#celebrity families
pleasantglitterflower · 2 months
My in-laws' daughter (Joe Burrow x OC)
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Many things are difficult to tell your family, making certain decisions is a challenge and you can go from mature to embarrassed very quickly.
Exactly for this reason, Juliana, in her 22 years of life, has always tried to be as careful as possible when it came to revealing something to her parents, whether it was from wanting to cut her hair to her shoulders, making her mother purse her lips, to finding out that she threw away three years of college, because that course was definitely not what she wanted for her future anymore, but rather hair, everything that had hair
But this time it's different, the event she feared the most has arrived, that of introducing her boyfriend to her parents, with a big catch.
-Have you been together for six months?- The woman is surprised, letting her tone of voice overflow in the restaurant, quickly trying to contain herself.
-You didn't have to hide anything from us, you just had to say that you're together, what's the problem anyway?- Her father shrugs.
-Leo, you know it's not like that- Her mother said.
-Let the girl enjoy herself- She said again.
-Yes, of course, I just want to say that we need to make sure that he's a good person, a nice guy who treats her well, there's no problem with that-
-That's exactly why I called you here- She smiled a little embarrassed.
-What do you mean, he's here?- Her mother discreetly looked for any guy lurking around.
-No, I called you to let you know that I want to schedule a dinner with everyone and introduce him- She revealed, earning a big smile from her mother.
-That's incredible, I can't believe it, we need to plan everything and when are you going to introduce him to your father's side?- Gisele already commented, suggesting as if it were going to be a separate event.
-The thing is, I'm just going to schedule one dinner and then we'll all go, that way we'll save time- She explained.
-Oh dear, your father has a lot to do, he has a lot of work and girlfriends and you know, I have a lot of meetings, advertising, trips and the routine with your brothers - She changes the subject, hating the idea of ​​having dinner with him.
-Don't forget Tomtom - She cuts her off with a half smile, knowing that now her mother will be annoyed.
-What Tom? - She looks at her, holding the glass in her hand.
-My ex-stepfather - Juliana and Leo's smiles contrast sharply with Gisele's shock.
-Of course, daughter, no problem, but what's his name? Show me at least a picture - She changes the subject trying to be as attentive as possible.
-But you know him - Ju finished her salad, now getting really nervous, feeling her stomach churn.
-We know him? - Leo looks a little confused, changing his eyes between the two.
- It's Joe Burrow - He revealed.
The two looked at each other in disbelief.
But telling Tomtom would be even stranger.
He took advantage of the best moment to talk to him, when he was playing golf.
-Boyfriend? - He asked intrigued, watching her swing.
-You're not old enough for that kind of thing - He implied, making her laugh.
-So I'm going to lose my golf buddy on Saturdays? - He lamented, watching the girl sitting on a stool.
-Never- She smiled at him, who smiled back, relieved.
-But show me a picture of him, who are we talking about? - He finally asked, going to the girl in the hope of seeing the picture.
-Do you know him? - He shrugged his shoulders.
- Where do I know him from? - Tom couldn't hide the fact that he found it strange.
- It's Joe Burrow - He gave a half smile to his ex-stepfather, who stamped his foot and ran his hand through his hair.
- That damn guy -
Tom started to remember some things and it was inevitable to ask.
- How did you meet? -
- It was thanks to his barber -
He wouldn't need a single word more than that, and Juliana remembers that day well, when she was spending time at her friend's house, whom she met thanks to her stepfather. Steve didn't have any clients that day, but an emergency came up.
-We need to fix this, the team scheduled a surprise online interview and I had to interrupt my vacation to pretend to be focused on the next season and suddenly, I need to appear on TV and not even my cap can save me anymore- Joe chattered until he got stuck in the doorway, when he saw another person he didn't expect that.
-This is Juliana..- He cut her off.
-It's really hard not to know who she is with this family- He observed her with some curiosity.
