#caulfield race 1
fizzyxcustard · 7 months
Covert Eyes (22)
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Prologue| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Spooks
Pairings: Lucas North x OC (Amy Holland)
Warnings: Stalking behaviour, anxiety, language, sexual references, angst, smut, heartbreak, gunshot wounds and recovery, abduction, hostage situation.
Summary: Lucas takes notice of a young woman, Amy, but his obsession and want to get to know her begin to spiral out of control. Amy is now working for MI-5, after being recruited by Ros. But will her involvement with Lucas cause even more problems and heartbreak?
Amy has now gone missing; will Lucas get her back home safely?
Official soundtrack list:  here
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in.
Key words/terms which people may not understand:
DVLA - "Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency' which is a government department in the UK and handles all driving licences, registrations and car tax.
ANPR - "Automatic numberplate recognition"
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Amy was bound at her wrists and ankles and perched on a chair, with the rope around her wrists, binding her to the chair. She grimaced and squinted as the bag was pulled from her head and an intense light was shone in her face. Had she been knocked out? She couldn’t quite remember what had happened once she’d passed The King’s Head and felt someone drag her down the adjoining backstreet. Everything turned black and then she woke in this place. There was a dull thump in the back of her head and she had a bitter taste in her mouth.
“Amy Holland,” a voice came. 
She could see the outline of someone from behind the light and they began to move closer towards her. By now and the light was hurting her eyes; every time she blinked and it felt like a stab of raw pain behind her eyelids. 
“If you co-operate then you’ll be fine,” the voice came again. It was an American man’s voice. “I want Lucas North. He’s the reason my sister is dead. She tried to warn you against him but, of course, you wouldn’t listen. So maybe this will wake you up.”
“Wake me up to what?” Amy replied. “How horrible of a man he is? It’ll take a lot more than that to make me think anything but that Lucas is an amazing man and I love him. You can’t take that away from me.” 
“He’ll definitely come and look for you though, won’t he? Play the doting fiancée and the hero so he can impress you.” 
“He’s already impressed me,” Amy hissed. “What exactly is your plan here?”
“See how far Lucas will go for you, and then I can kill him with my bare hands.” 
“I think you underestimate…”
“I don’t think you’re in the prime position to tell me I’m underestimating MI5. I have far more experience with the British security services than you. You started in November, and you seem to think you know everything about them. I’ve worked in intel for most of my life, and I know how your team work, darling.” 
The adrenaline was pumping in Amy’s body as she looked up into the grey eyes of Sarah Caulfield’s vengeful brother. Her fight or flight system had come online, ready to push her into further danger or pull her from it. She could feel tears stinging her eyes, threatening to fall down her cheeks. Her heart was racing, but she inhaled deeply, trying hard to somehow relax herself. Pulling against the bindings was of no use. 
‘Caulfield’ as Amy referred to him in her mind, soon left her alone in the darkness again. All she had was her thoughts of Lucas, whom she knew would have realised she was missing. Their living arrangement and schedules was something both of them had become so used to now, that Amy knew Lucas couldn’t have overlooked any changes or slight deviations. 
In the darkness and she replayed the times when they laughed together in bed, and he would tickle her under the duvet. But it would soon turn into a more serious moment and they would eventually make love. Caulfield surely could only go by what his sister had disclosed to him, and had no idea just how loving and gentle of a man Lucas North really was behind closed doors. She knew with her whole heart that he would get to her. Nothing would stop him fighting to save her. She had no place for doubts at this point. She kept her mind focused on Lucas and the words dum spiro spero: while I live, I hope. 
Back at the grid, Lucas had been working constantly for nearly two days. He was running on pure adrenaline now, unable to let any kind of fatigue take over. All that mattered was Amy. He hadn’t showered, shaved, changed his clothes and barely eaten. All he had managed to eat was a chocolate bar out of Amy’s desk drawer. 
“Lucas, go home tonight,” Harry said, coming to his desk. “And that is an order. We’re all on this.” 
“Harry, how can I?” Lucas said, looking up at his boss with dark circles growing around his ice blue eyes. “I know Sarah’s behind this, or at least someone connected to her.” 
“At least go and have a shower, change your clothes, get something to eat.” 
Lucas travelled back to his and Amy’s flat upon Harry’s final demand. He entered the quiet flat, sighing as he did so. Everything made him think of her: the Disney figurines, the Tinkerbell mug which was still on the coffee table, the pair of pink, fluffy slippers which had been left in the hallway. The hallway – the place he’d made love to Amy for the first time. He could feel her gripping onto him, hear her gentle moans against his ear, feel her soft skin and smell her honey shampoo. 
If she dies, what else do I have? 
Lucas sat down on the edge of their bed and picked up a jumper of Amy’s, and as he lifted it to his nose, he could smell her perfume on it: Olympia by Paco Robbane. It was the very thing that made him aware of her presence in the coffee shop over a year ago. The sweet scent had hit him suddenly, and he turned to see her, sitting alone in the back corner of the café, doodling in her notebook. Then it was her green eyes that attracted him first; large and bright. For a few days and Lucas had battled in his mind with why he had become interested in her. She was not the kind of woman he would have normally become interested in or involved with. Sophisticated, independent and sharp women were the ones he normally found himself in relationships with. Amy was independent, yes, but she didn’t possess an obvious air of sophistication and was not sharp tongued, unless angry. She was softer, non-assuming, and unique. 
Lucas bowed his head and wept. His one chance at a normal life, and it was being ripped away from him again, threatened by someone who could not let go of the past. 
Amy had no idea how much time passed. She was left in a dark room, with her captors only coming to her to allow her to relieve herself in a bucket, or to offer food and drink. Lucas’ face was the main thing that Amy saw in her mind; he was smiling at her, his voice wrapping around her, telling her how strong she was. She held on to that, knowing that he would come for her. One way or the other, Lucas would come. 
Caulfield came back to Amy, and once again, she had no idea how long it had been since he last spoke with her. As soon as he spoke, she felt her ears prickle as her hearing had become heightened due to the lack of light. The only noise she had had as company was the odd tap of someone from another room, or the sound of her breath. 
“MI5 should be aware of your disappearance by now, Miss Holland. And no doubt your boyfriend will sweep in to save the day, giving me the opportunity to take him down. This is personal, and it’s just a shame you got caught in the crossfire.” 
Amy remained quiet. Nothing she said would be of any use; this man seemed to enjoy the sound of his own voice, spilling his revenge talk bullshit. 
Everyone on the Grid worked long hours to get Amy home. It had been two days now since she was last seen. Lucas was quiet, with his jaw clenched constantly. No one dared approach him, unless it was something helpful to the case. 
On the afternoon of day two, Lucas’ phone rang. ‘Unknown number’ flashed on the screen. 
“Yes?” Lucas asked, inhaling sharply. This could only be in connection with Amy. Why else would an unknown number call his work mobile? 
“Lucas North.” Not a question. A fact. Whoever was calling was only stating that they knew they had the right number. “Will send coordinates. Come alone. If anyone else comes with you, we’ll shoot her. Leave your phone behind; we’ll know if you have it.” The accent was American, and the voice male. This was someone connected to Sarah Caulfield. He knew it. 
Before Lucas could muster words, the line went dead. 
Lucas rushed into Harry’s office, relaying the details of the call. “I need to go on my own, Harry.” 
“We need to make sure you can be tracked,” Harry demanded. 
“This is the CIA. I know they’re connected to Sarah Caulfield. Whoever was calling, is American. They’ll have metal detectors and know if I’m being tracked. This is between me and them.” 
Amy was sat in darkness. The bindings had started cutting into her wrists and her arms ached, being pulled behind her back. The pain had been getting worse in the last hour or two and it was beginning to spread up her back and into her neck. The only time she was free of the bindings was when she needed to relieve herself or was eating, and even then, a man sat directly in front of her wearing a balaclava, making sure that she couldn’t run. 
She let out a groan and tilted her head back. Her eyes focused on the darkness, her gaze falling further into it. In her imagination, she could feel Lucas stood just behind her, his lips trailing down her cheek and his arms wrapped around her middle. “I love you, angel.”
Time continued to pass. People came and went; that much she knew from the sound of doors opening and closing. There were muffled voices from the other side of what she felt was a metal shutter door. Whenever there had been any light shone toward her, she’d made out what seemed to be a factory-type environment. Voices in the room echoed, signalling that she was in a large space. More than likely she was still in London somewhere, stuck inside a factory unit. 
More waiting. Food was served to Amy; porridge, later followed by a cheese sandwich. She’d had at least two lots of breakfast now, so she’d been in this place for two days. 
Suddenly, a door opened from behind Amy. Voices drifted through into the open space and one of them she immediately recognised. “Lucas?!” she called. 
“Amy?” he called back. 
“Shut up, Superman!” Caulfield snarled. “Just get the fuck in there.” 
Lucas cried out in pain, his calls echoing. 
Amy whimpered for him. 
A light was shone again, blinding Amy. She gasped and lowered her gaze away from the light. Slowly she opened her eyes again, wincing against the ache. She could hear scuffling, grunts and could see the very vague outline of figures, all haloed by the light. 
Lucas was dragged to a seat and bound to it, just like Amy was. He could see Amy sitting a short distance away from him, and as the men walked away, he pulled himself up, the chair hanging against his bindings and he scooted over to her. 
Amy heard him whisper her name and just before the light disappeared, she saw the outline of his features, immediately recognising that profile. She pulled toward him and drew her cheek against his, immediately beginning to weep. Just the sound, touch and smell of him made an innermost peace wash over her. His cologne wafted up her nose and she felt the tickle of his growing stubble against her cheek. Unable to embrace, Lucas and Amy kissed in the darkness. 
As Lucas kissed down her face, he could feel her tears against his lips. “I promise to get us out of here, angel.” 
“He said he wants you,” Amy said. “But don’t you dare play some heroic so we get split up. We’re getting out together, or not at all.” 
Pride and love swelled inside Lucas’ chest. “I love you so much,” he replied. 
Back on the Grid, Malcolm and Tariq had been going over every piece of CCTV footage they could find, piecing together a partial vehicle registration number from a white van that was seen one street away from Amy’s abduction point. That was all they had to go on. Lists of vehicles with that same description and last three letters on the plate were run through all DVLA databases. This line of enquiry came to a dead end. Until Ros noticed a small van, only just visible at a junction in a southerly direction from the street where Amy disappeared. 
“There! I can just see the very edge of a light from the back of a vehicle. Malcolm, try and get footage from the angle looking down the junction and straight at the back of the vehicle.” 
“On it,” Malcolm said. 
A short while later and Malcolm had found that it was a small van which was registered to a window cleaning business. Also, it was noted that five minutes after Amy disappeared from view, the van moved. Two men, wearing all black clothing were seen getting into the van. 
Malcolm continued digging into the details of the vehicle and the paper trail that it was leaving behind. “The van is registered to Ace Window Cleaning, operated and owned by Robert Anderson. I’ve mapped out through ANPR data where the van has been and which properties it’s been seen doing business with. One of them was the ground floor flat of Martin Page. And with a little more magic, I can confirm that Martin Page is an alias that is used by CIA agent Randall Blanchard, known colleague and field partner of Simon Caulfield, older brother of Sarah Caulfield.” 
“Lucas was right,” Ros said simply. “Track the ANPR data of that van. Get everything you can on where it’s been the last two days since Amy was last seen. One of the agents obviously paid off Robert Anderson for use of the vehicle, hoping it wouldn’t be traced back to either one of them. Little do they know, we’ve got a lot of fancy tricks up our sleeves.” 
Amy rested her head against Lucas. Every now and again, she would feel him kiss her head. 
A night vision camera was hovering above them, and in another part of the building, in a sterile-looking white room, Simon Caulfield watched on. He stared at the monitor and then turned to his partner, Randall Blanchard. “Have you sent the package yet?” Simon asked. “First class?” 
“All done,” Randall replied, taking a mouthful of bitter coffee from the paper Costa cup in his hand. 
“We all know how doting Mommy and Daddy are with their little girls.” 
“What exactly do you want to do with them?” Randall asked. 
“Play with them a little, I guess. And then kill him. We’ll both get our revenge for what he did to Sarah.” 
Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @knittastically @middleearthpixie @meganlpie @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @luna-redamancy @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @glassgulls @sazzlep @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers @ourlonelymountain @phantomessangel @estethell @windb3ll @protosslady
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If you would like to be added to my tag list please let me know. Likewise, if you wish to be removed, please let me know!
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (16-22 Apr 2023)
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🥰cast out fear (s0mmerspr0ssen) - 41K, star trek AOS canon-divergent - kirk almost dies saving Vulcan & is recovering there so there's some juicy hurt/comfort, slowly getting to know one another + BAMF amanda grayson (which is my fave)
😍The Mimicking of Known Successes (Mossa & Pleiti #1) (Malka Ann Older, author; Lindsey Dorcus, narrator) - novella, 'cozy Holmesian murder mystery and sapphic romance' set in space - really dug this, gave me similar vibes to Becky Chambers' stuff, where it's more about the worldbuilding and the character relationships than the plot (tho that is quite entertaining). looking forward to more
🥰It's The Snow (postmodernmulticoloredcloak) - 44K, stucky modern AU - snowed in, only one bed, enemies-to-lovers, light D/s dynamic tropetastic goodness!
💖💖 +279K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Variations on George Penn (beautifulduckweed) - Band Sinister (KJ Charles): Ned Caulfield/George Penn, 3K - excellently done 'Wikipedia' article + some other magazine articles discussing George Penn's life, work & impact - I just love this kind of fanwork
Banana Daiquiris (Avelera) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 4K - cute & absolutely hilarious little fic about Dream 'on vacation' in Tahiti and deciding he wants Hob there too
boots & budweiser’s miraculous misadventures (helix_stomper) - Stranger Things: steddie, 34K - "Steve and Eddie meet at a gloryhole Pre-S4. It goes pretty much exactly how you’d expect." - 2 fics so far in this ongoing series - truly excellent smut but also some really great character stuff! While I can't wait to see how the story develops, what's already been given is 🥵🥰!
Game Changer - s5, e2, 4
Dirty Laundry - s2, e8-10
Um, Actually - s1, e1-2; s7, e1, 3-12, s8, e1-2
Schmigadoon! - s2, e2-4
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e2
Ted Lasso - s3, e6 [x2]
The Sporkful - Squishy Or Crunchy? Why Texture Matters [Gastropod]
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Bete Giyorgis of Lalibela
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Pack Your Bag(pipes) with Ross Jennings
Switched on Pop - BTS goes solo together
Shedunnit - Death Under Par
⭐Into It - A Guide to Spoiler Culture from 'Lost' to 'Succession'
Vibe Check - Do Not Disturb
99% Invisible #533 - Dear John and Roman [Dear Hank & John]
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - For Keeps Books
Decoder Ring Plus - The Curious Case of Columbo's Message to Romania
Ologies with Alie Ward - Delphinology (DOLPHINS) with Justin Gregg
Our Opinions Are Correct - Episode 128: Dungeons & Dragons Gets Cozy
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - John Brown’s Farm
⭐Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - The Spatial Race
Into It - Will Hollywood Strike? And Are We Into Netflix’s Late 'Love' and AI Drake?
