#cassiopea black
sorry but I now am fully committed to the all girls marauder au. it’s like crack. the boys were cool and stuff but everything is better when it’s for the girls and the lesbians!
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flamingpudding · 10 months
Cassiopea and Orion #2
Previous Part
A/N: I probably shouldn't be thinking up so many different story lines. But my mind won't let me focuse on something else in peace unless I write these snippets and parts out. So here have another part XD I still have a whole Danny and Bruce backstory conversation in my head that I will probably write out at some point too.
"Really B, another one?" A red helmet wearing guy huffed the moment he spotted her, the little black haired blue eyed girl, sitting on a railing by a huge computer set up Ellie was sure Uncle Tuck would have drooled over.
She blinked at the new arrival before her eyes went over to the man. The one she had told that Phantom lost his haunt. When she had spoken these words the air around the man had changed. Before Ellie even really knew what was happening, the man had turned away from her, talking to the still tense boy before whisking the both of them away to a cave. The place she was now, and one after another more and more of the weirdly dressed people showed up. Each of them appeared to feel the need to comment on something, Ellie heavily believed to be an inside joke.
She let her eyes wander over all the arrivals, her fingers nervously drumming on the metal of the railing she was sitting on. Watching them carefully, despite what Danny had told her, she would bold at the first sight of danger from them. They didn't appear to have any ecto-weapons but that could be false impression. Like the GIW. They had appeared so incompetent only to do a 180 decades later.
"So what is going on? Is B printing adoption papers already?" The red and black one appeared to joke and Ellie tilted her head. There definitely was a insider joke she was not aware of. It would be weird to ask them about it wouldn't it? It would also be rude and tactless. Danny and Aunt Jazz had tried to teach her to not always blurt out every question that pops up in her head. Key words, not always.
"Why would the furry need adoption papers?"
She blinked at how a couple of the people broke out laughing while the kid, who had been watching her like a hawk, was now full on shooting daggers at her. She was pretty sure the kid would have thrown a literal one at her, but something as keeping them from doing so. She heard a grunt, and her eyes went back to the man that had brought her here.
"Not necessary." The man muttered as he turned to face them, clicking a key on the keyboard of the computer, and Ellie blinked as an image of Phantom popped up on screen. The people laughing appeared to quiet down now. "She already has a father."
"Mom." Ellie automatically corrected, shrugging when they looked at her. Before everything had gone to shits and Danny's capture, he had become quiet the mother hen, especially with Dan's and her de-aging. The constant mothering and worry about their well-being had caused Dan to joke that Danny was acting like a mother and she had continued to run with that joke. Even after they had to put Dan into a frozen state under Frostbites care in Far Frozen. The two had silently agreed on that Danny was their mom. The past didn't matter and she would honour their silent sibling agreement.
She didn't elaborate any further and they seemed to get that as they turned back to the man by the computer, putting their attention on that. Though she did noticed that the other kids eyes lingered on her longer.
"This is Phantom. A ghost hero stationed at Amity Park. Code: Rho, one of Cassiopea's dying stars." The man paused, and Ellie swore he had looked at her under his cowl. "And this girl's, Elliza Danielle Phantom Nightingale's, mother. Code: Jupiter, the wandering star."
"How do you know my full name?! Plus, my only recently added ones! They are like only a month old! And what about these weird Codes?" She blurred out wide-eyed, staring at the man in bat costume.
"Even if sparse Phantom and I stayed in contact using these codes." And Ellie narrowed her eyes at him. "Doesn't answer my question."
"Actually, B we would also like to know more." One of the onlookers, that's what Ellie decided they were for now, piped up.
Bat guy grunted, staring them down but not answering. The onlooker in blue sighed but Ellie wasn't giving in. She crossed her arms, keeping her balance by floating slightly on the railing.
"Look, you big bad bee, if you can't tell me that, then how am I supposed to trust you to help me, let alone the rescue of Da- Phantom!"
The onlookers snickered as she held her little staring contest with the big bad bee. Jokes on that guy she had held staring contests with Frighty before and he doesn't even remember how to blink at times.
"Phantom and I correspond about various topics since our teen years." The bat guy finally admitted. "One of which was about... our children."
Ellie blinked several times. Until her eyes widened in realization and she pointed an accusing finger at bat guy. "You're the one that kept calling Danny about parent advice! Like how he got me to go to online school and prevented me from sneaking out or how he handled Dan's anger tantrums!"
"Wait... B went to someone other than Agent A for parent advice?" The red and black onlooker questioned and Ellie shrugged. Danny had always been sort of parenting her since he was 16 and Dan once they learned he was aging lower and then the de-aging happened. She did remember that Danny got his first phone call about parent advice when he was around 24.
Now that Ellie thought about it. That was also around the time he took her aside to tell her about the emergency code.
"Which one of us do you guys think was the cause?"
"Demon Brat."
Ellie blinked once more, her attention turning back to the onlookers as thet started to argue among themselves. She tilted her head, watching them. Looks like she accidentally got them off topic. Though now she really wanted to get the story out of Danny once they rescued him. For years she had caught snippets of Danny's phone calls, to think that the guy on the other end was a armored spandex wearing furry. She couldn't wait to tell Dan about that.
Well, once their mom was saved and her brother stabilized again.
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alxssarosex · 2 months
Hi!! I need u to elaborate on the black sisters hc u have bcoz I am invested!!
A secret 4th sister not mentioned much coz she died mysteriously?? Sign me up plz
I would love to!! It's slowly becoming my favorite headcanon I made up.
So I was thinking a flower name like Narcissa (ivy,dahlia,azalea) or ofc a star (lyra,lynx,cassiopea) or I like Taurus for a name you guys should help me decide a name for her we could snatch my every rose has its thorns OCs name and call her Hyacinth as well.
I imagine her either blonde or with black hair and grey eyes (I can find a fan cast if you're interested).
For personality traits I imagine her kind of ambivert, sarcastic,blunt and witty and as I mentioned in my previous post extremely smart, emotionally stunted and most likely on the spectrum I'm leaning towards her being Sirius's age but friends with Regulus's group/Slytherins in her year.
She was a Slytherin but almost a Ravenclaw she practically had to beg the sorting hat to put her in Slytherin.
Her+ Barty= the genius duo of Hogwarts and nobody would ever guess either of them were that intelligent unless they decided to be annoying about it.
Her favorite cousin was Evan.
In canon if we try to place her in there she died during the rise of the death eaters she was first to die and no one knew what exactly happened just that her body was found outside the black manor the rumor was that it was either her mother during a episode or voldemort himself.
