nodding a thank you to the line cook. Anna stood there stunned as the woman disappeared down the hall. 
“RED! PANS! NOW!” Sergio shouted. 
“Pans, heard!” She replied and quickly grabbed a stack from the drying rack. 
The evening air was a mix of cigarettes and wet cardboard. Anna leaned back against the cool concrete building. She sat atop an over-turned bucket, still wearing her apron and lacking a coat. She took a long drag of her cigarette. Watching as the tip glowed bright orange before fading to ash. Anna exhaled, long and slow, letting the smoke curl and twist towards the sky. 
Next to her, Cheryl was going on and on about her deadbeat of a son and the latest trouble he had gotten himself into. Anna wasn’t listening though, just nodding and humming in agreement when it seemed appropriate. 
“Did you see the bitch in the kitchen today?” 
This caught Anna’s attention, she looked up from watching the line cooks slingshot their hairnets into the dumpster. “Yeah, Sergio nearly flipped the whole counter,”
“That man is going to give himself a heart attack” Cheryl pulled her coat tighter, “I’m sorry I missed it, I love a good show,”
“Well if she gets hired, there will probably be more fights.” 
Cheryl let out a laugh that turned into a cough. “You’re funny Red, you know damn well Larry hires anyone with a pulse.” 
“Cheers to the next round of battle royal in the kitchen,” Anna lit another cigarette instead of raising a glass. 
“That’s all on you kid, I’m too damn cold. How are you out here without a jacket? Don’t answer, I know.” Cheryl disappeared back inside, leaving Anna alone with the line cooks. 
They had huddled into a tight circle and were passing something around. Anna pulled her cigarette away from her face and sniffed. She didn’t smell anything out of the ordinary so it had to be a flask. She gave half a thought to joining them before putting the cigarette out on the wall and putting the half-used smoke back in the crumbled box in her pocket.
“Alright those who can start tonight, I’ll see you in two hours. Everyone else I will see on Saturday.” Came Larry’s voice as he lead a sizable group back into the kitchen from the breakroom. 
“You will be given an apron and badge when you come back. You’re responsible for your own paper and pens. If I have to replace your badge more than twice you will be fired.” Larry continued as he ushered them out of the kitchen. 
Anna shook her head and went back to scrubbing the garlic bread pans. In two hours the kitchen would be in the middle of dinner rush. These new hires were really about to have a trial by fire. Maybe she’ll take some bets with the line cooks over who stays and who goes. At least a few would never bother showing up at all. More would quit after their first shift. Always the same story, different faces
Time passed strangely in Anna’s little nook of the kitchen. She was separated from the chaos of the expo line physically but she could hear Sergio screaming for runners every few minutes. To her dinner rush was just a blur of dishes, silverware, and glasses. It was always during these times she wanted a cigarette the most. 
“--And dirty dishes go here, and silverware in that bin. Clean glasses are always above you.” She heard Cheryl explaining over and over again. 
According to Cheryl, it was chaos out in the dining room. She told Anna this in little clips as she passed by to drop dishes off. All the while, Anna kept washing things, trying her best not to fall behind as her bus-tubs soon overflowed onto the counter. 
“Red, let’s take a smoke. I got a few minutes while I wait for a new NOT BURNED chicken. I swear I’m about to rip someone’s damn head off.” Cheryl was leaning in the gap so she could see Anna fully. Her long sleeves were rolled up unevenly on each arm, and the top button of her shirt was undone. 
From the way she was leaning Anna could see everything but she averted her eyes. Instead, she nodded and busied herself with pulling her gloves off. She was already behind, she was fooling herself thinking she would be able to leave on time so she might as well join Cheryl. She followed the older woman outside, Cheryl already had a cigarette in her mouth before they were through the door. It was lit so fast once they were outside that Anna thought it was electric.
She cupped a hand around her own cigarette and flicked her lighter a few times before the flame caught on the paper. She left her hand there for a moment, letting the flame dance across the rough skin of her palm. Pulling away only after the pain came. The nicotine took the edge off but the little burn helped her feel something.
“These new people, Red, they’re going to be the death of me,” Cheryl spoke as she exhaled smoke and flicked ash into the wind. 
