#cassie would be a disney adult i just know it
pear1ridge-a · 1 year
thinking so hard again ab tate going to disneyland
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thebat-musicman · 4 months
The Other Playlist™
I was recently asked to make a young justice playlist so here it is!
@automaticsoulharmony it’s for you :)!
The young justice playlist is under the cut with explanations for each song
Ur gonna wish u believed me (start of brucequest)
Yes I’m a mess (I could see him deleting his identity)
Karma (AJR) (depressed man)
Mastermind (smart Timmy)
Don’t blame me (all his action with the loa)
Fool (him with the Wayne’s)
Wow, I’m not crazy (him when he meets the bats (he is crazy))
Humpty Dumpty (he’s a depressed lil guy)
Good 4 u (to dick about Damian)
Pretender (Acoustic) (Jason canonically calls him pretender I had to)
Mister Cellophane (everyone forgets about him)
Come hang out (he’s a workaholic)
Let the games begin (Tim enjoys power)
Heart of stone (depressionnn)
brutal (it’s just Tim coded)
Deja vu (to dick about Damian)
Every breath you take (stalker)
The sound of silence (he is so fucking depressed)
Go the distance (start of robin training and brucequest)
Viva La Vida (Tim coming back to Gotham)
What ifs (him going to past)
2085 (he’s from the future)
Bones (him running)
Everything has changed (him coming back to life)
When will my life begin (him in vr)
We didn’t start the fire (he is from the future)
Go the distance (him going back in time)
Iron man (time travel)
How far I’ll go (look it’s easy to find Disney songs about going back in time)
For the first time in forever (him meeting actual humans after being raised in vr)
Adventure is out there (very adhd coded song very adhd coded character)
Into the unknown (going back in time)
Dead! (he died)
The nights (it gives me his vibes)
Blackbird (finally being in the real world)
Record player (he’s from the future so it would make sense for him to find 2014 old)
Over the rainbow (going to the real world)
Wow, I’m not crazy (meeting the rest of YJ)
The DJ is Crying for Help (him wondering what to do after becoming an adult)
Centuries (from the future so he knows they will be remembered for centuries)
Father of mine (Clark sucks)
Dead! (he died)
Teenagers (it gives me his vibes)
All you wanna do (he was canonically taken advantage of by several women immediately after being “born”)
Oops! I did it again (player)
Too late (him maturing)
Used to be young (him after the playboy years are over)
Cat’s in the cradle (Clark still sucks)
You’re on your own, kid (horrible father)
When will my life begin (being in CADMUS and wondering when he can leave)
What else can I do (discovering his powers)
Pity party (he was canonically forgotten by everyone he loves after flashpoint)
Rip (by bladee) (I’m still focusing on the being forgotten thing)
Drift away (talking about the other superboy who came to be while he was trapped in another dimension)
Pretty fly (for a white guy) (he’s a player)
Uptown girl (Cassie!)
Rät (finding out CADMUS is evil)
Back to life (I think the name explains it)
Sober up (talking to YJ)
Shake it off (him responding to insults he gets)
Just a girl (it’s hard being a female superhero)
Me too (badass woman)
Clara Bow (how it feels being a legacy sidekick)
Thunder (she’s Zeus’s kid)
Emotionless (good Charlotte) (Zeus is not a good father)
Brutal (her Bart and Kon’s deaths meltdown)
Cat’s in the cradle (I really hate Zeus)
Toxic (her about Kon)
I can do it with a broken heart (having to continue being a superhero even though her friends are dead)
How far I’ll go (her first becoming a superhero)
Last kiss (Kon’s death)
She used to be mine (her thinking back to what she was before she became a superhero)
My heart will go on (Kon’s death)
Eleanor rigby (her being alone after everyone died and she betrayed Tim)
Womanizer (Conner before they started dating)
Devil town (it gives me YJ vibes)
Yesterday (missing when things were simple)
No scrubs (not liking Conner before they started dating)
Two birds (her and Tim being the last ones left and her staying on the wire)
Sober up (her and Tim’s mistaken dating after everyone died)
I hope you like this new playlist!
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Hocus Pocus 2
“Hocus Pocus 2″ is the textbook definition of a shameless cash-grab, but feels a bit more malicious when you consider how it weaponized nostalgia and how effective it was.
Becca is turning 16 during this year’s Halloween. She and her friend, Izzy, are interested in witches and the occult and always have been. They’re given a candle by giftshop owner, Gilbert, as a present for Becca’s birthday. The girls go to the woods to light the candle and realize it’s a black flame candle. It is said that if a virgin is to light a black flame candle, the Sanderson sisters will return.
For those of you who read my review for the first “Hocus Pocus”, you would know that I wasn’t a huge fan. This was partly due to the fact that I didn’t have the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia because I didn’t grow up with that movie. It was also partly because I reviewed it for what it was rather than what it meant to other people. The way I look at films and even review them are a little different now and I do believe I was harsher to the first film than I should’ve been. I see now that the first movie comes with the novelty of rediscovering hidden innuendoes for a lot of adults that grew up with it. In terms of the jokes and subject matter, it wasn’t like any of the other Disney movies at the time. “Hocus Pocus 2″ should’ve focused on what made the original so beloved and expanded upon that, but instead focused on what made the original so beloved and tried to emulate it. A lot of this movie is bending over backward to try and fit as many references to the first film. They’re not even clever with their callbacks. A lot of the time, the jokes were the same jokes that the original was telling. While the original film had an iconic musical number, I wasn’t a huge fan since I thought it just felt too ‘Disney made-for-television’ movie to me. “Hocus Pocus 2″ doubles down on the musical numbers and crams in worse song choices. A lot of the original cast members don’t return for this movie, but that’s probably because a lot of them have quit acting altogether. That’s fine, but a bigger reference to them would’ve been nice to see. What this movie introduces as new is lackluster. Becca and Izzy were really uninteresting. They have an affinity towards the occult, but it’s not really frowned upon in this world. It’s treated like just another hobby akin to knitting or gaming. Their friend, Cassie, is so underutilized that she might as well shouldn’t have been in the movie to begin with. The only purpose of her character was to give some drama to Becca and Izzy, but the reasoning is so laughably bad. It’s clear to me that this movie was made not because they had a great idea for a story, but because the actresses for the Sanderson sisters are getting older and it’s now or never to cash in on the nostalgia of the original. It’s clear to me that this movie had no business existing other than to make money on Disney Plus.
Watched on October 13th, 2022
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themarysuep · 6 months
So I saw that Madame Web GIF you posted and hear me out:
From all the behind-the-scenes drama and limited costume screentime I heard about, I get the funny feeling that Madame Web was never meant to be a Sony Spider-Man film at all. In fact, I believe it was going to be Final Destination-styled young adult supernatural thriller, one that had no connection to marvel comic characters. However, Sony saw that it still had the rights to certain Spider-Man and because higher-ups didn't give back those rights to Disney/Marvel, the film was completely overhauled.
Just a guess of mine. I would like to hear your thoughts.
Wow I love this little conspiracy theory. I do think that the actors are a little slow on the uptake and they really wanted to work for Kevin Feige and in a Marvel project that shares a universe with the Avengers. They don't really comprehend Sony Marvel. That's what I understand from the actors bizzare interviews. But it sounds like they don't know how to look things up on the internet I swear. Especially someone as young as Sydney Sweeney?? It's just bizzare.
With the suits screen time. I believe this movie was supposed to be Cassie's origin story not the rest of the Spider-women. So what's why the suits only appeared in her visions. But either way a lot of Marvel projects only have the hero wear their suit at the end of the project. It would have been a lot of characters getting powers in one movie if the suits were shown in present day.
But honestly who knows? Maybe there was a script that existed and was adapted to fit a Marvel storyline as a cash grab move?
I had a good time watching this movie tbh. I saw it with some friends at the cinema so maybe that also increased my enjoyment. But it really wasn't close to the worst movie I've seen in my life lmao. And in an all honesty TH's Spiderman movies are overhyped and this movie is overhated.
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blast0rama · 2 years
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023): A Review
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I know, long time since I’ve reviewed, right?
Welcome back.
The year is 2023, and the nerds have, unabashedly, won. It seems every week brings us a new Star Wars/ Star Trek / video game adaptation / comic book movie. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has hit its 31st film1, and began its fifth phase, with this release — Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
And how bizarre is that? When I started this blog in February 2008, we were all just hoping that Iron Man would defy the odds and be a great adaptation of a B-Level hero and The Dark Knight would be a decent follow-up to the shockingly good Batman Begins.
Now we’ve got dueling comic movie universes, with DC looking like it might finally have its shit together with new leadership, and Marvel starting another phase of its (perhaps?) long-in-the-tooth franchise with a third Ant-Man movie.
That’s where we’re at now, people. THREE. ANT-MAN. MOVIES.
Dig into the power of Paul Rudd all you want, but this should not be. Ant-Man has been lucky to string three issues together, let alone three movies.
And who would have thought that this would be the lynchpin of this series of Marvel movies, introducing the awesome Jonathan Majors (Lovecraft Country) as Kang — yes, the guy whose action figure got dusty on pegs in stores nationwide for YEARS.
It’s a surreal mix to hang $200 million on.
And that’s the odd background that this perfectly fine movie lands in. It’s fine. Not great. Good at best. But fine overall. It’s not a disaster, it’s not the misfire that Eternals was, it’s not going to become a meme joke of a bad movie like Thor: The Dark World was (which I kinda thought was OK, honestly), it’s capital F, Fine.
The setup is actually pretty simple. It’s a few years after Avengers: Endgame, Scott Lang (the eternally cool Paul Rudd) is sort of a cult hero. Not the superstar a Tony Stark or Steve Rogers is, but he can live his life. His love interest, Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly, whose political opinions you shouldn’t google) is running an incredible science division of the reborn Pym Van Dyne company, along with her father Hank Pym (Michael Douglas, happy to be here). Hope’s long lost mother Janet (Michelle Pfeiffer) has returned from the Quantum Realm (basically, where Tardigrades live), though she doesn’t want to talk about it. Scott’s even written a book about his life, Look Out For The Little Guy!
It’s a shame he’s just having some issues reconnecting with his daughter Cassie, now an adult (thanks, The Blip®!). It seems that Cassie (Kathyrn Newton) is striking out a bit, but showing some scientific prowess. So much so that she’s building a way to map the Quantum Realm! Which sends Janet’s blood running cold…just in time for them all to get sucked into the Quantum Realm themselves.
The worry? A quiet spoken, green and purple jumpsuit wearing man named Kang, who also calls himself A Conquerer. Who you may recognize from — though, really don’t need to have seen — the Disney+ series Loki.
Seems he has a history with Janet, he wants out of the Quantum Realm, and it’s gonna take the whole Ant-Man family to figure it out.
And that’s where the problem of this movie really lies.
There’s two fighting elements here, one micro, one macro.
On the micro (heh) side, there’s a really fun Journey to the Center of the Earth-by-way-of-Rick and Morty adventure here, filled with grumpy telepaths (William Jackson Harper), flashlight headed beings, Broccoli Men, and some weird goo guy obsessed with holes (voiced by David Dastmalchian, the only of Scott’s old crew to return, though as an entirely different character.)
It’s in this mode that the movie really sings. Amazing visuals, stunning creature and character designs that I only would’ve loved more if they were practical. I would love to just see a romp with the Pym Van Dyne Langs in this world.
But on the macro level, it’s time for the MCU to establish a big bad. And though he is performed admirably by Jonathan Majors, and I cannot wait to see him in more, bigger movies ahead…this is not the movie for this weight.
Ultimately, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania starts to sag whe these elements collide, and more than anything, I just wished they had picked a lane. And that’s sort of the issue with where we’re at 31 movies into the this franchise. A movie cannot stand alone, it must feed into the bigger world. And Scott Lang, Avenger though he may be, cannot anchor an Avenger-level adventure.
Sometimes, small is best, and I thought that 3 movies in, Marvel recognized what they had here. Instead, we get stuck with neither side getting what they want, as hard as they try.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is in theaters now.
31. Like the flavors at Baskin Robbins. Get it? I’m sure it wasn’t intentional, but, well done, Marvel.
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delusionland · 3 years
howdy folks. it’s come to my attention some of yall don’t know ALL of my muses and which muses i most want to play ! that’s my bad---there’s a lot of them, and i don’t always update every aspect of my blog / carrd / pinned / interaction calls. but. i just want to write all my CURRENT MUSES here, with a KEY. 
you can like this post or COMMENT on it with whichever muses most interest you. or you can not do that, if you don’t want to ! i’m not ur mom, and i will still assume you want to interact, lol. or else why would u be following me. i guess for the drama of it all. ur valid regardless!
bold = i have special interest in this muse right now.
italics = i am kind of rusty on this muse right now, but still interested in rping with them.
asterisk / * = i have special interest in plotting with this muse.
red heart /  💖  = i have special interest in SHIPPING with this muse.
blue heart / 💙  = i have special interest in platonic / familial / mentorship relationships with this muse.
sparkles / ✨   = i have special hcs and a wishlist in mind that will help us write together, easier!
AVENGERS / GUARDIANS: thor * 💖💙✨, peter b. parker * 💙✨, steve rogers💖✨, sam wilson * 💖💙✨ , bucky barnes 💖💙✨ . wanda  *💖💙✨, gamora  *💖💙✨, peter quill 💖💙✨.
EX-TEEN HEROES: nico * 💙, chase * 💖💙, hazmat * 💖💙✨, mettle * 💖💙✨, finesse *  💖💙✨, david  💖💙✨, billy  💖💙✨, teddy *  💖💙 .
X-MEN: wolverine *  💖💙✨, ororo 💖💙,  rogue *  💖💙✨,  gambit *  💖💙✨, jubilee 💖💙✨.
SUPER ADULTIER-ADULTS:  clark *  💖💙✨, bruce wayne *  💖💙✨, alfred pennyworth * 💙✨, helena bertillini 💖💙,  poison ivy *  💖💙✨.
