#cause I promise you my book collection goes back to when I was 12 and I give away the books I dont want in my collection every 6 months
lnkedmyheart · 11 months
Since when did having a personal library become the same as hoarding???
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bi-bard · 3 years
You Signed Up for This - Writing Challenge Masterlist
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This is a masterlist for my writing challenge for Maisie Peters' album "You Signed Up for This"
Each imagine is based on a different song from that album.
Unlike my last writing challenge, I won't be using a random number generator, I'll just be writing the imagines in order.
I hope that you enjoy!
1. You Signed Up for This
I Know I'll Get Better, I'm Just Not Better Yet Dean Forester (Gilmore Girls) X Reader (Y/n) realizes that Rory is truly the golden apple of Stars Hollow. However, (Y/n) didn't realize that she would influence so many parts of their personal life.
2. I'm Trying (Not Friends)
But One of Us Has Gotta Try to Keep a Promise Oliver Queen (Arrow) X Reader (Y/n) and Felicity were best friends while Oliver and (Y/n) were together. Now, (Y/n) finds a wall between them once Oliver and Felicity confess their feelings for each other. All they want is answers.
3. John Hughes Movie
'Cause if You Don't Want Me, Then You're Not the One Dean Winchester (Supernatural) X Reader After years of watching the same pattern, (Y/n) realizes that Dean isn't going to choose them. At least, that's the conclusion that (Y/n) draws.
4. Outdoor Pool
And You Only Kissed Me Once; Nothing Changed at All Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls) X Reader (Y/n) is ecstatic to finally be the first choice. To not come second to anyone else. If only that were the truth of the situation.
5. Love Him I Don't
Guess That Was My Stubborn Season Lonnie Machin (Arrow) X Reader (Y/n) discovers the truth about Lonnie's job and life. Sadly, that's not just something that can be smoothed over with kind words and a kiss.
6. Psycho
Playing a Perfect Patrick Bateman Bruce Wayne (Gotham) X Reader After all that he had through, it took a lot for Bruce to find a group of friends of his own. However, did he care about who had to step on in order to get them to stay?
7. Boy
And I Can Do Better Than This Sam Winchester (Supernatural) X Reader (Season 6) After losing his soul, Sam makes a giant mistake. Once he's back to himself, he realizes that it may not be as easy to fix as he had hoped.
8. Hollow
You Left Me Hollow Barry Allen (The Flash) X Reader (Y/n) had dedicated their life to protecting Central City. However, after a rift is formed between them and Barry, (Y/n) realizes the only way to fill the void is find a new place to save. Somewhere that didn't have The Flash plastered on every window.
9. Villain
I'm Your Villain Ray Palmer (DC's Legends of Tomorrow) X Reader When a perfect thing goes wrong, (Y/n) is understandably upset. They just wanted to take the time to heal and find their rhythm back. Ray doesn't quite understand that.
10. Brooklyn
If You Wanna Take Her Out, You're Gonna Have to Ask Me First Bela Talbot (Supernatural) X Reader Sam and Dean find out that their sibling is hiding a relationship about them. Naturally, the brothers step forward to be protective of (Y/n).
11. Elvis Song
I'm In Over My Head Lance Sweets (Bones) X Reader Fear can be a strong motivator. Lance can also be very persuasive. Sometimes good doesn't mean too good to be true.
12. Talking to Strangers
Talking to Strangers About You Temperance Brennan (Bones) X Reader (Y/n) realizes through a talk with Angela that they aren't the only one rambling about lucky they feel in their current relationship.
13. Volcano
Thought I'd be a Cool Girl but Turns Out I'm Livid Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf) X Reader Break-ups can be incredibly messy or clean. It all depends on how both parties act. Lydia decided that the clean route was too boring and (Y/n) is pissed.
14. Tough Act
But I Hope I'm One Tough Act to Follow Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) X Reader There's a collection of books written by a young author named (Y/n) (Y/l/n). However, the books were only published after (Y/n) had passed away. Who was this person so dedicated to keeping (Y/n)'s memory alive?
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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Love Language
At the time they'd made it the language had felt like no one would ever be able to understand it.
They were only 9 and JJ had been granted permission to stay at her house, her parents used to be around a lot, although they weren't anymore, and they'd always welcomed her blonde best friend leading to his near constant presence at their home.
It was late for two kids, maybe 10 pm, and they'd been wrapped in blankets in her box sized room that felt so much bigger when they were young.
They always got each other in a way no one else understood for reasons way more complex than a secret language they would use to write each other messages, but at 9, all they needed to know was that the language was another thing that tied them together.
It was simple: to spell a word you combine the first letters of the other words.
So to write Hello  you would write Hungry Elephants Love Lollipops Okay
It had stuck a lot at first, they used it everyday and it drove Pope and John B insane, but as they got older it died out.
It was used a few times at 12 when they had an annoying teacher who made students read notes out if they were caught passing them, to everyone else it sounded like gibberish.
It was used once at 15, the world help spelled out when an older Kook boy wouldn't leave her alone and she knew he was reading her phone screen over her shoulder, not wanting to trigger him.
Now, at 17, she had laughed out loud when she'd unfolded the note tucked into her locker.
In JJ's scrawl that only she could read with ease.
Penguin Ranch Eyelash Tractor Tangerine Yoghurt
You are pretty. She blushed a little, looking around for any sign of the familiar blonde boy but he was nowhere to be seen, she tucked the note into her bag, hating the way he made her heart race, before shoving the books she didn't need over the weekend into her locker and walking down the corridor and out of the front doors.
When she arrived at the twinkie her friends were already there "Took your time," John B smirks from his open window, occupying the front seat
"She was probably busy flirting with Mack," Sarah teases from the passenger side
"For the last time Sarah, he just needed tutoring in bio,"
"You are shit at bio," Sarah smirks even wider
"Better than you sweetheart," The girl grins, climbing into the back and diving out of Sarah's reach as she moves to try and flick her. Both girls laughing loudly
"I'll get the door then," Pope chides
"Thanks P, i can't get too close  or Sarah will attack me," She grins, Pope rolls his eyes but sends her a grin as he leans forwards to pull the door to the twinkie closed.
She moves through the seats to her usual space, she always sat next to JJ, no matter what. They could be drinking at the chateau, relaxing at the beach, adventuring on the boat. No matter what they were next to each other. It wasn't uncommon when one of them was feeling tired, or clingy, or touch starved for her to end up in his lap, his arms wrapped around her stomach and his chin on her shoulder.
She leans up pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, it wasn't uncommon in their friendship, often used as a greeting, a thanks or even just out of the blue, and so the other's don't think anything of it even though JJ feels himself melting into a puddle. What is a little different though is the way she grabs his hand giving it a tight squeeze before pulling her own away and settling down in her seat as John B starts up the van. He knows what it is. It's a silent thanks for the note, not wanting to say anything in front of their friends but it was a sign she got it and she was grateful for it.
He wraps his arm around her shoulder, his touch gentle but Pope gives him a knowing look, the touch is supposed to claim her. She either doesn't notice or  doesn't seem to mind though, instead leaning into his now open side as she chats happily with Kie.
It's monday morning and JJ is in first period history. He fucking hates history, yet, it had become his favourite subject simply because it was the only one all 6 pogues shared. He opens his school bag with sigh, placing the textbook on his desk and starting to fish around the bottom of the bag for a loose pen.
Pope turns around from the seat in front of him, placing a pen on his desk with a knowing smile. JJ drops his bag to the floor, opening the text book only for a note to fall out.
Her neat writing fills the page and the smile on his face is immediate.
Happy Ant Neck Drop Surf Olive Mars Egg
JJ tries to ignore the feeling of a red hot blush creeping up his neck as he turns to look at the next desk along, she's already looking at him with a smirk shooting him a week before turning to face the front, god if JJ can't feel himself falling.
It continues for weeks.
Tucked into the wind screen wiper of her old shitty truck.
Taped to the sandwiches she would bring him to lunch.
On her pillow when she went to bed one night.
Stuffed into the pocket of the hoodie she borrowed.
Her school bag.
The bathroom mirror at the chateau.
They both started to home a large collection of notes. Her's placed neatly in a drawer in her bedroom. His tucked in a box under the floor board that lifts up in the room he claims as his at the chateau.
"What you writing?" John B questions as he steps onto the porch
"Just a note for y/n,"
"You guys have been passing a lot of secret notes recently," John B comments, JJ shrugs placing the pen down "It's sweet,"
"What d'ya mean by that?" JJ questions, John raises his eyebrows giving JJ a knowing look before having a realisation.
"You still haven't told her you're head over heels in love with her?"
"No," JJ admits, he was way past his days of fighting back when his friends accused him of being in love with her. "I don't know how to. You know me, I never say things right and I just- I really don't want to fuck this up. Only got one shot at it,"
"So write it," John B shrugs like it's obvious
"I can't,"
"You can,"
"What if she doesn't feel the same?"
"JJ, you're the most annoying person I know and she puts up with you all the time and has done since you were 2 . She feels the same,"
She's only wearing a bikini and a tshirt that belongs to JJ when she exits her house on Saturday morning. Her plans to meet at the Chateau go surfing with Kie already made, she grabs her board and at first she doesn't even notice it, attached to the cool box full of water and fruit she'd loaded up the night before is a note.
Art Magic
Igloo Note
London Orange Venus Elephant
Wine Ill Tiger Hungry
Yam One Under
It takes less than a minute for her to decipher the note, abandoning her surf board and the cooler in favour of sprinting to the Cheateau.
JJ is seemingly waiting for her when she arrives, he's pacing in front of the house, going still the second he sees her.
"Are you kidding?" She questions, he's stares, eyes wide not quite able to process why she looks so hopeful. "Because JJ, if this is some fucked up joke I will literally never speak to you again,"
"It's not a joke," He assures
"It's not?" She questions, it's het turn to still, having expected to arrive for him to laugh and ruffle her hair like he was her brother.
"No. I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you since we were 12 and you stole my cap and started wearing it everyday,"
"We were 14 and you snuck into my room because my parents were fighting and you read harry potter to me cause you knew my parents used to," She states
He nods, now it was all out there in the open neither of them quite knew what to do.
"For fucks sake kiss already!" Pope shouts, they turn seeing all the pogues watching them from the porch.
JJ looks at her, an unspoken question in his eyes. "Just promise me if this all goes tits up we will be friends, cause I can't loose you maybank,"
He holds his pinky out, smiling as she loops her with his and squeezes slightly. He pulls her into his chest with their pinkies. Lips crashing onto hers, spare holding her closer to him by the small of her back. Her empty hand moving to play with the blonde curls she's wanted to run her fingers through a thousand times. Their pinkies stay linked by their side, his thumb stroking at her hands lightly.
Yeah, she'd be keeping the note he left in there little love language.
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! how have you been since the hell that ensued after halloween is?
also could you do a batboys college au? like their major and how the reader would meet them and all that jazz? 👉👈
hi anon!! i’m not sure what ur talking about @ the halloween stuff hvsdhjs but! here are the batboys hc’s! i’m not very familiar with duke thomas’s character enough to write about him tbh, so he’s not included here :( but if you want me to add him let me know!! i hope you enjoy!!
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dick grayson
out of all the batboys i really didn’t know how to choose a major for him
i think he’d do law tbh, specifically criminal law 
his main motivation to become a police officer in bludhaven had been to be able to help people in any way he can 
i forgot if it’s canon or not but he does realize how corrupt it is and he quits but that’s another thing we won’t get into that lmao 
anyways yes let’s just stick with law 
meeting you ! 
he shares one or two courses with you
one that’s really early in the morning 
and one that’s later on in the afternoon 
dick is like a magnetic okay
anywhere he goes people are just attracted to him
like literally he will breathe 
but someone call the ambulance there’s a person that’s passed out bc of how beautiful he is
but this is an 8 am class 😃
so there’s no way ur awake enough to notice him
coincidentally he sits next to you one time
and this is the one time
you decide
yeah lemme just fkn sleep is uni even worth it 
dick definitely notices right away but he doesn’t say anything 
he thinks you look so cute passed out on your desk like this 🥺
when the professor signals the end of the class, he watches as people file out and then he just leans over and nudges you slightly 
you nearly punch him bc he scared you ❤️
he just laughs and goes “class is over” 
you just sigh like the guilt starts to hit you and your heart begins to sink
and he sees your disappointed face and just goes 
“i took a lot notes. i can share them w you?”
lifesaver in every single way dick grayson 😻😻😻
you had another class that you had to run to and you were rushing
he was like “dw i’ll just give them to you whenever i see you next” 
and you 🏃🏻‍♀️ outta there
imagine ur surprise when u enter class at 12 pm and he’s there in all his glory 
after the lecture is over, he walks up to you as you’re packing and asks if you want to go to the coffee shop nearby 
to take his notes of course
and you finally register just how handsome he is 
so obviously you say yes wtf
and the rest is history 😼
he asks you out, properly, pretty early on tbh 
so unfazed lmfao 
now you take naps on his shoulder instead of the desk 💞💞💞
soooo into pda 
kisses u when he first sees you
when you’re parting ways
when he feels like it
straight up cuddles w during lectures i’m not even joking 
it’s disgusting how cute you two are 
gets you coffee for all those 8 am classes u have w him hehe
study dates always turn into karaoke sessions somehow don’t even ask lmao
jason todd
english literature 
this is a collective agreement right? 
definitely english literature 
i dont even think he wants to go to uni but he’s going to waste time plus this is bruce’s money 😏🤑
your major doesn’t necessarily have to be english literature as well
but you share one class
and my god 
you two disagree on everything
like every little thing
at this point if he says something and you slightly agree internally you’ll still say some opposing shit 
that’s kinda what draws you to him 
at first you genuinely had nothing against him
but then this kind of rivalry developed for no specific reason 
but it was fun
and he was hot
so seeing him get flustered or angry made him even hotter somehow 
but then
but t h e n
you’re not sure if your professor like ships you or something
so you’re assigned a debate topic on one of the books you’d discussed in class/one of the books you’ve read outside, and within each group are the two sides for and against 
not only were you in the same team as jason, but you were on the same side as him
so you had to work with him
the audacity of the professor omg 
but jason needs this course 
well you don’t but it’s too late to back out now 
you two meet in the campus library after deciding on a book with the other two of your team
you two work so well together 
like insanely well
during the debate you destroyed the other team 
spoiler alert 
doing so well with jason kinda made you like hot and bothered 
seeing him in his zone
sexy <3 
what i mean to say is
you both end up making out in some storage room lmfao 
or hate sex 😏
professor has a phd in matchmaking 🤔😻
i think you two don’t admit you like each other
bc you’re both stubborn as fuck
but eventually you’re literally on his lap on his couch and it just hits you
and you lean back and go
“wanna go out w me” 
and he just shrugs and goes “sure” and pulls you in for more kissing hehe
he’s not v good at the boyfriend thing tbh
you have to chase him around and be like “sir!!! did u forget about me huh!!!”
he doesn’t mean to i promise
he gets all blushy and flustered once he realizes 
only ever into pda if he’s insanely jealous 
will straight up make out w u regardless of where u are or who ur with lmfao 
he’s still getting used to the little intimacies and all 
debates in class are so much more fun now cause he finds it so hot when u get all riled up hehe
that eng lit professor is so happy for you two omg
tim drake
okay i also couldn’t really decide for him
but maybe he’d study something like physics (or maybe computer engineering/computer science) 
idk u have to have a death wish to wanna major in physics so tim’s major it is
i’m not sure how it works for every other uni but my uni requires 6 credits of sciences to graduate 
so let’s say for the sake of this hc u take like just the first level of physics to get 3 credits 
you’re struggling 😃👍🏼
so you like approach your professor with a few questions before the quiz 
but tim is also there
and he kinda makes small talk while you two wait outside the office
and he asks why you’re here
you show him
and he’s like “oh i took this course w the same professor as well, i could help?” 
it’s like an angel had descended from the heavens for you personally 
you take his number and decide to meet up with him after a few hours 
he’s of so much more help than your professor would’ve been, even if ur prof is a really nice and smart person 
and he’s super like
patient with you? 
also he pays for all the coffee and snacks you’re getting after you already get them 
ur like bruh i didnt 
dont pay pls
and he’s like no im loaded let me 😼
swooning <3 
and guess what!! 
you ace the quiz out of some miracle
first thing you do is text him and he congratulates you 
and then
bc ur not blind and tim is so fucking cute
you’re like “can i take u out to thank u” 
tim’s brain stops working but ! 
he does say yes eventually 
he becomes your designated physics tutor + your amazing boyfriend
being with tim is so like
it’s a very relaxed time 
lots of study dates! and cafe dates! all hours of the day whether the sun is up or not 
into pda but to a certain degree 
like yes of course have a kiss pretty baby 
but also it will only be a small peck
any time anyone passes by like common rooms you two will be there snuggling on the couch, one or both of you completely passed out 
damian wayne
business major 100% 
or a bsba econ major, which is basically the business side of economics 
he has to take over his father’s company one day duh 
also i genuinely think damian would excel in this field 
he’s a very keeps to himself kinda guy in uni
like you only ever see him in your common classes and then he just
anyways there was this party that everyone was going to, and damian wasn’t planning to
but dick accidentally read some groupchat’s messages and was like are u going
damian went 🏃🏻‍♀️
but dick was like go and try to make friends !!!! 
and dames cant say no to his big bro 🥺 so he goes
stays in a corner on the settings app the entire time
like half an hr in he just leaves and is walking home/back to his dorm when you come like rushing up to him 
you’re zooming 
and then you just latch onto his hand and lean up to press a kiss to his cheek, whispering in his ear “this person’s been following me for like 15 mins just please go along w this” 
he kinda stiffens but when he does notice that there’s a person eyeing you he slips his arm around your waist and just carries on walking
he walks you to your home/dorm and is like
so awkward 
but it’s okay ! ur a people’s person enough for the two of you 
you thank him so much over and over 
and then you’re like 
“can i take you out on a real date?” 
and then he becomes ur real boyfriend hehe
is still super stiff but it’s only bc he’s so hyper aware of how attractive you are
and i’m super positive he doesn’t have that much experience with dating so 
you hold the reigns 
but he’s a great boyfriend all in all tbh 
super attentive, super protective, and so loving 
isn’t into pda especially on college campus but he does like subtle pda
things like linking your pinkies or giving you his hoodie to just parade around campus hehe
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end note; i’m sorry if these feel rushed or anything like. i used to be an avid writer for the batboys, but i just haven’t been feeling it lately. i still love to write from them bc i know these boys so well eeeeppp. anyways feel free to request some more!!