She was like Sirius in the sense she didn't know how to shut up for her own good but she wasn't as loud or obnoxious as him.
She was Cynus's favorite daughter and druella's least favorite daughter (druella's favorite was Narcissa).
She was known to be a very beautiful girl but in a siren like way.
I have so much more I could add but lazy if anyone wants more send a ask and I'll answer <3
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Okay, tell us about your fave jellies specifically! I'd love to learn more!
If I'm going to be honest, most of my jellyfish knowledge sorta floats around aimlessly unless I'm looking for something specific, but I am all for telling a few of my favourite jellyfish facts! (For the record, my favourite jellyfish is the Upside-down jellyfish- specifically the Cassiopea andromeda :>)
Anyway I'm done with the beginning ramble now, I'll just get started :)
Scientists have only begun to tag jellyfish rather recently, beginning near the start of the century (if memory serves me right). Lots have been discovered through this, such as their daily migration patterns and whatnot
Though, what does interest me the most is the fact that scientists have discovered that the box jellyfish (likely the C. fleckeri, or the poster child of venemous jellyfish) "sleep" (or at least, lie motionless on the sea floor at nighttime). It's very funny, and a behaviour I believe to be shared with all box jellies of the Chironex genus (though... who knows? Maybe it might be typical box jellyfish behaviour)
What is proven is that Upside Down jellyfish do, in fact, sleep! This particular study also showed that melatonin works on Upside Down jellyfish as well... which is pretty neat I think.
If you'd like to preserve a jellyfish in liquid, a 5-10% formalin solution will do (or a 70% alcohol solution). The first reply in this thread is very helpful, actually! (though I doubt anyone here is interested in liquid preservation)
Another thread suggested using Magnesium Chloride to kill (oof) and fix jellyfish for pictures and then transfer(?) to a solution of alcohol or formalin.
The Compass Jellyfish is a sequential hermaphrodite, being born functionally male and then developing into a female upon maturity!
The Black Sea Nettle (C. achylos) and Purple Striped Sea Nettle (C. colorata) happen to be very close genetically :D! I suppose they are found roaming similar areas (around the mid to southern coast of California and Upper Mexico), so it makes sense.
They are also my favourite sea nettles and after realizing that the Monterey Bay Aquarium had wallpapers of them, they have swiftly replaced the subway bosses as my lockscreen :)
Jellyfish in the wild have slow metabolisms, so they can actually tolerate the numerous "dead zones" in the ocean for quite a while (dead zones being areas that algae and the like have completely sucked the oxygen out of).
One of these jellies is the Egg Yolk jelly, which often frequents these areas during the day (when competition is high)
The black sea nettle has "internal anchoring structures" that make it suited to swim through high currents without damage, though when I tried to look for that "internal anchoring structure" online I found nothing. Consequently, the author of my first jellyfish book, Lisa-Ann Gershwin, happened to be one of the biologists that described the species in 1996(?), so good for her :)
Ok, last bullet point before I run everyone ragged with jellyfish facts... Moon jellyfish are generally difficult to differentiate between species but here are a few distinguishing characteristics:
The A. labiata, sometimes referred to the Pacific Moon Jellyfish, may have 16 scallops (curves at the edge of their bell), while the A. aurita (or the posterchild of all moon jellies) tend to have 8. (This method may be imperfect, though. Or I might just be bad at counting).
The A. limbata has beautiful distinguishing brown bands at the edge of its bell, and generally resides in Arctic waters. Some of its polyps attached to pieces of trash were believed to be found at the coast of Northern Japan in the Spring and Summer of 2014, which is really interesting....
Anyway! That ramble ran for a while, ehehe... It's almost been an hour since I sat down and wrote all of this, hopefully you've learned something!
┏ (゜ω゜)=☞(:◎)≡
Ah! As for the candy... Here's some caramels made with some ground Jellyfish Powder, courtesy of the students at Obama Fisheries High School :)
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centuriesrpg · 2 years
Actualización personajes canon:
Avery, Richard
Longbottom, Alice
Black, Arcturus
Black, Alphard
Black, Andrómeda
Black, Bellatrix
Black, Cassiopea
Black, Cygnus
Black, Druella
Black, Marius
Black, Narcissa
Black, Orion
Black, Pollux
Black, Regulus
Black, Sirius
Black, Walburga
Bones, Amelia
Bones, Edgar
Burke, Caractacus
Carrow, Amycus
Crouch, Caspar
Crouch, Charis
Crouch, Bartemius
Diggory, Amos
Digle, Dedalus
Doge, Elphias
Dolohov, Antonin
Dumbledore, Albus
Dumbledore, Aberforth
Evans, Lily
Evans, Petunia
Fenwick, Benji
Figg, Arabella
Fletcher, Mundungus
Flitwick, Filius
Greengrass, Gareth
Greengrass, Keith
Hagrid, Rubeus
Hooch, Rolanda
Karkarov, Igor
Lestrange, Rabastan
Lestrange, Rodolphus
Lupin, Remus
Longbottom, Frank
Lovegood, Pandora
Lovegood Xenophilius
Malfoy, Lucius
McDonald, Mary
McGonagall, Minerva
McKinnon, Marlene
Meadowes, Dorcas
Minchum, Harold
Moody, Alastor
Ollivander, Garrick
Pettigrew, Peter
Prewett, Fabian
Prewett, Gideon
Prewett, Lancelot
Prewett, Mafalda
Prewett, Muriel
Podmore, Sturgis
Pomfrey, Poppy
Potter, James
Quirrell, Quirinus
Riddle, Tom
Rosier, Evan
Shacklebolt, Kingsley
Sinistra, Aurora
Slughorn, Horace
Snape, Severus
Sprout, Pomona
Trelawney, Sybill
Vance, Emmeline
Vector, Septima
Weasley, Arthur
Weasley, Molly
Yaxley, Corban
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ajollybirdcollector · 2 years
my year of 2022 in books, movies, tv shows, albums & fan fictions.
{books}. 13 books, 4440 p.
1# sharp objects, gillian flynn ~ 321 p.
2# pride and prejudice, jane austen ~ 389 p.
3# my year of rest and relaxation, ottessa moshfegh ~ 289 p.
4# a deadly education, noami novik ~ 313 p.
