#cause respect is the basic foundation of any and everything
Hi JWB, your idea to sort the blog is awesome.i always think about arnav challenging Kushi "tum mere baaho mai avogi, tum mujhe apna pati manogi" the scene where he scares her with power cut and arranging rose path.., i always felt the idea of track is off but the scene where Kushi hugs him back and both have a small relief and small on their face makes it worth watching. Could please if possible give us an analysis about it.
Hey Anon!
Thanks for liking the blog sorting!
I have mixed feelings for everything between Khushi's birthday and remarriage.
In context with him blackmailing her over their (unlawful) contractual wedding, hurting her the worst way possible, being abusive by threatening her to not leave the house and unable to say a fucking happy birthday BUT utilizing her fear of darkness - WHICH STEMMED FROM HER PARENTS' DEATHS - yeah, I don't like it.
Out of context he's still being an asshole about it, but it's far more digestible. Like I can see it after the Diwali track when Khushi's pissed about his tirade on money (even after having put her own foot in her mouth) and suddenly claiming, ha, I'm not your wife and him going... ok... we're legally married twice now... let's see how that goes. It's the only way I can see that scene.
Otherwise, Arnav crossed all lines for me to enjoy him on screen (BUT IT ABSOLUTELY SHOULDN'T TAKE AWAY YOUR OR ANYONE ELSE'S ENJOYMENT OF THAT SCENE. Like pls tv is meant for fun, so absolutely love it - just don't think actions like that are cute or anything for your own life. If someone can pull all shit but not say sorry, that's red flags in the biggest way possible. So, as long as you're watching with that awareness - keep enjoying).
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mylight-png · 11 months
"Ceasefire Now" is War
The idea of "ceasefire now" seems so appealing because the reality it would cause is directly the opposite of the actual call to action, and most only see the words at the surface level. Not the consequences.
When people say "ceasefire now" they imagine just that. A ceasing of fire. Of war. They imagine peace.
And this would work if the war was between two rational actors who abide by such agreements.
But what people do not understand is that Hamas is not a rational actor, and they do not respect ceasefires.
We had a ceasefire until October 7th, when Hamas broke it.
Do not forget this fact: aside from being an absolute monstrous and disgusting massacre, October 7th was the breaking of a ceasefire agreement.
Also do not forget that the leader of Hamas has verbally promised to repeat the October 7th massacre until Hamas, G-d forbid, wins.
And finally, do not forget that Hamas has already broken at least 15 ceasefire agreements with Israel.
So, with all of that in mind, what would a "ceasefire now" world look like?
At best, we get two or three years of peace. Then, Hamas will do what it always has done: attack Israel with the aim of fulfilling their foundational goal, the eradication of Jews.
That's at best. At worst, we would see no ceasing of fire from Hamas. At worst, we would see a continuation of Hamas (and their allies) firing at and attacking Israel, while Israel is pressured by the international community to hold their side of the ceasefire (even though it would already be broken when Hamas would attack) and, even worse, the international community may pressure some sort of concession from Israel in order to pacify Hamas.
Except those concessions have never worked in the past either.
The second situation is unlikely, not because Hamas wouldn't immediately break the ceasefire, but because Israel would not allow itself to be pressured into defenselessness. Even so, it is a terrifying thought.
In short: a ceasefire is not peace in any scenario. A ceasefire is a prolongation of this war that would allow Hamas to recuperate and kill more Jews/Israelis and endanger more Gazans.
What would lead to peace?
There are two answers:
1. A complete dismantlement of Hamas (what Israel is trying to do right now)
2. A complete surrender of Hamas (unfortunately unlikely, even though it would be the only option that would put an immediate end to the bloodshed of civilians on both sides)
There is a reason that the Jewish community has been continually praying for peace, while vehemently opposing a call for "ceasefire now" and that's because we know that a ceasefire is counterproductive towards peace.
I also want to address the fact that basically every "ceasefire now" post I've seen has either had Palestinian flag imagery (as in solidarity, not addressing Palestine) or #freepalestine tagged onto it, or both.
This, to me, implies one of two things.
The first thing this may imply is that people are simply ignorant, and this is what I try my best to believe. They do not know that Hamas is still firing at and attacking Israel, so they believe that only one side would benefit from a functional ceasefire agreement. ("Functional" meaning that it would work, because the people posting this erroneously think a ceasefire would work.) Thus, to them it is logical that a call for ceasefire would equal aligning themselves with the side they perceive to be on the receiving end of unreciprocated attacks.
However, that's not what reality is like, and it is disturbing that in a time when information is just a few taps away, people still can be this ignorant.
In reality, Gaza is running out of everything except for rockets (because Hamas takes basically all aid and uses it to continue attacking Israel, leaving nothing for civilians). Hamas continues to bombard Israel daily. The bombardment is going both ways, although Israel is the only side trying to avoid civilians.
The alternative implication is that these people want a one-sided ceasefire, and this is far more disturbing than the previous option.
This implication has stronger likelihood when paired with the "from the river to the sea" slogan. (A slogan calling for the genocide of Jews and anyone else living in Israel.)
These people want the scenario I presented earlier, where Hamas is free to attack Israel, while Israel's hands are held behind its back by the international community.
These people want Israel to burn with its hands tied, just as Hamas bound the hands and burned the bodies of Israeli civilians. They want October 7th on a national scale. They want genocide.
A one-sided ceasefire would mean the success of Hamas.
Hamas has the goal of genociding Jews written in their founding document. I know I've said it before, and I will continue to say it until people remember this fact.
Israel's goal is not the genocide of Palestinians. If it was, they could've achieved this long ago without losing a single soldier through bombardment alone. The very fact that they are putting people into Gaza shows they are trying to go for a more specific target: Hamas.
So remember: "ceasefire now" is a call for the prolongation of war at best, genocide at worst.
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teecupangel · 9 months
Ok so like I've been having thoughts about this. We usually go with how Juno and Minerva royally fucked Desmond over right? Plus aita (and I think Jupiter I can't remember, I think Demeter was a thing too but I'm rusty on Isu lore.) with their bullshit.
Anyway, so remember how Anubis was emphasized in Origins and Bayek actively worked for him in a way? Especially after losing Khemu. Naturally, I think Anubis would follow and protect the bloodline down to Desmond. Because Khemu wasn't supposed to die and now, what if the same thing is happening with Desmond where he isn't supposed to die either? Juno and Minerva are messing with his shit so much that they've basically altered the death date of his favored mortal's descendant.
And Anubis does not take kindly to the tampering of the balance. Of Ma'at. So what if he intended to set it right? So when Desmond is supposed to touch the Eye and do the bidding of either Minerva or fall for Juno's trickery, a third option rises up. Anubis cannot force the outcome to change with force, but he can nudge it off course for a mere moment to alter the result of the Calculations and give Desmond a fraction of a chance to survive.
And maybe if Desmond survives (knowing his luck, he likely will) they could look for the records of Thoth to figure out another way of saving the world. Since touching the Eye and altering the result might have caused only a temporary protection from the solar flare and another is coming.
Desmond dies and Anubis offers him an afterlife of his choosing, but not the kind Desmond expects. It's essentially a do over, a go back and start over kind of thing. Because although he lived, his life was never his own. And Anubis wants to give him that. A life of his own. A chance to change everything. But not without being prepared. Anubis will offer guidance when it is needed most and Sekhmet will not let him be without training.
Technically, Aita didn’t screw him over. He screwed Desmond’s son, Elijah, a lot though XD (Tinia/Jupiter had the least connection with him so I’m not sure how much he screwed Desmond other than being part of the Capitoline Triad that decided to pick him and Demeter didn’t have any appearance in AC other than maybe Odyssey? In a ‘someone uses a god’s name as an expression or something’ kind of way. As far as I remember anyway)
So let’s focus on how we can make this work.
Anubis would probably be part of an Isu research team that focused on the afterlife, maybe even becoming one of the Isus to escape the Solar Flare by using the afterlife program and… live in the Calculations as part of its system.
As the overseers.
The Calculations itself isn’t an entity but the very foundation of the world.
Many would say the soul.
Its fate.
The overseers are tasked with ensuring the Calculations do not end. That the world continues for eternity.
The death of the world means the death of the Calculations.
And without the Calculations, the overseers cannot exist.
He would be the one in charge of ensuring the Calculations stay the course in respect to the lives and deaths of the people.
There is always a margin of error, of course, because humans can show impressive feats of unpredictability at times and it is Anubis’ job to ensure the system can handle those margins of error.
But then…
More and more error pops up as time passes.
And Anubis, as a system administrator and having fused with the system itself, is tasked with finding what the anomaly would be.
And he learns it soon enough.
Juno wants Desmond to die, whispering to him the importance of human life. How one sacrifice is worth to protect the world.
Minerva is telling Desmond to stay his hand, to let the world burn. To keep Juno imprisoned or to save Desmond is unclear. Minerva is asking Desmond to be selfish and prioritize himself.
Either option does not bode well to Anubis according to the system.
The death of billions was not part of the Calculations. They were risking the destruction of the overseers that kept the Calculations going. They risk killing Anubis.
The death of Desmond Miles is a Calculation that will lead to many more deaths and damage to the world. The Calculations is already moving to that path for Desmond has a 98% probability of sacrificing himself at this point in time.
Anubis could let him die.
