#cause of the Lucario thing
aura-acolyte · 9 months
Just a reminder I don't do nicknames. I go by Mare, I always go by Mare, and that's final.
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destinywillowleaf · 1 month
God why is Volo so tall, is Cogita around the same height (I don't remember her size compared to him), is it a Celestica thing or is he just like That
[photo from Serebii]
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it might be a Celestica thing? player's actually only around a head shorter than Cogita, the angle makes her look taller here. Volo's definitely taller than her though (though no one's taller than Zisu)
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oneluckydragon · 8 months
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Started writing a fic back in early October and had to abandon it for a while due to IRL situations. But I've started working on it again little by little, and I am so excited to eventually share it with my mutuals and followers. I hope you guys enjoy it (I am trying my best to get it done)!
TBH my only motivation anymore is thinking about my friends having a good time reading it when it's finally posted (I love all of you very much). I cannot wait for all of these ideas to be fleshed-out on paper at last.
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Over 16,000 words and I am nowhere near satisfied yet. I feel like I can write WAY more. Stay tuned!
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minimoll7 · 8 months
I've been seeing so much of Palworld recently (as I'm sure many have as well lol) and I am so incredibly torn on it
I don't appreciate the fact that they blatantly stolen stuff from Pokemon (and possibly Fakemon to). No this isn't me trying to defend Game Freak or whatever. Game Freak isn't gonna get hurt by this and I know that. What I'm saying tho is that if you're going to make an original IP and have it make money, you should actually put real effort into making it unique and original (or as original as you can of course). Its one thing to be inspired by Pokemon or to just generally make a monster catching game ('cause I think we need more of that really). But to blatantly copy so much like that? That's bad
But on the other hand, what I've seen looks fun and I'm kind of ashamed to admit that yeah. I do like some of the designs. The Lucario looking one, Anubis? looks really cool to me. I actually REALLY like that one. There's even a Braixen/Delphox looking one that I really like to. Part of me wants to get it because of that
But then I've heard the creators are AI/crypto people and like I don't want to support that either. I also don't know how true it is tho because everything I'm reading up on is all over the place. Just a big ol oof from me
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pierswife · 1 year
I love sitting here like "oh my pokemon insert uses a varied team of pokemon that's she goes gallivanting around different regions with" and "mmmmmmm steel types go brrrr <3"
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pokemonshelterstories · 6 months
hearing what you said about roaring moon made me wonder, are all mega evolutions unethical? that would definitely explain why you dont see them in battle as much as when they were first discovered
not necessarily. much like evolution impacts each pokemon differently, mega evolution impacts each pokemon differently. part of the reason sycamore's lab focuses so much on the study of mega evolution is because it's such a variable phenomenon. some pokemon, like audino, tolerate mega evolution very well. other pokemon, like lucario or houndoom, experience such intense physical/emotional distress from mega evolution that it's largely considered unethical to mega evolve them. still other pokemon, like blastoise, do have some mild negative side effects, but they aren't any worse than any other thing that could happen to a pokemon in battle, and they don't cause unnatural distress responses.
it's largely not common for the fact that finding the necessary items is really hard, and most trainers don't get to the point in their training where they can justify going through the effort to get a keystone and mega stones.
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volhoe · 2 months
Volo headcanon time cause it's about damn time I do em-(please note these may be very much oc/canon and also just general characterization based on information given, if you don't agree that's cool)
I like to think he's super playful in how he talks if he's "close" to someone, a smile with all his teeth a wag of his finger, and he could either be humming playful nicknames(he does say "my favorite customer" a lot after all)or he can be a sarcastic ass, a smart remark done up with sweet words, a prod that send a glare his way(that he marvels at, it's his favorite)
He'll lap up compliments like a thirsty arcanine, if you compliment his knowledge of myths and legends he'll happily tell you all the work he's done and of his devotion. You literally won't get him to shut up once you start him.
He however cannot handle compliments about how he looks or anything like that. He knows he's attractive at a social standpoint, I mean he definitely does have women staring at him and men eyeing him so being so pretty yet so tall and also built. But hearing it makes his brain kinda stop-
I think he can he calm and collected. But it's usually to hold that friendly merchant look.
Building off that one, he can be kind, I think, in a transactional way. He knows kindness will get him things so he believes that's how everyone does things.
He's a touch starved praise needing idiot cause if God can't give him meaning shit as fuck if someone else can he will be a fool with an obsession matched to his devotion as Arceus.
He'd be terrified to get attached to someone though, not because it'd interfere with his plans(I think he'd actually believe maybe he could keep the person he built attachment to)he's terrified that he smiles, that he laughs, that he eagerly awaits to meet, that he feels his teeth clench when someone gets too close for(his)comfort, that he longs for a hand against his arm with a smile at him, that there's no pull away from his own touch.
He's tired as fuck. Desire and devotion are an exhausting feat, and often times he struggles to sleep, struggles to eat if he didn't work for the ginko guild and NEEDED to eat to(barely)do his job he probably would forget(togepi/togekiss is also good reminder)
He does love his pokemon. But he's so...weird about it, he keeps the ideal that a "good tool is one that is cared for" because if his pokemon are not cared for deeply then all their lives will be at risk in such a deadly landscape. But ah if he didn't comfortably lean into Arcanine when it's cold and she rests her great head on his knee. Or when Togekiss flutters about stealing his cap making him shake out a scoff with a smile. Or when Lucario helps him carry supplies when there's too many. Or when Roserade uses aromatherapy to help him sleep. Or when Garchomp helps protect him from raging pokemon in the wilds. Or Spiritomb helping keep away pesky ghost mon late at night.
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asimplearchivist · 4 months
𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓽
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[𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽] [ 𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐃𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓] [ AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST ] summary ✨ ⤏ in which lucario and grovyle attempt to assuage eliana's concerns. pairing(s) ✨ [tba] word count ✨ 2.3k a/n ✨ [header credit] | [divider credit] ⤏ this is a shorter chapter, but be patient—there's more to come! :) ✨ MASTERPOST ✨ ✨ PREVIOUS CHAPTER ⤎ ✨ ⤏ NEXT CHAPTER ✨
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Eliana found the entire idea incredibly difficult to believe.
“Grovyle…” she began incredulously, “…you’re openly admitting that Dusknoir deceived you when you brought him back to the future..even if he, supposedly, had a sincere change of heart at the last second, after trying to murder you—to steal and possess your body in order to trick us again, no less…you still trust him?”
“He helped Celebi and I to stop Primal Dialga from destroying the Passage of Time on top of Vast Ice Mountain, which would have destabilized the paralyzed future all over again and would have completely undone your work in restoring Temporal Tower with the Time Gears,” Grovyle confirmed. “I don’t claim to truly know what ultimately caused him to change his mind, as he’s yet to share that information with me, but he rescued me and was almost killed as a result for revolting against Primal Dialga. Although grievously wounded, he battled with us to the very end, and he disappeared alongside us until we were restored.”
