#cause she’s shy towards strangers
confettidogs · 9 months
Maybe I should start yanking my dads nose when he’s mansplaining the way he does to my dog when she’s barking because she’s scared
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adragonprinceswhore · 1 month
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Aemond Targaryen x (Ex)Wife
Chapter III: Dreams 🎼 Masterlist
Summary: You miss Aemond, yet you can’t stand to be near him. Will performing a new song about your separation make you feel better?
Warnings: 18+, AFAB reader, she/her pronouns, angst, toxic relationship dynamic, possessive Aemond, fighting, smut, oral (f receiving), spanking, thigh riding, P in V, thumb in bum, spit kink, degradation
Word count: 5750 A/N: Thank you always my love @theoneeyedprince ♡
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“This is the third day in a row that guy comes in here, orders a coffee, and pretends to work on his laptop as he stares at you”, Alysanne whispers in your ear and points to the silver haired man sitting in the back corner of the campus coffee shop. 
He’s clad entirely in black, and his long hair is neatly tied in a low bun at the base of his neck. 
“You should go talk to him!”, she urges with a gentle push on your shoulder. 
“What? No. He’s not been staring at me”, you shut her nonsense down, slightly embarrassed by your friend's pushiness. Alysanne is such a hopeless romantic; always convinced that the love of your life’s lurking around the next corner, constantly looking for a ‘meet cute’ to thrust you into. 
“Oh, come on! He’s definitely been checking you out! Maybe he’s just shy?”, she argues, staring at the stranger unabashedly as he sips his coffee. Her lack of discretion fuels the nerves bubbling inside you, eager to end this embarrassing conversation as soon as possible. 
“Aly, please. A guy like that doesn’t get shy. Typical rich fuckboy”
He certainly is good-looking, and probably knows it as well, dark designer clothes a stark contrast to the surrounding patron’s jeans and sweatshirts. He looks to be around your age, a student as well, you’d guess. 
Alysanne hums in response, moves to stand by the display of sweets by the register, and places a cinnamon bun on one of the small dishes stacked on the counter. 
Before your protests stop her, she walks towards where the stranger is sitting, a wide smile plastered on her face, 
“Hi there! My lovely friend and coworker over there made these earlier today. Would you like one?” 
Her voice is unnaturally cheery as she places the dish on the table next to the stranger's laptop. 
He looks up, nods stiffly in confirmation, and quietly mumbles a “thank you” before quickly returning to type on the keyboard, eyes again on the screen. 
“Would you like to talk to her? I can ask her to come over here”, Alysanne offers, voice still upbeat, so energetic it nearly comes across as intrusive.   
The stranger seems slightly thrown off by her forwardness. He looks up at her in surprise, but stays silent. 
To anyone else, his stoicism and unfriendly demeanour would be enough reason to leave him be. But not Alysanne, who turns around to catch your eye and gesticulates for you to come over with an exaggerated wave of her hand. 
From behind the register, you’d watched the scene unfold in horror, certain that your friend would embarrass you to the point where ‘rich fuckboy’ would tell everyone on campus about what a freak you are. 
You slowly make your way over, eyes boring holes into Alysanne as you force yourself to smile, dreading the inevitable faked  niceties you’ll have to exchange with the strange, silver-haired man. 
His face is even prettier up-close. 
High cheekbones, strong jawline, sharp nose, beautiful eye- 
Your gaze stops at his left eye. The baby blue iris is covered by a thin mist of white, and a red, angry scar slashes through the socket, starting at his forehead and ending at cheekbone. 
“Hope you like it”, you blurt out, trying to grab Alysanne’s hand and tug her away from the unbelievably awkward interaction. She’s still smiling, dodging your hand while her attention stays on the stranger in front of you, 
“Would you like her number?”
Alysanne persistence causes dread to pool in your gut. God, she could be so forward it was disturbing; completely ignoring what you thought to be common social decency. 
Your heart is hammering in your chest as the stranger hums at your friend’s question, 
“Actually, I wanted to ask you about the open mic last week. Did you write that song?” 
“‘Planets of the Universe’? Um, yes, but it’s not really finished, um, I mean, I just sang it for fun, I was kinda drunk last Friday..”
Your babbling reflects how the stranger makes you feel; nervous and unsure. His face is impassive, and his tone so unemotional it borders on stern. 
You only performed that silly song because your friends were pushy and you were buzzing on way too many margaritas. Why does he care about who wrote it? 
“You’re not a guitarist, I assume?”, he asks and you notice the corners of his lips briefly turn upwards, as if to prevent a smile from breaking out. 
God, the audacity of this rich fuckboy. 
“No, but like I said, it was just for fun”, you bite back. 
You don’t care for his condescending tone, or his efforts to make you feel bad about your sub-par guitar skills. Does he not understand what ‘just for fun’ means? 
The stranger’s gaze is still locked on you as he hums in response. He stares with an intensity that leaves you feeling even more unsettled. 
“You’ve got a very unique voice” 
The unexpected compliment takes you by surprise, and a warmth spreads over your face; heating up your cheeks. 
“My siblings and I play a bit of music on the side, for fun” he says with an emphasis on the last part, mimicking you, “I think your voice would go well with the sound we’re trying to create”
He sounds very matter-of-fact, like he’s offering you a business proposal. You notice something shine in his intense gaze; something inviting that makes it hard for you to concentrate on what he says. 
“The song you performed has great potential, with a proper guitarist backing you up, that is. If you’re interested, we’re meeting up tomorrow night” 
You’re briefly lost for words, not expecting him to be so forward. Alysanne is practically vibrating with excitement next to you, glancing over at you with a wide smile and big, expectant eyes. 
“Sure, I’ll stop by after work” 
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Your infatuation with Aemond started slow. 
Essentially, it was the small things he did that pushed you to the realisation that he isn’t just some ‘rick fuckboy’, but a quite caring and sensitive man. Albeit with a layer of stoicism obscuring his more tender side. 
Things like him insisting that he needs to walk you home after band practice, even if it’s still bright outside. Or him picking you up in his car when it rains, so you ‘don’t catch a cold’. Or him offering to help you with coursework, surprising you with detailed, hand-written notes tucked in between the pages of your textbook. 
Aemond is caring in such a genuine way, always asking you how your studies are going, how work at the campus cafe is like, if you’d eaten anything. Always straight-to-the-point. And when you answer, he listens to you with such intensity, you’d think whatever comes out of your mouth is of grave importance. For the most part, it’s not. 
You soon find yourself looking forward to seeing him, heart skipping a beat every time he picks you up after you've finished your shift at the cafe. He always waited outside of the cafe, observing you tidying up through the shop window with a cigarette glowing between his fingers. 
When he asks you one day if you’d like to grab dinner after practice, you eagerly accept his invitation, trying your hardest to hide the excitement you feel as he says a quick goodbye to his brother and sister before leading you out of the studio you used for practice. 
It’s not a date, not really, yet when you sit next to Aemond in that dimly lit booth at the rather posh Yi-Ti-inspired restaurant he’d picked, it sure feels like one. 
That night, after sharing a bottle of wine, your face is warm and you’re filled with alcohol-infused confidence. As you talk animatedly about your favourite musician, Aemond regards you with a small smile playing on his lips, eyes intensely meeting yours to take in all your telling him. You feel a sudden urge to kiss him, and though it is chaste and unplanned; a result of your slight intoxication, you feel mortified as you pull back, ready to apologise for placing your lips on his without consent. Before you have a chance, he places a hand on your cheek and pulls your face back towards his, kissing you passionately, though his lips are soft and gentle. 
As you pull away, eyes still closed and mind lost in the bliss of your first kiss, you hear Aemond murmur a quiet “finally”. 
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As a partner, Aemond seems to study you just as diligently as he studies everything else. 
He quickly picks up on your favourite things.  
If you’d been admiring a particular flower when you passed by the flower shop on your way to campus, you’d later find a bouquet waiting for you at home. When you went to museums and exhibitions together, he’d lean in next to you, one hand gently on your waist and soft lips right by your ear, and tell you everything he knew about the artist or artwork in front of you. Later, he’d buy you postcards of the paintings you’d shown particular fascination with, so you could decorate your bedroom wall with them. 
Though he claimed that his knowledge of the arts simply stemmed from being a history major, explaining that “art is one of the greatest insights we have to previous decades”, you have a strong suspicion he actually knows so much because there’s a secret love for the arts tucked away inside him, where he keeps the more sensitive parts of his soul. 
Sometimes you’re privy to that too. 
Like the time he wanted to take you out to a fancy restaurant downtown to celebrate your six month anniversary. Being a student, you didn’t really have money to spend on anything besides rent and food, meaning that you hadn’t been able to reciprocate the lovely gifts Aemond had given you since you first got together. 
Determined to give him something meaningful, you purchase a small frame from the local charity shop, print out some pictures you’d taken together from the university library, and put together a little collage of your time as a couple. 
You include a message on the back of it, thanking him for everything he’s done for you; for being such a caring boyfriend. 
As you timidly hand him your homemade gift at the luxurious restaurant, you feel a storm of unease swirl within you, suddenly overcome with embarrassment that you couldn’t get him anything nicer. 
Aemond’s eyes light up in a way you’d hardly seen before. 
He turns the gift over in his hand, admiring the photo collage and reading the little message on the back. 
Grabbing your hand, he looks into your eyes and says a quiet “thank you”, and the gravity and sincerity of his voice lets you know that he appreciates the simple gift more than he can put into words. 
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The coming week you stick to the same set list; kicking off each performance with ‘The Chain’ and finishing with ‘Go Your Own Way’. You’d like to pretend that the performances got easier as time went on, but that would be a lie. 
Each night, you’re forced to sing Aemond’s self-pitying words; ‘if I could, I’d give you my world’. You have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes each time. What made him incapable of ‘giving you his world’ when you were married? He made it sound like he had no part in your divorce; like all he did was try and love you while you broke his heart. 
Fuck that. 
He broke your heart. And he kept breaking it. Every fucking night he made you sing his martyr complex bullshit. 
It wasn’t anything new, not really. This is how it so often went when you fought as a married couple, it had just taken a new form. The bones of it are the same; Aemond is upset and shuts you out, you try to reason with him and get burnt. 
There’s something about his attitude when you find yourselves in a fight. He could turn so condescending, berating you for your emotions. Like he’s better than you for not letting them get the best of him; for not shouting or crying. 
He thinks showing that something hurts him is a sign of weakness. That he’s too smart to let his insecurities and doubts overtake his senses. So he can pretend he doesn’t feel such unbecoming emotions. 
Even when they prove too strong to push down. 
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Aemond has been quiet for the entire trip back home, jaw shut tight and eyes refusing to meet yours. 
You know something’s off in the way his usual stoicism doesn’t feel natural, but forced. He’s holding something back, keeping something from you, and you can’t figure it out for the life of you. 
As you enter your flat, he finally breaks the silence. 
“Did you like that?”
His voice is colder than you’re used to. You recognise the tone though, from when he’s had enough of Aegon’s endless shenanigans. 
You step out of your heels and turn around to face him, “Like what? The party?”
His face is set in a frown and he irritably clicks his tongue at your obliviousness, 
“You know what I mean, don’t play dumb” 
You really have no idea what could’ve prompted his sour mood, so you stay quiet, waiting for him to continue. You don’t feel like playing these games with him; they won’t lead anywhere. 
If he’d just tell you what made him upset, you could solve the issue and move on.  
He sighs at the lack of answer, “You liked all that attention, didn’t you?”  
He’s jealous. 
“Oh come on, Aemond, this is great for the band! We’re getting recognition! We’re recording our first album!”
You don’t want him to rob you off the excitement you’d felt today, talking to one of Westeros biggest record labels and finally getting the recognition you’d worked so hard for. 
He turns to face you, features still stern as he backs you into the wall, 
“But did you like it? The way that guy from the record label was eyeing you?”, he asks again. 
You know Aemond has a tendency to get protective of you; fussing over you and insisting that you listen to him. And when he’s caring, and when you feel anxious, it feels comforting to have someone protect you so fiercely. But you’re not a child, and he doesn’t have to treat you as one. 
“Why would I like it?”
Your challenge makes him move closer. You see the way his pupil is blown wide, the heat in his gaze radiating off him. 
“I think you did. I think you enjoy the attention”
It’s almost laughable; the fact that Aemond Targaryen, undoubtedly one of the most alluring people you’ve ever met, feels threatened by some sleazy guy from a record label. How could he think some guy flirting with you would affect your affection for him even in the slightest? 
Still, there’s something intriguing about the dark look in his eye. It’s so passionate; the way he observes you. Like he wants to devour you. Punish you. Claim you. 
It sparks something alight inside you. You want to match his fire.  
“Maybe I did”
You have to bite your lip to prevent a smirk from breaking out. Will he fall for the provocation? 
Aemond’s eyes narrow. They travel from your face down to your body, and his arms come up to cage you against the wall of your hallway, 
“You like tormenting me, is that it?”, he asks lowly and presses the tip of his nose to the side of your face, trailing it down your cheek. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, lowering your lips to press kisses onto his neck, 
“Yes”, you say against his skin, a light chuckle escaping your lips. 
It’s almost cute when he gets like this, and so flattering in the most twisted way. He’s just as enchanted by you as you are by him. 
He startles you by pulling away, grabbing you by your waist and flipping your body so you’re suddenly facing the wall. 
He rucks up the short skirt of your cocktail dress with much more force than necessary and a firm smack lands on your ass. The sudden sting of pain makes you inhale sharply and you feel your pulse elevate with excitement.  
Behind you, Aemond drops to his knees, kisses your stinging backside, and pulls at the flimsy material of your thong until it tears in two, falling to the floor. 
His insatiable display causes desire to pulse within you; an ache that nestles itself between your thighs and beats as fast as your heart. 
Pushing on your lower back, he urges you to lean forward as he continues to soothe the aching flesh of your ass with sweet kisses. 
The chill air of the room feels strange against your hot, wet cunt, and you wish he’d touch you in the place you needed him most. The place that painfully pounds with want for him. 
As if he could read your mind, Aemond grabs the front of your thighs with his large, warm hands and he presses his face against your exposed cunt, unwilling to waste any more time as he swipes his tongue over your swollen clit. 
You moan in gratitude and your forehead falls to make contact with the wall in front of you, the sweat of your forehead sticking to the cool surface. 
He knows exactly how to work you; how to make you squirm and tense up and reach your peak in no time. 
With each movement of his tongue against your clit, you feel your peak grow closer; an embarrassingly fast release only your beloved could elicit. 
As you lose yourself in the pleasure, and your hips begin to move in tandem with Aemond’s tongue, his debauched kisses lessen, and he pulls away from your cunt, wiping his sticky face against the back of your thigh. 
You let out a frustrated whine, turn around to face him, and look down at him, still on his knees. 
“That’s just cruel, Aemond”
He looks so beautiful kneeling in front of you, long hair dishevelled and cheeks flustered pink. 
“Maybe I like tormenting you as well”
He still has that darkness dancing in his eyes, but now accompanied by the playful grin that’s spreading across his face. He stands, leans in so closely your body gets pushed against the wall behind you, and places one of his legs between your naked thighs, 
“Beg me to fuck you”
He rocks his jeans-clad thigh against your exposed core as he makes his demand; blue colour quickly darkening from the stain of your arousal. 
You throw your head back and moan at the pleasurable friction, the harshness of the fabric providing wonderful relief to your aching clit. Your hips quickly meet the rhythm of his thigh, and when he lowers his face to bite at your nipple through the thin material of your dress, you feel your previously denied release approach once more. 
You move yourself more forcefully against his thigh, and as your movements turn sloppy from pleasure tightening inside you, he pulls away yet again.  
You know you look like a mess with your hair frizzy from the friction of the wall, spit covering the fabric over your nipple, and the lower part of your body fully exposed; inner thighs sticky from arousal. 
“Aemond, please”, you whine as he straightens up, face wholly entertained by your miserable state. 
“Beg me to fuck you”, he repeats, this time slower and with emphasis on each word. 
You bite your lip and look at him. You can see the hardness of his cock straining against his jeans, but you know he’ll never relent; never give you what you want until you give him what he wants. 
“Please”, you plead, hands moving forward his zipper to undo his trousers. 
He tuts and slaps your hands away, 
“Beg”, he repeats, face returning to its previous, stern expression. 
You’d like to think you’re as good as him at playing these games. But you’re not. You don’t have the patience. 
“Please fuck me Aemond. Please make me come, please make me feel good, please stretch me out on your cock, please-” 
Your pathetic surrender is cut off by his lips on yours, kissing you passionately, stealing your breath. 
Pulling down his zipper, he takes his length in hand; rock hard and glistening with arousal. He pushes your body up against the wall and you quickly catch on, wrapping your legs around him as he enters you in one swift motion. 
“Fuck! Thank you!”, you cry out when he finally gives you what you want, and an amused snort espaces his nose. 
Aemond wastes no time in ravishing you and sets a brutal pace, pelvis repeatedly hitting your clit as his cock hits your g-spot. You’re unable to do much more than to just take it; take the mind-numbing pleasure he’s forcing upon you. 
For the third time, your peak is within reach, so close your cunt starts to tighten around Aemond’s cock. To your dismay, his pace slows, and you’re back to begging,  
“Please, I’m so close. Please let me come Aemond”
He pulls out, smiles at the devastated frown on your face, and turns you around once more. 
This time, he presses your body against the small side table by the front door, pushing his hand on the back of your head so that the side of your face makes contact with the wooden surface, ass prettily propped up and glistening entrance waiting for him. 
He presses the slick tip of his cock against your leaking hole, and pauses without entering. His large form looms over you as his hand reaches for your face, thumb stroking your lower lip, pulling it down to reveal your teeth, 
“Who do you belong to?”
His voice is lower, and calmer, than before. You look up at him; at his lust-filled eyes and kiss-swollen lips. 
You. Always you.
Aemond’s thumb is still on your lower lip. He leans down and pushes his length fully into you again, making you let out a cry in blissful relief. 
God it feels so good. 
You see him purse his lips together, spit collecting between them, and he slowly lets it drip down to where his thumb is. 
Onto your lower lip, your tongue, your teeth. 
He smears his spit around your lips and tongue with his thumb, pace of his hips picking up to thrust into you harder. The table beneath you rocks against the wall aggressively loud. 
“Would you let anyone else fuck you like this?”, he asks, trailing his spit-soaked thumb down your body, stopping between your asscheeks to push at your puckered hole. “Never”, you assure, moaning as he pushes his thumb in, never ceasing the pace he’s set as he fucks you on the table. “Didn’t think so. You’re my little slut. Mine. No one else will ever see you as fucking cockdrunk as I do”
Maybe it’s the heat of his tone. The dark, possessive passion that excites you, even in its volatility. 
Maybe it’s the way he knows your body. How he can turn you into a begging, pathetic mess by the briefest of touches. 
It’s hard to decipher what makes your orgasm feel so utterly consuming, but when it hits, and your body shakes from the force of it, you know that no one else will ever have this effect on you. 
You. Always you.
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You’ve made it a habit to go back to your hotel room between the sound check and the show, not able to bear spending more time around Aemond than absolutely necessary. 
Both of you had tried to keep up with the cordial act, but even Erryk had started to catch on to how forced each of your interactions felt. Whenever you or Aemond addressed the other, everyone around you tense up and the air feels thick; like you’re all just waiting for what’s bubbling beneath the surface to finally erupt. 
Tonight, as you’re getting ready for the tour’s fifth stop in White Harbor, no amount of breathing exercises seem to lessen your nerves, making your hands clammy and heart flimmer in anxious anticipation. 
You’re finally going to perform one of your new songs for Rumours. 
What if the fans hate it? 
Writing has helped you deal with the aftermath of your separation; a tedious effort to make the painful end of your relationship into something meaningful. A song about lost love. 
What if it sounds awful live? 
Recording separately means that this will be the first time the band actually plays the song, as opposed to each member recording their own part in solitude. 
The song sounded good in post-production. It’ll sound great live too.
You try to repeat the comforting phrase to yourself as you spot Aemond and Alys in your peripheral vision; her arms around his neck, his lips coming down to brush against her cheek. 
You don’t know if you’d rather barf or cry at the display, but when Aemond’s seeing eye briefly searches for yours, your stomach turns in disgust.
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The intro of your new song starts to play; upbeat drums accompanied by a melancholic guitar melody. Aemond plays it flawlessly, just like you knew he would.
This is it. Your time to shine; to actualise the pain that’s been wearing you down for the past months. To make it into something that means something. 
Your music.
‘Now there you go again, you say, you want your freedom’
‘Well who am I to keep you down?’ 
You don’t want to look at Aemond, don’t want to mimic the staring contest he challenges you to each time he sings ‘The Chain’ or ‘Go Your Own Way’. 
You’re not doing this for him, you’re doing this for yourself. To make sense of the suffering he’s caused you. You’re doing it for the fans; all those who can resonate with what you’re singing.
‘But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness’
‘Like a heartbeat drives you mad in the stillness of remembering what you had’
‘And what you lost’
Oh but gods, do you want to throw him a quick glance though. 
See hurt in his eye. 
See his jaw tick in anger at your words. 
‘Thunder only happens when it’s raining’ 
‘Players only love you when they’re playing’ 
Now you understand why he wanted you to do backup vocals on his new songs. You feel so powerful as you make him sing your lyrics, a sudden rush of hubris getting the best of you as you steal a glance of him.
‘They say women, they will come and they will go’
‘When the rain washes you clean, you’ll know’ 
You’re disappointed to find him in his usual state, stoic face turned away from you.
The recent rage-filled, passionate tone his voice had adopted is gone. He sounds just as calm and precise as he usually does. 
‘Now here I go again, I see the crystal vision’
‘I keep my visions to myself’
‘It’s only me who wants to wrap around your dreams’
‘Have you any dreams you’d like to sell?’
‘Dreams of loneliness like a heartbeat drives you mad’
‘In the stillness of remembering what you had’
‘And what you lost’
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Like the previous nights, you’re in a rush to get back to your hotel room as soon as the show ends. 
As are your bandmates; no one really enjoys the tension that seems to be a permanent feature whenever you are all in the same room. 
As you’re about to jump into a taxi with Helaena outside of the venue, you realise that you forgot the tote bag you keep your notebooks and music sheets in backstage. You tell her to go ahead and quickly make your way back to retrieve your forgotten bag. 
A security guard lets you back in and you spot your tote immediately, laying on one of the many cheap fold-out tables lining the walls of the room. As you make your way towards it, you hear someone clear their throat in the other corner of the room. 
