hopkinrx · 1 year
Schistosomiasis: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment 1
IntroductionWhat is Schistosomiasis?Types of Schistosomiasis Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma haematobium Schistosoma japonicumTransmission of SchistosomiasisLife Cycle of Schistosoma ParasitesSymptoms and Complications of SchistosomiasisRisk FactorsDiagnosis of SchistosomiasisTreatment of SchistosomiasisGeographic DistributionPrevention and Control MeasuresPublic Health EffortsThe Impact of…
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i had a little reward at parasitology lab yesterday 🤠
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333near · 2 years
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annstbrry · 2 months
Se eu pudesse me cercaria só de amizades e relações femininas e com mulheres ou pessoas queer
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i-should-have-studied · 11 months
Type Study: Schistosoma
Commonly called blood-flukes of man since they are known for infecting humans.
Unlike other flukes, Schistosoma is dioecious with well-defined sexual dimorphism.
Female fluke s more slender and cylindrical and lies permanently lodges in the gynaecophoric canal of male.
Life cycle involves a single intermediate snail host and mostly resembles that of all other flukes, but the cercariae infects the final host (human) directly by penetrating skin.
Schistosomiasis causes various allergy like symptoms such as itching, rashes, aches, fever, eosinophilia, etc.
When infection is heavy, eggs may be deposited in arterioles of lungs, causing cardio-pulmonary schistosomiasis, which leads to congestive heart failure.
Schistosomiasis can be treated with antimony drugs such as tartar emetic, fuadin, and anthiomaline.
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rnomics · 1 year
Animals, Vol. 13, Pages 3236: A Description of Echinochasmus pseudobeleocephalus n. sp. (Echinochasmidae) Based on Morphological and Molecular Data
Adult individuals of Echinochasmus pseudobeleocephalus n. sp. were obtained during an experimental study on trematodes’ life cycle. An analysis of the morphometric characteristics of the developmental stages and involvement of first intermediate hosts, snails of the genus Boreoelona, in their life cycle, revealed the identity of the obtained trematodes to the European species Echinochasmus beleocephalus previously discovered in the south of the Russian Far East. However, an analysis of molecular data, in particular sequences of the 28S #rRNA gene, showed that the Far Eastern trematodes examined do not belong to European E. beleocephalus despite their morphological similarities. An analysis of phylogenetic relationships within the family Echinochasmidae supported the status of E. pseudobeleocephalus n. sp. as an independent species. Our new data confirmed that the individuals attributed to Echinochasmus can be subdivided into two groups on the basis of the number of head-collar spines and the tail length in cercariae on an intergeneric level. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/13/20/3236?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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ribosome-papers · 1 year
Diversity of trematode cercariae among naturally infected lymnaeid snails from Phayao, Thailand
Pubmed: http://dlvr.it/Sw2wc8
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biavitoria23posts · 1 year
Se eu pudesse te traria pra morar dentro do meu peito, longe de qualquer outro sujeito, livre de toda dor e preocupação. Se eu pudesse te cercaria das mais belas flores, me certificaria de retirar todos os espinhos que poderiam te trazer mais dores. Se eu pudesse te embrulharia em plástico bolha pra te proteger te tudo o que está do lado de fora. Se eu pudesse você veria só a beleza sem nada de tristeza e angústia. Mas eu não posso, o mundo é imperfeito, eu sou imperfeita e as vezes cruzamos com espinhos no caminho. Eu não posso te proteger nem das minhas falhas, nem dos meus tropeços e meus desastres, porque senso sincera se fosse pra te proteger te manteria longe de mim e da minha bagunça, não o faço por egoísmo. O que eu posso é me esforçar pra estar aqui, pra ser melhor, vou me manter firme e paciente. E a nós, tudo o que o destino reservar, enquanto ainda houver sangue para o meu coração bombear eu seguirei lutando.