Eliana frowned at him, chewing on the inside of her cheek. Grovyle was being truthful, of that she hadn’t even the foggiest of doubts—he was virtually incapable of lying to her. Mental manipulation was out of the question, because Lu would have long since solved any issues with that since he was able to read Pokémon’s auras…her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. “And you’re vouching for him, too?”
“He hasn’t had a malicious thought since he’s lived here with Grovyle and Celebi,” Lu confirmed, sharing a brief glance with the wood gecko Pokémon. “Believe me, Eliana, I was just as suspicious and as skeptical as you are. It took a long time for Grovyle and Celebi to talk me down from chasing him right on out of Treasure Town. It took even longer for Dusknoir to rebuild my trust and faith in him, and longer still for me to even allow him to make reparations for what he’d done, but…we’ve made peace, and I’ve forgiven him.”
Eliana scowled. “Even though he’s tried to kill all of us on multiple occasions to save his own skin.”
“You recall how he treated us when he first arrived to Treasure Town?” Lu pressed, brow rising. “With kindness and generosity and compassion? How he rescued us expecting nothing in return? All the time he spent teaching us and allowing us to pester him?”
The painful memories that surfaced in the back of her mind caused Eliana’s throat to tighten—she remembered all too clearly her untainted and wholehearted conviction that Dusknoir had truly been great, and more than worthy of the title. She swallowed and cleared her throat, shaking the frissons from her pelt. “While he was leading us on so we wouldn’t expect him to drag us to execution posts?”
“That was before he realized who you really were, Eliana.” Lu tilted his head forward to peer deeply into her eyes. “Every second of that devotion was real. He sincerely cared about us. He had—and still has—a good heart. His fear drove him to do terrible things, yes—he’ll be the first to admit how much of a coward he was, and will just as quickly assume that responsibility as well as the guilt that overwhelms him in retrospect—but, for what it’s worth, that true side of him has emerged, and he’s a completely different Pokémon now.”
Lu was also a terrible liar—it had been a dead giveaway, the very few times he’d ever tried to fib to her, when he’d fail to meet her eyes as he spoke in a demure and shaky voice. Now he met her gaze head-on, completely assured of what he said. (Eliana almost wanted to pinch herself just to make sure she wasn’t trapped in another illusory nightmare.)
“You can’t honestly expect me to just drop everything and let bygones be bygones after he spent so long being the most rotten Pokémon alive,” she told them flatly. “There’s no telling everything he did under Primal Dialga’s orders.”
“Eliana,” Grovyle said gently, “we understand. I couldn’t sleep in the same room as him for months. Even now I’ll wake and startle when I see him, strictly on instinct. He knows, and he’s doing his best to make amends—almost to a fault, in my opinion. I can’t tell you all the good he’s done since we’ve returned to the mainland. We can’t walk through Treasure Town without running into someone he’s helped personally who wants to stop and thank him.”
“You don’t think he’s playing the long game this time?” she growled. “Waiting for all of you to truly relax so he can come in and betray you all over again with the lowest chances of failure? Why wouldn’t he want to finish the job?”
“No one can ever know things like that for certain,” Lu acknowledged, “but based on the last few years, he’s given no indication of reverting back to his old ways. You don’t have to forgive him, and you don’t have to trust him—but please believe us that he’s earnest, at least.”
Eliana sighed, glared out of the window to her right—the sun had long since slipped under the horizon, plunging the sky into pitch darkness save the full moon spilling mercurial light upon the landscape and the stars sprinkling the farthest reaches—and tried to resolve the tumult in her mind. Her time running from him in the future as a human combined with her time as an Eevee once he’d revealed his true colors could not be ignored. But, for the sakes of Lu, Grovyle, and Celebi (who she had no doubts would have eradicated Dusknoir on the spot had he shown any further signs of ill intent and wouldn’t have hesitated to do so given the prolific bounds of her abilities), she—reluctantly—decided to tolerate the ghost-type’s presence…for the time being.
“…All right,” she acquiesced, “if you’re both certain, I’ll…be patient. But I will take care of him if he takes one step out of line.”
“We know. We would do the same.” Grovyle, too, glanced outside, as though to assess the time. “…I should probably head back to the bluff. We’ve an early start tomorrow since we took some jobs to the north of here a good ways.”
“Go get some rest, old friend,” bade Lu, “and take that basket with you. I had Chimecho provide extra for all three of you.”
“You needn’t keep feeding us, you know,” said the wood gecko Pokémon wryly, although his eyes shone with gratitude. “We are perfectly capable of keeping our own larder stocked.”
“Just bring the basket back for a refill,” Lu dismissed with a toothy grin. “Best of luck to you.”
Eliana’s heart rose to her throat as Grovyle stood. He stopped to give her another tight and long hug, which she returned wholeheartedly. She blinked away the burning in her eyes as he pulled away.
“I will see you once we return,” he promised her softly, lithe form lingering close—he didn’t want to leave, either. “We can discuss your situation going forward then. Rest well.”
“You, too. Be careful,” she murmured. “Don’t get lost.”
“I won’t.” His eyes crinkled in a smile. Then he grasped the basket, hefted the handle over his lithe shoulder, and slipped out of Lu’s office. The door shut with a punctual thud in his wake and the silence that followed was hollow.
Lu set his basket, emptied by himself and Eliana once he and Grovyle had convinced her to eat, to the side and rose to his feet. “You can stay in the Guild’s guest wing for now,” he said, “until you decide what to do. We’ve refurbished it a bit, so it should be more comfortable.”
Eliana nodded and followed him silently through the dimmed, sleepy Guild. The somewhat hidden stairwell that led to the basement containing the larder and the aforementioned accommodations for privileged guests within the sentry tunnel was cool and damp, as it always was after a recent rain, but once Lu stopped at the end of the tunnel and opened the door leading into the extra room, a flush of warm, dry air swept over her.
True to Lu’s word, the room had indeed been altered. Updated furniture kept the place from feeling too sparse, but the same hearth merrily crackling in the end of the room illuminated the floors and walls enough that it didn’t quite feel like the buried burrow it was. A new, vivid, plush, woven mat covered the packed dirt floor, and a fresh straw bed had been fashioned in the furthest corner in the warmest spot. The narrow bracket of shelves next to the respective spring-fed wash and drinking basins nearest the door had been fully stocked not only with food, but also basic items and more personal ones that Eliana quickly recognized—her Treasure Bag and Wonder Map, a hefty sack of her own money, as well as a small locked chest within which she had kept her belongings while they’d lived at Sharpedo Bluff. Lu had obviously anticipated her arrival well in advance to go to such lengths to have the place prepared thusly.
“You’re spoiling me,” Eliana whispered, smiling shakily. She’d about had it with the tears that day, as exhausting as it had been.
