#ceo!reader x intern!shawn
lovelyshawnn · 6 years
Nervous: CEO!Reader x Intern!Shawn
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My heels clicked loudly onto the white marble tiles of my company’s building as I made my way down the hall, towards my office that overlooked the city. The volume of the chatter from my subordinates decreased as their eyes followed my body, silencing their words. The whole floor would quiet down unintentionally out of pure intimidation whenever they sensed my presence. I’m really not as scary as they think I am, but I have a reputation to obtain. I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to be their boss.
My assistant, Arlene, spotted my iconic high ponytail above the walls of the many cubicles on the office floor, taking that as her cue to stand up with my schedule in her hand, walking with me to my office as she read it out loud. She understood how I wanted everything to be organized and fastpaced. She was to read my schedule aloud every morning as soon as I walked through the door, not a single second late. As a CEO, I have a lot of things to do, so I don’t appreciate an assistant that isn’t quick on their feet for everything and anything. Which is probably why I went through dozens of assistants before I found Arlene. We quickly grew a bond and she was one of the few employees that I could actually bear in this company. I even consider her a close friend since we know each other like the back of our hands. This was not the case for the rest of my employees, who probably have never seen me shown any emotion besides irritated.
“We have a staff meeting at 9am, lunch with the representative of WFF at 1pm, videochat interview with Vogue magazine at 9pm, then we need you to read and sign these forms by 12pm tonight,” Arlene said all in one breath as quickly as she could.
“Oh! And our new intern, Shawn, starts today!” She said excitedly as she ushered him into my office. I looked up from the pile of papers on my desk to see Shawn walk in nervously, a tightlipped smile etched on his face. My brows raised in surprise. I was expecting some lanky, nerdy kid as the new intern but Shawn was quite the opposite. He was 6 foot and 2 inches of sculpted muscle. My eyes travelled up and down his glorious body like a predator stalking its prey.
“Hello, its a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N,” he said. As soon as I heard his deep voice,I knew he was done for. I wanted so badly to just wreck him, taking him right then and there. I didn’t even know why I was thinking of this, I’ve never been truly attracted to a coworker in all my years of working, but here I was. There was just something about his pink blush that complimented his pale skintone, his big calloused hands, his perfectly wavy hair and...wait, what? I have to snap out of this haze, he’s just an intern. An incredibly cute intern, but still just an intern.
I shook my head to vacate all the inappropriate thoughts from my head. “Hi Shawn,” I replied, sticking a hand out for him to shake. His large hand flew up to firmly grip my small one, which ignited tiny little sparks in my hand that created a blush on my face.
I quickly pulled my hand back and diverted the focus from his hand to my work to avoid the awkwardness. Arlene took the hint as she saw my eyes shift back to the paper work, so she ushered Shawn out of my office to let me be. I decided to begin my work day by reading over some forms to sign but my mind kept thinking back to how his hand felt wrapped around mine. Why was my mind so occupied on this one guy? Fuck, maybe I just have to get laid. I never get this weak for one guy.
I huffed in frustration before getting up and making my way to the office kitchen/break room in desperate need of coffee. Usually I’d just ask Arlene to do it but today, I felt the need to get out of my office and clear my head for a bit. As I rounded the corner and walked into the break room, I spotted Shawn’s muscular back turned towards me as he was fixing himself a cup of coffee. It amazed me how someone can look so good in a pair of trousers and regular old sweater. I rolled my eyes at my own out of character thoughts. Treat him like every other employee. He’s no different.
His head turned toward me as he heard the clicking sounds of my heels. “Mrs. Y/L/N! Arlene said I should make you a coffee before the staff meeting, so uh, here you go,” Shawn stuttered out nervously. I eyed the cup of coffee that looked rather small in comparison to his huge hand, before taking it away from his grasp and taking a sip. My face scrunched up in horror at the taste, “Shawn, have you ever made a coffee before in your life?”
His eyes widened in fear, which made me smile at his innocence, but I was quick to cover it by turning away from him and towards the coffee maker. Or so I thought, but little did I know that Shawn most definitely caught the sight of the tiny smile that graced your lips, which eased some of his worried nerves.
“I like my coffee iced if its before 3pm with 2 sugars and some creamer,” I said as I made my coffee in front of him to demonstrate, “If its after 3pm, just make me some caffinated tea. Please tell me you know how to do that, at least.” He nodded frantically.
“I’d study this if I were you, you’re gonna be making a lot of these throughout the next few months,” I said with a bit of harshness in my tone before closing the lid on my coffee cup and strutting out of the room with a sway in my hips, not once looking at him as I finished my sentence.
He watched as my legs carried me away from him, his eyes trained on that perky ass of mine as he felt his pants tightened against his bulge. As soon as I left the room, he let out a breath that he didn’t even know he was holding. His new boss scared the shit out of him, but he had to admit, he was kind of into it. And the fact that she was hot as hell didn’t help his innappropriate infatuation with her. He snapped out of his thoughts as he remembered that he was supposed to be at the staff meeting and quickly made his way to the office.
I was sat on the end of the big rectangular desk with Arlene to my left and Shawn to my right. The rest of the main employees were sat all around the desk as they took turns updating me with how their department was holding up, and if there was anything we needed to do to fix it. As Dwayne from finances was talking about our budget for the month, you noticed that Shawn’s occasional nod had stopped, and he was now staring off into the distance lifelessly. I took my heel clad foot and gently tapped his calf to gain his attention, raising my brow at him in a disapproving way. He jumped up slightly at the sudden realization that he had zoned off, resulting in him leaning forward, trying to seem more intrigued in the insanely boring meeting. I smirked at how obvious it was that this poor guy was intimidated by me before ending the meeting after everyone had a chance to talk.
I walked back to my office side by side with Arlene, Shawn trailing closely behind, as she gave me any updates or any new information that you needed to know. “The representative for WWF just called saying he can’t make it to lunch today, should I reschedule?”
I rolled my eyes at their unprofessionalism and lack of punctuality. ”No, that won’t be necessary. Remind me to never waste my time on them again,” I said with irritation. My annoyance only grew as my stomach grumbled and my hunger grew.
“I’m still hungry, though. Would you like to accompany me to Le Petit Bistro?” I smiled at Arlene hopefully.
She shook her head no, “I’m sorry babe, I got a bunch of deadlines coming up today, I don’t have the time.” I pouted slightly in disappointment until I spotted Shawn, who was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as his eyes scanned all over the office that was still new to him.
“You. Shawn. Would you like to go to lunch with me?” I asked in a straight forward fashion. His eyebrows raised and eyes widened as he realized that you were talking to him. He glanced between you and Arlene, unsure of what to say. Arlene gave him an encouraging nod, mouthing something along the words “Say yes!” Shawn swallowed the lump in his throat before nodding, “Y-yeah, I’d love to.”
I grinned and turned in my heels, making a beeline to the office elevators. As I got in, I noticed that Shawn was still stood exactly where I left him, “You coming?”
He rushed to meet me in the elevator before it closed. His heart was racing, feeling anxious about being alone with the CEO of this medium sized company.
“So, where are you from, Shawn?” I said in an attempt to make small talk. “Oh, uhm, I’m from Pickering, Canada.”
My brows lifted in surprise, “Wow, really? When did you move to San Francisco?”
“About a month ago, I moved as soon as I found out that I got the internship.”
My heart dropped as soon as I heard this. Suddenly, I felt pretty bad about not treating him a little more kind. This guy was completely new to this city, and a scary boss wasn’t going to help him get settled in. I weighed the pros and cons before making the final decision, “How about we do some sight seeing today? Have you seen the Golden Gate bridge yet?”
Shawn’s eyes widened for what seemed like the hundredth time today, “No, I’ve been meaning to, but wait don’t you hav-“
“No buts! We’re going!” I cut him off, earning a small chuckle from him. We walked out of the elevator and made our way to my car, where I replaced my black stilettos with sneakers that are more appropriate for walking around all day.
“Alright. First stop: Pier 39!” I screamed with excitement as he watched my childlike outburst from the passenger seat. Truthfully, I’ve been living in SF my whole life so I couldn’t care less about the tourist attractions, but this was the first time in a long while that I did something spontaneous. I have to admit that I’m a workaholic, and I love to stick to strict schedules and routines. But I was loving the thrill of finally doing something out of the blue.
After a pain in the ass time looking for parking, we finally made our way to the pier. We spent the hour walking in to all the cute little shops, enjoying the live entertainment, taking a ride on the carousel, and stopping for some clam chowder.
To end the day’s adventure, we took a boat ride that allowed us to get a good view of Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate bridge. The soaring wind made me a bit chilly, making me wrap my arms around yourself, clinging onto my thin dress shirt to find some kind of warmth. Shawn noticed my actions before taking off his jacket and handing it over to me.
I smiled up at him at the kind gesture before slotting my arms through and shrugging on the oversized jacket, ”Thank you.”
“No problem, honey,” he said, swinging an arm over your shoulder to keep the both of you warm. Hm. Honey. I replayed the way he said the word honey over and over in my head, thinking about how perfect it sounded rolling off his tongue.
As we made our way off the boat and back into my car to head back to the office, I couldn’t stop thinking about the way his body felt against mine. What seemed like just a harmless, relaxing getaway from my intense work load was now having me rethink everything about my love life. I haven’t dated anyone in the longest time, I’ve always been way too occupied with work to even think about men. But there was just something about Shawn. Like the way his soft voice makes me feel all warm and relaxing inside, or the way his smile was so goddamn contagious.
No. You’re just in love with the idea of him, the idea of someone being able to take you away from the stress of your demanding job, I thought. This is just a temporary crush that spawned from the fact that we were both out of the office doing fun things, it’ll die down as soon as we get settled back in the office, working.
We rode the elevator in silence and when we got to our floor, I noticed that no one else was in the office. I glanced at the clock, which read 8:30pm.
“Oh shit, its already 8:30?” I said in shock. ”I’m so sorry, I must’ve lost track of time. You can go ahead and head home now, Shawn. Our office usually closes at 6, but I still have some work to do.”
“Oh, uh, actually Arlene wanted me to finish organizing some of the files in your office before I leave for today,” Shawn lied. I mean, Arlene did tell him he could do that to start his first day doing something easy, but she never set a deadline for him. He just wanted to spend a little extra time with you.
“That’s fine, you can do that while I do my videochat interview in a bit,” I replied, unlocking my office door for the both of us to step in. Shawn nodded and headed for the file cabinets in my room while I set up my computer.
Within a few minutes, I heard the blaring skype ringtone. I quickly fixed my hair before accepting the call.
“Hi there! My name is Jess, I’m a journalist from Vogue magazine,” a woman with dark brown hair said. After we exchanged greetings, she explained how the interview would work and began asking typical questions like when I began my business and what it feels like to be a young female CEO in the city.
I answered all these questions with ease since people ask me them all the time, it was as if I was running on auto pilot. Some time during the interview, my eyes shifted from my computer screen to Shawn, who was currently sorting through some papers quickly with his massive hands. Fuck, those hands were beautiful. Watching his fingers fly through the papers made my mind wander off, thinking about how those fingers would feel on me.
“Mrs. Y/L/N?” Jess called out.
I quickly diverted my eyes back to the computer screen, “Yes, uh, what was the question again?”
Jess chuckled slightly, “Well, as a young female boss, where do you find the time to date? Are there any special men in your life at the moment?”
Shawn’s head snapped towards me once he heard the question clearly, curious to my answer. My mind blanked out as I processed the question. I never really got personal questions, but since this was Vogue that was interviewing me, I should’ve expected that.
I laughed nervously, “I’ve mostly been focusing on my work actually, so there hasn’t been any special men in my life for awhile.” Shawn’s eyebrows flew up a bit at your response before he turned his head and got back to his work. You furrowed your eyebrows slightly in confusion about his reaction. It looked as if he were questioning the legitimacy of your answer. For the most part, it was true. I’ve only been on a handful of dates here and there since the start of my career 2 years ago, but none of them really connected with me. Not until today... with Shawn.
After a few more questions, we said our goodbyes and ended the skype call.
Remembering how Shawn’s eyebrow lifted at me in a questioning way, I decided to stand up from my spot by my desk and walk over to him to confront him about it. “Why’d you look at me like that? When she asked about my ‘special men?’” I asked, using hand quotes mockingly for the words special men.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He smirked without glancing up at me at all. That fucker knew exactly what I was talking about, it was evident in that cheeky smile he was wearing.
I rolled my eyes at him, placing both my hands on my hips and giving him my signature bitch face that I was known for around the office. He finally looked up at me, acknowledging the stance I was in before laughing lightly. Thats weird. No one ever laughed at me when I did my bitch face. They’d usually start apologizing or pissing their pants by now.
“Okay, okay,” he said as he placed his papers down, “I just find it hard to believe that someone as beautiful as you doesn’t have any ‘special men’ in your life.”
His words left me with my lips slightly parted, mouth opening and closing again while I tried to find the right words to say, but I was left speechless. A blush started to creep its way up my cheeks. Goddamn this intern and his ability to make me blush so hard. I made an effort to cover up the blush immediately by turning around to the stack of forms I still had to sign. I sat on the edge of my desk with my legs dangling off and papers placed on my lap.
“Well, it is true. I have so much work to do, and men are just a pain in the ass. I need to relax, and men make me do the complete opposite of that,” I said while rubbing my temples at the mere thought of being in a relationship at the moment.
He didn’t know what took over him. Maybe it was the wine that you two downed on the boat. Or maybe if was the way your perfectly tight high ponytail was now messy with baby hairs flying out of your head. Or maybe it was the way your skirt rode up your thighs when you took a seat on top of your desk. He didn’t know why at all, but the words just slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them, “I can help you relax.”
And before he knew it, his legs travelled the short distance from his spot by the file cabinets to right in between my legs that were slightly parted. One of my eyebrows quirked up in a curious way while my pupils dilated to watch his every move, still confused as to what was going on. The shy, nervous fresh faced intern that started the day off by being scared shitless of you was now bolder than ever.
