#celebrating a fictional character's birthday lol
Today (or yesterday depending on your timezone) is (or was) Pablo Sanchez's birthday
Secret Weapon will forever be seen as a sports deity in and out of the backyard sports community
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enduracarrotchips · 1 year
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xiao bday !!
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rayhantochtli · 12 days
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Little something for Kakashi's birthday 🎂🎈
Also, his birthday being the 15th means 1 thing...
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Mexican Kakashi real
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ace-was-already-taken · 2 months
SOOOO I HEARD THAT IT'S TAMARI'S BIRTHDAY TODAY (correct me if I'm wrong lol)- Soo I decided to draw Tamari :3
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(Yes, the things behind Tamari say "Join Tamari fanclub" ITS A REFERENCE-)
(whiteboard vers. under cut)
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nikki-de · 8 months
I know it's a day late (but hey, so is Jensen's post 😜), but I wanted to join in on Dean's Birthday celebration posts.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAN WINCHESTER! You, your brother, and your found family have done so much for me. Crazy that a silly little TV show had (and still has) as much power as this one, but I'm so happy that I found it when I did ❤️
(PS for anyone who cares haha I'm FINALLY working on a new drawing now - had some stupid life shit happen and then hit a creative wall pretty damn hard, but am pushing my way through and can't wait to show something new soon 🤗)
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Happy birthday Newt Scamander!!!
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Happy birthday to my favourite character from the potterverse of the wizarding world! Eddie Redmayne did an amazing job playing him and capturing my heart! 🥰
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wundrousarts · 2 years
Btw. Happy Birthday Morrigan Crow <333
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mistbow · 1 year
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How is this thing still getting engagement on both Twitter and Tumblr LOL this is scary. The numbers aren’t that much compared to what other people get (especially in this fandom) but this is still the most outreach I’ve gotten.
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andy-the-8th · 1 year
Oh right it's MerMay lol
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I've realized I use the phrase "it's like seeing an old friend" towards actors/actresses when seeing them on different projects very frequently, and I just want to clarify that. I mean that in a "Glad you got a job" way and "I enjoy your acting abilities" not in a parasocial way.
I know me and these people are not actual friends. It's a saying and I'm using it as such.
The only celebrity I've wished happy birthday too is Naruto
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requiemforthepoets · 2 months
this time, i’ll love you much better 𖦹 FA14 (pt.2)
click here for the part 1
PAIRINGS: fernando alonso x ex-wife!reader
SUMMARY: as the great peabo bryson once said, and i quote, “the best of romances deserves second chances.” and oh how fernando would love to prove that. he let you go before, but now that you’re back, he’ll take his chances.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: finallyyy here’s the part 2 guys. i decided to make this a 3 part series. idk, writing for more than 6k of words will send me into a coma lol so i just decided to make it a 3 part series. this was supposed to be posted the other day, but i wasn’t finished yet and i’ve been busy playing supermarket simulator lol this is not proofread, so i’m sorry for the typos but i hope you’ll enjoy this one! :)
***i’m accepting for taglist as well for this fic hehe just message me or comment if you want to be tagged.
REMINDER: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect to the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
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The moment Jullianna received Sofia’s message that they’ll be flying off to Spain, she immediately put a plan into action. Well, there’s no plan at all, it was decided that she’ll just wing it, and hopefully, Fernando will go with it. But knowing Fernando, he’ll surely do it without any complaints. It’s his daughter that is asking, and what his daughter wants, his daughter gets.
Jullianna made her way to Fernando’s home office and knocking on the door softly, “papá?” She waited for a reply before entering the office, “yes, mi vida? You can come in.”
“Papá, I had finally thought about what I want to do for my 13th birthday,” Fernando stopped what he was doing and put all his attention to his daughter, “really? What is it that you wanna do mija?” Jullianna doesn’t really have a clue on what she’s doing.
“I want to go to Mallorca for my birthday.” She blurted out, “Mallorca? Really?” He questioned.
She nodded, “yes. I decided that I want to celebrate my birthday there,” thinking a little bit, “maybe birthday dinner?”
“Okay,” Fernando shrugged and smiled at his daughter, “Mallorca it is.”
“Thanks, papá!” She quickly rushed to Fernando, hugging him tightly. “Okay, mi vida. As long as you’re happy on your special day.” He replied as he kissed Jullianna’s forehead softly.
“Is it okay if we celebrate my birthday tomorrow?” She looked up at Fernando, as he stare at her confusedly, “tomorrow? Your birthday is not until next month, are you sure you want to celebrate your birthday tomorrow?”
“Yes!” She said too quickly, “I mean yes, papá. I would very much like to celebrate my birthday tomorrow.”
Fernando was still a little bit confused, he somehow can’t figure out what’s going on inside his daughter’s head as to why she want’s to celebrate her birthday a month earlier.
“Okay no problem. I’ll be booking now the hotel, we can stay at Cap Rocat,” she nodded, “we’ll be leaving too tonight, so we can get there early.”
Right after the conversation with Fernando, Jullianna rushed towards the bedroom and began packing her stuff. She quickly sent a message to Sofia telling her that they will be in Mallorca and will be staying at the Cap Rocat hotel.
While she was in the middle of packing her things, a knock had interrupted Jullianna, “mi vida, I had invited Bianca and her parents to join us.” She let out an internal groan, which Fernando had failed to notice. Taking a deep breath and calming himself, “okay, papá.” He smiled proudly at his daughter, knowing that she’s trying to make an effort in getting to know her future mother…or so he thinks.
“It’s time for you as well to properly meet your abuelo and abuela, yeah?” Jullianna just nodded, “the wedding is in a few weeks, it doesn’t hurt to get to know your abuela and abuelo.” She just put up a thumbs up at his father, and leaving the room. Letting Jullianna continue packing her things in peace.