Welcome to Night Vale - Bonus Episode: Behind the Scenes (April 2023)
⭐You're Dead To Me - Cleopatra
Switched on Pop - A.I. Drake has put music in a tailspin [Vergecast]
Duran Duran [Duran Duran] {1981}
Rio [Duran Duran] {1982}
Duran Duran
The Donnas
Rock 'N Roll [New York Dolls] {1994}
Anthology [Stiff Little Fingers] {2002}
Presenting Electric Light Orchestra
Presenting The Beach Boys
Presenting Tom Petty
synthwave radio [Lofi Girl]
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tullyfm · 2 years
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guess i’ve never escaped me for too long — guess i’ve only ever been who i was.
[ fingernails stained with hair dye, long leather jackets, the way chaotic moms would get ready for work with a piece of toast hanging from their mouths while hopping into their clothes because they were late getting up, wearing jewelry made by a child, grief like a black hole in the back of your mind, open windows to let in the salt air, a home that always has music in it, a drawer full of kid’s colorfully pattered bandaids, a long bike ride in the middle of the night, a past so dense it’s impossible to unpack, florescent lights, a closet that could be an anthropological study, a costco membership card, a whistle in the dark ]
pinterest / playlist / birth chart (coming soon)
full name — tallulah calliope kipling 
nickname(s) — tully—everyone calls her this except her ex, flynn, and her parents (and your muse, if you think it would be in character for them, but the default is tully). 
age — thirty-two
date of birth — 1991
place of birth — bolinas, california
current location — monterey bay, california
religion — agnostic
gender & sexuality — mostly cis woman / bisexual
pronouns — she/her
education level — GED & RN with a MSN (master of science in nursing, 6 year degree)
occupation — newly hired school nurse at otter bay elementary (previously an ER nurse at the local hospital)
connection to otter bay — her job + the fact that her 7-year-old daughter, circe, attends school there as a second grader.
mother — theresa “tempest” hopkins
father — oscar “orion” kipling
romantic — apollo monroe (ex, father of tully’s son) flynn caulfield (ex, father of tully’s daughter)
children — atlas alder kipling (born 2008, deceased 2008), circe artemis kipling-caulfield (born 2016)
height — 5′1
eyes — hazelly brown-green
hair — naturally dark brown, but she changes it often—she usually switches between blonde and black or a reddish dark brown
distinguishing marks — various tattoos
personality traits.
positive: compassionate, loyal, supportive, good with kids, affable, altruistic, loving, virtuous, creative, kind
negative: intense, unorganized, guilt-ridden, overly protective, dogmatic (when it comes to her daughter), perfervid, reticent
mbti — ESFP 
alignment — chaotic good
enneagram — 5w4 (the iconoclast)
temperament — sanguine-phlegmatic 
hobbies — bike riding, music, songwriting, playing guitar, playing sodoku, getting angry at the crossword, making plastic jewelry with her daughter, collecting seashells with her daughter, writing poetry, painting murals on the walls of her home
tw: drug use mentions, child death mentions, illness/anti-vax mentions
technically, what tully grew up in wasn’t a cult. it was an intentional community, a hippy commune, a place where kids were raised as a group effort, barefoot and unbathed, wild and free-range. tully didn’t attend school, or watch tv, or get vaccinated, or consume artificial food coloring. she wandered through nature, made art, attended anti-war protests, watched her parents speak to the trees while they were tripping. 
for the duration of her childhood, tully had no problem with any of this, partly because she didn’t know anything else. she liked to be creative, she hated the idea of being restrained and forced to ‘live in the rat race’, and she was happy where she was. she dyed her hair, she made art, she started smoking weed at 11, she taught herself to read with the allen ginsberg poem book her parents kept lying around. 
for all tully enjoyed her life as it was, there had always been a part of her that did want to know more about the world—she was a voracious reader, curious, full of wonder, and she wanted to know more about the world beyond the commune. she wanted to know more about how the world worked, why things were the way they were, what the science behind nature was, etc., and while her parents were happy to explain the ‘beauty of the earth’ with their spiritual ideas about goddesses and so forth, there was always a part of tully that wanted to know more, or to learn, or to be taught. 
still, tully didn’t pursue any of that at first. when she was 17, however, she got pregnant with a boy she’d had a somewhat transient relationship with who lived on the commune with her. they weren’t serious, or anything, but she was delighted to be pregnant—she’d always wanted kids. since some kids on the commune were kind of raised by the community at large at least some of the time, her boyfriend didn’t take a very active role in her pregnancy or motherhood in the way you’d expect a father to, but that wasn’t super unusual, so tully didn’t really mind or give that fact much thought. 
her parents were perfectly pleased to be having a grandkid—on the commune, teen pregnancy was not treated with any of the stigma that it is in the rest of american society. generally, nobody thought anything of the mother’s age if she was at least 15, and at 17, everyone was very cool with tully bringing a child into the world. 
tully’s son, atlas, was born in 2008. he was her whole world. she adored. she was so happy to be a mother. she wanted nothing but the best for him. but when atlas was a few months old, tully contracted measles—her parents had never vaccinated her, so she was susceptible to it. before she even felt sick, she’d already passed it along to her son, and he started showing symptoms not long after she did. (to tully’s parents chagrin) atlas had to be hospitalized—he was just a baby, and it was a big strain on his body, not to mention the fact that he didn’t get the regular check-ups & medical provisions your average baby might get beforehand. 
atlas ended up passing away. tully watched it happen as she stood in his hospital room on her own, sick herself and shaking. needless to say, this was a huge wakeup call for tully. it made her completely reexamine her parents lifestyle, it made her resent them for never getting her vaccinated and generally for raising her the way they had, and it made her feel immense guilt herself, too. tully was just a kid when all this happens, but she’ll never forget that she’s the one who gave atlas the measles—and there’s part of her that still feels like she’s the reason he’s dead. there’s part of her that still feels like she could have done more, should have done more to protect her baby. 
her parents didn’t believe that tully being vaccinated would have helped things. they were sad about atlas, of course, but they figured that it was meant to be, and that to have vaccinated tully would have been more damaging. disease is natural, they told her, it happens, some things just happen, they can’t be prevented!
“this could have,” is what tully thought, and she went low-contact with her parents. she got her GED, she got into nursing school, she got vaccinated. she didn’t want to be like her parents. she wanted to learn how science worked, how medicine worked. she wanted to do everything she could to try and prevent what happened to atlas from happening to others, so she became a nurse. she got her masters, graduated with honors, and moved to monterey bay to work at the local hospital. 
she never fully recovered from that awful, heart-rending guilt she still feels about atlas. she doesn’t talk about him, and she feels guilty about that, too. it’s something she’s so ashamed of, she can’t tell anyone about him—but that makes her feel ashamed, too, because her baby shouldn’t just be forgotten, not because she won’t spread his memory just because cares too damn much about how people will perceive her once they learned that she’s the reason her son’s dead.
it’s hard for her. god, it’s so fucking hard for her. 
that’s not to say there’s no joy in her life, because there is. she loves her friends, her community, and most importantly, she loves her seven-year-old daughter, circe. 
when tully was 25, she was working in the ER, and flynn caulfield, an actor (or, a former childhood actor who by this point was sort of a failed adult actor) who was passing through, had been in a bar fight, and he needed a few sutures. tully hadn’t been exposed to much tv growing up, so she didn’t immediately see flynn as flynn caulfield, former child actor; she just saw him as flynn. flynn liked this, and he liked tully, and tully liked flynn, and the two began a whirlwind romance that was full of passion. it was the first true romantic connection tully had made since leaving her family behind, and it was honestly one of the first true connections she’d made at all. the two felt like they were the only ones who really got each other. 
flynn wound up flitting back and forth from LA (where he was working as a bad actor) and monterey bay, where tully always had a place in her bed for him. it was the kind of romance only two 25 year olds can have, and tully really loved him. 
the details for the next stretch are a little hazy and i’m too lazy to go bug dani about it, but at some point (not all that long after the two had known each other—think a matter of months), tully got pregnant. despite all of her terror about all the ways she could fail her child, and all of her complicated feelings about becoming a mother again after atlas, she was thrilled to be having a child with flynn. 
during her pregnancy, though, as her anxiety about their baby grew, she started becoming more and more aware of some of flynn’s flaws—he struggled with addiction which could make him unreliable, he tended to prioritize his work over being around for tully, he cared too much about what his mother thought, he didn’t understand why tully felt the way she did about her own family. tully truly did want to support flynn and help him get sober and get his shit together, but at that point, flynn wasn’t really ready to change, and the strain on their relationship grew. still, they had their daughter, circe, (named after a goddess of magic who turned men into pigs), and tully was instantly in love with her little girl. 
their relationship ended when flynn smoked weed while he was watching circe on his own. because of her past, tully is prone to perceiving many behaviors that remind her of her parents as being very intense threats to her daughter’s safety, and thinking about something happening to circe is definitely tully’s biggest trigger that can cause her to get a bit hysterical. she’s protective, a fierce mama bear, and the idea of circe being raised how she was raised made her freak out, so she kicked flynn out. 
tully doesn’t want circe to not have a relationship with him, though—she’s continued to encourage flynn to get sober and get it together and be in their daughter’s life, something he’s attempted in the past but been unable to maintain for more extended periods of time. for this reason, and because flynn in the past had spent a lot of time being wrapped up in his career, tully has mostly been doing the full-time parenting stuff on her own, though circe still did have contact with her dad, just not majority custody. 
(just recently, flynn has come back into their lives after being incommunicado for a long stretch of time while he got sober, got himself a child bride named tatiana, and opened Center. so, you know—that’s going to be a whole other thing.)
pretty recently, tully decided to leave her job as an ER nurse to start working as a school nurse at otter bay elementary. she wants to be closer to her daughter, and she wants to have a more steady, predictable schedule that aligns with circe’s, instead of working long, odd hours. all in all, baby girl is doing her best. she loves kids, she’s kind, she wants to help people, she has a tendency to babble when she’s nervous. she has some lorelai gilmore energy, for sure. she’s a single mom doing it for herself. 
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ya-lit-odyssey · 4 months
Annotated Bibliography
Genre: Fiction
1. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Hemingway, E. (1994). The old man and the sea. Arrow Books.
Short Summary of the text:
The Old Man and the Sea is a novella about a man’s battle with a giant marlin. It is a fishing tale about the importance of perseverance through struggle. The main character, Santiago, takes his boat further out than he has ever before and eventually catches the giant marlin. He is an old man who has been taken care of by a young boy. When he brings the marlin carcass to the town, Santiago finds renewed confidence after he has lost faith in his life.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Perseverance, Resilience
Appropriate for Grade(s: 7-9
2. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Salinger, J. D. (1991). The catcher in the rye. Little, Brown and Company.
Short Summary of the text:
A teenage boy named Holden Caulfield leaves boarding school and explores New York City at night. The novel explores two days after being formally expelled from boarding school. The novel explores ideas of disillusionment and confusion. He grapples with emotional instability. The novel is told about the past while Holden may be at a mental health institution.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Identity, Perseverence
Appropriate for Grade(s): 8+
3.  Title of Text: (cite APA):
Thurber, J. (2016). The secret life of walter mitty. Penguin Books, part of the Penguin Random House Group of companies.
Short Summary of the text:
The short story details the story of a man who drives to Connecticut with his wife. Throughout his day he has several daydreams about becoming various heroic people. He becomes a pilot, a surgeon, and other fantasies inspired by his surroundings on his day. It is a story about how Walter Mitty manages boredom and his own identity on a mundane day in his life. The story has been adapted several times to film.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Identity
Appropriate for Grade(s): 9+
4. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Lowry, L. (2011). Number the Stars. Houghton Mifflin.
Short Summary of the text:
Number the Stars is historical fiction detailing escaping Jews from Copenhagen, Denmark during World War II. The main character, Annemarie, is a young girl who escapes to Sweden with the help of her family and close friend, Ellen. The story discusses the Danish Resistance against the Nazis. The story has challenging themes surrounding war and the Holocaust.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Perseverance, Resilience, Identity
Appropriate for Grade(s): 9-11
Genre: Nonfiction
1. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Dyson, M. E., & Favreau, M. (2023). Unequal: A story of america. Little, Brown and Company.
Short Summary of the text:
This nonfiction book is dedicated to telling the history of systemic racial inequality and segregation in the United States. The historical events are connected to the present day and highlight Black Americans’ fight for equality. It is an educational book for young readers that highlights the issues in the United States surrounding racial inequality.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Race, Identity, History
Appropriate for Grade(s: 8+
2. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Brown, D. (2024). In the shadow of the fallen towers: The seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years... after the 9/11 attacks. Clarion Books.
Short Summary of the text:
This is a graphic novel that details the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack in New York City. The author creates an award-winning glance at the way these events transpired. Throughout the graphic novel, there are individual stories that come to light in a journalistic way. It is a moving graphic novel that can educate young readers about the issues that came out of the 2001 World Trade Center attacks and how they impacted the surrounding area.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: History, Identity, War
Appropriate for Grade(s): 8-9
3.  Title of Text: (cite APA):
Sheff, D. (2018). Beautiful boy: A father’s journey through his son’s addiction. Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Short Summary of the text:
A memoir that explains a father’s struggle with his son’s addiction to methamphetamine. The author is a journalist who tells the story of the issues his son undergoes. From late night phone calls to erratic behavior, his son changes drastically after becoming addicted to crystal meth. It is a story about the struggle a family undergoes when experiencing addiction from a family member.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Addiction, Family, Identity
Appropriate for Grade(s): 9+
4. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Yousafzai, M. (2013). I am Malala: The Schoolgirl who stood up to the Taliban. Orion Publishing Group.
Short Summary of the text:
This book describes the essential story of a young woman who was shot by the Taliban while attempting to attend school. It discusses her point of view as a young woman desiring an education while so many people around her are trying to prevent her from doing so. It is a true story of a family damaged by international terrorism. It discusses gender issues and violence against women as well as religion.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Gender, Violence, War
Appropriate for Grade(s): 8+
Genre: Multicultural
1. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Woodson, J. (2016). Brown girl dreaming. Nancy Paulsen Books.
Short Summary of the text:
This award-winning story is expressed through a variety of poems that explain what it was like for an African American woman to grow up in the 1960s and 1970s. The story discusses the fact that elements of Jim Crow clash with the growing Civil Rights movement. It is also a story about the blossoming identity of the main character and her desire to find her place in the world by expressing herself through stories.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Race, Identity
Appropriate for Grade(s: 7+
2. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Tan, A. (2006). The Joy Luck Club: A Novel. Penguin Books.