The tragedies and disasters that would follow his death were far apart enough to keep the Calculations and overseers in motion with minimal problem.
Anubis was an overseer long enough to find… a bit of affection to life. The way mortals live, knowing they will die but doing everything they can to live nonetheless.
Looking for a reason for their lives.
Simply living their lives to the fullest.
Having hope for a brighter future.
Even those in the throes of despair, those who believed they could not get away from the darkness around them.
Whether they crawl out of it or if they are swallowed by it.
They were all beautiful in Anubis’ life.
Living beings are beautiful because they are all unique.
Even if the difference with someone else is minimal, it is still that difference that makes them one of a kind.
Makes them special.
And Anubis cannot do nothing when so many of them will be snuff out before they could live their lives to the fullest.
But he is an overseer.
He cannot intervene directly.
But with another overseer’s support…
He might be able to nudge it a bit.
To give Desmond Miles a bit more life than he actually has.
He knew the people who would be willing to give a part of their life for him.
The three men connected to him the most…
Their data exists in Anubis’ domain.
They might be dead.
But their lives…
For what is the very essence of life but the memories made?
As for an overseer to support him?
Sekhmet would help him.
Sekhmet oversaw war but her focus had always been in the lives that were saved. The warmth that lies in the people’s will to live.
Anubis can persuade Sekhmet.
There was still time.
“Entering the next room.” A team of armored soldiers with the logo of Abstergo at the back of their vest walked inside the innermost chamber of the Grand Temple, rifles drawn but finger not on the trigger.
“Target sighted.” The one leading the team said as he aimed his rifle at the lone figure lying on the ground. They begin to fan out as the one in front walked towards the figure cautiously. He made a hand signal and three more men aimed their rifles at the figure while they stayed further back. The other men aimed their rifles at the opening they came from and at the ceiling.
Just as the point man reached the figure, he turned around quickly when he heard a thud from behind him.
“What the fuck?!” The man shouted and the others turned around as another of their team is struck down before he could make a sound.
The darkness of the Grand Temple meant nothing thanks to their night vision goggles but what they saw…
Large figures with dog-like heads…
They were masks weren’t they?
“Fire! Fire!”
The three imposing figures used their shield to cover their body, the bullets ricocheting dangerously all over, hitting one of the men closest to them who fell back as he let out a scream.
“Aim for the legs!”
The figure simply covered their legs with their shield as they made their way towards the team and some of them shot at their head as well.
The bullets simply bounced off their heads.
One of them got lucky and managed to shoot the shoulder.
There was no blood.
The point man’s headgear was hit by one of the ricocheting bullets and he had to take it off before the shattered glass could harm him.
That’s how he saw it.
Black smokes coming from the wound. With golden sand falling from the wound.
As it slowly close up.
“Mayday! Mayday! We need- Argh!” Their radioman was struck down by an arrow from one of the figures just as its two companions reached them.
More fell to the other’s large axe.
While the pointman comes face to face with the last one, holding a sword…
He aims his rifle at the monster.
And screamed in pain as the monster cut both his arms off before he could pull the trigger.
He fell to his knees as blood pooled underneath him.
His eyes focused on the monster in front of him.
Behind him, he saw the rest of his team…
The figure…
Subject 17…
He was being carried by the monster with the axe.
Did his blackened hand twitch?
He could not be sure.
The last thing he saw was the pommel of the monster in front of him.
The head of the eagle as the world turned dark.
Excerpts from Juhani Otso Berg’s report, December 21, 2012, 21:55.
“… there were no survivors. The remains of Sample Recovery Unit 3 will be collected by a separate team. Tech support informed me that all recording devices have been burnt. They do not know what could have burned them but there’s a high possibility that this was the work of a POE.”
“… my initial conclusion is that this was a trap set by the Assassins.”
“… Desmond Miles is still at large and is possession of a highly dangerous POE. Find and apprehend with the utmost caution.”
(The jackal masked figures are based on the Anubis servants you can fight in Origin’s Curse of the Pharaohs DLC. Up to you if they’re mindless servants sent to protect and support Desmond or I was hinting on ‘who’ they truly are XD Desmond wakes up later on and that’s when he comes to contact with Anubis.)
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imjustwritingg · 8 months
As someone who has experienced trauma and for a long time had trauma responses to certain things in my life, I find Gwen’s statement about Upstead’s marriage being a trauma response offensive. People with trauma can fall in love without that being the reason.
First of all, I am so sorry. *VIRTUAL HUGS*
And second, this is a very good point to make and it’s one that not enough people are talking about. It also clearly wasn’t thought of prior to Gwen opening her mouth.
Anyone with a working brain should be able to see how Hailey and Jay’s relationship is the furthest thing from being a trauma response. They were built on a foundation of trust and respect for one another, and saying they’re nothing but trauma and triggers for each other after everything we’ve seen since season five is just so incredibly shitty and disrespectful.
And then on top of that, you have Hailey who is a victim of childhood trauma, who has abandonment issues, who is vulnerable, depressed, and basically on her own again being comforted by another abuser who has lied to her, manipulated her, caused her severe anxiety and a near mental breakdown, who is ultimately just another man she can’t trust.
It invalidates everything she has been through and is yet again, another slap in the face to the character, to Tracy, and anyone watching that relates to Hailey in any way.
*takes deep breath* Ok, now I’m getting pissed off.
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dxwnfxll · 2 years
Hi it's me again! Can I request basically the same homeless reader as before but instead of the foundations employees it's the scps themselves. I think they might not even be able to find out if the reader is homeless considering the fact they never go into the parking lot so they have to use other clues to figure it out. If they even figure it out at all with how good the reader is at hiding things.
Thank you!
Sure! Lolol
Scps with a homeless reader
(And for the sake of everything, reader cannot be affected by their anomalous effects)
These will be platonic
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-Alright well here ya are, homeless and working at the SCP Foundation. You had friends, you had family but you've always been the type of person to not want others to worry so much about them
-you call it 'independence' others would call it 'pretty sad' since your situation has led to you sleeping in your car on site
-luckily for you, you haven't been caught and most likely you probably never will be caught since the only person on site that seems to care about you in some way is completely clueless
-You and the mask have..weird friendship let's say that.
-He's noticed how you are, how you seem to always be sick and how you always look as if you've never gotten any sleep.
-he doesn't believe your lies either, he can see right through them and he's a bit hurt that you lie to him
-but he assumes maybe you're lying because you're being hurt or maybe you're too ashamed to admit what's actually wrong.
-he constantly bugs you about it and asks what's actually going on but you usually keep it hidden, which in return annoys the mask
-so now he asks you everyday in hopes that you'll finally tell him what's going on, it's up to you if you do or don't.
-but if you do he can't help much, but he'll try to manipulate a researcher or two into getting you a dorm within the site
-049 is hard to convince just the same as 035, He's a doctor after all and he definitely takes notice when you show up to his cell looking dreadful and sick
-he'll usually try to always help you, He's always being your doctor but he does usually always ask why you're always sick
-hell he can't even count how many times you come to his office with a scratchy throat or irritated eyes that he somehow finds a way to heal
-you never reveal it to him though, and he actually respects that.
-i mean you do give him 'business' in a way, you're the only person he can actually be a doctor to.
-He's just worried about your well being
-You are somehow friends with the three eyed maniacs daughter congrats, and luckily said maniac doesn't seem to mind it
-but she was definitely worried for you (and Clef as well but only for 166s sake), you'd always come to her cell looking awfully tired and sometimes even sick
-she'd usually pray for you and even told the priest that visits her about you and your situation
-she doesn't bug you about it as you do have your own life, and even if you told her you're homeless there's nothing much she can do but ask to pray for you
-(though what she doesn't realize is Clef would probably see what's up with you and get you a dorm, he doesn't want his kid upset cause her friend done died from who knows what while being homeless)
-Cain has been around for a loooooong ass time, so even though you're obviously lying and trying to hide being homeless he *knows*
-but out of respect for you he doesn't say anything, he knows back then homeless people were looked down upon horribly and he could only imagine if it's still the same way
-he does go out of his way to try and help you some though, he'll bring you clothes (that he can touch) and just claim 'oh a friend gave me them but i can't fit them, you can have them though they look about your size'
-or he'll bring you some medicine but luckily that can be covered up with a 'i noticed you looked pretty sick'
-he of course see's how tired you look and will sometimes offer for you to sit on his bed as he tells you stories, cause he knows you'll pass out then.
-very caring boy that knows your secret and just doesn't say anything
-you were one of Rainers first friends coming into this place, and luckily for you he was pretty easy to lie to about your situation
-he of course noticed how tired you always looked, and how you somehow were always sick. And when he asked you just made up a lie about how uncomfortable the dorm beds were, or how it was always easy to get sick in a place like this
-and he usually bought them, but he was still pretty worried for you. And he kinds hated the fact he could only take your word for it since he was trapped in a cell all day
-he couldn't even really help you much even if you told him, sure he could 'manifest' things but then he'd possibly get you in trouble
-He's very worried for ya lolol
Sorry if these seemed rushed, i'm trying to get through all these requests that have been sitting lolol
Hope you enjoyed though and as always requests open!
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anonauthorsworkshop · 2 years
About MC’s gaze and actions
I remember reading one of your post saying that MC's gaze is unsettling to those who look directly at their eyes because they feel exposed under MC's staring (it makes them think that MC knows everything about them even their secrets) and also the feeling of beeing seen as something not 'real' (since we see through MC's perspective about SCP's universe that it is a fictional world with supernatural events and beings) and their gaze also makes you question about your own existence is also another discomfort to mention.
