#cat burglar nami
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themetalhiro · 16 hours ago
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What were they expecting ?
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dannymans66 · 2 days ago
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3 sword style Nami
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sampaisleyriot · 2 days ago
i laughed!
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Gray hair
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kalakamekanika · 3 days ago
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Ladieeess Ladies
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kirachune · 3 days ago
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some whole cake girls posting
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emil1863 · 3 days ago
lets see how badly tumblr destroys the audio/visuals of this.
ANYWAY! Context: This is for the @hotgirlsunny Server!!! The weekly challenge was time travel, and I basically created a love letter to Ikkaku :P
She's traveled back into the past with some magic rings and joins up with the Heart Pirates. (Nami x Ikkaku towards the end of it lol)
Parts of this are definitely left up to interpretation/not super concrete. I might write a fic later and didn't want to flesh out finer details I would inevitably forget...
Song Used: Ship to Wreck by Florence and the Machine
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commander-spaceboy · 2 days ago
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Luffy you are interrupting something right now!!!
Full below cut cause I didnt like it as much as the crop
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notemojustsad21 · 2 days ago
Strawhats if they had TikTok
Luffy: one of those randoms you see on your FYP and it’s of people doing stupid shit but like fun stupid shit. The Flash is carrying the video and it’s night time.
Zoro: He wouldn’t have TikTok at first but would get bullied into it by Nami or Chopper would have him get one so they could follow each other and he could like Chopper’s vids. On the gym rat side of TikTok. Doesn’t post anything.
Nami: Semi-popular posts GRWMs (get ready with me), but they’re the kind like “ get ready with me while talking shit.”
Usopp: art content creator whose only thing that got attention was either very stupid or like one of those “ my art never gets any attention” videos. Tries to stay out of the drama, though. Most of his followers come from Luffy or Nami bc he’ll do stupid shit with Luffy and make GRWM appearances on Nami’s account.
Sanji: Not popular but tries to be. He’s lowkey that one guy making shirtless POVs or thirst traps. Like those cooking thirst traps that men do. Only one or two of his videos have gotten popular and in an ironic way. He starts random fights with those cooks who make all that food in a giant tin bowl and don’t cook it properly.
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muffgobbler · 8 hours ago
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Sketch Dump 💝
…drawing a vehicle without reference was KILLING ME 💀 wtf is that😭
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nonoel-art · 11 hours ago
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solarjosei · 2 days ago
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Guys I still don’t have glasses so if this is messy or whatever just know that i had fun and that’s all that matters, this weeks prompt on @hotgirlsunny was ‘time travel’ and my 3 y/o is obsessed with dinosaurs rn so immediately this idea popped into my head but I couldn’t get the bones down so I gave up and then today at 1:30 inspiration hit me like a truck so I pumped it out AND SHES SO CUTE! I really did have fun! And my kid likes it too 🥰
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usernameforaboredcat · 1 day ago
Things I DID Like About The One Piece Live Action
So, I’ve been getting a lot of hate for my most recent post about how I PERSONALLY didn’t like how they writ Sanji, and a lot of people are saying I hated it when I never said that like once.
SO since I “hate” it so much why don’t I tell y’all stuff I DO like so hopefully I stop getting yelled at and called a hater when I’m really not.
Let’s get started!
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Inaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy
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In only the nicest way possible, Inaki as Luffy has the same cutie patootie wide eyed idiot vibes as the original Luffy himself. “Idiot” being in quotation because he’s just goofy, Luffy is definitely one of the most emotionally intelligent characters in One Piece.
I love his wide eyed “IM SO EXCITED TO BE HERE” mentality until shit hits the fan and he gets serious when it comes to those close to him/his friends.
There isn’t a lot to say other than I did enjoy his performance as Luffy, and I’m excited to see more from him as an actor.
On that note as well check out The Imperfects, I liked that and it has out cutie Inaki.
Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro
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A complaint I personally see is “he’s too serious”… have they SEEN the first couple of episodes or chapters of one piece? Yes, Zoro is goofy later on but he’s also serious, more importantly he’s serious in the beginning. Zoro was always serious, but he’s goofy depending who he’s with.