5# gone girl, gillian flynn ~ 555 p.
the last graduate, naomi novik ~ 388 p.
the silent patient, alex michaelides ~ 339 p.
the cruel prince, holly black ~ 370 p.
the wicked king, holly black  ~ 326 p.
the queen of nothing, holly black ~ 305 p.
hood feminism, mikki kendall ~ 258 p.
dark places, gillian flynn ~ 424 p.
convenience store woman, sayaka murata ~ 163 p.
{movies}. 4 movies, 522 m.
elvis (2022) ~ 159 m.
death on the nile (2022) ~ 127 m.
top gun: maverick (2022) ~ 131 m.
fear street, part 1: 1994 (2021) ~ 105 m.
 {tv shows}. 7 tv shows, 54 ep.
1# reservation dogs, season 1 (2021) ~ 8 ep.
2# stranger things, season 4 (2022) ~ 9 ep.
3# heartstopper, season 1 (2022) ~ 8 ep.
young royals, season 1 (2021) ~ 5/6 ep.
my umbrella academy, season 3 (2022) ~ 10 ep.
bridgerton, season 2 (2022) ~ 8 ep.
peaky blinders, season 6 (2022) ~ 6 ep.
Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities, season 1 (2022) ~ 8 ep.
{albums}. 18 albums, 214 songs, 776 min.
1# strange trails, lord huron (2015) ~ 14 songs, 55 min.
2# the stranger, billy joel (1977) ~ 9 songs, 42 min. 
3# igor, tyler the creator (2019) ~ 12 songs, 39 min.
4# favourite worst nightmare, arctic monkeys (2007) ~ 12 songs, 38 min.
5# superache, conan gray (2022) ~ 12 songs, 40 min.
6# harry’s house, harry styles (2022) ~ 13 songs, 41 min.
7# carrie & lowell, sufjan stevens (2015) ~ 11 songs, 43 min.
8# pony, rex orange country (2019) ~ 10 songs, 33 min.
9# cleopatra, the lumineers (2016) ~ 11 songs, 33 min. 10# dizzy up the girl, the goo goo dolls (1998) ~ 13 songs, 45 min.
my head is an animal, of monsters and men (2012) ~ 12 songs, 53 min.
stratosphere, duster (1998) ~ 17 songs, 53 min.
titanic rising, weyes blood (2019) ~ 10 songs, 42 min.
heaven or las vegas, cocteau twins (1990) ~ 10 songs, 37 min.
cape god, allie x (2020) ~ 12 songs, 43 min.
2, mac demarco (2012) ~ 11 songs, 31 min.
lonesome dreams, lord huron (2013) ~ 13 songs, 58 min.
young the giant, young the giant (2011) ~ 12 songs, 50 min.
midnights, taylor swift (2022) ~ 20 songs, 1h & 09 min.
awaken, my love (2016) ~ 11 songs, 49 min.
{fan fiction}. 37 fan fictions, 3M 702k
1# art heist, baby! {hp; jegulus, wolfstar, dorlene & rosekiller} ~ otrtbs, 38 ch., 219k, completed
2# choices {hp; jegulus, jily & wolfstar} ~ messermoon, 56 ch., 624k, completed
3# evitative {hp; drarry} ~ vichan, 29 ch., 222k, completed
4# you belong to me (i belong to you) {hp; tomarry} ~ child_otkw, 18 ch., 104k, wip
5# quite like us {hp; jegulus} ~ alarainai, 16 ch., 67k, completed
6# the miseducation of draco malfoy {hp; darry} ~ magpie_fngrl, 7 ch., 37k, completed
7# after everything, always {hp; jegulus, wolfstar & dorlene} ~ reggie4dayzz, 32 ch., 236k, wip
8# the bucket list {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 17 ch. 32k, completed
9# just lovers (like we were supposed to be) {hp; jegulus, wolfstar, marylily & dorlene} ~ zeppazariel, 24 ch., 321k, completed
10# crimson rivers {hp; jegulus, dorlene & wolfstar} ~ zeppazariel, 40 ch., 403k, wip
intermission {hp; rosekiller} ~ zeppazariel, 4 ch., 43k, completed
redivider {hp; drarry} ~ vichan, 12 ch., 75k, wip
tea, cigarettes, and whiskey {the secret history; francis/richard} ~ jorsten, one-shot, 3k, completed
teenage wasteland {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 9 ch., 51k, completed
adventures of a suicidal gentleman {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 23 ch., 47k, completed
cassiopea lily malfoy {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 15 ch., 37k, completed
lessons in grace and decorum {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 21 ch., 48k, completed
goodnight from your future husband {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 5 ch., 13k, completed
code name L {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 17 ch., 32k, completed
“dad says” {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 13 ch., 39k, completed
you’ve got the antidote for me {hp; drarry} ~ kandakickass, one-shot, 20k, completed
ship of theseus {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, one-shot, 18k, completed
dwelling {hp; drarry} ~ aideomai, 6 ch., 83k, completed
lumos {hp; drarry} ~ birdsofshore, one-shot, 41k, completed
lily’s boy {hp; drarry, snupin, ninny & sirius/charlie} ~ somewheressword, 109 ch., 746k, completed
how miraculous {hp; jegulus, jily, wolfstar & dorlene} ~ flipp, 12 ch., 37k, wip
house colours {hp; jegulus & wolfstar} ~ buttons_n_bose, one-shot, 3k, completed
operation keep black in the dark {hp; jegulus} ~ arctiinae, one-shot, 6k, completed
i am yours {hp; rosekiller} ~ heyhoessslol, one-shot, 2k, completed
don’t blame me, love made me crazy {hp; jegulus} ~ coup_de_foudre, one-shot, 14k, completed
like a balast {hp; jegulus} ~ orphan_account, one-shot, 4k, completed
never have i ever {hp; jegulus} ~ moonymoment, one-shot, 3k, completed
you fell apart like a stone {hp; jegulus} ~ kaedeeee, one-shot, 5k, completed
till forever falls apart {hp; jegulus} ~ nikipa, one-shot, 5k, completed
from now you love me {hp; jegulus} ~ orphan_account, 5 ch., 14k, completed
delenda est - rebooted {hp; harry/bellatrix} ~ lord_silvere, 6 ch., 44k, wip
i’m only here because of you {hp; jegulus} ~ miriammt, one-shot, 4k, completed
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protego-diabolica-rp · 2 months
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Bienvenida al foro
Bienvenida Cassiopea Black. La segunda hija de Sirius Black, que puedes conocer en nuestro foro.
