#cat grant makes supergirl have heart eyes
natalievoncatte · 7 months
Kara Zor El Danvers lived in a world of limitless sensation.
Thanks to her cousin, the world knew of her x-ray vision, but her eyesight went far beyond that. She could focus her attention and observe the mechanisms of the cell, or look skyward and see things so vast that they were invisible to the human eye. (She learned in her youth not to tell people that the entire solar system was, from time to time, engulfed in the digestive tract of a space whale so huge that its body was too big for humans to perceive) She could see colors lost to human vision and watch particles scatter off the atmosphere.
He sense of smell was beyond acute; had she the impulse, she could have tracked her family by scent. Her hearing was both gift and curse, as was her sense of taste, which she indulged with abandon thanks to her vastly more efficient digestive system and metabolism.
What most people never thought about was her touch. Kara could shake someone’s hand and read their fingerprint like braille. She was sensitive to the most minute changes in temperature or texture, and at times it could be just as overwhelming and overstimulating as her other senses. Kara learned to embrace it- she was a tactile girl from a race that disdained physical contact, even among lovers.
They had no idea what they were missing.
The first time Kara laid her hands on Lena Luthor was just after she’d arrested the fall of a multi-ton helicopter and dragged it from gravity’s grasp to bring it to rest on the roof of LuthorCorp. She’d checked the pilot first and…
Kara had eidetic memory. Perfect recall. It was another cursed gift, one born of the interaction of perfect healing with her alien brain. She would never forget seeing Lena for the first time. It was hers and hers alone.
Other humans could see Lena’s dark hair and soft pale skin, see the variation between her eyes, one a little more blue than green. They didn’t see what Kara saw; a thousand colors sparkling in those eyes like impossible gems, the heat bloom on her skin following the flush in her cheeks. The thundering of her heart in her chest beat a tempo in Kara’s ears, and then Kara touched her.
It was a simple gesture. No skin to skin, just a hand on Lena’s shoulder to steady her and ask her if she was okay, but beneath it Kara could sense her pulse and her body heat and was dimly aware of the electrical conduction of her nervous system.
It was heady, intoxicating. Even her scent- not the perfume covering it but the scent of *her*, her real scent, shot through with acidic fear, was intoxicating. Kara breathed it in and it exploded in her chest, making her feel a million miles tall.
The meeting was brief. Kara had to deal with annoying robots. There were always robots.
Later, Lena was there again and this time Kara was meeting her. Kara forgot that as she walked in with Kal… Clark. For those first few steps she wasn’t Supergirl or Cat Grant’s Assistant, she was herself, the person she only was around her closest friends who knew her secret. The one who walked tall, shoulders back, with nothing to hide.
Again, Lena was overwhelming. Kara was all but stunned by her, stammering and blushing. She didn’t know if there was love at first sight but first touch, just maybe. Lena’s hand was soft and warm, her grip firm, and Kara didn’t know why, then, that it sent such a jolt through her.
It was not the last time they touched.
Some thugs heaved Lena off her balcony, sending her screaming towards her death. Kara was there -she wouldn’t have had to hear it all over the phone- and caught her. It was a flawless rescue, scooping her from the air. Lena, terrified, clung to her for dear life.
Something happened on the way up. There was a brief, searing moment when Lena’s fear faded and she pressed in tight to her savior. Kara was acutely aware of the bare skin on the inside of Lena’s knee, the feeling of her soft calf against the back of her hand and the pull of Lena’s arms around her neck.
That night, Kara began to have feelings. Imaginings. Feeling silken smooth legs sliding under her palms, delicate hands clutched in hers, fingers laced. Wet skin slick on wet skin and clenching muscles, gossamer curls winding across her flesh in a symphony of pure feeling, hot breath on her skin. Teeth on her neck.
It felt weird, it felt wrong, it felt… predatory. Kara was scared of what she wanted, and how she wanted it- feral, with the wild abandon of an apex predator. Kryptonians were above such things. They were a race of stoic scientists who mastered and abandoned animal lusts and replaced them with cold technology Would she betray her heritage this way, too? She’d failed to keep Kal Kryptonian. What if she lost herself, too?
There were other touches. Soft hands on shoulders and lingering palms resting on arms. Lena hugged Kara and sheltered in her arms, drawing Kara around her like armor, and Kara let herself revel in it. She needed to protect Lena like she needed to breathe air.
Then came another. The Daxamite. The enemy, the lover, the jerk. He gave her touches too. Touches she was supposed to enjoy, supposed to want. Everyone told her so, even Alex who despised and suspected him at first.
She enjoyed it for what it was, and hated it for what it wasn’t.
Then he was gone and she was left again to longing. She tried to abandon the Danvers and Become Kryptonian, but she’d failed. Lena Luthor had gloriously corrupted her and she knew in the deepest hidden parts of her heart that whoever she was, she wasn’t the model Kryptonian youth, promised to the science council. She was Alex Danvers’s sister and Eliza Danvers’s daughter and Clark Kent’s cousin, losing herself in friendship and potstickers and guilt.
In the dark, Kara wept because she knew if she could change it all, if she could go back, save her world and her people, something of great value would be lost.
There was something between them, something terrible, something festering between every touch and it gnawed at Kara more and more with every lingering moment. Joy was shot through with terror when Lena would crowd in close to her, the pair of them giggling wine-drunk like the children they’d never been allowed to be. Children of tragedy, daughters of tarnished fathers, inheritors of legacies too heavy to carry alone.
More and more Lena and Kara let each other press close, each under the other’s shoulder, bearing the weight the weight as one. As one in every way except the one that mattered, until Kara’s heart hurt so much that she remembered those first days on Earth when she’d wished the green fireball had taken her pod too.
Then came the worst thing: the truth.
Kara wanted nothing more than to touch her, to feel skin on skin. She knew if she could hold Lena she could make it better, if she could come just shy of kissing the crown of her head and tell her how impossibly sorry she was that Lena would see, that she would feel and understand.
Instead there was only a wall of ice crusted with poison that shot red hot rancid agony through her veins, like a hot knife flensing her skin as her lungs crushed themselves. It felt like she was dying and she wanted it.
It felt like that the entire time. Every argument, every fight. Kara just wanted to scream. Scream at Lena at Mount Norquay with the ultimate weapon aimed at her heart, scream at her on balconies and rooftops and in fraught rescues where Lena shoved her away. Please just let me hold you one more time.
And then, one day, Lena came back. Kara was doing something meaningless -even with the world at stake she still had to write puff pieces for her asshole new boss- and was pacing around her apartment looking for the will to be human when it felt so pointless, and then she heard the staccato of Lena’s racing heart and pulled open her door.
It was explosive. Kara froze, stunned as if struck. It was like seeing Lena for the first time again, as she stood there with tear-wet cheeks in a winter coat with her arms and shoulders folded in fear, and Kara hated that she was afraid. She watched the invisible spectrum dance across Lena’s skin and was lost in her sea-sapphire eyes all over again and dared not even think the prayer on her tongue, a plea that came to her in Kryptonian first.
“I’m sorry,” Lena began, “I was wrong.”
Kara only heard the pain and knew she had to make it stop. Instinct drove her, the instinct she wasn’t supposed to answer. She embraced Lena with the utmost care, needing only to make it better, to make her precious Lena’s hurting stop.
Despite her photographic memory she would never recall who crossed the Rubicon. Maybe it was both of them at once. Lena touched Kara as she never had before, answering the intensity of Kara’s consuming attention in a way she’d always shied from before. Every flash of boldness from Lena drove Kara more feral and she sucked in a sharp breath as she left a hand print pressed in her door, thinking oh oh Rao I don’t want to hurt her, but if Lena was afraid she didn’t show it.
It all just sort of happened on instinct, like they both just knew what to do. Kara heaved her Lena into the air with a shocking display of strength, quivering with joy. Catching her wasn’t enough, she wanted to scoop Lena up and carry her off like a conquering hero, and she was, this was really happening.
They spoke only once, Kara asking the question. “Is this okay?”
Kara exerted every ounce of control she had, schooling every movement, commanding every brush of her fingers and movement of her hands. She let herself drink the sensations, etching a record of every facet of these moments that would endure until the end of her days. She’d never felt as alive as when she felt Lena’s body arch under her hands and the buzz in her throat as she cried Kara’s name.
The humans called it becoming one flesh. Kara thought that was silly. Now, she understood.
Lena answered her tenfold, answering Kara’s burning questions with her hands and lips and teeth, almost shocking Kara with her intensity.
To her surprise it was the after she loved most, feeling Lena’s soft, delicate, vulnerable body cradled in her arms, and when Lena sobbed into her shoulder, Kara wept with her and murmured all the promises again and again and again.
Later, after struggles and losses and a strange sense that it was all finally over, the great battles won, the great miracles all performed, Kara formed the metal and crushed the gems into being with her own hands, and would never forget the trembling in Lena’s hands as she circled the bracelet around her wrist.
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fazedlight · 10 months
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“IT’S OKAY, SPIKE!” Kara shouted, flying alongside the panicked dragon. “Easy, easy boy- OOF.”
An unwitting thrash of the dragon’s tail sideswept Kara in the air, causing her to tumble as he continued to rip ahead. 
“Supergirl,” came Lena’s voice in her ear. “Are you still there?”
“Yep,” Kara said, halting her fall to the Earth, surging back up into the sky and heading again towards the dragon. “Have you figured out why he’s upset yet?”
“We detected a disruption in spacetime. If he freaked out during Crisis last year, he may be sensitive to-”
“Another crisis?!” Kara said, nearly caught up to the dragon.
“Unlikely, Brainy is investigating the cause.”
Kara didn’t respond as she finally flanked Spike’s side, shouting words at him in an attempt to soothe - not that it was working all that well.
“Have you tried beef jerky?” came an amused voice behind her.
Kara startled, rotating in the air to see another figure, flying just a few yards away. In the dark sky, she could make out a… woman, a white supersuit, a red cape, short-cropped light hair. It was mid-turn that Kara realized there was a small bag hurling in her direction. Kara instinctively reached out to grab it, seeing Original Beef Jerky on the label. 
“Who are you?” Kara shouted, glancing back up.
“You don’t recognize me?” the stranger smirked.
“Should I?”
“My name,” the blonde said, “Is Kara Zor-L.”
It didn’t take long for Spike to calm down after that. A couple of bites of jerky, and the dragon amiably landed on the ground, seeming to physically shake off his nerves before shrinking back down into a peaceful iguana. Alana was relieved to have her pet back.
Kara eyed the new blonde warily, but this other Kara didn’t seem concerned. “I’ve been dealing with a brainwashed Legion member,” the other woman explained. “He threw me out of my universe. I need to get back there.”
“So the multiverse is back,” Lena said over comms, listening on to Kara’s conversation with… Kara. “Bring her to the Tower, Brainy and I can try to help her.”
Kara looked up. “Alright… Kara,” she said awkwardly-
“My Earth name is Karen,” the blonde responded.
Kara nodded. Thank Rao, this’ll be less confusing. “Alright, Karen. Let’s get you back to the team.”
“So you’re… Power Girl,” Lena said, eyeing the much older kryptonian. “And you were able to grow up on Krypton?”
“It’s a long story,” Karen said with a shrug. “When do you think you’ll be able to send me back to my Earth?”
“Just a few hours,” Lena said. “Brainy’s making some equipment modifications.”
“Looking forward to getting home,” Karen said. “Cat will be annoyed.”
“Wow,” Kara said with a laugh. “Different timelines, but somehow we both work for Cat Grant.”
Karen tilted her head towards Kara as her brow crinkled - Lena couldn’t help but think of how strangely familiar her expression was. “I suppose she would be a little old for you,” Karen mulled.
“Old?” Kara asked.
Karen smirked. “Cat is my wife.”
“Oh,” Kara squeaked, as Lena's heart skipped a beat.
“That’s not suspicious to the press at all?” Lena said. “You and Cat living on opposite sides of the country?”
Conversation had wandered - from Karen’s Starrware Labs and her development of environmental nanobot technology, to her superhero antics as Power Girl, to her marriage. Lena hadn’t missed how Kara’s cheeks turned bright pink with the mention of Karen’s love life, and how she took every excuse to duck out of the room to check on Brainy’s progress. 
But now Kara was back, and pacing, and nervous - and somehow that only seemed to amuse Karen.
“We’re good at privacy,” Karen said. “Though I’m opening a branch of Starrware Labs in National City, so soon this’ll be less of a pain in the ass anyway. It’ll be nice to be able to attend Carter’s baseball games without suspicion.”
“Carter?” Lena asked. “I guess Cat was previously married on your Earth, too.”
“The media went nuts when we started dating,” Karen smirked. “America’s Power Bisexuals. Ironic headlines, considering they don’t know I’m Power Girl.”
“You’re bi,” Lena asked curiously, noting again how Kara seemed flushed.
Karen shrugged. “Bi, pan, whatever. Sexuality in Krypton’s society was considered fluid.”
“What?” Kara said, confusion overriding her new shyness. “That sounds like Daxam, not Krypton.”
“What’s Daxam?” Karen asked.
Kara stared at Karen for a moment. “I’m… going to check on Brainy again,” she said, making her way out the room. 
Lena curiously watched after her, before turning back to Karen - who seemed to be far too amused at what was transpiring. Lena shifted in her seat, another curiosity coming to mind. “What’s my life like on your Earth?”
Karen shrugged. “You’re a powerhouse. Married to another tech genius, some Jack guy. It’s rumored you’re in an open relationship, you spend a lot of time with the Obsidian CEO.”
“Oh,” Lena said.
“Is something going on between you two?” Karen asked Lena, gesturing at where Kara went through to the door.
“Do you want something to be going on?”
Lena was going to rebuff, the words of course not ready to fall from her lips. But something stopped her. Maybe the familiar crinkle in the stranger’s brow, maybe the fact that the blonde was imminently about to leave the universe entirely. “I don’t think that’s a possibility,” Lena said regretfully.
“Why not?”
Lena shrugged. “Kara’s straight in this world.”
“Are you sure?” Karen said, her eyes seeming to dance with the almost familiar smile, last observed when Kara convinced Lena to buy an entire tub of ice cream. Lena couldn’t help but laugh, as much as the reality of the situation made her heart ache. 
But before she could formulate a response, they could hear the patter of footsteps coming back. “It’s ready,” Kara said, nodding in Karen’s direction. “Brainy says you can go home.”
Karen departed for her Earth - and normalcy resumed, as Lena and Kara crashed on Lena’s couch, consuming their late dinner from Chinese takeout containers.
Lena looked over at the blonde, who seemed… still unusually quiet, seemingly pensive. “Is it odd?” Lena asked gently. “Hearing about a different Krypton?”
“Yeah,” Kara said, pulling her legs up onto the couch. “It makes me wonder…”
“She’s just… very confident,” Kara murmured, staring down at her chopsticks.
“She’s older,” Lena shrugged. “Seen more.”
“I think even if I were a decade or two older, Cat would still eat me alive,” Kara smiled.
“Maybe,” Lena laughed.
A pause. “We’re… similar in other ways,” Kara said softly.
“Oh?” Lena said, her heart skipping a beat.
Kara shifted awkwardly, finally glancing up at Lena. “I overheard something she said. Her talking about you and Jack. And… Andrea.”
“It wasn’t that surprising,” Lena replied slowly, her heart pattering as she realized that Kara might be… trying to assess the situation. Which gave her the bravery to be a bit more forthcoming. “Andrea and I were together in high school.”
“Oh,” Kara said. And for a moment, silence fell again.
“Lena-” “Kara-”
The two looked up, each noting that the other had a blush crawling across her face, each feeling the vibration of possibility flowing between them. “Could we…” Kara started. “Could we be more?”
“If you want us to be,” Lena said, a small smile growing on her face.
Kara’s eyes widened, before a grin crossed her own face. “I’d like that,” she said.
