rbafterdark · 5 months
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Here's a Nude Katie Lion
Hey Fellas and Dames, feast yer' eyes on  a Nekkid Katie Lion! Artwork by the talented Caramel Center  https://caramelkitteh.carrd.co/ With Bladedge [#1 Katie Simp] booking this set-up: https://www.deviantart.com/bladedge Katie Lion of course is Created by. Me https://linktr.ee/RBComics --- Support and Donate RBComics: Patreon: https://shorturl.at/drx35 Fansly: https://fans.ly/ralphbear25 Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/rbcomics Subscribe-Star: https://www.subscribestar.com/rbcomics Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/ralphbear  
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darkmaster-13 · 1 year
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Pink cat-girl (Ichigo Momomiya) https://www.deviantart.com/darkmaster777/art/Pink-cat-girl-Ichigo-Momomiya-962124188
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bikowolf · 2 years
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Blake, just reading ... again
Ok .... Ok ... I know that she likes books but ... Com'on! Everytime she has got a book to read, What The Fu- ... fun ... what the fun. Well, Blake is reading a book ... again.
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bigblazinlink · 2 years
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Tight Fit
Doodle done for @dwps_EX on Twitter
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bunchum · 2 years
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Happy 33rd Anniversary to Hebereke!
Today is the 33rd anniversary of Hebereke, a very obscure video game series from Sunsoft! I remember first knowing it back in 2020, and became very obsessed with it, although I'm now more interested in Chikn Nuggit and on radio and TV stuff, although I sometimes still bring up about Hebereke. In fact, if it wasn't for Hebe, then my current OC, Penguy, won't even be made in the first place, as he was in fact inspired by Hebe (which can easily be noted by the similar faces)! As it turns out, since 2021, I used Hebe as my online avatar, and so people started associating him with me, and after an ongoing Discord drama, someone made a video in which supposedly, the modern Hebe is an impostor (and no, this ain't an Among Us reference), and that the actual Hebe didn't know what social media is. So at the end, I made Penguy as my new OC, likely to further clean my image, and since then, I lost some online enemies and made new friends.
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virtualsonic · 1 year
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Pepe Le Pew y Penelope Pussycat E. sus C.
Versión en Español
Hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a un duo de personajes pertenecientes al universo de Looney Tunes y que se encuentran haciendo una actividad conjunta y que ambos se ponen a ponerse en forma para poder seguir con sus locas aventuras amorosas y que siempre pasan situaciones que se escapan mucho del control que tienen sus propias vidas y que pasan por simple casualidad, así que sin dar más vueltas presento a Pepe Le Pew y Penelope Pussycat Entrenar sus Cuerpos en un Caro Gimnasio de la Ciudad
Aquí vemos al joven zorrillo junto con su novia gatuna, quiénes se topan por casualidad en un gimnasio de la ciudad y que sus miembros pagan altas cuotas por su membresía y que aprovechan esa membresía realizando una serie de ejercicios y que lo hacen por un periodo de tres sesiones semanales para sacar el mayor provecho posible su membresía en el gimnasio, por como no es un gimnasio que se pueda ir y simplemente pagar la membresía y no estar allí debido al alto precio que se paga por las membresías que llevan que ir al gimnasio sea más una obligación que una opción, mientras se observa a ambos chicos ponerse en forma para poder continuar realizando sus habituales persecuciones románticas y más cuando tienes el hecho de que su amigo zorrillo es un chico persistente cuando se trata de tener relaciones amorosas y que gusta de llevarlo hasta las últimas consecuencias si así la situación lo permita, aunque ella ha aprendido a saber ponerlo en su lugar y hacer que cada vez que se vean tengan su momento para ganar y de ese modo, mostrar que su relación es una montaña rusa de emociones que solo ellos son capaces de comprender y entender
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, ya que hace tiempo que estaba con ganas de dibujar a ese dúo de chicos que están entre mis personajes favoritos del universo de Looney Tunes, además de que me pareció que sería una buena prueba para ver qué tanto ha mejorado mi estilo de dibujo desde la última vez que los dibujé y que notamos a ambos chicos realizar una actividad que gusta de mantener sus mentes ocupadas y no preocuparse de tener que mostrar sus relaciones románticas de manera evidente y más considerando la clase de tiempos que vivimos y que lleva a tomar más reservas para mostrar tus relaciones amorosas con los otros y más cuando estas se escapan de su propio control y pasan situaciones locas y divertidas que hacen ver el porqué es un dúo romántico y querido dentro de su propio universo, bueno amigos, disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Pepe Le Pew y Penelope Pussycat (C) Warner Brothers Incorporated
English Version
