jcrmhscasereports · 2 years
Delayed onset of intracerebral tension pneumocephalus 2 years after an anterior skull base fracture: Case report by Sokchan Sim in Journal of Clinical Case Reports Medical Images and Health Sciences
Pneumocephalus, the presence of air within the cranial cavity, is most commonly caused by trauma, tumor, infection and fistulation into the intracranial cavity or secondary to neurosurgery. We describe an unusually delayed neurological deficit from intracerebral tension pneumocephalus, 2 years following a head trauma with anterior skull base fracture. A 22-year-old man presented to our neurosurgical consultation with recurrent seizures and progressive right hemiparesis. The brain CT scan without iv contrast revealed an intracerebral tension pneumocephalus in the left frontal lobe, and a persistent hole in the left anterior frontal skull base connecting to pneumocephalus. We performed a left frontal craniotomy, and dura-plasty using galea flap to cover the skull-base bone defect. The patient has recovered gradually from his motor deficit after this surgery, finally to the level that he could play his favorite guitar. This is a rare case of a delayed development neurological deficit due to pneumocephalus from a “ball-valve” effect secondary to an old anterior skull base fracture.
Key words: Pneumocephalus, hemiparesis, craniotomy, dura-plasty
Pneumocephalus is an air entrapment in the cranial cavity. It is commonly seen after head and facial trauma, ear infections, and tumors of the skull base or neurosurgical interventions. In some extremely rare cases, it happens spontaneously. Pneumocephalus is a complication of head injury in 3.9–9.7% of the cases. The accumulation of intracranial air can be acute (<72 h) or delayed (≥72 h). In tension pneumocephalus, the continuous accumulation of intracranial air is thought to be caused by a “ball-valve” mechanism. In turn, this may lead to a mass effect on the brain, with subsequent neurological deterioration and signs of herniation. Delayed tension pneumocephalus is extremely rare and requires proper neurosurgical attention. Surgical treatment involves aspiration of air into a syringe and closure of the dura defect through a cranial surgery.
A 22-year-old male presented to our neurosurgical consultation with chronic headaches, progressive right-sided weakness and occasional seizures. Two years prior to this visit, he suffered a severe traumatic brain injury by motorcycle accident. He had lost his consciousness for three days, and hospitalized in a provincial hospital for two weeks without any surgical intervention. He was then discharged home with persistent rhinorrhea for 10 months before it ceased spontaneously. 18 months after his injury, this patient began having progressive weakness on his right side of the body, and some episodes of seizures. He also reported occasional headaches.  He was otherwise healthy before this accident. On examination, the young man had full consciousness, was alert and oriented. He had grade 3 out of 5 hemiparesis on his right side. A brain CT scan without iv contrast was obtained revealing a large pneumocephalus in the left frontal lobe. We noted a continuity of the air and the anterior skull base defect. (Figure.1)
CSF examination and culture were negative for infection, as well as the nasal swab.
Figure 1: A. Axial view of the CT scan showing hypodensity area in the left frontal lobe, pneumocephalus. B. Sagittal view presenting the large air space with its connection to the frontal skull base. C. Coronal view showing the bony defect of the anterior skull base.
We decided to perform the surgery by doing bi-coronal approach for a left frontal craniotomy and repair of the dura defect on the frontal skull base using the pedunculated galea flap. (Figure.2)
Figure 2 :A. Bi-coronal incision with preservation of large frontal galea. B. Galea still attached to the frontal base is lifted up.
The surgery went well without any complication. The post-operative course was without any significant event. No sign of infection was noticed. The patient recovered gradually from his motor deficit on his right side. The post-operative CT scan showed complete resorption of the intracerebral pneumocephalus. (Figure.3). Intravenous prophylactic antibiotics were used to prevent meningitis.
Figure 3: Post-operative CT scan showing no hypodensity area in the left frontal lobe, complete disappearance of the pneumocephalus A. Axial view B. Sagittal view C. Coronal view. Noted the small bone defect from craniotomy site.
At one-month follow-up, his motor function on the right body became normal that he could play his favorite guitar again. At three-month follow up, he had an episode of new seizures, we controlled his seizures with anti-epileptic drugs for two years afterward.
The term “pneumocephalus” was first coined more than one century ago by Luckett and Wolff independently. The term “tension pneumocephalus” was proposed by Ectors, Kessler, and Stern in 1962. Pneumocephalus or also known as pneumatocele or intracranial aerocele is defined as the presence of air in the epidural, subdural, or subarachnoid space, within the brain parenchyma or ventricular cavities. It is a complication of head injury in 3.9 – 9.7% cases. It also appears after supratentorial craniotomy surgery. The accumulation of intracranial air can be acute, less than 72 hours, or delayed, more than 72 hours.
Two mechanisms have been proposed to explain pneumocephalus. In the first mechanism, the pathophysiologic process starts with Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) leak in the presence of associated discontinuity of the cranium and leptomeningeal disruption. Subsequent development of relative negative Intra-cranial Pressure (ICP) results in a sufficient “vacuum effect” to cause additional accumulation of air within the cranial cavity. This air is generally distributed in the subarachnoid space. The second mechanism is based on the presence of a “one-way valve” at the site of the leptomeningeal tear. In this case, we found on the CT scan images a bone and dura defect in the left anterior skull base, in connection with intracerebral air collection. The air went in, and was trapped inside the frontal cerebral parenchyma. Slowly it became larger and more significant, putting mass effect into the brain tissue of the patient’s frontal lobe. The patient had experienced rhinorrhea (CSF leak through the nose) after the head trauma but disappeared spontaneously after 10 months. He then developed right hemiparesis and experienced episodes of seizures. Recurrent headaches were also a main complaint. These signs and symptoms were described in previous reports about tension pneumocephalus.
The diagnostic imaging for pneumocephalus is CT scan. “Mount Fuji sign” is described when there are bilateral hypoattenuation collections, causing compression and separation of the frontal lobes on CT scan. In our case, an intraparenchymal air-filled long cavity was seen in the left frontal lobe, with its tip connecting to the frontal skull base.
Most cases of pneumocephalus tend to resolve spontaneously with conservative management. Nonoperative management involves oxygen therapy, maintaining the patient supine or in Trendelenburg position, prophylactic antimicrobial therapy (especially in posttraumatic cases), adequate analgesia, frequent neurologic checks, and repeated CT scans. The use of continuous high concentration inspired oxygen as a treatment modality for traumatic pneumocephalus may have certain theoretical benefits. Prompt decompression of intracranial air is the initial treatment of symptomatic pneumocephalus. The principles of subsequent treatment parallel those for a CSF leak. It is important to identify the site where the communication between the air cavity and the external environment occurs. If the site can be identified, the passage should be sealed off, thereby decreasing the possibility of worsening or recurrent pneumocephalus. Effective therapy of tension pneumocephalus through a controlled decompression using a closed water-seal drainage system has also been described. In our case, we performed a full scale left frontal craniotomy to evacuate air from the intraparenchymal cavity, closure of the skull base defect by using pedunculated galea flap, re-enforced by bio-glue as a sealing material.