A month later, a small portal temporarily opened up in Karen Starr’s office. She didn’t notice at the time - she was far too busy making out with her wife - but she did find the note left behind: 
“You were right. Thank you. - LL”
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multifandominfj · 11 months
A New Beginning: A Supergirl 6x20 Re-Write
Chapter Ten: Down The List
To say she was nervous asking Cat Grant for her blessing to marry Kara was a severe understatement. Lena knew Cat had an icy cold stare, a sharp wit, and was fast on her feet. She also knew that Cat was also very protective of Kara in her own way. Asking the right way, and leading into said question would be tricky.
Pulling into an empty parking space, and taking the familiar route up to the bullpen, Lena tried to remain as cool as possible.
That all went out the window when she saw Kara in charge, directing the other reporters to their assignments, with Nia at her side. Seeing Kara fully comfortable, happy with her job and thriving was beyond attractive to her.
“So everyone has their…” The minute Kara’s eyes locked with Lena’s, her heart skipped a beat. “That will be all, everyone.” She super speeds over, nearly knocking Lena off her feet.
“Hi to you too.” Lena laughs heartily before placing a delicate smooch on her girl’s cheek.
“What are you doing here?” Kara was still clueless about everything; just as Lena hoped.
“Do you know if?”
And right on cue… “Miss Luthor.”
“She says she doesn’t have any powers; I don’t believe her. Also, holler if you need help.” Kara returns Lena’s peck on the cheek as she gets back to work.
Following right behind, Cat shuts her office door behind them and pulls the blinds. “I know why you’re here.”
“Do you?” Lena sits in one of the chairs present, raising that ever famous eyebrow of hers.
“You’re here to ask for my blessing to marry Kiera.” Cat hands Lena a class of whiskey.
“Seriously, how do you do that?” Lena was left aghast, not daring to refuse the free drink.
“She talks about you any chance she gets, and your voice and body language were about as easy to read as a teen drama on the CW.” Cat nonchalantly takes a sip of her drink. “Of course you have my blessing, Miss Luthor. That photo she has of the two of you on her desk, I know how much you mean to her; I will catch her staring a moment too long before she gets back to work. You have made her the happiest she’s been in quite a long time. When I interviewed her, you came up a lot; the mushy feeling was a bit much for my taste, but it made Kiera happy. I just want you to promise me a few things.”
“Anything.” Lena sets her glass down nervously.
“Entertain any crazy idea she has, chances are it has merit and value behind it. Make her feel like she’s the best journalist in the world, even when she has a couple of misses. Most importantly, whenever she begins to get that sad puppy look on her face, and stops talking…non verbal communication will help heal whatever she’s feeling when she says, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I can do that.” Lena stands to exhale, and shake her hand. “Thank you, Miss Grant. And I will send you the details of the party as soon as it’s all ironed out.”
“Of course. Best of luck, Miss Luthor.” Cat shuts the door behind her.
And while Kara was nowhere to be seen, Lena slips out of sight. Next stop: Her other future Mother-In-Law, Eliza Danvers.
Her drive to Midvale definitely felt longer than it actually was. The amount of lead-ins, questions and pleadings she had going through her head was even a lot for her. Lena had never been this much of a perfectionist, but that’s what Kara did to her: she made her crazy and self conscious, but in the best way possible.
Recognizing the house from photos Kara has shown her, she pulled right up to the driveway. Scanning her surroundings, she looked for her future mother in law. “Doctor Danvers?” Lena called out.
“In the backyard, Lena.” Eliza hollered from far away.
Following the echoed tone of the voice, Lena would come to find Eliza doing…
“Target practice? Picking up a new hobby, Doctor Danvers?” She chuckled, watching.
“It’s never too late to pick up a new hobby.” Eliza smirked, putting down her bow and arrows. “And please, it’s Eliza. We’ve known each other long enough, Lena. By the way, to what do I owe this surprise?” She greets Lena with a warm, motherly embrace.
“I actually came up here because I…” She starts to reach for the ring box in her jacket. “Wanted to ask your permission about something, and hopefully your blessing.”
Being the incredibly smart woman she was, Eliza immediately figured it out. “Oh, Lena. This is stunning. I gotta say, I was hoping for this moment. The entire time Kara sang at Alex’s wedding…it’s like you were the only person there for her. It was like she was singing to you. And I think I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve come through for her…you not only have my permission, but my blessing as well.” With a joyous grin, she cups the ring back into Lena’s hand, and gives her another hug.
“So I don’t have to plead my case? Provide reasons?” Lena was surprised at how easy it was.
“I mean unless it would make you feel better… “ Eliza heartily chuckled.
“No, not at all.” Lena’s tensions were nowhere to be seen. “Thank you, Eliza. It means a lot. As soon as I finish asking the rest of the people closest to Kara, I will start sending out the party details.”
“Looking forward to it.” Eliza bids her goodbye as she watches her future daughter-in-law back out of the driveway.
“Up next, Barry and Iris. This is going to be interesting…” Reason being, the Central City Citizen was one of the many publications there to cover her foundation's opening, and the first big fundraiser a month later. Even then, she knew convincing Iris would be easier than convincing Barry, who had known Kara for longer. But considering Kara attended their wedding, and was the one who sang for them…this would be quite the task.
Driving up to the main CCC building, she takes a few deep breaths before she enters. With every step she climbed, she could feel her heartbeat speed up. Opening the doors, she strode up to the information desk. “Hi, is Mrs. West-Allen in?”
“She’s currently in a meeting? I can call and leave her a message. Who may I ask who’s requesting—…”
“Lena Luthor.”
“Lena!” As if appearing out of thin air, Irish was at the door of the stairs. “Right this way. This is quite the surprise. What brings you out to Central City? How’s Kara?”
“Kara is great, more than great actually. I’m sure you saw the interview Cat did.” She couldn’t help but have her heart swell any time she mentioned it. That was her girlfriend.
“We did.” Iris invites Lena to sit in her relaxed area of her office “Everyone at STAR Labs saw it, and Barry is now bragging that Supergirl is his best friend.”
And like a fresh gust of wind. “Someone ordered Lunch?” Barry, with his signature grin, holds up two big bags of Big Belly Burger. “Lena, hey. What brings you by?”
“Barry, good you’re here. Now I can tell both of you.” Like she did with Eliza before, she takes out the small box and shows them the ring she had designed for Kara.
“Is that? Are you?” Barry was immediately speechless.
“It is, and I am.” Lena blushes as she pockets the ring. “I wanted to stop by to see if…if could bet your blessing. You two were her friends before I ever was, and having just met at Alex and Kelly’s wedding, I felt the need to do this. But, with Kara bringing up singing at your guys’ wedding, and all of the crazy missions she’s done with you both, I feel like I know you to some degree. I know how much she means to you both, and…”
“Lena.” Iris takes both of Lena’s hands in hers. “You wholeheartedly have our blessing. We saw how you two were together at Alex’s wedding. To use my favorite analogy, you’re her lightning rod. You two are drawn together, and whenever you two are together, you’re unstoppable.”
“And to add to that, Kara has always told me she wants someone who gets every part of her life. That’s you, Lena. I couldn’t be happier for you both.” Barry congratulates.
“Thanks, you guys.” Lena brings them both into a hug. “I will send you the party details as soon as I check off everyone on my list.”s
“We’re looking forward to it. And say hi to the others for us.” Iris waves her friend off.
“I will.” Lena bids adieu with a warm grin as she heads off to see Sara and Ava. Kara had told her about the both of them so she knew what she was getting into: Warmly welcomed by them, and their daughter, Laurel, a little small talk followed by the reveal of the ring, nervous on how to present her news, and a resounding yes for all three of their blessings.
She had everyone in the loop. Time to start planning a party.
Hope you enjoyed the very cute, and very adorable Chapter Ten of Lena asking those closest to Kara! I had fun writing it. 🙏🏻
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 10 months
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes- Chapter 13
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Arias, Oliver Queen, John Stewart, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Lucy Lane, Damian Wayne
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12
Kara stared at the device with tears streaming down her face. She placed her fingers again on the dots hoping to get it to work again. It lights up for a few seconds before flicking out again. 
Kara shook her head while sobbing, “No, No, No!”
She started shaking it rapidly to try to make it work. She then started to wack it multiple times hoping that it would jump-start it until Barry quickly grabbed her hands and forced her to stop while Damian quickly removed the device from her lap. Kara moved to try to grab the device back from Damian but Barry quickly moved to grab her hands again. 
Barry said softly, “Kara, you need to stop.”
Kara looked up at him with hurt in her eyes and sobbed, “But it is my mom…”
“I know you have lots of questions, and I promise you that we will find you answers. Beating it out of the device is not going to help.”
“I don’t know what to do,” Kara sobbed harder.
Barry instantly wrapped his arms around Kara in a warm embrace. Kara initially pushed back but then relaxed into the embrace and rested her face on his shoulders. 
Barry rubbed her back and whispered, “It’s going to be okay.”
Kara cried for a while while Barry rocked her back and forth gently. Damian mostly sat with intrigue at the device in the center of this chaos. Kara eventually sat up and wiped the tears from her red puffy eyes. 
She smiled weakly and said, “I am sorry for my outburst.”
Barry, smiled, gently squeezed her hand, and asked “What outburst?”
Kara looked down and said softly, “It was inappropriate given we were in the middle of a mission.”
Damian placed his hand gently on top of Kara’s and said, “Father told me what happened to your home and family. No one would fault you for the reaction you had given everything you have gone through.”
Barry smiled and said, “I never thought that I would say this, but the kid is right for a change.”
Kara chuckled softly while looking at Damian and said, “I knew you could be sentimental.”
Damian rolled his eyes and muttered, “Don’t get used to it.”
Kara chuckled while looking back at the device for a couple of seconds. The device was Kryptonian. That is for certain. And her mom’s voice was on it. The question is why though. She went to grab the device back from Damian who looked at her hesitantly.
Kara sighed and said, “I promise not to wack it again. I just want to examine it is all.” 
She was irritated but knew she shouldn’t be at Damian’s response. She did lose control earlier. She was just glad they were more understanding than others would be in her situation. Damian nodded and gave her the device. She did a quick X-ray scan which confirmed what she already suspected. The device had Kryptonian parts that she recognized due to her father's job. It contained parts she had seen him use on his inventions. This also told her that this was more than likely either science or engineering-related since those two branches tended to intersect with each other a lot on Krypton. She turned it over to look at the bottom. Her heart skipped a beat at what she saw. Written at the bottom was the name Zor El. Her father’s name. She traced his signature with her fingers over and over. Looking at the signature caused a memory to unlock. She briefly remembered seeing her dad examining crystals similar to the ones in front of her. When she asked him what they were for, he said that the crystals were for saving data. She thought it was odd at the time because while they did use crystals to save data, they were usually no larger than the size of her thumb. The ones that were before her and the ones that her dad was working on were a foot long. It didn’t make sense to her to need something that big considering that most crystal drives were able to hold over 100 TB. She wondered if it really was a storage device or something more. As her mind began to spiral, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Barry staring at her with concern in his eyes. 
“Is everything okay? You looked startled while staring at this thing.”
Kara nodded and said, “I’m fine. I just recognized the maker of the device is all.”
“Who?” asked Damian.
“My father,” said Kara softly.
“Did your dad mention ever working on something like this?” asked Barry.
Kara sighed and said, “Kind of. He had crystals like these that he was working on in his home lab. I remembered him telling me that it had to do with data storage, but it didn’t make sense.”
Barry frowned and asked, “Why?”
Kara said, “Well, the crystals that we use normally are similar to the size of a thumb drive. We never had crystals these large for saving data.”
“Do you remember when you saw him working on this?” asked Damian.
“A couple of days before Krypton exploded,” said Kara softly.
They were all silent for a moment before Damian mused, “It makes sense then why it is so large.”
Kara looked at him quizzically and asked, “Why would you say that?”
“If they knew of the possibility of their demise, it makes sense that a scientist would want to create a way of preserving as much information that Krypton has to offer so that it doesn’t become lost in history.”
Kara stared at Damian perplexed. She didn’t want to think that her parents knew that something was wrong and didn’t tell her. However, it did make sense. Her and Clark’s parents wouldn’t have had pods ready for them if they didn’t think there was a possibility of their planet’s destruction. 
She shook her head and said, “Regardless of what this thing is, I need to get inside it. I have an idea of someone to ask but am not sure if they would necessarily help me at this point. Any suggestions?”
She looked back and forth between Barry and Damian desperately. Her first thoughts were to ask Lena. While she mostly worked in medicine, she knew that she had a Ph.D. in both Engineering and Technology and was at the top of her class. However, she wasn’t sure if she would necessarily be willing to help or not. Right now, they are working on an exchange of services with the hospital and her tax issues. While Lena seemed to have warmed up to her, it may not be enough for Lena to want to do anything extra. She knew she would be willing to grovel if that was what it took, but she would like to have a backup in case it was a flat-out refusal. Damian rubbed the back of his head and sighed. 
“Father said that he wouldn’t be back for a couple of days. I am assuming you wouldn’t want to wait that long,” mused Damian. 
Kara shook her head. She and Damian turned to look at Barry who stared at them baffled. 
“I am just as clueless as you are on what this thing is,” said Barry. 
Damian rolled his eyes and said, “We get that dumb ass. We want to know if you know of anyone that can help with this.”
Barry scowled at him for a second but took a deep breath and closed his eyes. 
He turned to Kara and said, “I have a friend from Palmer Technologies who may be able to help.”
Kara looked at Barry hesitantly and asked, “And this friend would be able to keep this discrete?”
Barry nodded and said, “She is very professional. This isn’t her first time working with superheroes. You may have heard of her before, Felicity Smoak.”
Kara breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Good. I have heard mostly positive things about her. I know she was integral in helping the Green Arrow and the Atom in their base of operations.”
Barry said, “Yeah, she is amazing with tech. I am sure she can give us some insight into what is going on.”
Read the rest on AO3
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hitchell-mope · 3 months
(Valor’s Interrogation)
Haley: state your name, rank and intention.
Mon El: Valor. Third in command of the team, Sovereign’s Commanding Officer and Supergirl’s husband. To help Supergirl in whatever way she may need.
Haley: why did you come to earth.
Mon El: entirely by accident I can assure you. I’m a refugee. Just like Supergirl. Just like Superman. Just like Sovereign. Just like every alien on this planet that didn’t escape from Fort Rozz.
Haley: what is your motivation here?
Mon El: what’s yours?
Haley: I’m the one who is asking the questions here.
Mon El: well I’m here voluntarily aren’t I? Or at least I thought I was. Or is that just something you say before you break out the handcuffs? Which I feel like I should remind won’t work on me.
Haley: we’re getting off topic. Who is Supergirl. What is her real identity?
Mon El: not telling. And you cannot make me.
Haley: I can get a court order.
Mon El: which would be null and void because as I have previously mentioned. I am Supergirl’s husband. See. I don’t understand you people. You hunt down the ones who actually want to help while endorsing people like the Luthor’s who just want to subjugate you. It’s actually maddening when you think about it.
Haley: the Luthor’s are American citizens.
Mon El: who gives a shit about that? They’re psychopaths only in it for themselves.
Haley: don’t you dare raise your voice to me.
(The “Interrogation” continues. Behind the glass. Kara, Alex and Winn keep watch)
Alex: he’s really got her on the ropes
Winn: I know. It’s amazing. Kara. The windowsill.
Kara (realising she’s been putting dents into the windowsill): heheh. oops.
Alex: is he speaking Daxamite?
Kara: yeah.
Winn: whets he saying?
Kara: um. “Why should I sit here and listen to you disparage the woman that I love. Why go after us when”-I guess Luthor’s-“run free? What right do you have to persecute us when the real villains”-
(Back in the interrogation room)
Haley: speak English!
Mon El: alrighty then. You. Will not get. Anything. Out of me. Short of vivisecting me of course. But then you’d have to sully your human hands. And we can’t have that now can we?
