#cause it failed here qwq
karimelthefloof · 1 year
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We had a power outage due to somebody cutting the powerline with a chainsaw (Fun!) BUUTT it allowed me to practice inking and coloring instead of scrolling through tumblr and youtube-
Although i did spend the whole outage drawing this one art and listening to spooky stories on youtube cause i had anough phone battery to last me a day >->
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ikamigami · 6 months
I believe what Dark Sun told Foxy is true.
Maybe it's because of what he said about our Sun not surviving..
This.. I think that this cements it for me that Dark Sun isn't actually that bad.
I mean I think that he's not telling the full truth when he says that he only cares about his own ass.
Cause I think that he cares about something here. In our dimension. Or maybe about someone?
It might be just my wishful thinking but what if Dark Sun feels some kind of sentiment towards our Sun?
Cause when he was watching a bits from the channel it seemed to me as if he saw there something that he maybe wanted to be with his Moon or maybe he just in our Sun something he lost after all these times Moon refused to cooperate..
We were wondering on Discord when I still was active there how Dark Sun would feel about our Sun if he met him.
We didn't have them meeting each other and while Dark Sun didn't state that he hates our Sun for being a punching bag or that he feels a bit sympathetic towards him or that he doesn't care about him at all.. I feel like those little bits show that Dark Sun might actually feel sorry for our Sun.
I mean cause look, he told Moon that he should be worried about Sun and let him know where Sun is.. even though he could just simply say for example "don't worry about your dear Sun, check the lighthouse".. but he didn't. He said "you should be worried about Sun.."
And when Dark Sun was counting people who could built Eclipse - people who knows how to copy paste a personality - and he made a weird pause when he said Sun's name.. people thought that Sun is actually the one who is working with Ruin and helped him bring Eclipse back. But I think that Dark Sun hesitated because of how much our Sun doesn't believe in his own smarts. Sun can copy paste a personality - he did that with Moon's computer.. but remember how he said that it was just dumb luck?
And Dark Sun also said that Sun won't survive the aftermath of Ruin's "thanos' snap thing"..
And him watching their channel - he only later went to the episode with Ruin's interrogation - he was watching one of the games at first..
Doesn't it all seems odd to you? Why Dark Sun would be like that towards our Sun who "failed" in every way Dark Sun didn't?
Shouldn't he be angry at our Sun for being a doormat to everyone? For not being able to stand up for himself? Not being able to speak his mind to Moon?
Does Dark Sun might actually feel sorry for our Sun?
Maybe, and it might be my wishful thinking once again, Dark Sun isn't angry at our Sun because he.. gaah I can't find the right word xp..
Maybe Dark Sun admires, is sentimental about Sun's kindness?
I can't word it out how I want for the love of all that exist QwQ
What I mean is that Sun has this kindness and lots of empathy which is what Dark Sun lost. And I think that maybe Dark Sun feels some sort of grief.. for lack of better word.. it's like he's grieving who he was.
Cause like many people speculated me included that Dark Sun just became so cold, distant and emotionally detached to be able to stay on his ground, to be able to cut off the toxic people from his life - Moon literally and creator and Stitchwraith got killed. He has his peace but at what cost?
I think that our Sun is for Dark Sun a bitter-sweet reminder of what he had to sacrifice in order to achieve his peaceful life. I think that our Sun reminds Dark Sun of how he used to be as if he was looking at his younger self.
You know what I mean? It's similar to when you see yourself in someone else and you see all those aspects of you that were sweet but they're gone and you're not like that anymore. And you can't help it but to feel sympathy towards that person.
I think that the same is with Dark Sun. I think that he feels a little bit of sympathy towards our Sun because of how Sun is still kind and compassionate and forgiving. And Dark Sun used to be like that as well. And now he looks at Sun and can't help but to feel sympathy towards him. And he can't help but to feel sorry for Sun because of how much Sun struggles all because of his kind heart.
And because Dark Sun has a star - and interdimensional star at that - he probably saw things from future and he saw that Sun will try to do something to himself. Or that's what I think is the case.
I might be wrong but for me it can't be a coincidence with the way Dark Sun is whenver he mentions our Sun.
And that's why I think that he might want to try to prevent this from happening. But will he be successfull? Will he be able to convince others to listen to him?
We shall see. I can't wait to see what showrunners have in store for us.
At the end I'll say that I'm really happy to see that Foxy tries to do better as a father of FC this time and that he took FC with him to try and if kid can help with anything awwwww 💗
Also I wonder what are they doing wrong with the way they're trying to bring Solar back.. maybe they need Eclipse's help? Hmmm..
Either way something interesting will happen on April 8th to say the least.. I can feel it.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Hellooooooooo Brick!!! How’re you doing? :]
I actually have an idea for my 100 followers fic, so das pretty good! School tomorrow though qwq
I’m failing all languages except English, especially greek and Latin…
how’s school been for you?
Also I can now play a slightly recognisable version of both a part of pirates of the caribbean and livin’ on a prayer on guitar!! :D I’m very happy about that, especially the second one
Probably gonna go to sleep very soon, gotta get up early tomorrow :/
Cookies? 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
hello munchkin!!!!
THAT'S AWESOME ?? !! i can't wait ,, i hope the writing process goes well for you! :-3 if you ever need a proofreader for it i'm always here :D
OUGHHH don't remind me i still have homework to do >:I my assignment is WRITING i don't even know how i'm not thrilled at the idea of writing aahghfjsjefs
AWW no iM sorry to hear that :( i hope you're able to somehow bring them up 'cause that's never a fun feeling. is there any way you could like stop taking the class(es) if they get Too Much?
my school's going alright, 68 on my math test but i can get .5% back every question i revise ,,,
OOOh that sounds epic!!! guitar is such a cool instrument and it's Universal like once you master guitar you've succeeded dsjvsdj ,, so that's awesome! :D i would LOVE to hear how pirates of the carribean sounds on a guitar i will have to look that up,,, is it acoustic or electric ?
AHH i see! you were on a couple minutes ago but i hope you head to bed soon cause YEAH another five days of early mornings 😞
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years
Day 7 - A Mountain With No Silver Lining
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42245265
Summary: Red’s hands are making it hard to climb the mountain. He wonders if it’s really worth it.
Note: Red is not so slowly climbing the ranks of my favorite dexholders and here’s my love letter to him. </3   
Btw, my own hands shake a lot from time to time so this is also a TINY bit of a vent, not really though because it doesn’t cause me THAT many problems, but still.  
Sorry about this being late, I had to go to a school celebration qwq.   
I listened to “Aria Math, but your Minecraft world is ending around you,” (by Tumble40 on YT) while writing this, highly recommended.
Cws and Tws: Injury, self doubt, panic attack
Words: 1,115
Prompt: THE WAY YOU SHAKE AND SHIVER | Shaking Hands | Seizures | Silent Panic Attack
Fic (under cut):
Red shuddered, his shoulders shaking as he dragged himself up the boulder. It was slippery with snow as his fingers failed to put any muscle into grasping it. He was so tired. Was this even worth it? He stared up the mountain, horrified to see it stretching for miles and miles nearly straight up over him. Little ledges let off steam as spring water (which he knew bubbled there) made contact with the air. Regretfully though, they were all quite far away.
He grit his teeth and forced himself a bit further. He pressed stomach first to the cold stone surface of the mountain. Little shards of ice and rock stabbed through his thin shirt, and he wondered for a moment if he should stop to put on a coat. Immediately though, the thought was shaken away. He didn’t need that. He had to get up to the springs as quickly as possible, so that his hands and feet could be healed.
  He bit back a yelp of pain as he slid down the boulder a little bit, his ankles shaking too hard to hold himself up any longer. He landed hard, and narrowly avoided falling even further down the slope. Fortunately though, Blue’s Charizard was there to catch him. The dragon’s tail wrapped around him in a way that was oddly comforting for something that was literally on fire. (Maybe it was the warmth that was welcoming, given that he welcomed it so much.)
“Thanks Char,” he coughed, righting himself and turning to put his back against the rock he had just slid off. (Unfortunately Charizard pulled his tail away as well.)
Red looked up and he watched as a few snowflakes danced in the air above him. They looked so happy up there, dancing freely in the air that he couldn’t manage to get to. He felt Charizard watching him. The dragon wanted to fly too, but something about the air on this mountain had made his flames unpredictable (and therefore flying far too dangerous, at least if he had Red on his back.). 
It was almost like the mountain didn’t want him here, like it didn’t even want him to get better. He squeezed his eyes shut so as to fight the tears. (If he started crying the tears would freeze, and that had no way to end well.) But he had to heal! He knew that some people didn’t feel the need to heal from something like this, but he knew that he did.
He wanted to get better.
