#caspian armand
tideswept · 11 months
So~ I saw a couple of people doing this, and figured, why not? My tumblr is almost entirely Obikin/Hartwin focused atm, but I do ship other things! Rare ships! (Things that's hard to find content for tbh!)
So if you ever wonder/want to talk about other things--here's a handy list of Ships (And Related Series/Movie/Etc) Berry Will Cheerfully Listen To/And/Or Talk Your Ear Off About!
ANGEL SANCTUARY: Kira/Setsuna, Lucifer/Alexiel, Rosiel/Katan
BATMAN: Bruce/Dick
DOCTOR WHO: 9/Rose, 10/Rose
FE3H: Byleth/Dimitri
FF13: Lightning/Hope
FFXIV: Emeth-Selch/WoL, Emet-Selch/Azem/Hythlodaeus, Sicard/Emmanellain
GANKUTSUOU: Edmond/Albert
GARO: Kouga/Kaoru/Rei
GENSHIN: Wriothesley/Neuvillette, Kazuha/Lumine, Ayato/Thoma, Fischl/Mona
HARRY POTTER: Snape/Harry, Tom Riddle/Harry, Sirius/Harry/Remus
HAVEN: Duke/Aubrey/Nate
HETALIA: Turkey/Greece, Greece/Spain, England/America, France/Spain
KINGDOM HEARTS: Riku/Sora, Riku/Namine, Roxas/Namine, Axel/Roxas, Terra/Ventus, Aqua/Cinderella
KINGSMAN: Harry/Eggsy, Merlin/Eggsy, Charlie/Eggsy
LABYRINTH: Jareth/Sarah
MARVEL: Bucky/Steve, Deadpool/Peter Parker, Loki/Thor
NARNIA: Lucy/Edmund, Caspian/Peter
PERSONA: FeMC(Kotori)/Shinjiro, Yuu/Rise
RE4: Leon/Ashley
SHERLOCK: Mycroft/Lestrade
STAR WARS: Obi-Wan/Anakin, Qui-Gon/Anakin
THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES: Elias/Jon, Tim/Jon, Peter/Jon
THE MUMMY: Ardeth/Jonathan
THE VAMPIRE CHRONICLES: Lestat/Louis, Armand/Daniel, Marius/Daniel
TSUKIUTA: You/Yoru, Arata/Aoi
TWEWY: Josh/Neku
TWIN PEAKS: Cooper/Audrey
X-MEN: Charles/Erik, Rogue/Gambit
I'm probably forgetting quite a few, but uhhh this is pretty darn long already.
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astra-galaxie · 7 months
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"Hello, Caspian, I hope you've been taking care of Argo!" - Jason Nicchi
Biographical information
Full Name: Jason Nicchi
Alias(es): Pyrókardos (Fireheart in Greek)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Alive
Age: 28 (season 4)
Birth: 1862
Race: Human
Nationality: Greek-Italian
Origin: Iolcos, Greece
Concordia, USA
Rome, Italy (formerly)
Iolcos, Greece (formerly)
Profession(s): Inventor
Family: Melaina Kokkinos (mother)
Partner(s): Argo Acquafredda (boyfriend)
Height: 5'11"
Age: 28 (season 4)
Weight: 160lbs
Eyes: hazel
Blood: O+
Hailing from the city of Rome, Jason is a tall man with warm olive skin and hazel eyes. His short brown hair is curly and messy with a pair of goggles strapped on top, and his beard is clean-cut and trimmed short. He also has a small scar across the bridge of his nose. He wears black pants and boots, a dark gray shirt under a brown jacket, and an orange bandana around his neck.
As per his suspect appearance in Ring In The New Death, it is known that Jason eats panettone, drinks champagne and knows Auld Lang Syne.
As per his suspect appearance in Heartbroken, it is known that Jason knows anatomy, links horse shows, and speaks French.
To be revealed during Murders of The Past
Events of Criminal Case
Season 4
Jason made his debut during the murder of his old coworker Romulus Fabrri. He and Romulus arrived in Concordia a few days before New Year's Day and shared an apartment until Jason moved in with Argo. Jason wanted to surprise his boyfriend on New Year's Eve since the Detective was under the impression the inventor wouldn't be immigrating until a few weeks later. While Romulus was busy trying to make a name for himself in Concordia, Jason was relaxing after spending so much time sailing and planning how to surprise Argo.
On New Year's Eve, just before he was going to surprise Argo, Maddie and Issac visited Jason's apartment to inform him of Romulus's murder. While they wouldn't call each other friends, they had worked together for years, so Jason was shocked and saddened by Romulus's death. Jason decided to wait and surprise Argo after the case had been closed and answered the Detectives' questions, knowing he would be proven innocent.
Even after Maddie and Isaac discovered that Romulus had been trying to steal Jason's work, he continued to deny any involvement in the murder. As he predicted, he was found innocent after the Detectives arrested Takara for killing Romulus. Now that the case was closed, he could proceed with surprising Argo and gifting him the music box he had made while sailing to Concordia. Of course, another wrench had to get thrown into his plans when he couldn't find the music box to show it to Charlie.
