#caurosel trap
crazycoke-addict · 3 years
Why William Easton is a great protagonist
William Easton is the main protagonist in Saw 6. In the movie, William is kidnapped and is put in a trap where he has to go through 4 trials in 1 hour if he wants to see his family again. William is described as a being a cold person. He's the boss of the healthcare company called Umbrella Health. The Umbrella Health is a formula that William created where he choose people who gets to live or who gets to die by finding an error that would prevent seriously ill people from getting the medical care they need. William's formula is put to the test through the saw traps where his workers including his lawyer are put in. For example the trap with the two people where William has to choose one to live, his policy would only let the file clerk Allen whose a healthy young man yet has no family to get the health insurance than his secretary Addy who has diabetes yet she has a family that cares about her. Through out the trials, we see a change in William and his guilt and remorse for the policy that he created and how messed up it is.
What makes William Easton stands out the others who've been in these trials because despite him being in one movie, William shows a lot of character development. He feels guilt and remorse for the people he turned down and slowly to understand what John Kramer was saying. Meanwhile other characters like Jeff and Detective Riggs, they don't learn from their mistakes or even have any understanding about what jigsaw was trying to say. William has saved 3 people in these traps which more than any of the other people who've been saved by a character whose going through these trials. You can tell that he was learning but unfortunately it wasn't his game and I do have my thoughts on his death.
He's a complex character due to the thoughts that people see him as. He's Pamela Jenkin's brother and probably the only family she has. When he saved Addy and the two other women, he is seen as their saviour. But the other side like Tara Abott and her son who only see the man who sentenced their father/husband to death. William is also seen as a villain from other families he has destroyed. Despite him changing his views and pleading for forgiveness towards Tara, I understand why he had to die and why it had to hands of the abbott. This is some random family and if that was the case than what about the other families that lost someone because of him? Harold Abbott worked with William for years until he was diagnosed with heart disease. I think he went to William because he probably had a lot of faith and trust towards his boss, he probably saw the other employees and William himself as his work family. Tara has also filed a lawsuit against the company as well. Despite the changes and the understanding, Tara couldn't forgive William and although she couldn't do it herself, her son however could. The son whose named Brett is teenager who lost his father. His father appeared to be his hero and William suffering from the acid that is going through his death symbolises the the suffering that people have because they can't get the medical attention that he declined.
Each of the traps through the trials represents the formula of umbrella health. Since I already mentioned the gallows there are more symbolisms of the other traps. The carousel trap is where the six of associates who are in charge of finding errors that prevents the person from getting any medical treatment by having 2/3 of all applications are denied or terminated because of this, William's only allowed to have two out of the six. This trap is so emotional and intense but it also shows the ugly side of these people. It appears that William choose the two women because they mentioned they had families while the others mentioned the policy and at this point, William was more vulnerable and his changes in the policy has shift. The Steam Maze, he has to help his lawyer by helping her get out of the made and get the device off of her. Her life is on his hands and he's also the key to her survival since the key was in him. This represents the people that William choose on whether they live or die because their life is on his hands. The Oxygen crusher at the start with the janitor and how breathing is the cause symbolises how long a person will be breathing until William choose on whether or not the person will take their last breath. As the trial continues, William becomes broken and vulnerable. The once cold businessman is gone and replaced with a sympathetic remorseful man who has learned the policy that he created is messed up.
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