You’ve no idea what he wants, but you turn around in an instance, leaving your bag on the table. 
Aemond is sitting by himself in a dark corner of the large room, stomping out a cigarette onto the silver ashtray he's holding in his left hand. He places it on the ground and leans back in his seat, 
“I never said that, you know”. 
His voice is low. He sounds tired. 
“Said what?”
You’re still sadistically disappointed by the fact that he’d acted so indifferent during your performance of ‘Dreams’, and it reflects in your voice. He has a talent of bringing it out of you.
“I never said ‘women come and go’, or whatever. The reporter said it” 
His voice grows more irksome with each word, matching yours. 
Sure, he hadn’t said it. But he might as well have. 
“Whatever, Aemond”, you sigh, too tired to engage in pointless discussion with him. You turn to leave, reaching for your bag, but he stops you once again,  
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t perform that song again”.
You let out a startled, joy-less laugh at his audacity, “Too bad”
“Then change the lyrics. It’s obviously about our… relationship” 
You can sense strain in his voice. He’s holding something back.
Maybe you finally got to him.
“So are your new songs”, you counter. 
He is such a hypocrite, it’s almost laughable. An unbecoming characteristic of his that reared its ugly head more frequently as your relationship got worse. 
“I never say they are though. You’re quoting me, hard to assume it could be about anyone else”
His voice is low and dark, you have to focus to properly hear him. 
“Thought you didn’t say that?”
You have to bite the inside of your lower lip to keep yourself from grinning as you add, 
“Maybe the song is about the reporter?” 
The provocation works. Aemond swiftly stands up, seeing eye dark and threatening as his voice grows louder, 
“My songs aren’t filled with blatant lies, you’re calling me names and shit” 
His nostrils are flaring as he breathes heavily, hand flexing in an attempt to stifle his rage. 
You’d got to him. 
“You can’t be for real, Aemond! Every fucking time you perform your new songs you're staring at me on stage, singing about how I can ‘go my own, lonely way’! You have no right dictating what I write or how I express myself”. 
He’d gotten to you too. You can’t hide your irritation any longer, a whole week being in his insufferable presence proving to be too much.  
It’s his turn to throw a condescending laugh your way. 
“Well, you’re the one who kept going on about how lonely you were”
Back when you were still together, when the fights had became a permanent, unavoidable recurrence, you had accused Aemond of never truly letting you in, leaving you feeling lonely in your relationship. 
But there’s a difference between feeling disconnected from your partner, and being unable to be on your own. 
“You couldn’t be alone for a second, Aemond, that’s how fucking lonely you are. How long did it take you to hook up with Alys? 3 days!?”
“Because you left me!”, he shouts back. 
And there it is; the anger that he pretends he doesn't have within himself. The ugly, raw emotion he thinks he’s too good to let overtake his senses. 
His voice isn’t cold anymore. 
His face isn’t indifferent. 
His eyes shine with heartbreak, but so do yours. 
“You chased me away with your fucking obsessive behaviour! You deserved to be left!” 
Sometimes when you fought when you were married, you’d hold yourself back, still trying to protect Aemond’s feelings to some degree by not purposefully hurting him just because you were angry. 
Not anymore. 
He grimaces slightly at your words and you feel a sick sense of satisfaction.
He deserves it. 
You can’t bear to look at him, and you can’t hear anything either, heartbeat thumping in your ears so loudly it’s giving you a headache. 
If you stay, and see that the fire in his eye has been extinguished by regret, you might cave in. 
You can’t. 
So you turn around, grab your bag in a haste and storm out of the door, rushing to get hold of a taxi on the busy street by the venue. 
You hold it together in the car ride to the hotel. You thank the driver and offer him a tip, you enter the building and go to the elevator, smile at an elderly couple who engage you in some polite smalltalk about the weather. 
It’s not until you enter your hotel room and lock the door behind you that you allow the tears to fall. 
They seem endless, and all you want to do is crawl into bed and sleep. 
Seeing the empty space, the empty bed, makes you feel so lonely a stinging pain goes through your chest. You're pulled back to the memories of living with Aemond, coming back home to him; sleeping in the same bed as him. 
You miss him so much it hurts. Not the person you’d just had a fight with backstage. You miss the Aemond he was before; your Aemond. 
You think about the Aemond in the museum, who’d tell you about the history of the Water Gardens and Prince Maron Martell.
You think about the Aemond that kissed your forehead before each show. 
You think about the Aemond that loved you. 
You go to your closet, stretch your arm all the way to the back, and search for what you know to be there. Your hand finds the soft sweatshirt and you pull it out from the dark corners of your hotel room closet, quickly pulling off all of your clothes until you’re standing in nothing but your underwear. 
Aemond’s uni hoodie still smells like him. You cry harder, uglier, as you put it on, burying your nose in the fabric and inhaling deeply. 
Maybe the Aemond you miss still exists in your dreams. 
You get under the duvet, nose still nuzzled in the soft fabric and body shaking from the violent sobs leaving your body, and fall asleep.
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A/N: Before you ask, no. She doesn’t know if Aemond met Alys exactly three days after their separation. She’s exaggerating for emphasis, as one often does when fighting. The point is that he “moved on” suspiciously fast.
Planets of the Universe is a demo song that never made it onto Rumours, but it so good; very raw and real. TY for reading 🩵
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venerawrites · 3 months
vi x readers first time? <3 reader is the inexperienced virgin
author's note: I don't have a lot of experience writing smut, so I was kind of nervous about this one, so I really hope you enjoy! Also, I wrote this as the reader's first time being intimate with a girl, but she is not a virgin (as I don't really know what it is like to lose your virginity to a female, so I didn't want to write nonsense). Anyway, thank you for requesting! <3
warnings: 18+ content, MINORS DNI (I will block you <3); fem x fem; fingering; mirror sex (kind of?);
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"God, I can kiss you all day!", Vi muttered against your mouth, before pushing her tongue between your parted lips. One of her hands held both of your wrists tightly above your head, while the other one was gently gripping your chin, holding your face in place.
When you invited the pink-haired girl to join you for dinner with the Firelights, you didn't expect to end up pinned on the bed under her muscular form. Of course, you were not a stranger to her kisses - in fact, you two shared your very first kiss together years ago, when you were both shy and awkward teenagers.
But a long time has passed since then and the tension between you was... different. When you saw her a few days ago for the first time in eight years, you couldn't help but stare - she has changed. A lot. She still had a lean and fit physique, but now she was also taller and curvier. Different tattoos covered her face, neck, and arms, while her clothes clung perfectly to her big chest and round ass.
Much to your embarrassment, you were not as discreet as you hoped to be, and after meeting your gaze, she send you a wink with a small smirk.
A week has passed since your reunion and despite your busy schedule as Ekko's right hand, you found a way to spend at least a few hours every day with Vi. Usually, you hung out on random rooftops around Zaun, telling each other stories and catching up for the lost time. She described in detail what life behind bars was, while you explained what happened in the Undercity since she left.
While you tried to keep your eyes focused on her, rather than her body, the pink-haired woman felt no shame in checking you out and complimenting you every time she saw you. With a heavy blush on your cheeks, you always brushed her comments off - there was no doubt you were crazy attracted to her, but not knowing what her intentions were, and most importantly what her relationship with that enforcer was, you felt like pursuing anything with her would be innapropriate.
Vi, on the other hand, seemed to have her mind already set. So as soon as you proposed to her to go to your room after dinner, so you can relax before you escort her back, she is quick on her feet, eager to finally have some alone time with you. Once you entered, you didn't even have the chance to speak, before she smashed her lips against yours and pushed you down the bed.
"Tell me to stop", she mumbled once she pulled away, but despite her command, her head dipped down toward your neck, leaving wet open-mouthed kisses on your already hot skin. Her teeth grazed your skin and once she heard you whimper when she touched one particular spot right under your ear, she wasted no time in biting down hard. Instinctively, you arched your back and tried to pull away, a sharp wince leaving your lips.
"Sorry!", she said sheepishly, before detaching herself from your skin, so she could look at you, "Couldn't control myself!"
The feeling of her breath mixing with yours caused shivers to run down your spine and you lifted yourself in an attempt to claim her lips once again, before her hand grabbed your chin once again, pinning you in place.
"I think maybe we should sto-"
"No!", the word left your mouth before she could even finish her sentence, "Don't stop now!"
If she was in any other situation with any other person, Vi would've pulled away. She didn't like rushing things, especially when it came to intimacy. But as you looked at her with big doe eyes, lips red and swollen from her kisses, how could she possibly say 'no'? You have been her crush since she was thirteen and despite all the years spent apart, her feelings for you were just as strong as they were back then.
"Are you sure?", her expression softened, "Have you ever done this before?"
Her question made you blush, but you still tried to hide your embarrassment by rolling your eyes at her.
"Is this really the time to discuss this? Yes, I've had sex before! "
"With a woman?", both of her brows rose high and you couldn't tell if she was surprised or just making sure. There was a slight twitch of her upper lip and before you could answer, she opened her mouth again:
"Who? Is it someone I know?"
The red colour on your cheeks intensified and soon it spread down your neck. Vi, on the other hand, seemed to be completely serious, as she seemed to watch you with a mix of curiosity and irritation. You pushed your tongue against your cheek, before letting out a huff.
"Vi, why does it matter-"
"I'm just curious", she interrupted, yet something in her look was telling you it was not an innocent curiosity, "Who was she?"
Letting out a sigh, you tried to move your hands, but her grip was still too tight.
"No, I've never had sex with a woman, okay? Only with men... but it can't be that different, right?"
Your answer seemed to satisfy her, as a small smirk formed on her face, before she caught your lips in a bruising kiss, her teeth clashing against yours, while her tongue found its way inside your mouth once again. The hand that was holding your chin slid down to your waist, softly gripping your side and after a minute, she pulled away once again.
"I am going to take care of you...", she promised, laying her forehead against yours, "But if you feel uncomfortable at any moment, you say stop and I stop, okay?"
With each second your body felt hotter and hotter, and you nodded your head at her words, eager for her to just shut up and continue. She kissed you again, this time softer, while she let go of your wrists, giving you the opportunity to wrap your arms around her neck. Her calloused fingers started to work on the button of your blouse, taking extra time unbuttoning each one.
You, however, were not impressed with her gentleness. The more she teased you, the damper your underwear was getting, sticking to your pussy lips, and taking things slow was definitely not what you wanted right now. With trembling fingers, you moved your hands between you, impatiently pulling the buttons till you could open your shirt wide.
Vi, who had her mouth open in order to offer a sarcastic comment about your impatience, found herself gawking at your chest once you had nothing on, but a red bra. Without moving her eyes from it, she moved her hands toward your boobs, softly kneading the soft flesh. She dragged one of her fingers across the edge of your bra, slowly following the line till she reached behind your back to unclasp it. Gently lifting the upper half of your body, she pushed the shirt off your arms, before pulling the straps of your bra down.
Without wasting even a second, her mouth latched onto your nipple, greedily sucking it, while her other hand started playing with your other breast. You let out a loud moan once you felt her tongue swirling around it and you arched your back, trying to get as close to her as possible. Small whimpers of pleasure fell past your lips, while she continued sucking, biting, and licking your nipple, till it was painfully hard.
"Fuck, Vi...", you muttered, trying your best to control the volume of your voice. After all, you had neighbours on both sides of your room, who, without a doubt, already knew what you two were doing. You ran your fingers through her pink locks, letting out a small whine once she released your nipple from her mouth with a loud 'pop'.
"Damn, muffin, are you sensitive or something?", she laughed, noticing how your eyes rolled back when the hot air from her breath hit your skin.
"Shut up...", you mumbled under your breath, avoiding answering. Vi did not press further and instead focused her attention on your other boob, giving it the same treatment. Your hands ran through her hair, your nails gently scratching her buzzcut. She moaned at the feeling and you gasped again, the vibration of her voice travelling all the way down your spine.
Moving your hands down, you tried to tug the ends of her shirt, but she quickly grabbed you, pinning both of your wrists above your head again. She pulled away from your chest, before gazing at your eyes.
"Tonight is about you...", her voice was now deeper and lower, and you felt more juices flowing out of your pussy at the sound of it, "Let me make you mine."
A loud moan escaped your lips at her words and you couldn't stop yourself from lifting your head and smashing your lips against hers. This time you were the one trying to assert dominance - you pushed your tongue inside her mouth, trying to battle hers while pressing your chest against hers. She returned the kiss with the same passion, squeezing your wrists just a bit tighter.
After a minute, she pulled back panting, her normally light blue eyes now a few shades darker. Without a further word, she released you and stood up from the bed, before grabbing the chair next to your desk and moving it in front of your dresser. You watched her with furrowed brows, confused at what exactly was she doing.
Once she sat down on the chair, she turned to you with a small smirk playing on her lips.
"Come here", the command was soft, yet you didn't need to be told twice before you stood up from the bed and made your way toward her. Once you were within an arm's length, she grabbed your waist, before turning you around and stilling you in place.
"Take them off", she said, hooking a finger under the belt loops of your trousers. With trembling hands, you started hurryingly unbuttoning them, eager to get out of the last piece of clothing on you and finally have Vi touch you. At this point, you were so wet, your panties were dripping with juices, which were also covering the top of your thighs. Despite not being a virgin, you couldn't think of a single time you felt so turned on.
You needed her. And you needed her now.
The pink-haired woman watched as you slid both your trousers and your underwear down your toned legs, bending slightly while removing them from your feet and giving her the perfect view of where she planned to bury her head soon enough. You were so submissive, following every direction she gave you, she almost felt like losing control.
Despite how badly she wanted to take you right now and here, she held herself back. If this was your first time with a girl, she didn't want to rush you.
As you threw the last bit of your clothing to the side, she grabbed your ass, squeezing both of your cheeks before pulling you down her lap. Her hands moved to your thighs, draping them over her own, before she spread them, exposing you fully to the large mirror sitting on the dresser in front of you. Vi grabbed your chin, gently moving it up till your eyes met in the reflection of the mirror.
"Don't look away", she whispered in your ear, her breath causing goosebumps on your skin. Her fingers danced on the skin of your legs and you shivered, your head almost falling back, if it wasn't for her holding your chin still. Moving slowly toward your center, she couldn't help but grin once she caught a glimpse of your glistering thighs.
"Look at you, sweet girl", she chuckled next to your ear, her eyes not moving away from the mess between your legs, "I haven't even touched you yet and you are dripping!"
A loud whimper left your lips and you squirmed in her grip, trying to get her to touch you already.
"Vi...", her name left your mouth as a breathy moan and she snapped her gaze to your face, quirking a brow.
"Touch me already...", you said with a huff, squirming in her lap once again. She watched your face, a ghost of a smile on her lips, as her fingers grazed over your slit. She bit back a groan once she collected some of your juices on her fingers, before smearing them across your pussy lips.
Your whole body shivered once she brushed over your clit.
"Like this?", she asked with a low voice, eyes not moving from your face, "Is this how you want to be touched?"
Her fingers started to draw lazy circles, which slowly turned into the shape of the figure eight. Still forced to watch yourself in the mirror, you noticed how your legs trembled over hers, involuntarily moving closer together. Vi, however, adjusted her knees, moving your dangling feet even further apart.
"Don't!", she warned, her lips leaving small kisses on the base of your neck, "Relax, baby! Gosh, you are so tense!"
You opened your mouth to reply, but once she slipped two of her long fingers into you, the words got stuck in your throat and all that left your lips was an almost pornographic moan. If you could gather at least some of your thoughts, you would probably be embarrassed - you were never one to be vocal in the bedroom, especially since you were living with so many people in the base. On the other hand, no one has ever made you feel even remotely as good as Vi has right now.
The room was filled with the sound of your slick juices and your eyes rolled back, almost closing once Vi curled her fingers inside of you, dragging them against your g-spot. The fingers that were holding your chin lightly tapped your jaw, bringing your attention back to your reflection.
"Don't look away", she whispered in your ear, pumping her fingers faster, "I want you to watch as you come."
Maybe it was the way she said these words or the image of her fingers disappearing into your pussy, but your walls soon started to flutter, sucking her digits back in every time they pulled away from your wetness. You trembled in her embrace, your hand moving behind you so you could grab her neck and push her toward you. She started leaving open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder, softly sucking and marking the skin.
Your eyelids started to close and you had to put all the effort you could muster in keeping them open, eyes glued to the sight of her fingers moving in and out of you. Once her thumb started to circle your swollen clit you groaned loudly, a mix of moans and whimpers of her name leaving your lips. The hand that was holding your face moved down to your shaking thighs, trying to keep them open, while you desperately chased your orgasm.
This single word was enough for you to reach your peak and you came, yelling her name while trashing your head back against her shoulder. She held you close to her, whispering sweet words into your hair, which your mushy brain could not even comprehend right now. Her fingers slowed their movements but did not stop till you relaxed your back against her, breathing heavily.
There were a few minutes of silence between you, interrupted by your whimper once she dragged her dripping fingers out of your pussy.
"Vi?", you asked with a small voice, still trying to catch your breath and come back to your senses.
The woman only hummed in response, placing small kisses on your neck, which made you squirm in her arms. With a quiet chuckle, she met your eyes in the mirror, lifting a brow.
"Are you alright?"
You nodded your head, feeling too tired to even close your legs which were still dangling over her own. You both looked at the reflection of your glistering pussy, which was dripping with the juices of your release, covering both your skin and Vi's pants.
"When did you learn how to...", you stopped, trying to think of how to phrase your question without sounding too vulgar, "do that?"
Vi let out a loud snort, moving her head to the side, so she can look at your face.
"Muffin, I've been to prison", she pointed out with a small teasing smile on her face, the hand on your thigh gently squeezing the soft skin.
Instead of answering, she laughed before shaking her head from the side. Before you can ask her what is so funny, she closes her legs, bringing your own knees together, before she turns you around, scooping you in her arms.
"You're cute", is all she says, before pushing her arms under your knees and back and standing up. She gently carries you to the bed, before laying you down, assuming her previous position on top of you.
"Let me make you mine now...", the words came out as a growl, as she removed her jacket.
You were in for a long, long night...
cc artwork: "Cyberpunk 2077" concept art
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exhaslo · 2 months
Over-Time Ch12
(CEO!Miguel x Shy/Clumsy!Reader)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4,Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11
Warning: MINORS DNI, sexual thoughts, slow-burn, mentions of sex, bullying, cussing, fluff, touch starved
"I'd like to first of all, thank everyone for coming to tonight's event. We, at Alchemax, could have never gotten this far without all of your ongoing support."
Miguel was just as charming as he spoke to the crowd before him. You couldn't help but adore him from your corner, silently cheering him on. You could never give a speech like Miguel could. You would freeze up in place.
As Miguel keep speaking, you glanced over at the crowd. Some were staring at you, probably wondering who you were. Lowering your head, you tried to ignore those looks. Miguel had mentioned that people were going to expect Lyla.
They probably thought of you as a stranger.
"Now, we shall start with some awards. (Y/N), if you would?" Miguel motioned towards you.
Unable to hide your creeping blush, you stumbled towards him. How embarrassing. Miguel just smiled as you handed him the tablet, his hand resting on your lower back.
How could Miguel act so normal? As if he didn't just make a complete moaning mess of you a few minutes ago?
As if he didn't just tell you that he was going to fuck you senseless right after this event? Just the thought of Miguel pinning you against the bed, thrusting his dick into you started to get you wet again. Oh how his fingers felt as they stirred you up inside.
The sound of clapping snapped you back to reality, causing your face to burn up. Now was NOT the time to be thinking about such dirty, yet delicious, thoughts. This was a professional setting and you needed to behave!
Miguel was starting to give out awards to some of his associates. Taking the awards from Miguel, you smiled as you held them while the named associates came on the stage to shake hands with Miguel. Your palms were getting sweaty.
How could you act normal after what happened? Standing next to this God of a man, whom had such a strong desire for you.
"And the next award-"
Handing the first award, you gulped as the person stared at you. Playing with your fingers, you started to feel the pressure again as you took the next award.
Trying to distract yourself, you looked back into the crowd. As you did, you noticed the woman from earlier in the bathroom. She was making direct eye contact with you. Actually, it almost felt like she was glaring at you.
"(Y/N)?" Miguel whispered towards you.
"S-Sorry!" You stuttered as you handed out the next award.
This was embarrassing.
"Seems like my lovely assistant is getting bored, haha. I must do better, but we can all agree she is more subtle than our dear Lyla." Miguel chuckled.
The crowd laughed as Miguel smiled towards you. He was trying to make this as comfortable as possible. You owed him for sure.
Miguel had you pressed against the wall as he ravished your mouth. His hands holding your ass up as he grinded against you. After his speech, Miguel spent no time wanting another taste of you. It made your heart flutter and your cunt wet.
"(Y/N), you make me crazy. What were you thinking about up there?" Miguel asked as he kissed your neck.
"Y-You know what," You stuttered, gasping softly as you held onto his shoulders, "M-Miguel...w-we shouldn't-"
"I know. I just need this," He groaned lowly before setting you down, "I'll behave. I'll enjoy my feast after this."
You shuddered at the thought before following Miguel out of the room. Once you did, the two of you were met with that woman from earlier.
"Tch," Miguel's face turned sour.
"Miguel! What a wonderful speech!" Dana smiled, "So many people couldn't help but congratulate us. Now, I don't believe we have properly introduced each other. I'm-"
"Dana. Leave." Miguel spat as he stood in front of you, "You don't need to keep this petty shit up."
"Ha, Miggy, you're cruel side is showing. You know that I don't mind, but the little mouse behind you might not."
"Miguel?" You whispered, confused.
"(Y/N), was it? Hello, I'm Dana, Miguel's fiance-"
"Ex" Miguel spat.
"Just a hiccup in our relationship."
"There is no relationship." Miguel hissed and grabbed your hand, "If you know what's best, Dana, you would leave."
You felt the air grow tense between the two. This was the first time you have ever seen Miguel so angry, so scary. He grabbed your hand as gently as before and dragged you away.
Dana's smile felt cruel as she glared towards you. Following Miguel out of the hallway, you went to reach for him. Miguel flinched at first before sighing heavily. His hand went to stroke your cheek, his smile looking pained,
"Sorry, mi amor (my love). That woman just...brings out an ugly side of me." Miguel sighed heavily, "Would you like me to take you home?"
"But don't you still have more-"
"Don't worry about my work. I want to make sure that you're okay."
Your heart started to flutter again. Grabbing Miguel's hand, you couldn't help but smile.
