#cause wolfstar somehow make everything cute??
Wolfstar Dating-App Meet-Cute
Sirius and Remus match on a dating app
Sirius is very into the frail, “hot” nerd look
Remus is very into Sirius’s everything, but thinks there’s no chance in hell he ever has a shot with the guy. He just stares at his profile and fantasizes. He can’t bring himself to swipe it away, scared that it’ll be the last time he ever sees those beautiful tattoos and the silky black hair and the cute earrings paired with that confident smile… sigh. And he can’t just take a picture and moon over that, that’d be totally creepy!
So whenever he opens the app, it’s to Sirius’s dating profile which in consequence means he can’t swipe anymore.
Oh well, he didn’t really think this dating app thing would work to begin with.
Until- on the third day of opening and closing the app he accidentally gives the guy a superlike!
Remus is mortified! This is so embarrassing! Now Sirius will think he actually believes he has a chance! Only weirdos give superlikes! Ahhh! He screams into his pillow.
He’s so distracted in fact that he doesn’t notice the app telling him “It’s a match!”. At least not until he gets a notification! From Sirius!
Because, meanwhile, Sirius has been absolutely elated that the cutest guy on the app has given him a superlike! Jackpot! Of course he’s going to text him immediately!
Remus can’t believe his eyes. This must me a dream.
But he obviously can’t ghost the guy! He deserves better! Who is Remus to make him upset!!! No one’s probably ever ghosted Sirius! And he will definitely not be the one to start!
So they talk.
And they bond over their mutual love for dogs and political activism.
Turns out there’s a LGBTQIA+ demo in their city in a few days!
And Sirius wants to go with him!
And if it’s for queer rights Remus can’t possibly say no, right? It’s for the greater good!
So they meet. And Remus is extremely shy at first because Sirius in real life is a thousand times prettier and cooler than on his profile. How is that even possible!
Luckily Sirius thinks Remus’s initial nervousness only makes him cuter!
And Sirius is excellent in bringing people out of their shell. Remus doesn’t even need much coaxing!
He accidentally starts heavily flirting with Sirius after only a few minutes. He just doesn’t realize that’s what he’s doing. He’s only saying what’s on his mind! Sirius deserves to know that the color of his eyes looks lovelier than the summer sky!
So Sirius falls. And Remus does to. How could he not?
They fall madly in love with each other and after a few months they move in together. Then they adopt a dog. They go to every queer and human rights rally in their vicinity.
And obviously they delete the dating app. They will never need it again.
A few months in, Remus comes clean about the accidental superlike and three-day-pining over Sirius’s pictures.
Five minutes later, Sirius is still laughing.
“Did you ever wonder why my profile was still there, even after 3 days?”
“Um, no? What do you mean?”
“If I hadn’t liked you, you wouldn’t have been able to see it anymore!”
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neonlight2 · 1 year
Marauders era Headcanons
I’ll be adding to this throughout the storyline
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Sirius Black:
- Partially Deaf, because there is no way he came out inbred and totally unscathed.
- Genderfluid because he’s an indecisive bitch
- Loves when his hair is braided no matter how much he says otherwise (also likes his head scratched)
- Paints his nails just to chip them cause he thinks it looks hot (same thing with smudging eyeliner)
- Calls Lily ‘Evans’, until she and James get together then he calls her ‘Mrs. Potter’
- annoyed he has to share James
- Fidgets with his hair and finger/rings constantly, because he definitely had ADD
- Makes this claw thingy with his hand when he’s nervous (if you know where this is from ily)
- Can dance REALLY WELL (ballet), because of that pure blood privilege, and does the stance naturally
-Can play the violin but is embarrassed so learns guitar so if someone asks him if he plays an instrument he can just say that instead
- Sexuality = Hot people aka Remus Lupin ( he’s just a whore idk what else to say)
-Touch starved/attention whore
- Such a fucking G, this man would riot for anything his friends ask
- If you walked into his closet you would think two people put their stuff in there, no, just him
- Speaks French
Remus Lupin:
- Poor boy is depressed
- And actually poor which is why he sells weed or other muggle things (he hustles the shit out of the students at Hogwarts by saying everything is ‘exotic’ and they believe him because everyone thinks he’s smart)
- Touch starved but doesn’t like to be touched (if you know you know)
-Bisexual panic. All. The. Time.
-Oblivious as hell to the fact everyone wants him— I mean everyone
- Loves tea. SO. MUCH. TEA.
- Has a book club with Lily
- Got a ton of piercings and tattoos over fifth year’s summer, but people rarely see them cause he’s always wearing sweaters or covered up some how
-His whole closet look like it should belong to an old man, yet he still slays
- Bites his lips and inside of cheek a lot, so James carries around lip balm for him
- When he’s high he’s chill
- But he’s hysterical when he’s drunk
-Can read multiple languages, but his pronunciation is god awful (Sirius makes fun of him for it)
-Has Chocolate on hand at all times because once he didn’t and he threw Snape across the classroom
-Man is an uncoordinated tree
James Potter:
- Both the Mom and child of the group somehow
- Takes lots of naps
-Sorry to say but Gryffindor is his personality
- Foot taps
- Holy shit this guy is ADHD
- ‘Bambi’ is his other nickname, and he thinks it’s cute until he watches the movie
- The healthiest mentally of the group
- Golden retriever vibes
- If James hasn’t seen Sirius within 30 minutes and he doesn’t know where he is, he gets panicked
-Has a thing for Youngest siblings apparently (Lily and Regulus)
-Obsessed with Babies
- Definition of himbo sometimes
- He’s good at every sport he tries
- Queer
- Trained Sirius not to say Mudblood throughout first and second year
Peter Pettigrew:
- Trans (I’ll go more in-depth later)
- Ace
- if Social anxiety was a person
- Bakes like an absolute KING
- Chews fingernails, so Sirius got him leather gloves to matches his own to get him to stop
- Knows random shit/facts
-also knows everyone’s business because no one pays him any attention
- Short king
- Hilarious, practically makes the group piss themselves when alone in the common room
- Loves everything fuzzy
- Has been in love with Mary since third or fourth year, but hasn’t said anything because he knew about her and Lily
- Has family trauma too, but he doesn’t thinks it’s enough to complain about because of what he’s seen with Sirius
- Was the first to master turning into an animagus
-As bad as Sirius and James with worrying about his hair, just less loud about it
-He knew about wolfstar before James
Lily Evans:
- Politics Queen
- As sassy and sarcastic as Sirius
-Stress cleans
- the Left corner of her forehead twitches when she’s mad
- Thick girl (her thighs are HUGE and James practically drools over them 24/7, respectively ofc)
- Short 5’
- the others have to keep her within arms reach because she gets lost easily in crowds, her hair is the only thing that helps
- Human calculator (she gets perfect marks on every subject EXCEPT DADA, which is the class Sirius and James do; it annoys her to no end)
- Most likely to actually throw hands
- Fangirls openly about book characters (with Remus)
- Can’t sing to save her life (poor babe just wants to sing abba, but she just ends up being made fun of)
-Vowed to not cut her hair until she graduated, so around sixth year she had to start braiding it because if she didn’t she’d sit on it
- Can forge a signature/handwriting very well
