#cave monster!jimin x reader
girl8890 · 2 years
JM | The Cave Dweller
word count: 8.9k
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Summary: It started out as a curiosity, then you met a being that took up your interest altogether. You’ve always been the type of person to comfort those who are lonely, you just didn’t expect your new found friend to be a cave monster. A monster that teaches you tricks of magic, and you eventually teach him your own dirty tricks.
Pairing: Cave Monster!Jimin x Human!Reader
Genre: supernatural!au, magic!au, curse!au, smut, some fluff
Rating: 18+
Warnings: lonely Jimin, mean Jimin (at first), curious reader, to curious for her own good, touch starved Jimin, curses, mutual growth of feelings, first kiss, past masturbation mentioned, first hand job, reader basically teaches Jimin about sex, blow jobs, monster Jimin turns into a mess, reader is such a minx!
A/N: I don’t know if it’s just because Halloween is coming, but all my fic ideas have been about monsters. I’m kinda liking it ,though, so we’re gonna stick with it LOL. ALSO! Major PSA to everyone reading… do not do this! Do not go exploring unknown caves, especially alone, and on top of that places that have “do not enter” signs on it. This is all fiction, and you will not find a sexy goblin Jimin inside.
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“Curiosity killed the cat, you know,” Your anxious friend Hoseok says through the phone.
You roll your eyes even though he can’t see you through the cellular device that’s currently pressed against your ear by your shoulder. Shoving the rest of your hiking gear into your bag and zipping it closed.
“Yeah, but satisfaction brought it back.” You smile at your own witty come back, and you hear Hoseok chuckle through the phone, although it doesn’t sound as cheerful as he usually sounds.
“That was a good one, but seriously Y/n. There’s ‘do not enter’ signs there for a reason.” You throw your backpack over your shoulder, somehow keeping the phone near your ear as you do so. Walking out the door to set out for your hike that you and Hoseok are currently arguing about.
You’re a pretty advocate hiker, but you’ve always felt the extra thrill going through caves. Something about the dark surroundings gets your adrenaline pumping, and just as you said to your friend through the phone, any “haunted” caves or houses always ended up as empty as the rumor itself.
Those places always have the stupidest of backstories too. How someone was killed in 1802 and now haunts the grounds, or how there’s a mass grave of murder victims from the 70s.
The cave you decided to travel to this time, it’s rumors were a little different. Saying how there’s a monster cave dweller that kills and eats anyone that enters his home.
Yeah… I call bullshit!
“It’s all bullshit, Hoseok. I’ve never visited a quote on quote ‘haunted’ cave that was actually haunted,” You say to your friend through the phone, unbelieving all the stories unlike your friend.
“But what about all the sightings?”
You take the phone away from your ear, and look up to the sky to frantically mouth the words oh my god. You could tell Hoseok a witch lived underneath our old high school, and he would believe you even though he went there for four straight years. Hoseok was too easy to fool for his own good, but he was also one of your closest friends. Not many people liked you very much, and that has a lot to do with your adventures personality.
While most people your age went to malls and bars on a Friday night, you set up a whole game plan to hike up a mountain and find the cave that has so many people in the town near by spooked. All because someone allegedly “saw something move” in the cave for 30 feet away. Besides being spooked, though, you set up a whole travel schedule for the summer surrounding this one trip. 
“Dude, chill out. If you’re talking about the sighting from over a month ago, I almost promise you that guy was drunk. Even if, it was probably just a mountain lion.”
“A mountain lion! That’s even worse!”
You can’t help but laugh this time. Chuckling into the phone, but still keeping your eyes ahead of you, so you don’t accidentally trip and fall on some rock.
“I’ll be fine, Hoseok. I’ll even keep you on the phone with me the entire-“
Beep. Beep.
And… your phone lost signal. Figures. It’s then you realize you’ve traveled way farther up your path then you thought you did. Long legs and all, I guess.
You shrug to yourself, and pocket your phone. Even though you know your friend is probably freaking out right now that your phone call just dropped, you know you’ll be okay. You’ve been hiking and cave exploring many times by yourself. You tried to convince him to come with you, after all, but just like every other time you asked Hoseok to join you, he gave you the same excuse.
You’re starting to think this girlfriend is fake because you’ve never even met the girl. She also only pops up in his plans when you ask him to go exploring with you. Whatever. Not something you want to think about while you’re in this peaceful wilderness.
You brush your hand across a bush as you continue your path up the steep mountain. Taking in the beautiful surroundings, and filling your lungs with the fresh air. You’ve always love the outdoors. Ever since you were little and your parents brought you camping for the first time. It wasn’t until you turned twelve when your dad brought you on one of your hiking trails, and then you were hocked on traveling every piece of land you could.
Currently, your in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. You traveled all this way to visit the cave that caught the attention of some gullible people on Twitter - your friend included - and now you’re here to explore. Unlike most people that explore these types of things, your not here to hunt monsters or even debunk the rumor. Truthfully, you just love exploring new places. And although it’s claimed to be haunted, so much so that they plastered ‘do not enter’ signs all over the entrance, you still found the need in your heart to go and explore it.
By the time you got to the cave itself, you drank half a bottle of water and the sun was nearly set. You having to rely on your flashlight for light now.
I know what your thinking. What is a girl like me doing alone in the woods? Isn’t that the start to like every horror story ever?! Well, yes, but you’ve been to enough places in the past 8 years to survive the wilderness. Especially a wilderness that you saw a flowing stream of fresh water a mile back down the mountain.
You point the flashlight inside the cave, and the first thing you see is the ‘do not enter’ sign. You roll your eyes at it, hoist your backpack higher up your back, then enter the cave.
Even with all its rumors, no one ever said how beautiful the cave was. You actually gasped when you realized your flashlight lit up the entire cave. Blue crystals littering the caves surface, and making it look like everything around you is sparkling.
You’re in awe of it all. So in awe, that when a rock falls from behind you, it makes you jump in surprise. You turn around, seeing nothing but the curved end of the cave that’s in the direction of the entrance. You shrug your shoulders, playing it off as just a loose rock, then travel further into the cave.
Everything is still sparkling around you. Even though your above a half a mile deep into the cave now, it’s like your still outside. The flashlight helping tremendously.
Your flashlight starts to flicker, though, and you think it’s time to bring out your spare, but after hitting it a few times with your hand it flashes clearly again. When you point it back at the wall, you see something curious on it. You lean in close to the wall of the cave, seeing there’s some scratch marks there and you think at first it’s writing. You run your fingers over the sharp lines, and realize it is, in fact, scratch marks.
That knowledge makes you shiver, but you play it off as just a wild animal. It’s then, while you’re still looking at the scratches on the wall, that you hear movement from behind you. You spin your entire body around toward the direction of the sound, already pulling out your knife in your backpacks outer pocket.
When you see nothing there, you call out, “Who’s there?”
But no one answers, but the echo of your own voice. And out of all times, your flash light starts to flicker again. It flickers and flickers, and at the last flicker you see some black hair peaking out from behind one of the rocks before the flashlight completely gives out. You rush to get out your spare flashlight, your nerves taking over and making you take it out at lightening speed to the point you drop the other one somewhere on the ground.
You press the on button of your new flashlight, and point it at the rock where you swore you saw something behind it. But when you look over at the rock, nothings there. “Huh,” You say to yourself. “I must be losing my mind.”
You scream bloody fucking murder when a thing right next to you speaks. You jump away from it, going towards the other side of the cave to get as far away from it as possible. You point the light at the thing, and you see a creature wearing all black, with black hair to match. It covers its face with its arm, not liking you pointing the light at it, then hisses in your direction. It’s then you see the being has sharp teeth too, with long pointed nails to match.
“Turn that light off!” It demands of you.
“Nah, I’m good,” You say, and then you book it. You run like hell in the direction you came. You get about ten feet away from where you just were before you fall flat on your face. This isn’t one of those horror movie moments where the girl trips on air, though. Something fucking pushes you.
You spin around on the ground, pulling out your knife from your pack and point it at the creature. It’s standing on its legs now, hunched over a bit, above you. It isn’t touching you, but it’s staring down at you like you’re the one that’s scared him half to death.
“D-don’t leave… Please.”
You falter at his words. Actually scrunching your eyebrows together in confusion when the creatures begging hits your ears. Did he just say, please?
“I-I’ve been alone for so long. Please don’t leave me alone again.” The creature then drops too it’s knees, and you blink at it in confusion. He really is begging you to stay.
You swallow past the lump in your throat, still pointing your knife and flash light in it’s direction. The creature blinks up at you from his spot on the ground about a foot away from you, and blinks at the harsh light. He hisses at you again, making you crawl backwards a step.
“N-no! That thing…” It points at your flashlight with one long nail. You look at your flashlight, then back at the cave dweller. You point it away from it’s face, but not to far enough away that you can’t see it in front of you. The sparkles are still around the cave, but that’s only helping so much especially when your currently fearing for your life.
The creature breathes a sigh of relief, and something you didn’t expect crosses it’s face…. It smiles…. Well, he smiles. Now that you have a few seconds to take in his appearance, you know, for a fact, that it is a he. A very dark, sharp toothed, crazy looking he, but still a he.
“I’m sensitive to light,” The cave dweller explains, almost embarrassed. You just nod your head, like this information and formal conversation isn’t the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you.
“I see that,” You say because you have no idea what else to fricken say in this situation.
The cave dweller then plops on his butt, stretching his feet out in front of himself to the point your feet are almost touching, and continues to smile at you. A moment of silence stretches between you two, and when that moment ends, you’re back to reality. The initial shock of thinking you’re about to die going away.
You cough, awkwardly, then start to get up as you say, “Um… sorry to disturb you in your - home. But I should really get going.”
“What!” The guy jumps up, and you jump with him in surprise. Trying to be a little courteous and not point the light directly in his face again, but still pointing the knife in his direction.
“I-I have people waiting for me. Um… there probably looking for me now, so…” It was a lie, and not a very good one, but by the way the creature suddenly looks sad you can tell he bought it.
You start to walk away, not totally letting your back face him, and you’re stopped by the cave dweller again. “Will you come back tomorrow?”
Your eyes widen with his question. Truthfully, you would rather run as far away from this place as possible, but by the way this creature is giving you puppy dog eyes right now, you almost feel… bad for him?
You’ve always been a sucker for lonely people. Always wanting to comfort them in their time of need. You’ve been lonely all your life, since people claimed to dislike you before they really even got to know you. Thinking back about your earlier brushed off question, you remember that’s how you and Hoseok met. He was the lonely math nerd on the middle school bleachers, and you were the pumped up - equally as alone - band geek sitting next to him.
Sounds like the start to a bad country song, but that’s really how you two met. You both just being alone at the pep rally, and sitting next to each other because no one wanted to sit next to either of you. And that was the start to your beautiful friendship.
Anyway, back to the present. You look at the creatures eyes, and he reminds you of Hoesak in a weird way. The desperation for friendship is written all over the creatures face. Even though you really, really don’t want to make any promises to this weird creature, you blow out a gust of hot air and tell him, “Yes. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
The smile returns to the creature’s face, and even though his shape teeth make him look so menacing, there’s a innocence there. An innocence that your probably the first to see and recognize in him in a long time. 
The next day, for whatever fucking reason that you can’t even come up with yourself, you go back to the cave. Not before getting an ear full through the phone by your friend first, but as always you ignore his warnings. You should really stop doing that now. Especially after his fears of the extreme were actually fucking accurate for once.
Oh, you got a few “I told you so’s” from him too. You weren’t scared or worried to tell Hoseok about what happened to you. The man believes in aliens and werewolf’s, so you didn’t think twice about him believing you. But after that first interaction with your new cave dweller friend, you might just believe in them too now.
You walk the same path you did yesterday inside the cave, but this time you watch your flashlight shake in your hand. No longer caring about how the cave sparkles when your light hits a crystal just right. Every step you take into the cave makes you stomach churn from nerves. Nothing was actually making you come back today, but you also couldn’t get the creature’s face out of your head. He also wasn’t that creepy looking when you thought back on it later on. At least not in the face. Take away the sharp teeth, and dark as night black voided eyes, you could even say he’s kinda cute. 
You chuckle at your own thoughts when you make it to the area you were at yesterday when you met the creature. You spin around, looking for him, then you hit yourself in the head when you realize you did that. You shouldn't be looking for him. You only came back because you felt bad, not because you wanted to add “friend’s with a cave dweller” to your list of summer actives. 
Only because you felt it was the right thing to do, and so you call out into the cave, “Hey! Anyone there?” No answer. “It's me from yesterday. I said I would come back, and I did!”
You wait another moment but nothing happens. Not even a movement of rock to make you understand where he is. Maybe you made up the occurrence with cave dweller. Maybe you hit your head on some rocks yesterday and dreamed the whole thing. Although, that wouldn’t explain how you got all the scratches on your legs from rolling around on the ground yesterday. 
Either way, you start to turn around and walk back the way you came. Rendering this whole trip as a bust, and really in need to schedule an appointment with a counselor. 
“Wait!” You hear the cave dweller screech from behind you, making you stop in your tracks and turn around. Just like yesterday, he's decked out in all black. But unlike yesterday, you find him out of breath and panting. Almost like he just jogged up a mountain to get here. 
“Oh - wow - you’re actually real,” Is the first thing you say when you see him. 
The creature looks up at you from his spot a few feet away, heaving out air as he holds himself up with his hand on his knees, confused by your statement. When he finally recovers from whatever made him so out of breathe, he straightens up. His knees are still slightly bent, and his back is slouched, but it’s weird seeing him stand up instead of hobbling on the ground like the creatures by in movies. But I guess this is different since it’s real fricken life, y/n!
“Why wouldn’t I exist?” He asks.
“I don’t know, maybe because you’re a cave monster.” You gasp at your own harsh words, and you feel even worse when you see him cave in on himself. Looking like you just wounded a puppy, instead of a creature that you see eat girls like you in the most gruesome ways in movies. 
Again, real life, y/n. Real life.
“I’m so sorry. I-I don’t know why I said that.”
He recovers a little, but the sadness in his eyes doesn’t get past you. 
“It's okay. I’ve been called worse.”
His way of making you feel better actually made you feel worse. You’re probably the first human that’s ever showed him any kindness in a long time. You should’t be shitting on him for something he can’t help. You try to recover the conversation by changing the subject, “Why were you out of breath before?”
He blinks a few times, then when he remembers how he came to you, he says, “Oh! I just woke up, so running to you was difficult.”
You raise a pointed eyebrow at him. “It's 11 pm.”
“Is it? I wouldn’t know. I-I can’t be touch sunlight, or any bright light for that matter.” He really drives his words home when he looks at the flashlight in your hand like it killed his entire family. This thing is really dramatic to, I guess. 
But since you’re such a nice person, you place the flashlight on the ground, sitting next to it, and pointing it in the opposite direction of him. He smiles at your gesture, and takes a set in front of you, still keeping quite a lot of distance between the two of you. 
“Why can’t you be in the light?” 
His once brighter then life sharp teether smile fades, and once again you feel that gut churching feeling of guilt. Is there anything you can say in front of him without making him look like a wounded animal?
“It’s a long story... but basically, I got this witch mad, and she cursed me for life. Never to enjoy the sun again, and never to look like how I once did.”
“...Look like you once did?” You repeat back to him in question, and he nods his head.
“Yeah. I was human once.” Your eyes widen in surprise, and the creature grins. “I know, surprising, but it was a long... long time ago.”
You felt his sadness radiate to you. It was the most upsetting thing to hear that he only looked and lived like this because of a witch - Which by the way, witches are real. Who knew? His saddened expression, and the way he's looking at the ground makes you want to cuddle him up in your arms. Instead of doing something as weird as that, you become brave enough to place your hand on his shoulder. Feeling him jump in surprise as you do that. “I’m so sorry that happened to you.”
The creature looks back and forth between your hand and your face. You think it maybe making him uncomfortable, so you take your hand off his shoulder. As soon as you do, he grabs onto you wrist and yells, “No!” Both of your eyes become wide, but for completely different reasons. “I-I mean... please don’t. I haven’t been...”
He doesn’t continue what he was going to say, but you understand immediately. The poor kid has probably been touch starved since he was left here by that witch. No one brave enough to talk or even be close to him. That’s why, less hesitant then before, you reach your other hand out and place it on top of his that’s still holding your wrist. His eyes widen again, and lets go of your wrist. You take ahold of his hand with both of your hands, then kiss one of his fingers that don’t have a long nail attached to it. The creature shivers, and you smirk when you see his face heat up scarlet. 
“What's your name, sweetie?” You ask as you massage his hand in your one hand, while the other one circled his wrist. You feel like the devil for what you’re doing, but after finding out he was once a human. he reminds you a lot of the types of guys you used to mess around with in high school. Ones that always sounded like-
Like that. Stuttering and cute as a button. 
You smile when you hear him say his name, and you don’t miss the higher pitch of his voice either. “Hi, Jimin.” You don’t miss how he shivers when you say his name, either. “My name’s Y/n.”
For the next week, you would visit Jimin every single day. You were only supposed to visit this trail for a week, and then move on to your next destination, but there was no way you were leaving him to go see some fountains in Canada. 
You know it’s stupid, even Hoseok told you it was when you talked to him on the phone again three days ago, but you couldn’t help it! Jimin was really starting to grow on you especially every time you grazed his hand. How he would act like you flashed him your tits. It was just so cute!
He was falling for you hard, you could tell too. Ever since you visited him in the cave a week ago, he would be waiting in this spot everyday for you. Continuing to blush and act like the most innocent little monster you’ve ever met… well, the only monster you’ve ever met but who’s counting?
You’re not sure when you turned into such a little devil around him, either. Getting so excited every time he became a little mess around you. Whether it was when you started laughing so hard around with him that your breasts bounced, making him run silent and follow the movements with his eyes. Or when you hugged him for the first time, pressing your body to him and feeling his reaction through his tight leather pants. With both occurrences, you felt this evil smirk rise on your face while watching him squirm in front of you. Him not understanding his own feelings and making you want to tease him... or teach him.
Today was the closest you ever got. Come to find out, although a witch cursed him to live a lonely life, she gave him a few exciting perks. One perk being his ability to conjure up some magic.
While the walls were sparkling with your camping lamp your brought - the one you found in your pack and was better for Jimin to not be blinded by the light - he showed you his abilities. Him wanting to impress you, and wanting you to look at him in that special way you have been doing lately.
With a flick of his wrists and wiggle of his nails, three white glowing butterflies puffed out of thin air. Your were in awe of the mystical butterflies you watched fly around the cave. One of them landing on your nose for a second and making you giggle.
Sadly, this little trick only lasted a few moments. The butterflies soon puffing into thin air, and leaving only your camping lamp as light.
“Is that how you’re able to see around the cave?” You ask Jimin, still staring at the place in the air the butterflies just disappeared from.
“Yeah… I guess the witch realized me being able to see in the dark was needed somehow.”
You look over at Jimin, watching his once cheerful face that was watching you swoon at his magic flip upside down into a upsetting frown. Your own once smiling face turning downwards at the sight. So, you do what you always did when the witch was brought up - you give your little touched starved monster some lovings. Grasping his hand gently, and watching a tremor course through his body when your soft skin touch’s his rougher palm. 
You smile apologetically at him, feeling bad about his situation that he can’t find a way out of. You asked him once if there was a way to reverse the curse that the witch casted on him, but he said he didn’t know any. The witch being someone he barely knew at the time even, and the only reason she cursed him was out of secret jealousy. You guess the witch had a crush on Jimin all those years ago, and when Jimin started maturing and getting closer to girls, instead of doing the mature thing and trying to talk to him, the young witch cursed him to a life of loneliness.
One thing you got out of that story: witches were indeed bitches. It’s been almost 10 years since that happened to him, and ever since then Jimin has been alone in this cave. That thought drove you to touch him further and cuddle up next to him, wanting to make the cave dweller feel loved somehow. You feel him shiver against you when your nose touches his neck as you lean on his shoulder. The reddening of the balls of his cheeks not passing by you.
You smirk, feeling mischievous as you always do when you see the cave dweller get nervous around you. Him glancing everywhere, but at you. “I guess the witch didn’t take in your other needs when she left you here either, huh?”
Jimin looks down at you on his shoulder, confused. Not understanding what your words mean or why your voice suddenly became hushed. When he sees the way your biting your lip, making your words more suggestive to his ears now, he blinked rapidly and felt his own face become redder in this dark cave. The heat burning him ever so slightly.
He swallows around the lump in his throat, digging his nails into the hard ground, but because they’re so sharp it cuts through the hard sand easily. You pick your head up off of his shoulder when you see his reaction. Not wanting to overwhelm him to much, but still smiling nonetheless. You start to look around, trying to change the subject since your mind stared thinking some very corrupted thoughts, but then you feel his hand squeeze yours. Making you look back at him and see the shy look in his eyes.
“You okay, Jimin?”
He looks everywhere but at you again, and is somehow able to answer your question with a few stuttering words. Even if the feel on your face in his neck still lingers. “Y-your skin… it’s…”
Unable to find the words he’s trying to form, he caresses your hand still in his hand with his thumb. Captivated by the soft feel your skin has against his own.
You grown a small smile, leaning closer while you quiet your voice as you speak, “Do you like the feel of me, Jimin?”
His name on your lips makes his stomach twist, and he squeezes the sand in his one hand instead of the one that’s holding yours. Feeling so sensitive to even your whispering of his name. Jimin couldn’t even believe it himself on how affected he was by you. It’s been so long since he last had a friend, and you being all female and fluid with your actions has been making him dizzy with hypersensitivity. On one but him being able to touch him for far too long, and he’s starting to understand the extent of what your small touches can do.
But he doesn’t hate it. He wants you to overstimulate him. Make him feel things he’s hasn’t in so long, and he doesn’t care if he ends up looking like a tomato because of it. To think, he almost lost you to his devilish - in a bad way - looks from the very beginning. His mean hisses and gruesome appearance making you frightened at first, but he’s glad that he built up the courage at the time to ask you to stay. To not run away like all the other people that only ever got a glimpse of him at the time, and running away from the sheer fear of what he could be.
You were the first to get to know him. Actually take interest in him, and want to find out what makes Jimin Jimin. Not just about the curse, but also what he used to love. How sitting out in the sun used to be his favorite thing, and how he has a ear for good music. Wanting to go back to the days where he could roam freely outside of this caves, but never having the ability to do so.
Jimin thinks the first time he realized he had real feelings for you, and not just the obsession with you touching him, was when you brought some headphone with you on your visit. The day after he told you his love for music, you let him listen to your own mixture of a playlist. Come to find out Jimin loves modern pop music, and seeing the way his eyes lit up when he heard the tunes for the first time had you amazed.
It may have seemed like such a trivial thing to people in the real world, but to Jimin in his little cave of a world it was everything. His heart palpating a little faster for you ever since. That was three days ago, and now he wants to experience more firsts with you. More firsts that he can’t even begin to comprehend.
That’s why, still a stuttering mess, Jimin lets out a breathless, “Yes,” to your question. Him wanting you to touch him as much as you are allowing it.
And you’re definitely allowing it today. You squeeze his hand in yours, watching his eyes light up when you pick up your other hand to inch it towards him. Your hand gently caresses his cheek, feeling his skin pebble under yours in goosebumps. Feeling a little darling, and maybe even mischievous, you inch closer to him. Tracing his nose with your own, and hearing Jimin’s breathing pick up in the process.
You don’t kiss his lips, you not being sure how he’ll react to that yet, but you do tease at the kiss. Lingering your lips so closely to his, while your other hand brushes his cheeks and goes down his neck that’s slightly exposed from his tight leather turtleneck. You start to wonder where Jimin got these clothes from, but that thought goes away when you hear Jimin let out a small moan. Your lips brushing the corner of his mouth when you move in a centimeter closer. 
You bite your lip, loving the sound he just made and how he’s practically vibrating in his seat now. His hand once digging into the sand has a fist full of it now. Grasping onto it for dear life as you continue with your teasing touches.
“So soft,” Jimin whispers in between the two of you, and if you weren’t so close to him you probably wouldn’t of heard it. Almost like his lips moved without him knowing and speaking the firsts words he thought of. You smile at his endearing compliment.
“Thank you, Jimin. You feel good too.” Jimin groans at the small praise. Somehow sounding so much more dirty in his innocent ears. “Do you want to feel even more good?”
It’s a dumb question, really. Of course Jimin wants to feel good, but it’s more of a question that is he ready for it? Ready to feel things he hasn’t been able to before. Nonetheless he enthusiastically nods his head at you.