At the lack of my response, Shawn leaned over to close the small gap between us and planted his lips on mine. It was like I was completely out of control around him because although it was against all the red flags in my head, I wrapped my arms around his neck and curled my fingers into his soft curls. His hands were on my waist as his lips meshed together with mine. In a swift power move, I gave a good tug on his hair which resulted in him letting out a small gasp. I took advantage of this by slipping my tongue through and adventuring into his pretty mouth.
The fact that we were all alone in this big office, doing exactly what we aren’t supposed to do made it so much hotter for us. The feeling of his skin on mine, his lips brushing against mine, ignited a once dead spark inside me. I craved the touch of a man that I was deprived of for so long, but more specifically, I craved him.
I took the initiative, moving my hand from behind his neck to the front, grasping his throat between my fingertips lightly before trailing them down his toned chest. Shawn whimpered almost inaudibly at the feeling of my hand around his neck, nails digging in just the right amount. If the office wasn’t completely vacant at the time, I would’ve missed how the tiny whimper escaped his swollen pink lips. I smirked into the kiss. Of course he’d be into that. God, I’m going to wreck him.
My hand travelled down to where he needed me the most, cupping his member with my palm right when the phone rang. We jumped at the sound of the ringtone, scrambling off of each other as I hopped off the desk and made my way over to the phone. Its like the phone’s ringtone was like a wakeup call, bringing us back to reality.
I’m his boss and he’s just an intern, we’re not supposed to be doing this. But fuck, that just made it feel better. I flattened my clothes out, smoothing over the creases before picking up the phone.
Arlene was on the other end of the line, reminding me of the deadlines for the paperwork that needed to be scanned and sent off and notifying me of a sponsor’s interest in our company. I thanked her and wrote down the notes in my planner before hanging up. I turned around to face Shawn, but instead I was met with my usual empty office. What used to be comforting to me, was now cold and lonely. The sadness creeped in as I took in my surroundings and saw how there was not another sign of life in this building.
He left. And you were alone, as usual.
a/n: there will be a part 2 to this!! im thinking about making this a whole ass series/fanfic so stay tuned and pls leave feedback heheh
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zankivich · 5 years
The Arrangement: CEO’s Son/Dom!Shawn x Black Sub Reader Chapter 8
a/n: I hope you didn’t think I’d make it quite so easy. A little pull and tug is worth it sometimes ya know? idk how much longer I’ll be around. Most people don’t engage with the fics anymore and Shawn isn’t really the Shawn I fell in love with anymore. Life just kind of sucks at the moment. But I’ve got this chapter already written so I thought I’d post it. If you liked it and actually want it to continue? I might recommend letting me know tbh. Bye. 
Shawn’s point of view
The problem with taking a woman to Rome on the first date is that anything after that just seems silly. What exactly was he to do now? Invite her over to his apartment for sushi? Even he would walk out on that date! It didn’t help that the second they got back to New York, after a very long winded kiss goodbye, that she’d jumped right into preparation for the VMAs. That essentially meant he wasn’t going to see her for days, maybe weeks. VMA season sparked award season in general for the music industry. It might not exactly give an indication of Grammys, but with the award show always arriving right as the ellibility period for the more prestigious honor was ending, it meant that the VMAS was the beginning of the long haul to get your artist at the top of the charts and fucking keep them there. Which also meant that just like she was busy, so was he. The difference was she actually liked her job. And he had...oh how he hated his.
He’s sitting in a marketing meeting for Sarah Leone. Sarah Leone is his dad’s bid for best new artist of the year. Forget the fact that y/n had her secret weapon of Normani and Khalid on one management team, and that he sort of had a feeling she was going to do a solo album release directly before the grammy consideration deadline just to keep the industry on its toes, his dad was thoroughly convinced Sarah was his ticket. And in a lot of ways she was. Small town girl turned mega popstar in a little over a year, her debut album was set to make beautiful numbers. Unfortunately that wasn’t enough. His dad had a very direct line of vision and that vision was complete and total domination. So it wasn’t enough to have your music sell, he wanted his artists to be inescapable from the public eye. Enter this season’s publicity stunt: The MC.
His dad thought it was a clever way to reference Miley Cyrus. Back in the day he’d orchestrated Miley’s dating of a 20 year old when she was 16 to address her rebellious teen phase. What most people saw as a kid going off the rails, was actually a perfectly manipulated moment in pop history. Except the dick cake that lost her the walmart branding deal, that was all her unfortunately.
Sarah was supposed to be seen out and about with mysterious new “it” british singer, Ty Summers. He was 21. She turned 18 just months prior. The two had begun with a close knit friendship, and were now being guided through the early stage of good, whole-hearted, perfectly constructed, “love”. He peers down at one of the new stills for her headline of V magazine, and simply can’t believe she’s 18. The cover makes him uncomfortable, makes him feel icky. No one at the table notices. And his dad isn’t even there, because this is too low level for the kind of work he does anymore.
“Next, I want her in London for the UK press tour. We’ll have her position at Summers’ hotel for half of her stay. I want pap shots at dinner every night out of the week, and I want a prompt at the BBC interview to hint at their connection. We’ll take it from there.” Jaret, one of the senior managers rattled off. “Any questions?”
He twirled boredly in his chair far from interested in the inner workings of career management if none of it meant jack shit about what the artist actually wanted for their career. It felt like such a waste of his time.
“Quick question?” He sighed popping his pen slightly into the air.
“Yes, Mendes?”
“When does she sing?” He shrugged.
The room goes still. It’s a well known fact that Jaret runs the room. He runs the meetings, runs the decisions. He’s top dog on this particular client, and Shawn is merely there under his father’s orders as an informant and nothing more. He was there to make sure things ran smoothly, but he certainly wasn’t there to offer critique. Woops.
“And what exactly does that mean?” Jaret challenged.
Shawn simply shrugged. “Just seems like if we have a musical artist who we signed on the basis of her being able to sing, that we might at some point want that to be the focal point of her career. But you know, I could be wrong.”
“There’s just one thing wrong here Shawn...we did not sign anyone. I did. We don’t make decisions on the intricacies of her career. I do. You are simply a glorified intern. Nothing more, nothing less. And if you’re father wasn’t afraid you’d run off every two seconds I wouldn’t have to babysit your ass right now. So, why don’t you let the professionals determine next steps and play on the computer daddy bought you, or whatever it is you do?”
The room shifted from Jaret back to Shawn. No one went against Jaret. And yet Shawn was perhaps the most unpredictable thing about his father’s company at that point. Needless to say unpredictably was a hell of a thing.
“It must really upset you that I get paid more than you do doesn’t it?” He hummed.
Jaret’s face began to redden, his nerves tighter than his balls that Shawn had such a precarious grip on at the moment.
“Or does it upset you more that I could do your job better than you right now, today, without even the ability to hear the tonedeaf artists you sign that are just pretty enough and just old enough not to get your ass arrested?” He tilted his head in contemplation. “Perhaps it’s even that one time at the company Christmas party where your wife caught you screwing your secretary in your office and stopped crying long enough for me to make her cum before signing the divorce papers? But you’re right Jaret, I simply should just get back to daddy’s computer. My bad.”
“You little son of--”
“Big.” Shawn interrupted sliding smoothly from his chair and packing his shit up from the horrible meeting he’d had no interest in attending in the first place. “I’m big son of a bitch, Jaret. Just ask Sarah.”
Sarah of course being his wife. Ex wife of course. Ex wife number three if we’re being specific.
The door shuts close behind him to Jaret screaming and lurching across the table towards his empty chair. He’d probably hear about it from his dad later. But honestly who cared. Jaret was a creepy asshole, and he was always gonna be a creepy asshole. Sorry not sorry.
He’d be a little embarrassed at how aggressively he yanked at the door were it not for the hopeful look in her big brown eyes when he sees her for the first time. He can tell she’s had a long day because her hair is down out of its bun already, tiny spirals falling all around her face and cheeks. But, the way she falls into his arms is enough to make his whole entire day. Because it means that after all the shit she’d been through that day, she wanted to be with him. And that’s the only thing he cared about in the whole world.
“I missed you.” He sighed already capturing her lips in a kiss.
She hummed softly against him, fingers squeezing at his shoulders.
“Missed you too.”
He pushed the door shut with his foot, arms keeping her tucked tightly against him. He’s sure he’s smiling like a complete and total idiot but he can’t help it. It’s this new exciting thing where he no longer has to be afraid of how close he is to her, no longer has to hope he doesn’t stare too long. She knows. And not only does she know, but somehow she feels the same way. It felt like a dream.
He tugged her back towards his kitchen and helped her into a seat before he pulled out the leftovers from his own dinner where he “accidently” ordered for two.
“Tiana said you didn’t eat dinner.” He shrugged at her questioning gaze. “And this little italian place up the block always gives me more than I need.”
She bit her lip and peered from the container of chicken parm to him and back to the parm. He thought for a second she just might fight him on it. And then he remembered how much she liked to eat.
“You and Tiana conspiring against me must stop!” She snorted grabbing the fork clean from his hand to dig in.
He leaned against the granite counter with his chin propped on his hand. She was wonderful. And silly. And a little ridiculous. He kind of loved it.
“Yes, because making sure you consume more than coffee in a twelve hour period is definitely a conspiracy.”
She rolled her eyes. “Maybe so.”
“Maybe so.” He mimicked. “I missed the way you argue with me about everything. Feel like I haven’t seen you in weeks.”
Her eyes got wide and bright and she turned a grin towards him that he practically ached to lick off. She was gorgeous.
“You missed me huh? The Shawn Mendes has fallen head first into a little monogamy moment has he?”
Sometimes he liked to think that her favorite past time was taking the piss out of him. It sure seemed that way.
He rolled his eyes back at her and butted his head softly into her neck.
“And what if I have?” He whispered softly. “You have too. Right?”
His nose skimmed along her neck and she shivered. He smiled against her skin. She’d fallen just as hard alright.
“Yea I guess so.” She mumbled.
He pulled back and pressed a kiss to her cheek before grabbing her glass to refill with water.
“You should eat up. You’re gonna need your strength.”
“Excuse me?”
He refilled her glass from the refrigerator and placed in front of her before leaning against the countertop again.
“Oh. I just meant that I plan to fuck you until the birds sing. I don’t want you getting tired on me before I’m done with you.”
His favorite past time was saying the wildest things he could come up with to her in the simplest voice possible and then watching the way it made her eyes bulge in her sockets. God he loved it.
This time she simply stuffed a breadstick in her mouth and hopped out of her seat to start taking her jacket off. It seemed she might be just as needy as he was.
“Yep! Okay. You can come get it now!”
“I’m comin’, baby.” He grinned lifting her up into his arms.
“Goddammit. Carbs and dick. It’s like my birthday or something!”
His bedroom is way too far away. They’ve gotta figure out a way to get there quicker. But he chuckles into her cleavage as he knocks them against walls to stop and kiss her. Her thighs mold to his waist, ass full in his hands. He’s stuck on her completely. And the worst part is that she knows it.
He lets her legs back down to the floor only to press her against the wall of his bedroom, lips, teeth, and tongue beginning a trail along her neck.
“You make me never wanna go back to go work ever again.” She whined, fingers tangling in his hair.
“I’d happily quit if we could stay in bed for the rest of forever.” He murmured.
“Don’t tempt me!”
Maybe he would.
“Mmmm speaking of work, how hard you gonna make my job for me this fall?” He hummed biting down on her lip to solicit a yelp that drove him crazy.
“What do you mean?” She asked, fingers already tugging at his belt.
“I’m supposed to believe Normani’s not releasing an album before awards season?”
Her fingers came to a stuttering stop, and he recognized that her kisses weren’t really kisses anymore. His eyes opened to meet hers and instead of the lust from just moments prior, there was...anger?
“What the fuck, Shawn?”
“W--What? What?” He mumbled reaching for her as she quickly stepped out of his arms.
“Why would you ask me that? Since when the hell do you care when my artists release music?”
He’s a little flustered and his dick is hard and her yelling at him when his dick is hard is only just adding to the complex array of emotions that his brain would surely need more blood to process.
“I--I don’t know! I thought that’s what couples did right? Like they--they ask each other about work and shit. What did I do?”
“Couples?” She paused, all of the steam leaving her like a deflated balloon. “Are we--we’re a couple?”
At this point he’s pretty sure she’s gonna give him a heart attack.
“I….Aren’t we?”
“I--I don’t know. I don’t know, we’ve only been on one fucking date, Shawn. And just because it was wonderful and beautiful and romantic doesn’t mean that you get to ask me questions like that. I just… Shit. I need space.”
His heart leapt a little in his chest. He’d said that word before. “Space”. When people said they needed space it always meant permanent. It meant separation. It meant losing her. And the effect that her words have on him is a little surprising, even though he’s not processing nearly fast enough to catch on. All he can hear, feel, think, breathe is her not wanting him. And in this moment of fragility for him he’s not quite sure how to cope.
“Wait. Just wait a second. I don’t even know what’s happening right now!” He cried his hands held up in surrender. “Let’s just talk. Let’s just talk for a second okay? Tell me what I did wrong and I’ll fix it.”
“No. I don’t want to talk to you right now. I’m going home. I--I’lll call you later.”
She sweeps right past him, her fingers re-buttoning the same buttons she had giggled when he’d undone just seconds ago. He’s so floored by what’s taking place and he’s got no idea how to fix it. How to make her happy. He just wants to make her happy. And he doesn’t want her to go.
“Y/n. Y/n, please? Alright, just talk to me.”
Her fingers slip through his when he reaches for her and just like that she’s gone. And it hurts. It hurts far more than he knows what to do with. What the fuck?
*Three days later*
*y/n’s point of view*
A foul mood did not begin to describe what you were in. Everyone had been steering completely clear of you and rightfully so. Anyone who dare breathe wrong in your direction would get an earful. It wasn’t your fault. You hadn’t exactly been sleeping well. Your stomach was in knots. You were stressed as hell. But, none of that was allowed to matter. You had work to do. So, everything else got placed on the backburner.
You’re in your office taking a twenty minute “get your shit together bitch” break when a knock sounds itself on your door. Tiana had been the only one with balls to knock on the door in days, so you had no doubt who it could be.