- Is actually really insecure about her magical abilities because of the rift it caused between her and Petunia
Marlene McKinnon:
-The only person to actually make her question her sexuality is Remus, and that’s because it’s fucking Remus Lupin
- During fourth year when her and Sirius were ‘dating’, they were just teaching each other how to flirt with girls/guys and they’d kiss just to practice
-Obsessed with Piercings (begged Remus to give her a couple after he told her about how he had the supplies)
- One of the best players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team/ uses it as anger management (Beater position)
-Her and Sirius have an agreement to tell each other the weekly outfit plan so they don’t wear the same thing or color (red or black mostly)
- Roasting people is her platonic love language
-Can play every band instrument
-She looks like a tough, rocker chick but is a softie for Dorcas
- Intimidates everyone because she’s low key buff (can bench more than James and Sirius combined) and super tall (looks like a giant next to Lily)
-Can’t speak in front of Dorcas at first, yet Dorcas understands her
-Big on PDA which leads to Sirius gagging obnoxiously
-Her and Sirius “fighting” is for show so people stop shipping them together/ teasing them
- Dyslexic so Lily and Dorcas read to her if there’s anything important (which leads to them doing it even if she’s not around)
-Simps for James Mum (but who wouldn’t)
Dorcas Meadowes:
- Part of the Slytherin skittles
- Non-binary
- Dark humor and it’s worse when she’s around Regulus and Barty
- Nyx is her first girl kiss in my oc story (Marlene probably was for every other story)
-Big softy when it comes to Marlene
-Resting bitch face
- Amazing artist/ sketching Marlene constantly
- Makes jewelry (Marlene and her matching rings, and friendship bracelets/ necklaces for the others that they can never take off— she warns them before hand)
- Will go batshit crazy if she stays up after 12 am
-Gets super competitive when playing Quidditch
- Rants about how much she loves pockets every 20 minutes
- Instinctively moves closer to someone she knows when she’s in public
- More introverted than the rest, would rather stay in the common room and chill
-makes a ton of your mom jokes
Mary Macdonald:
- Pansexual or Polysexual
-She loves to embroidery/making clothes, so if anyone needs something made or tailored they go to her
-Hypes everyone up all the time, ‘don’t disrespect yourself’ vibe
- Has the best alcohol tolerance in the group
-James potter triggers her for a multitude of reasons; they have a banter relationship
- She always has what you need in her bag— like Mary Poppins
-Lily was her first love and friend
- SUCH a good listener (like I know canon Remus and Lily would be the best listeners, but I think it’s Mary)
- Both her and Remus had a glow up fourth year and everyone wants to either be them or be with them
- Loves dancing, will do it randomly while doing absolutely anything
-Hates cold weather, she’ll literally wear five jackets DON’T play
-Has had or does have a eating disorder because of societal pressure of internal judgment; not to mention people definitely paint her out to be a ‘slag’ because she happens to be more open about her sexuality (and they don’t do it to Sirius because we live in a fucked patriarchy)
- Will scream “fuck the police” or “fuck the Patriarchy” when running away from an authority figure (or just Lily/Remus)
-Extroverted (loves to be around people/hates being alone)
Regulus Black:
- Asthma (again, can’t escape inbreeding completely)
-Has permanent dark circles, yet he still looks beautiful??? Looks like eyeshadow to be real
- Demisexual
-Scratching his knuckles is a severe nervous tick of his
-Writes poetry and short stories
- Plays the piano
-Started playing quidditch to interact with Sirius more and to impress him (but as he got older he didn’t really give a shit anymore)
-Speaks French and Reads Latin
-Really into Astronomy
- He had a crush on James in fifth year but didn’t pursue it because he still somewhat resented him for having Sirius all to himself (and he knew Sirius would get mad)
-Cusses a lot when around his friends
-Best poker face, could lie to anyone and get away with it
-Photographic memory
-Nice to all the House elves (and all the Marauders except Sirius and James)
Pandora, Evan, and Barty
Evan and Pandora are siblings
Everyone in the Marauders and Slytherin Skittles have agreed that Pandora has to be protected at all cost
What they don’t know is that this girl is lethal (Carries around potions she’s created that could burn through steel)
Barty is hella gay, psychotic, and a bit of a pyro
Barty is also low key obsessed with Regulus
Evan is in love with Barty
Rosekiller is a thing, and it is toxic (don’t we just love it)
I’ll probably add more for Barth, Evan, and Pandora later
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starryluce · 4 years
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Wolfstar (Remus Lupin and Sirius Black) x reader
Dom! Sirius x Sub! Remus x Switch! Reader
Rated- E (explicit)
Words- 1180
Warning- SMUT (Remus has a very big mommy kink, Remus gives Sirius a blowjob, Face Sitting, Minor Bondage, Hand job, Vaginal sex), I did not proof read this
Summary- Remus just wants one on one time with you but Sirius keeps getting in the way causing Remus to lash back at him
It had been a while since you and Remus had one on one time together, being in a poly relationship with Sirius didn't leave much time for the two of you to be alone — either all of you were together or one of you was with Sirius.
It wasn't much of a secret that Remus was more loving and affectionate towards you, yes he loves the two of you equally (except when Sirius was being an asshole or giving him a harsh punishment, in that case, he loved you a bit more), but there was something about your touch that was more caring, gentle, and more loving than Sirius’s — also the fact that you didn't punish him often and would talk Sirius into not giving him as harsh punishment helped. A simpler way to describe Remus’s love for the two of you is that he wanted to be Sirius’s slut but he wanted to be your good boy. When Sirius called him a slut he blushed but when you did it he felt ashamed and disappointed in himself.
Remus loved being with Sirius but sometimes he just wanted to be with you his mommy and one of those times were now.
So here the two of you were a cute cuddle session turned into Remus whimpering beneath you as you rode him, bouncing up and down on his cock. Remus never had felt happier to get a good grade on his test as if it wasn't for that you wouldn't be riding him as a reward for being a good boy. One of his hands were on your waist holding onto you and the other was playing with your breast and nipples, tracing small patterns on them and occasionally pinching your nipple very softly, he would never pinch it enough to hurt you or even startle you — he was your good boy after all. The amount of pleasure you were giving him felt so good it almost made him cry, but he didn't he just whimpered a bunch of mommys, as you bounced quicker in his cock, his whole cock fit inside you so well, like he was made for you.
“My turn,” Remus’s happiness disappeared in an instant as he lifted his head slightly to lock eyes with Sirius as he walked over to the two of you, lifting you off Remus’s cock and on your back, quickly removing his pants and boxers to line his already hard cock to your wet pussy. Looking up at you for consent, you nod and he enters you causing both of you to moan loudly.
“NO!” Remus shouted, causing Sirius to stop instantly looking at the angry boy.
“I want MY mommy,” Remus began “You can’t take her away from me like that. It’s not fair you always have her, never get her to myself,” he complains. Sirius stared at him, anger appeared in his eyes, Remus gulps knowing he made a huge mistake talking back to one of his Doms. As you stare at Remus partly in shock and partly in pity.