He’s not serious, per say, he’s closed off, much like another character I’ll talk about later. In the live action they removed Zoros two bounty hunter friends to assumably make Zoro more of a lone wolf and I like that, it show how much Kuinas death really effected him and his will to open up to people and make friends. Until he meets Luffy.
Zoro slowly opens up, it takes time to open up to people after loosing a friend and wanting to make more friends at risk of them dying as well. Especially his drinking scene with Nami at the Baratie, this goes for the both of them, but they’re both willing to opened up to another person and grow closer as friends, and I LOVED THAT!!
I hope Zoro does the foot clap in Drum Island.
Speaking of…
Emily Rudd as Nami
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Loved, adored, I LOVE WOMEN!!!
Look I’m not biased because I’m an aggressive bisexual, I just like her a lot as Nami. Something little I love that they added for Nami is how nervous and on edge she is basically all the time, scared to fuck up or get caught because the dread of Arlong is always lingering over her.
The moments she does open up are few, but you can tell that the bricks to her thick built walls are slowly crumbling, like the dressing room scene in Kayas mansion, her scene with Kaya in her bedroom I think was an amazing add, the previously mentioned drinking scene at the Baratie with Zoro.
I can’t wait to see more from her.
Taz Skylar as Sanji Vinsmoke
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Alright alright alright alright now I know what some of y’all are thinking, but PLEASE PLEASE HEAR ME OUT IM BEGGING 😭
I said the aspects I didn’t like, but I’m being positive and saying what I DO like about Sanji, so stop bullying me please.
I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I was instantly rizzed up, bite a chunk out of that WholeCake he’s packing, okay I’ll stop. But he’s still dashing, charming, and I do like his chemistry with Luffy in relating on “my father figure lost a limb for me” that was cute.
His love of cooking is there, his strength is there, and I like the little colder Sanji because his past still lingers with him and he’s being denied his true passion in life which is cooking.
And I wanna give a special shout out to Taz himself, getting a degree in cooking and training in kick boxing for his role as Sanji, true dedication to the role.
Are we all cleared up now? Has my hate train arrived at its station? Yes? Please?
Jacob Romero as Usopp
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He’s a massive pussy and a charmer and I love it!
I’ve heard some people say the live action “fixed” Usopp because he’s less annoying, which…bro. He’s not annoying, he’s scared, I think ANY sane person would be scared doing half the shit they have to go through, I know I would be.
I wouldn’t say they fixed him, just saying he’s more composed. He’s a liar, he’s an actor essentially, and he plays that well.
Speaking of Usopp…
Usopp (Jacob Romero) & Kaya (Celeste Loots)
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I love them, adore, so cute, love and kisses and rainbows and glitter and roses and unicorns all around!
We all know that the fandom has shipped one woman with Usopp since day one and it was Kaya, their chemistry was there and with Usopp leaving to adventure with Luffy it seemingly held off and blue balled their relationship until later in the story.
Oda doesn’t write romance, but when he does it always goes hard!
Am I saying Usopp and Kaya are officially boyfriend and girlfriend? No, course not. But do I think it’s more motivation for Usopp to come back and survive to see the woman who loves him.
So sweet.
Morgan Davies as Koby (Coby?)
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First of all, love the Aussie in the cast, me too the fuck! Plus, personally it was great to see him again in a franchise I love, the first movie I saw him in being in Evil Dead.
Anyway, if I had to admit, probably my personally favourite when it comes to manga, to anime, to live action. How nervous and skittish he is at the beginning, to becoming more confident in himself and his role as a marine are so well done, especially him already so early literally growing into his uniform, a sign of his growth later in the series.
I also love the little nod from Garp, since Koby used to work on a pirate ship he already knows how to man and take care of a ship, which gives him a level above other rookie marines.
They’ll probably push Garps group to the side in season two to focus more on Smoker and Tashigi, but I do hope to see Morgan again in season two.