“Come in, Ti.” You sighed still leaning pathetically across your desk.
The door slides open and unless Tiana grew several feet and turned into a white man over night, it was certainly not your assistant standing there.
“Hi.” Shawn mumbled waving awkwardly in your direction.
He was in a suit again. But not one of the ones from the red carpet that would make your thighs tremble. This must be one of his work ones. It looks too restrictive on his body. He’s wearing a tie, and your fingers itch to remove it, to dishevel him back into the man that you knew.  The worst part is that even in discomfort he doesn’t look real. He looks like an ad standing there at your doorway. An absolute vision to behold. You had to remind yourself that you were angry at him.
“How did you--What are you doing here? Shawn?”
He quickly closed the door and strode over to you, at least having the good grace to keep his distance to the chair in front of your desk.
“You didn’t answer any of my calls. Which is fine I guess. I get that maybe you need space but...I really hate what’s going on between us right now.” He mumbled.
His knee is bouncing. You only recognize this because it shakes your desk in a gentle hum. His fingers twist and turn anxiously on your desk as if he’s fighting the urge to reach out and touch your hand. His lips are stress bitten and his hair looks like it’s been the victim of an attack as well.
“Really?” You asked, leaning back slighting your chair in confusion.
He raised an eyebrow. “Yes, really. What did you think I was just out living my best life since you stormed out of my apartment at one am without a word and ignored me for three days?”
“No, I just...I just didn’t realize it would have this great of an effect on you. I guess I--I didn’t know you cared that much.”
“You didn’t know that I care that much? What the hell, y/n?” He groaned. “Why are you doing this right now?”
“Doing what?! What am I doing?”
“You’re pulling away. We sat there in Rome and you asked me to promise you that I was all in. And I am. And now you’re scared, is that it? You don’t know what it might look like for us to be together in the real world, so you’re pulling away from me.”
Well that was certainly a read. You were flustered. Your lips opened and shut around nothing but air as you sat there at a loss for words. It wasn’t conscious, or maybe on some level it was, but Shawn scared the hell out of you. Rome was a beautiful, beautiful bubble, but a bubble nonetheless. The second you got back to New York you couldn’t help but wonder if it would actually work a tall. You were still so different. And much as you liked him, and shit you really fucking liked him, it was terrifying to place yourself into new charted territory. You were scared of him. Of the two of you together. Of what it could mean. And he never even needed you to say it, he just knew it about you instantly.
“Look,” He sighed. “I still don’t really know what I did wrong. I know I probably sound like I’m being a little bitch right now but...shit y/n I just got you and I feel like I’m losing you already. Like you’re not even gonna give me a chance to try to make you happy. Is that how it’s gonna be? Cause if it is just tell me okay? Tell me what you want.”
“I don’t...I don’t know. Okay? I don’t know.” You mumbled
The look that he gives you tells you that this hurts him. That you not being a hundred percent in is painful. Everything was just moving so incredibly fast. One second you couldn’t fathom the idea that Shawn would even want to do more than fuck you, let alone be leading the charge your relationship. It was fast. All of it. And you? You were scared.
“Okay. Well I guess just call me when you figure it out.”
He got out of his seat and headed for the door only throwing you further off your game. You didn’t know much about what you wanted. You just knew that you didn’t want him mad at you, and you didn’t want him to leave. It didn’t help that a part of you felt like you should be leading this matter. You were older, you were the woman. Never had anyone cornered you in the manner that Shawn was in this moment. It was completely different than anything you’d ever experienced.
“Wait--shit. Shawn don’t leave.”
He shook his head. “It’s fine. You’re not ready, and I was. Just…Call when you figure things out. Maybe I’ll talk to you later.”
And just like that he’s gone. Fuck.
It’s another long night. You’re tired. You’re heart is heavy. Your ponytail is too tight. And you wanna go to bed. But you have no interest in sleeping alone, and therefore are stuck at your desk again. There’s three different contracts waiting your signature on your desk, but the words have begun to blur. You tell yourself it’s not because you’re crying because you definitely aren’t. It’s just cause you’re tired. Yes.
“Hey, it’s late I’m gonna---oh lord. I haven’t seen you cry since Michelle Obama smiled at you on a red carpet.” Tianna gasped.
You sniffled. “Bitch I am not crying. Go home.”
She rolled her eyes. “Denial or delusion. Your favorite pastimes. Come tell Titi what’s wrong while I’m still awake.”
She plopped herself in the chair opposite your desk and reached for the tissues on your desk to hand to you. You take one begrudgingly.
“You haven’t let me call you Titi since college.”
“Of course I haven’t, “She giggled. “What kind of grown ass woman walks around goin’ by Titi. Now stop deflecting.”
Best friends are no good. They know you too well. It makes it way too hard to hide.
“I….I think I fucked things up.”
“With Shawn you mean?”
You nod slowly.
“Yea, I saw him come out of your office lookin’ like a kicked puppy. I couldn't even get him to laugh for me before he left. You never really said what happened though.” She nudged gently.
A sigh passes through your lips that feels bone deep. Your fingers twitch anxiously against the desk. There’s nowhere to hide here. You just have to be truthful. It’s the worst.
“We...We decided to give it a go. And he took me to Rome, as your meddling ass knows, and it was the most amazing thing I could experience. It was everything I ever thought it would be but...he made it more. And I kept thinking that he was going to stop at some point. I don’t know I thought surely it was gonna work, because how could it you know?”  
“No, not quite sis. I don’t know. Maybe you can explain it to me.”
You bite your lip and twitch anxiously.
“I asked him in Rome one of our last nights there if he was gonna be all in. We talked about race and white supremacy and I told him that I needed someone who could stand with me in all of it, not just when it is convenient.”
“And he said…?”
“Well the fucker said yes.” You huffed. “He promised it even.”
“Shit.” Tiana mumbled taking a pause herself. “I would’ve never called Shawn Mendes to be a social justice warrior.”
You rolled your eyes. “He’s far from it, now. He’s still a white boy. But he wanted to try. He was willing to try for me.”
“So you can see how maybe I’m missing the part where you fucked up. This sounds a little like a black girl’s love story come true.”
“I went over to his place and he offered me breadsticks and dick, in that order. But then when we were getting to it, he asked me about Normani, Ti. He asked if I was going to ‘make his job harder for him’ by having her release her album before award season.”
“Oh lord, that poor bastard didn’t even know what hit him.” She sighed.
“I’m serious Ti!” You groaned. “I’ve been here before. I’ve had the music exec who wanted to get into my pants just to know what we were doing in this building. I--I can’t go back there. You and I both know that there’s nothing Manny Mendes would love to see more than one his little white girls on top and my people failing on the bottom of the totem pole. We work too goddamn hard for me to lose it.”
Tiana paused for a minute and stared at you. Her eyes were soul searching, the way they tended to be. She was as lovely and amazing as she was terrifying. She knew you better than you knew yourself, and she never hesitated to call you on your bullshit. Even if you didn’t know it was bullshit. Especially when you didn’t know it was bullshit.
“Girl, I love you more than anyone I’ve ever met in my life, but you are truly exhausting.” She sighed and held her hand up as a means to silence you before you even spoke. “Now if you’re not ready for someone to potentially love and take care of you that’s one thing. But if you are intentionally sabotaging yourself because you’re scared you gotta knock it the fuck off.”
“But Ti--”
“No, ma’am. If that boy wanted to know when Normani’s album was dropping he did not need to take your ass to Rome to do it. You have been scorned by this industry more than most will ever recognize, and I know that, and I validate that. But you ain’t in a relationship with Manny Mendes. You’re not in a relationship with the industry. It’s Shawn. And that man hates his dad and his dad’s company more than you do. I love you, but you’re being a bit ridiculous.”
“Fuck, indeed.” She hummed. “You keep doing this. You keep letting outside factors affect everything, and that’s not sustainable. You have to trust him. He has to trust you. That’s the only way it works.”
You peered at her with tired eyes. The kind of eyes that a woman who’d been scorned one time too many might have.
“But what if he hurts me?”
“Than we pick up the pieces. We work at it until your healed. But you don’t get the love without faith. You’ve got to put yourself out there, babe.”
And that is of course how you end up at his place at midnight on Friday nonetheless. Ti had practically ushered you off, offering to close up shop for the night if it meant you would finally leave the office. You’re still in your work jumpsuit with the too tight ponytail and the makeup that you couldn’t wait to take off.  The code lets you easily without having to let him know that you’re there. Perhaps that’s why you finally get to hear him this time.
The doors of his fancy apparently  are surely made of thicker wood, so he must be sitting right inside the living room. Regardless you hear it in this soft, muted kind of way. It’s an acoustic guitar, the plucking of his fingers just as rounded and full. It’s beautiful and rhythmic and it makes you pause, your fingers still resting on the door knob because then the mother fucker starts to sing.
Maybe I had too many drinks, but that's just what I needed
I hope that you don't think that what I'm saying sounds conceited
When I look across the room and you're staring right back at me
Like somebody told a joke and we're the only ones laughin'
You’re fingers grip tight at the door knob, you’re mind both seemingly filled with a million thoughts and yet too overwhelmed to process any of it. His door is unlocked though and when you stumble inside the vision in your head comes to life. He’s sat on his floor by the fireplace with a guitar you’ve never seen upon his lap. He’s wearing a white tanktop and black sweats. The rosary against his neck nestles against what looks like perfectly tamed chest hair. He is as unreal as ever. And yet somehow, somehow that is not the most astonishing part of everything around you in this moment.
He pops his head up towards you. His fingers don’t still on the guitar at all as he seems to pluck out the melody he’d sung just moments prior.
“Took you long enough. Almost like you were outside eavesdropping or something.” He hummed.
“I...How did you even know I was outside?” You stuttered.
“I get an alert every time someone enters my code. I don’t just wait around for you all the time ya know.”
“You...You sing.”
He peered at you, fingers still moving, his head tilted just slightly to the side as if you were as confusing to him as he was to you.
“I sing.” He affirmed. “Is that okay?”
“How come--I mean you never said anything.” You frowned. “That--That song. You wrote that?”
He nodded slowly. “I’ve been given a bit of inspiration lately. Is that what you came here for? To bust me in my hobby?”
This changes things. And surely it wouldn’t have mattered because Ti’ had already convinced you to suck it the fuck up and come over, but the fact that he’s got music in him and never said anything matters. Because there’s a lot he could have asked for. A lot he could have tried to get from you, and he hadn’t. It really didn’t matter to him at all. You were just a fucking asshole.
It occurred to you that you were still standing in the middle of his doorway, so you closed the door and moved slowly near him. He set his guitar off to the side as you plopped one of his decorative pillows in the spot beside him and sat down. Without his guitar, Shawn was a lot more fidgety. He took to playing with his rings on his fingers again, eyes soft and vulnerable pointed in your direction.
“So...Is this it? You come here to end it?” He asked.
You took a deep breath. “No. I came here to apologize.”
His eyes flickered up to your face, a hint of hesitance to them.
“I’ve never heard you apologize in my life.”
You rolled your eyes and punched playfully at his arm, the chiseled muscle probably hurting you more than it hurt him. He wasn’t wrong.
“The truth is...When you asked me about Normani’s release I didn’t think of it as you wanting to know about my day. I didn’t think about it as you wanting to be kind to me at all. I sort of, maybe thought you were snooping trying to figure out a way that you could hurt me.” You admitted softly. “Because--well because that’s what I’ve experienced in the past. And that’s not an excuse but it just is...it’s what I was feeling.”
He squinted his nose up and it would’ve been cute had you not been so flustered.
“Wait, you thought I was gonna hurt you? How?” He asked turning more in your direction.
You winced. “Like...by maybe taking it to your dad. Knowing whether or not Normani’s gonna release would be really beneficial to him.”
There’s a range of emotions that cover his face. First confusion. Then acceptance. And then anger.
“Why would I ever do that to you? What have I ever said or done to make you think that I would choose allegiance to my dad of all people over you. I hate my job, y/n. I hate that company. You know that better than just about anyone.”
“I know! I know that. I just--fuck. You scare me okay!” You whined. “I haven’t been in a healthy relationship in years. I’ve been fucked over in my job, in my relationships, in life constantly. And I didn’t exactly walking into our arrangement expecting to find a relationship. I don’t know how to do this, Shawn. I don’t--I’m not sure I truly deserve it.”
You glanced down at the floor in worry and fear. You wanted it. God, you really wanted it. But, shit if you weren’t terrified to try.
When he crawls into your lap, you’re a little taken aback. For how tall that fucker is, he certainly could use an extra meal or two. But, there’s something about the reversal of his thighs bracketing your hips the way that yours would usually do to his. There’s something about the way his thumb soothes at your pulse point as his fingers rest on either side of your neck. There’s something about the way that he looks at you with tenderness and kindness. It’s a little unlike anything you’d ever quite felt before. And it makes you soften beneath him with ease, all the fire running out of you at once.
“You are...the most hard headed woman I’ve ever met.” He mumbled softly.
You smiled sheepishly. “That’s what my momma’s been telling me since I was born.”
“Well she’s right. But I’m kind of crazy about you. And I don’t like fighting with you. And I don’t like being mad at you, or you being mad at me. I just want to make you happy. This is the first time in my life where I feel like I can make some good out of anything. You feel...right. I like you, and I want to take care of you, and I’d like to have something where we can both give each other that. I’m just as scared as you are, okay? I don’t fucking know what I’m doing either. But I wanna try. Do you?”
Was it really that simple? Could it be that simple?
“I do. I really do.” You whispered.
“Good. That’s all I needed to hear. C’mere.”
For him, it could be.
His fingers knot in your ponytail and he tugs your lips to his with zero hesitation. After a shitty week of back and forth it feels good to not have to think for a while, to let his lips work over yours. He’s dominant even here with his tongue and his hands and his hips. He could’ve made it soft and gentle, but that’s not really what the two of you were about. Or was it?
“I’ve got leftovers in my fridge.” He murmured running his thumb along your bottom lip. “Did you eat dinner?”