Haley: what is Supergirl’s identity?
Mon El: I have spousal privilege. I am Supergirl’s husband. If you want to harangue someone deserving then haul in Lena Luthor because I can assure you that her sins are worth an entire week of questioning.
Haley: this isn’t about Miss Luthor. This is about aliens like you threatening our people.
Mon El: oh you remind me so much of my mother. She was a paranoiac as well. Only. She was in charge. You’re more like a deputy sheriff.
Haley: your mother. What happened to her?
Mon El: she tried to terraform the planet. I broke her neck, became king and sent what’s left of my species away to save earth. Does that make me sound like a threat to you?
Haley: it remains to be seen.
Lucy: well then. You have your answers. Now let Valor go and stop Baker’s witch-hunt before it ends worse for you
Haley: Major Lane. This is no business of yours. Kindly leave.
Lucy: hm. Nope. I’m the DEO’s JAG. I minored in alien and superhero law. It’s a subject close to my family’s heart. Especially after my father was rightfully dishonourably discharged.
Haley: do you really want to throw in your lot with them?
Lucy: yup. And Valor’s right. You can’t make him expose his wife’s identity. Now I suggest you let him go before I report you.
Haley: President Baker ordered this interrogation.
Lucy: not. Him. You know who my brother in law works for. You know who Director Danvers’s sister works for. Perry White and Cat Grant may not see eye to eye on everything. But I’m sure they would love to coauthor an exposé on your less than legal practices.
Haley: very well. Valor. You may go. But don’t think I won’t be following up in the future.
Mon El: I’d say it was a pleasure meeting you General Haley. But given the circumstances I’d rather not lie.
Haley: yes. Well. Goodbye.
Mon El: right back at ya(.)
(End of “Valor’s Interrogation”)
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ii. secret.
read on ao3
Lena Luthor dies a villain.
Her death took out half the population in the vicinity. A blinding white light piercing through the National City skyline. A deafening boom heard 5 cities over. An explosion so great, even Supergirl was knocked dead.
And so, Lena Luthor dies a villain.
Alone and young. And so, so bitter. An accomplice and ally to Lex Luthor.
Some would even say she was a greater, far more cunning, far more terrifying force than Lex.
There were rumors that the woman had magic at the end of it all. That no one person could be capable of that much destruction without the help of something inhuman.
But well, rumors were all it can be, especially when all possible witnesses perished along with the Luthors.
Weeks later, Andrea Rojas holds a memorial event for Lena Luthor; protesters burn the venue to the ground.
Months later, Supergirl returns to the world. More radiant than ever. More alive than ever. Stronger. Better.
Years later, National City recovers fully from the whole catastrophe.
Supergirl is reported to most frequently be seen in the memorial square for the fallen victims. A dozen paparazzi pictures of the caped heroine quietly walking, sometimes whispering under breath.
Praying, somebody on a CatCo article comments. She’s always praying whenever we see her there.
****** The closet doors burst open and out steps Alex Danvers.
A colorful stream of expletives coming right along with her, “Fuckin’ fur coats, goddamn hangers, fucking hitting me in the face—”
“Took you long enough,” a familiar voice greets her, “where the hell have you been? And why are you so...dirty? If you track mud on my carpet I swear to God, Alex—”
“I was cleaning your grave, okay?” she snaps, setting down a bucket filled with various cleaning supplies, that Lena’s just now noticing, on said carpet.
“Yeah, yeah,” Alex huffs about, crossing her arms, “You don’t have to make a big deal about it. I don’t want to do it again, it’s a bitch for my back pain. I was just pissed about the graffiti. You’d think people would have better manners than defacing the grave of a dead woman. If only they—”
“Thank you, Alex,” she cuts her off, a shy smile gracing her face. She really doesn’t want to hear about the rest of it. And if Alex doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it, then no big deal shall be made.
“There’s coffee in the kitchen,” she says then, and Alex just nods, grabs her bucket of supplies again and turns to leave.
Although not before saying, “Remind me again why you let Kara win? With the portal?”
Lena just shrugs, dark hair escaping out of her messy bun at the movement.
“She said she’s always wanted to go to Narnia.”
Alex shakes her head, rolls her eyes, “Whipped.”
And well, that sounds about right.
There’s a documentary on Netflix about the Luthors. Lena’s face in black and white, on the preview banner, a big red X drawn over it.
Kara snaps the remote in half.
Lena reaches over the blanket, grabs her hand, flicks the TV off with only a swish of her fingers and a glitter of sparks.
“C’mere,” she says, tugging gently, till she has a lapful of Krytonian draped over her. Lena traces her fingers over the crinkle between Kara’s brow, smooths them out, thumb dragging across lips till it pulls to a soft smile.
“We know the truth,” she tells her, “and that’s enough.”
“It’s not fair.”
Nothing ever is.
“How’re the kids?” She asks, one hand whisking eggs, the other holding the bowl steady.
“Oh, you know, asking me a thousand silly questions a day. Driving Alex crazy. Never letting me sleep. They’re perfect, really,” Kelly says, and Lena hums in response. Before she catches Kelly popping a blueberry in her mouth, a crime punishable by Lena Luthor’s death stare.
“Those are for the muffins.” A foam covered whisk points dangerously to Kelly’s chest.
She raises both arms in surrender, palms opening, dropping the remaining three blueberries onto the counter.
“You know, I’ve seen you do it a thousand times, yet it still doesn’t fail to surprise me.”
Lena concludes she’s talking about the baking tray hovering in the air, a feet away from them, greasing itself. Or maybe it’s the soup at the stove with a ladle stirring itself.
“What can I say,” Lena quips, smirking, “I’m magical like that.”
Andrea finds her on a Tuesday.
One minute Lena is reading quietly on her front porch, the next, there is an explosion of sound in her living room. She throws open her door, magical energy sizzling at her fingertips.
The sight that greets her stops her in her tracks. Acrata pinning Supergirl down, their coffee table destroyed. She sighs internally, she loved that coffee table. It was a wedding gift from Nia and Brainy.
“I knew it,” Andrea whispers, her grip slackens around the hero's throat. She stands up slowly, as if afraid that if she moved too fast Lena would disappear. She leaves Supergirl gasping on the floor; materializes in front of Lena in a cloud of black smoke.
“I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.” She sobs into Lena’s blouse, arms wrapped tightly around her. Lena embraces her on instinct, her eyes closing briefly, before opening up again to check on Kara dusting herself off.
“Andrea,” Lena croaks, “you can’t tell anyone.”
You can’t tell anyone I’m alive. You can’t tell anyone how I tricked Lex, how I saved Supergirl, how I saved National City.
“Nobody will know,” Andrea promises her.
There is a cottage by the woods that nobody else sees, where every Sunday a blonde woman rips apart pieces of wood with her bare hands, where a pale woman with even paler hands grows crops from the barren earth within seconds, where the closet hides cities instead of clothes, where a dead woman and a hero spend their lives in bliss.
It has been ten years, her hair is more gray than blonde now, her skin more wrinkled than smooth, her hearing though? Her hearing is still better than ever. And it has been ten years since she’s heard that tell-tale whoosh of a cape, it’s been a decade and still, the sound brings her the same thrill, the same adrenaline.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Supergirl? Or should I say, Superwoman, now?”
And oh-
She did not come alone.
Lena Luthor is set gently down on the balcony.
If Cat Grant wasn’t Cat Grant, she’s sure she would’ve already suffered a heart attack from the mere sight of a woman long dead standing breathing and alive in her home. She would’ve shrieked and demanded answers.
“I need a favor,” Kara tells her, stalking closer, hand on her hip. Cat would’ve laughed at that if this were some other time. No need to play the intimidating game with me, Kiera, she would’ve said.
“What is it?”
“I need you to break a story,” she tells her. “You, Cat. I want you, and nobody else to cover this.”
Cat raises her brow at that, she already has an inkling as to what the story might be about.
“A story hmm? This better be good, if I’m to come out of retirement for it.”
This time it’s Lena Luthor who speaks. Cat has been dying to hear what she has to say.
“It’ll be good," she promises her, "It’ll be better than good."
Kara crowds closer to Lena, then; wraps a protective arm on her waist. Cat watches frozen as Lena's index finger lights in flame. What a sight they make.
"You’ll be telling the entire world the last Luthor’s secret.”
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supercitycarnival · 2 years
supercat, 50!
Thanks for the prompt! Hope you enjoy! **********
Kara slowly hung up the office phone, settling it into its cradle almost silently. Not because she was trying to be quiet. Rather, she couldn't believe she'd made this particular call, especially having avoided it all week. Heart pounding in her chest, Kara swallowed heavily as a wave of guilt washed over her. Frozen, the young editor-in-chief released a long exhale.
Catco's window of opportunity was closing on a certain story as the conditions in the small Eastern European country of Ukraine continued to deteriorate. Kara had waited until the last possible minute to send a team of Catco journalists, despite the fact that Cat Grant had been insisting on it for days, pressing Kara to make the call. It was the first time she'd sent her team into danger, into a vulnerable situation where she had no control. Suddenly, she wasn't sure she was cut out for this job.
Finally standing, Kara walked almost in a daze through the spacious hallways of the worldwide media corporation. She made her way across the, now empty, bullpen and toward her boss's office, a trek she'd made a thousand times. She went past the assistant's vacant desk and through the glass doorway. Not even bothering to glance around, Kara went straight to the balcony, knowing that's where Cat would be.
Pushing open the balcony door, there she was, back to the door, elbows on the wall, looking over the city. The smallest person with the biggest… everything. Cat was Kara's calm and peace these days. Well, she always had been, but even more so now. Their big reveal, though cleansing for the superhero, had made things… complicated, to say the least. Where Kara had been bifurcated before, being one complete person, both Kara Danvers and Supergirl in one life and one person proved just as difficult. But at least she wasn't lying anymore.
And not having to lie to Cat had opened up a world of closeness between them. Leaving the door, Kara came to quietly stand next to Cat, joining her survey of National City.
"Did you make the call?" Cat asked gently.
With a tight nod, Kara answered without looking at the woman. "Yeah," she whispered. Cat only nodded as well in reply. Kara shut her eyes tight and tried not to get emotional when she said, "It should be me." Taking a breath, she went on. "If we are going to send any journalist into a situation like that, it should be me. I can't get hurt and I can protect-,"
"We've talked about this," Cat interrupted, keeping her tone soft. "You're Catco's Editor-In-Chief now. Your responsibilities are greater than any one story. You have to do your job… and you have to let them do theirs."
Cat's words came from a place of compassion, Kara knew. Still it went against everything she felt Supergirl would do. "Just feels wrong, sending them into who knows what."
"They're experienced in war zone reporting, and they're smart," Cat reassured. "They wouldn't work for us if they weren't the best."
Kara glanced over to see a small smirk on the woman's face. Cat was right and she knew it. Kara couldn't help the tiny grin that formed in response. She lightly bumped her shoulder against Cat's. "You're right."
"Ahhh," Cat breathed out, "music to my ears."
Kara shook her head and pressed her lips together trying not to smile too big at the snarky reply. "Sounds weird," she commented.
"What does?"
Kara looked at her again. "You talking about people working for," she held her hands up and signaled air quotes, "us."
Cat gave her an easy look, a soft one that captivated the young woman. She couldn't stop staring if she wanted to. "It is us now," Cat told her. "You and me, Kara."
Her voice was so quiet and the expression on her face so deep that Kara wasn't quite sure what she meant all the sudden. Those hazel eyes pierced right through her and Kara fought to subdue feelings that had become all too familiar. Clearing her throat, the suddenly shy superhero tore her eyes away, fearful of giving away the only secret she still kept from this magnificent person.
"Uh," Kara stumbled over a memory from years ago. "Do you remember…" she laughed nervously, trailing off. Grinning, she recalled, "Do you remember when you called me out? Confronted me, right here on this balcony, about being Supergirl?"
Cat mildly tossed her blond waves. "Of course I do," she said firmly. "Then you tried to cover with that ridiculous parlor trick."
"I never could believe that actually fooled you."
"It didn't." Cat gave her a sideways glance, eyebrow raised. "But it did help me understand how badly you wanted to keep your identity hidden. So I did my best to pretend."
Kara looked over her, taking in her features. It kept hitting her, how much she'd missed Cat. "Cat Grant, breaker of stories," Kara said, "keeping one of the biggest stories under her hat, for me."
"I'm no saint, Kara. You know that." Cat turned to face her squarely. "In my defense, I really wanted to shove you against a wall and watch you squirm until you spilled your secret."
Kara's eyes widened. "Uh, I…" Kara stumbled again. Cat flashed a close lipped smile at her. The look calmed her. Cat was just kidding, she thought. Exhaling, she said, "Honestly, if you had asked me, I don't know if I could have kept it from you."
Then Cat stepped closer and asked, "Why?"
Kara breathed in her perfume and a few seconds of dizziness passed over her. She closed her eyes. "I just… you always…"
And suddenly a small hand slipped around her own, holding on. Opening her eyes, she realized how close Cat was. Close enough to hold, close enough to - No. Kara warned herself. But Cat's gaze was fixed to her.
"Always what?" The woman asked. Cat was pushing her for an answer, an admission of some kind, and Kara didn't understand.
She looked down at their hands. Tingles ran up her arm from the spot where Cat was stroking her thumb over the back of Kara's hand. She desperately tried to think of an answer, any answer, that could throw the older reporter off her trail. Always what? Always see right through me, always know exactly what to say, always look so beautiful? No, don't say any of that, Kara told herself.
But the longer she looked into Cat's eyes, the safer she felt and the more she could swear there was a deeper affection there than Cat let on. Maybe she wasn't the only one that could make an admission. Maybe this was it. A moment when Kara Danvers and Supergirl could be one and the same, because Kara Danvers would certainly never tell Cat how she truly felt, but Supergirl had such courage.
Confidence bolstering, Kara's look was soft when she confessed, "You always see right through me." Then Cat's small grin faded and Kara went on. "You always know exactly what to say." Now it was Kara that took a step closer. She practically whispered, "You always look so beautiful."
Lips parting, Cat stared, clearly taken by surprise. Kara was relieved when she didn't withdraw her hand. She could only hope she hadn't misinterpreted what was happening. Cat seemed to search for words and the start of a smirk formed at Kara's mouth. She'd thrown the unflappable woman.
"Well," the tiny temptress breathed out, "if I'd known flirting was all it took to get you to spill, I could have done that ages ago."
She tried to sound nonchalant, but Kara heard the nervousness in her tone. Suddenly Cat released her hand. Smoothing her palms over her clothing, the mogul stated, "I should get going." Shifting toward the door, Cat began to leave. Kara's mouth opened but she couldn't think of anything to say to make her stay.
But then, in a flash, Cat made a split second decision. She turned and stepped back. With a hand on her superhero's shoulder, Cat came to her tiptoes and placed a tender kiss at the corner of Kara's mouth. Lips pressed to the spot, and Kara thought she might burst, yet somehow she was frozen. When Cat pulled away, it was with a playful look.
"We should do this again soon," she said as she walked back to the balcony door.
Shocked, Kara asked confused, "Do what?"
Cat threw a glance over her shoulder. "The flirting, Kara, obviously."
With that, Cat was gone and Kara was left looking after her wondering what had just happened.
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fics-posts · 3 years
B!D Headcanons.
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Headcanons to all my baby danvers fics!
- Being an adopted alien, like Kara. Except your power allow you to control fire, vibrations, and shockwaves. Also flying and enhanced senses, strength and speed. Shapeshifting, but the downside to that is that it can be quite painful.
- Kara likes to roughhouse with you because she can. She likes that you can keep up with her. However, you guys have to do it outside. Eliza was furious the first time you did it because you both destroyed the living room.
- Growing up, Alex got insecure a lot because she had two superpowered younger sisters. But she got over it because you both are basically puppies. She would beat up anyone who messed with you guys.