“I’m making sure you have everything you need,” he told her, shaking his head fondly and slipping an arm over her shoulder to tug her into his flank. “This room could be yours, if you wanted. I’d considered taking you on as an official consultant and assistant, if you wanted to. Chatot handles the administration, but it would be helpful to have someone with more hands-on experience. The apprentices can be quite a handful sometimes.” He huffed softly. “But don’t make a decision right now. I really shouldn’t have even brought it up, but I’m just so excited that you’re finally home, I…”
“It’s all right,” Eliana told him, tilting her head up to gaze at him warmly. “I’m glad you considered me for the position. I’ll start thinking about it.”
“That’s all I ask—there’s no pressure, of course.” He chuckled. “You may want to retire from all this nonsense, after all.”
“We’ll see.” Eliana hesitated, then dropped her chin and scuffed her foot along the weave of the rug. “I’m…sorry, you know…about getting carried away earlier. I didn’t mean to cause a scene and embarrass you.”
“I almost attacked him on first sight, too,” he said mildly, “and you didn’t embarrass me. I had hoped to warn you before he got there, since I thought Magnezone would keep him occupied for longer, but…I don’t think the others will hold it against you. It was a big adjustment for them, too. You reacted in a way for which no one could possibly fault you—including Dusknoir himself.”
Eliana frowned with a flat, low hum at that and slipped away from Lu’s grasp, stepping over to the drinking fountain to relieve her thirst.
“That’s why he didn’t fight back, you know.”
She glanced at her partner from out of the corner of her eye while she lapped from the cold, fresh water.
Lu’s face was creased with empathy as he grasped the silver bow tied around his neck with both paws, his blunted claws wringing the thinned fabric—the first indication of his old anxiety she’d seen all evening. “He didn’t try to stop you, I hope you realize that. He just acted in self-defense to keep you from hurting yourself.”
The recent impression of his unnaturally cool and massive hand coiling around her middle and nearly engulfing her whole torso all the way to her spine made her stiffen. Her entire body didn’t quite fit into his palm anymore, but he could still crush her if he wanted to.
…Yet he hadn’t. She’d bitten him before he could have, but…
“Don’t entirely reject the idea that he’s capable of redeeming himself just yet, Eliana,” Lu murmured pleadingly. “Please.”
“…I won’t,” she caved, turning and watching the flicker of amber firelight play over the lines in Lu’s face. He looked simultaneously younger and older than she remembered. “For you. And for Grovyle.”
Some of the fretful tension drained from his rigid form at her admission. “Thank you. I can’t demand that you give him a second chance, but…I’d ask that you at least try.”
Unable to give him any further verbal confirmation, she nodded instead.
He returned the gesture, smiled, and stepped back into the doorway. “Don’t hesitate to come get me if you need anything,” he said, “anything at all.”
“I will,” she replied.
He stopped, the edge of his mouth tightening.
“I won’t hesitate,” she amended with an irresistible chuckle, “and I will come get you.”
“All right,” he accepted, curling his paw around the door latch. “Good night, Eliana.”
“Good night,” she returned with a smile.
He replicated the gesture, then the door shut with a soft click as the latch lurched into place and secured her inside. The earth muffled any noises Lu would have made climbing back up into the next level, and the only company Eliana now had was the fire rasping at her back and the gentle trickle of water passing through its natural course towards the town’s reservoir.
It struck her suddenly, then, that this would be the first night she would spend alone in nearly a half a decade.
Eliana swallowed roughly, walked over to curl up onto the warm, soft bed that still smelled as though it had been bathed in sunshine, and squeezed her eyes shut to avoid their stinging.
She dreamed of perpetual darkness so dense it could be felt, and of pale, outstretched hands.
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F/O Headcanons: Pokemon Universe Edition!
(More will be added with time)
(Also, many of these are inspired from headcanons I’ve previously read, so you may recognize them. Unfortunately, most of these have been in my phone for a long time so I don’t remember some of the original sources; if you do though, please message me so I can give proper credits)
Aromatisse tend to make potpurri nests
Nessa and Raihan are cousins.
Leon does not know how to break open a safe or pick locks… Hop knows how to do both. In fact Hop has numerous skills that are also a little shady.
It’s hard keeping a Riolu at their beginning stage because they are very loving, loyal and friendly pokemon. Don’t give your kid a Riolu because you will be taking care of a Lucario.
Phantump can possess all kinds of tree stumps (fruit trees, redwoods, birch trees, etc.). This gives them some natural variation in appearance.
Kirlia will often "intern" under Gallade and Gardevoir in order to enhance their psychic abilities. Which one a Kirlia trains under is thought to influence its evolution if male.
Magikarp are popular among breeders because they have a good amount of variation and produce lots of eggs. You can get Magikarp/Gyarados in various colors and patterns because of this. This is also true among Rattata, but they’re less popular due to people considering them weak and boring.
Absol are known for being paranoid. They are extremely protective of their trainers and will try to prevent any negative thing from happening to them, even if that thing is "leaf blows into their face" or something equally mundane.
Sylveon and Umbreon get along surprisingly well because they're both stealth hunters.
One popular textile company uses a stylized Leavanny for their logo.
Modern Pokeballs create simulations for the Pokemon inside that make them feel like they're in a large environment. In addition to making the Pokeball feel extra comfortable, they also help keep the Pokemon enriched.
Eevee and their evolutions arguably have the cutest courtship rituals on the planet. They start off by showing interest with short yips and sniffing, studying each other. After that, play-fighting ensues. When that's done, the pair share tiny kisses on the cheek.
Umbreon can spray poison from their rings. They can poison themselves if they breathe it in accidentally due to not being poison-types, but the toxins are pretty mild.
Leavanny can fly, but only for very short distances and not very far off the ground.
A popular rumor states that the more powerful the Lucario the more black they have on their bodies, but there's nothing scientific to back up this claim.
There are some that believe that Fidough evolve faster when around fire-type Pokemon. This claim has yet to be scientifically backed, however.
Young Vulpix will actively try to get their trainers to "hold their paw for reassurance.
The Leavanny line becomes incredibly agitated if they don't have any materials to "sew" with, so make sure they have access to plenty of greenery.
Absol live in isolation out in the wild, only coming together to breed and take care of their pups.
Jolteon oddly prefer sparkling water. Many theorize that the breed generally prefer foods that cause ‘tingly’ sensations as it’s similar to the hum of electricity.
Legendary and guardian pokemon in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos are so rarely seen they are thought of as myths. Meanwhile the Tapu guardians in Alola have shown up in people's backyards to mess around with their sprinklers and lawn ornaments.
Luxray are used as police or medical Pokemon in Sinnoh due to their ability to see through objects and strong stature. They are good at finding and retrieving victims and people who need assistance. Along with that they can be trained to listen for heartbeats and give electricity in a way similar to an AED.
