faguscarolinensis · 1 year
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Cestrum parqui 'Orange Peel' / 'Orange Peel' Palqui at the Juniper Level Botanical Gardens in Raleigh, NC
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antonio0gamer · 1 year
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a Rafflesia Arnoldii  known as corpse flower that grows on trees like a parasite and uses carrion flies to polinate them and a Cestrum nocturnum known as Dama da noite a night blooming brazilian flower that has an fresh and sweet smell (p.s sorry for vanishing i was really sick these past few days,but now im better)
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eelmachine · 2 years
cestrum nocturnum blooming 2nite!
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aprilflower03 · 2 years
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helluvatimes · 1 year
King Of The Day
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Day-blooming Cestrum looking fresh after morning showers. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
This was taken against dark undergrowth with the exposure biased 1-1/3 stops darker.
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bloomingdarkgarden · 9 months
Grotesquely ready for Elain Cestrum nocturnum Archeron who reeks of night blooming jasmine to enter her moonlit poisonous plant growing phase, whispering secrets from the void barefoot beneath a sea of stars.
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todaysbug · 11 months
November 12th, 2023
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Glasswing Butterfly (Greta oto)
Distribution: Found mainly in Central and South America, from Texas and Mexico down to Chile.
Habitat: Found only in tropical rainforests.
Diet: Caterpillars feed on poisonous plants of the genus Cestrum; adults mainly drink nectar from flowers of the genus Lantana, but occasionally consume flowers or bird feces.
Description: The most striking feature of the glasswing butterfly's is certainly its transparent wings, which allows it to blend into its surroundings when it flies. This transparency stems from its unique structure: the wing is made up of nanopillars, which don't tend to absorb, scatter or refract light. There are also tiny hairs called microtrichia at their surface, which reduces the roughness of the wings.
During mating season, glasswing butterflies form leks, which are large gatherings where males compete for mates. During these gatherings, males release pheromones, but also display themselves in order to woo females. This species is polygynous, which means the males are not only competing for one mate, but for as many as they can get.
(Images by Pallab Seth and Elizabeth Barrett)
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Witchcraft Plant and Herb safety
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🦋Research what plants you ingest and put into your teas. Some plants/herbs don't go together and become toxic
🦋Research what herbs you are turning to make sure it's not toxic [eg: poison ivy]
🦋Do not ingest any herbal remedies without consultation with your doctor and/or Herbalist
🦋Unless you are 100% certain what you have foraged is the correct plant put it back
🦋delightingintragedy's post on what oils to avoid while pregnant
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Some toxic and poisonous plants
Abrus precatorius - Crab’s eye, Gidee gidee, Jequirity bean, Rosary bean
Aconitum species - Monkshood, Wolf’s bane
Asclepias curassavica - Red-headed cotton bush
Asclepias fruiticosa - Gomphocarpus fruiticosa, Swan plant
Asclepias physocarpa - Balloon cotton bush
Acokanthera species - Bushman’s poison
Atropa belladonna - Belladonna, Deadly nightshade
Brugmansia species - Angel’s trumpet
Casabella thevetia or Thevetia peruviana - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Cestrum diurnum - Day-blooming cestrum, Day jessamine
Cestrum nocturnum - Lady of the night, Night jessamine
Colchicum autumnale - Autumn crocus, Crocus, Meadow saffron
Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Consolida species - Larkspur
Convallaria majalis - Lily-of-the-valley
Corynocarpus laevigatus - New Zealand laurel, Karaka nut
Cycas species - Cycad, Zamia
Daphne species - Daphne, Garland flower, Lilac daphne, Mezereon, Rose daphne, Spurge laurel, Winter daphne
Datura species - Angel’s trumpet
Datura metel - Downy thorn apple, Horn of plenty
Datura stramonium - Common thorn apple, Jamestown weed, Jimson weed
Delphinium species - Delphinium
Dieffenbachia - Dumb cane
Digitalis species - Foxglove
Duranta erecta/Duranta repens - Golden dewdrop, Sky flower
Euphorbia species - Euphorbia, Spurge
Gloriosa superba - Climbing lily, Glory lily
Gomphocarpus fruiticosa - Asclepias fruiticosa, Swan plant
Gomphocarpus physocarpus -  Asclepias physocarpa, Balloon cotton
Helleborus species - Christmas rose, Corsican Hellebore, Easter rose, Hellebore, Lenten rose
Hyoscyamus niger - Black henbane, Henbane