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edwin--artifex · 8 months
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Video from the series "String of Pearls" directed by Cinzia Th. Torrini/ Written & directed by: Cinzia Th. Torrini / Production: Cassiopea Film Production S.r.l., Rome/for Marchesi Antinori S.p.A., winemakers
Voice over: Edwin Alexander Francis
N°. 1: Le Mortelle
The Le Mortelle estate is located in the Tuscan Maremma near the town of Castiglione della Pescaia. It was once part of a even larger property called La Badiola, important enough to be already identified on the maps of Grand Duke Leopoldo II of Tuscany in the 19th century. The Hapsburg Lorraine rulers of the Grand Duchy, by draining the marshy and malaria-ridden area around Grosseto, the local capital, wished to make their La Badiola and Alberese estates model properties for the raising of cattle.
The estate has belonged to the Antinori family since 1999, and it has worked both on the vineyards and the new cellars with the firm conviction that the area, at the time just emerging into prominence in the overall panorama if Italian wine, had a very significant potential for the production of high quality wine. The family also believed that here the finest characteristics of the terroir and the varieties to be planted could fully find an excellent expression.
Mortella is the name of the wild myrrh which characterizes this coastal area of Tuscany and is the symbol of the property: it also derives its name from this fragrant Mediterranean shrub.
for in-depth info ->
The Antinori family ->
N°.2 ->
The Guado al Tasso estate is located near Bolgheri on the Tuscan coast, 96 kilometers (60 miles) to the southwest of Florence. The 300 hectares (750 acres) planted to vineyards on the property are in the center of the so-called” Bolgheri amphitheater”: rolling hillsides which surround a splendid plain which slopes gently towards the sea and create a micro-climate with unique characteristics. Guado al Tasso, the flagship wine of the estate, expresses all of the force and suppleness of this corner of the upper Maremma. It has contributed to raise Bolgheri to the level of the most important areas of Europe’s viticulture, expressing a decisively Mediterranean character of power, elegance, and balance.
N°.3 ->
The Fattoria Aldobrandesca estate is located near the town of Sovana in the isolated, uncontaminated southern part of the Tuscan Maremma. The area is characterized by its fertility, indeed by its virtually wild character. In this rich territory, the Aldobrandesca estate represents a microcosm of incredible variety. In the space of a very few hectares, the soil takes on many different shadings of color: white pumice stone, tufaceous soils which range from yellow to garnet red, black volcanic rock. And, yet again, all the various shades of brown. It is here, with this diversity of minerals, that international varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Malbec are cultivated, as is the native Aleatico, all with interesting results, immersed as they are in a microcosm of differing soils and in a temperate micro-climate which benefits from the nearby presence of the Argentario peninsula, jutting out into the Mediterranean Sea.
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N°.4 La Braccesca estate - Montepulciano
Just a few miles away from the city of Montepulciano, near the border between Tuscany and neighboring Umbria, the La Braccesca estate is surrounded by a splendid territory, first Etruscan and Roman, then medieval and Renaissance. The property extends over 508 hectares (1255 acres) where, once upon a time, the holdings of the Bracci counts– who gave their name to the estate - were located: the counts, whose name means “arm” in Italian, also gave their coat of arms to the property, an armored arm which holds a sword. The land owned by La Braccesca is situated in two very close, but entirely different, zones: Montepulciano, the classic and prestigious area of “Vino Nobile”, and Cortona, which has made a name for itself in world markets principally with international grape varieties, above all Syrah. These two different “souls”, the essential spirit of different terroirs, represent the La Braccesca style with its respect for tradition and, at the same time, tireless research, its balance between the old and the new, its professional mastery in its work and its passion for quality. The wines of the La Braccesca estate are the results of this happy synthesis.
for in-depth info ->
The Tenuta Tignanello estate is in the heart of Chianti Classico, in the gently rolling hillsides between the Greve and Pesa river valleys. It extends over an area of 319 hectares (788 acres), of which about 130 (321 acres) are dedicated to vines. Two of the estate’s prized vineyards are on the same hillside, Tignanello and Solaia, on soils that originated from marine marlstone from the Pliocene period rich in limestone and schist. The vines enjoy hot temperatures during the day and cooler evenings throughout the growing season. The estate’s two signature wines, Solaia and Tignanello, are produced from these vineyards and have been defined by the international press as “among the most influential wines in the history of Italian viticulture”.
for in-depth info ->
N°.6 ->
The Castello della Sala towers over a tufaceous promontory of the Umbrian Apennines (at 534 meters, or some 1750 feet, above sea level) just a short distance away from the boundary with Tuscany and approximately 18 kilometers (11 miles) from the historic city of Orvieto. It is a lovely medieval fortress, surrounded by historic, hillside Etruscan villages, halfway between the Paglia river and the peak of Mount Nibbio. The estate consists of a total surface area of 500 hectares (1250 acres), 140 of which (345 acres) are planted to vineyards located at 200-450 meters (650-1480 feet) above sea level on clayey soils rich in Pliocene-epoch fossils of volcanic and sedimentary origin. Approximately eight hectares (20 acres) are covered by olive groves for the production, for domestic use, of extra-virgin olive oil.
for more in-depth information on the Castello della Sala castle and vineyard, please click on the link below ->
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denofthemetalrat · 9 months
Dragonland is a really great band for anyone who loves their Power Metal and Symphonic Metal. There ain't much to say, the vocals are great, the guitars, the drums, the bass, it's good shit. Not everyone will agree, but hey, I post what I like and talk about it! I recommend their songs such as: The Black Mare. Fire and Brimstone. and Cassiopea.
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arwensloanebarnes · 1 year
Cassiopea black
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nemfrog · 7 years
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“The great square of pegasus.” Star-land : being talks with young people about the wonders of the heavens. 1892. 
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finrays · 3 years
Actually, I know I've told this story on Discord, but I don't think I've told it here???
Since the first time I was old enough to go hiking, nature was what lit me up inside, and as I got older, and started thinking about a career, that was the way I leaned; I wanted to make the biggest impact possible with my tiny human life and sphere of influence, and I was like "Hmm. Everyone needs a clean, healthy planet to live on... and I really like this field, I really like working outdoors and using my brain AND my hands, and being involved with the health of Earth... I can help EVERYTHING in the world at once by dedicating my life to THAT :)"
(And now you know where all my explosive love for Elisabet comes from, heheh.)
Anyway! It led to me being an absolutely DEVASTATING ECO-NERD in high school (as if I ever stopped.) I was in AP Environmental Science. I ran a student recycling program. I did a study on electricity use in classrooms. And I was the captain of the EnviroThon team.