Tension pneumocephalus is a life-threatening neurosurgical case. Although the development of this massive intracerebral air trap was delayed in this case, it caused significant neurological deficit. The patients who suffer from head trauma, with CSF leak should be subject for long term follow up.
Disclosure: Nothing to disclose, and there was no conflict of interest among the authors.
Research ethics: Informed consent has been obtained from the patient.
For more information: https://jmedcasereportsimages.org/about-us/
For more submission : https://jmedcasereportsimages.org/
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vorestarr · 10 months
so i noticed when playing the epilogue that illithid Tav wants to eat brains, but the specific part of the brain they want to eat depends on the character, so i looked through the parsed dialogue and compiled all of them!
which part of each brain a mindflayer Tav would savor:
Astarion: "Astarion's sweet brain may be less wrinkled than the rest, but you hunger for its teasing cells. His parietal lobe - which controls his sense of touch - will be an aphrodisiac in your maw."
Gale*: "You would save his temporal lobe for last, if you were to eat Gale. Language. Learning. Memory. He must have quite the fine example."
Halsin: "Every time Halsin speaks of balance, your thoughts cannot behave. You only dream of what his cerebellum tastes like, when it sends the signals to his vestibular system to keep him from wobbling."
Jaheira: "Weary Jaheira. Over time, her stresses may have shrunk her hippocampus, making its taste more intense."
Karlach: "You consider Karlach's brain stem - the stalk meant to regulate her body's temperature. Will it come pre-cooked?"
Lae'zel*: "Lae'zel's motor cortex - that which controls her fine movements - will be harshly disciplined. That will make her especially chewy - just how you like a cortex to be."
Minsc: "There are cruel rumours spread, that Minsc may once have suffered injury to his brain. You could set the slander right at last - tell the world every bite was perfect."
Minthara: "With all Minthara's hate, you wonder if her cerebro-spinal fluid will be bitter to sip?"
Shadowheart: "Think of Shadowheart's cerebellum, which controls her dextrous hands. Any ritual caster must have a tightly commanded hindbrain."
Wyll: "Wyll's frontal lobe, which processes his judgement and measured words, would be a delicacy befitting his nobility." (Or "fit for a Grand Duke" if that was his outcome.)
(*You can't eat god-Gale's or astral-projection-Lae'zel's brains.)
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egooppidum · 10 months
full ceremorphosis!Durge comments about the brains of the companions that he is going to eat.
Narrator: *You shall dine well tonight.*
Narrator: *Wyll's frontal lobe, which processes his judgement and measured words, would be a delicacy fit for a Grand Duke.*
Narrator: *Wyll's frontal lobe, which processes his judgement and measured words, would be a delicacy befitting his nobility*
Narrator: *Think of Shadowheart's cerebellum, which controls her dextrous hands. Any ritual caster must have a tightly commanded hindbrain.*
Narrator: *Astarion's sweet brain may be a bit less wrinkled than the rest, but you hunger for its teasing cells.*
Narrator: *His parietal lobe - which controls his sense of touch will be an aphrodisiac in your maw.*
Narrator: *Every time Halsin speaks of balance, your thoughts cannot behave.*
Narrator: *You only dream of what cerebellum tastes like, when it sends the signals to his vestibular system to keep him from wobbling.*
Narrator: *You would save his temporal lobe for last, if you were to eat Gale.*
Narrator: *Language. Learning. Memory. He must have quite the fine example.*
Narrator: *With all Minthara's hate, you wonder if her cerebro-spinal fluid will be bitter to sip?*
Narrator: *Weary Jaheira. Over time, her stresses may have shrunk her hippocampus, making its taste more intense.*
Narrator: *There are cruel rumours spread, that Minsc may once have suffered injury to his brain.*
Narrator: *You could set the slander right at last - tell the world every bite was perfect.*
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justkidneying · 10 days
Okay new series/setup of asks I'm gonna hit you with
Let's start with everyone's favorite--what does media/what do writers often get wrong about characters blacking out via head trauma?
a) What should actually happen with that? b) What kinds of causes for blacking out or stunning or delaying the character could potentially be done instead? c) Anything else you feel needs to be made clear about this kinda thing?
Okay, I like this, keep it coming. What do writers get wrong? A lot, lol. So, the most common thing I see in media that stands out as something you shouldn't do, is when people will knock out their buddy because he wants to go do something stupid. Do not do this to your friends. Any blow to the head (especially one severe enough to cause loss of conciousness [LOC]) is bad. Don't do it.
Let's go into what a concussion is. It is a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). They happen when you get hit in the head. The space your skull and brain is filled with cerebro spinal fluid (CSF). There are also a lot of layers of connective tissue, but that's not important right now. The main thing is that you only have a few millimeters (0.5-6.5 mm depending on the region) of space between the bone and brain. This means it is really easy for your brain (which has some flexibility to its position) to hit the inside of your skull.
A famous type of injury is a coup contrecoup, where the brain strikes the skull, then bounces back and strikes again on the opposite side. This isn't always what happens. You can get a brain injury where the brain only strikes one side or is simply damaged from the impact through the bone.
Concussions are graded from I-III. A grade I has no LOC and amnesia lasting no more than half an hour. A grade II has LOC for no more than 5 minutes and amnesia lasting from half an hour to one day. A grade III has LOC for more than 5 minutes and amnesia lasting more than a day. Obviously, losing conciousness is bad, yet everyone in media does it like it's no big deal. The person who gets knocked out should be pretty mad, because they will likely have head ache, nausea, vomiting, memory issues, etc. They should definitely see a doctor.
One thing to note is that uneven pupils is not a normal sign of concussion, and is indicative of a more serious TBI. Also, a person with a concussion can go to sleep. They aren't going to die just because they took a nap.
What types of things could we do instead? I mean, if the person is an enemy, by all means knock them out lol. But if they are your friend, can you guys not just use words? I jest, but any kind of LOC as a result of trauma is not great, especially if it is serious enough to last several minutes. You could do a blood choke, I guess, but that should not do anything other than stun them for a minute or two. I've seen a lot of people get blood-choked, but they were only stunned for a moment. Blood chokes are when you cut off the blood supply to the brain (like with a rear naked choke). An air choke is when you cut off air supply (such as with an Ezekiel choke). *Please note that these are not good things to do IRL unless you're into martial arts. Don't do them for fun*
I would honestly just chloroform someone or use some other drug to knock them out. We knock people out all the time for medical reasons, and they're fine afterwards. So just drug them, lol.