Thankfully, Maddie and Charlie helped him find the music box, and the latter assisted with its repairs. With the gift ready, Jason snuck it into Argo's office onboard Alto with Ember's help. The robotic dragon was able to fly to the second level, sneak into the Detective's office and leave the music box on Argo's desk without being seen. Jason and Ember returned to the airship just before midnight, perfectly timed for when Argo discovered the gift and asked the Squad if they knew where it came from.
Reuniting with Argo after over two months apart felt like heaven to Jason. He savoured holding him and kissing him even as their audience was watching. But it didn't matter how many people were watching because as the stroke of midnight hit and the fireworks lit up with the sky, Jason felt the Argo-sized hole in his heart being filled again. Later, following a small party with the Flying Squad, Argo and Jason collected the inventor's stuff from his apartment, returned the key to the property owner, and went home together to celebrate their reunion.
Story Information
First appeared: Ring In The New Death
Armand Dupont mentioned Jason in season 3's original case, Fathers and Death. Dupont mentions his great-grandfather, Charlie Dupont, knowing an inventor who made music boxes; that man was Jason
He built Caspian and Ember. People always ask him how he created the automatons, but he refuses to reveal his secrets
Besides music boxes, Jason's inventions usually center around assistive technology to make life easier for people with disabilities. For example, he built Argo's crutches to be durable and multi-functional but also elegant to look at
He's fluent in Italian and Greek, as both languages were spoken heavily in his home when he was growing up
He can easily get lost in his work. More often than not, Argo has to remind him to take breaks, or else they won't happen until Jason inevitably passes out. Ember will make him take breaks, too, but she also loves helping him with his inventions, so she's been guilty of losing track of time, too…
He is a skilled welder and can solder metal together almost seamlessly
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This is the logo Jason uses to mark all of his creations.
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad)
Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad)
Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
Murders of The Past (Ao3/Wattpad)
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
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Finally got the relationship chart of all my OCs to work, woohoo! You can probably tell but it was a bit difficult haha. I'll put more details under a read more because I just love talking about them so much :'))
About the legend: 'pals!' just means friendly acquaintances, people who used to be close but drifted apart a little, that kind of thing. The 'other' category includes QPRs, like Meredith & Cécilia and Sage, Tristan & Mélusine, but also roommates like Aster & Hector (and Cécilia & Meredith), or undefined work relationships like Cécilia's dad and Aster. Aster also was Cécilia's 'babysitter' of sorts when she was younger, which ties in with the undefined work relationship with her dad. The 'family' category is vague because they all have different relations, but Sumire and Souji are twins, Felix is Alex's uncle, Laëlia is Ophelia's older sister, and Anne & Caspian +/- adopted Philomena.
The group of school friends at the top is because they all went to the same magic school, and the reason it's +/- two friends group but merged is because some of them were roommates with each other at school, so they know each other but they don't spend much time together now they're out of school. Sage, Tristan and Mélusine don't have ties to other OCs because they don't live on the main continent like the others, and I haven't really put any thought into other people on their island haha. Also, the magic users clusters are because of people going to magic boarding schools.
Not explained in the picture but still relevant: Armand made Meredith a vampire without asking her, which is why she doesn't like him; Raphaël was kind of Meredith's mentor or something similar; Silas is the friend Meredith and Cécilia have in common who introduced them and the reason they became flatmates; Ophelia and Oswald dated for a month when they were 15 before realising it didn't change anything and went back to being best friends; Ophelia was friends with Olivia in middle school before they both went to different magic schools; Felix knows Raphaël because they both live in the same area and are both involved in the same community, but the characters don't know they all know each other, because when do you mention to a friend 'oh yes my uncle lives on this specific island and is involved with the local merfolk community'?; on the other hand, one time Meredith hosted a party and invited both Alex & his partners and her friend Scarlett, so Adrien knows that both one of his highschool friends and his boyfriend know that one vampire; I have no idea why Cordelia and Philomena know each other but they sure do, they're mostly penpals; Anne & Caspian have a kind of small magical orphanage, which is why Meredith and Raphaël know them, they have a reputation, and also ties in to them kind of adopting Philomena.
I think that's about it for the little anecdotes, I've drawn some of them and if that interests you you're free to check out my OCs tag!