- There was one time Alex found you staring at an electric can opener because you didn’t know how to use it. You almost gave up and were going to simply bite through the can when Alex showed you how to use it. After that, you went to her for help on everything.
- While you didn’t wear glasses like Kare because you didn’t have X-ray vision, you did wear discrete noise cancelling earbuds because your hearing would often got overwhelming. More so than Kara’s. But after a while, you got the hang of it and didn’t have to wear them anymore.
- Listening to your sisters heart beats. You don’t know why, but that is what often calmed you down. 
-When your sisters left for national city, you were right behind them. You didn’t want to be without them and they didn’t want to be without you. You moved into Kara’s apartment because she wanted to have you close. Cuddles were an almost nightly thing before you both went to bed. 
- Working at Catco with Kara as well. You had dabbled in photography as kid and Cat Grant hired you on the spot after looking at your portfolio. Which left you surprised.
- When Alex’s plan ended up going down, you saved it with Kara. The two of you ended up getting an ear full but the both of you agreed that it was something you wanted to continue.
- Originally, you were against telling Winn, but Kara gave you puppy eyes and you broke. You snorted when he thought she was a lesbian. Kara looked at you and you both simply walked over the edge of the roof. You felt bad for almost giving Winn a heart attack.
- You weren’t Kryptonian so your suit didn’t have the House of El symbol. Your suit was black with blue accents (much like alex’s suit.) Your cape was black on top but the underside was blue as well.
- Cat Grant named you Supernova. It was well known that you had no relation to the Kryptonians, but you were always partnered with Supergirl so Cat wanted you guys to have some kind of link to your names. It was fitting because you would set your hands on fire when you fought. Sprinkle in the small quakes and vibrations, it was a perfect name. 
- When you found out Alex worked at the DEO, you were hurt. more so than Kara. You and Alex would always tell each other everything. But, after a while, you understood. She was working at a top secret organization. She couldn’t exactly tell you that. 
- When Alex came out to you as a lesbian, you came out to her as one as well. The both of you sat in awkward silence for a monet before you started laughing. You pulled her into a hug then went off to tell Kara.
- Kara was confused at first but totally supportive.
- When you met Maggie, you smiled and thought she was good for your sister. She started calling Kara “Little Danvers” and you “Baby Danvers” Mush you yours and Kara’s dismay.
- You weren’t as invincible as Kara. While bullets didn’t hurt you, missiles and alien weapons could cause severe injuries. 
- When you were hurt, it was full stop for your sisters. They dropped everything to make sure you got better. If it was really bad, they’d panic and J’onn would have to force them out of the room, even though he himself was worried.
- The Superfriends were also super protective of you. At the alien dive bar one night, you were at the counter waiting for the drinks when a guy came up to you and started flirting with you. He placed a hand on your thigh and you looked over at your friends silently panicking. You wanted to throw him across the bar but you knew you’d get into trouble. 
- Alex slammed him against the bar with his arm pinned behind his back and James dragged him and threw him outside. Maggie threatened to have him arrested while Kara and Winn made sure you were alright. 
- When you met Lena ( I love supercorp, but I love the B!DxLena ship a lot.) The whole world stopped. Massive gay panic ensued.
- Kara and Alex would tease you non stop about your crush on her.
-They invited her to game night and eventually you worked up the courage to ask her out. She was very shocked to say the least. 
-After a long week, you and your sisters would have a sisters night. You would sprawl across their laps and Alex would run her hands through your hair. Kara using your stomach as a place to sit her potstickers on. You’d sigh contently and fall asleep to Wizard of Oz.
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owl-with-a-pen · 2 years
Opinion on how Kara is the indestructible one but is somehow hurt the most throughout the show?
I mean, I'd put that down to her being the titular character.
By being the main character, it's expected that she's going to be put in the most dangerous situations and therefore more episodes will focus on her battles than any other.
Personally, I'm glad that we got to see that side of Kara, and what I especially like is that the show wanted us to see that side of her from the beginning. One of the first things Kara faces when she sets out on her journey to becoming Supergirl in season 1 is that she can't always rely on her natural strengths to defeat an enemy. You can't just think with your super-powered fists, for example, you need to learn strategy, how to fight without the benefit of a yellow sun or within the confines of Kryptonite laced walls. Alex giving Kara DEO training is one my favourite parts of the first season, and Kara learning to use all her skills in fights is what makes her feel more grounded than if she'd only ever paraded herself around with her super powers. (I do wish we could've seen her use her intelligence more considering her education on Krypton was far superior to Earth's and that she had a knack for science, but you can't have everything, I suppose. 😅)
In terms of Kara getting physically hurt - again, this is something that I'm glad we got to see under the very simple basis that a character that can't get hurt loses an audience's interest very quickly. If Kara was truly invulnerable, then what incentive would we have as an audience to connect to her? Kara's strengths aren't just her powers, it's her compassion and steadfastness even in the eye of total failure. She's not perfect, and that's what makes her an interesting character. We get to see her hurt not just physically but emotionally as well, like when she loses the trust of National City when she's infected with Red K and Cat Grant publicly denounces her, or later in season 2/3 when she loses Mon-El and the subsequent effect that has on her mental state.
Kara's struggles are the central point of the show. Because, without struggle, there isn't growth, and if Kara wasn't getting hurt, then she'd never learn or move forward. Obviously, as the show progressed, we were introduced to many more characters and we got to see each of those characters' struggles, too. Perhaps Kara was noticeably hurt more often, but she is the heart of the show and so putting her through struggles such as injuries, comas, short-term power loss or emotional turbulence are what drives the narrative forward, and also gives for some very interesting story-telling. And, also - let's face it - it allows for other characters to show their strengths in the absence of Supergirl.
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ambssssssssss · 3 years
“I’m so sorry, Lena,” A harsh cough followed the words and Lena felt her eyes begin to fill with water. She was kneeling in the broken streets of National City at Kara’s sighed, mindless of the destruction around them as the injured woman before her absorbed all of her attention. 
“Hold on, Kara, just a few more minutes.” Lena found Kara’s bloody, shaking hand and grasped it with her own. Kara gave her a watery smile. 
“We could’ve had so much time if I hadn’t been so scared.” There’s a strong current of regret in her tone and Lena feels as if she can’t breathe as she pulls Kara’s hand to her lips and presses a kiss against dirty knuckles. 
“We’ll have time now, darling. All the time in the world.” 
“I thought we promised not to lie to each other anymore.” 
A long, uncomfortable pause followed. Kara’s breath grows more shallow by the second, but her eyes remain the same. The deep blue of her iris shines with that same adoration that Lena had always seen in them, and always felt unworthy of. Kara lifted the hand that Lena wasn’t holding on to desperately, ignoring the way her limbs trembled, to carefully cup Lena’s cheek. 
This is the end. They both know it. 
“No, Kara, please,” Lena can hear the desperation in her voice but ignored it just as resolutely as she ignored the tears falling from her eyes. Tears that Kara barely had the strength to gently brush away. “I can’t lose you again.” 
“You never lost me, Lena, not for a single second.” The conviction in Kara’s voice is broken by the blood that slips past her lips as a cough tears through her throat. She collapses back against the broken asphalt after the fit subsides, landing on uneven ground with a pained groan. “I’ve always been yours, even when I wasn’t.” 
The noise around them barely registers in Lena’s mind. The battle had been over for a few minutes at least, but Lena had paid no attention to the chaos around them. Kara, just as she had done since the day they met, commanded all of Lena’s attention. It isn’t until Kara coughs again that Lena realizes that she hadn’t been unconsciously blocking out anything going around them. 
Kara’s cough echoes of the wreckage of a ruined city around them. If Lena had the strength to pull her gaze away from Kara’s slowly dimming eyes, she would have seen the veritable host of people around them falling to their knees as the consequences of this final battle hit home. They won, yes, but none of them thought that the cost would be so high. 
Lena is dimly aware of another person settling on the other side of Kara, taking her hand and nearly gasping out Kara’s name in a choked cry. Even with the addition of Alex with them, Lena doesn’t tear her eyes away from Kara. 
“I know, darling,” Lena grips Kara’s trembling hand tighter, wrapping both of her own around it and pressing a kiss to Kara’s knuckles again. “I think I always have. I should have said something sooner.” 
“Better late than never,” Kara cracked a smile and just for a second, Lena could believe that she wasn’t watching the love of her life die right before her eyes. “Promise me something?” 
“Don’t blame yourself, for any of it.” 
“Promise me, Lena. None of this is your fault, or mine. It happened, and it sucks.” Kara smiled again as Lena released a rueful chuckle. “But you can’t let this stop you. Promise me that you won’t give up.” 
“I promise Kara,” Lena leans over and seals her promise with a trembling kiss pressed to Kara’s forehead. 
“Good.” Kara’s strength left her completely, her head fell to the ground and if not for Lena’s grip on her hand, the same would have been true of it as well. “Remember, I am always yours. Even when I’m not.” 
Kara turns her head then, to Alex who sits on her left. Words are spoken by both of them but Lena doesn’t hear them. She can’t hear anything over the high pitched sound ringing in her ears and Kara’s last words playing on a loop in her mind. 
They should have had so much more time. They should have had years to be together, truly together. Years without lies and secrets pulling them apart. Years of light and laughter and love, so much love that it would be bursting out of them. The kind of love that couldn’t be contained. They should have had it all but now they only had minutes.
They only have minutes and Kara doesn’t know how Lena feels. A sudden panic seizes Lena as she realizes that minutes are quickly receding into seconds and Kaa still doesn’t know. 
“Kara,” even to her own ears, Lena’s voice sounds so far away. “Kara, I love you.” 
There’s no ignoring the tears now, they fall from Lena’s eyes unbidden. But Kara is smiling at Lena, that special, bright smile that always made Lena feel like she was the one who could fly. 
Kara’s smile remains as her eyes fall closed and her body goes limp. Kara’s smile remains as she exhales, whispering Lena’s name with her last breath. 
Supergirl dies a hero, mourned and celebrated by many. 
Kara Danvers dies to the sound of her sister crying beside her. 
Kara Zor-El dies smiling in the embrace of the woman she loves most.
Lena woke up feeling as if that last image of Kara’s smile had been burned into her retinas. The dream, memory, ends in the same place it always does, the moment before the realization of what she had just witnessed sinks in. Lena wakes with soul crushing despair settling deep in her chest so that her breath in a new day is little more than a broken sob. It takes a few minutes for Lena to gather herself enough to climb out of bed and reach for her phone. The move is calculated. Lena knows that if she had reached for her phone first, she wouldn’t have gotten out of bed. 
Every other day, Lena had been able to push herself through it. She could almost pretend that everything was normal, until she caught herself trying to call Kara and invite her to lunch. Even after two weeks, Lena’s first instinct was still to call Kara. The hope that maybe the dream had been a nightmare rather than a memory and Kara would answer when she called had been all that kept Lena going for the past 14 days. 
The day of Kara’s funeral had pulled that hope to a crashing halt. 
There had been a service for Supergirl the day before. It felt like all of National City had been there, human and alien alike. All the heroes that Kara had worked with over the years were there, a few of them people that Lena had only met briefly before the wave of dark matter destroyed all of their worlds. The Flash had a few words to say. Cat Grant had barely held her tears in. Superman openly cried as he said goodbye to his last blood relative. Lena had watched it all with a blank expression, Alex’s hand in hers. 
Lena had made her way to Midvale on her own and was one of the last to arrive at Kara’s childhood home. Eliza had greeted her with a hug and a far too knowing look. Lena had slept in Kara’s bed and refused to cry until she was sure that no one would hear her. 
Now, Lena pulled on the dark outfit she had selected the night before and made her way downstairs. Alex and Eliza met her at the bottom of the stairs and led her to where Clark and Lois were standing with J’onn. Eliza pulled Lena into another hug while Lois looked as if she was the only one in the room who could understand Lena’s pain. Everyone was treating Lena like she was Kara’s widow and Lena wasn’t sure she would ever recover from that. 
She had Kara had never been together. They hadn’t gone on dates or celebrated anniversaries. They’d never even kissed and yet Lena still felt like a piece of her heart had been broken beyond repair. She wasn’t Kara’s widow but she was Kara’s someday and that was somehow worse. 
How could Lena mourn what she’d never had in the first place? 
Kara’s funeral had been short. She wouldn’t have wanted all of her friends and family to spend hours crying over her. Kara had been a ray of sunshine, a becon of joy. Although tears were shed, everyone wanted to follow Kara’s wishes so it soon turned to a memorial rather than a funeral. As everyone had been distracted by Alex’s story of the first time Kara saved her, Lena didn’t think anyone would notice when she stepped onto the back patio. She nearly jumped in surprise when a masculine voice called her name. 
“Sorry,” Clark said as he stepped up beside her. Lena hummed her acceptance of the apology but didn’t say a word. 
They stood together in silence for a few minutes. If it had been any other time, Lena might have made a joke about a Super and a Luthor but it didn’t feel right with her Super missing. Eventually, Lena can see Clark’s shoulders sag and knows that the silence is about to be broken. 
“She was always so much stronger than me.” Clark speaks in a low, haunted voice. “I’ll never be able to thank her for righting my worst wrong.” 
There’s a heavy set to his shoulders and a distant glint in his eyes that makes Lena feel foolish for forgetting where all this conflict had started. Lex had killed Kara, but it was Clark that turned Lex into a staunch believer in the superiority of man. It was Clark who faced Lex time and time again. CLark who wasn’t strong enough to deal the blow that would have ended all of this conflict. It was Clark’s weakness that had pushed Kara into that position, and Clark’s cowardice that cost Kara her life. 
The urge to hate Clark for his inaction is strong, so strong it makes Lena’s stomach clench and her hands tremble. It would be all too easy to blame Clark for losing Kara, but Lena knows that it wouldn’t be fair to him. There’s plenty of blame to go around but Clark doesn’t truthfully deserve any of it. Lex does. For targeting Kara and dealing the fatal blow, but most of them blame falls on Lena herself. For her own war against Supergirl, for the experiments that gave Lex his powers, for not being strong enough to defeat him on her own. 
Kara would still be with them if not for Lena’s failures. 
“But there is something I can do for her, if you’re willing to help me.” 
It takes a moment for Lena to realize that Clark’s statement had been a request. She looks at him, blinking in askance. 
“Follow me,” Clark, in a move that Lena would never have expected to come from him, gently took Lena’s hand into his own and guided her down the porch steps towards the beach. Agreeing to Clark’s request that she wait there for a moment, Lena tries to settle her nerves. When Clark returns, Lena knows that there is nothing she could have done to prepare herself. 
Clark touches down gently a few feet away from Lena and in the space between them hovers a sleek, grey pod. The black surface on the outside fades to clear and suddenly Lena can see Kara. 
She looks peaceful in death, Lena thinks, like she finally dropped all the weight she had been carrying for so long. 
“On Krypton, when a woman died,” Clark swallows roughly. “It was tradition for the oldest female member of the House to speak Rao’s blessing over them.” 
Clark meets Lena’s gaze evenly. 
“I know that would be Eliza here, or Alura if she had come, but I also know that Kara would have wanted it to be you.” 
“Clark,” Lena hesitated, “Kal, I don’t know.” 
“I know what you mean to her. Meant.” Even though they had been doing so all day, hearing Kara referred to in the past tense hurt deeply and Lena felt the tears welling for what must have been the thousandth time. 
“Okay,” Lena agreed with a shaky nod. Clark handed her a small piece of paper from his pocket and then turned his gaze to the pod containing Kara’s still form.” 
“Whenever you’re ready.” 
Lena was sure that she would never be ready to say goodbye to Kara but there was no sense in waiting. Voice thick with tears and barely above a whisper, Lena began to read. 
“You have been the sun of our lives. Our prayers will be the sun that lights your way on the journey home. We will remember you in every dawn and await the night we join you in the sky. Rao’s will be done.” 