You giggle at his enthusiastic response. Although you told yourself you wouldn’t do this no more then a moment ago, having Jimin in your arms like this is making you crave the same thing. To feel how his lips would feel against yours, and wanting to find out what he would do when you do it.
Tentatively, you slowly move in closer to him. Feeling his breathe fan your lips when he gasps and realizes what you’re about to do. You pause just when your lips were about to touch, and you look into Jimin’s wide eyes. So much innocence there. Dark eyes that you think were once brighter then the sun stare up at you. Seeming inpatient when you watch one of them twitch.
Then, you do it. You push your small pair of lips against his plump ones, and there’s an instant reaction from Jimin. A small moan being released into your mouth. He tastes like bark and sand, but his lips feel softer then clouds. Feeling a little good about how his lips feel against your own, but Jimin is on cloud 9 about yours. 
You taste like mint and sugar to him. Two things he hasn’t been able to taste in a long time. You feel so good against him, and not knowing how to express that besides staying still, he just let you take over. Thinking if he moves even a little bit, you’ll decide to detach your lips from his. But you don’t.
After a few seconds to let Jimin get the first little gentle tasting of you, you start to move against him. Inexperienced lips eventually move back with you, but you’re mainly taking the lead with how both of your lips are moving.
It isn’t until your tongue juts out to touch his bottom lip, that you feel the familiar vibration of excitement come from him along with a higher pitched moan that you swallow from him. Slowly, you allow your tongue to enter his mouth. Not touching his tongue yet with yours, but scrapping it across his shape teeth. The sharp surface making your head spin because you’ve never felt something so interesting that it gets your blood flowing against your tongue, and you can only imagine how Jimin is feeling.
Jimin is feeling fucking crazed. He’s dizzy by you still touching his hand and neck, but the way your lips are moving against him now has him melting. When he feels your tongue touch his lip, he can’t help but moan at the contact. Something so simple as a touch of tongues has him feeling as hard as a rock too. When your tongue touches his teeth, it makes him feel ecstatic. Knowing you’re not afraid of touching his sharp canines, and being so grateful to have met a girl like you.
When you feel Jimin start to slouch, his relaxed mind taking over for him, you touch your tongue against his. Besides just another moan his hands shoot you out of the sand - grasping onto your shoulders gently like he couldn’t help but want to touch you further in that moment.
After another moment has passed, you detach your lips from each other. Both of your lips feeling swollen, but you smile when you see how fucked out Jimin looks by just kissing. Him looking like he was just drenched by water because of how much he’s sweating.
“Did you like that?” You ask after another moment has passed, scrapping your nose against his like before.
Jimin breathes in as much air his lungs with allow, feeling like he hasn’t breathed the entire time your lips were in matrimony. Unable to speak now, he nods his head enthusiastically again for you. 
If Jimin wasn’t in love with you before, he sure is now. And what’s even better then that, you’re also starting to feel your heart grow a little bigger for the cave dweller.
Before you know it, a month has passed since you first met Jimin. In all honestly, you’ve never lived a more happier life before you met Jimin. While talking on the phone with Hoseok last, which was over a week ago now, you realized something detrimental to your life.
You always secretly wanted this.
Wanted a life filled around just one person. In a way, you’ve also been touch starved yourself. Maybe not by actual touching, but starved by having the sense of love from another person. That’s why you always loved the loners. Wanting to be around the people you felt needed you most. You just loved to feel needed, and right now, Jimin needs you more than ever.
That’s why, without thinking twice about it, you moved your whole life out here. To bum-fuck nowhere in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Renting a cabin from a nice family near by, and then telling you that you could stay as long as you want because no one had rented from them in years. It was cheap, and it gave you enough space to do what you needed there. You actually have a lot of money saved up, especially all the money you kept after your grandparents passed away. You being there only grandchild and actually giving a shit about them when they were alive gave you this perk.
It also didn’t matter where the cabin was or what it looked like. You only took it because it was less then five miles from Jimin’s cave, and cheap as fuck. You weren’t going to be spending much time in it, anyway.
Now, here you are, in the lap of a cave dweller that’s dick is as hard as a rock again from just kissing. You both have been in this position a lot since your first kiss. Both of you wanting to be consumed by each other in every way possible, and Jimin being surprised every time you let it happen. You’ve been taking the lead every time, which you didn’t care nor worry about, but this time it was Jimin who started the ritual of you two kissing.
All it took was you wiping some water after a drink from your flask off of your mouth, and his eyes were zeroed in on your movements. His own mouth watering when he watched you lick the corner of your mouth.
With a hesitating and stuttering, “C-can I kiss you?”
Skip to a couple minutes later, and now you’re straddling his legs, with his arms hesitantly wrapped around your back. Kissing like it’s both of your first times again. Which, no more then a month ago, it was Jimin’s first. That’s why you haven’t pushed him to far. Not wanting to overwhelm or push him to far off the ledge of his innocence.
But now you’re all for corruption at this point. It’s been so long since someone wanted you like this. Even if he was a cave monster, you want him just as much as he does you. Him asking for the kiss is all you needed to know he wanted you, not to mention the reactions he gives every time you still brush hands. But this was different. It wasn’t just his touch starved brain wanting you, he actually wanted you!
So now, your hands are buried in his dark locks, and you’re slowly rocking your hips back and forth. Loving it every time Jimin moans into your mouth when you brush his hard cock through his jeans with your thighs. You’ve been itching to touch that part of him. To see what this cave dweller has inside his tight pants, but you’re not sure how he would react to it.
Kissing and gentle rubs through the pants are one thing, but actually touching him there is different. You’re not sure if he’s ready for it too, but your mouth still waters every time you think about how’d he react when your mouth surrounded him for the first time.
You moan into his mouth at the thought, Jimin stiffening underneath you at the sound. You rarely make any noises besides the sounds of heavy breathing. Hearing you actually moan is a whole different experience for Jimin’s ears. He wants you to make that sound again. He wants to make you feel good. As good as you do for him, and that noise was the first indication that he somehow did just that.
Slowly, he detaches your lips from his. Not moving to far away because he barely can contain himself if he does. You frown at him, not wanting to stop what you were once doing, but the way Jimin is nibbling on his lips right now you know he didn’t stop for no reason.
“Um… y/n,” He says your name like he already doesn’t have your full attention.
Your crock you head to the side, worried that you may have pushed Jimin to far with your own dirty thoughts somehow. “Everything okay, Jimin?”
While looking in between the two of you, he nods his head. His face is getting redder by the second, and you’re starting to really worry about what’s bothering him so much. Before your mind can drift to what it could be, Jimin finds the confidence to ask, “C-can I touch you?”
You raise an eyebrow at him, confused. “We’re already touching, silly.”
You pet the back of his head to emphasize your words, and Jimin’s arm hairs stand on end at the tentative caress. “That’s not what I-…“ He huffs out a breathe, letting out his frustration for not knowing the words he wants to say. So he tries one more time like you taught when you realized he had this problem, “I want to - to-…”
He hovers his hand in front of you. Gesturing all around your body and making you have to figure out what he wants. You’re a patient person. You also had a gift for figuring out riddles, so figuring out what Jimin wants with small hints is usually quite easy for you.
You look at his hands, how there hovering over every part of you. Then you look at his face, seeing the frustration in his eyes, but also the way he bites his bottom lip in concentration.
After a few more agonizing seconds tic by for Jimin, you figure out what he wants with a smirk. “Jimin… do you want to touch me here?” You take your own hand, placing it on your breast.
Jimin nods his head fast, biting his lip so hard he can taste metal. “Want to make you feel good too.”
You bite your own lip, feeling a blush come on by his words. He doesn’t even know how sexy it is to hear those words come from him. How dirty they sound.
“Alright, Jimin,” Is the last thing you say before you take one of his hovering hands in yours, and press it against your breast through your thin shirt. Jimin quietly gasps, looking at the area his hand is resting, wide eyed. You find him so adorable sometimes, but right now having him hold you like this is making your own neither regions clench.
You love feeling his hand on you like this, and so does he - Clearly. Jimin starts by experimentally groping you breast, feeling you squirm a little on top of him. He glances up at you and sees the slight blush on your checks. He knows that’s how he gets when you touch a certain part of him he likes, so you must be feeling the same. It’s when his thumb caresses a bump peaking out from under your shirt, that he hears it again.
You moan into the quiet cave when his thumb rubs over your nipple. Not wearing a bra today was a good call because having him touch you like this is feeling amazing! Jimin then feels enough confidence to grab onto your other breasts, both of his thumbs rubbing your buds through your shirt at the same time. You arch your back from the ecstasy inducing feeling his hands are giving you, pushing your breasts further into his hands as you do so. You can’t help yourself anymore…
You roughly smash your lips back together, gripping onto the back of his neck to push his lips further onto yours. You both moan into each other’s mouths at the same time. You doing so because Jimin now knows what you like up top, so he keeps rubbing at your nipples. Jimin moans because you’re now roughly grinding down on him, wanting to create an even higher amount of friction than before.
Before you entered his life, he never found the need to touch himself. When it did come, before you entered his life, he would just ignore it until it went away. The feeling and need to touch his cock and cum. That feelings has been slowly nibbling at his resolve lately. Eventually breaking completely and making him fist his cock in his hand one morning after you left the cave…. that was yesterday…. But the feeling is still there, now.
He wants to be as intimate with you as possible, and have you against him instead of in his head while he cums. Maybe that’s why he found the courage to ask you to kiss him this time. Knowing what the extent of his pleasure is making him want to find that extent with you too. Having that feeling now as your core grinds against his dick through your clothing.
Your not satisfied with just grinding, though. You can’t wait anymore. You want to touch him for real, and the way Jimin is moaning into your mouth right now you don’t think it will be to much. Even if it is, you know he will tell you. He’s promised you numerous times before, that he would tell you if the touching gets to be too much, so you’re trusting that he would tell you to stop if he’s gets to overwhelmed.
You detach your lips from his, giggling at his inpatient groan because of it, and back up in his lap. Jimin watches you curiously, already craving to feel you on top of him again but being a good boy by remaining patient. It’s when your hand starts to unbuckle his pants that his eyes blow out wide, though.
“Y/n, what are you… are you..?”
Jimin doesn’t need to finish his question, because he get his answer the second you pull down his pants just enough to release him from the confides of his tight pants. Jimin wants to be embarrassed that you’re seeing him so exposed like this, but once you grab ahold of him, he’s knocking his head back against the cave wall and moaning louder then he ever has before.
You slowly pump Jimin’s cock in your hand, not trying to move to fast or to slow. All the while kissing his now exposed neck. Just like you expected, Jimin is acting stir crazy at your touches.
The way your hand is moving on him, circling his tip every now and then with your thumb, has Jimin seeing stars. He knew you would be so much better at this then him. His hands were sloppy and unsure when he touched himself, but your hands are determined and experienced. Each pump of his cock feeling better than the last. 
He wonders how many other guys you’ve done this to - been with in this way - but he pushes that thought as far away from his brain as possible. Not like the tickling of jealous it gives him, and how can he think about anything else, but your hand right now?
Jimin’s eyes are screwed shut. His long nails are diggings into the hard sand, and his sharp teeth are on full display as he hisses through his pleasure. You love this side of Jimin. The part of him that can’t control himself when he feels so good. It’s truly any amazing sight, and when you look down at his leaking cock that’s close to combusting you’re mouth waters. Wanting to taste him and have him cum in your mouth before he does it your hand. Which, by the looks of it, seems like it’s going to happen in the next few seconds.
You slow your hands movements down, moving your face closer to Jimin’s. When he looks back at you, finally opening his eyes, he almost cums right then and there. Seeing that look in your eyes does things to him. More than your little touches, and more then hearing you say his name in normal conversation. You’re just so pretty in his eyes, and the way you’re making him feel right now has him putty in your hands.
“Can I taste you, Jimin?“
It takes him a few seconds to understand what you mean, his inexperienced and oversensitive mind right now clouding his thinking, but once he watches you lick your lips his eyes widen even more. He never even thought about that before - what it would be like to have your mouth on him. His one other sexual experience with himself only had him imagining you touching him where you are now, so he’s not sure what it would feel like to have your wet... pretty... mouth surrounding him...
He makes a noise that sounds animalistic, but instead of shying away from it you start up stroking him again. Jimin flutters his eyes closed, trying to form words to your question but unable to because your hand just feels so good. Instead of saying anything, he just nods his head and then hangs it. Curious as to what it would feel like, and by the way your eyes light up when he agrees makes him think it’s anything but bad.
You bend your body over, your mouth centimeters from the tip of him. With one last look up at him, you take the tip of him in his mouth. The same animalistic noise is heard from Jimin again, but this time it sounds more monstrous. More beastly. Like you’re grinding down his control with your mouth alone. You don’t want him to keep his control, not while your mouth is on him.
So, you swallow him whole. Hearing a high pitched screech from above you as you do so. You know it could be considered a little mean to overwhelm him like this, but he did agree to it and there was no way he wouldn’t enjoy it.
Just like Jimin thought, it felt anything but bad. Feeling your wet mouth on him now is having him see stars again, but at the same time it makes his ears blow out. Only hearing white noise as your mouth slowly starts bobbing up and down on his length. It’s overwhelming, but in no way is Jimin going to stop you. It’s not like that. He wants this. He wants you.
You continue to bob your head on him slowly, enjoying the salty taste of his pre-cum on your tongue and hearing the moaning from above you. The vibrations of your own moan virberates across Jimin’s whole body. He’s feeling blood in his hands now because what was once filled with sand now it’s crushed in his palms, and making his nails hit his skin. There’s no pain to it, and truthfully he barely feels it. How can he feel anything else, but your mouth on him in this moment? Surrounding him fully, and making his mind feel cloudy with pleasure. 
The wetness of your mouth is making him slick, so you pick up speed especially when he starts to grow larger in your mouth. He was already close from your touches before, and your mouth now has him... has him...
Jimin feels it in his spine first. The feeling of pressure building and wanting to release all at once. He tries to warn you. Not knowing that you would secretly love to have him cum down your throat, but he also doesn’t have the capability to form words at this moment. So, he does the first thing he can think of when he starts to cum. He pulls you by your hair straight off of him. Cumming all over himself and keeping you as far away from the mess as possible. Not wanting to dirty you with his seed.
Jimin’s seeing fucking galaxies now as he cums. Still feeling your mouths essence on him like a ghost, and spurt after spurt is the result of that. It takes Jimin a good minute to finally stop cumming and come down from his high, but when he does he looks at you with an overall fucked out lock. He realizes then that he’s still holding onto your hair, and lets go of it. Combing his fingers through your hair next because he just can’t help himself. You’re all he sees and all he feels. You’re all he ever sees and ever feels, but right now it’s times a hundred!
You smile at your work, seeing Jimin look so out of breath and dizzy from pleasure, and giggle when Jimin’s sweaty fingers try to pet your hair back to normal. The pull of your hair was surprising, but it did send a thrill through you. A thrill that went right to your core and made your body heat up like furnace. You wondered what Jimin would say if you asked him to recuperate this pleasure for you, but you wiped that though away as soon as it formed. Looking at him now, he looks beyond exhausted and you think only one new feeling is enough for him today.
You gently put him back in his pants, then settle yourself in his lap again - making sure not to sit on his slowly declining length in his pants. You wrap your arms around his neck, and are elated to feel Jimin wrap his arms around your waist lazily. Jimin looks close to passing out, so you kiss him on the nose to spark some energy back into him.
“Did that feel good, baby?”
He hums at the nickname, smiling up at you. “So good… Sorry I pulled your hair.” He winces. “I just couldn’t tell you what was coming.”
You smile down at Jimin, happy that he cares enough about you to apologize for his roughness, but you also can’t help your chuckle that bubbles out of your chest. “It’s okay, Jimin.” You peck him on the lips. “Just next time, let it come.”
You wink at him, and watch him process your words.
Let it come…. Next time…
Jimin is once again staring at you wide eyed, and you’re laughing up a storm in his lap. Finding his innocence so adorable even after you just rocked his world with you hands and mouth.
Your little monster is in for a treat with you, and you can’t wait to teach him your other dirty tricks.
The End
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colormepurplex2 · 11 months
ColorMePurplex2's Member x Member Masterlist
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RATING: (regardless, this space is not for minors) G - general audience | PG - strong, suggestive language | PG-13 - frequent use of strong language, grittier subject matter | R - large amounts of vulgar language and adult references | MA - strictly for adults 18+ WARNINGS: please do not take these lightly, if it’s listed that means you can expect to encounter it DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to own any part of BTS. All members of BTS are faces and name claims for these stories. Every post is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgement, or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in my works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
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▻  By The Fire With Care ↳ Seokjin x Taehyung ┉ Cabin Getaway/Holiday AU ⤜ Rating: MA ⤜ Established Relationship | fluff, smut WC: 2,996 - complete [1/1] Summary: Seokjin and Taehyung were only supposed to spend a week at the cabin, but the sudden snowfall had other ideas. Their flight is grounded for at least the night, so what do they do in the meantime? With the crackle of the fire, boozy eggnog, and a few hours to spare, they enjoy one more night of self-indulgence and a little sticky fun. ⚠️ This is pure smut. Kissing, oral, anal, cum eating, praise, wax play
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▻ Curse Of The Serpent ↳  Perseus!Namjoon x Medusa!Jimin ┉Gods & Monsters ⤜ Rating: MA ⤜ Strangers/Fated Lovers | angst, fluff, smut WC: 12,024 - complete [2/2] Summary: Perseus, also known by his mortal name Namjoon, sets forth armed with godly weapons and a determination to do what others have failed– find and slay the creature known only as Medusa, who is rumored to be in a sea cave at the edge of the world. Only things aren’t always as they seem. Using his bronze shield as a mirror, Namjoon can see that there’s more to the story and that perhaps his sword isn’t the answer after all. ⚠️ Mentions of violence, intended murder, lies, deceit, angst, mild blood, confused feelings, self-discovery, kissing, body touching, mild hair tugging, tending to wounds, handjob Please check the beginning of each chapter for specific warnings.
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▻ As Fate Would Have It ↳ Producer!Yoongi x Bartender&TattooApprentice!Jungkook ┉Reincarnation/Soulmates ⤜ Rating: MA ⤜ Strangers/Fated Lovers | angst, mild fluff, smut WC: 15,436 - coming soon [0/2] Summary: Jungkook is only trying to get by, and Yoongi just so happens to be in the right place at the right time. Some call it luck; others might call it coincidence. But, as fate would have it…it’s an inevitable meeting of burning hearts that’s a thousand years in the making. ⚠️ Crass language, drinking, smoking, vaginal sex, anal sex (mm), almost-blowjob, cum licking, thoughts of masturbation, kissing, anal fingering, full blow job, cum swallowing, dick stroking, mild begging Please check the beginning of each chapter for specific warnings.
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WIPS: Doctor's Inner Demon - MYG/KTH/PJM, dr. jekyll & mr hyde murder thriller Jokes On You - JHS/PJM, harley & joker, murder thriller Fang Around & Find Out - KSJ/JHS/PJM/KTH/JJK, vampire Feel The Heat - MYG/JJK, crime and corruption
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Check out my other Masterlists: OT7 x Reader/OT7 Kim Namjoon Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Jung Hoseok Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Jeon Jungkook Multi-Member x Reader/OC Member x Member
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©️      2021-24    ColorMePurplex2  
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sweetwolfcupcake · 3 years
Shades of Obsession
Main Masterlist
When obsession overpowers love, and morality meets its tragic end.
There are shades of life
There are shades of love
There are shades of death
There are shades of obsession
Who knew, that behind those sweet smiles laid malice, behind those perfect mannerisms grew schemes and behind their deep, passionate love, lurked madness?
First Shade
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Yandere Seokjin x Reader
You were the object of his affection, the one he wished to cherish and possess. Then why would you shy away from him?
" No, I do not like you, I do not want you. Find someone else to dote upon, someone who would be worth it."
Status: Completed
Second Shade
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Yandere Yoongi x Original Character
His demons were indifferent, pushed the love of his life away. His demons are evil and terrifying, and they controlled him now. And he would do anything to keep her with him.
" Your love ruined me, your indifference broke me. All you have ever done is to hurt me!"
Status: Ongoing
Third Shade
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Yandere Hoseok x Original Character
Jealousy was bad. That would be a lie. His jealousy was a terrifying monster that wished to possess her, mind, body and soul. No matter the cost.
"Your love was something straight out of a daydream. But now, it is turning into my worst nightmare!"
Status: Being Planned
Fourth Shade
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Yandere Namjoon x Original Character
He had the power, he had the resources, and he had the heart of a lover just for her. A tinge of madness would not hurt, right?
"I do not know if I ever loved you or not, but I know this, you ruined me!"
Status: Being Planned
Fifth Shade
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Yandere Jimin x Original Character
Her body was his possession, but he wished to have more than just her pleasure. He wished to have her love, her heart, all of her. And who was she to deny it?
"I wish I never met you, I wish I had not caved into my desires. There was only lust, but now all I see is madness in your eyes."
Status: Being Planned
Sixth Shade
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Yandere Taehyung x Original Character
What was love without passion? What was love without devotion? What was love without obsession? But he loved to destroy the line between love and obsession.
"You claim to love me, and you justify your horrible deeds in the name of 'love'. If this is love, I do not want it!"
Status: Being Planned
Seventh Shade
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Yandere Jungkook x Original Character
She was everything he had been craving for, and he knew that he was every bit of what she needed. She filled in the void within him. Was it not his right to have her all to himself?
"I never wished to have a man who would build a gilded cage around me. I never wanted to be robbed of my freedom and independence. You are not the man I love, you never will be!"
Status: Being Planned
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530 notes · View notes
angelicyoongie · 4 years
the crimson shell (llll)
— pairing: jungkook x f!reader — genre: mermaid au, yandere au — w.c: 4.6k — warnings: explicit sexual content! heavy dub-con touching/intercourse, forced breeding, oviposition, mentions of death/violence, general yandere themes — notes: ah, here we finally are, the last part/finale to the story! please keep the warnings in mind, and don’t read this chapter if you’re uncomfortable with anything stated above!
Part I / II / III / IIII
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You’re not sure how long you’ve been here. After the second week of just blankly staring at the never changing cave walls surrounding you, you figured there was no point in keeping track of it. What good does it do you anyway? It’s not like counting the days will miraculously get you out of here. While you might not know the number, you do know that it’s been far too many. Your skin has grown pale and gaunt from the lack of sunshine and warmth you’re so used to, and the diet of raw fish hasn’t exactly been very kind to you. The cave is tall enough for you to stand up in comfortably, so at least your circulation isn’t completely shot, but you honestly lack the energy to stay on your feet for too long. Escaping, even just back up to the island, is your only chance at survival. You don’t think you’re going to last very long down here. It’s already gotten to the point where you’ve begun looking forward to Jungkook’s short daily visits, even just the sight of something almost human enough to keep you sane.
You let out a heavy sigh, the noise echoing around the cave as you lean back against the stone wall. Over the last couple of days, the creature has begun to bring you little treasures alongside with your food. You’re not exactly sure why, but it’s nice to have something to do – even if it’s just tracing the patterns on the lockets and pendants over and over. You run your fingers over the small pile of golden jewelry by your side, trying your best to keep your thoughts away from the people it must have belonged to. Jimin might have managed to get away, but you doubt the rest of them did. Two of the pendants in your pile belonged to the crew Jimin brought with him, and you suspect that if you give Jungkook a few more days, he’ll bring you the remaining three. As if you summoned him with your straying thoughts, a small splash in the water alerts you of the creature’s arrival. You turn your head just in time to see Jungkook hoisting himself up on the ledge, another fish and a new pendant dropped at your feet. You silently scoot closer to the edge, offering up your hand to the creature’s expectant red eyes. Jungkook nuzzles into your hand with a happy thrill, rubbing his cheek along your palm. You suppress a shudder at the sound, ignoring the soft skin underneath your fingertips as you stare at the headless fish at your feet. Sometimes you wish you could share the same fate as your food.
You let Jungkook cuddle your hand for as long as he wants, knowing that denying him will only make things worse for yourself. If you look past the sharp claws and teeth, Jungkook is hardly anything more than an oversized puppy. He seems to crave constant affection and confirmation that he’s done good when he brings you food or treasures. You think you might would have found it sweet if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s keeping you trapped here – and that he’s a monster. There’s nothing sweet or innocent about the creature in front of you. You let out a small breath of relief as Jungkook drops your hand, but he doesn’t immediately sink back down in the water as he normally does. You watch in confusion as he pushes the fish closer, the gold chain around it rattling as it drags against the stone. You hesitantly pick it up, praying that Jungkook isn’t going to stay here and watch you eat it. The raw fish already makes you nauseous, and there’s no way you’ll be able to stomach eating it with an audience. Especially one that likes to punish you when you do something he doesn’t like. Call you crazy, but you don’t think gagging at the food he brings you will make him very happy.