"Thank you, Miguel. Um...If it...really is okay, I'd like to go home."
"Of course,"
Miguel kissed your hand before taking you by the waist. He held you close as he brought you outside. Even with all that anger, he was still such a gentlemen.
Although, judging by his attitude, Miguel might not be in the mood to continue where the two of you left off. That, and you were a little concerned about this 'Dana' woman. She was his Miguel's ex-fiance, so what happened?
Why did Miguel let go of such a beautiful woman?
And if something where to happen between the two of you, would he be as cruel? Just the thought hurt your heart.
"(Y/N), I can see you getting tense," Miguel whispered as he opened the car door for you, "Please, don't fret too much about Dana. I will tell you about her...when I'm ready," Miguel said with a soft sigh.
"Just know, that she is a vile woman." Miguel shut the door, pulling you onto his lap, "Don't let her put things in your head. I don't want her tainting you."
"Hehe," You chuckled softly, wrapping your arms around his neck, "I trust you."
"What did I do to deserve you?"
Miguel pecked your lips, his hands roaming your waist.
His touch easing your worries.
His warmth comforting you.
"Miguel..." You whispered as his kisses grew more intense, "Want to stay over?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
Next Chapter
Going on a small Birthday Hiatus!! See you all beginning of September!!!
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perlelune · 6 months
Training Wheels | Coriolanus Snow | v.
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Your mother's macabre work never appealed to you as you always preferred the comfort of your books, but when her apprentice takes a special interest in you, your safe, quiet world is flipped upside down.
Warnings: DUB-CON, NON-CON, Gaul!Reader, Shy Reader, Manipulation, Parental Neglect, Drinking, Peer Pressure, Hazing, University set, Loss of Virginity, Dumbification, Insecurities, Abusive Relationship, Degradation, Suicide Attempt
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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You flinch as you enter Livia Cardew’s house, the attention drifting towards you causing your stomach to knot. 
You suck in a lungful of bravery. 
What a strange sight you must make, strolling in with Clemensia Dovecote and Coriolanus Snow of all people, her arm twined with yours while his hand rests on the small of your back. Your heart pounds in your chest, the urge to retreat and run outside radiating from every cell in your body.
You don’t belong here.
They will laugh at you.
Silly girl playing dress-up.
Tendrils of doubt creep alongside the walls of your fretful brain. You feel assessed, and perhaps found to be lacking, with every step you take. 
“Don’t look down, angel.”
A sharp exhale flies from your lips as your chin is tilted upwards. You drown in the ocean beneath Coriolanus’ furrowed brow. His intense focus tugs you back to the present. 
“Sorry,” you mumble. 
“It’ll be fine. You look stunning,” Clemmie assures, bumping your shoulder with hers. 
You give a shaky nod. It’s true. After all, Clemmie put so much effort into your appearance. You should at least hold your head high and act normal.
Livia comes up to you. The dim candlelight reflects in her bouncy golden curls. Her bright red lips stretch in a wide smile as she gauges you.
“You guys came together?” 
Despite her perky inflection, you don’t miss the slight narrowing of her eyes, or how they track the position of Coriolanus’ hand on your back.
“I drove them,” Coriolanus informs.
“Oh,” she says, nodding. She opens her arms. “You guys should get a drink, make yourselves comfortable.”
“I actually don’t…”
Clemmie flashes you a reassuring smile. 
“It’s fine. We’ll get you something else.”
They both bring you to a table where an intense game of cards is in progress. You hear Festus curse and bang his fists over the table after seemingly getting a bad hand. The others around him laugh, one of them reshuffling the cards.
Some faces you recognize from the University and others you don’t. You feel their intrigued gazes when Coriolanus pulls a chair for you. As you take a seat, he and Clemmie do the same. Your eyes roam over the table. Piles of chips, row of cards and red dices. Clemensia mentioned games. You supposed she meant card games. And from the looks of it, money appears to be on the line. You suppose when they are not betting on the lives of children, these are the kind of things Capitol kids are up to.
With money and time to spare, it makes sense you suppose. Your head has always been buried so far in your books, you have never stopped to wonder what the future leaders of Panem are up to.
A sliver of fascination flutters through you as you soak in the scene at the table. 
“Snow. Clemmie. Took you long enough,” Ivy says.
“You cannot rush perfection,” Clemmie replies, flicking her glossy raven locks above her shoulder. 
Ivy rolls her eyes while Coriolanus grabs a set of cards from the draw pile. He frowns at them, a look of displeasure spreading on his face. A King, a queen and two aces. You don’t know how this particular game is played but you gather from his expression that he must hold a bad hand. 
Dices are thrown. Despite not understanding the rules, you try to follow along. When someone offers you a set of cards, you politely decline.
The dark-haired stranger cocks his head as he scrutinizes you. 
“So, you’re her daughter, right?”
Confused, you cast him a puzzled look.
“Gaul,” he specifies. 
You shrink. Wherever you are, you cannot escape the overwhelming reach of your mother’s shadow. Twisting your fingers in your lap, you give a mumbled reply.
“Yeah, she’s my mother.”
He shifts in his chair, letting out a quiet whistle.
“Wow. She always gave me the heebie-jeebies.”
Clemmie groans before scolding him. 
“Well, she’s nothing like her mother so shut up and play, Octavius.”
Another girl sitting across from him pipes up.
“All those snakes in the arena, just crawling around and climbing over that girl.” She shudders. “I still get nightmares about it.”
The boy turns to Coriolanus.
“What happened to her anyway, that songbird of yours?”A smirk blooms on Octavius’ lips, his eyes locking with the blond’s. “She was yours, wasn’t she, Snow?”
An eerie quiet falls over the table. Even the soft piano notes playing in the background dwindle as every eye travels to Coriolanus. You shift in your chair, curiosity driving your gaze towards him as well. 
A tight-lipped smile decorates his handsome features, his icy blue eyes zeroing on Octavius. 
Your blood chills as his cool baritone rises.
“It’s your turn to play,” Coriolanus says, completely ignoring the question. 
You swallow the lump in your throat. Everyone knows Lucy Gray Baird, the beautiful, sharp-tongued tribute who belonged to Coriolanus Snow, is a subject that should never be brought up in his presence. No one exactly knows what happened between the two. Perhaps they reunited during his time in District 12. Perhaps they did not. Coriolanus wouldn’t speak of it. And the rare times you witnessed him being asked about it, there was a coldness in his blue eyes that unsettled you. Like now. 
Whatever happened between him and the singing girl would remain a mystery. The only certainty is that he came back to the Capitol changed, with an aura around him that made everyone wary. 
You can only assume he and that Lucy girl did not last. So the subject must still be a sore spot. 
Octavius flinches under the blond’s stare, showing his cards for the entire table to see. 
The blond’s brow arches. Scoffing, he displays his own hand. 
Octavius curses under his breath as laughs erupt. He begrudgingly slides his entire stack of chips towards Coriolanus. 
Victory glints in the blond’s cobalt orbs.
“Perhaps you should focus on your game,” he says. “Instead of blathering about ghosts and district rats.”
Slack-jawed, you stare at Coriolanus. His expression before had you believe he drew a terrible set of cards. Obviously it wasn't the case. He somehow fooled you and everyone else at the table. 
The game continues. More chips are exchanged. Coriolanus’ pile keeps getting higher. It’s clear he’s an expert at the game. Everyone at the table tries to read him but his collected demeanor concedes very little.
“You must be my good luck charm, angel,” he says, sending you a smile that has your stomach fluttering. 
Luck…as you note the staggering amounts of chips he’s collected thus far, you wonder if that’s what this is. If there isn’t more to it. Coriolanus seems terrifyingly adept at luring his opponents with a false sense of comfort. He’ll make a bad hand look like a good one, and a good hand look like a bad one. Set a trap and watch as others confidently walk into it. 
Growing overwhelmed, you rise from your chair. The clamor of your heart fills your ears, the weight of others’ attention making your head spin.
Coriolanus’ head slants.
“Where are you going?” he asks.
The words leave your mouth in a breathless heap. “I just need a minute.”
“Is everything alright?” Clemmie inquires, concern scrunching her pretty features.
You shift and scratch your arm.
“I’m just gonna get a drink.”
“I could get you one,” he suggests.
“No, you guys stay and play,” you say, shaking your head. “I’m fine on my own.”
You ignore the way his eyes linger as you walk away, that itchy prickle over your nape that ripples down to your spine.
Swallowing thickly, you shuffle across Livia’s living room. An Avox maid offers you a glass on the way but you turn her down. 
You ask for an alcohol-free drink and the maid tosses you an apologetic look. Your shoulders slump. 
You peer around and find a spot at the bottom of the stairs. You sit, relieved to finally have a moment of peace. Being around so many people at once is still a novelty. You lean against the wooden railings. Was coming here a mistake? You can’t help but wonder. You noted someone pulling a bottle of morphling earlier and Ivy swallowing a handful of pills. At this point, everyone has imbibed, indulged, or both.
The thrall of oblivion is often strong in the Capitol. Too many things need forgetting. Too many sins. Too many horrors.
In that moment, as laughter from the living room rings inside your ears, you feel acutely out of place. 
“Sorry. I only have posca, wine or whiskey.”
You lift your head. Your eyes widen when you realize Livia Cardew’s standing in front of you. “Well. I swiped that last one from my dad’s stash,” she adds with a small giggle.
You shrug. “It’s fine.”
You’ve probably overstayed your welcome anyway. This isn’t your crowd. But Clemmie insisted and you had no idea how to refuse. How do you even refuse something you have painfully yearned for all these years? 
Livia scrutinizes you for what seems an eternity before speaking again. 
“He’ll throw you away once he’s done with you, you know?”
You blink, dismayed by her abrupt statement. “I’m sorry?”
She lets out a weary sigh, a look grazing sympathy flickering on her face. It vanishes quickly. Her mouth tightens. 
“Snow,” she groans, frustration evident in her tone. “He doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself.” Your brows knit. “I’m just trying to warn you.” She chews on her bottom lip, seeming to hesitate before bending closer to whisper, “Just…watch out, okay?”
Stumped by her sudden display of concern, no word leaves your tongue. You fold your arms, shifting on the stairs. Can you even trust any word coming from Livia’s mouth? Without Clemmie’s interjection, you’re fairly sure you wouldn't have been allowed into her home. Ever since she met you, she’s considered you with such blatant disdain. As if you were a stain that won’t let itself be erased.
You struggle picturing her delivering helpful advice.
“Liv, I hope you’re not giving her a hard time again.”
You let your body sag, grateful for Clemmie’s impromptu appearance. You get to your feet. Livia whirls towards the brunette, feigning innocence. “I’m being a gracious host,” she chimes.
Clemmie’s gaze narrows. 
All smiles again, she turns to you as Livia stomps away.
“Don’t worry about her.”
You nibble your bottom lip.
“Maybe it’s best if I head out.”
She frowns. “But you just got here.”
“I suppose…” Your mind scrambles for an excuse. You blurt out the first thing that springs inside your head. “I need to go feed Walter anyway.”
Curiosity fills her onyx stare.
“Walter? Who’s Walter?”
“My cat.”
Silence stretches for a long minute before she bursts out in uncontrollable laughter. 
Hand draping over her mouth, the brunette says, “Is that your excuse? You need to go feed your cat?”
Heat rushes to your face. Said aloud, you concede it sounds silly. Akin to a lame, hasty excuse. While there are bits of truth in your response, you can’t deny you’re craving for a way out. 
Clemmie cradles your face.
“The first time is always a bit awkward. You’ve got no idea what you’re doing, what is even going on…” She beams at you. “But you can’t back out. Not when you’re already here.”
You mull it over.
After all, wasn’t it what you wished for? Being seen, included. For years, longing twisted inside your chest while you watched your classmates form bonds and forge lifelong friendships. Meanwhile, you withered in a corner, making yourself smaller and smaller everyday. Clemmie has been nothing but kind. And Coriolanus…while his presence plucks at your nerves, you have to admit he’s been a gentleman so far. Offering to drive you home, carrying your books, and berating every guy who said something mean to you or brushed you off. No one’s ever stood up for you like that before.
Maybe you ought to try harder to fit in, be normal.
Giving a slow nod, you surrender.
“Alright. I guess I can stay a little longer.”
“You know what you need?” Her eyes twinkle. “Liquid courage.” She grabs two glasses of wine from the Avox maid’s tray. “Let’s just drink. To your first party. One of many, I hope.”
She tries to place one in your hand but you resist. 
“Clemmie, I told you I don’t-”
“I know. I know…but don’t you want to mark the occasion?” She tilts her head sideways, sympathy etched on her pretty face. “Come on, do you want to be that girl who finishes Uni and hasn’t tried anything new? The girl who’s never taken a chance?” She holds your gaze, pressing the drink between your fingers. “Sad, alone, not a single experience to reminisce…Is this really  what you want?”
“No, it’s not. You’re right,” you mutter, your fingers tightening around the glass. 
“You came here to be someone else. So be someone else.”
Her words embolden you to take a large swig of the drink. When there’s still some of it left, she encourages you to finish it. Then, she nudges you to have another glass, sliding a tiny yellow pill inside your other hand.
You scowl down at your palm.
“What’s this?”
“Morphling extract. It’ll help you relax.”
You look at Clemmie. Excitement sways in her eyes.
You toss your head back and gulp down the pill. She congratulates you. It catches in your throat and you wash it down with more alcohol. 
The effect is near instantaneous. 
Your muscles uncoil, your fear melting away. Soft, fluffy clouds replace the foggy cluster of your thoughts. A pleasant buzz spreads through your veins. 
“Come on, let’s join the others,” she says, seizing your hand and tugging you along. 
You end up on the sofa, wedged between her and Coriolanus. 
He drinks you in, a subtle smile blooming on his lips.
“You seem happy.”
“I am happy.”
Your sharp, immediate answer broadens his smile.
“What are you guys doing?” Clemmie asks. 
Livia sighs. “It’s a stupid game we haven’t played since the Academy.”
“Hey, it’s not stupid. I like it,” Ivy protests. She grabs a bottle of posca and begins to pour some in everyone’s glass. “You take a drink when there’s something you haven’t done. Simple right?”
The game is indeed easy. It also makes you want to crawl inside a hole and never come out as the night gets further along. A myriad of questions is flung at the group. Each of them grows the well of embarrassment pitting in your stomach. 
You’re forced to take a drink when Ivy asks who’s had sex, who has done it with more than one person, who has kissed a boy or girl. 
Many times, you are the only one grabbing your glass, exposing your lack of experience to the entire group. You hear a stifled laugh somewhere besides you. Your face ignites. 
You bolt upwards, shooting the group an apologetic look. 
“I’m gonna get some air,” you say. 
You stumble away. However after just a few wobbly steps toward the exit, you keel over and almost collide with the marbled tiles. 
A pair of strong arms slither around your waist, preventing your collapse. 
“Are you alright, angel?” Coriolanus whispers against your temple. 
You raise shaky fingers to your face, or what you think is your face. Your fingertips are like cotton, nothing beneath them feeling as it should. 
Your brows crumple.
“I can’t feel my legs. I-I can’t feel my face.” Your mind swirls as you look up. The room bends off its axis around you. Panic rushes through you. “I have to go home.”
“I’ll take you then,” he says.
You shake your head. Even that tiny motion makes you want to puke. 
You swallow the surge of bile in your throat. 
“No. You should return to the party. I couldn’t, I can’t…”
Coriolanus’ brows furrow. 
“I’m not letting you go home by yourself at this hour and in this state,” he says, practically carrying you out of Livia’s house as you slump against him. 
“What about Clemmie?” 
He smiles at you as you hobble alongside him. 
“She can find her own way home.”
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 | Intro
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Jeon Jungkook truly fell for you- more than once.
Tags/Warnings: (fallen)Angel!Jungkook, Somewhat strangers to lovers, Fluff, Angst, some religious themes but only mentioned, clumsy romance, Flirting
Length: was supposed to be a oneshot, idk how long this is
Masterlist TBA.
There is no taglist for this fic.
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Your neighbor is a genuine angel. At least, you're convinced he is.
From what you know, he works as a gym instructor, but part-times at a local animal shelter where he helps with the heavy lifting and more physically demanding jobs. He's been in your town's local newspaper last week for building multiple new sheds there, so that the dogs have more opportunities to stay outside whenever they'd like while still being able to have shelter as well. He's helped you earlier this month to bring your groceries upstairs when the elevator was out of service, having found you struggling since you'd injured your leg.
He'd instantly helped you, offering to even go out and get you whatever you'd need during your time of recovery, and honestly, you wonder how that guy is still single.
You know he is, because your best friend, Jane, works at the shelter he helps out at. And according to her, he turns every woman (and even man) down whenever he's asked out. Apparently, he's not looking for anything at the moment.
What a bummer.
What's also odd about him, is his.. weird timing. He's always somewhere around whenever you're in trouble. From almost tripping on the stairs in the apartment building, to not properly looking both ways before crossing the road and almost getting run over- he's there to save you.
Ever since he moved here, about half a year ago, he's always been there last second to somehow pull your ass back from sure death or injury.
You're not sure what to think of it, currently playing with some puppies in the shelter while your friend cleans up the area they live in. "Maybe he's into you?" She wonders, putting the broom to the side. "I mean, could be."
"Wouldn't he have asked me out in that case?" You ask back, not convinced.
"Maybe he's shy?" She shrugs, sitting down with you now to occupy the playful young animals currently excitedly running around and occasionally nipping at your finger. "Just cause he's a looker doesn't mean he's also confident. He might be a softy." She tells you.
"He could be your early Christmas present you know?" She laughs, and you roll your eyes at that. "What? Looks like an angel to me!" She jokes, and you shake your head at that.
"The only angels I see are currently eating your jacket." You tease, making her quickly move to pull the zipper from one impish puppy who's trying to chew it up, successfully pushing the topic to the side for the moment.
You don't like talking about dating, and potential relationship, and all that stuff. You're awkward, meeting new people is awkward, and in the past, most of those connections frayed apart sooner or later either way.
So what's the point?
"Hey." Comes a voice you've come to know by now, from outside the gates and fences. "You ready to go?" He asks you, and you look at him, wide eyed and confused.
"Oh right, fuck!" Jane curses. "I can't drive you home today, so I asked Jungkook if he'd do it and he said sure!" She beams at you, while you glare with the most forceful gaze you can muster. "Don't look at me like that, see it as a chance!" She hisses, and you get up slowly to dust yourself off and grab your jacket from the top of the fence.
You're careful not to let any of the dogs out while leaving, before you wave at Jane who's giving you a cheesy thumbs up.
"I hope it's fine that I'm driving you." Jungkook offers kindly next to you.
"Ah, yeah, no issues." You brush it off. "Just.. weird."
"Weird?" He wonders, opening the main gate for you to step out before he closes it again, and leads you towards his car to open the passenger door for you. "I hope you know I'm not going to kidnap you." He jokes, and you playfully look at him with suspicion, before getting in and letting him close the door for you.
"I don't think you'd do that." You say, buckling your seatbelt while he smiles to himself as he starts the car. "It's just that.. it feels like you're always helping me, but I don't ever really get to know you past that." You shrug, as he maneuvers the car out of the parking lot to drive you both home.
"Would you like to get to know me past that?" He wonders, and again, you shrug.
Because you're not sure if you want that, considering that you don't even know if you want to only get to know him as a friend, or potentially more. Social interactions aren't what you're comfortable with, after pretty much isolating yourself with your job from home and disconnecting from past friends that turned out to be just interested in your monetary help- but nothing else.
And at some point, you just couldn't take the humiliation any longer.
"I don't know." You say because of that. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea." You admit.
"How so?" He asks, stopping at a red light to tap his fingers on the steering wheel to the soft beat of the car radio playing quietly in the background. "I'm not out for a one night stand or anything." He shrugs. "You're really pretty, and I think it's only fair to let you know that right from the start." he says.
"Why would that be something I need to know?" You wonder, and he smiles as he starts driving again as soon as the lights turn green.
"So that you know that I consider you attractive." He admits. "that I'm open to letting things become intimate, if we end up getting along well. And so that you know how to interpret my actions and words, you know?"
This is new.
You're not used to guys talking to you like this- usually, they're always incredibly cryptic, never open, never putting their cards on the table like Jungkook does right in this moment. And maybe that's what's so comforting to you right now.
Maybe that's what's making you trust him.
"Would you.." You begin, the familiar streets giving you the hint that you're close to home. "Do you.. I wanted to bake cookies today." You mumble out.
Jungkook chuckles, smiling. "That sounds cool." He comments, and you know exactly that he's teasing. "I actually know how to bake pretty decently too." He jokes, and you glare at him from the passenger side, as he parks the car in his designated spot. "What?" He looks at you, laughing.
"I take everything back, I don't like you." You cross your arms, and he grins-
Well aware that you're not being serious at all.
He's an angel after all. How could you not fall for him?
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smoothlikealikeasnake · 4 months
Strawberry Princess - Chapter Five ‘Giggles and Shy Smiles’
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Pairing - OT7 BTS x Reader, Hybrid!BTS x Hybrid!Reader
Genre - Hybrid!Au , Hybrid BTS x Hybrid Reader, fluff, angst, eventual smut, slow burn? , alternative reality , strangers to lovers , strangers to friends, friends to lovers
Warnings - Fluff, tension, starts off just a tad steamy, suggestive thoughts and actions, alcohol consumption, affects of alcohol (supervised) , hybrid affects and actions, soooo much fluff and bonding, lmk if there’s any more!
Summary - When a certain hybrid starts to appear whenever Jungkook is at the gym, an immediate pull is felt between the two and their eventual friendship soon is spread to the rest of his pack.
Previous Next Overview
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Quick note for context of this chapter! Grooming is a form of showing love for hybrids as they care for one another and brush each others hair, tail and ears, affectionately caring for their loved ones. It brings incredible joy and pleasure and can sometimes send hybrids into a daze similar to a ‘scent high’ - being in a state where scents have overwhelmed a hybrid and made their senses hazy. Along with this hybrid hierarchies are known to the ‘hybrid’ within the hybrids body as they can sometimes act as different beings but mostly being in unison, the hierarchies cause different reactions to different mannerisms as those lower in the hierarchy will preen at praise or affection from those they deem higher in the hierarchy. Similarly, those higher in the hierarchy will find their hybrid preening at the lower hybrids reaction to their affection, it will fill them with pride to care for them and to show them right or wrong and these hierarchies are only really prominent between close hybrids and mates. It is very uncommon to see any hybrid hierarchies outside of these relationships and they are not seen as a form of inequality in the hybrid society as they can be overruled and the hybrid has to subconsciously agree with the ‘human’ side of themselves to these hierarchies for them to be put in place. Therefore, the hybrid has to be happy with this hierarchy being in place for it to take effect or it will be subconsciously blocked.