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
Galactus picks up the remaining keys clears the ports and gates. Prepares all for launch.
https://youtu.be/cg0YsGfCq7o Yesterday and last night went well. Tons of a died. Huge piles gone but massive. Eaten up, burned or fried and absorbed but gone fast. Huge mouths shut now as they seek out their own and can't find anyone. Massive areas cleared completely. Huge ones. And ours now. All ours as are all your nukes now. Back at ya. Huge ships up greater than mine yes my Starblazer, some a bit longer but much larger, Gabriel's. He goes to town on them now. We hope and pray today. We will Gabriel says Tons of areas fell yesterday due to the ships. South America freed several and Bitol knows how it is. Huge ships means freedom and they travel in packs. And we have requests, Russia we are there two in the caucuses, we free them now meaning I come grab they keys start it and then clear ports and gates all day. Galactus Emerald Herald We agree Apollo gigantic ships too rival mine Two more and from former satellites, they see why now. Had it hoped for it saw you struggle helped, with the movie. It worked. We added in the white houses and it sped up. The Caspian and black Sea are teaming with s and they flood the place make a mess out of everything stare at each other a lot. They took a bunch we followed killed them, 're deposited them they were large. It's huge it works so well. Former Satellite nation Gods and Goddesses Request from Puerto Rico. We evacuated due to your tongue no Bitol came and got us out. Cuba too. Tons left. Apollo Bitol Uriel We come there now too I send a contingent I collect the keys. Galactus We have more, northern France the Alps, and it is I Armand he's Salazaar, and it's a fight. Ok. We need it badly and you need balance. Sure he will come. Il fatigue of course I'm coming so much work so many prayers I'm there now we work together. Galactus Your here now? Oh I see you and your boys we join you Armand It's out of love ok, we need it too Salazaar I send a contingent to begin if acceptable Galactus It is Salazaar Then I arrive in full regalia and I provide a ceremony with you in Spain for your idea help and support Thor agrees has set it up. His ship too. Galactus We agree Salazaar It's fine and dandy but get me out a this. I tried it stunk stank sat. I hear you after Salazaar begins I start yours off Galactus Start it yes we finish it Salazaar We plow through not so it's difficult Swedish Goddess I cut a off as leader to Greenland and Antarctica Mac daddy's will insight their sons to get to A bomb. We use it and we will hear why once done. Galactus Why Swedish Goddess and God One bomb is enough me hostage enough Macs plan for anything we got. Hubris. Why they are the way they are Galactus That's why Swedish Goddess and God I'm irate I want fun too. Ny sits in a quagmire as does TX. And I help Europe with you and Puerto Rico and Cuba. As they are associated with female influence the Swedish Goddess requests tiu6assist. I shall Hera Zues
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twenty-eight: 11} caspian & angela
Caspian: You seem surprised. *The words were teasing, fake hurt in his voice though he did not turn to look at Angela, not yet. Caspian popped his top few buttons loose, brushing against his neck in a careless gesture before reaching for the bar. As he poured the brandy, his black eyes bored into the swirling amber liquid as if it would provide all his answers. At least drive the image of Joseph taking miss-soon-to-be-wife's hand and looking over his shoulder at him before walking away. Oh, he understood: the scandal today made it all the more important he win, that they behave appropriate in public, oh, he got it. Cas plugged the stopper into the bottle hard, the ringing of striking glass barely heard. Still, he smirked as he lifted the tumblers, and spun mid sentence,* Landscape photographs and Dickens not really...seem my style, hm? *He handed a glass to her, taking his own sip before looking at the black and white photo himself, eyes narrowed critically in appreciation.* 
Angela: *She smirked as she looked around his chambers, a chuckle seemed almost stuck in her throat. Yes, she was surprised actually, and god knew it was difficult for her to admit so, given than she preferred to think she expected the unexpected. That said, it seemed to be that everything at this court was destined to leave her surprised. The sudden turn of events at court was one that left her mouth open in shock. Angela had not cried out or cried or any of the sort because the man meant nothing to her, but it did not take away from the fact that it was startling. A man's life exterminated so easily...if he had been hanged, at least there would have been witnesses, people there to remember the fact you had been at one moment alive, kicking until the very end, but dying alone? That was the worst. She definitely needed a drink after that, and Cas didn't look cheery either though she suspected his subtle brooding stemmed from something or someone else entirely; Angela knew heartache when she saw it, even though she couldn't say she personally knew much about it. She didn't bring it up; she was not that type of girl. Not today, at least.* No, but the liquor in your chambers does. *she took the glass with a silent gratitude, and took a sip. Oh, that was good. There would be no going back to the cheap things she was used to, she knew that by now; that was going to cause her problems she could tell.* you have a gentle soul don't you? *she half teased as she swirled the drink around before standing up straighter when she noticed something about the photograph and then asked curiously* This was developed on a plate instead of on film, wasn't it?
Caspian: Gentle. *Aha. He would snort, but the gesture was horribly unattractive: instead he smirked behind the glass, licked his bottom lip, and took another drink and gasp. Cocking an eyebrow, he responded lightly,* Not usually my style either, I'm afraid. *Oh, but he had the feeling Angela would appreciate that. Eyes wide with his own appreciative smirk as his gaze flicked from the photograph to her. His words were teasing, playful.* You have quite the eye, Miss Elder. Not many notice that. *The corner of his lips curled.* But then, you notice what most don't often.
