#catherine kane
bushidraw · 2 years
For a lack of better comparison, Batman’s secret identity is like the truth about Santa Claus. Adults know but it’s kept secret from children until they hit a certain age or figure it out on their own.
When Bruce started, Jim figured it out. How could he not ? They were friends, and the caped crusaders was always on his cases. Even so, when Dick Grayson lost his parents and Bruce made him his ward, and suddenly The Bat-Man had a young partner the same age, it wouldn’t have been difficult to connect the dots. Why do you think he kept his mouth shut about the second Batgirl ? He knew he couldn’t stop her anyways.
The Bat-Man, who has at his disposal an arsenal of weapon and top of the art technology only a big fortune could buy, suddenly has a partner the same age as Bruce’s ward, capable of acrobatics prowess only the Flying Grayson were able to pull off. Not only that, but they are being helped by Batwoman and Batgirl, and if one of them looks nothing alike Catherine Kane, the other one looks suspiciously like Betty Kane. And hold and behold, they are among the only members of Bruce’s family ! Later on, another Batgirl joins them, and she appears to have a strong ressemblance with the commissionner’s daughter, who’s friend with both Bruce Wayne and the Bat-Man, now know as Batman.
Not to forget, The Wayne family apparently descend from the people who lived on the lands before Gotham was build… Which were a tribe of people who had a strong connection to bats.
Yeah, they are not fooling anyone.
Except children who really wants to believe in the myth that is the Bat-Family, because how could they understand the weight of the world often depends of mere mortals who dedicated their life to helping others until they die ? How do you explain to a child the system failed so badly, billions of people depends of a couple of individual to save them when that’s supposed to be the police’s job ?
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From the Gotham Knights launch trailer: Catherine Kane is the GCPD Commissioner.
Earlier screenshots have shown that Jacob Kane is the CEO of Kane Industries.
So where's Kate? 🤔
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To all batfamily rarepair fans: please submit us asks with propaganda for your favorite rarepair that is participating in the first round of the bracket!
Many people might not be aware of the existence and appeal of some rarepairs. The mods ask that you send us explanations of why you like a particular ship, as well as comic panels that you think best represent their interactions.
List of rarepairs participating in the first round:
Tim Drake/Cullen Row Barbara Gordon/Ted Kord Tim Drake/Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne Tim Drake/Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain/Harper Row Harvey Dent/Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne John Constantine/Dick Grayson Dick Grayson/Hank Hall Eddie Bloomberg/Jason Todd Catherine Todd/Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson/Raptor Kyle Rayner/Jason Todd/Donna Troy Kate Kane/Kara Zor-El Tim Drake/Lonnie Machin Dick Grayson/Grant Wilson Tim Drake/Jonathan Samuel Kent
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 years
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Addams family through out the years
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thehauntedrocket · 10 months
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Solomon Kane
Art by Jeffrey Catherine Jones
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bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
What Fic Should I Add To The Masterpost?
Bruised Figure: 6 chapters; in progress; Jason Todd, Catherine Todd, Willis Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Cass Cain; No capes AU/Figure skating AU
Midnight Swan: 5 chapters; in progress; Jason Todd, Kate Kane, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Joker; Jason Todd lives AU
Pidge: 20 chapters; in progress; Jason Todd, Original Character(s), Kyle Rayner, Bruce Wayne, Artemis of Bana Mighdall, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake; Found Father Jason
Adrenaline: 8 chapters; complete; Jason Todd, Willis Todd, Catherine Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth; Not an AU but a series of non-canon flashbacks
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bitterrobin · 5 months
Can you tell I get really into documenting my hc/au?
I love breaking down characters like this bc it does make it easier to conform my hc with canon without making everything super ooc. Seriously, ask my my hyper specific version of events Willis went through that led up to Jason believing Lady Shiva could've been his bio mom or how Damian's hair was kept shaved a lot during his time in training and now that's he's in Gotham he's able to lather it in mhairgel but also is super unsure about how he looks because he missed his handmaiden Layla. Or why I think Bette and Martha having gap teeth is super important and Tom having colder blue eyes marks a difference in his overall attitude from his dad while also leaning into the feline silver eyes in some his Wildcat-jaguar form art.