“Future mother my ass,” she groaned to herself, “sorry papá, but I’ll never see that witch as my mother.” At this point, she’s just throwing everything in her luggage without folding her clothes, “over my dead body. This better be all worth it, can’t believe I’m sacrificing my birthday celebration. But if it means that mamá and papá will be together again, so be it.”
This is gonna be a one hell of a week, and hoping that after all of the fiasco, her sanity is still intact.
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As you made your way to your private jet that was waiting for the three of you in the tarmac, you can’t help but feel your palms get sweaty due to the nervousness. After twelve whole years, you’re going back again to the place where everything had started and abruptly ended. Your mind is in haywire right now, thinking of what you would say to Fernando when you meet him again.
But it doesn’t have to be this hard, right? You’ll just swap the twins, and talk about visitation schedules. Now that the twins had met, it is not right if you would still keep them apart, besides you and Fernando shouldn’t be involved with each other anymore, you’re just simply doing this for the twins. After this has all been settled, you’ll be on your merry way again. Back to Singapore.
“Did you already speak to your papá?” You asked Sofia as you enter the jet, “uh yes! I talked go him before leaving the house. Papá said that he’s really anxious to see you.” This caused Jamie to chuckled silently, and Sofia locking eyes with her.
“He did?” You sat down at one of the seat, while both Jamie and Sofia sat in front of you, “anxious-nervous, like he’s dreading it or anxious excited like he’s looking forward to it?” A flight stewardess bad offered you a whiskey, but respectfully declined it. “No thank you.” You certainly don’t want to consume any alcohol right now.
“Anxious-excited, definitely!” Sofia and Jamie made eye contact again, and squinted at her, knowing that she’s definitely lying. “Papá said that he’ll meet us in Mallorca.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Mallorca? Where in Mallorca? It’s a big place.” There was a slight pause before Sofia managed to answer you, “he said he’ll meet us at the Cap Rocat hotel.”
“Alright.” You nodded and stood up from your seat to inform the captain that you’ll be redirecting the flight from Madrid to Mallorca, “I’ll just inform our captain that we’ll land in Mallorca instead.”
Once you were out of earshot, Jamie whispered to Sofia, “liar, liar, pants on fire.” She just raises a finger to her lips, motioning to Jamie that she needs to keep quiet. “Aunt Jamie, please don’t tell mamá.” Jamie just nodded and Sofia made her swear by doing a pinky promise.
“Okay, we are all set.” You sat back down on your seat.
As the jet began to exit the tarmac, you let out a deep breath. This is it, there’s no backing out. After twelve whole years, you’ll see and meet Fernando Alonso again—the man that you’ll always love and will drive you crazy.
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As soon as Jullianna and Fernando entered the entrance of the hotel, a painful screech had greeted them. Jullianna definitely know who the screech belongs to, and it belongs to the witch. She immediately rolled her eyes, and she’s not afraid for Bianca to see it, Jullianna had made it well known that she’s not fond of the woman, but always tried to hide it whenever Fernando is present.
Bianca rushed towards Fernando, as her parents was trailing right after her. Now, Jullianna may hate Bianca to the core, but she was not raised to be disrespectful, and greeted Bianca’s parents as a sign of respect for the older couple.
“Hi, darling!” Bianca greeted Fernando, kissing him on the lips. Jullianna was disgusted at the action, “mommy, daddy, this is my fiancée and the love of my life, Fernando Alonso.” Bianca said as she introduced Fernando to her folks, “and this is his adorable daughter, Sofia, who we can all thank for bringing us together this week! This entire get together was all her idea.” Bianca pinched Jullianna’s cheek a little too hard, and swatted it away hardly, causing Bianca to flinch and immediately removed her hands from Jullianna’s cheeks.
Her father bent down to Jullianna’s level and spoke, “¿cómo estás, hija? He oído nada más que cosas maravillosas sobre ti.” Fernando just beamed at you when he heard what Bianca’s father had said. You just smiled at her father and thanked him, not really in the mood to have a conversation.
“Now that pleasantries had been exchanged, why don’t we all go up to our respective rooms, freshen up, then meet for lunch?” Bianca spoke, “sounds good, I had made a reservation for us at Quadrat.” Fernando replied, making Biance smile.
“Sounds perfect!” She cheered, “while we’re at it, want to checkout the honeymoon suit? I bet it’s to die for!” He just smiled at her, “why don’t we check it later, yes? We’ll head up to our hotel room first.” Bianca just nodded and kissed Fernando on the cheeks, winked at him and walked away.
Jullianna was so caught up that he didn’t hear Fernando calling out for her, “Sofia.” She was busy peeking outside of the hotel, looking for any indication of your arrival, “mi vida, what are you looking out there for?”
She snapped her attention back to her father and just shrugged, “nothing.”
Jullianna followed Fernando to their hotel room, and hoped that you and Sofia would arrive in time.
The hotel was gorgeous, you were struck with it’s beauty. You’re happy the Mallorca was still the same last time you had visited, there were a few new establishments, but nonetheless it’s still the same. You walked up to the receptionist and confirmed your reservation, she handed you the key and thanking her.
You turned back your attention to Sofia, she was busy looking around, “sweetheart, let’s go to our room and freshen up,” she didn’t seem to hear you the first time. “Sofia, come on darling.” Jamie had tapped Sofia gently, giving her a nod in thanks.
“Oh, I’m sorry mamá!” She quickly followed you, with Jamie trailing behind her. “Is your papá already here? Since you were busy looking around.”
“Oh uh, I’m not sure.” You sighed, “okay, please update me as soon as your papá is already here, okay? The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go back to our respective lives, with a new visitation agreements and everything.”
The moment you entered your hotel room, you threw yourself on the bed, putting an arm over your face, sighing. Jetlag is already starting to hit you. “Lunch is almost approaching, why don’t you guys freshen up?” You sat up, “where do you want to eat lunch?”
Jamie had chimed in, since she had been to Mallorca plenty of times. While you, you only went here one time, and that was years ago…with Fernando. “How about we eat at Quadrat? I’ve been there before, and the food was amazing!” She smiled, “okay, Quadrat is it! Go freshen up, darling.” You turned to Sofia.