“You say that every time,” Anna squatted down to pick a piece of dried food off her shoe. 
“Nah, listen there’s this blonde bitch, keeps trying to improve MY process, like she has any idea what works and what doesn’t. I’ve been here longer than some of these people have been alive, and they’re gonna come in here and tell me shit?.” 
“They’ll be gone soon.” Anna offered.
“Not soon enough, but let's get back in there before Sergio blows a damn gasket.” Cheryl dropped her half-smoked cigarette on the ground and stomped it out. Before turning back to the door, not bothering to wait for Anna. 
“Are you Red?” A sudden new voice made Anna jump, she was separating silverware and had her back to the rest of the kitchen. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
Anna turned around to see the blonde girl from earlier leaning against the dirty dish counter, watching Anna through the gap. Her hair was braided now, showing off an impressive assortment of piercings in each ear. Blue eyes stood out from the black mask that obscured her face. 
“That’s me, did you need something?” 
“No not really, just wanted to introduce myself,” she glanced over her shoulder quickly before turning back to Anna and pulling her mask down to reveal her entire face. “I’m Elsa.” She smiled and stuck a hand through the gap for Anna to shake.
Two things happened at the same time. Anna’s music switched to Circles by Mac Miller and she backed up so fast that she smacked into the dishwasher unit. Knocking a few pans over in the process. 
Well, this is what it looks right before you fall…
“Holy shit are you okay?” Elsa moved to come behind the counter but Anna held up her hands to stop her.
“Yeah, uh, yeah. Sorry, um, people don't usually shake my hand, and uh, they’re kinda gross?” She twisted her forearms back and forth to showcase the dried food and mystery liquids. Hoping that Elsa bought this excuse for her behavior and not the fact that Anna was taken aback by how beautiful she was under the mask. 
“Oh, my apologies. I just can’t seem to let the handshake go, even after everything,” Elsa gestured vaguely at the air around her.
“RED! Where the fuck are my soup bowls??” Sergio shouted. Anna glanced over at the expo line. He was watching with intense eyes. 
She squeezed her eyes shut and exhaled, he didn’t need the soup bowls right this second, he just hated people ‘talking’ in his kitchen. 
“No it's fine,” She spoke to Elsa before tipping her head up to shout back at Sergio, “Heard! Soup Bowls incoming!”
“Well I’ll let you get back to work, I just wanted to say hi,” Elsa pulled her mask back up but lingered awkwardly at the counter. 
Anna pulled her gloves off and grabbed a stack of clean soup bowls, and started to walk towards the line, “Do you want to take a smoke break in a bit?” 
“Oh,” Elsa stood back up to her full height, and fiddled with the pens clipped to the pocket of her apron, “I don't smoke, but maybe we can grab a drink after work?” 
“Yeah, bar after work, we’ll all be there anyway.” She didn’t wait for Elsa to respond before she crossed the kitchen to the expo line. 
Anna swirled the whiskey in her glass with the tiny bar straw as she leaned on the closed fist of her other hand. The bar was busy, a few lost souls were playing pool, a few more sat hunched over the bar top. There was a couple making out in their booth, the table in front of them littered with empty beer glasses. And there was Elsa, up at the bar, chatting with one of the bartenders.
A few tables over the line cooks were engrossed in some sports game on one of the giant TVs plastered to the wall. Occasionally they would glance at Elsa, it was only a matter of time before one of them made a move on her. 
Anna took a large swig of her whiskey as Elsa came back to their table with a glass of wine. She glanced at the line cooks but otherwise didn’t acknowledge them. 
“Andy says to tell you hi,” she said as she slid into a seat. “You come here often?”
“Uh yeah, after work, there's not much to do this late.” 
“Makes sense,” Elsa took a sip of her wine and Anna suddenly found the woodgrain of the table very interesting. 
No one had masks on here and it was all she could do to not stare at Elsa’s face. She knew she was being a creep, she was no better than the line cooks who had turned towards them. Like sharks circling their next meal. They did this with every female that started working at the restaurant, it was disgusting really. Anna did her best to ignore it, but this time it was already getting under her skin. 