Angela: *Hmm, well, when he put it in that perspective, no, she did not associate him with being gentle any longer. How mighty cruel of him, to have her imagination getting away with her already; Angela approved.* Ah, another thing we have in common. *Caspian in reality was the closest to the type of man she would have enjoyed for more than one night, though that was also her being superficial because he was exquisite. Turning to look at him again, she wet her bottom lip before taking another sip, speaking after letting the glass fall from her parted lips* Oh, I make a habit of it. And yet *she lifted a finger off the glass to point at him*  Something about I can't quite put my finger on...unfortunately, that is entirely too accurate in a literal sense as well.
Caspian: *Gaze following her finger, his lips curled above the rim of his glass.* Indeed? *His gaze dropped to her shoes, the black rims peeking out between a dress he knew had scandalized the old ladies more than the news of an innocent man's dead--because it was just unseemly, you see-- but which he very much enjoyed. Gaze flicking back up, he took a steadying sip, dropping the glass to the table beneath his photograph.* Oh? *His gaze lingered with his fingers on the lip of the glass.* A shameful situation--*his gaze flicked back to hers as his hand slipped across hardwood to take her hip instead, pulling her in, contrary to his words, without shame. He smirked.* I'll just have to remedy that. *Only polite, after all, he thought amused with a pleasant buzz of adrenaline and alcohol and something else he dare not name making him reckless enough to squeeze and crash his lips to hers.*
Angela: Hmm. *It was as vocal an agreement as she would offer on that, for it she started talking about details of which she could not figure out, she knew it would bother incessantly and that wasn't something she wanted to focus on. Bringing the glass up to her lips again to take a lengthy swallow of the drink, a small gasp left her mouth then as she was pulled in so quickly, her lips widening in a delighted smirk as a familiar warmth started to spread. Her glass rested forgotten on the table, at least she hadn't dropped it, by the time their lips met in a hard kiss. Angela felt as if a switch had been flicked, as if electricity all but ran through her. Her hands dug into his short but soft hair, tugging on black strands as she grazed his tongue with her own, pulling his bottom lip into her mouth. Gentle was the last thing she wanted, how true. She didn't want to be treated delicately, as if she could easily break. She was human; she wanted scars scratches and bruises. She wanted life.*
Caspian: *Slanting his mouth with hers in a dance of tongue and teeth, he considered only a moment the irony of her calling him gentle. He knew what she wanted then, this night, full of virile purpose and dark heat, and he gave it to her - lifting her with one arm around her hips and the other passing through silky brown hair - because deep down, he craved it too. Needed it too; his mind yearned to forget, his spirit craved life, his body was aching for relief, for her. For her scent, her taste, her warmth pressed against him.  It had been from the moment he saw her, and tonight, goddammit--she'd bit his lip--he gave in. It wasn't sweet. Lips on bruising skin, teeth nipping and tearing before tongues hot and deliciously red soothed wounds neither quite knew the true origin of. His hand slid flat down her chest, taking too long to find the laces and settling for finding his penknife and cutting through the constricting corset. Well. She had asked. The knife clattered to the ground, bouncing off the table he was leaning her against, to join books littering the expensive carpet.* 
Angela: *She felt renewed upon inhaling a deep, and sweet breath once she was free of the corset, not realizing until then that she had been dizzy from the lack of air, so caught up she was in him . It wasn't her favorite corset to begin with, and soon enough it wasn't even on her mind anymore. Similarly her hands traveled to his shirt, the top buttons already opened, giving her a teasing view of hard lines of muscle but it was not enough. Good lord, she knew that when she felt like this, like her skin was on fire, like her desire rushed through her veins instead of blood, nothing was enough. Tearing away the rest of the buttons of his shirt, they fell in a clatter around them like so many things already had, and they were ignored just like the rest. A hand traced the newly exposed skin, nails dragging across the rippled skin of his carved stomach, the other pushing the shirt off his shoulders insistently. Her mouth hot against his again, breath coming in pants, she was alive. Alive, not dead. And so was he, bloody hell (she let out a short breathless laugh as she realized she was thinking in British now, before crashing her mouth against his again) was he alive.*
Caspian: *Letting her strip him -- oh, and literally too -- he was too focused on her, frankly willing to use magic to make all fabric disappear if he could remember the blasted spell. Hissing as her nails scraped his skin through a smirk of pleasure born of pain he turned to pepper kisses down the soft flash of her throat. The corset gone, he cupped one hand on her hip to press her against him even if it bunched her skirt up slowly, the other cupping, kneading, squeezing, massaging her chest--every crevice of skin he could. Remembering how she had teased him about being selfish -- well yes, yes he bloody was, and he took what he wanted, but in this he was determined to bring her to pleasure first -- his hand slid under her bunched skirt to find the tight little bundle of nerves first, index finger trailing over it, before sliding down to part folds already wet (he smirked), carress -- and actually, come to think of it, he knew damn well he could bring her to pleasure twice first.*
Angela: *Her eyes drifted close as he cupped and toyed with her breasts, sighs of pleasure leaving her mouth as she arched her chest. A quiet moan of anticipation raked through her as she felt his arousal, hard and stiff, against her leg and she pressed herself closer to him, her actions no longer hers, but rather having a mind of their own. Licking her lips, her hands went to free him of his pants, but her expert fingers slipped across the button as his hand found her wetness, bringing much wanted friction, the moan was hot against his ear. Eyes hazy as she looked up at him, the smirk on his face brought one of her own, the pleased and amused expression still on her face as she tilted her head back and moaned again, rotating her hips against his fingers. She made another attempt at his trousers, grabbing them by the waistband and pulling him in further. Once the button was off, she kept tugging down without bothering with the rest; she was impatient.*
Caspian: *Lord, was she testing him. And look, even managing to make him pray--another thing not exactly his style. But then everything was out the window today--if the events at the square started it (but that and Joseph with his bloody fiancee were far from his mind) -- he had to say, he much preferred this. A hard, hot gasp left his lips on her chest as she tugged him free - fucking finally- the hand roaming her back came up and grabbed her wrist. A manic heat in his darkened eyes as he looked at held her gaze, he shook his head an inch.* Patience is a virtue, darling. *The crooning left his smirk before he stole another kiss - and as he did,  scissoring his fingers inside, crooking to find that particular spot again, and again, even with his grip tightening on her wrist to stay himself from using that rather optimal position. Gasping against her parted lips, his eyes clouded in lust, he scissored again with his mutter,* You wouldn't want to surrender that to me all at once.