While Jamie was in the bathroom freshening up, Sofia gently went to you and sat down on the bed while you were unpacking some new fresh set of clothes to change on, “mamá,” you stopped what you were doing and looked at Sofia softly, “yes, sweetheart.” Smiling. Sofia thought that she should come out clean, and tell you everything.
“Papá…” you urged her, “papá’s getting married.”
Your smile faltered at what Sofia just said. “Oh. I see…getting married…” you chuckled, continuing on unpacking your things. Sofia whined, “she’s awful mamá! We can’t let him go through it!” Sighing, you sat down beside her.
“Baby, there’s nothing we can do.” You gently tucked some of Sofia’s hair behind her ears and smiled, “your papá is a grown man. Capable of deciding whom he wants to marry…besides, how can you assume something about someone who you haven’t even met yet.” You gently poke her sides, causing Sofia to squirm.
“Mamá, you don’t understand. Even if I haven’t met the woman, she’s all wrong for papá!” Sofia sighed exasperatedly, “and the only way that Jullianna and I came up for him not to marry that hideous woman…is if he sees you again.” She lied down on the bed, covering her face.
“You two are trying to fix me up with your papá.” You gently removed Sofia’s hand on her face, “why not? You two are perfect for each other. You two had always been perfect for each other, a match made in heaven.” It somehow made you happy that your twin would still think about it. But twelve years had already gone by, if you and Fernando would’ve been a match made in heaven, none of all these things would have happened. The divorce wouldn’t have happened.
“Nonesense, Sofia.” You shrugged off what Sofia had said and stood from the bed, “up you go. You need to freshen up, we have a reservation in the restaurant. Let’s not keep them waiting.” Completely dismissing everything, you returned back to what you were doing. You are not in the mood to talk about the past, it was called past for a reason.
When everyone was done freshening up, you turned your attention to both Jamie and Sofia. “Okay, before we leave this hotel room, let me say this loud and clear,” you sighed, “Fernando Alonso and I no longer have anything in common. I don’t care that he’s marrying someone soon.” What you had said made Jamie looked at Sofia, and Sofia looking back at her, “I want you and Jullianna to explain to your papá that I am here for one purpose only. That is to switch you and Jullianna back and talk about new visitation agreements. Now that it’s settled, let’s do what we have to do and be done with it. Understood?” Sofia nodded in agreement. Even if you had said everything in your normal tone, it is hard to hide the fact that you were a little bit angry at the turn of events.
Arriving at the the lobby you left the hotel room key at the receptionist. “It’s not very far from the hotel, just a walking distance.” Jamie said, “that’s good! I don’t think I can handle anymore riding cars. I need some fresh air! Everything had felt stuffy.” You replied.
You grabbed Sofia’s hand gently as the three of you walked the streets of Mallorca, getting a good dose of vitamin d and a fantastic view of the ocean. When you arrived at the restaurant, the waiter directly sat you at your table, and gave you the menus to choose from. The service in the restaurant was quick since it’s not peak hours, and after fifteen minutes of waiting, your food was already served, and you three began enjoying the delicious meal.
You were enjoying your meal in silence, not really in the mood to chat from the discussion you and Sofia had back in the hotel room and how tired you were from the long flight from Singapore. “Mamá,” Sofia began, “are you nervous?” You looked at her confusedly.
“Why would I be nervous?” You replied, and continued eating. Jamie just motioned Sofia not to continue, it’s best not to trigger again your pent up anger and nervousness when you had already calmed down. “Nothing mamá, it’s nothing.” You nodded.
Sofia had already finished her meal, when she turned her attention to the entrance of the restaurant. In came Jullianna and Fernando. Her eyes immediately widened when her and Jullianna’s eyes met. You were seated where your back was facing the entrance, so you didn’t saw Jullianna and Fernando entering the restaurant since your were engrossed in a conversation with Jamie.
However, your attention was grabbed by the people that had entered the restaurant since there was a bit of commotion, you turned around discreetly, and saw the face that you never thought you would see again in your life. Quickly grabbing your purse, you pulled out your credit card, “I’ll just go to the restroom to freshen up. Darling, why don’t you get the bill?” You handed Sofia your credit card and gently stood up.
You had never walked so fast in your life. It is not how you envisioned with your mind in seeing Fernando again after twelve years—Fernando Alonso all wrapped up in another woman’s arms. Yeah, not exactly the scenario you had in mind at all. Despite of being divorced already, you can’t help but felt a little hurt with what you had seen. Trying to convince yourself that everything is okay, that you’re both single and free to date whomever you want…but the truth of it all, is that you never really got over Fernando. No siree. No matter how much Jamie introduce you to other guys, you’d somehow always find a way to ruin it and compared them to Fernando.
A little bit of tears had already been threatening to escape from your eyes, but you held it in. “Damn it, Fernando. Twelve years and you still have me falling for you like an idiot in love.” You said to yourself quietly.
Fernando glanced around to check the restaurant, that is until he spotted you, getting up from your table and quickly walking towards the restroom. A waiter passes in front of you, blocking you from his view. He didn’t want to lose sight of you, so he went after you, not hearing Jullianna’s voice calling out for him to look out. “Papá watch out!” Jullianna covered her eyes to avoid witnessing what was about to happen.
Fernando tripped on the floor’s carpet, and crashing onto a waiter that was carrying a big tray that contained food and drinks. The commotion had you turning around and stopping your tracks, only to see a man getting up from the floor, and recognizing that the man turned out to be…Fernando.
You let out a gasped and put a hand over your mouth. Fernando pulled himself up from the floor, his suit was soaking wet from the drinks that had been spilled all over him, the gash on his cheek bleeding from how the tray had hit him. He certainly wasn’t happy about what had just happened, but he helped the waiter, and apologized, promising to pay for the damages that he had caused.