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
a different type of high (spencer reid/reader) pt 5
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Title: A Different Type of High (part five)
Request: no
Couple: spencer reid/gender-neutral!reader
Category: angst/fluff 
Content Warning: swearing, mentions of drug use/withdrawl, mentions of narcotics anonymous, anxiety, comments about someone’s weight (for like a quick second), mentions of smoking (cigarettes)
Word Count: 4,192
Summary: Reader goes to the BAU offices to meet the rest of the team, where they find out how Spencer met them. And reader and Emily have a heart to heart about their life.
A/N: i don’t have much to say here, other than thanks for reading this and loving it so much. I wasn’t expecting it to get as much attention as it’s getting! so thank you all for the love and support! check out my masterlist!
previous part    series masterlist    next part
A white and blue plastic tag was clipped to my nicest shirt. The word ‘VISITOR’ was printed in bright red at the bottom. I glanced at Spencer, feeling my anxiety start to rise in my stomach and up my throat. He seemed different here. I supposed he had to be different here because it was, indeed, his job. He had to pretend to not be a drug addict, and going through tough shit in life with some girl he met at NA. 
“Can we get lunch after?” I looked up at him as we stepped onto the elevator. Spencer was close beside me and it was nice having his presence so close to me. “Or coffee or something?” I looked back at the doors of the elevator. The lighting was more of a crispy white light, and I’m sure the rest of this building has this bright and blinding light.
“Of course… My treat since I brought you out here,” Spencer looked back down at me. He lifted an arm and wrapped it around back in a weird side hug. I swallowed and nodded before looking at the ground. 
“Do you know what we’re going to tell them?” I looked back up at him. And before he got the chance to answer, the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. I dropped my shoulders and looked at the now open doors.
Spencer looked down at me with an apologetic look in his eye. He slowly lifted his hand, offering it to me to hold as some sort of comfort. I stared at it for a moment before grasping it. I looked up at his face and forced a smile, silently telling him that we could move. The lobby was very open and large. A large glass window/door showed a series of desks and a few offices. And hallways led off of either side of the door to more offices. 
“We can stop at my desk first before we go see anyone,” Spencer whispered as we walked towards the doors. I looked back up at him and nodded. “Are you okay?” his voice filled with genuine worry.
“Yeah,” I mumbled and stayed close beside him. I wouldn’t dare tell him that I was scared shitless because then he’d feel bad for taking me here. And I don’t want him to feel bad because this was my decision to come here. He wanted me to meet his friends and family. In fact, I wanted to meet his friends and family. 
The expression on his face told me that he was worried. So, me trying to not make him feel bad wasn’t working out. I guess if I pretended like everything was okay and faked it all, he’d be okay. Spencer’s a smart man, he knows how to read people (I mean, that is basically his job). To be fair, I’ve never exactly imagined stepping foot in a government facility while I struggled with drugs. And, maybe the anxiety I was feeling wasn’t from meeting actual FBI agents, but instead, it was withdrawal...
“I didn’t know you played chess” I looked at the small chessboard on the desk we were walking towards. I only assumed it was his, it just had a vibe that suited him. “My mom showed me how to play when I was 12, but… It’s been a while since I last played,” I shrugged as I watched him collect a few things from his desk. They were a few beige/brown colored folders and books. I wondered what was in the folders, but it was probably classified information that a normal citizen, like me, wasn’t allowed to see.  
“Yeah, my mom taught me when I was younger. This was given to me by an old friend that I used to play with,” he looked at the set before moving a piece, “Keeps me busy when I’m bored,” he looked back at me and smiled. Something told me that he played fairly often when they weren’t working.
“You’ll have to reteach me how to play,” I shrugged, watching as he put everything in his bag. I looked around the office and noted just how many FBI agents were around, and I was starting to feel a certain anxiety rise in my stomach. No, no, this was definitely anxiety from being in an FBI facility, because of the illegally obtained drugs. Maybe a little bit of it was from the withdrawal.
“Okay, I’ll give you the tour then everyone should be up there,” he looked down at his watch before looking up at a room separated from the desks and other offices. 
“Sounds good,” I whispered. He walked beside me, bringing me back out of the room with the desks. A small shiver went through my body as we left the room. Spencer glanced down at me before wrapping an arm around my body, holding me close to him.
He brought me down one hall, showing me to the bathrooms and his friends' offices. There were a few other boring offices before he brought me down the opposing hall.  There wasn’t much other than more offices, but at the end of the hall, was another office owned by one of his friends. 
“She has other things to do so she won’t be joining us in the conference room,” Spencer spoke before knocking on the door. A faint, but cheery, ‘Come in’ came from the other side. Spencer looked back at me before opening up the door. “I promise you’ll like her,” he whispered before entering the room. I stayed close behind him, kinda hiding myself from the other human.
“What can I do ya for, Reid,” a woman asked, her tone filled with playful sarcasm. I bit back my lips and kept my eyes on my back. At least she sounded nice… “Wait, I thought you had the day off,” 
“Just came by to grab a few things. And I brought a special guest,” Spencer spoke as he reached behind him. I looked down at his hand before gently placing my hand in it. His fingers wrapped around mine and he carefully pulled me around to stand beside him. “This is Penelope Garcia,” he looked down at me with a smile. Penelope stood up from her chair to look at me. Spencer looked back at the woman and smiled before introducing me.
“Oh! You’re Reid’s friend! I’ve heard so much about you!” Penelope exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. I froze as she embraced me, and I wanted nothing more than for Spencer to just pull me away from this situation. 
“You’ve… You’ve heard so much about me?” I asked, mostly to myself. What exactly did Spencer tell his friends about me? I guess I just assumed he didn’t talk about me at all. I looked up at Spencer with a raised eyebrow. I’m sure my expression told him that I was worried about everything she knows about me. 
“Goodness! You’re so skinny!” She added as she stepped away from me. I stared at her with wide eyes as I stepped further away from her and to stand closer to Spencer. Spencer looked at her with a raised eyebrow, silently telling her something. 
“Yeah it’s probably bc of my shitty life,” I thought to myself, “It’s nice meeting you,” I looked at her and smiled. My smile was very forced and felt very fake. Spencer knew that, and Penelope knew that. 
“If you ever need anything, anything at all, please feel free to call me. Even if it’s just to hang out,” she smiled at me. I swallowed roughly and nodded. “I know it can get pretty lonely while they’re working a case,” Penelope looked over at Spencer with a smile. I stared at her with wide eyes as I tried to figure this woman out.
“I’ll have to keep that in mind,” I nervously smile at her. Spencer glanced down at me as Penelope started talking about something. My anxiety was entirely too high to actually know what the fuck she was actually talking about. Could have been anything, honestly. But, from the basic gist that I was getting, she was just asking me a million questions and Spencer was answering them.  But, the one question we both avoided was ‘So, how did you meet our precious Boy Wonder?’, like we were in some sort of relationship, even though we were just really good friends. It still scared me though, mostly because we’ll have to answer that question in a matter of minutes.
“Well, I think the others are in the conference room,” Spencer looked down at me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him and faked a smile before looking over at Penelope. 
“It was nice meeting you, Penelope,” I made sure to keep my fake smile on my lips as I looked at her. She dropped her shoulders before going to give me another hug, which I accepted even though I didn’t really want to hug.
“It was so nice meeting you too! I hope we can hang out! And I hope I can see you again soon,” she placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled. I looked up at Spencer and smiled softly. The smile Penelope gave Spencer was awfully cheery smile before she actually allowed us to leave.  
I glanced up at Spencer once we were in the hallway and away from Penelope’s office. 
“I’m… I’m sorry for her,” he whispered as he grabbed my hand. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
“It’s okay, I think,” my voice was even lower than his. The uncertainty in my tone caused Spencer to look down at me. I didn’t want to tell him that Penelope was overwhelming, while we were still in the building with hundreds of FBI agents. “Just as long as everyone else is chill and they don’t ask a million questions,” I looked at him with a shy smile.
“They’ll probably ask a bunch of questions, but not a million miles an hour,” Spencer laughed lightly. The closer we got to the main office areas, the more anxious and nervous I got. I mean, I was already nervous, but this was just making it worse. It was incredibly hard not to go into autopilot mode and just fake my way through the whole interaction. But then they’d know something was wrong with me. I’m sure the pure exhaustion on my face, the skinniness of my body, and the weird mood I was already in were all good signs of something being wrong with me. Maybe they won’t question it all to my face? 
 “Do you know how you’ll answer the thousand dollar question? The one that I worry about the most?” I kept my voice low because I didn’t want a stray agent to hear my question and Spencer’s answer of ‘Oh, I was just going to tell them we met at narcotics anonymous,’. Because I just know he’s going to tell them that.
Unfortunately for me, Spencer didn’t actually answer my question. He just stayed quiet. Which caused me to have a mild heart attack as we walked back into the main office area and up a small staircase. It wasn’t until we were at a door that he answered me. 
He turned and faced me, a slight worried look in his eye. I couldn’t exactly tell what it was about though. So, that’s when my mind started running wild with all the worst possibilities. What if he already told them? And this isn’t him bringing me to meet his team, his friends, his family. No, this is him bringing me in, to go to jail. He’s been lying to me this whole time… Shit, fuck, shit… I don’t know what to do. 
Spencer must have seen something, my sudden fear, flash in my eyes. Part of me wanted to turn and run, but that’d cause too much of a scene. I’d probably have more Federal Agents on me than behind this stupid door. Whatever. 
My body partly turned, and I could feel my legs wanting to move, but I was honestly paralyzed. Spencer lifted a hand and rested it on my shoulder, stopping me from moving any further. His touch was very gentle, and I stopped all movement there. I nearly had to convince myself to actually breathe and blink. 
“It’s okay. There’s no reason to be scared…” he whispered as he pulled his hand from me. I swallowed roughly as I looked at him. My heart was going a million miles a second, and it just wouldn’t slow. “I was… I was just thinking… We should just tell them,” his voice, just like his touch, was gentle. Don’t fall for this. There’s still a chance that he was lying, that this was all a ruse. Well, wait… Why else would he want to tell them…
“You think… you… You want to tell them? Spencer, I,” I stopped talking and swallowed roughly, feeling my anxiety go higher and higher as the time passed, “I’ve barely been clean for 2 months, Spencer. You know I almost… And you… You want to tell them that you met someone at Narcotics Anonymous… Where people go… when they’re addicted to drugs… because you’re… I don’t think that’s a good-”
“Trust me. Can you do that? They won’t be mad. I think they’ll be happy that I have friends outside of work, and that I’m getting the help I need. And, that you’re getting the help you need. Two months is a big accomplishment. Even if you were clean for a day… That’d be a big accomplishment. But this is the first time you’ve made it this before,” Spencer whispered, a soothing and warm smile on his lips. I couldn’t help but return the smile, trying to hide my face from him as a very sudden embarrassment took over. “You don’t even have to tell them where we met. I’ll do it,” he whispered before grasping my hand again. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“Okay, okay,” I looked down at the ground and nodded. 
“Ready?” his voice still a whisper. I looked up at him and nodded.
“Now or never, I suppose,” I shrugged. Spencer looked at my face, a worried crease in his eyebrows and in his eyes. He slowly turned to the door to open in it. It was taking everything in me to calm myself down, and to convince myself that I was not going to be arrested. 
Spencer pushed the door open and led me into the office. The least he could have done was warn about how many people would be on the other side of the door. I thought I was freaking out before. But standing in front of me were 4 other Federal Agents, and standing beside me was another. This was bad… This was really bad.
“This is Jennifer, Derek, and Aaron,” Spencer spoke, gesturing towards each person, “And of course you’ve met Emily,” he looked towards Emily. I smiled at each of them and nodded as Spencer gave them my name. “Where’s Gideon?” 
“Office. Should be up in a minute,” Aaron looked up from his folder and at Spencer and me, “It’s nice meeting you,” he looked right at me and nodded. I stared at him and nodded lightly.
“Where did you two meet,” Jennifer looked at me as she walked around the table to stand in front of me and Spencer. I froze like “I was in a freezer” froze. “A deer in headlights” froze. I slowly looked up at Spencer with my eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, where does my man, Spencer Reid, meet a person like you,” Derek then asked as he leaned against the table. His eyes looked up and down at me, checking me out… Or was he looking for something out of the ordinary? I could feel my breathing stop, yet simultaneously picking up. 
“I actually… We met at Narcotics Anonymous,” Spencer’s voice was real low, so quiet as he spoke. The air in the room got tense, so tense that it was suffocating. Everyone looked at Spencer, and just Spencer, with shock on their faces. For the first time since I entered this building, I felt invisible. Which, I guess, was good. But bad at the same time. Because, if I’m invisible to them right now, that means a high beam is on Spencer and shit could go down. 
“Reid,” Derek started but stopped when Spencer looked at him, silently telling him to stop. The grip Spencer had on my hand tightened, and it scared me. Mostly because he probably realized that this was a mistake and he’s scared now. Which, in turn, only scared me more.
“We’re both clean. I swear, we’re both clean,” he looked back at everyone. I knew he was lying, but I think that’s okay that I was the only one who knew he was lying. Granted, he was doing everything he could to get better, but… I understand being stressed, or anxious, or scared, and wanting to just turn to a weakness that could kill you. Last week, for instance… I got scared of nothing and almost made a big mistake. “I know I should have said something sooner, told you the truth instead of keeping it from you. But…”
“Spence,” Jennifer looked over at Spencer with wide eyes. She stepped away from the table before hugging him, hard. I looked at the pair hugging, wishing I had someone like that to hug me when they find out I’m going through a “rough time”. “I wish we knew… We could have… We would have helped,” she stepped away from him, resting her hands on his shoulders. I looked at her before looking down at the ground. 
“I’m… I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” I muttered before quickly rushing away from the others. More words would be exchanged between Spencer and his co-workers, his friends, his family. A family I don’t have and will probably never have. Whatever… Whatever, I’m happy he’ll have a great support system.
Once I found my way to the bathroom, I locked myself in a stall and could feel myself begin to hyperventilate. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, and my hands quickly went to my face to hide from the world. Although, I was hiding in my own world, behind the bathroom doors, in a small stall. 