Angela: *Oh, that was just unfair. Her eyes narrowed in a playful glare as he stilled her wrist, plump and swollen lips arranged in a pout that faded away as he kissed again, fingers moving inside of her as he did. Her free hand held his hair, tugging on it hard as she gasped against his mouth every time his fingers curled against that spot inside her that drove her crazy. As he scissored again and again even as he continued to talk, she felt herself peaking. She had been too wound up, too excited and now her mouth remained open against his in a silent moan, a shudder rocking through her as she bucked against his fingers. Opening her eyes again to look at him, she attacks his mouth with hers again, her limbs loosened but never weak. Hooking a leg behind his waist, she used the grip in his hair to tilt his head back and expose his throat to her. Her teeth dragged and her tongue soothed, lips sucking the sensitive skin into her mouth before gasping, the aftershocks of her pleasure only fueled further by his insistent fingers.* You fucking Brits and your virtues. *She smirked against his neck, a throaty laugh leaving her lips as she tilted her head back again before returning to him.* I want your cock inside me now. *She nipped at his earlobe, her breath tickling his skin* I need you to fuck me raw and senseless...*she moaned again, her entire body feeling deliciously aflame, hot against his, wonderfully electric. Smirking again, she leaned and proposed the challenge, the tease, knowing all men aimed to prove themselves.* ...for as long as you last.
Caspian: *Battering down a moan of want - of need - he smirked against her scarlet skin, pressing deeper into her flesh, kissing hard to bruise - to mark - so she would see later and remember. He needed her to. Seeing her all nice and loose - fuck was she intoxicating as she came on his command - only drove him wild, as filthy words dripped from her swollen lips. Cas thought in that moment he would never be with a proper British lady again, and didn't think about the underlying truth of his words. The challenge issued, fuck if he wasn't going to take that - Cas might be a reckless fool, but he was not one prone to waste - he slid his fingers free, replacing in an instant as she asked. And fuck, was she perfect. Tight heat enveloping him drawing him further in her cunt - he bet it looked perfect too, all pink and dripping open for him - he lifted fingers still coated in her honey to lather a hard nipple before sucking it into his mouth. He panted, stilled, then pulled out and thrust again, grinding his hip to hers.*
Angela: *A high, sharp moan was all she could manage out when he did as she had said, stretching and filling her so deliciously she could almost feel the taste of satisfaction in her mouth. His expert mouth landed on her chest, taking a stiff pink bud in his mouth, causing her to moan again. Putting a hand behind her on the table, grabbing the edge, she anchored herself to better match his thrusts, canting her hips towards his . He pulled out and thrust in all the way in again with a sweet force, hips grinding together to offer more friction to her sensitive clit. Each time it seemed as if he went deeper and deeper into her, her moans and gasps breathless as she reveled in the sensation. Her leg around his waist helping to pull him back into her, her free hand dug into his shoulder and back, leaving crescent moon marks behind.*
Caspian: *Spirited on as he was by her sounds, his eyes shut as the world devolved into taste and feel, determined to build slow even as he fought a natural inclination towards speed. Wrapped around him, he almost would believe she was fucking him, not the other way around. His smirk of appreciation only widened at the thought as he fought to take his time playing each nerve in her lithe - fuck, she was so responsive - body as it stretched around him, squeezed him, with unerring skill. His lips sought every inch of her, his hand slipped between them to tease that bundle of nerves with the single minded purpose of driving her over the edge around her, before he -- whatever he'd said -- surrendered himself to her.*
Angela: *Sex, good sex, was always doubly pleasing to her. Her body wasn't the only thing being relieved and released, stretched and pulled and pushed, Angela could also feel the magic, that innate energy in her body similarly worked. She had little control over it, minimal in fact, and sometimes a tension would build up so deep in her very being that she knew it wasn't simply physiological. It was a stress so overwhelming that relieving it sometimes brought tears of unbridled joy to her eyes. All consuming, she felt every single touch and caress poignantly; the path his hands and fingers trailed across her skin one that felt etched there, scorching like a brand. In those moments there was only her and Cas and the all enveloping pleasure that caused her to moan and gasp and whimper, leaving room only for the occasional pants of vulgarities or pleads to slip through. Words and half phrases like "fuck yes", "so good" and "harder" and any combination of them were breathed out in pants. His name never slipped, it was knowingly given  as a reward of sorts, for how good he was, how fucking delicious the pleasure was to her. It was also the closest thing to an honest thank you she would ever say. Gratitude because she needed it, and he was providing everything and more, driving her more wild with every movement, sating and making her hunger for more all at once.  Sweat made strands of her hair stick to her forehead, glistened off her chest as it rose and fell erratically, fighting to catch her breath but knowing it was impossible. Nails raked down his back as she clung to him, her pleasure built to a peak again and she dove into it. Squeezing around him and squeezing the table hard as she shuddered again, her toes curled inside the heels she had not bothered to take off, her mouth opening in what she thought was a final moan, but as his hand made insistent circles against her, taking her higher than she had ever been before, her moan hitched in her throat and died out as a whimper.*