They stood there for a moment with only the sound of the waves crashing against the beach breaking the still air. Then, with a heavy breath like he was steeling himself for the hardest moment of his life, Clark lifted the casket into the air with him. A moment later, Kara returned to the stars that had brought her home. 
Clark returned to the Danver’s household while Lena remained on the beach by herself. There was a fleeting feeling of Lena wishing she had something to hold on to, a memento of Kara’s. The feeling faded only to be replaced with a much stronger wish to simply have Kara there with her. The feeling was strong that for a moment, Lena felt the soft, familiar warmth of Kara’s hand in her own, their fingers resting together easily. As time stretched on, Lena let herself be lost in the phantom feeling of what could have been, until the sound of a car door closing shattered the dream and brought Lena crashing back to reality. 
A reality where Kara was gone. 
Suddenly, the beach felt just as stifling as the house had been. 
Realizing that her moment with the ghost of Kara’s memory was over, Lena turned to make her way back to the house. 
Only Kara’s closest friends remained at the house. Clark, Lois, and Lucy were sitting together on the couch, the two normally argumentative sisters silent in their grief. Barry and Iris were curled together in a chair, Barry staring blankly ahead as Iris watched him in concern. Caitlin and Cisco sat together on the floor in front of Barry and Iris, their shoulders pressed together. Ava sat in the other chair with Sara leaning against her legs, her fingers idly wrapping a strand of Sara’s hair around and around. The other Legends must have gone back to the Waverider. Alex and Eliza sat together on the loveseat and made room between them for Lena. 
It was odd, Lena decided as she took the seat provided for her, to be surrounded by so many heroic figures and not feel even the smallest amount of hope. The Kara shaped whole in the arrangement could not be ignored. No one said a word as Lena sat down and the silence was no less disturbing the longer it went on. 
“It doesn’t seem right,” Cisco broke the silence with a sad voice. “The most powerful person we know.” 
“The bravest and most caring, too,” Barry added just as softly. “She didn’t even ask for help.” 
“You were all busy,” Alex shrugged slightly but Lena could see the tension in her jaw. “You all had your own villains to face and lives to live. She wouldn’t have disrupted that.” 
“She wouldn’t put all of you in danger like that.” Lena’s voice was hoarse from disuse. Not counting her blessing of Kara at the beach, that was the longest sentence Lena had said in two weeks. 
“I did, with the Dominators and Crisis,” Barry’s expression shone with guilt. “She answered every time.” 
“She was like Oliver,” Sara said, leaning further into Ava as she spoke. “More of a hero than any of us will ever be.” 
“All these powers, even time travel, and we still can’t save everyone.” Iris sighed and dropped her head onto Barry’s shoulder. Barry pressed a kiss against his wife’s forehead. 
“We would if we could.” Barry said. “I’d go back in a second if we didn’t have to worry about another Flashpoint. An event like this is too big to go back and change.” 
“Flashpoint?” Lena asked curiously. Alex looked at her with the smallest bit of surprise and a hint of question in her eyes. 
“One of the first times I travelled back in time on purpose, to save my mom. I ended up changing everything,” Barry explained. 
With everyone reluctant to leave, it took little prodding to get Barry to continue elaborating. A conversation about the difficulty of preserving the timeline arose between the members of team Flash and the two remaining Legends in the room. Lena listened with half an ear but her mind was stuck on the comment that had started this conversation. 
It didn’t feel right without Kara in the room, not only in the sense that Lena personally felt as though she was missing an essential part of her being, but in the sense that something about all of this was fundamentally wrong. The only thing about Kara’s conflict with Lex was that Lex was gone. It doesn’t make sense for him to have taken Kara out with him, especially not without Kryptonite. Lena remembered the final blow in sharp detail. The beam that had exhausted Kara was golden, not green. 
A comment about the natural order of time caught Lena’s attention and she pondered the implications of it. The natural order of time ensured that everyone was at the correct time and place, whenever that happened to be in the linear timeline of their own lives. Barry and the Legends are able to move through time as long as they don’t disrupt the natural time. There were few rules for time travel, but the most important was that one could not be in the exact same place and time as they had been before. A person cannot physically be in one specific time and place more than once. 
But, there were ways to send other things through time. The Legends used a ship, and Barry had once sent a message back in time to himself, warning of things to come. The beginnings of an idea began to form in Lena’s mind. Physical time travel was limited, but that didn’t mean that other forms had the same limitations. Unfortunately, Lena was kept from following that rabbit any further down the hole by the group finally breaking apart for the night. Lena forced the questions and ideas from her mind until she returned to National City. 
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Core Day (Kara Danvers x Reader)
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You didn’t make a habit of getting yourself caught in bad situations. Especially not ones that Kara would have to get you out of, whether she was being Kara Danvers or Supergirl. This seemed to be an exception because not only did Kara have to come to your rescue, but so a plethora of other people, including your mother. Kara had promised Cat that she’d take care of you, and Kara had been doing a good job, but there was only so long you could really be kept out of trouble. 
“Before you say anything, I’m sorry,” you said as Kara helped you into your car. Kara got in after you and just held your hand. She didn’t seem overly upset with you, but you could tell that she was definitely still concerned about your safety. You’d gotten in a fight with a reporter who kept hounding you on your alleged romance with Supergirl and a mysterious government agent. 
“It’s fine, sometimes it’s hard not to let things get to you.” Kara offered you a sympathetic smile, which you returned. The two of you rode back to your apartment, just a few levels below a penthouse that Lex Luthor owned. If not for you living there, he could have easily bought out the whole building. “Do you think this is another ploy to get you to leave National City from the Luthors?” 
“I cleared up my misunderstanding with the women, but Lex was no so willing to hear me out. It is fine though,” you assured her. Kara wasn’t so convinced, but when you pulled her in for a soft and delicate kiss, she was distracted. “You know, I skipped my workout this morning. I could use some core training if you’re up for it.” 
“Once Alex clears you for physical activity. She’s already in your apartment, I’ll be there in a few,” Kara promised you. You got a quick kiss from her before you walked up to your doorman. You greeted each other politely and then you ditched your security at the elevator. There were more security guards waiting in the hallway of your floor. Most of them were for you, the two who waited at the elevator for you and walked you to your apartment door, and the two who waited outside of the door. There were some other guards on your floor, but they were there for one of your rich neighbors. 
“Hey doc,” you said happily as you swaggered over to the dining room table. Alex’s stuff was already set up there and she was waiting for you. “How’s your morning going?” 
“Good, Kelly and I were getting coffee when Kara called me. That was a pretty good hit from what I here, not something someone would expect from Cat Grant’s little girl,” Alex said and you shrugged. “Have you been keeping with the medication?” 
“Yes Alex, I know what could happen if I didn’t,” you sighed as Alex checked you out. Kara flew in through an open window and then shut it, watching as Alex finished up the check up. 
“She’s good, right?” Kara asked and Alex nodded. You hopped off of the table and tugged Kara back towards your bedroom as Alex cleaned up her stuff. Kara wrapped her arms around you and pushed open the door to your room. You leaned in and kissed her as she floated the two of you over to your bed. She let the two of you hover above the mattress before gently setting your bodies down. 
“I love it when you do that,” you told her with a dopey smile. Kara returned the smile as she tugged the bottom of your shirt up a bit. Her fingers ran over your exposed skin until your shirt was completely off of your body. You watched Kara sit back and take off her suit, and then she pulled you on top of her body. “Did you bring it?” 
“Of course I did,” Kara said as she zoomed across the room. When she came back, she was standing in front of your bed, the strap-on hanging freely between her legs. You motioned for her to come closer and Kara grabbed behind your knees to tug you towards the edge of the bed. She slowly teased you with the tip of the dildo, rubbing it against your entrance and clit before she pushed inside of you. 
You sat forward and held onto her tightly. Once your legs were wrapped around her, she began to float into the air. That always got your heart racing a bit. Kara seemed to have taken your joke about this being the makeup for your missed gym day seriously because you realized that you were doing most of the work. You didn’t mind it though, especially because you could see how hot Kara thought it was that you were practically fucking yourself on her in her eyes. 
Just before you found yourself cumming, Kara pulled you off of the strap-on and up so that her head was between your legs. She held you up as she ate you out to completion before letting you fall back onto the bed. You watched Kara get dressed back in her Supergirl suit before she zipped out of your apartment for about 15 minutes before she returned, this time in more leisurely attire. 
“There was an emergency,” Kara told you. You nodded in understanding and sat up, now dressed in a pair of underwear and one of Kara’s National City University sweatshirts. Kara tossed a bag of fast food on your bed and then laid down next to you. “I got us lunch.” 
“Have I ever told you that I absolutely fucking love you?” you asked and Kara nodded. “Well, I absolutely fucking love you.” 
“I love you too,” Kara told you. You ignored the little blush at your use of swear words and decided to focus more on cuddling her and eating the food she brought you.
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templedragon · 3 years
Supergirl 6x15 Hope For Tomorrow
Supergirl 6x15 Hope For Tomorrow
Nia is the absentee this episode, which predominantly is Dansen adopting Esme. Alex being a mom is long overdue, having been revealed in season 3. It's too little too late, and the show's habit of traumtising women still applies. Esme is new to her mimicry powers, so Alex decides to keep pushing her through four alien encounters on her first day rather than keeping it chill and two humans only. Alex recalls her childhood with Kara different to what's been shown on Earth 38, Earth Prime, and whatever false memories J'onn gave her in season 4. Kara was essentially told to hide anything that would make her stand out, and if this show was about Kara that would have been a conversation with Alex about adopting an alien and embracing her powers. The show has forgotten that Kara already is an aunt figure, to her cousin's children. At least she could have mentioned missing all her cousins growing up, due to the Phantom Zone and COIE. In the extended family theme, J'onn could also have mentioned the wonder of raising children with open powers as he had to hide for centuries. There are nice domestic moments for Dansen, including a badly edited kiss on a couch and actually *gasp* sitting on their bed fully clothed to talk at the end of the day.
Andrea has lost all her charm, as without screentime with Lena or Andrea she comes across as mean Cat Grant without compassion. There's still too much William, who for reasons unknown gets to meet Esme on her first day. He gets kidnapped by Nyxly due to his article about the SuperFriends, and in his rescue attempt he trips up Nyxly and manages to rip out the courage totem (a magical energy source) while handcuffed and suffering no PTSD from being kidnapped again. This severs the emotional connection between Kara and Nyxly, so it was a plot point for the humanity totem last episode. If a mortal without armour can take down Nyxly, then we really have to question why she hasn't been defeated yet. Nyxly herself has a not-so-secret admirer in Lex Luthor, gifting her a portal watch and a LexoSuit. So we ask, if this is romantically coded, then Kara giving Lena a watch and Lena making Kara so many suits over the years is romantic too. Queerbait until canon.
Supercorp continues to have moments. Kara opens up to Lena in a way she hasn't with anyone else since initially getting back from the Phantom Zone. 3 for 3 on couch scenes. There's balcony framing twice, where Kara lands and Lena looks up from her grimoire to greet her. Lena says El Mayarah, confirming she can speak as well as read Kryptonese, and Kara just beams at her. Lena is still her go-to for reassurance, and would bet on Kara to beat Nyxly to get a hope totem first. Lena shows she knows Kara is separate to Supergirl, which puts further stark contrast to a season 2 abusive dynamic where he wanted just Supergirl. Kara and Lena say “train” together in choosing Esme’s new toy from Brainy, illustrating they are in sync in a way Lena and James weren’t at games’ night. When Kara flies off, Lena’s hair wooshes. Heart eyes everywhere. It's so healthy now. Even if Kara's default strategies are, if she can't talk about hope, she'll throw it into the sun. She has a soft spot for Kasnia, the time she nearly told Lena her identity, and presumably she has all the memories of her duplicate raised there. She says it's not her place to alter the power dynamic on a global scale, and yet in 5x13 she was prepared to alter reality to fix her friendship with Lena. Lena continues to be the exception.
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walter-boswell428 · 3 years
Mission Recover
The Tower
“Alex?” Eliza Danvers asked, “Anything?”
“We are trying, mom, I swear we are trying?” Alex answered through gritted teeth.
“Alexandra Danvers,” Eliza said quietly, “I’m not upset with you, it’s the situation.”
“I know, mom,” Alex sighed, “we are all working on it.”
“I’m headed up to National City tomorrow, is there anything I can bring?” Eliza asked?
“No, but if I think of anything, I’ll let you know,” Alex relaxed, smiling. “Love you.”
“Love you too, honey,” Eliza smiled as well, “give Kelly a hug for me.”
Alex disconnected the call, placing her phone flat on the conference table and layed her head on the cool table top.
Forty-five minutes later she felt a hand rest on her shoulder and looked up into the weary eyes of Lena Luthor. “Kelly said your mom is coming tomorrow?”
“Yeah, she--she’s really worried, and I think she wants to help,” Alex explained, her voice hoarse and heavy with sleep.
“Does she have a place to stay?” Lena asked warmly, taking a seat in Kara’s chair, “I can put her up at my condo.”
Smiling, Alex patted Lena's hand, “she is going to stay at my place, I’m not using it right now.”
“You can’t keep sleeping here,” Lena pouted, “you need to get some real sleep.”
“I believe that would be the pot calling the kettle black, Ms. Luthor,” Kelly Olsen smiled tiredly as she entered the room. “You haven’t been home since you quit Luthor Corp.”
Alex blinked, surprised, “you quit?”
Lena hung her head, “I couldn’t work with him anymore, not after--not after what he did.” Her eyes lifted when she felt Alex squeeze her hand, “I couldn’t go home. Too many bad memories.”
Alex squeezed harder, “I understand. Hey, you want to--you want the key to Kara’s place?”
Lena’s eyes bulged, and she quickly shook her head, “no, no, no…” She turned and quickly walked away, heading towards her lab.
“She still blaming herself?” Alex asked as she looked to Kelly, her tone calm and relaxed. “She’s part of the team, none of us hold her responsible for what her brother did.”
“She’s--she’s complicated, Alex,” Kelly turned and looked at the door, a small frown forming on her face, “and she’s scared that she and Kara are going to be…”
“Broken? Again?” Alex spoke quietly as she laced her fingers into Kelly’s. “We really need to find Kara, before we all fall apart. Especially her girlfriend there.”
“Don’t say that out loud to her, she’s so brittle right now, it won’t take much for her to break, and Kara is her breaking point,” Kelly squeezed Alex’s fingers. “All her fears, hopes and dreams are about Kara.”
Lena’s Lab
Lena’s fingers flew over the keyboard, checking readings and double checking everything again. “Dammit, Kara!” she swore, “where are you?” Her fist slammed down on the panel.
“Lena?” Nia asked as she opened the door. “Are you okay?”
Lena took a deep breath, and rubbed her hands together before turning to face the young hero. “Sorry Nia, I’m frustrated.”
A nervous laugh escaped the younger woman’s lips, “that could be because you are taking all of this...” The Naltorian swept her arms around, “you are blaming yourself for everything.”
“Kara is lost, because I didn’t outsmart Lex! We are working alone because I am here and the other heroes don’t want to work with me!” Tears started to stream down Lena’s cheeks, “I have never been strong enough. I am here now, because I wasn’t strong enough to save her.”
“Lena, Kara doesn’t blame you. She never did,” Nia whispered.
Lena collapsed to her knees, ‘n-n-not Kara, I failed her, I-I-I failed my mother.” She raised her head and screamed.
Nia rushed to Lena, arms outstretched, wrapping them tightly around the woman, “I’m sorry, I am so sorry. Shhh, it’s okay.” Nia crouched down, taking Lena with her. Nia leaned against the desk, still holding on as Lena cried. In a soft whisper she started to sing, a Naltorian lullaby her mother had taught her.
The exhausted woman in her arms lowered herself slowly, sliding beside Nia and resting her head on her shoulder. “I’m so tired, so tired.”