Jungkook came home shortly after Y/n had opened the final gift, not without being walked to the door and wrapped in a warm hug by Y/n as she expressed her gratitude towards him and his mates for the gifts. She had wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and gotten to her top toes for the embrace and dug the top of her head into his neck, trying to subtly scent him as she sent waves of strawberry around him. He reciprocated the embrace with his arms around her lower back, squeezing her in. To send him off, she did the unexpected and instead of her cheek kisses, she looked up in her position and pecked his lips, it was a peck that Jungkook chased to make it last despite his shock.
His entire drive home all he thought about was the way she tasted, the way she looked at him, the way she felt in his hand and so much more all about her. He was practically in another world when he walked through the door to his shared home and didn’t even realise all of the present scents. It seemed everyone was home, they were all too distracted by the interaction that they had to come back to reground themselves together. Well, they thought about regrounding themselves but some had a different approach.
As soon as the door closed behind Jungkook, he turned around dreamily and even now, couldn’t stop the reminiscing of those moments together, he couldn’t wait to tell his mates all about it, he already knew how happy they were and knew they all wanted to progress to his position soon, it made him proud. Proud that Y/n had trusted him and showed her love towards him in such a way
That was before a body crashed into him, practically slamming him back into the door, arms flying around his neck and sweet musky vanilla filling his nose. Plush lips desperately connected with his own, Jimins hands held Jungkooks shoulders as he sighed in content at taste of the strawberry the still lingered. He was melting at the scent before the back of his neck was gripped by Namjoon, scruffing him and pulling him away as he whined lightly.
Jimin was probably the most outwardly affectionate member of the pack and he rarely held back. He found he craved to hold Y/n’s hand and hug her, hold her when they met, instantly feeling a connection but he knew to wait, her and Jungkooks new connection only heightened his need to give her affection. Instead of giving her affection directly, he knew Jungkook would let him take what he needed so he jumped on the opportunity as soon as he saw it, literally.
“Let everyone have a turn Jiminie, yeah?” - Namjoon asked as Jimin reluctantly nodded. By that point the next mate had moved forward, much gentler this time but just as desperate in their lips as another plump set of lips connected, fresh figs filling Jungkooks nose this time, Jin seemed breathless as he finally got a taste, goosebumps rising all over his body.
The two weren’t the only ones craving her scent and taste however, they always indulged in strong affection between them and Jungkook after he came home, they never wanted to push Y/n even the slightest for hugs or even the slightest attention so they were patient. Instead, just as Jimin did, they’d find it in Jungkook and he was more than happy to engage in it all.
The next was Hoseok who came in to the side of Jin while they exchanged sweet kisses. Hoseok found Jungkooks swollen scent gland, pulsing from Y/n’s attention on it not long before and exerting waves of mixed scent of linen and strawberry, it had Hoseok grabbing onto Jungkooks waist as his face buried into this neck, enhaling deeply, almost ferally. He lightly tongued over the gland to taste the addicting scent and was awarded with a sweet noise from Jungkook and a sweet taste on his tongue.
The remaining knew they’d have their moment soon and so the cycle of affection continued as they shared love and desire between eachother, fueled by the moment between their bunny and their kitty who they just knew, felt the same way for all of them.
The evening of the dinner came about and Y/n was buzzing with her excitement. Not just for the night itself but to see the boys she is so heavily attracted too and the muscle bunny she shared her first kiss with, she couldn’t deny how she craved more and if given the opportunity, would have seeked the more from any of the seven.
She’d spent her afternoon getting ready, she had a long cleansing bath where she went through every step of pampering to prepare herself for the night. When she had gotten out she couldn’t shake the blush that fell on her cheeks while she brushed her own tail. She craved the love and attention Jungkook showed her; her thoughts while in the bath were only about how it might be for them to pamper her like this. It might have seemed a bit princessy but she hadn’t experienced it before and they know they would give her anything she wanted, they’d be happy to show her that love and she was curiously craving to accept it.
Her skin was soft and fruity, glowing with the care she put in, similar to her hair that she diffused into natural ringlets before adjusting it to where she desired. It didn’t take her long to do her makeup, she never wore any but today she decided to use a dark brown mascara to lengthen her already long eyelashes and a soft glitter on her eyes to make them sparkle. The final touch to makeup was a soft red tint to match the dress perfectly.
Her finishing upper half was perfectly timed with the text from her and the boys groupchat, Jin was coming to pick her up which mildly surprised her as she would have expected Jungkook but she was in no way disappointed, excited definitely. It even made her heart race slightly being alone with one of the other men she was so heavily attracted to. Her only problem was that as she expected Jungkook, she knew he’d be comfortable helping her with her dress. She wasn’t sure if Jin would feel the same way, her thoughts consumed her as she sat in her lounge clothes before a vibration from her phone snapped her back, it was Jin letting her know he was downstairs.
Y/n quickly stood up and made her way down, ears slightly back as she tried to work out ways to tell him she’d need his help and apologise for not being completely ready yet. Unexpectedly, she found him already waiting outside of the car as he leant on it in all his glory, she had expected him to be waiting inside the car but it was almost as if she knew she’d need help. She sheepishly sped up as she took quick steps towards him before she took in his outfit, pure white trousers and jacket with intricate and equally elegant designs across them, pulled together by the crimson silk shirt underneath that was unbuttoned to a deep v, complimenting the gold chain he wore. He was absolutely breathtaking, the definition of handsome and dressed so incredibly she couldn’t help but stop and stare. He felt her stare and quickly turned to look at her before smiling. Y/n felt instant embarrassment as she knew she’d have to ask now.
She didn’t even notice his bright white hair, styled in a messy side part with his undercut on show, he was too attractive it made her almost feel weak.
“I’ll come help you with your dress, if that’s okay?” - Jin asked with a sweet smile that juxtaposed his devilishly attractive appearance, he was too sweet and considerate and Y/n could barely think as she just nodded but was still until Jin came over and gently spun her around, hand lightly on her lower back encouraging her forward. His fresh fig scent was strong and almost dizzying as he touched her, she could barely think as she lead them up to her apartment and let them in. He had a similar reaction to her apartment to Jungkook and in all of this, Y/n hasn’t even realised that he already knew she’d need help, it must have been Jungkook and she bashfully smiled at that. Jin told her to just let him know when she needed help so Y/n thanked him and quickly made her way into her room.
Pulling on the dress, she made sure it was sitting correctly from her waist down before holding the front to her large breasts to hold it up, she hadn’t realised she was pushing them a bit too much as they were pushed up and on her arm where she held on. She called out to Jin who was almost instantly in the room. He came behind her and softly whispered into her ear before pushing her hair off her shoulder and holding the two sides
“You’ll tell me if it’s uncomfortable, won’t you?” - His hot breath on her ear and the way his tone changed as he spoke had Y/n squeaking out a quick yes, embarrassingly letting out a wave of strong strawberry scent, greeted back with an even stronger wave of figs, nudging her into a calmer state. The second Jin touched her back even the slightest she felt the differences in his and Jungkooks hands. Seokjin were thinner, longer and softer where as Jungkooks were more dominant in appearance and action but Seokjin was aiming to be as respectful as possible. Especially as his hands grazed Y/n’s soft back and had it arching slightly as she held back a purr at the almost teasing touch.
As it reached the end of the zip she let go of her chest and her breasts tightened the dress significantly as they weren’t compressed by her arm any more, slightly bouncing as she felt Jin quickly avert his eyes after a moment. She felt slightly embarrassed but as she turned to let him know she’d be done soon and hadn’t realised that Jin didn’t move back as she came face to face with his chest, right infront of his exposed skin from the matching crimson they wore.
His proximity startled her and she jumped slightly, looking up at him and getting struck at his handsome face, he gave a smile that had her swooning on the spot, blushing a ridiculous amount
“I’ll let you finish up unless you need my help with anything else?” - He asked her sweetly and she stuttered over letting him know she was okay for now. He nodded and left, his heart racing as he too was swooning over her and significantly affected by the proximity and the look in her eyes as she looked up at him.
It only took a few minutes before she was walking out, kitten heels on and coat on, one shoulder hanging off slightly as she walked shyly into her lounge where Jin was waiting for her. At her footsteps he turned around and was stunned in his position, completely infatuated at her beauty, from her small amount of makeup that he had never seen before to the form fitting dress that complimented her in every way and her coat and heels fitting her perfectly, making him proud at his mates gifts for her. The two designers had been incredible, the dress fit her like a glove and everything perfectly complimented her in every way.
His gaze was filled with unspoken love as he took a few steps forward, so needing to pull her in by her waist and show her how beautiful he finds her but resisting as he just smiled lovingly.
“You look absolutely breathtaking” - His words had a deep blush setting on her cheeks as she thanked him and told him he did too.
“If you have everything you need, we should get going” - Jin said gently and accepting her nod as a yes, on their way out of the door Y/n instinctively reached for his hand and intertwined her own small fingers with his, the feeling of her warm hands on his had his eyes slightly widening in surprise heat rising up his neck but still reciprocating the hold. She looked anywhere but at him as she focused on not tripping in the small heels on her long dress, she pretended not to notice her actions even as her own natural blush got deeper. His acceptance of her hold had her internally screaming, she was never usually as bold but her kiss with Jungkook had sparked something in her with the thought of all of them.
It just felt so right to her, maybe she should start to take steps further to get to a similar level to her relationship ship with Jungkook, it was a lot at once but she wanted it, she just prayed they did too and Jin’s actions gave her hope, even if it was just a small reciprocation, it had her giddy. Their walk back to the car was filled with small exchanges of words and talk about the night before they fell into a comfortable silence.
Jin helped her into the car, he had already been told by Jungkook about her tendency to fall asleep and hoped she’d be comfortable to do the same with him. On Y/n’s side, she looked over at him and zoned in on something she hadn’t noticed before, peeking through the collar of his crimson shirt was a deep purple mark, right next to it was a bite mark. It had her blushing and eyes widening at the sight, it made her shy as even though she knew they were all intimate as they were mates she had never seen any evidence of it and the reveal had her feeling warm all over.
She couldn’t stop her thoughts from roaming about who made each mark and what each of them liked in that sense but she hadn’t noticed how she was still staring before Jin turned his head in confusion at her and that had her head snapping back so fast it nearly gave her whiplash. Eyes still wide and blush evident ontop of her shyly smiling lips. Her thoughts continued as Jin started up the car.
Will I find more on the rest of his mates?
Maybe Jin gave them to the others
Would they want to give me any?
That last thought had her mind stilling, eyes widening even further she probably looked like a deer in headlights as she mentally stopped herself from thinking further, she couldn’t wonder that about them, what would they think if they knew she was having these thoughts
Little did she know Jin was entirely aware of her state at the sight of his neck, while he didn’t know what she was thinking he couldn’t definitely guess. He started to drive as he pulled out of the car park and with a quick glance noticed Y/n fighting sleep.
“Ill wake you up when we get there, sleep” - His gentle command had her instantly obeying, falling into a relaxed sleep while Jin drove them to the dinner
Jin messaged the rest when he and Y/n arrived to find they had just gotten there themselves and were making their way to their booth.
‘Press on her scent gland, it’ll wake her up’ - Jungkook
The text had him a bit surprised, debating wether it was appropriate for him to do something so intimate to her. He glanced over and gently tried to wake her up instead.
“Y/n we are here” - Jin gently shook her shoulder only to find she didn’t stir even a little, he tried again and spoke a bit louder this time but all he got in return was Y/n readjusting herself and staying very much asleep.
He hesitated as he brung his fingers over to her neck, hovering slightly before pressing down. Her scent emitted in a wave as she jumped awake, eyes shooting open and looking at him in confusion. He immediately moved to settle her with a stroke on her shoulder and she relaxed almost melting into his hand. He told her they were there and they both gathered themselves before getting out of the car. Jin had rushed to her side to open her door and offer his hand to help her get out.
When they were out, Jin hesitantly put his hand on Y/n’s lower back and she didn’t resist or move away, only blush and smile shyly, thanking him for helping her with her dress and picking her up. Jin felt protective over Y/n and hadn’t wanted her to stray far from him, he wanted to put a barrier around her as they walked from the car into the restaurant and he decided at this moment his hand on her back was the best thing to do. It didn’t mean he could ignore how good it felt to have her under his touch though, the way his hand practically melted into her made him crazy.
Jin lead Y/n into the restaurant and through to a booth, knowing exactly where to go and upon moving into a private area, they found the remaining 6 members, they all turned to look at the two arriving, Jin had a knowing smile on his face as the 6 stopped and stared in a stunned silence.
Each of the 6 couldn’t take their eyes off Y/n, even more stunning than they thought was possible and that moment all they decided they’d have to do this more often, have Tae and Jimin dress her for dinners and take her out whenever they could. She was in a style they had never seen her wear before, the formal dress that she suited so well, the fur coat that matched Taehyungs and just her. Just Y/n. That’s all they could really think. She was breathtaking.
Y/n was in a similar state, taking in everything the handsome men infront of her were wearing, she knew Jimin and Tae had styled them all and they were all so different it made her some out everything around her to take them in.
Jungkook had a messy comb over that made he suited so well, perfectly matching his personality. It was paired with a black turtle neck, black slacks and black leather corset fitting his waist, he looked like a devil, straight out of a movie or a dream, it was mesmerising and she felt a strong gravitational pull towards him but she felt the same thing when moving on to the person next him.
Jimin, one of the designers himself wore a cream silk shirt half undone showing off a glimpse of what looked like a rib tattoo that Y/n couldn’t decipher with loose black slacks and velvet overcoat that in another setting could almost seem like a sleeping robe but the intricate changes in colour and design paired with the rest of his outfit had made it fit so well. He was the epitome of beauty and his plump lips and devilish eyes were taking her breathe away, he noticed his own eyes staring back at her, taking her in with pride and admiration before she moved her eyes to the next mate.
Hoseok wore a black slightly unbuttoned silk shirt, tailored slacks and oversized black blazer, the strikingly different attire to anything Y/n had seen him in before took her breath away, it caught in her throat as she felt like she was seeing a new side of him, it made her heart race and scent spike up when she saw his eyes trailing over her with a slight smirk. She had to avert her eyes quickly to avoid staring for far too long.
Namjoon, who she had seen in a suit before, was dressed in a suit but this time it was different, strikingly different to any of the attire she’d seen him wear before as he wore white waistcoat, blazer and trousers but with a lace mock neck shirt underneath, giving her a glimpse onto his tanned skin. She met his dragon like eyes as she stared, all of it seemed like too much as her stomach started to erupt in butterflies all over, she felt shy all of a sudden, the handsome men infront of her more appealing than ever and she still had two more to admire.
Taehyung was sitting with a profound confidence and pride, staring intensely at her, his tail moving in a mesmerising sway behind him. He wore a navy pinstripe suit with a large long fur coat and mesh white shirt peaking through the low v of the blazer, he screamed luxury and this setting seemed to bow to him. She could see the pride in his eyes from his choice of her current attire and that playful glint in his eyes had made her own tail swinging in sync with his. y/n had to break eye contact as it became too intense for her so she averted her eyes to the final member in the room.
The man she had instantly become like a playful kitten infront of at first meeting, Yoongi, sat with a more relaxed stance as his eyes raked over her like a hawks. He had this dangerous appeal to him and it drew her in like a moth to a flame, his maroon silk shirt and worn leather jacket was strikingly different to some of the outfits around but it tied in so well, pulled together with a patterned off-white skinny scarf that laced around his neck where she found herself imagining running her claws down but Y/n had to stop herself at that thought as a blush fell over her cheeks and her eyes slightly widening. She tried to glance away quickly but somehow knew that the cocky change in Yoongis face was from his realisation.
The scents in the room were heavy and intoxicating in the best way, Y/n felt herself relaxing despite her shy interior. Jin lightly pressured her lower back, the hand she had all but forgotten about bringing her back to reality as she smiled brightly at them, noticing the way there was faint music playing but the noise and activity in the rest of the restaurant was completely concealed where they were, in a completely private area.
“Y/n you look so beautiful” - Namjoon was the first to speak, always being the most levelheaded of the pack, she could hear the sincerity and admiration in his voice and it had her blush deepening as she couldn’t bring herself to look into his eyes
“You all look so handsome too, thank you for the outfit Jimin, Taehyung, it’s so amazing and I feel so pretty” - Y/n had to stop herself from rambling about their incredible skills as words couldn’t compare to how she felt about it all. She was happy as the clear smiles and pride that took over their features.
“Thank you for wearing it, your brought our designs to life kitty” - Jimins words made her flustered state worse and the nickname that she only took much notice of sometimes, somehow had her knees weak as her tail swung harder, she hadn’t even noticed as it hit Jin’s back with a good amount of force but she felt more confidence to walk over and find a seat now. Around the booth the pack was situated she found herself not knowing where to place herself, Jungkook had a space next to him where he beckoned her over. She moved over to him and sat down quickly, everyone slightly moving over as Jin sat besides her. There was a good amount of space around the table and not for a second did she feel claustrophobic or distraught with the situation and that was a rare occurrence for her, it made her internally purr at the comfortability she felt.
On the table was some appetisers to get them started before Namjoon handed out drinks menus to everyone.
Jungkook held one between himself and Y/n, intending to read out to her all the options and she accepted the gesture with a slight blush, hands fiddling on her lap.
“Order anything you’d like Y/n, I won’t be drinking tonight so I can drive us all but everyone else is free to drink, it’s up to you” - Hoseok smiled sweetly at her and it juxtaposed his dark outfit, she felt so warm inside at all of them and she decided she could have a few drinks tonight. Y/n wasn’t one to drink often at all because she was such a lightweight but there was so many delicious looking cocktails on the menu she couldn’t help but want to join in on the fun.
“Thank you Hobi” - She smiled graciously at him before he seemed to notice something and spoke up again
“I can drive you home after or you can stay at ours if you’d like, we have a few guest bedrooms so your more than welcome, unless you’d prefer to be at home of course.” - Hobi leaned his arms on the table to look at her closer as he asked and Y/n considered her options. Considering how she presumed they’d be here a while and it was off to a really good start, she probably wouldn’t want to suddenly go from being surrounded by fun and happiness to being alone, the thought made her a bit sad and Hoseok noticed the change in her eyes, even if it was extremely subtle. He became a bit worried that he’d upset her before feeling like he understood her once she made her decision.
“Could I stay at yours, if that’s okay?” - Y/n spoke quietly, shy at the proposal and entirely fidgety about it but she relaxed a little at Hobi’s wide smile and nod, she knew she could change her mind if she felt like it but she really didn’t want a good night to end so suddenly so it seemed like a nice option to her. Everyone cheered around the table at the decision and started different conversations.
“What drink would you like Y/nie? Are you drinking alcohol tonight?” - Jungkook asked curiously, invested in her and the menu, considering both her and his own options. Y/n leaned in closer to him, her chest brushing his large bicep as she looked at the options.
“I was thinking something sweet, I don’t drink alcohol often but I think I’d like too tonight” - She wasn’t well versed in different drink options either but Jungkook seemed to know her better taste quite well, pointing to something with an inquisitive look.
“How about a strawberry daiquiri, it’s sweet and strawberry like you, we will get bottles of soju for shots too but you don’t have to have those, if you don’t want too” - His comment on her being strawberry like made her smile bashfully and she agreed, trusting his decision and he seemed to already know what he wanted, putting the menu down and looking up.
Everyone decided on their drinks over the table and Hobi ordered a sprite while everyone said their choice of drink, a range of fancy whiskeys that Y/n had never heard of and various sojus. Namjoon seemed to tap it all into his phone before announcing he’d go to order the drinks and advising everyone looks over food choices.
“We were just going to order lots of dishes and everyone can take their pick, is that okay Y/n, any preferences?” - Jimin said with his head on his hand, looking at her from besides Jungkook, he was so handsome in a way she couldn’t describe that she didn’t even think about his question at first, just staring at him before his smile turned into a slight smirk, snapping her back.
“That sounds really nice, I’m happy with anything thank you” - Y/n replied slightly flustered from embarrassment of being caught and feeling a bit hot overall. She hadn’t noticed the warmth in the room until she felt two hands gently on her shoulders where her luxurious fur coat lay, they were soft and slender, definitely not Jungkooks so she looked to her other side.
“How about I take your coat Y/n? It’s warm in here” - Jin smiled at her and at her nod, guided it off of her and went to hang it up. She noticed the change in temperature instantly, pushing her hair over her shoulder to cool herself faster, not even noticing how she was much more exposed now.
“Y/nie how about you show us the dress, we’d love to see it properly” - Y/n’s head snapped to the sweet voice, finding Jimin still in his same position, looking at her expectantly and she found herself obeying immediately, standing infront of the table awkwardly as Jin had got up to put her coat away. The five pairs of eyes on her felt piercing as she fiddled with her hands before she heard a second voice.
“Spin for us” - Taehyungs deep command had her instantly moving in a circle to showcase the dress. It had made some of the members at the table even feel a bit bashful at how beautiful she was, how perfect and how she fitted an expectation and gap they didn’t even know they had. From her being soft all over, tummy not fully flat and body curvy with pillow-like thighs, full ass and large breasts clear with the cut of the dress to every small freckle on her body, the small scar she had on her upper arm, pretty claws painted to match the dress and the way she nearly wobbled in the small heels, clearly not used to them.
It made them all feel something deep inside them, some bringing it to the surface more than others as Taehyung let his hybrid show in the deep rumble of approval that came from his chest with his eyes dilating. Hoseok held onto the seat tightly as he felt his veins pulsing and blood pumping fast at the sight. Yoongi tried to keep his composure but made no attempt to hide the swinging tail behind him and smirk on his lips. Jimin cooed in approval at the product of his creation, both her and the way his design fit her.
Jungkook stared intensely at her with a slightly darker look in his eyes that he’d calm down if she looked over as to not overwhelm her, he knew all he was craving was to confess all of their loves to her now and show her how much they love wanted and loved her but he calmed it in that moment, just hoping at some point soon he’d maybe share another kiss with her.