“Excuse me?” Sirius states sternly, his hand reaches to grab his neck, Sirius’s cock still inside you.
“Do you think you can call the shots now?” Sirius asked, his hand gripping Remus's neck tighter but not enough to cause him any major pain.
“Yes,” Remus says a strange wave of courage took over him, gritting his teeth. Sirius's hand tightens more on Remus’s neck.
“Give me a fucking show then,” Sirius states, spitting on his face, “you’ll get your fucking mommy and she’ll fuck you until you're begging her to stop, you fucking slut” Remus whimpers as Sirius words. “Do you understand?” Sirius questioned, Remus not answering. “I asked you a fucking question,”
“Yes Sir” Remus grits through his teeth, Sirius slaps his face “Try again”
“I understand, Sir,” Remus says, not giving him an attitude this time.
Sirius slips out of you, giving you a quick kiss on the lips. He gets off the bed a drags a chair to be seated next to the bed.
“Do you remember your safe word, baby boy?” you ask Remus, he nods. “Can you say it for me, baby?”
“Good Boy,” Remus smiles at your praise
“Tie him up” Sirius demands, you open the draw on your nightstand pulling out two black ropes. You rub his wrist gently before tying the rope around them and then tying them to the bedpost. Here Remus was again back in his sweet submissive state, his jealousy complete gone “Good girl” Sirius praises you, “Now make him cum just using your hands,”
You start off placing your thumb on his tip spreading his precum, instantly making Remus moan, “Be rough with our puppy” Sirius states, focusing on the tips of his cock, squeezing tightly, and whipping back and forth over his sensitive head. “Feels so good Mommy”
“Do her hands feel better than mine? Can your mommy please you better than I can?”
“Just different types of pleasure Sir,” Remus states, somehow still forming his sentences. You move to the base of his cock pumping up and down quickly.
“Mommy!” Remus shouts moaning, “can't hold it”
“Please let me cum! Pl- pleas- please”
“Cum for me” you give him permission, his seeds now painted on his chest. Sirius takes his fingers and takes his cum on his fingers, moving it to Remus’s lips. “Open,” Sirius states, Remus obeys him, tasting his cum in his mouth. “Suck” Remus sucks his cum off Sirius's fingers, Sirius almost thinks he should forgive him at how adorable he looked obeying him. almost.
You kiss the tip of Remus’s sensitive cock making him moan, “I think you need to pleasure your Mommy. She made you feel so good, don't you think she deserves it?” Sirius questioned him
“Yes, Mommy deserves all the pleasure.”
“Tell you what you can please your mommy but you have to get punished first or mommy doesn't get pleased at all but you get no punishment. Which one will it be?”
“What kind of punishment?”
“You’ll find out after you chose”
“I’ll take my punishment” Remus sighs sadly, looking at you with puppy dog eyes. You move to give Remus a sweet kiss.
“Just let me please mommy”
“Going to take your punishment first, baby boy” Sirius Staes, starting to untie Remus.
“Now get on your knees on the floor”
Remus moves to be in that exact position, on his knees his head right in front of Sirius’s hard cock. “I’m going to fuck your face pretty boy and then depending on how good you did ill decide the number of spankings you get”
“Open your pretty mouth for me” Remus obeys, the rest of his head remained still. Sirius began fucking his face, his hand going to Remus’s hair, tugging on it. Sirius began getting more rough Remus choked as his eyes started watering.
“Doing so good for him, baby” you praise him, Remus moves his right hand over to you, you immediately moved to hold it. Remus finally got his breathing under more control, glancing up to see Sirius’s pleasured expression, he gave Remus a smirk. Remus knew he shouldn’t have been enjoying this but he was.
“Going to cum down your throat,”
And with that he did and Remus swallowed it like the good boy he was. Remus let go of your hand once Sirius’s cock left his mouth.
“Tell you what pretty boy, I’ll hold off your other punishment until tomorrow, and maybe if your good you won't get it at all. But for now, go please your mommy she deserves it”
Remus nodded, letting out a “Thank you, Sir” and kissing Sirius on the cheek.
Remus laid down on the bed, waiting for you. You climb on top of him quickly, straddling his waist “You look so pretty for me and Siri baby” you start peppering kisses on his thighs. “I want to please you. Please let me” you raise your eyebrow. “What did you have in mind”
“Want you to sit on my face, mommy”
“Please, mommy? Pretty please?” he begs
“Going to make me cum on your tongue, like Sirius?” Remus nods his head quickly. “Look at our little cumslut, Sirius”
“So pretty” Sirius comments
You move to straddle his face, using the headboard so your weight is not completely on him. Remus starting eating out, you began grinding on his face, he was so eager to please, like it was his only goal in life.
When he moaned against your clit you reached down to tangle your hands into his soft hair, holding him in place. Remus took the hint, his tongue eagerly circled your clit
“You’re so good at this, you were made for this to please mommy. Such a little cumslut, letting me and Sirius use you like this,” Remus moaned, a familiar feeling rushing over you, causing you to grind down harder, Remus’s lips now covered in your arousal, as you continued to feel the pleasure building, getting closer and closer to a release each time. You tilt your hips, causing Remus to plunge his tongue deeper in you, completely ignoring the fact he needed air. He just had the desire to consume you. As his tongue explored you, your clit rubbed against his nose.
Moans escaped your mouth along with praise. Sirius still stood at the edge of the bed, watching everything.
Tugging harshly at his scalp, you moaned loudly as you let yourself go, moving out his name as you released. You continued riding out your highs, cum spilling all over his face as he clumsily ate out your cunt still.
“Did so good for me” Smiling softly.
You rolled off him, Sirius had left without the two of you noticing. But quickly he comes back with a damp washcloth. Sitting at the edge of the bed Sirius began cleaning you up (even though Remus already did a pretty good job with that with his tongue). He gave a sweet kiss before moving over to Remus and getting your leftover arousal off his face. Remus leaned up giving him a kiss, Sirius loved that he could taste both of you on his tongue.
“Alright, I want to be in the middle,” Sirius states
“But you're the do-” Remus began
“Can doms not be in the middle?”
Remus just smiled at him, “Of course they can,”
So here the night ended, you spooned Sirius as Sirius spooned Remus.
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Hey Remus
Sirius is hopelessly in love with Remus and this is a description of his feelings. It is fluffy and adorable and these two dumbasses should just sit down and talk to each other. Set in their fifth year. The song featured in this is Hey Remus by The Whomping Willows because I love that band.
Warnings: idiots in love, pining, fluff, swearing
A/N: Half the reason for this fic is because I love the song and the other half is because apparently I don't write enough marauder fluff to some people (and by that I mean @just--another--bean). I did try to make it fluffy but you know a little bit of angst is healthy. For those of you who don’t know, Amethyst (Meth) is Siri’s twin sister and my OC and I have just made her a permanent part of my fics because why not.
I like feedback so please leave some?
Oh, Remus, You're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey, Remus. Hey, Remus.