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queensknight87 · 1 year
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10 Year Anniversary
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autisticrosewilson · 3 months
Last post made me realize that cathyWillis and SladeAddie are complimentary opposites in that while the base is the same (married couple that ends up falling apart when the husband is experimented on leaving the mother to care for the children on her own) they both have what the other lacks. Catherine and Willis loved each other and Jason so much that Jason never doubted it and that love is woven into the core of his character and morality but there were too many corrupt systems and oppressive forces against them and they were torn apart by outside factors. While Slade and Adeline who loved each other clung to the relationship but were fundamentally incompatible and the choices Slade made inevitably came crashing down on the whole family even though they had all the tools at their disposal to make it work the effects of the divorce lead to multiple other unrelated characters lives being significantly worse.
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mzminola · 1 year
Because something superhero comics, noir, and fanfic all have in common is leaning into soap opera convolutedness, @alexmaybe & I have come up with the Bruce Wayne Spawn Shell Game AU, in which the middle kids are all biologically Bruce’s.
(Dick really is John & Mary Grayson’s, and Damian is Talia’s direct clone.)
No one finds this out until Batman!Bruce & Robin!Damian are fighting a magic user who has heard rumors that Robin is Batman’s son (rumors started by Damian’s not so quiet comments about being The Blood Son). The mage gloats that they’re going to use a “teleport everyone with X trait to me” spell to yank Robin over, and use the disorientation of teleportation to take him hostage. “I will summon Batman’s direct blood descendents! Mwa ha ha ha!”
Cue Damian staying firmly at Bruce’s side, while Cass in street wear with bubble tea, Jason doing gear maintenance, a random college student studying for exams, and Tim in his pajamas pop out of the ether all within a yard of the mage.
The mage regrets their life choices.
Now, how did we get here?
Firstly, during the years Bruce is doing his world tour of Learning Batman Skills while still swinging in and out of Gotham, Bruce is seeking physical activity to make his brain shut up, and also seeking intimacy but keeping too many secrets to let himself actually get close to people, so he is sleeping with Even More People Than In His Batman Years. He remembers condoms but always doesn’t use them perfectly.
Bruce meets Sandra & Carolyn Wu-San at their dojo in Brooklyn. Some time later when David Cain coerces Sandra into reproductive sex, she seeks out every male martial artist she vaguely respected or thought had potential to sleep with them too as a Fuck You to undermine Cain’s scheme without openly breaking their deal.
Bruce has a one-night stand with pre-transition Willis Todd, both of them just giving their first (legal) name, no contact info. Figuring out several months later that he’s pregnant but no clue how to find the other father, Willis, who does want kids someday, weighs the pros and cons of “having trouble making ends meet right now, can I support a kid?” with “everyone says pregnancy would be harder later in transition,” and opts to have Jason now.
Sheila Haywood is either a friend or a bribable hospital worker (or both) who agrees to put her name down as the mom so Willis can legally be his kid’s dad without any complicated paperwork. Willis and Catherine never got around to telling Jason before both of them died. When Jason showed up at the camp thinking Sheila was his bio-mom she rolled with it, figuring she could get details of why he thought that later, and then unfortunately [canon ensued].
It won’t be until the spell incident happens that Bruce puts together one night stand Wilhelmina with Why do the pictures of Willis Todd look kinda familiar? Because he definitely never slept with Catherine or Sheila.
Bruce meets, befriends and sleeps with Janet Drake while going on an archaeological research binge. He’s also still having a lot of random bar and nightclub hook-ups.
Some months later, while Jack is out of town on a business trip, Janet complains to Bruce that Jack really wants a son, but the latest ultrasound shows a female fetus. Janet really doesn’t want to deal with pregnancy ever again, but Jack isn’t open to adoption, and ugh if only Janet could just swap this one for a male infant. It would be so easy to nudge Jack into an archeology dig closer to the due date, he’d never have to know!
(No, neither Bruce nor Janet have thought maybe Bruce got Janet pregnant instead of Jack.)
“You’ve got this knack for finding odd things at just the right moment, Brucie…”
Janet knows it’s a long shot, and dubiously ethical because adoption records exist for good reason, and if they can’t find a baby that works she’ll just have to dig her heels in with Jack against trying for a son, but if Bruce could find a baby…
Bruce makes no promises other than keeping an eye and ear out.
Anyway, Bruce isn’t Batman yet, but he’s home between tutors on his World Tour and venturing into the city in various disguises to learn more about Gotham’s underworld, and getting into trouble. So it is Bruce Wayne with a fresh concussion, not a drunk Brucie, who stumbles into an alley to vomit and finds a baby in a dumpster.