-Believe me, if it were up to me it wouldn't be like this- She commented with her discomfort with the subject, she hated all exposure.
-Well, let's get to the haircut then- Steven called Joe again, trying to break the awkward atmosphere in the place.
It wasn't hard not to fall in love with her, in terms of beauty it was undeniable, but she was more than that, she knows and likes golf, his favorite pastime, she started getting haircuts and various hair cream mixtures for free, they were able to talk about everything.
But the silence was always better, when they just looked at each other and realized that they were really by each other's side and enjoying it, the ease she has with the countryside, which surprised him a lot, maybe the hustle and bustle of her parents' lives made her fall in love with the silence and calm of sitting on a deck and just drinking tea.
Even so, one thing in particular impressed him in a bad way and in a good way.
She doesn't understand anything about American football, how was that possible when she lived her whole life with their biggest star? He doesn't know, but it was a fact.
Since that moment, the contact between them became natural, Juliana could no longer stand having to hide how in love she was, even avoiding having her life exposed like her parents, even though he is a player and it was impossible, they were trying their best, before it became a scandal they needed at least her parents to know, since she spent several weekends with his parents and playing with his nephews.
Gisele and Tom have found a way to talk about the subject, without anyone suspecting anything.
-How did she meet him?- Gisele whispers as if it were a big secret.
-She assured me that she didn't go to any of my games and that at that time, she had no interest in him- Tom assures.
-That's good, otherwise it would be really weird- The woman sighs thoughtfully.
-That's what I thought-
-Tell me a little about this guy- She asked, earning a confused look from him.
-Tell me a little about him, I don't know him, we just played against each other sometimes, it's not enough to know him- She shrugged her shoulders.
-Of course it's possible, he must have been mumbling something on the bench?-
-The benches are very far apart and when he was on the bench, I was on the field- Tom explains.
-But during the game, didn't he swear, say anything strange, have any strange habits? - His wife's concern and anxiety are starting to worry him equally.
-Look, not that I remember, he was quiet, not everyone makes a fuss or swears
-And scandals in the media, no, or rather scandals in the locker room, have you ever played with someone who played with him and knew something dirty?
-We both know how it is to deal with that, I don't think it's cool to keep commenting and no, I don't know of any scandals, or dirty things involving him, no player with any gossip, they just said he was polite and a good leader - Tom shrugged his shoulders and Gisele finally had no more questions.
At the hotel, unlike them, Juliana and Joe are simply in different sync.
-We already have couple pajamas, we're wearing our couple shirts, finishing our couple mugs, you know we're missing a couple plate, right - Joe reminds her charmingly, brushing his mug.
-We need paintings too, one for your house, the other for mine-
-What other stupid couple thing should we do?- He leaves his paintbrush under the table, thoughtful, while Juliana takes the opportunity to kiss his cheek. Joe, who was a little surprised, was surprised again by a paintbrush stroke on his face before he could react.
Before he could retaliate, the person in charge of the place arrived, finding the paintbrush stroke on his face strange.
-Joe, you're so clumsy- She grumbles, earning him an intrigued look.
The other woman laughed softly at Josh, gathering some materials on the table.Until finally, the day of dinner arrived.
-I think I can stay calmer for a game than for this- Joe comments still in the car, since they both need to gather the courage to go to the house.
-I'm also pretty nervous- She half-smiled without looking at him.
-Relax, you don't have to meet Gisele Bündchen and Leonardo DiCaprio as in-laws and also see Tom Brady not playing against you, but actually being your girlfriend's ex-stepfather. - He joked, moving his arms restlessly, while she knew exactly what he meant.
-It's an awkward situation, I never thought I'd be in this situation. Promise me we'll eat and leave? - He almost begged.
-Sure, but since you're the first one I'm taking home, I don't think any of them will know how to deal with it. It's horrible being the firstborn. - She lamented, but Joe turned abruptly to face her.
-What do you mean the first one?