“So, what brings you to this town, or the restaurant I mean,” Anna asked, suddenly hyper-aware that she was still clad in her work pants, covered in stains.
“I’m getting my master's at the university and needed a job to offset some bills.” Elsa shrugged like it was the most casual sentence ever spoken. 
“Oh, your masters huh?” Anna tried. 
“Yes, in sustainability.” 
“Sounds cool.”
“Aye pretty momma why don’t you get off lesbo island and park that hot ass over here!” shouted one of the line cooks, he was standing, his arms spread wide and his pelvis thrusted forward. Behind him, the other cooks laughed. 
Anna took another sip of whiskey, finishing the drink, and flipped him off without making eye contact. 
“Yo Red, you know I ain't talking to you,”
“Why? Do you not think she’s hot?” Elsa cut in, she was leaning on the table with her elbows. One hand holding the stem of her wine glass and the other tracing a slow circle around the rim. 
“Red?” The entire table laughed and Anna feared her face matched her nickname. 
“What’s so funny?” Elsa continued, she set her glass down and steepled her fingers. 
This caused the cook to stumble for a moment and he scoffed. “She’s Red, she does the dishes.” Anna really wished she had more whiskey. 
“Does that make her less hot? Don’t you wash your dishes at home?” 
“Nah my woman does that,” 
“Yet you’re trying to hit on me,” Elsa tilted her head to the side, “Doesn't seem to make sense does it?” 
“Oh shit son, she got you!” Another line cook shouted and clapped the standing man on the shoulder. 
“Ah whatever, if you’re sitting with Red you’re prob gay too,” He waved his hand dismissively and turned back to his table. 
“Does that matter?” Elsa shot back, there was a coldness to her tone now. “Also you can’t just out someone like that, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“Woah momma, chill out.” 
Anna felt Elsa’s eyes on her, she hunched her shoulders, trying to hide how fast her breathing had become. She wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out but she would have to settle for the bathroom. 
“I’ll be right back,”
A loud exhale filled the silence of the bathroom as soon as the stall door latched. Anna closed the toilet lid and sat down, running her hands in her hair as she tried to slow down her racing heart. This evening couldn’t have possibly gone worse. Well maybe if something caught on fire. Maybe she should set something on fire, that would distract everyone. 
The door to the bathroom opened and closed. “Anna?” came Elsa’s voice.
Reluctantly Anna stood. Flushing the toilet just so it wasn’t weird that she was sitting in there having an anxiety attack and potentially planning to commit arson. 
“Oh hey!” she said, opening the door and moving to the sink to wash her hands. 
“Are you okay? You finished your drink really fast.” Elsa asked, she was giving Anna an out, an excuse to not talk about the reason she had left the table suddenly. 
“Yup, just one of those nights I guess.” she shrugged like it was just another Tuesday and another day of her coworkers spilling her personal information. 
Elsa didn’t say anything else, her eyes searching Anna’s face as if it had some long-lost answers. “Alright.” 
Anna sighed and shoved her hands in her pockets. “Well, this was fun, but I think I’m going to head home. Work tomorrow and all that.” 
Elsa looked up the ceiling for a moment before looking back at Anna. “Listen, about what they said–”
“It's fine, don’t worry about it,” Anna said cutting her off. She started to step towards the door when Elsa lightly grabbed her arm. 
“It’s not fine if what they said is bothering you.” 
Anna pulled her arm away. “First of all, don’t touch me, second – you don’t know me, we just met. So you don’t get to say what does or doesn’t bother me.” She left the bathroom, shoving the door a little too hard, it banged loudly against the wall. A few weary eyes turned her way. 
She didn’t bother stopping, just beelined to the exit. Andy would understand, she always paid her tab. 
As soon as the cool night air hit her she had a cigarette in her mouth and her lighter in hand. She clicked the lighter several times to no avail before chucking the thing into the parking lot. “Fuck!”
“Do you need a light?” 
Anna turned to see Elsa standing a few feet behind her, a lighter in hand and her arm extended. Reluctantly Anna swiped the lighter and lit her cigarette, taking a short puff before tossing it back to the blonde. 
“Thanks,” she turned to her back to Elsa, assuming the woman would go back inside or to her car or anywhere that wasn’t right where she ended up – right next to Anna. Earning a frown. 