But the mountain, and the cold, and the snow… 
None of it sent the message that the universe wanted him healed.
Red felt a sudden shock of warmth as Charizard curled around him. The dragon’s tail was held a little ways away, as the sparks shot oddly high into the air in the strange winds of the mountain, but his wings were held in a way that kept the snow from falling.
“Thank you Charizard,” Red murmured, feeling a strange panic building in his gut as he stared down at his ankles. (They were still shaking. Why were they still shaking?) “I really appreciate it.)
Charizard made a gruff roaring sound, but it was muffled as a blisteringly cold wind swept through the area. Red made to rub his arms, but found that his hands didn’t have the strength to hold them. He tried to hold in the panic that such a realization shot through him. If his fingers weren’t working even enough to hold his own arms, he definitely couldn’t put on a coat.
But somehow, even as his entire body shook with the cold of the storm that was beginning to roll in, that was the least of his worries. His mind raced with images of himself inches away from the springs (his entire team knocked out in some horrible accident), finding himself unable to drag himself any further. Himself staying in the springs for days and weeks and months, but not getting better.
Not ever getting better.
Red realized that he was finding it hard to breathe.
The world raced around him and Charizard curled his tail a bit closer, the body heat of the dragon not helping much to stop the icey cold of panic that was spreading from Red’s heart. He fought to breathe at a normal speed (or even to breathe at all) as another shock of wind bit through the small gap between Charizard and him. 
Was he freaking out? He was definitely freaking out.
His feet felt like dead weight, and he could hardly move his hands. Was that the cold? Was that the panic? Was that just the delayed pain of a former icey imprisonment? Maybe it was all three at once?
Red squeezed his eyes shut. The wind was whirling and whistling, but his head was somehow outdoing it with its own spinning and screaming. There was no air in his lungs, he was sure of it. He was so dizzy, his body was so heavy, and his heart was so cold with fear. Was it even worth the trek up the mountain if this was all he was going to be gifted with? This empty terror of what might happen in the future?
He felt a sudden warmth on his face. 
Red looked up. The snow was falling thick now, but he could still see Charizard. The dragon was looking at him, his large intelligent eyes clearly understanding what he was going through. 
“Char…” Red murmured, the choking feeling in his throat lessening as the dragon’s gaze brought him back to reality. 
He watched as Charizard breathed in (his chest puffed up impressively), and then breathed out (a tiny lick of flame brightened the sudden darkness of the blinding white around them). Red watched him again, and found, with great surprise, that he was following the dragon’s breathing. Sure, he wasn’t exhaling flames each time, but the slow repetitiveness was warming him up all the same.
Even in the center of a blizzard, Red found the icey panic that had surrounded his heart beginning to melt. First his breathing became more regular, and then the worries that had encased his mind drifted away, and then, finally, feeling began to return to his fingers. 
It was like he was alive anew. 
And, as the wind whipped past the two of him, Red found himself whispering (for the third time that day) as he thanked Charizard. 
He could do this. He had to. This was worth it. He knew it. He turned to look up at the blankness past the snow. 
But, even he knew when to admit that it was break time.
End of fic notes: I love Red a lot, also I'm really proud of this lol. Sorry again that it's late, I'll try to get todays finished today also, but it might be posted tomorrow because I'm running out of time on my computer.
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mcmxrtinski · 1 year
I'm tryin to rewrite or more like restructure re6 so it makes more sense. Don't get me wrong I really like this game! No re6 hater here! but:
m sorry Helena bby (n Laura Bailey bby) but I want Claire with Leon instead Dx and them reuniting with Sherry qwq (I have made Helena a side character cause I don't have the heart to erase her existence)
and let's be fair Chris shoulda def kicked the bucket instead of Piers, imagine a new gen of RE with Piers, Sherry and Jake taking the lead?? that woulda been so dope imo
and for Sherry and Jake, I would've thought it cool if this was Sherry's first real mission as an agent so she's super high strung and stressed and doesn't wanna fail and be locked up again, so she butts heads with Jake at first who keeps joking and making things difficult but yk they warm up to each other, she explains things, and they're just supportive of each other and their struggles ♡
and the game woulda concluded with everyone at Chris' funeral, speeches given by Claire, Jill (!!! I'm includin her in my rewrite), Piers and maybe others (Barry? Rebecca? Sheva?) since this is us sayin goodbye to /the/ Chris Redfield, it's gotta be a big thing and emotional imo
but yea just some thoughts
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minty-fanfic-corner · 3 years
"I don't care" pt.3 (Childe & Xiao)
As i said, "I don't care" part three is here! With Xiao and Childe!
I finally had a proper day off after so long qwq I hope you're all doing well too!
Please, note that this is the last part of this serie!
Warning: Angst, modern AU, not proof-read
A/N: Same as usual, tell me if I made any big mistakes aaaa
BEFORE YOU READ! This isn't related to the fic in anyway, but I'm thinking about opening a Ko-fi both for fanfics commissions and art commissions. You can see some of my art on my tumblr! I'd still be open to request, but of course commissions would be priority and I could make them more personal (like with your oc) if you wish! So if you're interested, please tell me!
Part 1 here (Kaeya & Zhongli)
Part 2 here (Thoma & Diluc)
Childe came back after a long day of work in your shared appartement. You weren’t home yet, and he dragged himself to your shared bedroom. There, he let himself fall on the bed, still fully clothed. He slowly dragged a blanket over his body and closed his eyes, hoping to get some rest. As he started to fall asleep, he heard the door being opened and closed rather quickly. Soon after, the red haired heard your footsteps making their way quickly to the bedroom. There again, you opened the door quickly, before walking over the bed, a big smile all over your face. He glanced at you rapidly, wondering what your smile was about.
“I passed my exam!!” You fumbled in your backpack for a few seconds before showing him the paper proudly. “I was so scared to fail, I studied all week for it and I made it! With a pretty good grade, too!” you exclaimed, still showing him the piece of paper.
Childe looked at you for a few seconds before mumbling something.
That was all. That was all he said. You felt your heart ached as your lover turned his back to you. You had worked so hard to pass this exam, and this was all he said to you? You frowned before asking:
“That’s all?”
“Well, what else do you want me to say?”, he shrugged, his back still facing you.
“Maybe just something with more energy? And with a hug??”
You had barely finished talking that Childe sat up in the bed rather quickly, looking at you with anger in his eyes. Without breaking eye contact, he spat out:
“Well, (Y/N), congrats! I’m so proud of you! There, I said it. Happy now?”
You shook your head lightly. The pain in your heart was getting unbearable and you felt the need to apologize. But before any words could leave your mouth, he spoke up again.
“Can’t you see I’m tired?? I have other things to do than just give you a pat in the back for small and insignificant things!”
That was the final blow. You felt your heart shattering in a thousand pieces and felt a lump in your throat. Still, you managed to let out a small “sorry” before leaving the room and closing the room softly behind you. After the door closed, Childe tried to go back to sleep.
But of course, he couldn’t go back to sleep. He was too worried about you. He kept thinking about the pained look on your face as his words left his mouth. And the more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt. And now, he felt as if he was drowning in guilt. Yet, he managed to fall asleep for a few minutes. Those minutes were the worst of his life. He kept dreaming of you. He kept dreaming about how he was the cause of all this pain.
“You never cared, right Ajax? I should have known. No one ever cared… So I guess it’s goodbye now.”
He woke up after you said those words in his dream. Childe’s thoughts were racing. He got out of the bed quickly and went to the living room, which was dark and cold. You were no where to be found in your appartement. Childe felt himself getting more and more panicked every seconds. He finally found his phone and tried to call you, to no avail. He decided to leave a message.
“(Y/N)… I’ll be home when you come back. Or… Even if you don’t come back, please, let me know that you’re safe.”
A few hours went by. Childe was now laying on the couch, an arm over his eyes. His heart was beating so fast, he felt as if it was about to jump out of his chest. He actually felt his heart jump when he heard to front door opened. He got up quickly and came face to face with you, eyes red from crying.
-(Y/N)… I… I’m so sorry…
He got up and walked up to you. He pulled you close to him. And, to his surprise, you hugged him back. You were still shaking, a few sobs leaving your lips.
-My love, I’m so sorry… If only you knew how proud of you I am. I know how hard you studied for this test, and I’m proud of you for passing. You’re amazing…
You buried your face in his chest. You thought he would still be mad at you, so it felt great to hear him say those words.
“Where did they go again…” Xiao mumbled to himself.
You and him went to the mall as you needed some stuff for your new appartement. Xiao thought you had grabbed everything you needed already, but you insisted to go see a new shop that had opened a few days ago. Something with stuff animals if he remembered correctly. But now, you had taken off all by yourself. Your boyfriend was now looking for you. When he finally noticed your hair down an aisle, he let out a small sigh before making his way to you.