Nia smiled, slowly weaving her power into the words as she sang. It had the desired effect, and Lena’s eyes slowly started to close, and her breathing eventually evened out. Within a few minutes, she stretched and slid her head down onto Nia’s crossed legs.
A few minutes later, Kelly and Alex entered the lab and found the two women sleeping on the floor.
“I know it looks uncomfortable, but maybe?” Kelly shrugged towards the two women.
Alex nodded, surrendering, and she and Kelly made their way over to the sleeping pair, joining them and dozing off quickly.
At Luthor Corp
Lex Luthor looked out over the city from his office, smiling as he looked into the sky. His computer beeped and he turned, talking to himself, “the Girl of Steel, waking up again.” He waved his hand and a hologram of the Phantom Zone appeared in space at eye level, a red dot marking the location of Kara Zor-El.
The Phantom Zone
Kara stirred slowly, moving stiffly as she stood up. She shivered as she approached the cave entrance pulling her cape around her shoulders. It was the first time she had slept without nightmares in several days, and she couldn’t help but think that it was because her father was not around at the moment.
She watched through the hazy, half-dark skies as a figure approached. It was Zor-El and she found herself disappointed that he had once again found his way back to her. She huffed out a deep sigh and turned back into the cave.
As she took a seat against the back wall, she wondered what her friends and family were up to at the moment. ‘How long have I been gone? Have they given up? Have they moved on? Has Lena?’
“I have returned, inah,” Zor-El’s hollow voice called out from the entrance of the cave.
Kara rolled over and rested her head on her arm, pulling the cape tighter around her as she ignored the call, and fell back to sleep.
The Tower
As blue eyes slid closed, green and brown burst open at the same moment. “We need her DNA!” Lena and Alex yelled at the same time.
Kelly and Nia jumped as the two women screamed at each and stood up, running towards the bank of computers on the wall. Alex was pulling up the schematics for a scanner while Lena was entering in hypothetical information to start modeling the software. She slowed down for a moment then, staring at the screen, then turned to Alex, “where are we going to get Kara’s DNA?”
Alex turned to the whole group, a grin splitting her face, “mom.” Then she turned back to the computer and activated the program she was working on.
Alex’s Home
The next morning, Alex and Kelly met Eliza at the front door of the apartment. She peeked in and noticed a third person, and smiled brightly as she recognized the small blonde woman. After hugging Alex and Kelly, she stepped through the door and walked directly towards Cat Grant, “didn’t think I would be seeing you today.”
“Well I figured since my ‘source’ for all news involving Kara and Supergirl was going to be in National City, I should make an appearance, especially since no one in Kara’s group, other than you, Eliza, notified me that Kara would be working with me on a special story,” Cat smirked as she looked over Eliza’s shoulder at Alex and Kelly. “Now, would you two like to tell me about the secret you have been hiding all morning. I am assuming it has something to do with your mother’s arrival.”
Alex scanned Eliza’s neck, “mom, where is the necklace that Kara and I got you for mother’s day?”
Eliza looked at her daughter, confusion obvious on her face, and reached into the collar of her shirt, pulling the small gold chain and heart-shaped locket from her neck. “It’s right here, where I always wear it.” Alex’s hands came up, and she stopped as Eliza held up a single finger and unclasped the necklace with practiced ease and placed it in Alex's outstretched palm. “Want to tell me what this is all about?”
On the back, there were raised Kryptonian glyphs, and Alex smiled as she remembered Kara’s fingers fumbling with the gold as she shaped the locket with her hands. She found the small imperfection in the glyph and pressed lightly, causing the back of the heart to pop open with a resounding click. Her smile grew even larger when she saw the braid of hair, four each of hers and Kara’s hair, pulled from each other’s head just before Kara’s first Earth haircut. She reverently removed the hair and inspected the roots, noting that all four of the lighter colored hairs were all intact. “Yes, yes, yes!” she yelled as she slid the hairs back into the locket and yanked out her phone, dialing Lena. She only had to wait less than one ring, “we’ve got four complete hairs, will that work?”
The four women stared at the phone in shock at the sheer scream of joy from the other end.
Early the next morning, Lena looked at the screen, her vision blurry, and saw what she was looking for. Reaching out, she grasped Alex’s hand, “We did it! Oh my god, Alex! We--we found her!”
Bleary-eyed, Alex looked at the screen, and there they were, the lifesigns they were seeking, one Kryptonian signature. “You did it Lena, you found her, you found her,” Alex ran to the door, screaming into the hallway, “Lena did it, she found her, she found Kara!”
Rushing back into the lab, she grabbed Lena in a backbreaking hug, “you did it, we are going to get her back.”
Lena stiffened, “you are, you’re going to get her back, Alex.”
Alex stopped, and took a step back, taking Lena by the shoulders, “we--we are getting her back, Lena. All of us! Do you understand, ALL OF US!”
Alex watched as something dawned on Lena, she felt the younger woman relax, “We are, we are going to get her back, Alex. All of us--all of us together.”
“That’s the Lena Luthor I know, the woman I admire. The woman Kara lo--cares for,” Alex smiled. “We need to prepare, we need weapons, and a portal.”
“I believe I can help with the portal,” Brainy said as he entered the room, causing the two women to separate. “The top two floors of the tower are set up for interdimensional travel and flight,” Brainy smiled, “something J’onn failed to mention when we all decided to use this location as our headquarters.”
“Up until this point, we had no use for the technology, I apologize for keeping it a secret,” J’onn explained as he and Eliza joined them.
“You really found her, Alex? Lena?” Kelly called out as she and Nia ran into the room.
Alex reached over and grabbed Lena’s hand, “we did!”
Lena smiled, “yes we did.” She started to giggle, and it was suddenly contagious.
All the superfriends were laughing, when Cat Grant peeked in the door, shaking her head at the scene. “Can we go get her now?” the reporter asked, “Now?”
Nia froze for a moment, as blue mist swirled around her. She seemed to be staring into space, but quickly recovered, “we can’t go now, in the morning, we must go in the morning. And we have to be prepared for anything. Kara is in danger from two men, one from our dimension and one is a ghost.” The young hero shuddered, as her vision cleared.
“Alex, you and Lena, need to get some rest. Brainy you too. I’ll take care of the prep work, each of you make a list of what you need, and it will be ready.”
“I’m going too,” Eliza spoke up.
There was a resounding no from the room, except for Cat, who smirked, worried for the group of Superheroes who had just told Supergirl’s mother, no.
“Oh really, and you are all experts on Kryptonian physiology and the mental aspect of what, MY DAUGHTER, is going through?” Eliza snarled, “which one of you thinks you can stop me?”
“Mom? Be reasonable,” Alex swallowed, realizing her mistake as soon as the words left her mouth.
Eliza walked up to her daughter, “Alexandra Michelle Danvers?”
Alex felt the world slowdown as her mother grasped her wrist, spun Alex around and flipped her daughter onto her back. “Oof,” escaped from Alex’s lips and as she breathlessly rolled back to her stomach, taking Kelly’s hand and standing up as everyone applauded. “I--I guess you are--are going,” she grunted out.
“Yes, I guess she is,” Cat Grant laughed, “I on the other hand will stay behind and wait for this team to recover our girl.”
The team filed out, each heading to his or her own bedroom, still laughing as Alex limped down the hallway. Lena stopped, and headed back to the lab, stopping in front of Eliza, “I haven’t had time to--I didn’t set up--we don’t have sunlamps.”
“Lena,” Eliza said, “I created the sunlamps, I will make sure they are ready by morning, okay?”
Lena nodded, afraid to speak. She swallowed, and opened her mouth to speak, but no words would come out. She closed her mouth and stared at the floor, and suddenly found herself gathered into Eliza’s arms. Soft sobbing sounds escaped Lena’s mouth, “it’s my fault, this is all my…”
“Shh, hush, Lena,” Eliza cooed, “it’s not your fault, sweetheart.” She pressed the woman into her chest, holding her gently and letting her cry. “She won’t blame you either, she believes in you Lena, she cares for you.”
“I don’t deserve her, or any of you,” Lena stuttered, settling into Eliza’s arms.
Eliza smiled, “you are absolutely just as hopeless as Kara. She loves you, Lena”
“Eliza?” Lena looked shocked.
“You are her sun, you are her everything Lena, remember that, because she is going to need us, all of us when she comes home,” Eliza said with a smile. “Go, get some sleep so we can go rescue your girl.”
The Tower
Lena stood outside the door guarding the top two floors of the tower, her hand hovering over the handle, self doubt crushing down on her shoulders. She didn’t hear the approaching steps as the rest of the Superfriends came up the hallway.
“Lena,” Alex smirked, “if you really want to go get Kara, you have to turn the handle.”
Alex watched a small smile find it’s way to Lena’s lips. Watched as Lena’s hand closed around the handle and turned, and listened as steely determination rang through Lena’s words, “let’s go.”
They all took their seats, each seemingly knowing where they should sit. At Lena’s station was a large button, obviously the one that would activate the transdimensional portal. J’onn and Eliza arrived a few minutes later taking their seats at the pilot’s station. Eliza looked over the controls, and pressed the launch button. “I wasn’t aware that you spoke Martian, Eliza?”
“I started practicing last night, I also speak French, German, Japanese and Kryptonese,” Eliza smiled. “Lena, would you be a dear, and activate the portal.”
Alex suddenly looked mortified, and Kelly felt her tense up, “what’s wrong, honey?”
“Mom speaks Kryptonese,” Alex said in a whisper, staring at the back of her mom’s head. “Kara and I used to talk to each other thinking that she and Jeremiah couldn’t understand.”
“Mother knows all, Alexandra,” Eliza said, peeking over her shoulder and winking.
Then the world broke, and the portal opened…
Luthor Corp
“Mr. Luthor,” the computer’s synthesized voice spoke through the speaker, “a portal has opened over National City. Based on your sister’s studies, the portal appears to be…”
“Shut up! Shut the hell up!” Lex growled. “Prepare my armor!”
Within minutes, Lex was suited up and launching himself towards the portal that Lena had created.
The Nightmares
Nia (A New Power Rises)
The bridge was dark, everyone was gone. Nia took a shaky breath, shivering in the cold blackness. She took another breath, then another. As her body relaxed, she tried to pull on her power. A blue glow started to emanate from her fingers, casting soft shadows throughout the dark bridge. One of the shadows came to life, walking towards her, wearing the face of her sister Maeve.
“You will fail, Nia Nal,” the shadow hissed, as it slid from shadow to shadow. “You carry the power of our mother with no knowledge of its use. You will fail your family…”
Nia tried to focus, to draw on more of her power, when out of the shadows walked Yvette's attacker, “keep trying Dreamer, you failed Yvette and it took everyone but you to find Supergirl,” the shadow’s words slid from it’s throat. “You fail, again and again…”
Nia started to raise her hands to her ears, when a final shadow appeared. “You aren’t worthy of the power Nia,” the words flowed from the mouth of the creature as its eyes opened and Nia realized she was seeing herself.
She dropped to her knees, a silent scream coming from her opened mouth. She pushed, her light slowly dimming, allowing the shadows closer and closer.
“Nia, Nia,” she heard a soft whisper in her ear, “you have always been a hero, it’s always been inside you…”. She heard the words in the voices of her family, and with each speaker her powers continued to grow, pushing against the shadows. Her eyes opened wide as Kara’s voice reached her ears, “you got this, little sister.”
With those words, a mighty roar spread through the darkness as a lioness made up of Nia’s light burst forward and destroyed the shadows.
Brainy (Form Own Destiny)
Sitting in his throne, Brainiac looked out over the destroyed planet that had once been Earth. With his enhanced powers, he could see the remains of the heroes of this petty planet, Guardian’s shield, Sentinel’s jacket, Martian Manhunter’s boots, Supergirl’s cape. Then he looked down into his hand, where he held Nia’s mask.
He sat staring at the mask for hours, running it between his fingers, relishing it weight, trying to remember the eyes that had been behind it.
“What have I become?” The words escaped his mouth in one breath.
“You have become that which you were always meant to be, offspring of Brainiac,” a shadow whispered, “you have become death, and the universe will be better for it.”
“This is not who I am?” Brainy panted, “I…”
“Ehehaha, you speak as if you can fight destiny,” the shadow laughed. “You started on this path as soon as you allied with the Earthling named Lex Luthor. He stained your soul, and now there is no turning back. You will kill them all.”
Brainy’s eyes got wide, tears started to fall, “no, I--I refuse to believe this fantasy.”
“You act as if you have a choice,” the voice whispered.
“All sentient creatures have a choice,” Brainy spoke with confidence, then felt an invisible hand take his own. “We make wrong choices. We use them to make us better, stronger…”
“IT IS YOUR DESTINY!” The voice screamed.
Gripping the hand tighter, Brainiac stood up, “logic does not dictate destiny. My friends…” the hand squeezed back, “my family forgave me, you are not by destiny.”
The lights came up, and Brainy found himself staring into the glowing eyes of Dreamer.
J’onn (Protect Your Family)
Green lidded eyes opened slowly. The Martian Manhunter shook his head, and looked around, trying to get his bearings. ‘DEO Headquarters?’ he thought to himself and attempted to move, but found himself unable to move.
Susan Vasquez and Alex walked into the room and the corner lit up showing Winn sitting at his computer. J’onn tried to speak, but no words would come. He couldn’t even move his head. Then from behind he heard booted feet approaching. He tried to turn, to fight whatever it was that had him trapped.
The first bullet struck Susan in the back of the head, the second hit Winn in the chest. The third and fourth hit Alex in the arm and then the leg, dropping her to the floor, screaming in pain and firing at her unseen enemies. The bullets passed right through him and J’onn realized it was him, he was the unseen killer.
Kara entered a moment later, shielding her sister with her body, as her heat vision fired through him over and over again.
A green round shot out, catching her in the chest, and J’onn started to breathe even harder, panic pushing him to move, but he couldn’t.
He blinked back angry tears, and felt himself starting to rise, to float away. He could see the enemy and it was Lex Luthor.
The balding man looked up at him and sneered, “running from another fight, J’onn.” Then he turned his attention back to Kara and Alex who looked up at him, fear in their eyes. Lex took a step forward, raising his arms, the noise of cycling rounds was deafening as he locked on J’onn’s earthbound daughters.
His scream gave the girls a moment but it wasn’t enough as Lex started to fire, his rounds getting closer and closer.
“It’s not real, it’s not real,” J’onn started to say to himself, “it’s not real,” He cringed in horror as the rounds got closer and closer. “IT’S NOT REAL!”
The lights came back…
Kelly (Guardian Shines)
The doors slid open and Kelly Olsen slipped in silently, moving from shadow to shadow watching and listening as an obviously controlled Lena and Eliza studied a caged phantom zone demon. As she slipped from one hiding spot, the creature spotted her and the woman froze in place.
“Kelly,” the creature hissed from the mouths of Eliza and Lena, “you should not have come here, Kelly Olsen.”
Kelly took a deep breath, getting her breathing under control, ‘this isn’t real, Nia warned us, Alex warned me, it’s all a nightmare.’
A familiar voice sounded in the woman’s ears, slurring slightly, like she had drunk one beer to many before bed time. Kelly turned towards the sound, her eyes opening wide with shock, as Alex approached, her eyes red, “Hello, Kelly.”
Stumbling back, Kelly stuttered, “what, Al--Alex?” She shifted away from the woman, holding her hands out to keep the thing that was her Alex at a distance. “Alex, this--this isn’t you, fight it, if anyone can, it’s you, honey.”
The creature began to hiss through Alex, Lena and Eliza’s mouths again, “why would we fight, we are stronger, physically and intellectually than you could ever hope to be.”