Jatropha multifida - Coral plant, Physic nut
 Laburnum species - Golden chain tree, Golden rain, Laburnum, Scotch laburnum
Lantana camara - Lantana, Shrub verbena
Lepidozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Lobelia species - Cardinal flower, Lobelia
Macrozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Melia azedarach - Bead tree, Cape lilac, Chinaberry, Persian lilac, Rosary tree, White ceda
Nerium oleander - Oleander, Rose laurel
Oenanthe crocata - Water dropwort, Hemlock
Ornithogalum species - Common star of Bethlehem, Chincherinchee, Giant chincherinchee, Star of Bethlehem
Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa - Cooktown loquat, Finger cherry, Wannakai
Ricinis communis - Castor oil plant
Solanum dulcamara - Bittersweet, Climbing nightshade
Solanum nigrum - Black nightshade, Common nightshade
Solanum pseudocapsicum - Christmas cherry, Jerusalem cherry, Winter cherry
Stropanthus species - Corkscrew flower, Spider tresses, Stropanthus
Thevetia peruviana or Casabella thevetia - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Toxicodendron succedaneum - Rhus, Rhus tree, Wax tree, Poison sumac
Veratrum species - False hellebores
Golden dewdrop
Black bean tree
Poison ivy
Strychnine tree 
Gympie gympie
Asparagus Fern (asparagus plumosus) (sprengeri)
Avocado (persea americana)
Blue Gum (eucalyptus globulus)
Buddist Pine (poddocarpus Macrophyllus)
Cacti :Bunny Ears (opuntia microdasy’s alkispina)
Column (cereus peruvianus)
Rat’s Tail (aporocactus flagelliformis)
Sunset (lokwia famatimensis)
Caladium (Angel’s Wings)
Century Plant
Crown of Thorns (euphorbia milii splendens)
Holly (ilex)
Ivy :Cape (tenecio macroglossus)
(hedera helix)
(senecio mikanioides)
Glacier (hedera helix glacier)
Gloire de Marengo (hedera canariensis)
Needlepoint (hedera helix sagittlae folica)
Jerusalem Cherry (solanum pseudocapsicum)
Mistletoe (phoradendron flavescens)
Philodendron :Arrowhead (syngonium podophyllum)
Black Gold ( ph. melanochryson)
Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) (scindapsus aureus)
Elephant’s Ear (philodendron hastatum)
Fiddle Leaf (ph. pandurae forme)
Green Gold (syngonium podophyllum)
Marble Queen (scindapsus aureus)
Ornamental Pepper (capsicum annuum)
Silver Vine (scindapsus pictus)
Split Leaf (monstera delicosa)
Sweetheart Vine (philodendron scandens)
Red (hemigraphis colorata)
Umbrella Plant (cyperus)
Azalea (azalea indica)Bleeding Heart (dicentra formosa)
Calla Lily (zantedeschia aethiopica)
Carnation (dianthus caryophyllus)
Castor-oil plant (ricinus communis)
Chinese or Japanese Lantern (physalis)
Crocus (colchicum autumnale)
Daffodil (narcissus)
DelphineumGladiola (bulb)
Hyacinthe (hyacinthus orientalis)
Jonquil (narcissus)Morning Glory (ipomaea tricolour)
Oleander (nerium oleander)
Pansy (seeds) (viola tricolour)
Peony (root) (paeonia officinalis)
Primrose (primula)
Sweet Pea (lathyrus odoratus)
Sweet William (dianthus barbatus)
Potato (green patches on tubers & above ground part)
Rhubarb leaves
Tomato greens
Black Locust (robinia pseudoacacia)
Buckthorn (rhamnus cathartica)Elderberry (not berries)
Horse Chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum)
Laburnum (laburnum anagyroides)
Privet (ligustrum vulgare)
Virginia Creeper (ampelopis brevipedunculata)
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More Links
Sources: Austin Health AU, Canadian Child Care Federation
🦋Poison info plants and mushrooms - Queensland
🦋Aggie Horticulture
🦋Guide to toxic plants - National Poisons Information Centre Ireland
🦋199 Poisonous Plants to Look Out For - ProFlowers
🦋Poisonous Plants: Poisons A to Z
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* About Me ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Hi, I'm Beth! I'm in my 20s and I live in Australia (so imagine everything I say with an Australian accent). I'm incredibly, incredibly shy, so if we're mutuals chances are I do really want to talk to you, but I'll almost never make the first move.
I wouldn't say this is primarily a Star Wars blog but it does take up a big chunk of my attention on here ngl. I'm primarily interested in prequels stuff, and primarily in Anakin/Padmé, but I do also really love the OT too, although I don't really write about it.
Other stuff about me is I really love art (although making it is absolutely not my skillset), I love books (especially narrative non-fiction), and I really love to analyse and pick things apart (in a good way).
I'm not really into any other fandoms in the way I'm into Star Wars, but I am a very big NGE enjoyer (if you couldn't tell from the pfp), a big Dune enjoyer and honestly just a very big 80s sci-fi in general enjoyer.
I'm not sure what else to write here to make this interesting so I'll just tell you some random things about me like the fact that I'm scared of carpark elevators and I really love mustard and my favourite book in the whole world is The Shining and my favourite painting is Circe Invidiosa by John William Waterhouse.