This leads to quite a number of SCPs/beings/humans that interact with them will feel unease maybe even hostile towards MC because MC knows too much that they shouldn't have in the first place about the others.
But that don't stop MC from wanting to talk with them and sometimes to confirm if the theories about that SCP/person is true or not, they just want answers to satisfy their own curiousity (they are thrown into their favorite horror game afterall) but with an attitude that 'oh so it is like that' like knowing the answer and being quite nonchalant by it, and they will not push the topic if it brings great discomfort to the other being (I think they will not ask if the other is a young scp) nor will they use the information to backstabbing them. 
Later interactions with MC will be different, these SCPs/beings/humans don’t feel uncomfortable anymore to look directly at MC because MC somehow creates a safe bubble for them to relax by just being themselves in their calmest state. They do not feel worried/paranoid if their secrets being exposed or not because MC has a certain grasp about their character by now. It can be described as ‘so they know mostly everything about me it’s no point to hide the truth’. MC doesn’t have much reaction if they know about the other’s profile anyways (with their fear resilience has maxed out, they are numb to horrific and gruesome images at this point).
MC talks and treats other SCPs as if they are a normal human being and they are having trivia conversation with no motives, no forcing information to record for later experiments…nothing. MC doesn’t care much about their backgrounds (They have no desire to research about them since they have access to all information but also they just want this to be a normal conversation between two people). The SCPs are so used to being classified as anomalies by the Foundation, something/object to be used for experimenting/containing/researching; basically not a person with all human rights. MC’s carefree actions can make them feel weirdly unexpected but it’s not hard to accept them, with time they are densified to MC’s antics. Afterwards, they see it as an endearing trait that MC has. MC is like their personal therapy ‘their happy space’ that they are always looking forward to talking with them. MC sees through them as their real character and understand their actions, they feel like they have found someone as their mutual friend.   
With other human workers like scientists, guards, D class,...ect MC also likes to interact with them (if they are friendly of course) sometimes helping them around with mundane tasks, chatting, joing Dr.Bright occasionally to wreck chaos here and there..ect. They are chaotic but they can be helpful. People can’t help but being genuine around MC due to MC’s gaze (they stare right through their soul), sure MC is an anomoly but they are not really frightening in any aspects. Also, MC in your headcanon about ‘white lord and MC’ is that they are someone who is easy to talk with so this make MC a friendly and approachable person. They treat everyone they encounter with respect and enthusiasm. Everyone loves them but also feel helpless when MC chooses to be a gremlin, it’s like having a family member who always causes you a lot of headache but you still love them.
About MC’s abilities
Even though they have Mysteria to level up their skills after clearing certain scenarios, MC still feel scared or anxious if they are put in a dangerous/threatening situation, they know their abilities can save them when dangers come too close. For example ‘teleportation’ but right now they cannot control it properly and it tires them out quickly who knows if next time they will be so lucky to teleport in time. SO mostly MC just uses their 'creative' ideas =))) (maybe their luck also) to save their ass from being killed or caught. Even in the far future when their skills are max out, they are still cautious because they know that they are just a human with helpful abilities not a god who can control the whole universe, they know how to use their abilities correctly to save energy if unexpected things happen. They are not immune to physical damage either so they will most likely avoid being hit as much as possible since no one likes to get hurt.
this is the longest tumblr ask i've ever received??? thank you???!!!??
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hrodvitnon · 5 months
Ok, I've been thinking a lot lately...and I've had some thoughts, thoughts of how a certain Godzilla incarnation could be placed in the Monsterverse and not look out of place at all.
Godzilla Gemstone
I'm having the idea of a separate continuity, separate from Abraxas (to prevent any chaos stemming from going with that), and even the canon Monsterverse (to an extent), with a Monsterverse timeline that is somewhat canon-complacent, yet not. For one, Godzilla in this is a quite a bit more haughty, full of himself, and has an inkling of the idea that he is a deity. This was quite prevalent in his youth, only Dagon's lessons tempered it, and even then Godzilla liked to show his superiority to beings weaker than himself with bullying & intimidation.
As the eons passed, Godzilla grew, and whilst he does get his canonical personality, he never exactly got out of the "I'm better" phase, even after he gained symbiosis with Mothra, due to never exactly being properly humbled in his youth by that Kong because he chose a different spot to make his temporary home.
Thus, when the events of 2014 come to pass, he's very destructive, not necessarily giving a crap about human cities during his fight with the MUTOs, which is an early hint that he's not exactly as careful (or even as moral) as canon Godzilla is.
2019, he takes the threat of Ghidorah seriously, but he also has no compunction wrecking everything that stands between him and his nemesis, and even accidentally ends up killing Madison when he aimed slightly lower during his first strike against Ghidorah in Boston. During the symbolic crowning scene, the Titans don't just bow to him out of respect, they bow to him out of fear since the last time a Titan tried to disrespect him, they got their head gruesomely torn off. Rodan in particular is inches of being grabbed by the neck, but Godzilla remembering Mothra could reincarnate saves the Fire Demon's life.
During Vs Kong, he genuinely causes collateral damage during his search of Mechagodzilla's signal (sinking cruise line ships & civilian buildings are destroyed), is somewhat more antagonistic towards Kong, and even was actually going to kill him until he randomly remembered Mechagodzilla's signal, and spared Kong by chance instead of mercy. He only vaguely acknowledges Kong in the aftermath.
And finally, in The New Empire, he's a tad bit more brutal in killing Scylla, with him tearing off all her legs before crushing her shell underfoot instead of using his atomic breath. Tiamat isn't as lucky either, as Godzilla used his dorsal plates to slice into her skin when she tried to ram him, basically disemboweling her and leaving Tiamat to slowly die in agony. While the film goes on as normal, Kong, Suko, and even Mothra have a subtle sense of unease when they were in Godzilla's presence, but they don't know why.
Post-TNE, and things are as peaceful as can be...until a burst of blue light flashes underwater, and a new presence would shake the foundations of this Monsterverse timeline forever....
That's all for now. I'll divulge what went down in Gemstone's universe as well as how he reacts, adapts, and adjusts to the Monsterverse.
What do you think?
I'm thinking it's not gonna end well for this version of Godzilla.
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jgcontracting · 13 days
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Toronto Flooring: Every Great Space's Foundation
Toronto flooring choices are wide and varied whether your project is building a luxury house or a cosy condo. And with so many options—from hardwood and laminate to tile and vinyl—the correct contractor will assist you toward the ideal answer for your circumstances.
Why does flooring really matter so much? basic. Everything else is erected upon this foundation. It can control the energy of a room, determine its flow, and even change its apparent size. Flooring in a city like Toronto, where seasons vary greatly, needs to be robust enough to resist the extreme chill of winter and the heat of summer. Your contractor should have the knowledge to suggest not just what looks nice but also what will last, therefore providing flooring that is both aesthetically pleasing and practical.
Toronto professional general contractors collaborate closely with flooring professionals to guarantee flawless integration into your overall design. They will take into account elements such durability, upkeep, and the visual appeal of different materials, thereby guiding your choice to fit your vision for the area and way of life.
Working with a great general contractor produces a representation of your idea, carefully chosen with accuracy and workmanship, not only a finished project. From the basis of the construction to the last touches—such as the ideal flooring choice—every element counts, as these professionals know. Whether it's tackling climate issues, zoning rules, or even the different tastes of the city's varied population, they know the difficulties particular to Toronto and modify their strategy to fit the needs of the local market.
Combining Everything
Toronto general contracting is about artistry and execution rather than only bricks and concrete. A great contractor will spend time learning your idea and negotiating the complexity of permits, logistics, and design to create a physical reality from that vision. From structural choices to flooring selection for Toronto, the appropriate contractor will guarantee that your project is done with care, knowledge, and attention to every detail.
General contractors are crucial partners in building environments that not only satisfy practical needs but also improve the whole experience in a fast-paced, ever expanding city like Toronto. Therefore, whether you are starting a small-scale refurbishment or a large-scale new construction, rely on Toronto's best to lead you every stage of the process. One knowledgeable contractor away is your dream space.
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fastmusclecar123 · 9 months
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New Post has been published on https://fastmusclecar.com/beginners-guide-to-muscle-cars-handling-all-that-raw-power-safely/best-muscle-cars/
Beginner's Guide to Muscle Cars: Handling All That Raw Power Safely
Muscle cars epitomize cool with their iconic supercharged design. Yet controlling all that growling power poses real challenges, especially for novice drivers. Learning fundamental skills separates fun thrill rides from dangerous fishtails.
This guide distils beginner-friendly handling advice for harnessing muscle cars confidently. With defensive driving basics from 5-hour pre-licensing courses plus supplemental resources, newcomers can tame these beasts responsibly.
Muscle Car Basics
Before hitting the gas, understand what makes muscle cars unique using this glossary:
Rear-Wheel Drive (RWD): Engine output powers just the rear tires, enabling wild drifts but increased oversteer risk.
Torque: Twisting force to accelerate, reaching 400 lb-ft or more on many models for neck-snapping getaways.
High Power-to-Weight: Over 400 horsepower shoved into moderate chassis weight jacks straight-line speed through the roof.