You shake your head softly and he quickly climbs off your lap to tug you towards the kitchen. It doesn’t go unnoticed to you that his guitar stays behind in the living room.
“Are we ever gonna talk about the singing thing?”
“Maybe let’s do one heavy thing at a time, aye? I’ll tell you sometime. I promise. For now, do you want egg drop soup or pasta?”
You climbed into your seat at his kitchen counter and quickly tugged at your jacket and ponytail holder.
“Pasta. And one of these days I’m gonna teach your pasty ass how to cook.”
“Sure thing, babe.” He snorted. “I look forward to it.”
Permanent taglist
@simpledomain @liliane106 @sinplisticshawn  @xeuphorically-moonstruck@euphoric05 @daijanicole @bruhh-whateven @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @decewill @goldiean  @bruhh-whateven@justbeingoceana @loveylangdon @iloveshawnieboi@september-lace @valedictorian65 @disaster-rose@justbeingoceana @loveylangdon @bitchacho25 @sinplisticshawn@thecurlsofgod @lifeoftheparty74 @kamahriii 
Arrangement Taglist:
@moonlightmendes22 @iloveshawnieboi@shawnsblue @cottoncandyshawn
@claredolphinbear24 @peterbrokenparker @shawnase@blackharry @shawnwyr @speakingofmari @moniehp@ydolansss  
238 notes · View notes
twohearts-hs · 7 years
*** - Smut
Harry Styles:
Non-AU - Boyfriend, Husband, etc.:
‘Hidden Behind A Book’ - Harry has to hand back a book for his mum at an old bookstore, resulting in him finding a girl called, (Y/N), revealing if he is ready to date again, after a hard love life.
‘A Small Coffee Date’ - Harry finally has the guts to ask out (Y/N), he decides upon taking her to a coffee shop, where he slowly learns more about her. 
‘Led On’ - Harry leads her on, not telling (Y/N) about the other girl.
‘Poor, Baby’ - (Y/N) figures out that Harry is ill, therefore she tries her best into carrying for him.
‘Sick’ - Harry finds out that (Y/N) is sick, not knowing what to do since she is never sick.
‘A Meeting’ - Harry meets (Y/N)’s parents after a while dating, but what he learns is that her parents are not typical parents.
‘A Small Party’ - When Harry and (Y/N) go to a party for a small ‘get together’ that turns out to them coming out with the relationship without them knowing. 
‘Stress and A Bath’*** - Harry comes home stress, and upset, all he wants to do is have a bath, and relaxed, but what if it turns into more... 
‘Distracted’*** - Harry takes his wife to Jamaica, but he made it very clear that she could not bother him. 
‘Mummy’s Boy’ -  Harry is left with the kids for the weekend, making him try to plan and enjoy the path of single parenting for a while, resulting in a painful experience. 
‘Boys are yucky, Sweetheart.’ -  Harry and the missus decided to go to the mall one day to pick up a few items, but when their daughter points out her crush to her daddy, some jealousy and lectures come into view.
‘A Naughty Photo Album’ - Harry and (Y/N) kept an album dated back to the time they got engaged, full of cheeky pictures, as well as, adorable. But when the kids find it, a lot of trouble fulfils. 
‘Can’t Have Kids’ - Harry bugs (Y/N) about the future ahead of them, but what will happen if she breaks the fact that the future they want, they may not be able to have.
‘A Delayed Flight’ - It was simple, she was quiet, he was intrigued, and a two A.M. conversation. (Y/N)’s flight was delayed, and he was waiting for his. But, her boredom is fixed with Harry beginning a conversation with a girl who has big dreams.
‘From the Dining Table’ - Based off of the song. He knew he made a mistake, but how was he supposed to get over it. All he knows is that she is gone, and she is never coming back.
‘Only Angel’*** - Based on the song. He met a girl who seemed to be a good girl, yet she wasn’t. She fit all the categories, but one. He came to the conclusion that she must be an angel. 
‘Goddess’ - She’s in a toxic relationship, has been for years, yet Harry was the only one who could help her get out of it.
‘Her Drug’ (Open Marriage AU)*** - Her marriage to Harry is ending, therefore she spat the little idea of an open marriage, not knowing the consequences that would arise. But, believing to keep her loyalty to her husband while he is off fucking other girls, she regrets it. Therefore, she calls an old friend up, not knowing what an amazing relationship she’d have with Shawn without Harry knowing. (Harry x Reader x Shawn)
AU - Teacher, ABO, CEO, etc.:
‘Her Soldier’ (Dunkirk!Alex) - She was born poor, married rich and had a lot of talents. But, that was beside the point. Her one thought at the moment was saving him, her husband. Over the course of the dreading hours of being on a ship, waiting for it all out, her mind floods and replays the memories of them.
‘A Chipped Mug’ (Teacher!Harry) - One goal was in her life, and that was success. It was a café that started everything, that and a cup of coffee. Yet, they both didn’t know what was coming their way.
‘Mustard Yellow Scarf’- (Painter!Harry) - She’s confident, but he wants to take his level of art to the next level. He wants to show her he loves her, every part of her, and what better way to show that by painting her with only a scarf on...a mustard yellow scarf. 
‘My Odds Are In Your Favour’ - (Hunger Games AU) - YN came from a hardcore life of surviving; Harry too. But, they’ll do anything to stop the games and to continue their love.
‘Omega’ (Werewolf AU) - She moved recently to the small town with no pack and just the title omega. Little does she know the tension between the two packs of the East and West. Little does she know the conflict that would arise with her being here. But, overall, she is in great confusion about which alpha is her mate. (Shawn x Reader x Harry)
‘Long Lost Kitten’ (Ophran/CEO!Harry x Orphan!Reader) - Harry and Y/N grew up in the same orphanage with each other, becoming extremely close. He promised her something, but when she is fostered out, it may have taken ten years for that promise to be met.
‘Two Can Play That Game’ (Gang Leader!Y/N x Gang Member!Harry)*** - She rules a deadly gang, he has a price on his head. He works for the enemy, she is the enemy. What happens when Harry begins working for Y/N when really he is working with her rival.
Kiwi Series: COMPLETED
When Harry meets a girl from his past, not knowing how she has taken a spin from the innocent, fun girl she used to be, making him enter a relationship that was the same, but not the innocent part. He is met with troubles of her life, including alcohol, and men. Based on the song, ‘Kiwi’ by Harry Styles
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3
‘A Devious Act’ - Divorce Series: COMPLETED
Divorce. It can mean a lot of things, freedom, a new start and forgetting. Or, it can be evil, regrettable, and lost. He did something secretive, and hurtful. He did something devious. And who is to pay? Her? Him? or their family? 
Part 1
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7***, 8, 9
‘An Office Affair’ - CEO!Harry Series:
Styles Incorporated, a big-time company in the middle of London, England. Owned and started by the Styles family, thirty years ago. It took over many companies’ profits with their ideas and prepositions; making them a huge company fast. Harry Styles, himself took over the company only five years ago, creating bigger success than his father. He constantly worked, continued the same routine every day, had a few girls in his life, but never had time for a wife. Until a young intern comes in. 
Part 1 
2, 3, 4, 5***, 6, 7
‘Give or Take’ - Best Friend!Harry Series:
Everyone has known Harry and (Y/N) for the longest of time, they are just waiting for the day where they admit their feelings. Harry knows she hates love, he never knew why, but they all reckon they are both just too stubborn to admit their love. Yet, they don’t know what goes on in between the sheets, which ends up with a nice positive on a stick. Let’s see what’ll happen. 
Part 1***
Part 2***
Part 3
‘A Small Phone Call’ - Divorce Series: COMPLETED
They’ve been together since fifteen; her going through every moment with him, and likewise. It has always been (Y/N) and Harry, since the beginning of time. But, they started noticing the red flags that the saying is true, all high school love doesn’t stick. Therefore it is time to sign the papers, but what will happen when she is afraid of a simple two pink-lined stick? What will happen to them? What if she keeps it hidden from him? 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
‘Unfair Love’:  COMPLETED
She loved him so much, yet he whispered the words she never wanted to hear, “I don’t love you anymore���. She later learns out he loved someone else and she decides to be selfish and take something from him, just like how she took him from her and how he took everything from Y/N. So, she didn’t tell him about the child in her stomach. Years later, he finds out and he begins to question who he really wants...his wife or her.
Part 1
Part 2
Shawn Mendes:
(the first three fics were based on an old account)
Non-Au - Boyfriend, Husband, etc.:
‘Her’ - There was no ideas flowing, no passion and story in his music. But, after going to a little expensive café, he is met with someone who will inspire his future music. She was perfect for everything, but he just needed the guts to talk to her, as she made him very nervous.
‘Sweet Like Herbal, Classic Like Earl Grey’ - Coffee reminded her of him, bitter, cold, and useless. So, she gave it up. But, when a certain male came into the record shop on a Wednesday, she decided to start drinking tea with him, as he is sweet like herbal and classic like Earl Grey.
‘Hidden Love’ - They’ve known each other for fifteen years, and the world ‘best friend’ was not enough to cover their relationship, as they completed each other’s sentences and read each other's mind. But, beneath all enough, there were hidden feelings for one another, but what will it take to let each other know?
‘The Stranger’ - He’s been home lately for a break, but he can’t take a break when a girl is constantly showing up. He is memorized by her, yet all he wants is to just know her. All he knows is her eyes. Until a little bump in.
‘Honeymoon’*** - Shameless morning sex after their last day of exchanging vows. 
‘Apples’ - Based on ‘Apples’ by Lily Allen. She missed who she use to be when she first met him, carefree and wild. So, she came with terms to let go of him to be that girl again, yet she learns that she’ll regret it.
‘Her Drug’*** (Open Marriage) - Her marriage to Harry is ending, therefore she spat the little idea of an open marriage, not knowing the consequences that would arise. But, believing to keep her loyalty to her husband while he is off fucking other girls, she regrets it. Therefore, she calls an old friend up, not knowing what an amazing relationship she’d have with Shawn without Harry knowing. (Harry x Reader x Shawn)
‘I’ll Always Be Waiting’ - They were together throughout high school, but she had to break it due to their very separate plans. He couldn’t see her leave, so he asked her to make a promise…to meet again in five years.
‘Two Past Lovers’*** - They left each other in tears as they had to become what they want. When she comes back to him seven years later, he doesn’t know what to say when he finds out what kind of man she married. He loves her, she loves him, they’d figure a way to get back together.
AU - ABO, CEO, Gang Leader, etc:
‘Mugged’ (Werewolf!Shawn) - She thought that her little town was safe, until one night she gets mugged. This creates her to have a constant question about the guy who saved her, and the secrets that are released in this small town. Especially the one about her future lover.
‘9 a.m.’ (Barista!Shawn) - She came in every morning at exactly nine a.m., and ordered something simple and something far too complicated for herself. He filled her day with little pick-up lines, while she replied in mispronouncing his name on purpose. 
‘You’re a Monster’ (Gang Leader!Shawn x Surgeon!Reader) - Her license was taken away to perform surgery, so her only option is to become the lead surgeon for one of the world’s deadliest gangs. Yet, she didn’t expect to meet a curly haired monster. 
‘She’s Deadly’ (Gang!Shawn, Assassin!Reader)*** - They were high school lovers, but there was something odd about her. She broke up with him without warning and he hasn’t heard from her since. Now he runs a global gang and she popped out of nowhere, with a little secret over her head. She has to kill him or else she goes to jail; the FBI wanted. 
‘Omega’ (Werewolf AU) - She moved recently to the small town with no pack and just the title omega. Little does she know the tension between the two packs of the East and West. Little does she know the conflict that would arise with her being here. But, overall, she is in great confusion about which alpha is her mate. (Shawn x Reader x Harry)
‘Alpha’ - Werewolf!Shawn:
She was a runaway from the biggest, deadliest pack in the country, little does he know. All he knows is she is an alpha, and she wants to get to Lake Erie. Yet, that may be stopped after he finds out about her and what their potential relationship will be. If she accepts this, it may end with her biggest fear...another pack war. (SMUT)
Part 1
Part 2***
Part 3
Niall Horan:
‘The Little Café Down The Street’ - Under constant stress and a low level of patience, Niall decides to sit down at a café he saw at the side of the road to unravel, letting him meet a new girl, (Y/N). He continues going there for several days till he finally asks her out. 
‘A New Beginning’ - When (Y/N) gets a new job that can determine her future, it turns out to be stress that works for her, with Niall’s help and understand she tries to work through it. 
Louis Tomlinson:
‘A Chat In A Pub’ - Louis just came back touring and all he wants for a little bit is a good beer, and a large open mind, but when he sees a new girl he has never seen before, working there, he can’t help but start a chat with her. 
‘A Little Bit Of A Kitchen Mess’ - Louis takes in action to make a meal for his wife after a stressful week, but when she decides to annoy him in the most irritating matter, it involves a little bit of food.
‘Try’ - Louis and the Missus are trying their best to have a child, constant trying is making them tired, she took the act of trying to talk it out. 
4K notes · View notes
lovelyshawnn · 6 years
Nervous: CEO! Reader x Intern! Shawn Part 3 (Smut)
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“You stood there angrily, “What you did today was highly unprofessional. I expect you not to partake in such behaviors for the rest of your internship, or you will be terminated.”
Shawn gaped at you speechlessly. This wasn’t the kind of reaction that he was hoping for at all. His smile quickly left his face, replaced with a look of shock. His face instantly flushed a bright shade of pink, and he opened his mouth to talk before I interupted him.
“That being said... I want you to fuck me,” I said lowly as I took teasingly slow steps towards his stiff body.
The combonation of my red lipstick and dirty words made him weak at the knees and totally at lost for words. Its like he was stuck and frozen to the ground, not knowing what to do. Holy fuck, he dreamt about this, even touched himself at the thought of this, but never did he think she would actually stand in front of him and tell him that.
I stood right in front of him, chest to chest before leaning up to plant an eager kiss on his lips. He snapped out of his haze and instantly reacted by moving his lips in sync with mine. His large hands flew to my waist as my hands rested behind his neck, burying my fingers into the curls at the nape of his neck.