Had somebody told Sirius that he would fall for the lanky brown haired boy who had stumbled into his train carriage four years ago, he would never have believed them. Yet, somehow, here he was unable to get those green eyes out of his head. Sirius had never felt this way about anyone. He had also never hesitated to tell anyone how he felt about them, but Remus was different. Sirius knew telling Remus the truth about his feelings would put their friendship at risk and he wasn’t ready to lose that. Instead he fixed his eyes over at the Prefect’s table, staring longingly at the man he was slowly falling for.
“Oh Merlin, you two.” Amethyst hit both Sirius and James on their heads. “You two need to stop staring. James, you need to learn how to let it go. Sirius, my darling brother, you need to grow a fucking pair and ask Remus out and please stop making it rain on the food.”
“We weren’t staring, Meth.”
“Yes. Yes, we were.” James corrected. Sirius rolled his eyes and grabbed his stuff off of the table.
“I’ll be right back,” he muttered as he left his friends.
Been waiting here for years, And that took me too long.
It's hard to feel alright, when everything is wrong.
I'm telling you tonight that my feelings are still strong, Remus.
Sirius’ feeling toward Remus had finally caught up with him. He sat on the balcony in the boys’ dormitory, away from his friends, away from Remus. However, his solitude was short lived. The dormitory door slowly creaked open and he heard somebody walk through.
“Not now, James, please.” Sirius said, desperately wanting to be left alone.
“I’m not James.” Sirius knew that voice. It belonged to Remus John Lupin, the boy who had successfully managed to make Casanova Sirius nothing but a giant mess of feelings. He walked over to the balcony and sat down beside Sirius, their legs hanging out the Gryffindor Tower. “I saw you run out the dining hall so I thought I’d make sure you are okay.”
Sirius got up and dusted himself, trying his best to not look at the cute little smile on Remus’ face. The smile that put all the stars to shame. “Don’t.”
“Sirius, please. You’re my friend.” The dark haired boy let out a dry chuckle despite feeling the tears in the back of his eyes.
“Oh, I know that. That is the fucking problem isn't it? I am your friend. Your best friend. Well, I already have one of those, Remus. That's not what I want.”
“Then what do you want?”
“You don't get it, huh?” Sirius said, running a hand through his dark curls. “So much for being the smartest wizard in the school.”
“Then help me get it, damn it!”
“Bloody hell, Remus. You! I want you. I...I think I’m in love with you. I think I have been for a while now.”
“Don’t ‘Sirius’ me.” Sirius grabbed his jacket off of his bed and headed to the door. He felt Remus’ hand grab at his wrist and jerk him closer. Before he had a chance to say anything, the taller boy lifted his face gently and kissed him hard on the mouth. Sirius responded almost instantly, his body slowly melting into Remus’. The dormitory door swung open one more time, causing the couple to break apart.
“Bloody Merlin, I owe Meth 20 galleons. Thanks a lot, guys.”  James said, standing in the doorway, with a smirk on his face.
Wolfstar Taglist: @quickbright @just--another--bean @beanieyogurt @dreamerthinker @addisonsintern @alfredhoe420 @literally-magnus-bane @tolkienlockian @stevie-rin-hargreeves
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hpdabbles · 5 years
-hey can i borrow your pen- how much did this cost “30$” yoUS PENT 30$ ON A P E N +wolfstar I know this is more than 6 months late,but i can give it a try..... ~ hglb
Sirius had watched him for the past two weeks. The new student hadn’t made any friends since he arrived but he did turn more than one head as he hurried to classes in the halls.
The students took notice of him, some with far too much hunger in their eyes others with giggly anticipation.
Not that the boy seemed aware of his effect on people, in fact, Sirius was quite sure he thought himself ugly with the way he grimaces whenever he caught his reflection. Maybe he thought this because of the strange scars on his face, they were small and pale white but they were noticeable.
Sirius thought they made him all that more attractive. They spoke of a hidden story, one he just had to uncover. 
Everything about Remus Lupin was fascinating, from the way he always finished assignments before anyone else to the way he hunched his shoulders and keep his eyes away from meeting others. It wasn’t that he was shy. Sirius had seen plenty of people be shy, but it seemed Remus was just more comfortable alone. 
He was a quiet type by nature, but there were moments where his eyes would sparkle with mischevious intent and weary humor made his lips twitch in class as if he thought of something humorous no one else was pried to. Remus held a storm behind his calm and Sirius was dying to meet the thunder head-on.
That’s what lead to him approaching the other male in the library at lunchtime, scared out of his mind. While many believed otherwise Sirius wasn’t the smoothest of people. He could flirt when it was a joke, but against someone, he actually was attracted to Sirus tended to stumble over his tongue.
James claimed it was due to him being inexperienced which would get better over time. His best friend was nothing like Sirius, he saw someone he liked, he would march right over and talk them up. Sirius tended to go in the opposite direction and hid behind a school pillar.
But Remus was different, somehow Sirius felt like he could actually look him in the eye and have a conversation. He still made him nervous but…in a good way.
“Hey there,” He says as casually as he can stopping only a few feet away from the table Remus was studying at. 
The boy looks up and for a moment Sirus is lost in those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. “Oh, hello.”
Oh, no. Is he sweating? Sirius feels like he’s sweating. He feels like his descending to a higher place of being and he has no idea what to say to Remus now. “I’m Sirius Black”
“Remus Lupin.” The other student says smiling at him politely. There is a momentary pause then he starts to appear awkward.  “Ugh, can I help you with something?”
Jerking, Sirius stops staring at him, trying to remember all the helpful tips James loaded him up with before sending the Black into the library. “Yeah. I was wondering if I could borrow…your pen?” 
That wasn’t the best he could do but Remus is nodding. There are no writing utensils on his table as the other had been typing on a laptop. Sirius feels like an idiot.
He slaps a hand over his face then rips it away, ashamed to have done so in front of Remus. Thankfully the other male is too busy reaching for his backpack to notice. He roots through his bag and pulls out a small rectangular box, the kind used for jewelry. 
With great care, he removes the white lid and presents Sirius with marble of a pen made of wood with those fancy quill type tip. He offers the pen up to him and Sirius can only gape. He doesn’t even feel nervous anymore to confuse on why a teenage boy carried something like this around.
 “How much did this cost?” He finds himself asking.
Remus shrugs his shoulders  “Thirty dollars”
“You spent thirty dollars on a pen?!”
He gets a grin that’s all sharp teeth as if a canine was baring its teeth in warning. “I like pens.”
There is an odd little tilt to his tone, one Sirus can’t understand. Defiance maybe. Or daring. “Are you sure I can borrow this then? If you like pens and it’s one of your favorites plus being so expensive I just don’t feel right taking it.”
“Oh, this isn’t my favorite.” Remus corrects cheerfully.  He sets the box down on the table, pressing his fingers down on the surface of the wood first as to not cause unnecessary noise. It’s an action Sirius is only aware of due to his mother throwing a fit whenever he purposely chooses to ignore his lessons.
Remus seems to have some lessons in proper manners. 