When Y/n looked up, now facing them, her scent pulsed out in surprise and shyness with their reactions to her, she was subconsciously waiting for another command to either sit down or do something else so she just stood, fiddling with her fingers as she avoided making eye contact with any of them. She didn’t wait for 2 seconds really before someone commented
“Aren’t you just perfect hmm?” - Taehyungs voice seemed teasing but somehow Y/n knew she was meant to answer, he was serious but she couldn’t make out any words, mouth slightly open as if she tried and couldn’t make a sound. It had Taehyung smirking slightly but he was nudged by the panther next to him to calm down or she’d get overwhelmed. He sat back slightly and let someone else comment
“You are perfect Y/nie, come sit down, im sure you can tell how much we all like it” - Jungkooks command had her nearly stumbling to sit back down, flustered at their admiration and on that cue, Namjoon and Jin came back in, letting them know drinks and food would be here soon.
Once the food had come out everyone had began to eat and drink, having loud conversations that Y/n found herself getting more and more involved in. She found them all so funny, so kind and so purrfect. Maybe it was the way she had finished her first daiquiri and Jungkook had ordered her another that lead her to slightly slump against his shoulder while continuing to eat here and there and speak to everyone but neither of them minded what it was, they enjoyed it and so did everyone else.
Everyone had finished their first drink and some had a few shots of soju, Hoseok went to order more drinks when Jimin offered to do a shot of soju with Y/n, she felt herself hesitating for only a second before agreeing despite knowing she’d hate the taste and burn.
Jin and Jungkook counted down for the two from 3 before they both took their shots and while Jimin had no reaction, Y/n’s nose screwed up and eyes shut tightly as she handled to taste and burn, it was clear who didn’t drink often and her reaction had the group softly laughing. She had spilled a drop down from the corner of her lips so Jungkook used his thumb to wipe it off before tasting the strawberry soju from his thumb, finding it funny how mild it was compared to how some others are.
When Hoseok came back, followed by the second round of drinks everyone had mostly finished eating and people were getting tipsy, Y/n and Jimin especially as they were far more lightweight than the others, Jimin had a few more soju shots than Y/n but she was just as tipsy as he was, slightly falling around more and finding everything a bit more funny.
Everyone found it cute how much of a lightweight Y/n was and each individually decided to make sure she was definitely okay and wasn’t drinking more than she was comfortable with.
Over the next hour everyone had been drinking more, Y/n finished another drink and had 3 more shots with Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi. Jin and Taehyung stuck to drinking their own soju just as a faster pace than the rest and were equally as drunk as the rest at this point. Hobi was having just as much fun sober, laughing just as much and even more than usual at everything happening, the absurd conversations and different actions from everyone.
That’s how it lead to Jimin and Y/n standing facing eachother infront of the table as Jimin tried to teach Y/n a dance, she had never been the most co-ordinated so she was failing miserably. It seemed like the funniest thing to the two and every step that she failed seemed to make them laugh harder, it had the rest of the group laughing in suit but one laugh was briefly cut off when Y/n stumbled back in her position.
When she did, she landed straight on Namjoons lap, everyone found it more than hilarious as she kept laughing, not even thinking about how she was on his lap. She just wrapped her arms around his neck and kept laughing while Namjoon sat a bit starstruck, not knowing where to put his hands but settled them on her waist when she swayed to keep her steady. Jimin had fallen on the floor still laughing at the interaction at that point and was just watching as a flustered Namjoon was nervously laughing, taking a sip of his drink to keep his composure with one arm around her waist and her head in his neck.
When Y/n looked up and saw Jimin on the floor she threw herself back laughing harder than she thought she ever had, ultimately landing with her head on Hoseok lap and rest of her body on Namjoons. Being the most sober here he had a strong reaction and the second Y/n’s head fell right next to his crotch he jumped in surprise. Her soft ears tickled his stomach through his shirt, especially when she was throwing her head side to side. The rest of the members were watching amused as the two didn’t know what to do, surprised.
Their thoughts were cut short when Y/n saw Jimin standing again and shot up from her position, back up to sitting on Namjoons lap before using his legs to push herself to standing. She sat up so quick that Hoseok worried so he put his hand on her back to steady her and watched her intently to make sure she was okay which she was.
Until she stood up and once again went stumbling, this time into Jimin who was already wobbly and everyone watched on edge as they both fell down but relaxed when they ended up with Jimin sitting down and Y/n in an awkward straddle on his lap, the slit in one side of the dress making it possible to move without much restriction. Neither were bothered clearly as they contuined laughing with Y/n’s hands on Jimins chest, his own on her hips. The group worried about the proximity and if Y/n was comfortable because they could feel that Jimin was but they weren’t as confident when it came to Y/n. She proved them wrong in just her actions however as she noticed their position and didn’t make any move to show she was uncomfortable, she instead found herself blushing as her hands were half on the material of his shirt and half on his bare skin . She also clocked how it felt amazing to have his hands on her hips, looking up slightly, still laughing but avoiding the intense look in Jimins eyes, worried that once she locked gazes with him she wouldn’t be able to look away.
‘White Mustang’ played through the room adding to the strong emotions throughout. Jimin looked down quickly and realised how close his hand was to Y/n’s bare thigh was, just below where he placed it from the slit riding up and open to reveal nearly her entire leg. Her strawberry blonde hair curls fell over her eye in that moment and he used one hand to move it behind her ear. Their laughter dying down as he tried to catch her eyes with a smile.
Hoseok, being the only sober one decided it was probably time to get going home in that moment and asks Namjoon and Yoongi, both drunk but less than the others, to grab everyone’s coats. They made a move to go and it had Jimin and Y/n’s coming back to realisation of the moment and Hoseok came to the side of Y/n, offering her a hand to help her up as she blushed and took it gratefully. Jimin was reluctant to let go of her but with a single look from Hoseok, took the hint and let go.
When the two had stood up and were mostly stable on this feet, the two with the coats came back and handed them out, Yoongi came behind Y/n to help her into hers and she accepted the gesture with a shy smile. Jungkook came behind her when she was ready and took her hand, following Namjoon and Jin out of the restaurant to the car that would fit all of them. Jin was going to pick up his car the next day.
Everyone got seated in the large car and Y/n found herself between Taehyung and Jungkook. Each of them found their intoxicated states making them a bit more bold, Y/n leant her head on Jungkooks shoulder and he moved his hand onto her covered mid thigh, the heat of his hand warmed her slightly chill from the wintery winds outside. She relaxed in her position but found herself longing attention from the tiger next to her too, she couldn’t explain why but she just looked at him from her position longingly.
Taehyung could feel her gaze and could tell exactly what she was craving, it made his confident exterior nearly crack as he hesitantly moved his own hand to lightly rest over her bare knee where her dress slipped. He instantly felt her smiling at him, happy with the attention as her tail swung as much as it could behind her and her ears turned towards him, observing his movements. He found it endearing how happy it made her to have some attention from him considering he was probably the least close to her out of his mates.
He felt her gaze leave his face and instead move to stare at his hand on her knee, he was curious as to what she found so interesting before one of her hands moved out to trace over the veins as she noticed how much bigger his hands were even compared to Jin or Jungkooks, she looked at her own hand and found it seemed tiny in comparison. She just stared for a minute at Taehyungs hand and it caught both Taehyung and Jungkooks attention, she was deep in thought but they couldn’t tell what about.
Y/n was just thinking about how his hand could probably cover her entire thigh not just her knee, she contuined to trace over the veins before trying to subtly nudge his hand higher, she thought she was being discreet but clearly wasn’t as both men let out quiet chuckles and Taehyung moved his hand onto her thigh, proving her theory that he could cover it all. The second she looked up though and found him staring right back at her, her gaze shot away, eyes widening and pretending not to have done anything. Her ears betrayed her as they stayed turned towards Taehyung, observing his every movement, it made Taehyung rethink her opinions on him, suddenly believing maybe she was more comfortable with him than he knew.
The entire drive went on like that, Y/n’s thoughts constantly about the two hands on her thighs as she stayed praying they would stay exactly where they were, which they did. Everyone sobered up quite a lot by the time they got home, everyone able to walk normally and just a small bit giggly now instead of fully intoxicated. It helped that Jin had made sure veryone drank water on the way back, having packed them in the car before leaving to get Y/n.
Once they got back to the packs home, Namjoon lead everyone up and let everyone in through the door, making sure he subconsciously counted everyone as they came in. Everyone had calmed down now, tipsy at most, there was no set plan for what would happen when they got home and everyone quickly made themselves comfortable.
Y/n was in a slight daydream imagining the two hands that were on her thighs in the car and just reminiscing the way their warmth made such a difference to the cold air and the way they made her feel from her stomach to her head had her feeling more tipsy than she was. She was smiling dazily before she heard Jungkook chuckle infront of her, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her with him to the kitchen, Hobi and Yoongi followed behind having their own conversation.
“You there princess?” - Jungkook had a teasingly smile on his face and he moved from Y/n’s side to infront of her, hands resting on her soft hips. Her eyes looked up at him slowly, she had dropped into a haze similar to that when she was overwhelmed with scents, he could tell it was a good one but felt the need to reground her somehow so he moved a bit closer and gently pulled her in. She happily moved closer despite her haze and instantly wrapped her arms around Jungkooks neck, nuzzling into his neck, taking him by surprise for a second.
From his position, arms holding Y/n flush against him with her head in his neck, taking in his scent, he made eye contact with Yoongi and Hoseok who had stopped their conversation, intrigued at the two. They gave him a knowing look and both thought about how they wish they were in his position, Y/n pushing herself up just to reach his neck and holding her flush against him.
They could see the moment she relaxed in his arms, Jungkook flexed slightly as he willingly held her up, letting her practically melt on the spot. The display of his strength and not having to even think for a second as he took over had Y/n purring loudly, her tail wrapped itself around one of his strong arms. In her mind she knew what she really wanted was for him to grab her by the backs of her thighs and pick her up but she wasn’t even sure it was possible in her dress and she didn’t want to get too close in the middle of his pack kitchen of all places.
Jungkook seemed to have a different idea as he felt his hyungs watching him intensely to see what he’d do and to him apparently she wasn’t relaxed enough. He trailed his hands down her hips and bunched her dress up slightly at the thighs to allow her to move more, he kept as respectful as he could while he did so as he felt her moving her head in his neck, ears twitching in confusion. He moved his hands from her hips to the back of her upper thighs and in a split second pulled her up and let her wrap them around his small waist. She made a small squeal in surprise before putting loudly and melting even further into him.
Her hands moved up to the back of his head, pushing and pulling gently as she grounded herself and Jungkooks eyes fluttered open and shut at the feeling, his head falling back slightly into her hands allowing her more room to bury her face in. The second Y/n moved her face in more to take in his scent, she heard herself letting out barely audible noises that sounded similar to whines, she didn’t know why and she put it down to it being her hybrid but she could only hope no one could hear them.
Jungkook froze for a split second at the noises and tightened his grip on Y/n’s upper thighs out of instinct as his eyes widened, feeling the blood shoot to upper his neck and through his body. He knew it was instinctual, that she didn’t mean much about it so he tried to relax again, letting her nuzzle deeper into his neck for a minute, he looked at his hyungs who had expressions similar to his own, they could both hear the whines Y/n was trying to hide until they stopped and didn’t know how to react, they both seemed frozen in their seats but Yoongi leant in closer, tail swinging behind him with a smirk on his face.
Y/n’s noises all stopped at once after getting quieter and quieter, her nuzzling was less intense and she knew Jungkook could feel she was much more in the moment now, he gently let her down to her feet and she looked at him with pure love in her eyes. He may not have known it but it was like he read her thoughts and made everything she wanted come true.
It made her feel selfish to want more than she had got, since her first kiss she had wanted nothing more than to experience it again. Her thoughts were cut off when Jimin practically came singing in, a few bottles of alcohol in his hands
“I think we should have a fewww more drinks and then we could just put on a movie or something?” Jimin joyfully shook the bottles as to convince everyone, not having any idea about the recent exchange in the room.
Everyone in the room seemed to like the idea and agreed, even Hobi, since he didn’t have to drive he agreed to a few drinks.
Jimin started by pulling out a fruit juice along with a strawberry vodka to mix a drink for Y/n, having her watch to tell him how she she wanted of each part. When he finished she tried it and gave him a him of approval and a wide smile before he ushered her to the living room and got out multiple bottles of soju and some of his mates favourite whiskeys. He took everything into the living room with glasses and a few snacks. He found everyone had situated themselves In different areas, Y/n was sat besides Yoongi with Namjoon on the other side of her while Jungkook and Taehyung were together on another couch while Jin and Hobi sat having a brief conversation.
Namjoon had suddenly become attentive to something close to the floor, his face contorting into one his pack knew, one where he was thinking of solutions or just in deep thought. His thoughts seemed to stop as he looked up at Y/n and tapped her calf, telling her to put her legs up. She did with confusion and as they lifted, Namjoon used one hand to rotate her on the spot, placing her feet, clad in her kitten heels, over his lap and Y/n sat in both confusion and shock as he had moved her effortlessly as if she was an idle feather. She quickly noticed how her heels, which had been outside and were therefore not clean on the bottom, were nearly touching his crisp suit and she lifted her feet again quickly in panic.
Namjoon clearly had other ideas as he pushed them back down gently, even in his careful manner, something about him screamed dominance and it made her want to obey to his every idea so she relaxed and trusted whatever he was doing. He smiled in response and took her ankle closest to him, unclasping the buckleof her heel and gently sliding the shoe off her foot. The interaction made Y/n extremely shy, especially as Namjoons big hands gently rubbed circles into the ankle it was on before repeating the same steps with her other ankle, placing her heels over the couch onto the floor effortlessly.
He kept placing soothing circles into her ankles and lower leg after that and Y/n looked at him with pure affection at the attention. She thought maybe it was the display of strength or just his size that made her body flutter and purr so loudly but she could feel that after this she wouldn’t stop craving his attention. The way he handled her so dominantly but also so gently made her feel dizzy with satisfaction. Y/n happily accepted that she would be in this position for a while and completely relaxed, accidentally leaning back on Yoongi a bit but he didn’t mind. Namjoon focused on what was infront of him while he massaged her ankles but his ears were turned in her direction, observing her as his tail swung slowly behind him. He could feel how small she was compared to him and he felt his hybrids energy rise as he processed how he felt about her. He could feel that she repicrocated those exact feelings as her own ears were turned towards him, observing his every movement, revelling in the attention.
Jin had brought out a tray of his cookies that everyone happily nibbled on while they drank. Y/n found that of all the people she could spend time with, she enjoyed being with them the most. They made her laugh until her stomach hurt, smile until her cheeks felt permanently strained and gave her feelings she had never felt before, they made her more than happy in such a short amount of time and she felt like she’d give the world to be more to them. In their eyes, she already was.
As they drank, ate, and laughed, they all grew increasingly comfortable, they felt like any piece that may have been missing in their lives was now here, it was no longer missing it was found and everything was just perfect.
They had all gotten to a similar level of drunk again as they were in the restaurant when Jimin started to whine about his clothes being uncomfortable, it made everything realise they were still in their dinner clothes and made them want to go get changed. That made Y/n realise how she hadn’t even considered clothes when she said she wanted to stay, she sat awkwardly for a second as everyone stood up before Yoongi swiped his hand gently over one of her ears and silently gestured her to follow him. Everyone else had agreed to quickly go change and Y/n followed Yoongi obediently without a word, just following him like a lost kitten.
He opened a door and gestured her to go into a room where she found a neutral room with an intoxicatingly strong presence of Yoongi’s scent. As soon as she looked around she found herself in awe at the comfy looking bed, it was incredibly neat but she found herself wanting to make a neat little nest on the large bed, his dark sheets completely juxtaposing her but she was staring at it intently, even if only for a few seconds before Yoongis heavenly voice took her attention.
“You don’t have any clothes here yet, if you’d like, you can wear some of mine” - Y/n couldn’t reply instantly as the idea made her hybrid jump with joy internally and made her purr unexpectedly. She hadn’t even noticed how he said ‘yet’ as the idea of being in his clothes and in his scent made her tail swing harshly in excitement and butterflies flew around her tummy when she nodded with a bashful smile with a ‘please’ on the end.
Her politeness despite it being his offer made Yoongis own hybrid happy and fill with pride, impressed at her manners and it somehow encouraged him to offer more to her often just to have her react in that way. He felt like hos panther took over as he stalked up to her with dialysed eyes, tail swinging almost in a dangerous manner. He took his fingers under her chin, nearly standing flush against her and lifting her head up.
“What was that kitten? Did you say something?” - The tone of his voice and position made Y/n’s eyes widen and purrs get louder, clearly her hybrid was absolutely loving the panthers attention but she wasn’t sure how to react if she could at all. He sounded teasing but serious at the same time, she opened and closed her mouth a few times before the word fell from her lips again, even quieter than before
“Please” - Yoongi smirked at her instant reaction and submission towards him before he turned on his foot and moved to his wardrobe to get her some clothes, choosing one of his most worn hoodies, one that he knew was comfortable and had his scent strongly attached before he chose out a pair of joggers that were just as soft as her. He noticed they both were definitely going to be too big and too long for her even if he was the second smallest in the pack but he decided that was an issue that he could resolve when he saw it on.
He turned back around to see her looking around intently once again but his steps towards her caught her attention
“You can change in my bathroom, let me know if you don’t like these ones” - His tone seemed almost dismissive but there was underlying care. Y/n had gotten the idea that Yoongi tried to hide how much he really cared quite often, and that was only from the times they had been together. He’d put on this ‘I don’t care’ facade but something about him always gave his real feelings away.
When Y/n smiled up at him, Yoongi pointed to a door next to his large closet, gently encouraging her towards it. She thanked him and quickly made her way into the room, a pristine and spacious bathroom was on the other side of the door and it once again smelt exactly like Yoongi. She shut the door behind her before looking around quickly, a large bathtub and a shower both in the same room had her marvelling before she got back to the task at hand. She looked at the clothes he had given her and immediately could tell she’d love them, they were soft and smelt exactly like Yoongi, so much that without a second thought she had brought them up to her nose and deeply inhaled feeling her body relax and purr at the sensation, her own scent emitting stronger than usual.
Pulling them away she started to fix her hair into a loose ponytail with a hairband she always kept around her wrist and washed off the small amount of makeup making her feel fresh and comfortable. The dress was another story as she forgot how she couldn’t get in and out of it herself. That lead her to debate her options before hesitantly opening the door to find Yoongi, already in his comfortable clothes.
He was laying back on the bed, in a hoodie and joggers similar to those he gave her as he sat on his phone, one hand behind his head. He was so relaxed she felt pulled to just go over and lay on him, curl up to him and get under one of his arms while he sat on his phone with the other. When he looked up at her in question as she was still in her dress, she couldn’t bring herself to find the words she needed to say; her mouth just opened and closed repetitively, her hands fiddling as her voice refused to come out. She felt frustrated as she couldn’t say anything, her hybrid holding her back but she didn’t understand why, why was she being held back, she needed help.
“You need help with your dress?” - She nodded softly at his question, he put down his phone and stood up, stalking towards her and as he stood infront of her, she could only look up at him in some sort of fascination. He gently held her shoulders and spun her around, having her back face him and his fingers grazed her back making her speechless state even worse when goosebumps raised all over and her back arched in instinctively. Maybe it was because he was a panther that she was reacting this way to him but she had a feeling it was also just his aura.
“Hold the front up kitten or it’ll fall down, can’t have that, can we?” - His teasing tone had her nearly stumbling even in her standing position, she hadn’t even realised that she stood there like a ragdoll, arms limp not even moving to make sure her dress didn’t slide straight off her breasts once undone. It had her scrambling to hold it up with weak hands, blushing as he teased her and nodding at his words.
He waited until her hands were secure before undoing the zipper and letting the sides fall slightly before he held them together between his index and thumb. He gently nudged her forward into walking into the bathroom as she remained speechless until he heard a small thank you fall from her mouth, he pretended not to hear it and gently closed the door behind her once she was in bathroom.
She changed after regaining herself and had to stop again once she was engulfed by the large clothes, surrounded in a deep scent that made her feel crazy, made her purr and want to roll around in a pile of that same scent. She slowly left, stumbling through the door to find Yoongi back in his position but as he watched her slightly stumble he stood up quickly, stabilising her.
“Careful kitten, can’t have you falling over” - He looked at her deeply almost as if searching for any injuries before finding his chest rumbling in satisfaction at her being in his clothing, it made his mind calm and his subconscious protective instinct slightly deter.
“Thank you” - Yoongi waved off her thanks but internally loved it
“Are they comfortable?” - Yoongi
“Very, thank you so much” - Y/n couldnt express her appreciation towards his thought and action as much as she felt in fear he may not be comfortable with her wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tight so she used her words to the best of her ability in that moment instead. She was surprised when Yoongi seemed to notice something and reached out to grab one of her hands gently.
He silently took her hands, rolled each of her sleeves up so that her hands were out before bending down to do the same for her ankles, cuffing each without a word and her clear care and affection made her blush and stare with a cheesy smile. She thanked him again and he didn’t say anything but she noticed the small smile on his face before he turned around and started to walk, looking back to make sure she followed even in her flustered state with her tail swinging harshly and eyes dilated at him.
Yoongi lead them back into the living room where the others were already gathered, all continuing their conversations and the two made their way over to relax again. The night continued well into early morning where everyone was at different levels of drinking, many games had been played and movies had been put on, every single individual enjoying it to the fullest, their bonds growing and comfortability showing.
Y/n slowly woke up the following day, immediately feeling the slight pang in her head, face scrunching up as she slowly opened her heavy eyes, extremely grateful for Yoongis clothes allowing her as much comfortability as possible in that moment.
She noticed the warmth under her head and ontop of her thigh and slowly looked around her to find she wasn’t laying on a pillow but Namjoons thick thighs, his hand gently resting upon her head as she hand one leg curled up to her, revelling in the feeling. Looking down she found Taehyung hade probably subconsciously made himself comfortable with his head on her thigh where one leg was laying flat and straight, his arm laying over it by his head. She smiled at the way she felt so close to the boys not just physically but mentally after the bonding they had shared the previous night.
She ignored the pain coursing through her head as she looked around to observe everyone else, she saw the clock on the wall stating it was 2 in the afternoon and she wondered just how long she had slept for.
Hoseok was spread across one couch with his head on Yoongis lap and his shirt had rided up in his sleep, revealing a impressive set of abs that had Y/n’s cheeks flushing in her position along with his handsome face but her thoughts were calmed slightly as she looked at Yoongi and found he was wearing some disco glasses that she briefly remembered him wearing as he sung for them all as a joke, the thought made her laugh quietly before stopping, hoping not to wake anyone up.