My world wasn’t necessarily collapsing around me, but it felt like that. My head spun and my chest felt like it was going to explode. This sudden anxiety attack wasn’t something I was 100% expecting to happen. Although, the anxiety I was feeling beforehand was probably just building up, and I was just pushed to the edge before I broke down.
“Are you alright in here?” A familiar voice asked from outside the stall. I froze before wiping my nose. It was hard being silent, pretending like I didn’t exist. “I know you’re in here. You told us you were going to the bathroom, and I heard you sniffling just a moment ago,” she continued with a small chuckle. I looked down at the ground before standing up and pushing out of the stall. 
Emily was standing against the counter, leaning right in front of where the door was. She looked at me with a distressed look on her face. Shit, they got Spencer, and now they’re going to get me… I glanced at the door, before looking back at Emily. I could feel my body moving before I gave it the okay. My feet going quick towards the door.
“I’m not going to arrest you,” Emily quickly said as she stepped in front of me to stop me from running away, “And, we’re not going to arrest Spencer either,” she laughed lightly as she looked down at me. I looked up at her with wide eyes. “You can calm down. I promise. I’m just making sure you’re okay… You’d been in here for a while, and Spencer was worried about you,” she calmly explained as she rested a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her before nodding lightly. 
“You’re… You’re not just saying that?” I whispered, keeping my eyes on her. Because surely if I looked away from her, she’d do something I didn’t want happening. 
“I promise you, I’m not just saying that,” she reassured. I nodded and looked at the ground, “Are you okay?” She actually asked, pulling her hands away from my body.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I nodded as I cautiously looked up at her. She raised an eyebrow, silently telling me that she knew I was lying. I looked back at the ground and shrugged. “What?”
“I’ve been in this line of work long enough to know when people are lying… And to know when people are not okay,” she whispered, her voice so soft and gentle. She was genuinely concerned about me. I’ve only met her once before, and she seemed very nice. 
“I’m not okay,” I whispered as I looked at her. I don’t remember the last time I was honest with someone about my feelings. 90% of the time I lie at meetings because I don’t want a bunch of actual crackheads knowing that I’m depressed. “I think… I think seeing Spencer with everyone… And everyone being supportive…” I started but allowed my words to trail off, mostly because I didn’t really want to say I was jealous of my best friend. 
“Oh, I see,” Emily whispered as she leaned against the counter in front of me. I looked at her before looking down at the ground, then over at the door, then back at the ground. 
“Yeah, I’ve never really had a support system like he does, now, and…” I sighed deeply and looked up at her again, “I just have Spencer, and that’s a little hard when we’re both trying… To… Ya know,” I whispered and shrugged. 
“Well, I don’t know if Spencer told you this… But, any friend or family of his is a friend or family of the team. I know we’ve only met once before, but I’d gladly be a support team for you,” she whispered, and I honestly couldn’t tell if she was just telling me what I wanted to hear. But part of me knew she was telling the truth.
“You guys aren’t, like, mad or anything that Spencer was doing drugs? Or like... That he made friends with a dru-recovering drug addict,” I looked up at her, very cautiously. 
“We’re just happy he, and you, are getting the help you both need. We’re all just surprised he kept it to himself for as long as he did,” she explained. I nodded and looked down at the ground.
“And, like… He’s not going to get fired, is he? He said it wasn’t his fault that this happened,” I sighed as I looked at her. 
“Spencer’s not going to lose his job. He’s too loved and too much of an asset,” she laughed lightly. I returned the laughter and nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, he’s pretty smart…” I rubbed the underside of my nose and shrugged, “The first time we kinda hung out… He kept telling me that smoking can take 6 minutes of your life away to get me to stop,” 
“Did it work?” Emily asked, a playful chuckle in her tone. I laughed and nodded.
“Kinda. I mean… I smoke every so often, but not as much as I used to,” I sighed as I looked up at her, “I still do it when he isn’t around. But when he’s around I forget things… Like… The shit hand I was dealt. Ya know? Like, he gives me something else to think about,” I furrowed my eyebrows as I spoke. Emily cocked her head to her shoulder and looked up at my face. I looked at her, feeling my face relax.
“Like what?” She asked. I could feel a small smile slowly growing on my lips. She returned the smile, kinda knowing what I meant. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say. We should probably go back out there, don’t you think? They might be looking for us,” she laughed and gestured towards the door. I looked towards the door one last time. 
“Yeah, yeah,” I nodded before stepping closer to the door, “Spencer said something earlier about lunch, and I’m starved.” I laughed and walked beside Emily.
“Where were you guys going?” 
“I’m not sure, do you know of any good places,” I looked over at her. She thought for a moment and cocked her head.
“There’s a really good deli down the street, I’m sure Spencer would love it there. They serve coffee and I’m sure you know how he feels about coffee,” She chuckled lightly.
“Whenever he stays at my apartment, he always insists we get coffee because I don’t have any,” I shook my head before laughing. Emily nearly cackled and nodded.
“Sounds like him,”
“What are you two laughing about,” Spencer looked over at Emily and I as we re-entered the conference room. I looked over at him with a smile.
“Uh, lunch,”
series taglist: @shameleswhorehourstm , @itsametaphorbriansblog , @bxtchboy69 , @sammypotato67 , @seninjakitey , @thebluetint , @honestlystop , @herecomesthewriterwitch , @mediocrity-atitsfinest​
tags that didn’t work: @mediocrehamiltrash , @thatsonezesty13 , 
(if you want to be apart of the series taglist, let me know!)
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
Hiya! Could you write a little something about Paul dating a girl who is a big bookworm? She can’t go anywhere without a book in her hands. She’s just very timid and polite and Paul just instantly falls for her! Thank you so so much, my love <3
Oh it's SO cottage core time lol.
Thank you for sending this in!!! I love bookworm reader type stuff 🥺🥺 enjoy!
Today has been very bizarre indeed.
Paul sits on a worn leather bench in the hall of a recording building all by himself. He's brought his bass and some music sheets he's been working on, fully prepared for a little practice and recording with the lads.
He checks his watch once again. It's 12:38, over half an hour past when John told him they were going to meet up for practice. Paul huffs and thumps his head against the panel wall behind him. Damn that John...
"Well, this is a waste", Paul slaps his knees and stands. He does a quick stretch, and an old office door creaks open. You poke your head out to see what all the ruckus is about.
"Hello? Is everything alright out here?"
Paul nearly jumps out of his skin at the sound of your voice, "Oh, pardon me! I uh-", he turns to face you. He's seen you around here before plenty of times when he's come to record, but never found the time to talk with you. Not that he ever thought he could, that is.
You always seem to be reading everywhere you go.
And yet, that fascinates him. Your clothes are stylish, but simple and comfortable. You don't appear to care too much for loads of makeup or elaborate hairdos. Just... the natural beauty of you alone has his interest peaked. So different from the other girls he usually runs into...
Not to mention you've never before come to ask for an autograph or just to talk with any of the four of them! You're like a puzzle he wants to solve. He's so use to being hounded by girls, the one woman he meets that doesn't seem to care much for him, has him on his head.
You wouldn't know what to say to that, except that you're quite use to him and the other Beatles being around. Thus, you're simply not too caught up as a ravenous fan girl type.
No, you rather prefer books and your soft classics to rock n roll and it's stars.
"Oh, Mr McCartney... I'm sorry sir, but we don't seem to have a studio scheduled for you today... Uhm, is there some mistake?"
Paul leans on the wall, trying to be casual, but failing miserably. He paints on what he hopes is a charming smile, "Something like that, but it's alright! Say, haven't I seen you here before...?"
You smile kindly, although you see through his act, "Yes sir, I'm an assistant here. See?" You come out of the doorway and gently click your door closed behind you. Sure enough, your name is written in bold block letters on the glass.
Paul reads you name aloud, letting it roll off his tounge. "What a lovely name! Say, I'm about to head out, but can I autograph something for you, for the trouble? I didn't mean to scare you, haha. Uh... That perhaps!"
He gestures to a ragged old tome cradled in your arms. The pages are yellowed, the spine well worn, and the color coating has begun to chip away. Just barely along the cover, one can faintly make out the title, Pride and Prejudice.
You hold the novel tighter to your chest and turn slightly away to shield it. "Oh! Um, thank you but I couldn't... This is an original copy from 1813, it's practically a treasure! Er uh, not that I wouldn't wa-"
"From 1813?", Paul interupts you, not with the intention of being rude, mind, in fact quite the opposite. His eyes are wide and it's clear you've captured his attention for sure now.
"That's right! I just love books, you know... I'm something of a collector haha", you run your delicate fingers over the top of the hardcover and for the briefest of moments, Paul wonders what those fingers would feel like through his hair.
You continue, "I'm actually only here to bring some books home from my office, I was just leaving when I heard you out here"
Paul snaps out of his daydream, realising now that he's sad to see you go, "Heh, right then! Well I suppose I shouldn't ke-"
An ear splitting crack of thunder shakes the building, followed immediately by a heavy torrent of rain that you can hear even through the brick exterior. Your face falls, "Oh no... I'm sorry Mr McCartney, but I really must be going, tsk now I need to figure out how to get my books safely to the car"
"Would you like some help? I've all day freed up you know!", Paul's heart beat quickens as he awaits your answer.
You think for a moment. Well, you could use some help moving the boxes... Besides-
Your eyes focus on Paul who, if he's even trying to hide his excitement, is doing a very poor job of it. If he had a tail, it'd surely be wagging.
-he seems harmless.
At last you accept and usher Paul into your office. "Do you think we could find something to cover the boxes from the rain?"
Paul thinks a moment then promises to return in a jiffy. True to his word, he's come back with what appear to be drum tarps. He drapes the sturdy leather over both stacks, then stands back to appreciate his work, "There now, surely Ringo won't mind since it's for such a worthy cause"
You laugh heartily, and in that very moment Paul swears he'll remember the beautiful melody of it all his life. You clear your throat, trying to compose yourself, "Ahem, well then, my car is just this way"
Paul hoists his boxes up with a touch more effort then he was anticipating, but he'll be damned if he lets that on in front of you. He grits his teeth and hopes it's not too far as he follows you through the hallways to the back lot.
"Oh! Are those encyclopedias too heavy? I'm so sorry, I should've split the load...", You turn to check on him. He looks a bit red.
"They're fine!", Paul wheezes.
You don't believe a word, but you figure he'd rather carry on then stop now. Besides, you're nearly there. Finally, as promised, you exit the building and stand beneath the small awning.
"Alright now, it's that green one over there, see? We'll run over quick, and put them in the backseat, ok?"
Paul nods and huffs, hyping himself up for one last push.
The two of you race to the car, just barely able to see where you're headed through the down pour. You balance your boxes on your knee with one hand and shove your keys into the lock with the other. Without a second wasted, you fling the door open and push the stack inside with Paul's right behind you.
You slam the door closed and jump into your car for cover while Paul joins you in the passengers seat. You're absolutely soaked and Paul doesn't look much better. He laughs at the state of himself, but you feel quite bad for putting him up to this in the first palce...
"Uh, Mr McCartney..."
"Oh, Paul please", he laughs
You smile and muster up some courage, "Paul... Um, would you like to come take these home with me? I'd just hate to leave you out in the rain... Besides, I can make you a nice cuppa for your help. And, there will be biuscuits", you bite your lip, and suddenly the dynamic has flipped as now you await anxiously for a yes.
Paul looks at you very seriously, "Well, only if there will be biuscuits", after a moment, he smiles, and let's you in on the joke. You laugh alongside him.
Carefully, you drive through the storm and the city until you reach the edge of town. The rain's not let up, even as you hit the countryside. Paul sings and talks to you a little to settle your nerves, particularly as streaks of lighting and cracks of thunder battle overhead.
Before long you pull into a little dirt lane that slowly turns to cobble. You turn everything off and when the car is situated, you and Paul formulate a similar plan as before to grab the boxes and make a break for your porch.
The plan goes smoothly and Paul follows you closely across the stone path up to the painted white steps of your porch. Now that his eyes have a break from the onslaught of rain water, Paul take a moment to appreciate your little home as you fish out your keys.
The porch is quite small, and surrounded by flowering shrubs. A few vines of English ivy twine around the banisters and railing, creating a lovely frame and backdrop for the two person swing bench hanging just a few feet away. Paul is admiring the little pillows when you interupt him to come inside.
Paul follows obediently through the cottage, absolutely swimming in the atmosphere. Just inside lays a cute little door mat welcoming him to the abode. To the left is a small living room with a fireplace and a bench at the window. Every piece of furniture is tastefully laden with pillows and fluffy throws.
You travel up a short flight of stairs which leads to a single room on the second floor. The walls are made entirely of bookshelves aside from a little niche carved out for a desk and a split stopping just before the large bay window and bed beneath it.
Paul is so stunned at the sight of it, he has to freeze and take in the simple, yet majestic room. He feels as though he's in another world.
"You can just put those over there, I'll go start the kett- Uh, Paul are you alright?"
"Huh? Oh, sure! Over here you said?"
"...If you'd please. Thank you", you smile and leave after just an extra moment to make sure he doesn't fall over or something.
Paul sets to work diligently and respectfully handling your collection, occasionally glancing reverently up at the towering shelves around him. He reads every title, feeling the old binding across the length of his hands. The whole room smells of aged paper and a touch of your perfume, and Paul's never experienced such a wonderful scent in his life.
He's about halfway through his stack of boxes when you come up the old creaking stairway to beckon him down for tea. Paul snaps to attention at the sound of your voice, then scuttles down after you.
"Here, I thought we could dry off by the fire", you hand him a cup and saucer with all the fixings he could want safely placed on the old wooden coffee table behind him. Paul joins you on the wool rug as you fix your drinks then settle in.
"Thank you so much for your help Mr-, er I mean Paul", you smile sweetly, and Paul has never felt so happy to hear someone speak his name.
"No trouble...", He mumbles.
You sip in silence for a while, and suddenly you shiver quite violently. Your cup rattles and spalshes just a touch.
A little embarrassed, you apologize and put down your cup, "I guess I didn't realize how cold I was", you laugh nervously and grab one of your many blankets and a few pillows to surround yourself with.
"No no, don't worry! Here, let me help", Paul hesitates just a second, but when you don't object he scoots closer until you're sitting hip to hip. You smile gratefully, a little blush painting your cheeks as you drape the rest of the blanket over Paul's shoulder.
"Thank you...", daring to take a risk, you cuddle into his side.
Paul welcomes you, holding you tightly and praying you can't feel his heart hammering away inside him. He and rests his chin on your head and places a gentle, tiny kiss to your fragrant hair, lingering just a moment to drink in the scent of it. You smell like paper and wisteria.
"No trouble"
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lokis-little-kitten · 3 years
Teaching Assistant 12
Loki his lads turn out to be rather nice. Evan has short haze hair and deep brown eyes. He is tall and lean like Loki but with much fewer muscles. He is a dom and does a lot of pet play with his partner. He is rather playful and a bit of a clown but a very loyal one. 
Luke has blonde hair and blue eyes. Not as tall as Loki but he has more muscle which makes him look bulky. He is kind and sweet as he is a Daddy Dom. You knew pretty quickly that he would be one of your favourites. 
James is tall, dark and handsome. He is a sadist and seems the most dangerous but Loki told you you had nothing to worry about. James is a fair man and straightforward. 
Micheal is quieter and he is a switch. He has a Mistress at the moment and is quite soft. He is very caring towards everyone. He has short black hair and dark brown eyes. He has dark skin and quite some muscle on him. 
Loki walks towards the couch and sits down with you still wrapped around him like a monkey. ‘’Hello there, what is your name,’’ Luke asks who is sitting next to Loki. ‘’I’m Y/N,’’ you whisper back at him. Hesitantly you shake his hand and then hide in Loki’s neck. ‘’She’s a shy one,’’ Luke chuckles. Loki tells you all of their names and ‘titles’ but just leaves it there. 
‘’How is Eliza,’’ Loki then asks Micheal while slightly rocking you. ‘’She’s great, we’re thinking maybe take a sub,’’ he beams. ‘’For real,’’ Luke asks with a smile. ‘’Yeah… John might know a girl for us but that is still in early stages.’’ ‘’Still,’’ Evan chimes in, ‘’big step even thinking about it.’’ Micheal just nods this time and sips his beers. 
‘’But, back to this cutie. How did you meet,’’ James asks with a smirk. ‘’She wrote some rubbish BDSM stories and so I offered to teach her the ropes,’’ Loki simply explains. ‘’She then turned out to be a little… I think. We are figuring this out at our own pace.’’ You only nod a little looking around the room. 