Before Sirius stun eyes, Remus begins to pull out more jewelry boxes, placing them with great care on the table. There is exciting energy to his movements now, like a child showing off their toys. Those brown eyes are sparkling with barely contained joy and for once, Remus’ shoulders are not hunched over. Sirius finds himself blushing, and his stomach turning at how cute he seems. 
He finds himself taking a seat at Remus table, grinning over the small stack of boxes, as one by one the new student opens them and starts talking about the newest pen. They’re all with those fancy tips, but the design is different and a few of them are even made of glass.
Turns out, pen making is the Lupin family business and Remus’ favorite pen is the first one he made with his father when he was seven. 
Sirius makes an effort to actively encourage Remus to talk more about that one, which rewards him with one of the most beautiful things he’s ever seen. With bright eyes and flushed cheeks from happiness, Lupin gifts the brightest most heart throbbing smile Sirius has ever seen and at that moment, he finally understands what James meant when he said Lily glows in his eyes.
He could sit there and watch him forever.
“-that’s why it cost so much but I think it worth it if you can get the ink to not spill.” Remus is saying then like a switch he flinches and hunches his shoulders again, cutting off that brilliant light. Sirius almost whines.  “Sorry, this may be boring.”
“Not at all!” He quick to say. Attempting for his most charming smile Sirius leans a little close, head propped by his hands. “I think this is all fascinating. Maybe I should stop by your family store and get me a custom job.”
Remus raises an eyebrow. “I thought thirty dollars was too much to pay for a pen?”
“For a boring average pen. A Lupin special though? I think that’s money well spent.” Especially if he can watch those scar hands make them. 
“Are you mocking me?” The teeth-baring is back and for a moment something in Remus’ eyes flashes, looking entirely too feral. 
Sirius blanches afraid he butcher this up says the first thing that comes to his mind. “What, no! I really do want a pen! Say with the Regulus constellation engraved on the handle?” 
“My little brother’s name is Regulus. His birthdays next month and he likes stuff like this. It’s why I could follow along to the different tip talk you had earlier.” That’s a fat lie, Sirius had no idea why a different angel made the writing come out differently but he’s good at talking himself out of detention so maybe that skill is applicable here. “It might be a bit pricey, but if the quality is as good as the ones you showed me then it’s worth it.”
Remus eyes him for a moment longer before he nods and relaxes. Quirking a small smile at him, Sirius feels his stomach do three flips. “I could help you design a pen right now and get my dad to work on it today if you like.”
“You do that?” Sirius almost sighs.
Remus offers him another glowing smile  “Of course. You just spent the last half hour listening to me ramble about pens, least I could do.”
A month later Regulus stares at the box holding one of the most gorgeous galaxy style pens sets he’s ever own. He loved them the moment he opened the box, a little surprise Sirius finally got him a present he actually liked. 
It makes him feel a little special that the Regulus constellation had been included as self-centered as that is to admit,  but one thing does bother him.  “You paid a hundred and thirty dollars for pens? Why Sirius?”
Sirius who was too busy sighing longingly as he texted Remus could only whisper  “I was weak for those dimples.” 
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peculiaritybending · 5 years
do you mind sharing any thoughts/ideas on wolfstar? i love the concept of it but the general characterization is soooo bad lmao. im desperate for content where they actual somewhat resemble their real personalities.
GOD SAME! It’s literally so hard to find anything in character which sucks because I love them so much.
Okay so basically I’mma write some headcanons because I can
They both struggle with nightmares and insomnia a little (Remus more than Sirius) and they both tended to help calm the other down after a nightmare when awake and unable to sleep and that was the first thing that made them feel closer with each other than with James and Peter.
They always felt like their relationship was just different and deeper than just friends but didn’t know what it was for years (you know because like heteronormativity since they were kids/teens in the 70’s)
Remus realised it before Sirius and he just tried to suppress and ignore it as much as possible.
When Sirius realised he had feelings for Remus he dealt with it differently, he wasn’t the type to suppress things like that. He started making an effort to be around Remus more and more but tried his hardest to make it seem as casual he possibly could.
One day, the four of them were walking back from gallivanting in Hogsmeade, Peter and James were mucking about and laughing while Remus and Sirius were walking in silence. Sirius was exhausted from not sleeping well that night and without thinking, just grabbed hold of Remus’ hand. Remus went bright red but didn’t say anything or pull away, to Siruis’ surprise. They held hands all the way back without saying a word.
That moment fucked with Remus’ head and he pretty much thought about it the rest of the night. While everyone was asleep he was up lying awake pondering what it possibly could have meant.
About a month later Siruis came out to the three of them, very awkwardly yet also maintaining his false sense of confidence and ease. I mean, if they were alright with Moony being a werewolf they definitely wouldn’t mind the fact that he liked boys not girls right?
He was right. They were all supportive and swore not to tell anyone, they had come quite accustomed to keeping secrets by then.
though he noticed Remus looked a bit shocked and was avoiding making eye contact with him the whole time which confused him a little. Siruis knew that Remus of all people didn’t judge others for things they can’t control and basically let his friends get away with almost anything so why did he look so freaked out?
This fucked with Siruis’ head and he was the one unable to sleep because of a certain boy’s actions towards him that night
Remus wished he had the confidence to come out to his friends I mean what would they care? He knew for certain they wouldn’t mind but the thing is it was different for him, he knew he liked girls. He knew he liked boys. What the fuck did that mean? Great, another thing that made him feel like a freak, just what he needs.
After a while, Remus couldn’t take it anymore, he had to somehow figure out what he was feeling and there was no book he could read this time so he decided to ask the only person who he thought might possibly have the answer. However, that was easier said than done since that same person was who he was pining after.
One night, while everyone was asleep the two boys sat in the common room like they did occasionally when neither of them could sleep.
Remus was sitting in an armchair reading some book he wasn’t paying attention to while Siruis was lying on his stomach by the fire, making things levitate and staring into the flames.
“Siruis, can I ask you something?” Remus said, breaking the silence, his heart pounding.
“Ask away, Moony,” Siruis responded looking up from the fire.
“Do you um” Remus looked down at his hands, nervously, refusing to make eye contact. “Do you think it’s possible for someone to uh- to like both girls and boys?”
Siruis thought for a second, “I guess so, never really thought about it but yeah.”
“You don’t think it’s you know weird or anthing?” Remus asked
“I think being able to turn into a dog at will is normal so what do you think?” Siruis responds. Remus laughs nervously.
“Why’d you ask?”
“Uh.” Remus paused for a while “I think I like boys and girls,” he mutters.
“Oh,” says Siruis calmly but inside he was screaming. “How did you, you know like figure it out?” He asks.
“Oh uh-“ both of them were freaking the fuck out but trying their best to contain themselves at this point “Uh just some girls are cute and some boys are cute too I guess?” Remus replies extremely awkwardly.
“Oh yeah, makes sense,” Sirius says awkwardly. “Are you going to tell James and Peter?”
“I don’t know yet.”
The next few weeks are filled with a lot of awkward moments between the two.
The full moon rolls around and they all go down to the shrieking shack as usual and as usual it’s all a blur for Remus until he wakes up in the hospital wing the next morning. To his surprise he’s not alone with Madam Pomfrey this time, Peter and James are fast asleep on two chairs pulled up at the end of the bed accompanied by a third where Siruis is sitting wide awake.