You slowly unwrap the chain, putting the fish back down to turn over the locket in your hands. You suck in a harsh breath at the familiar design at the front, the intricate carved flowers making bile rise in your throat. You had this made for Jimin years ago, back when you were still best friends.  You two stayed friendly even after you started drifting apart, but you figured he would’ve gotten rid of the locket by now. You can’t believe he kept it all this time. That he still wore it. Your hands shake as you gently pull on the clasp on the side, a strained sound leaving your lips as you flip it open. A picture of you and Jimin smiles back at you, your faces bright and carefree. Jimin has an arm slung around your shoulders, his eyes closed into little crescent moons from how hard he’s grinning at the camera. The pure happiness in the photo makes your heart clench. Despite knowing Jimin was the one who lead you here, you find yourself desperately missing him for a split second before you can catch yourself. God, maybe if you accepted that marriage proposal from the baker’s sleazy son last year you would’ve at least been safe. Home.
You’re yanked out of your thoughts as Jungkook tugs you closer to the ledge, a clawed hand quickly snatching the locket out of your grasp. He lets out a series of chirping noises as his red eyes drag from the locket to you, and Jungkook taps your smiling face in the photo before he does the same to your leg. You stare in bewilderment as the creature drops the locket back in your hands, his lips stretched into a nightmarish version of a smile before he lowers himself down in the water. You swear your heart stops the moment you see the rows of teeth lining his mouth, and it refuses to work again until Jungkook is fully submerged and swimming away. You hastily scoot back from the edge, the locket clutched tightly in your hand. A bitter smile graces your lips as it dawns on you that you’ve figured out how Jimin traded your life for his. The picture. While you can’t be sure of exactly how he managed to communicate with Jungkook, you’re sure that being stranded here for six months must’ve been more than enough time to figure out a way to converse without using actual words. With Jimin as living proof in front of him, the creature must’ve understood that it meant that you were real too. And that if he had managed to get Jimin, then there would be a way to get to you. It was probably easier for Jimin to trade your life for his when he had something tangible to show Jungkook, when he had proof in his hands that you were out there too. A part of you hopes that maybe Jimin tried to convince Jungkook to change his mind, to take someone else instead, but you have a feeling that even if he did, the creature wouldn’t have budged. From the time you’ve spent on the island it has become very clear that Jungkook is stubborn and used to getting what he wants – but you suppose that’s only natural for a creature like him. How can something tell you no when it has already been eaten?
Of course, Jimin had no way to be sure that you would set sail for Jungkook’s island. But, while there was no guarantee you would risk travelling that far, your old friend knew how desperate you were for money, and the lengths you were willing to go to keep your family afloat. You suppose he knew how easy it would be to trick you as long as there was a bit of gold involved, and Jimin was dripping in it when he came back. You just hope he at least had the decency to spare your family a gold ring or two after you left, considering he sacrificed you to go free. You toss the locket aside, not really caring where it ends up as long as it’s far away from you. You force yourself to take a few deep breaths, trying your best to quell the anger burning through your veins. Being mad at Jimin won’t do you any good while you’re stuck down here, so you allow yourself to whisper out a string of curses at the man before you lock away the heavy feeling of betrayal deep into your chest. Seeing Jimin’s smiling face has reignited your dwindling spirit, and you decide that you will get out of here, even if it is just to hunt Jimin down.
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The next time Jungkook comes back to visit you, there are no more treasures. Instead, your eyes widen in surprise as the creature gently places a familiar shell and pearl down by your feet, next to your twitching meal. You’re certain you left them near your bonfire higher up on the beach, but judging by the scratches and roughed up skin on Jungkook’s arms, it seems like the creature probably dragged himself all the way up there to get them. You feel your throat run dry at the thought, at the fact that you weren’t even as safe on land as you had first believed. If Jungkook was willing to bring himself up on land to get them, then you’re sure they must mean something important. It can’t be a coincidence that both the shell and the pearl have the same deep red colour as Jungkook’s tail and eyes, and come to think of it, didn’t your luck begin to turn after you picked up it that evening before you left?
Jungkook lets out a chirp as you pick up the shell, the creature leaning forward to rub his head against the back of your occupied hand. You eye him warily as your mind races through what has happened ever since you left home. You really, truly, hope that you’re wrong, but based on how everything started after you picked up the shell and how the creature acts – how he provides for you, how offended he acts when you push him away and how affectionate he is, you fear you might have accidentally accepted a courting offer. You’ve seen similar patterns in animals before, and while you’re not entirely sure what Jungkook really is, you think it’s safe to assume that the same thing might apply for him too. What you can’t really wrap your mind around is why he waited so long. It took weeks before you left after Jimin returned, and you were down by the beach every night. The unexplainable fear you felt was probably something deep inside of you that recognized that you were being watched by a predator – by him – but you didn’t know enough to connect the dots. Jungkook had many chances to grab you, but he didn’t. Not until you accepted his shell. Convenience maybe? That this whole trade was easier if he made you come to him? Or maybe some weird kind of custom his kind has? He is half human, after all. But you can’t be sure. If anything, Jimin could’ve at least had the decency to teach you how to converse with him if he was going to throw you to the sharks, or rather, Jungkook. Either way, you’re sure Jungkook would’ve eventually found a way to get to you even if you didn’t leave on that boat.
You’re shaken out of your thoughts when the feeling of soft skin leaves the back of your hand. The clicks falling from Jungkook’s lips are uncharacteristically soft as he pulls himself up on the ledge, those deep red eyes trained on yours as he tugs you closer. It only takes one hard yank before you find yourself caged in underneath Jungkook’s arms again, legs on either side of his waist. Your pulse quickens as you’re reminded of what happened the last time – you’re not exactly eager to pass out again from being smothered by his weight.  
You feel like you shouldn’t be surprised that Jungkook manages to carry his entire weight on one arm, while the other begins to roam across your body. After all, he did drag himself up on land and back, and the part you had on top of you last time was hardly anything. The weight of his entire tail must be extremely heavy out of water. You know the creature doesn’t like it when you don’t pay him attention, so you let your eyes rest on his collarbones, watching as a few drops of water run down his skin. Keeping eye contact is too intimidating, those deep red irises makes it feel like you’re staring right into the depths of hell.
You dig your fingers into your thighs as Jungkook’s hand dips under the torn fabric of your shirt, the unusual texture of the web between his fingers making you squirm uncomfortably as it drags over your skin. You’re very aware of the sharp claws hovering above your delicate stomach as he explores, but at least the creature knows to not let them touch. Jungkook’s hand trails over your sides, your stomach, all the way up to the underside of your breasts. You swallow thickly as a knuckle brushes against the soft flesh, Jungkook’s motion suddenly stilling at the contact. You’ve always managed to push him off before he’s gone any further, but you can feel the shift in the creature’s mood today. You know he’s not going to take no for an answer. But, that still didn’t prepare you for the sudden gush of wind brushing across your exposed chest, your shirt split clean in two with the help of Jungkook’s claws. Before you can scramble to cover up, Jungkook lets out an excited chirp, his hand quickly moving back to your chest. Your mind goes blank as he places his palm over one of your breasts, experimentally squeezing and massaging it as he watches you curiously. You grit your teeth as Jungkook plays with it, ignoring the little tingle of heat in your stomach whenever he does something your traitorous body likes.  
You try to convince yourself that Jungkook is probably just excited to see parts of a human body he hasn’t seen before, that he doesn’t really know what he’s doing. Your breath hitches as the webbed texture between Jungkook’s fingers glide over your nipples, a soft moan falling from your lips before you can stop yourself. The noise only seems to spur him on more, Jungkook repeating the motion to hear the sound again. A harsh squeeze on your breast forces out another moan, your hands flying to Jungkook’s chest. Your fingers twitch against his skin, your head telling you to push him away, while the building heat in your stomach and the growing wetness between your legs wants him close to finish what he’s started. You settle for digging your hands into his skin, grounding yourself in his body, knowing that pushing him away won’t do you any good. Jungkook lets out a happy thrill at your touch, lowering himself closer to your body as his hand moves from one breast to the other. You can feel his eyes burning into your skin, your body growing warmer and warmer under his intense gaze. There’s too many sensations at once – cold water dripping against your overheating skin, Jungkook’s long hair tickling your face, the soft and rough skin of his hand squeezing and moving across your flesh. Your eyes glide shut before you can stop yourself, forgetting your own rule of never letting Jungkook out of your sight. It’s just .. too much. Your body doesn’t know whether to hate the attention or love it, your chest tight with disgust while your stomach swirls with pleasure. At least with your eyes shut, and as long as your hands stay on his chest, he feels human. Human enough to make this whole thing a little less horrible.
Your legs tense as you feel more of Jungkook’s weight against your body, his hips pressing down more firmly against yours. You don’t pay it too much attention at first, too occupied by the hand on your chest. At least, that’s until you feel his hips begin to slowly move back and fourth, grinding against your clothed core. Your eyes fly open at the sudden friction, head spinning as your walls clench with need. You’re sure the flimsy material of your trousers must be soaked by now, and the realization that this creature is the reason behind it makes your cheeks flush red with mortification. You stifle a gasp as Jungkook pinches your sensitive nipple between two fingers, another happy thrill filling the cave as he rolls his hips harder against your mound. You can feel the heat in your lower stomach building rapidly, the coil almost ready to snap when Jungkook suddenly stills. You push down the needy whine in your throat as Jungkook removes his hand from your body, the creature pulling himself up further on the ledge.
Your confusion dies as your eyes travel down a little further past his hips, the arousal you felt quickly washed away by terror as you notice a slit in his tail, and something extending out of it. You nearly choke on your own spit as it finally clicks, trying your best to scramble out from beneath Jungkook’s hold as his cock becomes fully unsheathed. Jungkook lets out a series of low, warning clicks at your struggle, his clawed fingers digging into your shoulders as his arms keeps you caged you in. You look down in horror as you feel him resume his grinding against your clothed sex. It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before. His cock is slightly tapered at the tip, growing thicker down against the base. What you thought was just some misplaced curiosity is obviously more than that, because now, there’s no doubt in your mind that Jungkook’s plan is to fuck you. You ignore the pain as sharp claws dig into your skin, trying your best to twist out of his hold. Logically you know there’s no place for you to run to down here, and that was probably what he wanted all along. Still, your heart hammers painfully against your chest, urging you to at least try.
You don’t succeed in doing much more than twisting yourself over on your stomach, fingers clawing at the stone in an attempt to pull yourself away. You barely have time to process the hiss leaving Jungkook’s throat before the remaining fabric of your trousers are sliced clean in two, leaving you completely bare. The next roll of his hips sends his cock rubbing over your ass, your body trembling at the wetness that seems to be coating it. The scales on his hips are rough and sharp as they drag over your soft skin, and you don’t doubt they'll feel like tiny little razors if you move against them wrong. You’re still trying to drag yourself away when Jungkook’s arms comes under your body, one wrapping underneath your arm to hold the opposite shoulder, and the other curling around your stomach. The creature lets out another hiss at your squirming, pulling your flush against his chest. You can feel his heartbeat against your back, the steady rhythm such a contrast to the wild beat of your own as he once again moves against your body. The new position sends his cock gliding between your legs, the shaft rubbing along your folds and coating it with the same slick fluid you felt on your skin. You dig your fingers into the stone floor, but your body is locked up tight against Jungkook. There’s nowhere for you to go.
Jungkook lets out another warning noise before he rolls his hips forward again, the tapered tip of his cock catching on your entrance. You let out a strangled moan as Jungkook’s cock sinks into your heat, your walls stretching around him as he pushes in deeper. Your arousal from earlier combined with the wetness around the creature’s cock makes the slide painless aside from the uncomfortable burn of being filled too much, too fast. Jungkook’s excited thrill at finally being buried inside your heat rings in your ear from the close proximity, his tongue dipping out to flick across the sheen of sweat at your nape. The creature begins pulling his hips back, not giving you any time to adjust before he snaps them forward. You let out a choked moan as he fills you up again, vision growing hazy as he sets a brutal pace from the get go. You can feel the harsh slap of his hips against your ass with every thrust, Jungkook letting out a pleased hiss as he continues to slam into you. You can feel the tapered length twitching and pulsing inside of you as he moves, more wetness seeping out of his cock to mix with your own. Every thrust leaves you gasping for breath, and the hold Jungkook has around your body feels like you’re wrapped up in steel. You have no choice but to lay there and take it, but as the creature’s cock nudges over your sweet spot repeatedly, you realize to your own horror that you like it.
Lost in a daze of arousal and fear, you don’t even realize the creature has been moving the both of you backwards until you’re suddenly plunged into the cold water. You let out a startled gasp as Jungkook’s length disappears from your heat, and you thread the water forcefully to keep your head above the ripples as you try to figure out where the creature went. You feel his hands before you see him, claws wrapping around your waist as Jungkook pushes you against the ledge. You let out a pained groan as your back collides with the stone, your hands scrambling up to grip the edge of it. You freeze as Jungkook’s head slowly emerges from the water, those deep red eyes looking hungrier and wilder than you’ve ever seen before. It only takes a moment before you feel the creature’s chest pressed against yours, his cock slipping in even easier with the new position. It doesn’t take many thrusts before you’re forced to wrap your legs around his waist to keep yourself afloat, your arms shaking with the effort of keeping your head over water. Your fingers slip a little against the wet stone, your eyes widening as you seem to sink even further down on Jungkook’s cock. You’ve never been so full before, almost delirious as he picks up his pace. Jungkook’s hands are relentless as they glide over your skin, pinching and rubbing every part of your body.
“F-fuck,” You moan as your clit rubs against his tail, the roughness of the scales making a bolt of arousal shoot through your body. You don’t even realize your hips are moving against his as the tightness in your gut grows, the pressure building more and more until it suddenly unravels, waves of pleasure ripping through your body and making you see stars as you come on Jungkook’s cock. The creature lets out something close to a growl as your walls clamp down around him, and he fucks you straight through your orgasm and into oversensitivity with an animalistic pace. You whine as Jungkook’s cock begin to swell, grow, his hands stilling on your hips to pull you flush against him as he comes. He lets out a pleased chirp as the burning hot come floods your insides, a broken moan escaping your lips as Jungkook slows down the harsh pace. It’s done, you think, relieved. He’ll probably leave you alone now. So it confuses you when Jungkook’s eyes slide shut, soft clicks leaving his lips as he pushes you even harder against the stone behind you. He’s still working his hips in and out of your heat, and you realize that even though he just came, his cock is still hard and growing, still stretching your walls.
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you feel something moving up Jungkook’s cock, a firm but soft sphere spurting from the tip and into you. It takes a second for your hazy mind to connect the dots, and you realize a little too late that the creature is laying eggs. Inside of you. Jungkook is breeding you. You desperately try to push against his chest as you feel the second egg travel up his cock, but Jungkook only tugs you closer, tucking his face into the crook of your neck as his chest rumbles. You stifle back a moan as the second egg joins the first, the foreign texture brushing along your sensitive walls. The creature purrs as he released another spurt of eggs, slowly grinding his cock back and fourth as he breeds you. You cling on to the ledge behind you, disgust and pleasure wracking through your body as another egg joins the rest. A deeper click, something almost close to a groan, falls from Jungkook’s lips as he forces the last egg into your tight heat. Your eyes nearly roll back as you feel his cock nudge against your cervix; Jungkook’s slow pace fucking the eggs around inside of you. If you thought you felt full before, it’s nothing compared to being stuffed to the brim with Jungkook’s thick cock, eggs and come.
You can feel Jungkook’s breath ghost across your exposed wet skin, the harsh puffs of air sending chills down your back. Your hands finally slip from the ledge, too exhausted to keep you up anymore. Before you can wrap your shaking arms around Jungkook’s shoulders, the creature suddenly detangles you from his body, quickly hoisting you back up on the ledge. You let out shaky moan Jungkook’s cock once again slips from your heat, your body feeling surprisingly empty despite the eggs still resting inside of you.
“Shit,” You hiss as you strain to push yourself up on your elbows, gliding a hand down to your stomach. You can feel them inside of you when you press down, little bumps gliding around under your fingertips. Panic builds under your skin – you have to get them out. There has to be a reason you’ve never heard of creatures like Jungkook before. You doubt you're compatible to carry his eggs, and you don’t even know what will happen once they begin to grow. And even if you were, it’s not like you want them. Just as your hand is about to slip down to your slick folds, Jungkook hoists himself up from the water, once again covering your body. He snatches your hand away with a series of threatening clicks, barring his sharp teeth as he lies down on top of you. You twist your head with a fearful whimper as Jungkook pushes your hand into his hair instead, the weight of his body not totally crushing, but still enough to make you feel lightheaded.
You squeeze down around the eggs without meaning do, bile rising in your throat as they catch on your entrance, too big to push out without any help. Your eyes land on the crimson shell and pearl pushed over to the side of the cave. Your chest feels tight as it dawns on you that while the shell were likely a courting offer; the pearl must’ve been a mating offer. And you had accepted both. Your eyes begin to sting as you feel Jungkook’s chest rumble against yours, the pleased purrs making you feel sick. You hesitantly shift your gaze back to him, curling your fingers painfully tight into the wet locks underneath your palm as you find those deep red eyes already staring back at you. A twisted rendition of a smile blooms on his face, the rows of sharp teeth glistening as he looks down at you. The message in his gaze is clear – you’re keeping the eggs.
And there’s no way he’s letting you go.
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a/n: oh boy. hopefully only those of you that were okay with the warnings made it this far. because i know i’ll get questions: jk fertilized his own eggs when he bred y/n, and y/n will basically serve as an incubator (poor girl lmao) for a while. she’ll push the eggs out eventually and then the eggs will hatch on their own. and no – i have no plans of doing jk’s pov any time soon, and it’s up to you to imagine y/n’s fate. anyway!! i hope you uhh, enjoyed this! and thank you for all the love and support for this mini series, it means a lot to me!  as always, see you all soon and stay safe! and in case you enjoy my stories and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here! 💖
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jungkookiebus · 5 years
Dungeons and Dick | jjk
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Genre: nonidol!au, boyfriend!jjk, smut, fluff, crack? Pairing: jungkook x reader Word Count: 3.9k Warnings: dirty talk, face fucking, semi-exhibitionism, pussy slapping, ass slapping, rough sex, unprotected sex Summary: Your DnD group meets weekly and this time your DM, who also happens to be your boyfriend, plans on killing one of your party members until you thwart his plan leaving him pissed off and embarrassed. But Jungkook is not so secret about how much it turns him on when all the others have left.  Author’s Note: look, I like DnD and I wanted to write about Jungkook’s nerdy ass so sue me. ;) also this might be a hot mess. 
You had never seen anything more awful in your entire life, not even in your nightmares. The creature that loomed before you was larger than anything you had encountered before. Your party stood next to you, weapons ready, as you all prepared to face the creature head on. Standing in the underwater cave you had just swam to, almost losing Mando in the process, you were all hoping for a short rest when the creature appeared out of the shadows. Its brown outer shell was covered in algae, seaweed, and barnacles. Its eyes glowed red in the semi darkness and it roared as the tentacles on its chin lashed out at you. You quickly dodged out of the way of one of its swiping pincers and landed right on your feet. Next to you, Tan, pulled out his crossbow and docked it. You watched as he stepped back on his left foot, squinted to line up his shot, and fired. The arrow went neatly into one of the creature’s eyes and its roars echoed in the cave. Just as fast, Tan dropped the crossbow and shifted all his weight to his right foot as he yelled out, energy almost like lightning crackled from his fingers as three beams shot towards the creature. Its screams bounced off the walls and the noise was almost too much as you flinched, covering your ears. Your weapon clattered to the stone floor as you dropped to your knees.
“Lyran!” you heard yelled from across the cavern. Your cleric, Tezu, was maybe fifty feet away from you, halberd in hand as he watched you helplessly.
The creature lunged towards you, pincer open and headed straight where you were kneeling. A clash of metal against the floor, and the sharp light of sparks came into your vision as Tezu dashed across the cavern, halberd hitting the hard stone. Moments before the pincer closed around you, he slid in front of you, on his knees, halberd horizontal to the ground as he thrust it outwards, piercing into the hard shell of the creature. It roared in anger and pain as he jerked the halberd back towards him, pulling it from its grip.
Looking to the side you saw Mando calmly walk closer to the creature, arms outstretched, and you yelled at him to come back, but he didn’t seem to be listening. Saliva dripped from its mouth as it stalked closer to him, knowing it had its prey where it wanted it. But then, as if in moment of revelation, the creature stopped short. It lowered its pincers, tentacles falling limp as it stared dumbly at Mando. Mando’s eyes sparkled as he smiled. Lowering his arms, he looked at the creature for a bit longer before he said, “Go home.”
The creature didn’t even seem to ponder the demand as it slipped into the waters you swam out of and back into the depths. Next to you, Tezu sat back on the ground, winded and tired.
“Good one, Mando,” Tan said while picking his crossbow back up off the ground.
Mando was all smiles as he turned around, jutting his arm up into the air.
“Are you kidding me?!” Jungkook yelled.
“Hey, Dominate Monster is a good spell, man. I knew it’d come in handy when I leveled up.”
Jimin was grinning from ear to ear across the table as Jungkook glared at him from over the DM screen. Jimin had railroaded his efforts into making your party struggle to get to the ancient item.
You sat with your eyes closed listening to the sounds around you. Next to you, Taehyung sat clicking a pen, across the table Hoseok was sifting through some papers, and to your right at the head of the table, Jungkook sat tapping his foot as he shuffled his notes, figuring out what to do next. You heard the telltale sound of plastic against hardwood as someone dropped the contents of their dice bag.
“Shit,” you heard Hoseok mutter under his breath.
The smell of jalapenos from the nachos you just devoured reached your nose as you scratched your face. Beside you, Taehyung started to click the pen faster as he got more antsy. Blindly, you reached out and placed your hand over his. You felt him relax and drop the pen before sitting back in his chair.
“Well,” Jungkook huffed, “what do you guys do next?”
“What else is in this cavern?” Taehyung asked from beside you.
“There’s two doors. One has the carving of a fist on it with two swords behind it and a dragon encircling it.”
You heard Hoseok furiously taking notes and grinned to yourself. You never tried to really remember anything from this campaign. You were chaotic alignment after all.
“The other door has a raven carved onto it and it’s perched on a skull that seems to be balanced on a stack of books.”
“Can I do an arcana check to see if there’s any spells on the door?” Hoseok asked as he grabbed his character sheet.
“Sure,” Jungkook agreed.
Hoseok picked through his dice before grabbing the one he needed, rolling it in his hand, and let it fall to the table.
“That’s a 15 with a plus 2, so 17 arcana check, do I sense anything?”
“Soooo, the door with the fist seems like it has no magic on it, but the raven door is just oozing with magic. Like, it feels like maybe the spell on this door was just recently…I don’t know…renewed or something.”
“Hey guys!” Hoseok perked up as if you hadn’t heard anything Jungkook just said, “This raven door is just riddled with magic.”
“Alright, let’s open it. I walk up and attempt to open the door,” you said as you readied a dice in your hand.
“Wait!” Jimin yelled. “I attempt to stop her before she reaches it.”
“Too late,” Jungkook said, “give me a Constitution saving throw.”
You dropped the dice from your hand and looked at the number, already having memorized your character sheet.
“Your arm kinda feels funny for a second, but nothing happens but the door doesn’t open.”
“Okay, warlock man, can you help us out?” you said, turning towards Taehyung.
Taehyung thought for a moment as he tapped his pursed lips, brows furrowed in concentration as he blankly stared at the table.
“What if…,” he started, “neither one of these doors are real?”
“Didn’t the tome say something about three paths?” Hoseok asked, perking up.
“Do you still have True Seeing?” you asked, leaning over and peering down at his sheet. “You do! Use it on me!”
“Okay, I wanna cast True Seeing on _____ and see if she sees anything.”
“What do I see?” you asked turning to Jungkook.
“You do see a third door to the right of the raven door. That door has something that looks like a crown made of flames in front of a castle.”
“A castle we know?”
“Can I try to open it?” you asked.
“You can do whatever you want, babe.”
“No babe at the table, Jungkook, you’re the DM and I’m Lyran, your chaotic dwarf bard.”
He rolled his eyes and looked down at his notes.