I think the last point I want to make is about how improper the technique used to knock people out is. A punch to the temple is probably the most likely area to knock someone out (it is very thin). But punching people in the head hurts. I would much rather kick them in the head. Punching someone in the head is more likely to just hurt you. You're either hitting unpadded bone or getting teeth stuck in your knuckles. Palm strikes to the nose are pretty good, though.
In a fight scene, I would probably have a character punch someone in the throat if they're enemies. This won't hurt their hand and will probably kill their opponent. The solar plexus (midline bottom ribcage) is also a good place to hit. That will knock the wind out of someone. The kidneys and liver are good targets, too.
I hope I answered your question, and I thank you for asking it. Bottom line is that you shouldn't hit your friends, and you shouldn't hit your enemies in the head with your fist.
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vulpinesaint · 11 days
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what an awesome way to describe the feeling of eating someone's brain when you are a being that eats brains specifically. tingling with electrical charges. tasting cerebro-spinal fluid. venom the hunger writers i think i am in love with you
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zazagundam · 10 months
am i leaking cerebro spinal fluid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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spideyfan42 · 2 years
Why X-Men Apocalypse and I Are Just Acquaintances - Or More Accurately, Why Beast in the Movies Was Just Ok
(I'm sorry Nicholas Hoult, you're an incredible actor)
Now despite my URL being very pro-Spider-Man (That's a lot of hyphens), I got to say I love the X-Men. This is most likely due to them not only paving the way for superhero movies and also back in the olden days of 92' and 97 respectively, animation. I also found a kinship with these groovy dudes who were persecuted for being different. While no robots have tried to kill me for being autistic, i do get feeling like an outsider.
As a big comic fan since 2012, I've been picking up the odd X-Men here and there, but religiously watching the movies, so much so that old St Nick, The Kristopher of Kringle himself got me the Rouge Cut version of DoFP, my first real "directors cut" (?) of a film. Given how that reset the timeline I was so excited to see what would happen next. However, one little weird issue I had was Beast. Now for those in the know Henry "Hank" McCoy was a founding member of the merry mutant band, one of the OG 5 students, and in the films, he is also one of the original team members as well. Also mirroring his comic counterpart, he decides to perform some Oingo Boingo style Weird Science on himself, turning him from a guy whose power was :
"Man I have big hand and feet!"
To a man whose power was:
"Damn now I'm a blue fuzzy dude."
It's a change that whilst initially beginning as more lycanthropic in nature, eventually settled as permanent, supplanted by not one, but two future mutations to enhance his already furry physique.
Now why am I dropping 60ish years of Beast lore on you when I'm supposed to be describing my quote-on-quote "dislike" of X-Men Vs Poe Dameron/Moon Knight? It all stems from one thing.
Beast isn't blue. Or even grey.
Hell, he's barely fuzzy. One of the main joys of the X-Men is that in a school such as Xavier's School for Gifted Children is that everyone is welcome. Guy made of rocks? Come on in. Literal fairy lady? There are at least two. Guy whose mutant power is LIKE JUST HAVING MORE EYES? WHY HE'S STUDENT PRESIDENT, PROBABLY. These mutants, regardless of their mutation are welcomed and treated fairly by the staff, with some of the staff even in the same boat as them.
Now there are two reasons for said "De-Beast-ening"
Mr Hoult didn't want to be caked in prosthetic make-up, just to look like a superhero Cat in the Hat. Whilst I can empathise, you signed onto play Beast. The one guy who is just blue. ALL THE TIME.
In DoFP, Beast makes a mutant suppressive drug. For Charles, it turns off his telepathy and I guess also miraculously heals a spinal injury (Even though I suppose a drug that amplified his telekinesis at the cost of his telepathy would make more sense but I guess magic serums can do anything), but for Dr Bones here it means he turns blue when he's a wee bit agitated. That's just the Hulk. Smart guy turns into a monster when stressed? Hulk. Plus it's a stand-in for drug abuse in DoFP after the students get drafted and Charles can hear their pain through his use of Cerebro, so his continued use well into the 90s seems...questionable.
The main issue that Beast as a character is one who consistently is a mentor to students with outward mutations they can't control. It's a story of embracing consequence and change that the films stepped on to just have more actor screen time. And whilst I know films and comics are different mediums that can tackle different stories, the lackluster use of a role model for positive body images does show that the Fox Films missed that its the human part of superhuman we all prefer. Even just one scene where Kurt "Nightcrawler" Wagner could say Beast inspires him, being so open with is mutation.
Here's hoping the House of (M)ouse doesn't make the same mistakes!
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stickbugfreud · 1 year
hey bbg let me at that cerebro-spinal fluid ahaha
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
Psychopharmacology, pt. 2: Pharmacokinetics
Bio-availability: amount of drug in the blood that is free to bind at target sites.
Pharmacokinetic factors determining drug action:
1. Routes of administration
2. Absorption
3. Distribution
4. Binding/effects
5. Inactivation (metabolism)
6. Excretion
Routes of Administration
Drugs must get into the nervous system to have an effect.
The way that a drug enters and passes through the body to reach its target is called route of administration.
topical application
To bypass the blood-brain barrier: injection in the cerebro-spinal fluid or directly in the brain.
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The route of administration affects the dosage of a drug, i.e. the amount of drug needed to have a psychoactive effect.
Ex. amphetamine:
1000 mg - orally
100 mg - injected or inhaled
10 mg - injected into the CSF
1 mg - injected directly into the brain
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Oral Administration
PO = per os (Latin, “by mouth”)
Safest, easiest, and most common way to take drugs
Longest route
Affected by how much food is in the stomach
Delivery often erratic and incomplete
Most difficult pathway to the brain, because the drug has to...
survive stomach acid and enzymes
be absorbed by intestine
enter into the blood stream
pass through the blood-brain barrier
Example: Insulin is not resistant to stomach acid and enzymes, so it cannot be given orally.
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Before a drug (including cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, morphine, and heroin) can be injected, it must be liquid.
normal saline (0.9% NaCl)
viscous oil (often sesame oil) for depot injections
Intravenous (IV) - into the blood stream
Intramuscular (IM) - into a muscle
Subcutaneous (SC) - under the skin
In the CSF
Intracranial (IC)
Intravenous Injections
fastest and most accurate method; drug reaches brain instantly
fewer barriers to pass
painful, invasive
quick onset of drug effect can be a hazard, because you have little time to correct an overdose or allergic reaction. the drug cannot be removed from the body as it can by stomach pumping.
lack of sterility can result in infectious diseases, including HIV (this risk is reduced with free needle exchanges)
Intramuscular Injections
slower than IV, more even absorption over period of time
absorption can be slowed by combining the drug with another drug that constricts blood vessels, or with vegetable oil
injection solution can be highly irritating, causing significant muscle discomfort
Subcutaneous Injection
- drug injected just below the skin
- absorption is slow but can be variable; can be slowed by vegetable oils or implantation of a pellet or delivery device
Ex. SUBLOCADE (buprenorphine XR) is used for subcutaneous injection only. It is designed to deliver buprenorphine at a controlled rate over a one month period.