He slowly walked up to you. “Fernando, hello…long time no see,” you breathed, “please try not to go crazy.”
“A little late for that advice, don’t you think?” Fernando chuckled, “what is going on? I haven’t seen or heard from you in twelve years and suddenly you’re popping up everywhere I look.” Before you could answer Fernando, Jullianna, the real Julliana had appeared beside you.
“Papá, I can explain why she’s here.” She began, “Sofia, you know who she is?” He looked at Jullianna confused, and she just nodded. “Yes, papá I know her, and actually, I’m not Sofia.” She trailed.
“I am.” Sofia, the real Sofia. Fernando looks from Jullianna to Sofia, then back to Jullianna again, until he finally looked at you. He’s beyond speechless. “Both of them? Jullianna…Sofia…”
“I guess you and mom still had that connection after all these years.” Sofia nodded in agreement, “You two had ended sending the both of us to the same camp. Sofia and I both met and the whole thing kind of just spilled out.” Jullianna had removed the part where they got in trouble during the camp, last thing they want to do is the both of you getting angry at them.
It seems like Fernando was still processing everything, “they decided to switch places on us, Fernando.” You softly said, “wait a minute. You mean I’ve had Jullianna all this time?” He was speechless.
Jullianna nodded, “I wanted to know what you were like and Sofia wanted to get to know mom.” She explained, “are you angry?” It took a while before everything sink in, then Fernando takes Jullianna into his arms, hugging her tightly.
“Mi vida, of course not.” He broke the hug, kneeling down to Jullianna’s level, “it’s just…I can’t believe that it’s you. The last time I saw you, you had diaper rash…and now, look at you.” Fernando caressed Jullianna’s cheeks softly.
“I’m quite grown up now, and without a father.” Jullianna had emphazised the word ‘father’, making Fernando chuckle lightly, “and I’m on my way to being a crazy mixed-up teenage years. I’ll be the only girl I know without a mother to fight with.” Sofia chimed in.
Fernando was still trying to put everything together, having a bit of hard time grasping everything that has been happening, “Sofia, you have been in Singapore all this time?” She nodded, “come here mi chiquitín.” He pulled Sofia softly towards him, hugging her tightly as well.
“Mamá’s amazing, papá.” Sofia broke the hug, “I don’t understand why you ever let her go.” She added, causing Fernando to smile lightly.
“Girls, why don’t you let your papá and I talk for a couple of minutes, okay?” Both of them took off, and you guided Fernando back to your table. “I hope you still remember my best friend, Jamie.” He nodded, acknowledging Jamie’s presence.
“I’ll excuse myself for a while, so you two can have your privacy. I’ll be watching over the twins for the meantime.” Jamie said smiling, as she stood up from the table and went looking for the twins.
A waiter had passed by in front of your table, you had managed to get the waiter’s attention and asked for a towel and first aid kit. “I can’t believe this. Seeing them together…I, how are you, mi amor?” The nickname had you in stupor, “I’m so sorry,” Fernando apologized the way how he called you. “No, no. It’s fine…I’ve been terrific, how about you?” He just chuckled, “well, I’ve had better day.” Fernando touches his cheeks, and winced at the small wound that he earned from the disaster minutes ago.
Just in time, the waiter had arrived with the first aid and towel in hand. Thanking him, you put down the first aid kit on the table and gave Fernando the towel, “let me help you with that.” You brought your chair near him so that you can tend to his wound, “how is your dad? Still sneaking those stogies?” He said as he looked up to you. “Every single day.” You exchanged smiles.
Fernando was just staring at you while you tend to to his wound, “I can’t believe you still haven’t changed at all…” he trailed off, “you thought that maybe I’d be fat and grey?” You chuckled, “well, not grey…ouch!” He winced.
“There you are!” A voice had caught both of you and Fernando’s attention, “I just talked to the manager and one second you’re already gone…” Bianca stopped midway as she saw you and Fernando so close enough to be kissing, and was taken aback. There was also a sudden realization in her face the moment she saw who you were. “Oh my god, you are Y/N Young…” she was looking back and forth at you and Fernando, “I don’t understand, how did you two meet…and why are you drenched?” She turned to Fernando.
There was a silence, no one had answered Bianca. “This is one small world…” Fernando trailed off, “how small?” Theres was a bit of anger in her eyes, but Bianca had kept her composure.
Sofia had witnessed the scene from a distance, and decided to intervene. She couldn’t stay still, so she walked away before Jamie can stop her, with Jullianna following suit.
“Hola, Bianca.” Sofia had greeted Bianca, “hello,” she held back. “Hello.” Jullianna chimed in, waving a hand at Bianca, causing to scream seeing the two of them.
“Did I ever mentioned to you that Sofia was a twin?” Bianca was at loss for words, “no, as a matter of fact, you didn’t. Two of them?! How fabulous.” She can handle one child alone, but now that she found at that there are two of them, she has to rethink of a new plan how to get rid of them both.
“Oh don’t feel bad, Bianca!” Sofia said, “papá never mentioned it to me either. Imagine my suprise,” she made a fake surprised expression. “By the way, I’m the real Sofia, and this is my twin, Jullianna. She was just pretending to be me while I was in Singapore pretending to be her. This is our mamá, Y/N Young.” She added as Sofia introduced you to Bianca, “by the way papá, I want to legally change my name to Sofia Young-Alonso.” Sofia smiled cheekily.
Bianca looked at you incredulously, as if you had just offended her. “This-this is your mother?” The twins just nodded, “you were married to Fernando Alonso?” She turned to you. “Guilty,” you raised both of your hands in surrender, “well this is a small world. What a coincidence that we are all here on the exact same weekend.” Her smile tightened.
“Well it’s not really a coincidence.” You softly smiled, “the children arranged it so their papá and I could work out the custody situation.” Bianca looked at the twins and they were just smiling at her, further pissing her off.
Later that night, the twins had organized a family dinner, it will be just you, Fernando, and them. The four of you are already together, so why not make the most of it.