“I’m gonna open it.”
“As soon as you open the door, there’s a ripple of dark magic and an Efreeti comes out of the door annnddddd I’m going to need all of you to roll for initiative.”
There was a collective groan as everyone gathered themselves for yet another encounter.
As the fight wore on you could tell that Jungkook was trying to kill a party member. The Efreeti was getting every save throw and everyone had taken fire damage at one point. You waited nervously, trying to keep your hit points up enough to pull out the spell Jungkook didn’t know you had. Last time, the party had leveled up and you spent that night restructuring your character.
When it got to your turn, Jungkook turned to look at you with such a cheeky grin that you were almost sad to be the one that would wipe it off. The pure satisfaction you would feel when you killed his elemental would be sweet. You had been adding up the damage everyone was dealing and if your calculations and guess were correct, the creature was probably under 100 hit points.
“Okay,” you breathed as if you weren’t sure what to do. You wanted Jungkook to believe he had won this round. “How far away is he from me?”
“About 70 feet.”
“Perfect. I’m going to move 10 feet and cast Power Word Kill and the word of power I use is…boji*.”
Hoseok’s peals of laughter made Taehyung jump in his seat as he too devolved into a fit of giggles. Jimin slid off his chair as he pointed at Jungkook who blanched.
“If I’m guessing correctly, your Efreeti is under 100 hit points, yes?”
All Jungkook could do was stare, open mouthed, and totally betrayed.
“Your creature’s dead.”
Hoseok screamed with laughter again as he clung to Jungkook’s arm. His attempt to placate a shocked Jungkook wasn’t working through his tears so he gave up and collapsed to the floor. Taehyung pulled you into a side hug so hard you had to push him away.
“We’re done for the night,” Jungkook said while standing and shuffling his papers into a stack before laying the screen down over them.
“Oh, come on!” Hoseok said from the floor.
“You were trying to kill us!” Jimin cried.
“I don’t think he was expecting us all to make it out alive,” Taehyung muttered as you watched Hoseok pull Jimin up from the floor.
“Don’t be mad!” Taehyung half pleaded from his seat. He could not care less how Jungkook felt about you killing his creature. He was already stuffing his keys into his pocket as he dropped his Player’s Handbook and dice bag into his backpack. “I’ve got class in the morning, so I’ll see you guys next week. Jungkook just shoot me a text with the XP I got, or I’ll kill you.” He bent over, placing a kiss to your cheek before waving to everyone else and heading out.
Hoseok and Jimin followed behind soon after. They both lived together a couple of blocks down from your building.
Jungkook was still moping around your apartment as you cleaned the crumbs and extra paper off the table.
“Are you really that mad?” you asked after he hadn’t said a word for quite a few minutes.
“You’re always just railroading me.”
“That’s the point.”
“But every time?!”
“You’re being very childish over a game, JK.”
He turned to you, turning his heated gaze on you as he stalked across the room. He came towards you swiftly with no signs of stopping and you subconsciously backed up until you heard the strange, hollow thunk of your back hitting the picture window. He stood, towering over you as you looked up at him. He looked heated and almost ready to argue until you saw his pupils blow. Reaching behind you, he pulled you by the ass towards him before lifting you up easily, your legs wrapping around his waist, as he practically slammed you into the glass again; the window shaking just a little and causing your muscles to tense even though you knew it’d take greater pressure to break. His lips were on yours swiftly as he used his body weight to keep you trapped against the window as his hands wandered up your waist underneath your shirt. He pressed himself into you as your legs tightened around his waist, fingers tangled in the hair at his nape as he kissed you harder. He reached behind him, grabbed your wrists, and pinned them to the window above you as he continued to kiss you and drag your bottom lip between his teeth.
“You’re so hot when you know what you’re doing,” he whispered as he began to pepper kisses down your throat.
“What? At DnD?” you moaned as your head bumped against the window.
“Yea, even if you do fuck with me.”
You grinned as his teeth grazed the skin of your collarbone, both hands still firmly held above your head.
“Baby, I created that character to fuck with you.”
He practically growled as he ground himself against you. His cock was already rock hard under the rough denim fabric of his jeans. Whimpers escaped your lips as he harshly pushed against the thin fabric of your leggings. His teeth bit into soft skin of your shoulder and his grip on your wrists was bruising as he circled his hips, creating friction against your clit. His breathing was thick and heavy as he tortured himself further. Still keeping you aloft with sheer core strength alone, his other hand was up under your sweater. You gasped as his cold fingertips danced along the underside of your breast; nipples immediately hardening before he even touched them.  He cupped and squeezed your breast desperately under the softness of your sweater, causing varying heightened sensations inside of you.
“Just wait until I put you in your place, baby.”
He ground himself even harder against you, knowing you were soaking every bit of fabric between you, desperate for more and willing to do whatever it took. Your hot skin squeaked along the window as your sweater rose with Jungkook’s hand. Without warning, he shifted his weight backwards and your legs slipped down to the floor, thankfully catching yourself before you landed on your ass. His grip on your hands never loosened, however.
He dipped down, face so close that your noses were almost touching as he looked you in the eyes. His flitted back and forth between yours as he seemed to be searching for something. He ran his pointer finger over your lips and your body involuntarily flushed with goosebumps. Bending the tip of his finger, he pulled your lip downward before letting it pop back.
“Can I fuck this pretty mouth of yours?”
Your mouth salivated instantly. “Yes.”
“Good girl.”
He let go of your hands and stood back from you while he started to undo the button on his pants.
You rubbed your sore wrists as you watched him.
“Right here?” you asked quizzically. You turned to look out of the window, very much on display for the rest of the world to see.
“Right here, baby,” he said while stepping out of his jeans. His cock was hard and outlined in his black boxer briefs, but it was when he turned to the side that you saw how hard he was, and you didn’t think twice as you dropped to your knees.
He raised an eyebrow as he turned back to you, a little surprised at your sudden submission. Reaching upwards, you hooked your hands in the band and pulled them down past his thighs. His cock bounced in front of you, red and leaking already. You licked your lips expectantly as you positioned yourself better on your knees, back still to the window. Jungkook’s gaze never wavered from you, nonplussed as he was to be bare in front of the window. Knowing he’d want control you placed both hands on his thighs as you let your mouth drop open, tongue waiting for its prize. He smiled that lopsided smile you always found endearing, but now it took on another personality as he grabbed both sides of your head, guiding your mouth to his cock. Slowly, it laid heavy on your tongue as he slid it in. He moaned as soon as you wrapped your lips around him and relaxed your throat. He hissed as he hit the back of it, causing you to tighten slightly, and waiting a beat before pulling out slowly. His fingers tightened in your hair as he gently thrust into your mouth again, building you up to where he wanted you. You looked upwards as his eyes met yours; his were black as night as his pupils blew even wider while his cock slid easily in and out of your mouth. Minutely, you dug your fingertips into his thighs a little more, signaling that he was okay to do whatever he wanted. Taking a deep breath through your nose you prepared for what was going to come next. He pulled out until the head was about to pop from your lips, eyes never leaving yours before he slammed back into your throat harshly causing you to choke around him.
“Fuck,” he moaned as he held himself there, head thrown back, and his hands tight in your hair.
His thigh muscles tensed under your hands as he thrust with more purpose. His thumbs slipped down your cheeks to the corners of your mouth. Jungkook loved using you this way and the evidence of it across his thumbs as drool slipped from the corners of your mouth, turned him on even more as he swiped the sticky wetness across the apples of your cheeks. Tears slipped from your eyes the more he restricted your breathing and soon your cheeks were soaked. His fingers slid back into your hair, wetting some of it as it stuck to your skin. He pulled your head onto him as he thrust forward. You were soon unable to hold back the choking noises as he fucked your mouth harder and harder, drool slipping down past your chin, sliding down your neck, and wetting the neck of your sweater.
With a gasp from him and an inhale of breath from you, he pulled completely from your mouth and stumbled backwards a few steps, chest heaving with the effort. He grabbed you by the wrist, pulled you up from the floor, and had your body flush with his as he reached around, fingers digging into the seam of your leggings, and pulled. The sound of fabric ripping filled the room as he ripped the ass of your leggings, exposing you to the cold air and window behind you, revealing your lack of panties. You barely had time to catch your breath before he had you bent over the arm of the couch, face buried into the cushions and throw pillows. His hand came down hard on one of your ass cheeks and the sting caused you to cry out as he rubbed a soothing hand over the spot. Not a second later, he landed a slap on the other, letting it sting for a few before he was soothing you once more. Your skin flushed with each connection, the sting sending chills of pleasures to the rest of your body. You shuddered helplessly on the couch as Jungkook landed slap after slap on your ass until you were sure they were just as red as his cock.
“You’re gonna ruin the couch,” he said as he dipped his hand between your legs. You had been absolutely dripping from the beginning and now you could feel it as fresh waves of arousal washed over you.
“Please,” you murmured; cheek pressed against the cushion. You wiggled your ass in an attempt to entice him, but it just landed you another slap that burned deliciously as your skin swelled.
He grabbed handful of your ass cheeks, spreading them to look at your dripping pussy.
“So pretty, baby.”
He rubbed his cock in between them, slowly and tortuously now.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to be inside of you.”
You whined as your fingers bit into the soft fabric, feeling the lines of thread as your fingernails caught in them.
He pushed in just as slowly as he did with your mouth and you couldn’t help the guttural moan that left your throat as he filled you up completely. You felt his hips stutter ever so slightly as your warmth enveloped him. His fingers bit into your waist as his other hand balled your sweater into his fist, creating leverage as he began to fuck you harder and harder. Your hips dug into the arm of the couch painfully as his snapped into you. Your sweater pulled tighter and tighter against your upper body the more he pulled, using every inch of you to fuck himself.
It seemed a moment too soon, when minutes later he pulled out and landed a slap directly against your pussy.
“Shit,” you gasped as you lifted your head, hands grappling with the fabric beneath you as you tried to find purchase and ground yourself to the here and now.
Jungkook had your head spinning anew as he slapped you even harder this time.
“Switch,” he said simply as he pulled you up from the couch.
Your entire body protested as you stiffly stood from the position you had been bent into for so long, but he didn’t care as he sat on the couch, legs spread, and waiting. He braced his hands on your waist as you slung your leg over his and positioned yourself over his cock. He pulled you down, hard, onto him and you cried out as you braced yourself on his shoulders.
“Ride me,” he said through gritted teeth. He was practically shaking as he held onto your waist still.
You rolled your hips the way you knew he liked it and you watched as his eyes rolled back and his head hit the back of the couch, hair fluffing out to the sides as it softly framed his head. Holding onto him tighter, you used him as you lifted yourself now and again, sitting back down hard, before grinding your hips in a way that had you rubbing your clit against his pelvis. Soon, head lifted and through hooded eyes he watched as your body undulated above him, torso still wrapped in soft pink cashmere, hair spilling past your shoulders, and eyes shut in bliss. He pushed your sweater up and over your breasts as he wrapped one arm around your back, bringing you closer, and pulled your nipple into his mouth. He hummed against your skin and you felt yourself gush around his cock as he bit and sucked softly. You felt more than saw him plant his feet firmly on the floor as he took over thrusting into you faster than you were riding him. The force of his thrusts had you bouncing down hard on his cock and you felt the familiar pressure build as your vision clouded with pure pleasure. Heat built inside of you until it felt like a consuming fire.
“That’s it, baby. Come all over me with that pretty pussy. You’re so beautiful, baby,” he muttered breathlessly as your whines became more pitched.
Your body tensed as your breath caught in your throat, coming hard, hands gripping his shoulders, as your mouth fell open, but no sound escaped. Exhaling and then breathing in just as fast, a small scream escaped your lips as he continued fucking you through the orgasm and sending you into yet another intense one before you had time to breathe.
He pulled you up off his cock just enough to reach around and grip himself firmly in his fist, jacking himself off fast and hard as the head of his cock still nudged closely to your entrance. You wrapped your arms around his neck, knees planted firmly into the couch as you brought your lips to his and captured them in a kiss. His thighs began to shake beneath you as you rotated your hips over the head of his cock, his hand working over himself furiously until you felt him come. Hot strings of cum landed against your pussy and dripped down back over himself as he slowed his hand, body jerking every once in a while, with the aftershocks of his orgasm.
Collapsing against him, you were both breathing hard as you came down from your highs.
“Remind me,” you said breathing heavily, “to kill your characters more often.”
*boji or 보지 is the Korean word for cunt, muff, or pussy.
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breadoffoxy · 3 years
Meant to be
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Summary: You’re lost in another world, part of some grand prophecy, and befriend a handsome prince. You miss home, but do you really want to go back?
Written for the BTS Ghosite Marathon. Prompt: Song Lyrics: “Because all of this is not coincidence.” (DNA)
Drabble: 26/30
Pairing: n. Reader x Jimin
Genre: fluff, angst, fantasy
Warnings: homesickness, mention of fighting spiders but no details
Word Count: 775
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The stars look so similar yet so different. None of your world’s constellations shine up in the sky above you. It’s beautiful, the sea of stars so bright without all the smoke, pollution, and city lights from your home. Home…you miss it.
“Can’t sleep?”
Turning, you see Jimin approaching your spot high up on the battlements. His loose tunic blows in the wind as he gracefully maneuvers himself over the edge to sit next to you. His feet hang over the castle wall and brush up against yours.
“Something like that.” You take too long to consider that answer though, making Jimin frown worriedly. His eyes stare into yours intently, trying to find the answers to your disposition.
“What are you doing up here?” You return his question before he can get too curious about your answer. “Can’t sleep either?”
Jimin was actually about to retire for the night, hence his loose clothing, when he saw you from his window. You looked so beautiful sitting under the stars, bathing in their light, yet also so sad. He wanted to check on you. Talking with you and being in your presence has become one of his favorite past times, much to the annoyance of some of his advisors. The other half saw his connection to you as a great boon to convince you to stay in this world. He wants to be closer to you because of just, well you, and not because you are the goddess’s envoy.
“Something like that,” he repeats. “Everyone has been treating you well?”
“Of course!” Quickly you exclaim, not wanting him to go on a witch hunt. “In fact, everyone has almost been too nice. I don’t see how you keep up with all these formalities.”
“Unfortunately, that’s part of the job,” Jimin groans tiredly. “Someone always wants something. It’s so rare to meet someone genuine.” Like you.
“You should get some rest then, your highness.”
Jimin tenses at the use of his title coming from you. Ever since he found you lost and confused in the middle of nowhere, yelling and beating at a small hoard of giant spiders, you have called him by his name.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on.”
You know how stubborn Jimin is and know he won’t back down, not until he gets what he wants. With a heavy sigh you stare back up at the stars. “What am I even doing here?”
Jimin’s frown deepens even more. From the corner of your eye, you can see him twist to face you better. “What do you mean?” He knows you aren’t talking about the windy battlements in the dead of the night. “You were brought here by the goddess to channel her will-“
“I’m just an idiot who walked into a spooky looking mysterious cave only to find my way blocked, got attacked by monsters, and ran in a random direction until you found me.” Your hands tighten into fists on top of your knees and your nails bite into the palm of your hand. All your doubts you have come rushing out though a tightly laced hiss, “I’m not some chosen everyone keeps talking about. I’m nobody.”
Jimin reaches his hands to grab yours, easing them to relax, and gripping them reassuringly. “You’re here because all of this is not a coincidence.”
You look ready to retort, but Jimin presses on. “Hear me out, ok?” I know you don’t believe in destiny.” Jimin ignores your snort, “but that day when I found you I-“ he lets go of one of your hands to grip at his shirt, right over his heart. “I felt a calling, a desire I couldn’t explain to you or even myself. I just…knew, and the world has been different ever since that day.”
“Jimin, I…“ you want to believe him so bad, but you are so scared. Everyone wants so much from you, and you don’t know how to give it. You never asked for this.
“You trust me, right?”
Your response is immediate. “Of course.”
“Then trust me that you are meant to be here, with me, right now on this wall. We’ll figure out the prophecy together, and then get you back home.”
Jimin smiles and you really do feel like he’ll make all his promises true. Something blooms in your heart, and you lean into the prince. “And if I want to stay here, with you?”
Jimin’s heart blooms as well. He raises his hand still holding yours and places a gentle kiss on your knuckles. “No matter what you choose, you’ll always have a home here. I’ll make sure of it.”
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virgo-myself · 3 years
Sapphire Waters: Part 3
genre: black swan au
pairing: bts!maknae x fem!reader
summary: You ran to escape your dead future. If only you could have seen that your future departed the moment you stepped foot in that river.
Your head was practically pounding when you finally came to. However, the headache wasn't the only thing you found to be out of the ordinary.
At your first attempt to move your hands to your temple, you found yourself restricted to do so. Something, or rather someone, had bound your hands together above your head.
With a single tug, you knew you weren't going anywhere by sheer force of strength or will. The heaviness of the chains that bounded you to the wall of the cave were proof enough. A wracked sob escaped your lips, and you found yourself wishing you were truly dead.
"Don't worry, we'll take good care of you."
The softness of those words echoed in your mind, and a small whimper lodged itself in your throat. Just the thought of those words sent spiders down your spine, and you couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of horrible creature said them.
"Jimin-ah," one of the voices you heard before called out, it's voice bouncing off of the cave walls. It was the same voice who practically claimed to have caught you first. The youthful sound forces your head to jerk in the direction it came from.
"She's awake."
Damn this cave, and damn whatever being that decided darkness could be this dark. You were still practically blind in this cave you sought refuge in. If this was the kind of refuge you knew would await you, you'd have taken you chances with your father's soldiers.
"Hmm," something fleshy clasped the side of your face. It felt like a hand, only, colder, and less...human. You shuddered and squirmed away from the feeling, but it was the same airy voice that had shushed you. The same voice who had claimed that these three creatures would, in fact, "take care of you."
"Please," you murmured, "let me go." Even these words were a challenge for you to squeeze out, but you forced them out nonetheless. If these beings were intelligent, perhaps you could bargain for your life.
"You came to us...remember?" The melodic voice continued to hold your face in his one "hand." You could practically feel the claw-like fingernails pressed against each cheek are he squeezed you gently.
"I-I'm sorry--I didn't mean to," you pleaded," but I won't tell anyone! I swear! Just please let me leave."
You could barely recognize the whiny, pleading voice as your own. Is this what you've stooped to? Begging for your life to three monsters who could, for all you knew, bend and snap you like a twig if you so much as annoyed them.
"Shh shh," the voice hushed you once again, and it was then that you realized that you were crying. The tears ran past your eyelids and soaked the creature's claws. You whimpered and the force around your cheeks suddenly vanished. Your cheeks felt hot and blotchy, and you swallowed a loud sob when the cool air of the cave kissed your wet cheeks.
"Why would you ever want to leave us?" The voice was deep and quiet, and you could feel the hot breath of the third and final creature (to your knowledge) against the conch of your ear. You whimpered and did your best to shuffle away from the intrusive visitor so close to you. Too close.
"You belong to us now," the youthful voice stated. It sounded sure of itself and strong--dangerously strong.
"Please--," you started, but suddenly shrieked when a hand jerked you forward by your chains. Weren't they been attached to the wall of the cave?
You fell on all fours and you couldn't mask your now shaky voice as you started to whimper. Whatever types of torture these creatures had in store for you would surely not be in your favor, and yet, you couldn't will your muscles to move from their current position against the stone of the cave floor.
Another sharp tug sent your limbs into a scramble as the creatures yanked you forward again. Your knees scratched against the cold stone and you yelped in pain. It was the kind of pain that willed your muscles to finally work, and you staggered to your feet. Your wrists burned as the chains rubbed your skin raw, but you knew better than to complain or cry any more than you already had.
After what seemed like eternity marching deeper and further into the black abyss, the constant tugging forward stopped. The air felt much colder, much damper. You could hear the small waves of water ahead, and a sudden twinkling reflection from the black waters made your heart jump. Your eyes shot upward, and you finally saw the source of the reflection. The moon!
The ceiling of the cavern that laid before you was so grand and tall that you could just barely make out a corner of the moon above through a small hole from above. Given the right timing, you were sure that both the sun and the moon would pass by this opening every day.
You gasped in awe and shock at the sudden light source, however small it was, and sent a silent prayer at finally able to see once again. However, that prayer fizzled into dread when you could hear the chains loudly pile onto the hard ground.
You eyes followed the chain from your wrists and snaked its way forward and a few feet from where you stood now. You gasp was now one of simple shock and horror.
The first thing that caught your eye about the three men ahead of you were the black feathers that protruded from their back. Their wingspan must've been large, given the very size of the forelimb at the base of their shoulder blades. The feathers were sleek and bountiful, and dare you say, beautiful.
From where you stood, you could just make out the skin of the men. What caught your eye were their hands and bare feet. You had never seen anything quite like it. Trekking up from their knuckles to the middle of their forearms was something more akin to dark black with silver veins and tendons. Their feet were the same, stretching from the ends of their toes and across their feet like tiny rivers of silver.
Their silver veins or bones (you weren't quite sure which) stretched all the way up and slowly disappeared beneath their long, black shirts they each wore loosely with a pair of dark trousers. No wonder you couldn't hear them--their feet were free of loud boots against the rocky floor of the cave that caused their echoes to be nonexistent. Their clothes looked to be lightweight and free of any restraint, and their wings...their wings.
Your mind began to frazzle and your heartbeat could suddenly be heard in your temples as you sank to your knees in terror. They looked like birds, but only, not completely. They had hair on their one head each, they had human hands and feet, they had two orange eyes. Orange eyes...
The glowing of their orange eyes sent a shudder down your spine, and one of the men quirked his head in wonder. His hair was very messy as it curled around his ears. His eyes glowed like the dying embers of a fire, and you hated the way he stared at you. The eyes of him and his two companions almost reminded you of the way a bird's eyes stared at it's prey from above the ground, only now, they were the birds, and you the prey.
"Hm...she seems to be taking it well," the curly-haired one snickered, his smile wide and boxy as you recognized the deep, rumbling voice as the one from earlier who breathed against your ear.
You couldn't find your voice. You couldn't find your footing. You could barely find your thoughts as your eyes flickered between the three men--the three creatures--that stood before you.
The one who spoke, with the deep voice and dark, messy curls, seemed very nonchalant about his statement regarding your state of being. If this was you "taking it well," you couldn't even begin to imagine how others could have taken to seeing these three.
The one in the middle seemed the most concerned and sad with your reaction the moment you sank to your knees. He had taken a step forward when you did, but had decided against approaching you. Surely you looked as terrified as you felt. His hair was also dark, almost blue-black, and stopped about halfway at his ears and draped into his face. His features were softer than the other's, with plump lips and pillow-like cheekbones.
The one on the far left of you, slightly behind the other two seemed to stare at you with fascination. It was this type of fascination you'd feel looking at the skeleton of an animal for the first time, and it made your stomach roll. It was as if he were ready to study every inch of you, and you could do nothing but cower under his gaze like an insect beneath a magnifying glass.
Out of the three, this one seemed younger. His hair, like the others, was midnight black, and much longer than the other two. The ends of his hair grazed the back of his spine, and he kept a great deal of it trapped in a piece of leather at the crown of his head. Still, a few stray pieces fell into his eyes as he flicked them out of his face to study you a bit more. His jawline was sharper, as well, and he could just make out every time it clenched when his amber eyes found a new place to look at you from.
"Shut up, Taehyung," the one in the middle spoke quietly, shooting a glare at the one on the far right. He simply rolled his eyes at the gesture and settled his stare at the water to your right. Taehyung...? They had names?
Your mind wandered back to before you fainted, and you then remembered the hushed whispers of the three creatures as they spoke to one another. Jiminie. Tae. Kook. Names.
You gulped down air and did your best not to stare into their orange eyes. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop shaking under their gazes. Their eyes were unlike anything you had ever seen. Granted, you hadn't seen much, but to have the eyes of...what? Birds? An animal's? It make your skin crawl.
"What--," you began, and their features perked up at your meek voice, and all eyes burned into your figure. You gulped.
"What do you want from me?" You finished.
Your stomach dropped and your throat closed up when the three men's lips pulled up into small smiles. Some gentle, some anything but. Your eyes locked with Jimin's orange orbs, and you swear you saw them glow for a moment, shining brightly with mischief and something that made your stomach curl.