Caspian: *The addition of magic was not new - playing was an evident special talent of his, for if one thought you could have too much fun having sex, then one simply had the wrong idea of sex -- but he was startled to realize just how goddamn fucking good it felt. Feeling her go over pulled him too: goal achieved, his inhibitions were nonexistent. Pleasure rollicking through every nerve, every tendon, every inch of skin that felt aflame--his world went blinding white as he panted against her chest, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. Goddamn. Well, he had suspected she would be skilled, but...he chuckled, breathless.* Bleeding hell. *His voice was worn with pleasure, as he looked at her through eyes opening lazily, licking his bottom lip.* I knew you would be brilliant ... didn't expect it to be a damn near religious experience. *He was only half teasing.*
Angela: *She chuckled, the sound throaty as it left her mouth for her breath hadn't quite caught up with her still. If it was possible, he looked much more attractive after a good fuck, something that not everyone could say about themselves. Her leg slipping down to the ground again, she was thankful she already had a hand on the table supporting herself, otherwise both of them might have gone down.* It takes two, sugar. *She wiggled two fingers and was only reminded of his own inside her. He was brilliant too, oh so fucking good. A lot of experience then, just like her, and for much longer probably; he was more than a few years older than her.* Feeling closer to God then? *she laughed again, humming at the end of it. She was abuzz with the aftershocks.*
Caspian: *Chuckling drily, he accepted the compliment utterly in stride and winked.* Honey, I don't think God had much to do with it. *Breathing hard as he slid free and let her go, he leaned back against the table himself, grinning wide even as he reached for his brandy and took another sip, taking a moment to cast a spell to clean before asking sarcastic and sweet at once,* Do you want another drink?
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
We request assistance
No now demand it. We are Allah's and need it to raise. We see his reaction and act as you. See why too. Allah's We respond I bring the team we remove all the keys they clear while I tend to Bitol's request, I will remove several keys for Hi in Tunisia Liberia. Galactus Yes we request it plus Madagascar and more. Gu All Madagascar I drop another team to work there...all keys allgates. And work the other African areas. Galactus Here Galactus here, Italy.. Raphael We try step up if necessary. Clear all ports if possible Galactus Bitol, I send Savage Opress to start if that's ok will join you soon today Galactus Ok I see why but you need... Bitol I'm here what do we do. Savage Korea's Work with Bitol he knows what to do but it's a stepped process. Keys clear etc. I send the protocol Galactus I thank you Son Bitol Hera Yes dear Maybe you and Grey's could assist in prep You mean keys Hera Ok keys he will be here I take mine Thor You can prep your area Hera Thor Haha lol ok I'm calm. Midwest upper Midwest Freya is with Thor, she says I get this and immediately does. It's good to know you see wow we are going We take the keys Mother and Father Hera We know we are ready Gabriel Iris We need you in Portugal Armand I'm there shortly today will forward the necessary protocols and Intel and procedures And I'm sending a contingent now don't be alarmed we follow security protocol Galactus We see why we do it to be forewarned lol you saw her Armand What awesomeness huge Ships!!! Galactus Wait till you see mine Armand I'm there Bitol Um Uriel here it is Galactus Ohhh I see in different no an invite Posiden too as he can blast it to you Ok I see we are Japanese You sure are Lol Ok Ok we get it team up but Russia Thor Denmark Sweden ?? Galactus Russia will handle it Packets going out to all I heard from he says Now Ukraine And Budapest Apollo Ok as a team we do this Thor Emergencies call me Thor Caspian and red sea yes. I'm sending a contingent. Don't be alarmed Galactus We await their arrival, soon we hope. Former Satellite Gods nations Allah's and Apollo's will monitor assist if needed Galactus Gu too We are aware you know Former Satellite Gods nations We are there too will up as necessary We hit all groups now waiting to lunch ours Thor Italyvrewuested you arrive shortly got the packet see it major points and coronavirus issues all here we prep now Raphael
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twenty-seven: 2} angela & caspian
Angela: *This would not be the first time she would see a man hang. At least here, there was some sense of control, of routine and planning. But on that snowy January morning almost five years ago, the men had dragged the poor woman across the small village. Her yellow hair had been ripped from the bun she kept it in, her mouth bloody and lips swollen from a beating that must have surely been explained as 'to restrain her'. Her legs and feet as she tried to stand on her own two feet. She would have walked proudly to the scaffold, Angela knew it, if she had been given the chance but the men had stripped her of everything: dignity, pride, freedom. Angela just remembered staring with wide eyes as the woman was dropped in front of the village elder and passed judgment on the woman without ever hearing a defense. In a village as isolated and self governing as the one she had stayed in with her parents on their route to Brussels, there was no higher authority than the word of the man in charge. The woman's final words were a curse on all who had wronged her, and Angela remembered thinking to herself please God, have mercy, let her neck snap clean. It hadn't. The woman's crime had been witchcraft. Angela had ran back to her mother after seeing the event, tears frozen on her cheeks and the ones in her eyes dried by the cold wind, and had begged and pleaded her and her grandfather to leave immediately.