‘’Loki?’’ Loki looks at you and kisses your cheeks. ‘’Yes dear?’’ ‘’You promised me a bath,’’ you pout looking at him. ‘’That is true. Be a good girl now and then I’ll allow you a nice bath tonight, huh?’’ He kisses under your ear which causes you to giggle. 
‘’Okay,’’ you mumble and nuzzle your face into his neck. Loki chuckles but then goes back to the conversation with his friends. They drink some beers and chat. You eventually mingle in some conversation. Your answers stay short. It’s a little daunting to be in a room full of men. 
Eventually it is Luke who walks to a cupboard in the corner. He opens the doors and frowns. “I could have sworn you had a bunch of board games here,” he calls. Loki stands up after peeling you off of his lap. He takes a look at the cupboard as well, as if he had forgotten he even had it. “I think those are downstairs as well. I didn’t use them much anymore.” He then walks towards the table next to the front door to grab his key chain. This strikes you as odd. You sit up a little to take a better look at what he is doing. 
“Luke, we can go grab them from storage,” he explains and holds up his keys as he opens the door. Immediately you shoot up from the couch. Quickly you grab his arm and look up at him. You try to beg him to stay with your eyes alone. 
“You can come with me, dear, don’t worry.” He places a kiss on your hair and rubs your back. He tells the other lads he’ll be back in a few minutes. You go into the lift all the way down to the storage area. You hadn’t been here before yet. 
Loki confidently guides you to the right storage box once underground. Even the storage boxes in this building are posh. It nearly looks like these are flats as well. The ground is hard wood and the hallways are rather light. 
Loki finds his box and opens the door. He flicks on the light. Together you walk in. Luke immediately looks out a few board games. You are more so occupied with other things. Loki has quite some storage cabinets with files, old books and boxes stored in them. Everything is in a set place so the storage box is very neat. There is one storage rack with large moving boxes. Some of them have kink labels on them. One has BONDAGE written on it in Loki’s neat handwriting. Others have things such as Masochism/Sadism, Impact, Humiliation, Non-Con and there was a box with Age play written on it. 
You want to pull out a box to take a look but Loki catches you. He wraps his arm around you and kisses your shoulder. “What are you looking at?” You giggle as he does and you point at the label of the box, Non-Con. He chuckles and pushes the box back into the rack. “We’ll talk about that later, love.” He pulls you away from the boxes and towards the rack with a collection of board games.
“I was just curious,” you counter as you look through the games. You feel a bit more comfortable now that it is only Luke along. 
“That’s good to hear,” Loki replies as he pats your bum playfully. You just start browsing through the games together with the other men. You pull out a few that seem fun and hold those under your arm. 
When everyone has a few Loki calls it quit and you guys go back upstairs. When you return to the flat the others cheer a little overexcited. Their arms are up in the air with their hands in fists. You put the games on the counter and look at the ones Loki and Luke grabbed. 
James joins you as well to take a look at them. “What would you like to play,” he asks as he also starts to browse. You then see Loki or Luke had grabbed The Game Of Life. You pick it and take it to Loki. “Can we play this one,” you ask in a small voice as you lean into his side. He takes it from you and let’s you hide your head in his arms. He agrees and starts setting up the game. You quickly pick your favourite colour pin before the others choose theirs. 
“Loki,” you whisper. You sit tightly against him with your arm around his. “After this game I’m going home. Early morning tomorrow.” He kisses your forehead as you tell him this. 
“Of course. Whatever you need.” You cuddle a little closer and start the game. It’s fun to play with the other men as well. It helps you let loose a little more. You do stay close to Loki but you manage to talk a little more now. 
When the game is over you grab your stuff. You are absolutely exhausted. It was late already and you had an early class. You were dreading the drive home but knew you had to. You didn’t want to stay over at Loki’s. No matter how nice it was, everything was moving very quickly and you needed your space and boundaries. 
Loki brings you downstairs and helps you seek out your motorcycle. He notices you rubbing your eyes and moving a bit slowly. “Can you drive back yourself or do you need me to drive you?” Quickly you shake your head. 
“No, I can do it myself. I need my bike at home and I don’t want to risk someone seeing us.” Loki reluctantly agrees and then presses a gentle kiss on your lips. He rarely kissed you there so it took you a little by surprise. 
“See you tomorrow. Be a good girl and sleep tight.” He also kisses your nose after saying that and pulls you a little closer. 
“You too. I will be.” 
“I will who,” he asks you as he pulls you a little closer to him again.
You put your arms around his shoulders and get on your tippy toes. “I will be good… Daddy.”
A pleased smirk creeps on Loki’s lips. “Good girl.” After that and a last kiss you get on your back and start the drive home. 
Once you’re on the road the fatigue really starts to catch up with you. Your eyes feel heavy and you can’t concentrate on the road as much as you would like. The lights appear much brighter and cloud your vision. 
Luckily you live close by. Just one more traffic light and a few more turns. The intersection, however, was a busy one. When you arrived you were shocked to find it was broken. There was no one directing the traffic anymore either because it was so late in the evening. No other vehicle is approaching so when it seems clear you cross over. 
When you nearly reach the other side of the intersection a small car suddenly comes from around the corner. It was going very fast. It hit the breaks but it was too late. It hit you. You are knocked off your bike and hit the pavement. You land on your collarbone. The air is knocked from your lungs as you are thrown across the asphalt. Eventually you come to a stop when you hit one of the traffic light poles. You gasp for air but the shock prevents you from breathing for a moment. Eventually you’re able to suck in some air again and start to couch. 
The driver from the car runs up to you. He has his phone against his ear. You can’t hear what he’s saying. Your ears are ringing. The street lights blur your vision more than before. You can feel yourself slipping into unconsciousness. 
You try to stay awake. You count to ten, list the names of the days of the week, list up the classes  you take at Uni and recall your phone number. 
The blinds from your helmet are popped open. An ambulance worker is in sight. He calls something to his college but you still can’t hear him. You’re too out of it to worry about anything. 
Eventually the ringing becomes less when the ambulance worker sits down next to you again. He is a middle aged black man. 
“Stay with me dear, we’re gonna get you to the hospital,” he tells you but you don’t reply. He shines a light in your eyes. You try to squint and look away from it. 
Now that the adrenaline starts to fade you start to feel the pain. Your entire body aches. Your collarbone and ribs in particular. 
Quickly you are hauled into an ambulance. Once in there you get a neck brace and your helmet is removed. They soon start padding at your head, take a blood sample and give you an IV. You can only watch as they work on your. 
The pain starts to fade away again when the IV is connected to some bag of fluids. The ambulance workers kept telling you things but it didn’t register. You felt so terribly tired. You just wanted to go to sleep. You didn’t. You started to count again and name the days of the week. You look outside and see the trees, flats and street lights pass. 
Eventually you get to the hospital. They roll you out of the ambulance and into the ER. They got you into a room where they started their tests. One woman then looked you in your eyes and smiled. “I’m doctor Nelson, I’m gonna take good care of you. What’s your name?” You choked out your name and started to cry. 
“I’m gonna take good care of you Y/N,” doctor Nelson replies. “Is there anyone I can call for you?” You tell her no and then she joins the other people working on you. The next thing they did was take an X-ray of your chest. They then checked your neck and took off the brace when you were cleared. A doctor looked at the X-ray. 
They discussed some discussion doctor Nelson addressed you again. “Your left collarbone is broken. It’s a complicated break so you need surgery. Do you consent to that?” You quickly do and only a moment later you are brought to the surgery room. Once in there they put you to sleep. 
The anesthesiologist tells you to count to ten for him. You start for him. A bright light is shining above you and doctors in scrubs start to come in. The closer you get to ten the more blurred everything becomes. Your eyes feel heavy and soon they close. 
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addictedtomanga · 4 years
Shoujo manga recommendations - sad(ish)/tragedy
So, some of these manga actually have a happy ending (I’m not saying which, cause spoilers) and a few of these are generally happy with some tragic events among the story, so. 
And they range from “ok, it’s sad, I guess” to “oh my god, why??”
Also, most of them touch the supernatural theme (either with vampires, ghosts etc)
1.      100% Gokuama Kareshi
A collection of one shots. 
! The third chapter fits the sad/tragedy theme.
2.      Babel no Tegami
Even after all these years, you’re still the only one I think of… I’ll put all of my feelings into this letter for you.
3.      Black Bird
The world is full of mysterious "things," but life keeps on going peacefully because no one can see them--except Misao. Harada Misao has the special power to see these "things," but she doesn't tell anybody and tries to continue leading a happy high school life. Though she's jealous of her friends who have boyfriends, she's just like a normal teenage girl as she keeps having dreams about a boy she met when she was younger who has the same power as she does.
Her mundane life suddenly changes when goblins try to eat her, and her old friend Kyo comes back to protect her from them. Then, she finds out that she is personally being sought out as goblin food and that Kyo is a goblin, too. Will she still marry him like they promised when they were children, based on her faith in him that he has no bad intentions towards her? Will she even be safe at school now that Kyo has become her new homeroom teacher? Her exciting teenage life is just about to begin. 
4.      Boku no Hitsugi de Bansan o
A collection of one shots.
5.      Datte, Kimi wa Warau kara
Let’s get into a time machine and return to that time.
Where it was always fun and you were always laughing, to that time... "I only have three more months to live" Yui who just transferred to a new school in the countryside becomes Ryo’s classmate. Yui who is suffering from an illness has a "wish" that she can’t tell anyone, but Ryo wants to grant her that wish but… After death, reality hits Ryo and Yui.
6.      Gunjou - Ai ga Shizunda Umi no Iro
Even though they played together innocently since they were young, somewhere along the way, the seeds of “love“ started to grow. Growing up on an outlying island from Okinawa, Kazuya, Ryoko and Daisuke were brought up like a family. They wanted to be together forever, but the three of them have different desires. One wants to stay, one wants to go, and one of them wants to go, but can’t. When Daisuke is lured away from the island, Ryoko decides to stay on the island with Kazuya. However, the three of them will experience a cruel fate...!
! The first and second chapters fits the sad/tragedy theme.
7.      Kanojo ga Tonda Hi 
Drawn from the heart, a collection of sketches about the problems of our time. “Recruiting those who want to finish it and die, but feel sad doing it alone…” Fed up with everything, Mie posted a notice on an Internet Bulletin Board and found suicide-partners. Four boys and girls were gathered together because of their ties to death. And then…?!
!!! Trigger warning
8.      Kao no Nai Otoko
Two lovers got separated by war. Now the try to find each other. But when the girl finds him, he isn't the same as before...
9.      Kigi no Yukue
Juri has always been saying to herself that she has done everything that she wanted to do, and has lived to her own satisfaction. Plus, she's always been skipping class and coming in late in the mornings, only to be confronted by her class rep, Yoh. Aware of her own situation, she knows that she shouldn't leave any remaining desires and feelings behind...
10.  Kyou no Kira-kun
In 360 days, there were bright days and disappointment while I was staring at you. Though they were neighbors, Nino and Kira had never talked to each other...
But when Nino found out about Kira's secret, her life changes and everyday became more interesting!!
11.  Kobayashi ga Kawai Sugite Tsurai
The comedy starts when the cross-dressing begins! The Kobayashi twins, Mego and Mitsuru, were named after historical figures, but only Mego has grown up with a taste for history. So when Mitsuru is in danger of losing his weekends to extra history classes, he convinces his sister to swap clothes with him and ace his tests! After all, how hard can it be for them to play each other? But Mego can’t rely on just her book smarts in Mitsuru’s all-boys, delinquents’ paradise of a high school. And Mitsuru finds life as a high school girl to be much more complicated than he expected!
12.  Koi Kyokusei
An overly touching love story of a miracle... “One’s “thought“ is subject to change. A change in a human can change the world. Since we’re not alone, we have to be brave.“ Toda Erika’s shining star is rising... It’s a miracle of love. Sakura is willing to do anything like wishing on a star because she wishes to grant her beloved Hirose’s dream. This small deed is what attracts Sakura and Hirose to each other. 
 !!! Trigger warning (2nd chapter)
13.  Kon no ki Konoha
Only in autumn when the dead leaves flutter about can Akino meet the mysterious boy who lives inside the deep blue tree.
14.  Mademoiselle Butterfly
Our heroine is a girl who lives as a geisha in Japan. She has a male childhood friend who's always been kind to her and is her favorite. He's a painter, only he paints on human body parts and she loves it when he paints beautiful butterflies on her arms. She goes to visit him one day and finds a naked woman lying in his room. Immediately after, she gets a customer who's rich and very interested in her. The thought of being away from her friend pains her, but is everything really too late?
15.  Maigo no Obakeyashiki
A girl is bored of her unchanging peaceful life, and goes to a house that is considered haunted. She meets a boy there instead of ghosts.
16.  Michishirube
Wakako has been in love with her childhood friend, who is 2 years older than her, Chii-nii. The thing is, he went away and she’s been sad ever since. 3 years later, she sees him at her gate. Finally she can say “i like you“ but it isn’t easy as it seems. Will she be able to do it?
17.  Natsu no Kakera
A collection of one shots.
! The first chapter fits the sad/tragedy theme.
18.  Onaji Sora wo Miteiru
Rin is always sending messages with her phone and doesn’t speak to anyone. Even though she’s like that, Taka got interested in her and keeps on following her. But why doesn’t she want to look at him...? And who is this mysterious person with whom she always exchanges messages with...?
19.  Orange
One day, Takamiya Naho receives a letter written to herself from ten years in the future. As Naho reads on, the letter recites the exact events of the day, including the transfer of a new student into her class named Naruse Kakeru. The Naho from ten years later repeatedly states that she has many regrets, and she wants to fix these by making sure the Naho from the past can make the right decisions—especially regarding Kakeru. What’s more shocking is that she discovers that ten years later, Kakeru will no longer be with them. Future Naho asks her to watch over him closely.
20.  To the Earth-Born You
A tsunami that caught everyone off guard washed away homes and broke up families. At this moment, why bother remembering the past that can't be changed? Other than adding on to the survivors' sorrow, it also bring up those heart-tearing pasts...
21.  Tsuki no Waltz
A collection of one shots.
22.  Usotsuki Tenshi To Ama No Jaku
In front of Marika that lost ability to smile suddenly appeared mysterious boy calling himself "angel"...!?
23.  Usurai ni Saku
Two kids become friends, even though he has an incurable illness. One winter, he was told he wouldn't be able to live to the next spring and she...
24.  Winter Flowers
A cute and sad story about childhood friends. Yuudai's father is a fireworks maker and ever since he was a kid he has wanted to take over for his father once he turns 18. He made a promise to his childhood friend Hana when they were kids that she could see his first ever created fireworks... However, something isn't right...
25.  Yume Kurai
Whenever Akane falls asleep, she always dreams of talking to a boy. This boy says that he “eats“ her dreams. Who is this boy?
26.  Yurusarete Inai Watashitachi 
A collection of one shots. 
! The second and third chapters fits the sad/tragedy theme
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digital-dhampirs · 4 years
So @eli-and-fictional-sons posted this adorable post about Misha just being upset that Vanitas abandoned him and how he just wants his big brother back. It’s very cute and it got me thinking about how Misha feels during this arc— what’s going through his head, what he wants, what he thinks he’s going to achieve...
So I’m gonna use it to segue into a bit of a theory and a bit of a meta about Misha and his goals/ mental state.
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So let’s start at the beginning of their journey together. The very beginning. By figuring out a half mediocre timeline of events I think we can piece together a solid amount about Misha and his desires and feelings.
After the death of his parents, Vanitas was rescued by chasseurs and became a Chasseur- in- training. He caught the eye of one doctor Moreau and became the sixty ninth human to join his test series on creating artificial vampires. Misha came to the lab after Vanitas, but definitely less than a year after Vanitas had joined, and was only the second person to arrive at the lab after Vanitas himself. The two formed a close bond while being tortured as human experiments, probably since they were close in age and spent a similar amount of time at the lab. Moreau states that Misha specifically was very attached to Vanitas, adding a possible lopsidedness to their relationship. Either way, one day Luna/ Vanitas of the Blue Moon attacked the laboratory and specifically sought out Misha. They asked a distressed Vanitas if he wanted to come too, and the latter seems to have agreed.