There is a superstition in Johto that if an Eevee jumps into a child's crib, the child is blessed. Often times for baby showers, the mother is gifted an Eevee egg for this very reason. When the kit hatches, it is left in the room with the baby. If the Eevee stays by the child's side, but outside the crib, the child is destined to be average and live a normal life. However, if the Eevee jumps inside the crib and sleeps next to the child, the child will be blessed with fortune, prosperity, and joy.
It's thought that having someone with a positive aura take care of Riolu eggs helps them to hatch faster.
Eevees tend to mimic the personality and habits of their trainers. If their trainer tends to be energetic, the Eevees will get a share of that energy too. If, on the other hand, the trainer tends to be more on the relaxed and a bit lazy side the Eevees will behave like that too.
Popplio are frequently used for public performances and other forms of entertainment. It works out nicely, as it serves as excellent enrichment for them
Swablu's soft, cotton-y down is a favorite filler for pillows, especially because they shed it often. Nowadays it's more common to find synthetic substitutes.
Eevee’s love to be groomed and accessorized, especially on their tail. They don't like baths though but they groom themselves well.
Hisuian Growlithe/Arcanine are still found in some volcanic regions, but they are incredibly rare and protected under law.
A group of Chingling/Chimecho are known as a gong.
While Vulpix and Ninetales have incredible fur, harming one is considered bad luck and, in some areas, sacrilegious.
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xxtc-96xx · 1 year
Crucify me if you want but I consider the 1st movie mew and the lucario movie mew to be different mews their behavior is actually quite different (by a margin but enough) and the lucario movie mew seemed too connected to the tree thing it seemed as a it couldn’t leave the kingdoms borders and the amount of people who knew that one existed was a little too high to match the 1st movie mew 
They were confirmed to be two different mews, I just make them the same one just cause. Besides it can probably go wherever it wants as long as it returns to the tree every now and then. When mew isn’t in the comic just assume it’s probably gone back
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pokecare · 9 days
Pokemon Safety and Regulations
every pokemon is categorized into small, medium, big, or unsafe.
most buildings allow small pokemon to be outside of their pokeballs (but often require them to be held off the floor). small pokemon are pokemon that can easily be held in a hand or on a shoulder, such as ekans, eevee, starly, dwebble, rattata, and drifloon. (it's also acceptable if they fit in a bag or carrier, and you might be able to squeak a smaller medium pokemon by in a backpack or something.)
buildings that don't handle things like food or medical care usually allow up to medium pokemon inside and let them walk around on the ground (malls - food sections excluded, hotels, libraries, exercise gyms, thrift stores, etc.) this is a fairly large category, but medium pokemon are any pokemon that are roughly human-sized or smaller, such as wigglytuff, lucario, boltund, skiddo, and the eeveelutions.
you'll really only see big pokemon accepted in places that are explicitly pokemon-accepting/pokemon-safe. big pokemon are any pokemon that are larger or heavier than humans, such as donphan, onix, obstagoon, noivern, walrein, milotic, and archuladon.
unsafe pokemon are pokemon that pose a threat around crowds. these are usually pokemon whos bodies are/have dangerous material, like nidoking(poisoned spikes), charizard and rapidash(open flame), weezing and gloom (poison gas) and goodra(slippery slime). a lot of poison and fire types are classified as legally unsafe.
certain places may also ban certain types (most notably places with a lot of tech disallowing electric types as many have tech-disruptive abilities, or places like pools banning ice types)
the only pokemon exempt from these rules are service pokemon. legal service pokemon are never legally unsafe (you literally aren't allowed to have an official service 'mon that's classified as unsafe) and rarely big. (most service 'mon are in the medium category)
if your pokemon is not allowed in a building due to these restrictions it must be kept in its pokeball until you leave. letting out a medium pokemon has a pretty small fine unless it's in a hospital or something, big pokemon can sometimes cause accidents/injury/property damage so that's a bigger fine, and you can be arrested if you let an unsafe pokemon out in a building in serious cases.
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midnight-talescape · 2 years
Virus (Various Pokémon x Reader)
Kinktober day Idfk : Mix and Match lot of things happened
I know I have been gone, but like work schedule change and Halloween costume planning, so lol. I ended up shoving everything in a single long story so have fun
Warning: Poképhillia, non-con, lot of stuff happened , etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
You ran through the forest, not caring about the branches scratching at your body, knowing full well your fate will be worst if you get caught.
You shivered as you remember how everything change.
Pokémon has always been your best friend and it’s not a uncommon occurrence. People and Pokémon live in harmony, until it all change.
A mysterious virus was infecting Pokémon, causing them to fall into a murderous rage. Pokémon with trainer will turn on them, causing mass destruction across the region.
The league has stated that whenever these Pokémon are found, they must be killed as to not cause any more damage.
Your lip trembled as you remembered how your entire team was infected and how you had no choice but to run. You could have signal for help, but you couldn’t. They were your best friend you can’t watch them die.
Suddenly you were stopped in your track as a Nidoking eye red with fury walk toward you. You closed your eyes, knowing there was no where to run. Just as you accept your fate you heard something heavy fall onto the ground.
You opened your eye to see the Nidoking on the ground, (you can’t tell if it’s dead or alive) before being hit with a flamethrower. (Definitely dead) Standing with his back toward you was your Charizard. He turned toward you, eyes still red but seemingly having no intention to hurt you.
Shakingly you hold out your hand,
Snapping him out of his trance, he let out a roar before grabbing you and took to the air.
You closed your eye as the wind hit your face, when you felt yourself landed you look up to see the red eyes of the rest of your team. Pidgeot, Luxray, Typhlosion, Lucario, Mewtwo, and Charizard who was holding you to his chest. They look at each other as an unspoken agreement was made.
“G-guys?” you ask fearfully unsure of what was happening,
In a flash you were on the ground and your cloth was tore away as Charizard pounces on you. 
Without warning he slammed into you and you let out a screech and your body arched up as you felt what was the equivalent of a burning rod shoved into you. 
The impact knocked the air out of you as you desperately pushed at Charizard’s body as he thrust into you, trying to get him to stop. Charizard bite down on your neck threateningly to get you to stop, and you sobbed as you stop struggling just taking in the assault.
Sensing your submission, Charizard licked your neck in a almost comforting motion, as he covered you with his wings and slow down a little for you to adjust. Slowly your sobbing quiet down as the pain started to die down.
Feeling your body starting to relax, with a roar he fucked into you relentlessly, your body being treated like a fuck toy. 
You panted and cry as you hold onto Charizard’s body for dear life as you were impaled on his member. Your cry futile as your body bounces up and down on his members, orgasming over and over again.
Eventually you felt his thrust getting sloppy. You let out a cry when you felt him fucked into your womb and his wing started flapping before cumming inside you.