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aureumjeon · 5 years
tiptoed his way (m) || kth
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pairing; taehyung x reader. genre; roommate!au; smut; fluff; angst. warnings; breaking and entering, unintended voyeurism, female masturbation, oral (both receiving), unprotected sex via doggy style, choking, tae suffers from MSS(Monster Schlong Syndrome lol), that’s about it.  word count; 6.4K (unedited im sorry :()
summary; ➜ Taehyung found himself locked out of your shared home and there were only two options to successfully get inside. (1) Wake you up from your sleep and face the wrath that’ll follow, (2) Think like a burglar and enter through your window. (Un)fortunately for him, he picks the latter.
taglist; @bella-victoria002  @chaitaewithkookies @saddiesan  @wehadnochoice  @knjhe @thoughtsfromfaroffplaces @livorna @taetaeobsessed @erisann  @thoughtsfromfaroffplaces @wickizer
a/n: the old gif doesnt work i dunno what i did wrong :(
“I’ll be out ‘til late, y/n! Don’t wait up for me.” Taehyung hollered while lacing his worn out white high-cut converse in the entryway. Hoping his voice would reach the end of the hallway where you were currently cooped in in your room. 
 “Alright! Stay safe!” Not bothering to leave your room, you answered back. Voice echoing through and bouncing off the dry walls. After waiting a few minutes, you heard the door slam shut with a thud. You cautiously tiptoed your way to the direction of your door, slightly opening the solid block of wood and peeking through the narrow crack you made. With no Taehyung in sight, you pumped your fist in the air and cheered victoriously. You finally have the house to yourself. You beamed with delight scurrying yourself over to the kitchen to make yourself a hot steaming bowl of instant ramen. 
 Taehyung and Jungkook had been your room mates since you can remember. It was freshman year of college, and you were looking for a cheap place to stay with the money you saved up working as a part-time student during your last year of highschool. A friend had introduced you to Jungkook, saying they needed one more person to split the bill with, broke college students need to support each other. At first you were hesitant, a girl living with two boys in a shared house wasn’t you initial plan but as the days go by since you first moved it, you got to know Taehyung and Jungkook a little more. Your friendship with them had gotten greater, the three of you were inseverable and you treasured them to bits! 
 Although in the four years you’ve been boarding together, every now and then they can really get on your nerves; letting the dirty dishes stack up at the sink until molds would flourish on the left over food; leaving the empty carton of milk in the fridge just as you’re planning to enjoy it with cereal or maybe a pack of Oreos; bags of chips and boxes of pizza scattered on all parts of the living room floor whenever they’d have movie night on Fridays with Jimin and Hoseok; and last but not least, the thing that they always do that grinds your gears the most, their dirty laundry in every corner, nook, and cranny of the house. Stinky socks, sweaty shirts, crusty jeans and even used underwear, you name it!
One time you had guests over; all girls might you add, studying for a group project in chemistry. Oh poor, sweet Yeri… Her unsullied innocence mercilessly corrupted by Jungkook’s disgusting underwear that had a suspicious dried up patch of white something on the crotch area of the small fabric. Yeri almost fainted when she pulled out the article of clothing from the kitchen caddy, flinging it across the room to where the other girls were. You scolded Jungkook the same day, advising him to keep all his stuff where it needed to be kept and on top of that to apologize to the poor girl he scarred for life. Which he did, and that’s the story of how Jungkook and Yeri’s relationship began. Who knew, right?
 Taehyung was like Jungkook at first, but somehow he decided to stay under your radar as best as he could. Once you lectured him on something he’s done wrong inside the quarters of your home, he’d make it a point to engrave it on the back of his head. He has his fuck ups every now and then, but nothing too consequential. There was one time though, and you wish you could forget, that he brought a girl home which wasn’t against the house rules. Jungkook had brought Yeri numerous times and you, yourself, had your fair share of men visiting the house, specifically your room. It was s well established etiquette to keep the ruckus down since you we’re sharing this living space between the three of you. But during that critical time, which you’ve spoken to Taehyung and Jungkook beforehand never lacking to remind them on multiple occasions throughout that day. Telling them to please keep the noise to a minimum because you'll be revising for for a major exam that was equivalent to forty percent of your total grade. Somehow, Taehyung managed to forget your simple and completely doable request. With the paper thin walls between you and the absence of soundproofing, you were able to get every moan, groan and mewl that came from Taehyung’s rooms adjacent to yours. That bastard is so dead was the sole thing on your mind right now and not the words inscribed in the textbook that you’ve read over for the tenth time that night. The morning after that horrendous night of not getting anything done, you waited irksomely in the common room for taehyung and his date to emerge from his chambers. 
 “Y/n, y-you’re up early.” He gulped, taking in your appearance. Your gaze was piercing especially with the huge dark bags under your eyes. “I’ll take Minju ho--”
 “I’m sure she knows here way back.” You cut him off with a bark in your tone, “Can’t you, Minju?” Your focus was now directed at her and she was quivering under your constant scrutiny.“Y-yes,” She clutched on her designer handbag bowed nervously before fleeing the place like a prey encountering it’s predator.
 “I asked you for one thing, Taehyung, one thing.” You lowered your head and massaged your aching temples with your fingers, placating your exasperation towards the boy who was placed in the hot seat. “You knew I was studying tonight, Tae.” The timbre of your voice wasn’t sickeningly livid anymore. From spiking up to a hundred degrees in the last two minutes, it dropped down to a negative ten. “This test is worth forty percent of my grade, I told you that. This is the first time I requested you to do something for me...”  You shut your eyes close and drew out a long sigh before standing up and intending to head back to your room. “If I fail this test, I want to let you know it’s on you, Tae.”  His features were extremely devastated and disheartened, not because of the things you just said but because of how he had forgotten all about it. 
 You inconspicuously peered back at him and the look on his face says it all. A helpless puppy abandoned by its human, that’s what he resembled most at this moment. Big glassy eyes, a wet nose and pouty lips. Okay, that was kind of a mean thing to say, you thought. But you never failed to remind him, always opening up and squeezing in the topic during the mundane conversations you shared together. After one last disappointed sigh, you looked up the clock, 6:55 am. “Anyway, I still have three more hours before the test. I’ll be in my room.” You turned your back on him and proceeded to take a few steps forward before saying one last thing to him, “Please, please, please. Don’t bother me.”  You were on your way back down the hall, nothing will stop you from cramming seven chapters of lesson into your brain in less than three hours in one sitting.
 “Sorry, Y/n.”
 Sorry ain't gonna cut it, chief.
 Its as if Taehyung was able to read your mind, “ I’ll- I’ll be on bathroom duty. For two, no, four weeks. Yeah, yeah. One month of bathroom duty, Y/n. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to forget.”
 You glanced over your shoulder and caught a glimpse of Taehyung with his hands clasped together, his facial expression pleading for forgiveness. You knew he was really sorry. Why? Because nobody liked bathroom duty, not even you.
 “That seems fair to you, kook?” You spontaneously asked, making Taehyung scan the living room area. Glass started clattering in the kitchen and your doe-eyed bunny-boy of a roommate came hopping in. Taehyung was seeking compassion from his long-time comrade. Maybe shortening his time on bathroom duties or lending him a helping hand at least. Bros before hoes, right? “For the record.” Jungkook started, taking a sip from the cold banana milk bottle in his hand. “You kept me up, too. And I have football practice at eight.”  He shrugged his shoulders casually before hiding back in his man cave. “Have fun cleaning, Tae.” 
 Your chiding was for everyone’s best interest, may this incident serve as a lesson of respecting other people who also lives in this household. Although there was one thing you were still unsure about. After that episode, Taehyung has never set foot in the premises with a woman draped around his arm again. You hoped you did not terminate his hopes of getting a love life.
 In conclusion, they’re just a bunch of stupid college boys wanting to survive this hell hole, what do you expect? So, having the house to yourself was a once in a blue moon moment you’d never take for granted. 
It was two in the morning, and Taehyung was stupidly perched at the doorstep patting his pockets for what seemed like the tenth time in the last ten minutes searching for his keys. "Shit."  He grumbled under his breath, taking out his phone from his back pocket and calling up Jungkook's number. After the third try, he finally answered the call.
"H-hey, what's up? I love you and all that shit but why are you calling at two in the fucking morning?" The voice is the other line was dry and scratchy. 
"Ah," Taehyung felt apologetic for waking up the Jungkook but he absolutely needed help, "Sorry for bothering you, Kook. Do you happen to know where the spare key is? Left my copy in my room before I went out and now I'm locked out of the house," He laughed embarrassingly, attempting to check his pockets one more time before calling it quits, wishing his keys would magically turn up in one of them.
"Taehyung…" The line suddenly went silent, it was a good fifteen seconds before Jungkook went on speaking,"Didn't I tell you that I'm holding onto the spare key to have it duplicated since my I lost my copy?"
There it was again, complete and utter silence. If it wasn't for irregular breathing coming from the other line, Jungkook would've guessed Taehyung had dropped the call already.
"Just wake up y/n, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Jungkook suggested, that was probably the best route to take. 
"No bro," Taehyung's tone was unnaturally dark and empty.
"Can I ask why?"
"L-Last time I locked myself out and woke up y/n," he choked on his series of words, recalling the traumatic event that occurred in the past. "She made me wait a whole hour before opening the door. While I was waiting out in the cold, y/n cooked bacon and pancakes at midnight just to spite me. The smell of the food made my stomach flip and growl. When she finally let me in, she ate it all by herself while looking me straight in the eye."
Jungkook on the other line laughed uproariously at Taehyung's untold story, "Remind me not to get on Y/n's bad side. But in all seriousness, how are you planning to get inside the house?" He queried the boy who was stuck in an unfortunate predicament."I don't get back til' Sunday. And it's only Friday."
Taehyung's eyes lit up like those light bulbs in cartoons when the characters gets a genius idea. "Is your room the one without the safety locks on the window?"
"One, no. My windows have safety locks. Y/n's window is the one without it. And two, that's a really bad Idea, Tae."
"What's a bad idea, babe?" Taehyung indistinctly overhears a hushed voice in the background. His conversation with Jungkook probably woke up Yeri too. "Oh, Taehyung's planning to enter through y/n window to get into the house." Jungkook made sure that taehyung was hearing what Yeri had to say, since she's been friends with y/n just as long as them. Her giggles were so innocent, akin to a baby but the words she said were the exact opposite. "That is a stupid idea, unless Taehyung wants to be hit on the head with a metal baseball bat and bleed to death." 
"Yeri said that that's a stupid idea unless you--"
"I heard what she said. And I won't even make a sound! I'll tiptoe my way through her window and out of her room in a flash! That way I'll be in the house and won't have to wake up y/n! I see this as an absolute win." Taehyung broadcasted triumphantly like he had discovered the map to the lost City of Atlantis. 
Yeri snatched the phone from her boyfriend's hand and lectured Taehyung y/n style. "Tae, this isn't the time to be quoting the Incredible Hulk when you're the one who's gonna be beaten to a pulp when y/n wakes up and mistakes you for a burglar. Just wake up y/n and ask her to open up the door for you. It can't be that bad, you'd live a longer life that way. Face the consequences of being a pee-brain."
"Nope," It seemed like Taehyung had made up his mind, and when Taehyung makes up his mind, there's no point in stopping him.
"Ahhh, tell your friend good luck. I'm going back to sleep." Yeri gave back the phone to her boyfriend. "You have our regards. If you don't die, call me back in the morning." A loud yawn can be heard from Jungkook's end as he hangs up.
And that's Taehyung's go signal.
He stealthily made his way round the perimeter of the house to the side where your room was located "Bingo." He mused as he spotted your window, slightly left ajar. He strategically maneuvered his way across the flower bed embedded on the ground, calculating his steps accurately not wanting to step on your precious roses and daffodils. He knows he can't lie to you, if asked who trampled on your bloom, he'd rat himself out in a blink of an eye. He'd like to enjoy a long flourishing life. Grow old, get married and possibly have kids and grandkids. 
Not like what he's about to commit will spare his life either way.
 Even with the lack of light and the gauzy material of the curtain, his eyes could make up your vague figure on the bed, tossing and shifting your legs about. Must be some crazy dream you're having, he thought. Though he can't get a clear view of you, he's certain you were there.
 He sucked in a deep breath and slowly pushed the unlocked window wider just enough so that he can slither his body inside, dragging the curtain along with it. He prayed to the heavens above that the hinges doesn't make a sound, not even a tiny squeak or his head will be the one hanging from the valances.
 With his hands securely clasped on the window sill, he utilized his upper body strength to propel himself up until his knees were secured on the narrow wooden surface. "Phew" he shakily exhaled, switching from his current kneeling position to a crouching one, gaining more balance for his following steps. 
 Before fully entering your room now that he had obtained a better view, he decided to take a proper look at your charming unconscious face. Wait, scratch that, that didn’t come out right. What he meant to conclude was… 
When Jungkook first introduced you to him as their new flatmate, he couldn’t help but be blown away. He was thunderstruck when he was graced by your overwhelming presence. Soft silky hair that he’d like to get bury his face in, letting the scent of your shampoo take over his senses; Round bright eyes that somehow carried the countless stars and galaxies, he’d willingly surrender himself just to get lost in them. A lovely button nose that scrunched up when you smiled and introduced yourself for the first time. “I’m Y/n, nice to finally meet you Taehyung.” he remembered clearly, god, how can he forget. Your soft-spoken voice perfectly fitted your delicate face. It was love at first sight, what else could it be? He fell for you hook, line and sinker. 
 He covertly watched over you, not in the stalker-ish way, of course. Whenever you’re lounging around in your favorite pajamas or simply tidying up the house, he’d inevitably find a small smile creep up on his lips. Even just knowing that you’re inside the house when he comes home from the university by the way your favourite music was blaring from your room made him happy. He learned along the way that you were really introverted, spending most of your weekends at home reading your favourite novels  and choosing to withdraw yourself from the generic college scene. Opting for a movie night date with your friends rather than partying at some musty frat house. Moreover, you didn’t strike up any conversation with him or Jungkook unless it was about the house or if it was that important to talk about. Unbeknownst to you, all the things you detested like unwashed dishes or misplaced dirty laundry, he did it on purpose just to get the attention he craved from you. Sometimes he felt guilty at the way he acted whenever you were around, a pout or two on your upset face.
 But he came to the point that he was tired of hiding and playing safe behind that thin line called “Friendship.”If he wasn’t gonna man-up and take action, nothing’s gonna change. So on your twentieth birthday, that’s when he decided he wanted to confess his love for you, hoping that the unrequited becomes requited. He bought a cake and decorated the whole house with a banner, balloons and streamers. He even paid Jungkook fifty dollars to keep his mouth shut about it. 
 What happened after was far from his or Jungkook's expectations. You came home from a date. A date which none of them knew about but here you were, wide eyed and jubilant to see the simple surprise party your dear roommates took the time to prepare for you. You introduced the boy standing next to you as your boyfriend. "Boyfriend" that word stung like a bitch. 
 It was then that he decided to put an end to this one-sided pinning that has been going on for quite some time now that hasn't bloomed into anything, not even a tiny sprout. If the stars were aligning and the universe was really on his side, he would have been your boyfriend by the end of the day, not some guy named Lucas. 
 Every other night he'd return with a girl to his room for nothing more than a quick fuck, never meeting with them for a second time. He thought it was something that would dull the agonizing throb in his chest, it worked for the most part. The bodily pleasure those women brought him made him forget momentarily about everything he's ever felt for you. He thought it was only a matter of time until all the feelings he'd kept would dissipate into thin air. 
 Minju, he recalled. A girl who was just as perfect as you in his eyes, well almost. With the thought of taking Minju home and having her all to himself as a priority in his mind, he got carried away and overlooked one critical thing you asked of him which was on top of that a principal house rule the three of you agreed on. "Always keep the noise to a minimum."
 He knew he fucked up the moment he spots you sitting on the couch glaring at him as he and Minju walked out of his room. He saw the look of disappointment etched on your face at how he had let you down and recognized how bad he fucked up. He thought that you’d never forgive him and end up hating him for the rest of his life, but you always kept proving him wrong. A familiar box was atop the center island with a pink sticky note attached to it. 
"I'm sorry I got mad at you, Tae. It was probably the stress talking. Btw, I passed aced the exam! Hehe. <3 y/n.”
That was when he realized he truly did not deserve you. 
His profound daydreaming was put to a halt when he heard a hushed moan originate from your direction. His jaw almost unhinged at how low and wide it was hanging from his face at the sight he has failed to notice prior to entering your room. A convoluted expression was apparent on your face, with your brows knitted together, and eyes shut tight, upper teeth frustratingly nibbling at your bottom lip. Your left hand hidden under the sheer fabric of your shirt, kneading at your mound lavishly while the fingers on your other hand were tirelessly circling around the glistening flesh between you spread legs. You weren’t sleeping, you were masturbating! 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Gotta get out. Gotta get out. Gotta get-- 
 His whole life flashed before his eyes as he witnessed the mason jar you used as a flower pot unexpectedly gets knocked over by his rogue foot, emanating in a clangorous noise as it hit the seat of your metal chair tucked under your desk. There were numerous circumstances that he wished he could get out of certain situations unscathed, which as luck would have it he did. This one? Not so much as your instincts urged you to direct your attention to where the abrupt sound came from. He saw your bewildered eyes staring at his squatting figure by your window.
 Taehyung quickly slammed his palms over his face concealing his eyes while blindly steering his body farther into your room, knocking over your other stuff in the process. As his feet finally met solid ground, it was now time to plead for his life. “Y/n! Shit! I-I can e-explain. I l-left my keys! A-and I didn't want to wake you up. I didn't mean seeing that!" He heard the sound of his rapid heart beat resonate in his ears, ringing so loudly that he couldn't even hear himself think.
 You found his flustered stuttering adorable and endearing. You weren't angry and knew he was telling the truth. Taehyung, no matter how brazen and badly behaved he was, has not ever lied to you. You can take his word for this one but a little teasing hasn't killed anyone. “Never perceived you as the peeping type, Tae."
 "I swear, I'm not!" His cheeks started burning red, the scorching heat of embarrassment crawling up to his ears and down his neck.
 You didn't answer him right away, and all he could make up with his vision temporarily impaired was the shuffling sound of your bedding and the indistinct footsteps walking towards him. "Well since you're here, might as well help your roommate out." You whispered suggestively in his ear, and he felt his jeans grow a little tighter by the crotch.
You pressed your body against his until the corner of your desk was painfully digging into his back. "What do you say, Tae?"
 "I-I don't think this is right." He respired weakly, his knees were starting to buckle at the figurative weight weighing down on his shoulders with palms still stuck to his eyes.
 "Wanna know what I think." You purred salaciously, the tip of your pointer finger lightly tracing over the skin of his clavicle. "I don't think this is a question of what's right and wrong," Your hand started to head south, stopping precisely at his sternum, your fingers drawing small figure eights over it. "I'm single, your single."You further proved your claim, hand once again dropping lower. Taehyung wasn't much of a gym rat like Jungkook or Jimin so he didn't have any abs. But you still appreciated his body nonetheless, especially paired with his remarkably attractive face. "I see this as a question of want and don't want. And judging from this," without warning, you cupped the hard-on he was sporting. Waves of electricity surged through his blood vessel, every cell in his body had doubled its working pace. "You want this as much as I do." Slowly, you palmed him through his jeans, fingers molding the curve of his clothed dick. His heart rate spiked and breathing got more labored with your words and actions.
He wanted to see you. He wanted to remove his hand from his face and see how the moonlight shining through your window illuminated your appearance, enhancing your elegant features tenfold but he was terrified that this will lead to something that will eventually ruin your friendship.
 "Taehyung..." You whimpered, starting to feel impatient. "Say something. Tell me what you want. Tell me to stop, please just say something." 
 "I-I," Fuck it, he thought. He detached his hands from his eyes and encased it around your petite torso, finally giving in to the treacherous temptation that is you. "I want you, y/n." He dipped his face in the curve of your neck, filling himself  up with the sweet scent of you. "I've wanted you for the longest time, y/n." His voice was guttural and strained, he'd never thought the time of him finally confessing to you would come. It required him every tendril of his being to finally come clean. An abandoned door that was once locked has instantly been pushed open, and his desire for you has never been more ardent.
"I want you too, Tae."
Moments later you've found yourselves entangled within each other's embrace, caught in a sweltering and heart racing make out session. Every brush of lips and prod of tongue was burning of lust and passion. The way your fingers intertwined with his and filling its spaces perfectly like the final piece of an unfinished puzzle. It felt so natural, the way the rise and fall of your breathing and the tempo of your pulses fell in sync. It felt like something that should've been done ages ago but was hindered by something unforeseen.
 As he hovered above your frame, you couldn't help but be drawn in the boundless sea of his deep hazel eyes. Wisp of his curled lashes resting prettily on his eyelids, the tip of his pointed nose dusted a shade of baby pink and lips pursed into a gentle smile. He observed you with hooded eyes as you absentmindedly stared at his face. You couldn't comprehend how a mere human can bear this much beauty and elegance in his mortal body, even the gods would seethe in jealousy at his splendor.
 "T-tae. I want to feel your dick down my throat." You professed bashfully, marvelling at his beauty can wait. Right now there was one thing you fervently wish for, him and his entirety. 
 Your bluntness was always one of his favourite traits of yours. "I'm all yours." He replied, placing an affectionate kiss on your lips. 
 "Stand at the edge of the bed." You instructed, going on all fours and crawling your way to the same spot. "C'mon!" 
 Taehyung with arched brows headed to where you wanted him, planting his feet firmly on the carpeted floor. "Okay, now what?"
 "I've always wanted to try like this." You pressed on, lying on your back with your head almost hanging off the edge of the bed, slightly propping it up with a small pillow. Taehyung was caught off guard with your new position, “Y/n, what are you doing?” He queried with an arch of his brows.
 “I’m ready to take your dick.” You seemed determined, sweeping your loosened hair away from your face and tucking it behind your ears. “Saw this in porn before and I’ve been itching to try it out.
 You just kept pulling out tricks from your sleeve, Taehyung never imagined you to be the type who watches porn. “You watch porn?” He incredulously questioned eyes going wide that hinted inquisitiveness.
 “Oh please, I am a human being. Stop looking at me like I’m some saint. I can watch adult videos whenever I want to.” 
 “Fair enough,” He acknowledged while unbuckling his belt, revealing the stiff bulge tucked in his boxer. He tugged the garterized hem of his underwear down and allowed his member to spring free.
 You were genuinely astounded with his impressive size and girth, tip red and already leaking pre-cum. “From all the years we’ve been living together, I kinda expected you were big, but not this big. Didn’t know you were suffering from MSS.” 
 “MSS?” he eyed you outlandishly, having no idea what you were talking about.
 “Monster Schlong Syndrome.” You answered as you tried suppressing the mischievous smile forcing its way onto your lips. 
 “Shut up, Y/n.” Taehyung’s cheeks grew rosier at your compliment about his dick, but he still preferred being humble about his size even when he was with other girls.
 “Make me,” You provoked him, opening your mouth fully and sticking out your tongue. Feeling rather wolfish to have him in your mouth.
 “Are you sure about this?” He queried you one last time, making sure you were a hundred percent okay with this. “I’m the one beginning to feel uncomfortable with your position.”
 “I’m fine, Tae. I want this.” 
 He couldn’t help stroking himself while taking in the image of you sprawled on the bed eyes totally blown-out. Begging and lusting over his cock. Taehyung gently tapped his length on your cheek,causing a smirk to form on your lips. “Stopped teasing,” You wailed vexingly, growing eager by the second. You tossed your head back even further while opening your mouth much wider, giving Taehyung a greater angle.
 “You ready, baby?” His already deep voice dropped an octave lower, a sultry and sickeningly honeyed tone slathered all over his words. You crossed your legs together feeling the steamy heat pool between them as you nod fervently. 
 Unhurriedly, Taehyung pushed the tip of his cock past your lips. The warmth and wetness of your mouth elicited a satisfied groan from him. He pushed even further down your throat, sheathing himself completely and noticing how tight the space has gotten as he descends. “Fuck, baby. Your mouth feels so good,” he euphorically moaned seeing how your pretty mouth is stretched by his thick cock.
You blissfully purred at his praise, and the vibrations of your throat around his member sent a chill down his spine. “I-I’ll start moving, okay.” He choked on his word, his senses brimming over with the buzz of pleasure. At a leisurely pace, he began gliding his dick in and out of your hot cavern, hearing lewd squelching sounds  with every push. “Shit,” He rasped when you hollow your cheeks around him. “Your mouth is the best, baby.” He quickened the speed of his thrusts, savouring the constricted hold you’ve got on him. Tears started to pool at the corners of your eyes as your mouth was bombarded with the repetitive jabbing motion. You’ve never felt this full before, the way he has you gorged put you in a state of pure ecstasy.
