#central finite curve
thingsaday · 7 months
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Dimension buds!!
One of a two-part art swap with the talented @sorrelpaws !! Lineartby them, colors by yours truly! (line art under the cut)
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glitteringcrab · 4 months
Is the Citadel multidimensional??
Like, does it exist in several dimensions at once?
Because if it doesn't, then how was Beth able to do this:
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And this:
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If the Citadel (and its remains, apparently) isn't multidimensional, then, what? Did it just happen to exist in the same universe that Rick C-137 had holed himself and Morty Prime into, therefore allowing for Space Beth to visit it in a more traditional (so to speak) fashion?
And how could that work??
Is this what the Citadel's dimensional drive was for, originally?? So that Ricks from any dimension could go there even via spaceship, if necessary, and then leave by the portal fluid they acquired while in the Citadel???
How could this work even with the Citadel destroyed?? Does it have like, a, a, a multidimensional bubble around it, and if you enter the multidimensional bubble through traditional means you get to exit back to the dimension you came from???
Is the Citadel symbol, an R connecting three small circles, meant to represent exactly this thing???
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Like, the small circles represent aaaall the universes in which "Rick is the smartest man in the universe" (all the Central Finite Curve universes) which are literally united (represented by the three connecting lines) with the Citadel functioning not only as the mechanism which created the CFC, but as the literal point of connection, the one place in space and time where ALL CENTRAL FINITE UNIVERSES CAN INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER???
If this theory is true, then:
a) Wow, that is some extreme craftmanship on Rick C-137's part. No wonder even Evil Morty couldn't reverse engineer this and needed the schematics of the Citadel's dimensional drive to bring down the Curve.
b) ...This is the emptiest politician phrase in the history of politician phrases XD
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sw33t-as-h3ll · 10 months
What if Diane Sanchez is alive OUTSIDE of the Rick finite curve of universes. What if there is a Diane finite curve of universes? Please just let me have a multiverse where Diane Sanchez is the smartest person alive. Or a multiverse where she is just alive in general. Maybe Rick never figured out how to leave his finite curve, maybe he has a chance to meet Diane again.
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Multiversal Residents Theory
Would you believe me if I told you that Rick Sanchez isn't only the antagonist of his own series, but many more too?
The Central Finite Curve Connected Multiverse (or even Omniverse,) it's not just Rick and Morty living it up here! In my world Easter Eggs aren't just fun things to find in the background, but are actually treasures hiding a larger narrative.
References, Easter Eggs, Crossovers and Cameos, plus some storytelling to fill the holes, and you get a beautifully well pieced together puzzle! I call my work the Multiversal Residents theory, because there are more residents in this Multiverse than we think.
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xxflutterinax · 6 months
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intergalacticbeth · 2 months
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A new dimension outside the Curve (we're calling it "C2" for now) showed up on our radar a couple of weeks ago. Tonight, I sent out the first camera. It sputtered for a few minutes, sent this image, and died.
I wish we had a clear image, but maybe it's for the best. This dimension is fairly new, so if there's a Great Designer out there, they're probably still fiddling with the specifications.
Who do I call to get my own custom-made universe?
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ihavemanymentalissues · 3 months
I saw this silly random thing and now I need to talk about it.
Okay so basically we know how there are infinite universes w/ infinite Ricks. I'm also talking about outside the Central Finite Curve (CFC) as well as in it. Outside the CFC there are some universes where Rick isn't the smartest or where Rick wasn't even birthed at all.
Well, during Season 5 Episode 10 - Rickmurai Jack. We hear Evil Morty say about how the Ricks (only the Council of Ricks and our Rick {C-137}) himself built a 'wall around infinity' this being the CFC.
But how exactly can the CFC be infinite if there was already a wall built around 'infinity' ? Is this infinity within infinity? It doesn't make so much sense.
Again in this episode we do see that all Morty's are made just to be little helpers and bait(?) for Ricks to use. They're making infinite Morty's. But its still a little confusing for how there can be an infinity if C-137 + The Council built a wall around it in the first place.
I have no idea if this makes sense, just ignore me c:
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tardigradetheking · 11 months
personally I think doofus rick was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and got sealed in when the central finite curve got made
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angeldustanalog · 6 months
the score from unmortricken is honestly so sexy idk why this episode doesn't have a higher rating its raw sex how tf is that tv14 that goddamn bass is just like oh my god how is this legal
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airprime7 · 10 months
Dirk Strider would Central Finite Curve.
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thingsaday · 2 years
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Time for the passing of the ‘big bad’ torch! 
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glitteringcrab · 1 month
They built a wall around infinity
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What is the Central Finite Curve wall made of???
Is it some random sci-fi stuff like "sub-ether barrier"?
Well, if the theory that the colour yellow is associated with brain stuff is true, I'd like to point out the following:
1. The ultra beam Eyepatch Morty shot through the Citadel to bring down the Curve was yellow:
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It became stronger after Eyepatch Morty infused it with blender-ed Ricks and Mortys:
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Why did that work??
How could that have possibly pierced through some sort of dimensional wall? Is it really just a matter of something as "benign" as calibration or killing them to be thorough?
2. And who else, apart from Eyepatch Morty, had been collecting the bloodied remains of Mortys in vats?
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Why, the Citadel Ricks.
That's... odd.
Did they collect physically "defective" or misbehaving clones before disposing them all off in one go?
Was it a slaughterhouse, with excess rickless Mortys being sent to death?
Was it a sort of punishment to terrorize Mortys into obedience?
Was it a sort of execution for criminal Mortys?
Was the number of Mortys dying in the Citadel from horrible living conditions simply that high, that they needed to be collected and disposed off in a special way?
Could be any of the above really... But even at the first time I watched this episode I thought that was odd.
(...and why have portals that apparently do nothing but spew blood... Where did that blood come from?)
(Is it Rick blood...?)
3. Rick says this concerning their brainwaves:
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He's making it sound like it's just a matter of detection. Visibility. Camouflage. Nothing actually substantial, just a matter of stealth.
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...says Morty, referring to his "camouflage" properties.
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...replies Rick, which seems kinda redundant, doesn't it?
He agrees with Morty that "Morty is more than a human shield", but the only actual "more" thing in Rick's subsequent description of Morty is the phrase "perfect impenetrable".
Is he just rubbing in Morty's face how effective he is as camouflage?
...Or is he talking about something else?
Something... truly impenetrable...?
What. IS. The. "Wall around infinity". Made. Of??????
(...is it like... crystallized brainwaves of Mortys who died painfully...?)
(I mean, if you can crystallize time, and infuse a freaking liquid with code that allows it to pierce through dimensions, why not also be able to liquify and project brainwaves?)
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sorrelpaws · 11 months
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hanging out with my narrative parallel !
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the reveal in unmortricken that universes outside the central finite curve are just... inventing interdimensional travel all the fucking time is absolutely insane. like we know the central finite curve is just a tower the ricks built to place themselves forever on top, but the sheer number of people who have invented portal travel in other universes is completely mindblowing to me. all the portals are different styles, different colours - are these all different inventors across different collections of dimensions? it's unregulated, it's rick-free, it's only shown for like 30 seconds throughout the episode, and it's not even mentioned. i know we already know this, but rick sanchez really isn't the unique genius he pretends himself to be.
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anarcho-smarmyism · 4 months
the term mary sue would be so useful if it weren't for sexism. for example Rick Sanchez qualifies for every stereotype of the Mary Sue (everyone likes/admires him for no good reason, almost always gets his way and is proven right, the story bends around making him look good) except being a young hot woman
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mortycubed · 3 months
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baffled by fandom wiki's descriptions of evil morty
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