The cum was burning hot and scorched you from the inside, you sobbed and begin to struggle again. Charizard ignored your struggle and pushed you down as he filled you up and some more. After 10 or so minutes the stream of cum slow down and eventually stopped. With a pant Charizard pulled out and the cum that was inside you poured out.
You laid on the ground, your body tired and abuse, thinking it was finally over when Pidgeot landed on you. His talon digging into your shoulder.
He nuzzled your neck as if to comfort you from what’s about to happen, before pushing down on your stomach with his talon (feet?) Your mind went blank as Charizard’s cum gushed out of your body in a fiery stream.
Your mouth opened in a silent scream as your body spasm from the feeling. When it was over, you panted on the ground, tears and saliva covering your face.
Once satisfied that your stomach was mostly empty, he flapped his wing and flew to you lower body. His talons digging into your leg breaking your skin.
Ignoring your silent plead, he shoved a talon into your wet fold. Digging in and clawing at your tunnel to forcefully removed any of Charizard’s seed that’s still in you.
 “N-no! Ha…. I-it h-hurt, ah!”
You tried to get away from Pidgeot, as you felt like your tunnel was getting shredded. Unhappy he removed his talon using both of his feet to hold you down, before diving his beak into you.
You gasp and moan as you felt your tunnel being stretched again as he drink the liquid that was coming out of you. Your leg shuddering as you came over and over again.
Eventually he stopped to dodge a attack from Luxray, who got impatient waiting for him to finish.  You spasm as you were brought to your high as you was nearly hit by Luxray’s attack the electric racing through you. Pidgeot turned around screeching at Luxray, ready to fight him for interrupting him, when they were stopped by the other.
With a huff Luxray laid back down looking at you with a hunger in his eyes.
Pidgeot flew back and slammed into you not bothering to wait anymore. You gasp as you felt his member goes into you. His member might not be as thick as Charizard’s but it was longer and it immediately impaled into your womb. He thrust into you fast and hard, you can barely feel it move out before you feel it hitting deep inside you again.
You arched your back as you felt him finally came inside you, filling you up again. When he was done he fly up, removing his member from your body, and perched on a tree as Luxray got up and walked toward you.
Ignoring how abuse and sensitive your body was, he put his black paws on your shoulder, pushing you into the ground and stopping any chance of you running away. He lowered his head to put your neck in his mouth, a silent threat in his action, as if to say he will crush your throat if you dare move.
Shaking you relaxed your body, not wanting to die. As soon as you did, you grabbed onto the grass as you felt him thrust inside you. The barb on his member hooking onto your tunnel,  hitting every sensitive spot. Every time it pulled out it will scratch against your tunnel, scratching the inside and pulling your body with it.
You gasped and tried to relax your body as tears stream down your face. You moaned as Luxray started licking your breast, the tiny hook on his tongue scratching at your skin. 
Over and over he thrust into you, while holding you down with his paw, not giving you any chance to run away. Suddenly he flipped you over and your mind went blank as his member twisted inside your body.
Biting down on your neck, eventually he came inside of your womb. You wailed as you felt his knot inflating inside you stopping any cum from leaking outside of you.
Your body spasm as you felt the electricity on his cum shocking you, forcing you to cum over and over again. After a while his knot deflated and he pulled out with a ‘pop’ and he walked back, as Lucario took his place.
Grabbing your ass Lucario fucked into you from behind, holding you in place with his paws. Suddenly your eyes blurred and another Lucario showed up in front of you. The cloned grabbed you and pushed you into Lucario’s chest before thrusting into you from the front.
You let out a moan as you were filled from both side. Together they started moving in sync, using you as a sex toy. Lucario licked away the saliva dripping down your chin as you were fuck dumb. The cloned pinched your nipple hard, for a moment you thought he was gonna poke a hole through it. 
You felt his knot inflated on both side when they finally cum into you. You lay there shivering in their embrace, not able to move. You let out a whine when you felt them start moving again before the knot deflated, always stopping at the entrance before shoving it back in. All of your juice was forced to stay inside you, with their seed as their knot stop anything from leaking out.
You laid there panting on the ground, your belly swollen and painful, until they were forcefully pulled out of you. You let out a yelp of pain, and Lucario deactivate his shadow clone and threw an aura ball at Mewtwo who pulled him out using Psychic. Mewtwo dodge and looked at Lucario,
‘Hurry up’
With a humph Lucario walked off. Mewtwo flew toward you.
You looked at him with hope in your eyes. Mewtwo looked back, eye red and the next thing you know you was floating in the air. The cum inside of you dripping out of you and onto the grass.
Grabbing you into his arm he fly high into the air, you shivered in the cold wind and hold on to him.
Moving you slightly higher he thrust his member into you, the seed inside you forcefully pushed out of you. The vein on his member pulses inside you, and he quickly started thrusting inside you. Your juice being beaten into a white froth decorating the place where you guys connect.
Your mind started to blur from all the fucking you just endured, unhappy with this Mewtwo let go of his arm and you quickly grabbed onto him. The fear of falling down and dying causing you to clench your fold and Mewtwo let out a groan as he pounded into you. Using his power he created some purple glowy tentacles and pulled your arm back, bending you backward in an impossible position, allowing him to slam his shaft deeper inside you, hitting the end of your womb.
Tear streamed down your face as you wailed and cry for him to let you go. Unmoving he use the tendril to whipped you leaving mark on you as he use your body. You stayed there in the air being beaten and fucked, your juice dripping down your leg and onto the ground far below. Your mind was long broken and blurred, being able to do nothing but take the abuse. Eventually you was let down again and you curled up as best as you can.
You trembled when you felt a paw on you. The owner lifted you up and put you on his warm furred body as he gently comfort you. Looking up you saw your Typhlosion staring at you. His eyes still red, but a bit brighter, seeing the familiarity you hold onto his fur and burst out crying.
Typhlosion cooed and rubbed your back, his fur and motion calming you down. Eventually you stopped hiccuping and Typhlosion gently nuzzled your neck and guide his member to your fold, but instead of slamming you down he looked at you.
Gritting your lip you nodded your head and gently lower yourself on his member. 
You gripped his fur tightly as you were stretched again, but this time you were willingly doing it. 
He gently stroked your back and suddenly pushed down on your wound a bit too hard and you slipped, landing on his member all in one go. Your body stretched around it tightly, the member hitting deep into you.
Grabbing your waist he slowly moved you up and down on his member. You moaned as you were filled slowly, but soon it wasn’t enough. The slow pace wasn’t enough to bring you over.
“F-faster, please, ha~”
Smiling Typhlosion gripped your waist and moved you up and down, faster and faster, harder and harder.
Your leg shuddered and you shooked you head,
“T-too f-fast, ha..”
Ignoring your cry, Typhlosion let out a groan and slammed you down. His gentleness from the start was all just a facade, after all he never had any plan to let you go.