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- smoke of burning dried plant material (tobacco, cannabis), aerosol/vapor, gases can be inhaled and absorbed through the lungs
- takes effect quickly
- rapid absorption because the lungs have large surface area and many capillaries
Topical Application
- drug is applied to mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, colon, or vagina
- mostly local effects, but drug can be absorbed into the bloodstream and have systemic effects
- oral topical application: drugs that may be chewed, but not swallowed (ex. chewing tobacco)
Intranasal Administration/Insufflation
- can cause local effects such as relieving nasal congestion, but can also have systemic effects
- drug effect peaks in 15 to 30 minutes
- powdered drugs (ex. cocaine), medicinal nasal sprays (ex. ketamine for depression)
Transdermal Administration
- administration via skin patches: controlled and sustained delivery of drug
- nicotine patches: to treat nicotine use disorder
- fentanyl patches: to alleviate pain
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Absorption: movement of the drug from site of administration to the blood circulation.
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Factors that Influence Absorption:
drug solubility
stomach contents
concentration of the drug (generally high concentrations are absorbed more rapidly than low concentrations)
size and sex of individual (a larger person has more body fluid to dilate a drug; AFAB people tend to have less body fluid than AMAB people)
circulation to side of absorption (increased blood flow due to massage or local application of heat enhances absorption)
area of absorbing surface (drugs are absorbed very rapidly in regions with large surface areas such as the lungs and the intestines)
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Fat-soluble drugs: can easily pass through the cellular membranes by passive diffusion.
Cell membranes are primarily phospholipids, which have a negatively charged region (hydrophilic) and two uncharged tails (hydrophobic), arranged in a bilayer.
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Heroin vs. Morphine
Heroin is derived from morphine; they stimulate the same receptors.
However, heroin is 2-3x more potent than morphine, because it is more fat-soluble.
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- highest concentration of a drug will occur where blood flow is greatest
- blood brain barrier limits movement of ionized molecules
- Because the brain receives about 20% of the blood that leaves the heart, lipid-soluble drugs are readily distributed to brain tissue.
Blood-Brain Barrier
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fills the subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord, ventricles, and canals.
Blood-brain barrier: the separation between brain capillaries and the brain/CSF.
Many substances that diffuse out of the blood do not enter the CSF.
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Typical capillaries are designed to allow movement of materials between the blood and surrounding cells.
Brain capillaries have no clefts, movement of water-soluble molecules is minimized.
Astrocytes help maintain tight junctions between capillary endothelial cells.
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It is important to know whether a drug can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Physostigmine crosses the blood-brain barrier.
- blocks AChE and increases availability of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
- the antidote for anticholinergic poisoning with scopolamine, atropine
Neostigmine does not cross the blood-brain barrier.
- also blocks AChE and increases acetylcholine, but only peripherally
- treatment for diseases such as myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness) without CNS side effects
Oxycodone crosses the blood-brain barrier:
binds to opioid receptors
can produce euphoria
side effects include constipation
Loperamine (Imodium) does not cross the blood-brain barrier:
binds to peripheral opioid receptors in the intestines
treatment for diarrhea
Drug depots: binding at inactive sites where no biological effect is initiated (plasma proteins, muscle, fat)
Drug molecules tied up in these depots cannot reach active sites or be metabolized by the liver, but binding is reversible.
Depot binding affects magnitude and duration of drug action: it reduces concentration of drug at its sites of action and delays effects.
Depot binding can result in drugs remaining in the body for extended periods.
- Ex. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be detected in urine for several days after a single dose.
Thiopental is a rapid-onset, short-acting barbiturate (administered as general IV anesthetic)
- used for medically induced coma, euthanasia, status elipepticus
- previously the first of three drugs administered during most lethal injections in the USA
- due to depot binding, thiopental brain levels drop within 5 minutes
Inactivation and Elimination
- molecules of drugs are transformed (metabolized) with the help of enzymes
Metabolism: the processes involved in transforming/destructing drug molecules.
Drugs are broken down in the kidneys, livers, and intestines. Most biotransformation occurs in the liver. Metabolites are excreted.
Drug clearance from the blood is usually exponential (first-order kinetics).
Only a small fraction of clearance sites are occupied, so the rate is concentration-dependent.
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Half-life: amount of time required for removal of 50% of the drug (t 1/2).
Half-life affects interval between doses. A drug with a shorter half-life should be taken more often.
Drug almost eliminated after 4-5x half-life.
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Goal: maintain concentration of a drug in blood plasma at a constant level.
Steady state plasma level: absorption/distribution phase is equal to the metabolism/excretion phase.
Target therapeutic concentration is achieved only after multiple doses, usually 4-5.
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Some drugs are eliminated according to zero-order kinetics: molecules are cleared at a constant rate regardless of concentration.
It occurs when drug levels are high and routes of metabolism or elimination are saturated (ex. alcohol).
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First Pass Metabolism
First pass metabolism of drugs that are taken orally, swallowed and absorbed from the digestive system occurs mostly in the liver.
Alternative routes of administration avoid the first-pass effect (e.g. intravenous, inhalation, transdermal and sublingual)
Some therapeutic drugs must be administered by injection, or in high doses.
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Drugs can be modified through oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, or synthetic reactions.
Microsomal enzymes: liver enzymes that metabolize psychoactive drugs.
They lack strict specificity and can metabolize a wide variety of chemicals.
The cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzyme family are responsible for oxidizing most psychoactive drugs.
Factors that modify biotransformation capacity include:
Enzyme induction
Enzyme inhibition
Drug competition
Individual differences in age, gender, and genetics
Enzyme induction: repeated use of a drug increases number of enzyme molecules and speeds biotransformation.
Repeated drug use ----> Increase in enzymes ---> Higher metabolism ---> Lower bioavailability
Drug can induce its own enzymes. In this case, drug tolerance happens = drug becomes less effective with repeated use.
Sometimes enzymes for the other drugs are induced. For example, cigarette smoking increases CYP450 enzymes. People who are heavy smokers may need higher doses of drugs such as antidepressants and caffeine that are metabolized by the same enzyme.
Enzyme inhibition: a drug may inhibit an enzyme, also reducing metabolism of other drugs. Effects are more intense or prolonged; toxicity is possible.
Example: Antidepressant drugs monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) inhibit enzyme MAO. MAO metabolizes monoamines, including tyramine, which is found in red wine, beer, some cheeses, etc. When individuals who are taking these antidepressants eat foods rich in tyramine, dangerous high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias can occur, making normal foods potentially life threatening.