“Oh, Xiao! Perfect timing!” you exclaimed as you noticed him. He gave you a puzzled look as you said this. You laughed slightly at his expression before showing him a stuffed dragon. “Look at him! Isn’t he adorable??”
Xiao seemed to be a little taken aback as you showed him the plushie. He looked at it for a moment before asking:
“Why would you buy it?”
Now, it was your turn to be taken aback. You knew that Xiao wasn’t really found of stuffed animals and such, but you still didn’t expect his question.
“Well… I think it’s cute… And it’s soft!”
“… I think it’s useless.”
Once again, you were quite surprised by your lover’s words. You frowned as you processed what he just said. You finally spoke up after a few seconds.
“But why…?”
“Look (Y/N), it’s a stuffed animal. It can’t do anything! It’s just a waste of money!”
You didn’t dare to look at him. Your gaze was glued to your feet as his words hit you. When he was done talking, you simply put the dragon back on the shelf.
“Alright… I suppose we can go home now…”
As you made your way back home, your gaze remained cast on the floor.
When you got back to your appartement, you went to your bedroom quickly. You took all your stuffed animals and put them away in the closet. Xiao was probably right… Stuffed animals can’t do anything but sit their and collect dust. Maybe they really are a waste of money and space after all. As you put your last plushie away, you bit down your bottom lip. They were special to you, and you loved them. You felt bad for putting them away. Especially since at the moment, you just wanted to hug them and get some comfort. Still, you closed the door of the closet without looking at them. When night came, Xiao noticed something changed in the room. Yet, he couldn’t say what it was. He shrugged it off.
“If I can’t remember it, it probably wasn’t important.”
His eyes then darted over to you. You were asleep already, far from him.
When Xiao opened the closet when he woke up, he noticed something on the ground in a corner. As he couldn’t tell what it was, he squatted down and reached to the objects hiding in the corner. When his hands reached something soft, he couldn’t tell what it was. It was only once he brought the object in the light that he understood. Xiao looked at the plushie for a long moment as thoughts were racing in his memories. He remembered your sad expression yesterday as he told you that stuffed animals were only a waste of money. You probably hid the ones that you already owned for that reason… His eyes darted back to the bed. By now, you were long gone as you worked this morning. It would also explain why you were so far from him last night. You were simply hurt. Xiao pulled the other stuffed animals from the closet and put them carefully on the bed.
You were now standing by your bed, confused. All your plushies were carefully put on the covers, and a new one was sitting with them all. The dragon you saw yesterday was now proudly standing on your bed as well. Confused, you took it in your arms and hugged it close. Nope, this wasn’t a dream.
Your turned around, surprised. Before you could say anything, you felt Xiao’s arms around you. He hugged you close and kissed the top of your head before adding:
-I’m sorry. I didn’t realize what I said yesterday. Stuffed animals aren’t important to me but… I understand they are to you. Please (Y/N), you don’t have to hide them, I’m so sorry.
You couldn’t help but smile a little when he spoke.
-It’s fine Xiao, don’t worry…
You kissed him on the cheek before adding
-Thank you for putting them back on the bed… I don’t think they liked the closet.
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masterhandss · 3 years
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Since HoneyWorks is updating the “I, Idol Declaration” manga with new chapters, I was so desperate for an english translation that I made some myself :)) Here’s Chapter 8, the aftermath of Mona’s debut live (everyone who has seen her MV knows how it’s gonna go...)
-> Read on Imgur | Read on Mangadex <-
Opinions on the chapter below:
In celebration of the release of Mona’s newest MV “17 Years” I decided to speedrun this chapter! I wanted to upload it before the youtube video dropped but clearly I failed lmao. I haven’t even watched it yet qwq
I just want to give my thoughts on this chapter since I had fun translating it.
It’s kinda cool to see the difference between the interpretation I got from “Watashi, Idol Sengen” the song vs. Chapter 8. Maybe it’s the additional context, but I had two completely different interpretations of Mona’s struggles based on two different mediums. 
In the MV, I got the impression that Mona’s struggle is that she felt alienated and unwelcomed in the idol world, which caused her a lot of anxiety and sadness. From the slowly reducing number of glowsticks during her performance to the scowl she received from Yuujirou, I thought that her problem was she struggled to believe that she could be an idol in such environment.
In the Chapter, there is less emphasis on the reducing glowsticks and Yuujirou’s involvement is a whole conversation and not just a scowl. We find out that Mona’s struggle is that she felt too confident, so when she performed in a normal or subpar level, she felt embarrassed by it. I liked the bit where she mentioned that compared to herself, everyone was working to make it a great live for the audience. I mean I feel like Asuna is in the same shoes as her but Mona herself doesn’t know that lmao. 
The MV made me believe that Mona cried because everyone thinks she sucked, but the Chapter reveals that she cried because she felt too complacent about her performance. 
So yeah I think that’s pretty cool! I kinda wanna hear what other people thought of the chapter, I wish mangadex would reinstall comments again on their site qwq
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hitoshisbabygirl · 3 years
Author's Notes ♡: okay uhm the more characters I do the more I’m learning I’m a simp-
Anyways welcome to another BNHAREM collab that I had the pleasure to be in! I had fun trying to turn our league of villains leader into a hero/vigilante! A quick side note, his personality here is more of what I think he could’ve been/acted like if he was treated better and taught how to control his quirk without hate qwq without further waiting here’s my addition to the already wonderful collaborators! Make sure to check their stories out too in the masterlist! ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : None!! Fluffy and awkward Shiggy for the win! Also please ignore typos if any they’ll be fixed later </3
Word count : 3.5K
Paring(s) : Tomura Shigaraki x F! Reader
Summary : When the city you live in is rampant with villains what happens when your seabed by a cold and off putting vigilante (that’s my best summary I’m sorry </3)
Enjoy ♡
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Turning off the TV [ ] couldnt help the trembling of her hands as she realized the mayhem that had been spurring the last couple of weeks with the new arrival of villain groups wasnt subsiding. life was hard , the struggle of not to take the news seriously and feeling like all hope was lost was a common feeling between each day, the chore of getting up early during the daylight time so you could get what you needed before crime became rampant was adreanline fueld.. It was nerveracking, living your life on the edge and feeling unable to believe the ones in and on duty would protect you. After weighing the options about staying in or hurrying down the street for food before the curfew kicked in [ ] reluctantly got up, grabbing her keys , phone and a light jacket as she headed throught the decrepit streets, hearing the distant sirens that never failed to doing their job of setting her nerves ablaze. As she saw the neon signs of the store ahead of her she was able to enter and grab quite a lot of things, the warm feeling of being safe surrounding her as she heard more and more sounds from blocks ahead. “Are you okay sweetie?”
An older lady with a young man asked the anxious girl, a smile on her face as she answered the woman “Ah yeah im sorry ma’am just trying to find the best way home without being in the crossfire” Shaking her head in agreement the older woman spoke again “Its running rampant out there, its why i brought my grandson with me” ponting to the male beside her he gave [ ] a smile, holding a bag fro the lady “Now you be safe dearie, look both ways and use the lights to guide you home!” Waving to the pair [ ] felt a bit more relived as she started the shorter but dreaded walk back to her townhome. The area was better than most in cities, just because of how it wasnt in the full downtown that was in a disarray. Even so it was still dangerous and hearing a loud crash and explosion from in front of where [ ] was walking could never be a good thing. As she walked further she saw a group of people blowing up a strip that included a jewelry spot, a small back and shopping center she knew something bad would happen if she got any closer. Walking backward she headed to an abandoned alleyway, slowly trying to get herself in a safe distance away from whoever was destroying the buildings. As she got into a corner she could hear the people talk and yell, the sound of glass breaking and another boom. Jumping form the sound of the explosion getting closer she moved into a doorway of one of the undisturbed buildings in the strip.
Soon however she felt a hand on her arm as one of the guys caught her. As [ ] tried to fight them off she head them chuckle, one taking her face in his hand as the others tried to go through her bags “Well well well hello ther girl, whatcha doing in the Scorpions part of town” One of the men, who [ ] presumed was the leader snared at her, grinning when she turend her ace away from his. Pulling her face back to his he tried to get her to talk, pushing her cheeks together as he laughed “I like them feisty , why dont you just be nice to me and my guys huh?” before she could form her lips to try to get a smart response a sound of pain came from one of the destroyed buildings. Catching the leaders attention he called out to someone before they all heard a yell of watch out. The building, which they had destroyed was now falling over and onto them who were in its path. All [ ] knew was that the guy who grabbed her arm let her go and shoved her before everything whent black.