Elsa wasn’t watching the redhead though. Her eyes seemly fixating on the warning lights of the radio towers perched on the mountains surrounding town. They blinked steady red lights on and off. Anna always thought they looked like eyes, perched on top of stone towers, looking down and passing judgment. “I live on lesbo island too,” 
“Wait what?” 
Elsa tilted her head just slightly in Anna’s direction, “I’m gay.”
Everything seemed to still after Elsa spoke. Anna’s smoke hung in the air, cars on the highway stopped at the intersection, and the flickering light at the gas station across the street come on. Every nerve was burning inside for Anna to do something, say something. Instead, she held her cigarette between two fingers and watched the embers glow as she took another drag. 
“I’ll see you at work,” she said on the exhale, shoving her hands in her pockets and walking to her car. 
She started the engine and looked up in the rearview mirror to see Elsa still standing there. One hand in her pocket and the other flicking her lighter on and off, watching her.
Anna drove away. 
“I NEED RUNNERS” Sergio shouted, it was a busy Sunday lunch rush. Which meant Sergio AND Cheryl were both angry. The chef because of all the food substitutions and Cheryl because church people were horrible tippers. 
Anna tried to tune them both out. Frowning and nodding when Cheryl slammed dishes on the counter, turning up her music when Sergio screamed louder. But even Eminem couldn’t drown out her own thoughts. 
Elsa made it a point to say hello and goodbye to Anna every shift, it had been five days now and she had worked every single one. Anna just mumbled her standard greeting, it wasn’t lost on her though that Elsa was the only one to call Anna by her actual name. 
She didn’t know why she reacted that way to Elsa. It should have been everything she wanted, cute girl, also gay, nice, seemed interested, maybe. Yet scared her so she shut down. At the bar, Anna had basically dismissed her and left. Since then she had been nothing but cold to the woman. 
Things like this didn’t happen to Anna. Her days were filled with far too many hours at work, her evenings were bent over a glass because she drew the line at drinking at home alone. Sometimes she was desperate, a woman, nameless and forgettable, gone from her bed the next morning. 
She didn’t do relationships, she barely did life. Her apartment was a small studio that felt cramped with the minimum amount of furniture she had. Her car was rusted, the bumper held on by duct tape. Her paychecks were eaten by rent, what was left was spent on cigarettes and alcohol. 
Anna didn’t do relationships because she had nothing to offer. So when there was even the slightest hint at something with Elsa, she ran. 
Who am I to blame, who am I to blame though?
To Elsa’s credit, she was putting forth a massive effort. It had been a few weeks now and she was talking to Anna every chance she got. They hadn’t been back to the bar together. Anna spent those nights alone at the bartop, watching Andy pull beers. Sometimes her mind drifted to what it would be like to be back at that table with Elsa again. 
Slowly, like a rock eroding, Anna opened up more – Elsa working her way around the thick Anna had built up. Hellos became ‘how’s it goings’, goodnights became ‘did you have a good day.’ 
The awkwardness faded with time, perhaps faster than Anna would admit. She found herself looking now, when people approached the counter, waiting for the blonde braid or the glint of too many piercings. A stark difference between ignoring everyone but Cheryl. 
Recently Elsa started joining her outside for smoke breaks, even though she didn’t touch tobacco. Working here though, it was only a matter of time. Everyone had a vice, cigarettes just happened to be easy to access. 
“When did you start smoking?” Elsa asked. She stood upwind of Anna, moving a pebble around with her shoe. 
Anna shrugged, pinching the cigarette between to fingers she brought it away from her face and exhaled. The air was heavy from recent rain and the smoke drifted out of her mouth in slow tumbling clouds. She never smoked before working here and now it was a crutch to get through the slog of the day. “A few years ago.” 
“Have you thought about quitting?”
“Nah,” Anna nearly scoffed. 
“What if you were dating someone and they asked you?” 
Anna choked, and coughed, turning away from Elsa. She spat on the ground and stood before dropping the cigarette butt and stomping it out with her foot. “I have to get back inside.” 
“Yeah,” Elsa agreed, watching a cloud drift by. “Same.” 