Short Summary of the text:
A novel that explores the relationships between four mothers, four daughters and their families. In 1949, the four women meet to play mahjong and eat dim sum. During their meetings, they discuss the issues they have experienced in their immigrant experience. It is a story about relationships between mothers and daughters while also exploring racial identity in the United States at the time.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Identity, Race
Appropriate for Grade(s): 8+
3.  Title of Text: (cite APA):
Neruda, P. (2001). The Book of Questions. Copper Canyon Press.
Short Summary of the text:
This translation of Pablo Neruda’s book of poetry called El libro de las preguntas. The book is composed of 316 questions that explore questions about life from the perspective of a child. Neruda’s aim was to have the reader look past the typical areas of reason and logic. He wanted readers to see into intuition and imagination.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Imagination, Coming of Age, Identity
Appropriate for Grade(s): 7+
4. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Alvarez, J. (2007). Before we were free. Random House.
Short Summary of the text:
The main protagonist, Anita de la Torre, explains the issues she faces growing up in the Dominican Republic in the 1960s. Several of her relatives emigrate to the United States. The government of the Dominican Republic is causing issues because of a despotic leader, el Trujillo. It is a story about how young people need to find their place in the world and create a different future for themselves and their families.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Adversity, Identity, Race
Appropriate for Grade(s): 7-9
Genre: Social Issues
1. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Coles, M. (2021). Black was the ink. Lee & Low Books.
Short Summary of the text:
Sixteen-year-old Malcolm is sent on a journey to find a way into Black progress and social justice. Living in DC, Malcolm has been feeling down and despondent for a while. His mother sends him to his father’s family farm in Mississippi. There, he relates to his ancestor Cedric from 1866. He sees life through Cedric’s eyes and comes to understand his place and the future he wishes to build in America.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Race, Identity, Family
Appropriate for Grade(s: 9-12
2. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Gansworth, E. (2020). Apple. Levine Querido.
Short Summary of the text:
Riffing off a term that is a slur in Native communities, Apple is a book that discusses the author’s family and Native people everywhere. It discusses forced government boarding schools, and other horrors of the Native American experience in the past. Utilizing prose, imagery and verse, the book also discusses what it is like to be an artist who exists in multiple worlds.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Race, History, Identity
Appropriate for Grade(s): 9-12
3.  Title of Text: (cite APA):
Johnson, A. E., & Wilkinson, K. K. (2021). All we can save: Truth, courage, and solutions for the Climate Crisis. One World.
Short Summary of the text:
A collection of essays and poems from diverse women at the forefront of the climate change reform movement. It argues that women and girls are the agents for change on the planet and need their voices heard especially as the climate of the planet changes. The book intermixes poetry, art and essays to create a vibrant possibility for the future. The book is edited and curated by two climate leaders to offer a complete discussion of the material.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Climate Justice, Gender issues
Appropriate for Grade(s): 9-12
4. Title of Text: (cite APA)
Bauer, M. D. (2012). Am I blue?: Coming out from the silence. CNIB.
Short Summary of the text:
A collection of stories from notable young adult authors about the theme of growing up as gay or lesbian. There are 16 stories that explore diverse settings, characters, and styles. The stories are written in 1995 but can portray a distinct perspective to many other more contemporary stories. It gives newer students to the genre an idea that these issues have been around for a long time. It may just be recently that we can discuss them openly as a society.
YA Universal Theme(s) text is aligned with: Identity, LGBTQ+
Appropriate for Grade(s): 9-12
0 notes
fireengineadventures · 11 months
With warm summers and mild winters, the outdoor weather in Brighton and surroundings is truly enjoyable. Parents often struggle to minimise the screen time for their kids and plan for some fun outdoor activities that can benefit a kid’s overall development.
Thankfully the diverse landscapes facilitate a vast playground for kids to explore, learn, and have endless fun in the great outdoor activities. In this blog, we will share the Best Activities For kids in Brighton that will keep them entertained and active.
1.    Go to Parks and Playgrounds
Parks and playgrounds encourage kids of all ages and personalities to play together. Here, they get the environment to develop their physical, social, cognitive, and emotional well-being. Take your kids of any age and let them engage in some games and activities so that they can just be themselves.
Suitable for kids from 6 months to 8 years and above
2.    Visit the Zoo
Spending a day at the zoo or wildlife sanctuary is one of the best Fun Activities For children in Brighton as it promotes learning and wonder in them. Depending on your locality, you can decide which nearby zoo or sanctuary to visit with your kids and keep them entertained while learning about various animals and wildlife.
Suitable for children of all ages – 6 months and above
3.    A Ride on a Fire Engine Truck
If you want to combine a little bit of excitement with fun activities for your child, let us share an amazing idea – riding on a fire engine truck. You can hire a fire engine for a fun ride with your children and their friends, for any outdoor party event, or even on the occasion of their birthdays.
For a real-time experience of riding an authentic fire engine, you can contact Fire Engine Adventures, proudly offering their service since 2011.
Suitable for children and adults of all ages
4.    A Day for Beach Adventures
Living in Brighton, Caulfield or surroundings comes with the benefit of easy beach access. You can take your kids to some stunning beaches and have some wonderful family time. Let your kids take their first surfing lessons on the nearby beaches as it is one of the Best Activities For Kids in Caulfield.
Suitable for children above one year old
5.    Camping under the Stars
If you are looking for some nocturnal Fun Activities For Children in Caulfield, then organise camping under the stars. For a perfect family camping adventure, pitch a tent, gather around a campfire, and plan some activities like storytelling, singing, or stargazing.
Suitable for children 6 years and above
To Sum Up
So, which of these activities are you going to try for your kid on their next vacation? Whether you plan for wildlife exploration or enjoy the urban park, just let your kids discover the wonder of nature and the magic of outdoor fun.
Suggest some kid’s activities to do on Australia Day (January 26).
Here are the Best Activities For Kids in Brighton and surroundings to do on Australia Day –
Toss the Thong
Beach Frisbee/Football
Backyard Cricket
Egg and Spoon Races and more
Which beaches are best for kids in Caulfield and surroundings in Melbourne?
Some great beaches in Melbourne for visiting kids and families are –
Williamstown Beach
Ricketts Point
Dendy Street Brighton Beach
Sandridge Beach and so on
What do kids do when they go to beaches in Melbourne?
Some of the Best Activities For Kids in Caulfield and other areas in Melbourne to try out on beaches are –
Collecting shells
Building sandcastles
Playing beach volleyballs
Beach Scavenger Hunt and more
0 notes
uel2022 · 2 years
L'Art de créer un jeu vidéo soi-même : suite 1
Voici quelques jeux
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Voici le jeu Pokemon (Game Freaks, 1996)
C’est un J-RPG
Il y a des échanges entre joueurs.
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Voici le jeu Starcraft (Blizzard, 1998)
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Voici le jeu Half-Life (Valve, 1998)
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Voici le World of Warcraft (Blizzard, 2005)
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Voici le jeu WII Sports (Nintendo, 2006)
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Voici le jeu Angry Birds (Rovio, 2009)
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Voici le jeu Minecraft (Persson, 2009)
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Voici le jeu GTA V (Rockstar, 2013)
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Voici le jeu Fortnite (Epic Games, 2017)
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Voici le jeu Life is Strange
Le jeu Life is Strange est un peu particulier. En effet, c’est le nom d’une série de jeux vidéo d'aventure graphique en vue objective se rapprochant du film interactif, créée par Dontnod Entertainment, développée par Dontnod Entertainment et Deck Nine et éditée par Square Enix. Ce jeu vidéo représente la société dans laquelle nous vivons. C’est un jeu à choix multiples. Nos choix déterminent la vie des PNJ et du personnage que l’on incarne. Dans ce jeu, nous incarnons Max Caulfield. Ce jeu traite de sujets sérieux comme le suicide, le viol, le kidnapping, la drogue etc… C’est de la prévention en quelques sortes.
On a fait du chemin en 60 ans !!
Avec tous ces jeux, il est nécessaire d’utiliser un moyen de les catégoriser afin de se construire un répertoire et un référentiel commun.
Un système de classification idéal doit être : – Descriptif – Non-ambigu – Complet – Et être exclusif (un item appartient à une seule catégorie).
C’est très difficile de réussir à avoir un tel système de classification.
Les jeux peuvent être catégorisés suivant les dimensions (2D, 3D), la perspective (isométrique, parallèle), la plateforme (consoles, PC, mobiles), l’année de sortie et le genre !
Le genre (Wikipedia)
1 Action
– 1.1 Platform games
– 1.2 Shooter games
– 1.3 Fighting games
– 1.4 Beat 'em up games
– 1.5 Stealth game
– 1.6 Survival games
– 1.7 Battle Royale games
– 1.8 Rhythm games
• 2 Action-adventure
– 2.1 Survival horror
– 2.2 Metroidvania
• 3 Adventure
– 3.1 Text adventures
– 3.2 Graphic adventures
– 3.3 Visual novels
– 3.4 Interactive movie
– 3.5 Real-time 3D adventures
• 4 Role-playing
– 4.1 Action RPG
– 4.2 MMORPG
– 4.3 Roguelikes
– 4.4 Tactical RPG
– 4.5 Sandbox RPG
– 4.6 First-person party-based RPG
– 4.7 JRPG
– 4.8 Monster Tamer
5 Simulation
– 5.1 Construction and management simulation
– 5.2 Life simulation
– 5.3 Vehicle simulation
• 6 Strategy
– 6.1 4X game
– 6.2 Artillery game
– 6.3 Auto battler (Auto chess)
– 6.4 Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
– 6.5 Real-time strategy (RTS)
– 6.6 Real-time tactics (RTT)
– 6.7 Tower defense
– 6.8 Turn-based strategy (TBS)
– 6.9 Turn-based tactics (TBT)
– 6.10 Wargame
– 6.11 Grand strategy wargame
• 7 Sports
– 7.1 Racing
– 7.2 Sports game
– 7.3 Competitive
– 7.4 Sports-based fighting
• 8 MMO
9 Other notable genres
– 9.1 Board game or card game
 – 9.2 Casual games
– 9.3 Digital collectible card game
– 9.4 Horror game
– 9.5 Idle game
– 9.6 Logic game
– 9.7 Party game
– 9.8 Programming game
– 9.9 Trivia game
– 9.10 Typing game
• 10 Video game genres by purpose
– 10.1 Advergame
– 10.2 Art game
– 10.3 Casual game
– 10.4 Christian game
– 10.5 Educational game
– 10.6 Esports
– 10.7 Exergame
– 10.8 Personalized game
– 10.9 Serious game
• 11 Sandbox / open world games
– 11.1 Sandbox
– 11.2 Creative
– 11.3 Open world
• 12 Scientific studies
Avec tous ces jeux, il est nécessaire d’utiliser un moyen de les catégoriser afin de se construire un répertoire et un référentiel commun.
Un système de classification idéal doit être : – Descriptif – Non-ambigu – Complet – Et être exclusif (un item appartient à une seule catégorie)
C’est très difficile de réussir à avoir un tel système de classification.
Les jeux peuvent être catégorisés suivant les dimensions (2D, 3D), la perspective (isométrique, parallèle), la plateforme (consoles, PC, mobiles), l’année de sortie et le genre !
Le genre (Wikipedia)
1 Action
– 1.1 Platform games
– 1.2 Shooter games
– 1.3 Fighting games
– 1.4 Beat 'em up games
– 1.5 Stealth game
– 1.6 Survival games
– 1.7 Battle Royale games
– 1.8 Rhythm games
• 2 Action-adventure
– 2.1 Survival horror
– 2.2 Metroidvania
• 3 Adventure
– 3.1 Text adventures
– 3.2 Graphic adventures
– 3.3 Visual novels
– 3.4 Interactive movie
– 3.5 Real-time 3D adventures
• 4 Role-playing
– 4.1 Action RPG
– 4.2 MMORPG
– 4.3 Roguelikes
– 4.4 Tactical RPG
– 4.5 Sandbox RPG
– 4.6 First-person party-based RPG
– 4.7 JRPG
– 4.8 Monster Tamer
5 Simulation
– 5.1 Construction and management simulation
– 5.2 Life simulation
– 5.3 Vehicle simulation
• 6 Strategy
– 6.1 4X game
– 6.2 Artillery game
– 6.3 Auto battler (Auto chess)
– 6.4 Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
– 6.5 Real-time strategy (RTS)
– 6.6 Real-time tactics (RTT)
– 6.7 Tower defense
– 6.8 Turn-based strategy (TBS)
– 6.9 Turn-based tactics (TBT)
– 6.10 Wargame
– 6.11 Grand strategy wargame
• 7 Sports
– 7.1 Racing
– 7.2 Sports game
– 7.3 Competitive
– 7.4 Sports-based fighting
• 8 MMO
9 Other notable genres
– 9.1 Board game or card game
 – 9.2 Casual games
– 9.3 Digital collectible card game
– 9.4 Horror game
– 9.5 Idle game
– 9.6 Logic game
– 9.7 Party game
– 9.8 Programming game
– 9.9 Trivia game
– 9.10 Typing game
• 10 Video game genres by purpose
– 10.1 Advergame
– 10.2 Art game
– 10.3 Casual game
– 10.4 Christian game
– 10.5 Educational game
– 10.6 Esports
– 10.7 Exergame
– 10.8 Personalized game
– 10.9 Serious game
• 11 Sandbox / open world games
– 11.1 Sandbox
– 11.2 Creative
– 11.3 Open world
• 12 Scientific studies
Avec tous ces jeux, il est nécessaire d’utiliser un moyen de les catégoriser afin de se construire un répertoire et un référentiel commun.
Un système de classification idéal doit être : – Descriptif – Non-ambigu – Complet – Et être exclusif (un item appartient à une seule catégorie)
C’est très difficile de réussir à avoir un tel système de classification.
Les jeux peuvent être catégorisés suivant les dimensions (2D, 3D), la perspective (isométrique, parallèle), la plateforme (consoles, PC, mobiles), l’année de sortie et le genre !