I started to back him up, never breaking the kiss as I pushed him back on to my big black leather office chair. I placed my hands delicately onto both of his knees, long fingernails raking the material of his dress pants as I inched my hands up and closer to his crotch. His breath caught in his throat as my hand ghosted over his growing tent.
I got down on both knees in front of him, never breaking eye contact as I pulled his zipper down. By now, Shawn’s breathing was absolutely uncontrollable. It was so fucking hot to him how he was sitting in your chair right now, the most important seat in the building, with the most important person in the building on her knees right in front of him. And the way her eyes looked up at him innocently but her smirk showed the opposite drove him crazy.
I pulled Shawn’s pants off just enough to expose his navy blue boxers. I licked a stripe over his clothed crotch, earning a whimper from him that only egged me on even more. His hand flew to my head instinctively, weaving his fingers through my locks and gently pushing my mouth on to his cock for more. I instantly stopped my movements, “Touch me again and I won’t let you come.”
Shawn’s eyes widened at your dominance. He’s never been dominated like this before, but he was so turned on when you did it. “Now are you going to be a good boy for me, baby?”
Shawn quickly dropped his hands to his side, slightly tucking them underneath his thighs to help him restrain from touching you. He nodded eagerly with a strained moan as he realized just how much he liked being called a good boy.
I grabbed his still clothed dick firmly, “Use your words, babe.”
“Yes, fuck. I’ll be your good boy,” Shawn said, struggling to breathe properly. I smirked before hooking my fingers into the waistband of his boxers and dragging it down at a painfully slow pace. His cock sprung free from the thin fabric. Looking up at him, I licked a long stripe from the base of cock to the tip, swirling the tip with my tongue. Shawn threw his head back, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he let out deep groans of pleasure. I sucked his tip into my mouth and hallowed my cheeks, bobbing my head up and down but making sure not to give the rest of his lengthy cock any attention. I teased him like this for a couple minutes regardless of his whimpers, wanting to know how long he could last.
“Please. Please, just take me. Take all of me, please,” Shawn begged with hooded, dark eyes. I smirked at how wrecked he looked for me. His mouth was agape as he took little gasps here and then whenever my tongue would brush against his slit. His forehead was covered in a glistening sheen of sweat, small curls sticking to it. His cheeks were a bright pink color, even pinker than its normal shade.
Deciding to give into his pleas, I took as much as I could of him into my mouth and added a hand at the base of his cock to stroke what couldn’t fit. I moaned as I moved my head up and down against him, causing him to feel vibrations all along his cock. “Oh, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck, Y/N” Shawn chanted with no shame. It felt so good. It felt so fucking good that before he could stop himself, his hand flung up to grasp your head and before he can even process what he had done, your mouth was already pulled off of him.
“Wait, no. Baby, please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, I’ll be good,” Shawn began to apologize but it was already too late. I stood up from my kneeled position, grasping Shawn’s chin in my hand and forcing him to look up at me. “I already warned you, baby boy.”
He let out a strangled whine but all I did was take a step back. My back hit the cold, wooden desk that sat opposite to my chair. I unzipped my tight skirt and let it fall to the floor before hopping up on the wooden desk and sitting down in front of Shawn. I spread my legs slowly, resting my feet on the arm rests on either side of Shawn’s seat. I rubbed my clit over my lace panties as Shawn eyed me like a piece of meat. He licked his lips as he watched my fingers dance over my pussy.
I pulled my panties to the side, exposing my wetness to Shawn’s goggling eyes. “Mm, I’m so wet for you, Shawn..” I said as my fingers slid between my folds, collecting my juices onto my digits. “Wanna taste?” I asked as I brought my coated fingers up to Shawn’s desperate mouth.
He immediately grabbed a hold of my wrist, taking my fingers into his mouth and sucking on it as if his life depended on it. His tongue swirled around my fingers, wanting to taste every drop of my sweet pussy. “Thats enough,” I said as I attempted to tug my hand back. Shawn continued his relentless sucking, too hooked onto the way I taste to even hear my orders. “I said, thats enough,” I said with a more dominant tone as I finally ripped my hand from his grasp, causing a slight whimper from Shawn and a quiet “‘m sorry.”
“That was very bad of you, baby,” I said as I adjusted on the desk more comfortably, “I don’t think you deserve to touch me anymore, yeah? I think you deserve to watch me fuck myself on this desk and not be able to do a single thing.”
“No, I-“ Shawn started, but it was already too late. My fingers were already shoved deep inside my pussy, my moans coming out like a melody as I gripped my nipple with my free hand. My fingers moved in and out of my cunt at a fast pace as I shut my eyes in pleasure. “Oh, Shawn,” I moaned.
He was gripping on to the chair’s arm rests so hard that his knuckles were turning white from fighting the urge to touch you. And when he heard you moaning his name, he almost lost it. “Please, Y/N.” he said, his voice slightly cracking.
“Please what? What do you want, baby?”
“I wanna taste you, touch you. I wanna make you come. Please honey, I can make you feel so good,” He begged, just how I liked it.
I smirked at his shameless begging, “Okay.”
As soon as he heard your okay, he lunged forward. He couldn’t take anymore of your relentless teasing, he wanted so badly just to taste you, just to make you feel good. He licked a long stripe up my slit, swirling his tounge around my clit before sucking it into his mouth. My fingers slipped into his curls, tugging lightly and causing him to moan and send vibrations throughout my body. With his mouth still on my clit, he pumped a finger into my wet pussy. He curled it up, hitting my gspot everytime. When he added the second finger, I felt my stomach starting to tighten. “I’m gonna come,” I moaned ,“You gonna lick up every last drop for me, baby?”
“Yes, yes come for me, princess,” Shawn said as he quickened his pace. My orgasm rocked through my body as I let out a loud moan, chanting Shawn’s name like a prayer. Shawn didn’t stop, licking up every drop of my juices just like promised as I rode out my high.
“Fuck, you’re such a good boy,” I said in a shaky breath, still weak from my powerful orgasm, “Sit back for me.” Shawn smiled at my words of praise before leaning back onto the chair. I climbed on to his lap, straddling him with both of my legs on each side of him. I began to grind my wetness on his hard cock while trailing kisses all over his neck, lightly sucking his sweet spot right where his neck meets his shoulder.
When I started to grind figure eights down on to his crotch, he let out a broken moan, “If you don’t stop doing that, I’m gonna come honey.”
“You don’t come until I say so,” I said with dominance dripping from my words as I choked him slightly. I grinded my hips against his a ittle faster, making him shut his eyes hard and ball his fists. He bit his lip so hard he thought it was going to draw blood. He tried so hard to fight the overwhelming feeling of an orgasm, but the way your warm pussy felt on his overly sensitive cock was too good. “Baby, baby, baby. I’m, I’m gonna-“
Before he could finish his sentence, I quickly highered myself up from his lap, ending all grinding movements. His eyes opened at the loss of contact, his lips pouting up at me. I trailed my fingers up to his neck again before sealing our lips with a kiss.
I reached down, taking his swollen cock in my hand and bringing it to my pussy, rubbing it a few times to spread my wetness before I sat down all the way on his cock. We both let out a moan at the feeling. His dick filled me up so perfectly, brushing against my sweet spot with every bounce. I rocked against him, riding him with a fast pace. He was a moaning and withering mess beneath me, lightly thrusting his hips upwards to meet my riding. He slipped a hand in between your sweatslicked bodies, rubbing circles onto your clit with his thumb.
“Holy shit, Shawn. I’m so close, come with me,” I moaned into his neck. This caused him to quicked his thrusts before we both reached our highs together, him squirting his warm seed into me.
We both sat there with his cock still inside of me as we tried to regain our breath. This was the first time you had sex in a long while, and fuck was it well needed. Shawn was easily one of your bests ever.
I looked around the room, noticing the paperwork that I haven’t touched yet. Fuck. I was brought back to reality, reminded that this little fling was not going to end well. It never ends well. All your relationships end badly due to your dedication to your job and your busy schedule... what makes this one any different?
I quickly pulled out, hoping off his lap and frantically putting my clothes back on, “This was a mistake.”
hi this is my first time writing smut ever so its not that good lol but pls leave feedback! lmk what yall think hehe
taglist: @vxidnik @justjustyncase @onemorekissisallittakes @kindadefinitely-fucked @hollandechart @imfreefallinall @ashwarren32 @nevermindmisha @winterparker @kinglyhemmings
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lovelyshawnn · 6 years
Nervous: CEO!Reader x Intern!Shawn (Part 4)
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“This was a mistake.”
Shawn’s brows furrowed as panick set in, and he frantically tried to get my attention. He reached for my wrists, but I quickly pulled it away as I pulled my skirt on.
“Honey, c’mon, look at me,” Shawn said in a hushed tone, not wanting to scare me off.
I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose and shook my head, ”Shawn, can’t you see? This won’t work out. Its unprofessional and lord knows every relationship I’ve been in goes to shit. This could jeopardize your future and your career!”
“I don’t care about that right now, Y/N! There are a million other internships in the world, but theres never gonna be a girl like you again,” Shawn said as his eyes looked into mine, not showing any signs of dishonesty.
I sighed. Shawn was only about a year or two younger than me, but he was so much more pure. He was so wide-eyed and optimistic. This was a characteristic I dropped many years ago, which was necessary for fending off competitors and making my way to the top to have the best company possible.
“You’re so... naive, Shawn. You barely know me, and I’m sure you’ll find another woman who won’t set fire to your life. Your should career matters more than this.”
“You’re right. I barely know you. But I know that you always tighten your ponytail whenever you’re working on a particularly hard case, I know that you always twist your rings on your finger whenever you’re nervous, I know that you roll your eyes at everyone a lot more when you haven’t had your caffeine yet, and I know that you’re just as crazy about me as I am for you. So please, just let me know you some more.”
I chewed at my lip, thinking about the possibility of us being together. Fuck this intern and his stupid ability to make me rethink everything I thought I already knew. Fuck his powerful ass, carefully worded speech. His charisma and enthusiasm had me thinking that maybe for once, I could make a relationship work for once.
I laughed slightly in defeat, shaking my head and burying my face into my hands. “Fine.”
“Fine?” Shawn’s face lit up instantly. He walked closer to me until he was standing right in front of me, peeling my hands away from my shy face.
“Yeah. Fine.” I stated simply. I tried to keep a straight face, but my armor was cracked as soon as I saw his big goofy smile plastered on his bright face. “You got one shot at this, Mendes. Just one.”
“Thats all I need, honey,” he replied nonchalantly as he pulled me into his body, wrapping his arms around my waist. He peppered kisses all on my neck, pecking at the red bruises he had left on me just a few moments ago. His innocent kisses gradually became more harsh and more needy as his hands clung on to your body tighter. His lips trailed lower down my chest.
“Okay, okay. Enough of that, Shawn. Its almost 12pm. Go home.” I giggled while unwillingly pushing him away.
“Go home with me,” He said softly, still continuing his assault on my neck. My smile dropped as I looked at him for any signs that he might be joking. Of course he’d be joking, it was way too early for us to do this. But the way he looked back at me, with so much love and hope in his eyes, showed how he wasn’t kidding at all. And even though I knew I shouldn’t, I felt myself giving in to those charming eyes. It just felt right to leave with him that night. And so I did.
When I first walked into his apartment, I was pretty pleased. It was a decent size and well decorated considering the fact that he had just moved here a few months ago. I trailed behind him quietly as he gave a brief house tour, taking in every detail. His apartment revealed so much about him.
At the last stop, he led me into his bedroom. Shawn began stripping out of his work attire and into some comfy pajama pants, leaving his chest bare for the night. I turned around to give him some privacy, which is when I noticed the brown acoustic guitar sat in the corner of the room. “You play?” I questioned, pointing to it.
Shawn looked up to where you were pointing, “Yeah, a little bit.” He tossed me one of his old tshirts to change into.
I catched the tshirt before beginning to strip in front of him once again, “Well, sing a little something then why don’t you?”
He chuckled before picking up the guitar and making his way back to his bed, sitting with his back against the headboard and his legs laid flat, one ankle crossed over the other. I slipped into his tshirt and climbed under his comforter. I planted my chin in the palm of my hand as I watched his fingers strum the guitar strings while soft tunes fell from his lips. The sounds felt so serene coming from him. Pft. Of course this crazy hot intern was also a beautiful musician. Fuckin unbelievable. Could this guy get any better?
“Alright alright alright Prince Charming, I think I’m gonna have to ask you to stop before I try and jump your bones again,” I said jokingly as I placed a hand on top of his.
“I actually wouldn’t mind that, darlin” he replied, placing his guitar cautiously in the corner of the room before crawling under the covers with me. I giggled at his cheeky comment and the light feathery kisses that he was trailing up and down my neck.
I grabbed his face and planted my lips on his delicately. The kiss was passionate, filled with more love than lust. He broke the kiss for a brief second to remove my shirt before leaning back into the sweet but urgent kiss. His hands travelled around my body, wandering over the valley of my breasts before planting them on my waist and flipping me around so that my stomach was against his cold mattress. Shawn pushed my hair over my shoulder to expose my bare back before stopping dead in his tracks, eyes staring down on my back intensely.
He trailed his fingers softly over the small world map tattoo on my right shoulder blade. “You have a tattoo? Who wouldve known..” he whispered.
I scoffed at his obvious jab at me being a proper workaholic,“Well I have to keep it covered up, its not very professional.”
“...I like it. Don’t cover it u around me. Please.” He said, fingers still delicately tracing the map.
I smiled in response. He laid back down beside me, rolling my body on to his so that I was laying on top of him. “Whats it mean?”
“I wanna color in every country that I visit,” I said as I let out a small yawn.
“I could help you with the Canada spot, y’know,” Shawn joked, “Have you try some real maple syrup and Tim Hortons, eh? You can even meet my pet moose back home.”
I laughed at his attempt of fitting in as many Canadian stereotypes in one sentence as he could. But the crazy this was... his offer didn’t sound so bad. The feeling I got whenever I was around him was unexplainable and different from any other guy. He just made me feel content and secure. And thats why I didn’t run from his joke about travelling together, like I normally would for any other guy.