“Y’all been spending a lot of time together,” Cheryl stated. She was leaning on Anna’s counter again, haven slid in after Elsa walked off. 
“It hasn’t been that much time,” Anna shot back. She was on edge, it was a long day and she hadn’t gotten a smoke break yet. Plus Sergio was in a terrible mood and was non-stop barking orders.
“Cut the crap, Red. I see the way you look at each other. Reminds me of a second husband, God rest his soul.” 
“Hey, we need silverware, like yesterday.” The host said, jutting into the conversation. 
“Heard,” Anna heaved the tub of clean forks and knives onto the counter, making an effort to drop it with a loud thud in front of Cheryl. Hoping she would get the hint and shut up.
“If one of you doesn’t ask the other out soon, I’m doing it myself,” Cheryl continued. Anna suppressed a grown. The host grabbed the tub and hurried away without saying anything. 
“There’s nothing going on, just drop it.” 
Cheryl smirked at her. “Only a blind fool would say that. Get your damn head out of your ass, Red.” She vanished through the doors before Anna could reply. 
Post dinner rush one evening found them both sitting outside on overturned buckets, each sweaty and covered in bits of food and sauces. It was far from attractive, but Anna still thought Elsa looked beautiful. Despite the sauce stain on her sleeve and the dried lettuce stuck to the cuff of her pants. 
She was trying not to look, instead fiddling with an unlit cigarette, twisting it in her fingers. Elsa shoved her knee at Anna, hard enough to get her attention but not hard enough to knock her over. Annoyed, Anna turned her head to glare only to find the other woman smiling. 
Anna huffed and turned to pull her lighter out of her pocket only to be met with another shove. She whipped her head back over and found Elsa was pretending to be very interested in the cuff of her shirt sleeve. 
“Did you need something?” Elsa asked, failing to hide a smirk.
“No, but apparently you do.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” Elsa looked away. 
Slowly Anna pivoted back to her pocket for the lighter. She had just pulled it out when Elsa shoved her so hard that she fell off the bucket. 
A surprisingly strong arm flew out and wrapped around Anna’s middle steadying her.
“Woah there, no face-planting.” 
“What the hell dude?” it was then Anna noticed Elsa’s arm still wrapped around her waist. At the same time, Elsa tugged and pulled her closer. Her mahogany scent somehow still present and overpowering Anna’s gross smells.
“If you wanted a hug you could just say so.”
“Damnit, Elsa!” Anna shoved her away and stood up. Jamming the unlit cig back into her pocket. “This is harassment you know.” 
Elsa stood slowly, her smile gone, replaced with an almost stoic poker face. “My apologies, it will never happen again.” Her tone was different than Anna had ever heard it and it rooted her to the spot. She stood, unmoving, as Elsa went back into the restaurant. 
Over by the dumpsters the line cooks were laughing and making gross sounds. 
“Trouble on lesbo island?” one shouted. Anna wished she was allowed to drink on the job.
“Alright Red, all the guests are gone. I sent the closers home, the cooking staff is just finishing up. I need you to clean the floors. Everyone worked late, I want to get them home and rested for tomorrow so you’re on your own. Okay?” Larry asked, he was standing in the entryway to Anna’s area, spotless pressed clothes and shiny shoes dared not go any closer. 
“Uh,” Anna looked from the stack of dishes she had left and then back at the owner. She wanted to ask why everyone else got to leave but she had to stay -- having already worked a long shift. She wanted to ask why her sleep didn’t matter. She wanted to say a lot of things, but instead, she just nodded. “Yup, I’ll have those floors clean.” 
“Great, go out the back when you’re done, it will lock behind you.” And Larry vanished, his car keys jingling. 
It was late now, everyone was gone. The building had an eerie quiet to it, broken by the occasional crack or pop of the kitchen equipment cooling down. Anna hooked up the hose to the sink and began spraying off the floor. Gross brown water rolled towards the drain. She had to stop occasionally to pick up large chunks of something. Once the first pass was done she lugged out the giant bottle of degreaser and slashed it haphazardly across the floor. 
The scrub brush was on a long handle like a broom, keeping her far away from the yuck. Even so, the degreaser foamed and threw scrubs all over her pants leg as she applied what was probably too much pressure. 