A cracking sound , one of breaking concrete broke through [ ]’s head as she opened her eyes to blackness, everything around her covered in the sheet of night as the same cracking sound could be heard. Soon a faint voice could be heard from above her. Lightly she yelped which mustve been enough for whoever was above her as teh cracking sound got lounder before she could see light from the moon above her “H-hey is ther someone down there?” A voice called out as [ ] yelled back to them “O-oh yes! Please help me im stuck and i cant move!” She yelled as she felt her leg get tighter as she tried to wiggle.
“Cover your face if you can” The now more male sound voice said as she did such, felling pieces of cement and gravel touch her arms as she moved them to see long whitish blue hair appear before a gloved hand reached out “Can you reach?” The mystery male asked as she jumped up bepfre yeliping in pain. Hearing the sound the male took his ungloved hand and seemilngly dissolved more concreate taht held her and her leg in place. “Hold on….Im coming dont move, you could hurt yourself if you do.” Hopping dwon the hole with her the male saw how she was twisted in her spot and pained expression that covered her facial features. Faced with a challenge the male gave her his gloved hand as he used the uncovered one to break up the rocks and concrete that held her still “Just a little more okay? Youre close I almost got you” He reassured. Soon [ ] felt herself slip up and into the arms of the mystery man who she noticed had his face covered. As he brought her out of the ruble and into the light from the mood and streetlights she looked at her savior. He wasnt large in stature but her was fit and quite strong to pull her up with one arm. Feeling the girl he just saved staring at him , the male turned to her and simply stated “You should go home” Before starting to head off “W-wait! Please, let me thank you properly. You didnt have to save me yet you did” She said as he turned to her “......Theres no need to thank me, just doing what the heroes arent” Starting to walk again [ ] couldnt help chewing her lip before running to join his side “Well can i at least thank you properly , or just get your name and be able to find you again?” stopping in his tracks he moved his hair from his face before crimson eyes glanced at her “Tomura” He said “Huh..?” “My name...Tomura..or MC” He whispered as she shook her head “Tomura...okay well thank you Tomura for saving me , my names [ ]”
Shaking his head Tomura started off again, shoving his gloved hands in his pockets, this time heading off for good. As he trucked along [ ] heard the sirens appear closer to the damage that was the destroyed store that covered the criminals that tried to get her before. Starting to walk off her own she noticed a shining necklace on the ground. Picking it up she noticed it was one you could put pictures in it. Peeking inside she saw a woman with black hair holing a little boy with just as black ahir and piercing red eyes, the woman happily smiling as she held the child. Closing the locket she took with her , feeling strangely drawn to it. As she heaaded home she thought about the mysterious Tomura, someone who looked like a normal civilian like her and others seemd to have a strong quirk, and was more than what he seemed on the outside
As a few days turned into a week rolled on [ ] noticed that the streets were still bad, but the men who had cornered her had been captured after the building had collapsed. Feeling herself sigh and relax [ ] headed for the store once again, this time during the day as she needed to replace the food she had tried getting before that was lost during the the collapse. As she left once again she saw a familiar tuff of periwinkle hair go around the corner. Peeking her interest she followed himas she heard him curse under his breath before turning around straight into her “ow, wait….its you again” He huffed as his crimson eyes looked into hers “Yep! Hey tomu!” The quirky nickname caused head to fill in the mans face as he was glad it was covered. “[ ]....hello” He said back as he continued to pace around the old scene that stil had some concrete in the land “Whatcha looking for…?” She asked as he still looked around “Something important of mines” “Well can i help out?” Sighing Tomura turned to the hopeful girl that for some reason, didnt bother him as many did
“Fine. its a silver locket..” pausing [ ] thought about the locket she found when they first met “It….wouldnt happen to have a woman and a boy in it would it?” As soon as she said that the periwrinkle haired boy turend to her “You found it? Where” reaching out he went to grab her hands only to stop himself and put them at his sides. Ignoring the gesture as nerves she gave him a smile “Well..I found it the day you saved me, it was actually in the rubble” looking at the sparkling eyes of Tomura she couldn’t help but let her smile grow before sighing “Only thing is...it’s at my house now” still looking at him he gave her a smile behind his covering before shaking his own head “That’s fine..if you don’t mind me coming with you, or you just bring it I’m not really.,,yeah” Giggling at his nervousness [. ] put her hand ont his shoulder “It’s fine! Uhm..have you ate dinner yet? I can even cook you something!” Holding up her bag Tomura felt his heart thump as he agreed to eat with her, the two headed for her place.
Looking around Tomura noticed how clean and kept together her place was. It was warm, and inviting, something he wasn’t too used to “I’m sorry it’s a mess here! I was trying to move things around and make it look better but..I feel like it’s still weird!” Laughing she turned to face the powder blue haired boy who stood still in her doorway. “You can come in or would you need a helping hand?” She teased as she held her hand out. Hesitantly held his gloved hand out before pulling away slightly “S-sorry im just.. nervous” he said softly before [. ] gave him a knowing smile, before taking a step back “Well there’s no rush, take a seat and get comfortable, I’ll get your locket and I’ll start dinner!” Walking away [. ] went to her bedroom as Tomura sat there looking at his hands. They held so much fear in them, life and death. Over the years he learned how to control his power, even able to touch things without gloves and them not dissolve. But witr him nervous, he was afraid one wrong touch would hurt or even worse...destroy the one nice person he’d ever met in the midst of the all of the mayhem. In the mist of him thinking [. ] came back and saw him.
Feeling bad and not sure of how to approach him she tenderly held the locket and placed it on the table, which snapped him from his thoughts “Here you are! I did clean the silver so it was more shiny and not as dingy from the dirt” taking the piece from her hands Tomura place it down to see it better than he remembered and still having his grandmother and him inside of it. “Thank you [ ]. It means...alot to me, more thna youd ever know” Going into her kitchen she started some rice as she tried small talk with him “So...have you always been a vigilante?” Thinking abut the response her messed with a piece of his hair “ Well no...i wanted to be a hero one day but...my quirk is less helpful and more destructive” starting to get the steaks out she seasoned then placed them in the oven before siting down at the table with him “I think the power to disintegrate things could be wonderful as a rescuer! Hell you even saved me! And think if you didnt have that quirk , how would you get me out? Plus youre strong, you got me out with only a hand, youre really strong Tomu” Crimson eyes barely met her gaze.
Seeing her own energy mads him smile, hidden beind the mask he wore. “Uhm...may I?” Reaching for a hand [ ] looked at his eyes aas he wavered, sliding them away from her own “When i get nervous i feel like i loose control” Tomura said before [ ] just gently place her pinky on the glove “Im not afraid taht youd hurt me , i trust you okay?” Taking more of his hand in hers she rubbed the back of his glove, feeling the way he tensed wehn she traced his knuckles “See? Its okay yknow!” Smiling she got up to check the food, failing to see the way Tomura was going though a crisis under his mask, face flushing as she stirred and turned it off , letting both the rice and steak cool a bit before serving. Turning around [ ] saw how handsome her savior was. A soft , almost baby looking face was hidden under that protective mask , turned in a small frown as he fiddled with his hands “Wow...youre handsome” Scaring him from his thoughts Tomura couldnt hide the red that flushed his face as she giggled “Thanks...Ive never been told that before” Hearing him say that made [ ]’s heart twinge before grabbing two plates “Well they must not know the true beauty under your mask hm?” bringing over what she made she sat in front of him, handing him a fork before sitting infront of him “Here ya go! I wont say im a chief but I enjoy cooking yknow?” Now able to see him smile without a protection over majority of his face [ ] couldnt help her heart speeding up as he did. A comfortable silence feel between them as they ate and finished dinner, occasional jokes and small talk happening between them. She learned more about the powder blue haired male, that he wanted to be a hero but because he could disintegrate , they made fun of him and called him a villain instead. But finding a locket with a note attached from his grandmother changed that. She was strong, and a hero herself. She encouraged him to be one, for them to meet someday when he was older and him to become a great hero. It kept him strong, and its how hes a vigilante now. Happy to know more of his story [ ] explained how she wanted to be one too, but also wanted to make uniforms for them. The two went on into the night, talking about the issues outside and the running rapid of the villains whileist other things. Tomura learned that she liked video games which opened a whole new world of things thye could do together.