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biomedres · 2 years
Freshwater Snails Infection Status and Predisposing Risk Factors to Schistosomiasis in Doma Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
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Freshwater Snails Infection Status and Predisposing Risk Factors to Schistosomiasis in Doma Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
The transmission of trematode parasites is actively aided by snail intermediate hosts. Therefore, this study investigated 17 water bodies in Doma LGA, Nasarawa State, Nigeria for Snails intermediate host as well as the factors that predisposes the communities to schistosomiasis infection in the area between August and October, 2019. The water bodies were visited weekly in the morning hours for the collection of snails using hand-held scooping net as well as handpicking from vegetation around for a period of 30 minutes and then taken to the laboratory for sorting and further processing. The snails were morphologically identified and screened for cercaria infection by exposure to sunlight for 2 hours in a petri-dish that contains distilled water and also crushing and microscopically checking for cercaria. A well-structured questionnaire was administered to members of the communities around the studied water bodies in order to collect data relating to the risk factors that predisposes the community to schistosomiasis. A total of 308 snails were collected from the water bodies which spread across five different species of snails: Bulinus globosus, Bulinus forskalii, Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Lymnae natalensis and Melanoides tuberculata. The predominant snail species was B. globosus. Therefore, the abundance between snail species collected at Doma LGA showed a very high significant difference (2 = 312.03, df = 4, P < 0.0001). Zero prevalence of cercaria was observed in the snails. The knowledge level of the people is relatively poor since most of the respondents 211 (41.4%) had contact with contaminated water and 102 (33%) of them drink unsafe water. A good number of the respondent’s source for water source from the tap 313 (61.4%). Majority of the respondents 233 (45.7%) make use of pit laterine in their homes and most of them stay in close proximity to water bodies 326 (63.9%). About half of the respondents 210 (41.2%) have contact with water bodies once a week and at most time in the morning hours 164 (32.2%) for the purpose of washing/laundry 189 (37.1%). About 40% of them had experienced blood in their urine in the time past. Only 122 (23.9%) of the respondents had previously been treated for schistosomiasis, while an ample number of the respondents 388 (76.1%) have never been treated for the disease and as such are unaware of their status. In conclusion, the absence of cercaria infection in the snails which are known intermediate hosts of causative agents of schistosomiasis suggests that communities in the study area are presently not at risk of schistosomiasis. Observation from responses indicated that the communities maintain a good level of hygienic condition which have militated against the spread of the disease making the site non-endemic to schistosomiasis. Thus, the sanitation lifestyle by the people in the area should be sustained.
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dritatt · 2 years
Swimmers itch on feet
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#Swimmers itch on feet skin#
Freshwater Solutions has studied Walloon Lake, Lake Charlevoix, Elk Lake, Skegemog Lake, Long Lake, Lake Leelanau, Lime Lake, and Glen Lake since 2018 using qPCR analysis to measure schistosome cercariae levels in the water. Numerous species of schistosome are capable of causing swimmer's itch in Michigan. qPCR is a method used to look for DNA and it is so sensitive that it can even distinguish between different species of schistosomes that cause Swimmers Itch. Understanding this lifecycle is critical to developing effective strategies to eliminate Swimmers Itch from lakes. In spite of these limitations, they still manage to get the job done. Their head can be easily disrupted from their forked tail. They are not very strong swimmers and are quite fragile. Most of them are released in the early morning and the number of them actively swimming drops as the day progresses. Because cercariae do not have any way to feed, they rarely live longer than a day.
