#catherine bellier
dumbletexts · 5 years
Y’all know both in the show and in history, Louis XIV lost his virginity at the age of fourteen to Catherine Bellier, an older lady in waiting of his mother on Queen Anne’s instructions. She was said to be quite ugly, with one eye...Anne purposely picked somebody ugly because she didn’t want Louis falling for the girl.
Philippe’s first time was also set up, Cardinal Mazarin set him up with his nephew, the handsome and bisexual libertine (Philippe) Jules Mancini. At least Philippe got to lose his virginity to somebody hot! Who wants to bet that Philippe teased the SHIT out of Louis about that forever. Like for the rest of their lives until he died, I bet Fifi NEVER let Lulu Hear the end of that! Lol
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madame-coquette · 3 years
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D’accord ! 
And thus begins my bitch session on Louis the 14th’s reigning maîtresses-en-titres, some petites maîtresses & maybe some Liaisons --- if I remember my reading and research correctly !  
Let’s kick this party off with ‘ Catherine Bellier -> Baronne de Beauvais - > One - Eyed Kate ‘:
This woman was charged, by Queen Anne ( his mother ), with ‘ deflowering ‘ 15 year old king Louis XIV on his way back from the baths. 
• This was supposed to prepare him on how to satisfy & make good on his own marriages. 
• She was 24 years his senior & she got a house and pension out of this ! 
• Apparently, he found this agreeable ( ? ) and they had several more encounters before he was satisfied with his capabilities to take on a wife in the future.  
Heather’s Rating: - 200000000000000000000000 / 10 ( Gross, I get that historically being an adult happened earlier than normal in royal lines ... BUT !!! It’s still icky and I feel bad for Louis !!! ) 
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Peu s'en souviennent, certains l'ignorent (17)
Peu se souviennent de Catherine, premier amour du Roi-Soleil.
En 1643, Louis XIV n'a pas encore 5 ans lorsqu'il devient roi de France. Sa mère, Anne d'Autriche, exerce la régence et veille au plus près sur les intérêts et l'éducation de son fils, ne négligeant pas, semble-t-il, son éducation sexuelle. Inquiète pour la libido de son rejeton, elle aurait confié à Catherine-Henriette Bellier, sa femme de chambre, le soin de le déflorer. C'est qu'elle voulait faire mentir l'expression « tel père, tel fils » ; Louis XIII, en effet, d'un tempérament peu fougueux, a mis près de 23 ans à lui donner un héritier.
Fille de Martin Bellier, commerçant dans le textile, Catherine-Henriette Bellier entre à la cour après son mariage avec Pierre de Beauvais, en 1634. Malgré un physique peu avantageux, elle est borgne, on la surnomme d'ailleurs « Cateau la Borgnesse », on lui prête de nombreux amants. Elle a une vingtaine d'années de plus que le roi, alors âgé de 14 ans, quand elle l'initie aux plaisirs de la chair. Celui-ci en est apparemment satisfait puisqu'elle restera sa maîtresse pendant quelques temps, inaugurant ainsi la longue liste des favorites du Roi-Soleil, parmi lesquelles Louise de La Vallière, Mme de Montespan ou Mme de Maintenon. Anne d'Autriche, pleinement rassurée, accorde à Catherine une pension de 2000 livres ainsi qu'une forte somme d'argent avec laquelle Catherine et son mari, devenu baron par la même occasion, feront édifier l'hôtel de Beauvais, dans le quartier du Marais. Dès lors, elle restera dans les bonnes grâces de Louis XIV et de sa mère. Toutefois, fortement endettée, elle s'éloigne de la cour après la mort de son mari et meurt seule en 1689.
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Catherine-Henriette Bellier dite "Cateau-la-Borgnesse" (1614-1689), première amante du jeune Louis XIV (ayant vécu dans son Hôtel de Beauvais), évoquée lors de la visite-guidée “Le Marais et ses Femmes Mythiques” de Marine Chaleroux - historienne - pour l'association Des Mots et Des Arts, mai 2018.
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nellygwyn · 7 years
How was a 17th century prince supposed to lose his virginity? To an older woman, of course!
Charles II’s first love affair was with his OLD WET NURSE (she was still fairly young and attractive but still), Christabella Wyndham. He was about 16. Louis XIV was first seduced in one of his bathhouses by one of his mother’s ladies-in-waiting, Catherine Bellier. Louis’ mother picked Catherine because she was experienced and would be easy to control should Louis give her more station than she deserved. He was a little younger than Charles II and the relationship lasted two years, after which Catherine was awarded with a pension and estate for her services.