As midnight rolled around he started to get up , grabbing his things which caught [ ]’s attention “Your leaving?” Looking back at the doe like eyes he couldn't help but sigh and smile at her “Yeah...should go out and see whats to been seen” before he left she got up and strolled over to him “Well its unsafe out there, could you...maybe..stay?” With each word her voice got quieter before she was just silent, messing with his fingers “You want me to stay with you?” Tomura asked before she shook her head, eyes meeting his “Yknow youre nice..and i am a bit of a drifter..” Thinking over the odds out loud he gave her a small smile “Ill stay”
And that's how it was for weeks, them staying together in [ ]’s home, eating together, playing games, shopping for groceries. It was a comfortable thing between the two, sharing the place together like roomates. Tomura was like her protector, not letting her get very far without him and [ ] took care of him when he was injured or just needed reassurance. All and all everything was good except….he knew he had fell for her. [ ] was sweeet to him, gentle and overall just careful of how she helped him. She didnt rush him to anything, was gentle and gave him time to relax and to be comfortable with her. It was painful, for them to be close but yet have different opinions on how they feel about being close and for Tomura it was harder than usual for him having a crush on her.
Fiddling with a pen in the kitchen, Tomura heard [ ] come down the hall , skipping up to him as she gave him a smile he learned he was smitten for “Hey Tomu whatcha up to?” she asked as he gave her a smile of his own back “Ah just thinking about something….whats up?” He asked as the girl came over and gave him a hug, something he wasn’t used to but something he craved every day more than he’d like to admit. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders he chuckled as she slightly squeezed him tighter “Just wanted to check on you that’s all.” Going to move away [. ] felt Tomura pull her closer, burying his face atop her head “Tomu...whats wrong?” She asked as he said nothing, tightly holding her even more as she rubbed his back, knowing this was his silent way of showing he was worried about something “wh’ nt y be m’ plr wo” the male said, muffled on her head. Laughing, she moved her chin to his chest “What're you talking about?” He reluctantly pulled away , their eyes locking as he soon looked down, scratching his arm “I..nothing...thinking out loud. Don’t worry about it” Beofre he could slip away she grabbed his arm, turnighg him back to her. “Tomura...what is it?” Chewing his bottom lip he sided before taking her hand in his, rubbing the smooth skin with his rough glove “I said..why can’t you be my player two” Blinking almost comically [. ] giggled “Well I can be! What game do you wanna play?” Shaking his head Tomura dropped her hand , stepping back as he barely glanced at her “This game called life [. ]...I want to...have you around me all the time, I..really cherish having someone so sweet to me and who cares about me and how I feel..you make me feel more alive and comfortable in my skin then I’ve ever felt before..and I..want to be selfish and make you mine..” He finished with a sigh before looking out the window “ But I know you won’t feel the same so..it’s quite alright”
As soon as he said that he felt a hand at the back of his shirt, pulling him back to his crush, a woman he couldn’t face and now that he laid his feelings out he didn’t want her to pity him. “Tomura look at me” Hearing his full name scared him but Turning around he was surprised to see [. ]’s small smile growing to a larger one once he faced her “Here, give me your hand” Holding her own out he put his hand in hers. To make him even more disarray she undid his gloved to reveal his hands, damaged and scarred from before he could control his powers. Soon he felt soft lips his the bare skin, which every kiss an electric shock went through his body before he felt her fingers lace in his. Wide crimson eyes looked at soft [. ] ones as she took in a breath “I..I’m so happy you told me Tomu, I was afraid you were gonna leave here aha..” letting out a soft laugh she unwrapped a hand to hold his face “I would love to be your player two, I’ll be here for you as long as you need me okay?” Giving her a slight pout he barely lifted his own hand to trace a pinky on her cheek “But what if I need you forever” laughing again and moving closer she stood on her toes to rub noses “Then that’s what it’ll be” Becore he could stop himself he realeased her hand and pressed his lips against hers, hearing the soft gasp she let out as he pushed his lips harder on hers before he felt her relax, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him back just as hard. As the kiss got from hard and desperate they slowly started to get more intimate, the kiss softening up until Tomura pulled away breathless as [. ] was too, the both of them letting out light giggles “Wow..that was..” “Great..” Finishing his sentence [. ] gave him another hug, the two of them holding eachother in the middle of the floor “Hey [. ]..” he said as she hummed, before he continued “Let’s kiss again” Giggling she moved her head to meet his , lips sealing for another round of needed affection, the Rü them of their hearts drowning out the mayhem that brought them together.
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ndoandou · 4 years
Hiii! Can you do a scenario where Mozart's s/o is really drunk she even dont recognize him and when he's trying to help her go to her room she says that she have a boyfriend or something like that??? Idk if it makes sense😅😅
Here you go darling @aycan15nevzatova !💜💜 le drunk s/o x mozart fic //sorry it took a bit long qwq
Your request reminded me of the drunk bridesmaid meme xD i couldnt help but imagine MC and mozart here🥴
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🎹Drunk Yet Loyal🎹
Pairing: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart x MC
Warning: mentions of vommiting, nàśťìě english
MC had made aquaintance with some of the ladies in town. They invited her to have a couple of drinks at the local bar this evening, the same bar where arthur would usually go.
She forgot to tell Mozart thd day before, so she figured she would go tell him now, even though it was rather.. last minute.
"*knock* mozart...?" MC said softly as she knocked on his bedroom door, only to not to get a response.
She invited herself in and mozart was no where be seen, when sebastian happen to walk towards MC's direction
"Herr mozart is having a meeting out in town. do you perhaps need any assistance with something, MC?" Sebastian said as he spotted her looking for mozart
"Ah sebastian! I was just going to tell him that i am going to the pub this evening with some ladies.. could you perhaps pass on this message to him when he comes back? I have to leave very soon." MC explained to sebastian
Sebastian frowned slightly
"Are you sure thats a good idea, its quite late isnt it?" Sebastian said, worried about MC's decision
"Dont worry! Its near the mansion and i wont be home that late" MC said with a reassuring smile
Sebastian thought for a bit
"Well.. i suppose you are right. I will pass on the message to herr mozart. Please do not come home too late" sebastian said
"She WHAT?!" Mozart exclaimed as sebastian passed the information to him.
"My appologies herr mozart, i tried to convince her otherwise, but she insisted" sebastian said as he felt responsible for MC's reckless decision
"I really cant take my eyes of her for one second.. the moment i do, she does the most impulsive things ever." Mozart pinched the bridge of his nose as he exhaled sharply
Sebastian gave him a sympathetic look.
"Seems like ill have to head over to town again.." mozart said as he put on his coat once more
"Ehehehehehe, and then i put salt into arthurs coffee- BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH" MC said as her laughter boomed through the pub, slamming her fist on the table. MC
"My, my, mademoisille~ you seem to enjoy drinks a lot.. though i wouldnt suggest you to have some more" one of the ladies said
"Dont worry! Im *hic*-"
Mc was cut off as the door to the pub had been slammed open, revealing a furious mozart.
This had caught everyones attention
"Seems like the musician came to pick his lady up~" the other lady said giggling
"MC! We are going home, now." Mozart said as he marched towards MC
MC failed to recognize the man that had demanded her to go home. She stood up, almost losing her balance and started yelling at mozart furiously.
"And who do you think you are?! Telling me to- mph!" MC stopped mid sentence as she felt the contents of of her stomach rising up her throat abruptly. One of the ladies who happened to be sitting next to an empty bucket instinctively shoved a bucket towards MC and mozart's direction. Mozart immideately held the bucket, forcing her to sit back down as MC began puking r a i n b o w s. Mozart's expression twisted into disgust. As disgusting as witnessing someone puke is, it was his dearest MC. He rubbed circles onto her back as one of her lady friends handed her a clean piece of cloth.
Mozart was walking down the dark street, carrying MC who had a bucket hanging over her face. Mozart didnt want people to stare at her lover in such state any longer, which is why he excused MC and himself out of the pub as soon as they could.
"Oh schatzi.. what am i going to do with you..?" Mozart said as he sighed to himself
MC wasnt well enough to respond.
They both arrived into the mansion, MC had stop puking but she still wasnt well enough
some residents in the dining room wondering what on earth was this sight in front of them. Before anyone could open their mouths, mozart spoke up
"No one question anything." He said as he casually walked past everyone, MC in his arms, heading towards MC's room.
As they reached the front of MC's room, mozart gently place her on her feet and took off the ungodly bucket off her head. He put the bucket to the side and slowly guided MC in.
"W-wait *hic* why are you taking me to bed?!" Mc panicked, resisting him but failing.
"Shush liebling, take a seat on the bed.. i need to change your soiled shirt" Mozart said, but MC pulled away harder
"No!! You can't do that, i *hic* have a boyfriend!" She yelled out as she ran over to the corner of the room
MC was so drunk that she failed to recognize who mozart is. Mozart found this incredibly funny and adorable. He decided to play along with it.
"Oh? Really? What is your boyfriend like?" He said with an amused chuckle, folding his arms.
"He *hic* he comes of as mean..b-but he has the biggest heart in the *hic* world" MC said as she leaned on to the wall for support
"He.. is very good *hic* with the piano and.. he knows how to make my heart flutter.." MC continued
"I.. love him... very.. much" mc said as she begun to lose her conciousness, which mozart quickly rushed towards her side, cathing her on time.