Le genre (Wikipedia)
1 Action
– 1.1 Platform games
– 1.2 Shooter games
– 1.3 Fighting games
– 1.4 Beat 'em up games
– 1.5 Stealth game
– 1.6 Survival games
– 1.7 Battle Royale games
– 1.8 Rhythm games
• 2 Action-adventure
– 2.1 Survival horror
– 2.2 Metroidvania
• 3 Adventure
– 3.1 Text adventures
– 3.2 Graphic adventures
– 3.3 Visual novels
– 3.4 Interactive movie
– 3.5 Real-time 3D adventures
• 4 Role-playing
– 4.1 Action RPG
– 4.2 MMORPG
– 4.3 Roguelikes
– 4.4 Tactical RPG
– 4.5 Sandbox RPG
– 4.6 First-person party-based RPG
– 4.7 JRPG
– 4.8 Monster Tamer
5 Simulation
– 5.1 Construction and management simulation
– 5.2 Life simulation
– 5.3 Vehicle simulation
• 6 Strategy
– 6.1 4X game
– 6.2 Artillery game
– 6.3 Auto battler (Auto chess)
– 6.4 Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
– 6.5 Real-time strategy (RTS)
– 6.6 Real-time tactics (RTT)
– 6.7 Tower defense
– 6.8 Turn-based strategy (TBS)
– 6.9 Turn-based tactics (TBT)
– 6.10 Wargame
– 6.11 Grand strategy wargame
• 7 Sports
– 7.1 Racing
– 7.2 Sports game
– 7.3 Competitive
– 7.4 Sports-based fighting
• 8 MMO
9 Other notable genres
– 9.1 Board game or card game
 – 9.2 Casual games
– 9.3 Digital collectible card game
– 9.4 Horror game
– 9.5 Idle game
– 9.6 Logic game
– 9.7 Party game
– 9.8 Programming game
– 9.9 Trivia game
– 9.10 Typing game
• 10 Video game genres by purpose
– 10.1 Advergame
– 10.2 Art game
– 10.3 Casual game
– 10.4 Christian game
– 10.5 Educational game
– 10.6 Esports
– 10.7 Exergame
– 10.8 Personalized game
– 10.9 Serious game
• 11 Sandbox / open world games
– 11.1 Sandbox
– 11.2 Creative
– 11.3 Open world
• 12 Scientific studies
Il suffit d’avoir un bon gameplay, une interface intuitive, une histoire intéressante, un niveau de difficulté adapté, des défis renouvelés jusqu’à la fin et des caractéristiques innovantes.
Un grand jeu vidéo naît d’un bon Game Design. Il nécessite une implémentation technique impeccable. Il ne faut pas oublier, que le but d’un jeu est de procurer du divertissement (hors OVNI)
Et la technologie seule ne peut pas être fun sur le long-terme, il faut de la structure (ex. VR)
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Le Game Design a pour but d’imaginer un jeu, de définir comment il fonctionne, de lister et décrire les éléments qui le composent et de communiquer ces informations au joueur
Est-ce de l’art ? De la science ? De l’artisanat ? De l’ingénierie ? De l’imagination ?
Pour avoir de l’imagination et espérer créer un jeu vidéo soi-même, il faut des connaissances sur l’état des technologies, des compétences en analyse (identifier un problème / un besoin), Des compétences en Maths (équilibrage, progression…), un sens de l’esthétique, de la culture générale, des compétences en écriture et en dessin. Il faut aussi avoir la capacité de faire des compromis !! Le travail d’équipe est très important. Il faut aussi accepter d’abandonner des idées (pour en proposer d’autres derrière) ! Et être passionné.
Pour faire des jeux qui vous plaisent, jouez à beaucoup de jeux ; essayez d’être au courant de ce qui existe (essayer les jeux dont vous êtes moins fan aussi) ; utilisez les bons outils ; évitez de vous ennuyer dans votre jeu à tout prix ; ne sacrifiez surtout pas la qualité dès le début ! Testez vos idées, discutez d’elles, testez, discutez, testez… Il ne faut pas hésiter à jeter des idées !! C’est crucial ! Prenez du plaisir mais n’oubliez pas que l’on s’améliore en travaillant.
Concernant la programmation, le Game Development, le Game Design et leGame Programming sont trois choses distinctes.
On peut très bien faire du Game Design pour des jeux de plateau également.
Le Game Design de jeu vidéo ne nécessite pas de programmer non plus. C’est le rôle des programmeurs.
Pour avoir une bonne idée, il est inévitable d’en proposer une dizaine de mauvaises…
« Si tu as eu une bonne idée en 10 secondes, alors quelqu’un d’autre a pu l’avoir aussi »
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L’idée de l’importance d’un GDD a évolué avec le temps.
Le GDD est le game design document (que l'on peut traduire en « cahier des charges du jeu »), souvent abrégé en GDD. C’est une notice qui, lors de la phase de conception d'un jeu vidéo, présente en détail tous les éléments devant faire partie de ce jeu.
Avec l’arrivée des méthodes de gestion de projet « agiles », le GDD est parfois vu comme un vestige d’une ancienne façon de faire. Le GDD est toujours pertinent !!
On ne peut pas se passer d’avoir une documentation claire et complète décrivant les éléments de conception du jeu. C’est juste qu’il peut prendre des formes différentes. Le GDD mais aussi GitHub et Wiki par exemple. Il est important de savoir à tout moment où trouver l’information. Elle peut être centralisée, organisée et structurée, claire et concise, à jour et la plus complète possible.
L’approche peut être ancienne, en cascade.
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Analyse -> Réalisation -> Évaluation Correction -> Jeu vidéo
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La structure d’un GDD se définit par le titre, les auteurs, la présentation générale / la vision, l’idée principale / Core Gameplay, des jeux similaires, l’originalité du jeu par rapport à l’existant, le public.
Le jeu se compose de joueurs, d’objectifs, de mécaniques, de règles, de ressources, de conflits, de frontières, de résultats. La section narrative se base sur des personnages, sur une histoire, sur une situation de départ, sur un élément perturbateur, sur une résolution à travers le jeu.
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Il y a des fiches de niveaux.
Il faut identifier des risques et des défis. Il est nécessaire d’attribuer des tâches aux membres de l’équipe.
Il est primordial de se poser des questions tels que :
Quel est l’idée principale du jeu ?
Quels sont les conflits ?
Qui sont les joueurs cibles ?
Est-ce qu’il y a des tours de jeu ou du temps réel ? Combien de joueurs ?
Quels sont les actions disponibles pour les joueurs et à quel moment ?
Quels sont les règles et les procédures ?
Quels sont les restrictions et les opportunités offertes par l’environnement ?
Quels sont les résultats à la fin d’une partie ?
Combien de temps dure le jeu ?
Il est important de pouvoir décrire l’idée principale en une phrase (même un peu longue). Nous pouvons prendre pour exemple WarCraft ou le Monopoly.
Dans WarCraft, les joueurs construisent et déplacent en temps réel des unités combattantes sur une carte en vue de dessus dans le but d’attaquer et détruire les unités adverses.
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Dans le Monopoly, les joueurs lancent des dés pour se déplacer sur un plateau dans le but d’acquérir les cases sur lesquelles ils atterrissent afin de faire payer les autres joueurs qui atterrissent dessus.
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Dans le jeu Super Mario Bros, un joueur contrôle Mario (ou Luigi) et le fait avancer, courir et sauter le long d’un parcours en 2 dimensions afin de franchir ennemis et obstacles dans le but d’atteindre la fin du parcours.
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Il faut décrire le nombre de joueurs et leur rôle dans le jeu (ennemi ou allié du jeu ?)
Il faut se demander : quel est l’objectif principal du jeu ? Quand est-ce que le jeu termine ?
Il faut des phases principales du jeu (les mécaniques) ainsi que les sous-phases, idéalement sous forme de storyboard.
Il faut décrire les règles principales du jeu, celles que les joueurs doivent assimiler.
Il faut des ressources, c’est-à-dire des unités que les joueurs peuvent amasser afin de faire évoluer leur capacité dans le jeu (argent, point de vie, inventaire, compétences…)
Il est nécessaire d’avoir différentes sources de conflits et savoir comment les résoudre. Quels sont les difficultés, les situations critiques auxquelles les joueurs doivent faire face.
Il faut prévoir les limites à l’intérieur du jeu (en termes de temps, d’espace et règles sociales éventuellement).
Il est impératif d’avoir un résultat à la fin du jeu.
Un jeu peut être jouer par un joueur, deux joueurs. Ils peuvent lancer une partie de multi-joueurs en local ou en ligne (online). Les joueurs peuvent être en compétition ou coopératifs.
Un personnage peut interpréter n’importe quel rôle. Les joueurs peuvent incarner un protagoniste, un général, un soldat, une divinité.
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Voici le jeu Call of duty
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Voici le jeu Les Sims 4
Il faut s’intéresser aux objectifs. Quel est le but du jeu ?
Dans le jeu vidéo Spyro the Dragon, il faut sauver vos compagnons dragons qui ont été changés en pierre et vaincre Gnasty Gnorc en terminant les 6 mondes.
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Chaque monde à son mini-objectif.
C’est une bonne idée de structurer en objectifs généraux et sous-objectifs.
Le plan de jeu peut ressembler à un arbre des objectifs 😉
Il faut écrire un objectif, choisir une action icônique !
Un jeu nécessite des actions classiques comme capturer / détruire (éliminer), pourchasser (rattraper), vaincre à la course, aligner (puzzle-game), sauver ou faire échapper, ne pas faire (ne pas se faire repérer, ne pas tomber par exemple), construire, résoudre, explorer (libre), être plus malin (quizz).
Il peut y en avoir d’autres mais c’est important d’associer à un objectif une action bien identifiée !
Les actions que peuvent faire les joueurs et leurs réactions Les joueurs peuvent faire des actions et ces actions entraîneront des répercussions dans le jeu. Par exemple, frapper un ennemi permet d’infliger des dégâts, faire tourner les pièces permettent de changer la disposition, le joueur peut récupérer et utiliser une ressource. Il y a des commandes (ou successions de commandes) pour réaliser ces actions comme appuyer sur tel bouton, un mouvement tactile.
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Concernant les règles, il faut se demander quand et comment les mécaniques s’appliquent (nombre d’actions à la fois, à qui le tour…). Il faut prendre en compte la gestion des ressources, c’est-à-dire le nombre de points de vie maximum, la vitesse de la voiture, les points de dégâts.
Il faut prévoir les conditions de résolutions des objectifs : victoire / défaite.
Vous pouvez baser les ressources classiques en points de vie. Ce n’est pas la section objectifs ou règles, mais on peut rappeler par exemple dans cette section que si le nombre de vies du joueur atteint zéro, la partie est finie. Elles peuvent se baser sur des unités / soldats / matériaux, sur la santé, sur l’argent, sur des actions / capacités, sur des objectifs, sur des terrains, sur des temps.
Concernant les conflits, il faut décrire les ennemis et leurs actions/réactions. Il faut décrire des obstacles ou des challenges et se demander qu’est-ce qui se tient entre le joueur et l’objectif ?
Il faut également décrire les stratégies pour les vaincre.
Les frontières permettent de délimiter la taille des environnements et la taille des grilles de jeu, de faire le découpage des niveaux, de limiter le temps.
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Les résultats se basent sur la résolution narrative, la cinémathèque, le contenu in-game, le score.Le résultat doit être clairement identifié.
Il est nécessaire d’avoir une boîte à outils du créatif. Mais vous pouvez tout faire avec le matériel de bureau traditionnel.
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Vous pouvez utiliser Evernote.
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Ou Office (ou libre office / Gdocs).
Nous pouvons choisir Word pour rédiger les documents, Powerpoint pour faire des maquettes visuelles, des présentations, Excel pour lister les éléments et leurs valeurs. Nous pouvons utiliser Lucidchart, XMind, draw.io, Figma, GIMP, Blender, Audacity, Trello, Discord, Unity, UNREAL ENGINE, DEVELOP, GODOT Game engine.
Ce sont différents moteurs de jeu utilisables gratuits. Et certains sans programmation !
Il y a des banques de ressources en ligne (pour les graphismes, les sons ou l’audio).
Mais on préfèrera toujours faire soi-même ses ressources à la fin, ce qui est très couteux ☹
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Voici Lucidchart
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Voici XMind
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Voici draw.io
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Voici Figma
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Voici GIMP : Le « photoshop gratuit »
Agathe Janeczko L2 Arts du spectacle
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] Mick Price, who trains I’m Thunderstruck, stated he was in search of his galloper to settle nearer within the early levels of the race, saying it was too onerous for his horse to be giving the leaders six to eight lengths begin.I’m Thunderstruck is among the many main contenders on Saturday.Credit:Getty ImagesSpeaking on RSN on Thursday morning, Price additionally prompt Alligator Blood may win as he was the right horse for weight-for-age races, including he may management the velocity and had the power to kick away.Favourite within the Might And Power Stakes and the Cox Plate is the James Cummings-trained and Godolphin-owned Anamoe and the coach is assured he'll run an enormous race.Anamoe hasn’t began since successful the group 1 George Main Stakes three weeks in the past at Randwick and he’ll be ridden by James McDonald.“He’s had an uncomplicated three weeks since his last start and he’s feeling well. That run in the George Main [Stakes, 1600 metres] topped him off beautifully to be stepping up to 2000,” Cummings stated.Cummings gained his first Caulfield Guineas final 12 months when Anamoe was profitable and he has the favorite with PointsBet on Saturday with Golden Mile, who's a $2.70 likelihood.Cummings stated when Golden Mile completed fourth at his final begin within the Golden Rose behind Jaquinot “he didn’t quite get it right.”On that event Golden Mile hit the entrance with 400 to go and wished to put in within the straight. He was nonetheless in entrance on the 100 metres mark however drained to complete simply behind the placegetters.Cummings, nonetheless, identified it was a robust version of the Golden Rose.“The horse was found wanting by less than 1.5 lengths to a very, very good horse in Jacquinot, who flew like an absolute machine to win on the line against our filly, In Secret, who we regard as an elite three-year-old filly,” Cummings stated.Golden Mile can even be ridden by James McDonald and can begin from barrier 5. [ad_2] Source link
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Betr offering $21 Odds for all 2022 Cox Plate horses How You Can Profit
The Cox Plate is just under a week away and it is regarded as the best race Australia has to offer. The best offer in Australia for the Cox Plate from a betting perspective is clearly Betr, a newly formed start up online bookmaker, that are offering $21 for every runner in their Cox Plate all in market. So, who is Betr? Betr is headed by wagering giant Matt Tripp and chief executive Andrew Menz, with backing from an ownership which includes heavy hitters such as News Corp Australia and Tekkorp Capital, a Las Vegas based company. Betr.com.au is powered by the Betmakers Technology, which is the main way to go when it comes to these new online wagering operators. Menz has made no secret of wanting to make Betr the best of the new string bookies, providing super odds and promos. They have made a splash since opening, the most notable being offering odds of $101 on a host of markets, namely the NRL/NBA/AFL overall winners and Soccer World Cup overall winner, along with $101 on all runners in the Melbourne Cup all in market, with a max bet of $10. Still, that is easily the best promo of any bookmaker in enticing new punters in years. The other key offer they are providing is $21 for all runners in the Cox Plate all in market, with a max bet of $10. Before looking at who to potentially back, down below is who is likely to take their place. BET NOW : Bet Now at Betr via this link Likely Cox Plate Field: 1. Alligator Blood 59kg 2. I’m Thunderstruck 59kg 3. Laws Of Indices 59kg 4. Mo’Unga 59kg 5. Mr Brightside 59kg 6. My Oberon 59kg 7. Zaaki 59kg 8. Anamoe 57.5kg 9. El Bodegon 56.5kg So, who do I back? Given in normal markets, where Anamoe is even money and regarded by most as the one to beat, the $21 on offer is amazing, even if it’s just a $10 max bet. He is the one clearly to beat. Most of the runners mentioned above came through the Might And Power (2000m) at Caulfield, which Anamoe won, beating I’m Thunderstruck and Zaaki. Alligator Blood, Mo’Unga and Mr Brightside all ran in the Might And Power as well. The Bet: Anamoe The two that create interest are My Oberon and El Bodegon, both imports that are set to make their Australian debut in the Cox Plate. My Oberon is trained by Annabel Neasham and she will be looking for redemption in the 2022 Cox Plate after having Zaaki scratched in the race last year when an even money favourite. He has strong enough form from overseas to command respect and from all reports has settled in nicely. El Bodegon is now with Chris Waller and as the race gets closer to jump time, international racing experts are warming to him given the form around him, including a strong effort at York behind Deauville Legend, who is currently a dominant favourite in the Melbourne Cup, where he is around $6 with other bookies, but with Betr, you can get $101.   *Existing customers only. 2nd Racing bet. Excl SA & WA. T’s & C’s apply. Gamble responsibly. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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mitchfenton1988 · 6 years
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View On WordPress
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rothfired · 4 years
VERRY ELLEEGANT | 2020 Caulfield Cup (Gr1) | Australia
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the-sword-lesbian · 3 years
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I posted 3,995 times in 2021
50 posts created (1%)
3945 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 78.9 posts.