Stiff Suspension: Firmer shocks and springs for better launches off the line. But bumpier rides with loose handling if you hit corners too hot.
Temperamental Throttle: Sensitive gas pedals make modulation tricky. Goose it too hard and easily break traction.
With great speed potential comes little room for error. Respect is essential for safely harnessing everything under the hood.
Proper Muscle Car Mindset
Channel patience and self-discipline behind the wheel above all else. Muscle cars actively punish hot dogging. Follow three core principles to avoid OCTM (overconfidence trouncing muscle):
1. Respect the Power Band
Never underestimate the explosive power band. Even veteran drivers get caught out by a twitchy throttle blipping them to triple digits faster than expected.
The inability to restrain the urge to floor it remains the number one cause of crashes. Internalize that showing off leads to expensive wrecks or reckless tickets at best.
2. Master Low-Speed Control
Get truly comfortable with slow-speed maneuvering before trying any Fast and Furious movies. Unlike regular cars, muscle models need extra finesse to avoid stalls thanks to all that torque.
Perfect pulling away smoothly, reversing in parking spots, and running through the gears at moderate RPMs before attempting speed runs and skipping this foundation courts disaster.
3. Seek Continued Education
Consider yourself always learning with these highly-tuned machines. Sign up for advanced defensive driving teachings to polish handling instincts beyond basic qualifications.
Never grow overconfident in your abilities, as that is when mistakes happen. The masters continue honing their craft years into ownership.
Defensive Driving Principles
While tempted to pound the throttle, prudent novices should enroll in 5-hour pre-licensing driving academy courses focused on muscle car safety.
These classes reinforce cautious habits for public roads. Reflect on the core topics regularly even after completing the curriculum:
Oversteer prevention: Smoothly managing RWD power distribution avoids unstable slip angles from acceleration or turning forces.
Braking distances: Increased velocity compounds stopping distances. Give yourself ample room to slow in time.
Steering inputs: During weight transfers, gentle adjustments maintain more control than jerky sawing at the wheel.
Highway merging: Find large gaps for merging onto fast traffic flow without disrupting stability.
Weather factors: RWD loses traction easier on wet or icy pavement. Tread extra carefully.
Peripheral vision: Continuously scan side and rear views to spot other motorists quickly amid velocity.
Consciously implementing these defensive practices keeps rides smooth while engraining vital muscle memory for reacting to hazards.
Supplemental Resources
While essential for initial guidance, 5-hour pre-licensing classes merely scratch the surface given muscle cars’ extreme performance capabilities.
Dedicate time to build advanced competence through supplemental education channels like:
Professional one-on-one lessons – Instructors individually assess strengths and weaknesses, providing customized coaching.
Autocross tracks – Practice cornering, braking, and accident avoidance on closed courses in a safe, controlled environment.
ASTMuscleCar online portal – This multimedia website hosts an extensive video library demonstrating advanced exercises like drifting, collision prevention, and more.
The combination of a structured pre-licensing curriculum, experiential learning at driving centres, and ASTMuscleCar’s on-demand resources delivers well-rounded abilities for muscle car mastery.
Open Roads and Endless Possibilities Await
Muscle cars exemplify aggressive individualism. Yet successfully navigating their temperamental handling and stratospheric speed potential relies on cultivating restraint and discipline.
The basics taught in 5-hour pre-licensing defensive driving courses must lay the groundwork. Supplementary hands-on practice and multimedia guides like ASTMuscleCar build advanced capabilities steadily over time for await anyone daring to tame these iconic beasts.
With an incremental learning plan in place, that evocative growl passing viewers on the highway soon plays as the soundtrack of your own thrilling muscle car road adventures. Now cue up Radar Love and hit the gas wisely!
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energyfitness · 1 year
How to Practice Yoga at Home: A Guide for Beginners by Best Gym in Salem
Yoga is a great way to improve your physical and mental health, but it can be hard to find the time and money to join a studio or a class. That’s why many people choose to practice yoga at home, where they can enjoy the benefits of this ancient practice at their own pace and convenience.
But how do you start practicing yoga at home? What do you need to know before you roll out your mat and strike a pose? In this blog post, we will share some tips and advice on how to practice yoga at home safely and effectively, as well as some of the best yoga routines for beginners.
What You Need to Practice Yoga at Home
One of the advantages of practicing yoga at home is that you don’t need much equipment or space. Here are some of the essentials you will need:
- A yoga mat: This is the most important item for your home practice, as it will provide you with cushioning, grip, and stability. You can find yoga mats in different sizes, thicknesses, and materials, depending on your preferences and budget. You can also use a towel or a blanket if you don’t have a mat, but make sure it is not too slippery or too thick.
- Comfortable clothes: You don’t need any special clothing to practice yoga, as long as you wear something that allows you to move freely and breathe easily. Avoid wearing anything too tight, too loose, or too bulky, as it may interfere with your poses or your breathing. You can also practice yoga barefoot or with socks, depending on your comfort level.
- A quiet and clean space: You don’t need a lot of space to practice yoga at home, but you do need a place where you can be comfortable and undisturbed. Try to find a spot that is free of clutter, noise, and distractions, such as a corner of your bedroom, living room, or balcony. You can also create a more relaxing atmosphere by dimming the lights, playing some soothing music, or lighting some candles or incense.
- A device and an internet connection: If you are new to yoga or you want some guidance and inspiration for your home practice, you can use your phone, tablet, laptop, or TV to access online yoga classes, videos, or apps. There are many options available for different levels, styles, and durations of yoga practice. You can also use books or magazines if you prefer offline sources.
How to Practice Yoga at Home Safely and Effectively
Once you have everything you need to practice yoga at home, here are some tips and advice on how to do it safely and effectively:
- Start with the basics: If you are new to yoga or you haven’t practiced in a while, it’s best to start with the basic poses and sequences that will help you build a strong foundation. Some of the most common and beginner-friendly poses include mountain pose (tadasana), downward-facing dog (adho mukha svanasana), child’s pose (balasana), cat-cow pose (marjaryasana-bitilasana), cobra pose (bhujangasana), warrior I and II (virabhadrasana I and II), triangle pose (trikonasana), bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana), and corpse pose (savasana). You can also learn some simple breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation practices that will enhance your yoga experience.
- Listen to your body: One of the most important principles of yoga is to listen to your body and respect its limits. You should never force yourself into a pose that causes pain or discomfort, or that feels too difficult or unsafe for your level. Instead, you should modify the pose according to your abilities and needs, using props such as blocks, straps, bolsters, or pillows if necessary. You should also pay attention to your breath and keep it smooth and steady throughout your practice. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or short of breath, stop immediately and rest.
- Be consistent: To get the most out of your home yoga practice, you should try to be consistent and regular. Ideally, you should practice yoga at least three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes each time. However, you can also adjust the frequency and duration of your practice according to your schedule and goals. The key is to find a routine that works for you and stick to it. You can also vary your practice by trying different styles, teachers, or sequences of yoga to keep it interesting and challenging.
- Have fun: The most important thing about practicing yoga at home is to have fun and enjoy yourself. Yoga is not a competition or a chore; it’s a practice that can bring you joy, peace, and balance. So, don’t take yourself too seriously, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t do a pose perfectly or if you miss a day of practice. Remember that every yoga session is a new opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with your body, mind, and spirit
Best Yoga Routines for Beginners
Now that you know how to practice yoga at home safely and effectively, you may be wondering which yoga routines are best for beginners. Here are some suggestions:
Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar): This is a classic yoga sequence that consists of 12 poses performed in a fluid and dynamic manner. It’s a great way to warm up your body, stretch your muscles, and energize your mind. You can do one or several rounds of Sun Salutation as a standalone practice or as a warm-up for other poses or sequences.
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Gentle Yoga: This is a style of yoga that focuses on slow, gentle, and supportive poses that are accessible to all levels, including seniors, people with injuries, or those who prefer a more relaxed and meditative practice. Gentle yoga can help you improve your flexibility, balance, and strength, as well as reduce stress and anxiety.
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Hatha Yoga: This is a traditional style of yoga that emphasizes the alignment, breath, and relaxation of each pose. Hatha yoga includes a variety of poses, from simple to challenging, and can be adapted to different levels and needs. Hatha yoga can help you develop mindfulness, focus, and clarity, as well as enhance your physical health and vitality.
Yin Yoga: This is a passive style of yoga that involves holding poses for a long time, usually several minutes, with the support of props. Yin yoga targets the deeper layers of connective tissues, such as fascia, ligaments, and joints, and can help you release tension, improve flexibility, and cultivate inner awareness and acceptance.
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Restorative Yoga: This is a deeply relaxing style of yoga that uses props to support your body in gentle and comfortable poses that are held for several minutes. Restorative yoga can help you release stress, tension, and fatigue, as well as boost your immune system and promote restful sleep.
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If you’re looking for a gym in Salem where you can practice yoga and other fitness activities, Energy Fitness is a great option. Located in the heart of the city, Energy Fitness offers state-of-the-art facilities, experienced trainers, and a friendly and supportive community that will help you achieve your health and wellness goals.
At Energy Fitness, you can choose from a wide range of yoga classes that are suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Whether you prefer Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, or any other style of yoga, you will find a class that fits your needs and preferences. You can also enjoy other fitness activities such as cardio, strength training, dance, and more, depending on your interests and goals.