Suddenly a purple flame engulf you. The flame didn’t hurt you, but they were eerily cold, you shivered and got closer to Typhlosion. Holding you to his body he eventually came inside, his cum unlike Charizard a freezing cold. Pulling out he gave you a kiss on the head.
In your perpetual vision you saw the rest of the team walking toward you again.
You don’t know how long it lasted, but when they were finally done with you, your mind was long past broken. 
There you laid in a puddle of cum, your body covered in marking, as they surround you. A silent sign of who you belong to.
‘What do you want? Truly deep down?” The voice asked,
‘What we want deep down?’
‘Isn’t that obvious?’
‘I want…’
‘We want…
‘She belongs to me,’
‘I want to watch her cry beneath me,’
‘No one shall touch her,’
“She’s ours,”
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kararii · 11 months
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"Quick" lucario sketch cause I still haven't drawn anything and I need to go to bed
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Took like half an hour, idk how slow that actually is but at least the resultant sketch is pretty clean. Also once again here's the rough version. I really should've added a few more things but got impatient and started the clean sketch anyway since it was taking so long
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bots-and-cons · 11 months
OK I got your answer to my request and yeah I’m sorry for not giving much context .
I would still like a Optimus, Bumblebee and Smokescreen x female Pokémon trainer reader
How about for context, let’s say that the auto bots are detecting all the commotion being caused by the reader and her Pokémon when they are training and since they don’t know anything about Pokémon, they would be confused at first, and try to protect the reader from her Pokémon only for her to have to explain what Pokémon is to them. 
As for the little cherry on top, I’d honestly love to see what each of them think of Pokémon like, as in what their personal opinion of them is. Maybe even stating which one they would say is their favorite Pokémon.
If you would like any suggestions for any kind of Pokémon to appear, might I suggest Eevee and Lucario? Those are some of my favorite Pokémon so I figured if you wanted Pokémon suggestions I’d suggest them.
I did HCs, since I'm not particularly in the mood for scenarios atm. Honestly, I just mostly did the bot’s reactions to the Pokemon you mentioned and something like that. I’m really freaking tired today and I just wanted to get something out since it’s been a week since the last fic post. Sorry I didn’t do Bee, I didn’t have any ideas and my brain isn’t working right now. Pokemon x TFP crossover I guess
•First he thinks the little creatures that seem to be fighting each other are going to hurt you, so he scoops you up and tries to take you away from your pokemon
•You of course protest, and tell him to put you down
•Smokescreen thought the two pokemon were some weird dogs but dogs don’t walk on two legs and when he gets a closer look, the smaller one doesn’t quite look like a dog either
•He wasn’t going to hurt the little animals(?) he just wanted to keep you safe
•You of course have to explain to him that they’re not animals, they’re pokemon
•Smokes is of course interested in what exactly these so called “pokemon” do and what they mean to you since they seem to also be very protective of you
•When he picked you up to protect you from them, they tried to save you by attacking him but you stopped them
•Your pokemon friends don’t particularly seem to like Smokescreen, but he doesn’t really notice
•Smokescreen doesn’t really get what the difference between pokemon and normal animals is, but he thinks it’s great you have such companions to keep you safe
~Optimus Prime~
•Optimus is of course not familiar with pokemon, he just thought they were some odd animals
•But you explain the whole thing to him, the pokemon, training them and how you battle other trainers
•Optimus asks how you got your pokemon and you ended up also explaining the whole starter pokemon thing, your starter pokemon was Mudkip and you’ve collected other pokemon over the years, like Eevee and Lucario
•He doesn’t really get the whole “battling other trainers” thing, because he doesn’t like unnecessary fighting, but he doesn’t tell you that, since it seems like it’s such a normal thing to you
•Optimus thinks the pokemon are quite fascinating and he finds the whole training thing interesting
•Your pokemon seem to actually be quite interested in Optimus as well, probably because he’s not anything they’ve seen before, and since he seems to be important to you they also want him to be safe
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True Colors
Mustard has you and Avery to work together for a trial. You guys end up seeing new sides of each other.
Hope someone reads this and enjoys💖
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You came to the Isle of Armor for reasons that you kept personal to you. Well, actually, your brother forced you to come here thinking it would help improve your confidence.
He trained with Mustard, so he figured the older man could help you as well.
Your partner pokémon was Sylveon, who's been with you since forever. He was your very first pokémon, and was the closest thing you had to a friend. So, when you arrived at the Isle, you expected to only hang out with Sylveon.
You never expected to make so many friends.
However, as you bonded with your fellow trainers, you failed to make friends with a star student of the class. Avery seemed very determined to stay belligerent with you, keeping his distance and making snarky remarks whenever possible. People described him as a bit of a bully, and you could see why. He definitely used those physic powers to his advantage.
Still, whenever you were confronted by him, you acted with kindness. It’s just who you were, and it seemed to baffle him every time. 
Avery just didn’t understand you.
One day, Mustard decided to pair people up for another trial. You were paired up with Avery, being told by Mustard that you were probably the only one of his students who could put up with him. Still, the older man added that you were also probably the only one who could cause Avery to break down his walls a bit.
You were still pondering what he was talking about.
The challenge was to catch a rare and strong pokémon. Obviously, Mustard had something in mind already, and your job was to figure out what that was. Other teams have already ventured out into the wetlands as you waited for Avery with Sylveon on your shoulder.
“Seriously, what is he doing?” You asked your partner, who merely squeaked in response.
Eventually, Avery did show up, but he was dressed differently from his usual taste. He was wearing the dojo’s signature uniform, top hat gone, and his beautiful blonde locks were tied up in a high ponytail. It was clear to see that he has been working out. His gorgeous blue eyes were still hidden behind his frames, a necessity for him. The new outfit on him almost made Avery look approachable.
You shook your head with a blush at those words, Sylveon swatting you slightly with his ribbons. Without so much as a hello, Avery walked past you and used his physic powers to pick up his pack of supplies.
“What are you gawking at? We need to move.” Avery’s frustrated tone caught you out of your daze as he flung the pack over his shoulder. You quickly snatched up your own before following him into the wetlands.
You’ve been walking for what felt like hours with the hot sun beating down on you. Avery took the lead, walking ahead of you at a pace that you struggled to keep up with. The pack started to feel like a bundle of iron weights on your back, the sun making it ten times worse. Eventually, you began to slow down.
Normally, you’d have your Lucario come out and help you, but she didn’t like Avery much, so that was a no go.
The sun had practically melted your mind, so you almost didn’t notice when your pack was suddenly removed from your back. Perking up, you noticed Avery keeping pace with you as he lugged your bag of things onto his other shoulder. You felt flattered for some reason. Even though there was sweat dripping down his face from his own baggage, he decided to take yours as well.
“Thank you...” You said quietly, and Avery seemed taken aback from the gratitude. He widened his eyes only slightly, getting a bit flustered, before huffing and looking away with a frown.