I added 332 tags in 2021
#life is strange - 75 posts
#victoria chase - 50 posts
#lis - 49 posts
#kate marsh - 42 posts
#chasemarsh - 32 posts
#chloe price - 28 posts
#max caulfield - 18 posts
#fanfic - 16 posts
#critical role - 13 posts
#pricemarsh - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#the fact that more people don’t understand this is why we have so much discourse and hate
My Top Posts in 2021
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The wonderful @lifeischamlis did cover art for me for my Chasefield fic Expectations! Victoria looks so fantastic here, I love her so much! If you want to read it for yourself you can find it here!
76 notes • Posted 2021-01-07 04:45:03 GMT
Critical Role Campaign 3 Character Predictions
Travis: a cleric maybe, lean more into that religion/heals vibe but probably would play more of a fighty domain like War
Marisha: also a cleric or maybe a Paladin. To kick some holy ass.
Laura: hopefully our beloved lady finally gets to play her warlock and we get ourselves a sassy lock lady to fall in love with.
Ashley: Tbh, I’m really hoping for a wizard. Would love to see her play a nerdy, vastly intelligent magic user.
Sam: A barbarian. Just because I would love to see it. And if it happens I’d hope he continues his trend of playing small races, because I love seeing tiny barbs.
Taliesin: A rogue would be really fun to see. Let him lean into his love of the dark and edgy.
Liam: Would love to see Liam play a suave, Dex-based fighter ala something along the lines of The Dread Pirate Roberts. He totally has the charisma for it. These are just my speculative thoughts, knowing my luck I will be entirely wrong XD. Bonus! Matt: Matt will once again make a beloved, sexy magic user NPC in the same vein as Gilmore and Essek, but this time instead of romancing Liam’s character they will be completely put off by them.
84 notes • Posted 2021-05-22 02:54:06 GMT
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See the full post
86 notes • Posted 2021-09-13 12:24:32 GMT
WLW Prompt Requests
Got writers block really bad so I’m accepting prompt asks for wlw ficlets
Fandoms I’ll write for:
Life is Strange
Critical Role(either campaign)
RWBY(I haven’t seen past v5 tho)
Stardew Valley
Mage & Demon Queen
Some Overwatch ships
If you have something interesting that isn’t on this list I might consider it if I’m familiar enough with the source material.
99 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 16:45:42 GMT
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I commissioned @swollenbabyfat for a sweet little Chasemarsh kiss and they freaking delivered!!!!
I love these girls so much and Lottie did such a fantastic job and everyone should go check out their art because its amazing!!
110 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 04:52:50 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lire-casander · 3 years
For the get to know your author asks: 2, 20, 25 👀
Love your fics, Lire! 🖤
2. what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
Answered here!
20. do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
It depends on how much I have to write. Lately it’s been short and scarce, so I’ve been writing here and there. Yesterday I wrote an entire fic throughout the day, but that was because it’s around 1.3k
25. copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Me, proud of my own writing? Unheard of! But if I must...
Coincidentally, two of these excerpts are from fics I wrote for @manesalex, which is to say that she brings out the best writing in me.
#1 - from iridescence on skin [malex]
His first set of coordinates doesn’t point at anywhere on Earth, because his soulmate isn’t human.
“Youʼve found home,” he says stupidly, and then stronger, “youʼre leaving then.”
“Oh, Alex,” Guerin chuckles again, shakes his head and takes Alex’s hand in his. “You already know I canʼt lie in the mindspace, no matter its nature. You canʼt either.”
“For a genius, you’re not making any sense.”
“Iʼve found Antar, but I havenʼt found home, Alex,” Guerin explains as though heʼs talking to a kid. “I canʼt find whatʼs never been lost.”
Alex is about to reply, to force Guerin to stop talking in riddles, when he finds himself with a handful of plaid and a mouthful of Guerin, and he stops thinking.
Everything he feels — everything Guerin feels — is poured in a kiss that has Alex’s knees trembling and his mind racing. He can feel himself and Guerin, as if they are an extension of one another. He can feel the loss and the pain and the anger, but also the hope and the longing and the love, a love so big that it doesn’t fit in their hearts combined.
A love that consumes him and turns him into a supernova, a love that bursts from inside and lights up his whole world where it was in shadows. A love thatʼs his and only his to cherish.
#2 - from arashi [malex]
Slowly, he rises to his feet, unsteady and trembling, under Guerin’s unreadable gaze. “Michael,” he begins, low. The mug threatens to shatter under unknown pressure, holding its pieces together by sheer stubbornness. Alex gets a reminder of another moment, almost in another life, pieces want to be together, and he wonders, not for the first time, not for the last time surely, whether his life would have been different if he'd have taken the leap of faith his soul had warned him about in Guerin's bunker.
He has the feeling that he's about to find out, for better or for worse.
Without warning, the storm breaks above their heads, the wind making the rain hit their bodies as they stand, face to face, on the edge of a deck that feels like the beginning and the end of a world they used to know. Alex wonders if he’ll be brave enough to take that extra step into Guerin’s personal space, now that he’s broken one of the habits from an old life. “Michael,” he calls again, the name rolling off his tongue easily. He doesn’t understand why he hasn’t used it before.
The silence on the other end is unbearable; Guerin is still standing frozen under the rain splashing around their feet, thunder and lightning growling above them. Time stills as they both breathe deeply – in, out, in, out – until in one swift motion, Alex’s world tilts on its axis.
Guerin closes the space between them in one step, confident and decided and bold, and embraces Alex with all he’s got. It feels like the reunion and the drive-in and Caulfield all over again – love and hope and grief laced together with past and future and uncertainty. When Guerin leans in and searches for his lips, Alex willingly tilts his face up and kisses him first, under a rain that cleanses them and lightens their path.
#3 - from por si acaso no recuerdas mis abrazos (yo te dejo mi canción) [american idol]
Kyle jumps out of the drum set in no time and runs to his new destination, his son in tow and the others a little behind, having reacted a bit later. The door is ajar, Kyle can see nothing but darkness, hear nothing but an unsteady breath before it breaks into a loud sob. His heart clenches in his chest at the sound, broken and off–key. He bursts into the green room, good manners be damned, and switches the light on. There is a couch in the middle of the room, taking up space, facing away from the door. The back of the sofa is sagging slightly, a pair of hands lifted in the air before being dragged back down. Kyle steps nervously inside and clears his throat. The sobs stop abruptly, as if the person on the couch has finally become aware of the fact that he isn't alone in the room. "Hello?" a voice asks from behind the piece of furniture.
Kyle is struck by that sound, the drawl of the voice calling to him, attracting him to it like the light attracts the insects – and there is a song about that somewhere in the old repertoire Andy and Neal used to perform – so he is forced to walk to that voice. "Dave?" he whispers, slowly, unsure. "Dave, it's me. It's Kyle."
"What the hell was in those pills they gave me?" David wonders out loud, never leaving his shelter. "Now I fucking hear his voice."
"No, Dave, I am here for real," Kyle continues, getting to the couch and circling it. He kneels besides the sofa and looks down at the body sprawled on it, at the slender and pale figure that looks back as if he were some sort of ghost sent from the past to haunt the living, the lifeless eyes and the rebel auburn hair sticking in every direction possible. "I'm here for real," he repeats, lower and softer.
"Kyle? What are you doing here?" Dave's voice helps Kyle to find his center, his stability in those orbs wide in awe. He knows the true answer is too long, too complex, so he settles for replying with the next best thing.
#4 - from as the world twirls in ribbons of light [911 lone star]
There’s a permanent reminder of what Alex still means to him inked in his soul, and the urge to drink it to oblivion is too strong sometimes; there’s a sensual scent in the pills he can’t buy anymore that’s too heady for him to ignore. He just wants, and not even bar brawls and anonymous sex can soothe it any longer.
He wishes for Carlos to not like him, because that’s only going to complicate everything, and he’s already a complicated guy without the added stress of having to care about someone so soon after Alex left him heartbroken and half dead. But he yearns for that complication, he dreams of strong arms around him at night and soft kisses in the morning, of shredded shirts and shared PJs. He doesn’t usually allow himself to wish, but from time to time his heart takes over and revolutionize everything inside of him. He dreads those moments, but he longs for them nonetheless.
He’s ashamed of his instincts ― of his penchant for the white of oxy and the translucent of booze, of his suicidal tendencies to dive head first into danger, of his craving for pain to wash away the grief. He’s afraid of himself, of the way his hands ball into fists at the simplest of grievances, of the hitch in his breath when he’s faced with disappointment, of the inevitability of his stubbornness. He’s terrified of being alone in this world, and that’s exactly what’s happening ― when his father loses his battle, one day, he’s going to be the one left behind. There’s no one else around him, no one else who cares, and he listens to that vicious voice in his mind telling him that no one would even mind if he wasn’t around.
He swirls the bottle once more, watching the remnants of the mineral water twirling inside of the plastic container, and sighs. He’s ready to give in, once more, when a hand lands on his shoulder.
Now, which is your favorite line/paragraph/work of mine? I love getting to know what you guys like in my writing!
get to know your author!
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hold me like the moon holds onto the tide (1/3)
Summary: Kidnapped and locked in a cell with no escape. Alex and Michael are faced with an ex-Caulfield employee who is prepared to do anything to get alien powers of his own. (Inspired by the Daisy/Sousa scenes in Agents of Shield 7x06)
Word Count: 2,946
[Also on AO3] [Part Two] [Part Three]
This wasn’t the first time that Alex had woken up somewhere with no memory of how he had gotten there.
There was the happier occurrences of this, such as waking up at his grandparent’s place after falling asleep during the car ride there as a child or ending up at home in bed with a killer hangover the morning after an unexpectedly wild night at the Pony.
Or the not so happy occurrences like waking up in the hospital after an encounter with a roadside IED or tied to a chair in his father’s basement after an unfortunate meeting with his metal cane.
But this. This was definitely the first time that he’d woken up in an unfamiliar cell with his hands shackled to the wall.
His head hurt and there was a weird heaviness in his limbs that could only be explained by the uncomfortable sensation of drugs running its course through his body. Blinking a few times in a poor attempt to clear the haze from his vision, he lifted his head to get a better look at his new surroundings.
“Alex?” Came a murmur from nearby, which only confused him more.
He let out a slight groan in response as he pushed himself up to rest on his forearms, the chain securing his cuffed wrists to the cell wall jangling nosily at the movement.
To say that Michael was a sight for sore eyes was an understatement at the best of times. But right now, the sight of him was practically angelic. He was sitting with his back against the wall, legs stretched in front of him, matching cuffs around his wrists. His hair was more of a mess than usual and he was looking at Alex with such big eyes that the worry radiating off him was palpable.
He looked beautiful, of course. But above all that, him being here meant that Alex wasn’t facing whatever this was alone.
“What the hell is going on?” Alex croaked around the unexpected dryness of his throat. How long had they been here?
“No clue. I woke up about twenty minutes ago, haven’t heard anybody outside.” Michael shook his head, eyeing Alex carefully.
They may be chained to a wall but at least their mysterious captors had the consideration to secure them within reaching distance of each other. Pushing himself up onto his hands and knees, Alex shuffled over and rearranged himself to mirror Michael’s position, their shoulders bumping as he rested against the wall.
Now that his head had cleared a little, Alex took a moment to survey the cell. It was a small room with dull grey walls and a cold, dirty floor.
There was one window positioned high on the wall behind them that was allowing a few beams of light into the room. The dim rays hit the door opposite them as if preparing to provide their captors with a golden entrance.
There wasn’t much to deduct from their closed means of exit, but the solid metal of the door was worrying. It didn’t look like some makeshift prison hidden in the basement of someone’s house, this looked professional and if someone had access to a place like this, who knows what they wanted with the two of them.
Alex lowered his head to rest it against Michael shoulder and squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to take a calming breath.
“Your head hurting?” Michael whispered, feeling himself relax just a little from having Alex so close.
Alex nodded gently, “Yeah, yours?”
“Yeah, it’s been throbbing since I woke up.”
Michael had been worried when he had woken up first.
The first thing he had registered was the hard surface beneath his cheek and he had thought for a moment that maybe he’d been drinking the night previously and hadn’t quite made it into the airstream before passing out. The drumming in his head sure seemed to support that theory.
Opening his eyes revealed how far off he was with that prediction and it had set his heart racing. But seeing another person lying nearby had his heart jumping straight into his throat.
He had only allowed a second to compartmentalise the fact that he had clearly been kidnapped before clumsily crawling over to Alex, instantly shaking the man in an attempt to wake him.
After a brief flash of panic, Michael had taken note of Alex’s small breaths and the rise and fall of his chest before letting out a nervous laugh of relief.
And now that Alex was finally awake, Michael took solace in his breathing once more as the man sat next to him.
They were silent for a moment as Alex glanced down at the metal cuffs cutting into his wrists. The thick grey bands looked stronger than standard police issue handcuffs and the sturdy chainlink connecting them to the wall bracket was not going to be easily broken.
“I feel like this is a dumb question, but have you tried to break the cuffs?”
Michael smiled fondly, glancing down at the top of Alex’s head, “It was the first thing I tried, but my powers aren’t working. It feels the same as when Helena dosed me with that stuff.”
Alex sat up straight with wide eyes and Michael mourned the sudden loss of contact. “That means they know that you’re an alien.”
“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” Michael replied, biting his lip. A situation where someone else knew about his powers - let alone how to neutralise them - was concerning to say the least.
And downright terrifying to say the most.
Though he was quietly glad that Isobel and Max were nowhere in sight. At least they were safe, for now.
“Shit.” Alex looked towards the door as if expecting their captors to burst in at any second, “I don’t even remember what happened.”
“I’m pretty sure we were at the junkyard, but apart from that I’ve got nothing.”