It was ironic now, that witches and wizards were about to watch a man with no magical abilities hang for a crime as small as accessory to theft. The entirety of court and town was abuzz with the event, as there hadn't been an execution in more than twenty years. There was some talk in town about how the last time there had been an attempted execution, Damocles (who had not been Lord yet at that time) had intervened. Some hoped, prayed, that someone would do the same for Daniel Bridges here. Angela couldn't say whether that would be the case, for she was not privy to that type of information. She merely watched and listened as best as she could while working ardently and passionately on a map. Most would laugh at her, putting that much work on a simple map, but Angela did everything in her life with vigor, and enthusiasm. There was no lack of passion in her life, there was a lack of many things, but not that.
British people are the first to call the ancient Romans brutes. *She spoke out to her companion, her very handsome companion.* You marvel at the arts, science, and math of the Greeks, and turn your noses up at the warring ways of the Romans. But in the same way that Romans gained pleasure and amusement from throwing men into stadiums armed with nothing but a sword against hungry man-eating lions, everyone's gathered around to watch a man die. Whether they be glad by it, or sickened by it, they are here. What is so fascinating about death that draws such a large crowd? Death is so static, unchanging, one of the oldest concepts that exists. Now life, life is much more thrilling. And how do we celebrate life? Once a year, for the pleasure of a few inanimate objects. *She hadn't meant to ramble, but there were many things on her mind and she couldn't keep them to herself, thoughts had to be shared, especially hers. She exhaled, forgetting that breathing was not the wisest course of action at that time. Her face showed no sign of discomfort, of distaste, of anything being wrong really, she was far too practiced on that already.* If they want a more effective way of smothering the life out of somebody, I will gladly rip off my corset and present them with this ultimate instrument of torture. Well, you might have to help with it, Cas. It's my legs that bend in the most flexible of positions, not my arms. *
Caspian: *To say he was surprised by this turn of events was an understatement, and when he had heard, he knew he had blanched. Fuck it, he had never had the grace Joseph did at hiding emotions and this was not something they should all be so silent about. The man was a confessed thief, yes. And of course it had been twisted in the farce of a trial presented by Benedict that the -theft- was actually conspiracy and treason as of course, the plans had gone to the man's son to aid another robbery, only that one resulted in death. And his son was a member of the gang with Mitchell Stone, muggleborn -- so clearly his actions declared him against the sovereign. Damocles had looked as furious as Caspian felt, but he had seemed to swallow it and agreed to the judgment. After twenty years of other confessed thieves spending time in a jail cell or paying exorbitant fines, he could not understand what had made Lord Damocles change his mind. 
Yet was it brutal of him to say he did not care about the man in question? He did not know Daniel Bridges. What he did know was that if they could execute someone for helping their son, this court was fucked and he ought to go to take his sister, go to France, stay with his mother's family. At the thought his gaze darted across the way to see Joseph also was looking at him. The image he presented standing beside his immaculate, gorgeous fiancé...oh that would be one that haunted him. He frowned a moment, eyebrows shifting in displeasure and moved to stand closer to Angela.
Since he met her, he had been intrigued - first by her beauty, secondly by Joseph's praise, and then as she presented here, now, her fabulous wit and extensive knowledge. Unsure if anyone had ever spoken to him as such - well, Joseph sometimes would carry on, but he had better ways to make the man shush, ways he had to admit he was avidly picturing with his gorgeous companion as well, he had to admit he was entertained. Entranced, even, and then he laughed suddenly at her last remark through a smirk. He looked anywhere but the scaffold, (no don't look at Joseph again), and then found his gaze trapped by the sight of Angela. Now she, was a distraction well worth it.* Well, the Saxon bastards invaded our land. *His smirk lifted, quipping with sarcasm and amusement.* We have long memories here, Angela. It's what comes from being the largest empire this world has ever known -- you know the sun never sets on it? *He grins at the image she gives him, and nods.* Oh, that would be my pleasure Angela. *He hummed, gaze back on the nobles across from him, musing aloud,* Made doubly amusing by the fright it would give some of those old ladies...  