Carrying MC in his arm, he slowly carried her over to her bed, softlt putting her down.
He laid down next to her admiring her sleeping form, carresing her face. He couldnt stop thinking of what MC said about him.
"It may not seem like it.. but you really make my heart go crazy, schatzi" mozart spoke to the unconcious MC as he gave her cheek a kiss.
"Mm.." MC groaned as she could feel the sun blazing on her face. She noticed that she was in her night gown.
"What on..." MC said as she tried to recall what happened last night, thats when Mozart opened her bedroom door with a cup of warm tea in his hand
"Ah, you woke up." He said as he sat over next to her, handing the cup to her.
For some reason Mozart had this angelic aura around him which made MC question the situation more
"What happened last night..?" MC asked cautiously
"Lets say.. you drank irresponsibly and i had to take you home with a bucket over your face" mozart said with a playfull chuckle
All the memories from the previous day begun flooding back into her head, causing her to freeze. Mozart patted her head softly.
"You should really stop doing the most thoughtless things, liebling.. you were lucky that nothing serious happened last night" he said, still patting his lover
"Im sorry.. i was going to tell you about my plan but i forgot.." MC pouted as she took a sip of her tea
"Its fine. But i suppose i have to glue myself to you so you dont get into trouble." Mozart joked as he gave her a quick peck, making her lips curve into a smile
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Since some people asking me about the rule post and where is it, welp, here it is!
(And also, I'm still new to tumblr so I'm not sure how is the post rules here, but this will be it for now uwu)
✨Start After Valiant Hero from the beginning!✨
1. After Valiant Hero's updates are only on weekend!
2. This comic of course have plot and story. But it'll goes depends on what you guys did too.
3. This comic will be half plot, and half ask blog! So please don't expect it to be a full ask blog, because some people did -w-"
4. Not all asks will be answered if there's to much. I'll only pic those I want to pick, so if your questions didn't get picked, I'm sorry qwq (but of course, I picked most of them)
5. This is not a roleplay ask blog! I repeat, this is not a roleplay ask blog! So please don't ask me to add more characters or your character here.
6. All of you guys who ask and talk to the characters are just voices to them, so you can't really touch them. They can't even see you.
Rules for the ask:
1. Don't give any information or any ideas about other timelines like triple threat or Toppat King to the characters since non of them even know they're all exist, even Henry didn't know. (Except for the CCC)
2. No swearing. Please don't use any bad words or swearing when it comes to asking. Buf if you censor it or replace it with a save word, it'll be fine.
3. M!A (Anon Magic) are allowed as long as it's still connected to the Henry Stickmin logic, and won't be effecting the plot (that means Anon magic are only for temporary fun and not for the plot).
4. Don't ask anything about shipping, like "hey Charles, do you ship [insert two characters]?".
5. Don't ask anything that's out of topic.
6. Have fun!
Here's some questions that you will probably ask me, so if you already read this, you've got your answers uwu
•What happened to Charles? Did he Lost his memory?
Answer: Charles lost his memories due to his head got hit real hard when he enter another escape pod as the station explodes that caused his brain damaged.
•where/when does this comic takes place?
Answer: 5 months after the valiant hero ending.
•What happen to Burt? Where is he?
Answer: He died at the space station due to accidently got left behind.
•Where is Henry?
Answer: Currently He's now at the government base, wanting to inform the general about something he found out.
•Is Ellie going to be here? Where is she?
Answer: Ellie is a new recruit to the toppat clan 2 months before the AVH event!
•Why hanry haven't reset the timeline? Did he doesn't want to or can't?
Answer: In this AU/comic, henry doesn't know that other timeline exist after loosing his power to choose, reset, and retry. he only know/remember the fails but not other paths that leads to another ending. Basically, it's just goes on like how life it.
Alright, that's all for now! Thank you for taking your time reading this!
If I miss anything or did anything wrong with this rule post, let me know uwu
(This post will always be updated so stay in check!)
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ikamigami · 14 days
May i present a lil Tsams AU premise i'm working on for possible future comic (I know you like the idea of Sun and Eclipse becoming friends so that's why i came here to you with it) Some weird virus and corrupt goverment shit happens, a good chunk of the US gets nuked and boom, the apocalypse is upon us (and by that i mainly mean the people in the US). I'm still thinking abt the cause but this is my main reason for now. Sun and Eclipse fail to escape when everything went down but due to some protective magic and technology shit, they both survive. And now they both, albeit begrudgingly, have to work together to both survive and to get Sun back to the rest of the family who teleported somewhere (havent decided where yet, just somewhere) to escape the nuking. Remember the virus i mentioned? Yeah. Just like in any good apocalypse movie, we gotta have some mutated monsters running around too. Wanted to show u this, both asking for you opinion and if you have anything you'd like to add or see happen between Sun and Eclipse as i have no reason how to have them gradually bond during the course of it all. Sure i have them argueing and somewhat making up on shit that happened in the past and have them saving eachother's lifes a few times, but that's basically it.
I love this idea for AU!
I think that it's super neat ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
And Sun and Eclipse being forced to work together is just chef's kiss 🤌
I'd love to see a heart to heart between the two.. it doesn't have to be a long conversation it can be just something simple..
Or they can silently realize that they became closer to each other.. like maybe they won't admit to each other that they like one another.. but they both would know that they can rely on each other now..
Or something like that..
But I'll be happy with whatever you'll come up with tbh cause I'm craving Sun and Eclipse moments and I won't see them too soon if at all in the show so we have to rely on fics QwQ
Thank you for sharing this AU of yours with me.. it's a pleasure to me QwQ 💗
Thank you 💞
You can write to me about this AU whenever you want and I'll gladly read it when you'll post it ^^🫶
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senjuushi · 4 years
What if the guns ended up with a master who’s really unstable? Like, they (the master) need to go to therapy a lot and break down really easily but they still do their best to be kind and as calm as possible around the guns? You can pick specific guns or just do a very generalised group thing but I’m curious to see how things would go O3O (I hope your reqs are still open too and I didn’t miss something,,, and sorry if this isn’t something you’re comfortable with either qwq)
No worries! Requests are pretty much always open here, and this one is just fine~ UwU 
I’m doing all of the guns in this one because the request is old and came before the rule, but for current requests, six characters maximum, please!
That Master is a mood, too
. . . 
Oh, he’ll happily volunteer himself as “stress relief”. If you want to use him to take out your feelings, go right ahead~ F is very aware of how unstable you are, and even though you’re usually so, so kind, he can’t help but anticipate things going exactly the way they did before. He’s a willing punching bag in the sense that he’s trained to enjoy it, so you could hurt him if it’d make you feel better. The reality is that F doesn’t want that at all, but he doesn’t know what else to do and feels as if that’s his only option for how to help. 
He really, really doesn’t get it. Belga is pretty stupid, especially when it comes to sensitive matters, so your mental health issues go right over his head. What’s likely to happen is that he’ll cause breakdowns, on accident, far more often than he should— and usually just by being insensitive or too rough. Belga doesn’t know how to do “gentle”, so he’s going to cause you a lot of stress. And honestly, his Master having so many issues makes him nervous. He always feels like he’s doing something wrong or bad. 
It makes him nervous. Mikhael understands that you’re trying your best to keep it together, but your breakdowns always leave him on edge. He feels as if he has to be very, very careful when he’s around you. Trying to keep your outbursts to a minimum is the best course of action, as is staying out of your way when there’s a risk of you lashing out. He’ll often offer to play piano for you as a calming tactic, and is reassured to some degree if you accept. You’re a kind Master, but he never knows what could happen. 
Your instability stresses Ninety very badly. It’s not that he dislikes you or judges you for it, but he can’t help but feel as if he’s going to be the target of your unhappiness. Your breakdowns terrify him mostly because he’s expecting to be used to take out your stress. It’s what he’s used to, by this point. Even so, even when he’s literally shaking, Ninety will attempt to cuddle up to you whenever you’re upset or in tears. He wants to be good and comfort you, especially because you’ve always been so nice to him. 
He has absolutely no idea what to do with someone so unstable. Ghost wants to be useful and be the one to comfort you and calm you down, but he doesn’t have a clue how to go about that. He’s so socially awkward and starved of interaction that the best he can offer are anxious pats on the back. When he’s around your breakdowns, he’s too nervous to even speak. Ghost loves you for your kindness and wishes more than anything that he could help. He’s always guilty and anxious when he “fails” to do so. 
