deancaspinefest · 3 years
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The Space Between | M | 73k
Author: darkheartinthesky | Artist: LadyRandomBox
His mom is back from the dead, Lucifer’s expecting a child, and Castiel has just told him there were seven archangels, not four. Why is his life so complicated?
Things get more complicated when Gabriel unexpectedly returns from the dead, claiming to be on Team Winchester in the fight against the devil and his son. He tells Dean the truth about the seventh archangel, the one without a name, uprooting everything Castiel thought he knew about himself.
As Dean struggles to navigate his relationship with his mom, the feelings he’s harbored towards Castiel come to the surface, who is now trying to piece together the missing parts of his life.
Dean wonders if he can ever hope to fit into Cas’s life the way Cas fits into his.
Link to fic | Link to art
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Eileen
No Major Archive Warnings Apply
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