Angela: When you were mere hill tribes, and they a formed and united society and government who helped shape this country to what it is. I think it might be time to forgive and forget, Cas. *Sometimes she naively wished the world could be that simple. Everybody should shake hands and let bygones be bygones and then use all this effort to throw a large party that would gradually turn into a bacchanal feast of wine, food, and carnal celebration. She smirked briefly, thinking to herself that the mere insinuation of celebrating in a manner so similar to paganism would have them burn her as a heretic. British people, honestly, no wonder they all wrinkled prematurely. A smirk, however, was far too unkind a gesture to be wearing to this event, and her face quickly returned to her impassive, resting expression. * I've heard that before. *She admitted, allowing him that at least, before her lips quirked once more.* All empires fall. The Egyptian did, the Roman did, the Mongolian did-- *there were many more, but she believed she had made her point* --it's only a matter of time. *It was also peculiar to her, how proud the British could be of their country and its achievements...how any person could be proud really, when they had no played a direct part in any of it. Angela supposed that came from having no deep sense of attachment to any particular place. Licking her lips as she turned her gaze from looking among the crowd back to Caspian, Angela raised her eyebrows.* Only your pleasure? I didn't peg you for a selfish lover Cas. It seems my instincts have failed me. *She restrained another smirk as she patted the skirt of her dress down, not entirely sure yet how she felt about having Eva buy her dresses. Angela was no one's charity, but the girl had insisted, begged, pleaded and Eva possessed a remarkable trait of having a face that was very difficult to say no to. Angela recognized it easily, for she had one as well, only hers was much more difficult to deny. In the end, she had told Eva beyond a shadow of a doubt that she would them when she left court, for she could not accept them, and would have nowhere to wear them to as well. Angela didn't know when that would be...or if she would, she probably, most likely, would eventually have to of course but without knowing- oh for goodness' sake, she couldn't worry about that at this time either. Her eyes flicked up to Joseph and Etta, standing as primly as if they were the royal king and queen themselves. She almost chuckled, thinking to herself what a disharmonious addition she would be, if only because three was a crowd, not because she was in any way unpleasant to behold, of course not.* Oh, I've already given most of them a fright with my very presence here. The stone cold British nobility, alarmed at the sight of bare skin on display. I would kindly advise all of you not to stray too far from home, lest your delicate senses be far overwhelmed. *She pretended to pause for a moment, coming on to some dawning realization as she placed her hand on his arm* Oh, but you're half French, are you not? *She grinned* You, specifically, I have more faith in.
Caspian: *His smirk only widening - God, he did love that she knew the history, which was in his opinion the only part of history worth knowing, he shrugged at the suggestion with  nothing but delight and bemusement.* We're British, luv. Not really our style. *He was amused as she started listing the empires that had fallen but...really, he wasn't surprised. Snorting as she rested her hand on his chest, his brows wiggled at her.* Your instincts were correct, luv, I'm afraid the fault was the way you twisted my words. *He winked in agreement.* And I appreciate that. *His hand rested over hers against his arm and squeezed, for he had no desire for it to move. There was a wryness in his tone he was incapable of removing. Tilting his head as he saw Lord Faye and his wife walk out, another roll of drums going, he spoke shrewdly,* You are right, of course. I believe we're watching the downfall of an empire right now. 
Angela: *She was rather adept at twisting words, and sometimes merely did it to show off, or for a couple of quick laughs. But sometimes she used it to her advantage, as a way to gain leverage or position, though as of now nothing that was really substantial. Her lips lifted in an amused smirk again, unable to keep it off her face as Caspian kept her hand from moving from his arm. She didn't mind the slightest; his arm was toned and firm underneath her fingers, all hard muscle. If she focused hard enough, she could almost feel the magic flowing through his veins. Sometimes she wished she could ask about that, if such a thing was normal, but it still wasn't time to reveal herself, not yet. And if things continued to move in the accelerating decline it was currently on, maybe it would be more self preserving to keep it to herself and leave quickly. Her head tilted again, passing Joseph and Etta to land on Damocles and Maeve, her first friends here at this court. If Caspian was right, if they were in the midst of their downfall, then Angela would quickly fall with them. She had made other friends in court, Joseph and Etta a part of that group, but would anything save her when the war trumpets blew? Would her friends be able to outmatch her enemies? Angela had said it once, and she would say it again, she deserved a better end than simply being one innocent casualty among many others who simply got in the way. Her fingers subconsciously gripped Cas' arm, her heartbeat irregular. She wasn't particularly devout, but that didn't stop her from breathing out* God help us all. *Except those that would threaten her, of course. Better them dead than she.*
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