Yes, I know, lol.
ANYWAY. We'd been on a field trip to the Keys earlier in the year... the perks of growing up in Florida. One of the ways they taught us to identify mangrove species was that black mangrove, Avicennia germinans, extrudes salt through the backs of its leaves. "So it'll taste salty if you put it in your mouth." We laughed, continued our lesson, went snorkeling. Got stung by Cassiopea jellies and saw some nurse sharks. Good trip!
Fast forward about six months to the EnviroThon. My team, about 3/4 of whom were on the same field trip with me, and I, are at a table in the "ID of Local Plants" part of the course. I pick up a branch on offer. "Hmmm," I think to myself, "I'm pretty sure that's a black mangrove. It has the right leaf shape and orientation. Just to be sure, though..."
I pluck a leaf off the branch and lick it. It tastes salty.
"Ah," I exclaim with a grin, "that's black mangrove."
Dead silence. The proctor is staring at me in horror. My teammates are staring at me in horror.
"You... licked it," someone finally says.
"Well, yeah," I reply, "the pores on the back of the leaf, remember? They exude salt. It tastes salty."
"Or..." says the proctor, in a tone that suggests I'm quite literally insane, "the salt gives it a silvery sheen???"
"Oh," I say, trying to sound cheerful and not like I'm suddenly the Freak Queen of Druidsville, "I didn't know that :)"
Yeah... none of them remembered the field trip at all :) :) :)
Anyway, we won the competition and walked away with like, $150 apiece and a belly full of wild-boar-and-saw-palmetto-heart stew, which is a WINDFALL for a high school student. But the damage was irreversible. It's in my yearbook; one of my friends wished me luck in college, but pointed out that someone who can identify foliage by licking it will probably be ok in an environmental science track.
You'd think I'd have learned my lesson about licking random plants after that, but no... I ate some berries on the side of a trail up in Maine while I was interning up there, thinking "I'm like 99% sure these are blueberries," and then the 1% tormented me all the way down the mountain.
They WERE blueberries... I'm here and alive, typing this to you, obviously. But... I decided to take a plant ID course after that, haha. And that led to me meeting my undergraduate mentor, and publishing my first scientific paper on Schinus terebinthifolia... and that led me at least partway to where I am today.
But, even though it worked out for me... please don't lick plants.
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ama0310 · 3 years
Arranged Marriage (Sirius Black)
Character: Sirius Black Requested: No Type: Fluff
Summary: Sirus Black being in an arranged marriage with a pureblood.
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"Mother I do not see why I must attend. You never cared for me to attend these dinners before." Sirius muttered as his mother scoffed at the Gryffindor banners around his room. She barged into this closet and took out a black suit.
She threw it at him and placed a hand on her hip, "You've been a disgrace to this family since you joined that foul house. This is your chance to redeem yourself. You're a Black for Merlin sakes, act like one."
"But mothe-"
She glared at her eldest son, "-But mother nothing, you will change into that suit, fix that hair, and be on your best behavior. You better be down in fifteen minutes. You do not wish to know what will happen if I have to come up here."
He winced as she slams the door shut. He gently picks up the suit and changes. He then slicks his hair back a bit and pats it down so a few loose pieces fall on his face. He looks at the clock and walks down grudgingly.
He has no idea why he had to be there. They usually enjoyed leaving him in his room during these dinners because he was the so-called "mistake" of the family. He also enjoyed staying in his room away from his family.
The doorbell rang and the family all waited in front of the door. His mother and father at the front while he and Regulus are behind them. Kreacher quickly opened the door and bowed.
"Abraxas it's good to see you old friend." His father greeted holding his hand out to shake.
Abraxas gave him a firm handshake, "You too Orion. A pleasure to see you again Walburga." He kissed her hand and then looked at Sirius and Regulus, "My how much you've grown. Looking so much like your father especially you Regulus."
Regulus puffed out his chest in pride while Sirius rolled his eyes. Sirius just wants to leave and go back to his room. The Gryffindor banners make him feel at home.
"We are quite proud of him. He's made it on the Slytherin Quidditch team. He's a good seeker. Have you brought Lucius and Cassiopea?" Walburga gloated then questioned looking at Abraxas. 'Oh Great more Slytherins' Sirus sighed.
"Of course, they should be here soon enough. Cassiopea needed to fix her appearance and Lucius is waiting for her. They are using Floo Powder." The adults nodded and made their way towards the dining room.
"Perfect dinner is going to be ready soon right Kreacher?" Walburga spoke kindly towards the house-elf she adored.
"Yes, Mrs. Black. Dinner will be ready shortly." Kreacher responded as Walburga sends him off to wait for the Malfoy siblings.
Abraxas was sat at one end of the table while his father was sat on the other end. His mother sat on his right while Regulus sat on his left and Sirus next to him.
After a few minutes, they felt two pairs of feet hit the bottom of the chimney. The duo made their way towards the others guided by Kreacher.
"Pardon our tardiness, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Lucius was kindly waiting for me to finish getting dressed. I just wanted to look as presentable as I possibly could. Your looks Mrs. Black make any young girl envious." Sirius looks up and mentally his jaw dropped.
She was breathtaking. Her blonde locks fall to her waist and her dress hugged her in all the right places. Her face as angelic as her voice and her smile as bright as the sun.
"Oh, Cassiopea stop that. You've grown up to be such a beautiful young lady. And you Lucius you look exactly like your father." Walburga smiled brightly. Abraxas's face filled with pride. His kids in his eyes were perfect Slytherins. Powerful, well valued, pretty-faced, and clever.
"Thank you Mrs. Black you look as lovely as always. Mr. Black thank you for inviting us to dinner." Lucius' strong voice complimented pulling the chair out for his sister to sit and then gently pushing her in.
Sirius scoffed at his falsely good-mannered tone. He knew it was all an act. He's seen him in school bullying others. Trying to bully him, but thank Merlin for his friends.
A few moments later the servants brought out the food and they all began to eat. Sirius looks up from time to time to stare at the young girl who was sitting right in front of him. She looked very angelic and ladylike. She was the epitome of a female Slytherin hence why they called her in school the Slytherin Princess.
"So..." The dinner was coming to an end and Orion started smiling at his wife in pride. "We have an announcement. Walburga dear, do you want to do the honors?"
Everyone around the table looks up at the gleaming adults. Sirius had a bad feeling about whatever they were about to say.