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing that I present to a duo of characters belonging to the Looney Tunes universe and who are doing a joint activity and who both start to get in touch with each other. way to be able to continue with their crazy love affairs and that situations always happen that are beyond the control of their own lives and that happen by simple chance, so without going any further I present Pepe Le Pew and Penelope Pussycat Train their Bodies in an Expensive City Gym
Here we see the young skunk along with his cat girlfriend, who bump into each other in a gym in the city and that its members pay high fees for their membership and that they take advantage of that membership by performing a series of exercises and that they do it for a period of time. three weekly sessions to get the most out of your gym membership, as it is not a gym that you can leave and just pay for the membership and not be there due to the high price paid for memberships that come with going to the gym more of an obligation than an option, as you watch both boys get in shape so they can continue their usual romantic pursuits, and even more so when you have the fact that their skunk friend is a persistent guy when it comes to dating and likes to take it to the last consequences if the situation allows it, although she has learned to know how to put him in his place and make sure that every time they see each other they have their moment to win and thus show that their relationship is a roller coaster of emotions that only they are able to comprehend and understand
Well friends, I hope you like it, since for a long time I wanted to draw this duo of boys who are among my favorite characters from the Looney Tunes universe, plus I thought it would be a good test to see how much has My drawing style has improved since the last time I drew them and we noticed both boys doing an activity that they like to keep their minds occupied and not worry about having to show their romantic relationships in an obvious way and more considering the kind of times we live in and that leads to taking more reservations to show your love relationships with others and more when these get out of their own control and crazy and funny situations happen that show why they are a romantic and beloved duo within their own universe, well friends Enjoy the drawing and see you
Pepe Le Pew and Penelope Pussycat (C) Warner Brothers Incorporated
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mila2010 · 2 years
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chrisstarverse · 2 years
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Chocolat Gelato
Been playing Solatorobo: Red the Hunter Surprisingly fun, plus Chocolat is adorable
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tomkazutara · 3 years
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Erija Kazutara - casual [SFW]
I need start to upload all my comms , wich are going back even to 2017 . But I start with a SFW of my Erija , drawn by the amazing OBSE . (commissions finished in Septemer 2021) If you like the artstyle check out : http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/obse/profile https://twitter.com/dryobse And for a small detail, the Prowler logo on the cap, was borrowed from : https://twitter.com/AshVenit
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fuzzymaro · 4 years
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TWITTER | DEVIANTART Character belongs to Carr! This is a result of my little "art raffle" thing from Twitter. Learning new program, Rebelle 4 which gives a nice watercolor effects.
Artwork belongs to FuzzyMaro
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darkmaster-13 · 1 year
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Ankha https://www.deviantart.com/darkmaster777/art/Ankha-964552484
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bikowolf · 2 years
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Blake weekend
Blake just woken up and did the CAT THING! YOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!! This is the last draw for the series "RWBY Week", I hope you liked it! Ah ah ah! I had a lot of fun doing those draws and seeing your reaction to them and ... the results are pretty clear ... Tomorrow I will give my thoughts about this week and the results (on DA)
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inhophetaminex · 5 years
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Jeszcze jedno kocie, autorstwa mojej drugiej połówki. Z jednej strony chętnie wzięłabym się za coś nowego, ale przez ostatnie wydarzenia walczę z niemocą kilka razy dziennie. Na blogu nowa notka: inhophetaminexart.blogspot.com . One more kitty shot, taken by my boyfriend. One part of me wants to do something new, while the other one is so damn upset about latest stuff, that has been going on. A new post on inhophetaminexart.blogspot.com . #inho #inhophetaminex #redhead #ginger #red_hair #polish_girl #redhead_pole #redhead_girls_of_instagram #tattooed_girls_of_instagram #inked_girls_of_instagram #tattooed #inked #inked_girl #tattooed_girl #cat_girl #lingerie_shot #spilled_milk #wrocław_photoshoot (w: Wroclaw, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-P9gCXlBP5/?igshid=vl34nvx3b7gq
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snapsapcat-blog · 5 years
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virtualsonic · 1 year
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Chizu y Kitsune J. una P. de S. en una H. del D.