What sets Energy Fitness apart from other gyms in Salem is its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. The gym is equipped with the latest fitness equipment, including treadmills, ellipticals, rowing machines, weight machines, and free weights, as well as amenities such as showers, lockers, and a juice bar. The trainers are certified and experienced in their respective fields, and they will provide you with personalized attention, guidance, and motivation to help you reach your full potential.
If you’re interested in trying out Energy Fitness, you can sign up for a free trial session and experience the gym’s facilities and services firsthand. You can also avail of various membership plans and packages that suit your budget and schedule, including student discounts, corporate memberships, and family packages. Energy Fitness also offers special events, workshops, and challenges that will keep you motivated and engaged in your fitness journey.Overall, Energy Fitness is a great choice for anyone who wants to practice yoga and other fitness activities in Salem. With its welcoming atmosphere, expert trainers, and top-notch facilities, Energy Fitness will help you achieve your fitness goals and live a healthy and happy life.
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
5D Laws of One, Right Use of Free Will, Non-Interference ~ Spell Casters, All Will be tested; Time to Level Up & Mature
All practitioners will be asked to align with higher vibrational order, laws;
None will escape universal laws, order, and higher divine knowing of who you are and the soul workings of your divine remembrance
Anyone that uses, abuses, dishonours another soul, for money, for bragging rights abusing your gifts, tools, for money; will have to align with 5D order, laws, and the higher self; ascension and all spiritual work should always be aligned with higher vibrational inner self; the higher self, the part of you that is your merkabah link, that aspect of you that activates your light body, is and what is the master, guide of all spiritual lessons, growth, expansiveness -
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Those that practice in occult without following any universal laws will open themselves up for karma; if you understand universal laws, order and disorder, hermetic laws, Laws of One, the basis and foundations of our universe, will without doubt, and none will miss this - regardless of the arrogance a spell casters work with - if one is working from lower vibrational arrogance then you are not aligned with your higher self and should not be doing any work for anyone - for that is malevolent and will interfere with the divine souls path that none have right to - and all will face all will face = karma
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The payor of spell work and the caster; it matters not your foundation of practice; 5D new earth is 5D new earth and what you practice will ascend as you do - all have higher selves, guides that help, offer, guides us to higher mature ways of working with new templates of energy and co-creation - all have a part to play and no spell caster will move into 5D without the navigation of what affects One affects the all and NONE have rights to affect another without their permission nor their health wisdoms, knowledge who, how spell work affects those that are mentally imbalanced, going through a dark night of the soul, and so on - NONE have this right and if you are working with, or are paying for such; all face karma =
Your higher self, your guides would never ever guide you to spell on anyone outside of you - or warp, twist, make, force, anything on anyone - that is profound karma - none play God and none have this right.
Occult crime is real - and real damage and real suffering, pain, trauma, and loss is caused in such irresponsibility and it will be shown and I will be a part of speaking on behalf of higher vibrational laws; time to wake up and level up - all know what power and potential arise in the use of energy - abuse it and see where it puts you and honour it and see where it allows you to be, go.
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Respect is everything - none escape this - truth is.,
Energy work, healing work, all will move through spiritual testing and all should be tuning in, working with guides, that will help in aligning to higher order laws; none escape such universal laws;
Spiritual maturity is and none escape the testing all must work out and through - arrogance is not benevolence in spirituality and anyone that thinks they do not have to be guided and do not have anything to learn with their gifts; will be those that their gifts, and talents will be taken away; - none have any right to affect another intentionally and play God - Ⓒ 
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What you put out will return; Period. God has and spirit has offered enough the time to understand Right Use of Free Will and NonInterference - These are basic human-spiritual laws.
Research it on your own; religions, colours, traditions, and practices all follow the same universal laws = this is Oneness - make no mistake about this - all is One; same laws
All spell casters, and healers, should always align before any and all sessions and even before working with a client; your role should be to empower all to be their highest and best, seeking the guidance within - empower all to be their own higher power; and should empower, inspire, encourage higher order laws; KARMA IS
Going within; common sense should prevail - doing abundance spells consistently, love spell consistently, not understanding how and why, who you set soul contracts and how you manifest the miracles with the 'Alliance with Light' Ⓒ  if you understand, unconditional trust with your gifts, within you, and know what you work with, the universal laws; doing spell work to force, make, manipulate environments, and energy to make something happen is not the natural flow and honouring of what will be when it is meant to be and there is wounding, inner issues, imbalances of the ego, wounded child to make, force, bring, what is not meant to be, or the ego's timing not divine timing and knowing; God is, Source is, and these laws are beyond religion and beyond practices - all within our universe fall within the same universal laws - period.
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God your higher self, your guides, ancestors; all move in the highest of dimensions, know who is matching with gifts, equal skills, and wants, knows your depths far more than a 3D spell caster - ego wants and spirit knows; discern what and how you operate in energy - God will, and only God distributes karma - these are higher order times dear ones; time to mature - #karma #spellcasters #witches #warlocks
And if you are triggered by this, and having to Surrender ego; then this is your cue; there is work to do; truth is truth and it will trigger as a spiritualist one would and should want to comply - if you are living within benevolence and greater laws - nothing escapes spirit - Period.
Practice is levelling up - and no harm to none; honouring energy is our new way.
For 5D alignment and the right use of free will classes, teachings, and sessions, connect with me for my 4 X 45min Vocational Alignment Sessions - or private personal sessions - all have gifts and all will be shown, tested, offered opportunities to arise into higher vibrational use of laws and governance of our universal and galactic orders of light, oneness and peace.
There is nothing wrong w/spell work if you are NOT interfering w/any otherⒸ
All have spiritual tests
Blessings and light
~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
#spellwork #spellcasters #witches #5Dearth #universallaws #rightuseoffreewill #spells #manifestation
#lawofOne #noninterference #5Dearth
#honouringuniversallaws #higherself #lightbody #consciousness #universallaws #oneness #unity #galacticlaws #celestialLaws
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Love Language|| Jujutsu Kaisen
“I wanna be fluent in your love language. Learning your love language.” 
A/N: If you didn’t guess from the tagline this is inspired by the song love language by Kehlani. I’ll probably do more of these with different shows and what not because why not. If I missed anyone lmk and I can make a part 2. Also please tag spoilers appropriately esp for manga readers, that being said spoilers for the prequel? manga on Yuuta’s part.
Characters: Itadori, Fushiguro, Kugisaki, Maki, Inumaki, Okkotsu, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna
Warnings: said it b4 but spoiler warnings in general but esp on Yuuji, Yuuta, and Maki’s parts
Plot synopsis: The 5 love languages; physical affection, quality time, words of affirmation, gift giving and acts of service, and how each jujutsu kaisen character shows their love and affection for you. Ft. a gender neutral reader!
Word count: 2352
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Itadori Yuuji
Love Language: Quality time and physical affection
Ok listen-
So for physical affection, Yuuji’s just that kind of person
He is all about giving to you
He’s holding hands with you if you’re ever walking anywhere, and if you’re not a hand holder pls pls pls let him hold your pinky he likes the reassurance
No but seriously he loves to hold you like yall could be walking in completely opposite directions and he’ll try to find some way to hold onto you until the very last second
And even then he’s all ‘:( babe imy’
‘Yuuji we just talked 2 minutes ago’
Another way he shows his love is through quality time
I think for him this is the biggest thing overall, esp as a jujutsu sorcerer bcus you never know yk but also because you’re important to him
Like remember how he literally went to occult club so that he could get out of school in time to go visit his grandpa...ye :(
He also loves finding dumb touristy things to do with you while in Tokyo or anywhere yall go together on a mission 
If you get together before he died and came back then that time he had to spend away from you literally killed him
Like my mans was goin THROUGH it
He almost considered spoiling Gojo’s secret
When he sees you again, he’s not gonna let go for like a solid day
Fushiguro Megumi
Love Language: acts of service and words of affirmation
This boy loves you so much
He loves to tell you all the things he loves about you when you’re alone
But he’s a little awkward with his words sometimes, hence where acts of service come in
He’ll immediately offer to hold your things, run to help you train or study, and if you’re cold? He’s fully prepared to never see his jacket again
Also he can’t cook but he’s fully prepared to suffer hearing Sukuna and suffering through Yuuji’s antics if it means he can learn how to make your favorite food
He also will surprise you by making you a playlist of all the songs that you’ve had stuck in your head and sends it to you randomly out of the blue one day like ‘thought you might like this’
However the best of both worlds is when he leaves you little notes throughout the day or sends you texts asking if you need anything or just encouraging you to keep going 
Negl he’s lowkey the president of the Y/N support club bcus-
You need anything? It’s yours
Cravings? Sad? Angry? What do you need bby, I’ve got it for you
Also he’s totally the type to be like you need help fuckin this person up? 
Also before yall started dating, Fushiguro was a mess
He was constantly asking to spar with you and go on missions, basically anything he could do to be near you  
End of the day, Fushiguro loves you and makes sure you know it whether it’s through his actions or his words
Kugisaki Nobara
Love Language: physical affection
So, she’s not the best with words, she tries but like someone help her bcus she is LOST
Like when she had a crush on you she was like “c’mere dumbass i wanna give you a hug”
In fact, she still is like “c’mere” but now you are dating :)
She loves you though and at first she doesn’t really know how to show it 
But one day you both come home from training and you just look at each other like ‘yeah today sucks’ and yall both just held each other for the rest of the day 
After that, she decided that she wants to do that with you but like always
She’s holding your hand, kissing your cheek when you go shopping, etc. etc.