Oh, he’s absolutely clueless on how to help. It makes 89 extremely anxious that you’re on the verge of a breakdown at any second, and he tends to avoid you when you’re in a dangerous mood just because he doesn’t know what to do. He’s unfortunately likely to say things that only make your breakdowns worse, so he learns quickly to just stay out of the way. He knows that you’re nice to all of them and harmless, but even so, it’s hard not to worry that your emotional upsets could turn into much worse things. 
He’s both useful and not. Eins is a very level-headed person who doesn’t get upset even when you’re in your worst moments. He also lacks empathy to a worrying degree and has no idea how to comfort people. He’s good at using logic to try to put your stress at ease, but this is also likely to come off as cold or uncaring when you’re in an emotional moment. The best that Eins can think to do for you is keep your triggers at bay and try to prevent upsets before they start. He never shows how nervous you can make him. 
He’s probably the best at dealing with this kind of thing. Fal is very good at staying calm and in control of his emotions, so he can at least keep it together and try to help you calm down. However, every time you start seeming unstable, he gets very, very anxious. You feel like a landmine to him— one that he needs to be exceptionally careful with, or risk getting hurt. Even though he knows you’re kind, Fal can’t shake the feeling that you’ll lash out during your outbursts in ways that won’t end well for him. 
His strategy for comforting you is to either come on to you or forcibly snuggle up and try to be affectionate. Whether this works or not, Kirsch doesn’t know what else to do. He longs to be the person that his precious Master goes to for comfort, but honestly, his methods are likely to do more harm than good. And yes, he’ll cry along with you whenever you get too upset— mostly because he’s scared and confused and doesn’t know what to do. He winds up feeling guilty and tense more often than not. 
When you’re having a difficult day, it’s a good idea to stay away from him. Hokusai is excitable, volatile, and rather insensitive even on his best days, so he’s not a good person to be around if you’re feeling fragile. That said, he’ll legitimately try to help you in whatever ways he can come up with. These usually involve offering you blue things that he thinks will make you happy. Hokusai doesn’t worry himself too much with your emotional state, but deep down, it does concern him that his Master is always unhappy. 
As someone who’s remarkably skilled at both understanding people and manipulating them, Love1 is very good at talking you down from bad moments and keeping you calm. Be it through making a fool out of himself to cheer you up or just offering genuine emotional support, he’s shockingly capable of handling your breakdowns. He understands that you’re not dangerous, even when you’re upset, and as such, does a better job than the rest of them at not expecting you to take your issues out on him. 
Yeah, he’s awful at comforting people. Like2′s best strategy is to buy you something nice and hope it works. Either that or offer himself for sex. He’s very stressed out by seeing you upset, mostly because he feels both supremely useless and like he’s a walking target for you to take things out on if he gets in your way or upsets you further. He’s visibly nervous when you’re acting fragile, stressed, or tense. Generally, as much as he hates being unable to do anything right, he avoids you when you’re having bad days. 
He very much wants to help when you’re upset... but is also very bad at emotional comfort. Mauser is mostly the type to bring you things you need, stay by your side, and offer to eliminate anything that’s making you upset. He’s very attentive and willing to help but is so emotionless that his presence can also make things worse. Your general instability is something that he adjusts to quickly; it’s the way his Master is, which means that it’s his duty to learn how to best aid you and help you stay content and safe. 
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twistedlymad · 4 years
7. “Just Trust Me” (Leona Kingscholar x Reader)
@cloud9anxiety​ Hewwo there! Thank you for participating in my 500 follower special! To be honest, I already his this story planned out last week and I only wrote it lately QwQ Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little story and I hope you have a lovely day!
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At Night Raven College, students from all over Twisted Wonderland focus on learning and strengthening their magic. They are also sorted into dormitories based on their magic by the Mirror of Darkness. With the dormitories, there would be dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders. Specific tasks are handed to Dorm Leaders, such as taking care and looking after their members.
So, as a dorm leader, prefect and student at Night Raven College, it’s safe to say that pressure is piling up on your shoulders. You didn’t think much of it at first, after all, you already saw it coming. To take care of a dorm, to take care of a dumb furball, to take care of 5 other dumb friends, your work seemed endless! And I haven’t even mentioned the homework and assignments given to you by the teachers.
This in turn, made you stressed. You couldn’t afford to miss any homework as you are a dorm leader after all. Grim couldn’t really help out much on the homework so you decided to take it upon yourself to save yours and Grim’s failing grades.
It didn’t help when your friends kept getting into petty arguments here and there, one second Ace and Deuce might be bickering something about their dorm leader, the next they might be readying their magical pens and fists, only to be stopped by you. Epel wasn’t any better either, nor was Sebek. The only other person you could rely on stopping the other 4 first-years was Jack, but even he sometimes couldn’t do much, yet you appreciated his efforts a lot.
Grim, oh, where do I start? The furball doesn’t help with homework, either because he won’t or he can’t, unless you threaten his supply of tuna. He is the main reason for about 80% of your friends’ arguments, let It be him stealing Ace’s lunch or him snickering at Epel whenever the Pomefiore first-year wants to focus on getting buff training his muscles. He is also the cause of you getting into trouble with a few professors because he always fell asleep in class, since you are his caretaker.
You knew your stress levels were rising every single day, but you payed no attention to it. You were completely focused and immersed in your own duties and you always pushed away the signals of danger sent from your mind.
After a week or so, your mental health couldn’t take it anymore. You started to wake up in the middle of every night, unable to fall back asleep. You began to get more tired after a few sleepless nights. You looked less energetic, you didn’t speak much and if you do speak, your words come out all jumbled. Your friends noticed this and asked you about it, but you just shrugged them off, saying that it wasn’t anything of their concern. They didn’t want to pester you on it so they dropped the topic as well.
One day, you just couldn’t take it anymore as your eyelids were drooping in the middle of Professor Trein’s class. You were finally falling asleep! Dreamland was so close, if you could… just… reach i-
“(Y/N)!! That’s a very bad example!” A loud voice called you and you immediately snapped awake. You looked around to see your classmates and one fuming professor looking at you, only then you remembered that you were in class.
“I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.” You apologized to the professor.
“I expect better actions and manners than that from a dorm leader. Go wash up your face (Y/N) and don’t let it happen again.” Professor Trein said to you. You nodded and excused yourself from the classroom.
On your way to the bathroom to wash up your face, you had to go through the Botanical Gardens as it was the shortest and quickest route there. As you walked, you grumbled and mumbled under your breath, complaining about everything that made you sleepless. After all, we couldn’t blame you, you were beyond tired and these sleepless nights weren’t helping either.
“I didn’t ask to be a dorm leader in the first place.” You grumbled as you walked. “Everything about it is just stupid.” You continued, thinking that only you yourself could hear your own words and mumblings.
Oh, how wrong you were. You see, there was another person in the garden with good hearing.
“Hey, Herbivore, you’re pretty loud when you grumble you know?” A voice spoke up, startling you. You looked to the source of the sound only to find a sleeping Leona with his back facing you.
“L-Leona-senpai?” You asked. “Don’t you have class right now?” You questioned the lion, stepping closer to him.
“I could be asking you the same thing.” He peered over his shoulder to look at you. You sighed and took a seat beside him.
“I… Accidentally fell asleep in Professor Trein’s class earlier today.” You said, your head lowered and looking at the ground. “He caught me being a bad example as a dorm leader and told me to go wash up.”
This seemed odd to Leona. One, he knew you were the type of person who upheld proper manners and etiquette almost all the time. Two, he knew you wouldn’t dare to break any rules, let alone fall asleep in class. Three, you sounded depressed and tired compared to your usual self.
So, he figured that something was wrong with you.
“That’s it?” Leona asked you. You immediately looked up from the ground to meet with his gaze. It was as if he was studying you, but you shook it off.
“Well, I haven’t been sleeping well lately, I keep waking up at midnight these past few days.” You explained to Leona, but secretly, you figured that he wouldn’t help you, after all, what can he obtain for helping you?
Not to your surprise, you were greeted with silence. You let out a small sigh.
“Well, I knew you wouldn’t help anyways, sorry for wasting your time.” You said, standing up and getting ready to leave when all of a sudden you felt a grip on your hand. You let out a small yelp and closed your eyes as you were pulled back to the dorm leader of Savanaclaw. When you reopened your eyes, you realize that you were facing Leona’s chest.
“Sleep, herbivore.” The lion grumbled lowly, making you blush slightly at his deep voice. You let out a small scoff as you thought the upperclassman was making fun of your troubles.
“Har har, very funny, I know you’re making fun of me so let me go.” You said, trying to push yourself away from the lion’s grip but to no avail.
“Just trust me.” The lion said as he tightened his grip around you, pulling you closer to his chest.
“But, I…” You started, looking up only to find that the lion had fell asleep, leaving only you awake. You couldn’t really move around since his grip on you was fairly tight. You had no choice but to lay there, your ears listening to his heartbeat.