“That sounds lovely,” I said before laying my cheek against his chest and drifting off to sleep for the night
The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed as the sun streamed through Shawn’s thin curtains. I stuck my hand out to reach over to Shawn’s side, but to no avail. Confused, I threw my feet over the edge and pulled on his old tshirt before walking out of his bedroom. As soon as I opened the door, I was hit with a strong smell of bacon and eggs. Shawns sculpted back was turned towards me as he flipped pancakes in front of the stove, doing a little butt jiggle as he danced to the beat of the soft music playing.
I groaned loudly. He was making it so hard not to fall in love with him.
“Hey! You’re awake! I made some breakfast,” Shawn said, flipping the pancake onto a plate and shutting off the stove.
“Thank you, Shawn,” I said before reaching over to him and giving him a small peck. He sat by the kitchen bar beside me and we dug in to our food, talking about anything and everything.
“D’you not like bacon or something, love? I could make sausages instead if you’d like,” Shawn asked curiously, noticing how I haven’t touched the plate of bacon since I sat down.
“I’m a vegetarian, actually,” I said. Shawn clutched his heart dramatically and clenched his eyes. “So you’re telling me: you’re extremely hot, extraordinarily successful, and you care about animals?”
I laughed loudly at his exaggeration, to which I earned a soft kiss on the top of my nose from Shawn. “Stop, you’re too much,” I said before realizing that today was a Thursday, “Oh fuck, what time is it?”
By the look on Shawn’s face, he must’ve lost track of time too. “Oh, uh, its 8:30,” he said, glancing to the clock on his wall.
“8:30?! We gotta get to work!” I said, quickly cleaning up my dishes and putting them in the sink.
He followed me into his bedroom as I threw on my clothes from yesterday and tied my hair up in a sleek bun. He grabbed his go to work outfit as I ran into the restroom and brushed my teeth with his extra toothbrush. After I was finished, I grabbed my purse and we walked out the door to my car. The ride to work was filled with music flowing through the speakers as we hummed and sang certain parts.
Parking my car, I looked over to Shawn,”You can go in first.”
Shawn scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, “What? Why?”
“I just... I don’t want everyone to know about this. Yet.”
Shawn was a little bit hurt at that statement, but he nodded and silently left the car anyways. He thought it was unbelievable that he was deep in my guts and making me moan his name into his ear just last night, and now I want to act like none of it happened.
I watched him leave before grabbing my spare work clothes in the trunk and changing discreetly in my car. I waited about 5 minutes before trailing into the building and up the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Arlene was quick to meet me at the entrance with todays schedule. “I did some more research about that company you wanted to invest to and I emailed you some notes, you have a meeting with Mark from HR at 10 and Tiffany from finances at 11.“
I took in this info as I walked with Arlene into my office, making it a point to not even glance in Shawn’s direction to not raise any suspicion. He noticed this action, sighing at how cold I was acting.
“You seem a bit distracted, is everything okay?” Arlene’s voice broke through my thoughts. I debated on whether or not to tell her about my night with Shawn. She was one of my best friends, afterall. But for some reason, I didn’t want to tell her just yet in fear of her judgemental reaction.
“Huh? No, I’m fine. I just need my coffee,” I said, turning on my computer to start looking through my emails.
“Alright, whatever you say boss. I’ll have Shawn bring it in a bit. He’s a great intern, by the way. I think we got lucky with this one, he actually knows how to follow directions in a timely manner,” Arlene ranted. She absolutely despised the not-so-bright intern we had last summer, who didn’t even last the whole summer in this fast paced work environment before getting terminated.
“Yeah I’m really lucky to have him,” I said without thinking before I said it, “I mean, we. We’re really lucky to have him. This whole office is lucky to have him.”
Arlene stared at me trying to save myself from that slip up, “...Okay?”
She walked out of my office with no further questions, but I just knew she has her suspicions on. She was way too smart to not know. I sighed, planting my elbows on to my desk and stuffing my face into the palms of my hands. Dating is so complicated. If you could even call it dating, we haven’t even officialized anything yet.
As if on cue, there was a knock on my door. “Come in,” I called out.
Shawn walked in with my usual cup of caffeine, closing the door behind him. “Hey,” he said cautiously, not knowing where he stood with me exactly.
“Hi,” I tried to put on a brave smile for him, leaning over to clutch the coffee and bring it to my lips.
“Are we okay?” He asked in a straightforward manner.
I almost choked on my drink, “What? Yeah, of course. Why?”
“I don’t know, are we gonna act as if we don’t know each other at work everyday?”
“No. I mean, yeah but no, I-“ I started before shaking my head, trying to find the right words to say,”I don’t know. I’m sorry. I just, I’ve never done this before. Even with other guys that didn’t work with me, I never let the office know of my personal relationships. But then theres you, sitting just a few feet away from me with that stupid curly hair that looks so good between my thighs and that stupid cute smile that I can’t resist and, I just, I don’t know, okay?”
I watched his face change from extremely confused to understanding to amusement. “You think I’m cute?” he teases, walking towards me.
I rolled my eyes but laugh nonetheless, “Is that really all you got from that speech?”
He nodded, leaning in to kiss me. His hands were quick to land on my waist, pulling me closer to his body. In return, I wrapped my hands around his neck and began to kiss down his neck, harshly sucking on his sweet spot and leaving a light bruise. He whimpered whenever my tongue would graze across the spot where his shoulder met his neck. “Please touch me, fuck,” he breathed out with his head thrown back and eyes shut. I smirked at his response but decided not to give him what he wanted just yet.
I unbottoned his slacks, pushing them down along with his boxers to free his member of its tight constraint. I lightly stroked it, feeling it get harder under my touch. “Mm, thank you, thank you,” Shawn whined into our kiss. I smiled against his soft lips, he didn’t think I was actually going to give it to him that easily, did he? Poor guy.
My hands wrapped around his, dragging it down his body to meet with his hard cock. I unlocked our lips from the kiss and leaned back, crossing my arms. “I want you to touch yourself,” I smirked at the bewildered look on his face. His face was flushed and his eyes were wide. He was stunned. He’d never done this in front of anyone, ever. He stood there hoping I was going to say that I was just joking or fucking with him.
“I said, touch yourself. And don’t come until I say you can. Are you going to be a good boy or am I going to have to punish you?” I repeated with an assertive tone.
Shawn shook his head no before taking his member in his head and stroking the tip out of fear of what his “punishment” would be, as if this wasn’t already punishment. To touch himself while I was stood right in front of him, not willing to even lay a finger on him, seemed like the worst punishment he could think of right now. But nonetheless, he did it and he admitted that he liked it.
He pumped his cock in his fist harder watching me unbotton my silk dress shirt, revealing a pink lacy bra. “Oh shit,” he breathed out looking at my sexy body.
I got down on my knees in front of him, batting my eyelashes up at him. I cupped my breasts, “D’you want to come on my tits, baby?”
His mouth was agape, small moans and whimpers falling out at the sight of me on my knees in front of again. “Yes, fuck yes,” He moaned as he felt his climax rushing towards him like an avalanche.
“Well thats too bad, isn’t it? Stop touching yourself. Now.” I said, getting back up on my feet.
Shawn’s brows furrowed immediately. He was so close, so fucking close. I tugged his arm away from his member as he gasped at the close rush he had. He took his lip in between his teeth, biting down to ease his nerves after being edged like that.
I sat Shawn down on my desk before I climbed on top, grinding on his crotch with my lace clad pussy. I was still fully clothed, skirt rising up as I grinded on his fully naked body. He balled his fists hard until they turned white to try and resist the urge to pull my panties to the side and slip his cock in my wet pussy. He was absolute putty beneath my touch, letting out a string of whines. When I started to circle my hips in figure eights, that almost send Shawn all the way over the edge. “Fuck! Please, please let me come holy shit,” Shawn moaned. His climax felt like it was coming on even stronger than before. He leg muscles were clenched as he prepared to see white, before I lifted my hips up and restrained from giving him any friction again, edging him close to his orgasm once again.
“No, ba-“ Shawn started, but he was interrupted by a knock on my door.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, you have a visitor.”
taglist: @vxidnik @justjustyncase @onemorekissisallittakes @kindadefinitely-fucked @hollandechart @imfreefallinall @ashwarren32 @nevermindmisha @winterparker @kinglyhemmings @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel @alinashawn @peruvian-bae
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lovelyshawnn · 6 years
Nervous: CEO! Reader x Intern! Shawn Part 2
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After the steamy interaction between me and Shawn and his abrupt disappearance, I was left in a flurry of emotions. I felt sad and angry and embarrassed and disappointed all at the same time. But was I just in over my head? Did I really think anything good could’ve come from this ‘relationship’? Not knowing what else to do, I decided to brush the whole encounter off and act like it didn’t happen. However, I had to admit that it did dampen my mood for the rest of the week.
Maybe I should just give up on men all together, I thought as a I huffed a breath of frustration as the elevator doors opened to my office floor. Arlene was quick to greet me at the entrance, immediately going over today’s schedule. My mind was preoccupied, recalling that event with Shawn, which caused me to space out. Arlene’s voice sounded muffled as I continued to space out completely, until I heard a specific name that snapped me back to reality.
“Stella should be sending you reports at 10am, I’ll print out all your copies by 11am, and you have a lunch meeting with Harry Styles here at 2pm. Should I get bagels or sandwiches? Or both? You’re right, I should get both,” Arlene rambled.
I immediately stopped dead in my tracks, stopping right in front of my office as I turned to Arlene and grabbed her shoulders. My eyes were widened as I spoke, “Wait, what? Did you say Harry Styles? As in, CEO of Styles & Co?”
Arlene’s grin widened ear to ear, “Yup.”
“Shut up. No way! How did you do that?” I fangirled like a hormonal teenage girl. Harry Styles was one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in the world. He was also insanely hot and charming, so it was understandable that I was totally geeking out about him right now. Harry was one of my biggest icons ever as I was starting my career off, and to actually meet him in person was a dream come true.
“I have some connections with his assistant,” Arlene smirked. Holy shit, I gotta give this girl a raise, I thought before engulfing her in a bear hug.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” I repeated. She laughed before releasing me from her tight embrace, “Its no problem, love. You’ve been lookin’ a little down lately, so I thought this might cheer ya up! I gotta get back to work, but I’ll have Shawn send in your iced coffee soon alright?”
I nodded eagerly, excitement still coursing through my bloodstream. If it wasn’t for the meeting with Harry today, the mention of Shawn would probably bring my mood down, but I couldn’t even care about that right now. I chewed my lip nervously as I tried to bite back my happy smile while entering my office. I’ve never really felt this way before, being excited and nervous to meet one of my icons. I was always used to being the icon, being the one people get nervous to meet, so this was an entirely new feeling to me.
I couldn’t help but do a tiny little victory dance,waving my arms and legs in the middle of the room. A cough interupted my dance as I halted my movements.
Shawn stood by the door, iced coffee in hand as he was noticeably trying to contain his laughter from my terrible dancing. A crimson red blushed appeared on my cheeks as the embarrassment hit. But just as fast as embarrassment hit, so did irritation.
I rolled my eyes. “Don’t you ever knock?” I sassed him in an annoyed tone.
His smile instantly disentigrated once he heard my harsh tone. “Oh, uh, your door was open and I just- I-I’m sorry,” he babbled before taking long strides to place the coffee cup in my outstretched hand.
“Its fine,” I waved my hand at him dismissively, “Just don’t do that again.”
He nodded frantically. “So whats got you dancing by yourself in your office?” Shawn asked teasingly.
I groaned, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose. This only added on to Shawn’s amusement as he chuckled in response.
“I have a lunch meeting with Harry Styles today,” I said confidently with a bashful smile.
“Oh?” Shawn’s eyebrows raised.
“Yeah,” I giggled slightly, “I can’t believe I’m meeting a 24 year old self-made millionaire!”
“Wow,” Shawn muttered, “I’m really happy for you.” He lied through his teeth with this statement, he wasn’t feeling happy at all.
Seeing you meet Harry, someone with a lot more in common with you than Shawn, only confirmed his doubts. Shawn didn’t feel good enough for you. You were a smoking hot CEO that knew everything there was to know about running a business, and he was just... your intern. Thats why he left in such a hurry last night. Watching you make important business phone calls in the middle of your intimate moment made him overthink...what if he couldn’t give you everything that you deserved? But maybe Harry could.
I was fidgeting the entire day, excitement bubbling throughout my body as the clock clicked closer to 2pm. I adjusted and readjusted every piece of furniture in my office almost a dozen times in hopes that it’ll impress Mr. Styles.
Shawn peered through my offices wide open door every once in awhile, watching my electrified state. He thought it was adorable how thrilled you were, but he just wished you would feel that way about him.
Once the clock striked exactly 2pm, there was a ding by the elevators that signalled a person’s arrival. There was Harry Styles, black suit and all, strutting through the premises. His curly hair was perfectly styled and there was not a single crease in his suit. His clean shaven face flaunted his chiseled jawline that was sharp enough to cut. The whole floor fell quiet, he had the same effect on the office as Y/N did. Arlene introduced herself politely before escorting him to Y/N’s room, where the door was shut closed and the workers went back to their usual chatter.
But Shawn didn’t go back to his usual talkative self. He sat there, typing out his assigned paperwork as his mind tried to imagine what you two were doing in there and what you two were talking about. His couldn’t keep his mind off of you, couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if it was him in Harry’s position. Couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d like to do if it was just you and him in that same office that you were alone in with Harry right this moment.
Shawn’s jaw clenched as he heard the sound of your laughter coming from your office. The same laughter he heard when you two were at the pier, looking through many of the gift shops. The same laughter that he grew infatuated with. But this laughter was different. This laughter was caused by another man.
It was odd, really. Shawn had never felt this captivated by a woman before he had met Y/N. And he only met Y/N just last week, so he had no idea what overcome him. Shawn was never really the jealous type either, but the thought of Y/N with Harry irritated him to no end.