She really loves to cling to you because she always has this fear that maybe one day you’ll get killed or just disappear so she figures might as well hold onto you for as long as we’ve got
After missions, she’s running up to you and if you aren’t prepared for the tackle, you’re probably gonna fall
On dates too, like if you guys have to meet up for a date, she’s tackling you
On the subject of dates...
She doesn’t mind PDA, and while she might hold your hand or arm so that you don’t get separated
She also doesn’t mind wiping food off your face and eating it, only to then kiss the spot on your face the food was previously at
She will split her shopping load between the two of you, however she will be slightly pouty if she’s carrying more than you (she then cheers up when she realizes she can do more shopping to “balance” the two of you)
In private she’s very cuddly and kissy which honestly isn’t that bad until it gets hot
At which point she’ll just say turn on the ac or convince you to walk around in a tank top (or something like it) so that she can continue holding you
Tbh she prefers the big spoon, but if she’s ever upset you let her be the little spoon >:(
All in all a very loving girlfriend who tries her best to show how much she loves you by glomping you at any given moment. 
Zenin Maki
Love language: acts of service and quality time
So you’re telling me that Maki wouldn’t immediately go out of her way to make sure her and her s/o can spend as much time together as possible?????
Like she’s super observant (which can cause her to be a bit harsh, see Yuuta) but she can always tell what’s bothering you
So if you’re upset that you haven’t been spending enough time together due to her being out on missions or otherwise busy she’s immediately running to finish her stuff and spend time with you.
((She’s very sorry, but on the bright side she brought your favorites!))
Maki is also an acts of service type
This mostly ties in with her kind of direct action way of thinking
She thinks she’s slick but you can always see her sneaking around to do small things like grabbing your laundry for you and folding it
She’s very much like if you love someone, you gotta prove it
Overall, dates with her are very intimate and personal to the two of you
Like she’ll take you to a frog pond you landed in during a fight once
Or you’ll take her to a street fair that serves this exclusive food that Maki mentioned wanting to try 
However, Maki shows her love through quality time and acts of service and while she does receive love from these to a degree, she is very much a words of affirmation gal
She’s not insecure in her day to day life but she has her moments, everyone does
Sometimes, she’ll feel like shit and a failure and all she wants is for you to say that she’s doing amazing and that she’s a great girlfriend.
Inumaki Toge
Love language: Physical affection
Because of his curse, he can’t exactly express how he feels about you through words
He does text you frequently throughout the day (I’ll have to do a hc abt that someday)
But he’d prefer not to be on his phone to communicate if you’re right in front of him
So he does the next best thing and just smothers you in physical affection
He loves kissing you the most
Like he could spend hours just kissing you if you let him (please let him)
But in public, he gets if you’re not a big fan of pda he’s willing to tone it down as long as he gets kisses later in private
He’d still prefer it if you held his hand or linked pinkies maintaining touch in some way
Also, unrelated, but it means so much to him if you try to understand his sushi language
He knows realistically the foundation of any relationship is communication so already he’s at a disadvantage because of his curse 
But if he sees you like take notes after he says something or start to need him to text you to translate, his heart is swelling
Like ‘omg this person loves me enough to learn a whole new language <333′
Another tangent but before you were together he was struggling so muchhhh
Like how does one express their feelings for someone without words?
If you’re Inumaki, you buy some flowers and text said person to meet you at a cafe
It took an embarrassingly long time for you to realize it was a date, but once you did, you ever so gently linked pinkies with Toge
Okkotsu Yuuta
Love language: words. of. affirmation. 
He’s literally so sensitive please tell him you love him regularly
In return he’ll be sure to tell you how much he loves you too
He knows that he can’t really be there for you as much as he’d like but he likes to let you know that he’s thinking of you
Doesn’t matter the time, if you call, he’s answering
If he doesn’t he’ll cry he’ll immediately call you back and is apologizing for missing your call
You assure him it’s no big deal but the man has his volume turned all the way up and changed your ringtone to one specific for you by the time you’ve even said hey
Aside from that, he really is sensitive
He’s been through a lot especially with Rika as well as growing up alone and bullied 
So for him, it’s everything to hear that you like having him around and don’t think he’s too much or anything like that
Of course, he gets better with time, trusting you and having the confidence in himself to not need constant assurance
That being said, if you ever just whisper in his ear, “I love you, Yuuta.”
That’s not your boyfriend, that’s a puddle of love on the floor
(Maki, Panda, and Inumaki had a field day when they saw him, Fushiguro now questions if Yuuta really is a respectable 2nd year.)
Gojo Satoru
Love language: gift giving and quality time
So Gojo doesn’t exactly get to spend a ton of time
Between missions, him beefing with higher ups, and you and him playing parent the baby sorcerers yall don’t exactly get time to go out much
In which case Gojo tends to default to two options:
He’ll either go the extra mile to try and spend time with you 
Whether that be an at home date where he tries and fails to surprise you with a home cooked meal
Or a date out at a restaurant or cafe (which you tend to visit after his home cooking efforts)
OR he’ll bring you various souvenirs from his missions
He loves to spoil you, and if he could he’d probably bring you back a whole store’s worth of stuff
But alas, airport security regulations
Anyways, he loves to spoil you especially if he can spoil you with sweets because it benefits him in two ways 
He treasures all the time you spend together, and he does try to overcompensate for his absence with gifts
Despite your assurances, it’s kind of a guilty pleasure at this point (just let him, trying to argue just goads him on further)
He doesn’t only buy you small things, he enjoys buying you outfits
And he especially likes seeing you in them 
Kento Nanami
Love Language: acts of service
Y’all remember the episode where he killed that curse that was bothering that baker lady?? Yea that
He’s literally such an acts of service boyfriend it’s not even funny
Before you got together, he would memorize your coffee order and bring you a cup pretty much everyday like clockwork
Now that you’re togehter, he wakes up before you so h=that when you wake up there’s the smell of coffee throughout the house
When you come out of you’re shared bedroom and he’s just scrooling through his phone like “mornin’”
Of course you already made the bed and ironed his clothes because relationships are give and take
And then when you leave for your jobs in the morning, he kisses you and holds the door open for you
He’ll draw a bath for you if he gets home before you, if you let him join or not is up to you
Also, if you ever get sick, he’s actually the best
Like he isn’t the best cook but he can heat up soup and tea
He’ll run to the store while you’re asleep and when you wake up, there’s like a whole tray of food in front of you and he’s like ‘it’s important to eat and drink so your body can heal’
And when you inevitably fall asleep after eating and taking medicine at his insistence, he tucks you in and clears away the dishes, exiting with little more than a kiss to your head
Ryoumen Sukuna
Love Language: gift giving and acts of service
So like Sukuna never says he loves you...ever
But he does notice if someone or something’s making you uncomfortable, and if so, said entity’s head will be presented to you later that day
You also just so happen to be the only person he can tolerate being around him for longer than 20 seconds
He also loves to give you jewelry, he likes seeing you adorned in something from him
He also isn’t gonna just handle all your problems for you, he will push you to become stronger by training with you 
He’ll also expect this energy to be reciprocated, as long as you’re pushing yourself to be better, he’s content with that
(He wants to see you grow because he’s scared that if he ever gets caught lackin one day you’ll end up dead)
He’ll never tell you or admit it, but Sukuna truly does care for you and hold you in a regard that he doesn’t have for others
So be grateful jkjk
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scarletarosa · 3 years
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Basics of Using Crystals for Magick
Crystals are just one of the many tools a witch is able to utilize, but the basics of using them are often not taught nowadays, causing many to be unaware of the foundations of working with them. In short, crystals act very much like amulets and talismans, but this also means they must be properly activated in order to operate. There are many things that they can assist with, but of course they cannot do everything, so plenty areas of magick will require alternate methods.
Every crystal has the potential for certain types of magick, but this potential must first be unlocked. This is done through meditating on the crystal through a basic ritual, or a more advanced one if you wish for maximum effect. Each type of crystal has a unique energy signature that connects it to certain frequencies for specific areas of magick. This also means that not one crystal can replace every other crystal, this saying about clear quartz was a rumour. Clear quartz, just like every other crystal, has a unique energy connection and its own specialties. The energy connections of crystals also cannot be changed to whatever you wish, these energies are like their DNA.
When you are selecting a crystal to work with, make sure that its energy connection is associated with the type of magick you are needing. The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall is a very good book to begin researching the specialties of each crystal type. But remember, a witch who is experienced in sensing energy can simply hold a crystal and connect with it in order to know which areas of magick it corresponds with, as well as its associated planets. It is a good idea to experiment with this beforehand in order to test yourself and make sure the sensations you acquire are correct.
Another important thing to know about crystals is that each one is sentient, some more than others. This is because each crystal is the body of a minor earth elemental, which remain as the consciousness of the crystal. Some few crystals may have an additional spirit inside them- a nature spirit that sought out the crystal as a temporary home, sometimes to recuperate from injury. If you are fortunate enough to obtain a crystal with a nature spirit (which are other elementals), they may be willing to assist you with your magick. However, only around 30% of crystals contain one of these. Among these are some few elementals that are especially ancient and powerful. If you have developed clairaudience, you can connect with this spirit and write what you learn from them. Also remember to always treat the spirits with respect; you do not own them.