His… Heartbeat, so steady, so soothing and pleasing to your mind. Each beat had its own effect on you, making you sleepier as they go by. You couldn’t help but slowly droop your eyelids, letting them fall.
Alas, after so many sleepless nights, you finally fell asleep, drifting off into dreamland without a care.
Leona had peeked open an eye to check up on you. He saw the peaceful look you had on your face, the gentle rise and falls of your chest and your closed eyelids. Smirking lightly to himself, he gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead, before embracing you once again, your body close to his and going back to sleep with his head on top of yours.
“Told ya, herbivore.”
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illdothehotvoice · 3 years
✨🎶💕🏳️‍🌈 for mario :)
Yes yes yes! Of course! :-D
✨- Oh god oh god where do I start??? It's just. The series is so lighthearted y'know? But like. It has it's serious moments as well?? There's 35 years of lore to dig through and just when i think I know it all surprise! I don't! (yesterday was a good example of that with all the Club Nintendo CD posting dhjgkndg And even then I knew about those CDs existence I just never took the time to look through the tracklists). I just find everything about the series so fascinating and it's a HUGE comfort thing too. It's nice to just get lost in the bright colors and good storytelling of the RPG titles for a few hours y'know? And when Mario gets dark is gets DARK, but there's always a positive takeaway from it (Like Super Paper Mario! that ending makes me sob EVERY time it is SO bittersweet sdhjkgndfh). I've noticed a lot of the media I enjoy is kind of negative or dark (Like Ace Attorney literally focuses on death and murder) but Mario is just. It's fun and positive and just makes me feel good qwq.
🎶- OOF There are. SO many songs to choose from this is so hard. My favorite of all time?? honestly okay okay. the SPM OST slaps HARD but I gotta say either Beware the Forest's Mushrooms or The Grand Finale. A Short Break in Toad Town is ALSO a very close 2nd. Yoko Shimomura's music is just SO good I couldn't NOT choose one of her songs qwq. My answer might be a bit skewed though since i've been listening to a LOT of M&L OSTs in the past 24 hours.
💕- I never shut up about Luigi so actually I will not talk about him here ha ha plot twist. Okay okay. Mimi Super Paper Mario??? So cool SO underrated. Probably why I'm afraid of spiders but I just. I love her so much. Her character arch is really good and she's implied to be a failed pixl experiment??? Which I find SO cool cause her entire thing is how greedy and entitled she is but like those two things are literally what fueled her existence which is SO cool. We don't have time for me to delve into spm lore rn but like qwq she's so cool I love her. She's just a kid and she's besties with Luigi now because they were friends when he was Mr.L and rekindled their relationship my canon now :-)))).
🏳️‍🌈- Luigi genderfluid moments my beloved. At first it was kind of a "Oh well he likes to wear dresses a lot so I think he's genderfluid qwq" but I kind of realized over time that I projected a LOT of gender stuff onto Luigi and though I don't identify as genderfluid anymore I just think it helped me get to the point where I am now with my identity adn accepting that as a part of myself qwq. Also Luigi and Peasley are boyfriends. This has nothing to do with his gender I just want that to be known.
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itzcryotime · 3 years
Red Riot !! Raph x Riza [oc]
authors note :: canon characters x oc are not something I write normally, so please [unless you are someone I know / friend] don’t randomly ask for one qwq | fluff
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ❀
raph wasn’t always the easiest person to get along with. he’s hotheaded, temperamental, and just overall moody sometimes. everyone understood this, yet they continued to push his buttons. "oh come on, raph, you’re being childish!” leo yelled from the dojo, watching his brother storm out. “CHILDISH-” raph yelled. “-I’ll show you childish, you pea-brained ar-” suddenly, someone yanked raph back before he could continue. “come with me.” they said, grabbing his hand. raph turned around and saw riza, facing away from him, and walking towards the manhole cover.
“it’s dark now, so it’s safe, but I want to show you something..” riza said, letting go of raph’s hand to climb the ladder leading to the city above. “and that would be?” raph asked, in a slightly worried slightly annoyed tone. riza didn’t answer, but simply waited at the opening of the manhole for raph to follow her.
the cold wind blew softly against raph’s face, causing him to shiver slightly. “ya know I trust you, but where the hell are we going?” raph asked, jumping over a large rock and continuing to follow riza.
riza patted a soft area of grass, waiting for raph to sit down next to her. once he did, she started speaking. “ya seemed stressed. i don’t want you and leo to get into another big fight over something small as a minor mission fail.” riza sighed, before hearing some noises behind her. carefully turning around, she saw some purple dragon guys holding a big case of something.
“what do you think that is?” she asked raph, who also turned around and watched them. “knowing the purple dragons, nothing good…” a few more seconds, raph jumped down and started bashing their heads in. “my lord, going on without warning me, how dare he.” riza hopped down as well and joined in.
after a few minutes of kicking, swinging, and bashing of heads, raph sighed and joined riza, whom just finished tossing someone to the side. “ya feel better yet?” she asked raph, who smiled at her.
“I am indeed, ya didn’t plan this, did ya? seems to perfect to be by accident.” raph chuckled, before taking a seat back in his spot. “the stars look lovely tonight, don’t they?” he asked riza. she nodded and rested her head on raph’s shoulder, smiling softly.
“it looks even better now that I’m here with you…” raph’s face turned a bright red, which was luckily hidden well under the night sky and his mask. “ah- same here. I mean, like- I too think it’s- the stars are p-pretty under the night sky- with you here- well they were pretty before you and all, but you make em glow even brighter!” raph stumbled on his words, making riza laugh and sit back up.
“sometimes, you just fluster me up.” and before riza could respond, raph leaned down and kissed her. shocked, riza paused for a second before returning the kiss. sadly, air is needed, so the two moved back, a small string of saliva between them. “i do hope this means you like me…” riza whispered, causing raph to chuckle softly before kissing her again quickly.
“of course I do.”
@bbyramo mwah <3 || Yes a re-post, but for the new account
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qtfqwniing · 3 years
Red Riot | Raph x Rizalina [oc]
authors note :: canon characters x oc are not something I write normally, so please [unless you are someone I know / friend] don't randomly ask for one qwq | fluff
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ❀
"raph wasn't always the easiest person to get along with. he's hotheaded, temperamental, and just overall moody sometimes. everyone understood this, yet they continued to push his buttons. "oh come on, raph, you're being childish!" leo yelled from the dojo, watching his brother storm out. "CHILDISH-" raph yelled. "-I'll show you childish, you pea-brained ar-" suddenly, someone yanked raph back before he could continue. "come with me." they said, grabbing his hand. raph turned around and saw riza, facing away from him, and walking towards the manhole cover.
"it's dark now, so it's safe, but I want to show you something.." riza said, letting go of raph's hand to climb the ladder leading to the city above. "and that would be?" raph asked, in a slightly worried slightly annoyed tone. riza didn't answer, but simply waited at the opening of the manhole for raph to follow her.
the cold wind blew softly against raph's face, causing him to shiver slightly. "ya know I trust you, but where the hell are we going?" raph asked, jumping over a large rock and continuing to follow riza.
riza patted a soft area of grass, waiting for raph to sit down next to her. once he did, she started speaking. "ya seemed stressed. i don't want you and leo to get into another big fight over something small as a minor mission fail." riza sighed, before hearing some noises behind her. carefully turning around, she saw some purple dragon guys holding a big case of something.
"what do you think that is?" she asked raph, who also turned around and watched them. "knowing the purple dragons, nothing good..." a few more seconds, raph jumped down and started bashing their heads in. "my lord, going on without warning me, how dare he." riza hopped down as well and joined in.
after a few minutes of kicking, swinging, and bashing of heads, raph sighed and joined riza, whom just finished tossing someone to the side. "ya feel better yet?" she asked raph, who smiled at her.
"I am indeed, ya didn't plan this, did ya? seems to perfect to be by accident." raph chuckled, before taking a seat back in his spot. "the stars look lovely tonight, don't they?" he asked riza. she nodded and rested her head on raph's shoulder, smiling softly.
"it looks even better now that I'm here with you..." raph's face turned a bright red, which was luckily hidden well under the night sky and his mask. "ah- same here. I mean, like- I too think it's- the stars are p-pretty under the night sky- with you here- well they were pretty before you and all, but you make em glow even brighter!" raph stumbled on his words, making riza laugh and sit back up.
"sometimes, you just fluster me up." and before riza could respond, raph leaned down and kissed her. shocked, riza paused for a second before returning the kiss. sadly, air is needed, so the two moved back, a small string of saliva between them. "i do hope this means you like me..." riza whispered, causing raph to chuckle softly before kissing her again quickly.
"of course I do."
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