You guessed the redness on his cheeks was from the sun.
“I can’t have you slowing us down.” He mumbled, but you still felt grateful despite the snarky comment. Whether it was from the extra weight or something else entirely, Avery stuck by your side now.
Soon, rain began to fall.
Now you and Avery were huddled together under a small tree to keep dry. The two of you were practically shoulder to shoulder, with him being taller than you. He also looked less than thrilled about the situation.
“How are we supposed to complete the trial in this? My foresight didn’t predict this.” He muttered.
“I find the rain kind of relaxing...” You said, taking in a deep breath of the moistened earth. Avery scoffed slightly.
“You would think that.” He retorted to you, and all you could do was smile. You had nothing to refute that with. Avery soon crossed his arms and stared off into the foggy forest. 
“Why did you even come here?” Avery soon asked you, his voice a tone of irritation rather than curiosity. But you were just glad he was willing to make conversation.
“Well...my brother forced me.” You said with a nervous chuckle.
“Hmm...I see.” You realized that was Avery’s prompt in asking you to continue. He was definitely smarter than some people gave him credit for, if he was able to determine that there was more to your story. That, or he really didn’t care.
But you just gripped your pants in a nervous manner, which he took notice of immediately.
“My brother forced me to come here because he believed it was best for me. After my ex-boyfriend used me...than cheated on me...I had a rather low self-esteem. Not only that, but I was being picked on because of said actions. I felt so stupid...my brother could tell I needed a confidence booster, and he felt this was a safe option for me...” You explained, and you dared to glance at Avery.
He looked so horrified.
“I’m...I’m sorry...I had no idea. About the way I treated you...I’m sorry...no one deserves that...I should’ve acted more like a gentleman...” Avery stumbled over his words, clearly not used to apologizing. But you just smiled and waved him off.
“No worries. It’s all in the past and I’m doing much better now. Plus, I would much rather get picked on by you than those other people any day.” You told him, and Avery didn’t really know how to respond to that.
But you saw him get flustered slightly.
“So...why did you come here?” You wanted to change the subject, and you were ready for Avery to deny that knowledge to you. But instead, he just took a deep breath.
“I’m here to get stronger...and prove myself to my family. You see, I come from a long line of physics that run the gym here in Galar. Thus, I was destined to lead the gym before I was even born...but...my powers are only adequate.” As Avery said this, he used his talents to stop some of the raindrops. They glimmered slightly in their physic state before Avery let them plop onto the ground, watching them with disappointment.
“I think your powers are extraordinary!” You praised him, and he reacted the same as earlier when he held your things for you. He looked surprised before looking away with a fluster.
“Extraordinary to you...but an embarrassment to my extraordinary family...” He mumbled, and you took a risk. You placed a hand on his shoulder, making him tense up slightly.
“If that’s what they think...then you deserve better.” You told him with a smile. It took Avery a while, but he eventually moved his hand to rest over yours, smiling back.
“So do you...” He said in reference to your ex. His actions caused you to blush as this was a side of him you’ve never seen before. However, eventually the rain let up slightly, breaking up the moment and allowing you guys to go searching again.
But then night soon fell.
You and Avery made camp out in the forest, allowing your pokémon out of their balls to roam around a bit before getting into your tents. You expected dinner to be full of tension and perhaps some bitterness from Avery. However, he acted like a total gentleman, helping you whenever possible.
Who was this man? This wasn’t Avery.
You were beginning to realize that you had a crush on this man, despite the dislike he held with you. As you guys went to your respective tents for the night, you didn’t know how you were going to fall asleep with this knowledge on your mind. But you soon did, with Sylveon snoozing beside you.
Then came the thunderstorm.
Apparently, that break in the rain was the calm before the storm. You awoke abruptly, fear squeezing in your chest as a struck of thunder came. Sylveon was still sleeping, but you couldn’t help but feel afraid. You didn’t know why, but you always had a slight fear of thunderstorms. Normally, you’d release your other pokémon to help you calm down, but you couldn’t do that in a tent.
You don’t know what compelled you to, but you quickly snatched up Sylveon and your things before going over to Avery’s tent. As expected, he was in a daze when you suddenly barged into his personal space.
“Y/N? Why are you in...my tent?” Upon realizing that, he blushed profusely. 
“I...I’m afraid of the storm...can I stay with you?” You hated that you even had to ask him. This should be something that you could handle on your own. However, you almost didn’t hear his answer. You were distracted by how adorable he looked sleepy without his glasses.
“You’re afraid of thunderstorms?” He asked you in surprise. After nodding, you expected mockery. However, he just shuffled over a bit to make room for you.
“It’s okay to be scared, I understand...I’m certainly in pyshock though...” He grinned a bit when you giggled at his pun. However, you thanked him quickly before allowing Sylveon to curl up against you as you laid down. You could hear Avery shuffle as well, and you tried to focus on sleep instead of the handsome man who laid less than a foot away from you.
Soon, a beautiful morning came with the sun shining down on the rain-covered plants.
You woke up first, seeing Sylveon curled away from you. Turning over, you almost laughed when you saw Avery. Everything about what you witnessed was an opposite to how he portrayed himself. His hair was a mess (still in a ponytail), and an arm was over his eyes as he snored cutely.
He looked just like a boy.
However, your staring must have woken him, because you soon made eye contact with his blue irises. Avery nearly shot up when he realized that you were still in here.
“Umm...good morning?” His usual cocky nature was replaced by a timid one as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Good morning. Thank you again for letting me stay. It was a big help.” You informed him with a bright smile, making him look even more flustered.
“Don’t mention it...” He mumbled, looking away again. Eventually, you slipped out as he placed his glasses on his face physic style. With a new day, you guys decided to spend all the time looking for that strong pokémon. However, it was clear that Avery had changed as he was much more kind and helpful with you. Not to mention how nervous he seemed.
Perhaps you changed as well.
Soon evening came, and you guys have found nothing. The two of you were disappointed, but no one blamed it on the other. Eventually, you guys were making your way back to the dojo as the setting sun cast a golden glow over the land.
“Well...we didn’t find any strong-looking pokémon, but I still think I found something worth treasuring...” Avery’s voice startled you, mostly because you expected him to be too downtrodden to talk. But before you could ask what he meant, you felt Avery’s hand brush against your own. You thought it was an accident, until he did it again.
And again.
Then you did it.
Finally, he found the courage to grab your hand in his and didn’t let go.
Blushing, you looked up to see he was looking away from you again. But this time, he had a faint smile on his lips. The way he was treating you held the answer to your earlier unsaid question. 
You. You were worth treasuring.
As you guys walked back, still hand-in-hand, you came to a realization as well. Avery was not the stuck-up guy that your fellow trainers told you he was. He just had such high walls put up around him for protection purposes as he always thought he had to prove himself. 