Kelly’s eyes closed tightly, ‘it’s not true, Alex would never say that.’ She opened her eyes back, and looked at the demon creature, “Alex, this isn’t something you would say. The Alex I know asked me to move in with her, she wears her fuzzy socks on a cold night in the winter. She shared her deepest secret with me and her deepest fears,” The Alex creature’s eyes flickered a moment and Kelly smiled softly, “remember the first time we met, at the hospital, how we butted heads? How we were so sure we were right and the other person was wrong? I knew then that I wanted a part of your life. All the ups and downs Alex, I can’t think of anyone else I would rather be with right now.”
Alex���s eyes closed, almost as if she was in pain, then they opened and Kelly smiled, relieved to see the brown eyes of her Alex. “Kelly, I--I didn’t mean any of that, I swear it wasn…”
Kelly smirked, “you sound just like Kara when you ramble.” Then she pressed their lips together and pulled Alex into a tight hug.
“He’s coming back, Kelly, you need to listen to Nia, let her help, trust her,” Alex said as she pulled away. “Save us, Kells. Save us…” Her eyes closed again and when they opened Kelly was once again staring into the blood red orbs of the demon.
“Nia?” Kelly gasped, backing away slowly.
“You can do this, Alex knows it and so do I,” she heard Nia’s voice whisper in her ear. “Be the Guardian your brother could never really become. Be the hero we all know you are…”
As the voice faded, Kelly saw a blue mist swirl around her, felt armor start to form on her frame. Looking down, she found herself wrapped in blue and gold, a helmet formed around her head and she watched with a smile as a gold shield appeared on her left arm.
The creature picked that moment to attack. Kelly leaped back, pressed off the wall and jumped into the air, spinning as she lifted the shield's cutting edge level with the demon’s neck. She heard it scream, landed in a crouch and turned, watching with satisfaction as it dissolved into mist.
“Good job, Guardian,” Nia said as she took Kelly’s hand and the darkness faded…
Eliza (A Mother’s Love)
Eliza stepped into the clearing, listening as Alex begged Kara to come back, to not die. Her heart clenched and she stopped. The sunlight in the plants started to move towards her adopted daughter then stopped as Snowbird swooped down from the sky and attacked Alex, driving her oldest child to the ground. The woman stopped, hovering over her girls. A growl rose in Eliza’s throat as she gathered herself up and moved out of the shadows, “get away from my girls, you bitch.”
She stopped as the creature looked up at her, red eyes, dead and uncaring staring at her. “You are weak, Eliza Danvers, not even worth my time.”
Through gritted teeth, “try me, I’ve faced nightmares worse than anything you can conjure up. Bring it on!”
The creature tilted its head away, ignoring Eliza completely and lowered itself over Alex and Kara again.
Eliza swung a tree limb at the creature's head, “I said get away from my girls!”
The creature recoiled and lost the shape it was holding, transforming into a phantom zone ghost. Eliza growled again, swinging once again at the monster’s head. She grunted as it connected with something solid and the creature howled in pain.
“Still think I’m not worth your time?” Eliza threatened.
The girls stirred and Eliza turned her head. The creature picked that moment and attacked, but Eliza was prepared and waited, raising the stick like a spear, watching in satisfaction as it impaled itself and began to dissolve into mist.
“Never doubt a mother’s love,” Eliza snarled as the light returned…
Alex (A Sister’s Bond)
Alex slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Her breath caught in her throat, as one thought came to her, ‘Kara’s apartment!’ She watched her sister’s dark shape, shooting her heat vision at the rack of clothes in the corner of the bedroom. Rushing forward, she grabbed a fire extinguisher, pulled the pin and put out the fire. Kara turned her back and strutted towards the window. “Kara?”
“Don’t even Alex,” Kara didn’t turn around, she just continued to talk, “jealousy doesn’t look good on you.”
Alex shook her head. She’d been here before. She looked around the room, at Kara’s black uniform. ‘Astra’s dead, Kara’s--she’s been exposed to--to Red Kryptonite,’ Alex’s brown eyes opened. She was reliving one of the worst nights of her life.
Kara opened the window, “how does it feel, Alex? How does it feel to be less?”
“I failed you Kara, I should have been with you, I should have protected you…” Alex cried out, interrupted.
The Kara creature turned around, now longer wearing the black, now she was beaten and bruised, “you have always failed me.”
Alex’s breath caught, it was the night Reign had beaten her. The coma, Kara’s heart stopping. “I…”
The creature stopped again, and Kara was lying in a forest clearing dying as Alex struggled to remember, to save her.
“Kara…” Alex’s breath caught, she was losing it, losing control.
Kara was trapped in the fortress, the kryptonite leaching into her system. “You always arrive too late, Alexandra Danvers.”
Now Kara was against a white wall, as kryptonite slowly killed her. She was fading away, disappearing into the phantom zone.
“NO!” Alex screamed, “I haven’t failed her, not like this. Show me the times she didn’t get hurt, show me the times I held her hand and supported her. Show me the times she held my hand and supported me. WE ARE SISTERS, we fight, we hurt each other and then we get up, wipe our hands and face the world. I will save her, she will save me, and together, WE WILL KICK YOUR ASS!” Alex shook with tears, took a deep breath and stepped forward, “you will not stop us from getting her back, so GET OUT OF MY HEAD!”
She fell to her knees as the darkness faded and Kelly wrapped her arms around her…
Lena (For Better or For Worse)
Lena could feel herself falling, plummeting through her own memories.
She was standing by the lake shore watching her mother’s hand sink beneath the surface.
She was standing in the hallway of a dark house, looking into the face of a woman who would never love her.
She sat alone in the cafeteria at the college, too young to understand why no one wanted to eat with her.
She was sitting alone in the courtroom, listening as Lex was sentenced.
She was always alone, until one bright light forced its way into her life.
“She’s Supergirl,” Lex said as she pulled the trigger.
Kara was standing before her then, her blue eyes hidden behind the red of the creature from the Phantom Zone, “she betrayed you, she doesn’t trust you, she is scared of you and you left her alone to suffer by your brother’s hand.”
Lena fell to her knees, a crushing sob rushing from her throat, “no.”
“It’s your fault Lena Luthor, all of it is your fault,” the creature said over and over again as it took the shape of all the Superfriends, Sam, Andrea, Lillian and Lex. Then it took Nia’s form and it’s red eyes shifted to purple.
“It wasn’t you Lena,” Nia spoke in a confident whisper, “she never doubted you, she never thought you failed her, she believes in you. We all do.”
Lena stood up, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, “Kara?”
The creature screamed as it took the shape of Kara Zor-El. Blue eyes peeked out through the fingers on its face.
“Kara?” Lena’s voice cracked, “we are coming, we are coming to get you.”
“Lena? Lena, you found me?” Kara responded, her eyes brightening and her voice sounding strong.
“We will be there soon, darling. Just hold on a little longer. We are all coming for you,” Lena promised, her green eyes shining.
“Lex is here, Lena. Don’t trust my father,” Kara warned, her blue eyes slowly fading and returning to red. “Be safe Lena, be careful my Zhao.” And then she was gone.
“You failed her again, Lena Luthor,” the creature growled, and floated forward. “I will end you now,”
Lena stepped forward, “do your worst?” She held her hands out, palms facing the creature, but she wasn’t alone. Nia was standing beside her holding her outstretched left hand. She felt a grip in her right and Alex was standing there. Then Brainy, Kelly, J’onn and Eliza stepped forward.
The creature emitted a low growl and continued to move forward, expecting the Superfriends to retreat. When they failed to do so, it stopped and screamed. But the team held its ground, raising weapons and hands, all their considerable power came to bear as they fired away. Dreamer’s energy captured the monster, wrapping it in unbreakable bands of dream energy. The rest continued to flay the creature with whatever weapons they were carrying, watching as it dissolved into mist and disappeared.
>>>The Rescue
The phantom closed in on Kara, forcing the hero to duck and roll towards the other side of the cave. She stood quickly and bumped into Zor-El forcing both of them into the wall. The phantom turned, and was rushing towards them.
Kara pushed her father to the side, shoving him away, as the ghost slammed her into the stone wall, the force of the blow caused her head to crack against the solid surface, which brought stars to the Girl of Steel's eyes. She slid down the wall, the small cavern spinning under her feet. She felt the stone slice through her uniform, hissing as it ripped into her back.
The creature reared back, slicing its claws towards Kara’s face. She ducked, dropping to her side, but in doing so she caught her arm on a rough outcropping, tearing a huge gash in her arm, and leaving a huge smear of blood on the wall.
Lex Luthor stepped behind and grabbed her by the arms, wrenching them up behind her back. “I should have just killed you back in the fortress, but I guess this way, I get you and your friends.” He lifted Kara over his head and tossed her through the opening of the cave.
Kara landed on her back, the pain lancing throughout her body. She rolled over and tried to crawl away, rising to her hands and knees.
Lex, the phantom and her father closed in on her, moving purposely out of the entrance and spreading out.
Kara backed against a large outcropping, pushing herself to her feet. The phantom creature closed in and Kara locked eyes with it, daring it to enter her head. The creature froze, it had never had a willing victim. The pause would be it’s last thought.
Kara looked up as a strange shaped ship blasted through a tear in the void above. Her eyes followed a strange device that plummeted from the sky, landing about fifteen feet away. Lex and her father were so busy watching the ship, they failed to notice how close the device landed and were completely unprepared when it went off…
Pure sunlight washed over Kara and she smiled as she watched Alex and Lena drop from the ship followed by someone else. She felt her cuts start to heal and her muscles stopped aching for the first time in what seemed like forever. She stood tall as Alex dropped in a crouch at her side, the Hand of the Soldier shaping itself into a spear of some sort. Her smile grew even larger as Lena landed, wrapped in some sort of alien armor with her arm wrapped around, Eliza? Kara’s brow crinkled as she shook her head. “Eliza?” She asked, confused.
“I’ll explain later, Kar,” Alex said as she scanned her sister, noting the rips and tears in her uniform, and the blood stains.
The four women turned to face their enemies as Lex spoke, “how nice that you brought the whole family, little sister.”
Lena swallowed, speechless that Lex was actually here, her breathing sped up and her eyes were wide. “Shut up Lex, Lena’s with us, and there is nothing you can say that will ever change that,” Alex growled, as Kara stepped forward and took Lena’s fingers in her palm.
Lena stood up straighter, “Activate!”
Kara looked on impressed as Lena was wrapped in a blue suit of armor, stepping in front of Kara and Eliza.
Alex stepped up beside Lena and the fight was on.
Zor-El’s eyes became bright red orbs as he focused on Kara and Eliza, his feet lifting off the ground as he floated forward.
“Kara!” Alex yelled, “keep mom safe, Lena and I will handle Lex.”
Kara immediately stepped in front of Eliza, as Lena and Alex shot forward to take on Lex.
“How about we take care of each other, honey?” Eliza asked, as she pulled a collapsible staff from her belt, pressed the button and smiled wickedly as it extended.
Kara dropped into a crouch, her body preparing for the onslaught. “We can do this, he can shapeshift and get into your head.”
“They already tried. They’ve got no power left over us, and you just need to believe in yourself and your family, okay Kara?” Eliza responded, her eyes never leaving the creature, as she started to spin the staff in her hands.
On the other side of the field, Lex fired a rocket at Lena, and watched in anger as Alex brought up her arm, as the Hand formed a shield, deflecting the missile back at him. “Learned that one from my girlfriend, Lex,” as she rolled out of the way.
Lena rolled her eyes inside her helmet, allowing the computer to aim at the Phantom Zone projector on Lex’s back. As the tone sounded, she launched four shots, four different rockets that zoomed towards Lex at high speed. He ducked each one and rolled up to take a shot.
“Missed,” Lex laughed.
“Did she?” Alex said as she came up in front of him and sliced through his missile launcher, watching in satisfaction as it bounced away.
Lex looked confused, then shocked as all four rockets crashed into his back, detonating and tearing the projector to shreds, along with a portion of his armor.
Zor-El shot towards Eliza and was caught by surprise as Kara fired beam after beam of her heat vision at him, burning portions of his robes away. As the last shot struck him in the chest, he veered away from Eliza and focused his attention on Kara.
Kara shot forward to meet him, catching his clawed hands as he brought them down towards her face. “Never underestimate them,” she said as she held the claws back.
“Never underestimate?” the creature asked.
The staff, charged with Nia’s dream energy, came down on the monster’s head, slicing through it and turning it to ash.
“Never underestimate my family,” Kara smiled, then fell to her knees as her energy gave out. Eliza caught her and both women watched as Lex was surrounded by Alex and Lena.
Lex growled, swinging his fist, first at Alex and then at Lena. “I’m going to kill you all, do you understand, all of you.”
Lena placed a kick at the ankle of his suit, listening to the sound of crushed metal, as the boot shattered around Lex’s foot.
The Hand of the Shoulder continued to change in Alex’s skilled hand, removing power supplies with a knife’s edge and blasting away energy cores and other important components one after another.
Lex’s forward momentum stopped as his suit froze, and the maniac found himself trapped as Kara and Eliza joined his sister and Alex. He continued to spit insult after insult at each of the women, until Eliza took a deep breath and walked up to him, reared back and punched him in the nose.
Lex’s head lolled in his suit, his breathing sounding haggard through his broken nose.
An exhausted Kara looked up at the three women, “can--can we go home now?”
All three women smiled at the hero and shook their heads, leading her to the slowly descending ship.
As the group entered the ship, they were approached by the rest of the team. Lena, still suffering from self doubt, broke off and headed towards her station. Eliza watched her go, her eyes full of concern.
Kara was barely holding herself up right, but at the sight of her friends, she opened her arms.
Brainy was the first to reach her, tears flowing freely down his cheeks as he wrapped his arms tightly around the Kryptonian. “I missed you, Kara.”
Smiling into his shoulder, Kara whispered, “Me too, Brainy.”
Kelly was next, gently pulling Kara forward, “I took care of her for you.”
“You took care of her for both of us, Kelly. Are you mad?” Kara asked softly.
“Mad about you being Supergirl? No. Mad that you got yourself into this, a little,” she smiled. They worked their way apart, “It’s good to have you back, Kara.” She leaned in and placed a light kiss on Kara’s forehead, “love you, Supergirl.”
J’onn came forward next, and everything he needed to say was conveyed in strong protective arms as they wrapped themselves around the woman he thought of as his own child. Tears fell from his eyes as he kissed the top of her head.
Nia stopped a step away, opening her mouth to speak, tears streaming down her cheeks. Kara stared back, smiling slightly, “come here, little sister.”
Nia crumbled into Kara’s arms, heaving sobs sounding from her throat, “it was you, you came to me.”
“You called, I came,” Kara said into the top of Nia’s head. Her lips brushed the other woman’s temple, “whenever you need me, I’ll be there for you.”
The hug could have lasted hours, when in reality it was just a few minutes. Then it was Eliza’s turn and tears flowed from both women. The older woman crushed the hero to her chest, pouring as much love into the hug as was possible in the moments they had.
Sniffling, Kara looked up into Eliza’s eyes and in that moment, she thanked Rao for the family she had found when she came to Earth.
Alex approached the two women next, wrapping her arms around them both, feeling her sister snuggle closer to her as Eliza pulled away, giving her daughters a moment of their own. The sister’s collapsed to their knees, refusing to let go of one another. Alex peppered Kara’s head with kisses, “she did it Kara. Lena found you. Everything you said about her was right.”
“I get to be right occasionally,” Kara smiled through her tears. “Thank you so much for not giving up on me, for coming after me, for being my big sister.”
“Always,” Alex smiled, her tears streaming down her cheeks as Kara gripped her harder.
And Then There Were Two
Kara stood up from her knees and made her way towards the striking brunette sitting at the control panel on the far side of the bridge. Unshed tears were filling Lena’s eyes as she focused on the blue eyes that were moving towards her.
Kara finally reached Lena, her breathing and heartbeat loud in her ears.
Lena stood, her hands folded in front of her, fingers twisting, her lower lip grasped tightly between her teeth.