-Yeah, I've never introduced anyone to my parents- She sighed.
-Why?- He watched her without answering.
-I've never met anyone I took seriously or that I thought I should do that- She finally looked at him, who couldn't hold back his smile.
-I was even embarrassed- He laughed all silly.
Juliana approached Joe, until she realized something that made her not know how to react, is it better to laugh or cry? She wondered.
-I think my mother and my ex-stepfather were watching us through the curtain- She commented looking towards the window, where the cloth still sways.
-Why do you think that?- Joe laughed, believing it was mainly paranoia.
-Because I saw them both run as soon as I looked at the window and someone pulled the curtain that was swinging- She said, making Joe a little more nervous.
-We better go then- He sighed, observing the house, for a moment wondering what he was getting himself into.
Walking next to a guy towards your mother's house is very strange, especially while holding his hand and feeling your stomach churn and your face burn.
It could all go well, just as it could all go wrong, like she forgot to tell him that Joe was allergic to something or someone made a bad joke.
There are many possibilities.
She put her hand close to the door but to her surprise, it opened before she could even knock.
-Sorry for the delay, I was at the back of the house- Gisele gave her best smile.
-We noticed- Juliana couldn't contain herself.
-Oh my God, you're here, what a surprise- Tom commented, almost lying down in the armchair to see the two of them at the entrance, for some reason refusing to get up from the armchair, making Juliana look at her mother as if asking what was going on.
The two of them just went inside the house, Gisele greeted Joe with a handshake, Leo did the same and Tom just waved without getting up from the armchair.
-We're looking for something on TV, do you like watching football?- Tom asked, earning some confused looks.
-Yeah, you could say I like it, but at this time of year it doesn't go away- Joe reminded him, only then did Tom realize what he had just said.
-Don't be silly, soccer is always on on Sundays- Gisele changes the channel and Joe swallows with all his might the urge to say it was Soccer, since luckily Juliana warned him.
And Gisele knows exactly what she's doing, since she patted Joe on the shoulder twice as she passed by.
-Daughter, I didn't know your type was Marlon Brando- She mumbled, but Joe, since he didn't know him, looked back wondering what that meant.
-He's a hunk Joe, you don't need to worry- she smiled nervously.
-Yes, he is a hunk- Gisele smiled equally trying to hide it.
-Without a shadow of a doubt a hunk- Tom finishes, leaving Joe alone instead of calm, suspicious of that.
The exchange of glances between the rooms was strange, even more so for Leo who was paying more attention talking to a woman on the phone than to them.
-Shall we eat? Each of us made a dish and I think mine is wonderful and will be the highlight of the evening- her mother stuck her nose up in a smug tone, starting a debate with Tom.
-Mine is not better by any means, you know I'm a meat expert- he defended himself.
Leo preferred not to go in, since he had only bought something ready-made and didn't want to be embarrassed by saying so.
Juliana let everyone leave the room, Joe in particular being accompanied by his mother, while Tom remained seated.
-Let's eat- She pointed in the direction everyone was going, receiving an embarrassed smile from him, who stood up all awkwardly, covering the seat with a cushion.
They kept an eye on each other and walked around the armchair, until she was quicker and pulled the cushion away, revealing a pair of binoculars.
-You two are more professional than many paparazzi- she joked, hiding the binoculars in the armchair again.
-I don't know what you're talking about- He shrugged.
-I saw you at the window- She revealed, making his eyes widen.
-Us? You must be excited about the situation and looking for problems in our excellent creative management, how could we be stalking Joe everywhere we can and calling journalists, looking for information? Juliana, these are serious accusations, we trust you in your vast love experiences, your heart, your rationality and your good taste in men, we would never make that mistake of toxic and slightly jealous parents, a child is raised for the world- He says in a serious tone, but clearly joking with her, calling her for a hug.
She can't deny it.