She beamed at the suggestion, "Of course, so Sirius your father, Abraxas, and I were discussing our disappointment in you not joining Slytherin and associating yourself with foul people. We thought you were a lost cause until Abraxas gave us a marvelous idea. Abraxas please do tell them."
Abraxas cleared his throat, "We thought we could save you by making you associate yourself with people like us. People you are supposed to be around."
Sirius couldn't even assimilate what Abraxas was saying. Did they really just insult him, his house, and his friends in just two sentences?
"People I'm supposed to be around? Was is that supposed to mean?" His mother gave him a death glare because of his disobedience, but Abraxas ignored him.
"We think the best way to get you back on the right path and to ensure your family's bloodline is to marry someone that can teach you the ways of being a true Slytherin." Sirius couldn't even hide the look on his face anymore.
"Right path? Marriage? I'm sorry I'm not understanding. Who would 'teach' me to be a true Slytherin?" His words dripped venom.
He doesn't want to marry, especially someone who would be just like their parents. Blood supremacist, spoiled, Slytherins that don't even have an ounce of decency in their bodies.
Abraxas smirks at Sirius almost taunting like, "My daughter, Cassiopea. The ideal Slytherin raised right unlike you, but only time with her will help I'm sure."
The silence was deafening. Tension filled the room. All the kids looked shocked. It was like a slap towards both Sirius and Cassiopea's faces.
"I'm sorry what? But he's a blood traitor father. You can't let her marry a blood traitor. He hangs out with a mudblood and he's a Gryffindor for Merlin's sake." Lucius exclaims in the defence of his little sister. She was still in shock.
Abraxas looked at Sirius, "I've considered that, but I wanted to give Orion and Walburga the benefit of the doubt." He then turns to Sirius, "However if we do not see a change by the age of seventeen or my daughter comes with the complaint that you harmed her in any way then I will see no problem in giving her hand to Rodolphus Lestrange."
Cassiopea's eyes widen. She did not want to marry Rodolphus she knows the type of guy he is and she cannot even imagine how he would be as a husband. Her only choice was to marry the boy in front of her. The blood traitor in everyone's eyes.
"Of course it won't come to that. Sirius will follow in her footsteps most definitely." Walburga exclaims then turns towards her son, "Starting your fifth year you will be sitting at the Slytherin's table whenever you get the chance. You will sit next to your betrothed and will be as far away from your blood-traitors muggle-loving friends and sit with people you are meant to sit with. Is that understood?"
Sirius immediately protested, "Of course not mother. I am a Gryffindor, I will not abandon my house, and I will not abandon my friends, and I will certainly not marry for whatever intervention you want to give me."
The moment he utters those words his mother drew her wand from her pocket making him immediately shut up. The horrors of that wand reminds him of his darkest nightmares.
Cassiopea knew what was going to happen so she chimed in, "I accept." Everyone turned towards her. "I-I accept this arranged marriage and I will be able to change his point of view. He will be a true pureblood by the end of the year I can assure you. When will we be married?"
Walburga smiled at her future daughter-in-law, "The day after you turn seventeen sweetheart."
Sirius scoffed, " I will not accept this arranged marriage. No offense to you Miss Malfoy, but I cannot see myself marrying you or anyone at the age of seventeen."
She looks at him and gives him a small, but genuine smile, "It's not up to us anymore is it?"
The way she carried herself down towards the Slytherins table made the Marauders' eyes follow her figure. Her head held up high and her hair gently flowing down her waist. She was a sight for sore eyes.
"You're marrying her?" Peter gawked staring at the girl as she sat down next to her brother.
Since the dinner, the Malfoys were over a lot more. They always made Sirius and her stay together either sitting next to each other at dinners or locking them both in his bedroom.
She would try to speak to him, but he would either ignore her or make a short but harsh comment towards her. It was a miracle his mother never notices.
Sirius turns back towards his friends, "Let's hope not. I can't even imagine getting married to preppy prissy Cassiopea, Slytherin's princess, or as she should be referred to as the princess of darkness."
"Padfoot don't kid yourself. We all know she's the least evil Slytherin there. May I remind you I worked on a project with her and she was really sweet. Merlin knows how she's related to that awful family." Remus added taking a bite of his apple. Sirius rolled his eyes.
"He's right, Lily's books fell on the ground one time, and before I could even blink Cassiopea knelt down and picked it up. I think she just puts on a front." James chimed in with his mouth full of food.
"Plus she's one of the most beautiful girls in Hogwarts. It could've been worst." Peter says. "Don't look now I think she's coming over."
All four guys pretended that they were either stuffing their faces or writing for class.
"Hello, boys." Her angelic voice instantly caused Peter's face to blush. James and Remus smiled kindly at her while Sirius flat out ignored her. "Sirius may I talk to you for a moment."
"I'm quite busy Cassiopea. How about never?" His words caused her to roll her eyes while James kicked his shin. Sirius glared at James.
"Is that a way to talk to your fiancee?" He turned towards her finally looking at her. Peter was right she is one of the most beautiful girls at Hogwarts.
"I don't see a ring on that finger so you are no fiancee of mine and you won't ever be." He then turns back towards his food ignoring the looks his friends are giving him.
"Is there a problem here?" The boys groaned. "Lucius asked me to come and get you, Cassie. He said he'll letter your father again about Black's lack of cooperation."
"Oi Snivellus why don't you sniver off? Don't you have better things to do than to try and get with Sirius' fiancee? You do seem to always want someone you can't ever have." James jokes harshly. Sirius looks at Snape who was currently rolling his eyes.
"Didn't he say just a few seconds ago that she will never be his fiancee? Even though Sirius does not appreciate Cassie does not mean others won't. Others more suitable to be her husband." Sirius couldn't help but glare at the Slytherin in front of him.
"Do you mean someone like you huh Snivellus?" He stands up and gets in his face. Cassiopea immediately tries to stop their confrontation. "I see the way you look at her. It's the same way you used to look at Lily. Just because you can't have one of our girls does not mean you get to try our other ones. But here's the thing you'll never be with her. Even though I'm a blood traitor, Gryffindor, and basically a disgrace in any Slytherin's eyes, Mr. Malfoy chose me to be her husband. Not you. He chose a Gryffindor over you."
"Severus please...let's go. He's not worth it." Cassiopea tries to push him away. All she wanted to do was speak to him she did not think this would be the outcome.
"Oh no no no darling, you said you wanted to speak to me. Okay? Let's go then." He knew it was a dumb choice but all he wanted to do is rile up Snape who was currently glaring at him."Bye Snivellus have fun being alone for the rest of your life." He then grabbed Cassiopea's hand and dragged her out of the Great Hall. He let go after getting outside.