#Swimmers itch on feet skin#
Cercariae are released, often by multiple snails at the same time and are designed like a microscopic torpedo, 1/80th of an inch long, with a singular objective: Find a host bird and penetrate their skin so it can continue its life cycle. Once inside the snail, it develops further into a cercariae. That miracedium has about 24 hours to find and attach to the proper snail host before it runs out of energy and dies. The eggs hatch within an hour in the water and liberate a miracedium. Parasite eggs are released from the birds in their feces. The schistosome that causes swimmers itch has two hosts that it cycles between, birds and snails. That is why the PLIA contracted with Freshwater Solutions to study the prevalence of the culprit, a schistosome, in Platte Lake. The rash is called a cercarial dermatitis, commonly known as Swimmers Itch.Īlthough the medical problem caused by Swimmers Itch in humans is only skin deep, it can be a real nuisance and even affect your property values. It was trying to find a key host in its life cycle, a bird and most likely a merganser. You and your family were the unintended target of a small parasite called a schistosome. They now are covered in dozens of red, raised bumps on their legs and feet. Your children just spent the day swimming on your beach. Understanding Swimmers Itch in Platte Lake The findings of that study were presented at the AugPLIA Annual Meeting. Patrick Hannington of the University of Alberta. That study was performed by Ron Reimink of Freshwater Solutions working with Dr. In 2019 we expanded our efforts to understand/control/limit incidents of swimmers itch by commissioning a study to determine the root cause of swimmers itch in Platte Lake via DNA analysis of snails, bird droppings, swimmer's itch parasites, etc. Blankespoor from Swimmer Itch Solutions to do an analysis of swimmers itch activity at five key locations around the lake. All of these seemed potentially important in determining if a lake can be infected with swimmer itch. In 20 we participated in a study on swimmers itch with researchers from Oakland University who studied our lake for algae, chemicals, phosphorus, pesticides, snail colonies, zebra mussels and crayfish. PLIA has been studying swimmers itch since 2016. Platte Lake has swimmers itch, but it has historically been at very low level. The organization is concerned about anything that can alter the quality of the lake and that includes keeping an eye on swimmers itch. The ongoing surveillance of Platte Lake by the PLIA is not limited to simply monitoring phosphorus levels.
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loanmains · 2 years
Swimmers itch ocean
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Swimmers itch ocean skin#
Swimmers itch ocean series#
But, scratching till you bleed is never a good idea. Swimmer’s itch isn’t contagious, so you can’t spread it to others or to other places on yourself. The bumps will disappear in a few days and applying an antihistamine cream like you would to treat poison ivy or mosquito bites will help relieve the itch. If you do come down with “the itch”, don’t panic. So, a good way to avoid getting a bad case of swimmer’s itch is to always towel off well and quickly when you get out of the lake (be sure to dry underneath waistbands and around leg openings of swimming suits).
Swimmers itch ocean skin#
That’s because the parasite doesn’t really want to infect you, but as your skin is drying they’ve got to go somewhere and the last spot of wet skin is at the edge of your bathing suit. These welts can be confused with mosquito or chigger bites, but as mentioned above, they often occur along a line at the border of your swimming suit. But, they may try to burrow into your skin and when they die (I know, YUCK!), they can produce a nasty welt, depending on how your body reacts. Fortunately, they can’t infect you (humans aren’t a “competent” host). If you are swimming in an area where snails are shedding the parasite’s “cercaria” (pronounced SIR-CARE-E-AH), these tiny cercariae can get on you. Here’s where the problem for people comes in. The first larval stage (miracidium) infects a snail, where it then matures into a second larval stage that seeks to infect a bird (or occasionally a rodent). The parasite matures in a bird (its final host), which then sheds the p arasite’s eggs into the water (you can guess how that happens). As the diagram to the right shows, the life cycle of this flatworm is complex (like most parasites), with an intermediate and final host. Those red welts are caused by the larvae of a flatworm parasite whose adult stage lives in ducks and other waterfowl (the parasite does not live in people, so don’t worry about that). To understand why, you need to know a little bit about what causes swimmer’s itch. Often the welts appear in a line near the waistband or straps on your bathing suit and there’s a good reason for that.