Alex leant his head back and closed his eyes as he tried to get everything straight in his head, the incessant throbbing in his brain doing its best to distract him.
There was very little information to go on regarding who had taken them and how, but the part that was screaming out to him was why the pair of them had been taken together.
Their captors clearly knew that Michael was an alien, but if they’d kidnapped him because of that, what was Alex’s role in all of this? And if it was Alex they were targeting, why bother with the extra hassle of bringing Michael along?
There was no situation that would require them both. Not unless they’d gone back in time and were part of a secret organisation’s plot to create an atomizer that would eradicate an entire species.
Then the kidnapping would make sense. Maybe.
But after CrashCon, they had ensured that the devices and all existing blueprints were destroyed thoroughly and the only remaining knowledge of the chemical formula could be found locked away in Charlie Cameron’s head.
And well, after his father’s death, the threat of a systematic elimination of the alien bloodline had unsurprisingly become less of a problem.
So who was this new threat they were facing?
They were making them wait.
Classic interrogation technique Alex had told Michael. You leave the subject just long enough to let them get inside their own head and think through - in painful detail - every possible reason for why they could be there. Then you ambush.
And if that was the plan, their captors had succeeded.
After confirming that they were both reasonably unhurt and a few very unsuccessful attempts to break their chains and find a way out of the cell, they had managed to compile a rather long list of why they could have been taken and who might have been responsible.
Maybe there was a new alien in town who thought they were a threat. Maybe Jesse Manes had been brought back to life like some alien hunting Frankenstein’s monster who wanted to finish what he’d started. Maybe this was all some giant ploy by their friends to force them to get their act together and go on that first proper date they had been trying to arrange for weeks.
In truth, they knew that every idea was either completely far fetched or extremely possible, but they all ultimately came back round to Michael being an alien. It was the one thing that Michael had feared, above all else, for as long as he could remember. Someone had discovered that he was an alien and now they wanted to know more.
It was about an hour before they heard any signs of life beyond the door. Heavy footsteps and low mutterings could be heard muffled through the metal, before the door creaked open and a man in air force fatigues entered the room.
For one tiny moment Alex was hopeful enough to think that this was a rescue. That by some miracle his base had known that he was missing - despite the fact that no one was expecting him to report to them anytime soon - and had sent an officer out to find him.
It quickly became apparent that this was not the case.
The man closed the door, stopped in front of them and said nothing, simply stared at them as if surveying his goods. It made Alex feel very exposed. And concerned. His brain flicked through several reasons for why the air force might want to kidnap them and they weren’t exactly pleasant.
“You’re probably wondering why you’re here.” The man spoke, his tone patronising as if speaking to a toddler.
Alex felt Michael stiffen beside him. He clearly wasn’t expecting the air force’s involvement either.
Alex schooled his features, making very sure to hide any trace of unease or confusion, as he studied the man in front of him for any hint that they may have met before.
Hughes, his uniform’s name tag spelled out in thick capital letters. He was a middle aged man, maybe early forties, with dark hair and the beginnings of a beard to match. Alex didn’t think he’d come across any ‘Hughes’ during his time in the air force.
“You’re here.” Hughes continued, unfazed by the lack of response, “To give me what I want.”
“Oh yeah?” Alex asked with an air of defiance, “And what’s that?”
“Power.” Hughes grinned and the sight was unnerving.
He began pacing the room and Alex could sense an evil monologue coming.
“Let’s skip the pretence of you not being aliens and get straight to the point. You see, when I was nineteen I joined the air force and found my true calling, my one purpose in life. But there came a point a few years ago where I felt like I’d lost my way.” He paused for dramatic effect, coming to a stop in front of them, “That is, until Master Sergeant Manes recruited me.”
Alex and Michael glanced at each other as if reading one another’s minds. It was always a possibility that someone new would discover the alien secret, but despite the jokes earlier they had truly believed that the Jesse Manes chapter of their story had come to a close.
“Thought that name might be familiar,” Hughes smirked, crouching down to their eye level, “He told us about you. About the aliens that hadn’t quite made it to Caulfield.”
Without a second to hesitate, Michael went to lunge at Hughes, the sudden memory of his mother’s death flashing before his eyes but Alex’s quick hands coming to rest on his thigh (and the rather inconvenient chain) stopped him from giving Hughes the satisfaction. The man almost looked pleased with the reaction, chuckling to himself as he began pacing once more.
“‘Those three aliens are practically inseparable!’ He’d told us. 'You find one and the others won’t be far behind!’ And he was right.”
Michael watched him carefully as he reached one side of the cell before turning gracefully on his heel to continue the motion towards the opposite wall. If this guy knew about the three of them there was no reason for him not to go after Isobel or Max next. In fact, they could very well be in a cell just like this, right now, waiting for their own personal soliloquy.
And Michael was powerless to help them.
“Learning about your species altered my path in life, but now you’re going to change it completely. Starting with you.” Hughes pointed to Alex with a meaty finger and any response Alex might’ve had ready fell away with complete bewilderment.
Wait, what was going on? Alex glanced at Michael once again to make sure he had heard the same thing and he could have laughed at the mystified look that Michael was unable to hide.
“But he’s not an alien.” Michael furrowed his brow, suddenly feeling very unsure of what details Jesse Manes had given him.
“You better hope he is.” Hughes stepped closer, not even blinking as he stared Michael down, “Or he’s of no use to me.”
“And what exactly is it do you want with me?” Alex held his head higher, ready to offer himself up willingly if it would keep the attention off of Michael.
“The power flowing through your veins. It might take a few tries but it’s an easy enough experiment and I’m sure I’ll harvest the right cells eventually before it kills you.” Hughes watched him carefully, practically daring him to break eye contact first. “Besides, I’ve heard you heal quick so there’s nothing to fear really.”
“Wait, that’s your plan? You think you can just give yourself powers? You’re deluded. That’ll never work.” Alex remarked as Hughes pursed his lips at the comeback.
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough, won’t we?”
“Take me first!” Michael blurted out, ignoring the confused glare he could see Alex giving him from the corner of his eye.
“Hmm, telekinesis is impressive, but the power to kill with a single touch? That’s what I want.” Hughes smirked, his eyes still not leaving Alex.
And well if that didn’t slot a few more puzzle pieces into place.
It was true that Alex had been spending a lot of time with Michael and Isobel lately, and with Max more likely to be found in Liz’s arms than at his sibling’s side, it’s clear how this little misidentification may had occurred.
Before Michael could argue his case further, Hughes turned to leave the cell. “I’ll be back when we’re ready,” he stated simply as the door slammed shut behind him, leaving the room quiet once more.
Neither of them spoke as they tried to organise their scrambling thoughts. An hour ago, when they were making their list, they would never have guessed the correct outcome of that conversation.
“He thinks I’m Max.” Alex whispered into the silence, his eyes still on the door.
“We have to tell him you’re not, we have to do something.” Michael turned his whole body towards Alex, a determined look in his eyes.
“Guerin, we can’t tell him.” Alex furrowed his brow. Even if they could convince Hughes that he wasn’t an alien, it wouldn’t suddenly make everything better. He may be pretty useless to the man right now, but Alex knew full well how expendable he would be if Hughes found out the truth about his lack of alien abilities. With no means of escape and no sign of a rescue anytime soon, he knew that this was their only logical option, no matter how deranged and barbaric it sounded. “Whatever the hell is going on right now, we definitely don’t have the upper hand here, so if he’s gonna take anyone it’s better me than you.”
“Are you insane? If he experiments on you, he could kill you!”
“And if he experiments on you, he could discover everything.”
Michael opened his mouth to argue but Alex barely gave him a chance to take a breath before continuing.
“You’ve always been careful to make sure that nobody even has a chance to get access to your DNA but now you want to what? Give it up freely? No.” He stated firmly, shaking his head. “Him thinking I’m an alien is our best case scenario right now. This guy clearly knows a lot about you already - I mean who knows how much my father told him - I won’t let him learn any more.”
Michael had always known that Alex would go to great lengths to protect him, but to see his resoluteness firsthand sent a rush of warmth through him.
Still, he bit his bottom lip as he tried to grasp at any response that would overrule how right Alex was. Putting his own safety above Alex’s had never - and would never - be an option but, as selfish as it was in that moment, the thought of doing something that would put Isobel and Max in danger made him feel physically sick.
Without thinking, his hands found Alex’s and he wrapped his fingers around them tightly, undeterred by the awkwardness of the cuffs. He watched as Alex weakly gripped back despite the odd angle.
“This is insane.” He whispered dejectedly.
“I know.”
“He knew your dad.”
“I know.” Alex let out a huff of laughter and rolled his eyes, “Fucking Jesse Manes.”
Michael couldn’t stop the corners of his own mouth turning up into a small smile.
Trust Alex’s father to still manage to upend their lives from beyond the grave. And unless Hughes had somehow managed to pass his medical exams alongside serving his country, this was definitely not going to end well.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
July 1, 1949
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“Reminiscing” is episode #51 of the CBS Radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on July 1, 1949. 
Synopsis ~  Liz is working on her scrapbook, and she and George reminisce about when Liz learned to drive and got her license, when Liz signed an affidavit swearing never to interrupt George's stories again, and when the butcher thought that Liz had a crush on him.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cooper) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cooper) was born as Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father's garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.” From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Gale Gordon (Rudolph Atterbury) had worked with Lucille Ball on “The Wonder Show” on radio in 1938. One of the front-runners to play Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy,” he eventually played Alvin Littlefield, owner of the Tropicana, during two episodes in 1952. After playing a Judge in an episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” in 1958, he would re-team with Lucy for all of her subsequent series’: as Theodore J. Mooney in ”The Lucy Show”; as Harrison Otis Carter in “Here’s Lucy”; and as Curtis McGibbon on "Life with Lucy.” Gordon died in 1995 at the age of 89.
Bea Benadaret (Iris Atterbury) was considered the front-runner to be cast as Ethel Mertz but when “I Love Lucy” was ready to start production she was already playing a similar role on TV’s “The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show” so Vivian Vance was cast instead. On “I Love Lucy” she was cast as Lucy Ricarodo’s spinster neighbor, Miss Lewis, in “Lucy Plays Cupid” (ILL S1;E15) in early 1952. Later, she was a success in her own show, “Petticoat Junction” as Shady Rest Hotel proprietress Kate Bradley. She starred in the series until her death in 1968.
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz, a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Bob LeMond (Announcer) also served as the announcer for the pilot episode of “I Love Lucy”. When the long-lost pilot was finally discovered in 1990, a few moments of the opening narration were damaged and lost, so LeMond – fifty years later – recreated the narration for the CBS special and subsequent DVD release.
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Frank Nelson (Motor Vehicles Clerk) was born on May 6, 1911 (three months before Lucille Ball) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He started working as a radio announcer at the age of 15. He later appeared on such popular radio shows as “The Great Gildersleeve,” “Burns and Allen,��� and “Fibber McGee & Molly”. This is one of his 11 performances on “My Favorite Husband.”  On “I Love Lucy” he holds the distinction of being the only actor to play two recurring roles: Freddie Fillmore and Ralph Ramsey, as well as six one-off characters, including the frazzled train conductor in “The Great Train Robbery” (ILL S5;E5), a character he repeated on “The Lucy Show.”  Aside from Lucille Ball, Nelson is perhaps most associated with Jack Benny and was a fifteen-year regular on his radio and television programs.  
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Hans Conried (Mr. Dabney, the Butcher) first co-starred with Lucille Ball in The Big Street (1942). He then appeared on “I Love Lucy” as used furniture man Dan Jenkins in “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8) and later that same season as Percy Livermore in “Lucy Hires an English Tutor” (ILL S2;E13) – both in 1952. The following year he began an association with Disney by voicing Captain Hook in Peter Pan. On “The Lucy Show” he played Professor Gitterman in “Lucy’s Barbershop Quartet” (TLS S1;E19) and in “Lucy Plays Cleopatra” (TLS S2;E1). He was probably best known as Uncle Tonoose on “Make Room for Daddy” starring Danny Thomas, which was filmed on the Desilu lot. He joined Thomas on a season 6 episode of “Here’s Lucy” in 1973.
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. When Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George's boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benaderet was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, on air concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown. In addition to being aired on the CBS Radio Network, the episodes were heard on the Armed Forces Radio Network, where the commercials were omitted. 
This is the final episode of Season One of MY FAVORITE HUSBAND.  
An audio excerpt from this episode was included on the CD that came with the book Laughs, Luck...and Lucy by Jess Oppenheimer. 
The episode opens with Liz spread out on the living room floor scrap-booking.  George reminds her they are supposed to go to the movies and he hates to miss the first three minutes. Liz says that it doesn’t matter because:
LIZ: “It’s always the same: MGM presents... (roars like a lion).”  
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Liz is referring to the Metro Goldwyn Mayer logo, a lion with his head through a celluloid ribbon that reads ‘Ars Gratia Artis’ (art for arts sake). The lion - named Leo, naturally - roared and the motion picture began. 
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In 1954, Lucy and Desi began a business relationship with MGM, making several motion pictures for them and even having Ricky Ricardo work for the studio on "I Love Lucy”.  
Liz finds a picture of their car - before she got into an accident and wrecked it!  She ran it into a house!  Flashback to George teaching Liz to drive.  
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The script for the reminiscence is nearly identical to the scene in “Liz Learns To Drive” aka “Driving Lessons” aka “Learning To Drive” in episode #18 on November 13, 1948, from when the characters were known as the Cugats. This is not a ‘clip’ from that episode, but a recreation of it, including guest actor Frank Nelson as the Motor Vehicles Clerk. 
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Their new Hudson has a starter button - not a key.  Liz mistakes the cigarette lighter and the radio dial for the starter button. Naturally, she has difficulty with the clutch.  Everything goes smoothly - if Liz can just remember to drive on the right side of the road! A near traffic accident scares George, but only makes Liz angry at the other driver. George has Liz stop at the Motor Vehicle Department to get her license. 
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On “I Love Lucy,” Ricky taught Lucy how to drive with some of the same communication problems. Most of the dramatic moments during the lesson happen off-screen. Over-confident Lucy then feels she can teach Ethel to drive, too!  
The Motor Vehicles Clerk (Frank Nelson) takes Liz’s application.
CLERK: “Race?”  LIZ: “Of course not. I don’t even have a license yet.”
On the application Liz gives her address as 321 Bundy, her age as 21 (!), her weight as 118lbs, blue eyes... 
LIZ: “And my hair is red.” CLERK: “Naturally.”  LIZ: “Well, just a henna rinse now and then.”
He then gives Liz and eye test. 
CLERK: “Read those letters on the wall over there.” LIZ: “M.E.N.”
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On “Here’s Lucy” Lucy Carter took her son Craig to get his license. Mrs. Carter also faced impatient clerks and a hair-raising driver’s test. 
Back in the present, Liz finds a recipe for making Jell-O, which cues a commercial for their sponsor. Bob LeMond ties in the upcoming Independence Day holiday with a Jell-O raspberry pie recipe.  “Back to the Coopers...” Two hours later, the Coopers still haven’t left for the movie.  Still going through the scrapbook pile of photos and papers, Liz finds an affidavit. 