"Did you really had to be that mean to him? You bully him on a daily. That isn't very nice." She scolded feeling bad for her friend. He was only trying to come and save her from further embarrassment.
"And your fellow Slytherins bully almost everyone else here." She rolled her eyes and sat down on the grass. "So what did you want to talk about?"
She gave him a look, "We haven't had a decent conversation since the arrangement. Even if you don't like it, we are still going to get married."
Sirius shook his head, "We can stop it. They'll give up on me real soon when they realize that I won't change."
"You don't understand. I don't want to stop this." Sirius looked at her as if she grew another head.
"Look I know many girls are in love with me, but I'm not one to comm-"
"I'm not in love with you. I just can't marry Rodolphus Lestrange. Please don't let me marry him." Her eyes begged his. He stopped joking around looked into her eyes.
"Why?" Was all he could ask.
She scoffed, " Why? You really need to ask why? He's a cruel man. He never shows anyone an ounce of respect and he treats girls like garbage. He treats females like objects. He tried to raise a hand on me once." She whispered the last part as his eyes widened.  "He asked me out and I rejected him then out of nowhere he got mad and raised his hand to hit me. Thankfully Lucius was there to stop him."
"Why didn't you tell your father?" Sirius couldn't even fathom that a boy would ever try and lay a hand on a female.
"Rodolphus is also pureblood royalty. No matter how much father says he loves my brother and I, he will never argue against a Lestrange. They are the worst of them all. Complete psychos." She looked at her hands, "Which is why I need this marriage to work. Please please don't let me marry him. I know he will abuse me. I know he won't treat me right."
"I understand Cassiopea, but I can't change who I am." He tries to get her to understand but tears fall from her eyes.
She grabs onto his hand, "Please Sirius. I swear I will be a good wife. I'll cook and clean. I'll do whatever you want, please."
"I'm not saying you won't be a good wife, I-jus-how do you even know I'll be a good husband? I can turn out like Rodolphus." She shook her head.
"You're not like any pureblood family Sirius. You don't care about blood status, you don't value anything they value nor you believe what they believe." He tries to stay strong, but the moment he looks at her teary eyes he breaks.
"I won't let you marry Rodolphus I promise you." Her eyes lit up. Hope blossoming inside her. "I'll marry you, but I can't promise that they'll still let me after all the times Lucius complained about me already." She again shakes her head.
"The moment I letter my father saying you spoke to me and agreed to the marriage everything will be forgotten. All I need you to do is once a week sit next to me with the Slytherins just once. Either during lunch or dinner." She could see he was about to protest. "Just enough times for Lucius to write to my father that the plan is working. We just need them to think that I'm changing you. Please, Sirius. I swear I'll do whatever you want, but please just do this for me."
He looked into her crystal blue eyes and nodded, "Okay I'll do it."
She jumped on him giving him a big hug and he returned it. At that moment he promised himself he would do anything to protect her. He can tell that the others were right. She was different from other Slytherins. She's kind and sweet. She's compassionate and empathetic. She's everything he could fall in love with.
After she pulled away he took a small box from his pocket, "I know this isn't what you imagined your proposal to be, but cut me some slack, I wasn't planning this." She giggled and he opened the box. She gasped at the size and beauty of it. "I've had this in my pocket since the dinner. My mother gave me it, it's said to be good luck. Anyways, though I do not fully know you,  I do wish to. We've only spoken a few times before, but I want to change that. Is this proposal made out of love? No. Can it blossom? I hope so because I do not want to end up in a loveless marriage like my parents. So...to me, this ring is a proposal but also a promise, I promise you Cassiopea Alula Malfoy that I will try and be the man you deserve. I promise you that by my side no harm will ever come you. And I promise you that we will go through with the arrangement no matter what. I'll be by your side til the end of our days. It's you and I now Cassiopea. Now, will you make me the happiest wizard in the world and marry me?"
Cassie couldn't stop the happy tears from falling and nodded. Sirius gave her a smile and gently put the ring on her finger. Though the ring was not a sign of love, that was the day both of them started their whirlwind love story.
Maybe a part 2?
Send in requests!
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limetimo · 3 years
RAB fics I read this week
set those ghosts alight by justwhatialwayswanted - still catching up to be up to date but Regulus chose to be sorted into Gryffindor and Narcissa is a BAMF I love her your honour
Renewal by AzenorSage - Regulus' godmother Cassiopea Black can feel that something is Very Wrong and finds Regulus in the cave soon after Kreacher leaves with the Locket. Trying to save his life she feeds him a healing potion but it reacts with Voldemort's potion very weirdly aaand Regulus is de-aged to a toddler. Cassiopea is determined to raise him happier the second time around. Leonis Regulus Black is the future of the House Black. Really long, pretty great. Lots of focus on pureblood culture.
In A Years Time by tired_softy - Remus visits Potters' graves on the anniversary of their death and finds out presumed dead Death Eater Regulus Black snatched the little family away to safety before Voldemort could get to them. Time to break Sirius out of Azkaban.. Jegulily in making.
The Laments of A Dead Man by StarsOfMari - Regulus dies, is reborn, and is massively confused by the mental and emotional child abuse going around Grimmauld Place. Somebody give that boy a hug. Sirius tries but it's complicated
and I Looked Back on a Broken World by raziella - Harry does a Stupid and he and Hermione end up in the Marauders era. Time to make some friends and kill a Dark Lord. Also date your godfather while you're at it. Regulus' presence is small but about to get bigger I think
To Love is a Gift by silverfield - Regulus turns up at James' with very inconvenient memory loss. He knows he betrayed the Dark Lord but can't quite recall how or why.
Go Your Own Way by somniumfelix - Regulus happens to survive the cave and goes into hiding. His not-boyfriend keeps him in the loop. When they find out about the prophecy they decide to contact Sirius.
Chain Reaction by elder_millennial_trash, fuckboyregulus, givemethearapyimawalkingtravesty, Kiwiwhore, Pluto_Princess, Rory_justRory SEXY! SEXY! SEXY! DomBottom Regulus, subbyTop James, dresses, decorative chains, did I meniton sexy?
Power the Dark Lord Knows Not by Fantismal, Jormandugr - I'm yelling I read this one for three days straight. Kreacher can't deal with the fact Regulus is determined to walk to his death and goes to Sirius. Regulus agrees to work with Sirius and James on hunting the Horcruxes. I. this, my emotions, nobody can catch a break, the Blacks are going out with a bang, I love it.
as we endured by greatduwangs - Sirius saves Regulus from the cave and takes him to Dumbledore. The tags are promising me Therapist!Regulus in the future and I'm here for that!