 Taehyung shifted his veiny hand to caress your face, wiping away the wetness from your corners of your eyes. With his balls slapping right into your face, you failed to capture his pupils dilate and the concupiscent glint in his dark orbs. His hand found its way at the base of your neck, favouring the tug of the skin, muscles and bones outlined beneath the surface. His slender, bony fingers spread across the expanses of your neck, petting the strained muscle domestically. His digits started to curl around the base, the blunt of his fingernails digging into your skin and you felt the restriction of air affect your lungs.
Taehyung knew you were enjoying this as much as he was even with you gagging and choking on his dick. He exerted more pressure on your jugular, and you felt your body sink further into the mattress. He thwarted his hips into you once more, deeper than before as his wanton howls reverberated inside your room. Before he could blow his load in your mouth, he stopped himself and pulled out his swollen cock coated with your spit.
 You opened your eyes and griped at the sudden sensation of barrenness, "W-why'd you stop?" You felt light headed, your body eventually recognized the lack of oxygen you underwent. Your chest hurriedly heaved up and down as you were gasping for air, trying to catch your breath.
 "This is my first time fucking you, the only place I'll be cumming in right now is your pussy." Taehyung wickedly grinned, looping his arms behind your neck and knees and carried you bridal style. He walked over the side and carefully lowered you on the bed, head snuggly resting on the pillow leaned on the headboard. He made his way back to the foot of the bed, taking a seat directly in front of your bare core. "Since I interrupted you earlier," his hands began stroking you calf, tiny goosebumps springing up from his touch. "Let me make it up to you and make you feel better than those little fingers of yours."
 You detected a hint of embarrassment as Taehyung's gaze focuses on you already seeping sex. He began crawling closer to you core, tipping in to pepper kisses on your inner thighs. As his warm breath began rousing over your skin, you couldn't help but clench around nothingness at the level of arousal you were experiencing. "What were you thinking about when you were pleasuring yourself?" He cooed the question out before licking a wet stripe along your moistened slit. His tongue was dancing in his mouth after finally acquiring a taste of your delectable nectar. "I-I was thinking about you, Tae." You answered weakly, the pad of his thumb now circling your sensitive nub. He hummed in approval at you words, his tongue was the one promptly to devote its undivided attention to you bundle of nerves. "What was I doing then?"
 You released a long exhale when you felt Taehyung slip on of his slender fingers inside your hole. "I-I thought about how you'd fuck me with your huge cock," You admitted, shutting your eyes as he twirls his finger inside you. He inserted another digit, and it got you tossing your head back in fervor. "How you'd make me cum so hard.”Your eyes reeled back at the back of your head as another finger slips into you with such ease. 
 “You’re soaking wet, y/n.” he was prideful of how you’ve become putty under his ministrations, “And all for me.” He sloped down once more and flicked your clit with his wet muscles at an excruciating pace. You started feeling yourself clench around his digits, “W-wait.” You intervened, not wanting to release just yet. “I want to cum with you.” 
 He devilishly grinned from ear to ear and flipped your body over, your knees and palm bearing the weight of your exhausted body. “Wanna hit you from the back so bad.”
 You lowered your torso and arched your back inwards, excessively sticking your ass up on full display. Taehyung smeared the accumulated pre-cum on the tip of his cock all over his length, painting it with the lubricating substance. He aligned himself with your entrance and gingerly drove his hips forward until he bottomed out. “Fuck, y/n. You’re cunt’s even tighter than your pretty mouth.” the interior walls of your vagina squeezed at his member, accommodating his length incomparably. “Your pussy was made for me, y/n. Best pussy I’ve ever had.”
 As much as you fancied him to rant about how amazing your pussy was, you wished he’d just shut up and pound you into oblivion and put an end to the tormenting ache bubbling inside you. “Move.” You sought, pushing your rear end against him hard and coaxing him to ultimately move.
 His knuckles were turning white at how tight he’s gripping onto the curve of your hips, nails engraving small crescent-shaped marks on your skin. Without warning, he launched the onslaught of the brute ramming of his dick into you. Each thrust he bore were insanely crisp and accurate, striking your sweet spot with every jab. The sound of skin slapping against skin and your heavy breathes were the only tunes filling the silent space of your room. Taehyung pulled out his length almost completely, appreciating how coated and soaked it was with your juices, awakening another entire level of his vehement lust for you. He slammed himself back into your tight slit, clenching his buttocks and rutting his pelvis at an inhuman speed.
 “I’m so close, Taehyung.” You wailed sinfully with a high-pitched strain to your voice, aware at how every muscle in your body is tensing up. 
 “Me too, baby.” He unexpectedly towed you by your hair until your back collided with his chest. His hand located your neck yet again, wrapping his digits around it and cutting your intake of air. You swear that at the end of this, your neck would be sore, purple and bruised because of how robust he retains his grip on you. At this point, his movements began getting sloppier and imprecise, suggesting he was at last getting to his most sought-after high. His idle hand shakily made its way to your almost forgotten clit, ruthlessly rubbing at it with the pad of his fore and middle finger continuously until you were convulsing around his cock and milking him down  to the last drop. Both of your body collapsed on your bed, utterly breathless.
 “Wow.” Taehyung managed to breath out. 
 “Yeah, wow.” You repeat, steadying your breathing. “What happens now?” You awkwardly asked, staring at the blank ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in your room. 
 “Wanna go on a date?” His voice was filled with reluctance, the thrumming in his chest never calming down. Now wasn't the perfect time to ask you that kind of question. So he braced himself as he waited for your answer.
 You turned your head in his direction and looked at how the light from the now open window magically outlined his enchanting profile. “You’re way out of order but I’d love too.” 
Taehyung's obnoxious ringtone Disturbed the silence of your sleep.
"Your phone is ringing." You grumbled, t
"Yo, Tae, glad to hear you're still alive. Got into the house yet?"
"Yeah," He paused, looking at you. "Got into y/n pants as well."
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moonchildjoonie22 · 4 years
Call of the Sea Taehyung x Reader
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Genre: Fantasy
Pairings: Mermaid! Taehyung x Reader
Word Count: 1k+
The salty ocean air blew around your body the smell of the sea engulfed your senses, you felt at peace unlike how you had been feeling these last few months.
You had married your boyfriend when you were 19 years old and your life had been horrible ever since you had thought that marrying him was going to be amazing but instead it was full of heart-ache and trouble. He had cheated on you shortly after your marriage, he always came home drunk, and he would beat you when he was in one of his moods...Your life had become a living hell and you were planning on ending it before a hand reached out to you and pulled you to safety.
You looked at the creature that pulled you to safety, he had bright blue hair and dark chocolate eyes he looked truly magnificent. Maybe if you hadn't been so caught up in his beauty you would have noticed the glittery dark blue tail that was attached to his body.
"Are you alright?" His voice was smooth and deep, something about him was mysterious.
You tried to speak but you were too tired, and you fainted in his arms before you could answer.
The creature swam to a cave near the shore and kissed your lips before going underwater, if he hadn't given you some of his breath you would have drowned.
He swam to his "hideout" where the other creatures were lounging on the rocks beneath the cave, he made a clicking noise with his mouth and they looked at him with concerned looks.
"What is it Taehyung?", One of the males asked, his hair bright pink.
Taehyung looked at the male and set you down on a rock, "Jimin, I think she was trying to kill herself", he set his head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat, "She's still breathing though".
Jimin took a closer look at you, "Is she a human?", he asked.
Taehyung nodded as he waved another male over, his hair a soft purple.
"Namjoon, what should we do? she doesn't look well", Taehyung traced your lips with his finger, "her lips are so blue".
Namjoon swam closer then pulled himself upon the rock, "She will be okay", he turned to Jimin, "Go find Jin, we need his powers".
Jimin quickly swam off until he was far out of sight, a few minutes later he was back with two other males, one with black hair and the other with bright white hair.
"Taehyung, why to heck did you bring a human here?!", The male with white hair gasped.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Jin, she was going to drown, I had to save her".
Jin listened to your heart and sighed, "I don't think she's going to wake up".
Taehyung glared at Jin, "Your power is literally breath, wake her up!".
"Okay, for the love of Neptune would you stop yelling!", Jin looked at you and cocked his head, "I think she will be fine, look at her, her lip is quivering".
You slowly opened your eyes then gasped.
"Where am I? Who are you? Am I dead?", You asked, looking around at the seven males around you.
Namjoon smiled softly, "Your okay, just calm down".
You nodded slowly before you fell flat against the rock.
"She fainted Jin"
"Don't you think I can see that Yoongi?"
Taehyung looked at you again, you were so ethereal, so beautiful, he didn't understand why anyone as lovely as you would want to die.
"Taehyung, bring her back to where you found her", Namjoon sighed, "There are people on land who can help her better than we can".
Taehyung nodded, Namjoon was right, sure, Jin could bring her back by giving her some breath but they still wouldn't be able to help her live, they were not human.
Taehyung gently picked you up and swam you to the dock where he found you after he set you down, he began to yell as loud as he could.
"Hey! somebody help!"
He screamed until someone noticed, when the person walked over to where the voice was, he quickly dove under the water and watched as the man picked you up and brought you to safety.
"I'm not lying, I saw seven men in a cave", You sighed, "Why would I lie?".
The doctor smiled softly as he wrote something down on his clipboard, "I do believe you y/n, but I still think you are experiencing some brain damage from almost drowning", he chuckled lightly, "Mermaids, Sirens, sea monsters, They don't exist, they are merely stories created for children...an urban legend perhaps"
"I know what I saw"
The doctor stood up and sighed, "Y/n, I think that ends our session for today, I will see you next week", You stood up and turned the door handle, "Be safe y/n and have a nice day".
You walked out of his office, as you drove home you could hear a soft sound of what sounded as if a man were singing, his voice deep and luring.
"I know your real"
You turned the wheel, once you were at the coast, the voice sounded louder and much closer. You looked around trying to see if you could see anything, but you saw nothing.
You walked down the beach, the wind blew cold against your face and you shivered as the voice kept singing.
Then it was as if you couldn't control yourself anymore, you peeled off your jacket and stepped into the icy cold water, the water felt like glass as it pierced your skin, you kept walking until the water was far over your head, you couldn't breathe as the water stabbed your skin.
"I know your real", you whispered as your body was completely engulfed by the water.
The blue creature slowly swam towards you, he was the same as before.
His arms wrapped around you as he swam to the top, breaking the seal of the ocean above. 
You could feel your senses becoming blurred.
"Wake up", he whispered.
Your eyes fluttered as you tried to stay awake, but you felt so warm, so calm.
He kissed your lips softly, as he swam to the bottom, you felt as if you had a breath of fresh air...as if your world was finally complete.
His tail was beautiful, filled with blue and gold glittering scales, he looked otherworldly...maybe you were dreaming...maybe the doctor was right, maybe you did have brain damage.
"Stay with me", he whispered again, his voice smooth.
You nodded, "Okay".
He kissed you again, but this time, you felt an odd feeling pulse throughout your whole body, a burning feeling.
To be honest, it kind of hurt.
Your legs suddenly became one, turning into a long, shimmery black tail. Your arms burned as dark scales pierced through your skin, it bled around the new scales.
"Black, the color of darkness", The male said, "The color of your past".
He took your hand as you swam deeper and deeper into the ocean, never looking back.
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bangtanmythology · 4 years
In The Name Of Song. Truth Uncovered.
About: Y/N finds out the whole story of what she has become and who those around her are. Her training starts and her and Jimin become the siblings he’s always known they were.
Brother!Jimin x Reader, Mermaid!Jimin, Angel!Yoongi. BTS Supernatural AU.
Words: 2.9K
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“I understand the parent’s side of things. My Great, Great Grandmother betrayed a group of witches by having an affair with the head witches’ husband, who was a human and had a child, so they cursed her. The curse meant that she would never be able to marry a regular human or another mermaid, if she did fall in love with any of these then she was destined to kill him with her voice. Right? So, when she sang a lullaby to her baby, the husband died. The baby, who was my great grandmother, ended up marrying an nasty, rebelling mermaid, their female baby was born half mermaid, the other half became what was known as a siren because the baby, our grandmother, used her powers for evil things, she’d lure sailors in, killing them and using them, never falling in love but instead simply killing them. When we use our siren form to lure people instead of making them fall in love, we will simply kill them. Grandma used the sailors and ended up having a baby with one of them, she abandoned this baby and another mermaid raised mum.” You rambled,
The story was beyond complicated, your head spinning round in circles as Jimin stared at you, nodding every so often with a focused look on his face. He reached his hand out and placed it gently on your ankle, in the few hours that Yoongi had left you alone with Jimin you came to realise that he was an extremely clingy person.
“Yes, that’s all correct and then you know the story with mum and dad, we are now indebted to the reapers but the devils and angels work along side these reapers and when an angel falls, instead of becoming a devil, they are stuck wandering around the earth however they retain some of their angel powers. Yoongi is a fallen angel because he betrayed Michael, the archangel. He has not told me what he did to this day. He is stuck on earth, he begged the reapers to kill him again, to take him from this world and place him as a devil in the next but they would not do it. He begged for a purpose, for something to do, for something to protect, they told him that his debt would be payed off if he spent his life watching over our families. They told him that when we turned 18 he had to bring us here and watch us, make sure that we weren’t causing harm to the reality that we were in, this is the 7th Reality, we’re from the first reality which is the main reality. He had some other mermaids brought here to train me, our grandmother is here, she’s going to help you, along with me, we’re going to train you.” Jimin’s voice was soothing, his words somehow sinking fully into you and making it seem as though maybe all of this would be okay. 
“Right, so he is a fallen angel, a bad one? He stares at me funny.” You mumbled, looking down at Jimin’s hand that was now gently running over the smaller grazes on your calves. Jimin looked up at you, shaking his head and laughing,
“He’s not bad, he was kicked out of the angel realm, that’s all, he’s grumpy, I mean he basically looks after this world all alone, the reapers went extinct 9 years ago and nobody else was sent to care for everything. Half of this world is dead, only magical creatures and hybrids live here. There’s human’s who are sent here to repent their sins, a lot of the creatures and hybrids feast on them. Werewolves and vampires are the worst, we have those in our reality too, they are aggressive, dangerous cannibals who feast on people and kill them. Of course, the werewolves and vampires here take care of those who are criminals. Quite often the ones sent here are either humans who commit serious crimes that they get put into life imprisonment or death row. We also have monsters who fight amongst themselves sent here. This is basically a training ground for a lot of people who are supernatural. We only stay here for a coupe of years and then we go back to the reality we are from. Originally, Yoongi was going to be sent to the 2nd reality to purge it, it is a hell reality, everything burns there, everything is crime and corruption. Of course, that would have been an awful place for us to be seeing as we’re weak to fire after all.” Jimin was rambling, his head now on your thighs as you ran your fingers through his hair, petting down the stray hairs that always seemed to stick up around his face.
“Well, if we’re weak to fire, what actually are our powers and what exactly am I doing here? How long will I be here?” you were looking around the cave, the water placing you in a trance as your eyes focused and unfocused on the shapes beneath it.
“Well, our skin is like that of a fish, of course when we are in our human form it doesn’t look like it or feel like it, but it definitely still is. You will notice that you’re now comforted when you are in the water, in fact if you really need to you can actually manipulate the water, nothing intricate, we can’t make patterns or anything but we can make ripples, waves, if we work together in groups we can even cause tsunamis. The ocean is where we are the strongest. I read a few books that say that if we meet another being, we can give them the ability to breath underwater which is obviously one of our strengths. Fire burns us severely, even the slightest touch will scald our skin and burn us, fire will kill us 3 times faster than it will kill anything else. When we sing, we attract others, they become enchanted by the sounds of our voices and we can lure them in, make them fall in love with us. I’ve done so with many girls, that’s why I have a bit of a reputation,” His voice trailed off at the end, his tone turning into a cheeky, playful tone that had you chuckling slightly. The small, adorable guy who was currently half asleep on your lap did not seem like he could be seducing anyone. His cheeky, lazy smile put doubt into you when I t came to his adorable clingy personality and you were sure that he could be a scary person when needed.
“I highly doubt that you are luring any women in with this clinginess Jimin, plus I haven’t sung a day in my life, nor will I, I sound like a trampled cat when I sing and it really isn’t pleasant,” Your voice was full of laughter and playfulness, mimicking his tone. The fever you had been burning up in had since disappeared and Yoongi explained that it was because he dumped you straight into the water as soon as you got here and you had transformed into your mermaid body, the reason behind the cuts, bruises and scrapes across your legs. You had not remembered anything because apparently it had been excruciating and Jimin convinced Yoongi to erase your memory of the pain.
“Hey! I lure plenty of women in I’ll have you know,” Jimin mumbled. You gazed down at him, a loud laugh escaping your mouth as his cheeks burned bright pink. He was half asleep, a huge smile of his face as your fingers continued carding through your hair.
“Y’know, both of us were left with parent’s that knew what we’d become, they’re humans who come from special families, protectors, they take in orphaned supernatural children and babies. I hated them when I first went there, I was 6, I understood what was going on, I wouldn’t talk to them, I lashed out, I did not want to be there. I wanted to go back to you, I wanted my little sister, I’ve known all these years that I had a sister, that I couldn’t contact her, that there was a little girl out there who needed me and I couldn’t do anything, I didn’t try hard enough, I’m a fai-“
“shut up. Do not talk like that Jimin. You couldn’t have done anything, we were separated for a reason, I didn’t know you existed, I was always protected, I never had problems. I used to be different you know, I used to be cheerful and naïve, I had someone in my life, an older brother figure, he protected me. Sure, he betrayed my trust but because of that I became careful, I stopped trusting people, I can analyse people, I closed myself off. Of course, he came back, and he’s kept his promise to this day, but I think something is weird about him. I think he’s like us, he disappears once a month for like a week or so and then he comes back always in a good mood and happy and he’s really athletic, strangely so, he’s really protective as well,” You were rambling, your brain trying to process that Seokjin may be something other than human. That everyone in your life might be more than human.
“He’s not like us, sounds like a werewolf to me,” Jimin sounded angry, his jaw clenching and unclenching to calm himself down, his fingers gripping his sweatpants.
“No way. You said that werewolves are nasty, evil creatures. Seokjin is lovely, he taught me to ride a bike, he took me to my first swimming lesson, he even spoke to my boyfriend when he embarrassed me and broke up with me in front of the whole school,” Your fingers had stilled in his hair, instead resting them on his forehead. Jimin let out a breathy laugh,
“Then he had an ulterior motive, he must have known about you being a mermaid, there is no way he’d do that purely for care for you. He knows more than he is giving up. Also, let me guess, you never saw that guy ever again?” Jimin was looking up at you, dark brown eyes shimmering, luminescent flecks lighting up his iris.
“Well no, I didn’t actually. That’s not like Seokjin, why would he use me for something like that, I knew him for 18 years, you know, I’ll bet that the years that he was gone was because he was here.” Your words were unsure and Jimin’s eyes were scanning over your face, a small pout set on his lips.
“Y/N, you don’t even believe what is coming out of your mouth right now. Anyway, I am sleepy, and I’d rather not sleep now, I’d like to be asleep and not out and about at night because I do not want an encounter with a vampire thank you very much.” Jimin was stretching his legs, raising himself to his feet, stretching his hand out to help you stand up with him. You stood with a groan, your legs protesting, knees feeling as though they were splitting in half from having been crossed for so long.
“How about I teach you how to change into your mermaid form, I mean, we only have a few hours of day light left and if you turn at night, you become a siren, not a mermaid. I’ve never seen one in person, but I’ve heard many rumours, apparently its not pretty, sorry Y/N.” Jimin had a big grin on his face, his previous radiant, happy attitude coming right back.
“You know what, I’d love that.” You smiled, your eyes looking around the cave, then down at your legs, wiggling your toes, patting the slightly damp floor of the cave with the sole of your foot. Your eyes flitted back up to meet Jimin’s.
“I have no idea how this works,” You chuckled, a nervousness creeping into your belly, he laughed and raised his hands above his head, intertwining his fingers and stretching them high above his head, leaning from side to side and then straight down, his hands touching the floor, his body surprisingly flexible.
“Well, first you’re going to need to be naked, there’s no way you can do it with clothes on. I won’t look, I promise, although, it’s not like I haven’t seen a naked woman before you know, and it’s not weird because all the mermaids have to see each other naked and also you’re my sister so I wont look at you in that way.” Jimin was laughing as he spoke, probably a reaction to the disgusted face you were giving him. You shook your head and pursed your lips.
“Definitely not, you need to close your eyes, then I’ll take my clothes off.” You told him, your voice pointed, echoing against the humid grey walls. He nodded his head and turned around, pulling his sweatpants down and jumping into the water, swimming a few feet away and keeping his back to you. You stood still for a moment, ensuring he was not going to turn around and embarrass you. Once he had been facing away from you for a few moments you began to undo your bikini top. Your brain suddenly remembered the words Yoongi had told you.
“Wait. Yoongi said that when I got here, he put me in the water and I transformed, does that mean that I was naked, and he put me back into my bikini?” You mumbled, cheeks heating up as you gripped the material of your bikini top in your hands. You saw Jimin shrug, his shoulders tucking into his neck as he raised his arms up in the air.
“when I got here, you were dressed but you definitely couldn’t have transformed with your clothes on. That’s one thing that Grandma made sure I never did.” He sounded bored and you quickly pushed your bottoms down your legs, stepping out of them and slowly lowering yourself into the water. You sighed as the pain in your legs seemed to disappear, the water seeping into your wounds as the water sparkled and the cuts, grazes and nicks in your skin seem to vanish slowly.
“erm, what’s happening to my legs?” You mumbled, your jaw hanging low as shock set into your body,
“Oh, well this water has been here for years, it’s connected to the sea of life, who even knows I don’t understand it either, this is the only body of water that does that, even the rest of the sea of life doesn’t do that,” He was smiling, you could tell by his tone. His hands clapped together as he mumbled a small ‘right then’ under his breath.
“okay, you need to picture your tail in your head. Close your eyes and imagine a fish, it is a beautiful, shiny fish, it is sparkling and swimming freely, zooming through the sea, it is happy, content with its life. Feel the water graze over its fins, it is warm, flowing in and out of coral and then, it becomes a human, with a beautiful, long tail.” His words are painting an exact picture into your head. You picture an emerald green fish, the colour of Jimin’s tail with golden colouration around its tail. It swam, shining, weaving between rocks, coral and other large fishes around it. The fish became engulfed by a bright light as a sharp shooting pain engulfed your legs and you could hear a faint voice.
“Keep focused, ignore the pain, focus on the fish,”
The bright light faded into a yellow hue, shortly replaced by a turquoise wave that seemed to break directly into your face before the wave disappeared. Small bubbles spread out in the water, a woman with beautiful green hair had her back to you, golden scales over her hips and waist, a large expanse of her back was clear, beautiful skin, the skin merging with the scales on the small of her back. Your eyes moved down to where her legs should have been, the golden scales faded into a beautiful emerald green, the gold returning down the sides of her beautiful, long tail. The bottom fin of her tail was a completely translucent golden colour, shimmering inside of the water. The fin was long, at least a half the size of the tail, split down the middle, two sides forming two curved, soft scalene triangle shapes that fluttered inside the water.
“you did it!”
Your eyes shot open, staring ahead of you. You felt the same, completely normal.
“No, I didn’t. I feel the same,” You mumbled, disappointment sinking into your features. Jimin laughed and shook his head, flicking his emerald tail as he swam towards you, reaching his hands out to grab at your feet, your arms stretch out behind you to balance yourself on the rocks behind you. His eyes glistened a brilliant green as they stared down at your tail.
“oh my god! I did it!” You were screaming, the noise bouncing off the walls, a musical symphony piercing your ears, your eyes widened as you heard it, sending chills down yours and Jimin’s spines. You looked down at yourself, the beautiful gold and emerald tail you had seen in your mind was yours. Your chest was a translucent, shiny golden colour, it wasn’t scaly like your tail but more like the skin of a frog, glistening and smooth, your breasts completely covered in the golden colouring.
“Wow, this is amazing,” You laughed, a loud, airy laugh as you wiggled your tail out of Jimin’s grasp
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
Chapter 10
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Taehyung x reader, Jimin x reader, Namjoon x Reader, Jin x Reader  eventual Ot7 x reader in later chapters
Genre: Angst, Smut (in previous, and in chapters to come)
Theme: Based kinda on sword art online a lot of similar ideas and themes kinda combining the idea of them trapped in the game, but the world is closer to ALFheim online
Warnings: Blood, injury, excessive feels. 😭 guys I’m sorry don’t hate me.