After a few minutes of silently fuming by his desk, curiousity got the best of him. He wanted to get inside that office and see what you two were doing, what was causing your angelic laughter.
As if on cue, Arlene walked through the elevator doors, juggling a box full of assorted bagels, sandwiches, and drinks in her arms. Shawn shot up out of his seat.
“Let me help you with that! Here, I can take it in for you,” Shawn insisted as he took the boxes out of Arlene’s arms and into his big strong ones. Arlene thanked him before returning to her cubicle. Shawn made his way to your office with your 20 different types of catered food and drink, knocking briefly before swinging the door open.
Harry and Y/N were sat across the desk from each other, both leaning towards each other with their elbows planted firmly on the table. Y/N’s hand was placed on Harry’s bicep flirtaciously before she quickly ripped it away at the sound of Shawn’s knock.
Shawn walked in smugly, pleased with himself for interupting their friendly meeting. “Foods here!” he chirped happily while walking over to my side of the desk.
I thanked him while helping him unpack all the to go containers and placing them on my desk. Shawn eyed my bare thigh that was exposed when my grey pencil skirt started to ride up. My tight skirt did a great job at distracting Shawn, which caused him to clumsily grab onto a mini cream cheese cup and accidentally spill a small amount on to my thigh.
I gasped at the feeling of the cold cream hitting my leg while Shawn gasped in absolute horror. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Y/L/N, let me clean it for you.”
He grabbed a napkin before leaning down under my desk, kneeling eye-to-eye with my lap. Suddenly, a lightbulb flickered on inside his head. He dragged his thumb along the cream that rested on my inner thigh, scooping it up and sucking the white cream into his mouth all while maintaining eye contact with me the entire time.
I watched as he brutally teased me. I could feel my panties grow wetter as I took in the sight in front of me. Shawn was on his knees, under my desk, licking off cream while looking up at me daringly with his big eyes. I bit my lip to contain my moan. Oh how I wanted so badly for him to have his mouth on me at the moment.
Shawn quickly got up on his feet again, not wanting Harry to get suspicious over their little moment. I coughed awkwardly before tearing my eyes off of Shawn and back to Harry, who was completely oblivious to us while he stuffed his face with one of the sandwiches.
“Go.” I said sternly and waved Shawn out of my office. He saw through my hard exterior, smirking as he walked out, knowing damn well how wet he was getting me.
Harry and I continued our casual conversation and even mentioned a possible collaboration. We talked for hours, much to Shawn’s dismay. However, he didn’t feel the need to barge in again after he saw the way my eyes trained on him as he sat between my legs. He knew I wanted him just as badly as he wanted me.
I escorted Harry out around 6, which meant the office was nearly empty at that point of time. We shook hands before leaning in for kisses on the cheek and speaking promises to keep in touch. I had a huge childish grin on my face as I watched the elevator doors close on him, completely esctatic to know what one of my life goals to meet him was finally accomplished. I waltzed back into my office happily when I walked past my trashcan that held the mini cream cheese cups. Those reminded me of that little incident that occured earlier.
“Shawn,” I stated urgently and assertively, “In my office. Now.”
Shawn rose from his seat in his cubicle with a smug smile, anticipating the same kind of treatment he received when we were last in my office alone. He was thinking about your body pressed up against his the entire day today, and he was ready to continue what you two started a few nights ago. But boy, was he wrong.
You didn’t push him up against the wall and plant your lips onto his. You didn’t flirt with him or trail kiss along his jawline. You didn’t even smile at him once.
You stood there angrily, “What you did today was highly unprofessional. I expect you not to partake in such behaviors for the rest of your internship, or you will be terminated.”
a/n: cliffhangeeer!! KEKEKEK stay tuned for part 3 (: pls leave feedback
taglist: @vxidnik @justjustyncase @onemorekissisallittakes @kindadefinitely-fucked @hollandechart @imfreefallinall @ashwarren32
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lovelyshawnn · 6 years
imma let yall in on a lil secret.... i actually dont know where im going with the ceo!reader x intern!shawn fic LMAOO
0 notes
zankivich · 5 years
The Arrangement: CEO’s Son/Dom!Shawn x Black Sub Reader Chapter 3
a/n: hi. I don’t know where this chapter came from. I just really don’t. But she’s kind of cute and I like her. I’m busy so I don’t have time to bore you all at the moment, but just know it only goes up from here lol. 
WARNINGS: BDSM tones (ropes), sex without a condom, aftercare, squirting.
*y/n’s point of view*
There’s a website that most of the companies in the industry use for all messaging. It’s a way to easily house all your members and employees on one central hub. Everyone can search each other by name, do direct messages, group chats, you name it. It’s an easy way to keep all information going and easily viewable without digging through millions of emails. The fact that most companies used the same one wasn’t usually a problem because they each had their own centralized locations. In the normal world, a person at Atlantic couldn’t just easily message a person at Sony, because they weren’t on the same hub. Silly of you to think that that would matter.
You’re in the middle of a meeting to discuss the roll out plan for Khalid’s new album. You’re busy. There’s a lot going on. Tiana has your phone at her desk, because no one should be trying to reach you at this moment. The only thing that you do have is your laptop, and this messaging app. So, when your VP of Sales and Marketing is trying to lay out the strategic vision for the album, and your laptop starts dinging you actually catch said messages.
Shawn: why is it harder to get in touch with you than the fucking president?
You peered at the screen of your computer and rolled your eyes. This man was nothing but a nuisance. A hot...large....thick nuisance.
y/n: Because the president has an ego bigger than his racism and I’m a busy ass woman? Why didn’t you just text me.
Shawn: I did! Tiana told me you keep your phone out of your office during meetings? Who the hell does that?
Y/n: Competent managers who want to engage and take care of their clients. How the hell did you find me on here?
Shawn: I had one of the interns hack the website. It’s not that hard apparently.
Sometimes you liked to pause and take a moment to think about how wild it was that this was your life now. Sneaking around with a man six years younger than you with an ego just about the size of his massive body, but with a tongue that could move mountains. It was truly a difficult reality but thus here you were.
y/n: What is it Shawn?
Shawn: I bought something new, and it came in today. Want to try it with you.
“Y/n do you want to see the projected numbers?”
You peered up from your laptop where your team was all staring at you practically drooling. Pull it together woman.
“Oh. Yes!” you cleared your throat. “Yea. Let’s go over projected numbers, and then we can talk through promo. I want to make sure Khalid feels good with the workload.”
y/n: I am at work.
You did everything in your power to pay attention to whatever your associates were talking about. Everything except for closing the damn laptop.
Shawn: I’m aware. Me too. I wanna try ropes though. I even bought those candles you wanted.
You’d gone over to Shawn’s place and discovered that he thought scentless candles would set some type of mood and get your panties wet. Instead you had asked him what the point of a candle with no smell. He said light. You said that’s what the fucking lamps were for and that this wasn’t the little house on the prairie. And then he bent you over his couch and fucked you until you came two times in a row. It had seemed like a really worthy conversation at the time, with a lovely end as well. But, this was much better in your estimation.
Y/n: the eucalyptus ones?!?!?!
Shawn: I’m glad you’re more excited for candles than my dick, but yes.
Y/n: Of course I am. I barely know your ass. Candles are forever.
Shawn: I’ve actually licked my cum out of your vagina before. Strangers is simply not what we are.
Y/n: Yo when the Russians hack us all to end civilization as we know it? I hope they deliver that quote personally to tmz.
Shawn: if civilization is ending let the record show I was secure enough in my manhood. No regrets!
You found yourself laughing behind your computer screen on account of your hookup being an actual idiot. It was kind of nice to not hate the person you were having casual sex with. It was even nicer to keep him on his toes and constantly take the piss out of him when everything about his world seemed rooted in telling him he could do no wrong. One look at the people in your office, and your client who was looking at you like you were crazy, told you that they did not share your sentiment. Time to close the laptop.
His apartment oozes peppermint and eucalyptus. It’s endlessly warm and inviting, makes your bones feel a little softer already. Turns out you were right, as you tended to be at least ninety-three percent of the time. And the playful roll of his eyes when he opens the door and sees you grinning is all the confirmation that you need.
“Come to the bedroom.” He sighed tugging on your hand.
You pass by the couch and feel a familiar stirring in your belly again as he leads you towards his room.
“No couch this time?”
“No. Want you to be more comfortable when I tie you up.”
There’s a complex array of emotions that overcomes you when he says stuff like that. The relationship that you had was different than anything you’d ever done before. Shawn was dominant of course, and he led you through just about every step of the process. And every time you went over to his place, or he came over to yours, somewhere throughout the night a softness would descend upon you. It wasn’t just that you didn’t need to take the lead. It was that he was telling you what to do, but he was also taking care of you. There’s a nurturing component to it that you weren’t used to even now. So you just let it flutter in your stomach and you don’t call it for it is.
In his bedroom there are more candles and mood lighting. The ropes have their own set up on the bed amongst a towel, lube, and a few toys. But he doesn’t lead you immediately to the bed. Instead he stops you with his hands on your hips. His palms squeezed tenderly there before sliding around to grab firmly at your ass. A sigh pasts your lips and he smiles.
“You can kiss me.” He instructed.
His lips are warm and firm. You liked the way that he tasted, like the languidness of his tongue between your lips. It never failed to get you going, and he knew that. So his fingers reach for the zipper at the top of your dress and the second it comes undone the garment falls to the floor. It leaves you in your bra and panties, a rich, warm brown color that did lovely things against your skin. Thank you Rihana.
He hummed. “You’re beautiful.”
His fingers map your body out like he knows it, like he’s tasted every inch of you. And maybe he has. Goosebumps spring up along your arms and legs as he touches you in exploration.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
“You’re welcome. You’re gonna be tied up for the rest of the night. If you need to be let out, or you don’t want it anymore just use your safeword okay?”
You nodded gently. “Yes, sir.”
He kissed the side of your mouth and let his hands come down over your arms and down your hips.
“Get naked and get on the bed. On your knees facing away from the door..”
His sheets are soft and cool against your skin the way they always are. The bedroom is now a place of familiarity. There’s no fear here anymore. Only trust and need and want. You placed your cheek  against the bedspread eyes peering over at his dresser as you waited for further instruction. He makes his way over to the dresser and reaches for a remote that’s all too familiar to you now. Shawn was a fan of playlists. Different ones for different moods. In all the time that you’d spent together thus far you didn’t think you’d ever heard the same one twice. Needless to say you were a little surprised when his taste in music was more similar to yours than you expected. But, it added another layer of comfort for you and for him.
You hear the sounds of his sweatpants dropping to the floor and your heart rate increases. You never knew what you would get. Sometimes he made you wait so long you would drip onto the bed. Those were the times where he spanked you for not being good, but always soothed you endlessly before the night was over. Sometimes, like tonight, his body finds yours quickly, fingers tracing your skin in concentration. You love this just as much.
He climbed on top of you, knees bracketing your ass and you can already feel his semi against your skin.
“I’m gonna tie your arms behind your back.” He explained. “I’ll be gentle and slow while we get you into it. And I’m gonna ask you a lot if you’re okay. I need you to be honest with me. If at any point you don’t like it you gotta stop me okay?”
“Okay.” you nodded.
He lifts your body up until you’re leaning on your knees, his own directly behind you. He reaches for a few feet of nylon rope. It’s a pretty bright purple color, and you have a feeling he picked it out with the contrast against your skin in mind. You know you would’ve.
It starts with two hoops that slide over your arms and onto your back. The rope is soft and it doesn’t hurt or agitate your skin. His fingers slip beneath the rope to make sure it isn't too tight before he ever starts on the next knot.
“Is this too tight?” He asked.
After your back it’s your shoulders. And slowly down your arms. Between every new touch of rope around your body, his lips are at your ear asking you to make sure it’s okay, that you feel good. When it gets to your wrists, he ties a final knot that allows him to control the tightness of the entire structure from the end of the rope with his hands. He tugs it gently and it sends you sprawling until you’re bent in front of him. That’s when it clicks for you. Your wrists and arms bound, and your body completely at his mercy. It’s the most vulnerable you could ever be. And it turns you on beyond fucking belief.
“Color?” He asked.
“Green.” You whimpered.
“Do you like it?”
Your thighs twitch a little bit and you feel your back arch at the hunger in his voice.
“Y--Yea. I do. I really do.” You panted.
“Fuck. Wish you could see how good you look like this. I’m gonna flip you over, so I can see you.”
It’s much gentler than you expected. He eases you on to your back and the stretch in your arms is noticeable but not painful. He settles your body onto the towel and pulls your thighs apart so he can touch you with warm hands.
“I wanna try something else new tonight.” He smiled fingers sliding along your slit.
“Have you ever squirted before?”
You shook your head softly. “I don’t think I can.”
He slid his finger inside already working on getting you stretched open. Your hips loosen and you  spread your legs a little further for him to slide another finger inside.
“We’ll see about that. Roll back over for me.”
You kneeled on your knees arms still secured behind your neck. He set a pillow for your head to rest on and reached for the bottle of lube.
“Do you want a toy or my cock?” He hummed fingers squeezing at your backside.
“You. Want you.”
“Yea? Ask me nicely.”
He guided himself to your entrance, head nestling playfully between your lips. You moaned into your pillow.
“Please, sir? Please will you fuck me? I wanna be good for you.”
“Mmm...you gonna squirt for me?”
“I--I’ll try.”
“You will.”
When he presses against you the lube is still cool against your skin and you intertwine your fingers behind your back as the stretch of him filling you descends. It’s in some ways your favorite part. Just him pushing in for the first time. Your body never holds on to the exact feeling of his length stretching your walls, so it feels new every time. It feels new but it also feels right and it feels like your body is evolving. Like you’re nothing without his touch.
Before you’ve even gotten the chance to familiarize yourself with him, he’s already pulling out until just the head rests inside of you. And his palm rests right in the small of your back above your ass and he makes a sound that might as well be praise, might as well tell you you’re perfect. It’s light and airy and somehow fills you even more than his dick ever could. You preen under it.
“You feel so good.” He sighed. “Always so fucking good for me.”