Accidental Matchmakers by BunnyBopper James wants to prank Snape but... accidentally sends him into Regulus Black's arms and gets hit with his own bisexual awakening instead. Pretty funny.
Regulus Returns by SoulWeaver_Balinia (Naorimasa) for seirios aster - pure chaos. Regulus, who's been living god knows where as Tony White, finds out his brother is dead and decided to check up on the remaining family and Grimmauld Place.
maybe. by MostlyFandomTrash - the formating is a little messy but if you can work through that you'll discover a cute jegulus story feat Gryffindor!Regulus
Black by whitherwaywill Walburga did a funky black magic. When Sirius dies, Regulus is yanked from the dead and joins HArry Ron and Hermione on their mission.
Trouble Follows by Dolorous_nq . Regulus would really like to take a nap pretty please and thank you. Man can't even attempt a heist without beingkidnapped by his brother's Grouppie of Fried Chicken
To Whomever It May Concern by Living_Free - I laughed so hard at this one. Harry is raised by Wolfstar, Draco successfully adopts himself as Remus' son, Narcissa does not take Lucius' shit, and Slytherin Ginny is a little arsonist in making.
Professor Black by FaithlessBex History of Magic Professor Regulus!
Born to Run, Break the Mold by agentofreedom again, Regulus happens to survive the cave and is stuck with Sirius.
Rest In Peace by eracitor Regulus is dead. Regulus is missed. Lucius Malfoy has a time turner. Short but boy is it PACKED.
a burning hill. by phobos_irl musician Regulus is dying of hanahaki disease and is resolved to make the best out of lis last days.
Of Brothers and Fathers by protectmikasamuels2017 - Regulus is a professor at Hogwarts, Sirius Black is on the loose, and Harry Potter has questions. Beautiful.
Say a few spells and baby there you go by minkhollow - a sniplet of an argument between Walburga and Sirius
The Good Brother by ALeighS - Regulus spied for the Order and it earned him the post of a professor at Hogwarts. He's not going to let his brother hurt his students.
Orientation by minkhollow - sniplet, Regulus on his first Divination lesson.
Smile Away by WaggedyWynn Regulus and Narcissa being cousins
Carpe Noctem by evareinadeescocia - Seer Regulus would like it very much if James Potter minded his own. fucking. business!
through a glass, blackly by wheresmejumper - *screaming* mindblown, beautiful gorgeous I can't wait for the final chapter
when you were mine by battlehamster - Single James dad, fellon Regulus, former high school sweethearts, reluctant roommates.
Qui se soucie de la fête? J’ai envie de toi. by fuckboyregulus Barty and Regulus do the dirty at a party, that's it, that's the plot xD
Missing Pieces by orphan_account Lily is angry and hurt. Talking to Regulus Black calms her down.
after is always hard (but not unbearable) by DemiStorm for blackkat - the formating is just a block of text but Jegulily, Jams and Lily are dead and Regulus takes Harry from the ruins of Potter Cottage.
Black Deception by KatAttack325 Lily survives the attack on Godric Hollows and escapes to Sirius. The tags promise us Regulily
Of Barnacles and Mermen [+Podfic and Fanart/Coloring Pages] by xinasvoice for TheHufflebean (SarahBeanne) - okay so it's wolfstar with no Regulus BUT the premise is fun and it's really good and cute and it's MERMAID SIRIUS AU come on!
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Since a lot of people have expressed interest in the Jellyfish Otome game, I’ll go and release my current ideas for the lineup of romanceable characters (divided by “archetype”). Feel free to give suggestions or something of the like :)!! I will eat them. Bite. Chew. Devour.
The Childhood Friend - Common Moon Jelly (Aurelia aurita)
The Player - Some kind of comb jellyfish, I haven’t decided which one yet
The Bad Boy - Black Sea Nettle (Chrysaora achlyos)
The Prince - Upside Down Jellyfish (Cassiopea andromedia)
The Stuck Up - Crown Jellyfish (Nausithoe aurea)
The Mysterious/Quiet - Man o’ War (Physalia physalis)
The Awkward - Helmet Jellyfish (Periphylla periphylla)
The Otaku - An Irukanji jellyfish (Malo Filipina)
I’ll give explanations under the cut, for those who are interested :)
Moon jellies are widely seen throughout the world and humans have mild to no reaction to its venom. A very friendly species :), perfect for a childhood friend
I hate comb jellyfish tbh /hj. But comb jellyfish are, by in large, hermaphrodites (a term that is considered derogatory towards humans, I believe), which means they can have that gender swag 😎.
I have a small feeling that I might accidentally fall into some unsavoury pansexual stereotypes with this character tho, so lmk if I accidentally ever do anything questionable with them
Black sea nettles look GORGEOUS. Think of the AESTHETIC this one could be fitting rn
Idk the whole space theme seemed pretty cool. I could imagine the “perfect” character having that lmao. (though considering how well Yuuya works, I could also just combine this archetype and the Player archetype...)
People in positions of power tend to be the most stuck up lmao. what can I say. I’m probably going to enjoy writing this one a lot, considering my track record with oresama characters.... (yes im talking about sakuya can we please move on)
Ok so, the Man o’ War isn’t actually a jellyfish- it’s this thing called a Siphonophore which is just. “colonies” of different organisms working together. So imagine if the character was _____ ____ __ _ _________. Wouldn’t that be funny?
Idk what this trope exactly is but.... I like to think that this character would be very shy and skulk off into the shadows a lot (they are a bit of a vampire lmao). I already have ideas for this character and here’s a hint: they are associated with another person in this list :)
Philippino Otaku?? That’s just Anghel. Literally I could make so many comparisons between the M. filipina but I won’t so you’re probably just safe assuming that this character is pretty much a 1 : 1 replica of Anghel /hj
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pondsocs · 4 years
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Halloween Challenge 2020  — Day Five: Power Rangers AU
Part 1 ||  Part 2
Cordelia Stark  — Red Ranger
Cassiopea Bloom  — Yellow Ranger
Sebastian Griera  — Black Ranger
Sophie Kean  — Blue Ranger
Tag list: @ocfairygodmother @abbysarcane @villanele @stareyedplanet @butcherofblackwater @randomfandoming1  @perfectlystiles  @myocmultiverse
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