-Come on, before they notice us missing and start thinking I'm trying to get you to turn against him or scold you in some way- He put his arm around her neck and they continued walking to the dining room.
The table was set with great care by Gisele, who made sure to lead Joe to a chair next to hers.
-You can eat as much as you want, there's no need to be shy or think about dieting, I want you to feel at home- She told the boy who gave a shy smile.
-There's no poison in anything, don't worry- Gisele joked, placing a glass in front of the boy, who looked at his girlfriend worriedly.
And in fact, she didn't stop following Tomtom.
-Now everything is explained- He pursed his lips when he saw Juliana and Joe arrive at the course, she with a caddie on her back.
Although Tom didn't like it at first, he saw that it would be very good when Joe's first shot was played.
-Now you'll have to put up with me for the rest of your Saturday, until our dinner at a burger joint of dubious origin- Tom joked with a smile.
-Why dubious origin?- Joe adjusted the ball on the tee to take the next shot.
-Because we never go back to the same ones and that brings some pretty bad consequences
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doesnotloveyou · 11 months
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Finding out different celebs are all related or close friends or next door neighbors is simultaneously bizarre and comforting. like, "oh yeah, big name actor was basically our uncle and their kids were like our cousins" and that's just normal life
(from left: Goldie Hawn, Don Johnson, Melanie Griffith, Kate Hudson, Kurt Russell, and down in front Wyatt Russell)
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devilfulmarina · 2 years
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Mason Disick seemingly missing from Kourtney Kardashian’s birthday party
He’s Mason in action. Kourtney Kardashian’s eldest child, Mason Disick, did not appear to attend the reality star’s 44th birthday party this week. Kardashian shared several photos and videos posing with her two other children, Penelope and Reign, at the bowling alley bash, but Mason was nowhere to be seen. The “Kardashians” star featured one picture of her son Reign, 8, standing next to her as…
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dirtykpopsnaps · 1 year
Nikki Sixx Family
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theusviral · 2 years
Aaron Carter ‘made amends’ with brother Nick before his death: rep
Aaron Carter ��made amends’ with brother Nick before his death: rep
Aaron Carter and his older brother, Nick Carter, were in a good place before the former’s untimely death at age 34.  “[Aaron] was on the path to making amends with so many people in his life, and he had made amends and made peace with Nick,” a rep for the late pop star told HollywoodLife on Monday. “Aaron was happy about this because he loved his brother,” the rep continued. “He looked up to Nick…
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Alexx Ekubo Celebrates the Power of Family and Love"
Alexx Ekubo Celebrates the Power of Family and Love"
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chthonic-kids · 5 months
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i will shove that crusty old titan back into tartarus myself to keep her happy
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stevenrogered · 10 days
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OLIVER STARK & RYAN GUZMAN | Celebrity Family Feud
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ahbogman · 6 months
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this pretty much sums up their whole dynamic
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eddiediaaz · 15 days
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Oliver Stark and Ryan Guzman on Celebrity Family Feud (source)
If you have any interest in watching Oliver Stark use his British accent to describe himself as an animal in bed, this clip’s definitely for you.
♡ for @tawaifeddiediaz ♡
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texasbama · 3 months
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Survey says: She ain't lyin!
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Oliver + Ryan On Celebrity Family Feud
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repressedqueen · 10 days
Ryan's "Come on, Oli!" 🥹🥹🥹🥹
(headphones on, for maximum experience 😁)
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
One of Kevin Hart's 4 Kids Wants to Be a Comedian Like Him
Funnyman Kevin Hart really, really loves his kids. The “Die Hart” star is a proud father of four — Heaven, Hendrix, Kenzo, and Kaori. Kevin definitely keeps himself busy with his children, whom he clearly adores (judging by how frequently he raves about them on Instagram). The comedian shares his two oldest kids with his ex-wife, Torrei Hart, and the former couple amicably co-parent these days…
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dirtykpopsnaps · 2 years
Austin Butler family
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