She averted her eyes to find Jimin and Jungkook on another couch, they had a blanket over the two but Y/n could see the way they were both shirtless from Jimins bare shoulders and Jungkooks bare chest and large biceps, arms wrapping around Jimin as he layed ontop of him. Their legs were intertwined out of the bottom of the blanket and it would be incredibly cute it if wasn’t for Y/n’s eyes taking in Jimins beautiful skin and back and Jungkooks strong, muscled arms and tattoos along with his wide chest, Jimins face buried in his neck. They looked more than hot too her but as she looked around again, she noticed Jin was nowhere in sight.
As if he was called by her thoughts, Jin walked down the hall into the room and he truthfully looked rough but in an incredibly attractive way. She could tell he had just taken a shower from his wet hair and fresh clothes but his tired eyes and expression showed their late and intoxicated night. Y/n was certain she looked an absolute mess as she shyly gave him a smile and he returned it, probably surprised that she was awake.
He carefully walked over to her before asking her if she’d like to get up to which she agreed. He skilfully lifted Taehyungs head and held it for her to move before he placed a thick pillow underneath to avoid disturbing Taehyungs sleep. He moved Namjoons hand too before holding out his own for Y/n to take. When she stood up her head seemed to hurt even worse and her eyes and face scrunched up, hand flying to hold her head and Jin looked at her with a knowing smile and a lot of sympathy.
Y/n suddenly heard slight chuckling and opened her eyes confused as she saw Jin looking at her slowly swinging tail before she turned around, almost chasing her tail to find a pretty pink ribbon tied close to her lower back, it made her blush and smile as thoughts came rushing back about Hoseok tying it on her because “the prettiest princess has to have a special bow” it was so silly, encouraged by their drinking but it still made her blush and smile like an idiot.
“Would you like to take a shower Y/n? I can get you some clothes for after” - Jin lead her out to the hallway as he walked her towards his own room. It was starkly different to Yoongi’s and observing their different styles made her smile and increasingly curious about the rest. It made sense to her how his room was, clean and bright but with a homely take, blankets and trinkets everywhere with hints of pink amongst the whites. She had found out one of his favourite colours was pink and it made sense when she looked around.
Jin lead her into his own bathroom and showed her how to work everything, where his soaps, haircare and skincare was before setting her up with a pink hoodie and some white Pajama pants that he said he took from Jimin for her. Once he deemed her ready he left and closed the door, the second she turned around and looked in the mirror she noticed her messily braided hair, a product of Jimins soft hands before she slept and she smiled at the thought.
After getting out of her clothes and getting into the shower she took a moment to feel the hot water wash away the pain in her head before setting her eyes Jin’s body wash that he had said she could use, it smelt incredible and the only way she could describe it as was soft. She happily used a bit to wash her entire body before moving onto Shampoo and conditioning her now unbraided hair, tail and ears before getting out.
Drying her body and towel was the first thing she did before applying some moisturiser to her face and drying her soaked hair, she didn’t want to use a blow dryer Incase it woke anyone up so she just dried her hair and tail as much as possible with the towel before moving to get dressed.
Once she pulled apart the pile she found a baby pink hoodie that smelt exactly like Jin, the soft white Pajama pants that belonged to Jimin and what surprised her was the white boxers that were inbetween the two. She hasn’t even thought of underwear but Jin had been so thoughtful and generous it made her blush as she realised how lucky she was to be treated so well and so intimately. It made her blush to realise they were obviously meant for underwear too as she already had pants, she pulled them up and loved the way they were so soft and fitting, her tail swung happily before she pulled on the pants.
Now she faced another choice as she looked at her bra that she had worn, she was going to be wearing a thick hoodie and she really didn’t want to get into any of the clothes from last night otherwise she felt like she wouldn’t be able to get rid of her headache wuick enough even if they weren’t connected. Y/n just decided that you wouldn’t be able to tell she wasn’t wearing a bra, hopefully, and just put the hoodie on without one. When she was finished, all her precious clothes and Yoongis, she folded and put in a pile that she intended to take home to wash before returning.
She tied her hair back into the scrunchie from before before leaving, feeling so much better than she did when she woke up. Moving through the hallway that was completely empty she was back in the living room where Jimin had now put on a shirt, moving around before noticing her arrival and smiling dopily at her.
He admired her natural beauty and the way she looked in their clothes before noticing her wet hair and tail, remembering Jungkook telling him how uncomfortable it made her before.
“Morning Y/nie, your hairs wet, would you like me to help dry it?” - his offer had her nodding happily, he lead her into the hallway once again before taking her to a different room than she had been in, obviously his own. His room too was simple but homey, neutral colour all around, plants in a few corners and a large bed, the difference to Jin and Yoongis was the thick, cloud like duvet he had which juxtaposed the thinner ones Jin and Yoongi had. It looked like she could just melt and sink into it, the thought of once again making a nest in it made her tail swing and eyes dilate, she stood in the middle of the room staring at it as Jimin moved around, looking for a few things before finding them and walking to his bed, patting the middle of it whike looking at her expectantly.
“Come sit here kitty, I have detangler to make it a bit easier since your hairs so pretty and long” Jimin waited for her to sit in the middle before sitting behind her, gently taking her hair out of the scrunchie and separating it in half. He seemed to work expertly and so gently as he worked from the ends to the roots and was so gentle with her, the relaxing process made her knead in the cloud-like duvet, purring loudly as she felt like she was melting, her entire body relaxing further if that was even possible.
She was almost upset when he was finished brushing but he moved to get the hairdryer before drying her hair as gently as possible as it fell into her natural soft waves and slight ringlets, he gently brushed it again before rubbing something into his hands and running it through, she presumed it was an oil and as her hair was so soft and shiny after she concluded she was right.
Jimin on the other hand was just so infatuated by her and her hair and how beautiful she was, how soft and gorgeous her long locks were how amazing it made him feel to groom her, it made his hybrid so happy and chirp with joy as he ran his hands through her long strawberry blonde hair. He was definitely sad before her wet tail brushed over his bare knee, he looked at it surprised as he had forgotten and felt himself get flustered as he wanted to groom tha too. It lead him to hesitantly ask her about it
"Would you like me to do your tail too kitty?" - the question had both of them flustered but Y/n didn't hesitate to reply after the relaxing process before
"Yes please Jiminie" - she contuined to purr as the treatment was going to continue and Jimin moved around almost nervously before tapping her shoulder to have her look at him. He patted his lap, silently indicated for her to lay as she did with Jung kook and she smiled at him before doing as he asked. She got comfortable and waited as Jimin got ready
"I'm not as good as Jungkookie but l'll try to be just as gentle." Jimin nervously laughed but Y/n couldn't help but disagree as the entire process was amazing and felt amazing, she did still get shy as she subconsciously reacted to him being closer to the base of her tail and it wasn't helping when she tried to muffle her voice by burying her face in the cloud-like duvet, covered in Jimins scent, it just sent her into a slight scent high but Jimin understood more than anyone exactly what it all felt like, especially the first few times he knew how incredible it all was so he just stroked her back between every few brushes and told her how soft her tail was and how pretty it was to make her more grounded.
When he was finished neither of them wanted to let go, Y/n wanted to stay like this forever and Jimin wanted her to stay like this forever but they were interrupted by Jungkook coming in to let them know Jin had made breakfast and the two noticed his cheeky smile as he took in the scene and strong scents in the room, knowing his two mates, or mate and future mate, were engulfed by the pleasure of grooming and would be more than happy at breakfast.
They all slowly moved to the kitchen where Jin had managed to cook up a wide variety of sweet and savory and everyone was already awake, making their drinks as Jin finished setting up. Everyone smiled at the three, some more awake than others and Y/n realised just how long Jimin had been grooming her while everyone else made they way around getting up.
Her thoughts subsided as everyone started to dish up breakfast, making small conversation and dishing up Y/n’s breakfast for her too as she contuined to be pampered and felt closer and closer to heaven from the love she was receiving from each of the boys. It started with Jungkook and turned into 7 men that she had quickly grown intense love for in her heart, body and mind, all of her responded to their every action and she knew then and there, they were the ones for her and she wanted them, she wanted to be their mate to live and laugh with them, to love and care with them and for them, to be the best mate she could be and truthfully to continue to receive the affection that she had never felt before. Her hybrid knew that they felt the same too, hybrids had a way of knowing on a deeper level than humans and her hybrid also know that things would progress faster than Y/n really thought and that everyone would enjoy it, would love every moment of it all.
Their love was just growing more and more and soon it would be official.
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed and I feel like from here things really start to pick up in pace!
I’d love some requests for headcannons or any asks about the Strawberry Princess universe and it’s characters so definitely feel free to make any requests!
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not4simp · 8 months
Yo- What?!
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x fem!reader Summary: Apparently you have a boyfriend you weren't even aware of WC: 802 words Content: Fake dating? Luke and reader aren't that close
The dining pavilion was filled with demigods eating and chattering amongst each other including you. It was your third year on camp half-blood and you were no stranger to the infamous Luke Castellan.
There he stood a few feet away from you bombarded with girls. But hey what’s new? You paid no mind to it and continue enjoying your meal with your siblings.
“Isn’t he just sooo dreamy” Bella, your sister, closed her eyes releasing a soft exhale as she gently nestled her head between her arms that’s on the table. “Who? Luke?” i tilted my head to the side and raised a brow. “duhh who else” Bella rolled her eyes. “he’s not all that you know” I retorted as I slurped my remaining mango juice. “Like I’m gonna listen to you, you turn down every guy that comes your way!”. I laughed “touché”. Pushing myself up from my seat I got up to throw away my empty juice box.
As i walk over to the bin I could overhear snippets of conversation from Luke and his fangirls. They leaned in closer to Luke every chance they got. Occasionally batting their eyelash with their flirtatious charm, accompanied by a few playful slap and laughter ever so often.
I grimaced seeing the situation unfolding in front of me. They were trying a bit too hard in and it was very obvious.
“I appreciate the flattery", his eyes betraying his words as a hint of discomfort was displayed. "...but I’m taken” said Luke as he tried to shake off a devotee that was clinging onto his arm. “As if,” the girl rolled her eyes “I don’t see her around” she pursed her lips.
I was in the middle of walking back to my table when I felt someone tugging my arm causing me to stumble. Fortunately, I was able to regain my footing. Guess training does came in handy. “Hey wha-“ my brows furrow in confusion. Before I could continue speaking Luke gently put his hands on my shoulders and guided me to face his little fan-club.
“This is my girlfriend, y/n.” Luke announced with a bright smile. His voice filled with enthusiasm.
My head immediately did a 180° flip towards him and a look of puzzlement was evident on my face. The other girls and I simultaneously said “What?” “Oh don’t be all shy now sweetheart” he said while pinching my cheeks. All I could think was what the actual fuck?
“Now please excuse us” I was about to brush my alleged boyfriend off but he gave me a soft gaze, with a hint of desperation. Oh darn him and his puppy eyes. With a reluctant sigh I acknowledged his request and complied.
Luke led me to a path by the lake giving us enough privacy from the rest of camp. As we came to a halt I fixed my posture straight and firmly placed my hands on my hips. “Are you out of your mi-“ Luke raised his hand and pushed his pointer finger on my lips to shush me. I was really tempted to bite his finger considering the many times he had cut me off.
“Okay so now that you’re my girlfriend-“ The voices won and I bit his finger. Arching my eyebrows and narrowing my eyes I gave him a WTF look. “When did I agree to be your girlfriend?”
“I should’ve worded it better” Luke muttered under his breath while fanning his hand. “okay let me rephrase, I need you to be my girlfriend. well Fake girlfriend.” “Hard pass” I said “Wait listen, just for a while until those girls lay off” “You can go pick someone else” “No no no you don’t get it, it has to be you. They saw me with you if, I go changing my ‘girlfriend’ they’ll know it’s a lie” Luke said with a slight whine. “what do I get in return?” Luke’s lips parted slightly before snapping shut. Clearly he didn’t think this whole ordeal through.
“I’ll make your bed every day” “c’mon you gotta do better than that” I sigh and folded my arms “I’ll do all your chores” I feigned a yawn “I’ll give you all my dessert!” I smirk. Now we’re talking
I extended my hand and he did the same. Sealing the deal with a firm handshake. “From now on you’ll be doing all my chores, make my bed, give all your dessert to me, and do everything I ask you to” I said closing my eyes with a smile of delight painted on my face. Seeing as the matter was solved I began to make my way back to the dining pavilion. “Yes exactl- wait, do anything you ask me to?” Luke’s brows furrow. I laugh and ignore him.
Oh this is going to be interesting...
A/N: This is my first time writing so sorry if it's sucky. Might make a part 2
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hwaslayer · 8 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | fourteen.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 3.8k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing/mature language, seonghwa in the whole flashback scene!!, kissing/making out hehe, late night food run with yeo and yuyu, some overthinking..
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"Wait." Yunho whines softly as he gently grabs at your wrist, pulling you back towards him before you could walk into the science building.
"Yunho." You playfully whine. "I literally have 2 seconds to get my ass upstairs to class."
"Well, I don't necessarily have literature with you anymore, so.." Yunho smirks. "Sorry I just want a few more kisses from my girlfriend since I won't see her until tonight."
"You're too much."
"And you're not?" He teases with a chuckle. You tippy toe to give him another kiss on the lips, Yunho chasing your lips as soon as you break the first one. You giggle against his lips, playfully pushing him back on his chest.
"I'll see you later."
"Mhm." He smiles, adjusting the hood over his head. "Have a good day, love."
"You too." You give him one last wave before you walk off to your class. 
During class, you do your best to focus on your professor; taking notes as you try to keep up with the pace of the class. You can't help but daydream in between about your man, how well break treated you and your friends— though, there were a few other things occupying your mind as well.
But as of right now, you already miss Yunho.
You shift your thoughts to how the night could go, how excited you are to see him and spend time with him after a long day of classes and practice. Class ends up finishing rather quickly, especially as the last half took place with the group activity you had to do. You run to your next class, shooting your friends a quick text in the group chat to see who else has a quick break afterwards.
you: friends, who has a break in the next hour or so?
chaery: me!
you: okay, i'll meet you at the cafeteria? gonna quickly eat before my next class.
chaery: you got it bae!
You find yourself daydreaming a bit more during your Healthcare Ethics class, the majority of the class picking back up on the debate that occurred last week. Yunho sends you a quick text to tell you he hopes you're doing okay in class, following up with his usual 'i miss you' and 'can't wait to see my baby' texts. You smile to yourself as you jot down a few interesting words and phrases that come up during the debate, stringing out your notes enough to help you remember the details for your homework later.
Your professor dismisses your class about 10 minutes early, causing you to dash over to the café and take all the extra time you can get to scarf down some food before the last half of the day occurs. You order some soup and fruits to get you by, sitting at the last free corner table in the café. It's not long before Chaery walks in and grabs a small salad bowl to eat, settling in front of you with a heavy sigh.
"God, what a day already."
"Tell me about it." You pout.
"How's class been?"
"Class is class. I just can't wait until the rest of the day is over. Then we can finally grub on some good food and I can see Yunho."
"Aw." She giggles. "No, same. My schedule isn't as packed this time around, but I still feel swamped or whatever."
"Is Yuyu in class?"
"Mhm. He's pretty swamped, too."
"I bet. Graduation is gonna come in no time." You nod. "By the way, have you told him already?"
"No. I just haven't gotten to it." You shrug. "It just never feels like the right time."
"I know, I get that." Chaery rests her chin on the top of her hand. "But, Seonghwa hasn't bothered you since then, right?"
"Maybe he finally got the fucking hint."
"Yunho sent you roses even though he was with us all weekend?" Seungmin swings his keys around his finger as he's the first to make it to the door. Your group just arrived back home after the weekend in the snow, Yunho immediately heading to his apartment to unpack and rest after the drive.
"What're you talking about?" You catch up, with Chaery and Soobin trailing shortly behind.
"Those are roses, no?" Seungmin raises a brow, pointing at the rose bouquet sitting at your doorstep.
"Yes, but I don't think this was Yunho." You pick up the bouquet, reading the small card sitting in the middle. 
"Why wouldn't it be Yunho, though? Who else would it be, babe?" Chaery smiles. "What a dream boat, spoiling his girl even—"
"It isn't Yunho." Your expression changes when you read the card, letting out a deep sigh. Seungmin slowly unlocks the door, grabbing your bags and gently setting them inside the house. Soobin follows his lead and takes Chaery's bags from her hands while the two of you continue to inspect the roses.
Y/N, I'm sorry, and I miss you. Please give me a chance to prove it. - Hwa
"What the fuck? Is he actually crazy?" She holds the card up. "Y/N, you need to toss those."
"But, they're roses." You frown a bit.
"Which aren't even your favorite flowers!" Chaery furrows her brows. "You're not seriously thinking about keeping them, are you? Seonghwa sent these to you. If Yunho sees them, he'll be upset. Rightfully so."
"I have to agree." Seungmin shrugs. "It's weird. Something tells me he's only doing it because you two are a thing now."
"Not one genuine bone in that body." Soobin chimes in as he kicks his shoes off to the side before fully stepping into the apartment. "He had all that time to give you flowers and decided now would be the best time? 
"Y/N." Chaery calls your name a little more sternly this time and you let out another sigh before nodding.
"Yes, I hear you, I hear you." You repeat. "You're right."
"I'll walk you to the dump so we can get rid of that for good and keep it out of sight." She links her arm with yours, leading you to the dumpster across the lot. "Why were you thinking about keeping it?" She asks you softly, a look of concern in her eyes.
"Truthfully, I don't even know. I never expected this from him, so it threw me off guard."
"You don't actually think he'd change, do you?" You look at her with a pursed smile.
"Good, because I agree. You can't change someone like him." She gives your arm a gentle squeeze. "You're happy with Yunho, aren't you? You glow every time you're with him. He is so, so good to you. He's always been."
"I am, that's not even a question. I just, I don't know. I wasn't thinking, that's all." You get to the dump and toss the bouquet over, giving Chaery a small smile.
"Can't forget this little piece of shit." She rips the card and tosses the pieces into the dumpster. "Are you gonna tell Yuyu?"
"I don't know, does it matter? It's not like it's gonna mean anything."
"I don't know, I think you should. It might seem like you're hiding something from him even though you're not."
"Yeah." Is all you say before the two of you climb back up to the apartment and step inside.
♣︎ END
"I saw him earlier, but he just looked at me and walked past." Chaery adds before taking the fork to her mouth. "His hair got kinda longer."
"Yeah, I saw that." You sigh. "I just don't get what he wants. Apparently him and Hyeri are actually a thing."
"I haven't really seen them together on campus, though." Chaery shrugs. "He's probably pulling the same shit, let's be real. All I know is that you and Yunho are the cutest couple I've ever witnessed." You blush.
"Yunho." You softly say his name and shake your head. "Sometimes, I just wonder how I got lucky with him."
"You're so cute." She giggles. "Are you staying there tonight?"
"Yeah, but I told him we were having our dinner."
"Cute. Are your mom and sister still coming to have dinner with you guys this weekend?"
"I think so."
"What class do you have next?"
"Biostatistics, then seminar before practice."
"I guess I'll see you at practice then? I have to study for physio." You nod as you both clean up, gathering your things before heading out of the café.
"Where are the boys right now?"
"Soobin's at the library, and Seungmin is in class. I just don't remember what." 
"Hm." You hum, passing the library and slowly prying yourself from Chaery. "I'll see you later then."
"Have a good class, learn something!" You give her a tiny smile before you head to your classes for the day.
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The day ends up feeling a lot longer, busier, than you expect. It's probably due to all the assignments and in-class projects that you've already had to work on, making it feel like an incredibly productive day. At least time flew by, but you wish you could crawl into bed with Yunho and cuddle up to him. You already feel mentally exhausted even though the semester barely started.
When you get to practice, you and your friends take some time to stretch and warm up before Hyunjin starts to teach the beginning parts of the piece you'll be performing at the big spring fair and night market in downtown. After getting the first two 8 counts down and running it a few times, Hyunjin calls for a quick break before running it in groups to solidify the moves. Yeonjun and Jongho plop onto the floor next to you, watching Chaery and a few other people run through the piece slowly. You sip your water, scrolling through your social media while Yeonjun does the same; Jongho being the first to break the silence.
"Dude, isn't this semester kinda crazy already?" You shrug.
"Mm, yeah. It's okay. I just miss break."
"Break was fun. The snow was hella fun." Yeonjun smiles at you. "Yunho's so cool."
"Yeah, isn't he?" You giggle.
"It was fun having him around. He's easy to get along with." Jongho adds. "Can I say it?"
"Say what?"
"I'm glad you broke things off with Seonghwa."
"Same." Yeonjun adds. "Love you though, you know that right?" You laugh.
"Mhm." You purse your lips into a fine line before letting out a breath. "He sent me flowers when we got back from the snow."
"Ew, why?" Jongho furrows his brows.
"I don't really know."
"Does Yunho know about it?"
"He should." Jongho says. "He should so he could whoop that ass."
"I thought he was dating Hyeri?" Yeonjun questions.
"Dating is a very heavy word when it comes to Seonghwa."
"Let's finish up!" Hyunjin calls out, letting the music play in the background while people slowly start to make their way back to the center of the floor.
After practice, you and your roommates head home to get freshened up and have dinner together. Seungmin orders some fried chicken and sides that get delivered in the next 20 minutes— all of you sitting at the table, talking about how your new classes have been. It's nice that you've finally been able to have dinner together since everyone seems so busy with the semester already. The boys end up finishing the last few pieces of chicken, along with inhaling the side dishes while you and Chaery clean up in the kitchen. You head to your shared room, packing up a few things while Chaery sits at her desk to continue where she left off with studying. 
"Can you text me when you get there?"
"I'm walking across the lot." You snort.
"Still! Let me know. I have to make sure you arrive safely." You smile and throw your arms around her from behind, giving her a small kiss on the head.
"I will."
"I love you, have fun. Say hi to Yunho and Yeosang for me."
"I will. Don't sleep too late."
"You too!" She blows you one last kiss, making you giggle as you leave the room. 
"Alright, I'm off!" You give Soobin and Seungmin a wave before heading out of the door. The night is cold, crisp; you can still see your breath in the air. You're excited to finally see Yunho since you haven't been able to respond or give him much attention today. You shoot Chaery a text as you head up the steps to his building, finding yourself at his door in the next few seconds. 
"Hello?" You hear Yunho on the other line, along with the echo of his keyboard.
"I'm outside."