It’s a very full dumpster, one half of the lid broken off. An orange cat (who may or may not be Teekl returning a future favor) is curled around the newborn baby boy. The infant has a shock of hair as dark as Janet’s.
Concussed Bruce walks all the way to the Drake townhouse marveling at the tiny hand gripping his finger so tight.
Janet schedules a C-section. Bruce forges Timothy Jackson Drake’s birth certificate and arranges the adoption of Janet’s daughter by a family in Oregon. He keeps tabs on them over the years, preparing a Wayne Foundation scholarship to the college of her choice someday.
Back to the magic incident: Nightwing and Batwoman were on their way there as back-up when the mage cast the summoning spell, so Dick is able to hug Damian as the kid bluescreens about Not Being The Blood Son.
Bruce awkwardly explains that yes, he ran Damian’s DNA when Talia dropped him off, but when he realized Damian was Talia’s direct clone, he also realized Talia was taking steps to ensure her child escaped the League of Assassins, by attaching him to one of the few people on the planet who can go toe to toe with (and even defeat) her father. Bruce opted to go along with Talia’s choice.
Kate has gotten popcorn from somewhere, munching on it while Bruce desperately thinks back to his Mega Ho Years to figure out how everyone else happened.
Cass is feeling a vindictive sort of smugness about not being David Cain’s bio-kid. He’s still her dad, but he only got part of what he wanted from Shiva.
Jason is pissed at Bruce for not figuring it out earlier, but kinda relieved that Sheila wasn't actually his mom.
The freshman college student from Oregon is really annoyed, she was at study group and she CANNOT fail this class!!! Now she’s on the entire opposite coast???
Tim is having some feelings about how fucking soap opera his origins turn out to be. Bruce slept with his mom Janet, but also she wasn’t his birth mom, he was adopted and no one told him??? Who the heck is his other birth parent??? What were the odds of his apparent bio-parent Bruce being the one to find him??? Wait, was finding baby Tim in a dumpster why younger!Bruce suddenly had Wayne Enterprises put money into improving and proliferating Safe Drop-Off Sites in Gotham???
(He is Not Thinking About his complicated relationship with Jack.)
Tim, when things are just starting to quiet down: “Wait, so does Talia have XY chromosomes, or does Damian have XX? Because I’ve done a lot of of cloning lab work, and—”
Damian: “Don’t talk about my mother’s chromosomes, dumpster baby.”
Tim: >:(
Bruce, very tired: “Damian, don’t call your brother a dumpster baby.”
Damian, indignant: “But you just told us you found him in a dumpster as an infant!”
Freshman college student: “Dude, it’s still fucking rude? Like how would you like being called a test tube baby?”
Damian: /draws sword/
Dick, pushing sword back into sheath: “No drawing weapons on civilians. Or calling Tim rude things. Tim, I think any chromosome questions are Talia and Damian’s personal medical business, so please don’t speculate on them.”
Tim, sarcastically: “Sorry, I forgot medical privacy exists after how you all reacted to the spleen thing.”
Freshman college student: “Spleen thing?”
Tim: “Don’t worry, it’s not genetic. Speaking of, B, you’re gonna have to update, like, all our medical history now.”
Bruce, even more tired: "Hn."
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world-of-wales · 7 months
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24 February 2016 || The Duchess of Cambridge visited St Catherine's Primary School in Edinburgh.
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unabashedqueenfury · 3 months
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Reign | The Spanish Princess
Francis and Henry meet their future Brides
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bwaybby09 · 7 months
If you were to show me Adrianna Hicks as Catherine of Aragon in Six the Musical and then show me her as Sugar Kane in Some Like it Hot, I would have never believed that they were the same person.
That woman’s got range!
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elliehopaunt · 1 year
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Where is my quirky sister dramedy starring this trio?
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
On September 5, 1992, the iconic Batman the Animated Series premiered. "The Cat and the Claw pt. I" was actually the 15th episode produced, but it was decided to be used as the premiere episode to cash in on the excitement over Michelle Pfieffer's appearance as Catwoman in "Batman Returns". "Cat and the Claw pt. II" wouldn't air until September 12... episode 8. ("The Cat and the Claw pt I" Batman the Animated Series, TV, event)
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thehauntedrocket · 1 year
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Solomon Kane
Art by Jeffrey Catherine Jones
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