EX-SIDEKICKS TURNED 20+-SOMETHINGS: conner *  💖💙✨ , cass *  💖💙✨ ,  jason *  💖💙✨ , cassie 💖💙, steph * 💙✨.
ursula * 💖💙✨, beast * 💖💙✨, cruella * 💖💙✨,  eugene * 💖💙✨,  rapunzel * 💖💙✨,  gothel * 💖💙✨, elsa * 💖💙✨, hans * 💖💙✨, anna  💖💙✨, raya *  💖💙✨, namaari *  💖💙✨.
diego  💖💙, allison  💖💙, vanya ,  ben * 💖💙✨,  luther* 💖💙✨.
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blueaura · 4 years
Don’t Get Caught
A/N: Hey everyone, hope y’all are doing well. I wrote this little fic one-shot thingy for @crashdevlin​‘s 3k review challenge. I got prompt #13. Big congratulations to Cassie for hitting 3k followers! Hope Dean somewhat likes this fic.
Summary: Sam and Dean are hunters, but what if Y/N doesn’t want to be one?
Word count : 2.9k
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“What’s for dinner tonight? If you say burgers again, I will tell Sam and then you’ll have to little with the ‘eat healthy’ lecture again.” You walked into the kitchen, peering over Dean’s shoulder to look at what he was making. “As much as I love your burgers, we’ve had them four days in a row and if I see another one today, I’m gonna actually throw up.”
“I liked it better when you didn’t snark back. Now it’s like living with teenage Sam all over again. Teenagers are the fucking worst,” Dean lightly quipped back giving you a look that confirmed he was just teasing. “And it’s chicken pasta tonight, you little monster. I can switch things up every once in a while.”
“You liked me better when I was too scared to offend you in case you threw me out?” you deadpanned, quirking an eyebrow at Dean. He gave you a look. He clearly didn’t appreciate your humour regarding your rough start with them.
You met Sam and Dean on a hunt. They were appalled that a 15-year-old was hunting alone and basically forced their way into your life. Dean, specially, refused to leave you alone, no matter how many times you pushed him away. Your parents had been hunters and not the most affectionate people, so when pushing the Winchesters away had failed and they had successfully wormed their way into your heart, you were so scared that the first real family you had was going to abandon you if you weren’t enough, you didn’t dare place a toe out of the imaginary line you had created for yourself. It took a long time for them to get you to open up to them and come out of your shell. You never knew why they chose you. From what you knew, they had met other hunter kids before but for some reason, instead of pawning you off to the first responsible adult who could keep you safe, they welcomed you into their life and their home. Your home, you reminded yourself.
“Pasta sounds great. You’re gonna make me fat with all your cooking you know. I’ll have to start running with Sam. I hate running with Sam,” you whined, changing the subject before Dean could start reprimanding you.
“Everybody hates running with Sam,” Dean said, letting go of your previous comment. “And you’re healthy, which is all that matters. I don’t want you thinking about getting fat, you do enough exercise to balance out your eating habits.”
You rolled your eyes. For a guy who claimed to hate ‘chick-flick’ moments, Dean Winchester sure initiated a whole lot of them. Dean lightly clipped you in the back of your head when he saw you shrugging of his words of wisdom. You could see he was gearing up for another lecture. He was such a dad.
“Where’s Sam anyway?”
Dean clearly knew what you were doing but he let you have your moment of victory anyway. If he had learned anything in the past 2 years with you, it was to pick his battles. So, he let it go. For now.
Sam came back in time for dinner. It was one of Dean’s new rules. If you were not on a case, dinner was family time and everyone had to eat at the table. Sam agreed. While Dean acted more like a dad than Sam, the younger Winchester was just as bad. You remembered when Sam accidentally found the pack of condoms in your room. You winced at the memory. There had been a lot of yelling, followed by an awkward conversation about being safe. It was traumatic for all parties involved and you both mutually decided not to tell Dean. If Sam overreacted, you definitely never wanted to see Dean’s reaction.
Being scared of Dean’s reaction was one of the main reasons why you didn’t tell him about the play you were taking part in for school. Yes, you had to go to school. Apparently, high school was important. While you hated school and people in general, you fell in love with theatre. Signing up for drama club had been a blessing for you. Pretending to be someone else and telling stories and being on stage was the only thing that got you through worrying about the brothers when they were out on hunts. But you knew you had to be a hunter. It was the family business after all. So, you never told Sam or Dean what you were doing.
You knew they were getting suspicious. The practices for the play were getting more intense and you could only use the excuse of having detention or staying back to study in the library so many times. For one, they knew that after five consecutive detentions, the school called the parents or guardians, and B – they knew how much you hated school. Just the fact that you were staying a minute more than you had to was a big red flag, specially when you had a perfectly good library at the bunker.
You still had to think of an excuse about going out at night on the final day. While the dress rehearsal was in the afternoon, the actual production was late in the evening and you knew there was no way you could sneak out of the bunker.
While you were pacing in your room trying to think of ideas, the brothers were contemplating your recent behaviour in the kitchen while they did the dishes.
“I don’t know man; she’s been shifty all week. I’m starting to get the feeling she wants us out of the bunker. She keeps bringing up every possible lead for a case. When was the last time Y/N purposely looked for a potential hunt? She hates being left alone. Something’s going on.”
Sam knew Dean was right. This was unusual behaviour for you. Even when you were mad at them, you never hid things. Coupled with all your lame-ass excuses for staying back at school, Sam had a feeling Dean was onto something.
“You don’t think something’s off at school, do you?”
Sam knew all about peer pressure. He also knew Y/N was extremely strong willed but so was he and he still got roped into smoking weed in college. Not that he thought Y/N would ever get into drugs, specially the heavy kind but there was always the niggling sensation at the back of his head going ‘what if?’.
“She would have told us if there was something bothering her,” Sam tried to sound confident but he could hear the uncertainty in her own voice.
Dean paused where he was drying the dishes, looked over at his brother and decided enough is enough.
“Here’s the thing – there’s trusting someone and just being plain stupid. Y/N is definitely hiding something and I’d rather she be mad at us for invading her privacy than regret not stepping in sooner. So, seeing how she desperately wants us out of the bunker next week, we’re going to go out of the bunker. Find a fake case Sammy, we’re going fake hunting.” Dean managed a nonchalant grin as he went back to his dishes. Sam contemplated for a moment and reluctantly agreed.
It was 2 days before the play and you still hadn’t figured out how to sneak out. You contemplated telling them you had a sleepover or a party to get to but they knew you well enough to know you didn’t get along with your classmates. If only you could dumb yourself down enough to socialise with them. You sighed and mindlessly browsed through the men of letters library.
“Hey kiddo, we found a hunt a couple of towns over. Looks like a simple salt n’ burn. You gonna be okay on your own for a couple of days?” Sam’s voice jerked you back to reality and when you registered what he was saying, you barely managed to keep yourself from squealing out loud.
Your giddiness must have been obvious as Sam and Dean shared one of those looks – the ones you hated – and asked you if you were alright.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. And yes, I’ll be good by myself. When are you guys leaving?”
If they had any second thoughts about their plan before, your answer just got rid of them. You were never this excited about a hunt and you always, always asked about every little detail.
“We’re probably gonna leave tonight, drive overnight to avoid the traffic. So, I for one am gonna catch some zee’s while I can. Unlike Disney princess hair over here, I won’t be getting sleep on the road.”
“You know that wouldn’t be a problem if you’d let me drive for a change!”
“Hell no, I ain’t listening to your classical crap.”
You shook your head at their antics as they walked away. Finally, things were going your way.
Things were not going your way. The brothers had left the previous evening (although they didn’t go far, but you didn’t have to know that). The day of the play had arrived and you were already nervous when you heard that the male lead was sick and his understudy had to step in. You hated him. He was one of those cocky high school boys who thought they were the shit. You had to reluctantly admit that at least the guy wasn’t the worst actor in the world. Although, if he kept hitting you with his cheesy pickup lines, you were going to stab him. Hard.
Dean and Sam spent the night at a motel before making their way back to the bunker after you’d left for school. After taking a quick shower and grabbing fresh clothes, the brothers took one of the more inconspicuous cars in the bunker basement and parked outside the school. They knew you would recognise the Impala immediately but you’d never really been interested in the other cars, much to Dean’s dismay.
“Never thought we’d be staking out Y/N,” Dean said wryly.
“Well, at least everything is normal for now. Maybe we were wrong and she’s just being a teenager you know.”
Dean doubted it but didn’t say anything. They waited for Y/N to come out when school finally ended but she never did. Sam even scoped out where the stoner kids were and she wasn’t there, much to his relief. Finally, Y/N came out 3 hours after school ended, looking extra tired but otherwise alright. The brothers shared a confused glance but sighed in relief. At least she wasn’t doing anything illegal.
You went straight home and fell asleep to recharge before your performance tonight. You got up in the evening, one hour before you had to be at school to calm your nerves.
Sam and Dean were confused. Y/N had done what she would normally do on any other day. Maybe she stayed in school for a longer time than usual but other than that, she didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.
Dean suddenly had a horrifying thought.
“Dude, if this whole thing is about a boy, I’m gonna actually kill her.”
Before Sam could reply, they saw Y/N leaving the bunker.
“It’s late. Where the hell is she going? And what the hell is she wearing?” Dean’s voice grew more incredulous with each question. “If she’s sneaking out to a party, I’m grounding her. I don’t care how old she is.”
They followed her without being seen. To the school? What the hell?
There was a lot of buzz at the school despite the late hour. Confused, the brothers got out of their car and followed Y/N inside, making sure to stay a few feet behind her.
“Is it just me or are there a lot of adults here?” Dean asked.
Then they saw the poster outside the hall Y/N had just entered. Rock Hills presents ‘West Side Story: the musical’. Sam stood there gaping at the poster and Dean had never been more confused in his life.
“What the hell?”
“I don’t know”
“Seriously. What the hell?”
“I don’t know!”
“Come on. Let’s go in,” Sam nudged his brother in the direction that the other parents were going.
The host said something about the show starting in 5 minutes but they ignored him and made their way backstage. They located Y/N quite easily. She was standing in a corner, mentally psyching herself. They made their way towards her and gently tapped her on the shoulder.
You were just minding your own business in the corner of the room before the show, going through the whole spiel of ‘why did I do this’ and ‘holy shit I’m gonna throw up’ when you felt a hand tap your shoulder. Startled, you jumped and turned around to glare at whoever disturbed you, when you froze. Sam and Dean were staring at you incredulously and had your legs been working you would probably have hightailed out of there.
“Fuck,” you softly exclaimed under your breath.
“Something you wanna share with the class kiddo?”
You couldn’t make out the exact emotion in Dean’s voice but it didn’t sound like anger. You held onto that and realised you had to be on stage in less than sixty seconds.
“Uhm, hold that thought,” was what you said instead. You went to peek through the curtain. Yep, 45 seconds.
“I love you! No time to explain – gotta go!”
With that you rushed on stage, more terrified than ever. That melted away once you started performing though. You forgot all about your worries for the duration of the play. You acted, sang and danced your heart out and when the thundering applause reached your ears and you saw the brothers in the audience cheering you on along with everyone else, you had a feeling it would be okay.
You were backstage again, taking off your stage make-up and gearing up to go face the music as it were. You were scared of the brother’s reaction and even you could tell you were procrastinating. Most of the other cast had left and it was time for you to leave too.
They were standing outside, leaning against a car. The first thing that stupidly came out of your mouth was – “Where’s baby?”
Dean laughed. A full belly laugh. You felt some of your anxiety leave your body.
The three of you looked at each other. Sam was the first one to make a move. He pulled you in for a tight hug, almost lifting your feet off the ground, kissing the top of your head.
“You were incredible, kiddo.”
You buried yourself into his chest as your eyes filled with tears of relief. Of acceptance.
“Thanks moose,” Your reply was muffled against his chest which moved with silent laughter at the nickname.
You finally pulled away from Sam when Dean cleared his throat. He looked at you blankly for a moment and dread filled your entire being.
“You ever pull something like this again, I will kick your ass.”
For a second you thought he was talking about the play and your heart dropped.
But then he pulled you into a hug too. You tensed, confused.
“Dammit kid, I don’t like being worried about you. Stop doing shit like this. Why the hell didn’t you just tell us you were taking part in this thing? You’re not nearly as good at the hiding thing as you think you are. I was terrified something shady was going on with you.”
Although he was almost yelling in your ear, you sagged against him as the tension seeped out of your body. This time you actually did start crying. Dean just hugged you tighter and Sam gently rubbed your back.
After a few minutes Dean pulled back a little and put both hands on either side of your head.
“You never have to hide anything from us. By now I like to think I know how your mind works and I can guarantee that I will never be mad at you if you want to pursue anything other than hunting. You’re not our kid because you’re a hunter Y/N/N. You’re family, regardless of your job. Clearly I’m not doing a very good job at this parenting thing if you don’t know that already.”
You furiously shook your head, hiding your face in his shirt again.
“You’re the best dad anyone could ask for. You both are.”
Your words were barely audible and your face was extremely red but the brothers still heard you and grinned at each other over your head.
“We love you too, kiddo.” Dean kissed your forehead and started walking towards the car, pulling you along.
“What do you say we get some ice cream and celebrate at the bunker? We could watch some movies, make some popcorn? You know what I’m in the mood for Sammy? West Side Story,” Dean grinned as you groaned into his shoulder.
The brothers continued to tease you as you walked to the car. You finally felt happy.
“But seriously guys, where is baby?”
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praisethepizzagods · 4 years
WandaVision Theory
Okay so this contains some spoilers (mostly specculation really) from wanda vision so... spoilers below cut.