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Following this, Luna takes their children to their home and teaches them a variety of things, revolving around how the Book of Vanitas and Malnomen work. These lessons appear to have primarily revolved around Mikhail, but Luna forced Vanitas into listening in as well. Mikhail easily adapted to having a “father”, and formed a close bond with Luna. Meanwhile Vanitas stayed distant and frequently reminded Misha that Luna was a “woman” and a vampire. Despite this, Vanitas eventually seems to have become close to Luna, allowing them to hug him and paying attention to their lessons on malnomen. At some point during this period of time, Misha and Vanitas make a promise together about something unknown.
After this, things get vague. I’m hoping the arc we’re starting now will tell us more about what’s happening, but here is my current guesstimation of what happened.
While Misha was away or indisposed of in some way, Luna and Vanitas were out of their home when they were attacked by something or afflicted with some ailment. I’m pretty sure that Vanitas did something that caused this negative event to happen, like he lured bandits in to attack Luna or provoked some malnomen that he was then unable to fend himself off from. Either way, they’re up against a dangerous foe and Luna moves in to save Vanitas in some way, shape, or form. Luna decides to pass the name and book on to Vanitas and then dies for him, or he kills them but not out of hatred. Vanitas goes to Misha one last time and tells him that he killed Luna. Misha yells at him and Vanitas runs away.
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Again, this is all just guesstimation. But I do know for a fact that whether or not Vanitas physically killed Luna, he did not do so out of malice. He says it himself. He didn’t really hate Luna. But Misha doesn’t know that, and Vanitas didn’t explain this to him.
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So where does this leave Misha?
Suddenly, his father is dead, his brother tells him he killed their parent and then leaves him in the dust. He had a family and now he has nothing. Of course he would want to know why, want to know what happened. His emotions are just so conflicting— he hates Vanitas for killing his father, but he still loves Vanitas for being his brother. He might even feel jealousy that Luna passed the title and book of Vanitas on to Vanitas, the one who killed them, instead of himself, the one who stood by them no matter what. He’s so confused and wants to know what’s going on, but Vanitas won’t tell him.
So what is left for him to do?
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Find out the only way he can. By using his big brother’s friend and shield, Noé Archiviste.
I mean, he’s going about his goal in one hell of a wrong way, but honestly could he be expected to do anything else? As a young child he was treated as a human experiment— which means that during the years (6 to 12 years of age— I’d highly recommend watching Alecxzander’s video about the morality of Gon Freecs on YouTube if you wanna learn more!) when most children learn about morality from their peers and parents, he was being tortured. Every single semblance of stability and safety he’s ever had in his life (whatever he had before going to the lab, then life with Luna after the lab, even Vanitas himself) has been completely destroyed. His actions still aren’t justifiable but they are understandable.
So contrary to his creepily smiling demeanor I don’t actually think that Misha is insane or out to perform evil acts. He’s a product of horrible circumstances who’s trying to figure out why his life suddenly fell apart. He knows he can’t go back to a time when he had his father and his big brother back, but he wants to at least know why they disappeared.
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Annnnd to wrap things up remember to take this meta/theory thing with a grain of salt! It isn’t the most crack theory of my theory collection but I would not be very surprised if Misha turned out to be irredeemable anyways.
Fun Fact: these scissors. One pair is the pair Alice used to kill herself in Pandora Hearts. The same scissors appear when Domi cuts her hair.
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Comics this week (3/10/2021)?
cheerfullynihilistic said: Comics this week (03/10/21)??
adudewholikescomicsandotherstuff said: This week’s comics?
Anonymous said: Comics?
Anonymous said: 3/10 NCBD?
Non-Stop Spider-Man #1: The lead story was fun, the backup was dopey, I’ll give it another issue or two to see where it goes.
The Immortal Hulk #44: While it was too late for this week I’ve taken Hulk off my pull list, so the store won’t order any copies specifically for me and therefore my future purchase of the book won’t support Joe Bennett’s presence, just the store. This issue is typical of some of the books’ weaker installments of the last year or so - feels like well-done regular superhero comics instead of Immortal Hulk - but those last couple pages bring it back around.
Daredevil #28: Holy cow, those King In Black issues actually mattered. God this book is still so fuckin’ good in so many ways, everything every dumbass street-level superhero ‘deconstruction’ wants to be when it grows up.
Children of the Atom #1: Sucks real bad! This weird combo of ‘hip new young Marvel heroes!’ trappings and soulless X-Men lifer comics execution that feels certain to appeal to neither group.
Eternals #3: Of the listed Deviants I imagine I’d relate most to Annoyed Veug.
Commanders in Crisis #6: While I remain without the ability to weigh in on this objectively, this is the issue that to date most feels like it lives up to the promises of the series premiere.
The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #3: Little disappointed personally with the reveal of what the third world is - I assumed it was going to be more of a straight take ‘modern’ version to the other two’s flavors of throwbacks - but this series still rules. And that ending.
Home Sick Pilots #4: Okay, I think I can follow what’s happening at this point, still enjoying it.
Proctor Valley Road #1: I review these books in the order I present them to my dad since he likes DC/Marvel/Other to each be lumped together, but make no mistake: this is the last of the three Morrison books to read this week, because this is what comes next for them. A return to their roots - 70s kids way into music and dealing with the weird, girls adventure stories of the kind they apparently grew up reading - this feels like a refinement of their mid/late-00s Vertigo work in the same way they’ve been iterating on their superhero material for decades. The horror is sold excellently, whether by their own efforts or thanks to cowriter Alex Child this is their most fluid, ‘real’-sounding dialogue perhaps ever, and Franquiz with Bonvillain are instantly among their all-time best collaborators, perfectly capturing the shifting tone and character acting necessary to best put Morrison’s big ideas over in a way a number of their collaborators haven’t lived up to over the years (and speaking of the visuals, Jim Campbell does the lord’s work with that lettering trick near the end). Ritesh Babu and Sean Dillon have a lot more to say about the book and how it already acts as a darker, more honest take on your Stranger Things and the like as a commentary on its times, but I’m already loving to see this particular return down to Earth for Morrison and company and I’m glad to hear this is selling really well compared to their previous indie work.
Dead Dog’s Bite #1: This actually came out last week, but Ritesh recommended it so I figured it might be worth a look. A so far intensely low-key missing persons mystery with a touch of surreality around its edges, this already looks to be the best “look! A nine-panel grid! Fancy!” comic since Mister Miracle, really lived-in and emotional for as little happens in this debut. Very curious where it’s going.
Rorschach #6: I continue to like it.
Batman: Urban Legends #1: Glory be, a good Jason Todd comic - at last, you noble stubborn weirdoes living off of like six nonconsecutive panels all these years, you may lay down your burden. Not all you’d necessarily hope from Zdarsky tackling Gotham after what he’s been doing with Daredevil but rock-solid work regardless; the Harley story is fine, Outsiders is a letdown after Thomas’s shockingly good showing for them in Future State but it’s still fine, and the Grifter stuff is fun.
The Joker #1: I thought the advertised ‘a Joker story from Gordon’s POV’ angle was an interesting one even if I was concerned this book would in practice be pure editorial mandate, but in reality? Tynion has managed to pull the wool over DC’s eyes and do a full-on Jim Gordon book (one predicated with him being off the force to make it reasonably comfortable read in 2021) with Joker as the barest of pretexts to get it out the door and selling for as long as he wants to continue it. He even said in interviews that when the book was first pitched to him that his response was that a Joker solo book was a dumb unworkable idea until he had an idea for a ‘different way to approach it’, he knows exactly what he’s doing and I salute him. And it’s a darn good Gordon book even if the Punchline backup is predictably tepid, I’m in the tank for Gotham’s perpetual whipping boy dealing with weird noir international crime with Joker sort of hanging around in the background menacingly to justify the nominal premise.
Anonymous said: Hey, so I figure one random anon won’t change your mind, but like you I was disappointed by New Frontier’s immortal Wonder Woman, but I still got the new issue of Wonder Woman cause Wonder Woman at Valhalla still sounds great and I actually liked it! I think I’m gonna get at least the next issue, so there’s at least one recommendation for it
Wonder Woman #770: This combined with the store still putting it in my pile prompted me to give it a try after all, and whether because something here clicks better or if they’re simply not trying so hard without the pressure of doing a ‘final’ story for Diana, Cloonan and Conrad do in fact do substantially better on the main book than they did with Immortal Wonder Woman. Some fun, some fights, some mythology and intrigue, gorgeous landscapes and generous servings of beefcake from Travis Moore - this isn’t going to be sweeping the Eisners, but this is as enjoyable as a Wonder Woman comic has been in a good long time. My only concern is that the joyousness on display here might dissipate somewhat once Diana fully returns to herself, but in the meantime this was a very pleasant surprise (especially with the the Young Diana backup by Bellaire, Ganucheau, Goode, and Carey).
Superman #29: PKJ’s Superman thus far has been a story of overcoming initial worries of mine - in this case, my concern that he’d have a bad Scott Snyder-ey case of “if you’ve read the interviews you’ve pretty much already heard the dialogue of the comic verbatim”. In practice here most of what he’s had to say about these issues are distilled down really succinctly and poignantly in the midst of a fun little upper-atmosphere adventure portending something grimmer, and while I know it didn’t click with everyone I thought Phil Hester’s work here was a perfect accompaniment. The Tales of Metropolis backup wasn’t nearly as enjoyable, but hints at some interesting worldbuilding I’m hopeful will pay off in the main run.
The Green Lantern Season Two #12: The final Grant Morrison DC comic. One of two anyway, but if the next story I discuss is their broader final (non-Klaus, hopefully) statement on the superhero subgenre and a bridge to what they’re doing next, this is the one that’s about being The Final Grant Morrison DC Comic. A mélange of pretty much all their other DC finales into a shamelessly self-reflective meditation on the limits of what they can accomplish in shared universe storytelling where Green Lantern saves the universe through collective action and then fucks off to do his own thing elsewhere while the kids take over the ongoings. Weird and kinda perfect, and if nothing else this series took Liam Sharp from “really? This dude is drawing the last ever Morrison DC ongoing?” to “HOLY FUCKING SHIT LIAM SHARP”.
(The panel folks blew up over I think can be read multiple ways, but not in a ‘it’s open to interpretation!’ way so much as the storytelling/framing being unclear. I personally read it as ‘this is what neighbor versus neighbor looks like now’ rather than ‘calling someone a TERF or a Nazi is as bad as anything the other side does’, because oldster and out of touch though they may be I can’t see Morrison seriously saying that, especially after coming out.)
Wonder Woman Earth One Volume 3: At long last, after a hideous misfire kicking the series off and a second installment best described as ‘well, at least it wasn’t the first one’, this while not without elements I want to see femme and nonbinary critics discuss critically lives up to what you want to see out of ‘Grant Morrison’s Wonder Woman’. Big utopian fiction breaking the typical boundaries of superhero stories with aplomb in implicit conversation with a ton of their previous work, a bridge from what they’ve done to what they’re doing next, it’s an imperfect (especially with Paquette’s art, which while gorgeous and majestic in the way this story demands really doesn’t living up to the ‘acting’ necessary here in a way thrown into sharp contrast by Franquiz in PVR) but shockingly passionate statement of intent - if the last two volumes felt like Morrison struggling to have something to say with Wonder Woman in the same way they did with Superman and Batman, this feels at the close like them at last finding in her a way to do everything left with the cape and tights crowd they wanted to but couldn’t manage anywhere else under the Big Two umbrella. Odd and lovely, a fine sendoff.
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msaluna · 4 years
The Moon Well
This story is a mini fic of Luna in a Corruption AU, giving hints on how she became corrupted by an event while overseas. All of Luna’s backstory is relatively the same with only this one event causing her sudden shift in corruption. Enjoy. -RayMun
The night of her return was not a pleasant one, the woman known by so few in the town as the local witch, and even fewer by actual name passes through the magical portkey door. The one that leads back to a mansion overseas owned by a man she no longer cares for. Her body still humming with magic from the events that only happened the night before. 
She closes the door behind her, waving a hand over the door, it vanishes in a shimmer of powerful magic. The house creaks with what could only be heard to Luna as a sound of concern. 
"I am okay dear friend," Luna said to what would be emptiness. "But I think we’ve outgrown this town."
Luna places a satchel of books she has been holding onto the table as she goes to prepare for her “Move” to another location. The books weren’t hers to keep but she felt every right to take it. The contents were a mix of rituals, spells, and Fay knowledge along with one black journal. It was written in cursive french, but she didn't have to translate it to know of its contents. Because she saw through the torching visions of the Moon Well what secrets it and its previous owners kept. 
Without much preparation time, Luna focused her magic to the condition of the house. Her eyes and body glow in pale gold light, a phantom image of moth wings expand from the woman’s back. The house around her binds and twists, creaking as the Relocation spell takes hold. Markings and symbols write themselves in light along the walls and ceiling of the rooms. And in a matter of minutes, the house once known as Sun & Moons Fortunes is now an empty shell in the small town. Making the new residence to the Witch of Secrets currently unknown.
VVV[Open Read More to see the Journal Entry]VVV
[Research of the Moon Well] 
[Owner: Viktor Frollo]
[Contact: XXX-XXXX-XXXX]
[Date: 21/12]
The Moon Well, I have only seen it in tales and vague mentions in old documents but now I have been convinced the place or more accurately this phenomenon truly exists. This year, during my visit to that drabby campus, invited to the Yule ball as per usual, I was expecting it to be the same as last year. Boring. Typical meet and greet while reconnecting and reassuring some of my former contacts that I was being a well-behaved gentleman. Seeing the most mature and basic of magical potential. Such cowards. They do not realize untapped magic is waiting to be discovered if they simply opened their eyes and looked. 
But no, they fail to even realize that one of their own students has talents that are far more than just a prodigy witch. This time, even I was allowed the opportunity to peek behind that curtain that hides the secrets of the moon. A student by the name of Luna Eirian allowed me to see past this veil during her performance for the winter moon. It was stunning in more ways than one, truly something to behold. But what was more shocking than the skills she possessed was the display of natural magic being displayed through her voice and music, it was the fact that no one realized what I had at that very moment. She was performing Fay magic! Specifically Moon Fay! At least, this is what I strongly believe just from the scene I experienced this evening. 
I can hardly steady my hand as I write my excitement of this discovery. The only thing now is to convince Ms. Eirian to allow me to be her patron or mentor. She will never be able to reach her true potential through the cowardly teachings of that establishment. This will be difficult, as she is already suspicious of me from her reaction to my presence at the Ball. Even when asking her if she would like a patron to fund any projects she wishes to undertake, she politely declined. Sadly, she isn't like any of the women, like the ones who pursue me in the hopes I would give them my time. It would have made this situation easier. 
[Date: 22/12]
I have sent a request to Ms. Eirian's counselor to have her study under my watch. Seeing as we are both viewed as porridge witches from the same university, it was fairly easy to convince the council. However, Ms. Eirian herself seems to be a paranoid sort of individual or at least highly instinctual when someone takes interest in her. I did not see any hint of shyness in her demeanor when asked, so her rejection of me doesn't stem from bashfulness. At least she isn't a gullible idiot, that much is a blessing and frankly, I believe it adds to her charm. 
[Date: 28/12]
It has been a week since the Yule Ball and I have managed to convince Ms. Eirian to stay at the estate while I help her with a project. A broom. Simple enough, but now that she is here, I can proceed with providing her with information about her talents. And I can finally push her to limits that will break that veil once again, without interference with those cowards at the university. Hopefully, the promise of more knowledge from my collection of books will entice her to stay longer than intended. She seems to be very fond of learning about magic. 
[Date: 10/01]
A new discovery, even if she didn't have her Fay heritage, Ms. Eirian has proven to be quite clever and knowledgeable. She has only relied on her Fay powers less than a handful of times while under my watch. It is truly impressive, we would have many quite the collaborative team if she lived on this side of the ocean. Or have come to the university when I was attending. I still intend to study her Fay capabilities, but even I have to admit that her presence here has significantly warmed the chilly atmosphere of this estate. 
I need to move the project forward if I am to hope to achieve my goal of studying Luna before I become distracted.
I will be moving the project forward a little faster than usual. Now that she is less suspicious of my movements, I will be able to gather samples to perform further studies.
[Date: 16/01]
Today, I took a gamble. I handed Ms. Eirian a book that normal human eyes are not typically allowed to read. It is one of the few Fay-written books I have managed to find without being tarnished or fake. It was worrisome, I had a story prepared to explain why I had the book and why I was handing it to her without explanation. However, a surprising thing happened...she didn't question the book or the contents. She didn't even ask how she could read it. Ms. Eirian...do you trust me this much with your secrets? Or in bittersweet irony, are you truly unaware of why I drew close to you?