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Drug competition for an enzyme: elevated levels of one drug reduces metabolism of the second, causing potentially toxic levels.
- Example: alcohol + sedatives (such as Valium) compete for cytochrome P450.
Excretion: the processes of eliminating waste products.
Drugs are excreted in urine, feces, sweat, breast milk, and exhaled air.
Urine is the most important route for drug elimination.
- The kidneys filter materials from the blood, unless they are large or bound to plasma proteins.
Drugs can be excreted changed and/or unchanged.
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psychical-researchs · 9 months
Nel trattato scientifico "La Teoria delle Apparenze", lo scienziato Ing. Marco Todeschini spiega e dimostra che il sistema nervoso e gli organi del corpo umano ed esso connessi, sono strutture e apparati azionati da corrente elettrica. Gli organi di senso funzionano quindi come degli oscillatori che entrano in risonanza quando sono colpiti da sollecitazioni continue o alterne (vibrazioni) dello spazio esterno, trasmettendole al cervello tramite le linee nervose.
Viene così ribaltata la concezione della fisiologia classica che suppone i nervi conduttori di stimoli nervosi di oscura natura mentre invece, in condizioni di inazione degli organi di senso, i nervi relativi sono percorsi da corrente elettrica.
Inoltre, si conferma la concezione che gli organi di senso non ricevono né trasmettono al cervello sensazioni di forza, elettricità, suono, calore, luce, sapori, odori ecc. Come sarebbe altrimenti possibile spiegare che una protesi elettro meccanica impiantata possa trasmettere sensazioni?
Non è più logico considerare gli organi di senso come captatori di vibrazioni che trasformate e inviate al cervello come impulsi elettrici vengono successivamente elaborate "solo" dalla psiche? Queste affermazioni ci costringono a ritenere che l'organismo umano e quindi anche il sistema nervoso rientrino in un concetto di pura fisica obbediente non solo alle leggi biochimiche ma in primo luogo a quelle dell'elettricità e del magnetismo. Secondo la Psicobiofisica l'organismo umano è visto come un sistema elettrico costituito da tre elementi principali: una pila per la produzione di energia elettrica costituita dal gruppo cerebro-spinale- un complesso trasportatore dell'energia elettrica costituito dall'insieme dei circuiti nervosi - un carico, cioè un gruppo di elettromagneti atti ad espletare tutte le funzioni meccaniche dell'organismo e identificabile nei tessuti muscolari.
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spiritismo-italiano · 9 months
Nel trattato scientifico "La Teoria delle Apparenze", lo scienziato Ing. Marco Todeschini spiega e dimostra che il sistema nervoso e gli organi del corpo umano ed esso connessi, sono strutture e apparati azionati da corrente elettrica. Gli organi di senso funzionano quindi come degli oscillatori che entrano in risonanza quando sono colpiti da sollecitazioni continue o alterne (vibrazioni) dello spazio esterno, trasmettendole al cervello tramite le linee nervose.
Viene così ribaltata la concezione della fisiologia classica che suppone i nervi conduttori di stimoli nervosi di oscura natura mentre invece, in condizioni di inazione degli organi di senso, i nervi relativi sono percorsi da corrente elettrica.
Inoltre, si conferma la concezione che gli organi di senso non ricevono né trasmettono al cervello sensazioni di forza, elettricità, suono, calore, luce, sapori, odori ecc. Come sarebbe altrimenti possibile spiegare che una protesi elettro meccanica impiantata possa trasmettere sensazioni?
Non è più logico considerare gli organi di senso come captatori di vibrazioni che trasformate e inviate al cervello come impulsi elettrici vengono successivamente elaborate "solo" dalla psiche? Queste affermazioni ci costringono a ritenere che l'organismo umano e quindi anche il sistema nervoso rientrino in un concetto di pura fisica obbediente non solo alle leggi biochimiche ma in primo luogo a quelle dell'elettricità e del magnetismo. Secondo la Psicobiofisica l'organismo umano è visto come un sistema elettrico costituito da tre elementi principali: una pila per la produzione di energia elettrica costituita dal gruppo cerebro-spinale- un complesso trasportatore dell'energia elettrica costituito dall'insieme dei circuiti nervosi - un carico, cioè un gruppo di elettromagneti atti ad espletare tutte le funzioni meccaniche dell'organismo e identificabile nei tessuti muscolari.
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livingwellnessblog · 10 months
 The necessary interaction of the conscious and subconscious mind requires a similar interaction between the corresponding systems of nerves. Judge Troward indicates the very beautiful method in which this interaction is affected. He says: The cerebro-spinal  system is the organ of the conscious mind, and the sympathetic is the organ of the subconscious. The cerebro-spinal is the channel through which we receive conscious perception from the physical senses, and exercise control over the movements of the body. This system of nerves has its center in the brain. 
2. The Sympathetic System has its center in a ganglionic mass at the back of the stomach known as the Solar Plexus, and is the channel of that mental action which unconsciously supports the vital functions of the body. 
3. The connection between the two systems is made by the vagus nerve, which passes out of the cerebral region as a portion of the voluntary system to the thorax, sending out branches to the heart and lungs, and finally passing through the diaphragm it loses its outer coating and becomes identified with the nerves of the Sympathetic System, so forming a connecting link between the two and making man physically a single entity. 
4. We have seen that every thought is received by the brain, which is the organ of the conscious; it is here subjected to our power of reasoning. When the objective mind has been satisfied that the thought is true it is sent to the Solar Plexus, or the brain of the subjective mind, to be made into our flesh, to be brought into the world as a reality. It is then no longer susceptible to any argument whatsoever. The subconscious mind cannot argue; it only acts. It accepts the conclusions of the objective mind as final. 
5. The Solar Plexus has been likened to the sun of the body, because it is a central point of distribution for the energy which the body is constantly generating. This energy is very real energy, and this sun is a very real sun, and the energy is being distributed by very real nerves to all parts of the body, and is thrown off in an atmosphere which envelops the body. 
6. If this radiation is sufficiently strong the person is called magnetic; he is said to be filled with personal magnetism. Such a person may wield an immense power for good. His presence alone will often bring comfort to the troubled minds with which he comes in contact. 
7. When the Solar Plexus is in active operation and is radiating life, energy and vitality to every part of the body, and to everyone whom he meets, the sensations are pleasant, the body is filled with health and all with whom he comes in contact experience a pleasant sensation. 
8. If there is any interruption of this radiation the sensations are unpleasant, the flow of life and energy to some part of the body is stopped, and this is the cause of every ill to the human race, physical, mental or environmental. 
9. Physical because the sun of the body is no longer generating sufficient energy to vitalize some part of the body; mental because the conscious mind is dependent upon the subconscious mind for the vitality necessary to support its thought, and environmental because the connection between the subconscious mind and the Universal mind is being interrupted. 