We have all seen the casting for Spiderman 3 & Doctor strange 2.... It includes people like: Andrew Garfield (spiderman) Tobey Maguire (Spiderman) Xochitl Gomez (America Chavez) Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) Tom Hiddleston (Loki) Among others.... lots of universes being mixed here guys. So I have a theory... Blame my friend for this thing being birthed she had to listen to this as it came out. Peter/Pietro (since xmen pietro is called peter, but wanda knows his as pietro) maximoff is Loki, last we saw loki he had the tesseract and was fleeing, loki is trying to find out the state of the awvengers post end game, and yeah loki likes to fuck with thor & in the comics he lovveeesss just winding people up (God of mischief ffs), so he is trying to find out what the fuck is going on, he is curious about wanda's level of powers (like she is one of the most powerful mcu characters, hes gunna be curious), wanda as we know has a town hostage and is controlling everything, this is similar to avenegrs where loki wanted to rule earth, so hes seeing if she could be of use to him/try figure out a way to get his end goal. End of wanda vision season 1 - wanda looses complete control, she snaps. She breaks the multi verse because she has been believing this pietro is her pietro but with a different face... she finds out it is loki in pietros body which causes her to loose total control and snap a rift in the multi verse OR sword cause her so much stress, vision is questionign everything/realises what wanda did (Sees the footage maybe?) or she has to watch him die again and wanda is so torn over by emotion that she looses control, pietro/loki then realises that oh fuck this is about to go down and wanda uses her powers to try control more and either knocks pietro loki back into loki for or loki shifts just before to do a reveal, he may even try and fix this and help wanda because he knows intense powers and notice she is going insane????? But this ends in her bringing in all the spidermen into the MCU. Bringing deadpool with em. Bringing america chavez with them (She lives in a paralel universe and thats where she got her powers so wanda drags her into MCU because hey, she snapped). Doc strange 2 happens which is about the multi verse. Strange appears at end of wanda vision kinda like "Oh no...." like he's seeing what is about to happen and sees wanda is about to cause he doesnt see this coming,  So doc strange 2 is now begining wanda has lost control and merged all theses universes into one - sony,fox,the new characters universe etc etc etc are now all in the MCU universe there is many spider men now (Like into the spider verse) kidna like that level of how it happens they just got ripped into this reality. In spider man 3 this is also playing a part because all the spidermen are still here (Showing this could be a long winded issue/they cant get back to their universe because wanda doesnt know how she did it, doesnt want to do it/cant do it again) Back to doc strange 3 - this movie will be directly dealing with the immediate backlash of this, the many spidermen, deadpool, america chavez all appearing, strange realising what has happened, trying to fix this, loki also there because he doesnt even know whats happened but DAMN is he interested because THIS level of power.... thats interesting to him. Loki's disney+ series happens after the multi verse of madness/during it (like loki's show is bought up in it like "lokis fucking president?!?!?!" like thats another thing thats gone wrong from wanda's melt down and destroying the multi verse, and another thing for strange to to and do damage control on. wanda cant fix this, shes now gone fully off rails, if she watches vision die twice she wont be coming back from that we know. so strange is also trying to help her on how to use her powers as she never reallllly has had training, strange might know people who can help her deal with this insane amount of power. Strange cant fix this alone he needs wanda to try and fix this, and the issue could be a permenant one ( i recon it will be permenant and all wwhat phase 4 & 5 will be about) Doctor strange 2 sees them going between thesee multi verse's they have discovered (maybe strqange & wanda, maybe strange & wong, maybe wanda and someone else who knows... but they are trying to find out how far this damage has gone End of doctor strange is them realising this isnt a quick fix, the world has gone insane as there is all these new ones, ("WHY ARE THERE 3 SPIDER MEN!" - JJJ shouts (cause hey he was in the tobey mcguire spidermen ffs we get him with this package too) spider man 3 then happens & tom holland (The spider men will be refered to by their actors names) see's that um theres another spider man??? what the??? he finds him and they all find out they are the same spider man. This movie plays out similary to into the spiderverse but they dont all go at the end of it because this is a long winded issue. But... now we have america chavez, shes just been bumbling round the MCU being a hero cause she's here.... Monica as you rememebr from wanda vision has her internal sequencing rewritten each time she goes through the hex, this gives her powers cause she has gone through the hex so much at this stage in wanda vision.... So Monica = Photon America Chavez Cassie = Stature Kate bishop = Hawkeye Tom holland = Spiderman How did kate get here and Cassie? KATE So clint stepped down, hawkeye disney+ seems to be like fractions, clints training kate (maybe his family left after end game because jfc clint is probs a wreck, or clint didnt stop so hsi wife left.... maybe they live in iowa happily who knows) Clint was going solo for a while in newyork, when he met this other hawkeye (Hey maybe kate got dragged through the multi verse or maybe she was just a great archer rich kid in newyork who saw hawkeye had fucked off after the blip (maybe she was working during the blip, but towards the end? in comics she took hawkeye mantle while clint was off beign a depressed noodle and he then found out there was 2 hawkeyes and confronted ehr and agreed to train her so maybe somehting simialr to this is what happens in hawkeye) But anyway Clints training kate in new york and yeah shes good. CASSIE Scott after end game & Hope continue being antman and the wasp, but cassie eventually takes over the suit from them (Maybe something happens in antman 3 quantamania that means neither scott or hope can use the suits any more because it will tear them apart, like hank cant use the suits because it takes too much of a toll on his body now and he wouldnt surive it really...) so cassie has taken over the suits and is now operating under the code name stature. This then begins the next arc for the avengers now they have got people powered up, and atleast 1 person from this destruction of the multi verse (America chavez) but we may have more that are discovered over the course of phase 4 that were bought through with the multi verse. So, where does this go??? The young avengers is the next big arc.... Maybe wanda (&peter maximoff? not sure how that would work as young piettro (evan peters one) was from the 80s or something in xmen so is an adult not a kid like he is in wanda vision, which adds to my this isnt pietro but loki thing) But maybe wanda is leading them, maybe not. But the multi verse cant be fixed so they have these heroes now and the avengers kinda died after end game cause tony died and steve fucked off. Sam helps train but hes off with bucky alot too doing a buddy up thing together, but as sam is the new cap he also heads up this young avengers kinda as a mentor for them. Now... right now your pronbs thinking "Morgan stark though" Morgan has a suit... but morgan is still even in 2030 (hawkeye is 2025...) morgan would only be 7..... so she isnt really old enough.... But who else had an iron man suit in the comics? who may of got dragged through the multi verse? Enter riri williams aka iron heart. That takes us up to about end of phase 5 with the rise of the young avengers & champions maybe??? Hi and thanks for coming to my ted talk
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
Almost Full Circle
Thanks to a donation, I can post this! Enjoy!
Stephen had just come back from Kamar-Taj when not just Valerie came running to greet him, but Diana as well. Now that wasn't exactly uncommon, but it was when the little sorceress was looking frantic. Stephen couldn't even open his mouth before she did.
"Mommy! William needs help!"
Stephen frowns as he picks up Valerie. "Why? What happened?"
Instead of explaining the situation, Diana grabs his hand and leads him into the living room. There he found Tony sitting on the couch with Thomas standing in front of him, biting his thumbnail nervously, and both were looking at something Stephen couldn't see. He rounds the coffee table to get a better look, and then immediately darts forward to sit next to Tony and take the dark-haired baby he was holding. Valerie pouts a little when she's moved to sit next to her mother rather than on his lap, but doesn't complain when the baby takes her spot on his lap instead.
Hazel eyes look up into blue when the baby is transferred from one lap to another and then coos when he recognizes Stephen. It was William. He was somehow turned into a baby and that was what Stephen needed to find out if he was going to turn him back.
If. He was always tempted to leave his kids as babies.
"What happened?" Stephen asks and Tony shrugs.
"I'm not sure. It was just William and the girls up here when it happened." Tony says with a frown.
"He was showing us butterflies," Diana pipes up. "He said you taught him how to do it."
"Did it look like how I make them?" Stephen asks softly as he brushes back some of William's unruly hair.
"Yeah, but then Valerie laughed and it was different. Then he was a baby." Diana says.
"Ah." The sorcerer says with a smile. "I think I know what happened, but--"
"But you want a day with baby William before you change him back?" Tony finishes with a knowing smirk.
The sorcerer gets up with baby William in his arms and Valerie climbs down from the couch to follow him into the kitchen. There, Stephen starts to make a snack for the younger children and he smiles when William starts babbling to him. The boy was incoherent but seemed happy enough to try and communicate with Stephen nonetheless. It was nice to see William so outgoing, but it made the doctor a little sad to know that the boy used to be so happy once upon a time. Granted, William's (and Thomas's) happiness seemed to be steadily improving since they moved to the tower.
"Mama!" The baby says and leans toward the counter reaching for the strawberries that Stephen had pulled out.
Hearing William call him Mama made Stephen's heart swell and he smiles. "Patience. I know you like strawberries."
While both William and Valerie cling to him, Stephen finishes putting together snacks and takes the plates over to the table. He sets William in Valerie's high chair and then helps Valerie onto a chair at the table as Diana joins them.
"Valerie, William needs to borrow your high chair for now okay? Can you be a big girl and sit at the table?" Stephen asks softly and Valerie nods as she reaches for a half piece of grape.
"Okay Mama."
Stephen smiles and kisses the top of her head and sits at the table across from her and next to William to monitor them. While he made sure to cut some of the food into small pieces, he always stayed to watch. Especially since blueberries were also involved. Tony in the meantime had convinced Thomas that his brother would be fine and to continue on with his day, and the older twin settled on the couch with the engineer to watch TV.
When Peter and Harley came home from hanging out with friends, Peter immediately burst into laughter when he saw William and Harley stared.
"Do you have bad baby fever Mom?" Peter cackles and Stephen rolls his eyes.
"I came home to him like this. He did it to himself by accident."
"Underoos, you should know by now that Mama Bear has permanent baby fever." Tony says from the living room.
"That's true. When are you going to fix him?" The teen asks the sorcerer.
"Maybe tomorrow." Stephen says.
"I...kind of understand why you and Cassie ignored each other when this happened." Harley finally mutters to his brother who snickers.
After the three younger children finished their snacks, Diana helped put their plates in the sink, Valerie climbed down from her chair to go play, and Stephen wiped William's hands and face free of sticky fruit juice before letting him down and following Valerie to check her for stickiness. He should have known his youngest would have stuck around if she did have some because she was perfectly clean when he caught up with her and looked. While he went back to take care of the dishes, Tony picked up William when he clumsily walked back to the living room.
"Come here mimmo. La mamma ti ha fatto uno spuntino delizioso?" Tony asks.
Stephen was mildly surprised when he saw William nod in response. He knew Tony planned on teaching the twins other languages like he had taught (and is still teaching) the rest of the kids, but he didn't know when his husband found the time. The twins usually spent their time downstairs or with Peter, Harley, and Cassie. Unless maybe they went to the lab sometimes?
William starts on another spiel of baby gibberish, with the occasional proper English word, and Tony chuckles before setting the baby back down. William toddles over to where Valerie is playing, and the baby girl holds out a block for him once he sits down. The two play quietly, talking amongst themselves, and Tony joins Stephen at the kitchen sink to watch them play together.
"I know that look." Tony huffs fondly when he sees Stephen, blue eyes full of content and motherly love.
"What look?" The sorcerer asks after tearing his gaze away from the babies.
"You want another one."
Stephen snorts. "I always want another one."
"But you're actually considering it." Tony points out as he wraps an arm around Stephen's waist.
"The baby is still in our room." Stephen counters.
"She's getting to that age where we need to start getting her into her own room...or at least sharing with Diana."
"The twins are also still new to our family."
"Maybe, but I was serious when I said we can have as many babies as you want. We're not hurting for money at all. We could have twenty kids before I start to notice a dent." Tony chuckles.
Stephen smiles and leans into him after drying his hands. "Maybe later."
"Whatever you want Duchessa."
The rest of the day was spent on the living room watching the babies. Both William and Valerie would ocassionally toddle over with a toy to offer Stephen or Tony, and when they got bored of toys, a Disney movie was put on. They watched a couple of those, and halfway through the third found Tony giving William's stomach multiple rasberries which had the boy screeching with laughter.
If Stephen had ovaries, they would have burst by now.
"Okay." Tony starts once dinner was had. "Time for three of our babies to go to bed."
"Is William staying up here with you?" Thomas asks and Stephen nods as he takes the baby boy from Tony.
"Just for tonight. We can't let him stay by himself in his room."
"Okay." Thomas nods and thanks them for dinner before heading down to spend the rest of the night with Wanda and Vision. Probably to watch a movie before bed.
Harley had been surprisingly scarce all day, sticking to hanging out in his room for the most part. Diana went down with Cassie after snack time until dinner and now Tony was leading her upstairs with Valerie in his arms. Peter and Stephen followed, the teen heading into Diana's room to read her a bedtime story, and the adults into their bedroom with the babies. They dressed Valerie and William in their pajamas and then changed themselves before joining the babies on the king sized bed. William would have to sleep in the bed with them, and Stephen figured Valerie might kick up a fuss if they didn't let her join them too.
Tony turned the TV on at a low volume as Stephen got himself and the babies settled, and the engineer smiles when both of them curl up against Stephen. All three were already drifting off, Stephen because of his Sorcerer Supreme duties he had earlier in the day, and the babies because...well...they were babies. Tony reaches over and strokes high cheekbones with his thumb.
"Tired, honey?" He asks quietly.
"Hmmm…" Stephen answers as soft snores come from the little ones nestled against him.
The bedroom door cracks opens a little more to let Athena in, and the wolf hops up onto the bed. She briefly sniffs Valerie and William until Stephen gently pushes her away, and she walks back over to the foot of the bed and lays down with a tired huff. She had also helped keep an eye on and play with the babies, sniffing them was just her way of checking on them one last time before she went to sleep.
"Good girl." Tony mumbles and leans down to pet her before laying back down to watch TV.
He was the last to fall asleep, and when he did, Friday turned off the tv. Both children thankfully slept through the night, but of course, the next morning, the couple woke up to the babies in different positions than they had fallen asleep in. Valerie was in her usual position with her foot in Tony's face, and William was sprawled out with his face buried in Stephen's neck. The two didn't dare move until they woke up though. They simply rested until hazel and blue eyes both blinked open and both babies yawned.