Versión En Español
Hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a una dúo de personajes pertenecientes al universo de El Conejo Samurai: las Crónicas de Usagi y que se encuentran jugando un juego tradicional japonés para pasar un rato mientras sus compañeros se encuentran ocupados en sus entrenamientos y que por ratos pueden durar hasta una mañana entera, cosa que les deja que tengan un espacio para poder disfrutar de un tranquilo día jugando juegos tradicionales para pasar el tiempo y así encontrar una forma de fortalecer su relación de amistad y compañerismo cuando sus compañeros están ocupados en otros asuntos, así que sin dar más vueltas presento a Chizu y Kitsune Jugar una Partida de Shogi en una Habitación del Dojo del Clan Miyamoto
Aquí vemos a la joven gata negra junto con su amiga zorra ir hacia una habitación del dojo del clan Miyamoto y que la tía de Yuichi Usagi Miyamoto les recomendó usar para que pueda jugar un poco juegos tradicionales y que uno de los juegos tradicionales que más gusta de jugar es el Shogi, el cual es un juego similar al Ajedrez, solo que con un sistema de movimientos más complicados, además de que las piezas se ordenan siguiendo el patrón que se movían los ejércitos en Japón antes de cada batalla, haciendo que tienda a reflejar el estilo de combate feudal que fue dominante durante varios siglos, mientras se observa que cada una de las chicas decide tener un pequeño juego de Piedra-Papel y Tijera para decidir el orden en que moverían las piezas en la mesa y resultó que en dos de tres ocasiones ganó la joven gata negra, haciendo que ella deba mover primero, aunque primero debe pensar con cuidado sus movimientos para evitar ser ganada por su rival y más considerando que ambas son hábiles chicas en sus áreas, una siendo una integrante de un clan de ninjas y la otra siendo una marionetista que acostumbra a montar espectáculos con sus marionetas y que se mueve de un lugar a otro, aunque gusta vivir en Neo Edo, por ver que siempre hay lugares en dónde mostrar su talento de contar historias y presentar una habilidad que puede ser útill para ganarse la vida y más considerando lo difícil que es vivir dentro de una gran ciudad y que el ritmo de vida allí genere un contraste tremendo cuando se compara con estar dentro de un dojo tradicional y que sus instalaciones se prestan para ocasiones de reunión familiar y entrenar a futuros maestros de artes marciales
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, ya que es un dibujo que tenía planes de hacerlo por como quise darle una oportunidad para dibujar a estos chicos y que además, lo hagan en una usual actividad para ellos cuando no están combatiendo contra temibles enemigos y derrotando a peligrosos demonios que ocasionan estragos en su ciudad y sus alrededores, mientras se observa que van fortaleciendo sus relaciones de amistad y compañerismo, además de que tienen tiempo para poder compartir gustos comunes y con eso, poder ir descubriendo las cosas que tienen en común y las cosas que hacen que el cuarteto de héroes sea un grupo variado y peculiar y que ello es más evidente a la hora de mostrar sus maneras de pelear y combatir contra sus enemigos, además de lidiar con alguna que otra emergencia que ponga en peligro su mundo, bueno amigos, disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Chizu y Kitsune (C)  Stan Sakai, Mirage Studio Comics, Netflix Animation , Atomic  Monster  Production, Dark Horse Entertainment y Gaumont Animation
English Version
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing that I present to a duo of characters belonging to the universe of The Samurai Rabbit: the Usagi Chronicles and who are playing a traditional Japanese game to spend some time while their teammates are busy in their training sessions and that at times can last up to a whole morning, which allows them to have a space to enjoy a quiet day playing traditional games to pass the time and thus find a way to strengthen their relationship of friendship and camaraderie when their companions are busy with other matters, so without further ado I present Chizu and Kitsune Play a Game of Shogi in a Room of the Miyamoto Clan Dojo
Here we see the young black cat together with her fox friend go to a room in the Miyamoto clan dojo and that Yuichi Usagi Miyamoto's aunt recommended them to use so that she can play some traditional games and that one of the traditional games she likes the most to play is Shogi, which is a game similar to Chess, only with a more complicated system of movements, in addition to the fact that the pieces are arranged following the pattern that the armies in Japan moved before each battle, making to reflect the feudal style of combat that was dominant for several centuries, while watching each of the girls decide to have a little game of Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide the order in which they would move the pieces on the table and it turned out that in two out of three times the young black cat won, causing her to move first, although she must first think carefully about her moves to avoid being beaten by her rival and even more considering that both are skilled girls in their areas, one being a member of a clan of ninjas and the other being a puppeteer who usually puts on shows with her puppets and who moves from one place to another, although she likes living in Neo Edo, seeing that there are always places to show her talent for storytelling and presenting a skill that can be useful to earn a living and even more considering how difficult it is to live in a big city and that the pace of life there creates a tremendous contrast when compared to being inside a traditional dojo and that its facilities lend themselves for family gathering occasions and training future martial arts masters
Well friends, I hope you like it, since it is a drawing that I had plans to do because I wanted to give it an opportunity to draw these guys and also, do it in a usual activity for them when they are not fighting against fearsome enemies and defeating to dangerous demons that wreak havoc in their city and its surroundings, while it is observed that they are strengthening their friendship and companionship relationships, in addition to having time to share common tastes and with that, to be able to discover the things they have in common and the things that make the quartet of heroes a varied and peculiar group and that this is most evident when it comes to showing their ways of fighting and combating their enemies, as well as dealing with the occasional emergency that endangers their world , well friends, enjoy the drawing and see you
Chizu and Kitsune (C)  Stan Sakai, Mirage Studio Comics, Netflix Animation , Atomic  Monster  Production, Dark Horse Entertainment and Gaumont Animation
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