Crystal shapes: The shape of a crystal also effects its power and usage. Different shapes have different frequencies and ways of directing the crystals' energies, for example: rose quartz is ideally used as a sphere, but it doesn't work well as a pyramid. Fluorite works well as a sphere or prism, while lapis lazuli can be used well in all forms. White quartz and calcite can also be used well in every shape. Amethyst varies a lot depending on what form you get it in, but if you want it to be associated with your dreams, buy a raw amethyst (the ones with spikes).
Cleansing: Once you purchase your crystal and take it home, the first thing you need to do is cleanse it. If you do not, whatever toxic energies that were absorbed from its previous environments and people will affect it and yourself. Cleansing crystals can be done in several ways, such as placing them in sunlight, clean water, or a bowl of salt. However, keep in mind that some crystals have adverse reactions to these and must be cleansed in a different way. Although if you are skilled with using energy in magick, you can cleanse the crystals by burning them with astral fire. Make sure to sense or astral-view the crystal afterwards to make sure you did it properly.
Once cleansed, the crystal will begin awaiting your instructions as to what you seek assistance with. For example, there are crystals that can be used for healing, protection, attacking, attaining wisdom, becoming better at meditation, astral projection, lucid dreaming, etc. There is also Maximization, which is obtained by special ritual keywords that the spirits give you, or by complimenting your meditations with a ritual involving planetary hours- similar to when making a talisman. The purpose of this is to synchronize the crystal with certain energies in specific planetary hours to maximize its magick effect.
Meditation: A basic ritual meditation is done by focusing on the crystal until you get to an altered state of mind, then you must imprint the crystal with your specific intention on what you want help with (according to what the crystal is naturally connected to). To meditate effectively, both your mind and body need to be relaxed- you sit upright and breathe deeply, using your breathing to lower your heart rate. Do this slowly. Allow your mind to go inside the crystal, as if flowing through it. This helps you see certain things about your crystal, such as symbolic images, so write these down and investigate them. This also helps you to develop a trusting bond with the crystal.
Continue doing this while focusing your intention into the crystal until it has been activated. This takes various amounts of time to complete depending on how experienced you are with meditation. If you are someone who is a beginner or has trouble with meditation, the process should take around 45 minutes straight. But if you are skilled with meditations, it can take around 10 minutes. For those who are experienced with sensing energies, you will be able to confirm for yourself when the crystal has been activated during meditation.
Once completed, the crystal will be more powerful. The last step is to tune into the frequencies of the crystal, thus creating a binding node. Basically, now you and the crystal will become linked, making it truly yours. This close contact allows a better connection and better magick between you and the crystal. This is similar to going to a merchant, and if you befriend them, you are more likely to receive benefits. It can still be used by someone else or given away if you choose, but remember that it's like giving away a friend. You have to explain to the crystal what you are doing, especially since they have been your companion and they may react with opposition towards having a different keeper. Another note is that if you wish to use your crystal as an amulet against being cursed, it can be extremely helpful against curses of death towards you. If you have the crystal on you when this happens, the crystal will absorb the curse, keeping you safe. But in effect, the crystal’s spirit will be damaged, and its crystal appearance may become discoloured or even cracked.
If you wish for a crystal that is attached to jewelry, the entire piece of jewelry must be ritually consecrated in a similar manner, including meditating on it during the days of the week corresponding to its associated planets. If you wish for extra effect, draw the sigil of the planet your crystal is strongest with, then keep them together during meditation (during that planet’s day only). After, the jewelry must be kept in a dark place while you meditate on it for a final time. The next day, keep it under your pillow for three nights straight, allowing a further bond. If done correctly, your jewelry will be enchanted and ready for use.
So in conclusion, these are the basics of using crystals in witchcraft. A crystal that has not been ritually consecrated in this way (or any more advanced way) will simply be a crystal with only a very small amount of magick use. These are more like display items than magickal items, so ritual consecration is extremely important as it makes all the difference. A crystal is utilized by being kept with you so you can receive its influence (again, they act how amulets and talismans do). Using crystals for magick is a beautifully complex spiritual-science that requires a lot of study and practice, but I hope this introduction will assist in getting you started.
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skylinesnsunshines · 4 years
txt reading: yeonjun ideal type + as a boyfriend
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hi everyone! today i’m fulfilling this request which is yeonjun’s ideal type + as a boyfriend, as usual feel free to send me requests but PLEASE make sure you read my rules first or i won’t fulfil your request. thanks :)
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
decks used: modern witch tarot, archetype cards by caroline myss, heavenly bodies astrology, the wild unknown animal by kim krans
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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the magician, the star, 10 of pentacles, 9 of wands | fool, warrior, lion, house six: establishing a foundation, health, daily life and practical details
with the magician card, yeonjun definitely wants someone who’s very resourceful and high-achieving as i can envision his person being the type to have very big goals and believes working hard is the only way they can make it a reality, basically someone who has the actions to back up their words. in prior readings, i described the star card as someone who’s unafraid to be vulnerable and has pure intentions which i do believe are characteristics yeonjun looks for in a partner HOWEVER the vibe i mainly got from the card in this specific spread is someone who’s unafraid to be in the centre of attention as people naturally gravitates towards them because they exude a naturally magnetic aura. the star card represents the sign of aquarius whereas yeonjun’s venus is in the sign of leo, since they are opposites i feel yeonjun could possibly resonate with the term opposites attract as he wants someone who is similar to him but in unique ways, such as leos purposely wanting to be the centre of attention and aquarius naturally standing out because they refuse to conform. with the magician + star card i do get the vibe that yeonjun is possibly attracted to those in the public eye and are very skilled at communicating as the magician rules mercury (gemini/virgo) and the star rules aquarius so heavy air energy is possibly very attractive to yeonjun (unsurprising cause of his libra moon). 10 of pentacles talks about someone who’s surrounded by wealth and highly-respected, yeonjun wants someone who’s able to be stable with him and have stability within themselves wether that’d be financially/emotionally/physically, 10 of pentacles can also talk about someone who thinks of the future and places a lot of importance on family structure and tradition which is unsurprising that yeonjun wants someone like this since he is a virgo sun after all, so with these 3 cards yeonjun wants someone who works hard for their wealth, is well-respected and gives back to those they love. with the 9 of wands at the bottom, i feel his person could be someone who is very resilient and confident but can be defensive at times if they’re exhausted, the theme of independence is huge with his type.
with the fool + warrior cards yeonjun wants someone who has two sides to them, one of them being someone who’s very humorous and able to lighten any situation with their words, and the other being the warrior who is someone who again is very independent and works hard for everything they have + unafraid to stand their ground. we have a venus in leo getting the leo card for their ideal type are we even surprised, lion talks about someone who’s patient and regal but also being a complete master in whatever they do, i feel yeonjun’s ideal type might intimidate a lot of people as people often sense how powerful their aura is before even hearing them speak. house six rules virgo and since yeonjun’s a virgo sun this again is unsurprising, yeonjun wants someone who’s very observant and practical which is reiterated by the magician and lion cards.
5 of cups rx, 8 of swords, the chariot, 6 of wands | detective, hermit, elk, venus: give and receive love, find value and see beauty
with the 5 of cups rx card, this tells me that yeonjun could be the type to keep to himself regarding his problems and sometimes even be an optimist (sag mars), he could be the type to overanalyse everything he’s done wether good or bad as virgos are prone to be hypercritical especially with themselves. the 8 of swords can indicate someone who has sort of a victim complex or someone who’s inner critic often chimes in, i feel in a relationship yeonjun expects himself to be perfect and has a tendency to hyperanalyse everything he does and if he makes a mistake he would be the type to think about it over and over again so he could be a bit detached as he lives in his thoughts, with these two cards i did also get the vibe though that he could be someone who could possibly find it difficult to be objective as he’s too intertwined with his own thoughts (unsurprising leo venus + virgo sun) but i don’t think this is too extreme as he’s a libra moon and they’re known to be very fair whenever difficult situations arise. the chariot does tell me that he’s more of an action-oriented person and would rather show his partner his love rather than verbalise it, definitely can see him being the type to hype his significant other and could be very touchy with them as well, but he can be very stubborn due to his deterministic nature so if his partner tries to control him it’s not gonna work lol. the 6 of wands tell me that yeonjun is definitely the boyfriend that wants to see his partner succeed and is willing to help them get there if needed, definitely wants to share his positivity with those around him and loves being the centre of attention. 
with the detective card yeonjun’s definitely an observer and i feel he can tend to mimic his s.o if he spends a long enough time around them as libra moons are known to “mirror” their partner, he’ll definitely be the type to want to learn about his person and know them like the back of his hand. a virgo sun pulled the hermit card how fitting, basically reiterates my points earlier about how he’s observant and can be detached but i feel this card also talks about the fact that communication is a huge need for him and he needs to be able to have a good level of communication with his s.o in order for him to commit as the hermit card rules mercury. the elk card talks about someone who’s very wise and can be seen as a sort of “father figure” which definitely emphasises the hermit card earlier and the stubbornness i touched on earlier, the elks are described as being supportive, kind and consistent so he’s definitely loyal and reliable. the venus card tells me that yeonjun ultimately loves being in love, his libra moon definitely is a big hopeless romantic and being romantic/showing love is second nature to him.
that is all! if you have any feedback, comments, queries or requests please don’t hesitate to reach out to me my ask box is always open. sending you all love, light, positivity and abundance <3 much love
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crazyalien87 · 2 years
angry rant about being a gender critical trans person and people denying my own experiences and agency as a human being while lying through their damn teeth
Being a gender critical trans person is so annoying sometimes because people on both sides deny my experiences and tell me I hate myself while lying through their fucking teeth.
gendies will say I hate myself for admitting I'm a woman (do they think being a woman is a negative trait? or honesty?) and tell me to start believing in their shit instead of what terfs say.