“You got pretty scratched up this time so we didn’t want to leave you,” Siruis explains, getting up sitting on the bed facing him. “James was so close to threatening Madam Pomphrey in order to let us stay, I swear it looked like he was gonna kill her or something,” Siruis laughed.
Remus got up slowly, wincing a bit at the pain, his usual thoughts about how he didn’t deserve them racing around in his head, but god was he thankful.
“Are you alright Moony?”
“Yeah it’s just-thank you. All of you.”
“This uh-might not be the best time but about what we talked about a few weeks ago? Do you um still feel that way, you know about boys I mean?” Siruis asked hesitantly.
“Keep your voice down, Padfoot and yes I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it you idiot.” Remus replied, wondering what the fuck he was talking about.
“Okay cause um. Do you want to go to the Three Broomsticks with me this weekend?”
Remus just stared for a while in absolute shock. “You’re fucking joking right? Siruis if this is a dare or you lost a bet with James or something I’m gonna fucking kill you,” Remus responded.
“No-no it’s not-I genuinely want to,” Siruis stammered.
Remus sat there for a moment, his mouth agape. “So you’re not joking-“
“No, Moony, I’m not joking! I’m asking you to go out with me!” Siruis responded, frustrated and just wanting an answer at this point.
“Shhh you’re gonna wake them up!” Remus hissed.
“Well?” Siruis asked, getting pretty nervous now.
“I’ve gotta be dreaming,” Remus mumbled.
“Oh my god just answer m-“
“Yes, my answer is yes.”
“Okay, wow,” Siruis sighed, “What happens now?” He asks still in shock.
“Well, we go to The Three Broomsticks isn’t that what we just-“
“What’s this about The Three Broomsticks?” James asks, finally waking up.
“Oh, Moony and I were just talking about how you and Peter have a thing for Madam Rosemerta,” Siruis answered.
“I do not!” protested Peter.
The days leading up to their date were awkward. So many stolen glances and too long moments of closeness.
The date itself was also awkward but they found their footing. On the way back they held hands, this time not by accident.
Their first kiss was unexpected, they were in the common room as the sun was setting, everyone else was up in the dorms getting ready for bed while the two of them were copying Peter’s homework (since he was the only one who had done it because Remus was too much of a mess to remember and procrastinated a lot and James and Siruis simply didn’t want to do it)
Siruis had finished a while ago whereas Remus was still writing, correcting all of Peter’s mistakes but having a bit of trouble concentrating.
“Siruis, I know you’re staring at me,” Remus said smiling to himself a little and blushing.
Siruis didn’t answer.
“Oi, Padfoot-“
Remus was cut off by Siruis getting up and impulsively pushing their lips together.
Remus, while caught off guard, kissed him back, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close, almost like a hug.
“Sorry, I just really wanted to do that,” Siruis said as they broke apart.
The rest of the night consisted of Remus sitting on the couch with Siruis’ head on his lap, Remus playing with Siruis’ hair while chatting about anthing and everything with a few kisses in between before their insomniac brains were tired enough to go up to bed.
These were some of the memories that kept Siruis going during his time in Azkaban and the memories that kept Remus awake at night, wondering how Siruis could have beytrayed him.
These were the memories that flooded back to them when they embraced years later inn the shrieking shack.
This is literally so bad, I’m sorry.
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radioh · 5 years
keeping track of my hp aus:
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- harry moves weight and is kind of mean au, his friends back home r like his family and he feels disjointed suddenly Having Things Easily
- the dursleys give harry away; he’s fostered & eventually adopted by a big nigerian family who may or may not have magic of their own & he is constantly sucking his teeth and saying he’s going to call his mom up to the school. he ends up going to school much later on because he is basically lost in the system
- draco and a few other slytherins goes missing after 5th year, 10 yrs later ron goes to ny and brings harry back a painting where the person depicted looks just like him, they later realize it is Literally Him and draco had his memory wiped and lives in america an artist now (draco is from texas & went to scad for college in this au and YES he has a southern accent). harry goes to investigate and ends up falling in love with draco, who has no magical signature and perhaps no magic at all anymore, and after convincing himself that this draco (who goes by a completely diff name) is not the same person, they sleep together. in the middle of the night, draco wakes up with a haunted look in his eyes and his british accent and says, “you need to hurry. i’ll be all gone soon.” and when harry tries to ask him what he means he passes out and wakes up without any memory of what had happened. anytime harry tries to talk abt magic w/ him he gets a splitting headache and ends up not remembering it .... Anyway harry to solve The Mystery before real draco is gone forever & deal with the fact that this other draco may not love him
- james and lily wake up when harry is 11, ms zabini is a lawyer and helps them get sirius out of jail and when they’re in her office harry meets blaise and draco, as a family they are disjointed because lily and james missed 11 years of their child’s life: they don’t know if they want more children or not, they’re going crazy sitting in the house but they don’t their pictures in the prophet, their friends are dead, snape is making harry’s life hell at school and they keep having to go up there, sirius spent over a decade in azkaban & there is obvious tension btwn him and remus bc remus didn’t believe he was innocent. peter is on the loose (briefly). harry is easily overwhelmed living in a house with so many people and suddenly not being abused anymore. lily & james are constantly having domestics bc james kind of blames lily for her sister being so terrible which makes no sense and they both know that but there’s no one to blame and it’s all so terrible. still, they love each other and they love their son and maybe they make him an older brother. harry certainly is always asking to be an older brother. also harry is like vaguely super traumatized even outside of voldemort stuff currently happening because he somehow vivdly remembers the night that his parents “died” and he almost did.
- keeping up w the blacks au. there is no reality tv show but their family antics r always front page. when they come together for the first time in like 10 yrs it is a comedy of errors: everyone hates andromeda’s husband for different reasons (narcissa feels abandoned, bella is a racist, sirius jus thinks he’s boring), nymphadora is in love with sirius’s long time “roommate” remus, draco is simultaneously cyberbullying and catfishing harry, regulus kind of hates sirius for abandoning him, sirius has been cut off from the family money and is very highkey only there for the free vacation. there are several arguments. everyone is always storming out. (alt. more dramatic version: after bellatrix dies, they’re all forced to come together to bury her and fufill her last wishes. everything is the same but its a drama of errors instead of a comedy. bella leaves sirius her daughter w/ that weirdo she was obsessed w tom) (magic version of this is there is a way for members of the house of black to take someone’s magic, but all the other living members have to agree to it. thus: a family reunion as they try to stop bella from killing all their kids)
- wolfstar au where sirius is basically billie eilish (in terms of music type, not age) and flies remus and his friends (incl. lily) out for a tropical vacation. they’re just being dumb kids on an island for 2 wks, it ends poorly, sirius drops a diss track that is barely a diss and they all end up making up. its cute and fun and peter isnt there cause i hate him
- tangled au where draco is hidden in grimmauld his entire life and the world thinks he’s dead and when harry comes there with sirius they realize he is very much alive and cissy faked his death. draco hits harry with a frying pan
- everyone lives au where they’re all happy and draco has a big fat crush on harry. his aunts and uncles all keep giving him terrible advice because they are simply not well adjusted. he is very pretty despite this and harry falls in love w him anyway
- after the war draco, the youngest black with half blood or more (teddy is like 1/4 i think), sees the ghosts of his dead relatives and it’s slowly driving him crazy. he starts staying at grimmauld because that’s the only place they’ll rest. him and harry (and hermione) get to work fufilling the ghost’s last wishes and undoing generational curses so draco won’t die
- draco is a trans woman au. no other context she looks like hunter schafer and i love her.
