disasterghaster · 11 days
@cdwalker replied to your post “"Days are gettin' a little shor-t."”:
"I can show you a real unsexy fish that I caught myself for dinner if that'll help."
​"How do you know it's an unsexy fish if you can't see it?" First question.
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sugarcoatedmechanic · 10 days
@cdwalker from Here
Oh. Hm. Well, Lake is certifiably not a doctor. But he did just hear Charlie call a guy a hypochondriac right in front of him. Hrm.
He opened up a panel in his arm, printing out a narrow strip of paper much like a shopping receipt. Handed it to the selkie. "Here's my phone number. Go buy yourself some gatorade or pedialyte, make sure you stay hydrated, and if you still feel unwell by morning, feel free to call me and I'll bully this lizard into bringing out the big guns. Medically speaking. There's nothin' you could have with your symptoms that will kill you over night."
Now get outta here, or you're joining the lunch date.
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doctorschtein · 11 months
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Eugh, it could be worse.
[Herv winced at the pain behind his eyes but worked on cleaning the blood from his face. At least his ears weren't bleeding anymore from practicing. Instead of focusing on the memories he already copied, though...perhaps he should move onto newer subjects?
He could think of someone who could be interested, maybe.
Anyone was better than using Phineas, though. The less he knew about that creep's past, the better.
Did he still have Charlie's number? He chewed on his lip before sending a text.]
[txt] hey it's schtein
[txt] how's the portal situation?
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sweetandsoursaws · 14 days
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"Well you're gonna get my stink all over you now."
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wrathfulpup · 1 year
[ It wouldn't be until Miles was on the doorstep on the address listed on the package, that he remembered where he had heard the name Charlie Walker before. He would groan to himself as he knocked on the door. On the bright side, at least he hadn't done anything too bad to piss the guy off. ]
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kaengeru · 9 months
@cdwalker: Wh- are- Wh. Are you... talkin' about me.
Eheh, not th'most subtle, I'll give ya.
Jus figured t'offer th'usual services. Y'ain't real my type, doubt m'yers, but t'wouldn't be th'first batcha guts I rummaged through fer th'other t'enjoy.
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radioiaci · 7 months
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my three muses living rent free in my head rn - the blind, genetic experiment half lizard man: dr. charlie dean walker - fuckin freak overlord deer man: alastor - the tarry, lizardy embodiment of the cardinal sin: pride charlie has regenerating soul magic which makes him prime pickings for demons looking for souls/soul energy. he has a complex and traumatizing history with pride. (but he's also a touch-starved romantic so he's kind of just blorbo-coded) anyway, have a menagerie of mess, I like 2 draw them. if anyone wants to rp with my OCs, you can follow them over at @cdwalker and @dinosaurgreasestain. Both are much easier to ship with LOL.
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disasterghaster-moved · 7 months
Sometime during one of the evenings he actually had some time, he was going to bundle up a small bushel of tiger lilies along with an envelope. Place a subtle, smooth and black titanium ring in there with a little note from himself.
The ring had an engraving on the inside- an abstract-ish shape of a tiger with a few prominent stripes that was entangled with a long, eastern looking dragon with somewhat shiny scales.
The note said:
“Sorry I missed Valentine’s Day. I lost track of the days. I love you. Here’s the ring I promised. Should fit you but if not, I’ll have it resized. Come find me whenever. - Char”
The tiger lilies were fresh. Not arranged in any particular fashion- more natural than anything since he knew she did not put much stock in actual arrangements. But they were the flowers that reminded him of her, as always.
Might have missed out on the actual day, but he would not miss a romantic opportunity unless he was dead.
Having some solitary space to process the gifts was nice, anyway. She wasn't very good at being directly treated nice or romantically.
She spent a couple hours just sort of touching or sniffing flowers in passing. And debating if she was going to wear the ring finger or add it to the necklace Worth's bottlecap was on.
Maybe she could do both. Necklace when working and finger when not. She didn't find as much random trouble as she used to...
She put it on and sat down somewhere for a bit, on the floor, like a sack of potatoes.
Why was everything like this so hard?
She asked the stuffed bear that question too, but they didn't have an answer for her.
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cflight · 2 years
@cdwalker liked for a starter!
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"I don't do too well around doctors." the goat admits, flinching instinctively.
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daddymothxxx · 6 months
[txt] you're gay or whatever right because I need an opinion on an outfit help me or I will actually die
That was more of a Velvette task, but then again he was a Gay Bitch and capable of judging an outfit. But, uh...slutty only. Hm. Time for Charlie to figure that out the hard way.
Except. Fuck.
[.wav] Try Velvette, I'm too fucked to see straight. [Number.]
Eyyy, a good lie.
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burningfeathersx · 7 months
[ ur the only lucifer ever and I love you and I love him 100% always ]
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but i am glad that many like this one once they get to know him
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actualtirefire · 9 months
[txt] happy new year I hope you did not explode I love you!! if you do explode please tell me !
[txt] i did not explode????
[txt] unless you count, uh, fun time explosions with my dick
[txt] happy new year
[txt] you okay?
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sugarcoatedmechanic · 2 years
[txt] I’m back! Apparently I’ve been gone for months, I hope somebody tipped you off that I was just waiting on a new frame.
[txt] I need a few minutes to finish catching up and making sure all the loose ends are tied up that I left hanging at my untimely tripleshot death compilation, but I can be over right after that.
[txt] Want me to pick you up anything on the way?
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thornforged · 9 months
[txt] happy new year from this side of the world I'm hoping that wherever you are currently, you're doing ok, I'm sorry I haven't seen you much lately but I will change that!!
[txt] i went home
[Stared at her phone for a while. Not sure if she should share her loss. If she was even ready to talk about it to another person. Decided to hold off. Didn't want to make Charlie sad. Missed him.]
[txt] take your time. happy new year.
[txt] <3
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sweetandsoursaws · 1 month
[Lark is BIG FEELS TIME about Charlie and will admit nothing, say nothing, do not address, do not acknowledge, See him?? No. Hide in tree. Hide behind tree. Hide behind garbage bin. Fuck it, he's getting INSIDE garbage bin. Do not perceive!!!]
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wrathfulpup · 1 year
@cdwalker started following you
...So was yer dad a lizard an’ yer mum a rabbit or somethin’? Or is this-- [ Gestured at all of Charlie.] some weird cosplay thing?
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