10. The Solar Plexus is the point at which the part meets with the whole, where the finite becomes Infinite, where the Uncreate becomes create, the Universal becomes individualized, the Invisible becomes visible. It is the point at which life appears, and there is no limit to the amount of life an individual may generate from this Solar center. 
11. This center of energy is Omnipotent because it is the point of contact with all life and all intelligence. It can therefore accomplish whatever it is directed to accomplish, and herein lies the power of the conscious mind; the subconscious can and will carry out such plans and ideas as may be suggested to it by the conscious mind. 
12. Conscious thought, then, is master of this sun center from which the life and energy of the entire body flows, and the quality of the thought which we entertain determines the quality of the thought which this sun will radiate, and the character of the thought which our conscious mind entertains will determine the character of the thought which this sun will radiate, and the nature of the thought which our conscious mind entertains will determine the nature of thought which this sun will radiate, and consequently will determine the nature of the experience which will result. 
13. It is evident, therefore, that all we have to do is let our light shine; the more energy we can radiate, the more rapidly shall we be enabled to transmute undesirable conditions into sources of pleasure and profit. The important question, then, is how to let this light shine; how to generate this energy. 
14. Non-resistant thought expands the Solar Plexus; resistant thought contracts it. Pleasant thought expands it; unpleasant thought contracts it. Thoughts of courage, power, confidence and hope all produce a corresponding state, but the one arch enemy of the Solar Plexus which must be absolutely destroyed before there is any possibility of letting any light shine is fear. This enemy must be completely destroyed; he must be eliminated; he must be expelled forever; he is the cloud which hides the sun; which causes a perpetual gloom. 
15. It is this personal devil which makes men fear the past, the present and the future; fear themselves, their friends and their enemies; fear everything and everybody. When fear is effectually and completely destroyed, your light will shine, the clouds will disperse and you will have found the source of power, energy and life. 
16. When you find that you are really one with the Infinite power, and when you can consciously realize this power by a practical demonstration of your ability to overcome any adverse condition by the power of your thought, you will have nothing to fear; fear will have been destroyed and you will have come into possession of your birthright. 
17. It is our attitude of mind towards life which determines the experiences with which we are, to meet; if we expect nothing we shall have nothing; if we demand much we shall receive the greater portion. The world is harsh only as we fail to assert ourselves. The criticism of the world is bitter only to those who cannot compel room for their ideas. It is fear of this criticism that causes many ideas to fail to see the light of day. 
18. But the man who knows that he has a Solar Plexus will not fear criticism or anything else; he will be too busy radiating courage, confidence, and power; he will anticipate success by his mental attitude; he will pound barriers to pieces and leap over the chasm of doubt and hesitation which fear places in his path. 
19. A knowledge of our ability to consciously radiate health, strength and harmony will bring us into a realization that there is nothing to fear because we are in touch with Infinite Strength. 
20. This knowledge can be gained only by making a practical application of this information. We learn by doing; through practice the athlete becomes powerful. 
21. As the following statement is of considerable importance, I will put it in several ways, so that you cannot fail to get the full significance of it. If you are religiously inclined, I would say, you can let your light shine. If your mind has a bias towards physical science, I would say you can wake the Solar Plexus; or, if you prefer the strictly scientific interpretation, I will say that you can impress your subconscious mind. 
22. I have already told you what the result of this impression will be. It is the method in which you are now interested. You have already learned that the subconscious is intelligent and that it is creative, and responsive to the will of the conscious mind. What, then, is the most natural way of making the desired impression? Mentally concentrate on the object of your desire; when you are concentrating you are impressing the subconscious. 
23. This is not the only way, but it is a simple and effective way, and the most direct way, and consequently the way in which the best results are secured. It is the method which is producing such extraordinary results that many think that miracles are being accomplished. 
24. It is the method by which every great inventor, every great financier, every great statesman has been enabled to convert the subtle and invisible force of desire, faith and confidence into actual, tangible, concrete facts in the objective world. 
25. The subconscious mind is a part of the Universal mind. The Universal is the creative principle of the Universe, a part must be the same in kind and quality as the whole. This means that this creative power is absolutely unlimited; it is not bound by precedent of any kind, and consequently has no prior existing pattern by which to apply its constructive principle. 
26. We have found that the subconscious mind is responsive to our conscious will, which means that the unlimited creative power of the Universal Mind is within the control of the conscious mind of the individual. 
27. When making a practical application of this principle, in accordance with the exercises given in subsequent Parts, it is well to remember that it is not necessary to outline the method by which the subconscious will produce the results you desire. The finite cannot inform the Infinite. You are simply to say what you desire, not how you are to obtain it. 
28. You are the channel by which the undifferentiated is being differentiated, and this differentiation is being accomplished by appropriation. It only requires recognition to set causes in motion which will bring about results in accordance with your desire, and this is accomplished because the Universal can act only through the individual, and the individual can act only through the Universal; they are one.
 29. For your next exercise I will ask you to go one step further. I want you to not only be perfectly still, and inhibit all thought as far as possible, but relax, let go, let the muscles take their normal condition; this will remove all pressure from the nerves and eliminate that tension which so frequently produces physical exhaustion. ,
30. Physical relaxation is a voluntary exercise of the will and the exercise will be found to be of great value, as it enables the blood to circulate freely to and from the brain and body. 
31. Tension leads to mental unrest and abnormal mental activity of the mind; it produces worry, care, fear and anxiety. Relaxation is therefore an absolute necessity in order to allow the mental faculties to exercise the greatest freedom. 
32. Make this exercise as thorough and complete as possible, mentally determine that you will relax every muscle and nerve, until you feel quiet and restful and at peace with yourself and the world. 
33. The Solar Plexus will then be ready to function and you will be surprised at the result. 
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tipsycad147 · 11 months
Aries: The Astroherbology Profile
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 Alexis J. Cunningfolk
Welcome, friends, to the sign of Aries and the first of my Astroherbology Zodiac Series!
I will be exploring all twelve signs from a medical astrology perspective with an emphasis on herbal healing. Learn more about the series and what all the correspondences mean check out the introduction to The Introduction to Astroherbology Zodiac Series.
We start in the realm of the ram, known as Aries, and the start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.
Looking to learn about Aries season? Come this way!
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Element: Fire Mode: Cardinal Guardian Planet: Mars Direction: East Season: Spring (NH), Autumn (SH) Wheel of the Year: Spring Equinox House: 1st House / Angular Lunar Mansions: 1st Mansion, 2nd Mansion, + 3rd Mansion Solar Gemstone: Bloodstone Tarot: The Emporer, The Tower, 2 of Wands (Mar 21 - Mar 30), 3 of Wands (Mar 31 - Apr 10), 4 of Wands (Apr 11 - Apr 20), Queen of Wands Tissue State: Heat/Excitation (learn more about the energetic system of traditional western herbalism)
Body Systems: Head, Face (especially forehead), Nose (with bones of the nose being guarded by Scorpio), Mouth, and Eyes, including optic nerves and lens of the eyes. The Brain, including its blood vessels, motor centers and frontal and lateral lobes. Cerebro-Spinal system and Muscular system. Teeth (with Saturn + Taurus), especially upper jaw.