Athena got up when Valerie sat up and the baby girl giggles with the wolf licks her face. "'tena! No!"
William sits up to pet the wolf and Stephen and Tony get out of bed. With a reluctant sigh, the sorcerer helps William to the edge of the bed and starts forming the spell to turn the boy back to his teenaged self. The boy coos as magic sparks from Stephen's fingertips, and the doctor sends the spell at the boy. After a very brief flash of light, they find William back to normal, and the boy squeaks with a growing blush before seemingly popping out of existence.
He had merely teleported elsewhere, likely his room, but it still had Stephen sighing. He had hoped the incident would help the teen open up more.
"Give him time Duchess. You know he's skittish." Tony says after walking around the bed to give him a good morning kiss.
"I know." Stephen sighs. "It was nice while it lasted at least."
Tony chuckles. "Are you sure you don't want another baby?"
"Don't tempt me until Valerie is out of our room." Stephen smiles.
"Pfft there's enough room in here for a second crib."
"Are you sure you don't have baby fever?" Stephen teases.
"Who knows? Maybe it rubbed off on me." Tony smiles. "How about you shower and I'll make breakfast today?" He offers.
"Sounds like a plan." Stephen murmurs before kissing his husband again.
Tony leave the room after picking up Valerie, and Stephen smiles when he hears the engineer ask their youngest what she wants for breakfast (in Italian of course). What surprised him was when Valerie responded with "Waffles!" in Italian as well.
Their kids really were clever.
Stephen started to wonder if Tony and the kids were conspiring against him now with all the foreign languages they were learning. It was no secret that the sorcerer had a thing for it. The kids would probably help tease their mother by talking to their father in different languages.
It might just work too, Stephen thinks with an audible sigh.
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nxsmss · 3 years
movies I watched in March
I made some changes about how I will post these. first of all, I won't be adding the cast and plot because I'm too lazy, sorry. second, I added if I would watch the movie again, and lastly I'm gonna post my reviews every week because doing it monthly makes the list too long imo
wonder woman
finding ohana
the lost city of z
promising young woman
the last sharknado: it's about time
secret society of second born royals
captain america civil war
doctor strange
guardians of the galaxy vol. 2
instant family
spiderman homecoming
deadpool 2
rock it
groupies bleiben nicht zum frühstück
yes day
the amazing spiderman
mulan (2020)
happy death day 2U
thor ragnarok
guns akimbo
black panther
infinity war
1. wonder woman
okay, first of all it's an amazing movie there's no doubt in that but there are just two tiny things that are bugging me and maybe it's just because it's a DC movie and my dad basically punched it into me to be a marvel fan since I was 10. so, i did not like those shots were the characters were either falling because of a punch or jumping several hundred meters. it just looks weird and unnatural in my opinion. and the other thing... could they give her any less clothing?!?! I know it's very comic accurate but c'mon
would I watch it again? probably ya
2. finding ohana
this was such a cute fun little movie. i really enjoyed. it's kinda like 'journey to the center of earth' just made for today's generation and it made me feel a little nostalgic. I fuxking loved ioane's throwing up noises
would I watch it again? hm I'm gonna go with yes
3. the lost city of z
its a good movie, i can't deny that and I should definitely give it a higher rating but I thought it was like this exciting adventure movie, which it wasn't, it is based on real events and I didn't know that starting this movie. what didnt help, was that I was really tired when I watched it. I fell asleep for a bit and even my dad fell asleep, which kinda says a lot cause he never falls asleep during a movie (only if it's really late, which it wasn't. we finished it before 11)
I have to admit I think my rating would be a lot higher if I went into this movie with a different mindset!! I feel sorry only giving it 4 stars :(
would I watch it again? yes when I'm in the right mood
4. promising young woman
oh I liked this, I really did and I can recommend watching this. I did like the end, not cassie's end tho, but u like that they all kind got what they deserve. (little spoiler I was really rooting for ryan and him turning out to be an ass kinda crushed me a little)
would I watch it again? hm not sure
5. the last sharknado: it's about time
my friends hate me for watching all of these movies and tbh I hate myself too for doing so🤦🏻‍♀️ they are all so terrible!! and I have no idea if they do that on purpose or not, I really hope so. it's just so fucking bad that it's funny again. the plot is just stupid and we do not talk about the special effects. I cant really give a serious rating to this movie because it would have to be like a 0. but I feel like I cant rate it like that because I still fuckifn enjoyed watching it haha
I fucking lost it when fin pulled the sword out of the stone and it was a chainsaw
would I watch it again? yes and I hate myself for this answer
6. secret society of second born royals
fun little family movie, makes me wish I was a second born haha. it's good, there was a very very unexpected twist in this movie that neither me or my family saw coming. I just think it wasn't exactly my type
would I watch it again? nah
7. sentinelle
yea um.. it's a no from me. it was kinda really boring and it felt like there wasn't happening anything. it was supposed to be an action movie but there was hardly any action in it
would I watch it again? no
8. captain america civil war
another one of my favorite marvel movies
would I watch it again? yes
9. doctor strange
dont know what to say hahaha but if i could be a character in the mcu i would very much like it if i was a sorceress
would I watch it again? yes
10. guardians of the galaxy vol. 2
I think this is in general one of the least favourite movies in the fandom but I like it a lot. think i actually like it more that the first one and I love that we saw more of yondu in this, I really like his "powers" and the end was really sad.
would I watch it again? yes
11. deadpool + 14. deadpool 2
love love love the deadpool movies!!! can only recommend them. I like the second a bit more tho. what I was disappointed in, before it was released they made such a big deal about the rating saying "oh its gonna be so brutal and blah blah blah" and then, both of the movies are rated age 16+. I remember, for the first one I was so excited and then i watched it and i was like "well.. that wasn't exactly how I thought it was gonna be but okay
would I watch it again? yup
12. instant family
this is one of my absolute favorite movies ever. god I love it so much and the end always makes me cry (not in a sad way)
10/10 definitely
would I watch it again? YES
13. spiderman homecoming
I dont know what it is with me and this movie but I just dont really like it. I cant explain it. I'm also not the biggest mcu spiderman fan (sorry, please dont hate on me)
would I watch it again? yes if I'm doing a mcu rewatch but I don't think I would ever pick homecoming to watch when I'm bored
15. rock it
this has to be one of my favourite childhood movies (I dont even knowing I can say childhood, I was like 10 when it came out haha) I feel so sorry for all you non german speakers that cant enjoy this movie as much as i/we do. god I love it so much😂 and why the fuck isn't the soundtrack on spotify, I hate it
if you're german and you didn't watch this movie as a child I am very sorry for you.
I can already see myself watching "groupies bleiben nicht zum frühstück" sometime soon🤦🏻‍♀️
10/10 (god I had to) actually no 9/10 because of the ending. I'd liked it more if they would have kicked her out of the school and they got the band back together
would I watch it again? duh
16. groupies bleiben nicht zum frühstück
yup, I watched it. and I dont like it that I did because my aggression level was already high when I started and this movie did not help with it. the main actress is just no. I'm not sure if it's her or the character but I absolutely do not like her performance in this. argh it makes me want to break something. the songs slap tho!!
this movie is just straight up 1D fanfiction from 2013
4/10 but the songs are definitely 10/10 (they definitely got inspired by green day)
would I watch it again? ugh I hope not.
17. yes day
oh I loved this movie!! fun little family movie. it only has 5.7 stars on IMDb which i totally dont get, should be higher imo. loved seeing edgar ramirez in something other than an action/thriller kinda movie.
would I watch it again? yes but I don't think anytime soon
18. the amazing spiderman
aahh the feelings I got watching this movie. like I was 12 again... I love it and this movie. andrew garfield is my favorite spiderman and no one can change my mind.
would I watch it again? yup
19. mulan (2020)
I liked it. I don't know/remember the original disney movie so maybe that's why I like it. to me it feels like they got inspired by the original movie and made a version for (young) adults. it definitely didn't feel like a kids movie
would I watch it again? I think so yea
20. happy death day 2u
naahh I didnt like this one. the first one was good (I think, I dont remember) but this one was really boring. if it wasn't for my dad I would've stopped the movie half way through
would I watch it again? no.
21. contagion
it's a very good and interesting movie but tbh i was a bit bored towards the end but maybe that was just because of my mood
would I watch it again? hm, yea probably
22. jumanji
I'm not really a fan of Dwayne Johnson but I like/tolerate him in this haha. it's a fun adventure movie, I really like it, can recommend. when I watched it in theaters I didn't know nick jonas was in it and when he showed up my sister and I completely lost it
would I watch it again? yes
23. thor ragnarok
another one of my favorite marvel movie. I think definitely top 5. cinematography, soundtrack, jeff goldblum, everything is just 😚👌🏼 I just realised I really miss heimdall. such an underrated character and I wish he didn't die in infinity war
god the memories I get watching this movie. I think since ultron, my family and i have been to the premiere/the first screening, whatever, of every marvel movie and for some reason this was monday midnight, no idea why... but we went anyways. my mom drank 2 liters of cola, we were home again at like 3am and everyone had to get up by like 7 the next day because of school and work.
would I watch it again? hell yes haha
24. guns akimbo
wow. I gotta say I went into this with very low expectations but I was pleasantly surprised. nice fun action movie but it also made you think about some serious issues afterwards. I loved the camera work on most of the action scenes.
would I watch it again? yea maybe
25. black panther
it's a fucking masterpiece!!
would I watch it again? stupid question
26. infinity war
would I watch it again? another stupid question
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Rick and Morty: A Guide to Every Voice Actor
The world of Rick and Morty has grown to absurd proportions. The show spans multiple planets, galaxies, timelines, and multiverses, meaning there’s always an opportunity to meet strange new people and creatures. 
As such, Rick and Morty’s voice cast has grown along with the adventures of its titular pair. While co-creator Justin Roiland, Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, and Sarah Chalke have reliably voiced the central Smith-Sanchez family this entire time, the show also relies on a large crop of other voice actors. Some actors recur while others pop up only a time or two as very special guests. But all contribute to the rich aural tapestry of Adult Swim’s very ambitious animated series. 
Gathered here is a list of (to the best of our knowledge) every voice actor who has popped up on Rick and Morty, who they played, and where you may have heard (or seen) them before. 
Justin Roiland
Rick, Morty, Mr. Meseeks, Mr. Poopybutthole, Mr. Always Wants to Be Hunted
Justin Roiland is not just the co-creator of Rick and Morty but also the vocal engine for how much of the show sounds. Roiland portrays Rick, Morty, Mr. Meseeks, Mr. Poopybutthole, and countless other distinctively voiced characters in the show’s weird world. From the pilot on, Roiland’s tic-filled voice patterns have driven a lot of the humor behind the show. 
Roiland has been an animator and a voice actor for quite a long time, getting involved with his eventual Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon and his Channel 101 imprint back in 2004. There he made Internet-only cult animated series like House of Cosbys, and 2 Girls One Cup: the Show. His voice was previously well known as Earl of Lemongrab (“Unacceptable!!!”) in Adventure Time. 
Chris Parnell
Jerry Smith
Former SNL cast member Chris Parnell has had a prolific career in comedy both as a live-action and voice actor. Parnell is best known for playing Garth Holliday in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Dr. Leo Spaceman in 30 Rock, and many more roles in film and television. In the animation world he’s voiced characters on Archer, Robot Chicken, Gravity Falls, and beyond. His voice is often perfect for the “everyman” role and as such he has only been required to embody the sad form of Jerry Smith on Rick and Morty thus far. 
Spencer Grammer
Summer Smith
The daughter of Kelsey Grammar, Spencer Grammar got her start as Casey Carywright on the ABC Family college dramedy Greek. Since then, she has done chiefly live-action work on shows such as CSI, Chicago PD, and Grey’s Anatomy. 
Sarah Chalke
Beth Smith
Canadian actress Sarah Chalke brings two enormous roles from TV comedy’s past to her work on Rick and Morty. At first she was best known as the “second Becky” on ABC sitcom Roseanne. She would then go on to portray Dr. Elliot Reid for nine seasons of the classic Scrubs. Chalke is still chiefly a live-action comedic actress today but has done some more voice work in the past, including on Clone High and American Dad. 
Kari Wahlgren
Jessica, Cynthia, Samantha, Mother Gaia
Kari Wahlgren works extensively as a voice actress for animated movies, TV shows, and video games. As evidenced by her character list above, she is often Rick and Morty’s go-to voice to portray one of Summer’s teenage peers. 
Brandon Johnson
Mr. Goldenfold
Brandon Johnson is a familiar face and voice to Adult Swim audiences. He has previously popped up on NTSF:SD:SUV and American Dad. On Rick and Morty he voices Mr. Goldenfold, who is seemingly the only teacher at Morty and Summer’s school. 
Phil Hendrie
Principal Gene Vagina
Philip Hendrie is best known for hosting The Phil Hendrie Show, a proto-Comedy Bang Bang-esque talk radio show in the 1990s where he portrayed both a fictionalized version of himself and many other wacky characters. He broke into animated voice acting in the late ‘90s, voicing dozens of characters on King of the Hill and popping up in Futurama as well. On Rick and Morty he plays the unfortunately named principal of Morty’s school. 
Ryan Ridley
Frank Palicky, Lighthouse Keeper, Concerto
Ryan Ridley is a writer and producer on Rick and Morty, and like many of the show’s writers is sometimes called upon to lend his voice to a character or two. His best known creation is the Lighthouse Keeper on the Purge planet obsessed with his terrible screenplay. Ridley has also written for Ghosted, Blue Mountain State, and Community. 
Rob Paulsen
Snuffles, Centaur
Rob Paulsen is a legendary voice actor best known for voicing two Ninja Turtles (Raphael and Donatello) and several Animaniacs characters. His filmography is truly impressive and includes the important role of Snuffles the Smith family dog on Rick and Morty.
Jess Harnell
Scary Terry, Ruben
Harnell is another Animaniacs veteran. After voicing Scary Terry and some additional voices in season 1, Harnell has yet to return to Rick and Morty. 