“I, Liz Cooper, solemnly swear I will not interrupt my husband’s stories, even if I’ve heard them a hundred times.”  
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Flashback to the night George made Liz sign the affidavit. This scene is from “Old Jokes and Old Stories” episode #37 on March 25, 1949. As with the previous reminiscence, it is not a clip, but a recreation with minor textural alterations. 
The Atterburys are over for dinner, and George is once again monopolizing the conversation with his funny but familiar old stories. 
LIZ (to Katie): “One person snickers and George thinks his last name is Jessel.” 
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George Albert ‘Georgie’ Jessel (1898-1981) was famous as a multi-talented entertainer widely known by his nickname, the "Toastmaster General of the United States," due to his frequent role as the master of ceremonies at political and entertainment gatherings. In 1948, he was honored by the Friars Club, of which he was’ the Abbot’ in a ceremony that was later turned into a short newsreel film. 
George launches into a story about their Honeymoon. Everyone has heard it so he tries to tell the story of a picnic, but Liz keeps interrupting and correcting his recollections. 
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Some of the same dialogue will be recycled on “I Love Lucy”  in “Equal Rights” (ILL S3;E4), first aired on October 24, 1953. The rest of the TV episode was based on another episode of “My Favorite Husband” titled “Women’s Rights, Part I” aired on March 5, 1950. 
GEORGE / RICKY: “We got there about 10 o’clock.” LIZ / LUCY: “It was twelve o’clock.” GEORGE / RICKY: “What’s the difference?” RUDOLPH / FRED: “Two hours.”
Back to the present time, with Liz and George still pawing through the scrap book materials.  Liz discovers an old Valentine from George. Flashback to a Valentine’s Day past...
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This final reminiscence is based on “Valentine’s Day” aka “Valentine’s Day Mischief” broadcast on February 11, 1949. As with the previous two flashbacks, this is not a clip, but a recreation of the script, including using the original cast, Hans Conried, as Mr. Dabney. 
Liz screams “I love you, George” at the top of her voice to prove her affection for him. Liz discovers that Katie has a boyfriend. She has written Mr. Dabney the butcher a romantic poem. Liz calls him “old heavy thumbs”. 
KATIE: “Some people may have better beef, but his liver’s good. And no one has oxtail and pig’s feet like him!” 
Katie is embarrassed to give the Valentine poem to him, so she asks Liz to do it. Mr. Dabney (Hans Conried) arrives with a delivery from ‘Dabney’s: The Home of Happy Ham Hocks!’  Naturally, Mr. Dabney thinks Liz is the one who has a crush on him, not Katie. 
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The situation will be used again in “Lucy Plays Cupid” (ILL S1;E15) first aired on January 21, 1952. On TV, the butcher is named Mr. Ritter and he is played by Edward Everett Horton (above). The one who has a crush on him (since the Ricardos do not have a maid) is Miss Lewis, played by (ironically) Bea Benadaret, who plays Iris Atterbury in this episode of “My Favorite Husband.”  
Katie’s Valentine is scented!  
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MR. DABNEY: “And how did you know my favorite aroma - Swift Premium!” 
Mr. Dabney reads the poem aloud:
“If you be mine, then I’ll be thine And set your heart a-quiver. Say you’ll be my Valentine And bring two pounds of liver!
The poem is signed “Your bashful redhead”. We learn that Katie also has red hair! 
MR. DABNEY: “Listen, two houses may have red roofs, but you don’t pick the one with saggin' foundation!” 
Back in the living room in the present time, Liz and George realize they have missed the movie - it is two in the morning!  The Coopers hug and kiss.
LIZ: “Honey, you’re my favorite husband!”
The episode ends, but Lucille Ball returns for a Jell-O commercial with announcer Bob LeMond. They sing “Row Row Your Boat” with Jell-O lyrics!  The big finish, 
“J.E.L.L.O, now you’re on the ball. Jell-O is wonderful, sponsors are marvelous, We’ll see you next fall!”
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Lucy interrupts Bob to say a special thank you to director Jess Oppenheimer, as well as thanking the entire cast and crew by name. Lucy reminds the listeners they will all be back on the second of September. Bob adds that audiences should see Lucille Ball in Sorrowful Jones with Bob Hope. 
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Gold Can Stay: The First Of Many (epilogue)
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Art by @nerdylazorz​
Summary: Max, Chloe, and Rachel reach the end of their journey in LA, but their lives together are just beginning.
In tribute to @raycats and @loveisstrange-vn.
Part 8 of 8 Read the full story on Ao3 or ff.net.
My first time seeing L.A. is . . . not impressive.
We arrive about half an hour before rush hour, but even so, there is traffic into and throughout the city. We drive by an untold number of small businesses and chains until the whole city sort of blurs together. It was like this for me in Seattle too, at first, but without a place to get settled, the feeling never quite fades. The plan is to sleep parked near the beach somewhere tonight, so the three of us agree to eat something and make our way to Santa Monica Pier.
The Pier has all sorts of stuff - a small amusement park and an arcade, for starters - but we don't have much time before closing. Around sunset, Rachel grabs my hand and waves at Chloe, dragging me along swiftly to the Ferris Wheel.
It is sunset by the time the ride starts, and Rachel wastes no time taking my hand and resting her head against my shoulder.
She nods, nuzzling me. "All this driving's got me wiped. If there's one thing Arcadia Bay's got up on LA it's got to be the time spent cooking in a pickup truck waiting for the car ahead of you to move ten feet."
I let go of her hand so I can wrap my arm around her instead.
"Yeah, you're right. That's the only thing Arcadia Bay's got going for it."
"Yep," Rachel replies, nodding even more emphatically. "Only thing."
I stroke her hair and she leans on me even more, like a cat pressing against my leg.
I ask her, "So, what's it like being back in LA? Is your strength returning? Do you like Fallout Boy again?"
"1) Yes and 2) I never stopped."
She sits up straight, though still so close to me I can keep my arm around her. We're at the height of the wheel and her face turns wistful.
She says, "It's like . . . watching a movie trailer. Being back here on an adventure is more fun than it will really be when I move here, I know that. It's going to be really hard, even with a job to get me started. But all the same, I can't help but be excited to return. To be back home."
Even though I've never lived in L.A., I know what she means. Home is waiting for us here - both the new and different, and the intimately familiar. It's the future.
"I can't wait for a holiday to come and visit you," I say, squeezing her shoulder.
Rachel laughs, warm and sweet. "I haven't even left yet!" she giggles, waving it off. After a beat, though, she says, "By the way, I'm going to get a queen-sized bed, so when you do visit, we can sleep together comfortably. I'm looking forward to more motel-style comfort instead of fighting you for my covers."
I dodge the taunt with an, "Aww, you're sweet," and kiss her cheek. She turns to me for another kiss, long and gentle, and her giggling softens to silence.
A minute later, our foreheads resting together, I say softly, "Be my girlfriend." I had planned to ask, and ask all cute like 'Can I be your girlfriend,' but in the moment I just want to have her, to know that she's choosing me like I'm choosing her.
"Okay," she whispers back, and the instant I see her crack a smile, I kiss her again.
The kissing continues for a long time, my self-consciousness gradually fading away to press kisses to her neck and collarbone. Once we finally pull away to take a breather, I feel the need to blurt out, "Just so, um, you know - I've always wanted to have sex on a Ferris wheel. Not this one specifically, but, um -"
My sentence quickly mutates into meaningless mumbling as Rachel's hand slides from my knee along the inside of my thigh. That draws out a smirk on her face, and she leans close to me like she's going to start kissing my neck. I'm steeling myself against turning into just a puddle of a person when she whispers, strangely husky, "Oh yeah?" right against my ear.
I'm still racing to figure out how to deal with very suddenly wanting to have sex on this Ferris Wheel when the ride stops with us half-way down. The ride is over. It's time to get off go.
Rachel kisses my cheek and leans back as if we were just casually avoiding the ride. "I'll have to bring you back here sometime then, huh?"
I don't think I manage a coherent response before it's time to get off the ride.
We spend most of the next day at a tattoo parlor. Even though I promised Rachel that this is what I wanted to do to celebrate, I hadn't been all that into tattoos until I moved back to Arcadia Bay. Plus, it hasn't even been a month since it became legal for me to get a tattoo!
Despite all of that, I'm the first one to decide on a design I like. I'd been sketching out different deer over the past week, but after I do a few tweaks, I show it to the artist and she assures me it'll be easy enough to do.
I barely bleed, which I take to be a good sign, even if it hurts like hell. I get a small doe on my right shoulder blade, looking up at three stars in the sky. If Chloe and Rachel get why I added the stars, at least they don't say anything about it. Even I think it's a little cheesy.
Chloe's much faster about making up a design than Rachel, and she's in right after me. She shows three designs to the artist, but after mulling it over (and being egged on by Rachel), she decides to get all three design on her forearm - a raven, a blue jay, and a butterfly. She insists she has a good reason for each of them but refuses to explain to anyone 'who isn't her wife' so Rachel and I are just left googling them to get an idea.
Typical of Chloe, the designs are interwoven and complex, so she only gets the outline done, but even that takes long enough that Rachel is finally able to get an idea of what she wants.
Rachel had a bunch of different designs to start with, but once things got narrowed down to animal themes, she started getting creative. She didn't show us the final design (that she pulled off the internet) and insisted we'd just have to find out once it was taking shape.
I don't know why, but I kind of assumed Rachel would be stoic when getting her tattoo - the dragon wrapped around her calf was so large, I figured she must just be immune to the needle. But as it turns out, she's actually a baby about it. A few minutes after they start work on her shoulder, though, she asks me to sit next to her and hold her hand so she'll stay still. She practically crushes my hand over the next hour, but I can't say I mind being relied on for something like this. For a first date as girlfriends . . . it's pretty nice.
Chloe and I take guesses every few minutes at what the design is as soon as we see it has a wing, but since we both wouldn't stop guessing 'Sphinx' we totally missed the griffin until the head was complete.
We emerge that evening from the parlor looking like we got the shit beat out of us and with so little money I need to text my Mom to make sure we'll have food on the trip back to Arcadia Bay, but it's worth it.
I run into Victoria for the first time the day after we arrive home in the shower room before classes start. She spits toothpaste out in the sink and wipes her mouth the second she sees me, and I brace myself for whatever stinging witticism she has ready for me.
She just says, "You burn really bad, Caulfield."
That's . . . fair. I shrug. "I wasn't really born with the sun in mind, I guess."
I'm not really used to seeing her this early, before all the makeup and styled hair. She looks gaunt, but softer. Almost approachable. Almost.
"How was your trip?"
I smile as best I can this early in the morning, scratching the back of my head. I should have brought my bracelets so I'd have something to fidget with during a conversation.
"It was a great time, I think. I got a lot of really great photos and, I mean, it was my first time in California for anything but a stop in LAX. It's beautiful down there."
She shrugs. "If you like the semi-desert, I guess." If it's meant to be cutting, she doesn't put the usual amount of work into making it sound harsh. So much of her usual spite looks drained away - that, or I'm just really off-guard seeing her without makeup.
I'm waiting to go into the shower and she's waiting to leave, but neither of us actually moves to end the conversation. Instead, we stand there in awkward silence for a moment.
Finally, she says, "I actually . . . saw some of what you posted on Instagram. They were, in fact, great shots. Even the candid ones," she rolls her eyes on the word 'candid', but I think she just means 'pictures of Rachel.'
"Thanks," I reply, smile coming a little easier this time. "Have you heard back about your submission to that gallery?"
"Not yet," she says, shaking her head. Then, settling her stare on me, "But don't get too comfortable. Even if I don't make this one, there will be another. I'm going to come out on top once all is said and done this year."
Even if she's trying to be intimidating, the whole thing feels a little too shonen for me to be cowed. "We'll see about that," I reply.
Satisfaction coats her face, and she finally grabs her shower caddy and goes to leave. Just as she reaches the door, she gives a little back-handed wave and says, "Mazel tov, by the way," and is gone before I can say anything back.
There are many firsts on Tuesday, December 24, when Rachel and I sneak off before a Christmas party with her dad and buddies from his band. It's a crisp, cold afternoon, sunset already fast approaching before it's even hit 5pm, and I hope I'll at least have a few minutes of light for photos by the time we reach the light house.
Rachel pauses when we reach the top of the path, and she drops my hand as I pull away.
"How . . . how did that get here?" She asks, pointing at the lighthouse door where my guitar case sits.
"Trickery," I offer, and she follows me cautiously.
"I thought we were here to take photos," Rachel says, eyes narrows with suspicion, arms crossed over her body. She takes a seat on one of the rocks surrounding the fire pit, and I sit across from her, pulling my guitar from the case.
"Oh, we are. I just didn't say what of."
"What of, then?" Rachel asks, even more suspicious now.
"You. But I have something for you first."
"What is it?" she asks, edging into playful hostility. "Some sort of . . . romantic trick? A sneak attack? 'Hey there Delilah?'"
"Close, and don't think I didn't consider playing that song. But no. I, uh. I wrote something for you."
Rachel's face drops into sudden horror. "You didn't."
"I did."
"Max," she whines, "that's way too good of a gift. I'll - I don't know, cry or something."
"Babe," I begin. It works like a charm, leaving her doe-eyed, if still grumpy. "Please let me play my song for you."
She pouts, pulling her legs up close to her torso so she can rest her hands and head on her knees. "Fine."
She looks nervous, and it makes me want to kiss her, but I can't give in yet. Rachel's so beautiful and sweet that it's hard to ignore, but at the very least, I can channel my frustration at not touching her this very instant into playing.
I strum the keys and tune the guitar one last time, and then begin.
Ashes to the ground Fall the wrong way round World upside down I know I know
Home a distant time Smoke ore clearer skies Everybody lies I know I know
In every way you do More than I could say you knew And life is so strange it's true But so are you
She sits eerily still, eyes trained on me. There's no smile or anything like I expected, but soon she buries her face into her legs with her eyes closed. I don't know what to make of that, but I keep playing.
I will play the game I will take the blame I will break the same I know I know
In every way you do More than I could say you knew And life is so strange it's true But so are you
Ashes to the ground Fall the wrong way round I will let you down I know I know
In every pause you knew Take my breath away, you do And life is so strange it's true But so are you
It's not until the song is over that I can finally hear what I was missing. Softly, softly Rachel cries, and as soon as I hear it, I drop the guitar along the side of a rock. She looks up as I approach, wiping the tears off her face.
"Baby - baby what's wrong? Are you okay?"
Rachel looks up at me, taking a few seconds while she struggles for words. After a second, she forfeits even that, and reaches up, cupping my face with her hands, pulling me down into a kiss.
"I - I told you I'd cry, dammit." She sniffles as we rest our heads together.
A feeling of awe fills my chest, warm and radiant. Not as energetic as electricity, but just as intense. Something new.