As Fernando was fixing his suit and tie in front of the mirror, Bianca was sitting at the bed, clearly looking unhappy when Fernando had said that he’ll be going to dinner tonight with you and the twins.
“I’m sorry, I just don’t see why you need to go on a dinner with your ex-wife.” Bianca said, “why couldn’t you just meet her in the lobby, discuss the custody situation, shake hands and say good bye? I’ll exactly tell you why, it’s because your daughters do not want me to marry you!”
Fernando just sighed. “You know that’s not true.” But she just rolled her eyes at him, “it’s true! They see me like I’m some kind of evil stepmother. Trust me, Fernando, I’m not being paranoid. I swear, those girls have something up on their sleeves.” For sure Fernando didn’t have to deal with anything like this with you.
“Bianca, calm down. The girls have never had a meal with both of their parents their entire lives, how could I say no?” She stood up, “I told you to let me represent you on all your negotiations, didn’t I?” By now, Fernando is being fed up with this conversation.
“I need to get to dinner.” Bianca had managed to grab Fernando by his wrist, “but Fernando, what am I supposed to do while you are gone?” She whined. “I don’t know, what the television and order some food? I’ll be back before you know it.” Fernando was able to pry off Bianca and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Fernando and Sofia, both dressed to the nines, are already waiting by the entrance of the hotel for you and Jullianna. “Sofia, mi vida, I already had enough surprises for the day. Why don’t you just tell me where we are going, yes?” Sofia just shake her head no, refusing to tell him. “It will be ruined if I tell you anything, papá. But trust me, you’re going to love it!” She said excitedly.
Just then, you and Jullianna came out of the hotel, thanking the staff for opening the door for the both of you. You are wearing a gorgeous black dress that was recommended by Jamie. Fernando was trying not to admire you too openly.
“Hey,” he softly greeted you. “Hi…so do you know where they will be taking us?” You smiled, “I tried, but Sofia won’t crack.” This just caused you both to laugh.
“Okay, now you both need to put these on. You can take them off once we arrive at the destination.” Sofia handed both of you a blindfold, “we’re going in that limo?” Fernando’s face contorted into a confusion, wondering where and how did the twins managed to pull off a limo. “You want me to drive?” Sofia sassed, and he just surrendered.
You’re not very keen on your sight be taken away, you had unconsciously grabbed Fernando’s hand. Smiling to himself, he just squeezed your hand gently. It was a twenty minute drive when you had arrived at the destination, the twins got out first and guided the two of you out of the limo.
“You can now take them off.” Jullianna said in excitement.
As you take off your blindfolds, you gasped and your eyes widened as you look ahead and saw an exquisite 150 foot yacht, all lit up and bobbing gently at the waves of the sparkling bay.
“Surprise!” Both of the twins said, “she’s ours for the night.” Jullianna said. “And how exactly are we paying for her?” Fernando directed his gaze at Jullianna, “well…we had a little bit of help from grandpa…” she trailed off.
You and Fernando just exchanged a quizzical look and followed the girl towards the entrance of the yacht, where a uniformed Captain welcomes all of you aboard. Sofia had led you all to the deck, where there is a candle-lit table that is set for two in the middle of the dining room. You can see the entire view of the vast Mediterranean sea, lit by the yacht’s twinling lights.
“Why is the table only set for two?” Fernando questioned, “that’s the other part lf the surprise! Jullianna and I won’t be joining you tonight.” They both smiled cheekily, “you’re not?” You asked, while the twins just just shook their heads.
The twins disappeared at the deck and a man dressed in ship’s steward, in tropical white had entered. “Good evening, sir and madam. I’ll be your server for tonight.” Fernando had pulled your chair out for you to seat down, thanking him. “May I both offer you a champagne?” Fernando nodded, as the ship’s steward pour each of your glass a champagne.
There was a comforting silence, “you know, it’s incredibly sweet for them to do this.” You said, chuckling. “It is very sweet, indeed.” Fernando just smiled at you.
As the yacht sailed, a soft wind blowed in your hair, and this had made Fernando stare at you lovingly. But before he further get lost in your beauty, he lift his glass for a toast. “Well then, here’s to…” you lifted your own glass as you finished his sentence, “our daughters.” It was not exactly what Fernando had in mind, but okay. “To our daughters.”
The twins had decided to sneak a peak at you and Fernando, and they are happy that to see that you two are toasting.
“You know,” Fernando began. “I always see you in Sofia, something about her eyes reminds me of you.” He chuckled. “That’s funny, because I had always seen you in Jullianna, the way she smiles completely resembles you when you smile.”
There was an awkward moment as you both sip your champagne. Glancing by the deck’s entrance, the twins had drop out of sight when you both had caught them taking a peak, and this had just caused you to giggle.
“They turned out pretty good, huh?” Fernando smiled. “We’ve been lucky.” You smiled back at him.
“Sometime, if we’re ever really alone, maybe we could talk about…what happened between us.” Fernando stared directly at you, and you are holding yourself from melting. Those eyes, it always does something to you, it makes you weak on the knees. But what can you do? Fernando always had a beautiful eyes. “It all feels a bit hazy to me now, it ended so fast.”
“It started so fast.” You softly said, “now that part I remember perfectly.” He chuckled.
“So…you’ve done incredibly well. I didn’t know that you’re back in F1.” Fernando smirked at you, “I see that you’re still updated about me, eh?” You nearly spit your champagne, “I am not! You know very well that my father is still one of the major sponsors in one of the teams, and he would tell me all this stuff every once in a while. So don’t you go assuming things.” You said defensively and he just laughed at you.
“I’m just kidding, no need to be all defensive on me.” He smiled, “yeah, I’m back in F1. But enough about me, how about you? I hear that you’re big name in fashion, exactly what you wanted to do…that is pretty impressive. Always thought that you’ll be running the family business.” You just smiled at him, “yeah. Well, the thing about running the family business is still open. Maybe in a couple of years, I’ll take charge. Dad is still handling the business like it has always been. It’s pretty amazing that we both ended up where we wanted to be…” you trailed off. “We did.”