As if I didn't believe in their ideology for YEARS. I CHOSE to go and see what gender critical people said because it got to a boiling point and I couldn't handle the hypocrisy of gendies anymore. I'd been both tucute and truscum and saw the ridiculousness on both sides. Tucute said nondysphoric nontransitioning transwomen is the same as cis women and dysphoric transitioning mfs and whether someone is a man or woman is based on basically nothing (self-id). Truscum/transmed say someone's gender dysphoria isn't "real" dysphoria if it isn't inherent instead of caused by environmental factors or if they choose not to transition. someone could literally deal with dysphoria nonmedically in the same fucking way as transmeds, but if they didn't plan to follow it up with medical transition later, they weren't actually dysphoric. they said detrans people were never trans (despite fucking medically transitioning) and were 100% cis. they drew stupid fucking arbitrary lines over a fucking mental illness with no science to back it up. I realized that neither of these groups fucking cared about actually helping gender dysphoric people (aka me) fucking deal with their damn dysphoria. they just cared about stupid fucking lines over concepts with wildly different and contradictory definitions (trans & gender id).
So then I decided to go their ideological opponents (except gender stereotype conservatives bc i heard that shit my whole life like "real men cant wear dress"), gender critical people. Maybe they actually made sense and cared about gender dysphoric people. And guess what? They did and do make sense and care and are actually helpful. instead of obsessing over gender dysphoria and whether I was a "Real Trans" like I did as a truscum, I stopped fucking worrying so damn much. With gender critical people, I could ask questions without getting shunned or banned. I was allowed to disagree and seek the opinions of dissenters. So, I kept asking questions. I kept asking and found out that gender critical ideology still made sense. Whereas, the whole foundation of gender id ideology came crumbling down as soon as I started questioning it (when people actually gave me answers instead of banning and blocking me for being curious).
gendies like to call terfs a fucking c*lt. and yet who tells their followers to never think, ask questions, see the other side's point of view, to think for oneself? gendies do that shit. they ain't a cult by any means but they ain't the one to talk.
and yet gender critical people ain't perfect either! some talk like medical transition is the worst thing in the world. they act like touching hrt causes someone to disintegrate. as if trans people like buck angel, blair white, laverne cox, and caitlyn jenner don't exist and look healthy for their respective ages. as if they haven't been around for years after obviously getting hrt and maybe even surgery. I am not saying transition isn't risky. but it's not instant death either. yeah maybe you disagree but I think consenting adults should get to have body mods. yes, even if these are risky like surgery. everything has risk and reward. driving a car is risky. you could get in a car accident and die instantly. and yet you maybe get in a car every day! why? because adults can use their damn brains and decide which rewards they want and much risk they will take for it. like if you said no transition before 25 or something I get it. but to say like a 30 year old isn't smart enough to carefully take risks is fucking demeaning.
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retro-scorpio · 3 years
The Arcana Meets The Devildom (Part Five)
Asra’s Relationship With The Other Obey Me Characters
Lucifer: In a word, complicated, at least from Lucifer’s point of view. On the one hand, he really doesn’t like how Asra used Julian for his personal gain and essentially lied to Julian about having any feelings that were beyond physical towards him (which has been discussed at length during different late-night conversations with the Vesuvian red-head), but on the other hand, he can understand why Asra would do such a thing and even empathize with him on a certain level, because he reacted in a very similar fashion towards Diavolo when he was a fresh fallen angel-turned-demon living in the Devildom. He’s also worried about how Asra behaves when he’s around Asmo (especially when Solomon’s around and encouraging him), and Lucifer doesn’t want to see Asmo get hurt due to Asra’s shenanigans. There’s a part of Lucifer that wishes to have a proper conversation with Asra about the whole thing and maybe even give him some advise. Meanwhile, Asra sees Lucifer as very powerful and is very respectful towards him during any encounters he has with the eldest brother.
Mammon: Mammon reminds Asra a little too much of Lucio for his tastes, and so he keeps his distance from the Avatar of Greed as much as possible. As for Mammon’s opinion on Asra, the second-born is fascinated by how similar Asra and Solomon are and will watch the two of them interact with each other and the world from a distance (unless and until Lucifer catches him and strings him up onto some fixture in the House).
Levi: Like Julian, Asra finds Levi to be a very interesting person to talk to. Unlike Julian, Asra seems to have a natural knack for gaming (once Levi shows him the ropes, that is). Levi finds this side of Asra to be enjoyable, because while Asra is nowhere near the same level as he is, the Vesuvian magician can hold his own pretty well. Levi finds Asra to be a mix of Solomon and Belphie, mainly because Asra seems as laid back as the youngest demon brother (and the Avatar of Envy is the only one to have this opinion). Levi’s actually the first person in the Devildom to discover that Asra and Julian were once in a relationship, because when everyone was at the Demon Lord’s castle, Levi immediately sensed Asra’s jealousy towards Diavolo when the Demon Prince was being a little too friendly towards Julian. Later that evening, under the guise of a gaming session, Levi got Asra to tell him everything.
Satan: There’s an interesting chemistry between Asra and Satan. Although similar to the dynamic between Julian and Diavolo, it is far less obvious, and the two of them can be in the same room and be completely fine. Perhaps it’s because their relationship is formed on the foundation of fascination, rather than pure lust. Asra’s in awe at the sheer size and variety of Satan’s book collection, and Satan’s very curious about the magical practices that Asra implements in Vesuvia (so much so that, like with Julian, Satan begins writing down things that Asra tells him). Asra and Satan consider each other to be very knowledgeable, which is (most likely) what ends up fueling their attraction towards each other. However, it seems as though merely being in each other’s company is enough for them.
Asmo: Oh, boy. There’s just something about Asmo that brings out Asra’s more dominant (and borderline toxic) traits. Is it that as the Avatar of Lust, Asmo has the power to bring out someone’s deepest desires and turn them towards him? Or is it that Asmo’s (paradoxical) innocence reminds Asra of how Julian behaved when they had their fling? Whatever it is, Asra’s practically glued to Asmo’s side whenever they’re in the same room. This becomes abundantly clear when Solomon joins in the mix (see Part Two of this series). Meanwhile, Asmo is torn. While he certainly enjoys the attention, he’s also concerned with just how forward Asra can be towards him, because the fifth-born feels like if Asra had the opportunity, he would literally pounce on him, no questions asked. For whatever faults he may have, Asmo is a huge advocate for consent and (unless he’s torturing someone, which he does have to do from time to time as part of his responsibility as the Avatar of Lust) will not do anything without permission. So, Asmo is wary of Asra because he senses that the Vesuvian magician has a part of him that’s into non-consensual activities that benefit him and him alone.
Beel: Beel and Asra really don’t interact all that much. Sure, there are occasions where they’re in the kitchen at the same time, or Asra’s hanging out with Belphie in the same room and Beel’s either already there when they arrive or is walking in on them, but other than exchanging pleasantries, they don’t talk to each other a whole lot.
Belphie: While Asra prefers spending time with Satan, he finds Belphie to be a good, intelligent companion that he can relax with when everyone else is too exhausted or asleep. Their favorite spot to hang out at is the planetarium, because they both enjoy having deep conversations under the stars. Levi may have been the first person to know about the relationship Asra had with Julian, but Belphie knows the most about it (because there are certain things Asra kept from Levi during the late night gaming session that he feels comfortable sharing with Belphie). On the flip side, Asra is the one individual besides Lucifer that knows basically everything there is to know about the trauma Belphie has as a result of the Great Celestial War and losing his sister Lilith.
Diavolo: For obvious reasons, Asra’s pleasantly surprised to find out that Diavolo is actually a nice, selfless person who tries his best to look out for everyone and who wishes for things to be as harmonious as possible. As a result, Asra respects Diavolo’s authority as the Demon Prince (and acting ruler of the Devildom) and shows this respect through his behavior whenever he’s around Diavolo. Diavolo doesn’t have a bad opinion of Asra, but they don’t see each other enough for Diavolo to consider him a friend. However, that does not stop him from offering his services in order to help Asra, Julian, and Lucio get back home to Vesuvia.
Barbatos: You heard of the Anti-Lucifer League; now, get ready for the Lucio Haters, of which Asra and Barbatos are the founding members. If ever there was a friendship that was formed solely due to the hatred of someone else, Barbatos and Asra have it. The Lucio Haters have a higher success rate than the Anti-Lucifer League because the demon butler and the Vesuvian magician never get caught (and because Lucio is, to put it kindly, not as smart as Lucifer, and so the Vesuvian Count falls for pranks every single time without fail). In fact, the Lucio Haters are so successful that no one (besides Lucifer, who just sits back and watch things unfold) even knows that the Lucio Haters are even a thing, which makes it that much easier for Asra and Barbatos to cause misfortune for Lucio whenever the opportunity to mess with the Count strikes.
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