Imbalances + Diseases: Tends towards excess. Fevers, headaches, sore eyes and poor eyesight. Tension headaches. Inflammation, especially when excess energy is present, dryness, and heat. Muscle spasms. Ruptured blood vessels, especially in the head. Mental afflictions and disorders of the brain including congestion of the brain, memory loss, delirium caused by blood rushing to the head, encephalitis, epilepsy. Can be very emotionally rash manifesting sometimes as rashes on the head, face, and ears, and conditions such as very red or inflamed acne. Anger, arrogance, and taking up too much space. Ruptures on the skin including shingles, measles, chickenpox. Muscle spasms of the face, facial tics, and sore or tight jaw as well as swelling of the face. Migraines, especially if triggered by or include anger and/or irritation. All diseases of heat and dryness that proceed from dreams. Baldness and hair loss on the top of the hair, sometimes with excess hair growing elsewhere. Uncontrolled anger, “seeing red.” Fits of giddiness and hyperactivity. Insomnia due to disorders of the kidney. Bell’s palsy and general paralysis of the face. Stroke, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, and hemorrhage. Conjunctivitis (especially when caused by excess eye makeup).
Disease Degrees: 3 – 4 degrees: goiter, abscesses; 5 degrees; hair issues 9 – 12 degrees: fevers; 6 – 7 degrees: jaundice; 13 – 14 degrees: rheumatic fever, rheumatism; hemorrhage; 15 – 16 degrees: stroke; 20 – 21 degrees: abscesses; 25 – 26 degrees: tuberculosis, digestive troubles; 26 – 27 degrees: blindness, weak eyes, tuberculosis; 28 – 29 degrees: bronchitis.
Remedies for Imbalanced and/or Weakened Aries: Cooling + cold activities, including cooling herbs in the form of teas and baths. Relaxing nervines and moistening herbs (if there is excess dryness). Stillness. Active listening and inclusive communication training. Activities that allow Aries folks to appropriately express their Martial energy including athletic competitions, high intensity interval training, and studying the arts of fighting and self-defense.
Gifts of Aries: Energy, athleticism, bravery, courage, the energy of new beginnings, freshness, initiation, spontaneity, and vitality.
Rituals of Aries: New project blessings, rites of passage especially for children and teenagers, elements of fire in ritual, especially bonfires (including jumping over them or passing through them) and firewalking.
Aries Guardian Herbs: Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Nettles (Urtica dioica), Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), Vitex (Vitex agnus castus), Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Aries Remedy Herbs: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Vervain (Verbena officinalis), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), Hops (Humulus lupulus)
Flower + Gem Essences: Impatiens, Black Eyed Susan, Beech, Wild Oat, Vine, Scarlet Monkeyflower, Citrine, Bloodstone
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The Sun in Aries
When the Sun enters the sign of Aries each year this is known as the Vernal or Spring Equinox which should tell you something about the energy of the sign. Aries burst forth in the spring with the energy of a headstrong thing that wants to do. To do it* now!  The ram is a sign of great vitality and those born with Aries as their Ascendant or Rising sign may especially benefit from the ram’s inherent vitality throughout their lives. H.L. Cornell notes that Aries “is known as the ‘Cerebral Pole of Paracelsus.’ The Sympathetic Nervous System begins with this sign, and ends with the other Mars Sign Scorpio, which latter sign is known as the ‘Genital Pole of Paracelsus.’” The Sun is exalted in the sign of Aries which means that it’s inherent qualities are easily expressed and empowered by the ability and energy of Aries.
Aries Sun folks often rely on a very strong, sometimes forceful, expression of individuality when it comes to self-expression. They like to be the first to do something, to go somewhere, to think of a new idea, or explore new galaxies. Aries folk can be aggravating for others who are overwhelmed (or not impressed) by their bravado, but a balanced Aries can bring the spark of inspiration and the energy to get the job done so needed for a successful endeavor. Aries typically have bucket loads of energy and are up for an adventure – their confidence in their internal compass (when they remember to check what direction their heading) is inspiring. They aren’t afraid to make mistakes even if they don’t always know how to handle their pride getting dented by a fall.
Folks with a strong Aries Sun in their natal chart can be long-lived (if they don’t die early by accident or war – two areas they can be inherently attracted to) with a robust immune system that fights off infection and disease. Learning how to take up appropriate space and find outlets for their energy before it stagnates into anger is an important lesson for our adventurous Ram. The gift of Aries Sun folk is that they teach us to do it now and do it with confidence. Aries helps us to not only welcome in change, but to change before the change even opens the door.
*What “it” is isn’t always an important concern for Aries folk.
Aries Guardian Herb
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Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Fiery and dry Ginger embodies the warming and energizing gifts of Aries. The root stimulates an underperforming circulatory system, moving blood and heat throughout the body. Ginger awakens the senses and calls the body to action!  It clears out lingering colds, damp conditions, clears catarrh, and lifts the spirits wherever dourness or melancholy might dwell. Additionally the herb is useful for indigestion, nausea, and morning sickness. It is an ideal remedy for Damp/Stagnation tissue states.
As a sign guarded by Mars, it is good to know that most Aries herbs can be used to alleviate symptoms of maladies brought on by the cold ray of Saturn. Ginger, in particular, also works to alleviate Venusian conditions of menstruation which include cold and damp cycles that bring on excessive cramps.
Aries Remedy Herbs
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Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
One of my primary herbs for imbalanced Aries conditions is Yarrow. Known as an herb for the Wounded Warrior, Wounded Healer, Yarrow offers a cooling and balancing energy to our rush-about rams. Traditional indications for Yarrow match-up to an overabundance of Aries or Mars energy in the system : redness and splotchiness of the skin, inflammation, persistent fevers, a red, pointed tongue, and a rapid pulse. Yarrow assists those Aries folks who are overheated, hot-blooded, as well as those Aries who have lost the fire – both types usually have a build up of toxins in the blood as well as in the liver. Aries imbalances can often manifest with ruptures on the skin, whether hives or acne, chickenpox, or eczema. Another connection between Yarrow and Aries is that Yarrow is a primary blood remedy in traditional western herbalism and is especially useful for nosebleeds (remember, Aries rules the nose and the blood of the head). Yarrow is an herb of the blood: it both stops bleeding, moves stagnant blood, and clears old blood (blood cuts and excess toxins). Through its ability to move blood, by releasing and contracting, it is able to help regulate high, persistent fevers by opening up the skin. Yarrow releases trapped heat. When releasing heat, Yarrow goes through a cycle of sweating, purifying, and finally relaxing, making it very useful for relieving persistent fevers in children and adults alike. Since many Aries-type imbalances deal with the regulation or lack of regulation of heat and inflammation in the body, Yarrow’s ability to move heat within and out of the body is invaluable.