The ship’s steward enters, carrying two bowls of soup and placed it in front of you, and left right after. “So what do we do about the girls?” You pondered, “I guess now that they’ve met, you can’t expect them to be apart of each other…I could keep them half the year and you could-“ before you can finish what you’re saying, Fernando had cut you off. “They can’t go to two schools every year, y/n.” You nodded, “okay, I can keep them for a whole year, and then you could-“ he cut you off again. It’s like every time you suggest something, he cuts you off.
“Listen, y/n. This is why we both came up with the solution we have right now.” You looked at him intently, “really? I thought it was because we decided to never see each other again.” Fernando just frowned at you, “not we, y/n.”
“You know, that part has become a bit hazy for me as well over the years.” You said as you start your soup, “you don’t remember the day you packed?”
“Oh no, I remember that day very perfectly. Did I hurt you when I threw that hair dryer? I’ve often wondered.” Fernando rubbed his shoulder in an impulse, “yes, it did hurt. So how come you never got married again? I’ve always figured by now that you’d be remarried with a new family.” You nearly choked on your soup and grabbed a tissue.
“Me? Getting remarried? No…no, no…no.” He chuckled at your reaction, “that’s a lot of no’s.” You sighed, “that’s because I realized that marriage is not for me. Jamie did help me set up a few dates, but I always ended up ruining it.”
There was a beat of silence again. “You know, this may be the only time that I’ll get to be alone with you, so I’m throwing everything out in the open.” He sighed, “about the day you packed, why did you do it?”
“Fernando…” you looked at him softly, “we were getting along so badly, we both had tempers, and ended up saying things that hurts us. So I packed my things and left, catch the first flight home, and you didn’t even come after me.” That night when you and Fernando had a big argument, you had enough and just packed up, grabbed Jullianna, leaving him.
“I didn’t know I was supposed to.” He responded quietly. “Well, any of it doesn’t matter now. Let’s just put on a good front for the kids, and get this show on the road, shall we?” Fernando couldn’t do anything but just nod, “yeah, you’re right.”
Both of you ate the food in silence, no one bothered speaking right after that conversation. Fernando would make small talks with you, but you’ll just end up answering all straight to the point, no chance of him prolonging the conversation.
Last night’s dinner was full of silence, you and Fernando weren’t able to talk about the custody, and today is the day that you and Jullianna were flying back to Singapore. It has been silently agreed upon that both of your respective lawyers will just handle everything. You had been missing meetings left and right if you prolong this situation, you needed to fly back to Singapore.
You gave the twins some time to say theid goodbyes in the hotel room while you’re at the fromt desk, signing the bill. After signing the bill, you give your thanks to the bellman and left him a hefty tip.
“Alright, we are all set! Where’s Jullianna?” You turned to Jamie, “she just texted me, she and Sofia are on the way down.” Just then, Fernando arrived in the lobby, without Bianca. But you couldn’t care less.
“Okay, so I’ll uh, send Sofia to you over christmas.” You nodded, “and I’ll see that Jullianna spends easter with you.”
The twins came out of the elevator, dressed identical to each other, making it hard to tell who’s who. This made you and Fernando looked at each other, “this one’s Sofia, I’m sure of it.” He said as he grabs Jullianna, and Sofia just grinned. “I hope you’re right, papá. You don’t wanna send the wrong kid all the way back to Singapore.” Fernando looked at you, silently asking for help.
“Okay, here’s our proposition. We go back to papá’s house, pack our stuff and the four of us go on a camping trip.” The twins smiled, “camping? The four of us? Girls, don’t do this to me right now. I had enough headache as it is.” You sighed as you put a hand on your forehead, “or you do as I say and I take one of you back with to Singapore, whether you like it or not.”
It was two against one, and in the end, everything was pushed back, since your powers did not work against the twins. All of your appointments were rescheduled, and Jamie had to return to Singapore since her company needed her. It appears that just you and Jullianna will be returning to Singapore following the twins' desired camping excursion. You decided to accept everything since there was no point in resisting, and before long, you were headed back to Fernando's house. All you can do is hope that everything goes as planned.
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@pear-1206 , @hc-dutch , @llando4norris , @issi-loves-dannyric , @gaypoetsblog , @timmychalametsstuff
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hi-im-greenjunipertree · 11 months
Backyard Sports fans, today is Sally day!
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Bonus Backyard Baseball meme I made (even though it doesn't make much sense). She's just like "Nope. Sorry, kid. You can't go on base."
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fudanshidoublevision · 5 months
Happy Birthday Ray!!!!!!!!!!! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
I feel so silly and happy to celebrate a fictional character birthday, lol. It's so funny! I love Binary Star Hero and every single character from this game, silly things like these are the best.
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Irrelevant yapping down this road ➷
I made some 「プリクラ」 (purikura) for his birthday because I had another ideas I can't and wouldn't be able to finish for this time being, I hope you like it because I kind of hate it. It's not what I envisioned... It's been YEARS since I've ever tried to make some purikura. I've done my best but i know I can do better. This one seemed easy and I had lots of fun, i have the feeling that he would find this type of stuff concerning and at the same time....amusing. Nonetheless, i think he'll like.
The Molcar Binary Star was made by my dear and beloved friend @/blood-and-mud. (Sorry bestie, I'll take this down if you want me to 😌.) Also, my PFP was made by her too!!!! Since it's Ray Day, I'll have this PFP on until the end of the day.
Ah, I hate that the quality of the picture, it looks terrible now. I had to make a whole ass account on “act illust” to download the image for the background for it to not be seen.......... At all.
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NONE of the art is mine except the MII Ray, I made that one.