The way she smiled at me with excitement about the contents of the book tells me she does not know. And for some reason, at that moment in time, I felt sad. I pitied her more than being pleased with the concept of her unknowingly being part Fay. She truly didn't know how special she was to me. And the idea of knowing a secret she didn't know she had, pained me.
[Date: 21/01]
Our relationship has grown closer over these past few weeks. She has opened up quite a bit, and it makes things easier. But there seems to be an issue that I wasn't expecting to have, I purely played with the idea of returning her affection to keep her close but now, I wish to keep her close regardless. However, the issue is that I still would like to pursue knowledge about the Moon Fay while she is still by my side.
 In a few days, the super moon will be rising and I need to be prepared. 
Forgive me Luna, but maybe you will if my studies help you control this Fay magic inside. Once I see and record my findings, I promise that I will tell you everything. No more secrets between us. 
I promise.
[Date: 31/01]
I am not sure what happened, all I could say is the display of magic and the veil tearing was unlike anything I have ever seen before. The power of the ritual could be viewed as a success to a typical scholar, I know my past self would have seen it as such but seeing Luna---Apologize for my notes at this moment. 
The ritual is supposed to be performed during a normal full moon but my eagerness to see a positive result has led to a miscalculation. The Moon Well does exist and it can be accessed by a half-Fay heritage of moon descent. However, due to the mythical powers of the supermoon, the results have left --the subject-- Luna in an almost comatose state. Possibly overwhelmed with the sudden flow of magic, knowledge, or both that came to her. She was screaming by the end of the ritual and I, admittedly in a panic, tried to cut her ties off to the connection of the well---
*the writing seems to be shaking more and more as the journal goes on*
She was babbling in Fay for hours nearly four hours, I can barely pick out a few words that I know, "too loud" and "stop the voices" were some of the few I could trasl translate as I got her to some care. Her body is strangely chilly to even myself. Body limp but strangely light as a feather now that I recall. Her body glo was glowing softly, still full of magic I presume. Apologies again for any miss-spelling or illegibility, my hands are still shaking from shock. I will be staying by her side for the remainder of the night to make sure that her condition didn't worsen. 
*the writing is a little more steady, assuming after a pause to calm themselves* 
Luna's condition had improved in the last few hours of the night, maybe due to the peak of the moon finally reaching its end. It is only a hypothesis. Luna is still restless in her sleep though, but the chill has gone away. Thank God. The glowing has also faded somewhat but her hair has clearly changed, adding more blond to her caramel hair. Upon further inspection, the freckles on her body have also burned into her skin, only now do I realize that her markings on her back fit perfectly as the constellations of the night sky. 
This experiment should not be replicated without further research and understanding of Fay magic. And also should not be proceeded without less secretive tactics to any 'subject' performing the ritual. I believe, if I wasn't a coward in that very moment, if Luna knew about her heritage before performing the ritual, the results would have been less catastrophic and dangerous to her livelihood. Hopefully, Luna will wake from her sleep soon, so I can apologize to her properly. For now, I will leave this journal here for a time while I rest and wait for her to awake.
Luna. I am so sorry. 
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ollifree · 3 years
1. What are things they both find funny?
Pet antics. They share a morbid sense of humor about the plague that anyone else who lived in Vesuvia at the time would find abhorrent. They have different limits on it and know where each other’s is.
2. If they could each describe each other in one sentence, what would it be?
You’re gonna limit Lucio to one sentence? Lucio? He’s gotta talk about how smart Skylar is, how good he looks, his talent in magic, his thoughtfulness. Lucio’s favorite words for Skylar are, in order, “Pretty, precious, perfect.”
I’m taking Skylar’s from a prompt from last year.
“Should I start with his eccentricities or…? He’s loud, brash. More cunning than people give him credit for. He’ll have an absolute meltdown if he can’t get his makeup right and have himself convinced two seconds later he always gets it perfect. He wears white because he’s always covered in dog hair. He makes sure everyone knows what his opinion on something is, and will do everything within his power to fix something he deems wrong.”
3. If they complimented each other, what would they say?
Lucio makes a point of complimenting however Skylar looks, but it’s a rare day Lucio doesn’t praise Skylar’s intellect and dedication to his work.
Skylar’s go-to descriptor for Lucio is “handsome”. His favorite (non-extensive) list of things to compliment Lucio on are: how hard he tries, how brave he is, his confidence, how passionate he is when it comes to the things he cares about.
They each compliment each other’s ass at least ten times per day.
4. What would be their ship name?
Either "grind against your bones until our marrows mix", or "the awful edges where you end and i begin", both of which are lyrics from Ludo's The Horror of Our Love.
5. What activities do they enjoy together?
Favorite activities are lounging on each other, doting on the pets, and people watching. Skylar gets coaxed into doing magic (however mundane) so Lucio can compliment him. In modern verse they binge watch bad reality tv. Lucio will put up with being outside when it snows only because Skylar likes outdoor winter activities and only because Lucio knows he’s gonna get some hardcore snuggle time at the end of it.
6. What is/are their love language(s)?
Lucio’s are gift giving (showing) and words of affirmation (receiving). Skylar’s is quality time. Physical touch is mandatory for both of them.
7. Write a ~300 word love scene for them.
This question is arophobic.
8. What were their first impressions of each other?
I’m always down for some self-fic plugging [link].
Skylar couldn’t have had a better introduction to Lucio: Julian had brought Skylar to Vesuvia for the menagerie, and Skylar and Lucio immediately clicked over their shared love of animals. Lucio truly has a unique personality and Skylar was excited to meet a new kind of person. Add on Julian’s endorsement of the Count and it’s no small wonder Skylar wound up staying in Vesuvia long past when he would have left anywhere else.
9. Have they made each other cry?
Yes. Mostly via mutual vulnerability and happiness. Then the plague happened.
10. Write a ~300 word argument scene for them.
This is a direct call out for me not writing my fic yet.
11. What causes them to fight?
Lucio’s Lucio-isms getting out of hand, or Salsa destroying something of Lucio’s. He can’t get mad at his fur babies so Skylar gets to take the brunt of it. Their biggest arguments happened over the coliseum and how to deal with the outbreak of the plague.
12. Do they have differing political opinions?
Before Lucio’s death Skylar didn’t invest himself enough in Vesuvian politics to give a concrete answer in that area. Insofar as Lucio’s views of being in a position of power? Yes they absolutely have different opinions.
13. Name something they would never do for the other person.
I was originally going to say “nothing”, then I remembered Lucio has one. So Skylar’s currently sitting at a “nothing” with an asterisk of “unless I remember something”.
Lucio’s is being around Skylar when Skylar’s sick. Lucio has a phobia of catching whatever’s going around after the plague and has to nope out of situations where he’s around illness. That being said he is hyper aware of Skylar’s health, as after leaving Vesuvia Skylar becomes more prone to colds and flues.
14. What would be a dealbreaker?
Skylar's dealbreaker almost happened, which is someone's wants getting in the way of / actively opposing another's needs. Lucio's would be unfaithfulness.
15. What are traits they dislike in one another?
Nothing they outright dislike, but they do recognize the faults the other perceives in themselves and help them improve in that regard. For Skylar it’s his non-confrontational nature getting his needs and wants ignored. For Lucio it’s empathizing with others and taking responsibility for, and dealing with, the consequences of his actions.
16. If they broke up, what would be their opinions of each other?
How dare you.
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
Never in anyone’s life would Lucio have expected to get an attachment to the smell of books yet here he is. The same goes for hot chocolate. Skylar walks into the makeup department and it’s just like walking past Lucio’s collection.
18. What would be their love motto?
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19. If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
This isn’t in the marriage vows because they have the awareness to go “if we say half the things we feel in front of anybody, concerns we are not equipped to address in an acceptable way will be raised.” After the ceremony, when they’re on their own, this exchange happens:
Lucio: “Love me. Until we’ve been dead so long our bones are dust.” Skylar: “Not good enough. It’ll have to be until the world is ash.”
20. What is a promise they have made to each other?
Similar ones to what’s above. Trauma-induced codependency reinforced by magic ritual body trading meta sure is something.
21. How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
For the better: by helping one another with the issues listed in question fifteen. For the worse: they gain a lot of codependence for stated meta reasons, along with a very deep-seated fear of losing each other again.
In the end they do leave Vesuvia. Ultimately they are going the route of “this is a very important lesson we’ve learned about responsibility and the consequences of our actions. Now let’s get the fuck out of the city we’re responsible for and one of us nearly ruined with his actions.” They acknowledge the hypocrisy of this, and while in the end they’re better off outside Vesuvia it is there.
22. If their lives were what was originally intended at birth, would they have still fallen in love?
Because I’m a sucker for them the answer’s yes. They only hit the love stage to begin with because Lucio was able to put the work into unlearning and breaking the cycle of the worst parts of his tribe’s culture. I will say though that Lucio staying with the tribe would make it vastly more difficult for them to meet. Skylar still does his traveling, as his parents didn’t have any major expectations beyond “well-functioning adult” when raising him, but considering how infamous the warring tribes of the south are I don’t see travel into the steppes being easy or recommended.
23. Write a ~300 scene between them with no dialogue, only body language.
I honestly may come back to these but 300 words is a lot for my amount of spoons rn.
24. What is something they have each had to forgive the other for?
“Skylar has never done anything wrong in his life.” - Lucio Arcanagame
Salsa’s definitely destroyed a few things Lucio’s particular towards, and as it’s impossible for Lucio to be mad at any of his fur babies Skylar gets the brunt of it.
Along with Lucio getting snippy with him for Salsa mauling his good shirts, Skylar’s had to forgive Lucio for a lot. Mostly it’s Lucio-isms that make things get blown out of proportion. Then there’s the Coliseum. And Lucio’s deals. And the plague.
25. What moves do they know work on the other?
“Want to have sex?” / “Yes.”
If all else fails, Lucio knows he can get Skylar out of a book and back to real life by smoochin’ behind Skylar’s ears.
26. What are their favorite parts about physical affection/sex?
Sex is a cathartic extension of their shared love language, physical affection. The orgasms are an added bonus.
27. Do they have any kinks/fetishes that they share?
All of them. Like I say it as a joke but it’s just easier writing-wise to have them on the same level. Realistically it’s like 80-90%. Both of them want to please their partner and have a good time doing so. Their communication on that front is solid.
28. Write a ~300 fantasy one of them has about the other.
This question is acephobic.
29. What are each of their signature foreplay moves?
“Want to have sex?” / “Yes.”
30. Write a short exchange of dirty talk between them.
What up I’m Olli I’m almost 27 and I still haven’t learned how to write porn.
“Does puppy want me to fill him up?” “So precious…” “Look. Look at what I’m doing to you.” “Beg for it.” “Not yet. You piss when I tell you to.” “Do you like the taste of your cum that much?” “Good boy.”
“How you feeling, handsome?” “Are you ready to behave?” “What a mess you are.” “Fuck me so full I can’t move.” “You want to be good, don’t you?” “Master.” “Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Fuck me, fuck me.”
31. What do they love to do after sex?
Shared baths.
32. Do they enjoy morning or night sex?
Why are we limiting when the sex happens? The time of day doesn’t affect their enjoyment of it. They’re exhibitionists with impunity there is literally no limit on when the sex can happen.
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deacied · 5 years
evening sun  .  //  one .
summary: messaging stupid things to your celebrity crush on instagram has no repercussions because it’s not like they’re going to read it anyway! obviously this doesn’t entail sexual harassment or general creepiness, but sending a meme they’d like or a picture or maybe something actually stupid like your phone number seems irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
or the one where you dm joe on instagram and your life actually changes
warnings: none other than like fluff 
word count: 1.7k
    she sends the stupidest message she has possibly ever typed in her entire life (eighth grade, angsty teen posts on myspace included) to him in the second week of march. the chances were low that he would open her dm, but he had been known to ever so often answer a handful at a time, and what did she have to lose if he did answer the message? she had sent him other things before as if he were her best friend, memes that reminded her of him or funny t-shirt ads, whatever it had been that she thought might have him grinning to himself--- however, clearly the response never-received wasn’t with this particular “friend”. she didn’t really know him, and he, blissfully unaware of her existence, yet she tried weakly to get the attention of him while he received thousands of others flooding his messages doing just the same. it was just a bit of fun really. a shirt that showed a t-rex wearing mickey ears, “wrong park!“ written across it had her laughing manically to herself before sending the post over to joe. she hoped she would see him in that shirt soon.
    it was a hopeless cause that, well, wouldn’t crush her if the odds weren’t in her favor. nearly a month after she had sent the stupidest message, a notification of a new text pings through her phone. a glance over to it only to be met with an unknown number loses her attention as quick as it held it. she yawns. the action comes of mainly boredom though sleepiness threatens to claw its way into dominance as the summer rain continues to pummel unto the roof, warm florida air shifting through the porch, and the novel in her hand losing focus. a nap would be good-- perfect actually.
    the crackle of lightning followed by a gargle of thunder shook her out of her sleep only an hour later and back into reality. every afternoon without fail, the casual shower of rain would pass over her family home just after three as if mother nature were taking her time with her garden. florida often promised hurricanes so the thunderstorms weren’t uncommon, but this particular one wasn’t supposed to hit until thursday, and with it being only tuesday, she knew this storm would last forever now: the earlier they came, the longer and harder they reined apparently. notifications sound off at a quick rate, though she easily dismisses it as something extraordinary going on in the group chat. trekking back into the house with book and phone in hand, her free fingers pass over her dogs’ heads as she passes them to head to her room. the thought of a shower to wash away the dampness from outside was the most ideal option she possessed, however, the implied doom her mother promised of a shower during a thunderstorm was the least. more notifications go off in time before she turns off the ringer entirely and plugs it into the charger. sixty-four (jesus) messages in the group chat on discord, another twenty-one from the same group on instagram, and god knows how many more on snapchat, but the one, singular cluster of notifications tucked at the bottom that held her interest had her pausing with head tipping in interest: another message from the unknown number.
lower lip curls between teeth as brows furrow an inch together. finally clicking on the messages, she feels like she might throw up as her eyes follow the pixels. holy. fucking. shit.
FROM unknown 11:18 am: It’s super dangerous giving your phone number to strangers on the internet you know? FROM unknown 11:20 am: I tried to call and kind of chickened out. I got nervous and I’m sorry. FROM unknown 11:43 am: Oh my god, did you really shoot your shot and just leave the court?
    she has to read the messages at least eight times, take a screenshot, send it to her brother, and have him confirm she’s not having a stroke before she can go back to the originals with an intent to reply. thumbs hover over keys making absentminded shapes as she breathes deeply, loudly, anxiously trying not to have a whole mental breakdown. the message directly referenced her messages to none other than the boy from jurassic park, the bassist of bohemian rhapsody, the very angry baseball player of undrafted. there was absolutely no way that this was actually, truly, literally joseph francis mazzello iii. couldn’t be. nope. not happening. she doesn’t know what to reply back with for a good long moment, taking a second to collect herself and open up instagram to confirm for the hundredth time now that this is who she thinks it is.
    the dm’s screen welcomes her, exhale escaping lowly as she clicks on joe_mazzello’s chat. he hadn’t replied -clearly, she most definitely would have received a notification for that or else instagram would have a very angry woman on their hands- but he had opened it. the time read 3:56am two weeks ago when he read them. her head falls backwards as the mental math floods hurriedly through her brain, trying to understand: so he had called a week after reading them apparently, and then waited another week before engaging contact again. he... he had been thinking about this for a while; it wasn’t just a spur-of-the-moment ploy to entertain a fan. god, she might throw up actually this time. thumbs navigate to open the texts from the unknown number again just to make sure they hadn’t magically dissolved into thin air. a slow exhale. one more final time she moves over the keys.
TO unknown 12:56 pm: who is this? TO unknown 12:57 pm: if this is who i think it is i’m gonna Lose My McFreakin Mind
    she nods to herself as they send--- vague enough that whomever was on the other side wouldn’t think something strange was going on no matter what the outcome turned out to be. it had happened once where a friend texted the wrong number instead of her, asking if “mc fuckhead” was there. (that was an incredibly fun inside joke to explain.) head tips to the side slightly, hopping her train of thought from joe mazzello and him genuinely thinking of you to how strange every inside joke must sound to people outside of the inside. another vibration of the device jerks her back to the matter at hand, unable to help her heart thumping uneasily.