“Anna, why do we keep doing this?” Elsa asked causing the redhead to jump and nearly drop her brush. Elsa was standing at the end of the expo line, her shirt was untucked and unbuttoned, revealing the navy blue tank top underneath. 
“Doing what?” Anna kept scrubbing the titles. 
“This cat and mouse game, we seem to be fine and then you pull back” She hooked her thumbs into her pockets. “If you rather us just be coworkers then please just tell me because this–” Elsa walked over to where Anna was scrubbing and stopped the brush with her shoe. “This hurts too much otherwise.” 
Anna frowned and lifted her head to meet the other woman’s eyes. “Maybe you should quit then.”
“You don’t mean that, we both know that. What are you so afraid of? Is it me, something I did?” 
“No, you’re fine, you didn’t…” Anna bit her bottom lip, “Look, if you don’t get out of here soon, this place will swallow you alive and you can’t leave. Look at Cheryl, at Sergio, at-“
“You?” Elsa said interrupting.
Anna squeezed her eyes shut. “I didn’t mean to stay here this long.” 
“You don’t have to stay you know,” 
“Where else am I supposed to go? I’m a dishwasher, Elsa, I don't have any skills, I scrub floors.” 
Elsa placed her hands on the brush handle and pulled it away, leaning it on the salad counter. “Is this what all of this is about? You don’t want to go out with me because you don’t want me stuck here forever?” 
“You want to go out with me?” Anna repeated. 
Elsa sighed and picked up the brush, “I’ve only been hinting at it heavily for over a month now.” She started scrubbing while Anna stood there. “Should I have just flat out said it? Maybe, I just didn’t want to freak you out, you seemed like the kind of person who needed to decide on your own. So I left the door open for you, so that’s on me I guess.” 
Anna blinked a few times, her brain trying to formulate words or any sound at all. “Yes?” it came out a question.
Do not be afraid, do not be afraid
“Yes, you do want to go out?” 
Anna nodded, it was all she could do in that moment, her brows knit together and her mouth slightly agape. 
“Anna? Are you okay?” Elsa put the brush down again, watching her. 
“No, I’m just tired, I’m fin–”
Elsa cut her off by stepping forward and cupping her jaw with one hand before leaning in and pressing her lips against Anna’s. It was short and quick and Elsa was standing in front of her again. Her hand remained on Anna’s jaw, grounding her. 
“Let’s leave,” Elsa said 
“I–I can’t I’m not done with the floor.” 
Elsa scoffed before kicking the brush over, the wooden handle clanging loudly on the tiled floor. “No, let’s leave, leave.” 
“Quit? Elsa I can’t I have rent to pay…”
Elsa moved so her arms wrapped around Anna’s waist, she untied her apron and pulled it over her head in one fluid motion. Discarding it on the floor near the broom. “My apartment is covered by the university, you can stay with me.” 
“Isn’t this a lot? And really fast?” 
Elsa shrugged, she unclipped her badge and threw it on Anna’s apron, her own apron followed. “Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, or you’re just going to keep drawing circles.” 
Anna looked at the heap on the floor, the suds from the degreaser slowly moving towards the drain. She looked at the empty kitchen, at the dishwashing area. This had been her home for years, but it was toxic. Long hours, little pay, she knew this, she’s been over this, laying awake at night -- dreading repeating the same thing the next day. So would it be so bad to leave? 
“You deserve better Anna, let me help you see that,” Elsa said, pulling Anna from her thoughts. She reached out and entwined her fingers with Anna’s, not shying away from the grime there. 
“Yeah, okay, fuck it!” Anna’s body already moving towards the exit, pulling Elsa with her. “Let’s go.” She threw the door open, the cold night air greeting her like an old friend. It lacked the scent of cigarettes and wet cardboard, it just smelled like fresh beginnings and new promises. 
She’s not sure why she did it, but Anna reached down and pulled her shoes off. They were caked with unknown sludge. She chucked them at the restaurant and hopped in her car, following Elsa back to her place. 
Everything was going to be okay in the end, and if it wasn’t okay then it wasn’t the end. 
It's one day at a time
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