Swimmers itch ocean series#
As the picture to the right shows, swimmer’s itch appears as a series of red welts that itch like mosquito bites. Swimmers itch is a problem in many Michigan lakes in the summer and it is definitely painful (but not dangerous). Fortunately, there seem to be few reported cases of swimmer’s itch in Gull Lake these days, but I remember well when our sons were little how they would occasionally get it when swimming at the pagoda at the Biological Station.
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er-cryptid · 3 years
Sheep Liver Fluke Life Cycle
1. adult liver fluke lives in sheep liver
2. egg containing a miracidium leaves the sheep’s gut via feces
3. miracidium develops
4. miracidium hatches in fresh water
5. miracidium enters snail
6. becomes a sporocyst with developing rediae
7. rediae develop cercariae
8. cercaria encyst on a water plant as a metacercaria
9. metacercaria is eaten by a sheep
10. adult liver fluke lives in sheep liver
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it-lives-in-between · 3 years
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I collected these snails the other day and they must have been pretty old, because I had them in water in my warm apartment for just a few hours and SO MANY cercariae started crawling out of them! The snails looked hairy with the amount of larvae coming out of them! 
I haven’t identified the snails or the fluke yet (and I might not be able to id the fluke) but it was so cool to see I had to share!!
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“Today we're back with another round of your questions! We've got questions about microbes, questions about how James, our Master of Microscopes takes care of microbes, and questions about how we make these videos. Some of these things we've seen come up frequently in comments, and others are questions sent in via Twitter, Patreon, and Instagram. So thank you to everyone who's been commenting and asking questions, we couldn't do any of this without your shared excitement for all things microcosmos. And every one of your comments and questions steers this channel on our journey.”
Journey to the Microcosmos- Why Did We Start This Channel? (And Other Questions You've Been Asking)
Images Originally Captured by Jam’s Germs
Cercaria 200x, Infected Phacus gigas 630x, Vorticella 400x, Paramecium bursaris 400x, Stentor polymorphus 1000x, Gastrotrich pooping 630x
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gmartinezmolina · 7 years
#Repost @medical_microbiology with @repostapp ・・・ فورکوسرکرهای زنده داخل اسپوروسیست . Fork_tailed cercariae and sporocyst آزمایشگاه دکتر شریفی . #cercariae #furcocercaria . #fasciola #schistosoma #medical #medicallaboratory #medicalmicrobiology
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sciencedomain2022 · 2 years
The Prevalence Study of Urinary Schistosomiasis among the Primary School Pupils in Kisayhip, Bassa Local Government Area, Plateau State-Nigeria
Schistosomiasis is a persistent sickness brought about by parasitic level worms otherwise called trematodes, which has a place with the class Schistosoma. Schistosomiasis is viewed as the third most intense tropical diseases internationally, after jungle fever and helminthiasis as it is a principal beginning of dreariness and mortality, exceptionally pervasive among younger students, teenagers and youthful grown-ups. The review was planned to decide the predominance of schistosomiasis of the pee and digestive tract in elementary school students in Kisayhip, Bassa neighborhood Government Area of Plateau State. This review was directed in five grade schools in Kisayhip, Bassa Local Government Area, Plateau State. A sum of 230 youngsters who were inside the age 5-14years partook in the review. The schools and partaking subjects were chosen arbitrarily given they met the consideration models. New pee tests were gathered between 10am-2pm, two times every week. The examples were inspected perceptibly and minutely to separately decide actual qualities and parasite presence. The outcome showed that predominance of urinary schistosomiasis in A, B, C, D and E schools in Bassa Local government region were 6.00%, 4.00%, 8.00 and 4.00% separately. There was no huge contrast in the commonness among the taking part schools, P-value>0.05. There was additionally no huge distinction was kept in orientation based correlation, P-value>0.05. There was no huge contrast in the commonness regarding different age appropriations. The review has uncovered that however schistosomiasis was available nearby, the predominance of the contamination was extremely low and underneath WHO limit.
See the Link here: journalijtdh.com
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