I'll put my masterlist of fics below (and then watch as I forget to ever update them). I really like writing character study stuff, or about love and obsession, grief, loss, mourning, being doomed to the narrative, the burden of power - I don't tend to ever write very happy endings (sorry). 99.99% of the stuff I write is either about Anakin or directly from his perspective because he's my favourite and also the easiest for me to write <3
If you read my stuff on Ao3 a while ago and wondered where it went, well ... all I can say is that it's back.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Masterlist ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
First Time/Last Time
Summary: Cool evening mist on the lake outside, fireplace warmth turning the sitting room golden.
Her veil on the floor, her dress on top of it.
'Do you trust me?' he asked.
'Of course.'
'Do you love me?' he asked.
'Even more so.'
The first time Anakin and Padmé sleep together, then the last time.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: E
Tip of the Tongue
Summary: On Naboo, Padmé shares her favourite dessert with Anakin. Vader is haunted by the memory of it.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé and Vader/Padmé
Rating: T
(personally my favourite thing I've ever written heheh)
What's In a Name?
Summary: Anakin and Padmé try to decide on a name for their unborn child. However, they know that whatever they choose there is one name the baby can never have: Skywalker.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: T
How Will I Let You Slip Through
Summary: "Don't grow up too fast, my son.” She murmured it into the gold of his hair.
But as much as she could want it, as much as she could will it, she still couldn’t stop him slipping through her fingers.
Four little interconnected stories about Skywalkers facing big moments of their lives over tea, caf, and (of course) blue milk.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé, Vader/Padmé , Luke & Owen, Anakin & Shmi
Rating: G
I Dug a Grave For You
Summary: I dug it with my own hands, no help from the Force at all. Nothing to make the task easier, nothing to make the task more bearable. Just the sound of the shovel cutting into the soft sand, moving it aside, throwing it over my shoulder. Over and over again, a rhythm, a song, a hymn, a dirge.
Pairing: Anakin & Obi-Wan
I wanted to feel every second of it, every moment of pain and discomfort. Some sort of penance for what I did to you. Some sort of way to say I’m sorry.
In the aftermath of the duel on Mustafar, Obi-Wan escapes to Tatooine to live a life full of shadows and grief.
Rating: T
Multi-Chapter Fics
Cestrum Nocturnum
Summary: Summer on Naboo, the Clone Wars have yet to begin, and Anakin is tasked with protecting Senator Amidala after an attempt is made on her life. It's too bad that every moment with her has him in agony, and every moment apart is even worse—especially after that night in the courtyard ...
Or: Anakin spends a torturous time on Naboo in the company of the person he loves because he doesn't know how to tell her his true feelings.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/2
The Grove of Silver Leaves
Summary: In 1890, Anakin is an artist, apprenticed to the wealthy Sheev Palpatine. He meets Padmé at a party and she quickly becomes his muse. Of course, Anakin falls desperately in love with her—it’s just too bad she’s married to someone else.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/?
A Changing Fate
Summary: During the Clone Wars, Padmé nearly dies, and in a moment of impulsivity, the secret of Anakin’s marriage gets revealed to the Jedi Council. Not a lot goes to plan for him after that.
Or: Anakin learns what is really important to him. It’s not always what he thought it would be.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/15
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This is a type of Cestrum nocturnuma plant that only appears at night which an aroma sweet and strong 💪 that you can smell far away cause it's very strong
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angolodonne · 2 years
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Cestrum nocturnum o Gelsomino notturno
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dovecoffin · 3 days
cestrum nocturnum enfleurage soliflore, new surgery, saints cover me, I am grateful for all my blessings, and ask to remain humble in my simple blooming, my blessed becoming
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ashimdey · 3 months
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Cestrum nocturnum ( হাসনুহানা )
মম রুদ্ধ মুকুলদলে এসো সৌরভ অমৃতে।
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scarletinkwhistle · 4 months
What flower blooms beautifully in the dark?
Cestrum nocturnum
My voice high as 64,000hz
A note no human could hear
A secret,
my love for you?
A ghost orchid.
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35tr314 · 7 months
ask game: 5, 9, 11 and 21
hii hiiii
5 favourite band: umm probably THE SOLUTIONS? or Silk Skin Lovers <3
9 colour of hair: brown🤎🙏‍😎
11 favorite flower: Adenium obesum(desert rose), and Cestrum nocturnum(lady of the night) !!!!
21 random fact: idk 😭😭😭😭
thnaks for the ask <3
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bloomingdarkgarden · 1 year
People are like Elain doesn't belong in the night court when she literally smells like the night court i mean.
In review, girl's scent is not named: rose, lilac, daylilly, lavender, peony, gardenia, honeysuckle, etc.
It is night blooming jasmine.
To be clear there are 212 species of jasmine and 400,000 flowering plant species in the world, and this bitch smells like night blooming jasmine.
Cestrum nocturnum.
Also referred to as lady of the night, night-scented jessamine, night-scented cestrum or poisonberry.
Like ... y'all.
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