Patricia Lentz
Joyce Smith
Patricia Lentz provides the voice of Jerry’s mom. She’s had a long, impressive career of live-action and voice acting with some highlights including Runaways, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Happy Days. 
Dana Carvey
Leonard Smith
The voice of Jerry’s dad is provided by one of SNL’s better known alums in Dana Carvey. A master impressionist, Carvey was an important figure on SNL during the ‘80s and would go on to star in Wayne’s World, The Master of Disguise, and Trapped in Paradise. Shortly after his SNL career, he hosted The Dana Carvey Show, which did not last long but is notable in TV history for having an incredible cast of writers including Louis C.K. Charlie Kaufman, Jon Glaser, Robert Carlock, and frequent Dan Harmon collaborator Dino Stamatopoulos. 
Echo Kellum
Jacob Philip, Brad, Triple Trunks
“I throw balls far. You want good words? Date a languager.” So sad that we had to leave Brad behind in C-137. Echo Kellum provides the voice of Brad and several other Rick and Morty characters.. Kellum is a UCB grad who has appeared in Key & Peele, Comedy Bang! Bang! and most notably Arrow as Mister Terrific. 
John Oliver
Dr. Xenon Bloom
John Oliver now carries on the legacy of The Daily Show in his superb HBO news series Last Week Tonight. Prior to finding his perfect comedy news niche, Oliver had a lengthy comic acting career starting in his native England and extending into his new home in the U.S. Oliver previously played an important recurring role in Harmon’s Community and pops up just once on Rick and Morty. 
David Cross
Prince Nebulon
David Cross is one of several sketch comedy legends who lent their voice to Rick and Morty as part of their lengthy careers. Cross created and starred in sketch series Mr. Show with Bob and David alongside co-creator Bob Odenkirk (how has he not popped up on Rick and Morty yet?). Since then he’s had a successful stand up career and been a part of some impressive TV ensembles such as Arrested Development. 
Dan Harmon
Birdperson, Kevin, Mr. Marklovitz, Davin, Ice-T, Dr. Glip-Glop, Nimbus
Dan Harmon is the co-creator of Rick and Morty alongside Roiland. The two share a long history going back to the Channel 101 days. While both Roiland and Harmon are skilled storytellers, Harmon has truly delved into the science of story throughout his career. Harmon is best known for creating and showrunning Community, which became an onscreen sensation for fans and an offscreen nuisance for NBC due to Harmon’s at times difficult behavior. On Rick and Morty, Roiland and Harmon deploy Harmon’s deadpan delivery to good use, with him often playing monotone characters like the beloved Birdperson. 
Tom Kenny
King Jellybean, Squanchy, Conroy, Million Ants, Etc.
Tom Kenny is an incredibly successful voice artist who you likely best know as none other than SpongeBob SquarePants. On Rick and Morty, Kenny’s roles are decidedly less wholesome than the sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea. Kenny was a big factor in season 1 playing King Jellybean and Sqaunchy. He’s popped up sparingly in seasons 2, 3, and 4 as well, most notably as Million Ants of the Vindicators. 
Cassie Steele
Tammy Gueterman, Tricia Lange
Somebody’s gotta play Tammy Gueterman, that traitorous monster. And that “honor” goes to Cassie Steele. Steele’s name is recognizable to Canadian (and some American) audiences due to her role as Manny Santos on Degrassi: The Next Generation. Rick and Morty was her first voice acting role. She will continue her voice acting career as the lead in Disney’s upcoming Raya and the Last Dragon.
Claudia Black
Claudia Black has turned up on Rick and Morty twice, once in season 1 and once in season 4. It’s a surprise she hasn’t done so more often as she’s built up quite the voice acting career. After becoming well known in sci-fi series like Farscape and Stargate SG-1, Black continued on into a successful gaming career, providing her voice to Uncharted, Gears of War, and Dragon Age. 
Maurice LaMarche
Morty Jr. Brad Anderson, Abradolf Lincler, Crocubot
Maurice LaMarche’s smooth baritone is quite familiar to many animation fans. LaMarche has voice acted in everything from Animaniacs to Futurama. He’s got a killer Orson Welles impression and that seems to be the starting point for many of his Rick and Morty characters. 
Alfred Molina
Mr. Needful
Many of us know Alfred Molina from his incredibly successful film career in projects like Boogie Nights, Spider-Man 2, and The Da Vinci Code. But Molina has also had quite the career as a voice actor as well. In the past couple decades, Molina has lent his sturdy voice to Rango, Monsters University, Ralph Breaks the Internet, Frozen II, and more. He was clearly a shrewd choice for the Lucifer-like Mr. Needful. It’s a wonder why he hasn’t turned up on Rick and Morty more. 
Richard Fulcher
King Flippy Nips
Richard Fulcher is best known as the unofficial third member of British comedy troupe The Mighty Boosh, though he himself is American. Fulcher wrote and acted in every incarnation of The Mighty Boosh. He has also had a prolific career in comedy acting outside the troupe. As of late, Fulcher has leaned into his voice acting abilities including this sadly one-off role on Rick and Morty as King Flippy Nips, ruler of Pluto. 
Nolan North
Scroopy Noopers, Multiple Others
Nolan North has done extensive videogame work in franchises such as Uncharted, Assassin’s Creed, and the Arkham series. That’s right: the voice of shrimpy Plutonian Scroopy Noopers on Rick and Morty is both Nathan Drake and Desmond Miles. North also voices many other characters in positions of authority for the show. 
Aislinn Paul
Aislinn Paul is another Degrassi: The Next Generation alum who has broken into the voice acting world. On Rick and Morty, Paul plays only Nancy, Summer’s nerdy classmate who everyone is always mean to. Hopefully one day there will be justice for Nancy. 
Alejandra Gollas
Alejandra Gollas is a bilingual Mexican actress who has acted in films, TV shows, and stage productions for decades. Her only Rick and Morty role was that of creepy Titanic enthusiast Lucy. 
Scott Chernoff
Revolio Clockberg Jr.
Originally referred to as “Gearhead,” Revolio Clockberg Jr. is one of Rick and Morty’s most recognizable recurring characters. Embodying this important role is veteran voice actor and TV writer Scott Chernoff. Chernoff has lent his voice to dozens of animated properties and has even written for many successful comedies including BoJack Horseman, The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, and School of Rock. He is one of many Channel 101 veterans involved in Rick and Morty and pitches in with some other background voices on the show here and there. 
Keegan-Michael Key
Keegan-Michael Key is likely best known as half of the ultra successful sketch comedy duo Key & Peele. (Wonder whatever happened to the other guy!) Key has had an enormously successful career as a comedic actor on television. On Rick and Morty he plays testicle-looking time cop Schleemypants. 
Jordan Peele
Second Fourth-Dimensional Being
Oh, here’s Peele! Schleemypants’ unnamed partner is the only character Peele has played on Rick and Morty. 
Jemaine Clement
New Zealand comedic actor Jemaine Clement is best known for being half of the Grammy award-winning comedic musical act Flight of the Conchords alongside Bret McKenzie. Clement has also worked extensively with fellow Kiwi Taika Waititi to produce recent classics like What We Do in the Shadows. His deadpan delivery was a perfect choice monotone gaseous being “Fart.”
Andy Daly
Krombopulos Michael
Krombopulos Michael is Rick and Morty’s Boba Fett: he looks cool but ultimately does nothing. Playing K.M. was one of the most sought-of “character voice actors” in the industry. Daly’s cheerful everyman delivery has proven useful on dozens of comedy shows across the entertainment landscape. Perhaps best known for his starring vehicle Review with Forest MacNeil, Daly has also lent his voice to series such as Harley Quinn, Bob’s Burgers, and Big Mouth. He can also be heard as a crucial role on Roiland’s Solar Opposites. 
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks is best known for her role as Joan Holloway on Mad Men. In addition to that, however, she’s appeared in quite a few genre films and shows like Firefly, Life, and The Neon Demon. Hendricks has done some voice work here and there and her only role on Rick and Morty to date is assimilation expert and one-time Rick Sanchez paramour Unity. 
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt is basically the dark matter of the comedy universe. He and his voice turn up just about everywhere. Perhaps his best known voice acting role is that of lead character Remy in Ratatouille. On Rick and Morty he has played only Beta-Seven thus far and is surely due for some more appearances. 
Keith David
The President
Even if you’ve never heard of Keith David, you have surely heard his voice. An unmistakable baritone with gravitas, David has leant that voice to projects such as Gargoyles, Halo, and Spawn. David has worked with Harmon before on the final season of Community. Surely, there is no better voice for Rick and Morty’s unnamed President…or its Reverse Giraffe.
Kurtwood Smith
General Nathan
Not sure if you recognize Kurtwood Smith’s voice? You would if he called you a dumbass. Yes, Smith is best known to TV audiences as Eric Forman’s ornery dad Red on That ‘70s Show. He provides that same ornery spirit to the role of General Nathan on Rick and Morty in “Get Schwifty.” 
Stephen Colbert
Zeep Xanflorp
Stephen Colbert is of course a longtime comedic actor, host of The Colbert Report, and now host of The Late Show on CBS. The Late Show understandably takes up most of his time nowadays but he was nice enough to portray the intelligent alien living inside Rick’s flying saucer’s Miniverse battery. 
Nathan Fielder
“The Ricks Must Be Crazy” has quite the star power among its voice cast. In addition to Colbert’s Zeep, the episode also introduces another Microverse populated by Kyle. Kyle is played by Nathan For You’s cringe comedy maestro Nathan Fielder. 
Jim Rash
Glaxo Slimslom
Jim Rash is another frequent Dan Harmon collaborator, best known for his role as Dean Pelton on Community. Rash is an accomplished comedic actor and an Oscar award-winning screenwriter. He’s the perfect choice to play alien couples counselor Glaxo. 
Matt Besser
Matt Besser is an improv comedy specialist who is a founding member of the Upright Citizens Brigade comedy troupe. Over his long career, he’s appeared in just about everything. On Rick and Morty he portrays alien diplomat Fungo, who tries to convince Jerry to donate his penis to Shrimply Pibbles. 
Werner Herzog
Shrimply Pibbles
Werner Herzog might be the strangest inclusion in the Rick and Morty voice canon. Herzog is a towering figure in the cinema world as a director, screenwriter, documentarian, and occasional actor. His German accent and generally serious and pessimistic disposition has made him a natural target for comedies looking to inject a bit of weird humor into the proceedings. 
Chelsea Kane
Chelsea Kane has appeared in several TV series targeted to tween audiences like Disney Channel’s Jonas and Freeform’s Baby Daddy. Her brief role as the Purge planet’s Arthricia was a jumping off point to try more voice actor roles on shows like Hot Streets, Regular Show, and DC Super Hero Girls. 
James Callis and Tricia Helfer
Pat and Donna Gueterman
James Callis and Tricia Helfer portray the parents of double-agent Tammy Gueterman for a very specific reason. Callis and Helfer are best known for their roles on Syfy’s classic series Battlestar Galactica, with Callis playing brilliant scientist (and traitor to humanity) Gaius Baltar and Helfer playing Cylon model Number 6. Pat and Donna Gueterman on Rick and Morty look just like the actors playing them, which should have been our first clue that something is amiss.
Nathan Fillion
Cornvelious Daniel
Who is Nathan Fillion if not nerd culture’s best friend? Fillion came into prominence by playing Captain Mal Reynolds on Joss Whedon’s beloved Firefly. Since then Fillion has had a solid career on shows like Castle and The Rookie. In his spare time, however, he provides his voice to animated series like Rick and Morty and Big Mouth, often playing a thinly-veiled version of himself. Cornvelious Daniel is notable for being the first character onscreen in Rick and Morty to enjoy that sweet, sweet McDonald’s Szechuan sauce. 
Tony Hale
Tony Hale won two Emmys for playing the Vice President’s bagman Gary Walsh on Veep. Before that he was the youngest Bluth child, Buster, on Arrested Development. As of late, however, he’s getting more into the voice acting scene. You (or your kids) may best know him as the beloved Forky in Toy Story 4. But prior to that, he popped up as a cheery Mad Max-style biker named Eli on Rick and Morty. 
Joel McHale
Joel McHale is, of course, another Community alum. He played lead character Jeff Winger on Harmon’s old NBC series. In addition to that, McHale has had a lengthy career in comedy, having hosted The Soup and Netflix’s recent Tiger King special. He was also a tight end of the University of Washington football team but that’s neither here nor there. He voices bucket-wearing post-apocalyptic warlord Hemorrhage on Rick and Morty.
Susan Sarandon
Dr. Wong
Perhaps no character on Rick and Morty has delved deeper into Rick’s psyche than Smith-family psychologist Dr. Wong. Lending her voice to Dr. Wong in the infamous “Pickle Rick” episode is legendary actress Susan Sarandon a.k.a the Louise in Thelma and Louise. 
Peter Serafinowicz
Agency Director
Peter Serafinowicz is a British comedian and actor who used his role voicing Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace as a launching pad to befriend some truly talented creators and get some truly fascinating roles. Serafinowicz has popped up in Shaun of the Dead, Guardians of the Galaxy, Parks and Recreation, and more. He also portrayed the titular Tick in Amazon’s The Tick. His role in Rick and Morty is briefly that of a Russian villain agency director who tries to take down the ever-elusive Pickle Rick. 
Danny Trejo
“Pickle Rick” really has quite the impressive guest voice cast. Danny Trejo joins Peter Serafinowicz and Susan Sarandon in lending his voice to this episode. Trejo plays Rick’s loose canon action hero ally, Jaguar. Outside of Rick and Morty, Danny Trejo may be one of the most recognizable faces in entertainment. A frequent collaborator of Robert Rodriguez, Trejo has leveraged his fascinating upbringing and tough guy appearance into countless roles. 
Gillian Jacobs
Another Community alum! Superhero team The Vindicators requires a lot of guest voice talent and clearly Dan Harmon knew one place to turn. Jacobs played Britta on Community (she’s the worst). The Pittsburgh-born actress has also appeared in Girls, Don’t Think Twice, and Ibiza. 