You tilt your head over your shoulder to make eye contact with him. His cheeks are rosy but his eyes are hard and dark, this constant balancing act between something that reeked of sweetness and something that reeked of the opposite.
“I wanna be good for you. Put it in me please? Let me make you feel good.”
His eyes meet yours and his lips part at your words sucking an inhale of breath that tells you you’ve done good. The words that you share with each other are half of the whole thing.
“Such a good girl.” He murmured angling himself back inside of you. “How should I take you tonight? Hard and fast? Or slow and deep?”
Your fingers twitched from your restraints.
“W--Whatever makes you feel the best.”
“God you’re perfect.” He sighed starting a slow rhythm with his hips. “You always cum for me regardless. Just wanna make you cum.”
His hands reach for yours, fingers intertwining even through the rope. He digs his knees into the bed and starts to move in that way that drives your body mad. You feel so full, so endlessly and completely full. It’s too much. And he knows it because you’re definitely not hiding it. You cry out into your pillow and gasp desperately every time his hips touch yours. When you’re not loud enough for him he tugs you by your shoulder so that your moans enter the stagnant air of his apartment. There’s no faking this. He’s taking you for all that you are and he’s not letting up, wouldn’t dream of it.
His fingers grab at the very edges of your ass, slightly digging into the meat of your thighs as he moves to a slower deeper rhythm. He was right. It didn’t really seem to matter how he moved, it was always gonna feel so good you couldn’t stand it.
There’s a wet squelching as he focuses on getting deeper and deeper within you. Your back arches as he touches something that lights your nerves on fire, makes your back arch, and your moans skyrocket.
“S--Shawn! Oh my god. Oh my god right there.”
“Right there?” He grunted hips tilting to the most amazing place he could occupy.
“Yes! Yes! Holy shit!”
“You’re fucking voice, Jesus.”
His wrist came down hard, hand slapping against your skin and making you cry out further. He tightened the ropes slightly his hips pistoning in and out until an overload of sensations was hitting you. The pain of the slap. The stretch of your muscles being pulled behind you. And the searing hot pleasure every time he rubbed against whatever it was that was driving you up the wall. You’d never made sounds like the ones he was having you make. It was beyond anything you’d ever felt before. And the sobs pouring out from your throat only added to the feeling. Every gasp of breath that you took was a heightening of pleasure, of utter ecstasy.
“I can feel your pussy tightening for me. You’re so close for me, aren’t you?”
His hands are burning into your skin. You can’t breathe. It’s too much. It all feels like too much.
“I--I can’t. I don’t even--Fuck!” You cried. “I think I’m gonna--”
It starts as a tremble in your thighs. And your stomach tightens. And your fingers clench. And then it moves down your legs and into your toes. The sounds that you make get higher, breathier. Perhaps because you’ve got nothing left to give. He’s taking it all from you. It’s different. Different than anything ever.
You feel it when he pulls out of you. Feel the gush between your thighs and the throbbing in your clit. It’s intense. And the fact that you can’t touch anything. Can’t even struggle for a grip on what’s happening makes it all the more overwhelming. You feel the tears sting your eyes and for last of a better word you scream.
“Holy shit. You look so fucking good.” He hummed fingers rubbing against you as you shake and pulse. “Let it all out for me.”
He slides his fingers inside you and rubs at your clit sending you collapsing against the sheets in a sticky heap.
“Please. Please. I can’t.” You whimpered.
“Such a good girl for me.” He sighed climbing back on top of your thighs, his dick twitching anxiously at your entrance.
You’d never heard his voice sound like that before. It was so raw and blissful. Like you’d given him everything and then some. It makes you feel so good. Better even than the orgasm. You just want him to feel good.
“I’m gonna cum,” He huffed. “Good god I’m gonna fucking cum.”
His thrusts are sloppy, all sense of rhythm and precision gone. But it doesn’t matter. You’re still riding the wave. And when he presses his body against yours, his teeth biting down on your neck, it’s everything. In that moment, he’s everything. When he cums it’s like completion for you both. You find the will to tighten your muscles against him, milking him for all he’s worth even in your state of exhausting.
“Fuckin aye, y/n.” He whined. “You’re perfect.”
He pulls out of you and collapses beside you, each of you gasping for breath. Holy shit.
“That was good. Shit, that was our best yet.”
You nodded shakily still unable to form words. He peered over at you, eyes taking in every part of you. After everything it still makes you flutter inside.
“Okay,” He breathed cupping your jaw. “Time to take care of you.”
He rolled over again, straddling your thighs and you can feel your thighs twitch even then.
“I--I don’t think I can go again.” You whispered.
He chuckled behind you. “Not gonna make you go again. I’m just gonna undo these knots and get you into some aftercare.”
He worked quickly to undo the knots, his fingers gentle but perfect.
“Let me explain afterwards okay? It’s important that we do this now.”
Your arms collapse against the bed when the rope is removed. His fingers are immediately there, rubbing deep and firm into your skin.
“Sit up for me.” He murmured.
He’s there with a glass of water held directly to your lips. “Drink.”
You don’t realize how parched you are until the liquid runs over your throat. You reached for the glass out of his hand and finished the entire thing in one go. He smiled at you fingers till massaging your arms.
“Look I...I want to get you into the shower. It’ll help with the soreness and any fluids. I don’t have to be in there with you if you don’t want, but I think that I should. If that’s okay with you?”
You flexed your fingers against his hold, still trying to find your way back down from the clouds.
“Yea. Uh, you can come. Please?”
The water is warm, a little more on the hot side and it really does feel good on your muscles. But the feeling of the body wash on your back is even better. It’s not inherently sexual, but it feels intimate. The way his hands mapped over your hips and down your thighs. His fingers danced over your neck and between your shoulder blades. He didn’t kiss you or talk dirty or anything, but your legs--which already felt like jelly--were intertwined with his own where you stood. It was another thing that you weren’t exactly sharing with anyone else in your life. And so it wasn’t insignificant. What it meant, you weren’t sure, but it meant something.
“Do you feel okay?” He asked wrapping you in a towel post shower.
It was so different than the norm for the two of you. Shawn was an attentive lover for sure, but that still usually ended the second he wiped the cum and lube between your legs. This was a different experience entirely, although the sex had been different too. You leaned into him a little more, biting your lip when his arms wrapped around you.
“I feel a little foggy.” You admitted. “But good. I feel really good.”
A giggle passed through your lips at how good you actually felt. You had to still your fingers on his arms to stop you from stumbling. He pulled you against his chest and laughed at your state of jelliness.
“I’ve got some lotion for your arms and back. Just in case. Do you need me to carry you?”
You rolled your eyes. “Your dick ain’t that special. I can still walk.”
“Whatever you say, sweetheart. Just try to keep yourself upright.” He smirked.
There’s another intimate moment where you’re sat on the edge of his bed, towel and lube long forgotten as he rubs the lotion into your back. You let your head tilt forward bonelessly and you’re at a loss for how good he’s managed to make you feel tonight. It’s a lot to absorb.
“You never explained.” You whispered, fingers digging into the softness of the sheets.
“Explained what?”
“The aftercare. W--What is it?”
“Oh. It’s just what I’m doing to you right now. I knew I wanted to do the ropes, but I’ve never actually done it before, so I had to read up a little bit.”
“Wait,” You stopped him peering over your shoulder. “You’ve never done this before?”
He shook his head. “No. It’s just something I wanted to try with you cause I...like trust you, or whatever. But, then I started looking into it and read about this thing called subdrop? It’s like...like your body gets so many endorphins and adrenaline during what we were doing, that sometimes people get a little overwhelmed or sad afterwards. Aftercare is the way of making sure you’re safe and taken care of after the fact. Do your arms hurt at all?”
You hummed at his fingers moved to massaging your hands with the lotion.
“No I--I feel amazing actually. Just tired is all.”
“Good. You can uh sleep here. Or at least rest for a few hours before you go home.”
“Yea?” You asked.
The way his cheeks went a little red did not go unnoticed to you by any means.
“Yea. You know, if you want.”
“Okay.” You nodded. “Thank you.”
You end up in one of his t-shirts, your panties back on your hips and his hand on your ass. It’s a wonderful combination. The fact that each of you falls asleep almost immediately? Another great combination.
Permanent taglist 
@simpledomain @liliane106   @xeuphorically-moonstruck @euphoric05 @daijanicole @bruhh-whateven @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @decewill @goldiean @bitchacho25 @bruhh-whateven @sinplisticshawn @kamahriii @thecurlsofgod @lifeoftheparty74
Arrangement Taglist: 
@moonlightmendes22  @cottoncandyshawn @iloveshawnieboi @iloveshawnieboi @shawnsblue @cottoncandyshawn
@claredolphinbear24 @peterbrokenparker @shawnase @blackharry @shawnwyr @speakingofmari
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lovelyshawnn · 5 years
Nervous: CEO!Reader x Intern! Shawn (Part 5)
part 4
“Mrs. Y/L/N, you have a visitor.”
Our movements halted and our eyes widened, staring at each other before I hopped off his lap and frantically adjusted my clothing and hair. Shawn scurried around the room to pick up his discared shirt and throw it on. Once both of us were fully clothed, I sat on the chair at a distance from Shawn to not raise suspicion.
“Come in!” I called out.
Arlene stepped in, with Harry Styles trailing right behind her with his signature smile. My face broke out in a smile, “Harry! Its nice to see you again, what brings you here today?”
I stood from my chair to walk into his arms and accepting his hug. Shawn felt his heart drop. He truly dispised Harry. It wasn’t because Harry did anything wrong, it was just because Harry was everything that Shawn wasn’t. And that nearly killed him.
“Was in the neighborhood, thought I’d visit. ‘M sorry bout not givin’ yeh a warning. Still have to talk about that collaboration, don’t we?”
“Don’t worry about it, you’re always welcome here Mr. Styles, here take a seat,” I said, gesturing to the seat across my desk.
“I was just leaving,” Shawn said awkwardly, avoiding contact with the both of us.
“Yeah, su-“ I started to say, but was cut off when I saw the big fat purple bruise on his neck. “Wait!” I called out, but he was already out the door. He couldn’t stand being in a room with me and Harry and watching me fawn over his dreamy eyes, so he bolted as soon as he could, leaving me in a confused and panicking state.
“Everything okay?” Harry asked.
“Yeah, yeah,” I nodded and continued with the meeting, praying that no one would see Shawn walk out of my office with that dark love bite on his neck.
Outside of my room, Shawn was fuming. His jaw was clenched and his eyes locked. While I sat in my office, completely unaware.
My mind was racing. I fidgetted wth the rings on my fingers nervously as I kept wondering if anyone in the office has seen Shawn’s hickeys yet. I tried to focus on Harry’s deep voice speaking, but it was getting harder and harder as I fidgetted with my hands nervously.
I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder when Harry’s phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and checked the caller ID before getting up out of his seat. “I’m sorry love, I’ve got to take this. I’ll be right back.”
“No problem!” I said, a little bit too eager as I impatiently waited for him to leave my office before jumping right out of my seat and went out to search for Shawn. I scurried out of my office and down the hall, where I found Shawn havig a drink by the water cooler. I shoved him into a secluded area of the office where no one else could see us.
“Are you crazy?” I whisper-yelled, “Hide your hickey!”
“Oh, scared your little boyfriend might see?” Shawn replied back while adjusting the collar to his light blue button up shirt. “What are you talking about?”
Before I could even get a reply, Shawn walked right out of the breakroom and left me standing there dumbfoundedly. I huffed, clearly aggrivated before i adjusted my tight pencil skirt and made my way back to my office before any suspicions arised.
Soon after, Harry came back in. “Hey darling,” Harry spoke in his deep and smooth voice, “I’ve got a bit of a problem and I need to get back to the office.”
I frowned visibly at his words until he continued, “But this was truly great, and I’d love to do it again.” I smiled before we exchanged numbers and promised to see each other again. I walked with him towards the elevator and noticed how the whole office was quiet, watching us eagerly as if we were going to kiss or something. Shawn noticed this too, which is why his eyes rolled to the back of his skull. After a friendly hug and farewell, I went back into my office which I wouldn’t leave for the majority of the day.
During a coffee break, I slipped a small post it note onto Shawn’s desk, telling him to stay past closing. Once everyone went home and the coast was clear, Shawn gently knocked on my office door before letting myself in.
“So are you going to explain what all that was about earlier?” I pressed him while leaning on my desk.
He scoffed, “Oh, please. You were all over him.”
Taken back from his attitude, I retaliated angrily. “Shawn. He’s.... no one, I barely even met the guy.”
“That doesn’t stop you from flirting with googling heart eyes now does it?” He responded. My eyes widened, “I cannot believe how difficult you are being richt now! You can’t be serious!”
“Oh, I’m the difficult one? You’re the one who is too ashamed to let anyone know you’re with me!”
My heart stopped. Suddenly I wasn’t as angry as before. I felt terrible for putting Shawn in this position. I sighed, “Baby...I’m sorry.”
I reached out for his hand, in which he pulled back and turned away from me all together. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed as he sat down on the couch in my office. I made my way over to him, cautiously sitting down on his lap. Even though he was still angry, he couldn’t resist the physical affection from me. “How bout this... theres an event coming up this weekend. I want you to come with me. As a date.”
I was talking about the annual charity auction held by one of our business partners every year. It was a fun thing that everyone in the office looked forward too, and were welcome to bring their dates. It was a time to get dolled up and show off your arm candy. Which was something I never really had all the previous years. Shawn would be my first.
Shawn’s eyes slowly lifted from its gaze on the floor, meeting my eyes. His lips turned upwards slightly, “You want me as your date?” His surprise made my heart yearn for him.
“Of course I do,” I replied.
He smiled before wrapping his arms around my body and burying his face in the crook of my neck. “Come on, you’re coming home with me tonight.”
Part 6 is coming yall! sorry this took so long ):
taglist: @vxidnikk@justjustyncase
@onemorekissisallittakes @kindadefinitely-fucked @hollandechart @imfreefallinall @ashwarren32 @nevermindmisha @winterparker @kinglyhemmings @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel @alinashawn @peruvian-bae
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