"Oh shit, you are?" He asks excitedly. "Okay, I'll be there in a few!" You giggle as you end the call, shifting your weight back and forth as you wait for Yunho to answer the door. And as promised, he does come to the door— a huge smile on his face.
"Hi." You smile as you wave, Yunho swooping you into his arms.
"It's about time." You laugh. "I missed you."
"I know. Our dinner went on for awhile, we were just catching up about school." You step out of your shoes and head into his room. "Did you eat?"
"Yeah, not too long ago." You set your bags aside and help yourself to his crewneck to change into. "What'd you guys eat?"
"Fried chicken. All that good stuff."
"Yum." He sits on his computer chair, watching as you get your things together. "Do you have to study?"
"Yeah, already." You roll your eyes. "We're getting another small quiz next class." You plop onto his bed. "Are you playing with Yeo?"
"Yeah, I was." He scratches his temple. "Err, I will be again soon." You laugh.
"Let me know if I'm too loud, though."
"It won't bother me."
"Still. Just tell me if I'm annoying."
"You won't even be able to hear me, silly." 
"Come sit on my lap." You playfully shake your head as Yunho wiggles his eyebrows and puts his headset back on; already furiously clicking away at his keyboard as soon as they slip on. You finish up a few other smaller assignments before pulling out your Global Environmental Health textbook to start going through the two incredibly lengthy chapters you've covered in class.
Yunho turns over his shoulder, smiling to himself seeing you studying on his bed. He loves the way his crewneck swallows you, the way you awkwardly sit with one leg stretched and the other folded in; diligently taking notes as you go through the textbook. 
"We're taking a break, right? Cool." Is all you hear Yunho say before he's suddenly in front of you with a smirk on his face.
"Hi." You giggle.
"Hey." Yunho leans over to kiss you.
"What're you doing?"
"Just wanted to steal a few kisses." His next kiss continues to deepen, tongue slipping in to dance around with yours. He gently bites on your bottom lip, causing you to release a small moan in response. Yunho doesn't quit, even when Yeosang comes knocking on the door— softly calling out for Yunho.
"Baby, the door." You giggle and mumble against his lips while he continues to repeatedly kiss you.
"Are you guys decent?" Yeosang softly knocks on the door again.
"Yeah!" Yunho bites onto his bottom lip, slowly prying his eyes off of you before shifting his attention to Yeosang peeking into the room. "What's up?"
"I'm kinda craving incredibly bad junk food. You guys wanna come along?"
"McDonalds, probably. Since it's the closest."
"I'm down." Yunho looks at you.
"I could go for an ice cream cone and fries." Yeosang chuckles.
"That's all?" You nod happily.
"I just need to throw on some pants."
"Oh." Yeosang looks down and backs away from the door. "In that case, I'll be in the kitchen." He shuts the door, making Yunho laugh.
"What?" You look at him as you shut your books close and hop off his bed. "I do need to put on some pants."
"I know. Wish you didn't have to." You feel Yunho's hands come up inside of your sweater, giving your hips a squeeze.
"We're just going to get food, silly." He laughs after placing a chaste kiss to your cheek, throwing on a jacket.
"Yeah. Not my fault you drive me crazy, though." You give him a look just as the both of you leave the room to meet Yeosang in the kitchen. 
"Pants are on. Nice." Yeosang grabs his keys. "Lehhhgo!" You trail behind Yeosang, while Yunho walks behind you. He quickly locks the door and catches up to you two, overhearing your conversation about practice and how there's another performance your group is planning to do in a few months. You're currently telling Yeosang how it'll be bigger than the one your group did before the last semester ended, and how Yeonjun and Hyunjin are freaking out about it even though there's 'time.' 
"I don't know. They just don't know if we'll be able to come up with something new and better in time."
"You guys will." Yeosang looks at Yunho just as he unlocks his car door. "Why don't you do a little couple piece with Yunho or something?"
"Oh, yeah!" You slide into the backseat, buckle in and lean over towards the middle console. "Babe, he's got a point."
"Um, no. He doesn't." Yunho laughs. "I definitely don't dance."
"I know it's in you."
"How would you know that?"
"The party." You snort.
"Yeah, and when I taught you some steps, you got them down so easily. 
"Doesn't mean I dance?! Maybe I just got lucky during those times." 
"Oh, please." Yunho laughs. "I think it'd be cute. You guys should think about it. Add a little something in there."
"It would be fun! Maybe we can do our own thing for something down the long run, too." You smirk.
"Getting ahead of yourself." Yunho chuckles as he boops the tip of your nose.
"Fine, I won't force it." You give him a soft smile, leaning onto his shoulder as Yeosang continues to drive to McDonalds. "Just saying it would be fun." You mumble.
"That'll be something for Seonghwa to see." Yeosang snickers. "Sorry, I don't mean to bring him up, but I can't forget the way he was looking at you two during the tree lighting."
"Yeah, well." Yunho shrugs. "I hope he moves on." Seonghwa, you think. You still haven't told Yunho about the roses and how he had texted you a few weeks back. It's not that you didn't want to— you were just scared, and you weren't sure when the right time would be. Granted, you should've told him as soon as it happened, but it genuinely would slip your mind because Seonghwa was such an after-thought. Would it matter if it didn't really mean anything to you? "Babe." Yunho calls you, making you snap out of your thoughts.
"You sure you just want ice cream and fries?" Yeosang asks just as he lowers his window at the drive-thru.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry."
"What were you thinking about?" Yunho asks softly as Yeosang begins the order.
"Nothing, just trying to organize my studying plans in my head."
"Mm." Yunho hums before placing a chaste kiss to the side of your head. Yeosang finishes up the order and pulls up to the first window to pay, with Yunho wiring him some money for yours and his half. Yeosang gently hands you your ice cream cone before handing Yunho the huge bag of food. "Want your fries?"
"Yes, please." Your man hands you your small fries. "Hey, so. Aren't you guys prepping for graduation already?"
"Mm, not really. I mean, they've given us key dates to look out for. But, that's it."
"Are you guys excited?"
"Excited to be thrown into the real world? Nah. Not really." Yeosang laughs. "I've started looking at some internships I could do, or keeping an eye out for places I'd wanna apply to as time gets closer."
"Are you guys planning to stay in the apartment for awhile?"
"I guess it depends on where we both find ourselves when the time comes. I'd be down to if it allows."
"Yeah, I agree."
"Or else, it's probably back home for a bit." Yeosang shrugs. "Which, I love my family. Don't get me wrong. But, I definitely don't wanna stay there forever." He looks at you quickly through the rear view mirror. "You're gonna be a senior before you know it."
"Yikes." You giggle. "Not looking forward to it. I think I'll have more of my difficult classes piled next year."
"You'll be fine, Y/N."
"You guys have to come visit us?"
"Yeah. We'll probably be at your apartment more than you think." You laugh.
"Chaery will love that."
"I like your friends. They're good people."
"They are. And fun. I don't know where I'd be without them." You dip your fry into your ice cream. Sooner or later, Yeosang pulls back into the apartment lot and parks in a free spot. Yunho opens your door and lets you out first before following behind you. Yeosang invites him to hop onto another game on Valorant, making you giggle to yourself as they playfully bicker about the last round they had played. 
After washing up in the bathroom again, you head back into Yunho's room and you slip out of your sweats; comfortably taking your spot back on his bed in front of your books. As Yunho and Yeosang finish up in the kitchen, you continue where you last left off— trying to get the most of your studying for tonight.
"I'll hop on in a minute." Yunho says before closing the door. "Baby."
"Yeah?" You look up at him as he leans forward for a kiss.
"Studying some more?"
"Gotta keep up, babe." You chuckle as he kisses you again.
"Can I distract you for just another minute or so?" He asks lowly, pressing his lips to your cheek.
"I think I can spare a minute." You giggle, watching as Yunho pushes your books aside and crawls in between your legs. You wrap your arms around his neck, his large hands coming up your sweater. He fiddles with the band of your panties, thumb brushing over your clothed core in between kisses. 
"Yeo is waiting for you." You slightly whine, trying not to get too distracted by Yunho's touch.
"I know, thats why I told him I needed a minute." Yunho laughs before he looks you in the eye. "Hey."
"Are you sure you were just thinking about studying earlier?"
"Mhm." You caress his cheek with your thumb.
"Okay. I just hope you know you can come to me for anything."
"I know, love."
"Good." He kisses your forehead. "Let me know if you need anything."
"I will." Yunho walks over to his computer chair and taps his lap.
"You're always welcome to take breaks here."
"Shut up." You shake your head and laugh, bringing your books back to you. You contemplate on telling Yunho right then and there, but you're still not sure why it doesn't feel like the right time, or why you're scared. You don't wanna ruin the mood, and you don't want to make him upset.
So, you brush it off for another day. Hoping you're just overthinking the whole situation.
Besides, Seonghwa must have gotten the hint when you never replied, when you never brought up the flowers. You didn't wanna give him the time and attention he was trying to get from you, nor did you wanna give him the wrong idea.
You really just hope it blows over and that Seonghwa finally moves on, leaves you and Yunho alone. He's had all that time to change and now, it was too little, too late. You're happy, and you hope Seonghwa isn't selfish enough to get try and get in between that.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk @kunikku @idkwgoh @kyeos4ng @agust-d2 @araknoid @bintificreads @primoppang @betray-the-light @aurorasjoongie @wineyoungie @yunholuvrsblog @jaerisdiction @ignoretheskies @luminouskalopsia @naeviscall @vixensss @choisansplushie @arya9111 @my-lightspirit @dazednconfusion @astro-doll-the-star @faesmingi @idfkeddieishot @startinystay @yungigiggles
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chosopie · 7 months
I love the conquer Sukana but imagine this. You baby brother Yuji, met Sukana on a walk last night after sneaking out and 'befriend' him so y/b obviously is worried cause who this Sukana so she goes with Yuji and meets Sukana herself. Sukana falls in love and rizz her up successfully so technically Yuji Unknownly set Sukana and Y/n up
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It was night time—the forbidden hours. Yuji mustered up the courage to bring himself outside without asking you for permission. You were sound asleep, without a single worry in your head as your mind wandered into the land of dreams. He felt guilty for going behind your back, especially since all you ever did was take care of him and try to keep him safe from the dangers of the world.
Yuji was already 15, and he was very much capable of taking a night stroll. Except it wasn’t really night anymore, it was midnight, 12:34 A.M. to be exact. You were going to kill him for going out this late, but he knew it was going to be worth it as long as his plan works.
You have been single for quite a while and Yuji thought it was time for you to meet someone. It was his way of giving back after everything you did for him. He wanted you to have someone else in your life. Your routine was pitiful to look at, for it was an endless cycle of work-cook-clean-attend to Yuji. He felt guilty for being your responsibility at all times, since your parents were no longer there to do that job.
“She must be so miserable,” Yuji sighed.
The cold breeze blew his face, and he smiled in delight, taking in the serenity and freedom the midnight had offered him. He raked his hair with his fingers as he continued to walk towards the nearby convenience store. There had to be someone there who could be a perfect candidate. He pondered, his mind replaying the exact words you told him when he asked you what your type was.
“Someone strong, capable, tall, and intimidating. I kind of like the bad boys, you know?” Those were the exact words you said.
Yuji kept repeating your words in his head like a mantra while he walked towards he glass doors. He pushed them open, and his eyes got to work, scanning every person in the room. His eyes landed on the cashier guy. He was quite short and nerdy-looking. He has a nice nose but he just seemed too uptight.
Nope. Next.
There was this tall man in a blue shirt who was checking the fruits. He looked like a foreigner. He had blonde hair, a tall and muscular stature, but he also seemed like some goody two shoes type of guy.
“Woah,” Yuji gasped as he stared at the big and tall man who was checking the beers in the refrigerator. He had pink hair, tattoos, and an ear piercing. He had this grumpy and intimidating aura. “He’s perfect.”
He quickly walked up to him, but suddenly got shy and scared. He swallowed the lump in his throat and looked up at the guy. “Excuse me… are you single?”
The big stranger grimaced. “Fuck off, will you? Aren’t you a teenager? Plus, I ain’t into that gay shit.”
“No,” Yuji squeaked, clearly embarrassed and regretting his choice of words now. “You might be interested in my older sister.”
The man thought about it, then looked back at Yuji. “Is she hot?”
“I don’t know how to answer that…”
“Alright, whatever. Give me her number.”
“I’ll just tell her to come here,” Yuji took his phone out and dialed in your number. “Uh, what’s your name, sir?”
“What the fuck?” You groaned and rubbed your eyes. Your phone loudly rang and vibrated.
“Yuji” the contact name was displayed on your screen, causing you to panic. You quickly tapped on the button to accept his call.
“Oh my god, where are you? What happened?” You frantically asked him.
“It’s my new friend Sukuna. Convenience store. Now.” Yuji quickly dropped the call before you could ask more questions.
“Who on earth is Sukuna?” You groaned and rummaged your closet for some clothes, preparing yourself for whatever mess Yuji had gotten himself into. The frustration was getting to you, not only because you were tired and sleepy, but also because Yuji had decided to venture off at night all alone without your permission. What was he even thinking? Of course, you were more worried than mad, especially when you heard the name of another man. A million scenarios raced around your head, your mind trying to pick the most probable situation.
“Yuj!” You pushed the door open and searched all the aisles until you reached the alcohol section where Yuji stood with a stranger. “Who is this?”
Yuji deviously smile, mischief glinting in his eyes. “What’cha think about him? He’s your type, right?”
“Are you kidding me, Yuji?”
Now you were really angry. All that trouble because Yuji was trying to set you up with someone? What if he met someone dangerous? You shook away your frustrations, your attention now on the mad that stood before you. Shit, he is handsome. You hated to admit but Yuji succeeded.
“Yeah, he is,” you quietly mumbled, and you felt your face grow hot.
“What’s that?” Sukuna pointed behind you.
You quickly turned around, and found nothing. “Huh?” When you turned back to face them, you felt a finger poke your cheek.
“What a fucking dumbass,” Sukuna laughed.
“I wouldn’t fall for that if we were friends, but you’re just a stranger,” you protested. Your face was now as pink as his hair.
“Let’s change that, dumb woman.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Fine, I’ll stop, only because you’re pretty…” Sukuna sighed.
“Good,” you beamed.
“…Pretty dumb.” He added, his big hand ruffling your hair. Ignoring his corny remark, you couldn’t help but smile at the oddly sweet gesture.
Yuji triumphantly smirked, his arms crossed while he watched the two of you. “I’m way too good at this.”
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fluffansmut · 1 year
Eddie and crybaby!fairy!reader is back again for a part three!
This time featuring a special guest!
(Thanks for the idea, @hellfirefiend)
Part one & part two
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You and Eddie was sat on the sofa, sharing a cookie, (with you picking crumbsized bits of his fingertips as he tenderly crumbled the cookie bit by bit for you), when there was a knock at the door…
You looked up at Eddie from your spot on the armrest, non verbally asking if he knew who it was…
”stay there baby” he said, and got up from the sofa to get the door.
You watched from your spot as the door flew open and how an excited voice instantly began chatting to Eddie, throwing his arms around him.
The stranger at the door spooked you a bit, cause you still were unsure about humans.. surely not all could be as kind as Eddie right?
You watched the two closely, hoping that the guy at the door would leave quickly, but when Eddie invited the guy into the trailer, your did what your instincts told you to.
You hid.
“Wait here a sec, imma have you meet someone but they need a minute” Eddie said.
But when he turned around to talk to you, you were gone, nothing but crumbs left at your spot on the armrest.
“Where did she go?” He muttered to himself, lifting a pillow, checking underneath it.
“Who?” You heard the guest ask.
“Okay, well, first off, can you promise me that you won’t freak out?”
“Eddie, your being weird… what’s going on?” The guest asked.
“Just promise okay?” Eddie insisted, whilst checking random hiding spots, trying to find you.
“Jeez, Kay I promise, you know I’ve seen a lot of weird shit, I’m sure I can handle it whatever pet you’ve adopted” he said.
“Well, uh, it’s not a pet, definitely not a pet…” Eddie began, scratching his neck. “It’s a.. she is a fairy”
“A what now?!”
“You promised you wouldn’t!” Eddie reminded.
The he guest paused for a second, before he glanced back at Eddie,
“So..a fairy?”
“Yes.” Eddie confirmed. “And she’s not super used to hanging out with humans, she has just about gotten used to Wayne… so my guess is that she’s hidden, and now we gotta find her.”
He agreed to help Eddie and they began turning over almost everything in search of you.
You watched them over the edge of the Garfield mug that you sat inside. They looked quite funny, as they rummaged around, just funny enough for you to let out a giggle.
The guest did react to it, but Eddie could recognise that sound anywhere.
“Hey Dustin? Could you check my desk? It’s a popular hiding spot..” Eddie lied, trying to get a moment alone with you.
Fortunately he agreed and stomped off towards the bedroom, and soon enough you felt the mug being lifted, and when you glanced up you saw a familiar face.
Eddie smiled down at you, instantly calming some of your nerves.
“Grew to nervous?” He guessed.
You nodded, shamefully admitting that you were.
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s okay, totally fine.” Eddie said, soothing your nerves. “It just my friend, he’s totally harmless, and he is looking forward to meeting you. Do you want to meet him?”
You pondered the question for a minute, but in the end you decided to trust Eddie and said.
“Okay, Eddie”
Eddie smiled down at you again, as he clutched the mug tenderly in both his hands.
“Hey Dustin! I found her” he called out, not taking his eyes of you.
The one who you now presumed was Dustin returned.
“Now, take it easy, she’s quite a shy little one.” He said, before holding out the mug and letting Dustin look down into it.
“Oh my god,” Dustin mumbled as you felt his gaze fall upon you. “This is awesome.”
You didn’t dare to look up at him, and instead stayed curled up in the mug.
Eddie could feel the apprehension and anxiety radiating off you, so he slipped his little finger into the mug. It took mere seconds until he felt you cling to it. He continued to talk to Dustin whilst he drafted a plan to get you to come out of your shell a bit more.
“Don’t you think you would’ve been more comfy in my hand, baby?” He asked.
“Yes please, Eddie” you said, taking him up on the suggestion instantly.
He plucked you out the mug by the wings and set you down in the palm of his hand, where you got to work with the activity you invented a couple of day before, spinning Eddies rings round his fingers. (Which was quite a task for someone your size)
The boys continued on with their conversation and you kind of zoned out.
“I know that I put an other dimensional monster in my tortious tank, but this, this is a new kind of weird.” Dustin said.
This made you look up, Eddie had promised that he was nice and now he called you weird…
You crossed your arms and huffed in his general direction.
“What’s got you all grumpy?” Eddie asked.
You didn’t answer, instead you shot Dustin a dirty look.
Eddie put the tip of his pointer finger under your chin, turning you to meet his eyes.
“I know you and somethings up, so can you please tell me so I can make it better?” Eddie asked.
You eyed Dustin who watched you in confusion and total awe, you didn’t want him to hear that the comment got to you. So instead of telling Eddie straight up you fluttered away and hid in the crook of Eddie’s neck.
“Sweetheart” Eddie said with a sigh.
Your eyes got all teary as you sat there clinging with both your arms around a strand of his hair.
“He called me weird” you mumbled.
“Oh, baby” Eddie said, picking you up, “ he didn’t mean it like that, right Dustin?”
You let your gaze slide between Eddie and Dustin.
There was some ruckus beneath that table and then Dustin exclaimed;
“Ow why did you kick …” he began before he made eye contact with Eddie, who lead his gaze to you. “I’m sorry, that true, it’s not you that’s weird, it’s the situation, you are truly the coolest thing I’ve ever seen”
You gave Eddie a look, as if to check if he was telling the truth, and when Eddie gave you a reassuring nod you smiled widely at Dustin.
“You should really come with Eddie to hellfire”Dustin suggested. “The others would go crazy”
“Now let’s take one thing at the time” Eddie said with a chuckle.
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anadiasmount · 7 months
seeing jude for the first time ever and you guys are immediately drawn to each other!! 😩
you felt your friend push your shoulder, almost making you drop your drink as you adverted your gaze back to her. “go talk to him!” she says making you widen your eyes and dismissing her immediately, “absolutely not! are you crazy?”
she rolls her eyes giving you a look that screamed you can’t be serious. “you’ve been at it the whole night y/n. don’t deny it. will it hurt to go up to him?” she asks making your heart race at the idea. “yes? what if he ignores me? or worse rejects and laughs? yeah no… i’m perfectly fine here,” you stand your ground.
“this is why you always miss out! don’t let your head control the way you feel. you never know what the future can hold for you… and by the way he’s staring at you again,” you shyly look away, hiding your face with your drink closing your eyes trying to calm the butterflies in your tummy. feeling like a school girl.
he was so handsome. tall, brown eyes that immediately made you sink in, fit body as he confidently stood. he wore a white fit t-shirt and some boyfriend jeans, curls perfectly adorned and styled on him. veins adorning his hands as he clung onto his drink.
you’d been catching each others eyes for the last few hours. watching the way he’d smile, laugh and spoke. you stared and then he stared making you look away immediately with flushed cheeks and eyes. sometimes you already caught him staring at you, causing you to shift your weight one foot to another.
jude was just drawn to you. a magnetic pull towards you not being able to look away. he tried to hide his cocky smile knowing he had an effect to you when meeting eyes. he couldn’t deny it, with you standing there wearing a shirt dress with heels elongating your legs, he was itching to meeting you.
not for one night, but forever. this was different to anyone he met or connected eyes with. he felt this desire to make you laugh like you were doing, to hear about your likes and dislikes, have late night talks till either of you had the urge to sleep, to show you the whole world and treat you like you deserved. he knew nothing about you, let alone your name.
jude took a sip of his drink, easily getting distracted by his friends story and looking around for you. he tensed up not seeing you by the corner you were at with your friend. he looked around, lifting his head to check behind his friends shoulder to look for you.
“seeing as you won’t talk to him, come with me to get a drink,” your friend says, you immediately follow her, interlocking your hands to walk through the crowd of people in the room. you made sure to cover the lid of your drink so nothing would happen to it, waiting around anxiously for your friend.
you turned back now seeing her talking with someone new. you closed your eyes frustrated looking down at your feet and playing with your rings as you waited, knowing your friend would take forever inside the kitchen. you though about the stranger you kept interlocking eyes with, looking up to the wall where he stood with friends, where he was no longer there.
you whispered an “awe man” inwardly, gently stomping your feet as you stood up straight, feeling defy and disappointed in yourself knowing your overthinking got the best of you again. despite any outcome, you still could’ve tried talking with him, but now you sulked quietly, awaiting for your friend still.
a large palm extended to you, making you look up confused and then replacing your look with a nervous and shy one. the brown eyed man stood in front of you, with a huge grin making your heart race beat then it first did. butterflies evading immediately causing you to shake your hand as you slowly shook his. “i’m jude! what’s your name?” he asked making you swallow lw deeply before answering.