FROM unknown 1:26 pm: Hi, I’m Joe Mazzello from Jurassic- I mean, Bohemian Rhapsody and you’re watching Disney Channel! FROM unknown 1:26 pm: Thank God you’re a multiple text person too FROM unknown 1:27 pm: Please don’t Lose Your McFreakin Mind! FROM unknown 1:27 pm: Wait. FROM unknown 1:27 pm: .....Is this (@ y/ig)? Did I just fuck everything up with an actual wrong number?
    suspicions couldn’t get more confirmed than that. her next set of texts goes out rapidly and without much second thought, a stupidly huge smile graced on her face that probably made her look like a maniac--- but really, if any person’s celebrity crush had texted them wouldn’t they have the exact same reaction? actually, now that y/n thinks about it, she’s being really, really calm. the internal screaming stays internal -thank the lord- though her cheeks already ache from the face-splitting grin she currently wears.
TO unknown 1:33pm: if i’m (@ y/ig) then wouldn’t you be @joe_mazzello? no? just me? ok TO unknown 1:33 pm: but hi yes i’m y/n ??? holy shit ??? what the fuck ??? TO unknown 1:34 pm: definitely losing my mind rn   TO unknown 1:34 pm: but also 👀 real talk i was 👀 actually asking you 👀 out TO unknown 1:34 pm: like if you wanted to hang out 👀 haha
    as soon as the last one sends, her heart drops with fear. fuck, what if the actor just wanted to do a fan a favor and answer her dm just for shits and giggles, or, best (worst?) case scenario he wanted to online-befriend her. she can very easily lose the one single chance she’s gotten and--- god, yes, definitely going to throw up. she sends another message in a haste, praying to whomever was up above that her last text actually saved her ass. he responds in actual record time, the girl tucked up on her bed unable to help the excited and very, very, very ugly squeal she let out as she starts reading the messages.
FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: Interesting.... I’ll have to accept your proposal. We meet at dawn! FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: But you’re in Florida right? I think I read that on your account, I hope I didn’t just pull that out of my ass. FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: I haven’t been to Universal down there in God knows how long and I was planning to go at the end of the month funnily enough FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: If dinosaurs and King Kong and Harry Potter and whateva are your thaaaang
    an anxious groan soon follows-- of course this was the alternating year she had gotten a disney annual pass instead of a universal one like last year, and upon further inspection of prices, her bills due, and her bank account, it was a couple hundred dollars she definitely didn’t have to spend. she sets her phone down to calm her now raging anxiety, skin heating up and palms sweating profusely until she fists her comforter in hopes to dry them. asking an actual rich and famous person for financial help just to hang out with them was forcing her eyes to prick with tears-- she had to find something else, right? they could work something else out and she was just overreacting. it takes her verbally saying “you’re crying over universal, chill the heck out” before she comprehends and truly relaxes, tension melting out of her back as a slow breath falls from anxiety ridden lungs.
TO joe omg 1:42 pm: i actually love universal but i have a disney pass right now if maybe that was something you wanted to do TO joe omg 1:43 pm: idk if you’ve ever been to disney world but its so much better than disneyland if i’m honest lmao i’ve gone to california once and i went and i wasn’t super impressed TO joe omg 1:43 pm: i mean it was really cool cause it was the original disney but rides and attractions wise you know what i mean??? anyway im rambling wtf
    the conversation rolls with no further lulls in topics to talk about, one in the afternoon soon turning to one in the morning and her eyes threatening to droop closed. with a final goodnight text the pair decide to resume conversation in the morning, and lord, did she have something to excitedly scream about then.
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divainity-aa · 5 years
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reggie  +  old  age  /  death trigger warnings:  death,  abuse mention,  alcoholism word  count: 2080
richard mantle gets diagnosed with lung cancer at age 65.   reggie  is  age  30.  the mantle men never had a long life expectancy.  riddled with a history of mental illness and addiction, they were doomed behind the delusion of material wealth and success that they were immortal. drowning in more money than they knew what to do with, though lacking in matters of the heart. it’s the start of the family’s estrangement, long overdue. victoria mantle wipes her tears on the drive home from the appointment. features remain motionless when she delivers the news. his heart seems to have no sympathy as she embraces him, searching for some sort of support. his hands remain at their sides. 
he watches as the disease kills his father, having made him into a senile old man with not even half the spunk and livelihood he used to have as a young, up-and-coming entrepreneur. it eats him alive, taking first his body and then his spirit. the chemo, the hair loss, the medication, the appointments. he finds a reason not to be there for any of it. he can’t help but feel a kind of satisfaction, that it’s the universe doing itself due diligence, paying him back for his suffering all these years that he was made afraid in his own home. it was what he had prayed for all these years, every time he bit his tongue saying his father’s name. 
so why wasn’t he happy?
richard mantle dies at age 73.  on his deathbed, he begs to see his only son, now age 38. you’d think the years of treatment would have given them time to reconcile, to move past their past, but the opposite is quite true. pride seems to be the vice on both ends, keeping them apart. his father finds shame in his illness and need for victoria’s constant assistance and reggie has no interest in making amends even in light of a tragedy. the roles have reversed, reggie now the one never home and his parents never leaving. part of it was spite, wanting to leave them alone the way they left him and part of it was in fear that he would be there when it came to an end. 
one night, he’s told that richard called only for him, the heir to his throne, his so-called pride and joy, mumbling something about seeing him before he met with god. he’s told that his father wanted to tell him everything he should have said, beg for forgiveness while he’s bedridden and his mother called for him profusely. he doesn’t pick up the phone.  he picks up the bottle and brings it to his lips instead, for it is  far  more  comforting, in a bar nearly 20 minutes away. waiting. 
there’s a call later in the night, this time from the hospital. 
hi, i’d like to speak to reginald mantle. it’s urgent. ...  yeah.  sir.. we regret to inform you that your father just passed away.  ... sir ? ...  ... sir are you still— is she still there ? your mother? yes she’s still here. do you want me to hand her the pho— no. don’t tell her i answered. .. oh. okay. is there a message you’d like me to pass on? ..... .... sir is there a message— .... tell her to let me know when i get my part of the inheritance.
he was right. his father’s pride would be what killed him.
reggie  doesn’t  attend  the  funeral.  his mother pleads with him on the phone, begging that he’ll do the right thing and put past wrongs aside.  he’s your father, goddamnit!  but he doesn’t show. he burned the invitation, with a match of his own light, watching his father’s glowing portrait disintegrate upon gloss paper. he stares, hoping that some kind memory, some fond recollection that can guilt him into feeling sorry. but like most times, he feels nothing. 
he spits on his grave and pours his father a drink through the soil. he thanks him for nothing and never goes back.
soon, all of riverdale knows and they begin pouring in meaningless condolences. old acquaintances emerge from the woodwork, knowing of the inheritance he has on its way, and honest friends reach out to apologize for something that isn’t their fault. it’s hard to tell which is which, but it doesn’t matter. he ignores them all, paying mind only to the numbness from hard liquor. he packs a bag with his things, enough clothes for a week, before leaving riverdale without intending to return.
reggie moves back into the mantle mansion at age 40. it’s not until years later that he decides that he’s ready to even make a reappearance at what was never a loving home. his mother is there to greet him, she herself decreasing in health and taking after that of her husband.  they’ve not been in contact all this time, too painful for both of them, but still she embraces him with tears in her eyes. for the first time in forever, a hand raises to reciprocate,  tears streaming quietly down chiseled cheeks. maybe it’s the sight of his mother, aged but still the same,  maybe it’s her compassion.  he  was  never  the  perfect  son,  nor  she the perfect mother, but grief has a way of bringing families together after setting them apart.  he’s not quite ready to forgive her and she knows it.  
but he’s home. they both are. 
reggie’s mother dies at age 80.  reggie is age 47. no diagnosis, no illness: simply the wrath of father time. her bones finally became to brittle and her heartbeat too slow. she passes away in her sleep. reggie finds her in the morning when he’s bringing her breakfast. there’s still a grape juice stain on the carpet from where it is he dropped the tray.
he calls the family he never knew, her estranged sister and two brothers. they come to riverdale for a private service and he meets them for the first time, having never before because his mother didn’t keep in contact after marrying. they look so much like her it hurts. they share a few embraces and exchange information. it’s the last time he ever sees them until 20 years later.  they collect her things that she left them and leave before the weekend is over, leaving him with the lease. 
he remembers when he thought the house was emptier with his parents in it.
the mantle foundation and recreational center is founded in 2050.  his hair begins to gray and he’s painfully aware that there’s little time left for him to salvage what’s left of his life. it could be over tomorrow  &  he has no heir:  no wife or children.  his fear of a legacy, of a child bearing his name and his burden too great for him, leaving him truly and utterly alone. and with nothing to lose, more importantly. 
he sells the riverdale gazette for a sizeable amount and uses the earnings to renovate an old building, a former warehouse, into a clubhouse, one for kids ages 12-19.  the doors are always open and there’s no entrance fee— only the request that you treat others the way you’d like to be treated. a rule he never followed. the inheritance he receives from both his mother and father are poured into its operation, furnishing it with love & comfort, and its foundation creates countless opportunities for riverdale’s youth. students are given access to endless resources, human and material alike. new school supplies, toys, books for the taking. tutors, therapists, coaches and advisors at the ready. free of charge, at the disposal of those who otherwise wouldn’t have access. 
college scholarship funds are opened in the names of influential people in his life, including the archie andrews scholarship,  the betty cooper award,  and  the veronica lodge fund  ( in partnership w/her namesake ), to help riverdale’s follow their dreams to higher education. every application is read by reggie himself and he interviews every candidate to hear their stories. he often ends up giving more awards than promised, quite literally having money to burn, just not at anyone’s expense but his own. 
he’s there for all of it.  from getting his hands dirty when the building was built to being there to greet kids every day and lock the building when it’s closing : he is invested. his face is no longer attached to misery, but delight. hope. the kids know him by name when they bustle in after school and he treats them like the children they never had. in a lot of ways, they are.
the people of riverdale almost can’t believe their eyes, its once infamous villain now having had a change of heart. some are still skeptical, others have accepted the change and donate regularly to the cause. he’ll never fully undo the wrongs he’s done, but this is where he begins. and better to have started now, than never being given a chance to.
all the while, he lives a quiet life, tending to his kids at the center when he’s not at home. visits are seldom, but each one is appreciated and cherished as time continues its march alongside him. 
reggie is diagnosed with liver cancer at age 70.  and it seems with every day that he may not outlive his father. damaged by the consumption of hard liquor from premature age has caught up and it’s eager to collect its dues. he lived comfortably in the delusion that illness had skipped his generation, that he was where it ended, but he is sorely mistaken. he refuses all treatment, remembering how it is his father died, under flourescent lights that burned his eyes, and he grimaces. he’d rather die able-bodied, than drag out his suffering. though fearful, he is accepting and continues business as usual. the world still turns and it will even after he goes. 
reggie dies at 75.  it’s in his sleep, the same as his mother. a night he never woke up from. suspicion grows when he’s not seen around town, nor at his own foundation’s headquarters. a coworker finds him after he doesn’t pick up any calls and alerts authorities.
the town comes together for the funeral, knowing there’s no family of his that would do it himself. archie, betty, jughead and veronica help plan it with the help of the lives he’s touched. the scholars he’s changed the futures of return home without a second though and pay their respects. there’s an exchange of stories, recounting every part of his life. the core four give eulogy together. riverdale high pays tribute to him not just as a public servant but for the stellar athlete and leader that he was. there’s a plaque dedicated to him at the mantle foundation center and a portrait painted of his likeness hung to remind all its guests why it is they have what they do. 
his will. he’s cremated, the way he wanted to be, and his ashes spread in the wind, on the shore of his favorite beach. a free spirit while alive, he wanted to same for his soul. he’s also given a gravestone next to his family, just for looks. 
in his will, he leaves the mansion to the next CEO of the mantle foundation, instructing that it’s used to expand their headquarters whether it be to create a second location or another office for its business staff. he leaves each of his three cars to archie, betty, and veronica, telling them they can give it to their kids for their 16th birthday, keep them for themselves, or sell them at market value. whatever works best. his motorcycle goes to jughead. 
he leaves a video for each person who’s stuck around this long behind, on a thumbdrive that’s mailed upon his death. each video is personal, with things he just wants to make sure are known, even after his passing, and heartfelt in its own way. each of the core four receives one and so does his foundation staff.
his personal funds to be completely depleted after this division of assets. the remaining funds are all left to the foundation to ensure it’s kept running until the next person takes charge. 
the empire ended with him, but its name will last forever now because of it.
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nilim · 5 years
My Mythodea Adventure - Part 3
Day 3
This day started off with us finishing the translations, and another battle. As we were finishing up breakfast, our scribe friend from the day before came running up to our camp and yelled “You guys are fighters right?”, we all looked at each other, and went “Eh, not really.” He shook his head and said, “When the bell at the Council rings, come to the temple, because if the battle goes bad, we need fighters to protect the temple.” - we mumbled that we would. He told us that in the meantime we could help with the war effort by giving out water at the battlefield, and that he had a cart we could take with us. 
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Kenna and Cerriel went to take the cart and fill it with water, while I finished translating the documents. Me and Nova then went to visit the scribe, to hand over the translations. We then joined Kenna and Cerriel to help get the cart to the battlefield. 
We spent the next hour or so lugging the cart around the entrance to the battlefield, filling cups with cold water and handing them out to returning warriors. The sun was out, and it was quite hot - especially for those wearing full plate armour. People kept chugging the water and expressing their gratitude for what we were doing. We even handed out water to the GMs! It was honestly very rewarding, and we even earned our first in-game copper as people were very thankful. If you find you’re ever useless on a battlefield, there’s other ways you can be helping and this one was a lot of fun!
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When the battle wound down, we returned the cart to the council, and asked the scribe for our documents back. He asked us ‘why’, and I said ‘So we can donate them to the library’. He immediately said “Of course!’ and then handed us a bunch of documents and told us to donate those as well. We then headed for the Temple of Terra, where I immediately set down and looked through the other documents the scribe had entrusted to us.
They included a letter about the Temple of Terra and how plants and animals had been disappearing, being sold on the black market, and how we should collect money to buy them all up. It also included a hand-drawn map of two levels of the underground tunnels at the central temple, including codes, notes, passageways and other points of interest -- apparently a group from the Explorer’s banner had gone in there earlier, and made this map. I quickly copied it into my own notebook. While there, we noticed that there were two mushrooms growing near the temple that matched the ones we had a drawing of. 
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We then headed towards Trost, and on the way, we passed by the Explorers Banner alchemists. I headed towards them, and I noticed they had the same mushrooms on one of their tables. One of the alchemists looked at me curiously and asked if they could help me with anything. I pointed at the mushrooms and asked them if they knew what they did. He said “No, some people brought them to us but we don’t know their properties.” I smiled, and patted my book, and said:
“Would you like to find out?” 
At this point, two more alchemists joined in the conversations, and I told them that the mushrooms could be used to enhance potions of healing. They were very interested in the information, and I told them I could leave the book with them for them to copy. They were happy. I then said it would cost a couple of copper. The alchemists looked at each other, then called in their keeper of coins. We were paid, and I handed the book to them with the promise to come by later to pick it up again. At this point, the main guy talking to us noticed that the beaker he had been experimenting with before we arrives was burning, so he turned around going “Shit! Fuck!” and tried to save it. We left him to it. 
I had now discovered information was valuable, and that we could make a business out of this. My sisters were also slowly discovering that selling information was actually fun to do. 
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We headed to Trost and back to the Atelier, where we found our slippery slope friend. I showed him some of the documents, including the new documents, and asked which one he would be interested in. He told us he was interested in the underground map, and the mushrooms. I asked what he could pay us. He told us ‘Are you only interested in money, or do you want to make it more interesting?’. I asked what he had in mind, and he told us he could give us a favour instead. I asked what his kind of favours entailed, and he said that he could ‘make problems disappear’.
We all looked at each other, but because I wasn’t quite sure how far this favour could go, I asked ‘Can it make people disappear?’. He grinned and leaned back and said ‘I can even make the problem that the person disappeared, disappear”. 
He looked us over, and then said; ‘As I get the strong feeling you all have a bone to pick, I have to tell you - Archons will cost more.” This caused my brain to blue-screen, because Archons are very powerful people - basically leaders of the different banners chosen by the elements. This meant that everyone under the level of ‘Archon’ was apparently fair game --- this was a very powerful favour! 