I find that the energy of Yarrow acts like a wise guide to Aries energies – it reminds Aries to slow down and practice going with the flow of energy both forwards and back instead of onwards, onwards, onwards. Yarrow helps to bring our body systems back to a state of homeostasis, which Aries folk and conditions can sometimes run from because they like pushing the limits, riding on adrenal, and challenging themselves to go just a little further.
Aries Sun Flower Essence
Impatiens helps bring out Aries ability to be patient and mindful of the needs of others by bringing out their ability to empathize and see the value of the opinions and contributions of others. The flower essences helps to develop the all-important pause that many Aries folk need to learn – to wait a moment before running in, speaking up, or taking over. With the gift of Impatiens, Aries folk can learn how to effectively use their energetic impulses and incredible vitality to move forward together with those they are in relationship with.
Ready to learn more?
Check out the rest of my Astroherbology series including Starry-Hearted + Wild-Rooted: An Introduction to Astroherbology which includes additional study resources.
Need a visual guide? Starmaps: The Astrological Body is for you!
Looking to learn about Aries season? Come this way!
The Lunar Apothecary is a full length course using the tools of moon-centered herbalism and ritual to help you discover who you are as a healer.
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The week of the Aberration x2
Last week was the week of the Aberration. I pulled the III of aberrations, which has a green brain with tentacles/nerve tendrils reaching deep into a sea, or a tank of cerebro-spinal fluid, or both. The divination guide gives "resistance" as one divinatory meaning, and "surrender" as the other. Both of these are in the sense of growth or evolution. The first one asks, what's holding you back? The second asks the querent to find the good in the inevitable change. It's tough to know which of these two meanings was speaking to me that week.
In either case, I didn't get the message, because this week I pulled the IV of aberrations, a purple brain over a sea of blood red.
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solarpunkjesusfan · 1 year
You find an unlabeled bottle of a clear colorless liquid and recklessly chug the whole thing. Roll a d20 for what you just drank.
1. Clean, filtered water
2. Water contaminated with pesticides
3. Sea water
4. Tequila
5. Isopropyl alcohol
6. Hydrogen peroxide
7. Acetone
8. Peach flavored seltzer that’s gone flat
9. Water contaminated with heavy metals
10. Lab grade heavy water
11. Cerebro spinal fluid
12. Baby oil
13. White wine vinegar
14. Horse saliva
15. Turpentine
16. Vitamin E oil
17. Maple sap
18. Diluted bleach
19. Glycerin
20. The wizard’s special potion
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wdonnait · 2 years
Massaggio cranio-sacrale caratteristiche e come avviene
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/massaggio-cranio-sacrale-caratteristiche-e-come-avviene/115287?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=115287
Massaggio cranio-sacrale caratteristiche e come avviene
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Il massaggio cranio-sacrale è un tipo di terapia manuale che si concentra sul sistema cranio-sacrale, che comprende il cranio, la colonna vertebrale e il sacro. Questo sistema è responsabile del supporto e della protezione del sistema nervoso centrale, e la tecnica di massaggio craniosacrale si concentra sul liberare eventuali tensioni e migliorare la circolazione del liquido cerebro-spinale che scorre all’interno di questo sistema.
Il massaggio cranio-sacrale è stato sviluppato negli anni ’70 da un osteopata statunitense, John Upledger, e si basa sulla teoria che la salute del corpo e la sua capacità di guarire se stesso dipendono dalla libera circolazione del liquido cerebro-spinale e dalla libertà di movimento delle ossa craniche e sacrali.
Migliora la circolazione del liquido cerebro-spinale
Durante una sessione di massaggio craniosacrale, il terapista esegue delicate manipolazioni manuali sul cranio, la colonna vertebrale e il sacro per liberare eventuali tensioni e migliorare la circolazione del liquido cerebro-spinale. Queste manipolazioni sono effettuate con una forza molto leggera, e il terapista utilizza le sue mani per sentire i movimenti del sistema cranio-sacrale e identificare eventuali punti di tensione.
Il massaggio craniosacrale può essere utilizzato per trattare una vasta gamma di problemi di salute, tra cui mal di testa, dolori cervicali e lombari, ansia, depressione, disturbi del sonno, problemi digestivi e molti altri. Inoltre, può anche essere utilizzato come tecnica di prevenzione e mantenimento della salute, aiutando a mantenere l’equilibrio e la funzionalità del sistema cranio-sacrale.
Il massaggio craniosacrale è generalmente considerato sicuro e non invasivo, e la maggior parte delle persone che lo riceve descrive la sensazione come rilassante e piacevole. Tuttavia, come con qualsiasi tecnica di terapia manuale, ci sono alcune precauzioni che vanno prese. Ad esempio, è importante informare il terapista di eventuali condizioni mediche o lesioni, in modo che possa adattare la terapia di conseguenza.
In generale, il massaggio craniosacrale è una tecnica efficace e rilassante che può aiutare a migliorare la salute e il benessere. Se siete interessati a provare questa tecnica, è importante cercare un terapista qualificato.
Massaggio cranio-sacrale come avviene
Il massaggio cranio-sacrale avviene quando un terapista esegue delicati manipolazioni manuali sulla testa, la colonna vertebrale e il sacro. Il terapista utilizza le mani per sentire i movimenti del sistema cranio-sacrale e identificare eventuali punti di tensione. Queste manipolazioni sono effettuate con una forza molto leggera e l’obiettivo è liberare eventuali tensioni e migliorare la circolazione del liquido cerebro-spinale all’interno di questo sistema.
Il massaggio cranio-sacrale può essere eseguito su una persona sdraiata su un tavolo di massaggio o seduta su una sedia. Durante la sessione, il terapista potrebbe utilizzare tecniche come la pressione leggera, il rilassamento muscolare e la mobilizzazione delle ossa craniche e sacrali.
La durata di una sessione di massaggio cranio-sacrale può variare, ma in genere dura da 30 a 90 minuti. Al termine della sessione, la maggior parte delle persone descrive una sensazione di rilassamento e benessere.
È importante notare che il massaggio cranio-sacrale non è adatto a tutti, e alcune persone potrebbero non essere in grado di riceverlo a causa di condizioni mediche o lesioni. Prima di iniziare una terapia di massaggio cranio-sacrale, è importante discutere con il proprio medico o terapista per determinare se questa tecnica è adatta alle vostre esigenze.
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