Word count: 2k
Next -> Chapter 11 
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The next morning Namjoon and Jungkook had decided that looking for the dragon’s lair was far too dangerous after what he had witnessed the day before.
You had tried to talk to Jungkook first thing when you woke up, the weight of everything that had happened the day before still heavy in your chest.  Jungkook had seemed to be still avoiding you, brushing you off to talk to Taehyung or Namjoon instantly if you tried to speak a word to him.
It was frustrating but you couldn’t blame him for how hurt he was at your actions.
  Once it was time to leave the cave Jungkook spoke out to the group.
“Okay so we are heading back to town now.  I really think having a party of six is now going to give us an even greater chance of defeating the boss, so that should be our main focus.”
Everyone agreed and you all headed off back towards Midgard.  
Jungkook flew in the lead with Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung flew side by side behind them, leaving you in the back flying with Jimin.  
Jungkook wasn’t necessarily trying not to talk to you, it was more that he just couldn’t.  He didn’t know what to say, and he still couldn’t get the image of you and Jimin out of his mind, every time he looked at you he felt he’d burst into tears.  You said you wished you could take it back but did you really mean it?  He noticed that contstantly averting from you had now currently caused you to end up flying next to Jimin. Maybe that made you happy.  Maybe his avoidance of you was going to cause you to grow even closer to Jimin, and that made him feel sick.  He wished he could just get over it, but he couldn’t.
The winds were getting warmer the nearer to Midgard you flew, the snow stopped falling and there was green grass beneath you again.  
Almost to town the six of you descended and landed in a small clearing in the woods below to recharge your wings.  
Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung were deep in a conversation about the best attack to use to take on one of the games giant fanged rabbits.  Taehyung had reasoned that if he put it to sleep first with his Lullaby spell and then used one of his Whirlwind attack spells that it was the safest option.  Namjoon had countered that his Blow Torch spell had enough range that he could drain its HP before it even got close enough to cause their team any damage.  Jin’s input was that he could use a Beast Tame spell and just make it run away and leave them alone.  To which both of Taehyung and Namjoon objected that Jin’s idea was ridiculous because then no one would get any experience points or loot from it.  
Jimin laid down in the tall, flower speckled grass by himself, staring up at the clouds. His lips were turned down, and he appeared to be lost in a deep thought.  
Jungkook was leaning against a tree, checking out how close he was to upgrading to the next skill level in his sneak skills.  You saw your chance to try and talk with him.
You stepped carefully and cautiously, as if he was a small bird and you didn’t want to spook him, like even the smallest movement could go wrong and he’d go flying away.  You needed to tell him, you needed him to know.
You didn’t say a word once you got to him, simply pressing your back to the tree beside him.  The silence hanging in between you like a glass wall just waiting to be shattered, needing to be be broken, but neither of you wanting to throw the first stone through it.
Jungkook sighed.  You looked at him, all the sorrow that you felt displayed on your features as you did.  He exited out of the screen he had been focused on and tossed his head back onto the bark of the tree, his eyes gazing up towards it’s branches.
Time to throw the first stone.  “Jungkook...I-”
He shook his head and interrupted you, “Yeah yeah, you’re sorry” he mumbled.  “I’m sorry too.  I’m sorry I wasn’t what you wanted.  I thought you liked me…” he choked out.  “I thought you felt what I felt.”
Guilt and pain stabbed into your chest at his words.  “That's not-” you stuttered “Jungkook that's not it”
Jungkook turned you you holding back burning tears.
“What else could it possibly be.  If you gave a shit about me…” He paused “I know you knew how I felt.  It’d be different if we hadn’t kissed already, I know we aren’t like...together-together but, you knew.  You let me kiss you and you let me feel like I was loved” he stopped suddenly “I mean-I didn’t mean…” he tried to backtrack after blurting out the L-word.  He hadn’t meant to throw that word out, but there it was.
“Jungkook that's what I wanted to tell you.  I do love you.  I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone before like I love you”
Jungkook’s eyes grew wide in surprise then switching to confusion.  “Then-” he shook his head at you, his expression no longer hurt but angry “Then this is how you treat the people you love?” he spat out, pulling his back from the tree and starting to stomp away.  
You ran forward and grabbed his arm.  He tried to brush you off but you held tighter. Shaking with rage he spun around to face you, bringing his face only inches from yours. Your hand fell from his arm.
“I can’t look at you without picturing it” he hissed through clenched teeth “I love you too. I love you too much” he grabbed your face between his hands, holding you still. “I love you too much” He repeated “But I don’t know how to forgive you because I don’t know if I can ever forget” he dropped his hands and took a step back. “I still just need more time” he finished and stormed away.
You stood still in the spot he’d left you.  He loved you.  He loved you back, but you’d broken him. You had no idea how to do this,  you’d never had a boyfriend before let alone been in love.  This was all new and you’d fucked it up before it even had a chance to begin.
Out of nowhere you felt a hand on your shoulder.  You whipped around ready to slap the owner of the hand in the face, thinking it was Jimin, who was the last person you needed to see right now.  
Instead your wrist was stopped, clenched by Taehyung’s gentle hand.  
“Oh shit. I’m sorry” You stammered.
 Taehyung released your hand and shrugged.  
“It’s fine, that obviously wasn't meant for me” he chuckled.
“It wasn’t, I thought you were-”
“Jimin?” Tae smirked.  “Yeah, I know the feeling”
You let out a long sigh, “Are you mad at me?”
Taehyung shook his head slightly, “I wouldn’t say mad.  I think you’re stupid for what you did. I’m not really happy with what you did to Jungkook, I mean...He is my best friend, but” he paused “I’ve actually been where you’ve been y/n.”
“Really?” Your eyes big and curious, “Did she ever forgive you?” you wondered
Taehyung grimaced “Well...actually I’m single now so if that answers that for you”
“Oh…” you winced.
“But everyone is different.  I know Jungkook well, and he cares about you.  More than I’ve seen him care for anyone.  He actually has never really had a girlfriend, it was strange to me when I saw him with you.” he let out a low laugh
“I actually had told him before we dove into Faerie Realm together that maybe this was his chance to find someone.  He’s usually really shy and awkward, I don’t think I’d ever seen him so much as approach a woman without getting so nervous that he just left in the middle of their conversation.  So when I saw the way he was with you, more confident and more...himself, the way that I know him, it just seemed right.  Like you really were the one for him.” he bit his lip. “Not to make things weird, but I actually kinda liked you too at first.  But the more I saw Jungkook with you, I could tell how much he cared for you, I didn’t want to get in the way of that.  When we walked in on that whole…”
He thought on how to phrase it without hurting your feelings “...situation in the caves.  I did hate you for a second.  But, like I said, I’ve been where you’ve been, and I wanted nothing more than to take it back, than to turn back the clock and I would’ve done anything to make it up to her if I could’ve.  I assume you feel the same”
Your eyes were downcast and you tugged lightly on the hem of your dress.   “I would do anything.  I really do love Jungkook.  Taehyung do you think I’ve ruined it all?”
Taehyung dragged a hand through his mint green hair “He might come around.  It’ll be tough since Jimin is still here.  Just, keep trying okay y/n.” He pulled you into a tight bear hug. “Don’t give up”
In that moment a loud yell pierced through the air.  Taehyung dropped his arms and both of your heads snapped towards the direction of the noise. Jin and Namjoon were still in the clearing, also looking confused and worried.  Jimin had shot up from where he laid whipping his head back and forth.  The only one missing was…
No.  It couldn’t be.
You moved through the trees in the direction of the sound faster than you’d known was possible.  Begging whatever powers that may be to answers your prayers that when you arrived that he would be okay.
Then.  You saw him.
Laying on the ground, blood coming out of his nose and with a large gash ripped across his chest.  His health bar was going down faster than you could register. No. No. NO.
“JUNGKOOK” you screamed.
Your current tunnel vision you were experiencing due to your panic hadn’t allowed you to notice Taehyung had been right by you the whole time until now. “Heal him!” he gasped out “Y/N fucking hurry. I’ll take care of the monster”
Your hands were shaking as you hurriedly pressed buttons on your screen to find your strongest healing spell.
Taehyung ran towards the large grey furry monster with his hands outstretched and palms out, activating his sleep spell. It  looked like it was straight out of a fairytale.  It stood tall on two feet like a man, but with the face looking somewhat like a tiger. Its claws were long and razor sharp, and it was towering directly over Jungkook slashing at his chest.  
From where you stood you tried your hardest to heal Jungkook, yet somehow his health wasn’t going up as fast as it was going down.  The monster continued its attack on Jungkook as let out chilling screams, blood now spilling from his mouth. “Y/N...” Jungkook coughed out, his eyes directly meeting yours with tears pouring down his cheeks. His health was dangerously low
“It’s not fucking working, it's only slowing it down. Taehyung! What do I do!”
“It won’t go to sleep! My spell isn’t strong enough to put it to sleep” Taehyung cried “Oh my god. Jungkook no!”
Jungkook was now unmoving, his eyes fluttering shut and his clothing in tatters from the assault on his body.  
To your horror the creature paused, reeling back one clawed arm above its head, a blue glowing light surrounding its fist.  A power attack.  A final blow.
“JUNGKOOK!” you screeched, you felt your heart shattering in your chest as you fell to your knees, your hands still outstretched putting every ounce of power you could muster into the spell you were casting. No, not like this, he can’t die like this, don’t let him die...
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peaches-of-1 · 5 years
Peachtober 2019
The Masterlist to all the things I wrote this year for Inktober / Peachtober. Updated daily!
KEY 1- Group
💜 = BTS | 🌸 = Blackpink | ♣️ = KARD | 💎 = Seventeen | ☠️ = Ateez | 🍭 = TWICE |  🍷 = Mamamoo | 👾 = Monsta X | 🍼= Stray Kids | ✨ = Shinee | 🏆 = Winner | 👓 = Got7
Key 2- Citrus Scale*
Orange 🍊 | Lime 🍏 | Lemon 🍋 | Grapefruit 🍇 | Bhudda’s Hand 🍌
*I did this from computer in the hope that all of the alternate emojis I used show up across platforms, so please let me know if they do not show up for whatever phone/tablet/computer you’re using.
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Ring  💜 (Namjoon)
Eyes 🌸  (Jennie)
Basement  👓 (Jackson)
Red Nails 🍷 (Vampire!AU)
Sleepless  🍼 (Slight Chan x Reader)  🍊
Duality  💜 (Taehyung)
Enchanted  ✨ (Bottom!Taemin x Reader)  🍇
Sharp Teeth  🍭 (Crack, wlw)
Hole  💜 (Epihiny!Jin x Ghost!Reader)  🍊
Hybrid  💜 (Naga!BTS x Black!Reader)  🍊
Snow  🌸 (Rosé x Female!Reader)  🍊
Striking Midnight  💎 (Prince!Reader x Hoshi)
Dragon  🍼 (Dragon!Chan x Human!Reader)  🍌
Overgrown (Monster Woo x Black!Reader)  🍋
Followed  👓
Static  👾
Lotus 🌼
Wings  💜
Childhood  💜
Nightmare  💜 (Cannibal!J-Hope)
Treasure ☠️ (Pirate!AU)
Ghost: Part 1 | Part 2  💜 (Phantom of the Opera!AU)
Crinkle  💜 (Barista!Reader x Werewolf!Jimin)
Forever  💜 (Vampire!Reader x Preist!Namjoon)  🍇
Tasty  💜 (Dokkaebi!Taehyung x Human!Reader)
Cave (Human!Reader x Orc!Monster Woo)
Glowing 🏆 (Incubus!Mino x Black!Reader)  🍌
Hanahaki  👾
Story Book
Masquerade  💜
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canesshi · 6 years
Heat | 1
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Pairing: Dragonshifter!Jimin x reader
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
Plot: Your husband was supposed to steal your heart, but the dragon that kidnapped you from your own wedding made it hard for him to do so.
A/N: The movie ‘He’s a dragon’ inspired me to write this. Go watch this movie, I like it a lot. At first I thought it was weird but in the end I watched it multiple times!
[1] | [2] | [3] | …
When you had walked to the lake for the wedding ceremony you certainly didn’t expect things like this to happen. In fact, you didn’t even think it was possible.
You had heard tales of dragons who take brides away and to their towers where they devoured their bodies because they were the only thing they could feed from. Those were only tales of course.Something mothers told their young children before sleep.
The claws of the monster above you dug deeper into your flesh and left you crying out in agony.
The day had started out so well.
“You look beautiful”, she had told you while braiding your hair. A weak smile on her face. You knew she wasn’t truly happy for you. She loved him. And you didn’t. But you were in no position to decide who you’d marry. You father had chosen him. A fearless, glorious warrior whose name everyone knew.
But still, you didn’t want him. And it made your heart sting, knowing your sister was just as heartbrokes as your father would be if you declined the wedding. You had no choice either way, so that wasn’t even an option.
“You know I don’t want to marry him.” It was almost a whisper but your sister had heard it and janked your hair back. Your hands shot up to your pontytail and grabbed it in pain.
“Don’t you dare say that!” She sounded angry, hurt, furstrated but mostly heartbroken. “You don’t even know him! It’s an honor to even talk to him and you are about to become his wife!”
“What’s going on?” It was your father. Already all dressed up and ready to begin the ceremony.
“I apologize, father.”, she said and the grip on your hair loosened as she continued braiding your hair. He had only glared at the two of you and told you to hurry up before he left the wooden cabin.
Cold. Hard. Stone. Pain. Blood.
You tried to push yourself up from the hard ground beneath you but your arms weren’t strong enough to carry your weight just yet, so you laid on the ground for a solid minute before trying again.
Gravel had pierced some of your skin but it all was drowned out when you felt the numbing pain by your ribs.
The claws.
You remembered. The scaled beast had thrown you into this hole and disappeared right after. You had expected it to eat your right away but it didn’t. Maybe it collected a few before eating all of them at once.
Your hands pressed against the bloody wound. There wasn’t too much blood but it was still painful enough to give you trouble breathing properly.
You needed to get out of here. While the beast wasn’t here you might even have a chance to escape. You looked up. The only way out was to climb up.
And that’s when you noticed the cloth hanging down from the edge of the hole. If you could climb up a few meters you would maybe be high enough to reach it and climb out. With bare feet and blood stained hands you got hold of the stone wall as well as you could and started climbing up. The cold stone dug into your heels and palms but you were determinded to make it out of that hole that held you captive. Finally, you were able to hold onto the cloth that you assumend used to be a part of your fancy wedding dress, now torn to pieces.
As soon as you tried to climb up though, a hiss caught your attention. Two green eyes stared at you and suddenly the small creature launched at you and you fell to the ground. With two hands you pried the creature away from your body but it was hissing and clawing at your arms and Hands, leaving bloody scratches all over them. It tried snapping at your face but it was too far away to actually bite you.
“Put it down. It will leave.”
The dark, gruff voice caught you off guard for a second and the creature bit into your hand, making you let it go if you wanted to or not. It backed away a little before starting to hiss again. It’s white, pointy teeth flashing your way.
It looked like a something out of a childrens book. Furry but big ears that made it look kind of goofy.
“Lie down. It won’t harm you.”
You strongly doubted that but did you have a choice? With shaky arms you laid down again and, just like the strange voice had said, the furry thing didn’t attack you. Instead it backed up, hissed at you and ran up the wall. While climbing up it had loosened the cloth that now laid on the ground next to you.
Making sure the creature was far away, you stood back up again and searched for the owner of the voice.
“Hello? Where are you? Can you help me?”, you called out but didn’t get an answer right away. That’s when you saw the small hole in the wall. Carefully, but quickly you moved to inspect it and amlost fell to the floor again as you were met with two sparkly brown eyes that looked at you with such a curiousity you had never seen before.
“Are you being held captive, too? Is there a way to escape?” The questions left your mouth before your could even think properly.
“No, there is no way out of here. I’m afraid you will be stuck here until the dragon comes back and ends your suffering.”
“Me? We both are obviously stuck here!”, you hissed back at him. “And I’m certainly not gonna wait for him to eat me.”
The young male on the other side of the thick stone wall sighed.
“Noone escapes him.”
“So you’ve been here quite some time huh? Care to help me survive? Or are you just gonna hide in there and let it eat me?”
“I’m afraid there is nothing I can do. I’m sorry.”
You felt your blood boil with anger. Your eyes scanned the cold floor beneath your feet before landing on a rock.
“You know what?”, you picked up the stone and slammed it into the hole. You could hear him gasp quietly. “If you’re not gonna help me, you might as well not talk to me at all!”
After that it was quiet. No noise could be heard.
You grumpily grabbed a rock and threw it against the high walls creating a sound that echoed through the whole cave.
Next part >>
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Betrayal [Seokjin x Reader]
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credit: littlemeowmeowschimmy
Requests opened // m.list 
Genre: Angst // Romance // Mystery // Fantasy 
Summary: “I got a pain in my backbone, where did you get that knife from? Why the hell is it so covered in red?” - Raise No Fool Set it Off 
wc:  3.2k
A/N: Small confession: I’m having a hard time with requests right now. Mostly those asking of reactions. There are a few in which I am uncomfortable with and I’m having a struggle in asking myself I want to write them or not. I apologize for the lack of content and the quickness in getting to requests. It’s been so far a rough summer. I hope y’all can understand. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
The world around started to haze. The weight of the previous battle starting to slowly creep in. Leaving everything dizzy, fuzzy, and harder to process. How did this happened? Why did it happen? Slowly moving upwards, you found yourself leaning against anything that would give you support. Your fingers ache, your throat dry, your head swirling. If only you could pray to the gods, they would come and help. 
Yet, you knew that wasn’t about to happen. Everything was thrown to hell when it came to them. They didn’t care about humanity, nor did they care what happened. Instead, they were often so self absorbed within themselves that if something dire had happened, they wouldn’t bat an eyelash. You cursed Greek, pulling yourself together, ultimately grabbing another arrow. 
 Your father was Apollo. God of poetry, archery, the sun, and other things you could care less. You had only met him once, and you absolutely hated him. He was stuck up, bratty, and simply cared about himself. Anything a mere “mortal” did was beyond him. He only cared about what time he needed to go and rest so he could pull the sun up. 
Since he left when you were extremely young, you mostly had to fend for yourself. Leaving you to take care of your dying mother, until she passed, and then taking care of yourself. Since you ran away from your uncle’s place, you were bouncing in between shelters and other places you could muster. How you found out you were his daughter? 
That was a different story within itself. You knew you were a demigod. Seeing things other could not, having a harder time reading your native tongue, and having monster chasing you wasn’t the best. Somehow, you ended up in Camp Half Blood in New York. Making it easier to train, learn how to deal with your powers, and ultimately finding out your brat of a dad was Apollo. 
Panting, you glanced around at your companions around you. Noting that they were all...just as bloody as yourself. You had to admit, this minotaur was nothing like you had ever seen before. He was guarding an ancient cave your group had to sneak into. One of the gods had found themselves trapped inside, and you were sent on a quest to rescue them. 
Saving them was easy, leaving was harder. Since the god had no intention on helping your crew, they vanished instantly. Thanking you for your hard work and of course leaving you to find your way out. Typical of gods, as previously mentioned. You wanted to curse them for landing you in this place, but you knew you weren’t going to get any good outcome if you had. 
Realizing that the minotaur was certainly eyeing you with curiosity, you quickly grabbed your arrow. Since it was your last, you wanted to make sure you landed it perfectly. Sending a quick prayer to your “good” ol’ dad, you pulled back the string, aimed your arrow, and sent it flying. 
Being behind a bow and quiver was something hard to describe. The feeling of lining your shot, sending the arrow flying, and all the steps in between was well a rush. Just as playing music, or healing someone. Sadly, you couldn’t relish in your delight because you had to quickly find away out. Secretly, you wished you were the daughter of Athena. 
Mostly because you could easily strategist and fool someone. You were often one to be on the sidelines, assisting rather than going front line. Getting up close to your enemy wasn’t as satisfying as watching them die from an arrow shot just a fifteen feet away. 
The arrow lodged itself in between the minotaur’s eyes. A loud howl erupted it’s mouth, it stumbled backwards. Giving you enough time to hobble over to your hopefully alive comrades. You rolled the first body over. His once beautiful slim face covered now in bruises and blood. 
He was a child of Aphrodite, so he really looked beautiful in anyway possible. Jimin was more of a fighter than a lover when it came to his mother. He argued with her often, in prayer, and decided to learn swords fighting rather than charm speaking. He could do all spells children of Aphrodite did, however, he decided to rebel against his mother most of the time. 
Some deep hatred for her built in his system, one you couldn’t explain yourself. He was your closest friend, helped you through a dark time in your life. Even offered to teach you how to swing a sword, but you kindly disagreed. Sending his beautiful face into a sorrowful one. Now, he was groaning in pain, covered in blood and bruises. 
“Where’s Adam?” Jimin whispers, not quite loud enough for you to hear. You move in, pressing your body closer as he repeats yourself. Adam, the fierce child of Ares, was his lover. He wasn’t going to allow Jimin to roam around the country without him. Even if that meant protecting the one he loved, up until he passed out that is. 
Adam was the bravest of small group. He charged in first, protecting his boyfriend and best friend. Barking back orders to run, but Jimin stood his ground. You decided to stay because it would look awful if you ran away without them. Glancing to the side, you saw your friend sprawled out on the ground. His wounds were worse and he needed your medical attention. 
“Over there,” you whispered back, pulling yourself away so you could attend to him. Jimin pushed your hands away, gesturing you to check up on Adam. It seemed like he insisted that you take care of him first, but if you went over Adam would have insisted on you taking care of Jimin. 
So you stubbornly healed him to a point were you felt satisfied. Handing over your ambrosia for him to snack on. Since the minotaur was still howling in pain and preoccupied, you knew you couldn’t stay forever. You were fine taking care of them, because getting them out only mattered to you. And yet, your head was still swirling and your gaze fuzzy. 
If you had stayed up longer, you would possibly get captured. Or worse 
You weren’t going to see Hades’ gates today, and that was a promise on the river Styxs. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Just as you had predicted, you were collapsed seconds after healing your friends. Jimin and Adam tried to carry you out, only to be captured by the raging minotaur. How he had gotten the arrow out from in between his eyes was a surprise to you. Your quest was a success, but returning to camp was a failure. The phrase in the prophecy
The hungry beast Shows no mercy To those mighty heroes Tricked by gods Only to be captured No hope to be found
Was starting to make a whole lot of sense now that your back was pressed against Jimin’s and Adam’s. You three were bound by rope and thrown into the back of a pick up. Your eyes were covered, mouths sealed by cloth and wrists bound. You were stripped of all your celestial weapons, left with your stained clothes and half healed bodies. 
From the front, you heard bickering in a different language. Latin, you presumed as you couldn’t fully understand what they were saying. Because of your Spanish lessons in school, the Latin based language was useless. You cursed at the gods, knowing that you should have taken Latin over Spanish. But it was too late because you, were off on your own. Stuck in the back of a pick up with an angry many speaking quickly. 
Jimin nudged on your right side, then his left. Checking to see if you were awake, and expecting a nudge back. Since you couldn’t make a noise, you ultimately nudged him. Adam following suit, as you could feel his weight shift. You now thanked the gods that he was okay. The last you saw of him, he was blinking before your head hit the ground. 
Or so you thought it did. Since you had no recollection of what passed, you had to go on their words when they could tell you. Just a few seconds after you awoke, the pick up stopped. The drivers side opened, slammed and the back opened. You heard a few more Latin phrases being murmured from under whomever your capture’s breath was, and you were back on your feet. 
Since Jimin and Adam had more strength, they used it. Letting you lean against them, your legs still wobbly and your mind trying to piece everything together. What was annoying was the prophecy kept spinning around and around. Making it harder for you to concentrate on your own issues at hand. 
In a barren waste  A goddess will be found  Her radiance Released from captivity
The hungry beast Shows no mercy  To those mighty heroes Tricked by gods  Only to be captured No hope to be found
Out of the dark  Comes a comes A child of Aphrodite  Their deceitfulness  Eventually betraying All 
The last part didn’t make any sense. Hell, in the beginning none of it made sense. You were only told that Aphrodite, was captured in a cave somewhere on the West Coast. How she got captured was beyond you. Jimin didn’t like the small encounter with his mother, nor did Adam with Ares when he came to deliver the “good” news. 
Jimin was beyond furious when she left, thanking the group and leaving you all to fight the “hungry beast” as Cassandra, for told. As the boys trudged along, the prophecy continuing to swirl. Making it harder for you to put one foot forwards, then the next. Yes, you were tricked by Ares, something you had come up with in the cave. 