This year I have something brewing for Double's birthday. 😈
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merakiui · 23 days
I wrote this whole thing out already tbh but I accidentally reloaded my tab 😭 so I have to type it out again 💔. I'm sorry if the first one somehow sent already and you get this twice
But nono that is Absolutely an NBC dress!! I see the vision!! I am personally not as big of a Rollo fan but I DO think he is a fascinating little bug. I'm putting him in a little jar under a big ol' magnifying glass and observing him for forever. I like that Masquerade offered us a look at other mage schools and how they work, what villains they're based on, etc. I really appreciate him for that. I did actually really enjoy what we got to learn about him too. Fun stuff! Love Masquerade.
AAAA fashion and eel blessings! I'm so honored :D!! Tbh Floyd has always been much much kinder in gacha than his brother ever has been,, so even tho I loved Jade first maybe I should give that other eel his proper chance. Since he seems to love my keys so much lol
I totally forgive on the forgetting to answer tho it's okay 😭!! These asks get very long. It's bound to happen! Obey Me had that update though a few months ago and it's been a godsend so far!! I played for forever but my cards weren't ever strong enough to reach the later story :( so I'm really glad Nightbringer offers the full thing for free so I can binge read!!
Since I brought up other games though,, I've been wanting to ask actually if you've ever looked into Diabolik Lovers? If you haven't and ever want to... I do want to warn you that the anime is NOT very good unfortunately </3. It's one of those animes that's just kind of a really shitty ad for whatever it's original media form was. It skips out a lot of important lore/character info, and doesn't really showcase each character properly since it tried very hard to focus on just 1 brother and failed. So the ganes/translations are 100% the way to go.
I bring it up tho bc it's my fave character's birthday today :D!! Ohh,, Reiji Sakamaki the strange little specimen you are <3 <3 my lovely wife that drugs people. I adore him. I think tbh you could like him too based on the stuff you usually talk and write about here. But obviously I could be very wrong! No way to actually know.
- :3
AAAA the horror of reloading the tab... I've done that too many times. T_T I know the pain well. </3
YES!!! Glomas gave us so much!!! It's one of my favorite twst events. Being able to see what other magic schools are like and how they function (NBC having a student council in contrast to NRC's Housewarden system). I really hope there will be more events like it! I'd love an event where the RSA students are given more spotlight or an RSA-centric event!!! It would be so exciting!!!!
:O giving Floyb a proper chance...... may he come home so quickly!!! May he jump into your arms enthusiastically!! It's Jade's loss for being so stubborn in coming home. >:( no hugs for that eel.
That feature is so helpful and nifty omg!!!! I want to finish the main story and learn more from where I stopped a while back. ;;;; after becoming a Jade enjoyer, my eyes have opened to Barbatos hehe.
DIABOLIK LOVERS OMG...... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I did indeed watch the anime many years ago, but I actually haven't delved too deeply into the translations of the game. I might have to because,,,, vampire....... cool,,,, pretty,,, deranged.... orz the sheer grip those brothers had on me...
Please forgive my late reply!!!! >_< your wife's birthday has since passed, but that doesn't mean we can't still celebrate Reiji Sakamaki, the wife ever!!!!!! <3 I think my taste in fictional men has refined with my age because the polite (as a front) types (Reiji, Kyoya, Jade, Sebastian, etc etc) were never my preference, but now I am LOOKING. 👁 👁 I think I need Mr. Reiji carnally.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
A bunch of replies todayyy! Sorry for the wait!
Anonymous asked:
Wha…what is with all the gaslighting discourse?
A waste of our precious time, Anon.
It started with some Anon being frustrated with me talking about Jade being a gaslighter in a hc post about twst boys being horrible to their lovers, and then them calling Rook a gaslighter instead. I was confused about this ask and replied half-jokingly, but the Anon came back trying to explain themselves once more. So I wrote another reply where I stated my position loudly and clearly: I do not agree with that Anon, I will continue drawing and writing Rook and Jade as I please, and I do not like how the Anon approached this topic by basically telling me that because it upsets them personally, I should reconsider how I view the characters. I find this type of rhetoric manipulative and unfair not only to us, but to the rest of people here: I can’t prioritise one person’s trauma over others’. I also really don’t like it when someone tries to assess my personal views on things by the type of fiction that I like and the way I see and portray certain characters. This is literally why we shoo away everyone who acts disgusted because of some of our ships, and this situation is no different to me. “I really don’t like it = this is dangerous” is manipulative, no matter how you cut it.
Anyways, then there was that Anon to whom I replied yesterday! And it was a nice ask, I had fun thinking about what to write. They actually sent their ask a month ago, just as this whole thing was happening, but I took my time because I was busy, but wanted to reply properly. Just like I said before, I love talking about characters a lot, and even if I disagree with someone, as long as they aren’t trying to force their point of view on me or imply that I don’t get it or I am stupid, I like hearing different interpretations of characters. Even if it feels completely off to how I view it, I can appreciate or at least respect it if they respect the way I do things. And don’t imply that I don’t get it or I am stupid.
So yeah, this is everything I have to say about this lol But you can read more on this topic; I believe there are plenty of other posts on this site, apparently this discussion has been going on for years. I really have no idea what there is to even discuss though.
Anonymous asked:
I know you haven’t talked about twst cast being parents for awhile, but I couldn’t help but come up with an azuide kid scenario. Imagine the kid is constantly feeling so much pressure from Azul’s expectations that when they fail a test after enrolling into NRC, the kid just SNAPS, overbloting and having a complete breakdown. And Ortho gives Azul and Idia a look that screams “See? I TOLD you so!”
It really has been a while! We don’t really think about family topics all that often though, so I guess it’s not very surprising lol
Thank god AzuIde kid has Ortho around because these two aren’t at all helpful with Idia hiding in his room for the majority of time and Azul almost being the second Riddle’s mom lol If it takes less time for them to overblot than it did for poor Riddle, it’s going to be very impressive. ESPECIALLY if the kid has Shroud blood, which means that they shouldn’t be able to overblot easily, if at all…
This is some great parenting right here.