Christian Slater
Vance Maximus
Christian Slater is a big get for Vindicators leader Vance Maximus. While he’s best known to modern audiences as the titular Mr. Robot in Mr. Robot, Slater got his start as an actor with popular roles in movies like Heathers, Interview with the Vampire, and Broken Arrow. Slater has had a fruitful voice acting career as well, having previously played “Slater” in Archer. 
Lance Reddick
Alan Rails
Alan Rails is another one of the hallowed Vindicators crime-fighting team. Playing the ghost train-summoner is Lance Reddick. Reddick has been a mainstay on television for decades, turning up in Oz, Fringe, Lost, and more. Most notably he played Cedric Daniels for the entirety of The Wire’s run. 
Logic is one of the few Rick and Morty guest stars who gets to be an animated version of himself.  This Maryland-based rapper has released five successful albums and enlisted Rick and Morty to help promote his sixth mixtape Bobby Tarantino II. 
Clancy Brown
Risotto Groupon, Story Train passenger
Talk about a guy with a commanding voice. Clancy Brown has been a successful actor for a long time, going back to his roles in Highlander, The Shawshank Redemption, and Lost. He’s undoubtedly best known to animation fans, however, as the voice of stingy Krusty Krab owner Mr. Krabs in SpongeBob SquarePants. On Rick and Morty, he’s played alien restaurant manager Risotto Groupon and a Story Train passenger in season 4’s “Never Ricking Morty.” 
Thomas Middleditch
Tommy Lipnip
Thomas Middleditch is likely best known to television audiences as overmatched tech tycoon Richard Hendrix on HBO’s Silicon Valley. That’s just the tip of the iceberg for Middleditch’s comedy career. The prolific improviser played Tommy Lipnip in Rick and Morty and must have impressed Justin Roiland enough to give him a lead role on his Hulu comedy Solar Opposites. 
John DiMaggio
Multiple Minor Roles (Death Stalker, Leader, Knight, etc.)
John DiMaggio is an incredibly busy voice actor. If you’ve ever enjoyed an animated comedy, there’s a good chance DiMaggio contributed his voice to it. His best known roles include Bender on Futurama, Jake the Dog on Adventure Time, and Scotsman on Samurai Jack. 
Sherri Shepherd
Sherri Shepherd is an actress, comedian, and TV personality best known for being a co-host on The View for seven years. Since then she’s turned up as an actress or talking head on many shows and lent her voice to portray a judge that deals with Morty in the season 4 premiere. 
Sam Neill
Monogatron Leader
In addition to having one of the best Twitter accounts in the world, Sam Neill is also an actor best known for playing Dr. Alan Grant in Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III. The New Zealander has continued to work quite a bit in recent years, turning up in Thor: Ragnarok and Peaky Blinders. On Rick and Morty he plays the leader of the  Monogatron alien race in “The Old Man and the Seat.”
Taika Waititi
Playing another Monogatron, this one named Glootie, is New Zealand actor/director Taika Waititi. Waititi got his start in the New Zealand comedy scene alongside other Rick and Morty guest star Jermaine Clement. Since then he has only gone on to become one of the most in-demand filmmakers on the planet. Waititi is behind Thor: Ragnarok, JoJo Rabbit, and an upcoming Star Wars film. 
Kathleen Turner
Monogatron Queen
Kathleen Turner is what you would call a “get” for Rick and Morty. Turner has won two Golden Globe awards and been nominated for an Oscar and several Tony awards. She is best known for her roles in ‘80s movies Romancing the Stone, Prizzi’s Honor, and The War of the Roses. Turner has also been working as a voice actress since the ‘80s, voicing Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed Roger Rabbit and going on to act in The Simpsons and King of the Hill as well. 
Jeffrey Wright
Jeffrey Wright is no stranger to sci-fi, having toiled away as sad robot Bernard on Westworld for three seasons. Wright got three-quarters of a way to an EGOT in one role by playing Belize in Angels in America. Since then he’s acted in several Daniel Craig Bond films, Boardwalk Empire, and The Hunger Games. On Rick and Morty he plays the role of an alien who vexes Rick into an existential crisis by continuing to use his private toilet. 
Elon Musk
Elon Tusk
Elon Musk is a South African/Canadian/American engineer and industrialist who serves as the founder and CEO of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla, along with numerous other ventures. Presumably he did not call anyone behind the scenes of Rick and Morty a pedophile but you never know. 
Justin Theroux
Miles Knightley
Justin Theroux has had quite the career in Hollywood. He first came to prominence acting in the David Lynch films Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire. He then continued to appear in major films while also writing some for good measure like Tropic Thunder, Iron Man 2, and Rock of Ages. On television he played Kevin Garvey in HBO’s The Leftovers. For Rick and Morty, he played the role of “heist artist” Miles Knightly in “One Crew Over the Crewcoo’s Morty.” You son of a bitch, I’m in. 
Pamela Adlon
Angie Flint
Pamela Adlon is the rare case of an actor who was first best-known for voice work breaking into the live-action arena in a big way. Adlon is best known for giving voice to Bobby Hill on King of the Hill, while also voice acting in other animated projects like Recess, and 101 Dalmatians: The Series. A longtime collaborator of Louis C.K. (though not so much anymore), Adlon appeared on FX’s Louie and got a well-received FX show of her own, Better Things. On Rick and Morty, Adlon portrays Angie Flint – a lock-picker who Rick recruits to his heist team.
Matthew Broderick
Talking Cat
Matthew Broderick is a longtime stage, film, and television actor best known for his roles on Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, WarGames, The Producers, and much more. Most recently he turned up on Netflix’s sadly-departed post-apocalyptic comedy Daybreak. On Rick and Morty, Broderick plays a Talking Cat with a secret so heinous it will drive anyone to near insanity. 
Liam Cunningham
To portray the voice of a wizened dragon, Rick and Morty turned to an actor best known for a series filled with them. The Irish actor Liam Cunningham is known to most people as Ser Davos Seaworth from Game of Thrones. Though not usually a voice actor he must have enjoyed his role on Rick and Morty as he turns up again briefly in Roiland’s Solar Opposites. 
Phil LaMarr
Multiple Minor Roles
The first two things most people (and by most people I mean me) think of when they think of Phil Lamarr are his time on Mad TV and the moment his head explodes on Pulp Fiction. But aside from sketch comedy and head explosions, LaMarr has had a remarkable voice acting career. He portrayed the title character in Samurai Jack while also providing his voice to Justice League, Static Shock, and countless video games. It’s surprisingly hard to figure out what voices Phil LaMarr plays on Rick and Morty but given his talents it’s certain to be quite a few.
Christopher Meloni
When Rick and Morty briefly presented the savior of mankind in season 4’s sixth episode, surely there was only one choice to play him. Christopher Meloni has had one of the more fascinating careers in entertainment. After playing the deadly serious role of Elliot Stabler on Law and Order: SVU for years, Meloni has re-embraced his comedic side in projects like Happy!, Harley Quinn, while reprising his role in the Wet Hot American Summer franchise.
Paul Giamatti
Story Lord
Paul Giamatti once joked in a late night talk show interview that his role in any given heist or action movie would be the guy wearing a headset in a van, typing on a computer, and telling the hero to “get out of there, man!” He has since parlayed that character actor sensibility into a remarkable, multi-award-winning career. Giamatti is best known recently for portraying Chuck Rhoades on Billions and producing AMC’s Lodge 49. Prior to that he played lead roles in American Splendor, HBO’s John Adams, and much more. The guy has a good handle on stories and therefore makes perfect sense as Rick and Morty’s Story Lord. 
Alan Tudyk
Chris, Observant Glorzo, Multiple Minor Roles
Alan Tudyk is a nerd culture mainstay. Very few comic-cons come and go without Tudyk involved in at least one project presenting within them. Tudyk has played Hoban “Wash” Washburne on Firefly and its spinoff movie Serenity, Mr. Nobody on Doom Patrol, and many more beloved characters. His live-action appearances are just the tip of the nerd iceberg, however, with Tudyk providing his voice to everything from Solo: A Star Wars Story (K-2SO) to Harley Quinn (Clayface/The Joker). On Rick and Morty, Tudyk plays several unnamed characters. 
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Rob Schrab
Rob Schrab is a Channel 101 veteran and longtime Harmon collaborator. Schrab is best known for his work as a director of projects like Monster House, Community, Parks and Recreation, and more. On Rick and Morty he plays none other than God…or at least the Zeus-like god of a remote planet. 
Jim Gaffigan
Jim Gaffigan is a wildly successful standup comedian who co-created and starred in a TV show about his life for TV Land called The Jim Gaffigan Show. While he’s appeared sparingly in films, of late he’s dabbled in voice acting, lending his voice to Hotel Transylvania 3, Playmobil: The Movie, and Luca. His kindly Midwestern accent lends itself nicely to the helpful but doomed Hoovy on Rick and Morty.
Alison Brie
Five seasons in and Rick and Morty is still finding old friends from Community to make their debut. Alison Brie played Annie Edison on Dan Harmon’s classic series. Since then she’s become quite the star, serving as a lead on GLOW and voice acting in BoJack Horseman and The Lego Movie 2. She even provided the voice of Natasha Romanoff a.k.a. Black Widow in the video game Marvel Avengers Academy.
Steve Buscemi
Steve Buscemi is a prolific and talented character actor known for his classic roles in Fargo, Reservoir Dogs, The Sopranos, and more. That he plays such a relatively minor role on Rick and Morty suggests that he might be a fan of the show and just wanted to stop by and say hey. Buscemi is also notable for being a New York firefighter prior to his acting life.
Christina Ricci
Princess Ponietta
Once known as a talented child actor, Christina Ricci has continued her creative work into adulthood. The actress has starred in films like Speed Racer, Black Snake Moan, and the upcoming fourth Matrix movie. Bless her for dropping by Rick and Morty only to play an CHUD horse-person princess pregnant with Rick’s heir.
Kyle Mooney
Kyle Mooney is an SNL cast member and writer who specializes in offbeat characters and sketches. He also wrote and starred in 2017’s Brigsby Bear. His role hasn’t been officially confirmed on Rick and Morty yet but it seems as though he voices the Mortal Kombat-esque faux badass Blazen.
The post Rick and Morty: A Guide to Every Voice Actor appeared first on Den of Geek.
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3 notes · View notes
faerune · 4 years
💘 + leon and cassie 🔫 now
also asked by @ottobooty!
where they first met and how hot local racoon city survivors in YOUR area want to fuck! no for real, cassie had holed up in a diner with a group of other survivors and prior to leon getting to the police station he helps cassie fix/find parts to load up an old delivery truck in the back alley to get them all to safety. when leon leaves cassie promises to come back and make sure he + claire have a ride out of town and she does appear in that last shot in her shitty little happy dairy truck like hey you guys look like you need a ride.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved cassie has always been kinda of a flirt just offhandedly and i feel like leon is kinda of the same way just he’s cheesy and awkward about it when he’s a little younger. they flirt during the couple months they’re all trying to get their bearings after racoon city and then don’t really stay in touch much until the gov drags them both in separately. 
after that more flirting, some undercover missions and zombies and leon finally asks her to dinner. cassie teases ‘don’t expect me to put out on the first date just because you saved my ass today’ pft.
who fell for who first cassie will never ever admit it but it was her. like hard. she fell for leon like she was carrying a drink carrier full of hot coffee across a busy intersection in new york, tripped off the curb in front of hundreds of people and slammed her knee into the pavement.
where their first date was and what it was like dinner and a movie! cassie loves film but also is not a snob and adores laughably bad movies so they went and saw a goofy ass B action movie and then went to a late dinner at a diner that they always eat at after work.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ) leon just pretty simply says let me take you to dinner and cassie teases ‘oh are you asking me on a date kennedy?’ and he just shrugs and goes ‘yeah. i am’ cassie admittedly gets like flustered for half a second and she’s like. okay cool fine.
who proposes first cassie. she’s been so weird and avoidant about getting married so leon has always let her bring it up. when they get back together a few months later they’re laying in bed together and cassie is like can you propose to me now? and leon is like well do you wanna be surprised or do you want the ring now? and cassie just smiles and plops her head on his chest and is like ‘surprise is okay’.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away due to their jobs and them being afraid of having each other just be another thing people hold over their heads to keep them working there, they keep it really quiet at the beginning. everyone on their team kinda knows but they aren’t announcing it everywhere.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ) leon takes her out to dinner and then they take a walk in the park! they sit on a little bench all lit up by the winter christmas lights and he gets down on one knee :’)
if they adopt any pets together absolutely! i just have not figured out what kind yet! probably a cat because cassie has cat person energy.
who’s more dominant it kinda flip flops. cassie is more dominant in terms of talking to people, making decisions but in terms of progressing the relationship that’s definitely leon. in terms of some more ahem other times cassie’s a brat and leon just wants to give her whatever she wants.
where their first kiss was and what it was like they’ve kissed on undercover missions before but i’m not sure if it really “counts”. their first kiss as just leon and cassie was when leon dropped her off at her place after their date and cassie pulled him down for a kiss. after they finished leon was smiling all dopey and still kind of leaning down to her and she just smirked at him and wished him a good night.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ) sdgjksdg i can see them at the most having like a set of cute matching mugs but that’s about it. cassie would die before wearing matching sweaters with him no matter how much she loves him.
how into pda they are they hand hold/give each other pecks/leon throws his arm around her shoulders while they walk but they’re not too obnoxious about it! cassie likes it but if he tries to do anything else she gets flustered. admittedly, leon kinda loves when she does so he’s always whispering sweet stuff in her ears while she tries to elbow him in the stomach sdklgsdg.
who holds the umbrella when it rains leon!! he’s taller so it just makes sense.
where their usual ‘date spot’ is the diner where they just always got dinner cause it was near the facility where they worked together for so long! they both have never been to DC so they just went to the nearest place after their first day and they were like so this is OUR diner.
who’s more protective leon. cassie is very annoyed by it pft. especially when she pops up during the civil war. ya know. in the middle of an actual warzone with possible biological weapons. cassie: :) im here to cause problems on purpose. leon: why in the FUCK is my ex here armed with a thousand dollar camera and a tiny pistol.
how long it is before they sleep together they almost sleep together the day before their second date, making out on leon’s desk but they get interrupted and they’re like okay we gotta chill. leon arrives to pick her up for their date and cassie yanks him into her bedroom. needless to say they miss their movie.
if they argue about anything they bicker playfully but also cassie accuses leon of not treating her like an adult who can make her own decisions because he’s so fucking overprotective. leon accuses cassie of being careless with her life. they have i guess..not arguments but debates over morals?