Aphrodite had told her story. Relying how she was sunbathing on the beaches of Spain, then was later woken up by a sleeping minotaur. She hadn’t recalled how she got here, passing it off by sleep walking through the Labyrinth. However, you assumed that Ares was behind this. He didn’t seem all that worried when giving the quest. 
Yet, you couldn’t chop his emotions up because he didn’t show much. Even when seeing his son, Ares didn’t congratulate him. Instead, he just slapped him on the back and left. Adam’s relationship with his father was much worse than yours and Jimin’s combined. Ares wasn’t a good father, as for told by Adam. He was unforgiving, wasn’t emotionally attached, and arrogant. You could relate to arrogance and brattiness since Apollo’s head was far up his ass. 
But yet, your heart strings tugged with Adam. He was the “problem” child of his family. Because of Ares’ strength and ill tempter, he had gotten himself expelled a lot. Even ran away from home to find himself in camp. Then the stubborn child of the war god eventually found Jimin. 
But since you were so hazy and dizzy, your memory wasn’t as sharp. You had used all the powers you were given by your bratty father. It had been a long while since a strong child of Apollo had walked the earth. You could do everything a normal child could do, plus a few extras. It was probably apart of Apollo’s way of saying “You were his favorite” 
But never showing any love. As you were continuously trying to concentrate your efforts into walking, you heard a low murmur. Sending you through another maze of hazy memories, pushing out the prophetic lines, and making sure your feet continuously hit the ground. When your party stopped, that’s when you did as well. 
It was there that your blind folds were removed. Out in the summers heat you felt somewhat calm. Something about feeling the sunlight hit your skin, the heat radiating, and blue skies always calmed you. Whether that was taken from your father, you couldn’t understand, nor did you want to. Instead, you glanced around, trying to scope your surroundings. 
It seemed like you were in the middle of a dessert. Which one, you couldn’t tell. It was high noon, meaning the dessert was hotter than usual. Leaving your palms to instantly sweat due to the close confines of your bonding. Surrounding you were large men holding celestial bronze weaponry. Due to the sunlight you couldn’t quite frame out their faces. 
Not only that, but it was certainly because your eyes were adjusting to the new found light. Moving forwards, shifting your head to the side, you saw a figure approaching. Their height seemed familiar, their presence as well too. The closer they got, the more your heart sank. Soon that small blob turned into a familiar face. 
That familiar face brought you back. The strawberries were fresh on Half Blood hill, the breeze felt nice as it was a wonderful sunny day. Your head was resting against his lap. His long fingers drumming against your thighs. Being a child of Aphrodite certainly had their perks, he would often tell you. Setting the mood was easy enough for him, and he did everything differently. 
“We should run away together,” he whispers, your body rolling over and then pushing yourself up. You had been at camp for your entire life. You grew up here, going on quest, saving those, and training younger ones. You were about to age out of there, but never had you thought of leaving. This was your safe space. 
“I don’t think that’s possible...” You answered bringing a hand over to rub the back of your neck. The boy in front of you, was yes, a child of Aphrodite, but he was your first love. You could travel the world with him, give anything for him, and he would do the same. Or so you assumed he would, but you had nothing to believe that he wouldn’t. 
 Through your haziness, it was hard returning back to reality. Some of that faint memory was repressed, gone for a while. Leaving you to stare in aw and confusion. Seokjin hadn’t changed since you last saw him just a few years prior. When he spoke of leaving, you thought he was absolutely insane. The amount of rings around your neck showed how much you cared for Half Blood. 
Seokjin loved that about you. How passionate you were in every little thing you did. He helped you through one of the darkest times of your life, transforming your hatred into optimism. That kindle of friendship was turned into passion, then soon love. You had fallen hard for Seokjin, leaving you awe struck when you saw him before you. 
A child of Aphrodite Their deceitfulness Eventually betraying All
That phrase hit you like a bullet. All this time, your group was thinking that the prophacey was talking about Jimin. Who was frantically trying to make sure he wasn’t betraying anyone. Being overly cautious, checking every step he took, and even calling camp every once and awhile to check up on things. 
“My lovely birdie.” Seokjin purrs moving himself inwards, dodging the glaring looks from both Jimin and Adam. They had nothing to say as they were the silent types. Their looks, could kill. You felt their anger radiate off as they didn’t suspect it either. Seokjin had flown under the radar of everyone. Getting everyone’s trust and hopes into him, only to later find out that he ran away. 
Leaving without notice and breaking your heart. This had only been a few months prior to the quest being bestoyed upon you. The events of the past few days slowly started to flood back into your mind. The small talk with Ares, the dangerous quest, and even now, standing in front of your former lover. His scent hadn’t changed. The mixture of roses, expensive cologne, and hit your nose. Sending you deep into your own fears and slight happiness. 
You were over joyed to see that he was okay, yet you were angry. The thought of someone you gave your entire heart to, only for him to betray you. But not only you, everyone you knew. 
“I never thought I’d see you here.” he says in a pout. His plump lips protruding out like they always had. He was teasing you, because he knew that you were arriving. Ares had talked to him, he had specifically requested you. What was Seokjin planning? 
“Don’t touch her.” Jimin growls besides him. For his “small” stature, he seemed make it up by his confidence and power. Seokjin pulls back, popping a hip out and looking at his younger brother. 
“Here comes her body guards, ready to save her from whatever danger lies ahead.” He coos waggling his fingers. “Except now, you’re all bound together.” pointing out the obvious. Adam shifted in his stance, his fingers quickly working on the rope. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Seokjin noticed this. He swiftly moves to his side, smacks his hands and tuts. Somehow, Adam had a small pocket knife hidden under his clothes. He was attempting to break free, only to get soiled and kneed in the stomach. Jimin screamed, thrashing in the tight bounds. You were left to procress everything, your body not moving a single inch. 
That’s when Seokjin made his rounds towards you. Standing in front of you now, lifting your chin to his gaze. You always loved getting lost in his warm brown eyes. The way they sparkled when he was excited, dimmed when he yearned for you, and even felt like a warm cup of hot chocolate when he was simply staring off into space. 
How could he betray you? How could he betray everyone? 
“Birdie,” your nickname rolling off his tongue. He pouts, tilting his head sideways as his long fingers brushed against your skin. You felt yourself melting in his grasp. Almost like he was forcing you to pay attention. “Why don’t you run away with me this time?” 
“I-I should.” you murmured the words almost being forced out. 
“No! Don’t listen to him!” Jimin’s voice cutting through, making you blink a few times. “He’s charming you. Y/n, please just focus on my voice.” his plea was enough to break his charm. Seokjin’s fingers still around your chin. Grasping and touching you gently. 
“Oh what a shame it is,” he murmurs, removing his fingers and sighing heavily now. He seemed to be looking you up and down, trying to figure out what to do with you. Instead he just waved his hand and shook his head. “We need them for bait.” then pausing. “Or maybe just one of them..” 
He turns to face his men. Pointing at the two larger figures you first laid eyes on. “Take the girl, kill the others. And do it as quickly as possible. I don’t need my mother and her loaf of a boyfriend coming after me.” 
“You scoundrel!” Adam pipes for the first time. “Come and fight me like a man not a coward like your damn father!” even Adam’s challenging words didn’t stop Seokjin. Instead, he turns to watch. That sweet smile that you had grown to love, was now something that brought fear and shame into your heart. He stood, waving his last goodbyes to the ones he had once called
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krreader · 6 years
BTS (Hogwarts!AU) scenario → falling for a Gryffindor!Reader.
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pairing: bts x gryffindor!reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; hogwarts!au genre: fluff ; angst ; crack
a/n: Y A S, that’s all I can really say. I love doing these!!!!!!
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kim seokjin
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“Mister Kim.. tell me,” Slughorn wiped the napkin over his mouth, “You and Miss (Y/L/N) do plan on getting married eventually, right?”
Both you and Jin choked on your drinks, neither of you having expected this kind of question from the Professor. 
Why would he even think that’s a possibility?
“I.. I'm not sure what you mean, Professor,” Jin replied in the end, trying to play it cool.
“Oh, didn't you tell me last week that you were in love with Miss (Y/L/N)? Or did I misunderstand, perhaps?”
Yeah, never tell a Professor about your feelings, or he might spill them when he's drunk. Lesson learned.
“You're in love with me?” you asked, a little unsure.
“(Y/N), I'm sorry, I wasn’t..-”
But instead, you grabbed his collar and pulled him towards you to kiss him, something you had wanted to do for years now, earning a chuckle from Slughorn.
“I always knew I had a talent for setting people up.”
min yoongi
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“How come you always have the books in your hands that I need, Yoongi?” you crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“This is a library. People come here to get books for their classes. And in case you didn't notice, you and I have the same classes,” he replied nonchalantly, not even looking up at you.
“Still,” you stole the book out of his hand and grinned from ear to ear, when he let out a huff, “It's annoying.”
“You want to do this? Here?”
“Do what?” you furrowed your eyebrows as if you didn't know what he was referring to, but he quickly grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him, his lips only an inch from yours, “Oh.. do that.”
“Mister Min, Miss (Y/L/N). Do I need to remind you that this is a library, not a place for you both to fool around?” McGonagall shook her head disapprovingly and you bashfully took a step back, bowing a little.
“I'm sorry, Professor.”
Wasn't your fault your boyfriend was a cocky Slytherin.
jung hoseok
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“Thank you for helping me, Hoseok,” you smiled shyly at the Hufflepuff in front of you, “I didn't know who else I should ask.”
“Come on.. we're friends, right? Friends help each other.”
Even though Hoseok wished you'd see him as more than that. But if this day proved one thing, it's that you really didn't. You asked him to practice dancing with you, so that you wouldn't make a complete fool out of yourself when you would go to the Yule Ball with.. well, he didn't actually know.
But maybe that wasn't so bad, it would only make him more upset than he already was.
“Just.. follow my lead, okay?” he put your hand on his shoulder, then put his on your waist, before interlinking your free hands together, smiling down at you encouragingly. He was a fantastic dancer and even if you had two left feet, Hoseok managed to make you look graceful, “You're not half as bad as I expected, (Y/N),” he chuckled after a while.
“You're just saying that,” you giggled, lowering your head when you started blushing.
“Whoever your partner is.. he can count himself lucky.”
“I..-” oh god, here we go, “I don't actually have a partner yet.”
That surprised him, because why would you want to learn how to dance for the Yule Ball, if you didn't even have anyone to go there with..-
“Did you..- Is that why..- Are you here, because..-” Hoseok stopped moving his feet, his jaw dropping a bit, “Do you want to go to the ball with me?” he said in one go.
Mission successful.
“I do,” you laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck to hug him tightly.
kim namjoon
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“What about.. Alchemy?”
“Whatever you want to do, I'll go with you,” Namjoon's fingers ran through your hair, smiling when you did.
Your head was lying on his lap, as you were both sitting on the couch in the common room, while trying to figure out which elective classes you wanted to take this year. And once again, your best friend couldn't help but realize, that he was so unconditionally in love with you.
It got worse every year you returned to Hogwarts, but it had definitely started on the day you two first met and both got sorted into Gryffindor.
He never said anything to you though, too afraid that he would ruin the friendship you had both built for so long..
“You okay?” you blinked up at him with a worried frown, when you saw him staring down sadly at you, but he just nodded and faked a smile.
“Yeah.. I am.”
But he really wasn’t.. he just pretended to be.
park jimin
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Jimin had wanted to ask you to the Yule Ball, but someone else had been faster.
However, you had been sitting somewhere on the side for a good amount of time now and he was pretty sure that whatever you were drinking wasn't just water anymore and from the way your shoulders were slumped, he assumed that your night wasn't as great as you had hoped it would be.
So with a sigh and his hands in his pockets, he sat down next to you, but still quite far away.
“Did he ditch you?”
“What do you care?” you sneered, not in the mood for your usual rivalry.
He cared because he liked you. He cared because he wasn't the first grader anymore that felt like he had to tease you, just because you were a Gryffindor. He had changed and he knew that this whole Gryffindor/Slytherin hate relationship was bullshit.
But instead of saying something, he simply got up and dragged you with him to the dance floor, when they started playing a slow song. And a moment later, you found yourself in Jimin’s arms, staring up into his beautiful eyes as he moved to the soft tunes of the song.
“What are you doing?” you blinked up at him, your own eyes huge and your voice barely a whisper.
“Spending the night with the girl that I actually wanted to spend it with in the first place.”
Maybe you getting ditched hadn't been the worst thing to happen after all.
kim taehyung
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He could do this. He was prepared. He had literally practiced this for weeks.
It was all about the right time and this was it.
And so when you were walking towards the Quidditch field all on your own, he yelled out your name and quickly ran after you.
“Oh, Tae!” you smiled happily, “Didn't see you there.. what's up?”
Taehyung took one, two, three deep breaths, before he said what he had practiced. Or wanted to say, “(Y/N)..-”
But your eyes.. your beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes staring back at him, had him stop breathing momentarily.
Taehyung had never been more sure of something, than he was sure of you being the love of his life. So you know, this was scary. The possibility that you weren’t interested in the slightest, maybe because he was a Hufflepuff and you didn’t want to date one. Maybe because you just weren’t interested in general or would rather stay his friend, than become his girlfriend..
“Do you.. want to go out with me?” that was the best he could do, his heart already beating up to his throat.
That was.. unexpected. You and Taehyung got along, despite being from different houses, but you had no idea he was interested in you in that way..
Not that you were complaining, though.
You licked your lips, a shy smile on your face as you brushed your hair behind your ear, “I'd love to.”
God, you had never seen a more beautiful smile in your life..
jeon jeongguk
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“This is all your fault,” you panted, both you and Jeongguk running away from whatever was chasing you through the forbidden forest, “You and your stupid Unicorn Hair!”
“Stop talking and run faster,” he grabbed your hand and interlinked your fingers, pulling you with him and then suddenly yanking you to the side, both of you standing inside a cave a moment later, you being pressed against the cold stone wall by his body.
“If we die here today, just know that I'll find you and kill you again,” you hissed.
“Stop. Talking.”
“Who needs Unicorn Hair anyways and why would you think going into the forbidden forest at night is..-”
He had no other choice, really. It was either this, or getting eaten alive and he'd rather do this.
Jeongguk pressed his lips against yours to finally make you stop talking and even though you had been angry a second before, you couldn't help but sigh into the kiss and relax, especially because you had wanted this for almost as long as he had.
“(Y/N)? Jeongguk?” Hagrid raised his lamp a little higher narrowing his eyes at you two, “Why are you snogging in a cave in the forbidden forest?”
“We.. there was..- there was a monster,” you said, quickly wiping over your lips and trying to defend your actions.
“A monster? No.. no, there was just me running after Fang.”
Oh well.. Fang can be pretty scary too.. right?
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bangtanmythology · 4 years
In The Name Of Song. Discovery.
About: Y/N finally finds out her own story, it’s completely different to what she expected and she learns there may be a reason she loves the water so much. Oh, and she meets her true family.
Brother!Jimin x Reader. Jin x Reader. BTS x Reader.
Previous Part: New Beginning.
Next Part: Truth Uncovered
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The sound felt cold, the ripples repeating themselves over and over, the droplets falling a few meters from your head. Your body was shivering, and you were covered in a gooey sheen, like that of a scaly fish. Your whole body shivered as a breeze crossed your skin and it made tiny lumps appear all over you. You groaned at the sensation in your legs, pain, fire, you couldn’t move them, sure you had feeling but they weren’t moving. They felt stuck. You could smell the sea. A smell you had grown accustomed to, a smell you were familiar with, a smell that reminded you of your dad.
“He’s not your dad.”
Your eyes shot open, your head shooting over to the sound of the voice. The guy was here again, Yoongi you recalled him telling you. There was another man right beside him, half his body inside the water. You peaked around, you were in a cave of sorts, beautiful lights and streaks bouncing off the wall from the bright pool of turquoise water that the man was half submerged in. There were large rocks scattered across the cave, many in weird patterns, almost like a place of gathering. Your eyes focused down onto your legs as you sat up, they weren’t stuck. They were bruised and they had harsh cuts and grazed all over them. 
“Don’t worry, that won’t happen every time, only the first few, when my tail first came through, I was like that too.” His voice was soft and soothing, a cheeky, playful glint to it that matched the toothy smirk set upon his handsome face. His cheeks were round and full, yet his face was defined and well-shaped. A toned abdomen peaked out over the rock he was leaning on, bright green eyes the colour of a bright emerald stared straight at your eyes. His brown hair whipped back to perfection, despite it looking as though it was soaked in the water, he was standing in. Your eyes scanned down his chest, to his hips. A gasp caught in your throat, eyes widening as one word left your lips.
He had emerald scales protruding from his skin, they weren’t stuck on, they were coming from inside of him. His skin was pink surrounding the scales, shining as the reflections in the cave bounced off him and straight into your eyes. He lifted himself out of the water, turning his body sideways, his arms and chest flexing into taught muscle as he sat upon the rock. Your brain span and you felt as though maybe the hallucinations you had been experiencing previously were now very much back. He had a tail. A large, emerald, real tail. Not a dog’s tail, or a monkey’s tail. A fish. A mermaid? Merman? You felt sick to your stomach, a gag escaping your throat as you laid back down quickly.
“Wow, I didn’t know I was that vile to look at, I mean seriously, come on.” His voice again was playful and soft, a couple octaves higher than Yoongi’s. He was approaching you and soon you could see his shadow over your face. Your eyebrows furrowed together. If he had a tail how was he stood over, you? Your eyes looked to the floor beside you, human feet directly next your head, tan skin with some old scars and short toes within touching distance. Your eyes trailed up, human calves, more scars. Human thighs, a large knife print like scar with a slightly pink, shiny colouring too it prominent as his thigh flexed under your gaze. Human pe-
“Why are you naked!?”
You were screaming, covering your eyes and rushing to your feet shoving your body against the cave wall that was now behind you. You had seen naked men before, of course you had, but you didn’t expect your hallucinations to be this graphic and real and big.
“That’s quite a disturbing thought. He’s not a hallucination, none of this is.” Yoongi’s tone was sharp and you could tell frustrated, you stuck your hand out in front of you, perfectly covering the naked males lower body. A deep red tint warmed your chest and your cheeks as you looked between the two men.
“What thought? So she’s not as disgusted in me as she appeared to be huh?” The small tan male was laughing, a cute, melodic sound that brightened up his whole demeanour and if you hadn’t been so confused and lost and scared, it would have made you smile. Your eyes shifted back to Yoongi who was laying face up on some flat rocks on the other side of the cave, a grumpy look on his pale face.
“This isn’t real! You’re reading my thoughts, that’s not a real thing people do!”
Sure, you were shouting and your body was shaking but you weren’t angry, you were terrified. Fresh tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Where am I? I want to go home, how did I get here?”
Maybe you weren’t imagining it, your pain felt very real, the beautiful lights and sounds inside the cave sounded real and that song, the same song from before was real.
“You’re the only one that hears that singing you know? Does that seem like it would be real to you? Jimin, touch her.” Yoongi sure was demanding, a gravelly voice that bounced off the walls and made your blood boil. The man in front of you, who was still naked, Jimin you assumed, walked straight up to you. He moved leisurely and relaxed like someone in their own home, comfortable and content with their place of residence. You tensed, uncomfortable that he was approaching you with no clothes on. He stopped a few steps before getting to you and reached his foot out, his toes prodding at the gashes on your left ankle.
“Ow, that hurts!” You quickly recoiled from his touch as him and Yoongi snickered. Your eyes went down to your cuts. They were fresh, some still bleeding slightly, some started to scab up, despite them looking like they had clearly been soaked in water.
“Hoseok took care of them, he covered them for you,” Jimin mumbled, sitting down on the floor next to you. You sighed and looked back around the cave; it seems like it really was real.
“So, you’re starting to believe, to answer your question, you’re not at home, you’re not even in the same reality as your family and your friends, not that you have many of those. You’re in my reality, the angel world, it’s like there was two earths, the one you lived on and the one you’re in now. Years pass here, for each year here a week passes in your world. So, it’s been two days since you’ve been here, only a few minutes on your world. Nobody will have noticed you gone yet. Of course, your parents know all about this, they were the ones that contacted me. Well, they’re not really your parents, they’re just there to pose as your parents, they took you in to protect you. When you we- “
“Yoongi, slow down, you’re not doing any good right now, she’s probably more confused.” Jimin was petting your hair, a weird gesture that made you even more uncomfortable.
“Well, maybe you should put clothes on, you’re making her uncomfortable.” Yoongi was sighing as he sat up, gripping some cloth in his hands which you assumed was clothes for Jimin. He threw it at him, hitting him square in the face. Jimin seemed to enjoy the banter immensely as he chuckled loudly, a high pitch sound breaking the serene waves and drips of the cave. He quickly shoved his legs into the pants of the sweatpants, and you sighed, finally relaxing a little more. He went straight back to petting your hair, a feeling that, had it been someone else, in a different situation then it would have been comforting.
“okay, I’ll explain slowly, but I’m only going to explain once. You were sick because you’re not human, in fact, the man sitting next to you right now is your biological brother, that might make you feel weird seeing as though you have just seen him butt naked. You’re like him, a mermaid, however there is a curse in your family, all your ancestors have it, but it only affects the females in your family. If Jimin has a daughter, she will inherit this curse. You’re cursed that should you ever fall in love with a human, he will perish, it’s the curse of the siren, your singing will draw them in, as a mermaid you will sing anyway, Jimin does, the singing draws large crowds, it make people intrigued, sometimes it makes people fall in love with him. Jimin has many broken hearts at his feet. The singing that you hear, its’s a song that’s trying to tempt you, it wants you to sing along. When you sing, you’re going to lure sailors, they’re going to fall in love with you and that will ultimately kill them. You’re destined to fall in love with something unnatural, inhuman, a monster. That will be your destiny, that is the curse, you cannot choose a normal life, a life without murder and mess and pain.”
His voice was sombre, yet his eyes once again held that gleam that indicates he was enjoying the things he was saying. Jimin continued to rake his fingers through your hair, unknotting it as the water you had previously been in had dried and clumped it together from the salt. You looked up at him,
“are you really my brother?” You whispered, he nodded, and you searched his face and eyes for a hint that he was lying to you, that this whole thing was a lie, a sick joke. He wasn’t, all that you could see, all that you could sense was honesty, care, love, admiration. There was sadness too.
“I’m sorry that we have this curse, mum and dad gave us up as soon as you were born, we share a family, our birth circumstances were strange. Mum fell in love with a merman, our dad, he knew about the curse, mum was cold hearted, she froze him out. He was madly in love with her, he was crazy about her. Dad died not long after that. So, you’re wondering how we were born. A reaper brought dad back, he brought him back as a sailor, reapers are not the bad people that fairy tales and folklore make them out to be. This reaper he could stop the curse, hold it for some years. Mum and dad fell in love again, they married, they had me. Mum and dad lived long enough to have you 6 years later but he died a few months before your birth. Mum couldn’t cope so she killed herself. We were sent to another reality, the one you’ve been living in, I was there too, of course I’m six years older and I’ve been in here since I was 18, which is about to be six years in a couple of weeks. The change doesn’t occur until you’re 18, it seems that you changed earlier than normal. So, Yoongi brought you here to be with me, I can teach you how to do everything.” Jimin was smiling kindly down at you. Everything was wrong. Everything was confusing. Yet it all felt true.
“Let me show you something.” Yoongi was smiling at you, a smile that was gummy and unexpected, he placed his hand on your forehead and watched as your eyes rolled back in your head.
“I’ll bring you back, you have 7 years to live with her, you can only live with her, as soon as you get back you need to marry, if you do not marry within a month of your return you will be gone forever and I will not be able to bring you back ever again. A year in you will birth a son, you must call him Jimin, in your final year she will become pregnant with a baby girl, you will never meet this girl, she must be named Y/N,”
The reaper was tall, his face dark and hollow, a black trench coat consuming his lanky figure.
“Why are you doing this for me?”
“I’m not doing this for you, that woman has a curse, the curse was put in place by witches hundreds of years ago, witches were the greatest enemies of the reapers, they could cure people, heal them from death, they could put people close to death that were not supposed to be there. I’m simply doing this to spite them, and because my father seems to have been in a similar situation to you, and that cost him life.”
Everything was black, and then white, a bright, self-consuming light burst through every corner of the room.
A young woman with dark, soulless eyes gazed at the man that was now in the cave with her.
“I’m back, you won’t kill me for loving me this time.”
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