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My sisters and me nodded at each other, and then I shook his hand and gave him the map, and told him I would come by to give the mushroom info later - as it was currently not in my possession. We witnessed several more ‘projections’ at the atelier, which were interesting, but I won’t get into. While leaving the Atelier, me and my sisters lost our composure and gushed at each other about the favour we just had required, and that we didn’t even have enemies, but we almost felt like we had to kill someone just not to disappoint our demon friend.
At a certain point we headed back towards camp, and passed by the fire temple. We completed our quests there, and received several more fire elemental pearls. We then went on to collect our notebook and make dinner. Near our campsite, we met two of the french scholars again - both flora and fauna guys, and we immediately shared the fact that we had info on mushrooms if they were interested. We showed them our campsite, and one of them asked us if he could swing by later to copy it. After dinner, he came by as promised, we gave him some of our food and he diligently copied our info - and our map - and then talked to us a little bit about ourselves and about their group. As a thanks for our info, he gave us one of his hand-drawn maps of mythodea! It is very beautiful, and must have cost a bunch of work, and it is currently hanging on the wall above my computer at home!
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After dinner, we wanted to head back to the atelier to give the mushroom info to our demon friend. We passed by the temple of fire again, and what do you know! Our Queen of Dragonflies was back, and apparently in some sort of stand-off with champions of the banners in the fighting ring. It had started to rain.
We joined to watch, and in the middle of her speech she turned to me and my sisters and tried to embrace us, under the watchful eye of about a hundred settlers who had been gathered there. When she reached for Nova, several soldiers behind us yelled NO - and tried to get to her, but were to late, as Nova reached out and hugged her. Next, she reached out for me - and still being under the enchantment spell, I reached out for her. 
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I grabbed her hand, but then was violently grabbed from behind and dragged into the crowd by a bunch of soldiers and priests, who held me back and yelled at me not to fall for her magic. I yelled that she had my sister, and one of the soldiers looked upset and told me they would try their best to get her back, but for now I must only watch her from afar and not get too close. Apparently they did the same to Kenna, although I missed this in the ruckus. 
We watched the proceedings - several champions stepped forward to fight against the champions of the Queen of Dragonflies, and also the Lord of Pestilence. While this was going on, I noticed a mage among the soldiers who snuck up to people who were enchanted, and would grab them and perform dispel magic on them to bring them back to their own sanity. We eventually wound up not watching the fights, as it suddenly began to rain very hard -- and as most of us didn’t have on a sturdy cape, we fled to seek shelter in a nearby tavern. 
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After the rain had calmed down, we went back to the Atelier, where I found Radavan. It was somewhat busy, and he was sitting on a throne next to one of the other keepers of the Atelier. When he noticed us, he told the other keeper to go get some beer, and laughed that ‘Not that I’m trying to get rid of you or anything.”. He then invited me to sit next to him on one of the thrones, ‘an honour not bestowed on many people’. I accepted the invite, and we laughed through the pleasantries, before handing him the information. He asked us if we were there to acquire the favour, but I told him not yet. I think maybe he was expecting us to ask him to kill someone right then and there, but we decided to hang onto the favour for a while more. 
After this we went to a couple more taverns, bought a bottle of celtic fire whiskey, and spent some time drinking while walking around Trost. At around 12:30, we remembered we still had to complete the water temple mission - so we walked out of Trost through the south, past the middle temple towards the other banner.
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It was very, very dark on this field, with not a lot of people around. It was also misty (a lot of the nights were misty). This meant that we were walking around a wide, open field in the pitch dark, while in the distance you could see this gray mist hang across the grass, only slightly illuminated by the campsites behind the trees. It was like a movie set. 
We were… slightly tipsy at this point, and as we neared the gate to the Adamant banner, I said “I think the gate is closed”. My sisters disagreed, but I could see the gate now, and it looked pretty closed. Suddenly, a guy ran up to us from out of the darkness, his sword held above his head - ready to strike. We all took a step back, and yelled out in surprise. I think he immediately noticed we weren’t a threat, and he lowered his weapon. He looked us over and said the iconic line:
“The gate is closed right now. Also, we have a slight problem with undead on this field.” 
At that point we looked around a little more clearly, and indeed, one could see shambling figures all around us in the dark mists. We were all like, NOPE, NOPITY NOPE. The soldier then said:
“But you can maybe make it to the smaller side gate, if you’re fast. Maybe.” 
We all went; NOPE, thanks! -- Cerriel and Nova immediately turned around and completely booked it off the field, leaving me and Kenna behind as we stumbled behind them. Halfway across the field, Kenna stopped so she could readjust her cape - and Cerriel came back running towards us to scream at us “NO!! You do NOT adjust your CAPE in the middle of a field of UNDEAD!! Hurry the fuck up!” - at this point, I was laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face.
In the end, we made it to our campsite safe and sound, and vowed to only visit the other banners during the daytime. 
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abybweisse · 6 years
Anime episodes and BotA vs Manga Masterpost, part 2:
Here’s part two of a reply to this anon ask:
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Season 1 episodes (cont.):
11. “However You Please”. Ciel recalls the night of the attack and the fire, and of his parents’ deaths. Lizzie becomes distraught and goes missing. While Sebastian tries to compile a list of suspects of whomever might be taking these girls, Ciel is encountered by Grelle, who says it’s because of a puppeteer named Drocell Keinz. They go to a tower where Grelle fights off animated dolls, and Ciel tries to stay out of Deocell’s grasp. Sebastian shows up at throw tower, too. Drocell strikes me as an anime parallel to both the manga’s Joker (and the troupe from the circus arc) and Blavat Sky. Joker and the circus troupe for kidnapping children and Blavat for luring in the general public and taking/keeping Lizzie. The circus troupe and Blavat both use music and general fanfare to attract their targets... and there’s a use of drugs in both cases (to make the kidnapped children not realize what’s happening... and to make music hall visitors sleep while blood is taken from them). The dolls, created by Drocell, from these girls recalls not just the lobotomied children in Kelvin’s manor and the brainwashed people at Sphere Music Hall, but also Undertaker’s Bizarre Dolls. None of this makes it into the anime until the “Book of Circus” and “Book of the Atlantic”; the blue sect arc hasn’t been animated (yet), but many aspects of it are foreshadowed or paralleled in the first two seasons of the anime.
12. “Forlorn”. Sebastian saves Ciel, but Lizzie is still under Drocell’s control, and she attacks Ciel. This is a lot like how Lizzie in the blue sect arc has joined the side of real Ciel, Blavat, and Undertaker... for now. Sebastian and Grelle release Lizzie from this manipulation before she can be turned completely into one of those dolls, defeat the apparently dead-girls-turned-dolls, and then defeat Drocell... who turns out to be nothing more than a corpse-turned-doll, too. Then they try to confront the supposed master, but it, too, is a puppet of some sort, controlled by another from some distance.
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Why Sebastian doesn’t immediately pursue it has not been answered to my satisfaction. Anyway, he doesn’t. Lizzie throws a 13th birthday party for Ciel. This birthday party completely replaces ch14 in the manga. Meanwhile, the little puppet goes to its true master, who turns out to be Angela Blanc. This is one of the many reasons why I think John Brown in the manga is a parallel to Angela/Ash in the anime: John Brown is seen many times using a hand puppet of the deceased Prince Albert to placate the queen when she despairs in mourning for her late husband....
13. “Freeloader”. This (and the next two episodes) is a greatly altered anime adaptation of the curry or yellow butler arc from the manga. Ciel and Sebastian meet Soma and Agni, who are looking for a runaway servant, Mina. Sebastian is stunned by Agni’s agility, then the tables are turned, and the Indian prince and his khansama end up at Phantomhive manor as unexpected guests. We get the story of Kali, and we get the fencing match (that ends in a draw) between Sebastian and Agni. Agni gets the other servants to help with dinner, then he explains he’s looking for Soma’s former nursemaid, Mina, who has run off with some unknown wealthy Englishman.
14. “Supremely Talented”. Part two of the anime adaptation of the curry/yellow butler arc. They discover it’s Harold West, a wealthy merchant, who has wed Mina and brought her to England. We get the deer-headed Sebastian scene, but then Sebastian tells Soma that Agni will abandon him one day. Ciel, on the other hand, tells Soma to never give up on his goals, citing his own parents’ deaths as his example. There are many departures from canon in this, since manga Sebastian praises Agni’s loyalty, and manga “Ciel” tells Soma he’s foolish for caring about some servant who has left his service. There is then mention of a curry festival to be sponsored by the queen... and West’s intention of using Agni’s mastery of curry-making to win the contest. Agni recalls his own shady past and Soma’s actions that saved him. At the curry contest, Mina is seen and confronts Soma with the fact that she left his palace (and India) to escape the caste system. Queen Victoria shows up at the beginning of the contest with her butler, Ash Landers; this is a departure from the manga version in two major ways: in the manga, she shows up at the end of the contest just in time to break a tie between Agni and Sebastian, and in the manga, she is accompanied by her horse-master, John Brown... along with the aforementioned hand puppet of Prince Albert.
15. “Competing”. Sebastian uses chocolate as the revealed secret ingredient in his curry and makes curry buns (just as in the manga). Agni relies on not just his culinary skills but also blue lobster, much to the Viscount of Druitt’s enjoyment (also in the manga). However, here a third competitor uses a mysterious spice provided by Angela. Sebastian wins with his curry buns, but the people who tried the curry made with the mysterious spice become possessed and violent; order isn’t restored until each of them is forced to take a bite of the curry buns. (This reminds me of s2’s Hannah using one glass instrument to control people until Sebastian uses another to break the spell.) Afterwards, Soma and Agni simply return to their homeland. That is another of the biggest changes to the curry arc, since those two stay in England in the manga; they are sent to manage the Phantomhive townhouse in London and play important roles in other arcs. In order to fix this, they had to be brought back to the anime later....
16. “In an Isolated Castle”. Abandoned Ludlow Castle is on the Phantomhive estate, and it’s been slated to become a hotel and resort (with a bathhouse, I believe). The workers are too spooked by the ghosts of two princes assassinated four hundred years ago — Edward V and his younger brother, Richard, Duke of York. Ciel loses a game of chess to this Edward, and Edward selects Sebastian as his winnings. Ciel orders Sebastian to serve as butler to these ghosts of Edward and Richard. Ciel and Sebastian find a secret passage in the castle. The mystery of their deaths is solved, and they thank them for it and depart from the human realm... as Ciel promises to leave the castle as is; he won’t renovate it. This story is vaguely based on the true story of those two princes having gone missing (and presumed dead) from the Tower of London. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_V_of_England It can also be suspected that this was included as a very vague reference to real Ciel and his younger brother, our earl, who had both gone missing after the attack at the manor... and to brothers Luka and Jim Macken/Alois Trancy in s2, who were finally reunited in death. Oh, but then again, this can also be seen as a parallel to the green witch arc, since Sebastian has to serve Sieglinde as her butler for a time... and a secret passage is discovered that leads to the truth of the mysterious curse upon the village and surrounding woods.
17. “Offering”. Ash Landers informs Ciel of an abandoned monestery (in Preston, Lancashire) taken over by a cult that could be a threat to the government (and the crown). Ciel and Sebastian gang up with Grelle and Undertaker and find out that reaper library copies of numerous cinematic records have been stolen. They go to the monastery. Sebastian “does what Sebastian does” to a nun named Matilda Simmons 😉... and learns that the cult has a “doomsday book” to recruit new members. It exposes their pasts and makes them seek salvation through purification rites. Ciel, Sebastian, and Grelle witness a “cleansing ceremony”. Ciel is later summoned and taken away by Angela, revealed as an angel. Though we don’t know yet how the blue sect arc ends, the parallels developing here are pretty strong.
18. “Transmitted”. Angela uses cinematic records to force Ciel to recall his past and tries to rewrite them with new memories — an attempt to make Ciel give up on his quest for revenge. Ciel stops this attempt by himself. Sebastian and Grelle go to the reaper library and seek help from William, who explains that an angel cannot change the past but can only change one’s impression of the past. (Visions of John Brown and that Prince Albert puppet come sharply to my mind again.) Angela then uses a cinematic record to trap Ciel in a meadow to face some fake representation of his parents — another attempt to make Ciel let go of his quest for revenge. Again, Ciel thwarts her attempt. Angela then traps Ciel, Sebastian, Grelle, Undertaker, and William in the reaper library... then she leaves and sets to “purify” all the members of the cult. Undertaker places a special bookmark in the library copy of Matilda’s cinematic record to magically transport Sebastian, Grelle, and William to the chapel where Angela has gathered the cultists. Angela destroys the building, monks and nuns evacuate as best they can, and Angela escapes from the scene. It’s this episode where we get the first anime reveal of Undertaker as a reaper. Here, he’s treated as the legendary reaper to whom even babies willingly gave up their lives. He collected the souls of Robin Hood and Marie Antoinette. Grelle pulls back Undertaker’s bangs and immediately falls for him.
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However, it’s William who makes these proclamations about Undertaker, while standing in front of a statue of Undertaker... depicting his appearance during his active soul-collecting years. There is none of this scene in the manga, at least not yet. In the manga, we don’t learn Undertaker used to be a reaper until he reveals this himself during the Campania arc, which is later adapted for anime in the movie, Book of the Atlantic. Herein lies the major cause for confusion on the part of the anon who originally asked about all this. Again, we don’t know yet how the blue sect arc ends, but it’s possible that our earl and Sebastian end up learning more about Undertaker through William or another reaper. And the anime reference to Robin Hood suggests that Undertaker is indeed old, possibly even by reaper standards. The oldest timeline for Robin Hood in a story is AD1194... in Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott. It’s also the first time the name Cedric is shown in print, since Scott came up with that spelling from similar names. More on that later....
19. “Imprisioned”. John Stanley, who worked for the queen, is found dead in The Thames, and Ash wants Ciel to recover something from the corpse. Ciel goes to Lau and finds out about a new drug called Lady Blanc. The drug is also found in large quantities in one of the Funtom warehouses, so Ciel and Lau are charged with drug trafficking, but Lau escapes. Ciel is separated from Sebastian, who ends up in the Tower of London. The arrest orders came from Ash; the drugs had been planted there. This looks similar to our earl in the manga getting arrested by the Yard for impersonating his older twin, plus false, planted evidence of our earl being Lord Sirius coming in as blood vials found on the property... only for our earl and Sebastian to escape and then to end up at Lau’s opium den and discussing plans to leave England.
20. “Escaping”. Sebastian is tortured by Angela in the Tower of London, where he admits to having previously done all sorts of things, like causing the Black Plague. In the manga, he has yet to admit to much of anything in his past beyond attending events at Schönbrunn Palace, where he apparently learned the Viennese waltz. Meanwhile, Fred Abberline declares his loyalty to Ciel, but Ciel pursues John Stanley’s case on his own. This reminds me of Abberline in the manga trying to keep our earl’s hands clean during future investigation, and I bet there will be more about this later in the manga. Ciel frees Sebastian merely by summoning him with the contract. In the manga, the other servants, minus Tanaka, free both our earl and Sebastian from the carriage taking them to the Yard. They get onto Lau’s boat as Lau and Ran-Mao are trying to flee the country. Sebastian duels Ran-Mao while Ciel faces off against Lau. Abberline steps in just in time to get killed by a blow from Lau meant for Ciel. As of ch147, our earl, Sebastian, and the other Phantomhive servants (except Tanaka, who is at the manor) are at Lau’s opium den... just after he and Ran-Mao had saved them from the pursuing Lord Randall and other men from the Yard. So far, they seem to be working together, and Lau has set aside plans to use an escape boat for himself and Ran-Mao. At least for now; it’s actually our earl and Sebastian talking about leaving England. However, it could be that they disagree again before the two parties go separate ways.... Anyway, Sebastian strikes Lau (but apparently doesn’t kill either Lau or Ran-Mao, as they explain later in s2). Then Sebastian and Ciel leave the boat as it sinks. So, in the manga, we are waiting to see how things go with Lau and Ran-Mao back in action... plus whatever happens when Abberline pops back up; seems he’s been taken off the case, but I doubt he’s quit working on it....
On to the third masterpost to continue this comparison between anime and manga.... (Uh, probably not until tomorrow. These first couple posts took me several hours to reacquaint myself with s1 anime episodes and type.)
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