"I love you," she whispers.
It's the first time. And not for a second do I doubt it.
It's the first time, and I'm shaking. The cold wind from the light house makes a good excuse, but just the process of peeling off my clothes in front of her is what really makes me tremble. I haven't been topless in front of someone since I was a child, and the feeling of Rachel's hands on my sides are something totally new. She strokes my back while we kiss until the shivering stops, although it comes back in bursts every time she finds a sensitive spot on my skin with her hands or mouth.
That feeling of wonder refuses to leave, and I'm enveloped in it. I've never had what I'd call a 'religious experience,' but if I were to imagine a feeling of holiness, it would be this.
I don't know how many times I say 'I love you,' but it's too many to count.
The weeks after Rachel leaves are the loneliest I've had since I moved to Seattle, and Chloe is right there with me. We try to keep up our regular hang-outs, and when that fails, we try reverting to old habits. After about an hour of doodling on scraps of paper (and Chloe's bedroom floor) with songs autoplaying from her computer, a familiar track comes on. She sighs seconds into the song and rolls onto her back, and I follow suit a moment after.
"Rachel's alarm?"
She nods, "Yeah," patting at her vest pocket for a second. "God that makes me want a cigarette."
"Out?" I ask, reaching up towards the ceiling. The bracelet Rachel made for me isn't as brilliant in the dark of Chloe's room, but it's still pretty.
Rachel lifts her hand up as well. She's wearing a blue and white bracelet I feel like I haven't seen in a long time, or like I've only seen it in old photographs.
"I'm trying to quit, actually."
"Oh, for real?" I roll on my side, and Chloe drops her hand back onto her chest.
"Yeah. I mean, that stuff will kill ya, you know."
I place my hand on top of hers, more than a little happy and very lonely. "Proud of you."
Chloe doesn't respond; all she does is close her eyes and smile, waiting for the song to finish playing.
Anon asked: if youre cis why are you talking about trans issues on the internet. these arent about you. stop being a transphobe and shut the fuck up.
Every part of that makes my blood boil, and I'm not entirely sure why. I just know to the core of my being that they're wrong, even though I've expressed similar sentiments before. I don't particularly care what cis people have to say about trans issues online. But I've thought about this so much, I know it's not just something I made up on the spot. Is that what's really pissing me off, or is it . . .
noirangel: look, I get that you have good intentions behind being mean to me on Tumblr, but I'm going to need you to stop. I provided sources where I could, and drew from the experiences of trans people I know, including myself, wherever I couldn't. I'm not shutting up because these are my real, lived experiences, as well as those of people around me, and I don't appreciate this shit in my ask box just because you want me to be quiet. Please fuck off.
Holy shit. I said it. I really said it.
I'm not sure what to do next. I just typed it out online - can I just leave it like that? Does saying it one time make it true? How do I really know I'm trans?
This deteriorates quickly while I rapidly refresh my blog, waiting to see if there's any reaction to what I said. The first response I get is just a like, but even that feels like a breath of fresh air. The first person to see this, at least, didn't reject me. That's something. But there's someone I'm a little more concerned about than random people on the internet.
Max: hey hon, i've got kind of a weird question. Max: do you think you would still be interested in me even if I weren't a girl?
I expect a lengthy pause, maybe lots of suspicious questions.
Instead, Rachel responds after about thirty seconds with:
Rachel: yeah babe lol Rachel: ur hot and i love you Rachel: why?
God. God, I love her.
Max: haha I was just wondering. Max: I love you too ^^
I drop my phone onto my chest and let out a sigh of relief. That's not quite coming out just yet, but the security for one day is all I need right now.
Our first fight wasn't something I expected at all - I hadn't even realized at first we were having it. It clicked right around,
Me: Do you seriously think I'm cheating on you? Chloe and I are your best friends Rachel, we wouldn't just choose to blow everything up just because you're living away.
Rachel: I know, and I'm not saying that. And it's not like I think you would have chose to do anything, but things happen, you know? Maybe just one time when she was drunk or - or something.
Me: But we seriously didn't.
Rachel: I - o-okay. Fine. If you say so.
Me: Rachel.
Rachel: What, Max?
Me: Look, I get where you're coming from, but I'm seriously capable of making choices around these things. I don't just fall into romantic or sexual situations by pure accident - it doesn't really work for me that way. And if I thought something were going to happen between me and Chloe, I'd talk to you about it. Because I seriously, really wouldn't want to blow up our relationship because my relationship with Chloe has been changing.
Rachel: Has it?
Me: What?
Rachel: . . . been changing.
Me: Oh my god! No! Because I made conscious decisions against it. Please trust me.
Rachel: . . . you're right
Me: Hon, are you crying?
Rachel: Um . . . yeah, sorry, a little. It just, um.
Rachel: Sorry. I just realized none of this shit is about you, exactly. I'm expecting a lot of my own mistakes out of you and that's - that's not fair.
Me: What do you mean?
Rachel: I don't think I've ever been very . . . uh . . . forthcoming with you about what my and Chloe's relationship was like before you came back to Arcadia Bay.
Rachel: We, um . . . so. We were dating, I guess. We never made it super clear, but it was definitely a romantic thing.
Rachel: I loved her.
Me: I know.
Rachel: Did Chloe tell you?
Me: No. Do you remember that night in the motel in San Francisco, right before we started dating?
Rachel: No? Wait, yeah. Shit. Did you hear us talking?
Me: Yep.
Rachel: Well, fuck.
Rachel: Well, yeah. We were together. But we weren't very good at it. I know Chloe blames herself a lot for how it all fell apart, but if we're being honest, I think I was sabotaging it from the start. Chloe loved me so much and it really scared me - like I wasn't worthy of it or I'd mess it all up. Or something. So I made . . . sure of it. And I cheated on her. A lot. And I'd tell myself it was accidental, or that we weren't officially together so it didn't really count, and, just, stupid stuff like that.
Me: That's . . . pretty messed up, sweetie. But I think I get it.
Rachel: Yeah . . . you remember Frank?
Me:  Your ex?
Rachel: Yeah. I started seeing him while Chloe and I were still together. She never actually figured out who I was with, but once she realized I'd cheated on her, she blew up. And things were a total mess for a while, until I stopped seeing Frank and put things back together. And that's . . . right around when you moved back. And . . . we just never really talked out everything that happened.
Me: That . . . makes my first year back make a lot more sense.
Rachel: Yeah.
Me: And to be clear, I think you really messed up.
Rachel: I know.
Me: But I know Chloe doesn't hate you for it, and I don't hate you for it. But I know she's confused and hurt, still. She loves you.
Rachel: I know.
Me: I love you, too.
Rachel: I love you, too, hon. And . . . I. I miss you.
Me: I miss you, too.
Rachel: I miss Chloe too. Not just right now but . . . these past two years. Ever since you came back, it's felt like she's had eyes only for you, and I've been stupid jealous. It made being friends with you complicated, in the beginning. For a lot of reasons.
Me: I can definitely understand that. I'm not mad. We found our own rhythm - eventually.
Rachel: Ha! Just in time, too.
Rachel: Please don't tell Chloe that I miss her. I want to work things out, but it's still too . . .
Rachel: I'm still not ready.
Me: I won't say anything, I swear.
Rachel: You swear?
Me: I swear! I just said so.
Rachel: Okay. I love you. I'm sorry I dragged you down into all of my feelings like this. You're not me.
Me: I love you too. And you're not who you used to be either, Rachel.
Me: Let's . . . in the future, when something like this comes up, let's just talk, okay? I know things between the three of us are complicated, but I think we can make it work. I super believe in us.
Rachel: We're star-crossed, huh?
Me: Totally, actually bound by celestial forces.
Rachel: Even if we weren't, I'd still choose you, you know.
Me: You sap. I love you.
Rachel: I love you, too.
Our graduation is out on the football field across from the main school buildings, with about 100 chairs set out for students and faculty while families sit on the bleachers. It's uncomfortably hot, and most of the students are actively shading themselves with their mortarboard if they think they can get away from it.
Principal Wells clears his throat and says, "And now, we'll be hearing from our Salutatorian, Kate Marsh."
Kate graduates as our Salutatorian thanks to her taking 1 less AP class than Warren, and her speech is the one I'm really interested in hearing. Not that Warren's wasn't good exactly, it's just that he had me look it over a half-dozen times because "you're good at English" even though I scraped by the minimum GPA for college acceptance. Kate has been guarding the content of her speech carefully for months, but knowing her, she probably outlined its entire structure and theme months ahead of time before submitting a totally different speech a few weeks ago.
Kate walks slowly up to the podium, although she and the other students giving speeches are seated only a few paces back from it. She takes a few seconds to look at the paper with her speech, looks up at the audience, takes a deep breath, and smiles.
"I'd first like to say thank you - thank you to Blackwell Academy's staff and faculty, for the exceptional education and facilities you provided to us as students; thank you to my classmates for making this school the most challenging and rewarding year of my life; thank you to my family for supporting me this year and every year until now; and thank you to my friends for making Blackwell my home away from home.
I would like to speak frankly about my high school career. When I say it was challenging and rewarding, I do not mean that just intellectually, or, as those of you who have been through high school might say, socially. I've suffered from depression for many years, most acutely since I entered high school. It wasn't that I was bullied or had exceptional struggles in my life; my brain just ticks a little differently than others. When I came to Blackwell Academy, I lost the familiar things that kept me standing, and even with the excellent instruction available to me here, I couldn't imagine getting through this school year. I guess you could say it was a dark time for me.
But there was light here, and it reached me. My teachers were a light - they treated me with kindness and dignity, and helped me continue my work even when there were days I couldn't make it out of bed. My friends were a light - they stood by me, listened to me, supported me, and loved me. My faith, which had never connected closely with my school life before I came here, was a light I shared with many people, some of whom had the same background as me, but most did not. All of these lights showed me the way forward, even when it was slow and stumbling."
Kate pauses, as her voice is shaking too much to speak coherently. She takes two deep breaths, and continues.
"The kindness I was shown as a student at Blackwell was the most meaningful thing I found here. It gave me hope. Hope not necessarily that I would get better - I do not know if I will ever simply 'get better' from depression - but hope in kindness's power to shine a light, to cast out the dark. To make the world better, even on the smallest scale.
I cannot guarantee that this is what we all found here - our senior years were nothing if not messy, complicated, and different. But I know that this light is precious, and that I will take it with me from this place. It will continue to guide me forward, and I hope that I can be a light for others through kindness and compassion. I want to help make a world where there is always a light there - that if you reach out, there will be happiness waiting for you. I won't be alone for trying. I know that, at least. And a few other things, as I did manage to do pretty OK in school by the end."
Victoria is sitting two seats down from me, and I think she's the only person who doesn't laugh at that. She's made-up, flawless, and sad. We never really became close, and right now, I regret that. I think it's easy to regret the things you did or could have done at the end of the year.
I wonder what Victoria regrets.
"This really has been the most rewarding year of my life, but I think the best one is still to come. Thank you."
Kate bows her head for a moment at the audience as the class and families erupt into applause, then walks away from the podium.
It's some time still until we all throw our hats in the air to conclude the ceremony, but no sooner has mine gone flying than I'm out of the row of chairs and running straight towards her.
She holds her arms open and just sinks the impact as I barrel into her, doing my best to crush her with a hug. Luckily for us both, my upper body strength is pretty pathetic.
"You're amazing!"
"No, you're amazing!" she yells right back even though we're 0 inches apart. "And thank you!"
"NO, THANK YOU! That was such a good speech and-"
She shakes her head. "No, come on, weren't you listening?" She drops her hands from around me and takes my hands. "Thank you. Seriously. I love you."
I beam, and squeeze her hands. "Am I your light?"
"Yeah," she answers without hesitation, and I blush.
"Oh, shit, um, I was teasing you, I thought you would say something witty and now I'm, uh-"
She's pleased, wiggling a little bit at my discomfort. "C'mon, say you love me back; I'm like, super anxious right now."
"I love you. You're the best." It feels so good to say that, but I'm doing my best to not fall in love with her at such an inopportune moment.
"Second best, but I think that's probably good enough," she says, pulling me back into a hug. "Stay in touch, okay? No getting so distracted with LA you forget about me."
"I could never, Kate Marsh."
It's some months later that I come home from class to find Chloe sitting on the couch at our new apartment, watching How It's Made with the volume about as low as it can go while still being audible.
"Hey Chloe," I greet her, dumping my backpack near the door.
She turns and waves, only mouthing a 'hello.' Curious, I walk over to find Rachel asleep on the couch with her head in Chloe's lap, curled up so she can fit.
"Oh, there's my beautiful girl," I croon, crouching down in front of them and stroking Rachel's hair. She stirs at the touch, but does not wake up.
"She fell asleep like an hour ago; I've been too scared to move her, like a cat," Chloe whispers.
"I understand."
A minute passes while I pet Rachel and Chloe idly strokes her arm with her thumb, and even though I'm exhausted from the day, I feel light.
"I'm so fucking happy." I sit cross-legged in front of the couch, no intentions of stopping what I'm doing anytime soon.
"Good day at class?"
I shake my head. "Mediocre day. But my life is . . . well. I kind of love it."
Chloe doesn't say anything, only closes her eyes and smiles. For a second, I think I see Rachel smiling, too, but she only nuzzles my hand before falling back asleep.
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Art by @cahlart​
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Giga Kick coach Clayton Douglas puts his name in the limelight
Douglas’ partner, Lydia Rigg-Floyd, who works at Lindsey Smith’s stable in Warrnambool — and hooked up the Trap For Fools when he won the set of 1 Mackinnon Stakes in 2018 — couldn’t be more proud of the coach I’ve known for just under a year. . “For doing this so early in his career, he worked hard, and I couldn’t be happier for him,” said Rigg-Floyd. “After today, everyone will know him. It’s the best thing to happen to him and his stability is moving forward. “I’ve only known him for less than a year, but since getting to know him, knowing how far he has progressed, and the passion he put into his training, he’s been rewarded with a win like this.” Douglas is barely recognized in the racing game and was even turned away by security in Caulfield last Saturday when he forgot his coach’s badge. He said Announces Before the race, how was he well aware that he was dealing with some of the biggest coaches in the country, but he always supported his ability. loading “If people didn’t know me, they would now,” said Douglas. Announces Friday. “At Furlong, I thought, ‘The Geez are going to run a big race,’ and it was amazing to see him hit the line the way he did,” Douglas added. Jockey Craig Williams is determined to stick with Giga Kick — you have to wonder what the couple starts at for three-year-olds at Coolmore Stud Stakes in two weeks — and said of Douglas: “You talk about how young you are. He’s a coach, but he’s ahead of his time. So long. I’m just lucky to have been a part of the ride.” Douglas wanted to be an NFL player. His best companion, Jake Arts, plays for Richmond. Weighing in at 61kg, he still rides all of his horse work, including the Giga Kick that has been flying during the week. Giga Kick has a brilliant future. So is his coach. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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