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ) leon leaves hickeys like he’s a teenager but he’s usually good about keeping them in places that can’t be seen. cassie wears red lipstick a lot so leon has to pay extra attention if they sneak away at work to make sure he doesn’t have it smeared all over his lips. she likes to kiss his cheek and leave a big mark too.
who steals whose clothes and how often cassie: not your hoodies babe, our hoodies.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ) they are spooners through and through. cassie needs to be held and leon is happy to do it. 
what their favourite nonsexual activity is watching movies together! leon is happy that cassie wants to share all her favorites with him and they have movie nights.
how long they stay mad at each other leon normally just needs a second to cool down normally but cassie holds a grudge for a day or maybe two then she’s ready to talk. but uh...in terms of big betrayals leon gives off the im not angry im disappointed and betrayed and you hurt me energy loud and clear and takes a long time to forgive and settle. it’s the worst cassie has ever felt.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are cassie gets a tall black coffee (iced or hot depending on the season) and leon likes lattes with whipped cream and carmel.
if they ever have any children together yes absolutely! i haven’t decided on names or anything yet but they definitely have two little boys just because that tweet that’s about that dad and two lil boys getting out of the car and the dad goes “who can go hug mom the fastest?!” is THEM.
if they have any special pet names for each other pretty normal ones! baby, babe are the most common. cassie likes to say honey and dear sarcastically because she thinks those make her sound like she’s a 50s housewife but secretly kinda likes calling him honey.
if they ever split up and / or get back together hah UH yeah. cassie leaks information about completed STRATCOM ops and leon eventually finds out and they have a huge fight. leon leaves the next morning and they end their relationship. he doesn’t turn her in because he still loves her and knows she did it with goodness in her heart but he’s just so conflicted. he just basically says turn in your resignation and leaves. they do eventually get back together! they break up early 2004, see each other in 2006 when cassie reaches out to him for his contacts to help her father who gets sick and then in 2011 they’re present in the civil war in the east and they get together after reconnecting through that.
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like they meet each other’s parents for the first time! they invite them over for dinner along with cassie’s sisters and nieces and nephews. it’s VERY chaotic but it goes really well. leon’s mom loves cassie. uhh cassie’s dad scares the shit out of leon just because he’s a Jokester and lives for freaking leon out because he’s so obviously very nervous lmao.
what their names are in each other’s phones leon’s phone has cassie as “cassidy 🖤”. cassie has him in her phone just as “baby”. bonus she has his name in her phone the few days after they decide to have a kid as “sperm donor”. leon goes “cassie” in his disappointed voice and she rolls her eyes and finally changes it.
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ) at the moment just their friday movie nights and whenever they go out of country on a mission they buy a magnet for their fridge!
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first leon usually falls asleep first and wakes up first. cassie usually stays up late on her laptop researching and writing.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon leon is big spoon 80% of the time but he likes to be jetpacked too!
who hogs the bathroom leon after he gets back from a really gross ass mission takes hours but cassie usually hogs it day to day.
who kills the spiders / takes them outside cassie flips out and leon gets a cup and a piece of paper, puts the little guy outside. there have been multiple occasions where it sounded like cassie was in legit danger and leon came skidding into the bathroom only to find cassie standing on the toilet.
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abailey · 4 years
wandavision / mcu phase 4 speculation
going under the tag for potential spoilers, but now that we are a few episodes into wandavision - which is supposed to kick off phase 4 and impact a lot of the upcoming films - i wanted to give my prediction for what might happen
in wandavision we watch wanda have the life she wants, with the man she loves, her two children, and hopefully - if we’re lucky - a well kept secret of an uncle pietro return. i’m still optimistic for that due to plenty of actors/actresses saying they had nothing to do with a project/marvel studios only for them to actually be working with them (tatiana maslany as she hulk is the most recent example!). so the fact that ATJ hasn’t confirmed or said anything could just be marvel keeping a tight lid on things. we know they sometimes don’t even tell their actors what type of scene they are filming. i also don’t think evan peters pietro will replace him, because it just doesn’t make sense. that isn’t her brother. she wouldn’t recognize him or have an emotional connection to him, and vice versa. i think evan peters will play a different role. but that’s a whole other tangent i could spend too much time on because i have a lot of thoughts about it.
ANYWAY all to say, i think we are going to continue to see her building this life that she wants. i don’t know if she is in 100% control or if someone is doing this to her, but either way, i think the series will end with her losing it all. vision, her brother (if he’s there), and her boys. 
or so we think.
i believe the tie in to dr strange is going to involve wanda looking for them across the multiverse - either with his help or he needs to catch up with her to stop her from breaking a fragile reality. i hope it’s not a “she’s crazy now / wanda is a villain now” arc, just a woman who has lost everything over and over again and now - knowing the full extent of her powers - is determined to get it back.
this will lead to a billy kaplan / tommy shepherd reveal. it could even be cool if the wandavision end credits was a high school setting of one or both of them just living normal lives. i don’t think it’s too out of reason to follow the idea that her boys were reborn/reincarnated or just adopted in the 2000s following the break down of her little pocket reality, making them teens in the present. plus then we would get the kaplan family (aka the best family) and (fingers crossed, marvel) the canonicity of billy being jewish. 
we also know that america chavez is going to appear in dr. strange 2. i think this is pretty significant not only for the YA connection but also because america and billy in particular have a big connection in the comics. he - in the future as the demiurge - basically creates her homeworld/her people (if i recall). what if she can help find the twins? she can hop across realities, she has a connection to one of them, and in the comics she is also looking for billy. so maybe that will be how they all cross paths with each other.
my theory is that dr strange 2 will not only be about wanda searching for/finding her boys across the multiverse and the consequences of that, but we’ll also get the beginnings of billy being the next sorcerer supreme meant to take over after dr strange. it would make sense that that sort of reveal would be in a dr strange movie. so cue a mentorship type of deal between billy and stephen that we might see expand in future films, that mirrors the kate/hawkeye relationship (and hopefully others). which will make what my theory about what the 5th avengers movie will be more emotionally impactful.
so by then you hopefully have billy, tommy, and america together. i believe kate will have already been released in her show, and cassie already exists and we know has been recasted, and - if rumors are true - we could also have a teddy and an eli by then as well. nate is probably going to appear since we have a confirmed kang but who knows when that reveal will happen.
all this to say. i believe that mcu phase 4 is essentially going to have this through line between the shows/films about gathering and bringing together the young avengers. wandavision kicks it off. i think avengers 5 (which kevin feige i believe confirmed will eventually happen? probably in phase 5) will be a young avengers movie. centered on the nate richards/kang reveal and conflict that occurs between the team, future kang, and the other heroes that are trying to stop him. give me the conflict between the YA and the adult heroes over what is right in this scenario! especially the shift for these kids going from “these are my heroes and my idols” to “no you’re wrong and i’m going to fight you over it”. i would like to see it!
alternatively, a young avengers disney plus show is they are cowards over a canonically mostly lgbt superhero team taking the spotlight but let me dream.
like it makes sense narratively as well. we can assume that after endgame, the avengers have sort of disbanded. or at the very least aren’t a defined team. tony, steve, thor, and natasha are either dead or gone. the world of heroes is shifting and expanding, and how cool would it be for the next avengers team to be a bunch of kids who are doing it out of the belief that someone has to, and if the adults won’t figure it out, they will. 
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“Even The Power Of The Moonstone Is Not Completely Yours”
That’s what the Blue Girl said to Cassie in Beginnings. Before that Cassie was very guilty and very hesitant. This speaks a lot to Cassie’s motives, though, doesn’t it? I mean, I've seen a lot of people talking about how Cassie seems to only have this vague motivation of “ah yes powerrrr” and how it seems so typical Disney villain. I’ve even seen people say it takes away her character. But the thing is that Cassie isn’t after power. In fact, i’d say her actual motive is to discover herself and her own path in life. Independence, success, things that aren’t bad themselves. The thing about this line that gets to her isn’t “The power of the Moonstone” because she wants power, it’s the fact that it’s “Even it’s not completely yours (hers)”. I mean, she grabbed the Moonstone because she wanted something that was her own. A path to follow, a destiny for herself, something that shows her she’s meant to be someone. Something she didn’t have to share. It wasn’t about the power held in the Moonstone. A need for power isn’t what sent her over the edge in that moment. It was her desire to have something, absolutely anything that’s just hers.
I mean think about her life. She was abandoned by her mother. Her dad loves her very much but it’s been made very clear he wasn’t always the best at parenting. For Cassie’s entire childhood she never really had the attention a kid needs and deserves to grow up healthy. Then she was a servant class worker. That’s the lowest of the low. She was literally meant to wait on and serve other’s. She was a handmaiden for gods sake. Servitude isn’t easy, even when the person you’re serving is someone kind like Rapunzel. I mean, god, the kind of self esteem you end up with being placed at the lowest point in a social hierarchy like that- which is absolutely where she was put. When you’re literally a servant you don’t matter. Your opinions, your beliefs, your values, your dreams. It’s all supposed to be set aside, it’s all supposed to come second. Servitude in general is fucked up tbh, especially for someone like Cassie. Because Cassie was NOT servant class for lack of spirit or work. She tried and tried and tried to rise above her station. And whenever a chance for her would arise, she’d be expected to put someone else first every single time. Want to join a warrior army? Sorry, Rapunzel’s sad you don’t wanna be her servant before and that your dreams matter more than having fun, therefore you gotta give up on them. Want to be a guard? Sure, only when you’re done with your impossibly long list of servant duties because those matter more, and of course you’ll look like a jerk for it because you aren’t picking Varian and entertaining his crush on you over your literal dream opportunity to get out of the servant class. You finally got your chance to show everyone you’re good enough to be a guard? Sorry, the princess has this magical destiny and you gotta go play a supporting role in that, bye. Even her attempts to help Rapunzel as a friend and advisor were shoved aside time and time again. I’ve seen people criticize Cassie in The Great Tree for getting so touchy about Rapunzel ignoring her advice, especially how she was wrong about Adira anyway, but completely forget that this isn’t the only time. This is the breaking point for Cassie. She gives advice that Rapunzel ignores in multiple episodes. For example, in Freebird, she suggests they don’t trust the random creepy strangers, but Rapunzel ignores her and they end up almost trapped as birds forever. In Goodbye And Goodwill, Cassie knows how to make the townspeople happy but Rapunzel ignores her and everyone has a miserable time at her events and actually like Cassie’s ideas, which Rapunzel ignored. I could go on and on and on tbh about all the times Cassie was right about something but blatantly ignored by Rapunzel. Many of these instances are accompanied by Eugene or someone telling Rapunzel it’s her choice, as if Cassie’s points don’t matter whatsoever. And I mean, honestly, Cassie’s whole job on the mission was to protect Raps, and it was made pretty clear that’s not needed. It’s also made clear that Cassie’s not her equal on the journey either, though. So if her role isn’t as Rapunzel’s warrior/soldier, and her role isn’t as Rapunzel’s friend/advisor, then what is it? Her lady in waiting. Her handmaid. Her servant. Take your pick of vocabulary. That’s how she was kinda treated, weather purposefully or not. I mean, in The Great Tree she’s reminded of that. “I’m not a servant” she told Adira, who replied “Oh! I thought that’s what a Lady in waiting was?” and throughout the episode that’s how she’s treated. Throughout the series that’s how she’s treated. She’s a friend, sure, but in the end she’s a lower ranking one to the people who’s opinions actually matter. The people who aren’t servant class citizens. 
Basically, Cassie, of course, feels hurt. She didn’t matter much to make her family show the affection she needed growing up. Her dreams and hopes and ambitions didn’t matter enough to get her out of the servant class. Her (often correct) opinions and concerns are absolutely never enough for Rapunzel or the rest of the group to listen to or even consider.
Cassie never mattered tbh. At least she was never allowed to feel like she did. She was never allowed to feel important or valued or even like she was on equal footing with...literally anyone. That’s what happens when your mother treats you like a servant, your adult life is spend working your ass off for your dreams and still being a handmaiden and nothing more, and when you are your best friend in the world’s lady in waiting. Cassie tried to ignore it but as she said in her song, Crossing The Line, it was a gap that Rapunzel could never let her quite forget.
Maybe in a way Cassandra wants power, but it’s not the kind some people are assuming she wants. Cassie wants power over herself, over her life, over her destiny. She tried so fucking hard for so fucking long and she thought that maybe if she just grabbed the magic stone her purpose would become clear because she has to have some purpose beyond being someone's servant, right?!? And when it didn’t do that she started to doubt herself and what she’d done.