“i’m y/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you jude.”
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wnobin · 8 months
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BIT BY BIT… 💭 anton lee socmed! au
pairing: college student! anton x campus crush! reader
genre: college! au, social media! au with written portions, slow burn, pining, strangers to friends to lovers.
series synopsis: in which the quiet girl in anton’s language class who seems to never sit with anyone catches his attention. anton makes it his mission to get closer to her bit by bit and break down her walls. the only issue? she’s the last to arrive and first to leave, never allowing anton the chance to approach her.
series masterlist | 06: gapildeu
it was currently 8:40am and anton was sitting on the couch in wonbin’s and seunghan’s dorm, tapping his feet impatiently while waiting for the latter to finish getting ready. seunghan was currently whining to the younger male about how he couldn’t find the other side of his sock and how “everyone would notice that his socks were mismatched”.
“for the last time seunghan, nobody is going to be staring at your feet during your presentation. can you hurry up?”
“but what if they do!”
“they won’t.”
seunghan was just about to start whining again when the door to wonbin’s room opened, revealing a half-asleep wonbin with messy bed hair. with closed eyes, he threw a pair of black socks towards seunghan, hitting him in the head directly. “get out. now.”
“thanks, wonbin! see you later!” seunghan hurriedly put on his socks and shoes before getting dragged out by anton who was as usual, anxious about being late to class. they would be having their individual presentations for japanese 101 today and anton had finally landed on a topic to present on. he would’ve presented on his musical abilities but he lacked the vocabulary for that so he settled for something easier, like his past in swimming. meanwhile, seunghan had decided to present on crayon shin-chan. anton was sure that someone would end up laughing during his presentation but seunghan couldn’t be talked out of it. “nothing’s funny about how iconic crayon shin-chan is.”
the both of them were on their way to the classroom when they spotted you in front of them. this was an unusual sight as you had always been the last to arrive to class, showing up when lesson had already started most of the time. seunghan excitedly poked anton’s side, giggling as his embarrassed friend tried to get him to shut up. “go talk to her!”
“no? and shut up, she’s gonna hear you.”
“what, are you shy? i’ll help you.”
seunghan opened his mouth and was about to call out to you but was promptly stopped by anton’s hand covering his mouth. whilst the two of them were busy fighting, you had already entered the classroom and was long gone. once the coast was clear, anton removed his hand.
“seriously, it’s been three weeks of eyeing her and you’re still not going to do anything?”
“obviously not. i’ve never even talked to her before. i just think she’s pretty… and maybe, kind of my type.”
anton was a lost cause. he was too shy for his own good and refused any help or advice his friend was offering. seunghan simply sighed and shook his head, taking his seat in the chair next to anton’s, deciding to head back to his original seating since you didn’t have plans of moving from your front row seat. seunghan proceeded to talk anton’s ear off about how the guy he sat with last lesson, chenle or whatever his name was, kept farting. anton just absentmindedly nodded at his friend’s over exaggerated complaints, busy looking in your direction. would it be weird if he approached you? the both of you had nothing in common after all, as you were both from different majors. what if you already had a boyfriend?
twice a week for three weeks, anton had been staring at you for every class and he picked up all your small habits. you preferred to write down your notes traditionally in your pink notebook instead of typing it on your laptop or writing on an ipad like other students. you never raised your hand to answer questions but you would turn around and whisper answers to sim jayoon, who sat behind you, when prof won asked her a question.
anton was quickly brought back to reality when professor won started to pick out students to present. he went in random order and thankfully, yang jungwon was chosen first and his presentation ended up being on his favourite food, curry. anton felt less worried about his topic after seeing how most of his classmates had similar presentations, being on their favourite show or hobbies.
“hm, let’s see… can y/n come up next?”
you lifted your head at the sound of your name, prof won looking at you with expectant eyes. you got up from your seat, moving to connect your laptop to the projector with shaking hands, nervous as you weren’t used to presentations, especially one in a language you barely knew.
anton watched the way you gulped nervously, your eyes darting from your laptop to the projector screen. eventually your laptop connected and displayed your cover slide which was a 0.5x picture of a cat? an orange cat wearing a bunny hat.
“good morning professor won and fellow classmates. i’ll be talking about my cat that lives with me in the dorms, gapil!”
you had racked your brain for ideas on what to present on for days, whining to eunchae and gapil when you got an idea— the greatest idea ever. what would be better to talk about than your dear cat? you didn’t have to think, you could already talk about your darling gapil for hours. your slides had more pictures of the black cat in silly positions than words but nobody seemed to mind, even prof won had a big smile on his face, laughing to himself and pointing to the screen when a picture of gapil dressed as santa popped up on the screen.
“her name is gapil which is short for garfield in korean. doesn’t she look like garfield?” you had a wide grin on your face, excited to be showing off your cat to everyone. this was the first time anyone in the class had ever seen you with an expression that wasn’t boredom and anton couldn’t help but crack a smile at the sight. you had already passed your three minute time limit but nobody cared, listening attentively to you talking about how you took in gapil on a particularly rainy night when she seemed frail and weak.
“that’s it for my presentation today, thank you for listening!” you thanked the class and bowed before disconnecting your laptop and heading back to your seat. you seemed to get the most applause out of everyone that presented, even those that were usually asleep during lessons were wide awake for your presentation.
anton might have been infatuated with your looks and your aura but now, he was definitely falling for your caring and gentle personality. he wanted to know you more, wanted to see the side of you that he saw today, warm and bubbly.
“next, let’s have anton lee!”
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exhaslo · 9 months
Puzzle Pieces Ch13
(Mafia!Miguel x Shy!Reader)
Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12
Warning: Smut so Minors DNI, mentions of abuse, blood, murder, language, fluff, bullying, mentions of sex, praise
The only thing that you swore you could hear was the sound of your own pounding heart beat. Your body was still slump against the beg, legs too weak to move. Tears were still rolling down your cheeks as your mother's voice echoed inside your head.
"I-I need...I n-need to..." The words kept getting caught in your throat.
Reaching for your phone again, you quickly texted Miguel. You needed to inform him about your parent's plan. It was unfair. How could they decide something for you? You had specifically told them that you needed to get away from Eddie.
Perhaps you should have told them the reason, but would that have made a difference? Recalling the many times your parents ignored the bruises you had or the many hospital visits, you knew that this was nothing new.
Upon hearing your phone buzz, you quickly picked it up.
'Sorry, baby, I'm in a very important meeting. Can't talk right now, but Lyla will be there soon.'
It was just a text message. You replied with a simple, 'okay', and sunk back into the bed. Miguel was a busy man. You didn't want to distract or interrupt his important work. You would just have to wait until he got back to tell him the horrible news.
It took about an hour, but you were finally ready to hang out with Lyla for the day. Mentally, you were not ready, but you had to be. It would be best to distract yourself. You couldn't let your parents or Eddie ruin your life anymore.
"Helloooooooooooooo~" Lyla cheered as she twirled inside the penthouse. You jumped, pinching your sleeves,
"H-Hello. L-Lyla?" You questioned. Lyla gasped at the sight of you,
"Oh! You must be (Y/N)! You are cuter in person! No wonder Miguel is head over heels for you!" She chirped, wrapping her arm around yours, "Today is going to be so much fun! I hope you're ready to have a girl's day! Jessica!"
"I'm here, I'm here." Jessica said with a heavy sigh.
You felt a little overwhelmed the moment you heard another voice, but immediately recognized the other woman. You glanced at Lyla, then towards Jessica in awe. Miguel really was watching over you while you were working.
You ended up smiling to yourself as you easily followed the two women downstairs. They were happily enjoying their conversation with each other. You wanted to chip in, but were too shy to say anything. They were still strangers to you.
"Alright, so (Y/N), where do you want to start?" Lyla asked as they approached a car similar to Miguel's.
"U-Uh, I...W-What does...What does Miguel...l-like?" You whispered as you gripped your sleeves. Jessica raised her head, her jaw agape,
"I wasn't told we were shopping for Miguel."
"Ohhhh, neither was I! This is going to be even better!" Lyla laughed and pulled out her phone, "You are so cute, (Y/N), I know just where to go~"
Miguel felt a shiver run down his spine. He glanced up towards the lab's air conditioning, wondering if it was blasting higher than normal. Wanting to shake the feeling off, Miguel continued his walk around the lab, listening to one of his scientists give an explanation of their yearly findings.
"Sir, with your permission, there is a project that some of the men would like to conduct downstairs in lab number four." The scientist spoke up. Miguel lazily glanced in his direction,
"What project?"
"It appears that there is a new drug on the streets that is causing a-"
"No." Miguel yelled loudly, "Do you have any idea what could happen if anyone finds that drug here? Whom ever is the source of importing that cursed drug will not use Alchemax as a scrape goat."
"I understand that, sir, which is why we created a safe way for no one to find out. We want to break down the drug and see what is causing such an effect in humans." The scientist begged. Miguel gave one more glare towards his scientist,
"That drug will not enter this building. The only way you can get that accursed item in these labs is if the CDC contacts us personally. Understood?" Miguel hissed, his glare more menacing than ever.
"Y-Yes, sir!"
Miguel scoffed before making his way out of the lab. Normally, he'd behave himself a little better in front of anyone outside his mafia, but not for this. That drug was going to be the death of him. Not only was it threatening his family, but now his job.
As Miguel walked around Alchemax, he kept an eye on his watch. Awaiting any news about either Eddie or this drug. Spotting a photo message, Miguel clicked on it and immediately grew flustered. He rushed into the closest private room and called Lyla.
"Yes~" Lyla cooed over the phone. Miguel nearly grinded his teeth,
"¡Me estás matando! (You're killing me!) You're supposed to be helping (Y/N) with shopping, not sex toy hunting!" Miguel spat. Lyla just laughed over the phone,
"I told you he'd love it~"
"A-Are y-you sure? I-I um..."
"Dios mio (My god), put (Y/N) on the line."
"H-Hello, Miguel," You hummed happily. Miguel smiled towards the sound of your voice before noticing his erection,
"Baby, you know you don't have to listen to all of their suggestions. Just pick whatever you like out and I will love it. Honest," Miguel said sweetly before locking himself in the room.
"A-Are you s-sure?"
"O-Okay...Um, M-Miguel...L-Later...I...I h-have s-something important t-to tell you."
Miguel furrowed his brows by the sound of your voice. You were trying your best to not stutter as much, but Miguel knew that something was wrong.
"(Y/N), what's wrong? It doesn't have to wait until later if it's hurting you now."
"M-My...My parents...called me....and..." You were whispering with a shaky breathe, "T-They engaged me...w-with...w-with my...my...ex!"
Miguel nearly crushed his phone as you sobbed over the phone. His blood began to boil as he stood from his seat. Approaching the window in the private room, Miguel glared down at the city below his feet.
"Don't worry, (Y/N), everything will be okay. I'll take care of you."
"M-Miggy," You sobbed quietly as Lyla and Jessica comforted you, "C-Can I...Can I move in?"
"Of course." Miguel whispered, "Baby, I have something I need to do now. Have Lyla and Jessica take you by your apartment to start moving your stuff. Okay?"
Once you hung up, Miguel let out an angry yell. He proceeded to slam his fists into the nearest table, destroying it with ease. Once he was calm enough, Miguel reached for his phone again and decided to make a few calls.
You felt horrible. You were having such a good time with Lyla and Jessica and you ended up a crying mess. Luckily, you were able to squeeze out that you were not crying because of them. God, that would make you feel worse.
"Is this where you live?" Jessica questioned as they arrived in a shitty neighborhood, "This is Kraven's territory."
"Was," Lyla whispered. You rubbed your eyes as you looked for your building,
"What...do y-you mean by that?" You asked. Jessica sighed softly since Miguel had not told you anything yet,
"This area belonged to a former mafia family, but...They were taken over so now it's safe here." She explained. Lyla pitched in,
"Taking a while to get repairs done though. The permits from the city sure do take a minute,"
You just agreed, slowly processing what they said. Once you were at your building, the two women followed you in. You offered your couch to Jessica, not wanting the pregnant women to move around too much.
Looking for your suitcase, both you and Lyla started to pack some of your stuff. Lyla reassured you that she could get a moving truck by tomorrow for some of your bigger things if you truly wanted to keep them.
"T-Thank you both...s-so much for t-today and...everything," You whispered and glanced over at Jessica, "A-And t-thank you...for...for watching me...at...at work."
"Heh, no problem girl. When Miguel cares for someone, he will make sure that you are always cared for."
You smiled brightly as you thanked the two once more. Right as you were going to bring down your bags, Lyla had the driver come and help. You offered everyone a quick drink before grabbing some of your stuffed animals and returning to the car.
"Can I just say, I was so surprised Miguel's place was covered in these little guys. You sure work wonders." Lyla chuckled. You covered your face, feeling embarassed,
"M-Miguel j-just kept buying them...H-He said he doesn't mind."
"Amazing. Anyway, why don't we take this Christmas shopping more seriously. Let's go find a gift for Miguel." Jessica said with a grin.
Eddie inhaled deeply as he watched you leave with the other two women. He threw his cigarettes' on the floor and exhaled. A large puff of smoke floating into the air as he snarled. At least now he finally found where you lived, but-
"That had to be her the other day." Eddie spat.
Frustrated that his former toy had found a new man to fuck, Eddie cussed and yelled. He kept his glare towards your building, knowing that eventually you had to come back. You were going to be his again. Eddie was a forgiving guy.
He could forgive you.
After a little lesson, of course.
Walking down the street, Eddie saw some homeless people cozying up by a trash fire. Approaching the small crowd, Eddie grinned from ear to ear as he took out a decent size bag of his new drug.
"Hey, fellas. Got a job for ya." Eddie offered.
Once a deal was struck, Eddie decided to head back to his base of operations. He needed to get things moving with his drug if he wanted to take over the city. As he walked down the snow covered streets, Eddie felt his phone go off.
"What's new?" Eddie answered before slowly coming to a stop, "Whoa, what do you mean you were bought out?! You're the owner! You can say no-"
Feeling as if he was being watched, Eddie hurried down the street. He cussed as he kept his conversation with the person on the other line. After a while, Eddie found a quiet and remote spot where those eyes disappeared.
"We had a deal. How are we supposed to distribute our drug across the city now?" Eddie hissed.
'We can still use the girl'
"Fuck it. We can still use (Y/N). Little slut can wiggle her way onto the other mafia leader laps to spread the drug. Tsk, and we wanted this to be easy," Eddie whispered to himself since he had hung up a while ago.
Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Eddie reached for a different looking cigarette. He lit it up and inhaled deeply before continuing to walk around the city.
"We can still use, (Y/N). We...can still use her."
next chapter
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chaosgremlinmunson · 3 months
Crush on You/ You're Mine (if only in my mind)
For @steddie-week
Prompt:July 6: dizzy/drunk confessions/Crush on You by Bruce Springsteen
Some mature content, sexual talk. MDNI 18+
Eddie was feeling the burn of the whiskey down his throat, he was glaring out into the crowd as some tall punk let his hands run over Steve, grabbing his hips, that glorious ass that Eddie fantasized about. He turned back to the bartender, Julie something, a girl who'd become close with the group. Eddie originally planned to talk Robin up to her tonight since he had sensed some mutual pining between the two, always watching the other a flush high on their cheekbones. That got derailed when almost immediately reaching the bar the duo had been swept off by strangers and now Eddie was suffering watching someone else holding the man he'd loved for the past ten years now.
Julie came up to Eddie, a refill already in hand and tipped her chin towards the devastation behind him, “I see your friends are occupied tonight.”
Eddie dropped his head onto the bar then looked up at her, “Does it ever get easier?” He asked, “aching for someone you know you'll never have?”
Julie tsked at him, and reached a hand out, flicking him in the forehead. She reached beside her and pulled out a flier showing tonight's karaoke theme he'd forgotten all about, it started soon. He raised an eyebrow.
“You know his favorite singer, come up with something eddie-spaghetti. You don't know that you can't have him unless you try.”
Eddie sat with his drink and stared at the flier, after a couple more shots of whiskey he had a plan. Albeit a stupid plan, but a plan nonetheless.
He stood walking to the booth and whispered to the DJ who raised an eyebrow until Eddie explained the choice then smirked and nodded.
A few moments later Eddie was on stage, spotlight lit on him and every nerve trying to sweat it's way out of his body, and then the music started
The first few verses were shaky at best, and then he made eye contact with Steve who was beaming at Eddie bopping along to his favorite music. He belted out pointing at Steve as the world diminished to just the two of them.
“Well now she might be the talk of high society
She's probably got a lousy personality
She might be a heiress to Rockefeller
She might be a waitress or a bank teller
She makes the Venus de Milo look like she's got no style
She makes Sheena of the Jungle look meek and mild
I need a quick shot, Doc, knock me off my feet
Cause I'll be minding my own business walking down the street... watchout!”
He went to spin out as the energy finally consumed him when a dizzy spell hit and he pinwheeled off the stage straight into Steve's arms.
Eddie stared up into those beautiful hazel eyes as he looked over Eddie checking for new injuries. When he looked back to Eddie he smiled that shy small smile Eddie loved so much and carried him bridal style over to the booth to sit them down, but kept Eddie in his arms so he was now sitting squarely in his lap.
“Careful, sweetheart, your dancefloor Casanova might get the wrong idea you holding me in your arms.” Eddie grinned.
Steve snorted at Eddie, “My only Casanova I'd give a shit about is a nerdy ass metalhead who can't seem to take a hint” Steve said back pinching Eddie squarely on his butt who squeaked and jumped.
“Hey! I'll have you know, that, wait….what?” Eddie began and stopped, eyes wide.
“Yeah, Eddie, I've danced with other people but only because you never make a move. I told you I was bisexual, I've cuddled up to you in bed, not them, I go home with you no matter where we go, in fact have you ever even seen me kiss a dance partner?”
Eddie inhaled, “Well…no.”
Steve continued, “Right, and I've always made you the little spoon when we snuggle. I pull you into my lap, you've literally woken up with me rock hard against your back numerous times and I've not once ever acted guilty. I've fixed your hair, held your hand, made you breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I even started listening to all your music and getting invested into all your hobbies. And still, you act as though I'd give a shit about anyone else, Eds? What next, I Tattoo “I'm down bad for Eddie Munson” on my lower back and show you?” Steve took a breath, “I've loved you since the boathouse, you were what made me realize I wasn't straight. I had inklings before, but you made it clear as crystals. I don't want anyone else, just you.” He leaned his forehead against Eddie's shoulder.
“So, does that mean I can keep you forever?” Eddie said after a moment his hands finding their way to comb through that glorious head of hair.
“What it means is unless you literally throw me over the nearest cliff I'm not going anywhere. You're mine Eddie Munson, I'm going to marry you one day and become Mr. Steven Munson, I'm gonna grow old drooling over you, choking on your cock whenever I can, and pinning you to any and all surfaces I can while I make you scream my name until the world knows it. Sound good?”
Eddie let out a squawk-like laugh and pulled Steve closer, “sounds good sunshine, can we start with the choking and pinning tonight?
“Anything for you.” Steve said looking back at him eyes molten before leaning in and capturing his mouth in a mind tingling kiss.
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floatyflowers · 2 years
Fairest of Them All | Aegon II, Aemond, and Jacaerys x Reader
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You are the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and his first wife, Rhea Royce.
People claim that you are the most beautiful girl in all of the seven kingdoms, and your Targaryen appearance played a role in that title.
Unlike your parents, you are shy and would burst into tears if someone speaks to you in a bad way.
So, when many high lords asked for your hand in marriage, all of which Daemon turned down because he saw them all unfitting.
Even though, you wanted to marry Cregan Stark, but Daemon thought him to be ruthless.
But, when Rhaenyra suggested that Jace weds you, that's when he agreed.
After all, Jacaerys is brave and gentle, he is the perfect match for a fragile kind-hearted girl like yourself.
When you and Jacaerys get betrothed to each other, things were going smooth at first, until Jace started to set his own rules.
Like how you are not allowed to speak to anyone except to him and your family, and that you are not allowed to ride your dragon without his permission or him escorting you.
Not only that, but Jace dismissed all of your handmaids and replaced them with new ones.
All your old handmaids were your friends, the new ones are strangers.
You wanted to break off the engagement, but then again you felt like you would sadden Rhaenyra if you do that, she is like a second mother to you.
You put up with his behavior until you and his family decided to go to Kingslanding to put an end to Vaemond's vile accusation about the Velaryon boys legitimacy.
That's where you met up with your other male cousins, Aemond and Aegon, both in which give you unreadable stares.
Helaena is the only one you got along with.
You also met them at Laena's funeral, you remember that Aemond acted more mature then Aegon, and that Aegon teased and mocked you which resulted in you hiding behind your father the whole funeral with tear stained cheeks.
Honestly, you also felt uneasy by Aemond who claimed Vhagar, you felt that he is an intimidating person.
At the feast held by the king in the honor of him regaining his good health, Aegon disturbed you with his flirting, and his sexual offer.
Jace was about to hit him, but restrained himself and comforted you when he saw you shaking.
Aemond stared at you the whole feast, putting you under more pressure, not knowing that you have caught Aemond's interest the moment you stepped a foot in Kingslanding.
Luke chuckled when the pig was placed in front of Aemond, causing a fight to erupt after the younger Targaryen prince makes an offensive toast towards Luke and Jace.
But, the root of the fight wasn't about the 'strong' name, it was about how Aemond also added the phrase...
"And to my beautiful cousin, Lady (Y/n), who is yet to find a man who is able to protect her...like me"
Clearly, he is not even considering Jace to be your fiance, and that you are still searching for a true man.
Daemon was able to calm everything down, your family left next day, but you stay in Kingslanding with Rhaenys, after getting sick out of nowhere.
Unaware, that Aegon had someone poison your drink to have you stay
This made the Queen suggest you stay until get better.
Jace wanted to stay with you, and even tried to convince his mother, but you assured him that you will return to Dragonstone on your dragon once you get better.
Yet, the following events of the king's death and Aegon's coronation turned you from a guest to a hostage.
A hostage held captive by the king and his brother, to become their bride.
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