- at the beginning of winter hols during eighth yr, the children of hogwarts realize their parents have disappeared. so has everyone else over the age of 19. it’s not just happening to them either, muggle’s parents have also disappeared. the world in disarray and they have to deal not only w trying to find the magic kids around the world before someone more sinister does, but it’s also more important than ever that the statute of secrecy is maintained. this one needs to be more fleshed out but harry accidentally becomes like a cool absolute ruler cause kids r nuts
in conclusion:
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carpethefanfics · 7 years
Unrequited V
Unrequited I   II   III   IV
It has taken me a while to get motivated and inspired enough to do this but I finally found it somewhere inside myself. I was moved quite a lot by a number of quotes so you can find all the links for those here in this sentence .
From the Anons when I first asked: Unrequited....i'm literally crying. I can't even express how amazing this is. The writing, the way you wrote their characters. Everything I love it all and you ♡ Also, will there be kind of a conclusion episode where they're all dating n cuteness? For unrequited ending..I was thinking just kind of a blurb where remus and sirius tell james and lily and james and lily tell remus and sirius and they're both like finally! And maybe just them finally being able to express all there lovey emotions  Honestly I just want to see jily and wolfstar happy and very fluffy for ending of unrequited. Like they just can't stop staring at eachother,holding,kissing or saying they love eachother. Just more fluff like "I can't believe you're finally mine" ect 
There are so many things she wants to tell him
So many things running through her mind as they sit there on the couch in the common room
His eyes are glued to a book
And there’s this quill he’s fiddling with in his right hand
And she’s trying to read
But all she can feel is the way the fingers of his left hand dance along her leg
The way they graze the skin slightly
Moving back and forth so softy, so rhythmically, it’s like they’re barely moving at all
But she can feel herself pointing her toes as if arching her leg into his touch
It’s only felt like a few moments since that night in front of the fireplace
That night where she’d yelled and pushed and tried to run
That night where she couldn’t remember the taste of his kiss
But she still hadn’t gotten rid of the burning sensation on her skin
The way her waist was still on fire from where his grip held her
And his hand wrapped in her hair
They had decided to keep it quiet
For as long as they possibly could before the ruckus started
Before the school erupted into gossip and chatter
And it was nice
To have moments like this
Snap shots between no one else but them
When all Lily had to do was glance up from her book and get caught up in James Potter
In his unruly mess of tousled locks
In his deep chocolate eyes
In his calloused palms and defined jaw and hunched shoulders
In the way his smirk caused him to raise a single eyebrow
And his laugh made him throw his head back
She wants to tell him that she saw him through rose-coloured glasses
That she didn’t know when it started but it had yet to stop
That she wants him next to her
Whether it’s in her bed
With his clothes making friends with her floor
She wants to love him so hard, love him so much that the neighbours wake
She wants to tell him that she loves to kiss him when he’s laughing
Because there is no better taste than his laughter in her mouth
She wants to tell him that when she looks at him
When she sees his face start to glow as their eyes lock
That maybe, just maybe, God does exist
Even if just for those few seconds as his features become light
But more than that
She wants to tell him that she goes through these phases
That some days she feels like the person she is
Other days like the person she’s supposed to be
But sometimes, more often than not, she’s no one at all
There is her and there is her silhouette
And her bed is more home than her body
But now, right now
Despite all her darkened lines and rough edges and shaded canvas
There he is like a beacon
A mug of tea grasped in his hands
A soft smile permanently etched into his skin
He’s more than just a breath of fresh air when she’s stuck feeling hollow
He’s like walking outside in nothing but a t-shirt when snow is falling and wind is blowing
Or when thunder is raging and rain is pouring
When your skin is shocked and nature is screaming Here I Am
But somehow still it’s like he’s taken the ice from her veins
Like he has taken up a space in the hole in her heart
A space he now calls home
And she wants to tell him that there are few things in this universe to look forward too
Few things that have lit her up in the year since she lost her parents
Since that letter sealed her fate
She wants to tell him that she used to see magic in the way the sky turned every shade of pink in summer
In the way that sparks flew from the tips of her fingers
In the way mountains seemed to moved and flowers bloomed and the tide came in
And she lost it all
She lost it in the darkness and the dread
But James
Oh god
James is so beautiful it hurts
She’s drowning in the endless caramel of his eyes
In their loveliness, their warmth, their depth
Her heart stops dead when he lifts his gaze
And she can’t find the words to say it because she is so entirely lost in him
‘I love you’
But then again
Maybe that’s all the words she needs
His fingers stop their dance on her leg
And his face flicks towards her almost instantaneously
No hesitation, no fear
‘I love you’
She repeats it steadily, more assuredly
Because she means it
She really does
Their love has always been like the rain pattering against the window panes
Sometimes torrential flooding and downpours
Sometimes soft and light and cool on your skin
‘I love you too’
Remus has never been easy to love
Never let himself be easy to love
Out of fear, out of shame, out of guilt
But Sirius crashed through his walls like a raging bull
And now ... well now ...