This seems to have been fairly common practice in the early modern period: a prince/young king had to learn sex and good sexual practice from somebody. And the easiest option was an older women with some experience under her belt but who would still be mature enough to be easily controlled by the young royal’s guardians. A younger woman might take advantage of the prince’s youth, or she might just be too flighty and fiery to keep under the thumb. Learning how to have sex and how to satisfy during sex was a large part of a princely education.
Both Charles and Louis went on to have insatiable sexual appetites and are renowned for their sexual prowess. I suppose they had to start somewhere.
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lianaofrome · 8 years
So, I've been reading that the reason Queen Anne set up one of her ladies-in-waiting to "relieve" 14 year-old Louis of his virginity is because when she married Louis XIII she found out he didn't have the faintest idea of how sex worked and she wanted her son to know how to properly make a heir (what she actually got, between Maria Theresa, Louise and Athenais he got like 20 children). Two things: One- If the whole Set up a lady-in-waiting to deflower Louis story was already one of my favourite pieces of historical trivia, the Set up a lady-in-waiting to deflower Louis because my husband was useless at sex it makes it even better. Second- Louis XIII being useless fits so into The Musketeers cannon. Not a surprise Anne ends up looking for someone with more 'experience'.
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sassydetective · 11 years
How did an untitled woman, married to a merchant, end up in the 16 year old king’s bed? Catherine Bellier, handmaiden to Queen Anne of Austria, Louis XIV’s mother, was assigned the responsibility of relieving the young king of his virginity at the bequest of his mother. Amazingly, Catherine Bellier was extremely ugly. She was nicknamed ‘One-Eyed’ Caton. It was specifically because of her ugliness that she had access to the king’s private chambers without raising suspicions of any ‘hanky panky’.
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waha-no-baka · 6 years
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[Forum] Les Indestructibles 2 Les Indestructibles 2 # Bloc Technique Titre original : Incredibles 2 Genre : super-héros Scénario : Brad Bird Réalisation : Brad Bird Pays d’origine : États-Unis Sociétés de production : Pixar Animation Studios et Walt Disney Pictures Sociétés de distribution : Walt Disney Studios Distribution Durée : 118 minutes Date de sortie : États-Unis : 15 juin 2018, Québec : 15 juin 2018, France : 4 juillet 2018, Belgique : 27 juin 2018 Musique : Michael Giacchino Casting : Voix originales Craig T. Nelson : Robert Parr / Mr Indestructible Holly Hunter : Helen Parr / Elastigirl Sarah Vowell : Violet Parr Huck Milner : Dashiell « Dash » Parr / Flèche Samuel L. Jackson : Lucius Best / Frozone Brad Bird : Edna Mode Jonathan Banks : Rick Dicker Bob Odenkirk : Winston Deavor Catherine Keener : Evelyn Deavor Sophia Bush : Voyd Isabella Rossellini : l'Ambassadrice John Ratzenberger : le Démolisseur Voix françaises Gérard Lanvin : Robert Parr / M. Indestructible Déborah Perret : Helen Parr / Elastigirl Louane : Violet Parr Timothé Vom Dorp : Dashiell « Dash » Parr / Flèche Thierry Desroses : Lucius Best / Frozone Amanda Lear : Edna Mode Jean-Bernard Guillard : Rick Dicker Laurent Maurel : Winston Deavor Christine Bellier : Evelyn Deavor Youna Noiret : Vortex Emmanuèle Bondeville : l'Ambassadrice Serge Biavan : le Démolisseur # Synopsis d'Allociné Notre famille de super-héros préférée est de retour! Cette fois c’est Hélène qui se retrouve sur le devant de la scène laissant à Bob le soin de mener à bien les mille et une missions de la vie quotidienne et de s’occuper de Violette, Flèche et de bébé Jack-Jack. C’est un changement de rythme difficile pour la famille d’autant que personne ne mesure réellement l’étendue des incroyables pouvoirs du petit dernier… Lorsqu’un nouvel ennemi fait surface, la famille et Frozone vont devoir s’allier comme jamais pour déjouer son plan machiavélique. # Trailer Tags : #film #Les-Indestructibles-2 #Incredibles-2 #super-héros #Brad-Bird #Pixar-Animation-Studios #Walt-Disney-Pictures #2018 Lien vers la fiche : https://ift.tt/2Lxix3b https://ift.tt/2mxe3Pc
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