Guess you were the one he finally felt comfortable enough to show his true colors to.
Upon walking inside, you guys noticed the other pairs were equally downtrodden, but they all had pokémon with them. However, Mustard just look disappointed until he spotted you two.
“Y/N! Avery! What did you bring?” He asked excitedly. However, you just looked down.
“Nothing...we found no pokémon fitting your description.” You told him, and he beamed.
“Exactly! You passed the trial!” He exclaimed, causing everyone to look baffled.
“H-Huh?!” Avery was just beyond confused as were you. Mustard then explained how you both obediently followed his words, trying your best to follow the description to a tee instead of just scrapping by.
“Not only that...but I see you both have found something far more important than some imaginary pokémon...” Mustard whispered to you both with a smirk, glancing down at your intertwined fingers.
You and Avery blushed but didn’t let go of each other’s hands as you flashed shy smiles at each other.
“Honey! Put some soup on for our winners! They’ve earned it!” He said while giving you both a wink. You and Avery continued to look overwhelmed by his words, but eventually the physic just confidently brought you into the kitchen with him.
There was the Avery you knew.
You understood that you both had a lot to explore with each other, but you knew that Avery was worth the time. It took an ex, your brother, Mustard, and a storm to prove that.
Screw the people in your guys' lives that made it hell. Now the two of you had each other, and you were glad you finally got to see the real Avery.
Don't worry, he'll take you on a real date soon.
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MHA Pokémon Trainers: Katsuki (mostly)
So, this Would Not leave me alone, so! Some general thoughts on Pokémon I think Katsuki could have! (I’m assuming this is TransFem Katsuki, so, working with that!)
Mankey > Primeape > Anniliape - This one, I actually see as her starter/first partner. Like, she WANTS one of the kick ass, fancy starters other people get, but she ends up with a Mankey. I can see it’s honestly what her parents get for her OR before she’s officially old enough to have her own Pokémon, she befriends a wild Mankey … by beating each other up. Keep in mind, in Pokémon world, humans are more durable than we are (due to genetics, cartoon physics, also shit like Aura, and psychic powers), so little Katsuki fighting a Pokémon to a standstill is not ACTUALLY out of the realm of possibility. They end up fighting a lot, and eventually develop mutual respect and friendship. There’s probably some middle bits, but basically, Katsuki comes home one day with a Mankey - “Hey, Mom, Dad, this is Nukey, short Nuclear Disaster, he knows Fire Punch and Overheat, and he’s staying with me.” (Yes, those are moves they can eventually learn)
Typhlosion - Katsuki’s starter, is she doesn’t have Mankey. Or maybe she has both? Mankey she just brings home one day, Cyndaquil she gets from the Professor when she’s old enough (Sidenote: Who’s the Professor? My immediate thoughts are Nezu, but I actually see him as a Mew masquerading as a Human … which, never mind, maybe it is Nezu. Or maybe the Shields.)
Voltorn/Electrode - This just feels too obvious, almost. Though, you could make it interesting, by having them maybe be the Hisuian versions?
Magikarp/Feebas - I can definitely see Katsuki eventually getting one or both of these. The Magikarp/Garaydos I feel is obvious, but the Feebas/Milotic I feel could work too, especially because Milotic is a fairly “Feminine” Pokémon, but still kicks all kinds of ass. Not sure, though. Especially because, compared to Magikarp, Feebas are extremely hard to find, train, and evolve, so by comparison, it would be easier to get a Magikarp.
Eevee - I want to give her a Flareon, but then, I feel like Eevee probably isn’t really Katsuki’s style? Plus, I see it as too Shoto (Kanto Vulpix, Alolan Vulpix, Glaceon, Flareon, that sort of thing)
Togepi - I am deeply, DEEPLY tempted, to have Katsuki hatch a Togepi, and raise it all the way to Togekiss. Don’t know how that would work out, but I have the image, and by god, it is glorious.
“Transport” - so, I have a thing about “Transport Pokémon”. I feel all trainers should, if they travel a lot, have a Pokémon they can ride in an emergency. So far, the ones I’ve found that fit Katsuki (also Pokémon he could have in General, but I don’t want to put them twice): Rapidash, Charizard, Arcanine, Tauros (any work, but Fire Form works best), Basculegion, Braviary (either form).
Pokémon Katsuki Could Have (General): Magmar, Machamp, Weezing, Wobbuffet (borrowed from Kirishima, for training), Forretress, Snubbull/Granbull, Houndour/Houndoom, Blaziken (Speed Boost, possible replacing Typhlosion), Numel/Camerupt, Zangoose, Crawdaunt, Salamence, Infernape, Staraptor, Garchomp, Riolu/Lucario, Croagunk/Toxicroak (traded from Tsuyu), Gliscor, Heatran, Victini (kind of? I can definitely see her with one, but I can’t see her using it much, cause she doesn’t want people to say she won just because she had Victini…), Simisear, Basculin, Darmanitan, Scrafty, Frillish/Jellicent (don’t know why, but I can see it), Volcarona, Talonflame, Aromatisse, Clawitzer, Toucannon, Salandit/Salazzle, Turtonator, Kommo-o, Blacephalon, Armarouge, Mabosstiff.
Other assorted thoughts:
Tetsutetsu - Purrserker
Monoma - Smeargle, Meowscarada,
Uraraka - Clefariy, Deoxys
Iida - Boltund, Rapidash, Arcanine
Jirou - Jigglypuff, Toxtricity (Low form), Skeledirge, Rillaboom, Meloetta, Gardevoir, Whismur
Kaminari - Pikachu, Pawmi/Pawmo/Pawmot, Toxtricity (Amped form), Kilowattrel, Morpeko, Emolga, Pachirisu, Plusle, Minun, Magnemite
Momo - Tinkatink/Tinkatuff/Tinkaton, Gallade, Indeedee (F&M), Sinistea/Polteageist
What do you think? Any you could see DEFINITELY not work?
I love all of this but wow ya girl has so many options!
I think I’ll give Katsuki the Cyndaquil as a starter, but she def gets a Mankey that keeps trying to pick a fight with her and she’s like ‘hey let’s keep this up actually’.
I like the idea of the Magikarp/Feebas thing, but that would probably be a later thing because early/pre-character development Katsuki wouldn’t have the patience for them even if she knows they’ll eventually be the powerhouse Gyarados/Milotic. Maybe we could force it early by combining it with what was suggested with the Togepi thing? Like she gets an egg and it hatches a Feebas and that both makes her more determined to see this through but helps in teaching the patience.
You’re right on Flareon feeling too Todoroki. Like the other Eeveelutions are up for grabs for everyone else, but Flareon and Glacion are being yeeted at the Todorokis
I think an Arcanine works best on transport I like the vibes.
I gotta keep the Riolu/Lucario because of the Mystery Dungeon tho.
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