Each night before his tired eyes carry him off
Sirius lays in front of him
His fingers brushing the golden curls from Remus’ face
Their legs intertwining
The warmth of their skin mingling beneath the sheets of Remus’ bed
And Sirius lets things fall from his lips that cause Remus’ cheeks to burn
‘If you were music Moons I’d listen to you endlessly’
And Remus tries to roll away
‘Your kiss always leaves me breathless but I’ll always take one more’
Is what Sirius whispers to his hidden face
‘You know Moons, I don’t think I can recall if I fell for you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or four. But somehow, at some point, every time I started to look at you the rest of the world seemed to vanish’
And Remus is kissing him because that's all he thinks he needs
All he can think to tell Sirius he feels the same before Sirius’ fingers fall limp and his breathing evens
And every night it’s the same
Remus barely able to fall asleep because he just wants to stare at that face for a few moments more
That’s when he can think
That’s when everything he wants to say appears in his mind
And what he wants to do first is apologize
Because he knows he’s difficult to love
And he knows his heart is shy
That he goes through dark periods like the moon and tries to hid himself
But he wants to promise Sirius, promise him that even when his muscles are torn and his heart heavy he’ll kiss Sirius’ every wound
Even the ones that decorate his soul
Then he’ll pick himself up
Wash away the ache in his own bones
And brush his lips against Sirius’ skin
Soft like the petals on a rose
And he’ll take Sirius to a river
Take him to remind him that there is still beauty in things out of your control
And when their dark periods flow together
Remus will take him to endless fields of green
Take him to breathe with the waving of the grass as the wind blows through it
And they’ll lay there until the dark engulfs them
Until the night is bright again and they’ll stare into the sky
The stars will remind them there is beauty in burning
Beauty in the unknown
That they aren’t so lost
That it’s okay that some things are too vast to ever grasp
But after the apology leaves his lips
After he wraps Sirius in his arms and makes him realize he’s okay
That he’s still okay when he’s not
All Remus can think of is the rush that is Sirius Black
The way he electrifies his skin
The way he is a star unto himself
Bright and fiery and eternal
It’s in the wistful glances Sirius gives him
And the sultry winks and the quick fingers and the strong jaw
Remus doesn’t know how he ever got so lucky
How he could have been ever so blessed
And Remus wants to tell him that even though sometimes it feels like he’s been engulfed in his own black hole
That gravity has caused him to collapse in on himself
He will always find his way back to him
That the days and weeks that he thought he had lost 
Are nothing to the seconds and minutes he spends with Sirius
Because Sirius is deserving of being loved that much
Because Sirius is worth a love that never runs shallow
A love whose roots surpass that of a great oak
Whose depths you can never touch no matter how far down you swim
And even though there is no signed contract, no guarantees that they won’t break, no promises strong enough someone cannot leave
Remus wants him
And wants to tell him
Wants his eyes to be open as he whispers these things into his dark curls
As his fingers lay on the back of his neck
As Sirius’ shallow breathing can be felt on his naked chest
‘One day I’ll say this’
‘One day the sun will be shining on the both of us and I’ll stare into those silver eyes and tell you that when I kiss you I don’t even know how I’m able to stop. That you seeing the scars that line my body, that line my soul, as cracks to place your love is overwhelming. That my heart beats a little faster the days that we’re together. That I fall in love with you all over again every time I wake up and feel you pressed against me.’
‘One day Pads ... I promise’
And he lets himself melt into him
Not realizing that Sirius is awake as his breathing slows, as his heart beat calms
Not realizing that there are tears running down Sirius’ cheeks
Because Remus Lupin may think he is the broken window
But Sirius knows that he is the light that still shines through the shattered glass to illuminate the dark room
That Remus may not be his entire source of happiness
But god he comes so close
James knows something has been happening
Knows what it sounds like when the springs of Sirius’ mattress crunch as he leaves the bed
Knows what the pattering of bare feet across a hard wood floor sound like when there is nothing but darkness and silence
Knows what it sounds like when you leave long, drawn out, breathless kisses on someone’s skin
And he’s been waiting for it
That’s what he tells Lily anyway
And her eyes light up
And he’s wondering why she has that look on her face
But instead of asking, instead of hearing her answer
She stands from the couch with her palm outstretched
He takes it willingly, knowing that Lily Evans always has a purpose, always has a meaning
And he lets her trail him to the stairs of his dormitory
Lets her lead him to the top and push open the door
Her eyes flicker back to him and then flicker forward
Her hand tightening around his
‘Remus ... Sirius’
James sees them
They’re standing close
And their faces are but inches apart before they turn to the door
Sirius’ hands wrapped up in Remus’
Just as his is wrapped up in Lily’s
They speak almost simultaneously
And Lily smiles
And pulls James closer to her
She looks up at him with her lovely emerald green eyes
And turns back to Remus
Who looks almost like he’s glowing
‘I didn't set it free after all’
And Remus breaks into a smile
And James doesn't understand what’s happening
And he can see as Sirius’ brow furrows neither does he
But Remus responds, soft and gentle
‘You were right. I am happy
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moonfootblupin · 7 years
Wolfstar au? Remus as a Starbucks barista Sirius hiring a flat nearby and going there everyday (Magic or not idc)
Oh I love this one. I wrote a little bit, and I might continue this story if people want me to. I’m a barista, so this honestly feels like home. Please enjoy the most cliche (and most realistic) coffeeshop meet cute ever.
The first time that Remus caught a glance at him, he’d over-steamed his milk. That shift being his first at bar and making drinks, it had taken him a minute to recall that the thing in his hand was a pitcher full of scalding hot liquid about to overflow. He hurriedly shut off the steamer wand, as he blushed and sheepishly continued making the stranger’s drink. He took a moment to glance back at the cup, ensuring he’d done everything correctly, before he popped the lid on to call out the order.
“Grande cascara latte for Cyrus?” Remus projected his voice through the bustling coffeeshop directly towards the stranger, who he’d been discreetly keeping an over-eager eye on since he’d ordered. He was surprised when the man didn’t move. He rechecked the hasty sharpie markings on the white cup before calling out the order a second time, with a little less confidence. This time Cyrus turned in slow realization, making his way to the counter.
“Thanks” it came softly from the handsome man with the stormy grey eyes that Remus was far too encapsulated by.
“Have a good one,” Remus replied, mechanically and quietly, distracted by the man and slightly saddened by the thought of him leaving, his eyes sinking to the counter.
“It’s Sirius by the way.” The handsome man took the barista by surprise, causing him to look back up suddenly enough to catch a, “Not Cyrus,” and a wink so small he wasn’t sure it had even happened.
The second time these two saw one another, Sirius had come solely for the purpose of attempting to cure what he’d officially dubbed “the worst hangover scientifically possible.” It had been a trying all-nighter with his best friend James, and after having just moved in to the flat across the street, this Starbucks was the only source of coffee he was currently capable of locating.
He didn’t recognize the cute barista from before until he peered at the cup he had taken up groggily to see the name “Cyrus” had been crossed out and replaced with “Sirius,” accompanied by a small smiley-face. He peered up from his coffee to see a fleeting glance followed by a blush and a sheepish smile. He knew he’d like the neighborhood.
It soon became a routine that the two would see one another every Wednesday afternoon, in no small part due to the (rather pricy) trial and error of Sirius, who had kept returning to the coffeeshop across the street every day until he knew when he could come in for a drink from his favorite barista. He always came when it was slow, always took a little longer thanking Remus for the drink, and somehow even managed to take his time putting the sleeve on his weekly latte just so he could stay an extra few seconds. Every employee working at that Starbucks had realized what was going on almost immediately, save Remus, of course.
So naturally, on a foggy day in April, Remus was the only one with no idea what was going on when Sirius accepted his latte more quickly than usual, only to sit down at one of the nearby tables, pull out a sketch pad, and begin to furiously draw. All of his coworker’s seemed less than surprised by this development, but it sent Remus on a train of thought that would have him distracted and messing up little things even after the mysterious Sirius had left.
It got to the point where he’d almost wiped up all the tables with the can of whipped cream instead of cleaner when he noticed it lying out on the table at which Sirius had situated himself. It was a beautiful sketch, of him smiling from underneath his work hat, clearly drawn over the course of Sirius’ time in the coffeeshop. Remus picked it up gently, as not to smudge the artwork, and peered at the careful sketchy strokes, put down by practiced hands. His eyes wandered around the picture until they settled on the signature in the lower right hand corner. Wait. That’s not a signature at all. It was a number: “867-5309.” Remus got the sense that this was the beginning of something amazing.
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