“Hey you,” Kara whispered. “Thank you.”
Words spilled from Lena’s lips, “I’m so, so sorry. I should have known, I tried to find you, Lex is staying. I missed you so…”
Kara chuckled lightly, as tears ran down her cheeks, “Lena, I’m going to kiss you now, and if you will have me, I’m going to spend the rest of my life kissing you and saying thank you for saving me.”
Lena sucked in a breath, but once again words failed her and she simply nodded. Parched lips met hers and she snaked her arms around Kara’s neck, pulling her forward, and deepening the kiss. Kara smiled and sighed as Lena’s tongue flicked over her teeth and pushed its way deeper.
“I missed you, Kara,” Lena smiled as they broke apart.
“I missed you too, Zhao,” Kara said as she leaned in for a second kiss.
The Tower
The ship docked with the tower, and the crew disembarked, everyone heading towards the medical bay.
As Kara reached the doors, a huge grin came to her face when she noticed Cat and M’gann waiting for her to walk through...
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Back Against the Wall - TEASER
Recent poll winner for the prompt: - Kara forgets to button the last button at CatCo event, gets swarmed by omegas.
Includes the following items in every box: * Cat Grant returns * Nia is flustered by Cat Grant * Andrea is thirsty * Lena is slightly devious * Kara doesn't "get" Earth taboos
"Well, well, well...aren't you all grown up, Kiera?"
Kara spins so fast that it has Nia coughing in a way that sounds suspiciously like 'secret identity'.
"Cat," she mumbles.
Elegant as ever, her old boss lifts her flute of champagne to her lips, her trademark platinum bracelet twinkling in the low lighting. Behind Cat is a strawberry blonde omega clad in a shimmering drape of green silk seemingly modeled after the chitons so popular on statues of Greek goddesses. It bares her legs to mid-thigh and the silver-plated clasps leave tantalizing glimpses of milky flesh between hips and ribs. The collar is turtleneck-high and crushed velvet, leading to a gold chain. The outline is tempting without being glued to her bust and her butt, and so like something at the National City University sculpture garden that no one would dare call it racy. Perhaps it's an in-joke between them about her very classical figure: all curves and heft in tribute to the ancient feminine from ages before anyone heard of 'thigh gap'. The omega's scent screams admiration and her hand never leaves the small of Cat's back. Kara spots a tiny scar on Cat's braceleted wrist. It's a better place for a businesswoman to have a bite, Kara supposes. Easier to conceal. Never let them know what the rules are, Cat once told her.
"Right," Kara finally manages. "Good point."
"Naturally," Cat retorts. "I made it. This is Vania."
Rao's mercy. The Amazon? Aella and Melanippe's daughter?
"Lovely to meet you, sister," Vania drawls. "For you it's Van, or just V."
"You haven't introduced me to your date, Kiera."
"This is Nia. Ah...a friend."
"My..." Nia pauses. "...partner is having a rough patch. We're trying to keep it low key for him. So when I go out, it's with Kara."
"Nia Nal."
"I'm Cat Grant. Obviously."
The handshake is brief and jerky and meant to show a burst of strength but also respect. Nia is making Kara's alpha feel foolish and inadequate tonight.
"The pieces on fashion, expression, and gender," Cat recalls, tapping a long finger against her wine glass. "And the op-ed on status-body divergence. I'm guessing those were yours?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Ma'am," Cat huffs. "Ma'am is my mother. An association you do not want me to make. Those articles were tolerable. I thought you seemed familiar."
Nia shivers. Cat turns her all-seeing gaze back on Kara. Pale blue, almost green. Knife-sharp and intense enough to spear Kara to the spot, bracing for a verbal beat-down.
"I recommended to Ms. Luthor that she assign Nia to you, Kara."
"You did? You personally?" Nia all but squeals.
"Mmm. But I wanted you to teach her how to show some spine, Kara. Not donate yours," she teases.
Van slides her arm in Cat's and gestures towards the banquet table.
"Let Kara be, my heart."
She turns her ocean-blue eyes on Nia and waves a hand idly at the food.
"Come, little oracle. I do love a good story of Cat's handpicked proteges," she purrs.
As the trio passes by, Kara feels blunt nails scrape across her abs.
"Missed a button," one of her tormentors hisses.
The 'crisis' turns out to be Lena and Andrea next door in the omega's ladies, still dressed to the nines, with the alpha waiter that they'd hijacked held between them. Andrea's long fingers are curled around the waiter's cock. Each pump is slow. Deliberate. Controlling. Lena's tongue traces the poor woman's ear--pink, puffy, and perfect--dragging strangled sounds from deep in her ribs. Andrea's bending over more than she needs to, making sure Kara has a good view of her golden skin. Up and down she strokes, up and down goes the mind-melting glimpse of her cleavage.
"Nice of you to join us," Lena purrs. "I knew I could count on Supergirl."
There's something about the waiter, too. Something familiar.
"You're the vigilante that I had to save six months ago."
The woman was good, and obviously had excellent training. Batman-level moves but no Batsuit. Bruce won't admit it, but the fifty million dollars of bulletproof armor matters.
"Answer her, love."
Kara's too hasty in setting them down on Lena's balcony, making Andrea tumble out of her grip into a heap. Thankfully, she landed on one of Lena's chairs for sunbathing.
"Whatcha think?" Kara whispers to Stephanie, nodding at the tangle of golden skin, ruined designer silk and embarrassed slash horny scent. One of Andrea's Givenchy heels is dangling on snapped straps and the other probably went over the edge of the balcony. A quick glance with X-Ray vision finds it embedded in a planter. Since the falling stiletto didn't smash anyone's brains, she decides it's not Supergirl's problem.
"I think you should fuck her."
Kara nearly jumps back into the sky at the sound of Lena's voice.
Lena toes off her own shoes and walks over to the deck chair. She gathers Andrea's silky mane into a fist and yanks.
"Lee," Andrea moans. "Please."
"Please what, Andrea? Please, Lena! Protect me from a pair of alphas? Please, Lena! Let you pay me back for the way I betrayed you by letting them fuck me sore? Please, Lena! Let me earn your trust by taking their knots?"
"All of it," Andrea mumbles. "Except the first bit."
Lena claps appreciatively and disappears inside, soon returning with baby wipes, paper towels and an energy drink for Andrea. Someone's phone goes off and the three of them--Andrea is working hard just to keep track of a straw--hunt through the pile of clothes until they find it.
"Fuck," Stephanie hisses. "I have to go."
Lena glances over her shoulder.
"He does not call it the Bat-ification. Does he?"
"I tried to trick him into calling the alerts 'bush', for Bat-push, but Batwoman caught me."
Andrea wheeze-laughs.
"Kate Kane knows her way around a bush, I'll give her that."
Kara is not a fan of capitalism in general.
But having Lena's fridge restocked to abundance in tidy rows by some white-gloved person every day makes a case for some aspects of it.
Lena on tiptoes in a loosely tied kimono of queenly purple, straining her pretty little fingers for the switch for the stove's exhaust fan? That can excuse any injustice.
"Little help?" her best friend whines, using her scent in a way Kara doesn't remember Nia ever using to make Kara reach something in the supply closet at work. Nia's probably just not as crafty. Who is, really?
Kara walks around the breakfast counter and curls her fingers around the omega's hips, thumbs pushing in just a bit so she can stroke the delicate arch that frames Lena's pelvis.
"You could just reach up and do it," Lena reminds her, but she's short of breath.
"Gotta teach billionaires to be self-sufficient," Kara teases before she lifts her up.
"Fuck," Lena pants, bracing her hand against the exhaust hood and scrambling madly for a switch with fingers shaking so hard she can barely work it.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 years
And then Lena shows up at the CatCo party as a personal guest of Miss Grant’s. When Kara eventually shows up, she sees the two of them talking before Lena is pulled away by Maxwell Lord for a photo op leaving Cat to deal with Kara alone. 
“You know Tess?” 
Cat blinks at her. “Tess? Oh right, her. The damsel in distress... [insert solioquy about how it would have been ‘a much better story for Supergirl to have saved Tess before Superman had to get involved’ here]” because Cat is totally covering for Lena’s identity because she knows that Lena is trying to lay low. 
And then a little while later Tess finds Kara alone for a dance and teases that she wouldn’t have been lured into attending if not for the hope that Kara would also be present. 
“After this morning, I wasn’t sure where we stood, so I wanted to make myself perfectly clear.”
Kara gulps, her eyes wide and staring as Tess tucks a stray wisp of hair behind Kara’s ear. 
“I adore you, Kara. And I would very much like to be more than friends.”
Kara blinks, stunned. But she scrambles to respond, unwilling to leave Tess hanging. “M-me too.”
When Tess leans in for a kiss, Kara meets her halfway. The rest of the room disappears the moment their lips meet, until all Kara can hear is the thundering of their hearts.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 years
KD: Siobhan
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You and Kara always walked to work together since you stayed over at her place more than her own. 
“Are you doing okay?” 
“I’m sorry, but I’m really sick of people asking me that.” She said, absolutely exhausted. 
“I’m sorry, hey,” you said, pulling her to a stop. “I watched you nearly die, and I kind of enjoy your presence. So I care.” 
“I know.” She said pecking your forehead. “And I kind of enjoy your prescience too.” She said as she walked towards her desk, you walked towards your office. 
You were the head of graphic design so instantly you were thrown into the day. People needing proofs, needing approvals for their projects/color schemes. 
It wasn’t until lunch you could see Kara again. You walked to her desk with papers for Cat, you saw she was in the office with Cat and then saw a woman in a very loud patterned dress and a brunette bob. Kara did not look happy, but she was trying to be civil from what you could tell. 
“Y/N,” Cat said as she walked towards the doors to get the  papers. “Have you met my new assistant Siobhan?” She said grabbing the documents and stepping aside. 
“No, I haven’t.” You said in confusion. 
Siobhan put her hand out, “it’s an honor to meet you Y/N. I’ve followed your work for years.” 
“Thanks,” you said awkwardly, she was holding your hand too tight for your liking. You pulled away quickly. “Sorry, I’m not a contact person.” You resisted the urge to wipe your hand on your pants. It seemed rude and you were not looking for an argument with Cat on behavior. 
When Cat wasn’t looking, you gave Kara a quizzical look, she subtly shook her head. You knew what she was saying, ‘don’t call her out right now’. 
“Kara, are you good for lunch?” You asked. 
Kara went to speak but then Cat cut in with something she needed done, which Kara jumped to do. She gave you an apologetic grin when she took off. 
“I have to go back to my desk,” Siobhan said, “I hope to be seeing you soon.” She said bumping your hip and walking away after giving you a flirty smile. 
Sweet Jesus. 
You walked back to your office to eat your sad sandwich alone when your phone buzzed. 
Sunshine: i’m so sorry, siobhan is my replacement after the black mercy situation. 
You: baby it’s fine. besides we can have a nice dinner tonight with some delicious dessert 😏
Sunshine: you make my days better 
You: ditto 😘
You set your phone down on the desk and turned. Siobhan was right there. You jumped, “jeez! What’re you doing?” 
“Sorry, Ms. Grant said I should talk to you.” She said letting herself in and sitting in one of your chairs. 
“About?” You asked, turning fully and leaning against your desk.
“Just getting used to things with your guidance.” 
You sighed, this was the last thing you wanted to do. “I don’t know what you’d need my guidance for, you have Kara.” She scoffed, “she couldn’t find her way out of a paper bag.” 
Your blood simmered. “What?” “She’s a dumb blonde.” 
Your fists clenched around the edge of the desk as you looked at her with your ‘are you fucking serious’ expression. “She’s my girlfriend, so I’d watch what you say.” 
“Really?” She was surprised, “you don't strike me as someone who would date someone like her.”
“A woman?” You tested. “No, no, I’m queer myself. Someone who’s stupid.” She said getting up and stepping closer to you. “Stupid?” You said, absolutely flabbergasted at the audacity of this woman. 
“Yeah, she can’t even do this job which is easy.” 
“And yet, you say you need help.” “It was Cat’s idea, and what can I say? You’re stunning, who wouldn’t be around you all the time.” 
You scoffed and looked away, because you were about to slap the shit out of her. But then she reached for your face, “you’re so pretty.”
But you harshly caught her hand, she looked at you surprised, “get out of my office, you ever try to touch me again without my consent, I will break your hand on the spot. Are we clear?” 
She swallowed and nodded, you let go of your hand and she walked out of the room. 
For fucks sake. 
“You threatened Siobhan?” Cat asked, walking around her desk, to you. 
It was 8 PM, the heads of departments usually stayed quite a bit after everyone else went home, Kara was out doing Supergirl stuff, then she’d come home to you. 
“She tried to touch my face without my consent, Cat.” 
“She said you attacked her because of Kara?” “She’s full of shit! Check my office’s security cameras.” You snapped. 
And so Cat did. After she looked at you apologetically, “I’m sorry, Y/N. I should’ve known you wouldn’t lay your hands on an employee…well in a threatening way.” 
You rolled your eyes, “it’s fine, Cat. I just…” “Just what?” 
“She’s unneeded, an nonessential employee for your company. Kara does the job great, you’re just being petty.” You said. “She’s not a total bitch and doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable unlike Siobhan.” 
“I’ll talk to her, okay?” 
You nodded, that was all you were gonna get out of Cat. “I’m going home, just know that while I support you Cat, because we have been partners since the beginning of my career, I don’t approve of you treating Kara badly, and that’s not just because I’m dating her.” 
Cat gave you her trademark look of ‘i respect you for talking to me that way because nobody else does’. Then you walked out of the room. 
“What do you mean Siobhan touched you?!” Kara said the minute you walked into the apartment. 
You sighed, “I’m assuming Cat called you.” 
She gave you a ‘duh’ look, “of course, when my girlfriend is harassed at work, our boss calls me, her girlfriend.” 
“Yes, sunshine, I know.” You sighed, setting your bag down. “Besides I wasn’t harassed, she tried to touch my face and I defended myself.”
“She bothers you again, I’m punching her.” 
“No you aren’t.” You said, “you are going to stay on Cat’s good side.” You ordered, pointing your finger at her. 
She pouted, “you’re my girlfriend I need to protect you.” 
“No,” You said, kissing her pouting lips. “Protect me when you’re Supergirl.” “I’m supposed to protect you when I’m both.” She emphasized, giving you the classic librarian look of looking over her glasses at you. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s cuddle.” 
Unfortunately, Siobhan didn’t stop. 
She kept flirting, she’d bring you flowers, try to talk to you. Each time, you blew her off. She even shoved between you and Kara. 
Both of you ignored it, having to stay on Cat’s good side. 
But then one day Kara snapped. 
Siobhan was being well, herself. She was talking about how pretty you were, how pretty she thought you’d look and sound in bed, Kara wasn’t having. 
“Shut up.” She snapped, “be a decent human being for once and stop sexualizing my girlfriend, she deserves better than you.”
“She deserves better than you.” Siobhan hissed back. 
“You’re right! She does! She is the most beautiful woman not just on the outside, she has the kindest heart, the lightest soul and a smile that can light up a room with the lights off. She is too damn good for you. Back off or I will show just who you are messing with.” Your heart seized at the kind words kara said, then your stomach dropped at the threat. 
“Well, that’s just what I needed to get you fired.” Siohan hissed. 
You walked around the corner, “Siobhan, you seem to forget, I have seniority over you, I can make you be jobless real fucking quick. You provoked Kara by talking about my body, which equals verbal harassment. Now, Cat won’t be too happy to hear about that will she?” You cocked your head, then kissed Kara’s cheek. “Come on, love. We have a boss to talk to.” 
You both walked away and went straight to Cat’s office, spilled everything and within a half hour, Siobhan was fired. 
As she was packing, you two sat at Kara’s desk, giggling to each other and making Siobhan angry. 
Oh, you loved being petty together. Don't mess with the Supergirlfriends.
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