Anonymous asked:
How do you think diasomnia would celebrate silver's birthday :)? I feel like Lilia would end up doing the least most birthdays,,, where he just ends up having sex, doing what he wanted anyway while barely being nicer to him than usual. Silver would be so grateful still lol
Anon, I am so sorry because I didn’t reply in time I completely missed the time when it would be perfect…. Sweet Silver, my precious fellow Taurus, I have failed you. 😔 But it’s better late than never!
I feel like Silver mentioned that they celebrate it together every year and take a picture together, and to be honest, I think Lilia actually cares a lot about making Silver’s birthday feel special. Even thinking back on how he made sure Silver would experience trick-or-treating on Halloween despite not having any neighbours, Lilia seems like someone who likes doing this type of thing. Silver himself doesn’t really care much though.
This doesn’t mean that Silver wouldn’t be very grateful even for a bare minimum of course, I think he gets this feeling of “there’s more?” every year after only receiving this “doing the least” level of attention from Lilia at first. Maybe Lilia would try to prank him as if he forgot about his birthday, but… Silver himself wouldn’t remember, so this isn’t much of a prank :(
Also ALSO! When it comes to sex, you are right; Lilia would present it as something special for Silver only, but he would ABSOLUTELY end up just going whatever he himself wanted to do lol
Anonymous asked:
Have you heard how horny Rollo is for the bell tho? Now that's a paraphilia if I've ever seen one. No clue how it would even work but mark my words, that boy will either fuck the bell or get fucked by the bell one way or another
Anonymous asked:
Rollo anon here, Malleus sneaks into the belltower to get railed by the gargoyles and comes face to face with Rollo getting off to the bell
Anon THIS PIECE OF ROLLO LORE IS SUCH A TREASURE (in the most unhinged horny unholy way possible). Just as with Gargoyles (both with Rollo and with Malleus), this is something that’s been on the back of my mind since we’ve heard this information lol There has to be a way… The bell is magical for a reason…
God Rollo would absolutely hate being interrupted and SEEN by Malleus of all people. Wait until he hears about the reasons why Malleus is even there, heheh.
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
True, Sebek is too hard on (pun intended) for Malleus to slip up unless he's REALLY distracted. Also can you two imagine...Lilia physically shows Sebek how to move using Silver as the example and then letting Sebek try right after, guiding Sebek's hips every once in a while to correct his rhythm and or movements he gets to stick it in.
(this is related to this post)
I’ll be honest, this is so stupidly easy to imagine that I don’t know if we should judge ourselves or Lilia for this LOL
He just wants to ensure that he has taught these boys everything that they need to know… This is a very important part of their training. Sebek is becoming a man. 🥹
Anonymous asked:
Yes yes, Jack has a knot, does that mean Leona and Che'nya have barbs? Is Ruggie's grandma packing? Twins in merform with no balls? Followup question: Who would be most into all the different kind of dicks?
Yes yes yes and yes. Someone also mentioned a possibility of Malleus having two dicks lol I always forget about all that stuff when it matters (i.e. when I actually draw it), and it sucks; we need more beastboy dicks! And Ruggie’s grandma too I guess… powerful woman :(
Now that I think about it, I really don’t draw balls when I draw Twins in their merform. But with merman in general, in our case it’s usually something that makes no sense biologically lol but at least it’s fun! And very hot.
As for the follow-up question, damn it I feel like the only correct answer here is Rook fucking Hunt, but since we don’t really see him on the receiving end of things, he is just here to appreciate.
Also you know, wild card? Riddle. He just isn’t aware of it yet. Also Idia because he has no choice and he’s seen too much weird porn.
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burningfaith · 3 months
behold! half-Polish Ryusui be upon ye
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more about my headcanon under the cut
Okay, so I'm really nervous while posting it, because I usually don't talk about my hcs with anyone and especially in public fandom spaces, but wanted to scream about this one for a very long time. I personally headcanon Ryusui as half-Japanese and half-Polish, because:
His birthday is on November 11th, which is widely known as Remembrance Day aka the end of the First World War. In Poland, we celebrate National Independence Day on this exact date and to be honest, when it comes to such things as characters’ birthdays (especially in the series where they usually have deeper meanings, ex.: Ishigami villagers named after chemical elements having their birthdays on dates corresponding to their atomic numbers, Gen’s b-day being on April Fool’s, etc.) I don’t believe in coincidences. So of course, I checked out other historical events that have happened/are assumed to have happened on 11.11. and found some connected to sailing  & exploration such as: Mayflower making its first landing in America, but also those related to astronautics: launch of spaceship Gemini 12 and launch of Progress M-25 to space station Mir. So as you can see, these are more likely to be the reason for choosing such a date for Ryusui, but let the girl dream. 😔 And yes, I’m fully aware of the fact that it’s also the Pocky Day lol
Many Japanese DCST characters look like they’re mixed (I’m not talking about astronauts’ descendants, because y’know) and Ryusui is no exception, probably due to the anime logic™️, but maybe they are? Who knows. But anyway, straight to the point: when I saw Ryusui for the first time I was thinking “Why did they give us another Shamil?”, so Slavic pass? Checked ✔️, I can continue spreading my half-Polish Rysui propaganda. And to quote my dear Tumblr mutual @/szyszkasosnowa “That would explain his golden (as polish wheat) hair.”.
Knowing what’s going on with the Nanami family (and specifically Ryusui’s shitty father) it is, in fact, quite possible. Sai is half-Japanese and half-Indian, so there’s nothing against the possibility of Ryusui also being mixed. I mean, there’s no mention of Poland or Slavic countries other than Russia in Dr. Stone (but these guys are always getting too much attention in literally any fiction), but we Poles barely get any representation, especially a good one (and in eastern media), so when my brain started connecting the dots I was like “haha yes, after all this time something’s happening!”. 
Thanks for reading about my delusions. I hope no one gets offended by my silly little headcanon. :]
"clear" pic as a bonus
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