Cassie never had a thing for herself because her entire life has been servitude. Her doubts went away when the blue ghost girl told her that the one thing she’d gone and taken for herself wasn’t actually hers. Part of it belonged to Rapunzel. Part of Cassie’s only possession belonged to the person she’d been serving. It was a painful reminder of that role, the servant class, the thing she was trying to hard to break away from. It was like she could never NEVER escape it and never own a single thing that didn’t belong to someone else first, because she as a person always belonged to someone else first. And that’s how the ghost girl got Cassie to go along with her plan. She reminded Cassie that what’s hers isn’t hers but that it’s okay because that can change. And of course after years and years of hoping and trying and working so fucking hard and taking every chance she possibly could, Cassie went with it. At this point she’s cast aside her dreams, her hopes, her ambitions, every single thing she’s ever worked for just so she can own one thing, hold onto one thing for herself because she knew that nothing was ever going to change and that all she could do was fight to keep one thing for herself. I mean, god, I remember seeing screenshots where Cassie asked “What if I don’t even have a destiny?” and that’s terrifying to see how she’s thinking. I mean, god, she had so many ambitions and hopes and she worked so fucking hard for such a long time but she’s been worn and broken down so much by her subservient role that she’s left asking if she even has a destiny at all. She doesn't have control of her ambitions, those depend entirely on weather someone else is willing to give her a chance, and they aren’t. She doesn’t own herself, she’s a servant, she belongs to Rapunzel. She doesn’t own a single thing because even the Moonstone’s power, something she desperately grabbed for herself because she needed something, anything that’s hers, isn’t fully her own either. That is terrifying. And of course as horrifying as it is for me to even fucking thing about, of course Cassie felt a billion times worse. Imagine that helpless, broken, terrifying feeling for one second. Combine that with the sheer trauma of her uncovered childhood memories which she obviously hasn’t recovered from even now. Cassie was given one chance to make a choice and do something for herself. Breaking free completely from the path of good, choosing to oppose Rapunzel, she feels like those things are her choices. She shows clear guilt and remorse at times but for the love of god can you imagine being so desperate that you ignore your conscious and everything you’ve ever stood for just for the smallest dose of some sort of glimmer of control and agency over your life? 
I mean, let’s analyze all three of her songs.
Waiting In The Wings (and reprise): 
“I was meant for glory, but that’s never what my story brings, and yet I keep on waiting”
“When you have the passion and the drive, you expect your moment center stage to arrive”
“I show up with heart blazing, ready to achieve amazing things, but i’m left waiting in the wings”
“I hear my cue and yet i’m kept there waiting, know what to do, but yet I stand there waiting. It’s always someone else who sings, while i’m left waiting in the wings”
“Always overlooked unfairly, while pretending that it barely stings, but it stings, yes it stings”
“I’ll shed no tears, i’ll only keep on waiting. If noone cheers, well I can keep on waiting. Who cares how loud the silence rings?!? You’ll find me waiting in the wings”
I mean, god, this song just speaks to the strength of Cassie. This has been it. This has been her ENTIRE life. Every. Single. Minute. And yet her passion, her drive, her ambition and hope, her blind faith that if she just keeps working and keeps working and follows her dreams one day she’ll have her big moment because that’s what hero’s get. That’s what’s supposed to happen when you keep pushing through. That is the hero’s journey. Cassandra is what happens when a hero doesn’t get their journey. And yet here she’s still standing resolute. You can feel her pain, you can tell she’s never felt anything but this. She’s so resolute, she’s always pushing through, Cassandra is brilliant, but there’s only so much rejection a person can face and so much faith a person can muster. She is a warrior stuck playing servant and that’s so incredibly frustrating but she doesn’t break until the reprise and I commend her for making it that far, honestly.
“Guess by now I ought to know my place. Do you humble duty with a smile on your face!”
“I crave so much, and yet I kept on waiting. One glance, one touch, and I just kept on waiting. And when it came, it came with strings. So I kept waiting in the wings.” 
Here Cass has to watch herself at FOUR YEARS OLD. Cleaning up like a handmaiden, waiting for someone to give her validation and for her moment to come. Here’s her, EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO. Doing the same thing as now. Being someone’s servant. Waiting for her moment. This is when Cassie realizes that she cannot keep waiting. That she’ll wish her whole life away if she doesn’t make some sort of move. Twenty two years wasted, what’s double that? Tipple? A whole lifetime? And of course seeing the thing she was waiting for back then- her mother’s love- be snatched away from her when her mother abandoned her completely? That broke her because she saw her own strategy fail. Her patience and persistence and faith thrown in her face. Her traumas and LITERAL REPRESSED MEMORIES torn back up into the front of her mind and it fucking hurt. I think this is when Cassie really realized that she had n o t h I n g. How low she really already was and that she wasn’t going to rise beyond it anytime soon. That’s what pushed her to take the moonstone, because it was literally the only thing she could ever do to get out of the path she was on, and right vs wrong doesn’t matter in the slightest during that kind of primal, desperate moment where every single scar and wound on her with open and raw and left festering and infecting for literal days.
Crossing The Line:
“This has to stop now! This thing where you think that you’ve been my friend and don’t even hear how you condescend the way you’ve always done!”
“There’s a line between the winners and the losers. There’s a line between the chosen and the rest. And I've done the best I could, but I've always known just where we stood. Me here with the luckless. You there with the blessed.”
“And the line between the beggers and the choosers, is a line you never let me quite ignore. How I've tried to cross that great divide, but I've never had the chances you were given. You don’t know how much I've been denied.”
“Well i’m not being patient anymore! I’m crossing the line! And i’m done holding back, so look out, clear the track, it’s my turn!”
“I’m taking what’s mine! Every drop, every smidge!”
“If i’m burning a bridge, let it burn! But i’m crossing the line! And for us if we’re over that’s fine!”
Now I've seen some criticisms with Cassie for calling Raps privileged and saying she’s got some sort of advantage over Cass. And I get it. Rapunzel was abused. She was locked away from the world for eighteen years. She’s got trauma. But Cassie isn’t talking about some contest of trauma and who’s had it worse. She’s talking about Rapunzel’s class and Rapunzel’s destiny. I mean, honestly, Raps is a princess and Cassie her lady in waiting. You’d have to be blind not to see the difference there. And not only that, but Rapunzel had this whole magical destiny thing going on to where a bunch of glowing stones literally lead her where she was supposed to go and she’s guaranteed the crown once her parents pass. Cass had to work and work and work to carve her own destiny and she could never get anything out of life other than literal servant even with all the working and hoping and waiting she did. Cassie did everything right, anything you could ever ask of someone, but she was just...dealt the worse hand in life, honestly. The reason she’s upset at Rapunzel about this isn’t out of jealousy, though. Raps never meant to, but she directly oppressed Cassie herself. I mean, Cass is her lady in waiting, her handmaiden, her servant. And Rapunzel treated her how any royal would treat their servant. Like she was in charge and her opinions mattered more. I’m not saying she didn’t try her best. But like Cassie said in her song, she was never quite allowed to ignore where they stood. What her class was and what Rapunzel’s class is. Lines where she’s talking about “taking what’s mine (hers), every drop, every smidge” and “It’s my (her) turn!” may feel selfish, but that’s not necessarily bad. Cassie’s whole entire life has been sacrifice after sacrifice, completely full of waiting and giving in to the will of other’s. Again, I gotta reiterate, she is literally a servant. Cassandra SHOULD be a little more selfish. What she’s did was wrong, but in her terrified, helpless, traumatized, broken mind, she realized that she was a victim of oppression- which she is- and so she reached out and grabbed the first thing she could take and she held onto it with everything in her because she just wanted SOMETHING in this world. And in her mind, Rapunzel trying to take that from her was just another example of her being treated like a servant, because that’s what she is. Cassie isn’t right to do what she did, but she’s not thinking clearly, and it’s because she’s finally realizing just what she’s really been through and realizing her persistence isn’t working, she’s letting her defense down because she realized it’s not going to work, and everything she’s tried to shove down is hitting her at full force and clouding her mind completely.
Nothing Left To Lose:
“The path i’m on is a path paved in black, i’m taking that road, and i’m not looking back!”
“Yes, it’s true, my path is dark, but I see where it ends!”
“Despise me, that’s fine, i’m taking what’s mine, even so! Not like you! You lost your nerve, you lost the game! But you and I, we’re not the same!”
“I’m not lost! This fate was mine to choose! So I chose to lose my doubt and lose my chains! Lose each weakness that remains!”
“I only want my rightful dues!”
“I lose no tears and lose no sleep! What I want I take and keep! “
Now this song was the hardest to figure out. It’s like Cassie both realizes what she’s doing is wrong and thinks its worth it, but it still doesn’t feel like she’s coming from a place of full hatred or spite. Imma use her own line from all the way back in season one to describe her. She didn’t make the right choice, she made the only choice. She could have passively went along with Rapunzel’s destiny. She could give up at any time and submit and go back to her life. But how can she? Would she go back to waiting? Go back to serving? Back to pain? Back to trauma? Back to a life where she doesn't even have the opportunity to choose anything else for herself? “My path is dark but I see where it ends”, she knows she’s the bad guy but she’s so terrified, so broken, so desperate to escape the hole she was trapped in that she’s willing to be the bad guy if she can have anything else. “I’m not lost, this faith was mine to choose” is another line that backs that up. And then there’s her line “Lose my chains”. God that says a lot. I’ve been making a lot of claims about how she feels about her position in life, and this backs it all up. She’s in chains, emotionally speaking, socially speaking, she’s a servant. Cassie’s life is captivity. Cassie has no choice, really, but to wait and hope. She had one chance to break the chains, to break free, to be a person, even if a bad one, and she went for it. Of fucking course she went for it. Cassandra is doing the wrong thing but of course she is! Doing the right thing would sink her farther into her hole of oppression and trauma and I don’t know if she’d even be able to handle that, honestly. Whatever happens, I don’t think she’ll be willing to go back to being a servant. Either she gets her chance as a hero or she follows her road as a villain, but playing support isn’t an option she’ll choose because she’s been down that road before and she’ll lose everything if she goes back to it.
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deathbyhysteria · 5 years
nsb update !!
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i said i would post a photo update of my simmies, so here is my nsb family!
counter-clockwise from the top: cato (gen 3 heir 💛💛💛), cassiopeia (or cassie for short, his alien wifey from sixam), heather (the youngest, and also a twin), farran (second-oldest of gen 4 and the only boy!), dove (heather’s older twin), and zelda (first-born!)
i can’t tell you how in love i am with this family, they’re honestly the best (and i have been playing them so much that i have been neglecting my disney family 😂 hence no update - yet).  i can’t believe cato had 4 kids!! (i’ve never had a sim as naturally fertile as cassie, every time they woohoo’d she would fall pregnant) and look, farran inherited his grandmother’s red hair (remember meaghan from gen 2??)! and the mix of alien and human genetics is just so cute, not to mention all the different personalities all under one roof!!
i still don’t know who will be the gen 4 heir yet, because i’m having a tough time deciding between farran and heather.  i don’t have long left to decide!  zelda is already a young adult now, and cato’s completed all his generation tasks, so i’m in that awkward in-between phase where gen 3’s finished but it’s not quite gen 4 yet lol. if i’d been posting i probably would have asked you guys who you think should be the next heir!
i wish i could’ve shared this generation with you guys.  gen 3 has been my favourite by a long shot!  they’ve been so much fun to play and i would have loved to develop their characters with you through my storytelling.  it’s just one of those things, but if/when i’m in a place where i can start posting again, i will!  again, i still keep my family tree updated (which i linked to in my last post), so you can always check that out too.
i will be back at some point with an update for my disney princess save as well!
~ lou 💛✨
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midnightkens · 5 years
im gonna ask abt the Kids of the mcu: peter (rip, hes still mcu to me), shuri, cassie, harley, monica, lila barton & morgan (i'm not counting other clint's kids bc theyve barely gotten anything to work with)
Peter: How I feel about this character: my sweet child whom i adore with my whole heart
All the people I ship romantically with this character: mj, ned, i used to want peter and cassie to meet bc now i think they’d be cute together but rip to that dream
My non-romantic OTP for this character: peter and may, peter and tony
My unpopular opinion about this character: none i adore him
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: for disney to stop being greedy so that he can come back/for him to meet cassie lang
Shuri: How I feel about this character: shuri has never done anything wrong in her life and i love her
All the people I ship romantically with this character: she’s a badass lesbian and i ship her hardcore with mj
My non-romantic OTP for this character: t’challa and shuri
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk if this is actually unpopular but people need to realize that she’s literally the smartest character in the mcu and stop being salty about it
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we got to see her kick more ass in endgame
Cassie: How I feel about this character: one of my faves
All the people I ship romantically with this character: low key peter parker, mj
My non-romantic OTP for this character: cassie and scott ofc
My unpopular opinion about this character: do people even have unpopular opinions abt cassie 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i want to see her become stature. i wish she hadn’t had scott ripped from her for five years. i need to see her be her dad’s partner and get excited about it
Harley: How I feel about this character: i like him and i wish we had seen more of him
All the people I ship romantically with this character: nobody really? maybe cassie?
My non-romantic OTP for this character: him and tony, harley and peter
My unpopular opinion about this character: i can take him or leave him tbh even tho i loved his and tony’s dynamic in im3
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish we had seen more of him bc he didn’t deserve to be forgotten about
Monica: How I feel about this character: i knew i would die for her as soon as she asked maria if she was going to stay home and watch fresh prince or go to space with carol
All the people I ship romantically with this character: nobody quite yet since last we saw her, she was little, but once we see adult monica that’ll most def change!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: monica and maria, monica and carol, aka her moms
My unpopular opinion about this character: literally none
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i hope we get to see her become a superhero. i don’t read comics so i don’t know much abt her as captain marvel but it’d be awesome to see
Lila: How I feel about this character: ehhhh? she’s just kinda there? i didn’t mind the addition of laura and the kids tbh but it wasn’t necessary
All the people I ship romantically with this character: none
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i guess lila and clint? and her brothers
My unpopular opinion about this character: i want to see her, laura, cooper and nate used more as a plot device shoveled in to serve clint’s EG arc
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: not really sure, but if they use her and the other kids again i won’t complain about it. 
Morgan: How I feel about this character: i would also die for her
All the people I ship romantically with this character: no one lmao
My non-romantic OTP for this character: morgan and tony, morgan and pep, morgan and peter…and happy…and rhodey….and a lot of people don’t judge me
My unpopular opinion about this character: a lot of people thought that she didn’t make sense/was just shoved in like the barton kids but i disagree lmao. esp since her relationship with tony is one of the sweetest things about the entire mcu
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: goooood i want her to become a hero so badly. i want her to be peter parker’s little sister. but mostly? i wish she’d gotten more time, a lifetime, with her dad.
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