Steven Ward as Mihawk
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When I say perfect, I mean perfect. Chefs kiss even. As iconic as his intro in the anime and manga is, I don’t think it shows the true power of the title Warlord probably, I don’t think we see that till Crocodile, but even he got his ass beat by a 17 year old. Warlords are powerful and feared, and Mihawks introduced does that perfectly.
How carelessly and effortlessly he destroys an entire ship and it’s men and captain with ease, all because they woke him up from his nap. He may be called MiHAWK but he’s always been more like a cat to me personally. Plus, now that we’ve seen the power of a warlord, it’ll really hype up Crocodile for Season 2/3, especially for those who are live action only.
Side note, Steven was at the last con I was at, so sweet and lovely, please adopt me. I got him to sign my Crossguild poster it was epic, can’t wait to add Joe (Crocodile) and Jeff (Buggy)
Speaking of Buggy…
Jeff Ward as Buggy
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The Buggy cult is real, some of y’all may remember the little Buggy in the bottom corner of Tumblr to promote the live action.
What I love most is how they terrifying they made Buggy. Less we forget this is the same man who fired a canon in a dudes face because he thought he said something about his nose in the manga. There’s also the clown phobia and the real life clown attacks back in I think 2016.
Buggy is both terrifying and hilarious and they pull that 50/50 amazingly. I love goofy Buggy, but I hope they keep how ruthless he is.
Also lemme suck that nose, ANYWAY!!!
Peter Gadiot as Shanks
(I reached my image/gif limit by the time I got to Shanks…ALSO THERES A LIMIT?!)
I don’t have a lot to say because he’s not on screen much, but I think that’s okay because Shanks appears like every ten years in real life in the anime like some cryptic.
But, he still kept that warm Shanks charm that he has that we all know and love from Shanks. And as Emily said herself, “Shanks is daddy” and I can’t agree more queen.
Shout Outs
These are for characters/performances that didn’t leave much of an impact on me personally but I still liked them.
Vincent Regan as Garp
Aiden Scott as Helmeppo
Ilia Isorelys Paulino as Alvida
Kathleen Stephens as Makino
McKinley Belcher as Arlong
Celeste Loots as Kaya
Alexander Maniatis as Captain Kuro
Craig Fairbrass as Zeff
Again, I really hope all this clears up my feelings for the live action, I never said I hated, not once, cause I never did.
It’s just like one piece itself, we all have bits and pieces we don’t like, from arcs to characters to designs to anything.
I like Skypia when many don’t, same with Thriller Bark. My friends don’t like Skypia or Thriller Bark. My friend likes Long Ring where I don’t.
We all have our own thoughts and opinions regarding one piece especially with it being such a huge series with so much.
I love one piece, and I’m not going to stop loving such a masterpiece.
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girlyguy · 24 minutes ago
I wish my super messy sketches were this amazing.
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Super messy lunch break sketches weehoo
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shroomyart404 · 3 days ago
One piece modern au where Luffy becomes an Entomologist as a profession and the strawhat are part of his research group.
Zoro has the outdoors survival skills, carrying around their equipment and tents. Sanji and Chopper on rations and medicine, and are most trusted with specimen handling.
Usopp is the photographer and noteskeeper
Nami and Robin are the ones actually planning the routes, making sure the weathers right, the marked and unmarked trails, organising things with the park rangers.
Franky’s the one actually getting them to these locations.
Luffy and Usopp are the only ones of the group to actually study bugs, although completely different fields. The rest are coming along for the fun of it
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cupid-roses · 2 days ago
The voices I give to one piece characters while I’m reading fanfics, a post
Luffy: Ayesha erotica
Zoro: the rock
Nami: a Scottish woman
Usopp: Kendrick Lamar
Sanji: philza Minecraft
Robin: morticia from the movies
Shanks: my very Mexican uncle named Edgar
Buggy: an Aussie with a SEVERE accent
Mihawk: Steven ward
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commander-spaceboy · 12 hours ago
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Frobin my beloved,,, they love each other soooooo much
Annnndd nami not being much help to franky LOL
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Og below the cut!
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